#my memory goes back to maybe 2020
yunoftheclouds · 2 months
Y2K inspired thingy
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marleemutt · 8 months
TLDR: im a black trans artist who can use some help right now following the sudden passing of my only sister - her doberman is now the responsibility of my parents and we can use help for his food, supplements, toys etc.
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Kofi (help me send Chewy orders to my parent's house)
Wishlist (literally send him things like toys, treats, etc.)
⬇️ more info ⬇️
hey guys
some of you might be aware of this already, but early October, my eldest sibling & only sister suddenly passed away due to a seizure, she had been dealing with epilepsy her whole life.
this has been incredibly difficult for me, and my family. her passing was incredibly sudden, she was only 30.
for the past month or so ive been struggling to find any motivation to draw, and barely able to work.
she was the incredibly devoted owner of a doberman named Remi(Ramsey). Me and my sister traveled 4 hours to pick him up three years ago. He's a goofball who tears up socks and needs constant supervision. My parents love him, but I can tell he is a lot of work for two people who have fulltime jobs and have lived long lives.
I'm going to try to help them take care of him as much as possible, I feel that it's the least we can do to honor my sister's memory, since she loved him so deeply.
My sister always wanted a doberman, for years she would watch videos about dobermans and talk about them to anyone who would listen.
Remi wasn't easy to raise - I shared a room with my sister when she got him in 2020, she still worked a 9-5, five days a week, so I was his nanny for most of his difficult childhood. I was his chew toy for the first year of his life about - but that only made him bond closer to me. If he wasn't following my sister, I was choice #2. Dobermans are "velcro dogs", they were bred to guard their owners, and because of this, they are fiercely loyal. I've been moved out of my parent's place for going on 3 years, and my sister had just moved with Remi out a few months prior to her passing.
A week before my sister's sudden passing, we had to board Remi at my dog daycare job while my family and I took a trip out of state. When dropping him off, although he was happy to see me again for the first time in months, the moment my sister turned her back to him he began to panic. He got through the boarding all right but my coworkers told me he would cry and wait by the door for me or her. When my sister picked him up, they said he jumped all 80+lbs into her arms.
Since my sister's passing, Remi has been directionless. He's with my family, people he trusts, but he's bored, confused, and heartbroken. My sister would often take him to the dog park, social events, on runs, etc. but my parent's can't do that in their age. If my apartment allowed large dogs, I would take him, but I can't, and I see him maybe twice a month if possible.
Ramsey's Christmas List
I made a christmas list for him of things that might help my parents better take care of him. We're trying different food brands out because he struggles with frequent stomach issues, and we can't seem to figure out what food my sister was feeding him. This list is by no means a necessity for him, but I tried to add things to help with his boredom and keep him stimulated when my parents can't give him all their attention.
i do want to state that my family is capable of providing him with the essentials to live, we arent irresponsible. i would just like to help my parents out since a 3 year old 80-90lb doberman is a lot of work to be suddenly placed on them soley. And I worry for his health and well-being sometimes - Remi has a tendency to eat/tear random objects when he's bored.
please consider donating whatever you can. Everything goes directly to him.
thank you for taking the time to read this, and possibly reblog if possible. ❤️
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ganondoodle · 3 months
Hello 👋
Swallowing my nerves at last to send you an ask! I was just wondering, what inspires your designs? Are their inspirations in stuff like movies or games? Or just things you come up with yourself?
i .. honestly its kinda hard to tell, sometimes i just randomly think of something, like some detail, or color combination and try to incorporate that into a design somehow; it can come from anywhere, like the color scheme of a pithaya/dragonfruit is something i have been wanting to make a design with for ages but havent come up with anything good in all those years ;O;
im a very easily fascinated by color, espeically in nature, like sometimes i just stop and stare at something like i froze in time bc i just woooooooooooooah color! i probably look like a weirdo doing that though
its really hard to pinpoint anything specifically, the most is probably .. other artists? i guess? which always makes me nervous bc my memory is shit in most areas of life and i worry myself to pieces whether i unintentionally "stole" an idea and just dont remember and think it was my own, it goes further that sometimes i see something that makes me want to draw a similar concept but dont bc i dont want to 'steal' even if that couldnt be further from my intention (have been accused of that before ..)
that said for my ocs specifically .. most are rather old and have just kinda evolved out of their awkward first iterations (shargons first iteration was a hauro-howl- copy that was really just some human covered in feathers .. another oc was once a hellboy copy but in green- havent drawn nor redeisgn them in ages lol), the biggest inspirations for them is a mix of animals, bonus if you dont see them often- im a big shark, whale and sea creatures in general nerd so i tend to take from them as a priority but always trying to be less directly animal and mostly just .. features that work together
Eadrya is one of the newer OCs- i started to write but then looked at my folders and oh they are from 2017 .., i even made a design timeline for them how much they, and my art, have changed back in 2020, so thats also way outdated now lol (they apparently started as a whale .. thing? its like a pokemon evolution lol)
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this is them now (i like this sketch still, though shargons design is now also outdated lmao)
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this ones from early 2023 so also outdated now but you get the point
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for demons i try to be a bit more wild on shapes and colors while still adhering to the rules of how they work (humanoid form, demon form, animalistic, one element each and more or less made to fit that, 4 arms is very common, look to be bost scary and wild but also something that would make you stop in tracks and stare in awe and fear if you crossed paths)
often times designs just kinda .. happen, i have maybe the idea ok i wanna make something with a white and red pattern also moose or those big horned cows are cool and kinda scary so maybe sth akin to that (though this one is technically a redesign too- its also pretty much entirely different)
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for non demons but still non human i go for a much more restrained design, mainly inspired directly by an animal and giving the color scheme a good spin, plus adding unconventional body shapes, like ki'ita is also a good example, her old idea was just orca anthro pirate and just by making the white green instead in her most recent redesign already adds that little spin to it
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that can have its pitfalls though, as i often fall into the big arm small head small legs scheme over and over xD
alot of it is trial and error, deciding on the colors can take me hours bc im always searching for my little rule of having one contrast color that shows up in very few places to draw attention to it (like with Eadrya its those bright yellow eyes and thingy at their tail)
and that is all about myy own ocs, when its fandom stuff it works kinda similar though, either in the connections i wanna draw or just thinking it further- like how deities in destiny work also just kinda .. happened like an ever derailing train
like for demise i was at first really just im gonna give him horns bc horns are cool and he got those on the starting mural in the game- so how his hair work? well maybe it isnt hair actually and just unbound energy, im making him a deity too and fit hylias design to his so, yeah, then so how does it work, ok he gotta have a skeleton still, but what if his entire actual body is made up of pure magical energy with its core in the ribcage? with the core in the ribcage >:3c and the scales you see are just like cooled down lava as an armor bc his thing is fire and earth !! the normal blood? is a thin layer of skin imiated from mortals to keep the scales together and flexible so if he ACTUALLY gets hurt hed bleed magic that looks more like lava and any normal blood you see is just the armor- so why does he have a skeleton still instead of being just energy? maybe its gotta be bound to something OH and what if all of the deities started as mortals like a mirror to the trio later on and the gods cannot have direct influence to the worlds so they needed a right hand that is neither god nor mortal but both by killing a mortal by whatever their element will be (demise burned, hylia drowned etc) and their skeleton and spirit is kept but put into a body of magic- OH what if their spirit core is like almost piloting their bodies like a mech in a way bc if youd look close youd see that every strand of magic is actual a hand of their spirit so it makes it more weird and other bc hed be able to reach out with thousands of burning claws of all shapes and sizes like the beheaded forest god at the end of mononoke- SO if hed lose and arm or something all those strands would untangle and rearrange his bones back together-OH MY GOD the whole armor idea works so well for ghirahims dark armor so what if demise had two swords once and lost one and since has forged an armor similar to his own for ghirahim out fo fear of losing him t---
and that all is a process that happens over several weeks and months not rarely while i am drawing something mindlessly and suddendly *have a thought* and omg that makes so much sense-
so "what" inspires my designs? an ever derailing train of thought about making cool thick monsters that arent the evil thing to get rid of for once? cool color schemes? idk it just kinda happens??
