#discipline equals freedom
projectbatman193 · 4 months
Discipline equals freedom!
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stayhardmotherf-cker · 5 months
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sebastianswallows · 5 months
The Little Death — 1. Captive of your desires
— PAIRING: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Bene Gesserit!Reader
— SYNOPSIS: A Bene Gesserit gets left behind in the Arrakeen palace. When Feyd becomes the Planetary Governor, he finds her there in hiding. The Harkonnens don't traditionally keep them as truthsayers or concubines like other Houses do, but Feyd might have a use for her. After all, he's never had a Bene Gesserit of his own before.
— WARNINGS: choking and death threats
— A/N: I couldn't resist. I had to write more for him. Reader, I love him. This fic might go a little wild, because I want to play into this naughty boy's love for pain. Expect some subby Feyd, some inkpies, generally a messed up dynamic with an equally messed up reader. Hope you enjoy, my lovelies! 🖤
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Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty. — Bene Gesserit Coda
House Harkonnen fell upon Arrakis like a hammer — with a deafening crash and destructive reverberation. After the palace was ransacked and the most important figures murdered, their bodies piled high and set alight, the stragglers were hunted through the streets and homes of Arrakeen. There was a week of slaughter. By the end, nothing moved. All spice production had ceased. Then the violence left the city and spread out into the desert, and the whole hemisphere of the planet was captured.
Arrakeen sat near the northern pole, on thick bedrock surrounded by natural fortifications that protected it from worm attacks. It was a difficult place to escape from. Those who remained were understood to be loyal to the Harkonnens, or at least indifferent to who held the power. The Atreides rule had been brief enough to not have garnered that many supporters. Only the rumour of their goodness and grace had been planted, and the Harkonnens returned before those could take root.
There can be said to have been a second Harkonnen takeover once Feyd-Rautha arrived. The Baron’s youngest nephew. Word was spread — or rather, been carefully planted — that he was the kinder, gentler of the Harkonnen brothers. The people greeted him like a saviour. Inside the palace, the atmosphere was more subdued.
It was a stark contrast to the transition from when Rabban came to power. No mass killings, no ransacking of rooms, just an orderly takeover through which the cold and calculating presence of Feyd-Rautha flowed. Furniture was rearranged. Staff was brought in from Giedi Prime. Brand new equipment arrived, especially for the spice harvesters.
The message was clear. The new planetary governor was thorough and exacting. Most of those in the palace breathed a sigh of relief, but there was at least one breath that stuttered.
She was there at his arrival, watching from a distance together with the throng of Arrakeen locals, Fremen and others, who gathered to see the procession. It was early in the morning, just before sunrise. He walked differently than other Harkonnen she’d seen. Rabban stomped through like a bull. The servants grovelled. The Baron was so fat he had to be suspended in the air. But this one, this one strolled through with confidence. Sleek and slender, he was beautiful in an inhuman way. That much she could make out from a distance.
He struck out at Fremen sietches on his very first day, using artillery fire and on-the-ground troops. An old way of doing things, but effective. It painted the new governor as precise, determined, and strangely honourable, and then word spread around the palace that he’d struck his own brother to the ground and made him kiss his feet. The word ‘humiliation’ was uttered. The news sewed a sliver of hope in the hearts of the longsuffering palace staff.
She had evaded close contact with the Harkonnens until then. It only made sense, as she was in hiding, slipping through the cracks of their negligence until she could procure safe passage off-planet, but that was getting more difficult by the day. What they lacked in caution, they made up for in paranoia, and all comings and goings were kept behind esoteric layers of bureaucracy. She was in the process of making contact with a smuggler when Feyd-Rautha gained governorship of the planet, and all her hopes were dashed.
It was the evening of his second day on the planet when she was called. The servant that summoned her looked at her like she was an apparition — which, in a way, she was. She had managed to remain undetected, keeping herself busy, staying out of sight, acting like she was meant to be there. She’d become part of the scenery and could dispel suspicion if anyone got too close. Her Bene Gesserit training was good for that if nothing else. But there was no escaping this. Somebody had finally found her and knew exactly where she was.
She followed the servant — a heavily armed pasty-white figure, crooked and willowy — to the chamber door of what she knew to be the largest office of the governor. He opened it for her, pushed her in, and locked the door behind her.
Like a tiny sun, a glowglobe floated through the room, its light falling on the smooth black surfaces of the furniture and the pale stone of the walls. She folded her hands before her, hidden by the long sleeves of her dress, and followed what the light revealed. The room was large and windowless, stripped bare of any useless item. The table was empty, the chairs were in their place, and upon the plinths set in the corners, no potted plants or works of art stood. Only one thing moved there, together with the light. Feyd-Rautha paced slowly, quietly, on the other side of the room.
“My lord na-Baron,” she said in a smooth and submissive voice. Her knees bent in a slight curtsy — respectful, but not too much. “You summoned me.”
She wore a garb that didn’t belong to any particular function. The long black dress would have fit just as well in the kitchens as in the cleaning staff, and the head covering was suited for the Arrakis weather, worn by any female. All of those with hair, anyway. The light material bent around her, giving her a slightly oval shape, soft and harmless. But when she looked up and caught the na-Baron’s gaze, he would have seen a sharper look there than that of any servant.
His eyes were cunning too. They looked upon her knowingly and with amusement, a strange manner for a Harkonnen.
“Who are you?” he asked with a playful squint.
His voice scratched across her skin like kitten claws. He didn’t sound the way he looked, and she admitted it surprised her. His tone, nevertheless, was gentle. Deceitfully kind. He could kill me in an instant, she thought, and take pleasure from it.
“My lord, I —”
“You were not on Rabban’s stafflist. I know that, because he didn’t have one. And you’re not on mine, because I didn’t ask for you. We have as of today an account of all the palace workers, but the list comes up with one extra room unaccounted for.”
Nights in Arrakeen were cold, but her skin just turned colder. What rotten luck, to be in the palace right when they decided to actually investigate who worked there and did what. It’s my own fault, she said to herself. I relied on their incompetence for far too long. Now I pay the price. So be it.
“I have been a servant in this palace for many years, my lord na-Baron,” she said with a slow bow of her head. “And I wish to serve you as well.”
