#Language Arts & Disciplines
starspice-y · 1 month
OP teaching you Cybertronian perchance?
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I ain't learning SHIT
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winningismyjob · 24 days
Stop being lazy and get back to work.
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projectbatman193 · 4 months
Discipline equals freedom!
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angelicgirlmj · 1 month
cultivating your hobbies to become that girl
as summer starts to end, i find my days a little emptier and im full of anticipation for the coming academic year. but the last thing i want to do is waste the last part of summer so now is the perfect time to cultivate or begin a new hobby, focusing on four areas to level up your body, skills, mind and passions! enjoy angels and i hope this gives you some inspiration.
having a hobby that helps you reach your dream body, maintain a healthy lifestyle or just help with your mental health (as moving your body always does!) is such a good idea. the past few months my workout schedule has decreased due to the amount of schoolwork i have had and exam season so now is the perfect time for me to get more disciplined and build up a good workout scheme. my hobbies based around my body are pilates or yoga, both of which help me with my fitness goals. here are some more ideas/inspiration for some hobbies you could start:
‘hot girl walks’ - set a goal for your daily steps and go on walks everyday to help you achieve that.
running daily.
swimming daily.
tennis or badminton daily.
joining a sports club such as football or gymnastics.
dance - could be by yourself at home following dance workouts!
strength training.
starting a fitness challenge - such as a month long youtube challenge.
start making your own fitness content! film videos or write tutorials.
bike riding daily.
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finding a hobby that helps you develop/cultivate your skills is so important. mine personally is cooking/baking as it helps me focus on giving my body what it needs, becoming more independent and providing for those i love. here are some ideas/inspiration:
making your own clothes - sewing, knitting or crocheting.
writing - poetry, novels, articles or anything similar.
acting - helps with public speaking, confidence and making friends.
jewellery making.
chess or a similar intense mental game - cultivates your thinking skills and mind.
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finding a hobby that helps you mentally, especially if relevant to schoolwork or career plans is so helpful. mine is reading/engaging with literature as not only does it align with my academic work but also helps me with how i think, view the world and allows me to be more empathetic.
learning to play an instrument.
writing/researching around your subjects.
budgeting - good way of keeping track of and understanding money even if you aren’t planning on doing anything economics based!
journalling or keeping a diary.
joining/starting a book club.
starting a studyblr, study youtube channel etc.
learning a new language.
tutoring someone - great way of helping yourself learn as well!
joining a debate team.
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finding a hobby around one of your passions is such a fun and unique way of engaging in things you enjoy. mine personally is visiting museums/areas of historical importance as i am so passionate about history.
visiting art galleries.
attending the theatre/cinema.
going to live music events.
visiting libraries/book shops - growing your wish list, finding new book inspo etc!
going to cooking classes, restaurants or cafes.
travelling to new areas (could be local or international) - perhaps to develop language skills, find places to hike etc.
attending lectures on subjects youre interested in.
watching documentaries or video essays.
starting a new course - i do several history courses, my most recent was on European empires!
making a blog, channel, instagram etc for a new hobby or interest.
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────୨ৎ────────୨ৎ────────୨ৎ─────── thank you for reading angels! hopefully this will help us all on our hobby journeys and have given you ideas of hobbies to try or develop for the end of summer or just in general! love, m.
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kairologia · 6 months
Your untapped talents according to your fifth house.
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In traditional astrology, being Venus’ joy, the fifth house is (among others) a signifier for natural talents, as well as hobbies you would enjoy most or thrive at.
Which are yours?
· Aries in the 5th house (Sagittarius rising): you possess a proficiency in competitive or energetic sports and activities, a natural ability to lead a team, an uncanny ability to face & overcome your fears, as well as high stamina & endurance. Steadfast in your beliefs and capable of debating in their favour anytime of the day.
· Taurus in the 5th house (Capricorn rising): you’re naturally talented in gardening & cultivating a beautiful, lush & luxuriant outdoor space, effortlessly skilled in arts like painting, sculpture, or pottery, and excellent at cultivating artistic talent in others (would make a great art professor).
· Gemini in the 5th house (Aquarius rising): you have unrivaled storytelling and writing skills, an innate versatility in performing arts such as acting or comedy, & skilled in employing incisive language to convey complex ideas or emotions. You may have a talent for photography, drawing, or manual/visual arts.
· Cancer in the 5th house (Pisces rising): you’re skilled in acting out intense scenes or writing emotionally charged stories, talented in interior design and making every new place you inhabit feel like home. Usually talented in cooking &/or baking. Great swimmers too.
· Leo in the 5th house (Aries rising): Leo fifth houses are highly creative in fashion-related endeavors such as designing clothing items or costumes, have natural flair for performing arts and a natural ability to captivate an audience or command attention. Great at improvising and coming up with stories on the fly.
· Virgo in the 5th house (Taurus rising): you’re talented in crafts like knitting or woodworking, editing or artistic critique, photography. You’re the go-to person for event organization & planning. Skilled at DIY crafting projects, scrapbooking, manual creations such as jewelry making or ceramic works. Great debators, too.
· Libra in the 5th house (Gemini rising): you have outstanding diplomatic skills & are capable of negotiating your way through just about any situation. You're skilled in creating harmonious compositions in visual arts or music. You would definitely enjoy ballroom dancing, painting, & decorating spaces. You also have a natural sense for aesthetics & beauty.
· Scorpio in the 5th house (Cancer risings): you would make a great taboo/erotica/crime fiction writer or visual artist. You're also talented in writing intense and charged scenes or lyrics, & are capable of evoking strong emotions through artistic expression. You would probably enjoy investigating mysteries & delving into occultism.
· Sagittarius in the 5th house (Leo rising): you’re amazing at inspiring others through creative expression, great at documenting experiences through photography or journaling whether in remote destinations or within your hometowns & making the mundane seem interesting. You’d make a great writer of philosophical or esoterical fiction or analysis.
· Capricorn in the 5th house (Virgo rising): usually great at forms of art that demand focus and discipline. you're the type of person that can master more than one classical instrument if you were to put your heart into it. You would enjoy collecting antiques as a hobby, & have potential to be an eloquent & articulate speaker & writer.
