#Language Progress
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baker-chan-senpai · 3 months ago
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dumb doodles
merry christmas, people
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casa-domeupai · 1 year ago
General Post; Lost in Translation: Embracing the Comedy of Learning Portuguese
Years ago, I shared with my dad my eagerness to learn Portuguese, and during our trip to Lisbon, he gifted me a book. It’s a bit bittersweet that I can’t update him on finally cracking open that book after it spent far too long gathering dust. But let’s not make this a sad post, because I know my dad would beam with pride knowing I’ve embarked on this language-learning journey. I’ve decided to…
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marionluth · 9 months ago
Alfred: Gentlemen, may I ask, what do we do when we find ourselves under intense stress?
Bruce: We break our body with extreme training and physical exertion.
Dick: We remind ourselves of all the times we have failed and messed up in the past so that we go from stressed to heaps of misery and self blame.
Tim: We overwork ourselves by tracking serial killers, analyzing MOs and connecting them to cold cases.
Jason: We shoot, slaughter,or beat criminals to death depending on said level of stress.
Damian: We perfect execution methods by murdering enemies. And then we pet our cat.
Alfred: NO!
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our-queer-experience · 1 year ago
“womxn” i’m gonna fucking kill you
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r-aindr0p · 1 year ago
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Ye olden French
It was at that moment that Frederic started to question the age and sanity of Lilia
Used a french medieval literature text from 1530~ (Pantagruel ) as a quotation for Lilia and I believe the exact sentence is about a character complaining to Death about the passing of his wife after she gave birth to their son. I just took something randomly in the text that didn’t sound too weird either because that book is rather stange…
Alright little bonus here because medieval Lilia popped up in my mind
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martyrbat · 11 days ago
20-30 year olds are going 'i was born in the wrong generation' over wanting to smoke indoors
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Close to the Edge • And You and I • Siberian Khatru
Spotify ♪ YouTube
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lapdogchase · 2 years ago
nooooo its not a weird invasive question about your genitals i swear i just need to know which genitals you were born with so i can decide in my head how oppressed you are and what oppression you experience. this is good for the trans community i swear bro it's not weird i swear
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takaraphoenix · 2 months ago
It is truly just so fucking telling when someone in the Teen Wolf fandom decides to make a post clutching their pearls about evil age gap ships and only ever brings up queer non-canon ships.
Let me be clear: I would not condone Parrish/Lydia shippers getting harassed, this isn't a "they should get shit too!!" take. Nobody should be harassed over the silly little fiction they enjoy.
But it stands out so glaringly obvious when this fandom routinely loses their mind about people shipping Stiles with Derek, while Parrish and Lydia were literally canon and nobody batted an eyelash, it never gets brought up in the posts about how morally wrong age-gap ships are. When discussing "harmful" ships in this fandom, it's always the gay non-canon ships that get demonized.
The age-gap between Parrish and Lydia is the exact same as between Stiles and Derek.
There is exactly two differences between these ships. One of them is a queer ship, the other is a straight ship. And one of them is a fanon ship that you literally never have to interact with if you would just learn to block tags and not seek out content you hate, while the other is one that was ""condoned"" by the writers by making it canon and thus unavoidable to the people interacting with the show.
But strangely, it's only one of these that gets brought up all the fucking time as being "illegal" and "morally wrong". And even stranger still, it is never the canon one that is aired to a broad audience of innocent watchers who would have no way to avoid this vile, evil ship dynamic.
Don't get me wrong, the "moral" approach to shipping and the stupid pearl-clutching is always ridiculous and always wrong, but when the hypocrisy of it is so blatant, it is somehow even more ridiculous because it makes you just look homophobic. After all, you have no problem with the straight ship, it's only the queer ship that's "problematic" and that... just looks like you find the queer of it problematic, since you clearly don't have an issue with age-gaps in general, only with queer age-gaps. Only with queer ships.
That aside, this show aired over a decade ago!! Get over it! They're fictional characters. There is nothing morally wrong about fiction, it doesn't harm anyone because it is fiction. How have you not learned to block tags yet, how have you not learned to focus on the things that spark joy instead of the things you hate, how are you still getting on everyone's nerves with your decade-old homophobic takes on shipping, dressed up in new modern purity cult language?
