#Lisa Owen
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filmap · 2 years ago
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Eisenstein in Guanajuato Peter Greenaway. 2015
Hotel De Sopena 10, Centro, 36000 Guanajuato, Gto., Mexico See in map
See in imdb
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movienized-com · 11 months ago
Mala fortuna
Mala fortuna (Serie 2023) #JorgeLópez #MacarenaAchaga #LisaOwen #DiegoKlein #CamilaValero #AdrianaMontesdeOca Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2023- (August) Genre: Comedy Hauptrollen: Jorge López, Macarena Achaga, Lisa Owen, Diego Klein, Camila Valero, Adriana Montes de Oca, Roberto Quijano, Fátima Molina, Ricardo Polanco, Silvia Pasquel, Octavio Hinojosa, Manuel Navarro, Antonia Zegers, Alberto Contreras … Serienbeschreibung: Ein Paar glaubte, alles zu haben – bis es die Realität erkannte. Die beiden müssen sich ihren…
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wide-eyedbrowns · 6 months ago
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he served nonetheless
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itsatorchwoodthing · 4 months ago
someone told me that the plot of cyberwoman is that ianto shouldnt have tried to save lisa, ok but what about love? what about trying to save the person you love? what about orpheus looking back?
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doctorwhommm · 7 months ago
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torchwood doodles (i definitely don’t have a favourite character)
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moon-kissed-films · 3 months ago
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Stills from the movie Ophelia (2018), adapted from Lisa Klein's novel, originally published in 2006, following the story of Shakespeare's Hamlet from Ophelia's perspective.
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cowpokezuko · 1 year ago
Worst Toxic Workplace Polycule
Been watching a lot of House MD and Torchwood and I would like to pose a question to the good people of tumblr.
Which toxic workplace polycule is worse?
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please rb for a larger sample size.
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leoruby-draws · 4 months ago
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Next up is Owen Mercer aka Boomerang Jr, son of Captain Boomerang and the speedster of the TrWh Outlaw team! Get ready for another long post you guys, god my hands are hurting this week arrughhh.
Owen's a fun character to draw and has a fun personality in general. He's more angsty and dark in the comics but since Digger finds out about him early on, Owen's much more happy in this au. Digger and Owen have a fantastic father-son relationship and Owen really looks up to him. Digger is so happy he found Owen but is kinda frantic on how to raise him, being a villain isn't the best job for a dad. Not sure what age Digger discovers him, maybe 10 or so?
That mini version of Digger's outfit is what Owen would've worn if he was discovered even younger (he's 4-6 in that doodle), preteen Owen would've found that outfit a bit too silly for his tastes tho.
Honestly I'm not sure if Owen even lives with him, since Digger is a rogue and probably in jail more often than not, Owen might still be in foster care. I don't remember if Owen was shown to be adopted in the comics, he was already shown to be an adult. Btw, concerning Owen's age*, I'm slightly lowering his age to better fit with Jason's age group (he's 12 to Jason's 10). He, along with Jack Moore, are the oldest of the team, too bad Owen doesn't care about acting his age!
While Owen loves hanging out with his father, he also likes to hang out with the Flash aka Barry Allen. Barry has been mentoring Owen on and off (much to Wally's dismay) and has been slowly pushing him towards heroism. He's knows Owen's got a good heart and see's that he has the potential to access the speedforce. Owen's a character that's caught between two worlds, rogue and hero. Does he want to follow in his father's footsteps or go follow Barry?
What a conundrum, but this is a problem he had in the comics. His struggle to figure what to do with his life. Actually, I think I heard somewhere he was actually created with the intent to replace Wally as the Flash but they dropped that plot point, leaving him adrift in the comics. Let me know if that's wrong tho!
Captain Cold aka Leonard Snart isn't helping matters as you can see in that vague threat up there, I'd like to better define that relationship between those two but I'd need to read more comics with Leonard to do that.
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Here I have Owen with some of his friends and his dad. I said in my last post with Rankorr, that he and Owen's friendship is a nod towards the famous Green Lantern/Flash partnership. Owen's always trying to get Jack to loosen up and have fun, Jack sometimes finds this annoying but is slowly letting Owen in his life. You can see up there Owen giving Jason a ride someplace, bet Jason wishes he took the bus lol.
You can see Owen gushing over Para Dice, his canonical girlfriend from Rebirth. Owen at some point meets her in Australia and has an instant crush on her. Para is a rather mysterious girl, but has taken a liken to Owen as well. Still too young for a proper romance tho, plus Owen would need to sharpen up his speed skills if he wants to make this LDR work.
There's Digger training Owen in the art of the boomerang, rogue or hero, any son of Cap. Boomerang will be a learn to toss a good boomerang!
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Another drawing of these two, aren't they adorable?
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Here's Owen bother poor Lisa Snart aka Golden Glider. Owen can be a little insensitive, tho he's never actually malicious in intent (usually). Always thought it was weird that Lisa was considered a candidate for Owen's mother, she didn't seem old enough for that (Owen was like early twenties). Anyways Lisa thinks he's an annoying little twerp...
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...and not the only one. Here's Owen bothering poor Jesse. Also you can see I messed up on her shirt design, wasn't really thinking about what I was drawing I guess. I do that sometimes lol.
