#Lightworks free
longsilent · 2 years
Lightworks free
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It comes down to what you need most out of your free tool. The sleek interface is a pleasure to use, with intuitive actions for everything from simple splicing and locking tracks to multitracks and waveforms. The options you have for audio and video effects are staggering compared with other free tool options.Īnother neat perk with Shotcut is that there is no import required, thanks to their native timeline editing capability. They support a huge list of formats and even allow for mixing and matching resolutions and frame rates within a project.
Once you install it, you’ll enjoy multi-cam editing, simulation tools for everything from water to smoke to lasers, and even camera and object tracking. The downside? You are only given 32 tracks to work with to add your video, images, animations and audio, but the editor works fluidly to add effects, provide speed control, filters and much more. If you appreciate special effects, Blender is going to knock it out of the park for you.īlender is best known for it’s creative and advanced 3D animation capabilities, but this open source tool has some seriously powerful non-linear video editing functions, too. They also have manufactured and sell their own custom Lightworks keyboard, which is invaluable for editors working on professional or long projects.
The only thing the free version of Lightworks limits are your output formats, so for projects that are not intended for YouTube or Vimeo, you’ll need to upgrade to the $24/month subscription. The free and the pro (paid) version of Lightworks are identical in terms of functionality. That’s certainly another big takeaway, there are no limits on video length, something many free tools impose on their users.
Lightworks has done a really fantastic job of creating an online community that operates in a forum providing users with support on everything from YouTube commercials to full length films. It’s a powerful little video editor, great for simple projects, and OpenShot lets you enjoy unlimited tracks and layers. While there is no multicam editing function, OpenShot does incorporate a few unique features that are often left out of free software, like chroma key function and basic 3D animation tools for things like snow, lens flares or flying text. You can smoothly resize your clips, scale, trim, mix audio all with drag and drop, with real time previews. If you’re looking for something that will be very easy to use and quick to learn for short video projects, award-winning open source video editing tool OpenShot has you covered. We found the top 4 FREE video editing programs that work with Windows, Mac AND Linux. Our take? Don’t waste time digging around when we can do it for you! It’s also discouraging to find a video editing program that covers your needs - but then you realize it won’t work with your operating system (we see you in the back, Linux).
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freakinator · 3 months
unstable bois with audio and proper aspect ratio this time
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yourmomsmedium · 2 months
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light msg received
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pinkpearlgoddess · 9 months
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A little About Me:
• Leo 𓃭
• Tarot Reader For 8 Years 🕯️
• Healer
• BIG on Manifestation / LOA / VOID ✨
• Herbalist in training 🌿
• Based in London
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Free Readings: Closed (Will be open 12th February)
Exchange Reading: Only for 18+, must follow me to take part, must have an active blog, I’m also a light worker so I prefer someone with similar energy
Ask: Always Open for any questions (excluding readings, please see date above for that)
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thestuffiammadeof · 4 months
He wants to line the pond with concrete, layer cement blocks around the driveway, fill the earth around his home with more garbage than he found when he moved in. It goes against my very body. My bones, my blood. Am I to remain beholden to this poverty my whole life? How do I extricate myself from a cycle that I constantly fight against? “I don’t want to be a cog in a wheel,” she says, but can’t speak when her father tells her how and when to turn.
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battleangel · 3 months
Do We Even Give A Damn?
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US Supreme Court issued two key rulings within the past week: •Houselessnesss is now illegal •US Presidents have been granted immunity.
Houselessness Per Google: “Last week, the Supreme Court issued its opinion in Grants Pass v. Johnson, which makes it easier for communities nationwide to fine, ticket or arrest people living unsheltered, even when there is no adequate shelter available.”
They have criminalized being houseless even when there are no other options available.
Immunity •Granted US Presidents immunity — as long as the President states that s/he was acting in an official capacity regardless of crime(s) committed, they will be granted immunity.
Due to a literal average 3 second attention span — 3 seconds! — and instant collective amnesia — within a day, dead Boeing whisteblowers & Super Bowl Chiefs Parade shooting were instantaneously forgotten by the public who had already moved on literally by the very next day.
Theres always another show to stream, social media feed to scroll, youtube video to watch, Discord server to respond to.
They are completely emboldened now and are gearing up for an end game.
You do know who they is — right?
From Chicago Sun Times: “As disturbing as this agenda is, the most alarming and repellent policy proposal contained within Project 2025 is the restructuring of the federal government, eliminating the kind of public servants who stopped Trump from completely disassembling the Department of Veterans Affairs, overcame his resistance to expelling Russian spies, deterred him from shooting racial justice protesters, derailed his plan to deploy the military against migrants and kick undocumented children out of schools and deflected his suggestion to drop nuclear bombs into the eyes of hurricanes.
