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marandsviet · 5 months ago
Sometimes, the most profound loneliness is felt in a crowded room, where everyone is present but no one truly sees you. It's in these moments that we realize the difference between being around people and being understood.
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carloselrojo · 5 months ago
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cartoonvibe · 2 years ago
Ken Kaneki is the protagonist of the manga and anime series "Tokyo Ghoul." At the beginning of the story, he is a shy and introverted college student with a passion for literature. However, his life takes a dark turn when he goes on a date with a girl named Rize Kamishiro, who turns out to be a ghoul—a flesh-eating creature that preys on humans.
After a fateful encounter with Rize, Kaneki becomes the victim of a ghoul attack and ends up receiving an organ transplant from Rize, turning him into a half-ghoul, half-human hybrid. This transformation thrusts him into the hidden world of ghouls, where he must learn to navigate their society, hide his true nature from humans, and grapple with his newfound hunger for human flesh.
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skitzkraken · 19 days ago
Deep does the wound lay, but deeper still seethe a lake of rage. Do not bite the hand that feeds, for the other may be what makes you bleed. In darkness quiet, in daylight loud, neither boastful, raucous, festive or proud. Revenge and spite once served ice cold, now bright and red hot, a sight to behold. For only twice can ye strike a heart, before the owner falls apart. But is it dispair that claims its prize,or burning hatred that's unwilling to die. ...I suppose one never knows, until they are forced back down that road....
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the-feral-quill · 3 months ago
The Fear of Thriving
Wiping away tears because they're shameful, The peaceful silence is slicing through me, like a dagger across my heart. Each step is painful, Every restart, that challenging.
Happiness, joy, contentment, love, Should be something I fight; it should be embraced. Yet I wrap my arms around myself, squeezing tighter and tighter till I can't breathe.
Write a future that doesn't exist, and denying my present daily. It's a trap and a trick. All these things that happen aren't inconvenient; they're bombs coming to Shatter the peace I so desperately fight to hold.
I'm looking for any reason to sabotage it all, Because I'm used to the fall. I am afraid of the standing still, Of the warm embrace of how life should be.
Surviving was scary, But thriving is terrifying. What if I fail at that too?
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un-chosen · 4 months ago
The Truth Is
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Image is from Google
Death by suicide, they say, is selfish, A weak move, a sin against God's will. It defies the norms—social, cultural, political— It disrupts the rhythm of every day.
At the last straw, with family looking up to you, When you have nothing left to give, How strong can one truly be? Is this, too, God's will?
The social, cultural, political eyes— They watch, they judge, they criticize, With arms folded or akimbo, Never reaching, only observing.
Life is not fair; I’ve told this to little ones. The world’s wrath begins even before conception. Born into the wrong place, the wrong time, Among the wrong people—what is the right one anyway?
The mind fractures under the weight: Unseen battles, relentless thoughts, A cacophony of failures, expectations unmet, Whispers louder than screams.
It’s not weakness—it’s exhaustion, The culmination of countless moments, Where the future feels like a closed door, And the present, an unbearable burden.
The truth is, the mind grows silent, Not seeking hope, not asking for help. Just a longing for stillness, For the pain to stop.
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tomthomasblog · 9 months ago
Navigating Inner Struggles: Finding Strength in "The Deceptive Heart"
Jeremiah 17:9-10 sheds light on the complexity of the human heart, underscoring the ongoing battle against temptations and worldly desires. Embedded in this wisdom is the song "The Deceptive Heart," a compelling anthem resonating with individuals striving to confront their internal conflicts and seek solace in a tumultuous world. With its haunting melody and poignant lyrics, the song serves as a guiding light in our spiritual expedition. It rekindles hope and underscores the significance of resilience, reliance on grace, mercy, and faith in traversing the trials stemming from the intricate nature of the human heart. It urges listeners to fortify themselves against the allure of darkness and pursue virtue, recognizing that genuine fulfillment emanates from choosing the path of righteousness.
"The Deceptive Heart" encapsulates a profound message, serving as a poignant reminder of the relentless struggle against the deceptive allure of worldly desires. This evocative piece of music resonates deeply with those navigating the tumultuous waters of their inner conflicts, offering a beacon of hope and encouragement. Its captivating melody weaves a narrative of perseverance, inspiring individuals to forge ahead despite the relentless tugging of temptation. The lyrics, imbued with wisdom, prompt reflection on the intrinsic battle between right and wrong, light and darkness, within every human soul. As the song unfolds, it underscores the indomitable strength found in embracing grace, mercy, and unwavering faith, fostering a sense of empowerment and resolve in the journey towards spiritual fulfillment.
