happy74827 · 3 months
So I haven’t watched the new boys episode yet, I’m currently working, but I saw a clip on tiktok and…
Spoilers ofc ↓
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kenvamp · 2 months
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Uhm. Hello hermit nation🫣
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hood-ex · 7 months
Reading older comics like I love this, this is so dumb 😭 and reading modern comics like I hate this, this is so dumb 😒.
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hypewinter · 1 year
Danny raises Superman au
So we all know that Superman touched down in Kansas and was adopted by the Kents and bla bla bla. But you know what state also has farms and is only like 600 miles away? Illinois.
So Danny is chilling in the countryside, enjoying his sweet, peaceful early retirement when an alien pod, that's a little a lot off course, suddenly crashes near his house. When he checks it out, there's a baby inside. Welp looks like he's a father now. No way is he risking the government getting their greedy little mits on this precious ray of sunshine.
Clark grows up with a father who teaches him early on how to control his powers and use them for good (They may or may not stop a robbery or two occasionally). He also gets two cool aunts. One is free spirited and always bringing him souvenirs from her travels. The other is very grounded and teaches him many techniques to deal with his conflicting emotions (his father is not happy when he uses said techniques on him).
Danny for his part is happy we his son develops a support system like he did. They can even actively help him beat up the villains! He's overjoyed at the man Clark becomes and even happier when he brings home an ace reporter who knows how shifty the government can be. He might be already saving up for their wedding but who can say?
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Batfam fanon stuff I hate
Asian Tim/Hispanic Jason from white people (Blasian Tim not included)
"Tim killed hundreds of people"
Cullen being one of Bruce's kids (have they literally ever had a private conversation. Have they met.)
Bruce being a business idiot and Lucius basically running WE for him
Cass being completely mute
Tim hating Dick and never forgiving him for the Robin thing
Damian never repenting, changing his personality and morals, and becoming close enough to Tim to proudly admit he's his brother
Dick not having any relationship to Kara Danvers (THEY. ARE. FRIENDS. WITH. ROMANTIC. TENSION.)
Babs being Cass's mom (I've talked at length about the sexist undertones here). Sisterly relationships are not "less important" than motherly relationships, and unless I'm missing something, I've never been able to find a single instance of Cass calling Babs her mom
BatJokes, Bru/Harvey, BatMask (specifically when the author has it canon in their AU that one of them seriously hurt his kids like in canon)
SlaDick. I just...don't like it. I really don't.
Jason and Tim never making amends (honestly don't know why everyone wants Tim to hate his siblings lol)
Duke innocent uwu boy
Edit: I was wrong about Cass not calling Babs mom, and someone corrected that. Thank you for correcting me, and I apologize for putting that on this list.
I still hate it very much, but its canon. So it shouldn't be on this list.
Also: these are personal opinions. I am not the arbiter of fanfiction. Write whatever you want forever I do not care. These are things I dislike. Don't take it personally.
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eqt-95 · 4 months
I'm here to bring fluff and happiness back with this ♥️
ok so get this: my phone showed your ask as a red heart. so here I was, typing away about deep-throating popsicles and fingering milkshakes when I opened your ask on my laptop and saw a... white heart?! absolute witchcraft!
and since now i don't know what's right-side up from upside down, i offer a mash up: ❤️+🤍 or 'first kiss / realization' + 'kiss at the wedding / milestone'
p.s. thanks for the fluff and happiness injection. i needed it
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Kara loved going to weddings. What wasn’t there to love? There were flowers, delicious foods, endless dancing, and, best of all, that excuse to confess your deepest feelings in front of friends and family to the love of your life. 
She’d watched her sister and Kelly share their vows, commit to each other, and look darn good while doing it. She danced with Nia and Brainy to Bye-Bye-Bye which was technically of Alex’s no-play list, but Nia bribed the DJ. She stuffed her face with cake alongside Esme who was stubbornly fighting off the sleepies. She even had the most amazing pep-talk slash hug slash reveal with Lena.
The very best kind.
The kind that left her warm and seen and cherished.
The kind that left her wanting that same feeling for forever. 