The Heritage Foundation, which produced Project 2025, grew out of the mid-1970s movement to protect racially segregated schools. The first battle it waged was against a school district’s adoption of multicultural textbooks — “n- - - - er books,” as some opponents called them.’'
Why is Orbán their model? Because he showed them how to use elections to undermine democracy and ensure perpetual power for his team,” historian Nancy McClean said. “How? Orbán purged the civil service and refilled it with obedient loyalists. He got the Constitution altered. He completely dominates. And this is what Heritage wants to see happen in the United States.”
Hitler did it too — look up Night of The Long Knives.
Knives Out.
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I want you to know He's not coming back Look into my eyes I'm not coming back
So knives out Catch the mouse Don't look down Shove it in your mouth
If you'd been a dog They would've drowned you at birth Look into my eyes It's the only way you'll know I'm telling the truth
So knives out Cook him up Squash his head Put him in the pot
I want you to know He's not coming back He's bloated and frozen Still there's no point in letting it go to waste
So knives out Catch the mouse Squash his head Put him in the pot
Thom Yorke: “It’s partly the idea of the businessman walking out on his wife and kids and never coming back. It’s also the thousand yard stare when you look at someone close to you and you know they’re gonna die. It’s like a shadow over them, or the way they look straight through you. The shine goes out of their eyes.”
Its like a shadow over them.
The shine goes out of their eyes.
Project 2025. Modern Power Project.
The Democrats naturally have their own Project 2025 — Modern Power Project.
You dont actually think the two parties are different. Do you?
You didnt actually waste your time watching the debate. Did you?
Why is Netanyahu addressing Congress on July 11th after murdering 50k Palestinians since October 7th when 1,700 Israeli civilians have been killed since October 7th?
Dont those numbers seem uneven to you?
Thats not a war or a two-sided conflict — its a genocide that the US is funding to the tune of $4 billion a year in aid to Israel and supplying the weapons & bombs for via Boeing, Raytheon, Northrup Grumman & local mid-western weapons manufacturers.
Netanyahu gets the bully pulpit & gets to address Congress.
What does a murdered 6 year old Palestinian child, Hind Rajab, get?
International investigation into her murder confirms she was killed in “deliberate” Israeli fire.
Still, the US refuses to condemn Israel, refuses to stop funding the genocide and arming the IDF in their merciless butchering of my Palestinian brothers and sisters.
Whats going on?
62 House Democrats voted no last week to recognize the current civilian death toll in Palestine.
Why do you think that is?
As we move into the 4th of July “celebration” of a genocidal white supremacist police state based off of brutalism, slavery, militarism, racism, patrimony, patriarchy, misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, the ethnic cleansing of indigenous peoples, the powers that be want you to forget about the genocide in Palestine that YOU are funding with YOUR taxpayer dollars if you work a W-2 job or if you made more than $400 last year via freelancing or entrepreneurship.
That is the vast majority of adult Americans DIRECTLY funding the genocide in Palestine that is literally being livestreamed in real time on our phones on social media.
Enjoy your fucking fireworks.
Democrats Project 2025: “There’s also the awkwardness that surrounds any trend that serves to increase the identification between a private nonprofit and a sitting government — something that may be a boon to a particular think tank that wants to look influential, but can be uncomfortable for those who think about the policy ecosystem writ large.”
“My concern with ‘left’ or ‘right’ talent banks is that they would fuel the idea/narrative that the state is being captured,” said Enrique Mendizabal, whose On Think Tanks (https://onthinktanks.org/) studies think tanks themselves."
Were being set up.
And they know people are too distracted scrolling, streaming, gaming, messaging — theyre too numb — theyre too disaffected — non existent attention spans — instant collective amnesia — to give a fucking damn.
The knives are out.
As Michael Jackson pointed out so emotionally in Earth Song — he literally screamed it — do we give a damn?
The answer collectively is a resounding — About what?
Its not “No”. 
Its bored indifference. Casual apathy. Unfeeling ignorance. 
Its a yawn, an eye roll, a hand wave.
Its not even bothering to look up from scrolling social media.
Hashtags, trending topics, for you page.
Endless rabbit holes on youtube.
IG stories.
Discord servers.
Whatsapp group chats.
Twitch streams.
The age of giving a damn is over.
Time for AI, time for robotics, time for 80% of jobs to be replaced by AI, robotics, technology & automation.
Time for NeuraLink neural implants that will send an electronic signal to my neural synapses the millisecond a social media post receives a like.
Time for Google Glass — Version 2.0 — to play ads on our corneas and behind our eyelids.
