connormccafferyhater · 21 hours
omg i’m a little sad. at our tournament today we had like a big gap in between games to eat lunch and my mom bought me like this southwest salad from wawa (it had tomatoes, cheese, grilled chicken, tortilla strips, corn, this like orange dressing that i can’t name atm but it was busting)
i was sitting with my teammates at the scorer’s table watching the game and all of a sudden my teammate’s like “your salad stinks, it’s giving me a headache,” and i was like oh i’m sorry because how tf do i even respond to that but even the ref came over to me and was like “that looks so nasty” + “ts stinks” and i’m like distraught atp because IK MY SALADS GOOD, i’m enjoying my salad, i literally ate the whole thing so for someone to come up to me and like gaslight me into thinking my salad wasn’t good enough or something left like a bad taste in my mouth.
ALSO the ref like asked me if i liked fried chicken (because i’m black ig idk) and i said i enjoy it (like fried chicken’s ok i’m just not a big chicken girl) and she was like to my teammate “you can tell by that answer that’s all she eat” LIKE WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. WHY ARE YOU HATING ON ME AND MY SALAD AND LIKE MAKING THESE PREJUDGMENTS ABT ME??? YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW ME THIS IS THE FIRST TIME WE’VE CROSSED PATHS ON EARTH.
AND ALSO my other teammate at the scoring table with us got wawa for us and i got a strawberry cheesecake milkshake and she was like ”tf is strawberry cheesecake?” um i think it’s self explanatory??? am i like going insane or is that not like that one of the most basic cheesecake flavors. like if i saw a strawberry cheesecake flavored milkshake ANYWHERE i would think ts sounds so good. like am i crazy??
i feel like my more urban teammates don’t understand my tastes because they have a premature/not very diversified palette. what do you guys think, lmk in the comments!!
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nychthemeron-rants · 9 months
Why do most salads that are available in America suck ass??? I know there are good salads out there! Lots of them! But pretty much all restraunts in America offer Salad with Fruit, Salad with Lettuce, Cheese, and Maybe Two Other Toppings. If you're lucky theyll also have Salad with Salty Fish or Salad with Overcooked Egg. Give me more variety Im begging you.
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It's just me, an antihistamine, iced coffee, and a southwest chicken salad against the world
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copperbadge · 1 year
You know, I had thought that the old jokes about bad airline food, which were very common in the 1990s, had stopped mainly because airline food had gotten better. It had to have, right? As food technology and chemistry improved, we must have fixed that. I just couldn't know, because mostly I fly Southwest and rarely take a flight longer than about four hours, and Southwest just doesn't do meals.
But now I think probably it's just that airline food is much rarer. Even flights that would have had food twenty-five years ago (pre-9/11) now mostly don't. So it's not that the food is better, it's just rarer. The comedy is less relatable.
I will say that the mushroom tortellini I got in my "lunch" on this flight home was pretty edible, but when the tray was set in front of me I looked at the hardtack bread roll, the very basic salad with its little pot of bland yogurt dressing, and the tortellini in very scant tomato sauce, and I thought, I bet I can hack this. (It's kind of a conference trick of mine -- I have startled many a stranger at a conference breakfast buffet by producing from seeming nowhere a breakfast sandwich, and then informing them that they, too, can take a croissant from the pastry rack, eggs and sausage from the chafing dishes, and jam from the condiments, and make a breakfast sandwich fit for a king.)
Then I decided to write some fanfic of my own damn novels because Eddie Rambler has definitely done this, and if anyone can fix airline food it's him, and if anyone's going to be a willing accomplice, it's Noah "self-propelled trouble magnet and food garbage disposal" Deimos.
"Hey there, friends and fans and everyone keeping it new out there!" Eddie Rambler said, but unlike his usual Photogram openings, his voice was hushed -- not subdued, but much quieter than usual. "I'm coming to you from somewhere over the arctic, and pretty much everyone else is asleep, so I'm trying to keep quiet, which as everyone knows is for me quite an effort. And if you're wondering why I'm not my normal golden well-lit self, it's because I'm filming this in the first-class cabin of an airplane using ambient light and a phone flashlight for a spot." 
He leaned back, so that his face wasn't filling the camera anymore, and the rest of the room came into view: a tiny nook with a reclining airline seat. The arm was lifted, and Eddie was sitting sideways on the cushion; on the reclined back of the seat, next to him, Noah was perched, grinning impishly.
