#Lemon herbal tea for health
Is lemon tea good for diabetes?
This article is originally published on Freedom from Diabetes website, available here. Tea is a most imporatant in Indian culture, their day is not start without tea. There are many types in tea. Black tea, milk tea, green tea, herbal tea etc. India is the world’s second-largest producer of tea, and the largest tea-drinking nation, with over 60% of its 138 crore population being tea drinkers. There are many benefits to drinking tea. Teas are anti-inflammatory and have been shown to boost one’s immunity system, as well as help prevent clogged arteries and heart disease, and even cancer. For diabetics, there are certain drawbacks to be reckoned with. Most pressingly, sweetening the tea with sugar or honey, as most people do, will affect blood sugar regulation, and worsen one’s condition. The addition of milk to tea again, a common way of drinking tea also decreases the insulin-sensitizing property of tea.
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Tea benefits for diabetics
Diabetics should have herbal tea. Without added sugar and milk teas help to lowering blood sugar and improving the body’s sensitivity to insulin. There is no shortage of variety from which to make one's choice. For example, green tea has been shown to reduce inflammation as well as help control blood sugar levels.
As does black tea and chamomile, the latter of which also protects the body from oxidative stress. Or, if one prefers one’s teas sweetened, they may opt for cinnamon tea. Hibiscus tea has also been shown to reduce insulin resistance.
And if you are overwhelmed by choices or a little bit lost, don’t worry. "Diabliss’s herbal lemon teas" are as good a place as any to start. If the lemon flavor doesn’t work for you, you can choose from a variety of flavors including ginger, masala chai, and, of course, lemon.
Lemon Herbal teas flavored with lemon juice can lead to reduced glucose synthesis and thus, reduced blood sugar levels. Lemon juice is able to fight inflammation, a common trigger for insulin resistance.
In addition to lemon other ingredients found in Diabliss’ Herbal Diabetes-Friendly Teas include pomegranate, black pepper, fenugreek, ginger, turmeric, and amla.
Pomegranate Pomegranate have a Glycemic Load of 18, and to contain compounds such as punicalagin, which have anti-diabetes effects.
Fenugreek Fenugreek, has ability to lower blood sugar levels and is a staple in the kitchen as a vegetable and the seeds are a robust condiment.
Tumeric Tumeric, or Haldi, as it is known across the Indian sub-continent, is another BSL regulating spice, in Diabliss’s herbal lemon tea. Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory. If your grandmother made you apply Haldi powder to your bruises and scrapes, she was spot on! Ginger, meanwhile, when consumed in moderation, can help regulate insulin production.
Amla Amla, along with keeping blood sugar under control, also promotes healthy weight loss and strengthens the immune system.
To conclude, while the tea comes with a great many benefits, it is not necessarily the best option for those with diabetes. However, herbal teas, are a good alternative, and going by customer reviews Diabliss can be said to be a healthy and tasty substitute.
If you want to learn more about this, please click here. Also please connect with me on my website, Facebook page, and YouTube if you want to stay in touch or give me any feedback!
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
@sidewalkchemistry instagram story (02.10.22)
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annaflorsdefum · 2 years
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ES || Para esta época del año, con tantas supuestas lluvias y cambios de temperatura, es genial despertarse y beber en ayunas un vaso de agua tibia con limón. Es un remedio natural que ayuda a las defensas, ya que aporta vitamina C, potasio y flavononas, favorece la digestión y además es depurativo y alcalinizante. La receta es fácil, exprimir el jugo de un limón, poner a calentar un vaso de agua hasta que este tibia y, finalmente, añadir el jugo del limón al agua caliente. Si quieres darle un toque más cítrico y potenciar los beneficios del limón, en cambio de solo calentar el agua puedes hervirla con unos trozos de piel del mismo limón, después la dejas enfriar hasta que este tibia y le añades el jugo del limón! Como con todos los remedios no a todo el mundo le van bien las mismas cosas, mi recomendación es escuchar a tu propio cuerpo. Además por su acidez no esta recomendado para las personas que tienen los dientes delicados.🍋 EN || For this time of year, with so many supposed rains and changes in temperature, it’s great to wake up and drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice on an empty stomach. It’s a natural remedy that helps defenses, as well as it provides vitamin C, potassium and flavanones, promotes digestion and is also purifying and alkalizing. The recipe is easy, squeeze the juice from one lemon, heat a glass of water until it’s warm and, finally, add the lemon juice to the warm water. If you want to give it a more citric touch and enhance the benefits of the lemon, instead of just warming the water you can boil it with the lemon peel, then let it cool until it’s just warm enough to drink it and add the lemon juice! As with all remedies, not everyone reacts the same so my recommendation is to listen to your own body. Also, due to its acidity, it’s not recommended for people who have delicate teeth.🍋
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afitnessgoddess · 2 months
*ignore the shaking of my camera, my tripod is not as sturdy.
Always consult with your medical doctor before taking any herbs.
Herb of the day is. Melissa officinalis bka Lemon Balm
It is used to treat fevers, colds, depression, hysteria, anxiety, improves digestion and it is considered a memory booster.
It can rapidly improves wounds and improve thyroids issues. Lemon Balm has antioxidants and has antiviral properties.
Providing a calming and sedative effect to the temple.
I enjoy lemon balm in tea form and I also give it to my son a little before bed.
Have you tried Lemon Balm?
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
to be a little healthier⋆.ೃ࿔*:・💕
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quick disclaimer, i am NOT a doctor and i can only speak from my own experience and things that i've learned and applied. this is from what i researched and i will be linking sources…💬🎀
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with that being said in this post im going to be talking about health and wellness tips to stay healthy, glowing and vibrant ✨📔 take care of urself, and lets start
i've been drinking chia seed water in the morning and if ur curious about this i recommend researching but here's what i researched.
this tip i've talked about before on my blog, but drinking herbal teas before bed because of how it improves skin and overall health
drink water on an empty stomach as soon as u wake up
hot water + turmeric + lemon (anti inflammatory properties)
taking a spoonful of honey
a lot of people take honey only when they are sick and need to soothe their throat but honey is so beneficial on its own too. honey is used as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial agent. here is my source.
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another tip i've talked about on my blog but chlorophyll water is rly good for u too and i take mine with some lemon
to finish off this post, remember to take ur vitamins, get enough sleep, and smile 💗
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springsteens · 6 months
herbal teas guide —
🌿🍃 having conversations with my mutuals all over the world, i was stunned to find out that not every country/culture practices drinking herbal teas for health issues. as a slavic person i decided to create this little guide because – and i'm saying this as a skeptical person who hates superstitions – they really work. 🍃🌿
mint tea (mentha piperita) is for digestion and relaxation chamomile tea (matricaria chamomilla) is for digestive system horsetail tea (equisetum arvense) is for skin, hair, nails condition, remineralization and circulatory system linden tea (tilia cordata) is for a cold lemon balm tea (melissa officinalis) is for relaxation and sleep nettle tea (uritca dioica) is for urinary tract sage tea (salvia officinalis) is for when your throat or teeth hurt fennel tea (funiculum vulgare) is for digestive system white mulberry tea (morus alba) is for carbohydrate metabolism pansy tea (viola tricolor) is for clean skin and body detox purge tea (cistus incanus) is for immunity hawthorn tea (crataegus monogyna) is for heart and circulatory system damian leaves tea (turnera diffusa) is for anxiety and libido dandelion tea (taraxacum officinale) is for liver, stomach and digestion st john's wort tea (hypericum perforatum) is for emotional balance, good mood, digestive system and kidney function
🌿🍃 to create this guide i was using a booklet from my pharmacy store. if you google them, you will find out that each of these have even more usage methods than the ones listed. 🍃🌿
🌿🍃 if you're from a different country/culture and you know more herbal teas like these, feel free to add them. 🍃🌿
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stalkerofthegods · 10 months
Lord Apollo Deep dive
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Lord Apollon is an amazing god, he is a healer, but he is also the destroyer of health, the same string that holds his bow and arrows of misery is the same in his lyre that he makes beautiful songs and lyrics with, he deserves respect as a god and as a Father. I adore Lord Apollon as a worshiper and as a researcher, no matter how harsh he may be. May you not judge lord Apollon from his myths and remember his actions of good. May all worshipers of devotees Tell of his amazingness.
God of - prophecy and oracles, Music, song and poetry, archery, healing, plague and disease, and the protection of the young, divine distance, fertility, knowledge, dancing, wolves, locust, doorways, mice, entrances, foreigners, happy travels, light, omens, averting evil and harm, boundaries, and borders, laurels, mildews, the god who punishes and destroys, he helps and wards off evil, he protects the flocks and cattle, the foundation of towns and the establishment of civil constitutions, protection of young boys, god of purification, he’s also a Psychopomp.