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On the nature of Owen's and Jason's relationship, they seem to quite like each other. Neither of them had many friends before the team, and find easy camaraderie in having simple boyish fun together, which is something they kinda needed in life. You'll sometimes see them making complex plans for the next prank (Lori is invited as well).
In team dynamics, Jason can find Owen tendency to not take fights seriously kinda annoying. While Owen can sometimes disregard Jason's leadership (should Jason be leader that day I mean) due to him being younger. Friction isn't common between them though, perhaps because they got a lot in common.
From being caught between opposing morality, difficulty in finding a niche in the DC comics, even in trying to discover who their mothers are. Its can be validating to know people who understand what your going through.
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Little more focus on Owen's relations, I said that Barry has been trying to steer Owen towards good but I also think that Barry just thinks that Owen is just a fun little guy in general. I'd think they get along pretty well, Wally looks so pissed tho. There was this one comic where Hal had Wally as a sidekick for a day and Barry was pretty jealous. Guess the reverse is happening here. Wally's a favored target for Owen's pranks, so this whole situation is just very annoying to him.
Here's Digger introducing Owen to the rogues, Leonard looks befuddled at all this (Digger got a girl preggo? crazy).
Wanted to have Digger and Owen watch cartoons together, so I looked up Australian cartoons, found something called Bluey. Apparently it's super popular, even adults like it. So I found some free cartoons on youtube and yeah. It really is that good. Look it up if you want to see some fun, relaxing cartoons with smart writing!
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To finish off this mass of words, here's Owen being a goofball with Eddie and Jason. I'm slowly finding that Owen's got a pretty fun dynamic with most anyone I draw him with. So that's been fun.
All this and I still haven't gone into Meloni and Bart, but it's best if I leave that for later. Anyways, hoped you like all that!
*About Owen's age, the comics never specified what his age actually was. All I know he's in his twenties but still younger than Dick's age group. Young enough to be unsure of his place in the world, but old enough that his 'relationship' with Kara to be weird. I guess it'd be less weird in my au with a smaller age gap, but that's still not happening.
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lanawinterscigarettes · 11 months ago
i love projecting onto all of my favorite characters. sorry but they're gay and trans and autistic what are u gonna do about it
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thinkertkstrand · 7 months ago
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they might not of been perfect parents but they did try
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tarlosstory · 17 days ago
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iantoscoffee · 7 months ago
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ianto was one of the few torchwood one employees who survived the fall of canary wharf and witnessed her girlfriend dying; he held her in his arms: she kept breathing, her heart kept beating but the light in her eyes turned into a black hole, a void that consumed her humanity and left her body soulless. ianto knew that he had lost her nevertheless he let love and hope blind him, he had been blindfolded by the delusion that somehow he would get her back but he did not, instead he got his blindfold taken off the moment his once-so-loved-girlfriend spilled innocent blood.
he felt lonely, empty and without a purpose. all he had done was to get her back but in the end he let a heartless and ruthless murderer on the loose and so he blamed himself for the deaths on those unlucky who fell victims to her, no, to it. he blamed himself for being utterly delusional, or hopeful?
he had nothing left but an aching heart and guilt weighting on his shoulders that he tried to get rid of by putting an end to his life, a miserable and worthless life. the pain was tearing him apart but not enough to push him to do it, was it fear? was he a coward? what was certain though was his fall: he was falling and no one seemed to care or even notice.
no one except jack of course. ianto tried his hardest despite being at his worst: « i am broken » he let it out, for the first time he let the pain leave his body for a spilt second, it came back with his next breath.
the pain was unbearable, his thoughts impossible to control, he needed something, he needed to feel something, anything. he needed jack, because only jack could fog ianto’ s mind and take ianto somewhere far away from all the loneliness and guilt somewhere where jack would give ianto everything he needed: excitement, desire, lust, warmth, love. — a gate-away from the painful past, the sickening present and unknown future.
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movienized-com · 1 year ago
Más alla de ti
Más alla de ti (Serie 2023) #AriadneDiaz #SebastianRulli #DominikaPaleta #LisaOwen #GustavoSanchezParra #SalvadorSanchez Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2023- (Mai) Genre: Krimi / Drama Hauptrollen: Ariadne Díaz, Sebastián Rulli, Dominika Paleta, Lisa Owen, Gustavo Sánchez Parra, Salvador Sánchez, Patricia Reyes Spíndola, Arturo Ríos, Nacho Tahhan, Anna Silvetti, María Perroni … Serienbeschreibung: In ihrem Bestreben, ein stabiles Zuhause für ihren Sohn zu finden, begibt sich Amy auf einen verzweifelten Weg, um das Sorgerecht zu…
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louisbxne · 1 year ago
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ABBOTT ELEMENTARY 1x11 - "Desking" (2022) Dir. Melissa Kosar
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kaliesuriens · 3 months ago
Man I swear If god give me the hability to draw and to animate properly, and money to hire voice actors, I would make trailers for the rogues, like the mercs from Team Fortress 2.
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cool-abed-filmz · 1 year ago
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i had a thought during my english class on thursday, tweeted about it, and HAD to draw it
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