spirk-trek · 2 months
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S1E28: The Alternative Factor ⋆.˚ ✧ · ˚⊹ ·
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tw1nkee28 · 3 months
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Guys please
I don't post him nearly enough but I promise this is my wife
He's MY wife
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mintjeru · 1 year
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duke of the north the fortress of meropide
open for better quality | no reposts
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phanhlee · 5 months
More sketches
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I introduce you....
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Helzon Sullivan
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(this is old, so the style is a bit different)
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roachesbf · 1 year
Spiderman Noir With a Superman Anomaly Reader
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Stumbling into Noirs universe was a complete accident. You were doing some simple patrolling when you stumbled upon a weird portal, of course you did the responsible thing and reported in to Bruce. Telling him about your findings and from his mic you could pick up your uncle Kal, yelling about no matter what, don't go messing around with it until they arrive to check it out. You tease him a little about it, saying how you’re not that stupid to mess with something you know nothing about by yourself. Of course you’re above simple mistakes…such as tripping on your own cape, managing to get sucked into said other wordly portal. 
It’s very easy for Noir to spot you because of the weird getup you’ve got going on. I honestly think one of his first instincts would be to web you and investigate what/who you are. But upon being webbed you manage to break them, brushing them off as you concerningly ask what the fuck was that. He’s a bit perplexed after that because there’s no way you got out of his webs that easily. You don't seem like an initial threat at first but he keeps his guard up in case. You explain your situation with the whole portal, of course skipping out on the tripping part because he doesn’t need to know that. After his whole ordeal with being in another dimension he knows your telling the truth and loosens up a little. 
The two of you are sitting on top of a building ledge as the both of you exchange different information about each other's universes. He admires that the symbol on your chest stands for justice and truth, happy that the people in the universe have heroes like you to protect them. Noir probably also makes a comment about how you don’t wear a mask and he truly feels your dedication to being a hero to others when you say you want people to trust you. Noir finds your attitude interesting, considering how bright and fun you contrast to his monochromatic world. He’s 100% amazed by what you can do, comic books are barely becoming a thing in his time and age but you’re exactly what he imagined they’d be like. He’s really curious as to what you can do, and doesn’t believe half of them. He’s a little suspicious when you say you have laser vision but he’s not willing to take the risk of you showing him, simply brushing it off by saying “Okay okay I believe ya, now put those eyes away before someone gets hurt.” Once he knew you could fly and had super strength he let the best get to him and asked if you could lift him. 
Of course always eager to show off you flew up and picked him up by his underarms. He knew it was coming but seeing you actually fly and lift him up is still something that could startle anyone. He lets you have your fun for a little bit before asking to be put down and you agree, fixing his hat on his head. Noir eventually asks you if there’s any way for you to get hope and you simply pop out with a nope. He murmurs to himself for a bit to see if there was a way for him to help you, so far your circumstances were different that his, and he was sure there was no one in his dimension trying to open any other dimension portals so this just must’ve been a fluke of nature. 
He invites you to stay with him until you somehow get home, in return all he asks is that you help with his crime fighting. He totally admires you even more once the two of you get down to business, throwing in a few compliments on your form here and there as he lands a punch. After a while of getting to know each other he’ll help you blend in properly by letting you borrow his own things since this motherfucker is built like a brick. He’ll have you wear his coat + hat when you’re out in public. Sometimes he’ll catch himself staring too much at you in his clothes but in my head he resembles that one joke that's  “I’m probably nonbinary but I have a job so idrc about that rn” except how he’s totally gay for you. 
Once Bruce finally manages to get you back, you were out doing normal things with Noir before you get dragged into an alleyway. Of course Noir senses this and follows behind. Seeing a man who looks like you along with a man in a batlike costume. He ask if this means you're finally going home, Bruce says its where you belong and hurries for you to follow along through the portal. You ask him if he wants his coat back but he insists that you keep it, saying that it'll be a memory of the two of you.
"Will I ever see you again?"
"I don't know."
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I recommended S listen to a specific singer and after he did, we talked about her one afternoon. I mentioned how I wish I had her hair and style and how pretty I think she is... He proceeds to tell me that he has a little crush on her 🫠
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magsdomino · 7 months
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A collection of One Piece Princesses
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zerothisnero · 5 months
More Arg AU stuff because I need excuses to draw my baby girl (Aka Abel)
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F in the chat for the Anderson family guys their blood line is fucked gone absolutely cooked
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I found my new bbg
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the-daily-male · 3 months
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Thomas Raith
Pete (the plug) Conlan
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mikey-stardust-way · 3 months
Got ropped into reading the archie comics, and here's some silly Nack stuff~
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aha-chuu · 1 year
x reader writers: a valuable part of the fic community, have cool content the appeals to a lot of people and are often extremely productive with how much they manage to write
Also x reader writers: could not tag their posts if their life depended on it
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he’s my babygirl
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skitskatdacat63 · 21 days
For funsies I like to go thru the Habsburg family tree, usually to try and determine who's related to who. I'm still constantly taken aback by how incestous it genuinely is 😭😭 It'll be like, oh hey I feel like I recognize the wife's name!! ....it's the husband's niece, great.
Ik its probably common knowledge but it's still surprising to me how closely related the Bourbons and Habsburgs are despite basically considering each other rivals. Like for Louis XIV and Leopold I, you guys are literally first cousins(I think.)
(Yes this is what I do for fun on weekends, shut up.)
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seniorcitizenyaoi · 3 months
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Like the warmth of a flame in the coldest night, your love keeps me alive.
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micjimbles777 · 9 months
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We’re on a Date lol
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