“Is that so?” he purred, coming closer. His steps were lazy, but the pace was measured. He had more control over his body than his playful swagger let on. “Many years, you say? You worked for the Atreides, then?”
“And for Count Fenring before them.”
He stopped. She looked up at him from underneath her lashes and smiled in quiet satisfaction. Lady Fenring was a skilled Bene Gesserit sister and had lived in Arrakeen with her husband for many years before the Atreides decided on it for their capital. She was the most logical choice as a secret envoy to the Harkonnen heir. And if Feyd-Rautha met her, it could only mean one thing.
Uroshnor, she thought. He’s likely been imprinted with the usual prana-bindu phrase. It would stun him, if only for a moment. But long enough… It didn’t provide her a means of escape, but it gave her hope. It gave her room for manoeuvre.
“I am not a spy,” she said, straightening her back.
“Of course, a spy would say that.”
“You may test me in any way you wish,” she said with a playful chuckle.
Feyd’s eyes darkened at her proposition, a smile bending his full lips as he stepped closer. Oh, he could think of many ways to test her…
“What are you, then?” he asked, his voice scratching low and close as he stopped close enough to touch.
She could see now that his eyes were a clear blue. Not the sort of blue brought on by long-term spice exposure, that dark electric shade, but blue like water, like the sky, like a shard of ice. His jawline was firm — that of a biter. But his lips were pillow-soft and curled around the edges in a smile that wouldn’t go away. Lips made for laughing, made for kissing, made for love. He’s such a delicate boy. The thought ran through her mind before she realised.
“I served the Lady Fenring as a housekeeper,” she said.
“My lord?”
“You’re one of them, aren’t you? A damn witch.”
She remained completely still, her eyes locked on his. He was trying to dominate her with a hard incessant glare, but she held his gaze merely for the pleasure of it. What a comforting colour they were on such a harsh planet… No matter the malice behind them.
“You’re a Bene Gesserit. I’ve met your kind before,” he continued, looking down her body in a cruel, suggestive way. “You hold yourselves the way no other women do.”
“Perpans not like Harkonnen women.”
He chuckled, the sound scraping up his slender neck. “All women in the known universe are the same, given the right circumstances.”
“But not the Bene Gesserit.”
“Yes, not you,” he sighed, head tilting as if his mind was trying to escape a painful memory.
His eyes stayed upon her figure, trailing down the contours of her dress. Then he reached out a hand and touched it, his fingers tracing a silky pleat so lightly that it barely moved. She felt it still, the slight disturbance his caresses caused, but willed her body to stay motionless. There was no trace of aggression in him now.
“Why are you still here?” he asked.
“You have not dismissed me, my lord na-Baron.”
He chuckled faintly. “I mean on Arrakis.”
“I wish to remain in the palace.”
“The deserts are harsh.”
“Many prefer that to serving a Harkonnen.”
“One master is as good as another.”
“I’m sure it must’ve felt like that to you,” he said, looking her in the eye again. His fingers left her dress and went to rest upon the hilt of a dagger at his belt. “So I take it you were one of Lady Fenring’s servants. A… fellow sister, would you call it?”
“I was part of her staff, yes.”
“And you didn’t leave with her and the Count when the Atreides came?”
“I remained behind to assist with training their staff,” she said with a bow of her head. Even now she retained a certain respect for that dead House.
“And Lady Fenring,” he hissed, the name dripping from his mouth like poison, “she never wanted to retrieve you?”
“I believe they think me dead.”
“Yes, she is not the sentimental sort,” he chuckled, and his cold gaze caught hers.
A dangerous thought was taking root behind those eyes, she could see it germinating. She waited, reading his body, scanning the minute changes in his expression, and tried to determine what went on behind that pallid mask.
There was envy there, and regret, and longing. The Harkonnens never kept Bene Gesserit truthsayers, nor were there any among the Baron’s concubines — all of them were young boys anyway. They were unique among the Great Houses in that way, and although she knew that Feyd’s mother had been a Bene Gesserit herself, he probably didn’t know what it was like to be raised by one. Why else would he be looking at her now as if he wanted to peel her clothes away, and then her skin, and reach toward her heart and grab it?
“How can I help my na-Baron?” she asked, her voice a whisper, her gaze a caress.
“By not getting above yourself,” he rasped with the air of slapping her offer away.
Her heart stuttered in her chest and she bowed her head to hide her terror. Did I read him wrongly? she thought to herself. I must not fear.
“House Harkonnen has no use for witches,” said Feyd.
She felt his strong hand grip her shoulder, slipping past the veil to curl around her neck. He stayed there, holding her in a half-choke just firm enough to feel her heartbeat in the palm of his hand.
“I ought to kill you,” he said sweetly, “and feed you to my darlings.”
Her lips parted, swelling slightly, and she felt her face go pale. The little death takes on a whole new meaning, she thought with grim amusement.
“But I do want to know one thing…”
“Yes, my na-Baron?” she asked in a shaky voice.
He breathed in sharply at the sound of it. He liked it. When she looked up into his eyes again, the grip around her throat felt not so much murderous anymore as it did greedy, possessive.
“I want to know… Do you have one of those pain boxes too?”
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coffeebeanwriting · 1 year
15 Writing Tips from Authors
1) “You take people, you put them on a journey, you give them peril, you find out who they really are.” - Joss Whedon
2) “First, find out what your hero wants, then just follow them.” - Ray Bradbury 
Coffee bean’s analysis: Letting your characters lead the story can result in an authentic, character-driven story, full of real conflicts and natural emotion.
3) “Turn up for work. Discipline allows creative freedom. No discipline equals no freedom.” - Jeanette Winterson
4) “Show up, show up, show up, and after a while the muse shows up, too.” - Isabel Allende 
Coffee bean’s analysis: In order to write or eventually share your story with the world, you have to sit down and do the work, even if your brain is empty. Once you show up, the creativity has a chance to spark.
5) “All bad writers are in love with the epic.” - Ernest Hemingway
6) "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - Leonardo Da Vinci
Coffee bean’s analysis: Being able to turn a complex idea into simple words is harder than one might think— but can elevate your writing. Not everything needs to be epic or overly flowery.
