#Iron deficiency in children
healthmonastery · 1 year
Iron Deficiency - Causes, Symptoms, and How to Fight Back
In the grand theater of health, iron plays a leading role, but its importance often goes unnoticed until the curtains rise on an unexpected villain: iron deficiency. This common concern affects millions worldwide, sapping energy and dimming vitality. But fear not, for in this spotlight, we’ll uncover the causes, symptoms, and arm you with the knowledge to triumph over iron deficiency. The Iron…
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harboretum · 9 months
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Good morning 🍊
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leodiagnostics · 4 months
Understanding Anemia in Children: Signs, Symptoms, and Pediatric Care
CBC test price in pune
Anemia, a condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood, is not limited to adults; it can affect children too. While it’s often regarded as a common health issue in adults, anemia in children can have significant implications for their growth, development, and overall well-being. 
Recognizing the signs and symptoms of anemia in children and seeking appropriate pediatric care is crucial for their health and vitality. CBC test price in pune
What Causes Anemia in Children?
Anemia in children can stem from various factors, but the most common cause is a lack of iron in the body. Iron is essential for producing hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to tissues throughout the body. 
When there’s a deficiency of iron, the body struggles to produce an adequate amount of healthy red blood cells, leading to anemia. CBC test price in pune
Other potential causes of anemia in children include:
Nutritional Deficiencies: Apart from iron deficiency, inadequate intake of other nutrients such as vitamin B12 and folate can also lead to anemia.
Chronic Diseases: Certain chronic conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, chronic kidney disease, or autoimmune disorders can interfere with the body’s ability to produce red blood cells, leading to anemia. CBC test price in pune
Blood Loss: Excessive blood loss due to trauma, surgery, or gastrointestinal bleeding can cause anemia in children.
Genetic Factors: Inherited conditions such as sickle cell anemia or thalassemia can affect the production and function of red blood cells, resulting in anemia. CBC test price in pune
Signs and Symptoms of Anemia in Children
Recognizing the signs and symptoms of anemia in children is essential for early detection and prompt intervention. While the symptoms can vary depending on the severity of the condition, common signs of anemia in children include:
Fatigue and Weakness: Children with anemia may appear unusually tired or lethargic, even after getting adequate rest. CBC test price in Pune
Pale Skin: Anemia can cause paleness, particularly noticeable in the face, lips, and inner lining of the eyelids.
Shortness of Breath: Due to reduced oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood, children with anemia may experience shortness of breath, especially during physical activity. CBC test price in Pune
Irritability: Anemia can affect mood and behavior, leading to increased irritability or crankiness in affected children.
Poor Appetite: Some children with anemia may have a decreased appetite or exhibit signs of selective eating. CBC test price in pune
Dizziness or Fainting: In severe cases of anemia, children may experience dizziness, lightheadedness, or even fainting spells.
Delayed Growth and Development: Chronic or severe anemia can hinder a child’s growth and development, affecting both physical and cognitive milestones. CBC test price in pune
Pediatric Care for Anemia
When it comes to pediatric care for anemia, early detection and intervention are key. If you suspect that your child may be experiencing symptoms of anemia, it’s essential to consult a pediatrician promptly. 
The diagnostic process typically involves a thorough medical history review, physical examination, and blood tests to assess hemoglobin levels and determine the underlying cause of anemia. CBC test price in pune
Treatment for anemia in children depends on its underlying cause and severity. In cases of iron deficiency anemia, the primary treatment involves iron supplementation and dietary modifications to increase iron intake. 
Pediatricians may prescribe iron supplements in the form of drops or chewable tablets and recommend iron-rich foods such as lean meats, fortified cereals, beans, and leafy green vegetables. CBC test price in pune
For anemia caused by other underlying conditions, such as chronic diseases or genetic disorders, treatment may involve addressing the underlying cause alongside supportive measures to manage anemia symptoms. 
This could include medications, blood transfusions, or other targeted therapies tailored to the child’s specific needs. CBC test price in pune
In addition to medical treatment, it’s essential to focus on preventive measures and lifestyle modifications to support optimal health and well-being in children. 
This includes:
Nutritious Diet: Ensuring that children receive a balanced diet rich in iron, vitamin B12, folate, and other essential nutrients is crucial for preventing anemia and supporting overall health.
Regular Screening: Pediatricians may recommend routine screening for anemia during well-child visits, especially for high-risk groups or children with underlying health conditions. CBC test price in pune
Supervised Physical Activity: Encouraging children to engage in regular physical activity can help improve circulation and overall cardiovascular health, which is essential for managing anemia symptoms.
Hydration: Adequate hydration is important for maintaining blood volume and circulation. Inspire children to drink sufficient water throughout the day. CBC test price in pune
Education and Support: Educating parents and caregivers about the signs, symptoms, and management of anemia in children is essential for promoting early detection and optimal outcomes. Providing support and resources can help families navigate the challenges associated with managing childhood anemia effectively. CBC test price in pune
Anemia in children is a common yet treatable condition that can have significant implications for their health and well-being. 
By recognizing the signs and symptoms of anemia, seeking prompt pediatric care, and implementing preventive measures and lifestyle modifications, parents and caregivers can help ensure optimal outcomes for children affected by this condition. Pathology labs in wakad
With early detection, appropriate treatment, and ongoing support, children with anemia can thrive and reach their full potential. CBC test price in Pune
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vampirian · 6 months
if any trans girl wants my uterus: be my guest
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drpedi07 · 7 months
Iron Deficiency In Children
Iron is essential for life, because it is indispensable for several biological reactions such as oxygen transport, DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. It is important for formation of hemoglobin in the body.
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kauveryblogs · 9 months
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moonstruckme · 11 months
Hello! So, I was wondering if you could write poly!marauders with a reader with anemia (iron deficiency)? Where she usually doesn't take her pills bc she forgets or straight up just doesn't want to, so sometimes she'll stand up and will completely fall back onto where she was sitting bc she will black out for a few seconds or lose her balance?
