inspcktor · 11 months
If you're interested in original characters and mythology, you should check out my OC. @antaraxiia
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inspcktor · 11 months
With my newfound free time, maybe I can finally put together a blog for my mythology OC that I've been turning over in my head for years at this point.
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inspcktor · 11 months
Hey! I'm still around! Just had a major thing happen in my life and I've been doing damage control. However, it's given me a pretty significant amount of free time and I hope to get the ball rolling on things over here once I've got things secured this week.
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inspcktor · 11 months
When will Tumblr let me look at my dash in a coherent way?
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inspcktor · 11 months
Note to self to make up a headcanon post about Vasily's family, considering they'll get mentioned if not guest star in some threads.
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inspcktor · 11 months
“u hard to deal with” good leave me alone
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inspcktor · 11 months
↪     ᵗʰᵉ 𝑫𝑼𝑺𝑻𝒀 𝑻𝑶𝒀𝑩𝑶𝑿 .    (  a  collection  of  various unsorted sentence starters .  adjust  phrasing  as  necessary .   no longer updating .  )
why are you here ?
drive .  drive fast .
i think we should make an informed decision .
are you coming or not ?
you’ve been avoiding me .
[ name ] ,  what were you thinking ?
this should be your priority .
let me hold you for a minute .
get out of my way .  i won’t tell you again .
that wasn’t supposed to happen .
can you keep a secret ?
i don’t know what i did to deserve you .
you seriously think i could’ve done something like that ?
you’re safe with me .
sorry isn’t good enough .
where is all this coming from ?
who told you about that ?
sorry i’m late ,  i got caught up .
you’re being paranoid .
why are you looking at me like that ?
you’re the single most important thing to me .
all i’m asking is that you hear me out .
whatever they told you ,  it’s a lie .
we shouldn’t stick around here .
hold my hand ,  i don’t want to lose track of you .
[ name ]  …  truth or dare ?
i love you .  nothing’s gonna change that .
can you tell me what happened ?
you can’t come around here anymore .
back off ,  okay ?
what ,  you don’t have time for me anymore ?
you’re asking for too much .
i’m trying to start a new life .
what do you mean ,  you aren’t coming back ?
sometimes i think you must hate me .
why can’t we just talk about this ?
i know i fucked up ,  you can stop rubbing it in .
you’ve got quite a reputation .
i’m not usually like this ,  i’m sorry .
please ,  just let me explain myself .
i love watching you work .
we’re on the same team .
did you ever tell anyone ?
you’ve got a lot of explaining to do .
really funny ,  you’re very mature .
you call THAT a PLAN ?
can we get out of here ?
i thought things would be different .
this is not up for debate !
do whatever you have to do .
karma’s going to get you for that .
it could’ve been a lot worse .
i asked you to leave me out of this .
maybe it’s time to take a leap of faith .
i never want to see you again .
can you see how many fingers i’m holding up ?
i’m gonna be there when you get what’s coming to you .
you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me .
i’ve been waiting all night for this .
i told you not to contact me .
sometimes i really think you have a death wish .
what do you need ?  —  what can i do ?
i would do literally anything to keep you safe .
that was supposed to be a secret .
you haven’t called me that in years .
stop telling me to calm down !
we make a pretty good team .
i have so much i want to say to you .
i’m not going to let anyone hurt you .
can we please not do this right now ? 
wait ,  wait  …  just breathe for a second .
how are you holding up ?
why don’t you stay the night ?  i’ll take the couch .
i don’t need your protection !
you’re not making this easier on yourself .
are you going to let me in ?
i’m supposed to be protecting you .
i will kill you if i have to .
do whatever you have to do .
this is going to hurt ,  i’m sorry .
what happened to you ,  where have you been ?!
there was nothing you could’ve done .
you’re all i need right now .
i don’t believe in love at first sight .
have you been following me ?
i need you to believe me .
what do you remember ?
i’m not a good person .
what the hell’s going on with you ?
you’re being followed .
just when i thought my day couldn’t be any worse .
i’ve been having weird dreams .
so you’ve been lying to me this whole time ?
are you trying to get us killed ?
this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me .
i never asked for your help .
you’re being followed ,  pretend you know me .
why has it started to feel different with you ?
don’t worry ,  i have a plan .
i heard everything .
do you need to sit down ?
i have the right to know what’s going on .