Symbols- The lyre, Silver bow & arrows, Dolphins, Swans, Crows, Ravens, Lions, Wolves, Wolves, Mice, Griffins, Hawks, Snakes, Laurel wreath, Fire/flame, The sun/sunlight, Tripod, Apples 
Incense/scents - Bay, Frankincense, Cypress, Clove, Cinnamon, Mugwort, Myrrh, hythincath, Rays of light radiating from his head, Branch of laurel, Wreath, amber, myrrh, lily of the valley, frankinscences, orange, lemongrass, marjoram
Colors • orange and yellow, red, gold and pure white blue, pink (means healing) purple and green (associated with the Oracle)
Herbs• Palm Tree, Apple Tree, Poplar Tree, Mistletoe, cinnamon, myrrh, bay leafs, sunflowers and red roses, oak wood, cypress (his veey dear friend ((not a lover or crush))), mint, heliotrope, Goldenseal, Date Palm, orange, lemongrass, marjoram
elements • his element is light
Day, month and festivals• Yule, Midsummer, May, sunday, his festivals are Noumenia, Delphinia, Thargelia, Apatouria, Pyanepsia, Asklepia (maybe), Pandia (maybe)
Patron of - medicine, mental health, physical health, therapy, the alphabet/words, defender of herds and flocks, justice, prophecy, and mental and moral purity, herdsmen and shepherds, anything in the medical field.
What I resonate with him • resseces pieces (I forgot why),  Raven, lyre, lemonade, yellow, sun, bob Ross, painting, singing, humming, melody, Oracle’s, prophecies, knowledge, Purification, suns/ stars  
Crystals•Sunstone, Citrine, Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Pyrite, Selenite, Lapis Lazuli
His sacred items - Bow and arrows; lyre; the wreath of laurel leaves (he wears that which is to be understood as Daphne’s hair.) 
Planet - The sun 
Tarot card- the sun, the chariot
Number - 7 
Animals - Wolf, griffin, dolphins, Swans, foxes, roe deer, swans, cicadas, hawks, ravens, crows, foxes, mice, and snakes
Signs he's reaching out• Significant Dream Encounters of him, Frequent Solar Imagery, Increased Interest in the Arts, Strong Connection to Healing, seeing his Symbols and Animals, having  Prophetic Experiences, finding yourself seeking the truth all of the sudden, Attraction to Light and Warmth
What u could put on his alter • Sun water, Wine (diluted with pure water), Milk, Olive oil, Herbal teas, Honey, honey cakes, Orange and lemon pastries, Lamb meat,  goat meat, Fruits, Cheeses, Wheat, Breads, Golden objects (ex- such as gold bowls, gold wine cups, flakes of gold), Bows and arrows (real or fake), art, Images of the sun, All musical instruments, (especially stringed instruments), Wolf imagery, dolphin imagery, Any images of birds (especially crows and swans), Yellow, gold, and white candles, Incense he likes. He likes his alters Neat, clean, not cluttered, orderly, surround him with who he loves (ex- past lovers, Leto, artemis) , add images of wolves, mice, and ravens, Wine, incense, gifts of solar imagery, oranges 
Other titles of apollon• ABAEUS/ Abaios (derived from the town of Abae in Phocis),
ACERSE′COMES/Akersekomês (Apollo expressive of his beautiful hair which was never cut or shorn.) ACE′SIUS/ Akesios (surname of Apollo, under which he was worshipped in Elis, This surname, which has the same meaning as akestôr and alexikakos as the god of averter of evil), ACESTOR/Akestôr (A surname of Apollo which characterises him as the god of the healing art, or in general as the averter of evil, like akesios), ACTIACUS (a surname of Apollo, derived from Actium, AEGLE′TES/Aiglêtês (that is, the radiant god), AGE′TOR/Agêtôr (a surname given to several gods, example is Zeus at Lacedaemon) AGO′NIUS/Agônios (a surname or epithet of several gods, like Zeus), AGRAEUS/Agraios (the hunter a surname of Apollo After he had killed the lion of Cithaeron), AGYIEUS/Aguieus (a a title describing him as the protector of the streets and public places), ALEXI′CACUS/ Alexikakos (the averter of evil, is a surname given by the Greeks to several deities like Zeus.), AMAZO′NIUS/ Amazonios, AMYCLAEUS/Amuklaios, ARCHE′GETES/Archêgetês (A surname of Apollo, under which he was worshipped in several places, as at Naxos in Sicily), Megara (The name has reference either to Apollo as the leader and protector of colonies, or as the founder of towns in general, in which case the import of the name is the same as theos patroôs.),  BOEDRO′MIUS/ Boêdromios (the helper in distress), CARNEIUS/ Karneiosx, CATAE′BATES/Kataibatês (invoked by this name to grant a happy return home, katabasis (to those who were travelling abroad), CHRYSAOR/Chrusaôr) (The god with the golden sword or arms), CLA′RIUS/ Klarios (derived from his celebrated temple at Claros in Asia Minor), CO′RYDUS/Korudos (from the temple eighty stadia from Corone, on the sea-coast),  CY′NTHIUS and CY′NTHIA/Kunthia and Kunthios (surnames of Artemis and Apollo from island of Delos, which is their birthplace), DAPHNAEUS and DAPHNAEA/Daphnaia and Daphnaios (surnames of Artemis and Apollo), DECATE′PHORUS/ Dekatêphoros (that is, the god to whom the tenth part of the booty is dedicated), DE′LIUS and DE′LIA/ Dêlios and Dêlia or Dêlias (surnames of Apollo and Artemis respectively), DELPHINIUS and DELPHI′NIA/ Delphinia (a surname of Artemis at Athens & The masculine form Delphinius is used as a surname of Apollo), EPACTAEUS or EPA′CTIUS/ Epaktaios or Epaktios (the god worshipped on the coast, was also used as a surname of Poseidon in Samos) EPIBATE′RIUS/ Epibatêrios (the god who conducts men on board a ship), EPICU′RIUS/ Epikourios (the helper),
EUTRESITES/Eutrêsitês (derived from Eutresis, where he had a ancient Oracle), GALA′XIUS/Galaxios a (from Boeotia, derived from the stream Galaxius),
HEBDOMA′GETES/Hebdomagetês (was derived from the fact of sacrifices being offered to him on the seventh of every month, the seventh of some month which became the god's birthday), HECAERGUS/Hekaergos (same meaning as Hecaerge in the case of Artemis),HY′LATUS/Hulatos (derived from the town of Hyle in Crete, which was sacred to him), INTONSUS/unshorn, (surname of Apollo and Bacchus showing the eternal youth of these gods, beacuse the Greek youths allowed their hair to grow until they attained the age of manhood), ISME′NIUS/Ismenios (A surname of Apollo at Thebes), ISO′DETES/Isodetêg (the god who binds all equally, is also used as a surname of Pluto),I′XIUS/Ixios (derived from a district of the island of Rhodes which was called Ixiae or Ixia.), LAPHRAEUS/Laphraios (a surname of Apollo at Calydon), LEUCA′DIUS/ Leukasios (a son of Icarius and Polycaste, and a brother of Penelope and Alyzeus. Leucas was believed to have derived its name from him), LIBYSTI′NUS, LOE′MIUS/Loimios (the deliverer from plague),
LO′XIAS/Loxias (derived by some from his intricate and ambiguous oracles), LYCE′GENES/Lukêgenês (describing him either as the god born in Lycia, or as the god born of light), LYCEIUS/Lukeios (the meaning is not quite certain, some derive it from lukos, a wolf, so that it would mean "the wolf-slayer;" others from lukê, light, according to which it would mean "the giver of light;"), LY′CIUS/Lukios (the Lycian, a surname of Apollo, who was worshipped in several places of Lycia),