7) “Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life.” - Anne Lamott
8) “I went for years not finishing anything. Because, of course, when you finish something you can be judged.” - Erica Jong
9) “Don’t write at first for anyone but yourself.” - T.S Eliot
Coffee bean’s analysis: Perfectionism will kill any chance you have at having fun and finishing your novel. Let go of that pressure of being perfect and do not worry about being judged. Write for you.
10) “Forget the books you want to write. Think only of the book you are writing.” -Henry Miller
Coffee bean’s analysis: Don’t overwhelm your schedule with trying to write a ton of projects at once. Focus your energy into one (or two) at a time.
11) "A short story must have a single mood and every sentence must build towards it." - Edgar Allen Poe
12) “Every sentence must do one of two things— reveal character or advance the action." - Kurt Vonnegut
Coffee bean’s analysis: Even if you’re writing a novel, this advice is brilliant. Whether it’s a sentence, paragraph or whole chapter... make sure they are meant to be in your story. Keep your scenes tidy and thematic, building towards something.
13) “Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” - Anton Chekhov
Coffee bean’s analysis: When writing a novel, give your reader details so that they can picture the scene in their head. Don’t do too much telling (though it has it’s places).
14) “It is perfectly okay to write garbage— as long as you edit brilliantly.” - C.J Cherry
15) “If it sounds like writing … rewrite it.” - Elmore Leonard
Coffee bean’s analysis: Allow yourself to write messily and worry about editing later. Once in the editing phase, if your writing sounds stiff, rewrite it so that it sounds natural.
Instagram: coffeebeanwriting  
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starshine555 · 3 months
Astro Notes #4
💫Placements that are always searching for meaning:
Aquarius Moon, Scorpio Moon, Jupiter in Cancer, Jupiter in Capricorn(funny enough, these guys question things a lot, and they don't like blindly following things. George Carlin is an excellent example of this.) Sagittarius Rising, Gemini Rising, Sun-Pluto, Moon-Pluto, Moon-Uranus, Mercury-Uranus.
💫Mars in 3rd cannot be attracted to someone if there’s no mental stimulation. If there’s no amazing conversations, there is no attraction lel.
💫Jupiter in cancer could either be very spiritually connected to their mother, or they could be gifted with a spiritual mentor at some point in their life.
💫Capricorn Mercury can be stereotyped for being deadpan, but I’ve met quite a few of them that can be witty, charismatic, and very funny.
💫Mars in 11th could make very good influencers.
💫Libra MC- Can feel in their heart that their purpose is to bring people together, or create a way that everybody can be treated equally.
💫Jupiter in 7th love the idea of an ending to a story where everyone is happy. They like to romanticize the idea of even the villain turning good in the end somehow.
💫Uranus aspects, most of the time, show an area of your life that can be erratic, but Uranus can also show areas of your life that need a mastery of discipline. Uranus is associated with the sign of Aquarius, however Aquarius is also ruled by Saturn. This tells us that in order to have true freedom you need self-discipline as a prerequisite.
💫Moon conjunct Lilith: a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Very deep and intense, repressed sexual desire. When they let this repressed energy come to the surface they can be WILD.
💫Moon in 4th- there’s a pretty good chance that women are way more significant in their life than men.
💫Aquarius Venus, honestly, I think is the venus sign that is the most comfortable being alone, and I respect that.
💫Ik a lot of people stereotype Taurus for loving food, but sag tho…not only do they love food, but, boy, can they cook. For them, it’s not a thing of luxury, but it’s an art.🌮🍝🥗🥙🫕🍲
💫Someone with a combination of libra and virgo in their chart can be extremely protective of their loved ones, and in some cases overly protective. Virgo is associated with safety and perfectionism, and libra is concerned with “others”. They would probably make good crossing guards, or just guards in general.
💫Taurus mercuries could make very good salesmen imo. They can be very flirtatious like libra mercury, and they know how to make a sale sound enticing and luxurious.
My YT- Lauren Champion
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obsidian-pages777 · 4 months
Asteroid Juno in your Astrological Chart. Who is your Ideal Partner?
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Juno in the Astrological Chart
Juno, named after the Roman goddess of marriage, represents commitment, partnerships, and what we seek in a long-term relationship. Here’s an interpretation of Juno in each house and zodiac sign in the natal chart.
Juno in the Houses
First House: Juno here signifies a strong identity in relationships. You seek a partner who complements your self-image and personal style. Commitment and partnership are central to your sense of self.
Second House: This placement emphasizes financial security and values in relationships. You look for a partner who shares your values and contributes to mutual material stability.
Third House: Juno in the third house points to a need for intellectual connection in partnerships. Communication and shared ideas are crucial for a successful relationship.
Fourth House: With Juno here, domestic harmony and emotional security are paramount. You seek a partner who feels like family and provides a nurturing home environment.
Fifth House: Juno in the fifth house highlights romance, creativity, and fun in relationships. You look for a partner who brings joy, encourages self-expression, and shares in creative pursuits.
Sixth House: This placement focuses on service and daily routines. You seek a partner who supports your work ethic, health, and everyday responsibilities.
Seventh House: Juno in the seventh house emphasizes equality and partnership. Marriage and long-term commitments are significant, and you seek a balanced and harmonious relationship.
Eighth House: With Juno here, there is an intense focus on deep emotional and transformative bonds. You seek a partner who is willing to engage in profound emotional intimacy and shared resources.
Ninth House: Juno in the ninth house suggests a need for shared beliefs and adventure in relationships. You look for a partner who encourages your philosophical growth and exploration.
Tenth House: This placement emphasizes a partner who supports your career and public life. You seek someone who complements your ambitions and helps you achieve your goals.
Eleventh House: Juno in the eleventh house highlights friendships and shared ideals in partnerships. You look for a partner who aligns with your social circles and humanitarian goals.
Twelfth House: With Juno here, there is a focus on spiritual and unconscious connections. You seek a partner who understands your deeper, often hidden needs and supports your spiritual growth.
Juno in the Zodiac Signs
Aries: Juno in Aries desires independence and dynamism in relationships. You seek a partner who is assertive, energetic, and allows you the freedom to be yourself.
Taurus: This placement values stability and sensuality. You look for a partner who provides security, is reliable, and appreciates the finer things in life.
Gemini: Juno in Gemini desires intellectual stimulation and variety. You seek a partner who is communicative, adaptable, and shares your curiosity.