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aziraphales-library · 18 hours
Hi, first off, thank you for this blog, I've read so many brilliant recommendations from here. You folks have been my go-to for Good Omens fics for a good month now, and I must have spent hundreds of hours in that time reading based on this blog.
If it's possible, could I also ask if you know a fic I read a while ago but can't find again? It's quite long, maybe 20 chapters or so, and it goes through history with the ineffable husbands. The one thing I really remember is that the watchers are involved. Crowley and Aziraphale meet one of them on the wall, and the watcher warns Aziraphale about Crowley. We then see the watcher fallen, with a peacock aspect, chained under a mountain for the whole nephilim business, reading reports that Dagon brings. Crowley goes to the fallen watcher at various times to moan about his longing for Aziraphale. It's been driving me bonkers not being able to find it, so I'm hoping you may have better luck (or rather, better skills)!
2/2: Ahoy awesome archivists! Could I please cancel my request for a lost fic? I found my white whale! It was https://archiveofourown.org/works/22457749
Thank you for coming back to let us know you found it! Your asks were months apart, but your username stuck in my memory so I could match them up!...
Where the Mountains Meet the Heavens by KannaOphelia (E)
"I don't want to let go of you. Never again." "Crowley," Aziraphale breathed, and for one heady, impossible moment Crowley thought the miracle would be even bigger than he thought, that the embrace and the my darling would be followed with a kiss, because Aziraphale's gaze was on his mouth and there was a heat to it, as if it was tinged with desire as well as tenderness. **** 6,000 years of pining. Collaboration with the amazing Tamsly and lonicera_caprifolium as artists for the 2020 Good Omens Big Bang.
- Mod D
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elvendoodles · 12 days
[Headcanon request]
How do you think Lego Elves & Friends are connected? My personal headcanon that I use in my fanfics is that Emily lives in a suburb of or a town near Heartlake City and goes to school with the Friends characters
Emily living adjacent to Heartlake City seems to be what the majority of people use in their headcanons, and I'm tempted to agree with that. Depending on which generation of Friends you swear by, Elves could take place at any point given how vague the Earth side of things is. The 2012-2018 incarnation of Friends lines up with the timeline of Elves' run, but 2018-2020 or 2023-present could just as easily slide in.
Personally, I'd like to have Elves take place during the 2023 Friends. The thought of Emily being a grown adult while her elven friends say ambiguously young-adult aged is too much for me. But as for headcanons:
Emily lives on the outskirts of Heartlake city. Not as far out as Autumn is, but far enough where there's enough forest to hide the portal when she uses it.
She doesn't know any of the Friends group personally, on account of going to a different school than them. But she sees them around the city whenever she bothers to go there.
Post-S4 there are mini portals/rifts that are opening all around HLC. Emily, with her freshly developed magic, goes around closing them
One of these rifts opens in the international school?
Cue Emily attempting to sneak onto another school's campus and gets caught lurking around by one of the Friends cast (idk anything about the new cast help)
Maybe people end up going missing through these rifts into Elvendale and Emily takes it upon herself to bring them back?
Her portal isn't limited to Sky Castle anymore(?), so she can just pop in wherever someone's at and bring them back through
A couple of the Friends are brought through (Nova, Autumn and Zac probably)
Instead of staying put where they are, they go off and explore Elvendale, so Emily has to chase them down before they get hurt.
She, of course, catches up to them and convinces them to go back home
By this point she must have sourced a memory altering potion from Naida/Rosalyn to avoid mass awareness of Elvendale?
The potion isn't as effective on some people, so of course one of the Friends recognizes Emily when she's out and about
Something something y'all go have fun with this
Could Emily feasibly become friends with the Friends friends? Probably, if she really wanted to. I'd imagine Emily is more interested in her Elvendale friends and has kinda pulled away from Earth mentally. Maybe this could be an opportunity to get Emily more balanced in her homes instead of creating rifts by yearning for another world.
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polyboros · 1 year
the thing is, right. that i wrote 75 fics for blaseball. more, if you count tumblr prompts - more if you count wiki pages. over the course of late 2020 to the very beginning of 2023, i wrote more for blaseball than i have for anything else, except maybe my friends' oc rp. maybe i'll never write that much for fandom again. my writing developed so much over that period of time - blaseball gave me a lot of inspiration and a lot of practice!! i met incredible writers through it who inspire me so much To This Day. i met incredible people with incredible ideas. i still lurk around in the crabitat, because the community there is lovely and i love looking for secondhand recommendations in the media channels. i could list a lot of regulars i've just... seen around, for about 2, 3 years. blaseball offered me both the opportunity to grow as a writer and the opportunity to find communities that, even if some of them fell apart, taught me a lot of things anyways. i'm still in contact with a lot of people i met through blaseball, and that's fucking lovely!!
i can't say i'm sad it's over. i guess i'm a little sad. but blaseball's been dying for a while, now, and it's the kinda thing you sorta see on the horizon. i'm one of the people who distanced themself from it before it came, and i'm a little grateful to my past self for that - i've got so much going on that i don't have quite enough room for a "i just moved across the country and also tot clark died in my funny game so i'm going to lose it for 5 hours" kind of night. i still have everything that matters. the experience, the community, the funny little guys. but blaseball did a lot for me, so i wanted to say goodbye. here's goodbye.
there is a radio.
sometimes it's in the crabitat. sometimes it's in other stadiums, darkened locker rooms slowly collecting dust; maybe there's the occasional visitor, casting light across worn benches, footsteps leaving imprints on the tile. but there's less and less visitors.
most of the time, it's at home.
you can tune it, if you're careful. it likes to play what it wants, though, and so not-players-mostly-people just let it go, when they find it - whatever jaunty commentator/clawmentator voice it wants to remind them of, games stretching from the very first season to the very last, it gets to do that. it keeps playing, however distorted by static it gets.
time goes on.
there are less people to visit, as time goes on. some people grow old and die. some people don't die, but they do move on, and the radio knows it'd be an unwelcome reminder. but there's always a handful to visit, to comfort, to celebrate with. immortals at a graveyard that used to be a field with strings of pearls in their pockets. the handful of players that kept playing, in the after, maybe other splorts or other games - but they kept playing, and they had fun, eventually. parties of people that used to be on different teams and now just share jerseys like old sweaters, trading stories of how their hometowns have changed since it ended.
sometimes the radio sticks around with someone for a while. sometimes it changes hands every day, every hour, switching its tune to match. sometimes nobody sees it for a very long time, and sometimes people forget it exists entirely. but it always comes back for a visit. a little memory, a little burst of joy-in-static. hello- hello- blaseball fans!
there is a radio. it's lasted for a long time, and it'll last for a while longer, even in the absence of blaseball itself. it lasted through ascension, after all. it lasted through siesta after siesta after siesta.
there is a radio, and there is a world moving on from blaseball.
there is a radio, and there is the lilt of old words, phrases quickly becoming antiquated, kept alive through pick-ups and muscle memory.
there is a radio, and there are people who used to be players.
there is a radio, and there are people who used to be fans, who still are fans, who still will be fans.
there is a radio, and it still loves.
there is a radio, and it still is loved.
(that's all for today's game, folks!)
there is a radio.
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strangesthirdeye · 2 years
FOREVER { Sherlock Holmes (BBC) }
warning: there are some sad scenes and mention of murder and major character death ..