The kind that felt like a Red Sun: held and understood and home. 
So why did she feel so… heavy and twisted inside?
Stumped. She was stumped. She was also in a slump. Her lower lip was quite close to a grump. But how to overcome this hump?
She shook her head. Now was definitely not the time for Dr. Seuss rhymes. Though silently she argued there was always time for Dr. Seuss rhymes.
Serious Kara won out. So instead of rhymes she stewed. She stewed and brewed and searched for a clue(d) -
“What’s up homie?” Nia asked, sliding across the bench and tipsily colliding into Kara’s side. “You missed REO Speedwagon. Even J’onn gave it his all; might’ve thrown out his back though. Poor guy. I am parched.”
Kara bit her lip and scowled and really really wanted a rhyme scheme to get her through this. “You love Brainy, right?”
“Woa, left field there swinger,” Nia smirked. Her attention was on the array of glasses with colorful drinks littering the table behind them. “Sure do.”
Kara slouched and let her chin find the palm of her hand. “So how did-”
“You think this is sour raspberry?” Nia interrupted, a cup of bright blue liquid appearing under Kara’s nose. “Or tropical punch,” she said.
Kara sniffed the cup. “Tropical punch.”
“Bonus,” Nia exclaimed and took a long drag. “You were saying?”
“Um,” Kara began without an ounce of heroic chutzpah. “How did you know?”
The question made the ‘heavy’ feeling morph into butterflies. It did nothing for the twisting. In fact, it exacerbated the twisting. It wrangled around her heart and made her breaths shallow with nerves. Definitely no chutzpah.
“Easy: He’s my person. My ride or die. To infinity and beyond. The Clyde to my Bonnie.”
“Are you sure that’s who you want to compare-”
“Look, it doesn’t matter. They went out with a bang,” Nia scoffed. “But fine, point taken,” Nia conceded then pulled another deep swig. “He’s the Orpheus to my Persephone.”
“I think you mean Eurydice.”
“Sure.” Her lips were now a faint shade of blue.
“But also, didn’t Orpheus fail-?”
“He did no such thing!” Nia proclaimed with rather unfounded enthusiasm. Juice sloshed onto the grass. “He went to the depths of hell for the woman he loved. He descended through souls and ghouls and fools-”
Kara wondered if this was the rhyme she needed. Maybe it was, because it propelled her up and across the lawn and so focused was she that Nia’s parting words of ‘Go get her, champ!’ fell of deaf ears.
She stumbled over lawn darts and accidentally destroyed a life-size jenga game. She nearly walked straight through the barn wall and into a decorative trough. She walked straight past the cake without grabbing a slice. 
Kara Zor El was on a mission.
And that mission was less than ten feet away, laughing and radiating like the sun rose and shone only for her. Her nose scrunched as the smile spread wider when Kara approached. It faded only slightly when the palpable look of fear on Kara’s face was noticed.
“Kara? Is everything ok?” she asked, stepping away from the group and brushing a reassuring thumb over Kara’s arm.
They stepped more steps until the steps led them to crickets and tree frogs and only the white noise of people. And ever the Pulitzer winning wordsmith, these were the words that managed to trip out of her mouth:
“I want to be your Orpheus.”
Lena’s mouth parted and eyes narrowed. “You… what?”
“I want to… shoot, no I mean…”
“You want to trap me in hell?” Lena asked. And bless the straight face she was trying to keep, but between Kara’s fish mouthing and absolutely butchering of whatever heartfelt words she had hoped would appear out of thin air, Lena’s face was doing some serious gymnastics to keep from smirking.
“He didn’t fail! He… he…”
Straws. Those were the things Kara was grasping for. Humiliatingly limp, paper straws.
“I want to fight off souls and ghouls and fools for you. I want the chance. I want you and the world to know that you are the person I’d move heaven and hell for you, because you make me feel whole. You make me feel seen and wanted and loved and I just… I just want you. And I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to realize it but I-”
Soft lips.
Soft lips and deep sighs and the flutter of long dark hair tickling her cheeks.
And then a sigh.
And then a ‘wowzers’.
And then a laugh.
And then again.