· Aquarius in the 5th house (Libra rising): terrific at advocating for social change & making unheard voices feel heard through artistic or creative expression, and creating experimental or avant-garde works. Potential great musicians. The type of person who can turn even the blandest looking items into something uniquely gorgeous.
· Pisces in the 5th house (Scorpio rising): you have an innate versatile talent at anything creative as you’re capable of creating immersive artistic experiences that can even cloud the senses. Potential talent for dancing, occult or spiritual pursuits and intuitive painting as well. Would definitely enjoy swimming & marine life exploration.
P.S : one configuration cannot describe your entire experience. you may not relate to certain points, as you have had life experiences that shaped you and an entire chart consisting of inextricable elements that need one another to make sense.
Click here for readings !
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tiamathh · 1 month
This asteroid was named after Ekaterina Pavlova, who was extremely talented in oriental dance and devoted her short life to the art. In my theory, wherever this asteroid is in your chart will show you where you're most devoted and talented.
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↑ 1st: Devoted to themselves, these individuals are big on self care and are really confident in their ability to complete and start new cycles at their pace. Their talents lie in being able to find their identity early on in life and also being a bit of a shape shifter, they can be whoever they want to be whenever they want to be whilst staying true to themselves and being authentic.
↑ 2nd: They're devoted to their family and may pursue careers that will provide them stability both emotional and financial, they are usually lucky with getting money through unconventional means too. Their talents lie in being able to make a safe and secure environment for the people around them as well as being extremely resourceful and helpful individuals.
↑ 3rd: Devoted to their ideas and usually their siblings if they have any, may admire them a lot and are also very devoted to learning about new topics. Their talents lie when it comes down to competing especially in regards to the mind and their communication styles are flexible, they can change their way of speech depending on the person they are talking to and are also very convincing.
↑ 4th: Devoted to their homes, especially the ones they make in the future for themselves and are extremely connected to their roots, may be close to maternal figures in their life. Their talents lie in building foundations for later generations, and are usually great in occupations such as therapy as they can help others decipher and understand their emotions.
↑ 5th: Devoted to individuality and self-expression, they are the ones who try to be as different as possible and rebel because it makes them stand out from the crowd. Their talents lie with the performing arts, people with these placements tend to have a commanding presence which makes leads to them naturally being in the spotlight, they're also great at working with children.
↑ 6th: Devoted to what they can do for others, usually workaholics because they simply like doing as much as they can and have high self discipline. Their talents lie in being able to stay in control and rational at their place of work, as well as making great leaders; due to their competence people are willing to follow them, extremely organised and healthy, they don't get sick easily.
↑ 7th: Devoted towards and in their relationships both romantic and platonic, they are big on mutual give and take but are more often givers. Their talents lie in being a mediator, they're a pretty good judge of character and have a natural ability to diffuse tense situations, they're also great at socialising with others and are quick to form lasting and important partnerships.
↑ 8th: Devoted in general, these natives never do something without complete devotion, are the kind of people to immerse themselves into all kinds of experiences. Their talents lie in being able to balance their energies and chakras easily, some may also be good at communicating with individuals from the afterlife or talented at astrology and divination as well due to their ability to sense energies around them.
↑ 9th: Devoted to understanding the depths of the world, questions like 'why?' and 'how?' come to mind, they're also devoted to their ideals and morals. Their talent lies in pursuing careers that are related to higher education as well as being able to learn languages quickly, they're also quick at picking up information about different cultures and they often bring others luck.
↑ 10th: Devoted to their vision and long term goals, they always look at the bigger picture and are often close to paternal figures in their life. Their talents lie in being authoritive and guide people through life, usually in a professional setting. They're great at being able to maintain a high reputation and can easily mask their true selves to exhibit the sort of public image they want.
↑ 11th: Devoted to the community, are also very concerned about giving back to nature and the community, usually extremely involved with social services especially volunteering at animal shelters. Their talents lie with being original, they may also be highly intuitive and be able to predict near future events, and are also great at getting people to start community service.
↑ 12th: Devoted to their subconscious and their intuition, they always listen to their gut and and usually go with the flow, believing that there is a plan even when they can't see it. Their talents lie with having psychic abilities such as bring clairvoyant, clairaudient, etc and they're also really good with shadow work, they can help bring closure to the people around them as well.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
i'll read "the tempest" soon i'm v excited 🫣
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kykyonthemoon · 3 months
[Headcanons] To be a father
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His reaction and interaction with his first and unexpected child.
ಇ. Character x MC (Female Reader) - in third pov.
Parts in order: Rafayel, Xavier, Zayne, Caleb.
ಇ. Tags: headcanons only, fluff, domestic fluff, family fluff, (unplanned) pregnancy and child birth mentioned, reader insert but I'm using pronouns she/her for MC, he/she and his/her pronouns for all of the babies in this post.
ಇ. Word count: 2k5
ಇ. Ky Ky's notes: This is not a complete fanfic, rather a post of my headcanons about the men and MC having their first baby, and it's unexpected.
Based on many requests of the same plot I've got so far, from Cá Cá đến hôn em một cái, an Anon-san requesting about Zayne dealing with MC's morning sickness, and another Anon-san who sent a three-ask-long request in my askbox.
ಇ. Masterlist ♡ Request a fic
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With all of his innocence, Rafayel will just note that MC has been a little fatigued recently, without knowing why.
She senses something, but is unsure whether a human can become pregnant with a Lemurian.
When she returns from the hospital with certain results in hand, she's shaking. Rafayel keeps asking until she tells him the truth. 
Rafayel is rather astonished. "Are you sure there's a baby in your belly, not just fat?"
She simply wants to beat him hard. They could not comprehend what is occurring; it's like a miracle.
Rafayel ponders if the child would be more like him or her. He begins speaking to her tummy with the sound "glub glub glub". 
Every day, Rafayel performs music and paints in front of MC. He claims that he does this so that the child in her tummy may experience art from a young age.
When she experiences morning sickness, Rafayel develops similar symptoms. He grumbles and worries more than her. As a result, she needs to care for both of them.