"Now, I couldn't sleep so Gregory kicked me out of our two-person cabin, and Noah here had a cabin to himself because his folks are sharing one and he's the odd man out, so he let me come in here to film. Friend of the gram Noah Deimos of course, NoahTheTerror -- " Eddie and Noah both pointed at the same empty space, where a link would later go to Noah's Photogram, "and I are both flying first-class for only the second time in our lives. When I traveled with Truly Tasty I was always on the bus because we had a lot of equipment, and Noah used to be a peasant -- "
"I'm still a peasant," Noah said. 
"You're a prince, kiddo."
"I'm a peasant prince," Noah insisted.
"I could kick you back to Economy," Eddie said, grinning at him. 
"Well, princehood has perks," Noah allowed. 
"Anyway," Eddie said, slinging an arm around Noah and ruffling his hair, "the two of us decided to stay up and get into mischief, which is why we're filming at thirty five thousand feet. We were just going to play cards, but we got to comparing notes about airline food, and about five minutes in I said, whoa, this is content, let's not waste it. So, young prince, tell me what you were saying about airline food before we started filming."
Noah nodded. "First class food is okay. It helps that you're eating it in a really fancy seat and you know how much you paid for that fancy seat. But it's still kinda..." he stuck out his tongue, waggling his head. "It's just served in fancier dishes. And outside of first class...I mean, I'll eat it, but I won't like it."
"It's difficult to make good airline food. There are a lot of requirements," Eddie said. "It has to be mass-produced, it has to keep for reasonably long periods of time, some of it has to be reheatable on an airplane, and I don't know if you know this -- I don't know if YOU know this," he added, turning to Noah, "but our tastebuds literally change when we're on an airplane. Something to do with altitude and pressurized cabins. That's why bloody marys are such a popular cocktail. Tomato juice tastes better on an airplane."
"That's nuts," Noah said.
"So do nuts, actually," Eddie told him. "So you end up with some issues. Bread doesn't keep well or reheat well and the texture gets super weird, that's why you don't get good pastry and your bread roll is dry even in first class. Meat is hard to cook at scale or reheat. Sauces tend to separate -- cream sauce is the worst. Vegetables do okay because you can make a whole bunch of salad at once and it'll stay relatively crisp, and protein in sauce is still the most easily reheatable form of food, but stuff like eggs or breakfast meat has to be pretty greasy to reheat well. And then it's just, you know, greasy."
"So, chef, what's the solution?" Noah asked, clearly feeding Eddie a line, grinning as he did so.
"I am so glad you asked," Eddie replied, just as faux-rehearsed. "I managed to weasel two economy-class dinner meals out of the flight attendants -- don't worry, there were spares, nobody went hungry because of this -- and we're going to hack you an airline meal that's both edible and reasonably nutritious. Ready?" 
Eddie pulled up a tray table that had been folded flat against the wall, and reached in the other direction to bring two trays of food into the camera's view. "So we've got two meals that each have a salad, a little cup of dressing, a roll with butter, and chocolate bites for dessert. This one is a chicken curry noodle bowl with some mango chutney stir-in over here on the side -- I'm using 'curry' and 'chutney' both very loosely, as does the airline -- and this one is mushroom tortellini in pesto. That's actually pretty good, stuffed pasta does well in this kind of situation and I like a pesto, the bright notes really flare. What's the dressing that comes with the salads, Noah?"
Noah checked one of the little bottles, squinting. "Yogurt dill."
"Pretty good. Probably pretty bland. Oh, we also have salt and pepper. Okay, so what we're going to do is take the worst parts of the meal and add a little bit of the best part and basically make you a two-entree meal that's superior to a single entree with sides. Pop open that bread and give our friends a demo."
Noah tore open the plastic surrounding the bread roll, which was oblong, slightly smaller than a hoagie bun. He tapped it on the tray and it clattered stiffly. He broke off one end and crumbs went everywhere; the inside looked dry when he held it up to the camera.
"This is not a good bread roll," Eddie said. "Butter will make it edible, but we can make it better. We have the technology. We have...the dressing. We're going to just get this bread to a nicer texture by adding some of the dressing..." 
He split the roll with a knife carefully while Noah opened the dressing, then poured a generous dollop onto the bread, spreading it with the knife. "Let that sink in a minute, let's pick out the best lettuce and tomatoes for the sandwich, here we go...all right. You want a spicy chicken curry sandwich or a veggie sandwich?"
"Curry," Noah said. 
