this is a hate crime against me specifically
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i am walking down a path of no return.
a symbolic wrath scar for my homunculus series - explanation under the cut
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You wanna play? Everyone’s dead, so I got bored. Did you come to play with me?
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I think about this scene a lot. Genuinely.
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★ なーこ | 兄弟 ☆ ⊳ ed and al (fullmetal alchemist) ✔ artist allows reprints
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Definitely not finishing shiiiiiit before the end of the month
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sometimes I just randomly draw Edward full metal alchemist 
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2 page magazine spread with genga
First print: Newtype Magazine November 2003 Illustrated by: Yoshiyuki Ito Finished by: Shihoko Nakayama Background: Kazuyuki Hashimoto (Kusanagi)
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Finding your blog is a blessing because I have ALWAYS been a Scar fan; and while I do generally prefer brotherhood's overall storyline, every time they bring up Ishvalans I have to prevent myself from committing violence because they bungled the imperial/genocide plotline so bad😭😭😭
And look not to be on the crazy agenda but it does deeply bother me that the only named Ishavalan we have in the series is Major Miles, whose father is likely Amestrian and that makes his surname also Amestrian.
And fine okay my babygirl Scar abandoned his name out of religious belief but damn...brotherhood gave me NOTHING about Ishvalans (except solidifying their ethnic features- after a lifetime of white silver-blond people in fantasy, it's sooo good to see brown people, who actually deserve white hair because they still have brows fhsjfj)
And look I like Miles. I genuinely do like him and enjoy the Briggs arc in mangahood, but he could have been such an interesting insight into the nuances of race politics because we know his Ishvalan grandfather and Ishvalan relatives were slaughtered during the war (and still he stays in the military😐); but what about his half-Ishvalan mother?
Was she spared the racial persecution because of her diluted blood in the same way Miles must have avoided going with the way of other Ishvalan soldiers? Or are you telling me Miles really hears that his Ishvalan family members, including his mother, were shot dead for being Ishvalans and decided that he's #different and he could totally liberal utopia his way into a Better Amestris😭
And I have the toughest life in the world because I am unfortunately a Miles/Scar shipper if only because I experience catharsis at the thought of Miles' third eye finally opening and he's no longer part of the Amestrian sheeple chsjdhsj
Again I do broadly speaking prefer mangahood (although I'll admit that opinion is changing with age), mangahood fans have to stop talking shit about 03 because that adaptation was phenomenal in its handling of the genocide that fmab conveniently forgets🙄
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Chill mangahood fans who can recognize the pro-imperialism/militarism and racist politics in their fave media are always welcome here. I'm glad this blog feels like a blessing, even with how much I vent about mangahood and general fan wank. (o^-')b✨
I'll join you in committing violence on behalf of the Ishvalans. Hell, I'll encourage it even! I can never endure Broho again because of how they're treated, ignored, and written.
[Rant incoming]
Yeah, Arakawa, I have no doubt the various Ishvalan refugee settlements are living happily in spite of being displaced from their homes and carrying the horrors of a genocide fresh in their minds. Nothing bad happens to refugee camps and settlements at the hands of the dominant nation they've been forced to hide within. Scar's just unreasonably angry and violent, unlike all other Ishvalans who are nice and placid. (Being anti-racist is when you insist most people in an ethnic group would never raise a finger against fascists, right?)
Except also Scar states that the Ishvalans aiding the coup are "[H]ere to bring change... without resorting to terrorism." This both reads as Scar flagellating himself before his Amestrian 'allies', while simultaneously implying that all Ishvalan actions outside of quietly rotting in Amestris' margins was all terrorism (or more accurately, a 'negative' method of addressing their own oppression and occupation).
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(This is why I argue that mangahood Scar's characterization once he's apprehended in Briggs is completely off. Arakawa derails the character she setup to instead force feed us a "redemption" arc that reforms the military. No one who watched their lives and loved ones get mercilessly slaughtered before their eyes would ever think that their murderers 'had some valid points' about how the relations between oppressor and oppressed ought to be run. This isn't what a character like Scar would say or believe, it's Arakawa's politic, boldly out in the open.)
