#>> mod: firefly
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transformers-earthspark · 1 year ago
The opt-in is automatic, but you can turn it off in settings.
Go to "Blog Settings" -> "Visibility" -> "Third-Party Sharing" and turn on "Prevent third-party sharing for [blog]". (This post shows how to do it on browser and on mobile.) You need to do this with every sideblog. (Note: The option in settings might not appear if your app hasn't updated yet. You can still opt out via browser.)
Spread the word. Everyone on Tumblr needs to know about this.
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1nterstell4r · 1 year ago
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How She Spends Valentines Day With You.
HSR [Penacony] Females x reader
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robin loves to spend valentines day with you. she gets you a pretty bouquet of flowers that she picked out just for you. to be honest, she spent a while pondering which flowers you'd like the best and even asked the botanist about what each flower meant in the language of flowers.
firefly is very excited, getting you a box of candy to show her appreciation and love towards you. she takes you to her secret spot as a date spot so you both won't get interrupted by anyone else. it's honestly the perfect spot to settle down together and have a little picnic.
black swan is delighted when you present her a gift for valentines. she accepts it gracefully and opens it with a smile when she sees what's inside. she can't help but cherish whatever gift you might have gotten her.
hanabi (sparkle) is surprised when you give her a gift for valentines. are you sure that's really meant for her? well, if you say so! she's not opposed to valentines day but it's not really her thing. she will try to gift you something in return later in the day.
acheron didn't even remember it was valentines day but has a soft smile on her face when you present her with a gift. she's set on getting something as a gift for you as well but can't seem to find the right thing that she wants to give you. she just can't decide on the perfect valentines day gift.
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do not repost this writing elsewhere. thank you. -mod cyno
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transformers-earthspark · 5 months ago
Season 3 Poster Art Revealed
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incorrect-dnd-classes · 1 year ago
Wizard: You sanguine about the kind of reception we’re apt to receive at the court, Barbarian? Barbarian: Absolutely. What’s “sanguine” mean? Wizard: Sanguine. Hopeful. Plus, point of interest, it also means “bloody”. Barbarian: Well, that pretty much covers all the options, doesn’t it?
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www-proxxicles-com · 8 months ago
BUGS BUGS BUGS! But the good kind.
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Alrighty, let’s go through all the mobs and their features! Left to right, top to bottom, image one through image two. Since this’ll take FOREVER, use the read more! Look forward to a part two focusing on even more bugs!
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Snails spawn in forests and swamps. Snails leave a harvestable trail of slime that can be affected by their food- make it bouncy (by feeding them blueberries), fast (raspberries) or honeyed (honey bottle). Snails come in various shades of browns, grays, greens and ruddy berry colors.
Spawning in the beaches (any body of water, really), water bugs are defensive and will attack if you get close. When tamed by obtaining their eggs, water bugs make for good guard dogs- they can be commanded to stay, follow, wander, and by shift-clicking- set to neutral, passive or aggressive. GWBs come in shades of browns and blacks.
Slugs spawn in jungles, and leave behind trails that can be used to make redstone components with upgraded signal strength. They come in shades influenced by real-life slugs- pictured is the rare banana slug.
Ah, mealybugs, the bane of any farmer. Spawning on crops, mealies eat and suck at crops until they’re sated. However, if you’ve befriended any ants, these bugs become a source of hearty honeydew, which when bottled makes for an incredible food source. Mealybugs only have one color- a dusty, pale white.
Flies spawn around carrion blocks, buzzing around and being general nuisances. Flies can be tamed by feeding them rotten flesh, and can swarm around attackers on command, descending down from the heavens to make enemies’ lives living hell. Keep an eye out for the rare tsetse and horse flies, larger and more dangerous breeds. Flies have two variants- brown and dark grey.
During the nighttime, look out for fireflies in the distance (since they only spawn during the night). Fireflies can be bottled and tamed with fruits, and can be placed down for a light show. Non-entity fireflies spawn around Naturality’s frog species and certain grasses, if you want the two-pixel variation. Fireflies can be dyed both as entities and as bottles, and dyeing them colors their lights. Fireflies come in a few different variants, all based on real-life species.
Cockroaches spawn in Naturality’s new caves (the limestone cave and the sunken jungle) as well as in the new beach grottos. Cockroaches can be used as clean-up-crews, consuming detritus and fertilizing farms as they make their way around. Smaller cockroaches have a tendency to swarm players just like flies, and all cockroaches can be tamed. Cockroaches come in a horde of variants based on real roaches, like B. giganteus (giant cave), B. dubia, M. longipennis and B. germanica (German).
Maggots are the larvae of flies, found in carcasses. They can be itemized and used to tame other creatures, if you’re a monster.