"Good call, the dill dressing's going to go nicely with that. All right, we are going to really stir up this chicken in sauce -- it's okay if the noodles get mixed in, that's what we in the biz call texture -- and make sure everything's blended. This mango chutney's going on the other half of the bread to moisten it, and this is -- this is going to get me yelled at by my culinary school teachers," he told Noah, "but we're going to throw that pepper right on the mangos there. It'll add kick to the curry and the hope is that you won't actually get much flavor other than spice. We'll see how it goes. So you got dill dressing with lettuce and tomato, mango chutney with pepper, all that is making the bread nice and soft, and we're going to take some of the chicken curry and slather that right on top." 
Noah used a fork and spoon like tongs to scoop curry onto the roll, sitting open on the plate, and then Eddie closed it carefully. Noah reached for it, but Eddie held up a hand.
"Not yet. Finishing is important," he told the teenager. "You have to let the flavors and textures settle a little, and this is also going to ensure it isn't as messy as it could be to eat, because we're classy assholes."
"Nobody classier," Noah agreed.
"The bread needs time to absorb more liquid. So now we take this paper tray liner and just..." Eddie wrapped the sandwich up in the paper, ignoring where the curry stained it yellow, folded the ends under, and tucked them into a complicated pleat that kept the paper tightly wrapped around the sandwich. "Just let that sit for a second -- if we were actually hacking this meal in economy, now's when you'd eat the rest of the curry, while the sandwich settles. What we're going to do is make a veggie sandwich with this other one. Guess how."
Noah frowned. "Well, there's the other salad, and the dressing, and I guess the pesto..."
"Sure, but where's most of this meal's bulk?"
"The pasta -- are you gonna put tortellini on bread?" Noah asked. 
"Carb on carb can be delicious but we're going to be more delicate than that -- we're going to open up this tortellini and get that awesome mushroom filling out of it and use that like a pate spread," Eddie said.
"Can I change my order? I want the mushroom pesto sandwich," Noah said. Eddie laughed.
"All right, you're the kid, you get your pick. Let's get this tortellini unfolded," he said, and set to work. 
Six hours into their ten hour flight, after Eddie used the first-class wifi to post the video, there was a knock on the door and Gregory put his head in. 
"Hey, you're up!" Eddie said, looking up from his book. Noah gave Gregory a wave from where he was playing video games opposite Eddie. "Am I unbanished from our suite?"
"You are in so much trouble," Gregory said affectionately.
"For what? Noah and I have been super duper quiet, we didn't wake you up or bug Michaelis and Jes or anything."
Gregory held up his phone. "Hacking Bad Airline Food With NoahTheTerror," he read from the screen. 
"That mushroom sandwich was choice," Noah said, without looking up from his game. 
"Curry wasn't bad. Pepper might have been a mistake. I'll workshop it," Eddie said. "Why?"
"Eddie. I love you, but we are literally on a plane owned by a company whose food you just called terrible and hacked so it would be better. Half the internet wants an encore when we get served breakfast, and meanwhile the airline seems torn between promising to upgrade their food offerings and suing you for slander."
"Libel, surely," Eddie said. "I did it in the public record."
"It's libel if it's written down, all you did was talk," Gregory said. "Technically slander."
"Oh, is that all I did?" Eddie asked innocently. 
"I blame you," Gregory said to Noah. "You were supervising."
"I'm an innocent child," Noah said, still not looking up from his game. "Easily led astray. Sounds to me like I came under the sway of a bad influence."
"Anyway it's not libel OR slander if it's true," Eddie said. "They won't sue me, if they do I'll bring one of their awful bread rolls to court and make the judge eat it. Nobody would rule against me after eating one of those."
"The dressing helped, but dressing can only do so much," Noah added loyally. Eddie held his hand out for a fistbump and Noah bumped it, finally setting his game aside.
"Seriously, are we busted?" Eddie asked. "Like, genuinely in trouble busted?"
"Probably not, it's mostly just evidence I can't leave you alone for a minute," Gregory said. 
"Well, the solution to that was to let me keep pestering you in our own two-seat suite and not banish me because you wanted to sleep," Eddie pointed out. 
Gregory opened his mouth to say something, then glanced at Noah and paused. 
"If you'd like to leave Noah to his video games and come back to the suite, we can discuss that where young princeling ears aren't listening," he said finally.
"You can just say Eddie wanted to make out," Noah said. "I'm sixteen, not six."
Gregory rubbed his eyes with one hand. "Eddie?"