Obviously, only do it if you wanna and feel like it!!! Thank you and have a terrific day <3
Sincerely, :]
Hi my lovely! Thanks for requesting <3
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 656 words
When Remus calls you for dinner, James races you to the kitchen, both of you shoving at each other and giggling like children as you pound down the stairs. He wins, of course (he loves you, but he’s not going to let you beat him just because of that), but when he turns around to gloat, you’ve faltered a couple of steps from the bottom. 
A glaze has come over your eyes, no less alarming for its familiarity, and James' heart stutters as you put out a hand, feeling for the handrail. 
“Babe?” James wishes his voice were a little less panicked, but for all he knows you could be about to keel over and fall down the stairs. 
You sit back on the step behind you, your hand slipping down the banister while you hold the other out in front of you as if to placate him. “I’m okay,” you say, though you don’t sound entirely certain yourself. “I just need a second.” 
“Oh, fuck,” Sirius says, coming around the corner. He pushes his hair out of his face. “Baby, again?”
“Sorry,” you mumble, blinking as though to clear a film from your eyes. In the kitchen, James hears Remus sigh, and knows he’s caught onto what’s happened as well. The tap turns on. 
You blink some more, your gaze clearing bit by bit until you’re able to focus on James and Sirius in front of you. You stand, too quickly for James’ liking, and he steps towards you, taking your forearm in one hand and using the other to support your lower back. 
“Take it easy, sweetheart,” he worries as you flounce dismissively down the remaining steps. 
“It’s fine,” you say breezily, “I’m fine. Just got dizzy for a second, sorry.” 
Sirius raises his eyebrows, arms crossing in front of him. They’re all familiar with this act. Anytime you black out like this, you pretend as if it’s a normal part of everyone’s day (or, if you can get away with it, as if it never happened at all) in an attempt to nullify your boyfriends’ worry. “You looked like you went blind,” he says. 
You appear a tiny bit sheepish at that, but it’s gone in a second. “It was a blip.” 
It’s clear you’re campaigning to move on and forget your near-fall and James’ near-cardiac arrest, but no sooner do you round the corner into the kitchen than Remus is standing in front of you. 
He holds your medicine in one hand and a glass of water in the other, and there’s no shortage of judgment in the quirk of his one eyebrow as he passes them to you. James feels for you; if Remus leveled a look like that at him, he might turn to ash on the spot. But you’re braver than he is, so you only flush, downing the pill with a sip of water. 
“Thanks,” you mumble, not quite looking at him. 
Remus hums, taking the glass from you and setting it on the counter. He curls a finger under your jaw and places his thumb on your chin, tilting your head up (Yup, James would be dead. Perished. Six feet under.) until you meet his eyes. 
“You set an alarm on your phone for a reason,” Remus says softly. “Start taking your medicine as soon as it goes off, understand? It’s dangerous when you don’t.” 
You nod mutely, and Remus bends, kissing the highest point of your cheek. 
“Alright, dove.” 
He leaves you there, looking somehow more dazed than when your vision had gone out a minute before, and starts bringing plates to the table. 
“Merlin,” Sirius breathes, he and James watching the scene from near the stairs. “He gets so scared when she doesn’t take them. She’s lucky he didn’t find some way to punish her for forgetting like that.” 
James scoffs, going to help Remus with setting the table. “I think that was her punishment.”
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wanderingsoul6261 · 4 months
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Credit for gif goes to creator, cinevettel
A Hint of Green
James Beaufort x Reader
Synopsis: Reader promised to support the Beaufort twins no matter what, having been friends with them for years. Reader adores Lydia, but loves James. But what happens when a certain scholarship student gets in the way?
Warning: only some swear words
P.S, a little self reflective because I've been dealing with thyroid and iron issues. Also, to the person that requested this, I'm sorry if this isn't particularly what you wanted. I'm a tad sick and so grammar and spelling might not also be the greatest.
(Y/N) was a creature of habit and instinct. She did things as they appeared normal for her, doing them in ways that she was used to, as if any other way would stress her out and be too overwhelming to complete. And she has made it work.
One of these such habits? Hanging out with the Beaufort twins. Who are often arrogant but not enigmatic as many thought them to be. Or at least, that's what (Y/N) thought.
But it was also surprising to many because (Y/N) was plenty different from most heirs and children of millionaires. She wasn't arrogant. She didn't use her parents' money as an advantage. And maybe that was why the twins were so drawn to her. She was real. (Y/N) was herself. They could be themselves around her. No trying to please or live up to the expectations held by their fellow classmates, the professors, or even their parents. They could just be, and that was enough.
When it was just Lydia and (Y/N), they did typical girl stuff. It was actually more Lydia doing the girl stuff and (Y/N) reading a book. Lydia appreciated her company nonetheless. She allowed Lydia to talk about Mr. Sutton when she knew she couldn't talk to anyone else.(Y/N) had created a safe place for Lydia. And it was something that both Lydia and James were grateful for.
When it was James and (Y/N), things might have been a tad different. They were agreeably closer. They went for walks together. Studied for the Oxford interviews. Sat in silence listening to music, often resulting in (Y/N) gazing softly at James as he closed his eyes, basking in the moment.
She allowed them to be them.
The three studied together. They went to parties together, even if parties weren’t much of (Y/N)’s thing. But it didn't matter, because James or Lydia was always right there. And they were there for her when she started having health issues and finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism and iron deficiency anemia. They were there for her when she got frustrated with the constant testing and the changing of meds. They knew that it was affecting her hormones and understood it would take time to balance back out. And she was thankful for them. That they never took her snappy comments and fatigued laiden excuses to heart.
(Y/N) knew it before, but when the Twins understood her health issues just as much as her parents did, when no one else would, it had only strengthened her want to support them and be there for them in every way that they were there for her.
And she did just that.
As much as it was wrong and someone should have been told, she saw how happy Lydia was with Mr. Sutton. Although, (Y/N) was certain that she could never look at him in the same way ever again.