Time for augmented and virtual reality to take the place of ever attending anything live ever again — sports game, concert and anything else — why attend anything live when I can just put on my VR & AR headset?
Why live my life when I have my virtual life on Metaverse?
I never have to live my offline life ever again.
I can permanently stay in the Metaverse.
Ready Player One.
.Hack come to life.
The fictional video game depicted in Angel Sanctuary in the 90s — what the manga & anime was named after — has now come to fruition.
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Aol Instant Messenger.
Youve got mail!
Goooooooooooooogle results.
Dial up internet.
AOL 1.0.
AOL message boards.
Geocities. Angelfire. 
Netscape Navigator.
Does anyone remember the very recent past?
Non-smart cell phones.
No unlimited data.
No 5G, no 4G, no 3G.
No text messages.
No apps.
No social media.
Do you remember the time?
No streaming apps.
Music videos on TV. MTV. That's what Music Television was.
Music videos debuting on TV not Youtube.
Youtube didnt exist before 2005.
Does anyone remember the time?
When songs were three to four minutes long not two minutes?
When cell phones werent surgically permanently attached to our hands?
When we werent on our cell phones 8 to 12+ hours a day every day?
When social media wasnt ubiquitious?
Do you remember the time?
Project 2025 is a 1000 page policy paper.
Per Google: “This 1000-page synopsis focuses on how the next Republican administration should spend their first 180 days in office on uprooting bureaucracy that they consider to be favoring the liberal political agenda. The director of the project, Paul Dans described the project by its pressing goal of “flooding the zone with conservatives.”  
If successful, Project 2025 would facilitate the firing of approximately 50,000 federal workers. This mass exodus of a major workforce is merely a means to an end for the right-leaning Heritage Foundation and the other conservative corporations co-authoring the Project. They see the firing of career government officials as the most direct route to creating a federal bureaucracy filled with political loyalists.”
I dont have time to read 1000 words, much less a 1000 pages.
Does anyone remember a time before music videos?
Why do you think you havent heard as much about the Democrats version of Project 2025?
Its called the Modern Power Project.
Have you figured out yet that Democrats & Republicans are both controlled by the dark entities that inhabit the center of the planet of the earth?
They are the ones that install Reptilians as figureheads — Biden, Trump, Netanyahu, Blinken, etc.
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Look at the eyes.
They are Reptilians.
All US Presidents descend from the same UK royal bloodline. 
Look up the genetic testing that has been done.
They are Reptilians.
The dark entities that inhabit the center of the earth placed a power grid on earth multiple millennia ago designed to keep humanitys consciousness at a lower level indefinitely so that they would be able to enslave & control us.
The Reptilians are their enforcers.
Dark empaths and malignant narcissists are their foot soldiers.
The dark entities that inhabit the center of the earth do not want humanity on a mass level raising their consciousness, experiencing their ego deaths, opening their third eyes, experiencing a kundalini awakening, self-actualizing and self-ascending.
If humanity on a mass level does the above and mass ascends, the planet — earth — will also ascend from our current 3D to 10D multidimensional living.
If you are a starseed, indigo child or angelic empath like me, and like Youneekk, your mission is to do everything you can in your own way for humanity to experience a mass consciousness raising.
Youre not human. 
Its a temporary manifestation.
You are only temporarily manifested as a human. 
Remember who you are.
You are an eternal energetic limitless being that originated in the dreamscape.
Thats all the afterlife is — your imagination.
We all intrinsically know from the time that we are children that we can dream and imagine anything.
Thats all the afterlife — dreamscape — is.
Its a multidimensional dimension that we all have existed in prior to our very, very temporary manifestations as humans for eternity.
Just like the “Big Bang” (Kemetic Explosion), we have existed eternally just like the universe and everything in it.
The creation explosion exploded out in a multifractal explosion of light eternally into the past and present in one eternal moment of creation that created everything — humans, unicorns, angels, dragons, gods, mermaids, whales, dolphins, wizards, magick, spells, fairies, sirens, mages, potions, incantations, poetry, art, music, creative expression, crystal balls…
Please Save My Earth, a 90s anime & manga, is actually real. 
That is why people sent letters to the editor of the publication that the manga was originally serialized in stating that the manga brought back their memories — that they were actually aliens from a distant planet in a past life like the main characters that were sent to Earth in their current life to save the planet from ecological destruction.
Please Save My Earth is just describing starseeds & indigo children as that is our mission and the “past life on a distant planet” represented in the anime and manga is simply remembering that prior to you physically incarnating as a human being when your human parents conceived you, you were a limitless energetic eternal being in the dreamscape — you were highly empathic, sensitive, third eye open, self actualized and self ascended — then the process of incarnating as a physical human being in a 3D realm when your parents conceived you severed you from your true self.