For as much as I, rightfully, drag mangahood through the mud for how an ethnically oppressed group is (under)written, I do have to say that 03 could have also been better in many areas too! I wish there were more named Ishbalans, period. Especially named Ishbalan women with a major presence in the story (Lust is the only one we get, and as fantastic as her arc is, her Dante-gifted sin name is not her Ishbalan name). But I really appreciate that Ishbalans in 03 have diverse features AND opinions, unlike the Ishvalans in Broho. Both all have the unifying feature of red eyes, but for some reason Brotherhood makes it so that every single Ishvalan has the same hair colour and skin tone. They try to reflect this during the genocide flashbacks with the Amestrians being all blond and blue-eyed, but as we can see with both Amestrian civilians and the soldiers/war criminals, that's not true at all.
I'm on the same page regarding Scar (any version) relinquishing his previous name as working within motivations that align well with his character. On the one hand I like to think mangahood Scar does eventually take on a new name rather than giving others free real estate over how he's referred to. On the other, the sense of mystery is fun- until the recollection of the myriad ways he's dehumanized and mistreated throughout Broho come crashing in and I end up seeing his indifference towards deciding a name for himself as just another way to give ownership over himself to Amestris.
(Decent arguments can be made that this is his way to keep his future open, and that this could even be Scar intending to give himself space to create himself anew; only then would a new name become necessary. At least these are my more good faith theories on the matter.)
And hey, for all my ire about mangahood, Miles, and even Miles/Scar, I don't begrudge people liking any of the above. I'm not gonna shit on anyone for liking what I don't, even when I routinely express my dislike.
Miles is a maddening character for me precisely because of the incongruence of his backstory, familial line, his opinions on the military, his participation in their oppression, and how he sees Scar's actions in comparison to his own. I've said it before, but Miles feels less like a character to me and more like Arakawa's mouthpiece (one of many, Ed being the main one). There's no conflict in him regarding his position in the very military that destroyed his own family, no moment where he actually has to reassess everything he's done and believed, and make a decision on whether he wants to continue being Amestris' preaching lapdog or not. This is why I can't simply view him as a complex character with warped politics who makes atrocious decisions, but instead a token oppressed strawman for Arakawa to defend her fictitious militia.
Hard not to wonder though: how would Miles' arc go if he was written by someone who wasn't disturbed by radical actions against the state? There was potential for something far less insulting and racist, but that's not what we got. I can see why Miles fans like yourself would be conflicted with how he's used in mangahood, and I can also understand what potential he held that you folks see in him.
"I experience catharsis at the thought of Miles' third eye finally opening," honestly? Based. If Miles/Scar shippers have Miles finally enter his anti-military era, and both he and Scar shed their liberalism henceforth, then I'm here for it. May they both tear apart the ongoing Amestrian regime, brick-by-brick!
Anyway, bless you for this ask! I have no beef with mangahood enjoyers who aren't talking out their ass (in general and at us 03 fans). I may not post much about mangahood outside of my routine complaints, but we at least have a love of Scar to unite us. 🤝
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FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST - E.49. The Other Side of the Gate Aired 20 years ago, 09.18.2004
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When is someone gonna make a whole ass character analysis video for FMA03 Wrath and how he’s the best anime original character ever
I’m not joking if someone doesn’t I will because I genuinely think he is one of the most interesting characters in the series from start to end and goes through major, major changes from his first introduction to CoS, and also I’d just like to talk to whoever @ funimation decided to have 03 Wrath’s VA voice Truth in FMAB in almost the same manner, because the parallels there go beyond coincidence (both come from the gate, both “steal” Ed’s limbs after he loses them post-human transmutation, probably more but idk)
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i think the haunting ambiguity of fma 03 being like 'yeah you kids breaking alchemys greatest taboo spawned this whole new inhuman abomination who looks exactly like your mom and is so tormented by her memories of loving you she wants you dead and who knows if she's even an actual person!' vs fmab being like 'good news! the hideous freak you brought into the world to suffer was not only not your mother, but it didn't even have a soul' basically sums up why I prefer 03 personally
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Mangahood does Lust so dirty, but the goofiest one is the absolute downgrade that was pairing her up, no matter how insincerely, with Havoc.
Imagine going from having A Thing with Scar in one adaptation to Havoc in the source material. That's a massive cosmic-level L
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