Rafayel invites Talia to stay for some time, keeping her company and learning more about this half-human, half-Lemurian child. As a result, MC discovers a number of intriguing details regarding Rafayel's childhood. 
Every morning when she wakes up, the first question he asks is, "Has the baby come out yet?" She is both annoyed and amused, telling him it is still too early.
The day MC goes into labor, people discover him crying in a corner. When he holds the baby for the first time, he checks to see if he/she has legs or a fish tail. Then he cuddles the infant and continues to cry out of delight. It appears that throughout MC's pregnancy, he gets exceedingly sensitive and tears more easily.
Rafayel has set up a separate nursery with all of the necessary supplies a long time ago. He almost moves in there after the baby is born.
Rafayel speaks to his child in a baby voice, occasionally using fish language. This does not alter even as the kid grows older. He/she may feel embarrassed when his/her father speaks to them in this manner in front of others.
He frequently calls his child by intimate names, most of which are related to fish. 
Other babies’ first word might be “dad” or “mom”, but the first word that ever comes out of their child’s mouth must be “glub”.
Rafayel purchases only the most adorable baby items. He additionally designs his own pillows, toys, and other baby-related products.
Rafayel is the sort of dad that pushes his child in a stroller around the mall. After that, he would most likely forget about his own child and return home alone. To him, the kid is capable of finding his/her own way home. But after being scolded by MC, he rushes back to fetch the kid.
The father and his child regularly go to the beach together. He educates the kid about Lemuria, art, and the beautiful world where his or her mother grew up.
Rafayel frequently pulls pranks with the kid, causing MC a headache. It's like having two children under the same roof at the same time. Her parenting style differs from his. The young child could prefer Rafayel because MC can be so strict at times. When she scolds and disciplines the child, he typically sides with the child. It ends up with both of them punished together.
The child possesses the strength of a Lemurian, but his or her body is more resilient and not as vulnerable on land.
Rafayel likes to lull his baby to sleep with ancient Lemurian melodies. He also tells him/her goodnight stories, after which the two cuddle and fall asleep comfortably. MC would frequently embrace Rafayel from behind or place the child between the two of them.
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Neither Xavier nor MC are aware of the pregnancy until she faints on a mission.
When he arrives at the hospital, the doctor informs him that there is a little life in her tummy.
Xavier sits for a long time in front of the waiting room, trembling from the emotions in his heart.
When MC gets up, he is the one to tell her the news and she almost faints again.
Since neither of them is prepared to have children, life has become more chaotic. She develops morning sickness and tension, and she is only permitted to perform desk jobs rather than fighting, which drives her insane as she feels excluded and is frequently uncomfortable.
Xavier gently remains by her side to care for her, even on difficult days when she grumbles at him.
He pats her abdomen and murmurs to the baby: "Come out soon so you don't hurt mommy anymore, okay?" Then he would softly kiss her tummy.
Xavier buys almost every parenting guide he could find. He also follows the suggestions in there, seeking for healthy meals, performing mild workouts with MC, and giving her massages. 
He handles all of the tidying up throughout her pregnancy, but she would not let him near the kitchen. 
The day she gives birth to a beautiful child, Xavier cuddles the baby and kisses her forehead, praising her for the most precious present he could ever have.
She frequently sees Xavier in the nursery, cradling his baby, but he falls asleep even before the child. At that moment, MC simply grins and gently drapes a blanket over his shoulders.
She believes this child is more like Xavier than herself. Take a look at how he/she can sleep anywhere, anytime. They can hold hands and sleep on the sofa while the TV is on. He/she has the same taste as Xavier, preferring meat and leaving all veggies to MC. 
As the kid grows older, he/she develops an interest in superheroes. Of fact, he or she idolizes Lumiere much more than MC. The child begs his/her parents to buy Lumiere's merchandise to fill the room, and occasionally even asks Xavier to play the role of this hero.
Xavier loves to create light shows for his child, receiving praise and admiration from him/her. To become a child's entire universe, he spends a lot of time researching how to build and construct toys for his kid. 
The child soon becomes the youngest plushie collector in Linkon.
Compared to going out, Xavier and his child prefer staying at home together. Both spend much of their time asleep.
Whenever MC is away from home, Xavier and the child often do not care much about their meals. But when she returns, the whole family would have a hearty meal. She plans to teach the child to cook at a young age so that he/she might aid her in the future. 
Even though Xavier adores the child, MC remains his primary focus. He spoils her more than his child, so the baby sometimes has to get between the two of them for attention.
When she becomes preoccupied with the infant and loses sight of Xavier, he appears sad and attempts to reclaim her attention by assisting her in caring for the baby. He enjoys taking care of both of them and frequently reminds the child who actually is his /her mother's most favorite.
The child prefers to sleep in his or her parents' room more. His/her favorite position is between the two of them. When he/she falls asleep, Xavier will covertly carry the child back to his/her room before returning to the MC's side and sealing the door so they are no longer disturbed.
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As her physician, Zayne is aware of MC's pregnancy before she is. He is familiar with her period and has received the results of her frequent checkups.
Zayne is astonished because neither of them expected to have a kid at that point. He doesn't know how to tell her either. Finally, he decides to get a box of excellent macarons for her. She finds it strange, so she inquires whether it is for a particular occasion.
Zayne pauses for a time, then stares deeply into her eyes before quietly saying: "You... are pregnant."
As if lightning has struck, she drops the macaron she's about to bite. Zayne has to catch her before she faints. 
It takes her a bit to recover her composure. What sort of mother would MC be if she hadn't prepared anything? She is completely unaware of how to care for an unborn child or infant.
Zayne appears calm as he soothes her, but that night she discreetly observes him grinning ear to ear in the study, while pursuing further medical documents.
He also takes special care of her more than ever. Morning sickness is also more bearable with him by her side. He constantly checks her and their child's health, ensuring that she receives the greatest and most timely medical care. MC is just concerned with eating nutritious meals and preparing for their future child.
Zayne would pre-register her for pregnancy care, infant care, and any other classes that he deemed essential.