LYCO′REUS/Lukôreus (A surname of Apollo perhaps in the same sense as Lyceius), MALEATES/Maleatês  (surname of Apollo, derived from cape Malea, in the south of Laconia),MARMARINUS/Marmarinos (the god of marble), MALLOEIS and MELUS/Mêlos (A son of Manto, from which the sanctuary of Apollo Malloeis in Lesbos was believed to have derived its name), MOIRA′GETES/Moiragetês (the guide or leader of fate, occurs as a surname of Zeus and Apollo at Delphi) MUSA′GETES/MUSAE (?), NO′MIUS/Noumios (surname of divinities protecting the pastures and shepherds sheared with Apollo, Pan. Hermes, and Aristaeus) ONCAEUS/Onkaios (a surname of Apollo derived from Oncesium on the river Ladon in Arcadia), PAEAN/Paian, Paiêôn or Paiôn (meaning "the healing," however, used also in the more general sense of deliverer from any evil or calamity, PAGASAEUS/ Pagasaios/the Pagasaean, from Pegasus, or Pegasae, (town in Thessaly, uses the surname of Apollo there.), PALATI′NUS, (surname of Apollo at Rome), PARNO′PIUS/Paruopios (the expeller of locusts) paruôps (a surname of Apollo, under which he had a statue on the acropolis at Athen), PARRHA′SIUS/Parrastos (A surname of Apollo, who had a sanctuary on Mount Lyceius, meaning “the helper”, PATAREUS/Patareus (derived from the Lycian town of Patara, where the god used to spend the six winter months in every year), PHILE′SIUS/Philêsios (surname of Apollo at Didyma, where Branchus was said to have founded a sanctuary of the god, and to have introduced his worship) PHOEBUS/ Phoibos (the shining, pure or bright, occurs both as an epithet and a name of Apollo), PHY′XIUS/Phuzios (the god who protects fugitives, also occurs as a surname of Zeus in Thessaly), PY′THIUS/Puthios the Pythian, from Pytho (the ancient name of Delphi, often occurs as a surname of Apollo), SALGANEUS/Salganeus (a surname of Apollo, derived from the town of Salganeus in Boeotia), SARPEDONIUS and SARPEDO′NIA/Sarpêdonia (a surname of Artemis, derived from cape Sarpedon in Cilicia, where she had a temple with an oracle, The masculine Sarpedonius occurs as a surname of Apollo in Cilicia.) SMINTHEUS/Smintheus (a surname of Apollo, which is derived by some from sminthos, a mouse, and from the town of Sminthe in Troas), SPO′DIUS/Spodios (a surname of Apollo at Thebes, derived from spodos, ashes, because his altar consisted of the ashes of the victims which had been sacrificed to him.), TEGYRE′IUS/Tegurêios (a surname of Apollo, derived from the town of Tegyra in Boeotia. where, according to some traditions, the god had been born), TELMI′SSIUS/Telmissios (a surname of Apollo derived from the Lycian town of Telnissus or Telmessus),TEMENITES/Temenitês (a surname of Apollo, derived from his sacred temenus in the neighbourhood of Syracuse), THEOXE′NIUS/Theoxenios (a surname of Apollo and Hermes), THYMBRAEUS/Thumbraios (A surname of Apollo, derived from a place in Troas called Thymbra, where he had a temple in which Achilles was wounded, or from a neighboring hill of the same name), ZOSTERIUS and ZOSTE′RIA/Zôstêria (a surname of Athena among the Epicnemidian Locrians, The masculine form Zosterius occurs as a surname of Apollo in Attica, on the slip of land stretching into the sea between Phaleron and Sunium)
Epithets•Abaeus, Apollo Acesius, Acestor, Acraephiaeus Apollo, Acraephius Apollo, Actiacus Apollo, Apollo Actiacus, Apollo Aegletes, Agetor, Agonius, Agraeus, Agyieus, Alexicacus,Amazonius, Anextiomarus, Aphetor Apollo, Aphetorius Apollo, Apollo Musagetes, Apollo Soranus, Apollo Apotropaeus, Apulu, Archegetes, Argyrotoxus Apollo, Apollo Articenens, Apollo Averruncus, Apollo Clarius, Apollo Coelispex, Apollo Culicarius, Apollo Cynthius, Apollo Cynthogenes, Delius Apollo, Apollo Delius, Apollo Delphinius, Apollo Didymaeus, Apollo Epicurius  Apollo Galaxius, Apollo Genetor, Hecaërgus Apollo, Apollo Hecebolus, Hekatos, Helius Apollo, Apollo Helius, Apollo Iatromantis, Apollo Iatrus, Apollo Ismenius, Kourotrophos, Apollo Leschenorius, Leucadius, Apollo Loxias, Apollo Lycegenes, Lyceus, Apollo Lycoctonus, Manticus Apollo, Apollo Medicus, Apollo Nomius, Apollo Nymphegetes, Paean (god), Apollo Paean, Apollo Parnopius, Apollo Patroüs, Apollo Phanaeus, Ptoion, Ptous, Pythius Apollo, Apollo Pythius, Apollo Smintheus, Apollo Sosianus, Thyraeus, Virotutis. (I’m not gonna put who, why or what the epithets are, cut me some slack 😔)
Equivalents• Abru (Berber), Horus & Ra (Egyptian), Aplu (Etruscan), Helios (Greek), Apollo & Janus (Roman), Nergal (Aplu Enlil) (Semitic)
Offerings•  Candles (he’s the god of light), Paint brushes/paints, Canvases, Colored pencils, markers, crayons, Collages, Journals, Art books, Art prints, Anything you mad, Sculptures, Zines, Stickers, Any art supplies, Music boxes, Records, CDs,Cassettes, Record players,radios, MP3, Headphones, Music posters, Band merch, Instruments (especially String instruments), Dance shoes, Concert tickets, CD book holders, Sun and Light imagery, Sunscreen, Aloe for sunburns, Golden objects, Matches, Candles, Sunflowers/sunflower seeds, First aid kits, Medicine, Pain relievers, Band - aids, Ice/heat packs, Rice socks, face Masks, Aloe, Ambulance toy cars,Adaptive aids, Darts, Bow and arrows, Arrow quiver, Dart board, Targets used in archery, Bullseye used in archery, Snake skins, Snake imagery (ex - Python), Laurels, Bay leaves (because of Daphne), Palm trees (based on his birth myth), Ravens/Crows related things,  Crow feathers, Cattle/turtles (related to Hermes birth myth), Swans (the animals Pull His chariot), Hyacinths (Hyacinthus is his past lover), Locks of hair, Vanilla flavored/scented things , Honey, Sunny D drink, Lemons/lemon juice, Oranges/orange juice, Citrus, Water, chocolate milk (UPG),  molten orange-scented wax cube used on an oil burner, The first bite of every meal (keep a tea plate close by at mealtimes), Pot Pourri, visit a clairvoyant, Welcome foreigners, teach others your own culture/language, make sure foreigners are able to find helpful resources and social life in your community, Make sure the street outside your house is clean and secure, Resin, Sun-shaped cookies or cakes, Wine, Golden cakes, Golden raisins.
Devonatal- Donate to medical charities, Support beginner indie artists and musicians, Sing to Him, Play musical instruments for Him, Hold dance parties in his honor, Make a playlist for Him and listen to it, Read poetry to Him, Take care of your mental health in his honor, take your medicine in his honor, Try/do archery in his honor, Try/do different types of divination (ex- Tarot/Oracle decks, Pendulums, Rune stones, Charm casting supplies, Crystal balls, Scrying bowls, Cookie fortunes, Tea leaves), Try and wake up early and watch the sun rise, Go for a walk and feel the warmth from the sun, Let more sunlight into your home/room, Learn a musical instrument, learn how to sing, Learn simple medical care (ex- CPR), research his family in his honor,  research Apollon, Attend pride, advocate for  LGBT+ rights, Wear yellow clothing in his honor, wear orange clothing in his honor, Honor Leto and Artemis in his honor, Pray to Him/ speak to Him often (ex- for guidance, healing/good health, and new inspiration, protection, improvement in your mental health, fertility, ecstasy, for everything going well in the health aspect),  Dance and sing to your favorite songs or songs you’d think He would like,  Throw a feast in His honor, Support/donate to your local Hospital in his honor, Exercise in his honor, Get vaccinated in his honor, Get STI tested in his honor, practice Self care in his honor, Keep a first aid kit at home/in your car in his honor, Learn about alternative medicine in his honor, Advocate for accessible in his honor, Advocate for disability rights in his honor, Volunteer at a hospital in his honor, Give blood/plasma in his honor; Volunteer at a retirement home in his honor, Learn about anatomy/biology/nutrition in his honor, Learn about health conditions/rare disorders in his honor, Eat healthy for your body in his honor, Help fund surgeries if you can in his honor, Trip sit for someone in his honor, Listen to your body when it needs something in his honor , Sunbathe in his honor, Wear sunscreen in his honor,  Start a garden in his honor, Make sun water in his honor, Music Go to a concert/show, Listen to music in his honor, Make a playlist for someone you love in his honor, dance in general in his honor, Sing in general in his honor, Support local bands in his honor, Explore new music in his honor, Daily tarot card/rune stones sessions in his honor, Make an oracle deck in his honor, Give divination readings in his honor, do Shadow work in his honor , do Colormancy in his honor, Make something in his honor, Draw in his honor, paint in his honor, craft in his honor, Color something for him, Make a zine in his honor, Go see a play in his honor, Get a tattoo in his honor, Throw darts in his honor, Use a slingshot in his honor, Go to a shooting range in his honor, follow and support artist/poet YouTubers and their social media, Check in with your neighbors, do Photography (painting with light), light a candle in his honor because he’s the of…light!
Crystal•Sunstone, Citrine, Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Pyrite, Selenite, Lapis Lazuli, amber, calcite (only the color honey/yellow), quartz (rutilated or clear), rose quartz.