Cancer: This placement values emotional security and nurturing. You look for a partner who is caring, protective, and creates a homey environment.
Leo: Juno in Leo desires passion and admiration in relationships. You seek a partner who is confident, generous, and makes you feel special.
Virgo: This placement values practicality and service. You look for a partner who is reliable, detail-oriented, and supports your daily routines.
Libra: Juno in Libra emphasizes balance and harmony. You seek a partner who is fair, charming, and values equality in the relationship.
Scorpio: This placement values depth and transformation. You look for a partner who is intense, passionate, and willing to engage in profound emotional connections.
Sagittarius: Juno in Sagittarius desires freedom and adventure. You seek a partner who is optimistic, adventurous, and encourages your growth.
Capricorn: This placement values ambition and structure. You look for a partner who is disciplined, responsible, and supports your career goals.
Aquarius: Juno in Aquarius desires uniqueness and intellectual connection. You seek a partner who is innovative, independent, and shares your humanitarian ideals.
Pisces: This placement values empathy and spiritual connection. You look for a partner who is compassionate, intuitive, and understands your deeper emotional needs.
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theambitiouswoman · 2 years
My Book Recommendations for Developing Self Discipline:
"Atomic Habits" by James Clear: This book offers a practical and science-based approach to building good habits and breaking bad ones. It teaches how to identify the root cause of your behavior, how to make small changes that lead to big results, and how to stay consistent over time.
"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg: This book explores the science behind habit formation and how you can change your habits to improve your life. It offers practical strategies for developing good habits and breaking bad ones, based on research from neuroscience, psychology, and behavioral economics.
"The Willpower Instinct" by Kelly McGonigal: This book draws on research from psychology, neuroscience, and mindfulness to offer practical strategies for improving self-discipline and willpower. It teaches how to overcome procrastination, resist temptation, and achieve your goals.
"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey: This classic book teaches seven habits that can help you become more effective in your personal and professional life. It emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, goal-setting, and continuous improvement.
"Discipline Equals Freedom" by Jocko Willink: This book offers a no-nonsense approach to self-discipline, drawing on the author's experience as a Navy SEAL. It teaches how to develop discipline in all areas of your life, from fitness and nutrition to work and relationships.
6. "No Excuses: The Power of Self-Discipline" is a book by Brian Tracy that explores the importance of self-discipline in achieving success. Tracy argues that self-discipline is the key to achieving your goals and living a fulfilling life, and offers practical strategies for developing self-discipline.
In the book, Tracy emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for your own life, setting clear goals, and developing the habits and routines necessary to achieve those goals. He also discusses the role of motivation and willpower in achieving success, and offers strategies for overcoming procrastination and staying focused on your goals.
Overall, "No Excuses" is a motivational and practical guide to developing self-discipline and achieving your full potential.
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astroa3h · 9 months
Juno through the signs 💖💍
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Juno in Aries: Your soulmate is likely to be assertive, energetic, and passionate. They are independent and enjoy taking the lead in relationships. They might be a bit impulsive but are always exciting to be with.
Juno in Taurus: Here, your soulmate values stability, loyalty, and comfort. They are likely down-to-earth, enjoy sensual pleasures, and are very reliable. Patience and consistency are their strengths.
Juno in Gemini: This placement suggests a soulmate who is communicative, witty, and intellectually stimulating. They love variety and are usually quite social and curious about everything around them.
Juno in Cancer: Your soulmate is nurturing, emotional, and caring. They value deep emotional connections and are very protective of their loved ones. Home and family are extremely important to them.
Juno in Leo: A soulmate with Juno in Leo tends to be warm-hearted, generous, and a bit dramatic. They love to be admired and appreciate romance and grand gestures in relationships.
Juno in Virgo: This placement indicates a soulmate who is practical, detail-oriented, and service-minded. They are likely to show their love through acts of service and appreciate order and simplicity in their lives.
Juno in Libra: Here, your soulmate values harmony, balance, and fairness in relationships. They are often charming and diplomatic, and they strive for a partnership where both parties are equals.
Juno in Scorpio: Your soulmate is likely to be intense, passionate, and deeply emotional. They value deep and transformative relationships and are not afraid to explore the darker sides of life with their partner.
Juno in Sagittarius: A soulmate with Juno in Sagittarius is adventurous, optimistic, and freedom-loving. They enjoy exploring new horizons, both physically and philosophically, and value honesty and independence.
Juno in Capricorn: This placement suggests a soulmate who is responsible, ambitious, and disciplined. They value tradition and long-term commitment, and they take their responsibilities in relationships very seriously.
Juno in Aquarius: Here, your soulmate is likely to be unconventional, independent, and possibly a bit eccentric. They value intellectual connections and often seek a friendship basis in relationships.
Juno in Pisces: Your soulmate is compassionate, empathetic, and often spiritual or artistic. They value deep emotional and spiritual connections and often have a strong intuitive sense about their partner.
Get your own Juno Soulmate Reading @ astroash.net
TikTok - astroa3h
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dialovers-lover-xoxo · 7 months
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Sakamaki Brothers as Dads Headcanons!