She ultimately supported James when he started spending time with Elaine. Even if it hurt and it pained her, because deep down, her heart held a place for him, just waiting for him to come and take it. But she knew he was doing it for Mortimer, being the golden child of the twins. Although she didn't like Mortimer nor the way he treated either one of his children, she supported James wanting to please his father. Didn't mean that she didn't stress to James about being his own person.
And then Ruby Bell came into the picture.
(Y/N) was there for Lydia when she walked up to the group of them at the poolside of their home. James caught (Y/N)’s gaze from where he sat in the pool, her stomach doing a flip before the two went to Lydia, where they found out that Ruby Bell had walked in on her and Mr. Sutton. She was also there for her when ultimately, Lydia would tell her that she was pregnant.
(Y/N) didn't necessarily support James' way of trying to buy Bell out, regardless if it worked or not, but she stood behind him, supporting him regardless. She stood with him and the other boys when the Welcome party was destroyed by the strippers. Lexington was beyond pissed with him, but she supported James regardless for wanting to protect his sister. She wanted to do the same.
And now, here she was, supporting James, although very poorly, as he spent time with Ruby Bell on the planning committee. It was his punishment for the stunt pulled at the welcome party. She understood that. But it didn't mean she liked it.
She watched as over the weeks, the two had spent more and more time together. And although James and (Y/N) still texted plenty throughout the day, the time in which she saw him lessened and lessened as hours moved by. And she understood why, but she knew who he was with, and although she could tolerate Elaine, she couldn't tolerate Ruby Bell.
So (Y/N) did whatever she could to take her mind off of him and Bell. She didn't want to face a heartbreak if he became a couple with her. So she did what she thought was best. Love someone before James loved Bell.
Although it would have been best to talk to him, she did not. She knew this, but refused, because if James being with Ruby would make him happy, she didn't want to get in the way. Even if it tore her slowly apart.
And as the days since the enactment of his punishment grew in number, he spent more time Ruby. Less time with (Y/N). But it gave (Y/N) more time to go on dates to fill that questionable hole of the future. A future that she would prefer with James, but a future nonetheless. Unfortunately, it also left less time to spend with Lydia.
And over time, texts with James became small and quick. They often left (Y/N) staring at her phone in sadness before putting it away. Something had to be done, but she wasn't sure what.
If James cared enough, he would reach out to her. But she was also smart enough to know that it went both ways. But it was just as much her responsibility as it was his to mend things. But nothing had even happened to break things. So why was she acting like this?
And so (Y/N) spent the next few weeks going on dates. Most never made it past the second one. They were not James. And she knew that, yet she still continued to slowly break her own heart without even noticing.
Whenever she saw James with Ruby, she avoided the two, even if James noticed her or not. She kept herself at a distance because she knew in the end she would potentially be safer. But was she really? Was she only doing more damage?
Whenever she moved away and avoided him, she could see the hurt evident in his eyes. Lydia was also confused as to what happened as (Y/N) slowly became quiet to the both of them. The Beaufort twins began to wonder if they did anything.
Neither of them technically did anything wrong.
It was all (Y/N). And she realized that.
News eventually spread that (Y/N) started dating, after for the longest time, she swore it off. She didn't think he would find out. (Y/N) wouldn't think that James would care. But secretly he did, and she was soon to find that out.
The Beaufort twin was jealous. Jealous of the ones that had (Y/N), even if he only had himself to blame. And she Would get her wish for James to do something.
(Y/N) was walking down the hallway, her bag slung around her shoulder and her face in a book. It was enough to distract her from who also was in the hallway with her, and it wasn't until she collided with another body that she refocused herself with her surroundings. Especially the person currently standing in front of her.
James Mortimer Beaufort.
She opened her mouth to say his name, but only closed it when her body wouldn't let her, even if her brain screamed for it.
(Y/N)’s eyes danced across his face, taking in his appearance, and in the spur of the moment, quickly turned on her heel, hoping for an escape.
She was quickly stopped, his right arm stretched out, his hand wrapped around her wrist. She now realized she had dropped her book.
“What are you doing?” He asked. (Y/N) stared at him in silence for several moments, before finally turning fully to face him and straightened her posture.
“What am I doing?” She asked. James gave her a hardened stare, almost similar to the one she heard he had given Ruby Bell after hearing what happened.
And both of them knew at this moment that it would be their first actual fight in the several years that they have been friends. Will they make it or break it?
James matched her stare and stance, his hand still wrapped her wrist and she basked in it,loved it, and then hated herself when she pulled it away from him to further prove her point.
“You are going to have to elaborate because I don't know what you're talking about James.” He let out an angry huff through his nose, and (Y/N) had barely missed the look of jealousy that flashed across his face.
“The dating, (Y/N). What are you doing?”
“Oh. I didn't know that you suddenly took on the role of my father, James. What is wrong with me dating?” She asked. (Y/N) was being genuine. What was the issue?
“You swore it off. So why start now, all of a sudden?” At this point in time, (Y/N) could almost feel the jealousy seeping off of James in waves.
“And what happened to hating Ruby Bell?” She asked. “You've been hanging around her so much.”
“What does she have to do with this?” James argued.
“What doesn't she have to do with this, James!” (Y/N) cried out. She threw her hands up in the air, tears threatening to spill. He noticed the tears, wondering really how bad things were. “You came to Maxton Hall after that day Lydia came to us with a sickening hatred for her.”
“Things change, (Y/N).��
“Yea. I guess they do.” She turned to leave again when James stopped her once more. “Let go of me.” (Y/N) snapped. James hesitated, knowing she’d probably leave, but was surprised when she didn't. Dare he say pleasantly surprised.
It was several minutes before one of them spoke.
“When was the last time we hung out James? The last time we were together as friends and not some acquaintances that would be forgotten weeks later? Or how about when was the last time we went over stuff for Oxford? Preparing for the interviews. Talking about the campus and what we'd do once we got there? When was the last time we were just “us” together?” She stared at him for several minutes before he finally spoke.