Zayne also intends to raise their child from infancy to college. MC could only gaze at him, surprised, with big round eyes. As anticipated from Linkon's brilliant young doctor.
He would alter his entire schedule to ensure that he could always be there when she needs him. 
He's constantly by her side throughout childbirth. No matter how hard she scratches or squeezes his palm, all he does is softly console her.
Zayne is excellent at caring for children. Since the baby is born, he devotes all his time and energy to care for him/her. Afraid that MC would be upset since they couldn't have much private time together anymore, he would compensate with sweets and do something they both enjoy (such as watching a movie together).
Children often get sick, and when their baby does, Zayne attentively takes care of him/her until he/she gets better. 
He asks his child to eat veggies to gain enough nutrition, but whenever the kid leaves the carrots out for him, he slyly puts them on MC's plate.
Zayne is the type of parent who can hold a baby and work at the same time; or hold their child while carrying all the bags for MC when they go out shopping.
Their child is exceptionally smart and obedient, as well as silent, yet whatever he or she says amazes the MC. He/She takes after Zayne more than her. He/She is adored and spent time with by everyone at Akso Hospital. People often praise the child for his/her courteous and well-mannered behavior, which makes MC chuckle, while Zayne fails to hide his proud smile.
However, as a child, there are times when he/she may become too playful and lose sight of his or her responsibilities. Zayne has the strict role in the family. He disciplines the child not with whipping or scolding, but rather with a reasonable consequence and reward. He assigns a chore to the child and promises prizes if he/she completes it successfully. Otherwise, he/she will face a penalty.
Zayne might be very strict at times, leaving the child afraid and furious. He/she runs to the MC with a gloomy look. She speaks a few words to get him/her away with this, but seeing Zayne's stone-cold face, fearful of being criticized by him too, she pushes the kid forward with encouragement: "You asked for it, dear."
Even still, after every tantrum, the child would always find candy that Zayne has mistakenly placed in an easily accessible location.
The kid frequently begs Zayne to make popsicles for him/her or to serve as his/her own portable air conditioner when it's hot outside. 
On occasions when the whole family has a day off, Zayne often takes them out of town in his car. In addition, he usually brings the child to the hospital to participate in some volunteer activities there.
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MC remembers that Caleb is petrified for a long time after hearing her announce the pregnancy.
Then he walks out into the backyard, and she hears him scream so loud that the whole neighborhood could hear, "I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER!"
The next thing she knows, he has rushed inside, scooped her up like a princess, and spun her around the room. When he comes to a halt, she notices his eyes are bright red. He embraces her for a long time, thanking her for giving him the most precious thing in this world.
Caleb is paying more attention to her meals, even learning how to prepare new nutritional foods for the two of them, rather than simply following her appetite. He also ensures that she eats and drinks more.
Due to his profession, he frequently departs for far away missions, but every day he checks on her health and reminds her to eat on time and to arrange regular prenatal checkups. 
Caleb couldn't be with her as often during the pregnancy, which made it really tough for MC. She regularly tears when she gets upset. However, he surprises her and makes her happy by returning home without calling first. He states that he's on long-term leave to take care of her.
Caleb previously talked about MC so much that all of his Academy friends and coworkers are familiar with her. He is now filled with tremendous delight and pride as he talks about their upcoming kid.
Even before the baby arrives, he/she already receives many gifts and necessary items from his/her parents' colleagues. 
After having a kid, Caleb accepts short-term assignments closer to Linkon. He enjoys spending time with his family the most, and every time he's home, MC feels like everything becomes cozier.
She sometimes recalls their childhood while seeing Caleb care for and play with the baby.
He is always present on important occasions for the whole family, when the baby takes his/her first steps and babbles a few unclear words. He has a collection of images and videos capturing such moments.
Caleb occasionally becomes strict with his child and educates him/her using the similar disciplinary methods he learned at the Academy. But in the end, he always manages to comfort the child.
"Don't argue with mom." and "Mom is always right." are the things Caleb tells his child every time he/she gets scolded by MC.
The child is quite active. Anyone can tell since he/she possesses all of the stubbornness and mischief of MC and Caleb combined. Caleb enjoys playing sports and doing outdoor activities with his child. He often carries him/her on his back or lets him/her sit on his shoulders when they go out.
Caleb frequently engages in daring activities with his child that make MC's pulse race. But he never allows the kid to be injured or frightened.
Caleb likes to call his child by affectionate names. But every time he calls "baby" or "sweetie", or "pip-squeak", both MC and the child turn around. 
When Caleb takes on long-term assignments away from home, sometimes the child would miss his/her father and cries. But as soon as he/she finds MC sobbing, he/she will hold her and console her in the same manner Caleb does. That's what he has taught his child. And when he returns, the entire family will spend all their time together. The memories he creates with his child always make him/her joyful and grateful every time he comes home.
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As requested in my ask box:
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Header images used at the top of this post by: x
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annabelle--cane · 6 months
dual disclaimers of "cheating on schoolwork is morally neutral" and "I think it's astronomically stupid when people genuinely act like the humanities are inherently spiritually better than other disciplines." having said that, it is extremely extremely funny to me that I regularly sit around and do homework in the dining commons, in open study spaces, in the humanities building, in the social and behavioral sciences building, in the architecture building, in the fine arts building, in the physical sciences building, and in the languages building, and I have never overheard anyone in any of those places talk about using chatgpt for assignments, but I hear people talking about doing that every single time I hang out in the business and management building. business students, you are the funniest people in the world, please never change. also it seems like none of you actually like your classes, I'm so sorry.
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yawnderu · 11 months
Believer - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
Based on this post by @actuallyhiswife!
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Simon is a broken man. A piece of art no one has the patience to understand, simply accepting it's so abstract its own creator made it at random, up until you came along. Until you came along, taking years to break him down, to understand him better, to adjust your body language until it became something he could be comfortable with.
It took a full year. A full year until he started seeking for you without even realizing. Sitting down next to you in meetings, always checking your status on comms, willingly taking care of you when you get hurt during a mission, hunting down whoever dared hurt you, yet he still wouldn't call that love. Simon is too broken for love, and Ghost is too cold for it... things you seem to ignore when you first confess your love for him. The same way you ignore the pain of his rejection.
