#Is this... an apology post?
sa1808fi · 3 months
Ok counterpoint to your recent post: being bi doesn't mean you exclusively only like one gender. I'm saying this as someone who is bi lmao, I can see why you think that way but it's generally kinda biphobic to say we're unable to love nb ppl or that we pay extra attention to gender. Over time, the description for bi and pan became so closely interconnected they practically mean the same thing. You just pick which one you feel more ig
Personally I hc emmet and rex as bi exactly for the "i dont rlly care what gender you are" reason. And also projecting but that's another topic entirely
Headcanoning chars as pan when they're sweet and bubbly is also...iffy. ngl. Like I've seen that a lot in 2015 tumblr but generally ppl lately agreed your sexuality has nothing to do with your personality. Like how ppl used to hc closed-off characters as aro...it just gave off stinky vibes iykwim
Sorry for the rant I'd just rather set the records straight lol
Esp since like, even if sexuality WAS somehow connected to personality, the "he's kind so he's pan" falls apart anyway when you remember rex exists NFNCNFBF
I'm not going to sit here attacking headcanons we all see the same characters differently and that's fun but it's more about the...reasoning for it, yknow?
/nm, just to clarify
Tbh this was just my own attempt to kind of justify the pan headcanon, I just get that vibe from him so I'm not entirely sure how to explain it.
I am aware of how bi is liking multiple genders! I definitely did not mean for the post to come off like that, It was just a way for me to try and explain my own thoughts.
I mean you do raise some good points that I do agree with, and I really did not mean for it to seem like I'm basing his sexuality on his personality. Again just me and my rambles.
Emmet just loves lots of things, I mean like, he loves Planty in a both cute and really unhealthy way (but we're not gonna get into that here). It is... a plant.
For Rex though, I mean sure he doesn't really show his love for others as much as Emmet does, but I do think that he does still have some of that really strong love and care for things. it's just trauma and repression have thrown any form of a healthy coping mechanism he had out the window and into the abyss.
I mean have you seen the scenes with him and the raptors?? He cares about them so much it's adorable. My guy looked devastated in the second movie when they got kidnapped by the systarians.
And there's the really complex love he has with his past self too! (Mind you this is not a rexmet post, we're not going there) He does want to protect Emmet from getting hurt like he was, but he also really hates the way he used to act, so he tried to subtly change Emmet into him.
But yeah, very sorry for the misunderstanding.
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scribefindegil · 21 days
Everyone is so weird about people who cry easily. Fellas, is it evil and manipulative to *checks notes* have an involuntary stress response?
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moonrpg · 6 months
I said mid not bad
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"A story doesn't need a theme in order to be good" I'm only saying this once but a theme isn't some secret coded message an author weaves into a piece so that your English teacher can talk about Death or Family. A theme is a summary of an idea in the work. If the story is "Susan went grocery shopping and saw a weird bird" then it might have themes like 'birds don't belong in grocery stores' or 'nature is interesting and worth paying attention to' or 'small things can be worth hearing about.' Those could be the themes of the work. It doesn't matter if the author intended them or not, because reading is collaborative and the text gets its meaning from the reader (this is what "death of the author" means).
Every work has themes in it, and not just the ones your teachers made you read in high school. Stories that are bad or clearly not intended to have deep messages still have themes. It is inherent in being a story. All stories have themes, even if those themes are shallow, because stories are sentences connected together for the purpose of expressing ideas, and ideas are all that themes are.
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nero-neptune · 10 months
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“Who the fuck does Ang Lee think he is, man?”
KNOCKED UP (“Brokeback Mountain” Deleted Scene) | 2007 | dir. Judd Apatow
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thekidsfromyestergay · 11 months
Just saw a video like "um actually rocky horror isn't good queer representation because frank sexually assaults janet" girl he kills and eats people. It's called the rocky HORROR picture show not the rocky cute gay rep tw t-slur picture show
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years
okay tumblr’s exclusion from the twitter social media ban list is hilarious but genuinely we do not belong on there. if a real human person asks “where can i find you on social media” and your choice is a swift death or revealing your tumblr, most of us would simply expire. half of y’all change urls every week like you’re in witness protection. just imagine for one second attaching your wholeass government name to your latest two am clownposting and tell me that didn’t send a cold chill down your spine. the only place i ever want to see the words “connect with me on tumblr!” is on the ao3 profile of an author i’m actively stalking. anyone in the world can follow me except anyone i personally know. antisocial media.
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The opt-in is automatic, but you can turn it off in settings.
Go to "Blog Settings" -> "Visibility" -> "Third-Party Sharing" and turn on "Prevent third-party sharing for [blog]". (This post shows how to do it on browser and on mobile.) You need to do this with every sideblog. (Note: The option in settings might not appear if your app hasn't updated yet. You can still opt out via browser.)
Spread the word. Everyone on Tumblr needs to know about this.
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elegyofthemoon · 7 months
It's still surprising to see people say that when they see the upcoming strike post I made that this is the first time they're hearing about it, especially because I've seen several posts now talking about the same strike.
That being said: regardless of what kind of blog you are, please spread the news about the genocide, the strikes, boycotts, etc.
Even if you are a small blog, spreading word allows for more people to know what's going on and also do their part in protests and strikes, and maybe even the right people will be able to do more than what you're able to do.
And reminder: there is an upcoming strike on February 18th-25th. Prepare accordingly, protest, boycott, call your reps, and spread the word so more people are aware.
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umblrspectrum · 2 months
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nevermind i figured out how to draw her
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sadhornydemons · 3 months
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reputayswift · 4 months
You can always tell when Taylor’s about to do a mashup because she makes this face .13 seconds before switching songs
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
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she's new around here
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the crucible (1953) - arthur miller
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skyartworkzzz · 5 months
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Like The Other Ones
OKAY SO this was based off on my own gameplay of COTL, I noticed that everytime Id put food orders in, Narinder would usually be the one to prepare them And honestly? We love a malewife in this house so I dig that for him, ma guy is a skilled cook <3
As I wrote down the dialogue, it just got deeper than I expected SO HERE YALL GO WITH A FULL ASS COMIC ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP, ENJOY!!!!
This shit took me weeks Ill go recharge my soul now brb-
EDIT: I DECIDED TO PUT A UNDERCUT Tab so yall dont have to scroll too much in order to read and see other posts ure welcome 🤼‍♀️ <3
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evilwizard · 7 months
legend tells that Thoth, god of knowledge and magic, played cards with Khonsu, god of the moon, and won 5 extra days worth of moonlight. he gave them to the sky goddess Nut (who was forbidden from giving birth on any day of the then 360-day year), subsequently allowing her to produce Osiris, Isis, Horus, Set, and Nepthys—one on each of the five days
no one knows that Thoth was up to with the whole “leap year” thing. after all, there’s no way Nut could give birth to just 1/4th of a god. unless…..
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no way!!!! this has become a CERTIFIED MEDJED POST!!!!!!!!!!
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