Eddie leaned over and planted a kiss on Noah's forehead. "Behave yourself. Hydrate and have a snack before we land."
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Noah called as Eddie left, snickering. 
"On a scale of one to ten, how much trouble am I in, honestly?" Eddie asked, following Gregory back into their cabin, which had one chair reclined (covered in blankets that Gregory had turned into some kind of napping nest) and one upright, with Eddie's stuff piled on it. 
"With me, a two. With the airline, probably a five. You might have to do a follow-up," Gregory said. 
"Like, the breakfast follow-up, or like an apology?"
Gregory shuffled aside so Eddie could shift his stuff off the chair and sit -- then settled in his lap comfortably, arms resting on his shoulders.
"Well, I say you double-down and make the breakfast post," he said. "But I am now prepared to distract you with making out, as Noah so charmingly put it, if you're interested."
"Oh, now you've seen my impressive sandwich-making skills you're ready to join the mile-high club?" Eddie asked. 
"That mushroom thing did look kind of good."
Eddie kissed him. "Tell you what, when they do breakfast service I'll use all the butter I saved from the rolls and make you an incredibly mediocre but edible egg sandwich. If I can get more dressing I could probably even make a decent mayo substitute." 
"You can't use my phone for extra lighting," Gregory told him, and Eddie was going to protest, but more interesting things were happening and by the time he remembered to be sullen about it, breakfast was being served. 
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greatgoodplace · 2 months
Today's SW: 241
Breakfast: cold brew cocomo from Dutch Bros
Lunch: Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad
Calories in: 938
Calories out (another 3 mile walk and yoga today): 1,119
Net Calories: -181
Desperate to be in the 230s by the time I wake up on the 1st. Maybe tomorrow morning! My original goal for July was 235 but I will settle for 239 if I can get it. Wish me luck!
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anaiscallingagain · 7 months
I ate like such a pig today. My boyfriend almost saw my account on my computer tab and he just saw the th1nsp0...
he bought me food and I ate it because I felt horrible ˙◠˙
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ food log ˖ ݁݁ 𖥔.
⟡ grapes - 10 cals
⟡ spicy deluxe sandwich - 500 cals
⟡ spicy southwest salad - 420 cals
-ˏˋ. total: 930 ˊˎ-
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apollos-olives · 7 months
Ooh tough question there about the cheap healthy meals(not sarcasm). The following does not take into account where you shop etc because that is personal information that does not need to be known ya know.
Some of my favorites are a bag of broccoli roasted in the oven with seasonings and either fish also in the oven/air fryer or taking some chicken and cutting it up to go with the broccoli.
I'll do a pack of cheese pizzas but they also come in individual ones at some stores and then a bagged salad (I can usually make a bagged salad last two meals if I have something to go with it)
Lately one I've been enjoying is some ground turkey ,since here it's cheaper than other ground meats, in a pan with some boiled potatoes and a can of beans or sliced peppers in a cooked together. You can make it southwest or spicy etc and it is really good with tortillas. This is usually two meals for me.
Breakfast wise? I've been using frozen egg burritos or some waffles.
Pancake mix is good too, because you can use it and then some boiled eggs on the side for a little bit of protein.
I'm sorry if these aren't the best suggestions. Hopefully these offer a few ideas etc. Have a good day:)
omg these are awesome!!! genuinely thank you so much that helps me out a lot. so far i only got one day down and i've spent like 30 dollars 💀 lmfao
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what i got so far </3 devastating
but thank you again!
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Our day as a Pilgrim on Camino Frances
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It’s now day 17 of our French Camino. As you know we started in the Southwest of France in a small village called St Jean Pied de Port. Same place that my favourite author Paulo Coelho also started his Camino.
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In Spanish, Camino means The Way. There are many different Caminos but they all end in Santiago De Compostella.
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By now, there is a sort of a routine that we have set.
On most days Archana is up at 5:30am and after a quick shower she does her exercises, stretches and a set of InnerEngineering Yoga (Shambhavi Mahamudra).
Patrick is up by 6:45am to do his stretches and exercises followed by a shower.
We have both realised that this early wake-up is an essential to have a good start. As we say, well begun is half done!
Usually by 7:30am we have our bags packed and brought down to the concierge so they can be picked up by the baggage transport service by 8am.