Relationship: Sherlock Holmes (BBC) x dead! Reader Wife
forgive me if there is any grammatical mistake or confusing storyline.. after all, I transferred this fanfic from my Wattpad account so this is more or less my old work.. like this fanfic I made it a long time ago.. maybe in 2020 or 2021....welp- hope you enjoy read this fanfic 🤌
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"Love, Did I ever tell you how I met John?." said Sherlock as he stroked your hair gently.
Sherlock goes on to tell the story of how he met John to his wife. He sat up quietly with the love of his life in the living room of 221B. He continued to tell the story where him and John started solving some cases around London until Sherlock met you and got married.
Meanwhile, Mycroft who had been watching CCTV footage of 221B began to look at John who had just walked into his office and sat in the chair opposite Mycroft.
"Good afternoon, Dr. Watson. How are you today?" Mycroft asked looking back at the CCTV footage in his laptop.
"yeah, I'm fine." replied John.
Mycroft looked at John before sighing and turning his laptop towards John. John immediately saw the CCTV footage in Mycroft's laptop while frowning.
"How long has he been like this? and why do you have 221B CCTV footage?" John asked before looking at Mycroft with a raised eyebrow.
Of course John knows that Sherlock is married to you and he is the best man for your wedding day. Even though John knows why Sherlock is like that. in fact, he still considers Sherlock as his best friend and also considers you as his little sister.
Mycroft sighed sadly before looking at the CCTV footage. Yes, even though Mycroft is considered an ice man and has never shown any emotion towards others, he is still worried about his younger brother’s life.
"You know what happened to my sister -in -law 3 months ago, don't you?" Mycroft asked looking at John with a sad expression.
Although Mycroft never treats others kindly but with you, Mycroft treats you like his own sister. That's why Mycroft is now with his sad face after-
"Of course I know, but how long has he been like this?" John asked again in a sad tone.
"He's been like this after a month of Y/n's death. He's so mad after knowing that Y/n is dead and every time Lestrade or I tell him that ... Y/n is dead ... He'll be angry with us and start attacking us or will kick us out of the flat. There were times he didn’t talk to us for a few weeks and there were also times he would talk alone as if he was talking to Y/n. Listen, Dr. Watson. You need to help him. You are the person he will hear words other than Y/n herself. Please Dr. Watson at least talk to him or visit him at the flat. I know you're married but please Dr. Watson ... he won't hear a word from me, not even with Lestrade. after all, Mrs. Hudson has done all sorts of things. And I don't want to bother Mrs. Hudson again."said Mycroft looking at John with a sad face.
Just after your death 3 months ago .. Sherlock seems to start imagining where you will always sit with him no matter in the living room, bedroom or kitchen he will always imagine you by his side and always talk alone.
John was pensive for a moment before recalling the memories of him, Sherlock and you when solving a case in the past for a moment. John looked at Mycroft with a glazed face.
John got out of the cab and paid the money to the cabbie before walking towards his old flat.
The address of the house looks rusty when it has not been repaint for a long time maybe Mrs. Hudson was too lazy to call a painter to repaint the address. All the memories that happened in the flat began to return to John's mind.
John sighed sadly before taking a deep breath and starting to knock on the door of the flat. The flat door began to be opened by Mrs. Hudson. Mrs. Hudson looked at John with a sad expression on her face before inviting John into the flat.
"oh John, how are you today? You haven't been to this flat in a long time. Did Mary know you were coming here?"asked Mrs. Hudson to John in a soft tone before gently patting John's back.
"uh yeah, I'm fine today. Just busy with Mary's things, you know she's pregnant that's why I rarely visit you and ... Sherlock lately." John replied looking at the floor because he couldn't look at Mrs. Hudson. he felt very guilty for not visiting his landlady and his best friend all this time. There must have been a lot going on in this flat after he moved out of the flat to start a household with Mary.
Mrs. Hudson nodded understandingly. of course she understood John's case. Husband and wife life is not easy at all. In addition to Mary's condition, she is now pregnant.
"umm .. what about Sherlock? is he ok?" John asked Mrs. Hudson.
Mrs. Hudson looked at John sadly before pulling her handkerchief out of her pocket and starting to cry a little.
"Since Y/n died, Sherlock has gotten worse day by day. He doesn't eat, he doesn't sleep. He just sits on the sofa or his chair and always talks to himself." cried Mrs. Hudson let out a sniff into her handkerchief.
John looked at the floor. He can no longer imagine Sherlock's condition as Mrs. Hudson said, he doesn’t eat and drink and of course he doesn’t sleep. If this is happened again ... most likely Sherlock will lose his mind later.
John began to look up the stairs that would lead upstairs. With a heavy sigh, John reasoned to Mrs. Hudson to go upstairs which is Mrs. Hudson just nodded her head before walking back into her own flat.
"I still can't believe I'm married to you until now. The day you became mine." said Sherlock as he gently kissed your hair and stroked your hair.
But, it only happened in Sherlock's mind. A place where for Sherlock, you are still alive and beautiful. The place where Sherlock keeps all the memories of you no matter how you talk, walk or do anything. Everything is a perfect memory of you in Sherlock's mind. But the reality is Sherlock is actually sitting on his leather chair stroking, kissing softly and mumbling to the skull (skull from A Study in Pink) as if he is hugging you and talking to you in that expensive inner voice.
John, who had stopped and was still standing in front of the wide open flat door, looked at Sherlock with a sad face and pity for Sherlock's condition, wearing only a blue bathrobe, gray t -shirt, gray pants and a little frizzy hair (like the one Sherlock wore during The Great Game). Honestly, John still can't believe what Mycroft told him earlier that Sherlock's condition is getting worse day by day. And Mycroft had to put CCTV cameras in every corner of the flat to make sure Sherlock wasn’t doing things out of control.
Apparently, that's exactly what Mycroft said earlier. And hopefully, John can talk to Sherlock so that Sherlock returns to his original self and just accept your death even with the reluctance to accept such news even though it has been 3 months since your death.
John sighed before knocking on the door of the flat to attract the attention of Sherlock who had been rubbing and mumbling into the skull. Sherlock immediately looked towards the door before smiling and standing. Hugging the skull tightly to his chest and walking towards John with a wide smile.
oh, if only that smile could last a long time.
"ah, John hi!. long time no see. how are you with Mary now? I presume Mary will soon give birth to your first child isn't it? isn't that excited. come in, let me make tea for you. after all Y/n haven't seen you for a long time right?. " greeted Sherlock as he gently patted his good friend's shoulder before walking over placing the skull on his leather chair and walking into the kitchen section to make tea.
John just smiled sadly at Sherlock before walking into the flat and sitting on his old chair. yeah, he hasn't set foot in the flat for months so he's a little awkward with the current situation even though he's lived in this flat for a few years before moving out with Mary.
John looked at the skull that Sherlock had placed on the leather chair in front of him. Although, you're gone, the flat still looks clean and tidy. Maybe Mrs. Hudson helped tidy up a bit of the flat or maybe Sherlock tidy up the flat himself.
"You good? Here's your tea." Sherlock asked John as he handed John a cup of tea.
Afterwards, he walked over and lifted the skull before he sat down in his leather chair with the skull held tightly by him. John sipped his tea slowly before placing the cup of tea on the table next to his chair and looked at Sherlock before sighing slowly.
"I .. yeah I'm fine .. Mary too. I .." John stopped before closing his eyes tightly and taking a deep breath. After that, he opened his eyes and looked at Sherlock..
"Listen, Mycroft called me to come to his office earlier, he wanted me to make sure you didn't do something out of control .. you know .. what happened before .." John explained reluctantly to continue his conversation with Sherlock.