Parentage• Zues and Leto 
Siblings• his full sibling was his twin Artemis, His half siblings were Athena, Hermes, Dionysus, Aphrodite, Ares, Hephaestus and Persephone, Heracles, Ares, Perseus, Hebe, Aphrodite, Athena, Some Muses, Eileithyia.
Works well with• people who are respectful, and are honest, and not boastful. 
Jewelry • friendship bracelets
Hates• saying that your better than him, (too boastful), being to stubborn to learn (he is the god of knowledge.), and anything contradicting his godlyness 
Mortal or immortal • immortal.
Zodiac • Leo. 
Curses• Sickness, and often seeing yourself lying, and in trouble.
Blessings• your healthy and protection and purification. 
Vows/omans• he swears he will be Hermes best friend, and that he will never marry (the muses myth) because he swore he would never because he couldn't choose between all the Muses, not usually used in modern day, he could be married but it is a version of a myth, he could date. just never marry.
Morals• Morally grey.
Courting• he is unmarried. 
Past lovers & crushes• Admetus (a crush), Daphne (rejected him and he fell so in love she had to run away and turn into a tree..), all the nine muses (couldn’t choose so decided to never unwed), Cyrene (a crush), Evadne (a lover who bore him a child.), Rhoeo (bore him a child and made him raise it..) Ourea (had a crush on Apollo and they hooked up on his exile and bore him a kid), Thero, Hyrie or Thyrie (said they were lovers but he made them suicidal so..idk..). Hecuba (bore the child who made Apollo kill Achilles.), Coronis (bore him  Asclepius), Creusa (bore him a child and left him to die and then to be raised by a priestess of Apollo.), Hyacinthus (his most dear male lover.),  Cyparissus (a dear friend but still a honorable mention.), Admetus (a crush), Branchus, Adonis (poly with apollon and Aphrodite), Helenus, Hippolytus of Sicyon,Hymenaios, god of marriage hymns, Iapis, Phorbas, minthe (who he turned into mint) 
Personality• He’s very energetic, cheerful, wise, honest and kind, and very responding.
Fact• Apollo was temporarily stripped of his immortal power by Zeus – twice , he tried to over throw his father Zeus once (He failed, but they have a good bond.)
Roots• Greek mythology, born at Delos in Cyclades archipelago.
Appearance in astral or gen• depicted as a handsome, beardless youth with long hair and wears a wreath and branch of laurel, bow and quiver of arrows, usually accompanied with a raven, and holding a lyre.
Children• Acraepheus, Aeneus, Agamedes, Agreus, Amphiaraus, Amphissus, Amphithemis, Anius, Apis, Apollonis, Arabius, Aristaeus, Asclepius, Borysthenis, Cephisso, Chariclo, Cinyras, Coronus, Cycnus, Delphus, Dius, Dorus, Dryops of Oeta, Eleuther, Epidaurus, Eriopis, Erymanthus, Eumolpus, Eurydice, Eurynome, Hilaeira, Hymen (god), Ialemus, Iamus, Idmon (Argonaut), Ion, Ismenus, Korybantes, Laodocus, Lapithes (hero), Linus (Argive), Linus, Linus of Thrace, Lycomedes, Lycorus, Melaneus of Oechalia, Melite, Miletus, Mopsus, Naxos, Oaxes, Oncius, Orpheus, Phemonoe, Philammon, Philander, Phoebe, Phylacides, Polypoetes, Scylla, Syrus, Tenerus, Tenes, Troilus, Trophonius, Zeuxippus of Sicyon.
Pet• the swans pulling his chariot called the “singers of Apollo” or just “birds of Apollo”
Status• Greek mythology god, in the big theoi, not a Demi god. 
Prayer to Lord Apollon for Help with Divination
Hear me, Foreseeing Apollon, Son of Indomitable Zeus and Gentle Leto, Brother to Far-Shooting Artemis. He who speaks of truth, If I have ever revelled in your sunlight, accept this prayer, Apollon Leader of Fate, I ask you to be with me during this divination and to guide my cards with your knowledge, I ask for your favour with a token of my praise, I offer to you (offering)- @praise-to-the-theoi
To Lord Apollon when taking medication 
Hear me, healing Apollon, Father to Soothing Asklepios. He who controls both plague and healing, If I have ever honoured you, please accept this prayer, Shining Apollon, Please allow me to be safe when taking this medication, to aid it in its effectiveness, and to reduce the likelihood of negative side effects. I ask for your favour with a token of my praise, and I take this medication in your honour. -https://www.tumblr.com/praise-to-the-theoi
Prayer to Artemis and Apollon 
Praise today, O Lord Apollo and Lady Artemis, rulers upon the Sun and Moon. The Celestial Twins, on this date, join each other in the sky, shining upon us their divine light and presence. Praise the children of Great Zeus and Leto; Hail Lady Artemis, the oldest daughter, who helped her mother at birth. Godess of the hunt, divine virgin, patroness of girls, their childhood and innocence.  Hail Apollon, youngest son, born by his sister's hand. God of the plages and sickness. Patron of the arts, music and poetry. May they raise their bows and guide us towards their light. - serotoninbetweenpages
Prayer with his epithets in it-
Let us hymn Paean the great god, Apollo; Immortal, gloriously formed, unshorn, soft-haired, Stern-hearted, king, delighting in arrows, giver of life, Joyous, laughing, slayer of giants, sweet-hearted, Son of Zeus, slayer of dragons, lover of the laurel, Sweet of speech, of ample might, far-shooter, giver of hope, Creator of animals, divine, Jove-minded, giver of zeal, Mild, sweet-spoken, sweet-hearted, gentle-handed, Slayer of beasts, blooming, charmer of the spirit, soft-speaking, Shooter of arrows, desirable, healer, charioteer, Weaver of the world, Clarian, strong-hearted, father of fruits, Son of Leto, pleasant, delighting in the lyre, resplendent, Lord of the mysteries, prophet, magnanimous, thousand-shaped, Lover of the bow-string, wise, stiller of grief, sober,Lover of community, common to all, taking thought for all, benefactor of all, Blessed, making blessed, Olympian, dweller on the hills, Gentle, all-seeing, sorrowless, giver of wealth, Saviour from trouble, rose-coloured, man-breaker, path-opener, Glittering, wise, father of light, saviour, Delighting in the dance, Titan, initiator, revered, Chanter of hymns, highest, stately, of the height, Phoebus, purifier, lover of garlands, cheerer of the spirit, Utterer of oracles, golden, golden-complexioned, golden-arrowed, Lover of the lyre, harper, hater of lies, giver of the soul, Swift-footed, swift-voiced, swift of vision, giver of seasons. Let us hymn Paean the great god, Apollo.   
- Epigram from Book 9 of the Greek Anthology, translated by W.R. Paton (1916-18)
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Links/websites/sources •
Reddit · r/Hellenism5 comments  ·  1 year agosimple offerings for apollo? : r/Hellenism
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo#Children https://www.thoughtco.com/roman-equivalents-of-greek-gods-4067799https://www.reddit.com/r/Hellenism/comments/d20s5v/would_amber_be_an_appropriate_incense_for_apollo/https://www.reddit.com/r/GreekMythology/comments/du0z4k/did_the_olympian_gods_have_particular_color/https://www.tumblr.com/eldritchhorror06https://www.tumblr.com/themodernwitchsguidehttps://web.pdx.edu/~scarmody/art342/exercise2/index.html#:~:text=Animals%20sacred%20to%20Apollo%20include,foxes%2C%20mice%2C%20and%20snakes.
let the light in and let your truth of loving Apollo shine aswell
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I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Herbal tea basics -
Herbal teas can help with a wide range of health issues, depending on the type of tea and the specific properties of the herbs used.
Here are a few examples:
Digestive issues: Ginger, peppermint, and chamomile tea can help soothe an upset stomach, relieve bloating, and aid digestion.
Anxiety & stress: Chamomile, lavender, and lemon balm tea are known for their calming and relaxing properties, and can help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.
Insomnia: Valerian root, passionflower, and chamomile tea can help promote relaxation and improve sleep quality, making them useful for treating insomnia.
Cold & flu symptoms: Echinacea, elderflower, and ginger tea can help boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and relieve symptoms of colds and flu.
Menstrual cramps: Ginger and chamomile tea can help relieve menstrual cramps and other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Headaches: Peppermint and ginger tea can help relieve headaches and migraines, thanks to their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
It's important to note that while herbal teas can be helpful for many health issues, they are not a substitute for proper medical care.
If you have a serious health condition or are taking medication, it's always best to talk to your healthcare provider before using herbal teas or other natural remedies.
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
Natural Remedies for Common Ailments 🍃
*Natural remedies can be a great option for managing common ailments, but it's important to remember that they may not always be a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment. If you have a serious or persistent health issue, it's important to consult with a doctor. Also, remember that what works for one person may not work for another. Do your independent research, some natural remedies may have interactions with medications or existing medical conditions.*
Cold and Flu:
Honey and Lemon: Mix honey and lemon in warm water to soothe a sore throat and ease congestion.