Dragonflies spawn around bodies of water, attacking other insects to eat their fill. They can be tamed and their wings used to upgrade elytras. Dragonflies also can be used as the poor man’s elytra- allowing you to hover and slow-fall. Dragonflies come in some green and blue colors, and one iridescent one.
Another crop-destroyer, make a farm and the aphids will come. Unlike mealies, they can’t be harvested, only itemized or used in fiber and wood farms after being tamed with offerings of plants. Aphids have one variant- green.
Isopods spawn in forests, and are used to culture molds and other fungi. They’re basically crustacean puppies. Also see my prior isopost for more colors. Pictured is the rubber duckie variant- the true amount of isos is a secret :)
Butterflies spawn nearly everywhere during the day, and during the night are replaced with moths. Butterflies are basically bees, only instead of honey, they’re used to obtain nectar, which functions as natural potions that give different effects depending on what flowers they come from. Moths, on the other hand, work as glares- they dislike darkness and will point it out if given some nectar as a treat. Butterflies come in a horde of variants.
Ladybugs and other beetles of their ilk spawn in the plains, and are useful for their shells- which can be made into tough armors. Ladybugs suck at crops, and if tamed will trawl through your fields, picking only the good bits out.
Giant isos spawn in the deep seas, and make a living cultivating mosses in the depths. Perhaps you could gain their trust and use them for your own good? The ways of these depth-dwellers are a mystery. They come in three variants- light, dark and pink.
Congrats! You made it down here. Have a cookie 🍪
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support-ponies · 9 months ago
my moms favourite pony is firefly frommm g1? i believe? wondering if anyone would be willing to draw her maybe just saying i love you! thought itd be cute thanks!
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cripplecharacters · 1 month ago
Hi! Robot dinosaur in a wheelchair guy again!
I've done some research, and I was thinking of changing it up so that my character has an equivalent of muscle weakness from the hips down. I was looking into muscular dystrophy to use as a sort of framework for it, but all I've been able to find so far is stuff about the different types, that doesn't actually tell you a whole lot??
So do you have any resources or advice for writing muscle weakness and/or gradual muscle decay of the lower body in characters?
(By the way some things have changed since the last time I sent an ask, so if those ones weren't clear or coherent, I can definitely ask better questions now if that helps at all. Obviously you don't have to answer anything, and I'm not intending to rush you at all, I'm just aware I'm not always the clearest person in the world, and want to say I can definitely do better if so asked.)
First off, we've all loved reading your asks! The idea of the robot dinosaur is super cool.
Onto your question: while I don't have an official diagnosis of anything, what you're describing is basically what I've been going through mobility-wise so I can give you some pointers.
In the past few years I went from relatively mobile to unable to walk more than a few steps unaided. I went from no mobility aids to full-time crutch use in under a year, and things are still getting worse without a known cause.
PT helped maintain some abilities, but didn't help build back any strength or mobility and ultimately just caused me more pain and flares, so I stopped going. I still use some of the exercises I learned there on my own.
It's honestly very frustrating to not be able to do things I know I used to be able to do. Stairs are especially horrible--I've never liked them, but I'm now not really able to manage them, and they are everywhere. (I can do a step up/down, and on my best days I can get about half a flight of stairs before I need a break.)
I've also been dealing with the fear of losing strength in my arms too. I injured my shoulder back in July and it was horrible. I couldn't bear weight on my shoulder very well, so I couldn't carry my bag or transfer weight/pressure to my crutches like usual.
In general, I have a lot of fluctuation in what I can do and how much pain I'm in day-to-day, which is not the case of everyone dealing with progressive disabilities.
As a dinosaur and not a human, your character will probably still want to use a wheelchair as a mobility aid. I imagine dinosaur crutches would be a bit difficult to manage.
Mod Rock
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weirdmarioenemies · 5 months ago
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Name: Firefly
Debut: Wario Land 4
Did you know? I can post anything I want on the internet. This is the first WME post of autumn, and here I am posting a firefly, an icon of summer magic! Hee hee! I am posting it because it is an incredibly darling firefly, even if to be honest it doesn't really resemble one at all, just a Cartoon Bug with a glowing light. But a great cartoon bug! Big ol' peepers, what could be either antennae or mandibles beneath, and feet that look like they may be wearing white gloves. Hot Dog!
I am being a bit rebellious on this post besides my seasonal antics, as well. If you asked the Super Mario Wiki (and you can imagine it as one of those tall suited object-headed fellows with the logo as the head, if you're into that) what this creature's name is, it would say "Hotaru". That's what the page calls it, after all. But that's just Japanese for Firefly! So that is what I will call it, with a disclaimer that it is an unofficial localization. And that's okay. You agree that it's okay. Thank you!