This is in the context of their character development in later games, but I'm still going to try to be accurate to their personalities and try not to over-soften or idealize them
- Shu struggled to find a balance between gentle discipline and guidance and freedom for his kids, he didn't want them suffocated like he was
- While he's there to help and support, he believes they should learn to work things out on their own. He's not neglectful of their problems but he's a little less hands-on in that regard
- Instead of solving things for them he works with them so they can learn to solve things on their own
- He keeps an eye of them without getting too involved physically like while they're playing or in public
- Though he'll love all his kids equally he really wanted a girl after centuries of being the older brother to 5 brothers
- Though he wants them to be able to take care of themselves, Shu is very protective of them
- He's generally very calm, even when angry
- He'll probably adopt a kitten or puppy for them to raise with him
- When they're young he lets them nap on his chest
- Strict, but warm and gentle
- He makes sure to give each of his kids equal attention as to not let history repeat itself
- He also wants to prevent his children from having that same animosity and resentment he felt/feels with Shu
- If he managed to make some sort of peace with Shu he'll be okay with them interacting
- He'll take them into the woods and help them take care of and interact with animals
- He's adamant that they'll be vampires, not half-vampire, half-human, so he will absolutely turn his s/o into a vampire. No discussion
- Teaches them what he knows but also helps indulge them in their interests
- Kisses their forehead or heads
- Will check for monsters under the bed or in the closet, but won't let them sleep in bed with him and his s/o, he'll just reassure them there's no monster and give them a nightlight
- They can still hang out with him and his and his s/o's bed just not sleep there overnight
- He's the fun dad
- But also sometimes the really embarrassing dad
- His son's playing a sport? He's losing his mind in the stands
- His daughter's the lead in a musical? He's clapping obnoxiously and bragging to EVERYONE
- Literally brags about every single one of his children's achievements
- Also the parent with the belief of his children can do no wrong. Like he'll argue with the teacher if one of his kids gets a bad grade
- He was really excited when you got pregnant
- But was secretly really worried
- He kind of idealized it at first, underestimating the difficulties of raising a kid and how much work infants are
- Was legitimately surprised at how long it would take for them to walk or talk
- At first he was entirely against any sort of discipline because he didn't know what discipline was, he didn't know you could be a good loving parent and discipline your child without mistreatment or abuse
- As far as he knew, discipline was abuse
- Very protective and possessive, especially with his daughter/s
- Sometimes fights with his kids over his s/o's attention or the last bite of food
- He'll always give them to last bite of food
- He loves them the way he loves his s/o, it's genuine love but it's also very possessive love. He loves them as possessions
- Kanato can be surprisingly verbally loving in the games so he'll be like that with his kids, giving them compliments and telling them how much they mean to him like he does with Yui
- He'll stroke their hair and have tea parties
- They can't have Teddy but they can touch and talk to him
- He'll make them their own stuffed animal and they'll be allowed to name them Teddy Junior if they want to
- Kanato really likes dressing up his daughter/s like pretty dolls, he'll get disappointed if she doesn't like it but may come to tolerate/accept that's not who she is
- Not very interested in changing diapers, but will be present there, just not doing the actual action, more support and company
- He does hold them and rock them and he will take over so his s/o gets rest
- Extremely possessive. They are his and s/o's only. He's not even happy that they're related to his brothers
- If he has a good enough relationship with his brothers though he may tolerate them interacting
- He was excited to be a dad, but really worried
- Laito was sure to properly teach his children love
- Laito was really wary of who he allowed his kids to be near or alone with. He got it into his head that any adult might try to hurt or abuse them and for a while he was insanely over-protective
- He hated letting them out of his sight and even into their teenage years he had familiars following them
- A really playful dad
- Surprisingly good at discipline. Never in an abusive way of course, but he's surprisingly good at it and willing to teach them to behave
- Hates the idea of his daughter/s getting a boyfriend
- He will allow his children to play dress up with him, paint his nails, etc
- He'll play toys with them
- He's actually a very responsible father and all his brothers were really surprised
- Subaru started out TERRIFIED
- How could he possibly be a good parent? His parents weren't and he still thinks he's a horrible monster
- Finally agrees to get therapy for his anger issues
- He was at first terrified to touch or hold his first child after they were born because he was scared he'd pollute them
- All his kids after that he was able to hold and interact with because he was able to get over that fear
- He turned out to be quite the natural
- Fiercly protective
- Still a bit of a tsundere, but is very open with his love
- Can barely resist their begging or cute little pleading faces
- Like Laito he often sends his familiars after them and doesn't like them being out of his sight, especially as children
- Loved taking care of them as babies, he found bathing and feeding and rocking them really relaxing
- It reminded him of all the good and love in the world and he never wanted his children to feel unloved by him
- Lets them cling onto his arms and he'll lift his arm to hold them up
- Puts his hand on their heads affectionately
I hope you like this!
Reblogs and feedback are always appreciated my loves ❤️❤️❤️
Mukami Brothers Version 👇🏻
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serpenttailedangel · 1 year
I'm back in "reading scholarly articles by people advocating for major policy and education program change" mode and, subsequently, back in "disgusted by the amount of mask-off shit people just straight up say that you get called a conspiracy theorist for repeating to people who don't read this garbage even though these fuckers publish their insanity" mode. Presumably, these people expect that no one outside of their circles reads their stuff, so they can put it in ink. Although I guess it also helps that they use a lot of deceptive language and contradictions to try and snag people who aren't thinking too hard about what they read.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has a book available for free digital download in which they argue for some pretty insane shit (claiming to support academic freedom while also mentioning they want certain research subjects suppressed, wanting more politicized disciplines to have equal input to things like chemistry and biology in medical research, and new ranking for schools based on how well they comply with this guideline rather than the quality of their research or how good they are at teaching.) I tried telling someone about it IRL and they told me that whoever I heard about it from must have been lying. When I told them I was specifically citing UNESCO's official publication on their website, this person concluded that the only logical explanation was that the UN was hacked and someone wrote and posted a 100 page hoax paper for nebulous false flag reasons, and the UN has been unable to take the fake paper down and unwilling to release a statement saying it's fake for a year now.
But. like, in defense of the people who haven't read this stuff and also don't believe it when you talk about it, I've checked four different times to make sure that the author of Drag Pedagogy is an actual person affiliated with Drag Queen Story Hour events and not some intern Ted Cruz paid to write a false flag article. Sometimes shit gets so mask-off that I struggle to believe my own eyes.
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saylessastrology · 1 year
Saylessastrology Observations - Aquarius
1. Sun in Aquarius: Individuals with the Sun in Aquarius are known for their unique, independent, and progressive nature. They possess a strong sense of individuality and are often drawn to unconventional paths. They value freedom, equality, and social justice. They have a visionary mindset and are often ahead of their time in their ideas and beliefs.
2. Moon in Aquarius: With the Moon in Aquarius, emotional detachment and intellectualism are emphasized. These individuals approach their emotions with an objective and logical perspective. They may have a need for personal space and freedom in their relationships. They possess a humanitarian nature and may be drawn to causes that promote social change and equality.
3. Mercury in Aquarius: Mercury in Aquarius individuals have a sharp and inventive mind. They possess a unique and original way of thinking and communicating. They are open-minded and enjoy exploring different perspectives and ideas. They may excel in areas that involve technology, science, or humanitarian work.