''You deserve better.'' Is all he tells you, tone as avoidant as possible as he simply focuses on cleaning his gun, assembling the parts almost on autopilot after years of using them. After years of killing, even when necessary. He doesn't even remember when he became numb to it all.
''I deserve you.'' Your hands are on his in an instant, not caring about the callouses and the rough texture of his fingers. He doesn't push you away. He can never push you away, no matter how much it stabs at his heart.
''I'm broken, lass. People like me don't deserve love.'' His hand tightens on yours ever so slightly despite his words.
''You say that, but you're always telling me shit you never tell anyone else. You take me stargazing, take me out to eat, you let me touch you. You let me get close.'' Your words hold no frustration, simply full of yearning and confusion, despite knowing the answer.
''That's not love.'' His gaze shifts towards you, the longing and emotions in his eyes unmistakable. His gaze doesn't soften for anyone but you, much to his dismay.
''I don't want to hurt you, love. I know I will, and I know it'll be bad.'' Everyone I ever loved died because of me. The longing in his eyes is replaced by pain. Memories of his family, of his friends, of the heavy burden he carries on his shoulders, crushing him down like Atlas holding the sky.
''Stubborn girl.'' He lets out a bitter chuckle, disbelief in his tone as he looks down at you, at the way you're removing his glove so you can hold his bare hand like a lifeline.
''You know it.'' The cheeky grin you shoot his way is enough to make the corners of his lips tug up, pupils dilating as he studies your expression.
He sighs and leans over, pressing his clothed forehead against yours. Examining you carefully, taking in the pure love in your eyes. It feels like forever until the words finally leave his mouth.
''I think I'm in love with you.'' The words feel foreign in his mouth, years and years of nothing but discipline and self-preservation made it unable for him to form any type of personal relationships until you came along, coming into his heart as if it was your right. In a way, he believes it is. If she's determined to love a broken man...
''You win.'' He tries to bring the coldness back to his voice, yet his love is so painfully obvious, bleeding out of his words like nothing.
''I love you.'' No more walls, no more barriers. He may be as difficult as they come, but you know his love is pure.
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aimedis · 1 month
milo as a dad headcanons (+sweetheart) !!
milo and sweetheart have twin sons (am i milking the redacted boys w twins headcanon?)
Dad Milo who was, unsurprisingly, very nervous to be a dad because of his own father but was also worried about his child(ren) growing up with a Department worker
But they both handled it with so much grace
Dad Milo who almost passed out when they found out he was having twins
Parents Milo and Sweetheart whose twins are literally identical and are nearly impossible to tell apart aside from the fact that the oldest's hair is longer than the youngest's (even before they got hair, Milo and Sweetheart could tell them apart easily) 
The twins have an attitude that rivals Milo and Sweetheart's combined (so much so that Sweetheart has threatened to beat their ass) ((does not believe in hitting them though)) 
Parents Milo and Sweetheart who swear in front of their kids but respect that other parents don't want that around their kids (the swearing doesn't make their kids scared of them at all)
Parent Sweetheart who is generally a pretty gentle parent, the slightly vulgar language is only used when the twins are being excessively difficult for the sake of being difficult 
Dad Milo who is insanely protective of his kids (but not in an overbearing way, in the ‘if you hurt my kids you’re dead’ way) 
Sweetheart the workaholic who has literally left work hours earlier to get their oldest a cake pop after he called from Milo’s phone
Dad Milo whose lockscreen is a picture of the twins sitting on the kitchen counter with ice-cream all over their faces
Dad Milo who almost cries when he holds his son as he screams bloody murder while getting vaccinations
Dad Milo who pretends it doesn't hurt whenever one of the twins screams 'i hate you!' in a toddlerlike fit of rage but even after the apologies and makeups, he lies awake at night thinking about it over and over (because maybe he's just like his dad after all)
Dad Milo who still remains calm and firm in his discipline but also remembering to be kind and careful with his boys
Dad Milo who sings and dances with the twins
Parents Milo and Sweetheart who rarely argue in front of their kids
Dad Milo who is practically a seer when it comes to the boys, watching them intently and preventing them from doing stupid things that could get them (seriously) injured before it actually happens 
Parents Milo and Sweetheart who are so used to being punched by their kids
The house during the solstice after the twins get their powers is a mess (Milo makes it his mission to take care of everyone no matter how shitty he feels) 
Dad Milo who pretends the twins being clingy is a hindrance but secretly loves when they want to be around him
Parent Sweetheart who walks around the house on business calls while carrying one (or both) of the twins in each arm (Milo thinks it’s domestic as all hell)
Dad Milo and the twins play a game where he pretends to attack Sweetheart (sometimes in his wolf form) and the twins try to defend them by hitting him and standing in front of them with their arms held out (Milo finds it hilarious, Sweetheart finds it mildly annoying because they always do it when they’re trying to work)
Parents Milo and Sweetheart who are the biggest bullies to their kids (in a loving way)
Parent Sweetheart who only pretended to not be able to tell the difference between the twins one time but their youngest got so upset he started crying, so they didn’t do it again
Dad Milo who treats every messy drawing or art project as the next Mona Lisa (tells everyone their oldest is gonna be a big artist someday)
Dad Milo who is the type to hear one of the boys (or god forbid, both of them) likes a type of snack, food, or drink and buy enough to fill a store (“Dad I can’t eat all of that!”)
Parents Milo and Sweetheart who are definitely the hot parents at parent teacher interviews
Dad Milo who actually can’t say no to the boys (Marie has to talk some sense into him every so often)
Dad Milo who is beyond happy that his kids love his Ma just as much as he does
Dad Milo whose kids are shifter/stealth hybrids (idc if it’s not plausible or possible) and nearly has a heart attack every other day because he has three menaces teaming up to scare the shit out of him
Dad Milo who takes pictures of his family everyday
Parent Sweetheart who gives the boys a very serious lecture about bullying, telling them to be kind to others and if people aren’t kind to them, they should tell them right away
Dad Milo who constantly stresses the importance of letting him kids know that they can talk to him and tell him anything, even if they might get in trouble (“I’d rather be disappointed while I come pick you up from somewhere you’re not supposed to be rather than sitting at your funeral”)
Parent Sweetheart who nearly quits on the spot when they’re called to release their sons from a department cell. Twice.