“And you thought the best way to fix that was by avoiding me? Not only me, but also Lydia?” He asked.
“Oh my goodness! What don't you understand James?”
“I don't know (Y/N). You might have to explain it to me. Because what does me being with Ruby Bell have anything to do with you and me and my sister?” She stared at him, realizing that the conversation had gone off topic. They were no longer talking about her dating. They were talking about them.
“I admit, it had nothing to do with Lydia and I feel like an ass for abandoning her-”
“Understatement.” He huffed out. (Y/N) stared at James, at a loss for words. What was she doing? She was willing to support the twins no matter what. And right now she is failing to do that.
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stammered and she turned to leave once more, only to be stopped once again. James tugged her against him, his hands coming up to cup her face as she closed her eyes, letting the tears fall. She missed this. She missed him. And she was blaming herself because she might lose it all.
“(Y/N). Look at me.” She hesitated, but slowly opened them. James stared at her, and the jealousy and anger was gone and in was a look of comfort and apologies.
“You want to know why I questioned you about why you were dating?” James asked. A tear rolled down her cheek and he was quick to brush it away.
“Because a crazy rabid squirrel in your head told you too?” She asked, trying to make humor of the situation. He gave her a small smile, a huff of laughter escaping from him.
“Jealousy.” He answered. (Y/N) snorted and James frowned. “What's so funny?”
“Because that's the same reason I started trying to date. I got jealous that you started to spend more time with Bell and not me and I took the irrational way out. And now I feel like arse because I wasn't supporting You guys. I blamed you and it wasn't your fault.”
“But it was my fault. I should have devoted equal time to you as well.” He explained. the two stared at each other for several moments. James gently brushed her cheeks as one of her hands played with the strap of his bag.
It was several more moments of silence before (Y/N) spoke again.
“So are we just going to avoid the elephant In the room?” She asked.
“what's that?”
“We both said our actions were because we were jealous.” It took James a moment to process what she meant. And when he finally did, he glanced down at her lips and then back at her eyes before harshly pulling her in for a kiss. A tiny gasp left her, before she quickly followed suit. A small thud could be heard as her bag fell of her shoulder and onto the floor and her hands found refuge in his hair. She met the ferocity of the kiss equally, letting out a small huff as he pressed her flushed against the wall. One of his hands moved from her face to her waist, pulling her flush against him.
They savored the moment. After so long of nothing, they were going to savor this.
At least that was until they remembered they needed to breathe. Oxygen was a fundamental after all.
“So you don't love her?” (Y/N) asked. James gave her an incredulous look.
“We are both out of breath after just kissing and you ask that? Am I in love with her?” (Y/N) only stared at him in silence, but a small smirk pulled at her lips. She was fucking with him. “Oh darling. You are truly something.” Her smirk softened into a tiny smile as it was now her turn to press a hand to his cheek. James turned his head softly, pressing a kiss to her palm, never breaking eye contact. (Y/N) swore her legs turned to jello just then.
“I missed you.” She finally spoke. “And I'm sorry for being so stubborn.”
“I missed you too, darling. and if anyone has to apologize, it's me.” James’ stare hardened, telling her that he was going to win this apology battle. And she gave it to him. “Oh. And one more thing.” (Y/N) stared at him, waiting.
He paused for several seconds.
“I'll give you the world, sweetheart. Don't forget that.”
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@lifeonawhim @honethatty12 @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27
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mushroomates · 8 months
gimli headcanons:
likes doing laundry. finds it soothing
history nerd!! loves reading old tombs/biographies of his ancestors
is incredibly intelligent. beats frodo in chess. would beat gandalf but gandalf cheats. has been in a stalemate with aragorn for two and a half years.
well mannered but chooses to forgo his politeness to make a point. especially around elves.
does NOT like horses. not just riding them, which is canon, but actually dislikes the animal itself. the reasons why include (but are not limited to) :
he does not like being not on ground. he does not have a fear of heights so much as a fear of… feet not on ground. as evidenced by refusal to jump, treehouses, and well, horses
he does not like their faces. they are long and have eyes on the side like prey. gimli thinks this is deceiving as horses are very large and can kick in someone’s skull. not his skull.
gimli believes that in a one on one match with a horse, he could easily win. he has thought of several, very specific, scenarios of this and has a detailed plan of attack should this situation occur.
they so easily turned against their home for an evil overlord (read: sauron stole all the black horses from rohan) and therefore cannot be trusted. as a rule, anything that willing you let you ride it cannot be trusted. they can’t be satisfied with this life. they are plotting something.
believes he would be great at drums. it’s just hitting things hard and he’s pretty strong.
ok, another thing about horses: they are fragile to a ridiculous extent. you breath wrong and it breaks. they have bad bones and bad blood flow in their legs, and their legs are all that they’re used for. he doesn’t understand why humans invested so much time into horses when they’re genetically bad at what they are meant to do. he’d feel bad for the horses if they weren’t so awful.
drinks coffee, not tea
takes great with the up keeping of his gear. he sharpens his axes, polishes his boots, shines his armor and waxes his mustache. that’s not gear, but he takes great pride in looking groomed and caring for his belongings.
has an axe for every occasion. battle axe? do you want throwing or slashing. a day on the town? have you seen this intricately carved masterpiece that also is a weapon? digging a hole? PICKAXE. cutting a cake? how about an axe???
hates the rain because it ruins his hair and beard. also loves the rain because it ruins legolas’s hair and clothes.
will eat anything. has a great tolerance for spice. contrary to popular belief, dwarves are not shy of seasoning but are very cautious around other races in fear of poisoning their friends
will also eat some rocks. salty is his favorite (halite, hanksite, glauberite) but also likes to add chunks of chalcanthite to his food for a slightly sweet yet metalic flavor. this is also slightly (SLIGHTLY) poisonous as evidenced by sharing his trail mix with boromir
also calls dirt the “local seasoning”
will taste dirt to try and get a feeling for the land. this tells him the acidity, weather, possible wildlife, and also pisses off legolas
actaully genuinely likes the taste of dirt. (note: if you desire to eat clay/dirt that is a symptom of iron deficiency. for gimli, he eats spoonfuls of the stuff like their supplements because as a kid it was fed to him like multivitamins)
OK SO HEAR ME OUT: lack of sunlight can cause really low hemoglobin and ferritin (a blood protein that contains iron) sooo being constantly in dark caves can cause some forms of iron deficiency. because dwarves are conscious of their young, dwarf children often grow up not often being in direct sunlight.
