#Lucid Memories
coastxlwaters · 2 days
Uhhhh, hiiiiiiii- idk how to do this sooo-
Shadowplanet shippers (if ur chill, feel free to stay!), Solarmoon shippers (again if ur chill, ur good), Trump Supporters, Zionists, Pedophiles, Racists, (most, see bottom for acceptable ships) celestialcest, Queer community haters, overly religious people, proshippers, transphobes, homophobes, aphobes
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Minor (I am not comfortable sharing age), Audhd, severe anxiety, Low empathy, OCD, Agender (They/them, or any/all!), on the aroace spectrum, used to be seasonal depression but now im starting to think its become full on depression-
-Follower count: 77
-Birthday: August 20th
-Triggers: Sexual Harassment, sexual things in general
-Phobias: (irl) vengeful spirits, thunderstorms, the unknown, that I am always watched, lullabies, uncanny valley stuff
-Requests: Open <3
-Art trades: Why not? I would love to!
-Commissions: Not open
-art tag = Coastal’s art
-reblog tag = Lucid memories
-Ref sheet tag = Coastal’s random shit
-Ask Tag = Lucid does shit
-Just random posts = Coastal’s mumbles
Main Fandom(s): TSAMS (the sun and moon show), The DCA (The Daycare Attendants)
Percy Jackson, WoF, Warrior Cats.
Capitaneus Tormentorum AU (Pirate and siren au created by me, Tag = Capitaneus Tormentorum)
The Villain Trio AU ( Moon, Solar, and dark sun all come together and team up. Don’t have a tag yet)
The Deity AU (Older au no one was interested in, might not pick it back up)
Random Shit I’m interested in:
Any and all known sea life (mainly whales, orcas, and sharks!), Psychology, Horse riding, animal training, herping (snake hunting), and astronomy and astrology!
Things y’all can call me:
1. Coastal
2. Lucid
3. Xellia (or xel)
4. Sharky (a friend calls me this and I think it’s funny)
Back to DNI
Dark Sun x Eclipse shippers are fine
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bodyhate · 1 year
Folding laundry
Learning my lines for an audition that I just realized I'm up against (or paired with, not sure) another actor I met at a Buffalo wild wings commercial. A really nice guy.
I'm auditioning for this one because of a project I filmed in Athens a few months back, actually, during Halloween.
I also got another part from the camera guy that filmed that project. The networking and the referrals are starting to work, finally.
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tapi0cass · 1 year
daily doodle 2023: 012/365
click to watch reel~
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things from The Halloween Update that are concerning me more than i already am about Eddie:
his Frankenstein's Monster costume turning his face (and hands. ha, hands, like the hands on a-) half yellow half blue/purple like the clocks & Sally's door. that's fucking me up a little ngl
Eddie tacks "A bit of a moral conundrum-" onto his description of Frankenstein's Monster, who he's costumed as. which seems out of place with the rest of his description. he could've said "bolts" or "white streak in his hair" or another physical trait. nope. Moral Conundrum (one could also describe his costume as "two-faced"...). and the fact that he's dressed specifically as someone who was "brought back from the dead" makes me 👁️👁️. kinda reminds me of a certain set of artworks from Clown's tumblr a while back...
Eddie, despite his whole schtick being "bad memory", was the only one to accurately recognize Sally's costume as pedrolino from the Commedia dell'arte. could be a little 'inside joke', might be something else. i suspect it's something else due to his... ah... Everything.
#yk im starting to wonder if eddie's meant to have a naturally bad memory#or if something is purposefully fucking with em more than with anyone else#bc he seems to have these little moments where hes On Top Of It#kinda like moments of lucidity almost? hm....#eddie dear what have you seen? why are you Singled Out?#the wrist watch / his eyelashes matching home's (whatever the rounded things under the sills are)#his halloween costume / his memory problems / the fucking tiny secrets sprinkled all over his post office / his color being purple#hi eddie how does it feel to have main character syndrome#jesting! kinda#eddison edward eduardo edmund edgar edwin edmundo. what the hell is your deal im dying to know#wh speculation#welcome home speculation#homebogging#i wonder. i. wonder...#if eddie got Caught by whatever is out there at night#maybe he didnt know to stay in doors. maybe he realized he forgot to deliver something and thought 'better late than never'#maybe the town mailman is too important to simply Remove so he had to be dealt with a different way#or wait maybe someone saved him? wally perhaps? home? id(k?)#a worse memory so that he doesnt remember what happened?#a personal clock on him at all times so that he never loses track of the time of day?#an overactive fear-response to make sure he stays in his lane Despite him apparently enjoying scary things?#kinda sticks with the 'frankensteins monster' thing dontcha think? brought back from the dead? Stitched back together?#and the monster was an emotional sensitive character. like eddie. IDK idk im just rambling now
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hiemaldesirae · 1 month
you knwo what. you know what. i can never fucking escape the game system trope no matter what fandom it is im just gonna play into it now
so actually the original concept for this was isekai where vox ends up getting booted into hell via a universal mishap but i think its funnier like this: where vox dies and since he did technically die for his friends, he ends up ascending to heaven but is greeted by a different angel instead of the seraphims who asks if he'd like a second chance instead
vox says yes thinking he'll just get sent down again and be back w the vees- this does not happen. instead he ends up back at the very first day he fell into hell with a "system" - one that tells him its a "gift" from heaven, no less, thats supposed to guide him through his time in hell to like . minmax his gains + his losses (emotional and material) if that makes sense . so the system walks him through his time in hell but suddenly there seems to be a problem . turns out an unanticipated side effect of the system is that vox has a similar presence to an archangel (the one who Gave him the damn thing) so a lot of people end up assuming hes some kinda fallen angel which makes it like 100% harder for him to go thru life^3
alastor in PARCTICULAR takes a very odd interest in him, wondering and asking if he has wings or if they were "burnt in your fall" meanwhile vox isnt quite sure whether he wants to take the chance to get close to al this time or just leave since deep down he knows itll end badly for him either way. the system makes the choice for him and starts to steer him away from al who in turn becomes even more intrigued by the fallen angel, who for whatever reason he swears feels familiar
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a dream I had
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yunoftheclouds · 2 months
Y2K inspired thingy
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origamihoshi · 9 months
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Help I played @oneknightstand-if's demo for their game and I can't stop thinking about the MC and how much I love them, so I drew my version of them.