Dad Milo who uses empty, pointless threats on his toddlers to get them to behave (“Hey, if you don’t stop screaming, I’m gonna have to go outside and pick a flower.”)
Dad Milo who picks up the boys by their shirts to turn them around when they’re going somewhere they’re not supposed to be
Dad Milo who can’t help but smile whenever he hears anything that reminds him of his family, of home
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oceane4loveu · 6 months
What would Blair Waldorf do?
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Blair's aesthetic is dark academia. She loves classic books, pays attention to details, prefers classics and luxury and respects the rules of high society. Its look symbolizes refinements, culture, elegance and classic charm with a chic and timeless touch.
Blair's style oscillates between light feminine and dark feminine depending on the occasion. She likes dresses and skirts, light prints and delicate textures like lace or satin. But she also knows how to adopt a more sophisticated attitude thanks to materials like tweed or leather.
Forget boys. As Blair said: “You need to be cold to be a queen.” Forget the boys, keep your eyes on the prize. » Romantic interests are just distractions and will waste a lot of your time when you're not where you want to be. Work and ignore the noise. Blair's wisdom extends to his approach to education. Follow his example by having clear goals from a young age. Turn off distractions (yes, that includes your phone!) while studying and get your homework done quickly. In doing so, you will be well prepared for success, just like Blair on his path to Yale Law School. Don't fall into the trap of emotions, use your mind. Use your mind, not your heart. "She likes to see the best in people. I like to see the truth." Exactly, you need to start acting according to logic. Set clear goals. Maintain discipline in studies and personal life and radiate elegance. As Blair herself once said: “I am not a step on the path. I am a destination. » Focus on your goals and avoid distractions. Believe in yourself. You must believe that you are capable of doing anything others never underestimate you and always try before giving up. Once again, the world will prove that it can do anything it can. You can do better, trust me.
Hobbies and talents
Blair's hobbies and talents are numerous and reflect his social status:
Fashion and aesthetics: this has always been a clear passion for Blair. She loves creating sophisticated looks.
The organization of events: Blair excels in the art of hosting. She organizes large social evenings where all the details are thought of.
Foreign languages: she speaks several languages ​​fluently, which she learned during numerous stays abroad.
Politics: Blair is interested in world affairs.
Reading: Blair reads a lot and likes to educate her self.
༝༚༝༚ océane
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pinkpigtailsprincess · 5 months
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𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ Summer Glow up: creating new habits 🎀⭐️ *࿐ ࿔*:・゚!
Hi Dolls!! Welcome Back 2 Dollies 2 Months of Summer Glow Up !! 🎀⭐️ Today im gonna talk all about implementing brand new habits in my life !!
> Hobbies !! 🎀
> Academics !! 📒
> Beauty Care !! 🧖‍♀️
> Scheduling !! ☀️
> Taking Baby Steps !! 🛼
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❤︎ ໋𓈒 Hobbies!! 🎀
…: This Summer I Plan on Taking up Some brand New Hobbies to keep my self busy and learn about brand new things bc everyday is useful!! and so i can use my time more wisely some hobbies i have in mind are…
- Yoga
- Painting
- Creative Writing
- Learning Japanese + Spanish
- Reading
- Puzzles!
- Blogging
- Learning To Code
- Doll Collecting
- Book Collecting
- Sewing + Crocheting
- Digital Art
- Piano
and obvii im already a blogger but i still added it anyways i will watching videos on how to get into these hobbies and videos on learning Spanish and more Japanese, also fun fact i’ve actually been studying Japanese sine 2021 but i stopped bc it got to hard but im starting back up!! anyways, after i watch the videos im gonna set up a financial list bc i have the fund all of these but its okay bc i can easily get money!! 🎀
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❤︎ ໋𓈒 Academics !! 🎀
More Goals of mine are to raise my grades in an academic space bc i do have decent grades but i wanna aim higher and have PERFECT Grades so in turn that means i must study more and have more discipline and not so irresponsible with my time!! and i also wanna study subjects outside of school bc its always good to learn something new!! now for learning tips so far i have..
- Flash Cards
- Practice Methods
- Teaching Someone Else
- Trying to explain it to a 5 yr old
- Study a Week Before
- watch ted talks on topics
- write out notes
Now i Also Have a list of subjects i want to learn about!!
- drawing facial expressions + bodies
- Sewing Stiches + How to Hem and Crochet
- How 2 Draw Bodies + Poses
- Full Anatomy 4 Both Genders
- Japanese + Spanish + French + ASL
- Color Theory
- Learning Cursive + Improving Handwriting
- Expanding Vocabulary
- Religious Cults
- Case and Law
- Poison and Toxicology
- Astronomy
- Medical Surgical Instruments
- Matriarchal Societies
- Socialism Societies
Now i definitely won’t be able to do all of this all at once bc it would definitely we too stressful so im gonna choose as least 2-3 to start with and study them and just learn! 🎀🧁
❤︎ ໋𓈒 Beauty Care !! 🐬
📧: Now I already have my regular beauty care regime skin,hair,eyebrows,eyelashes etc. but im also more focused on getting weekly treatments & weekly beauty care habits like…
- Nails
- Hair
- Eyelashes
- Face Mask
- Hand + Foot Mask
And i wanna try and find people in my city that can do this especially for nails bc i would go to the nail salon but i feel like they won’t be able to do it exactly how i want it to be !!!
❤︎ ໋𓈒 Scheduling !! ⭐️
Now That im gonna be so busy i need to make sure i also stay organized with my time so it doesn’t lead to stress so ill have my regular school classes on my regular schedule then making dedicated hours to studying Things i wanna learn about + Language Learning!
My Workouts are always early morning before school in the evening hours before i got to bed so i won’t have to worry about that affecting my academics. With my Hobbies i feel like only some of them really need scheduling so ill also make time dedicated to those as well !!!!