Ginger Tea: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can help with nausea and congestion.
Echinacea: Some people use Echinacea supplements or tea to boost the immune system.
Peppermint Oil: Apply diluted peppermint oil to your temples for headache relief.
Ginger Tea: Ginger may help reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.
Peppermint Tea: Peppermint can help relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.
Chamomile Tea: Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties.
Valerian Root: Valerian root supplements or tea may promote relaxation and help with sleep.
Lavender Oil: Lavender aromatherapy or a few drops on your pillow can promote relaxation.
Small Burns and Cuts:
Aloe Vera: Apply aloe vera gel to soothe burns and promote healing.
Honey: Honey has antibacterial properties and can be applied to cuts and wounds.
Stress and Anxiety:
Exercise: Regular physical activity can reduce stress and anxiety.
Meditation and Yoga: These practices can help you relax and manage stress.
Lavender or Chamomile Tea: These herbal teas may have a calming effect.
Sore Throat:
Salt Water Gargle: Gargling with warm salt water can relieve a sore throat.
Marshmallow Root Tea: Marshmallow root tea can help soothe throat irritation.
Ginger: Ginger candies, ginger tea, or ginger capsules can help with nausea.
Peppermint: Peppermint tea or candies may also help alleviate nausea.
Fiber-Rich Foods: Eating foods like prunes, bran, and beans can promote regular bowel movements.
Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is essential for preventing constipation.
Tea Tree Oil: Applying diluted tea tree oil to acne-prone areas may help reduce breakouts.
Honey and Cinnamon Mask: Mixing honey and cinnamon into a paste and applying it as a mask can be beneficial for some.
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esoteric-chaos · 1 year
Midsummer Masterpost - Spoonie witch friendly
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Midsummer, also known as the Summer Solstice.  This day is the longest day of the year. Typically lands around June 21st  (December 21st in the Southern Hemisphere). 
Many cultures around the world celebrate the Summer Solstice in their own ways. Marking a very important event for most.  
Fire is the main association with this holiday as it marks the sun. This holiday also marks the end of the planting season.
Midsummer Correspondences
Light Blue
Bay Leaves
St. John’s Wort
Honey cakes
Mead, Ale, Wine
Ice Cream
Summer birds (Wren, Robin, Hawks, Eagles, Swallows, etc)
Orange or Green Calcite
Tiger’s Eye
Fire, Bonfire, Balefire
Sun Wheel
Summer flowers
Spiritual meanings
Healing & Health
Solar energy
Mint & Spearmint
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Aestas (Roman)
Aine (Celtic)
Brigantia (Celtic)
Venus (Roman)
Aphrodite (Greek)
Apollo (Roman)
Apollon (Greek)
Zeus and Thor (Thunder Gods)
Ra (Egyptian)
Oak King
Anuket (Egyptian)
Benten (Japanese)
Any other sun Gods/Goddesses
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I got you covered.
High energy celebrations 
Fae offerings
Create Fae garden
Weave flower crowns
Perform a phoenix ritual
Create a  Besom
Dance and sing
Leave offerings to solar Gods/Goddesses
Divination work
Any solar energy workings
Low energy celebrations 
Ritual bath
Light a candle in honor
Watch the sunset
Meditate with solar energy
Pray to solar Gods/Goddesses
Create solar water
No spoon celebrations 
If you have a sun lamp bask in it
Watch the sunset
Greet the sun at sunrise
Tell yourself kind words
Remember that it’s okay if you cant do much while you are unwell. That you come first and you simply existing is a blessing.
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
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nightbunnysong · 4 days
Holistic tips to support brain health
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Incorporate herbal teas
Drink herbal teas known for their cognitive benefits. For instance, ginkgo biloba may improve memory and cognitive function, while rosemary and sage are believed to enhance concentration. Enjoy these teas as part of your daily routine.
Practice forest bathing
Spend time in nature by practicing “forest bathing” or shinrin-yoku. Immersing yourself in natural surroundings can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost cognitive function. Aim for a walk in a forest or park to experience its calming effects.
Engage in mindful breathing
Incorporate mindful breathing exercises into your daily routine. Deep, controlled breaths can increase oxygen flow to the brain, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity. Try techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing or alternate nostril breathing.
Eat brain-boosting superfoods
Incorporate superfoods that naturally support brain health into your diet. Examples include:
Avocados: Rich in healthy fats and antioxidants.
Chia Seeds: Packed with omega-3 fatty acids.
Beets: Known to improve blood flow to the brain.
Grow your own herbs
Cultivate herbs like basil, mint, and lemon balm in your garden or kitchen. These herbs not only add flavor to your meals but also offer cognitive benefits and stress-relief properties.
Practice Tai Chi or Qigong
These ancient Chinese practices combine gentle movement, meditation, and deep breathing. Both Tai Chi and Qigong promote relaxation, balance, and mental focus, making them excellent for brain health.
Incorporate fermented foods
Include fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and kefir in your diet. These foods support gut health, which is increasingly recognized for its connection to brain health and mood regulation.
[photo from Pinterest]
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Medicinal Remedies
Medicinal Remedies-- This is a LONG one!
NOTE: This article is about 20 of my favorite medicinal healing herbs to grow in most garden areas and types of soil. There are 100’s more, though, that I just couldn’t include because of space. Enjoy this rundown of 20 of my favorites.
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1) Calendula:
Calendula is one of my top five favorite herbs of all time. It's sunny yellow or orange face can't help but make me smile. In summer time, it grows like crazy, just about anywhere, and like other flowers, the bees love it.
Calendula has some super skin healing and strengthening properties, and I always have some infusing in olive oil in a sunny window for use in salves, soaps, and other body products.
Calendula is also edible, and it's so fun to toss some blooms in your salad! It really brightens things up and adds excellent color. I love Calendula.
Calendula just makes you smile.
2) Cayenne:
Here is another herb I think should be in every garden. Cayenne is a very hot and pretty red pepper with some excellent culinary uses for adding spice to foods.
It's also great for helping with circulatory problems, can be used to help stop bleeding since it's a hemostatic herb, and has been shown to be useful in helping slow or even stop a heart attack until help can arrive.
It's also a very attractive plant, and the bright red of the pepper is just gorgeous mixed Into the dark green of the plant's leaves. This is one herb you should definitely grow if you can, and have handy in your herbal medicine chest.
Cayenne grows like crazy, especially in warmer climates. They dry well, too.
3) Chamomile:
Like Lavender, what would an herbal garden be without sweet Chamomile? It's honey scent and sweet taste are an absolute pleasure. Besides that....Chamomile is a popular relaxant and mild sedative herb.
Need to de-stress? Drink a bit of Chamomile tea!
Chamomile is also useful as an anti-inflammatory, as it contains high levels of azulene. It helps with pain relief, including for arthritis. If you are heading to bed and are bothered by mild pain, try drinking some chamomile tea! In one clinical study, this helped 10 out of 12 people fall into a restful sleep. (Gladstar)
Growing Chamomile can be tricky in very hot climates. It likes full sun, but a cooler climate. Chamomile is also best grown in less maintained soil and doesn't need the rich fertilization other plants require.
4) Chickweed:
Chickweed is another one of those "weeds" that is completely misunderstood and has some excellent medicinal qualities.
It's Latin name, (stellaria) means "star," and that is because of its small, pretty starlike white flowers. It's easy to grow, and has many uses.
Chickweed supports liver and kidney health due to its high nutrition and diuretic properties. It's also wonderful in salves for healing skin issues, including rashes, eczema, and very dry skin.
Chickweed is a great diuretic and blood purifier.
5) Dandelion:
This prolific weed, as some people see when they notice Dandelion in their yard, is actually a powerfully helpful medicinal herb! Dandelion is terrific for your liver and kidney health, having diuretic properties.
It's also an edible plant! You can roast the roots and add it to teas and even your coffee for a delicious flavor that also packs a healthy punch. The leaves can be eaten in salads and other foods.
6) Feverfew:
Feverfew has lovely white flowers and at least where I live, is rather invasive. I don't mind, though, because it has a great number of medicinal benefits.
As its name connotes, feverfew is helpful with reducing fevers. Most recently, however, feverfew has become rather well-known for helping with migraines, both preventing and reducing the intensity and time.
One of my favorite teas to provide for people who suffer from migraines is: 1 part feverfew, 1 part spearmint, and 1 part lemon balm. This is a soothing, nervine combination, that along with the powers of feverfew, can be used as daily tonic.
Feverfew is also great for minor bug bites. Just apply the tincture topically. Since it has mild pain relieving properties, it will help with the discomfort too.
7) Garlic:
Garlic is one of the BEST all around medicinal herbs anyone can grow, in my opinion. It's useful for treating colds, flus, sore throats, and digestive issues. Garlic boosts the immune system by increasing and stimulating the production of white blood cells.