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We then have a breakfast, an essential request to FTC (Follow The Camino - Irish booking agency) when we made the bookings through them. Most offered a fantastic buffet breakfast, one hotel even had champagne included!! However, some have only offered a limited choice and one in Logrono only offered a glass of Fresh Orange juice, a pastry and some tea or coffee. In Quintallina del Monte, we stayed in a Rural home & the breakfast was really limited to couple slices of cheese, Patrick had some scrambled eggs and Archana just a toast (stale baguette toasted) with butter and jam. Fortunately we were carrying our own muesli, so requested some milk and yoghurt. For the amount we walk daily, we do like the full breakfast as usually on the way there are limited options and we need to ensure sustenance. On that day Patrick walked 40 km.
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Between 8:30am to 9:am we usually leave the accommodation and start walking the Camino. Depending on the size of the town it could be a few 100m to 2 km plus (at times) until we get out of the town and start waking on the trail.
The longer the trail the earlier we try to leave so we are in the next town before it gets too hot around 3-4pm.
Arriving into a town is always exciting, as you navigate to the hotel, you discover some of the sights.
In most places when we reach our bags are waiting for us.
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The routine is to check-in, unpack, have a good shower to relax the body and then do some stretches and have a snooze (Spanish siesta time is between 2-4pm) until the outside cools down a bit. Surprisingly the showers (water pressure and hot temperatures) have been perfect, except one!
If we need to do the laundry (usually every 3/4days) we go to the nearest coin laundry as a priority. Some hotels do offer a cheap price for a bag wash however they also use a dryer, which we don’t prefer, as we are kind to our clothes and the environment. Once the laundry is sorted we then cover the town, usually the church or cathedral and other interesting monuments.
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By 7:30-8pm it’s time for dinner. We have opted dinner inclusion in most places especially if we are staying only one night, to save us hunting for places that could offer us special menu, since I am a vegetarian by choice however Patrick does have a mammalian meat allergy that needs to be managed. The dinner includes a pilgrim’s menu - 3 course meals including water, wine and bread. They aren’t very inventive with their vegetarian meals though, so most nights Archana gets a mixed salad for starter and a pasta with tomato sauce (freshly made) for the mains….. usually there is a carafe of wine, sometimes a glass but some places have given us a whole bottle (750 mls) at times.
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If our package doesn’t include dinner then on those nights, we usually settle on Tapas or Pintxos and sangria or wine.
It’s usually an early night, around 10pm as we have to repeat the cycle again the next day. The wine here is really cheap, €1.8 to €2 per glass (from AUD $3 or ₹150), the wine is always excellent, easy drinking and so far never given us a headache or hangover as no sulphites added (given the wines here have no sulphites added unlike many wines in Australia)!
The Camino is obviously one of Spain’s major revenue earner - Religious tourism!
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We booked through an Irish Company called Follow the Camino #followthecamino. Along with the baggage tags we also received a guide and app from them to assist us during the Camino. So far we had a great selection of hotels, monasteries, B&B type accommodation ranging between no rating to 5 star rating. Similar to the breakfast it’s been a mixed bag experience. Some average experiences and others absolutely splendid surprises! Like in the Tom Hanks movie, life is a box of chocolates……🙏🏽
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scarypage · 5 months
I almost thought I’d go to the store for two boxes of kraft but I need impulse control, going to chickfila for a horde hall instead. Southwest salad, sub pepitas for roasted bell pepper tomato croutons, with spicy fried patty (they dont cut it for you sometimes because they “cant”), then regular chicken sandwich meal with chickfila sauce. Medium mac and cheese, unsweetened large sunjoy. And for desert that peanut butter protein quest cookie. Yes i did rollerblade 5 miles after my morning workout. I need 100g protein
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gallopinggallifreyans · 2 months
Things I’m gonna eat when I feel well enough to taste again:
Hot dog
Cereal with cold milk
That delicious crunchy southwest salad I bought a couple days ago with the nuts and carrot mmm yes sir I love it
Hot dog (again)
Hummus and pita. The spicy kind
A good mango salad with a bit of coconut rice
A lot of coconut rice
Maybe just coconut rice, actually
I could go for a juicy lucy though, the burger place on main does a nice one
An entire plate of cheese, specifically the one my mum bought for new years that I practically polished off myself (sorry guests, I love that cheese)
A bottle of kingfisher if I can find it at the lcbo
A Cuban pulled pork sandwich
Steak and ale pie or just shepherds pie at elephant and castle, fantastic pub food and great atmosphere
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st4rving4ever · 2 months
weight myself a couple days ago and weight 124 which is ok. i was hoping to be like 120 but losing 6 pounds in 6 days is pretty good. if i can continue to lose a pound a day then i’ll be so close to my gw by the time i leave for my cottage. probs gonna wait till tmr or tuesday to weigh myself but i feel like i’m getting skinner 😁. i’ve been eating decent like today all i ate was:
- small portion of sweet potatoes with bean salad and a slice of turkey breast
- lots of grapes and some blueberries
- southwest salad with lots of veggies and chicken and greek yogurt dressing
i also ate some of my moms salad that i feel rlly guilty about since it had candied pecans and oil😬
oh well! on edge about weighing myself tmr but it will give me perspective on how harsh my diet will be this week!