Not because he's reluctant, he's just .. afraid of what will happen after he tells Sherlock that he needs to be himself again .. be Sherlock Holmes again .. The famous Consulting Detective .. and hopefully he can accept your death .
Sherlock raised an eyebrow with a confused expression. 'What happened before?'
"What do you mean by 'what happened before'? And Mycroft told you to come to make sure I don't do anything out of control? Please, I won't do anything out of control because Y/n is always with me .. why do I want to do things out of control while Y/n is always taking care of me. " Sherlock replied with a raised eyebrow. strange, with his good friend who suddenly said so.
John sighed tremblingly as he massaged the bridge of his nose.
"Look, you have to stop being like this. You have to be yourself again .. stop with all this .. this is not you anymore, Sherlock ... do you remember what happened to Y/n 3 months ago? .. Y /n Holmes the love of your heart, Sherlock Holmes's beloved wife is already ... dead. " stop John trying to fight himself from crying.
Sherlock looked at John with widened eyes while hugging the skull tightly to his chest.
It's not possible .. if you're dead, how can you be by his side every day unless- only his mind can still imagine you again.
Sherlock looked at John with an angry look on his face before standing up, hugging the skull tightly to his chest and looking at John with watery eyes.
"You're lying, if Y/n is dead. How can she be with me every day? How can she talk to me every day, how can I hug her and kiss her every day?" Sherlock protested with tears already falling down his cheeks. He can't accept the news of your death anymore. He just wants to be with you ... forever.
John shook his head and stood up and held Sherlock's shoulders tightly. With such a sad face, John opened his mouth reluctantly.
"It's just your imagination, Sherlock. It's your mind that makes you able to see her. Your wife. Why? Because you love her so much and you have a lot of memories about her. It's all about her. It doesn't matter what. everything about her is still in your mind .. still in your mind palace. That's why you imagine her will always be by your side. because you don't want to let her go ... you don't want to accept her death because you can't do anything without her, right? hmm? because you were afraid at first that you wouldn't be able to live without her .. you're afraid of being alone right? "said John unaware that tears were starting to fall down his cheeks.
Sherlock began to sob as he hugged the skull tightly as if he was hugging you and crying on your shoulder like a little boy crying on his mother's shoulder. John began to take the skull from Sherlock's hand slowly and placed the skull on the table next to Sherlock's leather chair.
John tentatively raises his arms, perhaps hesitating momentarily for fear of being rejected, then slowly puts his left hand onto Sherlock’s arm and his right hand onto his back before sliding it upwards to gently cradle his neck. He moves closer, sliding his left arm up to hold Sherlock’s shoulder. Sherlock put his head on John's shoulder with still sobbing and trembling cries. John began to rub Sherlock's back gently as if a father were coaxing his son just after his son fell from a bicycle.
"It’s okay." Said John softly to Sherlock.
"It’s not okay." Sherlock replied tearfully still trembling with his cries.
"No, don't say that. I know ... you miss Y/n..but I'm sure she's in a good place .. I'm sure she's happy to see you right now .. I'm sure she's happy after you accept that she's gone .. I know .. Sherlock .. I know .. "John whispered softly to Sherlock trying to stop himself from crying again.
"I miss her, John ..." Sherlock said sobbing.
John rubbed Sherlock's back again and again.
"I know, everyone misses her .. even Mycroft misses her too .." John said in a soft tone.
Sherlock Holmes, The Consulting Detective who is now crying on the shoulder of his good friend after John Watson told Sherlock that he needs to accept the fate where his beloved wife, his sunshine, the love of his heart, Y/n Holmes has passed away for being brutally murdered by a man in a gray wetswood suit. The last day where Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson is with you.
Perhaps, it's Moriarty but if not, then who?
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ajcrowlor · 2 months
Hii In your tags on the yaahoooo-ahhhh-hollyhark-makes-me-go-all-the you reblogged, what is DtA?
Down to Agincourt aka the 1.1M word WIP destiel Endverse AU that rewired my brain skdjfkfkf
not sure if you know abt the fic, it was started in like 2014/15 but i never heard abt it till after the SPN Renaissance of 2020 so i think it's popularity is more recent?
if you (or anyone else watching back home) doesn't know abt it, it's A Lot in terms of Things Happening and is? kinda hard to explain but basically after Lucifer kills Endverse!Dean and our Dean goes back to the main timeline, Endverse!Cas is the only survivor of the attempt to kill the devil... until he gets into a jeep to drive back to Camp Chitaqua and Dean, post-Godstiel arc Dean, is sitting in there without any memory of how he ended up in this timeline again, two years after the first time
it's basically abt Dean and Cas having to come to terms with losing each other and now being forced to live in close proximity with very different versions of the one they lost, with the Apocalypse maybe or maybe not happening in the background
it's about fighting a war just by continuing to exist because giving up isn't an option
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myulalie · 6 months
Author interview
@aceon-ice tagged me and I’m really looking forward to this, thank you ♥
1. How many works do you have on ao3:
165 and I am extremely upset because Alex Rider got more than Teen Wolf and I can’t seem to catch up D:
2. What's my total ao3 wc:
1 047 026. wow. apparently I wrote 400k in 2020 and I’ve been putting out between 100 and 200k every year since, just wow.
3. What are my top 5 fics by kudos:
Mixing business with pleasure (Explicit, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Alec has to go to the Seelie Queen herself and strike a deal, release Jace from the curse in exchange of… what, exactly? He has nothing to offer. Magnus Bane is the warlock who grants wishes. His father is a Prince of Hell after all, the demon of lust… maybe Alec has something to offer then.
Yeah this fic took off alright, I really liked the concept ♥
Eyes on Fire (Teen, Sterek, Teen Wolf)
When a rival pack goes after Scott and his friends, Stiles finds himself caught in the crossfire. With his subsequent turning to haunt him among other nightmares, Stiles has to learn how to control his new abilities and make something of a situation he never wanted for himself, much less with the tensions that linger in Beacon Hills since the awakening of the Nemeton. As he eventually figures out how to be a werewolf, he finally finds common ground with one Derek Hale, catching feelings as he goes. The unexpected alliance might be just what Beacon Hills needs to bring the established werewolf packs together once and for all.
This was my first reverse bang and I finally tried my hand at werewolf!Stiles, I had a lot of fun coming up with the fic to match the art.
Deepest Desires (give in) (General, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Were-cats are good luck by shadowhunters' standards, so when a black, jewelry covered cat appears at the Institute, Alec pays him his respects. He needs it, considering the messes Clary and Jace keep dragging him in. Alec certainly doesn't expect the were-cat to take a liking to him, and even less to start flirting with him...
Now I want to read it again haha
A piece of night sky (Teen, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Alec is doing his best to keep the city safe. With no support from the Clave, the New York Institute is desperately understaffed. He begins patrolling with help from the Downworld factions - which proves to be tricky at best, and becomes almost impossible when the werewolves start hunting Alec.  His siblings have no idea of what he’s up to at night and to keep them all safe Alec needs to keep it that way. Then, he meets the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Suddenly, patrolling also includes pop songs and bird puns in between watching someone's back when fighting demons. But, what’s one more secret to keep?
This was my first collab with a beta and an artist for a bang, I’m exceptionally proud of this one!
(Vir)Gin and Tonic (Mature, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Alec and Magnus have barely met when the High Warlock asks for virgin shadowhunter energy in exchange for Clary’s memories. Naturally, Jace offers Alec’s virginity. It doesn’t go according to plan.
The first fic in this list is actually a remix of this one with a slightly different take on virginity x)
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes, always! I just love interacting with other fans, it’s nice to know someone actually read your fic and noticed details or reacted to some choices you made in the narrative. Also it can be a great way to find new ideas and motivation, I wish I could be more invested in writing communities to keep those creative juices flowing.