the solution? dirt. dirt contains iron and other tasty minerals that are good for the body. charcoal has natural antioxidants. so does clay. am i saying that momma gimli (unnamed) fed her son ash and clumps of dirt? yes. also bits of broken pottery. it’s good of the immune system.
fr tho clay/dirt/charcoal are the dwarven multivitamins. you have a tummy-ache? here, have a rock. i truly believe this was scientifically proven by dwarves and only FOR dwarves (plz do not eat dirt)
fuckin loves mushrooms. has a mushroom log at home. whenever dwarves find some fungai in a cave they go feral
likes dogs. thinks it’s great that they dig holes. thinks it’s fantastic that the bury things in holes. absolutes loves when they get muddy, and then shake off all water and dirt all over you.
when he came back home with the name lockbearer, a lot of the dwarves thought it was really cool and he has some sort of elven puzzle that requires a code to unlock something. imagine their surprise when he rocks up and is like: no, even better. HAIRS. three of them.
enjoys making mudpies- made them as a kid with his cousins, (mostly with rock slurry) and continues to, even even as an adult.
made them on the fellowship with the hobbits. taught them all about the best types of dirt and the water-to-soil- ratio needed.
while cutting up slices of his pie, he offered one to boromir, who in good nature, took it, clearly thinking it was just part of the bit.
poor boromir was locked in a stalemate after gimli cut his own slice, and began eating it.
to his credit, boromir did brave a few bites, but had to stop once he nearly had a mouthful of maggots
gimli is like crazy good at hair. can braid quickly and efficiently in elaborate styles
picked up eleven hair style techniques in lorien (quicker than legolas) and was forced to relay them to the elf through twine as there is no way he’s letting grubby elf fingers to touch his glorious mane that’s been decades in the making
would ask for a drink “on the rocks” and get slightly upset if it did not come back with actual rocks
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WIBTA for using my status as an agender person to get a surgery I want although I do not want it for gender-related issues ?
TW : talk of uterus, menstrual cycles and menstrual blood
I'll start by saying this is not the US so please don't make your judgement based on that. I'll describe how things are in my country.
So I (X24) want my uterus removed. The main reason is that I want to be sterilised to stop having so much anxiety about becoming pregnant, which would be a nightmare for me, and I never ever want this to happen again.
But I can't get any other form of sterilisation as then I would keep my uterus, so I would keep my period, and without hormonal treatment it's just not liveable. To give you an idea, my natural cycles are 21 days instead of 28, I get my period for 7 days instead of 5 and it can be hemorrhagic for up to 4 days of these 7. (I used to get post-op medication because of the hemorrhagia before I was under contraception.) And of course I get through excruciating pain every time, beside having iron deficiency among other things. I'm currently trying another hormonal contraception, it's still not going well. There is always something wrong. My first pill just stopped working, the next ones made me gain 20kg, I'm currently trying hormonal IUD and although I don't bleed as much, I bleed for so long and there is so much pain that no available painkillers can block. I'm so tired. I can't imagine going through that for another 15 to 25 years.
In my country, it is written in law that you are allowed to be sterilised using various methods, all of which keep the uterus. Nothing is said for hysterectomy as a sterilisation method. And although many refuse to sterilise you at all, if you find the right surgeon you can be no matter your age. The procedure is also fully reimbursed. Nothing is said in law about hysterectomy.
This means that the vast majority of surgeons won't remove your uterus. Except if you have a pathology related to it or if you're trans (coming back to that later).
So what I described above does look like a uterus with a pathology, right? It certainly looks like endometriosis at least. I went to a surgeon known for doing the other kinds of sterilisation and tried to convince him to just remove my uterus. He refused, not without an asserted pathology. To his credit, he looked for it. He had me take an MRI. Well, they found nothing.
Which means that, although I have a pretty dysfunctional uterus that I never want to use and just keeps causing me problems, he won't remove it. Because they can't find the cause. Even though I feel completely alienated from my body because of that damn organ that keeps trying to make me bear children and will have me bleed out and in pain when I won't allow it.
Then there is the other solution. I said above you could get surgery if you are trans. It's actually a bit more complicated that that. In order to get HRT and gender affirming surgery, you first need to get diagnosed with body dysphoria by a psychiatrist. And then you get a special status in our health system that allows you to get free access to all kinds of things in the medical field (like surgery and HRT) and beyond (like laser depilation).
As I said, I'm agender. They give this status to nonbinary people so my specific flavour of gender (or lack thereof) is not the issue. But I don't have body dysphoria, only social dysphoria. People misgendering me to my face will make me feel horrible but I don't see my body as gendered. My breasts and specifically my uterus are not something that I see as gendered, so they're not something that causes me distress in terms of gender-related issues. Which means as psychiatrist is never going to diagnose me with gender dysphoria as is, and I won't have access to hysterectomy through trans care.
Except if I fake it.
Now, I have no idea if it could even work. If I could even fool someone. But I've been considering trying because I really, really want to get rid of that damn uterus. And technically, I wouldn't be faking my gender identity. Just expanding on my dysphoria. Still, it feels wrong. I wouldn't transition in any other way except removing the uterus. This path doesn't feel like it's mine to take. I feel it would be disrespectful towards actual, dysphoric trans people.
So, what do you say Tumblr ? WIBTA if I tried it anyway ?
What are these acronyms?
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lizzyscribbles · 1 month
You know what I realized yesterday through an event that I desire to never deal with again in my entire life?? Toga’s parents really did suck.
Today’s Rambling Thought: Toga, and why her parents deserve hell.
