#Maintenance process
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ctttechnology · 6 months ago
Maintenance process of energy storage system
In today's energy field, energy storage systems are playing an increasingly important role. One of the core components of energy storage systems is energy storage batteries, which play a key role in the operation of the entire system. Understanding the maintenance process of energy storage systems is crucial to ensuring the stable operation of the system and extending the service life of energy storage batteries.
Maintenance process of energy storage systems
The maintenance process of energy storage systems is mainly divided into three aspects: daily inspection, regular maintenance and troubleshooting.
Daily inspection (1) Check whether the appearance of the energy storage system is damaged, deformed, leaking, etc. (2) Check whether the voltage, current, temperature and other parameters of the energy storage battery are normal. (3) Check whether the operating status of the battery management system is normal and whether there is any alarm information. (4) Check whether the operating status of the power conversion system is normal and whether there is any abnormal noise and heat. (5) Check whether the data display of the monitoring system is accurate and whether the communication is normal.
Regular maintenance (1) Perform balanced charging of energy storage batteries to ensure that the performance of each single cell in the battery pack is consistent. (2) Perform capacity test on energy storage batteries to evaluate the performance and life of the batteries. (3) Check whether the software version of the battery management system needs to be upgraded to ensure that the system functions normally. (4) Clean and maintain the power conversion system, check whether the cooling fan is operating normally and whether the cooling channel is unobstructed. (5) Check whether the sensors of the monitoring system are accurate and whether the data collection is normal.
Fault handling (1) When the energy storage system fails, it should be stopped immediately and the fault should be checked. (2) According to the fault phenomenon and alarm information, analyze the cause of the fault and determine the fault location. (3) For general faults, professional technicians can perform on-site repairs; for major faults, the manufacturer should be contacted in time for repair or replacement of equipment. (4) After the fault is handled, the system should be tested and accepted to ensure that the system resumes normal operation.
The maintenance process of the energy storage system is crucial to ensure the stable operation of the system and extend the service life of the energy storage battery. Through daily inspections, regular maintenance and fault handling, problems in the system can be discovered and solved in a timely manner, improving the reliability and safety of the system. At the same time, as the core component of the energy storage system, the performance and life of the energy storage battery directly affect the operation effect of the entire system. Therefore, during the maintenance process, attention should be paid to the status of the energy storage battery and effective maintenance measures should be taken to ensure the performance and life of the energy storage battery.
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alwaysbewoke · 8 months ago
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crtastrophe · 2 years ago
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Hi hello it seems I’ve caught a rare strain of art block that makes me unable to draw in anything other than Kid Pix Deluxe 4™, but I still need to buy groceries and stuff so!! I’m gonna try my hand at some experimental commissions.
If you have some kind of whimsical OC and you want me to let me loose on them, now’s your chance! Give me a character and I will cook up something cool — there's no pose/style/background tiers, though I will try to put an equal amount of effort into every drawing.
Payment in USD through PayPal invoice only.
More info under the cut!
Inquiries through Tumblr DM or via [email protected].
You can give me some brief prompting (e.g. “I’d like a drawing of my wizard OC casting some kind of spell”, “Can you work in some robot/tech motifs?” etc.) – or give me free rein, if you’d prefer.
I will need a minimum of one visual reference of the character’s design, but the more material I have to work from, the better! Tell me about their lore, what they’re like, their associated themes and motifs, all that jazz! Show me their aesthetic moodboards, the funnie tumblr textposts you associate with them, their playlist even.
As the nature of the program makes revisions difficult, I might turn down a request if I do not feel confident that I can compose a satisfactory piece from the provided material.
Once we’ve worked out all the details, I will send you a link to a PayPal invoice. I will not begin working on the piece until payment has been recieved.
Please note that I won't be providing WIPs! I can show you my initial sketch for the composition if you'd like, but after that the end result will be a suprise.
Once completed, I will send you a link to a drive containing the resized drawing in the form of a .png, as well as the original 665 x 477 bitmap.