5. What fic has the angstiest ending?
I’d say Dangerous Tastes (Explicit, Yalex, Alex Rider), it’s a bit of a star-crossed lovers romance and the ending is particularly bittersweet, albeit hopeful.
After a failed assassination attempt during his horse ride around the property, Alex gets a bodyguard against his will. He keeps flirting with danger from then on, even at the risk of getting his heart broken.
6. What fic has the happiest ending?
Oh, definitely 17 Suits (Explicit, Malec, Shadowhunters)! Alec and Magnus find common ground over the one thing that pushed them apart all throughout the story.
Magnus Bane, a sworn bachelor, receives his fair share of wedding invitations on a regular basis and makes sure his friends get through their weddings unscathed. One dark, wounded and mysterious Alec Lightwood is not going to rain on Magnus’ parade as he celebrates the best day of his loved ones’ lives.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not really, I don’t read them either. I do write fusion fics though, specifically Pokémon like I did with Idris Tour Sweethearts (General, Malec, Shadowhunters) for instance.
Alec is fascinated by dragon types and has learned everything about them in books. He’s always dreamed of finding them in the wild and see them for himself, but he never went on his journey with a Pokémon and now, it’s too late to travel the world. Except, is it? Alec’s siblings are all grown up, and he doesn’t have a job — or friends — to keep him in his hometown. He could leave and attempt to complete the Pokédex, hopefully meeting some dragons along the way. Maybe he’ll even find love, like so many Idris Tour sweethearts before him… But the winner of Pokémon beauty Contests, Top Coordinator Magnus Bane, couldn’t possibly want more than one night in Alec’s arms. Right?
8. Have you received hate on ao3?
No? but then I usually assume good faith so unless you’re insulting me or my mom I’ll either think the comment is clumsy but the person meant well, or just move on. 
9. Do you write smut?
Yeah, surprisingly. I was never really interested in smut, would even skip smut scenes for the longest time but eventually I found it useful in some stories and then I made a point of doing kinktober (Malec, Shadowhunters / Sterek, Teen Wolf) and smutember (Yalex, Alex Rider) just to figure out how to fit the prompts into some ideas and it’s been a lot of fun!
10. Have you had a fic get stolen?
I don’t think so or at least I’m not aware if there has been one. I did occasionally share ideas that got passed around and written by somebody else which is always uncomfortable but that’s on me for both sharing and not mentioning it wasn’t up for grabs lmao
11. Have you had a fic get translated?
Nope! I thought of translating a couple myself though, I’m just too lazy x)
12. Have you co-written a fic?
Several! Even though @spark-draws will deny it I do consider them a co-writer because they came up with a good chunk of the outline and I implemented major edits due to their feedback on The Mortal Instruments: Skyrim (Mature, Malec, Shadowhunters). 
Magnus and Alec are now enemies who have been saddled up with a mysterious quest to save Skyrim. Will rivalry, distrust and fierce and dangerous dragons get the better of them? Or will they find some much needed guidance on the slopes of the Throat of the World, where a mysterious brotherhood holds some of the answers they so desperately need?
I also recently worked on Vastly Different Things (Teen, Yalex, Alex Rider) with @polarnachtsblog as a thank you fic for our pinch-hitter in the Yalex Secret Santa. We literally wrote parts of the fic on our own then merged it all together with minor edits and transitions, it was a lot of fun!
Alex almost gets tossed from a helicopter into a river in Chile, and spends some quality time with a certain assassin.
13. What's your fav ship?
Right now I’m on a roll for Sam Carter x Ba’al (Stargate SG-1) but my one true pairing is definitely Helen Blackthorn x Aline Penhallow (Shadowhunters). I love them. so much.
14. What's a WIP you want to finish but never will?
I don’t know, I’ve completed WIPs several years after I started them so I tend to not consider a fic discontinued until I’ve deleted the fic from the platform, and considering most of my WIPs have not been posted anywhere… ;)
15. What are my writing strengths?
I’m really good at “getting it done” I think because productivity breeds productivity. If you get started and power through long enough, it becomes easier and you can keep going and enjoy yourself while you’re at it!
Same with edits, I’m not afraid to change things (although I can be lazy). It also applies to plotting/outlining, I’m an excellent planner, sometimes too much of a planner though.
Style wise I’ve been told I’m good at writing fight scenes and setting, I do enjoy my descriptions!
16. What are my writing weaknesses?
I’ve always thought I’m terrible at dialogue!
I can get stuck in a writing slump from too much planning.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages on ao3?
I used to really like it, especially since I’m bilingual myself. I wanted to use some fancy script to have the translation appear when you hover or link it to the notes and then back to the exact line in the story but I couldn’t figure it out xD
Nowadays I like the much simpler “POV character doesn’t speak the language” or “blah blah blah, they said in French”. You get it or you don’t x) 
18. What's the first fandom you wrote for?
Either Naruto or Harry Potter, let’s say Harry Potter because there is a completed fic I can actually remember lmao.
19. What fandom/ship have you not written but want to?
Definitely Stargate SG-1 these days because I’m on a Sam/Ba’al binge!
20. What's your fav fic you've written?
Right about now it’s Blue for Brooklyn (Teen, Malec, Shadowhunters) but it may change depending on my mood!
Asmodeus is a legend among Shadowhunters and Magnus has a duty to the Downworld. When a renegade warlock unleashes a powerful demon in the streets, he has no choice but to get involved.
Tagging: @polarnachtsblog @geekmom13 @brightasstars @sterekxhale @countessrivers @1lostone @strangesoulmates @kelkblr @lastlymatt @ravenjames @junemermaid @freesirius4life @turtlesnails
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z-haven · 3 months
Memory In The Letter ep 1
(just thoughts and some quick readings done)
Memory in the letter references The Siam Renaissance which is a 2004 fantasy film that's an adaptation of the 1986 thai novel Thawiphop by Thommayanti. Thawiphop is about a young woman who went back in time through a magic mirror.
Sounds kinda familiar doesn't it? Aksorn doesn't go back in time but through the mirror he can see that Songjam is from a different time period.
One of the important things about this novel is that it's used as an example of Thai nationalist thought. Basically absolute monarchy is dismantled and nationalism is promoted. Films during 2020 were also used to promote Thai patriotism and this was through a series of war films endorsed by the Prime Minister during that time. But really the series isn't about war films but someone like Aksorn who loves literature would also appreciate the use of films for imagination/promote a message/learn about history, the world etc. Which is in contrast to how his father would view literature and film for that matter. Maybe Aksorn's father represents the monarchy where it's total obedience and Aksorn is resisting that.
There's also De Profundis by Oscar Wilde. So I did a quick read up on it (too lazy to read the entire thing anyways) and found some stuff I could relate to this episode.
Both Oscar and Aksorn's mothers died.
While Oscar is a writer, Aksorn is aspiring/hoping to be one. I don't know if he started yet.
There is a quote from the letter "I am completely penniless, and absolutely homeless. Yet there are worse things in the world than that. I am quite candid when I say that rather than go out from this prison with bitterness in my heart against the world, I would gladly and readily beg my bread from door to door."
If we focus on the bolded part of the quote and words 'homeless' and 'penniless' this is how it relates to Aksorn. We know Aksorn is not 'homeless' but he has 'shunned' his family home. That home has become a 'prison' for Aksorn just like Wilde has his own prison as well.
Maybe it's a stretch but I'm finding someone 'similar' between Oscar/Bosie (Lord Alfred Douglas) and Aksorn/Songjam.