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ask game
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bisexualcherdegre · 3 months
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D:BH Rarepairsweek 7 | @dbhrarepairs
Day 1 - North/Kara
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karaspal · 3 months
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a super x a journalist ships, you will always be famous!
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dirty-droid · 4 months
So I played through some more dbh last night and woke up thinking, God, there is a good reason Markus and Kara, and their respective companions never got as popular as Connor and Hank. Literally The Bridge is surrounded by the most *do everything for absolutely no reason* chapters, and there's no comparison.
First the Kara chapter wastes your time, she barely gets any small talk in with Luther, then the car breaks down, then you're just doing tiny tasks, doing a shitty sum up of her story so far when Alice asks you to make one up- they could have done something interesting with that story but they chose not to, literally anything specific anything that would function as a parallel to their journey would have actually had some value. Then you barely start a conversation with Luther, where are you maybe get a hint of his personality before we're back to just talking about the plot and Alice, but then it's over again and you meet the Jerries and you learn almost nothing about them.
It is a chapter where you do nothing interesting, and you learn almost nothing about the main characters, for a downtime chapter, I expect character development and get barely a sneeze of it. There is so much room and so much time for you to really push and question your main characters but it just doesn't get used.
Honestly I think the protagonists all could have probably really benefited from the audience getting to hear their internal monologues if they weren't actually going to talk to their companion characters, but even that would just be a substitute for decent writing.
Either way, after that, we come back to Connor and Hank, who do almost no tasks in this chapter, *but spend the entire time TALKING.* They talk to each other in a constant volley back and forth for the entire length of the chapter and it's probably one of the best chapters in the game, it's certainly one of the most important in their story. You spend the entire bridge scene learning more about Hank and Connor's inner worlds, and how they think, and how they feel, you spend the whole chapter learning so much about their perspectives, this chapter is all about asking the hard questions about both of their individual characters, and the tension is high, it's a straightforward chapter to play, and it really fucking feels like your choices matter here, there will be immediate consequences, not just walking through your environment trying to find the right answer, or being dragged through an interaction. It's just plain good.
And then Markus infiltrates the Stratford Tower, and you get the most boring and useless and frustrating chapter in the game that doesn't seem to serve any purpose beyond looking cool. If Kara's last chapter was only to gain sympathy and create some soft and fuzzy feelings, this chapter is only about looking cinematic. This is probably my least favorite chapter in the game, honestly I've just gotten lost on that yellow ass office floor building too many times, even though I'm very familiar with the game now I still managed to get lost again last night.
I will admit that eventually it does become an opportunity to decide between pacifism and violence but that seems to be the only real development for Markus, and it wouldn't have been hard to make that kind of opportunity in another setting. Because we get next to nothing watching him get past the front desk, or from walking around that floor, just some outfit changes and pretending to be a machine and a little more Android hate in the background, Markus is almost completely silent yet again, there is almost no talking with North once she appears. We actually get more about North's personality here than Markus', she just feels like she has more lines somehow, because sometimes she just talks without it being connected to the plot and Markus never does.
This bit is more speculative, but my fiance and I were going off last night about whyyyy did they have to break into the tower? We're never given any reason for what the steps are and why they are important, just usually pretty important in these mission impossible type scenes, they're usually explaining in a voice-over why they are taking the steps that they are taking. But we get no explanation for why he needs to go to the 47th floor or whatever, No explanation for why he needs to change into a maintenance Android uniform, why North was in the stairwell, how Josh and Simon got in, it's all just handwaved, and whyyyyyy they couldn't have just?? Made a recording and then hacked the station's broadcast remotely and basically just posted the speech? I don't know, it's just a particularly frustrating chapter to play, personally, but it isn't strong.
Either way, you've got two chapters with next to no character development, that just have a lot of empty space and time where the characters could have been talking or could have been doing something else, but didn't because the vibes were more important, sandwiching a simple scene with ten pounds of character development and it just feels weird. And once I noticed it, it just made the Kara and Markus chapters look incredibly weak and poorly written... And conversely, make the Connor and Hank chapter look much, much stronger in comparison.