Once payment has been received and I have begun working on the piece I cannot refund it. However, if I for any reason have to cancel the commission from my side I will refund it fully, regardless of level of completion.
Some limitations of the program (good to keep in mind!):
No layers
One (1) level of undo
Image size: The Kid Pix 4 drawing area is 665 x 477 pixels. I scale up the final image file x4 to make it more compatible with the modern internet, but the drawing itself will still be crunchy. That’s part of the charm! (I can also make the image dimensions 1:1, if requested.)
Colors: It is possible for me to create colors outside of the palette provided by the program, but replicating hues precisely can be tricky. Expect some stylization.
Okay, I think that’s everything! Thank you for reading this far, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions <3
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anonymocha · 10 months ago
nothing more intimate than operating on a robot girl… checking up on her sensor systems by connecting her to your computer… and then unscrewing her head plate to see the physical state of her controls, seeing the entanglement of her wires and rows of circuited boards… or opening her chest to clean the dust off her power systems… you need to keep your hands covered with anti-static gloves to touch her delicate structures, be gentle with the cables in her body… whatever
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milfbrainrot · 3 months ago
I feel like in the past the mix of this site being used for both activism and fandom helped contribute to a lot of unhinged politicized fandom discourse where yeah ofc there's a political tie to media but ppl used it as... a form of activism where it was given disproportionate importance compared to other activism discussions? Whereas now we're swinging to the opposite site of How Dare You Care About Meaningless TV Shows When Politics.
Like... we can have a mix of realizing there's more important stuff to focus on than shipping discourse in the world at large without also minimizing the insane doxxing and death threats behavior going on in fandom that people in fandom have to take into consideration to be able to do their hobby, esp given how those attitudes stem from irl political climates at times in ways that are telling to study. Hobbies are kinda how we prevent activism burnout also. Crazey how that works.
#Txt#I am also not immune to overly politicizing fandom#But also I use the site in the curated fashion one would use fandom dedicated forums in#So of course that's my focus here and ofc i process a lot here specifically thru a fandom lens#Ofc other people do too if you look at it in that way#So it's probably bizarre for ppl who do come here primarily for activism to see posts abt#fandom drama btwn posts abt the world being on fire#Ofc that contrast makes fandom stuff all look totally meaningless#when... every community has these discussions esp within curated spaces#It's not stupid to care about fandom bs that impacts me in fandom#And it is in fact weird to assume my posts here are a reflection of my understanding of the world and#a performance of everything I'm doing or not doing to help a cause#Just like someone who uses this site for activism probably has an irl club they're in#for a less stressful hobby. Or at least I hope they do#The difference is that's not under surveillance bc it's offline lol#And im sure clubs or whatever have their insane drama too that needs attention sometimes#Maybe I'm overly sensitive to these things as a person w health issues that make#my options for socializing fairly limited - so the specific brand of unhinged social shit#that happens in online fandoms does weigh more heavily for me and the tons of other ppl#like me who hang out here bc we don't have anywhere irl#But idk I don't think it needs to be an extreme case for there to be some basic understanding#of why fandom is like... important to people... and that other people on a site#where you can so easily curate ur experience are gonna be talking abt stuff#relevant to the way they've curated their experience#Barging into the crocheting subreddit like why aren't you talking about pothole maintenance in New Jersey#Ik tumblr is more mixed up but that's what this feels like sometimes#Specific spaces for specific things. What a concept.
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dying-moonlight · 2 years ago
hojo: *smiling creepily* bad and naughty SOLDIERs get put in the mako bath to atone for their crimes! cloud and zack: *screaming* sephiroth: *is used to it*
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topioswords · 3 months ago
He’s been sitting against the graffiti-spattered wall, idly scanning the lazy movement of the river, for 22 minutes and 47 seconds when somebody pings him. Noir doesn’t look up. “About time,” he grumbles and moves a foot, testing the connection. It isn’t bad today, not really, the patchjob is holding up pretty well all things considered.