Her name is Maika (but she's now going by Meika because names have power and there's noway she's going to tell an incubus her real name so why not just change one letter). She doesn't trust any of her allies, but to be fair one is a incubus and the other is a guy from her polo club she think is stalking her so she thinks she has some good reasons not to trust them, but it's okay because she has her beloved plant Audrey III and her magic 8 ball and surely they will never betray her.
I also didn't realize you can avoid getting possessed but when I think about it, it fits her very well that not be able to keep demons out of her head.
I love my weirdo amnesiac changeling who needs to stand out and make sure all eyes are on her, and wishes she could be a fairy princess instead of working in fast food.
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vacant2007 · 7 months
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nguyenfinity · 1 year
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In 2018, I made Fight Kiddo as a way to vent frustration with some stuff, but I didn't know what to name her 'cause I didn't really wanna call her Fight Kiddo the entire time. I ended up naming her after my grandma, an incredibly kind and loving lady who would not put up with people's bs.
She passed away year ago today (or. a year and a day ago today because tumblr formatting decided to be difficult, sorry) and like. When I say my 2022 sucked I mean like I caught covid the day before she passed away so for me it was just. Yeah it sure was a summer. It was a rough time to say the least but kept the fight goin huh?
I wanted to bring Fight Kiddo back to honor her namesake in a way, and though I can't do much else now besides draw this for her, I do thank you so much for reading along <3
Con vẽ cái này cho bà ngoại, con nhớ ngoại nhiều mà con mong ngoại thích nhe.
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myfriendtheghost · 1 year
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good morning baby love !! <3
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savage-rhi · 5 months
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"Echoes of the past." [ Lu @helluva-hazbins ]
All around Lu shimmered with the radiant, golden glow of Heaven. Warm sand with a sparkling sea where the waves lapped the shores steadily. On its horizon pink and golden clouds towered with robust cumulous forms and a one of the halo bands of light that encircled the entire planet overhead. A picturesque sight that would instill a profound awe in anyone who gazed upon it.
In the rolling waves, two figures frolicked in the sparkling waters. Despite their wings being retracted, the glowing halos above their heads and the markings on their exposed backs were telltale signs they were both angels. The oldest of the two had blond locks pulled back, his golden radiant eyes focused on the far smaller angel paddling around him. The child looked to be in his pre-teen years, laughing and sputtering as waves rolled over him. Chuckling at the younger angels floundering, the older reached out with strong arms to hook under the smaller one's armpits, lifting him out of the water some. "Throw me, Michael! Throw me to the clouds!" Wriggling in archangel Michael's grasp, the younger blue-eyed angel grinned and splashed with anticipation. "To the clouds? We are already in the clouds, Lucid." The older brother's mouth split with a teasing grin, knowing full well what his little brother was demanding of. He bounced the other lightly up and down, bobbing with the roll of the waves. "NOOOO! The others clouds! Up there!" The child bubbled with laughter, pointing to the golden clouds far in the atmosphere above them. "All the way up there?" "Yes!" "Oh I dunno buddy~" "MICHAAAEEL!" Hefting the child up and down as Michael counted down from three, he tossed the young angel up into the air above his head. Young Lucid screamed, flailing his arms and legs as he was sent a several feet up, crashed back down into the waves and went under. After a couple seconds he resurfaced, gasping for breath and laughing between sputters. Michael responded with belly laughter, wading chest deep towards his little brother.
Beside the King of Hell, a blue seraphim appeared, hands behind his back as he watched the scene before them. "I always liked this memory. One of the more fond ones I had with Michael. Things were a lot simpler then." Lucid smiled with a warmth and fondness, his gaze then turning to seek Lucifer's. "I'm surprised to find you here."
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mbrainspaz · 11 months
*remembers that time I was a horseman of the apocalypse on an alien planet with the same fond nostalgia as the time I built an island of rocks in the river with my friends*
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simonespeaks · 11 months
is juhyeon’s mother pulling the classic “i treated you terribly for years and never apologized for it or even acknowledged it, but i don’t understand why you don’t like me???” stunt?
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mxwhore · 1 year
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