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pr3ttypixies · 1 year
(possible) tw // ed
introducing fast food proportion lists!
so i know that what’s hard with many people dieting, trying to lose weight, or even doing one meal a day, is what to do when you wanna get fast food!!! so literally at 4am lol i used to help of the app cheat day to create differently but all healthy proportioned meals.
according to myfitnesspal (an app i live by), a well balanced meal requires 50% carbs, 30% fat, and 20% protein. the first restaurant i’ve done is mcdonald’s because i go there most frequently. please keep in mind for these proportions you MUST order the item exactly as it comes/is titled in the list! i’m not sure how much or little it’ll effect the proportions if you take individual ingredients off (ex. big mac no pickles) it might change the stats. without further ado here is the list <3
1: big mac (540 cals, 252fat, 100 protein, 180carbs) + medium coke (210 cals 56 carbs) = 750 cals, 390 carbs, 252 fat, 100 protein
- less than 1k cals
- perfect balanced meal
- 52% carbs, 35% fat, 13% protein
2: cheeseburger (300 cals, 132 carbs, 108 fat, 60 protein) + medium fries (380 cals, 196 carbs, 162 fat, 20 protein) = 680 cals, 328 carbs, 270 fat, 80 protein
- less than 1k cals
- roughly balanced meal
- 48% carbs, 30% fat, 12% protein
3: premium southwest salad with grilled chicken (350 cals, 108 carbs, 99 fat, 148 protein) + plain sundae (210 cals, 128 carbs, 54 fat, 24 protein) = 560 cals, 236 carb, 153 fat, 172 protein
- 5kish cals or less
- protein focused meal
- 43% carbs, 27% fat, 30% protein
4: premium bacon ranch salad with grilled chicken (320 cals, 36 carbs, 126 fat, 168 protein) + large vanilla cone (300 cals, 192 carbs, 72 fat, 32 protein) = 620 cals, 228 carbs, 198 fat, 200 protein
- less than 1k cals
- equally macro proportioned meal
- 36% carbs, 32% fat, 32% protein
5: cheeseburger (300 cals, 132 carbs, 108 fat, 60 protein) + snack size oreo mcflurry (340 cals, 212 carbs, 99 fat, 32 protein) = 649 cals, 344 carbs, 207 fat, 92 protein
*can switch for hamburger and will be mostly same from percentage proportions!
- less thank 1k cals
- semi balanced meal
- 53% carbs, 32% fat, 15% protein
6: steak egg and cheese bagel with slivered onions (620cals, 216 carbs, 270 fat, 128 protein) + medium coke (210 cals 56 carbs) = 830 cals, 272 carbs, 270 fat, 128 protein
*can switch out for large coke for almost exact same percentage proportions (+80 cals)
- less than 1k cals
- semi balanced meal
- 41% carbs, 40% fat, 19% protein
7: chicken sausage mcmuffin (290 cals, 116 carbs, 108 fat, 64 protein) + medium coke (210 cals 56 carbs) = 500 cals, 172 carbs, 108 fat, 64 protein
- 5k cals or less
- perfectly balanced meal
- 50% carbs, 31% fat, 19% protein
please note carbs, fats, and proteins are measured in grams! there are many many more combinations i saw possibilities for and i’m also working on curating full meals (entree side & drink). if there’s a certain item on mcdonald’s menu (ex. nuggets) that you’d like me to make into a balanced meal, or drinks you’d like me to replace or switch out please let me know - wonder if you can tell coke is my fav drink! there’s are also a few menu items that are balanced by themselves, but for that you can check on cheat day.
next up; burger king (recommend restaurants below!)