Beauty Maintenance will probably always be on weekends for the stuff that weekly/bi weekly like face masks,manipedis,hair etc!!
and last but definitely not least!!
❤︎ ໋𓈒 Taking Baby Steps !! ⭐️
This whole process is still all new too me so i’ll definitely only be doing a little at a time and working my way up and i get more familiar with the change in my daily life and i won’t pressure my self to complete everything extremely quickly and just take my time with everything! bye bye dolls tysm 4 keeping up with me while doing this kisses 4 all of u!!! 🎀⭐️
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moonstarsunearth · 4 months
Sincerely the way I don't agree with many Challengers takes is because many of them are based on this idea that Art since the beginning didn't have passion,drive,ambition and love for tennis like Patrick. where this idea came from?. The movie is telling you he is in a losing streak because he is falling out of love with the game,but is something recent,he is fighting with a desire to retire vs wanting to love the game again,that is very understandable after a surgery,lack of confidence returning and living the demanding life of an elite player and winning almost everything in his career with the desire of living other aspects or his life. But where is shown that he didn't have the passion or drive during most of the flash backs? He even became a better player when he was in Stanford without Patrick and became a professional with success without Tashi, because when Tashi met him again he was already playing in the big league of tennis like Cincinnati not challengers or low level tournaments,so even if it still connects to Patrick and Tashi,Art's drive isn't just about Tashi or Patrick's validation. He had also played for himself all his career,when he tried to stay just for tashi he began to lose,Tashi gave him the ultimatum of leaving him and it didn't work.
I think people confuse Art being ice and Patrick being fire with less passion or love for the game,when that is about having different styles of playing tennis that can be reflected also in their personalities. Patrick being more explosive ,raw,improvisation while Art being more precise ,in control and calculated. And may be it show us Patrick being more confident,taking risks quickly but not that Art loved tennis less.
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And he obviously wouldn't love tennis like Tashi, especially when Tashi lost the opportunity to play and still had that hunger in her all her life,bu If we use tennis as a fourth character or a metaphor for their relationships,I think one the reasons Tashi is with Art is because she can still talk with him in some way the same language of what she loved the most that is tennis,for her tennis is a relationship,like being in love, understanding each other, and we saw it since their first conversation,Art wanting to talk about points or noticing her scream or connecting with both playing in Stanford, Art falling for her after watching her play and noticing her backhand. And may be Art losing passion for tennis is a metaphor for their marriage crumbling,because he and Tashi weren't talking the same language anymore. But also during all their relationship Tashi couldnt give everything from herself to Art because she couldnt play tennis anymore,she is giving what she can. So how didn't he love tennis like Patrick but just had discipline all his life?
I don't agree with this idea of Tashi comes back to Patrick because he had the passion and love for tennis that Art didn't have,at contrary I think she isn't with Patrick because she felt Patrick's didn't love tennis enough,how can you love something and not have commitment to it, and commitment to tennis is also a metaphor to comminment to a relationship with her.But Tashi is fire and ice,so she live with each of them very different aspects of her,not that fire is just the real her or that is the only side with passion and love for tennis. Oh god this is so long !😅
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amethystwrytes · 25 days
Of Course, Professor (Drabble)
Pairing: Professor! Lee Know x Female Reader
Genre: Romantic. Smut. Fluff.
Summary: A spicy but sweet night at home.
Warnings: Explicit language and explicit depictions of sex.
WC: 950
A/N: I was originally going to end the main story with some 🌶️ but I changed my mind and never finished the scene. You all voted for spicy domestic fluff over raunchy, totally unethical office smut - which btw I'm proud af of you all lmaooo - so here it is.
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“What are you working on?” Minho asks as he sits beside you on the couch with a pile of papers in his lap. 
You look up from your sketchbook and shrug, “I’m trying to sketch out some ideas, I’d like to put some original paintings in my classroom as decoration.” 
He looks over your shoulder onto the notebook in front of you, “I like all the different shapes in this one.” 
“I like it too,” you turn your head and peck his lips with yours, “I think I’m going to do it in really bright, bold colors. The kids will like it.” 
“They’ll love it,” he smiles, “Are you nervous for school to start?” 
“No,” you say sheepishly then chuckle, “but yes. It’s been a while since I was in a classroom, and when I was I was still a student, with a veteran teacher to correct my mistakes - being in a room alone, with no one there to fix it if I mess up is intimidating. Then again, it’s just art, how bad could I possibly fuck them up?” you laugh and Minho chuckles too. 
“It’s not just art,” he takes your sketchbook and starts flipping through, “To at least one of those children, it’s going to be the most important class they ever take. Years - decades - from now they’ll remember what they learned from the teacher who taught them that their art mattered, that it was important. They’ll think of you every time they pick up a brush, or pencil and I can’t think of a more perfect person for the job.” 
You stare at him, a soft smile playing at your lips.
“What?” he grins back, “Is there something on my face?” 
You shake your head and crawl over him, pushing his paperwork to the side, your legs straddling his lap and you take his face in your hands. 
“I just can’t believe there was a time when I didn’t know how sweet and soft you were,” you tell him, pressing your lips against his. 
“Mmm,” he moans into your mouth, “I am not.” 
“You are.” 
He tosses you over onto your back and you giggle, “And I can’t believe you ever thought you were going to be a lawyer,” he clicks his teeth and sorts his papers back in order, shaking them at you, “No discipline at all. Your classes don’t begin until August, but some of us are teaching Summer classes and Sunday is my day to grade…”
As he lectures you, you slide your shorts and underwear off. When he looks back his eyes go dark as you allow your knees to gently fall apart. 
He makes a raspy sound in his throat as his eyes narrow, “No fucking discipline…” he mutters, tossing the papers on the coffee table. 
“Then teach me some, Professor,” you bite your lip. 
He chuckles as he pulls his shirt over his head, “A pointless endeavor. I spoil you is what I do,” he grins, situating himself between your legs. He begins kissing the inside of your thighs, the cool air hitting your center tells you you’re already soaked. 