4. Venus in Aquarius: With Venus in Aquarius, individuals value personal freedom and independence in their relationships. They are attracted to partners who share their intellectual and social interests. They possess a love for diversity and may be drawn to unconventional or non-traditional forms of love and partnership. They value friendship and mental stimulation in their romantic connections.
5. Mars in Aquarius: Mars in Aquarius individuals possess a progressive and innovative energy. They have a strong desire for freedom and individuality. They are often motivated by social causes and have a passion for fighting for equality and justice. They possess a rebellious spirit and may challenge established systems and norms.
6. Jupiter in Aquarius: Individuals with Jupiter in Aquarius are known for their progressive and expansive mindset. They possess a strong sense of social justice and humanitarian values. They believe in the power of collective efforts and may be drawn to community involvement and activism. They have a natural ability to bring people together for a common cause.
7. Saturn in Aquarius: Those with Saturn in Aquarius have a disciplined and responsible approach to their social and intellectual pursuits. They possess a desire to contribute to society and promote positive change. They may have a natural inclination toward humanitarian work and may feel a sense of responsibility towards the collective. They value personal freedom within the context of societal structures.
8. Uranus in Aquarius: Uranus in Aquarius individuals have a revolutionary and forward-thinking mindset. They are agents of change and innovation. They possess a strong desire for personal freedom and may challenge traditional beliefs and systems. They have a unique ability to think outside the box and may bring unconventional solutions to problems.
9. Neptune in Aquarius: Individuals with Neptune in Aquarius possess a compassionate and idealistic nature within the context of social change. They may be drawn to visionary ideas and may have a deep interest in bringing about a better future for humanity. They possess a natural affinity for collective consciousness and may seek to dissolve boundaries and divisions.
10. Pluto in Aquarius: Pluto in Aquarius individuals experience transformation and regeneration through their involvement in social and intellectual movements. They have a deep desire for personal and collective transformation. They may bring about profound changes in societal structures and have a long-term impact on the collective consciousness.
11. Aquarius Ascendant individuals possess a unique and eccentric presence. They often have a distinctive and unconventional sense of style and may stand out from the crowd. Their physical appearance may have a futuristic or avant-garde quality, reflecting their independent and individualistic nature. People with Aquarius Ascendant have an open-minded and friendly aura. They have a natural ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and value inclusivity and equality. They possess a sense of social consciousness and may be drawn to humanitarian causes. Aquarius Ascendant individuals have a progressive and forward-thinking mindset. They possess an intellectual curiosity and enjoy exploring new ideas and concepts. They may exhibit a detached and objective approach to life, preferring to analyze situations from a rational standpoint. In social settings, Aquarius Ascendant individuals are often seen as the trendsetters and innovators. They have a natural ability to break free from traditional norms and express their individuality. They value intellectual conversations and may have a talent for bringing people together for a common cause. These individuals have a strong sense of personal freedom and independence. They are known for their rebellious spirit and may challenge established rules and conventions. They possess a natural inclination towards advocating for equality and social justice.
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stayhardmotherf-cker · 5 months
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thecerebralpiscean · 3 months
❤️‍🔥 Venus Sign❤️‍🔥
In what ways do you or your partner like to be loved? or show love?
(Add me on Facebook too for more content)
Venus, the celestial embodiment of #love and beauty in #astrology, shapes how you express affection, seek harmony, and appreciate beauty in relationships. For men/ masculine it can mean what type they say of woman your attracted to. For woman/Femenine it can mean what beauty you possess and what suits you best.
Understanding your Venus sign reveals your unique approach to love, what attracts you emotionally, and how you show appreciation to your partner.❤️💋
❤️‍🔥Fire Signs
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- #AriesVenus: Passionate and bold, you thrive on excitement and spontaneity in love. You express affection through directness, enjoying grand gestures and being pursued ardently. You appreciate partners who share your adventurous spirit and inspire your passions.
- #LeoVenus: Dramatic and generous, you adore being admired and celebrated in love. You express affection through grand romantic gestures and lavish displays of appreciation. You seek partners who recognize your individuality and share in your creative pursuits.
—#SagittariusVenus: Optimistic and free-spirited, you value intellectual stimulation and independence in relationships. You express love through adventurous experiences and philosophical conversations. You seek partners who encourage your personal growth and share your enthusiasm for life's journey.
🌳 Earth Signs
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-TaurusVenus: Sensual and loyal, you prioritize stability and physical comfort in love. You express affection through nurturing gestures and creating a secure, cozy environment. You seek partners who value commitment and share your appreciation for the finer pleasures of life.
- VirgoVenus: Practical and devoted, you demonstrate love through acts of service and attention to detail. You express affection by providing practical support and helping your partner achieve their goals. You seek partners who appreciate your reliability and share your commitment to personal improvement.
- CapricornVenus: Ambitious and disciplined, you approach love with patience and a focus on long-term commitment. You express affection through loyalty, support, and practical gestures that contribute to building a secure future together. You seek partners who value tradition and share your aspirations for success.
🌬️ Air Signs
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- GeminiVenus: Playful and communicative, you enjoy intellectual stimulation and variety in relationships. You express affection through lively conversation, wit, and adaptability. You seek partners who stimulate your mind and share your curiosity about life's many facets.
- LibraVenus: Charming and diplomatic, you prioritize harmony and balance in love. You express affection through romantic gestures, fairness, and shared experiences. You seek partners who appreciate beauty, culture, and the finer aspects of life, and who value equality and mutual respect.
-AquariusVenus: Independent and progressive, you approach love with a desire for intellectual connection and individual freedom. You express affection through friendship, unconventional displays of admiration, and a respect for each other's independence. You seek partners who share your ideals and support your aspirations for social change and innovation.
🌊 Water Signs
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-CancerVenus: Nurturing and intuitive, you prioritize emotional connection and security in relationships. You express affection through caring gestures, empathy, and creating a warm, loving home environment. You seek partners who value family, emotional depth, and share your desire for intimacy and loyalty.
-ScorpioVenus: Intense and passionate, you crave deep emotional bonds and transformative experiences in love. You express affection through intense emotional connections, loyalty, and a desire for profound intimacy. You seek partners who understand your complex emotions and share your commitment to deep, transformative love.