i’ve just gotta catch my breath .
stay out of my business .
what did you think was going to happen ?!
don’t cause a scene .
tell me something about you that i don’t know .
can i buy you a drink ?
what if  …  we played spin the bottle ?
this was never a problem until  [ name ]  came around .
you can’t ask me to make that choice .
are you seeing anyone right now ?
i need you to listen to me ,  we don’t have long .
you’re lying ,  that doesn’t make any sense .
you look  …  stunning .
what are you trying to prove ?
who died and made you the boss of me ?
you can’t just show up here like this .
let me make it up to you .
there’s no way i’m leaving you like this .
can we stay like this ?  just for a little longer .
i don’t need you to fight for me .
so  …  you lied to me ?
you’re the only one that can help me .
i can’t help you if you won’t let me .
i never introduced myself ,  i’m [ name ] .
i expected more from you .
you have no idea who i am ,  do you ?
are you real ?  is this real ?
can i stay with you ?  just for the night .
you’re going to get yourself killed .
why did you help me ?
tell me what i can do to help .
pick a card ,  any card .
i never wanted any of this .
i love you .   you don’t have to say it back .
do you wanna get out of here ?
what the hell are you talking about ?
i should have trusted you .
get your head out of the clouds .
how is any of this MY fault ?!
what aren’t you telling me ?
i can’t help you if you won’t let me .
it’s never just one with you ,  is it ?
you’re not supposed to know about that .
shut your mouth .
i haven’t kissed you yet ,  today .
where is this coming from ?
come over here and make me ,  then .
keep lying to yourself ,  see where it gets you .
i’m not a bad person .
is that what you wanted to hear ?
we can’t be seen together .
i can’t give you what you want .
i need you to leave .
are you drunk ?
i’m here ,  i’m here .  i’m not going anywhere .
you might want to take a seat for this .
have you been listening to anything i’ve said ?
i haven’t heard from you in weeks .
you’re jealous ,  aren’t you ?
who do you think you’re talking to ?
what are you reading ?
you could’ve killed me !
come on ,  we don’t have time for this .
i just need ten minutes of silence .
really ?  that’s all you have to say ?
we could leave ,  you know .  go far away .
you don’t look too good .
i never want to see you again .
why can’t you just leave me alone ?
i thought you died .
you’ll do anything for attention .
give me another chance .
how’s the weather up there ?
all you do is hurt people !
i’m sorry ,  none of this makes sense .
you need to get out of here before anyone sees you .
i told you i didn’t want you around here .
is that supposed to be a threat ?
you’ve changed .
don’t look at me like that .
it’s a beautiful day ,  don’t you think ?
i did what i had to do .
you never know when to stop .
i’ve got to get home ,  it’s getting late .
i have nothing to prove to you .
stop LYING to me  …  all you do is lie .
you don’t have to be nice to everybody .
don’t tell me what to do .
pull your head out of the past .
nobody can help me .  i can’t even help me .
we are not talking about that right now .
are you new around here ?
you have no idea what you’re starting .
i’m gonna get us out of here .
whatever you came here to say ,  i don’t want to hear it .
everyone’s staring at us .
is there anything i can do to help ?
i won’t cause you any more trouble .
– just follow my instructions for once !
do you want to come in ?
i just didn’t know what to do .
you need rest ,  lie down .
i’m not who you think i am .
i don’t know what you want me to say .
you’re not like anyone else i’ve ever met .
i feel like i’m going insane .
stop asking ,  you’re not going to like my answer .
i didn’t want you to see me any differently .
i wish i knew what to say to you .
don’t give me that look ,  you know what i mean .
you should be afraid .
do you still love me ?
i never thought i’d get this far .
the world doesn’t revolve around you .
i need you to give me some space .
i know what you’re doing ,  don’t play games .
you left me to die .
i’m beyond repentance .
when are you going to get it through your head ?
i missed you more than i thought i would .
i’m in love with you .
what do you need from me ?
i’ll kill them ,   just say the word .