Garlic is antiseptic, anti-bacterial, and vermifuge (kills parasites). It is also useful as a blood purifier and helps promote healthy circulation. It may also help regulate blood sugar levels in those with type 2 diabetes.
Besides all these wonderful benefits, garlic is delicious! It's added to so many foods and dishes because of the flavor it imparts. Granted, using garlic medicinally is different than in culinary uses, but if you really want to "eat thy medicine," as Hippocrates famously stated, garlic is a great place to start.
8) Ginger:
Oh, what would the herb world be without Ginger? This sweet and spicy pungent herb is actually a rhizome, not a root, as many believe. The useful part grows under ground, so is often confused.
Ginger is stimulating and is a great additive for teas, tinctures, and fermented foods, as well as culinary uses. Ginger is anti-inflammatory, decongesting, and increases circulation, promoting warmth. Ginger is also excellent for flatulence and stomach issues, including nausea.
Ginger likes a tropical environment---hot and humid. Therefore, unless you live down South, Ginger would most likely need to be grown in a green house.
9) Lavender:
What would the herbal world be without lavender? It's good for SO many things. Lavender smells wonderful, the bees love it, it's great for medicinal uses, AND it's a gorgeous flower. Lavender is useful for air freshening and cleaning the air or freshening closed up places such as drawers. It's popular in sachets for this reason.
Lavender is actually relatively hardy, growing well in Zones 5 through 8. If you are in a colder zone, be sure to plant your lavender in an area where it will get plenty of sunshine and be as warm as possible. If your winters are rough, you'll need to provide your lavender with some type of protection, especially from harsh winds.
I had some planted in pots here in the mountains, and it did very well all summer long. Even through snows, it was fine. But we get wind speeds over 125 miles an hour at times, and lavender just didn't last through that. Not much will, I guess.
Lavender is useful for so many things---AND it smells incredible.
10) Lemon Balm:
Lemon Balm....I LOVE this species of mint. It smells lovely, the bees love it, and it grows well nearly everywhere. Lemon Balm has a pleasant lemony taste and is a great additive in herbal teas, both for the nutritive value as well as the soothing nature and relaxing effects it has on the body.
11) Marshmallow:
This probably isn't included in too many herbalist's garden lists, but I think Marshmallow is seriously necessary. It's a demulcent and soothing herb, and it complements "hotter" herbs very well. It also soothes inflammation in mucous membranes and is one of my favorite herbs to use for allergy blends or teas for any kind of inflammation in the body for this reason.
Marshmallow is an upright plant, similar to a very small hollyhock. In fact, if you can grow hollyhocks where you are---you can use it pretty much interchangeably with Marshmallow as their chemical constituents are very similar.
The flowers are light pink and very pretty, too. The entire plant is edible and useful for medicinal purposes. Go ahead and throw a few flowers into your salad for a beautiful and surprising presentation!
Marshmallow is a demulcent anti-inflammatory. Plus, it's pretty.
12) Mullein:
This is yet another plant many see as just a weed, but has some truly wonderful medicinal qualities. Mullein is a plant that grows from a rosette of fuzzy large leaves into a tall stalk (sometimes as high as 7 feet tall) and is covered with yellow flowers in mid-summer.
Mullein does best in full sun, with lots of water, in cooler areas. It grows really well in the creek beds up here in our mountains, but I've heard it is very common in almost all places. It's worth trying to cultivate, in my opinion, if you don't have it growing naturally in your area.
Mullein is one of the best herbs you can use to support and heal the respiratory system and illnesses that affect the lungs, sinuses, and breathing. It's useful as a tea, tincture, and the large leaves can be used in an emergency to cover a poultice.
In my opinion, Mullein is the premier herb for respiratory issues.
13) Oregano
Oregano seems to be the bane of many gardener's existence. They plant it, and it just goes crazy. I can't tell you how many neighbors, family members, and friends have given me Oregano from their yards over the years! And I'm glad to have it! The thing with Oregano is you have to know how to manage it.
Oregano is a fabulous culinary herb, and if you have ever had pizza or marinara sauce, then you've tasted this delicious Mediterranean herb. Oregano grows best in warm, dry climates, but I have found in my experience that it is quite hardy and can survive winter lows in the single digits (at least it does in my yard).
Oregano (also known as Mountain of Joy in Greek) has some excellent medicinal uses, including having anti-viral, anti-biotic, anti-fungal properties, as well as being very high in anti-oxidants. It's a great skin care herb and also a digestive aid.
Oregano can be used in many forms, too: As a tincture, an herbal infused oil, eaten in foods, and as an essential oil. These all have different strengths, potencies, and uses.
The tincture is an easy way to use the herb medicinally, along with making or using in an herbal tea.
14) Peppermint:
Super easy to grow just about anywhere, Peppermint is a spreading perennial that has the propensity to take over your garden if you allow it! It's spicy, pungent scent is well known to just about everyone, since it's a popular culinary additive in many foods and candies.
Medicinally, Peppermint is useful for aiding digestion and getting rid of flatulence (gas). It has mild anti-spasmodic properties, so if you are experiencing cramps, especially digestive types or menstrual cramps, it can be very helpful.
15) Plantain:
Here is another weed that many people find repugnant, but that is actually an incredibly useful medicinal herb!
According to Rosemary Gladstar, Plantain grows everywhere, and if you invite it in, it will definitely show up.
Plantain is great for liver health, detoxifying and cleansing the blood, and drawing out toxins. I like to infuse it in oil for use in healing salves.
Like Dandelion, this easy to find weed is edible and useful.
16) Rosemary:
Rosemary is a famous culinary herb, and is great for use on red meats and very pungent dishes. Besides this, rosemary has been proven to be helpful for the brain, especially memory functions.
It's high in anti-oxidants, and has mild analgesic (pain relief) properties. Rosemary is a stimulant herb, and is helpful with circulation and low blood pressure. People with high blood pressure need to exercise caution using rosemary medicinally.
Rosemary grows best in hot, dry climates and is native to the Southern European countries.
Besides being a pungent and delicious culinary herb, rosemary provides medicinal qualities and enhances memory.
17) St. John's Wort:
St. John's Wort is a misunderstood plant, in my opinion. It went through a popular phase a few years ago and was touted as being the new natural anti-depressant. St. John's Wort can absolutely help with feelings of mild depression, sadness, grief, and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), but it's not a cure-all.
Important to know---St. John's Wort can interact with certain drugs, so be sure you discuss usage with your doctor (as you should with any of these herbs mentioned).
St. John's Wort is also great for neuralgia, and I personally use it as part of my back pain and sciatica regimen with excellent results. I also use it in a tincture form to lift my spirits if I'm feeling down.
Besides all the medicinal qualities of St. John's Wort, it's a really pretty plant. You won't be able to grow it in a super hot area, however, at least it's unlikely. I tried growing it in Las Vegas, and it was a total fail. However, it does well here in the mountains in full sun or partial shade and the cooler climate.
One of my favorite ways to prepare St. John's Wort is as an herbal infused oil. The medicinal species (H. perforatum) releases bright red juices into the oil, creating the most lovely infused oil.
Another safety note for the garden: St. John's Wort has been shown to have potential for phototoxicity, especially in grazing animals if they eat too much. Just be aware and watch what your pastured animals eat.
St. John's Wort is a wonderful healing herb that positively affects the emotions.
18) Thyme:
Thyme, in my opinion, is one of the best plants to use in your garden. It attracts bees, smells lovely, and is incredibly useful for medicinal purposes. It's a small, spreading herb (although some species will grow upright) that is fairly hardy, so if you have rough winters, it may do just fine---you'll be seeing it again in the Spring, with it's pretty scented purple flowers.
Many herbalists forget all about using thyme as a preventative medicinal herb or for helping heal quickly from colds and flus---but it has been shown to fight off colds.
It also has disinfectant properties, and can be used as an effective wash for skin infections or as great sore throat rinse. For medicinal purposes, Thymus vulgaris or Thymus citriodorus (Lemon Thyme) are the best to use.
19) Valerian:
This stately flowering plant can grow to about four feet tall and has lacy white flower clusters. Not only is it a lovely addition to your garden, but it is very useful. It's a strong but safe sedative and is very useful for helping with anxious feelings, sleep issues, and pain relief.
Contraindications: Valerian has the opposite effect on some people, so if you are using it for the first time, do so on a the eve of a day that won't affect you much. These folks are rare, but there are definitely some that don't tolerate it well.
One of nature's best gifts---Valerian is lovely and it is an excellent safe sedative.
20) Yarrow:
Yarrow has many tiny flowers that grow in bunches, and feathery grayish leaves. It's a very pretty plant for your garden. Besides, the parts that grow above ground (leaves, stems, flowers) have medicinal purposes and have been used for thousands of years.
