#League 1
ts1mp0ne · 1 year
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My boy is breaking records for fun😍
All time goal scorer for Ligue 1: KYLIAN MBAPPE❤️
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geooooooorge · 1 year
how i know psg aren't playing in parque de princes? messi didnt get booed loud enough :)
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ojy499 · 2 years
at the end of the suspense, Sweden snatch their ticket for the semi-finals against Belgium
at the end of the suspense, Sweden snatch their ticket for the semi-finals against Belgium
Freed by a goal signed Linda Sembrant in stoppage time this Friday, the Swedes will challenge England for a place in the Euro final. We had to wait for the very start of added time on Friday to see Sweden finally break through the valiant Belgian defense (1-0) and qualify for the semi-finals of the Women’s Euro football where they will challenge England. Qualified for the first time in their…
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psychokatrixxxy · 22 days
Love when the Justice League thinks Batman is a cryptid. This believe is only further enhanced by the face his sidekick, Robin, is clearly a shapeshifter, what with changing their height, hair style, skin tone, and even gender.
Batman clearly thinks that by having Robin look different every couple of years, it will show that they aren't cryptids like it would if Robin didn't age.
But the Justice League is too smart for that. They figured it out! But they are good friends (colleagues) and won't spill Batman's secret, but they will drop hints to him that they know, to show that they are smarter than he gives them credit for (they aren't.)
When the batkids learn that the league thinks this, they start periodically going to the Watchtower with Bruce, taking turns dressed up as Robin.
The League is surprised as Robin seems to prefer taking the form of a child, perhaps to have villains underestimate them? But they just assume Robin is trying out something new.
The batkids definitely tell eachother about what was said/happened as to further sell the act of Robin being a shapeshifter, because clearly it has to be the same person, Robin knows what happened, so it couldn't of been someone else dressed as Robin.
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sariaisrael · 4 months
Pogba: Historia, mwisho wake umefika?
ZAMA za kazi ya Paul Pogba katika soka zaweza kuwa zimefikia ukingoni, baada ya kuadhibiwakutojihusisha na shughuli za michezo kwa miaka mine, ikionekana kwamba kiungo huyu wa Juventusmwenye umri wa miaka 30 hakutumia vyema muda na nguvu zake. Mchezaji huyu wa zamani wa Manchester United, aliyetwaa Kombe la Dunia akiwa na Ufaransa, alionekana Dhahiri kuwa mtu mwenye kipaji kikubwa akionekana ni…
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violent138 · 2 months
"Flash take the controls," Hal ordered, opening the hatch at the back.
Barry blinked, noticing the empty pilot's seat and zooming into it, shouting, "Are you crazy? I don't know how to fly this thing?!"
"What?" Hal demanded. Something exploded on the planet.
"I'm a forensic scientist!" Barry yelled, wildly pressing buttons. "Isn't there some kind of autopilot?" Looks back to see Hal gone.
Their spaceship proceeds to nose dive towards the alien planet, and Barry starts screaming--
Batman paused the footage, turning to the newer members. "And that's why flight training is now mandatory for all members of the League."
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kyreniacommentator · 1 year
Local Football Fixtures For Weekend May 6/7
By Richard Beale…. Here is the last round of League matches, though there are still plenty to play for and most of the matches marked **** are what I consider are the most important matches. ALL KİCK OFFS now 4-30pm, unless stated. SL = Super League, L1 =League 1. Continue reading Untitled
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finifugue · 7 days
"Bring back cunty F1" "Bring back F1 drivers who don't care about PR and just say what they think" "Bring back F1 where the drivers are actually allowed to be rivals"
You fools. You insolent buffoons. You can't handle the Ferrari drivers taking shots at each other in separate interviews. You can't handle Max saying what everyone else is thinking. You can't even handle Lando Norris existing. And you think you would survive watching Multi-21 happen in real time? Or, God forbid, classic F1? I'm laughing.
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fitsportsindia · 1 year
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thenationofzaun · 9 days
The fact that Piltover and Zaun are sister-cities that were both once united under Zaun, until a catastrophic accident involving explosives separated it into two. And then Zaun sank into darkness and chaos and became infused with Shimmer while Piltover rose out of the muck with the help of rich merchant clans. And Piltover hurt Zaun badly but now Zaun hurt it back and they are going to go to war. The damage is done, and they will probably never reconcile. But they will always be sister-cities. Nothing can erase their entwined history. Nothing can change that they were both once Zaun. They hate each other but they will always be sisters.
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tristanparadero · 1 year
A symbol of success, power, and good fortune, even a signal of good luck. My first team was SPADES. As I said, my first team, was my first time. Imagine at the age of 16 it was just my first time playing in a league. But honestly, I had fun even though we lose. I learned a lot about my mistakes, error and especially when every time we lose. I'm so consistent at that time to play in a league in June, even the team name that we have, it's come from me. We enjoy the game but we almost die like on the day of the parade, it's so hot and I almost have a sunburn and I'm so tired after that. To be honest, I don't have enough confidence to play in a game, since I'm not good enough and I not enough to win the game. As a beginner, people wouldn't understand my skills just because of my height. Other people making fun of me and I can't deny it because they're right. But I'm so happy that I have a solid team that cares for me, they did not want me to feel insecure about the skills that I have. And my father is at my back, supporting me and cheering on the bench. Also, the points that I made, even though it's not that high, they appreciate it, because they know that it's my all. We just come up with the formula, teaming, connection, and trusting. And it works. But we are eliminated the next day because we just lose three times. That time I crave the game, I feel like I want to play more. Even though we lose, we celebrate it. There is something in our hearts that wins, mine is to have this kind of team.
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ts1mp0ne · 1 year
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Kylian won player of the month in league 1😍
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geooooooorge · 1 year
collecting volunteers to open an onlyfans account so we can get money and pay barca to take messi back
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satoshy12 · 4 months
Martian Danny? 
Danny was just 1-2 years old by ghost age. People who heard about that thought he was a Martian baby. 
J'onn thinks he is a prodigy but wants to know why he is hidden. It doesn't matter if he is a green or white Martian; someone with so much talent would show off on Mars. So he was confused about it. 
Danny was just confused about why new people are hunting him and not just Ghost, who wants to play and fight. 
Well, he found more people to fight! So, good news!
Amity Park doesn't care for the outside world, so Danny had no idea about the Justice League or anything like that. Just new fights! 
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sportsmuses · 2 years
Mbappé saves PSG
In their first game after the World Cup, PSG faced Strasbourg on matchday 16 of Ligue 1 and won with a certain drama by 2-1 with Neymar expelled from the field.
In their first game after the World Cup, PSG faced Strasbourg on matchday 16 of Ligue 1 and won with a certain drama by 2-1 with Neymar expelled from the field. The league leader tried and managed, with many setbacks, to further increase their distance to second place, while Strasbourg is in 19th place looking to leave the relegation zone. In the first half, PSG dominated the visiting team and,…
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Okay I'm back to rebuilding my funny comic panel collection.
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