Picture this, it’s the evening, I’m getting ready to get on a discord call with my friend because we’ve been watching MHA together and we usually chat between episodes (it’s their first time watching the show, we’re in season three). I go to use the bathroom and what do I find?? Remnants!!! Of a bird!! I’m not talking about a few feathers here, I’m talking bones, a pile of internal organs, and a half mutilated wing covered in blood and God knows what else. Completely dismembered. Of course, there are two potential culprits in this crime scene, both cats. (I should mention these aren’t my cats, I was watching them for a friend), but I’m pretty sure the one circling my feel and meowing proudly is the one. So, I get to clean up bird guts at like 8PM, trying my hardest not to gag.
Nothing. I patted his head and gave him a scratch.
All this delightful context to put into perspective this realization that came to me later that night, how is it that I - someone who actually had to clean up a mutilated bird - nicer to a cat that ISN’T MY OWN than Toga’s parents were TO THEIR OWN DAUGHTER. Now I’m no saint, and I realize a cat and a human are completely different, but come on, for real guys?
I don’t think we’re told how old Toga is in the scene where she’s offering her parents the bird (if you know please share) but we know she’s a little kid. Like I’ve said before, I’m studying psychology in college and I worked with kids in foster care, so if I know anything at all it’s this: Children are little sponges, and they automatically want to do whatever it is you tell them not to do. It’s a natural part of development, and actually something we don’t really lose as we get older (the specific term is rebel psychological reactance I think). So it’s really no surprise that after years and years of being told nothing but no when it came to these urges she had, she eventually just snapped. The kids I worked with were the same, the longer they were in the shelter I worked at the less they felt inclined to listen when we told them no, and I don’t think I need to explain why that’s dangerous.
Now, I’m not saying that consuming another’s blood as a child or gnawing on yourself in your sleep is normal behavior or something a parent shouldn’t be concerned about, but there’s a reason therapy focuses on replacing negative coping skills with positive ones. Did they ever go beyond just calling her weird and creepy? Did they take her to a doctor get a blood test and find out if maybe there’s a reason she was doing this beyond just being freaky? Does she have an iron deficiency?? I’m just rambling now and that’s pure speculation, but no, they just kinda insulted her over and over, told her not to, and sent her to quirk counseling which IS NOT a substitute for actual therapy I’m sure. The bottom line here is that you can’t take something away and not add anything in. You can’t tell someone not to do something and not supplement it with something else.
It’s little wonder that once she snapped, she went straight to “I just want to do whatever I want”, because she spent her whole life being told not to be something. I think it’s easy to forget that Toga is still legally a child at the start of the series, one who has not been taught how to safely deal with her urges. No wonder she felt more at home with the league of villains, they gave her what she never got. No wonder Ochaco’s actions in the final chapter shocked her so much. She was never accepted for who she was until then. She was never treated like she was a normal person.
The people who were supposed to love her most in the world saw her as a disease to be rid of, and I that disgusts me more than a dead bird ever will.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk, I’m gonna go ramble about how, as an author and a fan, I love her end even if it makes me so sad, and Ochaco’s part in it.
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sixth-light · 2 years
(tws ahead: discussion of food, diets and diet culture, eating disorders, calorie counts, and fatphobia in the context of pregnancy)
Truly one of the most bizarre things about being pregnant has been the official advice around food. Food and eating is difficult enough already when you're pregnant - there's excellent scientific evidence that it's advisable to moderate your caffeine intake and avoid alcohol, and an entire laundry list of stuff you're supposed to avoid for food safety/food poisoning risk reasons. (I am a nerd and I read the last scientific review of the linked advice from the NZ Ministry of Health, so I can say with confidence it's also pretty well supported.) Personally, I am largely indifferent to going without alcohol, but after half a year or so my brie cravings are getting pretty intense. That's going to be even tougher for people with food restriction issues. And then there's the potential nutrient deficiencies that come when a baby is sucking up all your available iron, calcium, etcetera.
But on top of all this...a couple of things are also true:
later pregnancy and breastfeeding require a higher calorie intake because you're, uh, feeding an entire baby with your body and those calories have to come from somewhere
healthy pregnancy also requires weight gain because of the aforementioned 'growing an entire person' thing
Western Anglophone society absolutely loses its goddamn mind at the thought of telling women (and other pregnant people, but they are clearly not thinking that far) that it's okay for them to eat more than normal, let alone gain weight
So there's reams and reams of official advice which has like one line saying "maybe don't diet when you're pregnant" quickly followed by "but it's OK! you can diet afterwards! you'll lose lots of weight when you breastfeed!" and then like. eight paragraphs on how while technically, they suppose you need some extra calories during some of your pregnancy, it is DEEPLY IMPORTANT that those calories only come from the most healthy and boring possible foods, because otherwise you might gain too much weight which is the worst possible thing that could happen. Try carrot sticks! Fat-free yoghurt! Dry toast! I have literally seen advice suggesting the extra calories you need can be gained from a "small snack". Maybe an apple. (Most of the estimates I've seen about extra calorie needs in later pregnancy are in the range of 3-400 extra calories a day. That apple would have to be the size of your head.) This is all followed up with dire warnings about gestational diabetes, which is lurking in the wings waiting for any pregnant person who dares use it as justification for eating that extra biscuit. There is clearly a really deep-seated belief at play that if you give them - us - an excuse to eat more we will gorge ourselves on, IDK, chips and ice cream, because the only thing holding us back from obesity is the constant reminder that gaining weight is BAD and that eating too much food is BAD (even though the reality is that weight gain and higher caloric needs are part of a healthy pregnancy). This reality has to be held at arms' length and hemmed in with restrictions and cautions lest all hell break loose. You are very literally advised to calculate your BMI, weigh yourself regularly, and have a target weight gain - i.e. implicitly to restrict your food intake if your weight gain is higher - which I'm sure is just chill and fabulous for people with a history or present of eating disorders.