In today's fast-paced and tumultuous world, the song "The Deceptive Heart" serves as a poignant companion for those grappling with internal tumult. Its hauntingly beautiful composition and resonant lyrics offer a poignant reminder of the enduring struggle against the seductive nature of worldly enticements. Through its evocative verses, the song implores listeners to fortify themselves with the virtues of resilience and unwavering faith, enabling them to navigate the complexities of the human heart with steadfast determination. "The Deceptive Heart" invites individuals to embark on a journey of introspection and fortitude, cultivating a spirit of resilience and inner strength as they confront the ceaseless tug-of-war between their aspirations for goodness and the tantalizing lures of darkness.
In conclusion, "The Deceptive Heart" stands as a testament to the enduring human struggle against the allure of worldly desires. Its haunting melody and profound lyrics offer solace and inspiration to those striving to navigate their inner conflicts. By embracing the virtues of resilience, grace, and faith, individuals can confront the deceptive nature of their hearts and strive towards a path of righteousness. Let us heed the poignant message of "The Deceptive Heart," finding strength in its melody and wisdom as we navigate the complexities of our innermost struggles.
Jeremiah 17:9-10 has been transformed into three distinct musical styles.
Christian Rock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCIuKPJ9C3k Metal Rock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C-rutmMd-M Techno: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khs3R1jvRCI
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Production may have to shift off of the kitchen checks. Work doesn’t seem to be ordering them anymore. I could probably try to find some cheap pads online, but at that point…I dunno. I should be more structured in this, but this project is very much something that will not be forced. Every leap it has made has occurred in a moment of darkness where I turned to an informal outlet with no expectations and let the pen bleed onto the paper. Not worrying about erasing or making anatomy perfect. Letting every line give form to emotion. Not worrying about “getting it right” the first time. I can bang my head against the wall, but this project very much will find its own way and I just have to be paying attention when it tells me where it is going. Assignment turn ins want a schedule, a script and a production book. The schedule would be a lie or wishful thinking. I have never taken on a project like this before. Anything I put in that schedule is a guess and a generous one at that. A script…I know the general flow, but I also know stuff will change. Professional? Nope. Very much nope. I am aware that if this were a project being pitched in the industry, this would die faster than gossip travels in a small town. But this ISN’T. This is important because, this is an opportunity for me to learn how I approach something like this. This is a personal piece that I am attempting to squish into an assignment for a grade. This is for me, to prove to myself that I can do it. This is for everyone else, to serve whatever purpose they need it to for themselves.
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lifeunchartedjourney · 1 year ago
Believe in Your Inner Strength
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I had to act like it didn't hurt me.
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the-feral-quill · 5 months ago
The Weight of Doubt
Insecurity, jealousy, doubt, They circle like vultures, Leaving no way out now.
Stones being cast, Daggers being tossed, Feelings of being cornered, Feelings of being lost.
Standing with weak knees, And a tear-stained face, Not being able to remain in the place.
The darkness cannot swallow, The warmth has to stay within, Can't let the devils win— Have to stay calm and keep the peace within.
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elysianwing · 7 months ago
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Explosions of light. Fireworks, blanketing the sky. Cascading colors in pleasant design, descending in patterns similar to the willow's leaves. Flooding my perception... I dare not look directly, its beauty far too strong, I fear I'll go blind. I'm too far away to properly appreciate such visual perfection... not close enough to you to even try and understand. I reach out, but try as I might you only seem to fall further away. Explosions of self... now the light is darkness. Pure crimson, with a backdrop of black. Born inside,  from a feeling of displeasure, it illuminates my very being. How can I look away when the dark is coming from within? This is not beautiful... just another failed attempt.
Posted 6/30/2003 at 9:29 PM by Alexander Learmont https://www.patreon.com/Elysianwing
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caesarandthecity · 7 months ago
Love in Prison: Seeking Affection Behind Bars
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Gay for the Stay. That’s what they call straight men who, during their time in prison, decide to enter into a relationship with another man, being “gay” only while they’re behind bars. Can you imagine how amazing my life would be if I could just decide to be gay for a while, then not be, and then turn it back on whenever I wanted? Like flipping a light switch on and off. I’ve always been gay, never changed, and I suffered a lot until I learned how to survive.