[ name ] ,   what are you doing here ?
how can i help ?
you’re pathetic .
i need you to come pick me up .
where have you been ?  it’s eleven o’clock .
i couldn’t live with myself if i let you get hurt .
i can’t just pretend it didn’t happen .
you’re a real piece of work .
do you remember how we first met ?
when did all of this fall apart ?
that’s not what i came here for .
i would do anything for you .
i don’t need you to hold my hand through this .
are you sure this is the right thing to do ?
can’t we try to pretend things are okay ?
what is THAT supposed to mean ?
you’re always late ,  what am i supposed to think ?
there’s nothing you can do to fix this .
you’re far too kind to me .
can we go now ?  like ,  right now ?
i have to do this alone .
where’s your common sense ?
we aren’t supposed to be in here .
can you feel my heartbeat ?
i think i’ve seen you around before .
why are you acting weird ?
i have a really bad feeling .
i hate seeing you like this .
how am i supposed to react to that ?
what do you want most in the world ?
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inspcktor · 11 months
Glory to Arstotzka; Papers, Please
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inspcktor · 11 months
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“I’ll wait for you”
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inspcktor · 11 months
@crystalmarred sent: ‘ how many people have you (gotten) killed? ’ (from kijin, if it's okay! I have no idea how this would work, but I'm nothing if not unhinged about crossovers!)
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The question made him PAUSE, hands tucked into the pockets of his uniform's coat.
Really, this was the type of situation that he DREADED. Perhaps not the question itself, but the idea that he'd get cornered away from the armed guards and the metal shutters. The checkpoint saw more than enough VIOLENCE every week, and he wasn't so blind as to think he couldn't get attacked while he walked back to the apartment.
Yet, he figured there wouldn't be much talking if the intention was to put a bullet in the back of his head.
Still...he couldn't help the tightening of his brows, a tight frown on his face. How may people had he gotten killed? 'At the checkpoint or in the war?' he wanted to ask, but held it back. He knew what that question meant. With how some of the surrounding countries were, he knew a red stamp could be signing a death warrant for some people. His country was no different. He knew he could only look the other way so many times, how many 'mistakes' that the ministry would overlook, before it cut into his own survival. (His son was coughing again and he was just hoping to be able to turn the heat back on this week.)
"What type of answer do you want from me? I don't know. I don't keep count. You learn to stop asking questions like that around here."
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inspcktor · 11 months
Assigned Tarot
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the tower
where is the line between awakening and self destruction? is it thin? are you walking toward it? on it? already too far gone? there is nothing more disheartening than trying to find yourself, only to learn that you detest the person you've been looking for. can i tell you a secret? you are allowed to love yourself. required to, even. how can you go forward without it? make no mistake– it is not easy. but it is essential. you will get there, and it will be warm. / NUMBER: 16 / UPRIGHT: sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening / REVERSED: personal transformation, fear of change, averting disaster
tagged by: nah.
tagging: be my guest!
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inspcktor · 11 months
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inspcktor · 11 months
「   RP MEME :  RANDOM DIALOGUE 2.0   」     * change pronouns as needed. based on this generator. 
‘ how about i take you home? ’
‘ who do you fight for? ’
‘ you can relax. we’re safe here.’ 
‘ are you threatening me? ’
‘ i told you to leave me out of this. ’
‘ i guess it runs in the family, huh? ’
‘ you’re leaving already? ’
‘ that sounds dangerous. i’m in!’ 
‘ what do you wish for? ’
‘ you look like you just saw a ghost.’ 
‘ don’t look at me like that. ’
‘ we can just sit here. we don’t have to talk.’ 
‘ you can’t get rid of me that easy. ’
‘ do you want something for the pain? ’
‘ can i have some cash? ’
‘ i know you’re dangerous, but i also know you won’t hurt me.’ 
‘ that’s quite a scratch you’ve got there.’ 
‘ when was the last time you slept? ’
‘ i know who you are. i know what you’ve done. ’
‘ you’re being followed. pretend you know me.’ 
‘ you never should’ve left. ’
‘ i think i’m getting sick. ’
‘ snap out of it! ’
‘ yes i killed them, but i did it for you.’ 
‘ don’t treat me like a child. ’
‘ how does it feel to be in love? ’
‘ surprised to run into you here. ’
‘ how many people have you killed? ’
‘ i didn’t want to come, but i need your help. ’
‘ i know i’m not the person you want, but i’m here. ’
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inspcktor · 11 months
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inspcktor · 11 months
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inspcktor · 11 months
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Welcome! This is an indie rp blog, my name is Rory (they/them, 28) and I would consider this blog to be on slow/low activity. I am also 18+ and will not rp with minors. Please read the carrd before interacting.
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