Yarrow is a vulnerary, hemostatic herb. Besides helping with healing and clotting of wounds, yarrow is good for helping reduce fevers, hay fever, and fighting colds. As a fever reducer, it is important to note that yarrow induces sweating, so if the person already has a hot fever, yarrow is probably not the best choice to use.
Article: healing harvest homestead Picture: Nikolaydonetsk – photodune . net
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touchlikethesun · 7 months
coffee or tea??
tsukishima and yamaguchi are coffee drinkers, but tsukki puts more milk and sugar in it than is probably advisable (he carries a toothbrush with him that he thinks probably wards away cavities effectively enough). whereas yams takes his black normally. he picked up the habit in university for long nights studying, but has been trying to cut down and only have a few cups in the morning. their mug collection is starting to take over the kitchen because yamaguchi started unintentionally collecting them. he tends to cycle thru mainly the pokémon themed ones, but tsukki uses the same mug and washes it by hand every day so he can use it again (it’s big enough to hold all the milk sugar and coffee but still sits comfortable in his hand)
yachi and kageyama are tea drinkers. yachi mainly drinks herbal tea - lord knows she doesn’t need caffeine making her anxious - and she really likes rosehip tea and other sorts of nice floral teas. she has a really nice matching tea set for guests but she usually drinks out of the cartoon crow mug the boys got for her as a graduation present. kageyama is no where near as particular about his tea, he just has two types of generic tea bags, one green and one black, but he does drink a fair bit of it, and he leaves half drunk cups of tea all around the flat because he can’t stand when it gets cold. (ik about the boy’s milk obsession but i think that’s an out-and-about drink. at home he has tea.)
hinata doesn’t drink coffee or tea, he’ll have protein shakes for workouts, but otherwise he really only drinks water. winter mornings, he might heat it up and add lemon to it, but most of the time he’s more than happy to just have water. some people think it’s for the health benefits, and that’s a small part of it, but really he just… doesn’t really like coffee or tea.
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kaizoku-musume · 2 months
Lunar Phase
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This was written for the Sunshine & Starlight challenge that @violettduchess and @lorei-writes created. I felt like it was finally time for Aurelia to feature in one of these.
Fandom: Ikepri
Prompt: Full Moon
Word count: 2k
Yves swiped at his eyes, but his tears were long gone. Aurelia had led him to the outdoor sitting area after she found him crying in the kitchen; she went to return to the castle for something, leaving him alone with the moon and his thoughts. He really should be getting to bed-his eyes must already look awful and it was only going to get worse the longer he stayed up. He’d have to apply a warm compress and a good bit of makeup in the morning. But there was something about turning Aurelia down that was terrifying, honestly. 
Oh, speak of the-no, that was mean, and besides, there were others more deserving of the title (despite how similar she was to Nokto). Aurelia was coming back, carrying a tray of tea with her. Yves should get up and help her, but the surreality of the situation kept him seated. Aurelia was wearing a surprisingly modest set of pajamas considering her usual attire (a very cute nightdress that covered her chest and legs and wasn’t sheer at all) and bringing him tea. The situation was weirdly domestic compared to how Aurelia was in the light of day.
So he sat in stunned silence until Aurelia joined him, setting the tray on the table and taking a seat next to him. “I finally have a chance to show off my tea making skills,” she said as she poured them both a cup.
“You made this?” Yves asked. He winced at his rudeness. Obviously, she must have, since none of the servants were awake at this time. It was just that Aurelia had this, well, aura about her. Like she was more fitted for royalty than most of Yves’ own brothers. The idea of her never having to lift a finger to get what she wanted suited her more than anyone else yves had ever met.
Aurelia graciously ignored his faux pas. “Of course, herbal tea is my specialty,” she even handed him his cup. What was going on? Was it just that she was feeling bad for him?
Despite being suspicious, Yves took a cautionary sip. He couldn’t help the surprised, delighted sound he made when the flavour burst across his tongue. It was sweet, with just the right undercurrent of citrus, the two complimenting each other well. The soft floral scent tickled his nose when he lifted the cup to his mouth.
“Chamomile and lemon,” Aurelia informed, the picture of perfect poise as she drank her own tea. “Useful for when you’re trying to get a good night’s rest.” So it was pity. It was the same when she’d manipulated the court into being more accepting of Yves in spite of his half-Obsidian bloodline. He should probably be more upset than he was, shouldn’t he? But he was mentally drained and physically exhausted, and it was so much easier to drink this delicious tea.
“I’d tell you the recipe, but I’m afraid it’s a trade secret,” Aurelia said with a somewhat conspiratorial air, “Though I may be convinced to make a trade. Say, one recipe for another? Of course, I don’t mind if you want to visit me whenever you want a cup. I heard it’s good for your health if you see a pretty face every day.” She winked and Yves sputtered, miraculously not making a mess.
Aurelia didn’t bat an eye and began chatting about inconsequential things, carrying on a largely one-sided conversation that Yves could freely listen to as he slowly came back to himself. It took him longer than he wanted to admit to notice that Aurelia wasn’t mentioning his breakdown from earlier at all. This was, in fact, the most normal discussion Aurelia had with him since they’d met. So of course Yves had to ruin it by blurting out, “Aren’t you going to talk about it?”
Ugh, why did he always put his foot in his mouth? Today was such a disaster, and he was the one who kept making it worse. He fidgeted under her cool gaze, Aurelia seemingly unfazed by the disaster in front of her. “What should I say?” she asked, voice gentler than the words themselves suggested, “Should I pretend I don’t know what caused you to be upset and ask about it? Offer you platitudes like ‘you shouldn’t hate yourself because you’re a good person’ and ‘one day you’ll feel better’?” She tilted her head, her smile knowing but not unkind. “Does any of that ever help?”
Well . . . no, no, not really. If Yves is being honest, while he appreciated the sentiment (and the people who tried to cheer him up), those words had always rang . . . hollow. It was easy to say he should like himself or that things will get better, but Yves had been trying to do that his whole life and hasn’t gotten very far. How much harder does he have to work at it? When did things get better?
Aurelia was watching him like she could read his mind. “I don’t like wasting my breath on pointless words,” she refilled her cup, “Well-meaning words that sound nice but have nothing to back them up are incapable of bringing about change. You can;t like yourself when someone tells you you’re good if you don’t think you’re good enough. People rarely hate themselves because it makes sense to do so.”
There was something there in what Aurelia was saying that Yves almost couldn’t believe, a self-assurance that he would only expect from people in the same situation as him. It was hard to put his finger on it, because Aurelia usually sounded self-assured, but it was different. Just ten minutes ago, Yves would have said that was impossible. But here she was, sitting next to him in regular pajamas, sharing tea she had made herself, and Yves wouldn’t have predicted that either. Maybe this was just him embarrassing himself again, but he felt a little confident in asking, “Do you hate yourself too?”
He worried he got it totally wrong in the few moments of silence before Aurelia confirmed, slow and thoughtful, “That used to be the case, yes. There was a long time where I hated-everything, really. Myself, other people, the world at large. Sometimes I didn’t know who I hated the most.” Yves stared gobsmacked at her confession. Sure, he thought that might be the case, but to hear the truth from her own mouth was unexpected. Aurelia laughed at his expression. “Why ask if you’re going to be so surprised? Is it that hard to believe?”
“Yes,” Yves admitted honestly. He was rewarded with the rare sight of Aurelia’s surprise, there for a second and then gone once she caught it. “You’re so good at standing up for yourself,” he continued, “and you're so . . . mature when you do it. You know exactly what to say to make people do what you want. And you don’t care what they say about you. You would never cry on the kitchen floor because someone was mean to you.” Yves hung his head in shame. So Aurelia used to struggle with hating herself too, but she already learned to overcome it while he was still at the starting line.
“Why do you think what I’m doing is any different from what you’re doing? I just have an unfair advantage,” Aurelia tipped his chin up with her knuckle, “Maybe I’m not the type of person who cries in secret, but do you think I’m completely unfeeling? My emotions happen to run counter to yours, that’s all.”
Yves swallowed, suddenly nervous at their proximity. Aurelia would usually be taking this opportunity to flirt with him, but she was being completely serious, and that was a dynamic Yves didn’t have a defense against. And up close like this, it was hard for Yves to ignore how beautiful Aurelia was, especially with her tan skin lit up by the moon, silver eyes shining like they belonged in the night sky. Someone had to say something before this moment stretched on too long and Yves started to think things he shouldn’t.
“How,” mouth dry, he licked his lips, faltering when Aurelia’s gaze darted to his mouth, “h-how did you start liking yourself?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t go that far. I merely became ambivalent,” Aurelia grinned her same enigmatic grin she usually had, but if Yves squinted, he thought there might be something sad in it, “And I wouldn’t recommend following my example. Not caring may work for me, but it’s not meant for someone like you.”