In the beginning, in criminal prison, I behaved more cautiously, which made me an easy target, prey that was easy to spot. And believe me, there are so many men in there looking for someone to live with in a cell as a couple. I won’t deny, some of them were very attractive. Think about it: many were Latino, tattooed, in shape, just looking for someone to exchange affection and care with while in prison. It’s fascinating to see how humans, in this case, men, can change in the search for affection, in the search for love.
And I fell in love. I had my heart broken more than once in prison—multiple times, to be honest. One of the first was Chad. He was special, beautiful. His eyes were an incredible shade of blue. When I first arrived at the psychiatric ward of the prison, Chad came to greet me. And when I saw those eyes… “Chicos, those eyes!” I knew something would happen between us, and it did. We never kissed. We got so close once that our lips almost touched. He looked into my eyes, and I looked into his, and then we pulled away.
We were two madmen locked up in the psychiatric ward of the prison. And you know, they say that mad people don’t realize they’re mad. Deep down, we were just two people desperate for affection. We spent our days together, talking, laughing, sharing stories. When I met Chad, he had no money to buy food at the canteen, and neither did I. We helped each other whenever we could; if one got extra food, we shared it. Chad would talk about all the drugs he’d done and how heroin was his favorite. He would tell me how he loved living on the streets, always saying, “It’s a lifestyle, Bro!” Something inside me believed I could save him, that he deserved saving.
Sometimes, Chad would come to my cell, sit next to me, and just stare at me with those deep blue eyes. We would play-fight with each other, a way for us to touch without anyone saying anything. Someone started putting money in Chad’s account, and he began to gift me sweets and food. Sometimes, other prisoners got jealous, but Chad didn’t care, and neither did we. But Chad was very jealous. Once he realized how much I was into him, he started to change. He would complain that I walked around the block too much, that I didn’t want to sit next to him, that I talked to Scotland, that I didn’t play with him. Many times, out of jealousy, Chad would refuse to share food with me, doing it on purpose.
One day, Chad snapped out of jealousy and tried to attack me, saying he was just playing. The guards decided to lock down the block, and Chad refused to go back to his cell, so he was taken to solitary confinement. And just like that, Chad and I never spoke again. Maybe it was for the best. Many other inmates told me real stories about him that scared me and opened my eyes.
Chad was the first, but many more would come after. The interesting thing is that during that time, I never questioned Chad’s character. I never evaluated his actions towards me, and now, almost two years later, I can look back and see it all—and most importantly, see myself too. Remembering all this only made me realize how desperate I was in my search for love, not knowing that I should never have been searching for it because love isn’t something you search for; it’s something you build from the inside out.
I was desperate to love, to be loved. In my mind, I thought I could take Chad out of that life. Today, I know that no one leaves drugs for someone else. We only leave when we want to, and for ourselves. And I allowed myself to be close to someone who was toxic, violent, just because he said he liked me. Today, I understand the reason for my solitude.
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yashmetova · 6 days ago
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"Have you seen 'Vulnerable Turmoil'? The bold reds and blacks create such a powerful atmosphere, don't you think? The expressive brushstrokes and haunting gaze really capture the essence of inner struggle. It's a striking piece that makes you reflect deeply."
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cristian-calistru · 2 months ago
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"Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Me." (Matthew 16:24)
For this piece, The Altar of Sacrifice, I started with the desire to visually explore the symbols found on the Great Schema worn by Orthodox monks. Using digital collage techniques, I wanted to represent them in a way that doesn't confine them to an isolated "sacred" space but brings them closer to our everyday lives, no matter who we are or where we find ourselves.
Every detail tells a story. The cross inscribed with IC XC NIKA (Jesus Christ Conquers) is not just a sign of divine victory but also of the personal struggles each of us carries. The crown of thorns, the spear, and the sponge remind us of suffering and humility, but also of acceptance. The ladder symbolizes the inner ascent, the constant struggle between falling and rising, while the pillar speaks of perseverance and the trials we face. The rooster, seemingly a simple symbol, reflects the fragility of our faithfulness and those moments when we forget who we truly are.
Read more on: www.cristiancalistru.com/conceptposters
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