(The cherry on top of this is that it's normal for pregnant people to have suppressed appetites in late pregnancy despite needing more food because, again, there is an entire baby in there squashing their organs. Add in all those foods that you can't eat, and it can actually be somewhat challenging to eat enough.)
The bit that haunts me is that we know that caloric restriction during pregnancy makes children more likely to have higher weights later on, and you know who is most targeted with this diet-but-don't-diet-but-actually-kinda-do rhetoric? Fat people, who are advised to gain at absolute most about the weight of a healthy full-term baby + amniotic fluid/placenta/etc - and that it's fine if they gain much less weight than that, barely more than the weight of a healthy baby, which would actually equate to total weight loss. During pregnancy. It feels like there could be a lot of self-fulfilling prophecy going on here vis a vis fat parents having fat kids. which is now sometimes characterised as a form of child abuse. FUN.
Anyway, I am sure I'm not the only person to have made these observations (and if you know good writing on this topic I'd love to be linked to it, because I'm way too chicken to try Googling) but man. As I said at the start: the level at which fatphobia and diet culture are institutionalised during pregnancy, to the detriment of actual health, is wild.
(For my money, sane advice would be 'healthy eating advice is the same during pregnancy as it is other times except for the specific foods you should avoid because of increased food poisoning risk, and you need to eat a bit more in later pregnancy. The end.')
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Party! Friends Au DogDay:
Fun facts 🌟✨:
His nickname is cinnamon
He's very energetic and popular with the kids
He's very clingy
He was a puppy before a few years before the "hour of Joy"
His favourite caretaker is Y/N (angel)
He absolutely adores any sort of affection.
Loves bones.
He often salivates when he's really excited (just like a dog)
Very loyal to Y/N, will absolutely protect them despite his size.
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(yes I remade his reference because the other one was awful)
Au explanation:
In this the smiling critters were made not as toys but as actual experimented animals with a conscious transfer with selected candidates. How the factory selected the unfortunate was by secretly observing them through playing,every day life at the orphanage and tests(could be personality too).
These all determined which orphan specifically would match the certain Critter mascot they can merge their consciousness with an actual animal body.(Of course they all start out with younger bodies.) The scientists have to train the critters in their spare time to behave well and fulfil their duties.
They at first were used as a special party birthday mascots before when they were a bit older handing them out proper care duties.
Name of Orphan kid for this critter before:
Name:Sam Neve.
It is reported how his mother gave him away to the orphanage as she was unable to take care of him anymore due to financial difficulties
Despite this, I have been observing him from a far as being really sociable and gentle with the other children.
It's astonishing to see him act this way considering the possible traumatic stress he had to undergo through before.
Additional notes:
He is left handed.
Often seems rather clingy.. could be due to abandonment issues(?)
He keeps asking when he can see his mother again, on top of that asking how she's doing.
He has iron deficiency which often explains why his legs feel numb and unreactive sometimes.
We put him on medication though.(See previous point above)
Assigned Mascot:DogDay.
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
hi! I was experiencing a Thought™ for the Fuyuture au today while reading stories about elderly women feeling guilt over what they did:
so, you know how Yuu lives in a small, gossipy town (most likely) filled with conservative, single-parent hating people?
and you know how unmarried women/teenage girls used to drown/give away/abandon their babies?
what if Yuu did that? They were married to a guy in another dimension with no hint of support from the people they once considered family. With no choice, they hid their pregnancy and either:
a) left Yutu (and co. in Trey! Yutu’s case) at the police station
b) left them on a random person’s front door
c) gave them away to a family member, watching their child(ren) be raised to remember them as anything but their parent
idk I just felt a angsty today
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So. I have more than a passing interest in how child protective services works here in the U.S. and one of the tings I considered doing way way back when I first came up with this ayuu was adding the element of Yuu having lost custody of Yutu at some point. My reasoning for this was that given that Yuu was a missing person for a while and came back claiming to not remember where they were, a lot of people already thought they were mentally unwell and had concerns allowing them to live on their own. Now add a child into that mess? Your mental health can absolutely be used against you by CPS if they decide you shouldn't have your kids, and the instant someone hears Yuu doesn't know where they were for 6+ years or who the father of their child is then yeah. I could see someone thinking it was in the best interest of the child to not be in Yuu's custody. I decided against that because I felt like it was too heavy of a topic but since you've opened up the door-
I think all of the Yutus have a degree of residual trauma from their parent being cursed and forced across the rift. It's especially strong in the non-human children, but they all would exhibit some sort of behavioral problems if they were taken away from Yuu. That's before you get into the various medical issues the non-human kids have; Ruggie and Azul's Yutus were worryingly slow in reaching all of their developmental milestones, Leona! Yutu seems to have a chronic iron deficiency that he has to take supplements for, Jade, Floyd, and Malleus's Yutus all have some sort of eyesight problem etc. I could see it being something that causes Yutu to bounce from placement to placement a lot and never fully finding a place to settle down. And speaking of Trey! Yutu and his triplet siblings, while modern CPS does try to keep siblings together, especially if they're multiples, it's not seen as mandatory so there is a very real chance the triplets would be split up and only reunited when the Dark Mirror summons them back to Twisted Wonderland so they can attend NRC.
Now maybe Yuu really does try to get their kid(s) back but is never able to get their Case Worker to see past the amnesia thing. Because let's face it that is a huge problem, and it only gets worse as Yuu tries to force themselves to remember. That could maybe make Yuu think it really is better for Yutu to remain in care and resigning themselves to life without their son. Maybe they already were convinced of that from the start and tried to focus on rebuilding their life. Maybe they'll get lucky and their Case Worker will place Yutu with a family member so they can at least be a part of his life in some capacity. No matter what happens, I think this inner turmoil and grief would speed up the strain the curse put on their body and kill them a lot faster.
If Yutu was being raised by a relative I could see this being the time that he would be taken aside and told that Yuu was actually his parent. If you want to be especially angsty maybe he already sort of suspected that because of how most of Yuu's family treated him, but having it confirmed just adds to the strain and distance between him and whoever is taking care of him.