Oscar had written that letter to Bosie but was not allowed to send it to him. But let's say that he was allowed to send the letter - Oscar is trapped by the prison he's in, there's a distance between him and Bosie and to bridge that distance he writes a letter to him. Aksorn and Songjam are 'close' in their developing relationship and that they could sit against the mirror and converse with each other but there is a distance in that they are from two different dimensions where they cannot access the other one (as far as we know).
There's also one thing that I've noticed which is the use of mirrors. We see it in the series as a barrier between dimensions and it's used as a time travel device in Thawiphop. However there's also references to it elsewhere, specifically with relation to Oscar Wilde. I found this excerpt through a translation of Oscar Wilde's Salome:
"No, no, you would not have that. .... But I will look at you no more. Neither at things, nor at people should one look. Only in mirrors should one look, for mirrors do but show us masks." (edited to focus on the last sentence).
Through Memory and in the Letter and Salome I'm sure they're both referencing mirrors in the sense of reflecting an image. Before the comet hit, Aksorn would view the mirror as something used to show his reflection. In Salome, the mirror is used symbolically as something depicting an absence of masks. The character sees all else as fake and the mirror as showing him reality. Maybe the reflection shows what we are like inside.
However, ever since the comet hit his apartment, Aksorn no longer sees his reflection but the mirror has given him access to a whole new dimension. We're not able to see Songjam's world as yet so I'll address it through Aksorn's side. Aksorn is sort of living two lives now. The one where he goes about his daily life that Songjam cannot be a part of and the other where it's just Aksorn and Songjam and no one else. If anyone else enters his room, would they see Songjam or their own reflection. Is access to the world through the mirror only for them?
I've heard this series is only 6 episodes so I'm interested in seeing how this mini series progresses.
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coraxaviary · 5 months
Life Update(s)
Hi!! I don't know who's still hanging around in this specific fandom corner, but this post goes out to you. Or, specifically, anyone still waiting for a fic update.
Sorry, there's only bad news, I think. In this phase of my life, I think it's safe to say I'm not going to be continuing Run the Gauntlet or any other iterations of the Sister-in-Arms storyline, including my other characters. Maybe no fanfiction in general for a while (or forever).
If you ever knew me from back in 2020 (Discord, here, AO3, etc), I have nothing but fond memories of when we'd workshop stories, share fanart, and just be happy together about HBO War in the literal dark void of that cursed year. I think the fact that it was so cursed was the only reason I was ever able to start or write so much of SiA. In a way, I think SiA is very cursed also, as a result of it being created within my covid headspace. These days I'm gearing up for a MS degree, preparing to graduate, and busy doing various spontaneous things that, tbh, are much more fun than banging out a thousand words a day in a dark room at midnight, even if I do still love to slip back into the I-am-June-in-my-mind headspace every now and then.
I apologize again for the sustained waiting for something I just didn't have the endurance to finish. It was a good run but it didn't end up amounting to a finished epic. That's okay. I learned more than I ever have before about the art of writing through the process, and am a better writer for it. Hopefully my first actual finished longpiece is going to end up on your local library fantasy-sci-fi shelf someday, under a different name. You won't even know it's me :)
Bye, guys! Thanks for a good time.
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storyshark2005 · 7 months
Young Lex!
Thank you for the ask!! 💗I loved the idea of this fic, I wish I was actively working on it. But it's basically a Smallville AU, "Lex dies in 2008. Clark doesn't deal well. Flash forward to 2020 he finds a 15-yr old clone of Lex Luthor". So here's the opening scene!
May 2008 - Luthor Mansion Smallville, Ks
If you stayed on the roads, without cutting across Potter’s field, and then Sutton’s land, it was a two mile walk from the Kent Farm to the Luthor Mansion. Clark could make the run in less than a minute, and it was even faster to fly. But today, it would take him forty minutes. 
He could, and maybe should, have taken the truck. But the sun was high and hot in the bluebird sky, the field grass was tall (green stalks with rusty brown fingers), and the air was filled with the sounds of Petefish’s tractor planting his back field along Elk Creek. It would be soybeans, since last year he’d planted corn. All of this filled the quiet minutes of the walk, and Clark thought of his father, of riding around on the tractor in his lap; he thought of his old favorite calf Cookie, her silky brown nose and the giant fans of her eyelashes.  He thought of Lex. And then tried to push it away because in a few minutes, that would be all he could think about. The rest of the day was dedicated to slogging around the trenches of memory, dim and murky, and corrosively bitter.  The air rumbles and Clark ambles off to the side of the road where the gravel is banked up; the road is narrow so he’s practically standing in the ditch when the silver Jeep Compass slows, crunching to a stop.  “Can I give you a ride?”  Lucas Luthor (or, Clark’s not sure what name he’s going by these days) squints through the lowered window. He hasn’t changed much, but he does look older; hair softer and a bit thinner, no gel. He’s softer in the face, too, less wary around the eyes. Clark kicks gravel over the toe of his boot. “I was gonna walk.”   “I think Tess is already there. She’s probably waiting. She is. Clark can hear her, almost a mile away, speaking on her phone with a paper thin voice. Clark nods and goes around to the passenger door. The lock clicks over and he climbs in. The air conditioning is on low, and the car smells new. Probably a rental. “We just flew in last night. I left Amanda at the hotel, I figured... I dunno. I didn’t want to bring anybody. It didn’t seem right, I guess.” Clark nods, elbow propped in the open window as they crunch slowly along, not kicking up much dust. “Amanda’s my wife,” Lucas clarifies. Band of gold on his left hand, curled up under his temple. His right hand held the bottom of the wheel loosely, keeping the speedometer under forty; Clark wondered when that particular Luthorian impulse had evaporated, why it had stayed with Lex till the end, what it meant that it had. Probably nothing. “I dunno, it’s not like he’d care. It doesn’t...” It doesn’t matter. Clark stares out the window, at the first peek of the elm trees at the end of the drive.  “We talked a lot, the past few years, you know. Not so much this year, actually. But the past few, we’d talk every month. Sometimes every week. He did a lot for me. Helped me get on my feet, kept Dad’s people away. He kept trying to move me around, but then I met Amanda in Knoxville, and I told him, I don’t give a fuck what Dad thinks he can try. I found the girl I’m going to spend the rest of my life with, I’m staying here. He told me she must be a hell of a girl. Asked if she had a sister.” He grins over at Clark, looks away when Clark doesn't summon a smile back.  “Anyway. Thanks for coming today, Clark.” “It’s fine.” Clark has to clear his throat. He hasn’t talked a whole lot the past few days, except to his mother once, and Tess on the phone a couple of times; and then only barely, he’d mostly listened. “Just...want to get it over with.” “Right,” Lucas nods. “Yeah.” They turn into the driveway, and the elms stretch upward with the slow rise of the hill, the stony crown of the highest turret rising into view.  The past becomes present.
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chriscdcase95 · 4 days
Unlife is Strange: “Double Exposure” update  
So while I’m preparing the next chapters for Unlife is Strange, I thought I’d make an update post. Especially with Life is Strange: Double Exposure being announced.
Having worked on Unlife is Strange since 2020, I only had only one real curveball in 2021, when True Colors was announced. Before that, I had an entirely different arc for Steph Gingrich, writing her to be Rachel’s love interest. 
When True Colors was released, I ended up doing a full revamp of Steph’s arc and role; even giving her a power explaining how Steph could live her canon life, and go through what she did in the fic. In the current story, I’m even including Alex and Steph in the main plot. 
Will Double Exposure get the same treatment ?
That's actually a tough one. The easy answer would be “No” because Unlife's version Max and/or Chloe lived a radically different lived than what Double Exposure presents…but at the same time, the deal that applies to Steph could apply here.
Spoilers below
In Unlife is Strange, this is what happened with Max and Chloe.
