ladyceej · 10 days
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ladyceej · 12 days
Note: I'm a 1997 baby, so obviously my choices are largely influenced by what was popular when I was in school - and what was popular with my friend group.
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ladyceej · 12 days
i had a dream last night that kermit the frog died. it was on the news "kermit the frog, aged 96, has passed away peacefully in his sleep"
i turned to my mom like "how does that even work, he's a puppet?" she got really mad at me and said through tears "now's not the time, the frog JUST died. show some respect."
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ladyceej · 15 days
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ladyceej · 15 days
i will never forget or forgive any person who came out swinging against the internet archive. they deserve a lifetime of guilt and misery for their reactionary behaviors over a few fucking pennies
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ladyceej · 20 days
I feel like an update is due to everyone who has donated, and those that are invested in how my family is doing.  I’m going to be frank, August has been a horrible month.  At the beginning of the month, my mom took my dad to the ER and he was medevac transported to another hospital.  My mom has basically had to live at a cousin’s house and have a house sitter for her animals the whole month as doctors have tried to help my father.  Back in Alaska, our old man Diego stopped eating and became super cuddly.  This is a dog that does not like to be touched, so we knew this sudden shift in personality was concerning and we made him a vet appointment.  Our little man was in the process of total heart failure and the vet helped us say goodbye.  We’re still waiting for his ashes back, as the pet crematory is backed up.  The vet said they’d call us as soon as they get him back.  This week though, has been the hardest.  On Wednesday I was given the news that my dad is going to die.  They can not do anything else to help him, as every solution they’d normally do would kill him because of how much weight and strength he has lost.  My favorite aunt has donated miles to get me to Oregon to say goodbye, as my wife continues to get everything up here finished.  My emotions are at their lowest and I cannot imagine the pain my mother is feeling as she’s about to lose her husband, just before their 50th wedding anniversary.   
I think I’ve spent most of the month in denial that it was possible I was about to lose my father.  I don’t know what else to say other than thank you to those that have been helping.  
When I was a kid, I was going somewhere with dad, and his car started making a horrible noise. (As an adult, I know it was the belt squealing) and I asked dad if it meant the car was going to break down.  He calmly told me that the noise was an easy fix.  He turned up the radio so it would cover up the sound.  The song was Summertime by Janis Joplin. Not the most upbeat song to cover up a noise, but he cranked that volume way up.  He’d tell that story to everyone if they happened to be in his car and Summertime came on his playlist.  I wish it was that easy to fix everything.  At least I have the opportunity to say goodbye to him.  
Reblog to Help with an Urgent Request
I know the world sucks right now, and I actually feel guilty for thinking that being super stressed about my parents is urgent, but I'm not sure what I'll do if I lose one of them, and I wasn't there for them. https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-familys-urgent-move-to-oregon
That there link is a link to a gofundme, for me, to drive my animals across Canada and down to Oregon. Because one of my animals is an elderly Ewe, I don't have any other options for transport. I did think I could get her on a plane, but she is too big for a 500 crate and that is the limit the airlines will let her be. Body of the gofundme discription: I am trying to move my family out of Alaska to take care of my parents down in Oregon. Both my parents are going through cancer treatments, and my father is having a rougher go with it than my mother. I would like to move closer to them so not only will they have myself and my spouse closer to them in case of the worst scenario of losing them both (which it hopefully won't come to), but to also help them as neither can do as much as they use to in home maintenance, and whatnot. I need to be there for them and I'm thousands of miles away. It's starting to seem that it doesn't matter how much overtime I take, my paychecks don't allow me to save past paying monthly bills. The main thing I need help with on moving, are my elderly animals and transportation.
My vehicle will need repairs before I can drive it down the Al/Can highway. I will need to add a tow bar to the back of it. I will need a small livestock trailer to transport my elderly ewe. To cross over Canada, they will all need health certificates from the vet. Lastly, I will need some travel crates for my dogs/cat. I've done most of my pricing from Facebook Market Place and Craigslist to do most of this 2nd hand.
I'm just very stressed and worried about my parents and how I can't seem to get any closer to this goal of moving. They had already built a place for the sheep in the past when we first talked about moving closer. Once there, I'll find new employment, and live with my parents, helping with their bills, but being able to save to hire movers to bring my belongings from storage down to Oregon. I just need help to get my family down there.
I've shared photos of my Dad from 2019 compared to photos of him now with close friends (I don't think he'd appreciate me sharing them on a reblogable public tumblr) and he's lost about 150 pounds, most of that in just the past year. But what I can share, is pictures of said animals.
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This is Salt. She is 9 and has been a little lonely since our Ram, Dr. Livingston, passed away. She is the main reason this is such an expense. I'm not willing to give her to another person/farm that will likely turn her to mutton. I've had her since she was a lamb and we love her dearly.