-PiscesVenus: #Romantic and empathetic, you approach love with a deep appreciation for creativity, spirituality, and emotional connection. You express affection through artistic expression, compassion, and a desire for soulful unity. You seek partners who appreciate your sensitivity, share your dreams, and connect with you on a spiritual level.
Understanding your Venus sign empowers you to navigate #relationships with greater insight and appreciation for your unique love language as well as your partner. If you want even deeper insight on you or your partners #Venusplacement, you would also want to take in consideration the house it’s in as well as what other planet are aspecting Venus . 💖✨
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journalofanoldsoul · 1 year
Voulez-Vous Coucher Avec Moi Ce Soir ? (Lilith Edition)
Lilith represents a primal, instinctual energy in astrology, and understanding its influence on one's sexual style can provide insights into their desires and sensuality.
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Lilith in Aries: The primal desire with Lilith in Aries is for independence, excitement, and passion. Individuals with this placement have a strong and assertive sexual style, driven by their desire for conquest and adventure. They enjoy taking charge and initiating sexual encounters, embracing a fiery and impulsive sensuality.
Lilith in Taurus: The primal desire with Lilith in Taurus is for sensory pleasure, sensuality, and physical indulgence. Individuals with this placement have a grounded and earthy sexual style, appreciating the pleasures of touch, taste, and smell. They value intimacy, comfort, and may have a more languid and indulgent approach to sexuality.
Lilith in Gemini: The primal desire with Lilith in Gemini is for mental stimulation, variety, and intellectual connection. Individuals with this placement have a curious and communicative sexual style, driven by their desire for mental and verbal connection. They enjoy playful exploration, engaging in sexual banter, and seeking novelty in their encounters.
Lilith in Cancer: The primal desire with Lilith in Cancer is for emotional intimacy, nurturing, and vulnerability. Individuals with this placement have a deeply sensitive and nurturing sexual style, prioritizing emotional connection and creating a safe and secure environment. They seek comfort and emotional closeness in their sexual encounters.
Lilith in Leo: The primal desire with Lilith in Leo is for self-expression, creativity, and passionate experiences. Individuals with this placement have a bold and dramatic sexual style, seeking to be the center of attention and expressing their desires with confidence and flair. They enjoy playful and theatrical experiences that ignite their passions.
Lilith in Virgo: The primal desire with Lilith in Virgo is for perfection, detail, and exploration. Individuals with this placement have an analytical and meticulous sexual style, paying attention to every detail and seeking to perfect their technique. They appreciate cleanliness and hygiene, and may have a more reserved and controlled approach to sexuality.
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Lilith in Libra: The primal desire with Lilith in Libra is for harmony, balance, and aesthetic pleasure. Individuals with this placement have a sensual and elegant sexual style, valuing connection, beauty, and romance. They seek mutual pleasure and strive for equality and fairness in their sexual encounters.
Lilith in Scorpio: The primal desire with Lilith in Scorpio is for intensity, power, and deep emotional connection. Individuals with this placement have a passionate and transformative sexual style, embracing their primal instincts and delving into the depths of desire. They crave intense emotional and sexual experiences.
Lilith in Sagittarius: The primal desire with Lilith in Sagittarius is for adventure, freedom, and expansion. Individuals with this placement have an explorative and adventurous sexual style, seeking new experiences and embracing a sense of freedom in their sexuality. They enjoy spontaneity, variety, and may have a more casual approach to relationships.
Lilith in Capricorn: The primal desire with Lilith in Capricorn is for achievement, control, and structured experiences. Individuals with this placement have a disciplined and ambitious sexual style, valuing control and focusing on achieving their sexual goals. They may have a more reserved and practical approach to sexuality.
Lilith in Aquarius: The primal desire with Lilith in Aquarius is for individuality, experimentation, and intellectual connection. Individuals with this placement have an unconventional and open-minded sexual style, embracing their uniqueness and seeking out innovative and progressive experiences. They value mental stimulation and intellectual connection.
Lilith in Pisces: The primal desire with Lilith in Pisces is for transcendence, fantasy, and emotional connection. Individuals with this placement have a deeply emotional and dreamy sexual style, seeking to dissolve boundaries and connect on a spiritual level. They enjoy fantasy, sensuality, and may have a more fluid and intuitive approach to sexuality.
Please note that these descriptions provide general insights into the sexual style associated with each Lilith sign, but individuals' experiences may vary based on their complete birth chart and personal preferences.
Stay tune for more astro posts.
xoxo J.
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a-d-nox · 8 months
hi i really wonder your think about varuna(20000) conjunct sun at 1 orb, both(varuna and sun)3h cancer in varuna pc chart. Someone says varuna conjunct sun in varuna pc chart is fame indicator. I read your varuna-sun posting but i wanna know other things. Could you tell some your opinion?
what's a varuna (asteroid 20000) persona? what can a varuna persona chart show you?
your varuna chart can help you to understand control that you seek, how you can lose power, if you'll be forced out of any situations in life, why and how you strive for balance, why you prioritize morals, and/or what morals you have.