In the “Route A” chapters — following a “Sacrifice Arcadia Bay/Parting Ways” timeline — Max and Chloe settled down in Seattle. Max is finishing school, and Chloe is a stay at home mom, raising their two year old son, William “Bill” Price Caulfield. 
In “Route B” chapters  — following a “Sacrifice Chloe/Redemption” timeline, Max is still raising Bill as a single mom, and working photography jobs, though not as prolific as Double Exposure presents her. Chloe has also awakened as a vampire shortly after her death…and has seeing Max in secret for years, while Max publicly keeps up the façade of Chloe being long dead.
It also turns out both Max and Chloe were involved with the Federal Bureau of Control (from Control) some time between 2014 to 2020, before Max retired…and eventually pulled back in. The full details will be revealed in future chapters. Point is, it doesn’t really fit where we see Max in Double Exposure.
The easy thing would just be to discount it, but my solution to include True Colors may work both ways. Which brings us back to Steph, and where it gets interesting.
Like I said, when I originally wrote Steph into this story, I planned for her to be Rachel’s love interest. When True Colors came out, I found a way to make it work and gave Steph a power of her own.
In Unlife, we’re introduced to a Steph who went on to become a stage actress in LA, and got into a toxic relationship with a rich and powerful influencer, before reuniting with Rachel after the latters vampire resurrection. This Steph had a troubled relationship with her father and stepmother, and hasn’t even heard of Haven Point…
Before  we eventually find out, Steph has a supernatural affliction, in that she has a Tulpa; a version of her that lived a radically different life after Arcadia Bay, than her canon counterpart. The “real” Steph is the canon!Steph who became a DJ in Haven Point, fell in love with Alex Chen, and doesn’t recall being a stage actress. This causes Steph to disappear and reappear between two different lives, causing her to blink out of people’s memories depending on what life she goes too.
The Tulpa!Steph is the one who Rachel falls in love with. Steph and her tulpa self aren’t initially aware of eachother, but recall their “other” eachother’s lives as if they were dreams. In the current storyline, Alex and Steph try to get to the bottom of Steph’s affliction, with the FBC reaching out to them.
This should explain it better.
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So where does this leave Double Exposure ? As far as Unlife is concerned, it’s a radically alternate timeline. But depending on how it plays out, it may or may not be part of another tulpa effect. 
I may make my final decision when the game comes out, but don’t expect Safi to show up in Unlife any time soon.
TLDR: Maybe, but it won't be considered part of the fic's “main” timelines.
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platypusplayhere · 1 year
Thank you @dangerliesbeforeyou for tagging me, im mentioning all kinds of media bc I love to rant, I have a lot of love in my heart and I have trouble choosing just 8: (im making this on mobile hope it's readable).
Howl's moving castle (2004)
My first experience of gender envy, gender fascination, gender emulation for Howl, at a time I didn't even know that gender was a thing because I was like idek 7 years old.
Kiss of the rabbit god (2019)
A short movie, stumbled onto it bc of Tumblr. You honour, I simply love it.
Shrek (2001)
I'm not being ironic I'm very serious about this one. My mom used to braid my hair weekly when I was little and I constantly played this one, I know it by heart and I'm not joking. I freaking love this movie. Same goes for Mulan, Beauty and the beast, Charlie and the chocolate factory, and the whole Shrek franchise up to the 3rd one. (Gotta watch Puss in boots 1 and 2 tho.)
V for vendetta (2005)
This is a shout-out to 14 years old me who might have at some point based their personality around this movie or maybe they didn't, who's to say. I'm not sorry. Kinda still like it tho.
Corpse bride (2005)
There is an independent cinema in my hometown and they did run it often over the years. Bestie I don't know how many times I went to see this movie with my mother as a child. Recently learned about the Jewish origins of this myth and im a lil upset about the stolen storyline without the context. But some will say it's a Burton movie and they're right.
Valentine's day (2011)
First movie I went to see alone with my friends, I was like 12yo. Rewatched it again like 2 years ago, yeah it ain't that great but it's the memories right.
Father and soldiers (2022)
The last movie that made me cry. I hate war movies but my friends convinced me to go because it was less than 2 hours and I've been mad at movies being more than two and a half hours lately (looking at u House of Gucci, Doctor Strange 2) yeah, I cried my eyes out. It's not a perfect movie but the message is great and very moving. I don't like the English title because the original/French title directly refers the name of a group of African soldier recruited by France in its colonies during WWI -> "Les Tirailleurs" (if I remember well, the soldiers were recruited in every colonies but they left Africa from the Senegal and so all these soldiers are referred as Senegalese regardless of their actual origins). The English title is more fitting thematically wise I'll give you that.
Fulmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009)
Knew about it, was recommended by a dear mutual of mine on this very hellsite and yeah, ppl keep saying it's good because it just is.
I told sunset about you/ I promised you the moon (2020-2021)
If you read my tags u know how I rant about this show often. Watched it 2 years ago thanks to someone i follow on Tumblr (but im not really sure who it was anyway if you're a mutual thank you sm). My first foray into BL (back when I didn't even know what it was) and I couldn't be happier that I started with this. I don't have enough words to praise it. (currently writing a post about it tho, stay tuned for whenever I get around to finish it (tell me if u wanna know when it's up), big up to Bad Buddy and To My Star too)
Honoured mentions bc I started making a list and had more than 8 and couldn't not mention them:
Other movies: O'brother, Love and Leashes, God's own country, Jackie Brown, The big lebowsky (idek if I like this movie but I needed something to base my personality around when I was 15yo)
The book The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo, I'm gonna keep my rant about how the English title is a misunderstanding of the book locked and not even start it.
Alice isn't dead and The Magnus archives (although they're podcasts and I haven't quite finished them, the first seasons are exquisite)
Welcome to Night Vale, I have a lot of episodes to catch up on (currently working on that) started listening like in 2016 then stopped around idek 2 years ago. Some of these episodes are masterpieces ( some I know by heart: Guidelines for disposal, Love is a shambling thing, What happened at the Smithwick House, If he had lived, and The Pilot ofc)
the ballet Swan Lake (1995, 2012) by Matthew Bourne. I don't have enough words. I'll just say it's on youtube.
.....and many more im not think abt rn
*acts surprised* this became a real long post, real quick
(That's why I take a lot of time to answer those lmao, shout out and thank you to the ppl who tag me in these and then I take a lot of time to answer)
Tagging these people and anyone who wants to do it can mention me: @sherlockig @dontbesoevil @lordmeowdemort @namelessbeing @hairbackc0llarup @comrademichael @johnlockdynamic @lovelywickedsoul @frenchsiren
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honeyblockm · 1 year
The Death Poem, Part One: L'Manberg
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Masterpost | Part Two: New L'Manberg | Part Three: Empowerment | Part Four: Legacy
8/2/2020: Eret betrays L'Manberg in the final control room
Even the first of them still had time to turn
and face down 
the sword sting of danger 
Death arrived from out of the dark
Opening black doors Holding black steel
The cut is clean The floor washed 
in bodies seeking 
out the ends of the narrow walls
In its construction you had almost thought you
were hauling stones for a sarcophagus 
but this is no painted effigy:
The boy's eyes see everything in one second and are glass the next 
Teeth bared 
in the manner of sobbing children
His red hair, you noted, grew redder still
8/2/2020: Tommyinnit bets L'Manberg's independence on a duel
I’m familiar enough with blood paying blood
paying blood For country, men
have spilled much more than that
Blood is not the price I worry about
This is not a bid for honor. What I ask
flies straight 
and does not miss
9/22/2020: Wilbur is killed shortly after his banishment
Run down in the streets:
that’s what this is 
we match,
death for death.