He dips a finger into your cunt and twists, your hips come off the couch and you sigh. He continues to pump you while his tongue paints swirls of pleasure over every centimeter of your pussy. He’s so fucking good. You find yourself burying your fingers in his hair, latching him onto you as you move your hips with his mouth as the pleasure builds. Every time he eats you out you try to hold it, to stop yourself from coming just to bask in how good his tongue feels on you, but maybe he’s right - you have no discipline. You spread your legs as far as they go and stiffen, your orgasm hitting you in rhythmic waves. 
“More,” you manage to squeak out. 
“Spoiled,” he whispers back, wiping his mouth with the back of his arm as he pulls the rest of his clothes off and resumes his place between your legs. 
He grabs your hands and holds them in place above your head, his lips come down on one of your nipples and he gently sucks and licks wide languid strokes over the sensitive bud. You squirm beneath him, needing to feel him inside you. Finally he relents, and removes his mouth from your breast, still stiffly holding your hands while he pushes into you. 
He pauses for a moment, even all these months later both of you still need a second to adapt to him deep inside you. It’s more than a physical connection of body parts, it feels incendiary, it feels right - it feels like love. 
You wrap your legs around his hips so he can go as deep as he needs to, his open mouth against your neck spilling rapid breaths and dirty, sexy secrets. You know he’s close, so you lift your hips slightly because you’re so in tune with him that you know it will hit just right, know it will push you over the edge too and he needs it. 
When the coil all wound up inside you springs, you spasm around him and he moans, freezing all movement except for the throbbing of his cock spilling inside you. He remains on top of you for several moments, letting his breath return to normal. He lets go of your fists and slides his palm over yours, lacing your fingers together as he plants kisses along your cheek and jawline, his cock softening inside your body. 
“I love you,” he whispers against your temple, eyes closed. 
You use your free hand to wipe his sweaty bangs from his face, you kiss his nose and lips, “I love you too Minho.” 
Thank you for reading, and here's your virtual smooooooch 😘
My Sluts for Minho tag list / people who asked to be tagged in pt 2: @katieraven , @linocz , @screamobubbles , @hpnsfwaddict , @simpforleeknaur also @moni-logues (so she doesn’t send me threatening discord messages 😂) …If I missed you somehow I’m sorry, I’ve got zero organization methods when approaching tag lists and relied on re-reading the replies on the main fic to remember who asked, so if you asked a different way it probably got lost in my brain 🙃
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jimblejamblewritings · 6 months
An Observation of Humankind [thinkpiece number: 1]
Every girlie (nonbinary, women and men of all orientations included) is a type of Marauder and their partners are marauder love interest — fandom version included.
James Girlies:
either like sports or play sports, especially soccer/football or rugby
bad eyesight
defends everyone
himbo and ditzy but we love them for that
fanfiction reader/sharer
have had several short-term but very intense crushes
surprisingly not always high school sweethearts (which yeah odd cause of Lily)
nature bros
calls their journal a diary with no shame
are always outside and can't sit their ass at home for too long
love bouquets
own at least one pair of converse
loves pop music and Hozier
have scaled a fence before
might be able to play the guitar
handwriting could be nicer if they tried
didn't get their drivers' license right away
take their coffee any way that isn't straight black coffee
definitely think all people are hot even if they don't swing that way (think lesbians love Thor)
loved Merlin the tv show
James Girlies love Regulus and Lily people, which means:
cold people, smart people, black cat people, painters, polite people, readers, homebody people, gothic people, hippie people, people with beautiful handwriting, black coffee drinkers, whisky lovers
Sirius Girlies:
dog people and cat people equally
doc martens
loves coffee and tea equally
fanfiction writer/reader
gorgeous handwriting, probably cursive
might know or has had an interest in calligraphy
an astrology and/or astronomy girl
speaks at least two languages
plays an instrument, any instrument... but their parents definitely suggested piano
leather jackets
denim jackets
wears way less black than people think
fantasy nerd and has played dungeons and dragons
was a superwholockian
usually the only child or older child
doesn't smoke but everyone thinks they might
cocktails or whiskey and beer, no in between
virgin till like freshman year of college or later, to everyone's shock
looks like a black cat but is actually a golden retriever
however they could kill you don't get it twisted
has trauma but won't trauma bond
crooked smile and not perfect teeth but gorgeous anyway
perfect hair that is deliberately messed with
motorcycles and vespas and small cars
listens to every genre of music
tattoos (even if just one small one)
journal person
can quote certain movies by heart
unfortunately turned on by sweater vests
fashion girlie
Sirius Girlies love Marlene, Remus, and other Sirius people, which means:
warm people, confident people, tall people, flirty people, musicians, readers, intellectual people, fancy people
Remus Girlies:
sweets lover
probably likes dark chocolate the most as well as hot chocolate
owns sweaters, probably vintage, some handmade by their Sirius girlies
plays chess
can draw
mismatched socks
waits till the last minute to do laundry
is more of a cat person but also loves dogs
didn't have strict parents and ended up giving themselves curfews and discipline and only late realized the reverse psychology
keeps a notebook about everything their partner likes
messy cook in the kitchen
loves tea a bit over coffee
is probably the actual smoker of the group
doesn't make their bed
good kissers
always carries a jacket or wears a shirt under their sweater so they can give it to their partner
can hold their liquor a bit too well perhaps
has trauma and might trauma bond
great fashion sense but will wear literally whatever is clean
Remus Girlies love Sirius, Pandora, and Dorcas (hear me out) people, which means:
black cat looks and golden retriever personality, weird people, people that pour their pain and emotions into their art whether music or painting or drawing, people that take time to care for themselves in the morning, witchy people, smiley people
Peter Girlies (pretend there was no betrayal):
asks the most off-putting questions without realizing it
takes a camera everywhere
loves board games
tea drinker all day every day
sends selfies at literally any angle because they don't care
always pays attention to everyone
loves breakfast food eaten not at breakfast
had a ukelele phase
cleanest of their friend group
Peter Girlies love Mary people, which means:
sunshine people, almost always happy, excitable people, pda lovers, carefree topeople
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