The small rat robot flickers its whiskers and he shrugs. “It’s just the kind of place you’d show up, isn’t it, and will you look at that. I was right.” Noir turns his head, tugging at the ratty scarf so it isn’t trapped under the mask, his movement is limited enough under the three layers of threadbare clothes without adding that nuisance. 
It’s a little dinged, the rat, the whisker wires scuffed and bent, and a toe is missing, but it’s not like he can really make any judgments there. “Will you take me to your nest,” he asks, and the rat pings him back asking him to use proper channels.
It’s not that he forgot, he tells himself, it’s just that he doesn’t like there being records. Noir sends the message, short and simple, and he’s rewarded with a map.
So much for getting a guided tour. He pushes himself up, taking a moment to run a quick surface system check, and adjust his balance, hoping feebly that it won’t reset at an awkward moment again. Well. Not like he has anything better to do. 
The place is not exactly like Noir had expected. But it’s not like he’s really been able to dig out more than hearsay and speculation, you’d think with the vast majority of their clientele being robots there’d be ample documentation of the quote-unquote Rat King but either his skill in data gathering has taken a nosedive or there just. Isn’t any available. Which is both good and kinda worrisome. Noir isn’t sure he likes the implications, but if they can keep up that kind of anonymity then it’s probably as close to safe as he’s gonna get.
Still though. The office building nestled in between busy streets. That was a surprise.
Slipping in is easy, you just have to look like you belong, and a badly hidden half empty pack of cigarettes makes people assume a lot of things. It isn’t technically lying, and they make for good distractions. Smokers are chatty people and all. The eternal irony of people wearing masks to keep their lungs safe from the bad air, then spending five minutes inhaling a known poison. There’s some things Noir isn’t sure he’ll ever figure out.
The building is cold, too cold for humans to be comfortable for long. It’s kept in good shape though, and Noir isn’t surprised at the increasingly frequent surface pings. ‘We’re here’ they’re telling him. ‘We see you, and we’re letting you know’.
There is, he determines without ever seeing one even when he strains his optics, a lot of rats here. 
Something feels off about an almost entirely quiet basement room that’s about 37.8% rat robot by volume (or thereabout, Noir could do a proper calculation sure, but his desire is in the vicinity of no thanks and he has much better uses for that processing power). It’s eerie. He can see the little delicate eyes and the way the tangle of cords shift and he’s pretty sure that ought to make more sound than it does, but all his audio receptors pick up is the usual background noise and that insistent rattling fan he’s been filtering out for a bit longer than he cares to think about. 
That many bots really should make more noise.
Half a dozen tiny unblinking cameras follow him as he sways, catching the glitching balance in time. “You know,” he answers, refusing to face all those pointy little faces peering from the tangles. He knows they’ve been scanning him, not like they’ve been subtle about it, and he didn’t even fight it.
They’re actually writing full sentences, with actual punctuation. Noir rubs the edge of his mask, and he knows how human that kind of pointless fidgeting is thank-you-very-much he worked hard on incorporating a mix of it to blend in, only now he can’t seem to stop.
“Repair,” he grudgingly offers, not willing to message them back no matter how much faster it might be. They have ears too, not like it’s his problem if they don’t wanna use them.
This time he doesn’t quite catch his own glitching, his hands jerking open and it takes him a bad couple of seconds before he can get them back to doing what he wants. “What,” he says, shifting to face the biggest concentration of lights. “No. You don’t need that. You can have a copy of my damage reports.”
The message repeats, and more small heads pop up, turning to watch him. Noir clenches his hands, the worn leather moving smoothly, the bit where his missing finger should be dragging behind. He knows what they mean. They know, he knows they know. It isn’t fair.
 “I hate this,” he tells them sourly as he shifts, finding the hidden clasps with the kind of dexterity he probably shouldn’t have between the gloves and everything else in the way. It’s been a long set of years though. Noir has had practice. A lot of practice.