Yves reflexively opened his mouth to reassure her, but he remembered their earlier discussion. Pretty words with empty meanings; why was it so easy to spout them at someone when they were feeling bad? What were the right words? Yves feared there weren’t any.
Aurelia giggled, amused instead of offended at Yves’ lack of eloquence. “See? Look at you, caring,” she cupped his jaw in her hand, thumb stroking his cheek. “Do you know what I would do in your place? I would get back at them. It wouldn’t be pretty, it wouldn’t be generous, and it wouldn’t be kind. But you? You’ll put your energy into making sure the people of your territory are happy and thriving. You’ll push forward policies that benefit the kingdom. The way you take revenge is by making sure the people who hate you have nothing to hate about Rhodolite. You’re pretty, and you’re generous, and you’re kind, despite everything that’s been thrown at you. What a marvel you are.”
This was bad. Aurelia should sound sarcastic like she usually did, not sincere. Yves didn’t know how to handle this new Aurelia, who was being more honest than she’d ever been with him. It made him want to say honest things back, like how she was all those things too. Something flashed in Aurelia’s eyes, her thumb stilling at the corner of his mouth. Oh no, he said that out loud, didn’t he?
“You’re incredibly tempting, do you know that?” Aurelia ran her thumb along his bottom lip. Something about her tone made it sound different from how she would normally mean it. Or maybe now that he knew she liked him for more than he thought she did, he could hear it better. Overwhelmed, Yves’ breath gusted out of him in a shaky exhale, and he could feel himself lean forward the tiniest bit. Aurelia’s grip tightened for a fraction of a second before she let go, heated expression clouding over to her normal one, a pointedly casual smile plastered on her face. “Be careful not to spill your tea,” she said, all traces of the mood from earlier gone.
The sudden distance left Yves feeling adrift. He panicked slightly when he noticed that his cup was completely tipped over, but luckily-for once-it was already empty. He wasn’t sure if Aurelia meant to be as revealing as she was, but he knew he wanted it back. “Thank you. For the tea and the-the talk,” he cast around for something to say, but he had a feeling Aurelia wouldn’t be vulnerable twice in one day.
As always, Aurelia clued in to what he really meant. “Well, it is the witching hour,” she glanced up at the bright, lonely moon, “Perhaps I was trying to cast a spell on you.”
“If you want that to work, you’re going to have to put more than one spell on me,” the words left Yves before he could think about them. He flushed bright red at how flirty that sounded.
“Will I?” Aurelia murmured, studying him closely, something considering in her gaze before she smirked, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
And despite the way they dissolved into their normal bickering after that, Yves found himself enjoying his time with Aurelia so much that he forgot about getting to bed and taking care of the puffiness around his eyes. In fact, he was looking forward to more moments where Aurelia let her guard down, even if she was more mercurial than the phases of the moon.
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parniathedevil · 1 year
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Some Grillffet :D uuuh RT!Grillby and muffet :D muffin spooter
Color magic: none magic
*the health
*Cake baking
* Coffee shops
* Wet chocolate cake with milk and cream
* Sour food
* Suffering his family
* Bitter food
* Candy and dark chocolate
Age: 45
Color magic: he is a fire XD
* Talking with Sans
*Friendship with Sans
* Herbal tea with lemon
*cold food
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And grillby's color study
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investmentassistant · 2 months
How to perk up without coffee
Coffee is the go-to beverage for many people seeking a quick energy boost. However, there are times when you might want to skip the caffeine or simply try other ways to stay alert. Whether you're trying to cut back on coffee or just looking for some alternatives, here are some effective ways to perk up without relying on your favorite cup of joe.
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Get moving
Physical activity is a fantastic way to wake up your body and mind. Even a short walk around the block can increase your energy levels. If you have more time, consider a quick workout session, stretching, or even a few minutes of jumping jacks. Exercise increases blood flow and releases endorphins, which can help you feel more awake and alert.
Regular exercise also has long-term benefits that can contribute to your overall energy levels. By incorporating activities like running, cycling, or yoga into your routine, you can improve your cardiovascular health, build muscle strength, and enhance your mental clarity. Morning exercise routines, such as a 30-minute jog or a session of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), can set a positive tone for the rest of your day, making you feel more energized and productive.
Stay hydrated
Dehydration can lead to feelings of fatigue and sluggishness. Start your day with a glass of water and continue drinking water throughout the day. Adding a slice of lemon or a splash of natural fruit juice can make your water more appealing and provide a slight energy boost.
Beyond just drinking water, you can stay hydrated by consuming foods with high water content, such as cucumbers, watermelon, and oranges. Herbal teas and coconut water are also excellent choices for maintaining hydration. Remember that your body loses water through various activities, including breathing, sweating, and digestion, so it's essential to replenish your fluids consistently. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day, and more if you are physically active or live in a hot climate.
Eat a healthy snack
Choosing the right foods can make a big difference in your energy levels. Opt for snacks that combine protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Nuts, yogurt with fruit, or a piece of whole-grain toast with avocado are excellent choices. These foods provide sustained energy rather than the quick spike and crash that sugary snacks often cause.
Additionally, consider incorporating complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal or quinoa, into your snacks and meals. These carbohydrates break down slowly in your body, providing a steady release of energy. Foods rich in antioxidants, like berries and dark chocolate, can also boost your energy levels by fighting inflammation and improving blood flow. Avoid highly processed snacks that are high in sugar and refined carbs, as they can lead to a rapid increase in blood sugar followed by a sharp drop, leaving you feeling even more tired.
Take deep breaths
Breathing exercises can help increase oxygen flow to your brain and body, making you feel more alert. Try taking a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth. This simple practice can help clear your mind and boost your energy.
You can also try specific breathing techniques, such as the 4-7-8 method. To do this, inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of seven, and then exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of eight. Repeat this cycle several times to help reduce stress and increase mental clarity. Another effective technique is diaphragmatic breathing, where you focus on breathing deeply into your diaphragm rather than shallowly into your chest. This type of breathing can improve oxygen exchange and promote relaxation.
Get some sunlight
Natural light has a powerful effect on your body's internal clock and can help improve your mood and energy levels. Spend some time outside during the day, even if it's just for a few minutes. If you're stuck indoors, try sitting near a window or using a light therapy box.
Exposing yourself to natural light in the morning can help regulate your circadian rhythm, making you feel more awake during the day and sleepier at night. If you live in a region with limited sunlight, especially during the winter months, consider investing in a light therapy lamp. These lamps mimic natural sunlight and can help alleviate symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and improve your overall energy levels. Additionally, incorporating outdoor activities, such as gardening, hiking, or simply enjoying a meal outside, can provide you with a healthy dose of sunlight and fresh air.
Listen to uplifting music
Music can have a profound impact on your mood and energy. Create a playlist of your favorite upbeat songs and listen to them when you need a pick-me-up. Singing along or even dancing to the music can amplify the effect.
Studies have shown that listening to music can stimulate the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. Upbeat music with a fast tempo can increase your heart rate and make you feel more energized. Consider incorporating music into your daily routine, whether it's during your morning commute, while working, or during your exercise sessions. Singing along to your favorite tunes can also improve your mood and reduce stress, making you feel more awake and motivated.
Take a power nap
A short nap can do wonders for your energy and productivity. Aim for a nap of about 20 minutes; this is enough time to recharge without leaving you feeling groggy. Avoid napping for longer periods, as this can interfere with your nighttime sleep.
Power naps can help improve memory, boost creativity, and enhance cognitive function. If you have trouble falling asleep quickly, try creating a relaxing nap environment by dimming the lights, using a sleep mask, and playing soft, soothing music. Set an alarm to ensure you don't oversleep, and consider drinking a small amount of caffeine before your nap. The caffeine will start to take effect as you wake up, providing an additional energy boost.
Use aromatherapy
Certain scents, such as peppermint, citrus, and eucalyptus, are known to have invigorating effects. Use essential oils, candles, or diffusers to fill your space with these energizing aromas. A quick sniff of peppermint oil can be especially helpful in boosting your alertness.
In addition to peppermint, consider using essential oils like rosemary, lemon, and ginger, which are also known for their stimulating properties. You can apply a few drops of essential oil to your wrists, temples, or the back of your neck for an instant pick-me-up. Aromatherapy inhalers and rollerballs are convenient options for on-the-go use. Incorporating these scents into your daily routine, whether at home, in the office, or during your commute, can help keep you feeling refreshed and focused.
Stay engaged
Sometimes, boredom can make you feel more tired than you actually are. Keep your mind engaged by switching tasks, trying something new, or taking on a challenging project. Mental stimulation can be just as effective as physical activity in waking you up.
To stay engaged, consider taking short breaks to do something different, such as solving a puzzle, reading a book, or engaging in a creative activity like drawing or writing. Learning a new skill or hobby can also provide mental stimulation and keep your brain active. If you find yourself zoning out during work, try breaking your tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and setting short-term goals to maintain focus and motivation.
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