If Yutu was in foster care by that point I could see him just never being notified why his parent's regular visits had slowed down and suddenly stopped. It puts him in an unimaginable amount of pain when he gets older and goes searching for answers to learn about how Yuu was suffering alone. It depresses him and drives him further towards more destructive behaviors. Deuce! Yutu probably wouldn't bother with keeping up the honor student facade and just go full delinquent, and I could see Jade, Ruggie, Leona, and Cater's Yutus all deciding they'd rather run away and rough it than continue to deal with the system. Trey! Yutu puts all of his effort into reconnecting with his sisters and making sure that they're ok.
All of them would be much more nervous, much less trusting, and just that much more desperate to prevent the bad future. Yutu already really treasures the time he spends with Yuu in the past but if this was his backstory I think it would be literally everything to him as opposed to just a big part of what he was fighting for. He would be extra desperate for your approval and love because he was starved for it growing up, and noticeably shy about it because there is a part of him that would think you felt like he didn't deserve it.
TᴖT this made me very sad
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mmavverickk · 10 months
Poseidon's children capable of bending blood are born to mortal parents suffering from blood diseases.
oh bestie now this is a fun idea.
it could be something as simple as iron-deficiency anemia, which i can tell you from experience doesn't make too much of a difference, to something like PNH or Factor XIII deficiency or hemophilia.
just imagine something like that, though. Percy develops this ability, the change in his power stemming back to Tartarus, but doesn't know until he gets home. until he starts getting this funny feeling around his mom. until he really focuses and realizes she's got blood clots in her veins, or bleeding in her brain, or maybe she's got leukemia.
Percy's first experience with this new power of his ends up with his mom in the hospital and Paul watching him uneasily. the doctors congratulate him for knowing his stuff, for catching this before it became life-threatening, and Percy just wishes, with everything he has, that that was how he knew.
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niuniente · 2 months
Hi Niu, sorry if this is stuff you've already tried or considered before, (and feel free to ignore if its not useful,) but I saw one of your posts about the struggles of trying to get your blood iron levels up when the iron supplements the doctors try to get you to take are way too strong and just make you sick, and I thought I'd send you a message because I've been dealing with very similar health problems for the last 6 years. My iron levels were so bad I couldn't eat any carbs, no fruit, no rice, no bread, no pasta, nothing with any kind of sugar in it at all because it left me in excruciating pain, because I guess iron is also something you need to digest carbs and low blood iron causes inability to digest sugars properly, (but my doctor didn't initially tell me that).
I ended up on a keto diet because protein, fat, and vegetables were the only things I could eat pain and my doctor kept suggesting really iron supplements that only made me sicker.
As a last ditch effort I decided to go back to the iron supplement I used to take as a teenager that I knew I could handle back then, which is a liquid formula meant for pregnant women and children. Its got a lot of herbs in it as well to make it easier to digest for pregnant women and kids. My doctor almost laughed me out of the office for wanting to try something so "weak" that wouldn't do anything. But I figured it couldn't hurt to at least try something.
And because it was a liquid supplement I could pour just a very little bit in the measuring cup and slowly get my body used to taking even a little bit more iron instead of being stuck with a static-dosage pill that was too much. And low and behold I slowly started to be able to handle a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more and now after two years of bringing my levels up very, very slowly I can eat a little bit of fruit or some beans again without pain! It took way longer than the doctor wanted it to, but using the gentler liquid iron supplement and being able to start with a very small doseage and raise it so slowly really was the thing that finally helped me start to feel better. That and finding out that taking Vitamin C at the same time you have things with iron in them helps increase the rate that iron can be absorbed by your body, (since I'm allergic to citrus fruits I was vitamin C deficient as well, so now I take a vitamin C supplement at the same time as my iron and it helps both problems).
Anyway, I don't know if there was any useful information there you didn't already know, but if you haven't tried a liquid iron supplement, (because doctor's don't take them seriously,) maybe it might be worth looking into?
The specific brand I take that was the gentlest I could find and works for me is called Floravit, Floravital, or Floradix, (depending on where you are in the world). It's made by a German company called Salus-Haus and I can buy it off the shelf in the grocery store in Canada without a prescription, so maybe its available in Finland as well?
(Fair warning, it is a liquid without many preservatives so you have to store it in the fridge after you open the bottle and it has a horrible taste, but I was so iron deficient and in so much pain that rinsing my mouth out after taking it was well worth the benefits imo).
Anyway, I hope something in here might help you, but if its all stuff you already knew/tried than I really hope you manage to find something that works for you soon. Because man, does chronic iron deficiency suck all the balls ever. Sending you some good thoughts either way!
Thank you for your message and your concern of my health! Having an iron anemia SUCKS ass. I'm currently back to keto diet, too, because my body just reacts the best to it. I've tried all possible diet you can ever imagine except for Atkin's in the past 20 years and keto works for me and keeps me the healthiest. It just requires extra supplements in my case but I'd need to take them anyway.
We have the German same liquid iron brand here but the only supplement I can use is called Sideral. It has iron in a special form and it's very gentle but my body just dislikes iron. Even that I can take only every other day 1 doze with a help of a supplement which aids iron absorption. It's... well, it's like trying to fill a leaking bath tub with a tiny mug in my case but it's better than nothing. I'm currently waiting for more messages from a doctor regarding what can we do about this.
The iron juice was my first option when I heard I need more iron and realized that I couldn't digest the supplement a doctor ordered me to have. I'm sad it didn't work.... I just can't have any iron dissolving in my stomach, that's why Sideral works for now (it's just so damn expensive Q_________Q)
Those who are concerned of iron and keto and such, I've given like 15 vials of blood for bloodtests in the past 2 months and I just went through another series of bloodtests yesterday with 11 vials of blood, - and there's a new bloodtest coming in November with at least 3 vials - so I'm being taken care off and examined seriously.
Good luck for you to beat the anemia and especially its source! I will hear in November if Sideral is working for me. I hope it does. At least I feel a bit better.
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