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skippyv20 · 1 year
People keep wanting to meet Harry and his wife because he is Prince Harry and her because they want to see the person that has poor fashion taste, speaks in word salad and dared to disrespect the Queen. He is the closest they are likely to get to royalty and she is a curiosity like an attraction from Ripley's Believe it or Not. Years from now they will still be talking about when they met or were at an event with Prince Harry and his wife.
Just like I still post the picture my husband and I took with Bill Murray 7 years ago. Of course, Bill Murray is a beloved legend but still people talk about the famous or infamous people they meet for years.
How did I happen to get a picture with Bill Murray ? He happened to be on the same Southwest flight as we were. My husband asked him for a picture and he agreed. I told my husband to leave Mr. Murray alone but he asked anyway. Mr. Murray didn't seem bothered but you could tell he would have preferred to go get his luggage and go on his way. I stood off to the side because I didn't want to bother him. He asked me didn't I want my picture taken, I replied I didn't want to bother him. He said "Babe get over here" so I walked over, he put his arm around my shoulder and when my husband held up his phone to take the selfie Mr. Murray said "chests out" . click, thanked Mr. Murray for the picture and he was on to the next person now waiting in line to take a picture.. I think he took pictures with 5 other people before he could get on his way. If Facebook exists 7 years from now I will still be posting my picture.
Love this post! Ripley’s believe it or not…😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Lucky you meeting Bill Murray! What a treat! Thank you for sharing with us!🙂❤️
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icleanedthisplate · 5 months
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Southwest Cobb Salad. Bray Gourmet Catering. Little Rock, Arkansas. 4.10.2024.
NOTE TO SELF: I have no idea what the "southwest" part of this southwest cobb salad is, but it's a solid catering meal. Burnt bacon (in a good way) and ripe avocados go a long way for me. I have always been a fan of their smoked turkey salad, but this is my first interaction with their catering and I didn't know they actually have a store-front deli less than a mile from my office. I'm going to go hunt it down and it may become a staple for me. I need a place with a simple, good salad.
Currently ranked 3rd of eight April meals.
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littlecarnet · 5 months
For @starblue2406
Here are a few things I'll eat in a day. I typically don't eat a big breakfast, but I will have a big lunch. Dinners in my family are late, usually 6pm to 8pm, we typically walk after dinner, then I'll drink tea to relax before bed.
You'll probably notice a lack of beef and pork, I have trouble digesting them, so it's mostly chicken and seafood. My family also don't eat a lot of bread, it's treated more like a side than a meal.
And yeah, there's a quite a mix of cultures here. My mom's side is Greek/Egypt with Turkish influences from her great grandfather, my dad is Native American with some adopted local New Mexico flavors. Since I was originally born and raised by the ocean, seafood and sea vegetables are a big thing in my diet. They're hard to find in the southwest, but I crave them and they keep me healthy as I have low blood pressure, so I need a bit of healthy salt.
Things I'll have for breakfast:
Apple cider vinegar mixed with honey or a fruit juice, usually pomegranate juice. Gets my digestive system prepped.
Oatmeal with dates, pumpkin seeds, and seasonal fruit.
Fresh fruit or fruit jelly with yogurt. I like Greek yogurt as it's more creamy and filling.
Seaweed soup with green onions or salmon
Kefir a type of strong yogurt drink
Crepe with fruit, pine nuts and honey
Omelet with spinach or dandelion greens
Eggs boiled in black tea and star anise
Shakshuka eggs with tomato and spices
Salmon with fried eggs
Fresh tilapia corn taco
Fruit smoothies
Green tea
Yerba mate
A Flatbread wrap with either chicken or falafel, lettuce, feta, red onion or tomato topped with tzatziki or Tahiti
Sardines with tomato pesto on ciabatta
Basmati rice with chicken or fish with garlic, oregano, basil
Tuna with red onion and chopped mozzarella
A salad made of lightly pickled cucumber and lato (sea grapes)
Rice soup - Made with leftover tea, seaweed, sesame seeds, fish
Baby octopus with chopped tomatoes, red onion, and oregano -
Dolma - Grape leaves stuffed with spiced rice and a meat then steamed, cabbage leaves are sometimes used instead