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Do you call them fireflies or lightning bugs? Maybe something else? These two common names embody their Elemental Powers, which they do not actually have, but it's fun that they're two somewhat distinct elements. They should get a common name for all of the RPG elements! The larvae live and hunt in the soil, so there's a reason to give them an Earth related name, in a world where some weirdo decided that lurking in the dirt was more notable than glowing. And for Water, the larvae of some species are aquatic!
I kind of don't like any of the common names too much. I default to firefly, and it's fine enough, but... I don't know! I think I would call them glowbeetles. It sounds even more magical to me, like a creature that would exist as fantasy worldbuilding, while also being more accurate! It's a travesty that so many people don't realize these are beetles! They are! So I like "glowbeetle", even if it is a little weird to say. I like what it represents.
My manager is reminding me that I have not actually been talking about Wario Land 4 like I was supposed to. He's not paying me to talk about REAL bugs. He's SUPPOSED to be not paying me to talk about Wario Land 4! On it, boss!
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For such a zany and over-the-top game, the firefly is surprisingly normal! If Wario touches the drool from a ghostly carnivorous plant's mouth, he will turn into a zombie. The way to reverse this status is by coming into contact with bright light. So a Firefly will appear to help! No fire. No lightning. Just good ol' light, like in real life. Its glow will make Wario no longer dead, so his funeral will have to be postponed until further notice. Perhaps it's a metaphor for how the wonders of nature make one happy to be alive! Whatever the case, this is just a regular cartoon bug who shows up, does its natural behavior, SAVES the player through its natural behavior, and leaves. That's incredible!
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sunnimals · 3 months ago
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Fireflies :] <3
glowstick fireflies tutorial
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🤣🤣🤣 Was waiting for this!
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EarthSpark is a great show pls watch it
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transformers-earthspark · 6 months ago
Recent Earthspark Leaks
1: New Locations -- Cybertron
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2: Cyberworld-- New Transformers show title & logo revealed
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3: 5-Year Roadmap -- Earthspark will supposedly last until 2026
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4: More Episodes Coming -- New character design reveal
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anyponyrequests · 1 year ago
Sliiides in if that’s okay. Can I request G1 Firefly and G3 Rainbow Dash bring moms to G4 Rainbow Dash?
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this was such a cute request, i've been especially fond of this hc since i was a kid so i'm very happy to get to draw it!! i decided to draw them getting ready for a family photo together hehe :) thank you so much!! - mod twilight
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mathmodder · 2 years ago
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New UPDATE for the enhanced butterflies and enhanced fireflies:
Spawn more at the same time;
They will spawn higher to not stuck on the floor;
They will spawn in a distance of 15 tiles;
Their speed will be decreased;
They will change the direction more often;
There is a tiny chance that the butterfly will land on the ground and stay there as a decorative insect flapping their wings until the effect is over.
EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA: Wind and some new effects added on the Fog (Math Mod) File that will spawn some papers flying, leaves and birds!!!
Please download or redownload: Mod The Sims - Enhance Free Butterflies and Falling Leaves with Physics!
Mod The Sims - Fireflies Enhanced! Free Fireflies flying
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rainworldhourly · 7 months ago
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cripplecharacters · 7 months ago
Quick question, when it comes to mobility aids for non-human characters, am I right in thinking it wouldn't always make sense to give them the same aids as a human? Just like how you wouldn't give a human wheelchair do a dog and vice versa? I'm not sure why exactly I'm so worried about this, but my characters logically, despite having similar conditions, just... Wouldn't have the same needs as a human?
Am I good to modify human mobility aids to better suit non-human characters? I feel like I probably am, but some confirmation (or a "no don't do that") would be great and incredibly appreciated
No, you're good. It's good to be realistic. Like how some people need special, personalized mobility aids to suit their needs, your characters need fictional mobility aids to suit their needs. Trying to force them to use an aid that isn't going to meet their needs isn't a great idea, it complicates things in your writing and can lead to a portrayal that feels inaccurate, or even mocking or offensive. But creating realistic mobility aids for them can be really good and, if done correctly (no bionic limbs or super suits that erase disability,) create a very accurate-feeling portrayal. Custom mobility aids do exist and can be done well in fiction as long as they're realistic (as in they would meet the character's needs) and don't erase a character's disability.
If you'd like an example, this comic by pet_foolery (link leads to a repost on Reddit) includes a minotaur-mermaid hybrid using a custom wheelchair that suits his supernatural needs. The design of this wheelchair took in the unique needs of the character and adapted to them in order to help the character get around as needed. This is a good example of doing custom mobility aids for nonhuman characters.
So yes, you're right, the non-human characters probably wouldn't benefit from human mobility aids. And it's fine to acknowledge that and give your characters mobility aids they can benefit from.
Mod Aaron
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