It's like Detroit become human almost needs it's own type of Bechdel Test, just to show how much they fail Markus and Kara. "Do they talk about something that isn't the plot?"
"Do Kara and Luther talk about something that isn't Alice or getting to Canada?" "Does Markus talk about anything besides his speech for this chapter?" "Does Alice talk at all beyond basic communication with Kara?" "Does Markus or his buddies talk about anything that's not the revolution or just Markus himself?"
... They don't pass a lot.
It's just hard to take these characters above simply *likeable* when they just, don't, ever, talk. There's little to no development for Markus or Kara, and because they've just become deviants, there's hardly any character establishment in the first place, they barely even get the chance to just be flat, because if they don't really know who they are, we don't really know who they are.
Connor and Hank's friendship is more functionally the main plot, more so than the deviant investigation, and for Markus and the team, and Kara with Alice, that's simply just not the case, there is hardly any relationship, they're just in the same boat. This is why Connor got astronomically more popular, and why he and Hank have the staying power that they do.
Markus and Kara just don't ever talk, and Connor does. And I'm fucking mad about it. The amount of time that was just wasted in their stories, I could probably take a damn stopwatch to all the moments where there could have been a little something-something, and nothing was put there. It's not to say Connor doesn't get some quiet moments too but he always gets the chance to make up for it.
Even at the beginning of the Stratford Tower chapter, I noticed that they could have had Simon and North talking about something maybe unrelated when Markus walks up, but there's nothing, only silence until Markus comes in with a plan. And of course we know about every time Luther tries to bring up the fact that Alice is an android, only to be shut down and walked away from. It fucking kills me how much time Mark is has the focus of the camera but it's only so he could look cool for a minute, and share no thoughts of his own, none of his new feelings, everything is only implied and then followed by the action where he is only allowed to be the leader of the revolution and never just Markus. There's a tragedy in that, but they could have driven it home harder by *pointing that out.*
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toastedclownery · 5 months
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I have. A lot of ideas for this au
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 2 months
I know this series is getting a third season (and am thrilled about it) but this finale was so good it would've been a great total send-off. At first, I was kinda iffy on it, thinking it's good but moving a bit fast but then we get to Clark and Kara actually confronting Brainiac and wow now it gets fun. The reveal that Brainiac fuckin Freiza'd the planet, his monologue, and then the action. Oh man, the action bits in this one are probably my favorites. The way the intro music played when they were pushing the ship into space, the Kryptonite sourcing, the sun power up. And then the credits were just really cute. Man, this show is what we needed.
Fucked up that they didn't give us the trunks though.
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avocadosockz · 1 year
it is still absolutely criminal that they never showed kara arriving to an office full of flowers, nor did they show her coworkers/cat grants reaction to this obvious gay ass love confession from lena
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bisupergirl · 1 month
i miss kara...................
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ccbatman · 4 months
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forever thinking about how she didn't just say, "me too", here btw. if you even care.
{World's Finest 2009 #3}
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zigreth · 1 year
Detroit: Become Human as textposts 5
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jesncin · 4 months
How do you think of Kara Zor-El in your DC verse? I saw some really good meta on her being a lot more angry than Kal, since to her PoV she lost Krypton very recently, and actually participated in Kryptonian culture before coming to Earth
I have plans! Many plans! I notice Kara's character has gone through many characterization shifts, so my aim is to make a take that feels holistic to all that while still feeling new. Basically something that recognizes the fun and joy of the character along with her pain and tragedy. And most importantly, how it expands on Superman's immigrant allegory themes as someone with a closer connection to Krypton.
I'll let y'all in on the timeline I have been scheming in my head since it's more fleshed out by now: I'm mentally cooking up a prologue to how Kara was discovered that hints at her backstory, then afterwards we will learn about her through Conner's perspective which leads up to a reveal about her past! Superfam has the potential to talk about the tension between several generations of diaspora and I want to do right by that! Conner + Kara's relationship and how they connect to Kal is ripe for drama that I'm so excited to share with y'all. I just have to hit some story beats to develop Conner and then the JesnCin takes on Kara Zor-El arc can begin.
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