Ta'meya or Falafel - ground chickpeas or lentils mixed with spices and fried into rounds, topped with tzatziki or hummus
Grilled cheese with strawberry and sage
Jellyfish salad with sweet vinegar and red chili
Steamed cactus pads with watermelon rind
Blue corn bread with sweet corn
Fish cakes in a crab broth with five spice seasoning
Ful medames
Peel and eat shrimp
Mussels on ice
Grilled chicken with mixed vegetables like cherry tomatoes
Vegetable bake with seasonal vegetables
Eggplant lasagna with feta and sliced tomatoes
Cioppino - Seafood in a rich tomato broth
Risotto rice with mushroom
Shrimp with feta and tomatoes
Grilled catfish with spices
Mussels in butter and garlic
Seafood in spiced yellow rice
Crab cakes in scallop shells
Three Sisters soup - Corn, beans, squash
Spinach and cheese stuffed pastries
Squash and corn simmered in milk with pepper, garlic, and saffron
Pumpkin soup with garlic, apple, and sweet potato
Tuna steak with cranberries and feta
Zucchini stuffed with herbed rice and baked
Sayadeya - Fried fish with red onions on rice spiced with cinnamon, turmeric, and ginger
Venison chili beans
Fry bread tacos
Chicken livers and hearts
Wild rice with elderberry and morel mushrooms
Lumpias - Like a large egg roll
Wild rice with sweet potato, pumpkin, and cranberry
Snow fungus soup with chicken bone broth
Chicken herb soup - chicken boiled with red dates, wild yam, astragalus, goji
Grilled chicken with butternut squash sweet potatoes
Mixed bean soup with chicken bone broth
Sweet and sour bitter melon soup
Between meals:
Tea with milk
Lots of different nuts
Dried fruit like dates and figs
Fresh fruit with a bit of sweet condensed milk
Jerky turkey or venison
Pickled sweet vegetables
Bruschetta with crackers
Fresh figs with goat cheese
Olives stuffed with cheese
Seaweed salad
Squid jerky
Horned melon
Naan with olive oil
Fried sardines in honey
Mushroom chips
Sweet potato chips
Crispy baby crabs
Fried sage leaves
Frozen grapes
Cactus fruit
Quail eggs
Snap peas
Grape juice
Pomegranate juice
Hibiscus tea
Mint tea
Ginger tea
Anise tea
Yuzu tea
Rose petal tea
Barley tea
Flowering tea
Mountain herb tea
Water infused with fresh lemongrass and fennel
Water with basil seeds with honey
Roasted milk tea
Yerba mate
Corn silk tea
Rice milk with cinnamon and cardamom
Yogurt with honey and mixed fruit either frozen or seasonal
Chia pudding with peanut butter or rose petal jelly
Italian soda with sugar-free syrups of either rosewater, lavender, peach, or strawberry
Iced coffee with cacao nibs
Chocolate dipped fruit
Anise cookies
Amaretto biscuits
Honey comb
Grass jelly with milk
Coconut milk pudding
Rose or pistachio halva
Sweet potato with ice cream
Snow fungus with fruit and rock sugar
Khoshaf - A dessert made of dried fruits simmered with cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves
Lazy meals:
A typical salad
Frozen vegetables popped into a microwave and served with ready cooked shrimp or a can of sardines in tomato
Pumpkin puree in a can mixed with garlic, pepper, and milk pop into microwave
Jellyfish salad with pickled vegetables and sweet chili sauce
Thin crust pizza made from a pita with tomato, cheese, and Italian seasoning
Spinach or dandelion greens omelet with cheese
Rice soup - made with tea, fish, seaweed, and green onion
Sweet potato with toppings of choice
Baked potato with peanut butter and crab paste
Wonton wrappers stuffed with cream cheese and fried
Chestnut rice - Rice with chopped chestnuts
Chopped apples with cinnamon and honey in the microwave
Bread pudding - day old bread, fruit of choice, egg, milk pop in microwave until egg is cooked
Rice pudding - cooked rice, milk, cardamom, cinnamon, and dried chopped fruit
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sybilius · 1 year
hewwo syb, what kind of mint(s) do you have? is your mint chill or does it (try to) go everywhere? have you used any to make tea/food yet? was it good?
I think it's peppermint! I'll update with some pictures later this evening! Omg yes yes it's a spreader. So far mostly contained to the southwest corner but it has a real foothold there-- two big bushes that I didn't plant, and then I added my mint/strawberry planter when I arrived to add to the chaos. Mint and strawberry are companion plants though and they seem to be buddying up well :)
I use mint a lot to flavor my water! Lately I uproot an entire stem of it and either stick it in my waterbottle or make a pitcher of mint water :") it's soooo good. Historically I also use it to make mojitos a lot, and occasionally in a good salad. I might try it in some iced tea soon ^_^
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