Ugly thing, to turn my back to you
hiding my face so I could not see 
L’Manberg shrinking behind me
Or was it so you could not see me?
10/16/2020: Tubbo is executed at the Red Festival
Before the day had set the smell of festival food
lingered In the audience, in the wings of the stage
Flushed from speaking and dancing
the vice president laid an arm across my shoulders
Pulled me to the podium
There, I could see everything
Earlier the fireflies had come out
though their signals 
were hard to see There will be bigger spectacles 
before night pulls over the cloak
I recall, he originally conceived it as a signal flare
In case you need help
it’ll be better
than screaming
I’m told there was retaliation 
after the fireworks The banners left
burning Stalls tipped over Charcoal marks
            in the grass
(for these things 
I was not present)
Small consolation: a gap left in the concrete
just big enough for my face
There, I could see everything
10/17/2020: In the White House, Quackity fires a gun at JSchlatt
the bullet goes in from the back, 
solemn as a tall drink on a dark night
all alone
haven’t had one of those 
in a long time, come to think of it
the exit wound is more your style, I'd say.
to put it simply--
your frontal bone explodes
brains staining the carpet
you and I know better than anyone 
an execution doesn’t come out in the wash
I’d have cried, but not today
since you were pulling the house down
anyways and 
killing a man with his back turned is
sordid, I know, but if playing dirty is what
got me here then 
dirty is how I’m getting out,
thank you 
11/16/2020: Jack Manifold is slain by Wilbur Soot
Just to see if you could 
before it was too late to decide
not to die 
The house was empty
when I came to
11/16/2020: JSchatt swallows butane in the Camarvan
What better way to die than surrounded by friends
enemies, old compatriots, my wife
at my vehicular bedside?
And here I thought 
I’d face the music all alone
My chest aches, 
a symptom I welcome
This country’s got a propensity for driving men 
to purposeful ends, we go
You’ll see in a minute
I’m never wrong
Care to entertain an ailing man 
some prewar spirits
a toast
old memories
the last word?
11/16/2020: Wilbur Soot kills his country and then himself
now that I’m out of the ravine I can see clearly
the whole country At least I think that’s all of it 
This city used to have a shape Without the walls 
it’s hard to tell where L’Manberg ends and where
the rest of the world picks itself back up 
Leaving our little peninsula behind Even the river
has flooded its banks and the salmon swim sideways
Now I must turn myself out too Maybe chase the
retreating forests A child’s memory My jacket shrugged
over my shoulders like peeling beds of silt Pooled at 
the entrance of the room where my father always
tripped over it and will again Without this room these
signs a redstone line reeling me in it’s hard to tell 
where the President ends and where Wilbur drives off into the
the setting dusk In his chest a bursting song
he is as happy as before
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antimonyandthyme · 1 year
hi athy, just wanna send you 💗💖💞💓💝 for banging out banger after banger au hcs sent your way.
one au that has been rattling around my brain was a sebchal, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind au. would love your take on it. 👀👀
My dear dear movie anons, you are so precious to me! I’m loving all these aus so much they’ve never even crossed my mind before, thank you for the idea! I had such a nice think about this one and I hope you enjoy.
1. Set after the Ferrari split in 2020. Every time Sebastian thinks of the team he used to (still) loved, it’s like picking a wound that’s not been fully scabbed over, and getting blood all over his fingernail for his troubles. It’s not a good feeling at all. An idea, why doesn’t he just erase the memories of his time in Ferrari? He can go back to loving them without any of the pain. He can return to racing without any of this baggage weighing on him. So he goes to the memory erasing company Forget/Be Happy and very specifically outlines what he wants gone. Only the parts where he raced for Ferrari. And it’s not as if he doesn’t know he’ll eventually relearn some details of his time in Ferrari; he’s going back to the grid next year and obviously word will get back to him that he spent years dressed in red. The whole point of deleting the memories is to delete the soreness that comes with them. Whatever else important, he can relearn again. With this in mind, he does the procedure.
2. So much of Ferrari was spent with Charles. Sebastian goes back to the paddock and knows who Charles is, but doesn’t know him. Not in the ways that matter at least. Charles follows after him and inquires after Sebastian’s break, and Sebastian answers politely instead of cracking a dad joke. Charles brings up an hourglass challenge after Ferrari makes him do one with Carlos, Hey, remember that time? Sebastian goes, what time? Charles spots Sebastian from afar and waves, and Sebastian waves back, then turns and goes the other way, instead of coming over. Charles doesn’t understand it. It’s almost as if Sebastian’s forgotten him—oh.
3. Charles is… heartbroken. He doesn’t realize Sebastian’s asked to forget about his time at Ferrari, he thinks Sebastian’s asked to forget about him. My god. They fought and they hurt each other but Charles hadn’t believed it could’ve ever led to this. Was the message on the helmet just lip service? That doesn’t seem like Seb. But Sebastian walks past him and doesn’t smile like he used to and Charles is forced to consider that maybe it wasn’t as important to Seb as it was to him. I want to forget him too, he tells Forget/Be Happy. He’s being petty, he’s acting out in a childish temper, but Charles doesn’t see why he needs to be miserable and upset when Sebastian’s clearly gotten over their time spent together. The receptionist at Forget/Be Happy gives Charles a bland smile. Of course. This way, Mr. Leclerc.
Oh, that was the first time he met Seb. Oh wait, that was when Seb spoke up to the media about him. That’s Sebastian cradling his cheek. Oh, their clash on track. The apology in the hotel room, the tentative kiss. The drive out in the countryside. The fight where they dipped their knives in poison and slipped them under the other’s skin. The stupid stupid hourglass challenges. Charles, you are the most talented driver.
Wait, Charles screams from inside his head. Wait, wait I don’t want to do this anymore. Can anyone hear me? I don’t want to forget him. Not Sebastian. Stop this. Stop this now, please.
Outside, Mattia nods at the technician. Continue, he instructs, and they delete the memory of Seb from Charles.
4. Sebastian gets a funny feeling whenever he looks at Charles. He gets the sense that they should know each other better. But every time he tries to crack a joke, the guy does a full body flinch and then blushes, like it’s not been years since they’ve been in the paddock together. That’s right. It’s been years, hasn’t it? Years. They drove together. Surely they should be more familiar.
He asks Lewis about it. Lewis goes, Yeah, uhm. You kinda did something about that. Do you want to know or nah?
Sebastian gives him a puzzled look. Well of course I want to know. Why does he act like he doesn’t know me? And on that note, why does it seem like I don’t know him when I should?
Lewis chews his lip. Look up Forget/Be Happy, alright Seb? Personally I don’t think they deserve the second part of their name.
5. Sebastian gets the tapes of his memories sent back to him. Ah, fuck. Oh. Fuck.
He calls Lewis. Why did I ever think this was a good idea?
You were sad, Lewis says simply. And because Lewis knows him well enough, he adds, Don’t be angry at yourself. They put you through the ringer. It was fair of you to want to forget them.
Not him though, Sebastian says. I didn’t want to forget Charles.
I guess it’s all or nothing, Lewis says wryly. You don’t get the good without the bad. The light without the dark. The happy without the sad.
6. If I said I knew you, would you want to know more?
Charles looks at him curiously. But seb, we know each other. He says it almost shy.
Sebastian blows out a breath. Like know you know you. If I said I knew you better, would you want to know more?
Charles stares at him, when his expression breaks, and Sebastian catches a glimpse of something vulnerable, and something yearning. Of course, Seb.
Sebastian hands Charle the tapes he stole from Mattia. Give this a watch, he says hopefully. And if you can find it in you to forgive me… give me a call, alright?
Sebastian hands Charles the tapes he stole from Mattia. Give this a watch. And if you find it in yourself to forgive me… give me a call, alright?
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