Especially if youre American, you were then raised in a western capitalist society with the number one military and economy in the world — a patrimony, patriarchy, fascistic police state based on systems of inequality oppression and police brutality, white supremacy, free labor from enslaved Africans with no restitution or reparations ever paid to descendants that built this country, genocide of the Native Americans, Trail of Tears, zionist devil, funding the genocide in Palestine & supplying the weapons through Boeing, Raytheon, Northrup Grumman to murder 50k innocent Palestinian civilians, transphobic, homophobic, ableist, might makes right, exploitative, low down and dirty, cutting corners, killing whistleblowers, everybody dog food.
Hyper competition, being treated as a machine, dehumanized, being treated as a robot, a cog in the capitalist machine, being programmed to keep your head down and work, play through injuries, work while sick, “pain is weakness leaving the body”, militaristic, hegemonic, xenophobic, millions of poverty related deaths but povertys never addressed, industrial complex pipelines that lead directly to prison and/or death — foster “care” system, cancer industry, medical industry, pharmaceutical industry, NFL, WWE, adult film industry, NASCAR, PBR, UFC, boxing, psychiatric industry, OTC industry, opioid industry, corporate America, retail, fast food, food service, K-12 indoctrination centers, colleges & universities, US military, Pop Warner, fraternities & sororities, weight loss & diet industries, plastic surgery industry, cosmetics industry, alcohol industry, snack industry, beverage industry, meat industry, self care industry, social media, gaming, streaming, reality TV, big tech, big banks, finserv, Wall Street, Fortune 500, Fortune 100, Fortune 25, Fortune 10, Hollywood, music industry, TV industry, publishing industry, theater & Broadway, dancing, stripping…
Remember who you are…
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dreamworldisleen · 2 months
Online for a bit!
I will take the first two requests for readings for free :)
I'm also available for $5 readings: 1 question, 3 cards or $10 readings: 2 questions, 6 cards.
I LOVE doing readings - and I would do them for free all day if I had the time...but currently strapped for time and can only take so many requests. Looking forward to your questions!
Love and light,
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lunalyte-zyxienne · 28 days
hell yeah auto tags are based. just click add tags and pick the pregenerated tags
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asalesbian · 1 month
hi hello does anyone have experience w davinci resolve? i'm having some issues with clip audio that don't seem to be fixed by anything i've found online so far. elaborating under the cut:
my original video files are mkv, but mkv only gives working audio in davinci, the screen is this:
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i can just convert mkv clips to mp4 clips using vlc or kmplayer or obs studio, and those mp4 clips seem perfectly fine (video+sound) when i open them with any of my video programmes, BUT if i load the mp4 clips into davinci i get the video without audio (altho it does pretend there's still audio attached?)
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i've tested loading just regular mp4 videos i already had lying around into davinci and those seem to work perfectly well. so it's just that in the conversion process between mkv > mp4 SOMETHING happens to the audio, and that something is only noticable once i load the clip into davinci.
i think maaaybe there's some vlc settings i could mess around with during conversion but so far nothing's worked and i really Do Not know enough about video files to get there.
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julyourwitch · 1 year
Hello everyone! I hope you have a beautiful new month of the 1st-July!! Well I'm gonna announce that everyone can ask me questions or in my asks anon/without- questions and I'll use pendulum for yes or no!
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{Please be respected and grateful when you want to ask something with good intentions only}
❌ questions about death, or related to.
Have fun and don't forget you're loved!!! 🤍🤍
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boneless-mika · 1 year
Sorry DaVinci Resolve is a really good video editing program and it may be weird to use but I’m certain Adobe Premiere would be as well and Canva is very convenient to make thumbnails or other basic designs. I’m not going to pay fucking Adobe their absurd fees even if their programs were so much better
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videoworm · 2 years
editing is so fun?
cutting out all the bullshit from The Guyver
Like i spend 3 hours on this last night and i'm maybe 1/4th in. but i can't stop doing it. It's so fun
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pinkpearlgoddess · 8 months
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I've decided I'm no longer working with moon but now with the sun ☀️
I don't feel comfortable working with the moon, working with dark, working with night instead of day. I want to channel my energy with the Sun, God, Light. I feel more connected and alive when I do, I am a Leo after all. The sun brings me soo much energy and power. I'm at my most powerful self when I work with the sun. I AM A LIGHTWORKER. ☀️🪞✨🕯️🪽
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✨💖 Tarot Reading Reviews 💖✨(28 good reviews from reddit)
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thecoolertails · 2 years
i highly suggest getting lightworks or another video editing program and just fucking around. make something stupid. im having the time of my life right now
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yourmomsmedium · 2 months
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