The beady little eyes follow his movement and without the yellow glass his eye can pick out more details, not that that makes the situation much better. “This isn’t my face anymore,” he tells them angrily but they don’t react to that. He cradles the mask to his chest and waits. It’s the longest 9 seconds he’s ever experienced.
“Right,” Noir says, more relieved than he thought he’d be. “What’s your price?”
He could feign ignorance. He could pretend he doesn’t know what eye they mean and sure it’d be unpleasant to be stuck with just her but… “No,” he says. “That’s too high, ask for something else.”
“Then I’ll manage,” Noir answers coldly. He turns, tugs his face back on and starts walking out, praying to whatever scrap god will listen that he won’t end up face first on the floor. That’d be too humiliating and he’d have to cry then, which isn’t exactly easy when nobody thought to give you more than a rudimentary approximation of a (broken) face.
>>WE WILL WELCOME YOU BACK. they write as he turns his back to them.
It’s only after he leaves a quick check confirms his suspicions. All files he tried making in there are corrupted or simply blank. It doesn’t really matter. For a semi-mythological entity the Rat King is aptly named. Either way, Noir is sure they’re telling the truth about keeping that deal, but he isn’t gonna take it. Not at that cost.
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toughtttz · 2 months ago
Im gonna watch "the invisible man [2020]" tn since from what I've seen it's like. my actual worse nightmare on video.
I've gotten rid of god so I haven't felt like I've been watch watched [i usually feel like im on the truman show anyway] in a while,, maybe this will make me feel like im being watch watched
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fullmetal-scar-simping · 3 months ago
It boggles the mind how not yet finishing something so egregiously unasked for, which has been going on for nearly two months, manages to bottle neck even something as simple as answering asks. My ineptitude is powerful ( "〠_〠)
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sunshades · 3 months ago
not a single whimper in my nearly 30k words long doc.... and yet its not right to add it now...
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starfox313 · 3 months ago
High Maintenance
Did you ever think twice
Before you severed the weight
Of me;
I shriveled away.
Your sun never nourished,
No, it only caused pain,
I was dying of thirst,
Hungry for nutrients
That you never gave.
I felt my roots suffocate,
My foundation give way,
My life start to fade,
As I fell into an early grave.
-An orchid cannot thrive in sand.
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steelboxmaker · 4 months ago
Different Dimension of Metal Box How Making in One Machine
The fire detection box is a device used for fire protection system detection, debugging and maintenance. Its function is to conduct real-time monitoring and processing when problems occur in the fire protection system.
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blurred-honey · 4 months ago
I was getting a bunch of notifications during a test, not uncommon during election season, I just ignored it. After the test while walking out of the building, I saw it was a GAS LEAK WARNING, for the building I was IN. kinda insane, especially cause no one’ll know about it until they are done haha. No alarms, nothing, just an email and a couple of texts telling us to stay out of the area. Hilarious, actually
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wildaboutmnhockey · 8 months ago
Lose weight they said. Eat in a deficit they said. You'll feel better they said.
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 2 years ago
also if we're talking about yaz vs clara (we werent but) i keep doing this thing in fic where i'll have yaz point out similarities between what her and the doctor do and the doctor every time will be like "thats different" bc timelord human blabla you know? and yaz every time is like "how is it different"
like the doctor will be like you have to go home to tell your parents where you are and yaz is like oh yeah like you go back and check up on old companions, stuff like that
and i was just thinking about like,, the way the fam sees the doctor as a person first and the doctor second and a myth basically not at all whereas clara totally believes in the myth and like, aspires to that too
and thinking about like "youre reckless all the time why cant i be like you?" vs this "how is it different" thing. like, yaz pointing out that your problems and the things you do arent like, Super Special Time Lord Problems, theyre just like my human problems, with some additional complicating factors maybe like time travel and immortality but fundamentally psychologically emotionally your problems are not,,, unique. you know?
dont have a point i was just thinking about it
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ella-ashmore · 2 years ago
JUST GOT MY ARTFIGHT TEAM !!! achilles severely-nearsighted myperfecttalia team vampire arc so real
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