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why you feel like you must be in control, power, vitality, attention you receive for being in charge and keeping everything together, where you have to think creatively to better time manage, the authority you hold to change a situation, how you think you are invaluable, morals surrounding giving, how you develop morally, moral dignity, moral consciousness, and/or and creative activities that make you happy
control you have over your emotions / emotional responses, instincts to maintain homeostasis in emotional situations, how you care for others despite the power (or lack thereof) you have, how you create a comfort zone via control, how you balance femininity, how controlling you maternal figure is/was, control you had or did not have at a young age, how you adapt despite feeling the urge to seek control, controlling/obsessive habits you may have, and/or comfort you find in consistency
how you moderate via communication, the control you have over your thoughts, the control you have over your health, perception of morality, a fall from social media or control you have over your online persona, the control you have over your mannerisms, gestures you make in order to keep peace, reason, and/or how you control gossip about you
control over love, equality you show when in partnership, control you have over your romantic situation, how you manage/control beauty, morality that guides your sympathy, harmony you seek in the world around you, how you compromise, and/or the values you have
control you have over your desires, confidence you have in your station, ambition to maintain power and balance, impulse control, how self-assured you are of your station in life, how you assert your control/dominance, physical energy expend to keep balance in the world, friction with the universe, and/or moral motives
luck in maintaining power, abundance of control/power you hold, success you have when controlling things and maintaining balance, expansion of your empire, knowledge you use to maintain power/control/balance, knowledge of morals, morality surrounding honesty, how wisdom provides you balance and peace, exploration of morality, in the world and universe faith, and/or karmic fulfillment
where you work hard to maintain balance, what you work hard to balance, where your power is challenged, how your power is challenged, where you struggle to find balance/control, fear of losing power, delayed downfall, limitations of power/control, discipline you have to maintain balance, effort you exert to maintain balance, self-control, stability you create, and/or endurance
control you have of a group of people, how you control technology, unplanned/sudden retirement or loss of power, how you attempt to control ups and downs, rebellion that seeks balance, freedom you facilitate that brings peace, and/or how your fans/followers might feel controlled by you and or how you might lose your popular opinion
how you use kindness/compassion to maintain balance, illusion of control you have, selflessly controlling things, how you intuitively balance the world around you, hidden intentions, how you imagine peace would be, how you feel about deception/lies morally, moral confusion, disappearance, what inspires balance, moral transcendence, fascination with control, and/or moral idealism
how being controlling changes you, power you have, destruction (ending in renewal), moral change, how you control intimacy, magnetism you have that makes you worthy of being listened to, obsession with control/balance, how you use seduction to control/manipulate, and/or how you morally evolve
where you are controlled, how you are controlled, where you are a disgrace, where you feel weak, why you feel weak, balance you have in life naturally, and/or morality
how you identity with power, leadership traits, moral approach in life, appearing controlling, control over the physical body, how you take initiative, outwardly controlling behavior, how you maintain peace, and/or moral individuality
control of money/finances, moderate spending, how worthy you feel of power, your values, stability you seek, how you balance giving/receiving, and/or control of resources
control you have when speaking, control you have over your mind, power of your opinions, control you have over your conscious mind, moral interests, how you control ideas/information, how control social activity, and/or how you balance socializing and responsibility
control/power you possess at homes, control possessed by family/parents (particularly matriarchs), how you balance the care of inner child with maturity/security, controls over your emotions, control over your own childhood, and/or how you balance femininity
moral talents, loss of talent, creative control, drama, enjoyment of power, romantic dominance/control, pleasure found in moderation, and/or moral speculation
control over your daily routine, control you have over your health/body, how you manage your duties, control over your self-improvement, consistency of your character, systems of power, and/or moral service to others
control of a marriage/partnership, how you manage your concern for others, how you attempt to control attraction, how you control conflict, moral negotiations/reasonings, balance/equality, and/or moral harmony
moral transformation, change in power status, longevity of your power/control, control over your investments, how you control seduction/intimacy, control of assets, and/or control of secrets
moral wisdom, how you manage beliefs, moral philosophy, moral viewpoints, moral ethics, learning about morals, and/or moderation
control over your legacy, retirement from your career, control over your public image, power your status, moral responsibilities, and/or how you balance all your responsibilities authority
how you control friends/groups, moral gains, how you control desires, how you balance social awareness, control over your influence of others, control of manifestations, moral ideals, and/or how you control social interaction
power/control over healing, control over mental health, balancing your solitude/isolation, power of spirituality, control over your fears, how you manage loss/endings, how you manage socializing with isolation, limitations of moral belief, and/or control of subconscious mind
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joojeans · 1 year
hi sno! im just wondering who do you think would be the boy dad or girl dad among hyung line? imsoo sick im already thinking of them as the father of my children (i dont think id ever want to have kids...) thank you <3
&team hyung line: girl dads vs boy dads
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k: k is such a boy dad. i think he would get nervous with a little girl because he would be so afraid of accidentally hurting her sdfjsfs :( but a little boy! he would be k's shadow. he'd take him with him to run errands, to walk the dog, even to work if he's able. he would make it his duty to turn the little guy into a miniature version of himself. he'd even have him double team you (the mom) with matching pouty faces when k wants to go for ice cream but you've said it's too late. because how can you say no to both of them at the same time? he's the cool dad 99% of the time so you usually have to be the disciplinarian but he can step up to the plate if and when he needs to. fake beefs with his son about which one you love more.
fuma: equal parts girl dad and boy dad. with a little girl, he's spoiling tf out of her and treating her like she hung the moon in the sky. it's a stark contrast to how he'd raise a little boy—making sure he corrects even the smallest misbehavior. he teaches his son about nutrition and being active from a young age so he doesn’t have to struggle with it later in in life while also playing video games with him when they get back home. his little girl is his princess and he buys her pretty things and snuggles with her mid-day if she wants him to. his little boy is expected to help with dinner and cleaning up and he watches his words a lot more carefully. it's not that he doesn't hold them to the same standard so much as it is letting the mom take the lead with the daughter while he takes the lead with his son. he will still make sure his little princess isn't acting crazy. she just gets away with a little bit more until her mom's around.
nicholas: he's a girl dad and i'm so sad about it !! he's the softest dad, carrying her around as much as she wants. he will cave to anything she asks for and if mom says no, he'll give it to her in secret. paints her tiny nails :(( her freedom of expression is very important to him so he'll be walking around the grocery store with her dressed fully in costume if that's what she wanted to wear that day. he's good at disciplining her, but in the gentlest way possible. he'll use a soft voice and puppy eyes to make sure she doesn't feel like he's angry. she's his heart for real. he comes home and no matter what kind of day he's had, he finds her first thing and spends quality time with her, only to make your heart swell with that much more love for him.
euijoo: both pt. 2. with a son, he's dedicated to raising a polite, well-intentioned young man. he has many heart to hearts with him as he's growing up to make sure he understands that just because some boys may act this way or that way, it doesn't mean that it's right. makes sure he understands how to treat women and be mindful of their struggles. his daughter is his sunshine in a sometimes stormy world. he's so protective of her. if she trips or hurts her finger or someone at school makes her cry, he's falling over his feet to make sure she's okay. makes sure to warn her about "how boys can be" and will give a stern look to any boy around her so they know to be on their best behavior with his daughter. good at talking either of them through any misbehavior by making them understand exactly why what they did was wrong and how they can handle it better next time. will watch them carefully when the situation arises again, a proud smile and words of praise when they navigate it successfully.
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