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yzegem · 12 days ago
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Description of an encounter with a summerfolk, taken from a letter sent by the diplomat Isji Fan to his superior:
My lord of the eastern tributary province, I send you this letter as an update on the unsuccessful negotiations with Osdu da Lag, the summerfolk warlord of the Yukas valley, on the subject of granting safe passage to our merchants and peasants through this region.
We first sent a summerfolk envoy to his hidden hill fortress, who was treated with respect and arranged a date for our meeting.
The summerfolk of the lowlands and specially da Lag are known for their brutality against their enemies but hospitality with messengers, so I was only accompanied by two lance bearing local soldiers and a translator, as a way of not raising any tensions.
My translator was Enkida, a girl from Four Ports, knowledgeable of many languages spoken by men and summerfolk of the region alike and loyal to our cause.
We arrived in the set location at the arranged time and waited sitting on portable stools. The place was a rocky clearing of the forest next to a weak shallow creek, with dense vegetation all around us, wich made it hard to see beyond the tree line.
After nervous waiting for about half an hour the sudden sound of pebbles sliding over one another warned us of our visitor, who had until now managed to move it's massive body through the vegetation unnoticed.
He was tall even for one of his kind, his thin body a moving palm trunck, and his frizzy hair, styled into many knots and intertwined with feathers and beads made his head look even more like the foliage of said tree. He beared full red warpaint on his face and most shocking of all, he lacked the typical large cloak of his people and exposed his pitch black naked body.
Before we even said a word, he sat down in front of us, with his legs, as long as a laying man could span, spread surrounding our group.
This action, my lord, wich you could find common to do in front of your guests, is extremely rare among the summerfolk and gave us a clear message. See, those of his kind rarely sit down and prefer to eat, work, talk and even sleep standing up, as, given their stature, lifting their body quickly from the ground makes their head ache and even faint.
Da Lag was showing clear vulnerability, sitting naked and unarmed in front of us, still, I'm ashamed that my reaction was that of fright, my lord. He was not afraid of us one bit, and felt safe even immobile and unarmed.
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dossiersfrancais · 2 years ago
📺 words & expressions i have learned from french shows, movies, & tiktoks
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c’est pas grave - it’s okay / it’s no big deal
(ne) t’inquiète (pas) - don’t worry
qu’est-ce que tu fais là ? - what are you doing here?
tu me manques - i miss you
on y va - let’s go
bien sûr - of course
j’suis là - i’m here
je vous en prie - you’re welcome (formal)
mytho - liar
ouais - yeah
un truc - something
voilà - there it is, that’s right, exactly, there you go
oh là là - wow, oh my god
bof - so-so, whatever
hein - the french “huh” or “eh”
ben / bah - well… / uhh…
s’il te plaît ➭ s’te plaît - please
félicitations - congratulations
un mec - a guy (slang)
une meuf - a girl (slang)
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grimm-reapz · 2 months ago
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Morro’s final words [WIP]
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miwachan2 · 3 months ago
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im so sleep deprived
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batwynn · 2 months ago
I’m about 60% sure my grandmother’s twin brother was intersex and it maybe even had something to do with my grandmother’s ‘hormonal problems’, but I’ll never be able to know for sure because like many families it was hidden away like a deep, horrific secret shame. Just as my great grandmother’s sister was quietly lobotomized and no one was allowed to talk about it other than to say how much ‘easier she is to manage’. Just like my grandfather’s sister’s kid was quietly shuffled away as her progressive disease got more disabling, and just like that same sister hiding herself away after becoming disabled due to an accident. Just like my mother’s cousin just… kind of being ignored when she became disabled, left to deal with it by herself. The ablism is baked in so deeply that I have no real idea where a good chunk of my inherited health problems come from because it was forbidden to talk about them, never mind treat them properly. How much longer could some of these family members have lived if they felt comfortable enough to tell someone else about their health? If they’d been allowed to even aknowledge mental health stuff? How many of us down the family tree could have avoided so much suffering, ourselves? We’ll never know. The deep family secrets… are all just normal ‘your body is doing some shit’ things only hinted at in drunk conversations and whispers behind people’s backs. Because being sick or a bit different has been so socially unacceptable that my own family members would rather watch you die alone than ask you what you might need to survive.
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winningismyjob · 7 months ago
Don't wish for it,
Work for it.
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gelthefunkyblob · 6 months ago
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Faces of West Europe.
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