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Here are the Doggos, Diego (14), Romeo (13) and Pepper (11). They're all up there in age, and will need health certificates and their regular vet check ups. I also plan on getting them hard sided crates from facebook market place or craigslist so they have some privacy on the way down. Diego is special needs, and prefers to be left alone. Romeo has a history of singing along with the radio, so I think he'd be the biggest stresser for Diego and also for the last passenger:
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Pumpkin is an 18 year old kitty. (Black cat in 2nd picture is Salem, who is no longer with us, I just really love that picture of them snuggling) She's a little grumpy and doesn't get along with Romeo and Pepper all that well. She ignores Diego and just tolerates the other two. She does get along pretty well with Salt though. So please pass this along. I really hope to get to my parents so I can help them out and hopefully not have to say goodbye over the phone.
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ladyceej · 20 days
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ladyceej · 21 days
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ladyceej · 1 month
I would love for this to break containment, haha.
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ladyceej · 2 months
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cosplay by choiya_izayoi
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ladyceej · 2 months
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Utena imagery but it's Umineko
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ladyceej · 2 months
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni ~Stage of the Golden Witch~ Ep.4 Character Posters Pt. 2
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ladyceej · 2 months
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni ~Stage of the Golden Witch~ Ep.4 Character Posters Pt. 1
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ladyceej · 2 months
is there any temptation greater than being in the hardware store and seeing the place where they have all the little cards for the colours
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ladyceej · 2 months
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Posters for National Theater of Korea's production of Macbeth, designed by Yuni Yoshida and photographed by Noh Juhan. [1][2]
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ladyceej · 2 months
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ladyceej · 2 months
Another week, another round of reblogging. I am super thankful for the friends and friends of friends that have been sharing my link.
Reblog to Help with an Urgent Request
I know the world sucks right now, and I actually feel guilty for thinking that being super stressed about my parents is urgent, but I'm not sure what I'll do if I lose one of them, and I wasn't there for them. https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-familys-urgent-move-to-oregon
That there link is a link to a gofundme, for me, to drive my animals across Canada and down to Oregon. Because one of my animals is an elderly Ewe, I don't have any other options for transport. I did think I could get her on a plane, but she is too big for a 500 crate and that is the limit the airlines will let her be. Body of the gofundme discription: I am trying to move my family out of Alaska to take care of my parents down in Oregon. Both my parents are going through cancer treatments, and my father is having a rougher go with it than my mother. I would like to move closer to them so not only will they have myself and my spouse closer to them in case of the worst scenario of losing them both (which it hopefully won't come to), but to also help them as neither can do as much as they use to in home maintenance, and whatnot. I need to be there for them and I'm thousands of miles away. It's starting to seem that it doesn't matter how much overtime I take, my paychecks don't allow me to save past paying monthly bills. The main thing I need help with on moving, are my elderly animals and transportation.
My vehicle will need repairs before I can drive it down the Al/Can highway. I will need to add a tow bar to the back of it. I will need a small livestock trailer to transport my elderly ewe. To cross over Canada, they will all need health certificates from the vet. Lastly, I will need some travel crates for my dogs/cat. I've done most of my pricing from Facebook Market Place and Craigslist to do most of this 2nd hand.
I'm just very stressed and worried about my parents and how I can't seem to get any closer to this goal of moving. They had already built a place for the sheep in the past when we first talked about moving closer. Once there, I'll find new employment, and live with my parents, helping with their bills, but being able to save to hire movers to bring my belongings from storage down to Oregon. I just need help to get my family down there.
I've shared photos of my Dad from 2019 compared to photos of him now with close friends (I don't think he'd appreciate me sharing them on a reblogable public tumblr) and he's lost about 150 pounds, most of that in just the past year. But what I can share, is pictures of said animals.
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This is Salt. She is 9 and has been a little lonely since our Ram, Dr. Livingston, passed away. She is the main reason this is such an expense. I'm not willing to give her to another person/farm that will likely turn her to mutton. I've had her since she was a lamb and we love her dearly.
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Here are the Doggos, Diego (14), Romeo (13) and Pepper (11). They're all up there in age, and will need health certificates and their regular vet check ups. I also plan on getting them hard sided crates from facebook market place or craigslist so they have some privacy on the way down. Diego is special needs, and prefers to be left alone. Romeo has a history of singing along with the radio, so I think he'd be the biggest stresser for Diego and also for the last passenger:
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Pumpkin is an 18 year old kitty. (Black cat in 2nd picture is Salem, who is no longer with us, I just really love that picture of them snuggling) She's a little grumpy and doesn't get along with Romeo and Pepper all that well. She ignores Diego and just tolerates the other two. She does get along pretty well with Salt though. So please pass this along. I really hope to get to my parents so I can help them out and hopefully not have to say goodbye over the phone.
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