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Shaaloani was very different to the other deserts Meiko had been to. The closest she could compare it was to Amh Araeng, but even then, that didn't quite feel right. It was hot and dry, but humid, and maybe that was why there were so many more plants and even a foresty-area up towards the northeast part of the map. There wasn't as much green in Thanalan -- it was far more sparse, and definitely not as vibrant.
She liked it. She liked seeing so many different places in the world, even though she had seen so many types of forests and mountains and beaches and snowy spots all before. Perhaps that was the part of Azem in her that resonated the strongest.
In Hiko's case, though, she was pretty sure stubborness was his. She had watched him get thrown from the back of a not-so-peaceful Rroneek for half a dozen times now, only to climb back on with more determination than the last. He had really embraced the local fashion, too, all decked out in those silly big hats and the shoes with the spurs on them.
Well, whatever made him happy. He certainly looked it. And as questionable as she found his choice of activity, her heart warmed to see her wee brother so pleased.
And speaking of pleased --
"You gettin' restless?" Erenville had been a mix of stick-in-the-mud and tentative and determined ever since they had arrived in Tural, but she could tell he was eager to get back home. Now that the Rite of Succession was over (and had ended, in her opinion, with the best possible outcome), a bunch of questions she had resurfaced that she wanted to ask him. She'd be polite about it, at least! Not like Hiko had outright asked about Erenville's accent earlier, for gods' sakes.
"Hiko'll be fine. The Rroneek'll do more damage tae him than anythin'," she waved a dismissive hand in her brother's direction. "Come on, let's get somethin' tae eat. I dinnae know what's good around here."
"--Bring me back something!" Hiko had suddenly developed supersonic hearing, it seemed.
Meiko snorted and waved back at him, "Aye, dinnae get concussed ya wee shite!" Then she turned back to Erenville, waiting.
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@crystalmarred » plotted starter
Learning magic came with its own set of problems that one had to master – not surprising, of course, but it was simply that Orion had not anticipated it.
He was in Gridania when he discovered this problem, practicing with his Carbuncle in the Shroud. It was a simple problem with a simple solution, when it came down to it; he was running out of mana frequently and having to resort to getting out his trusty lance to finish off the monster he was fighting. The solution, of course, was that he needed a supply of ethers to keep him going.
Being in Gridania, he didn't really care to travel all the way to Ul'dah to visit the alchemists' guild. But a quick scouring of the Shaded Bower turned up nothing but a point of advice. Apparently, there was an alchemist of some skill studying at the conjurers' guild, a miqo'te by the name of X'kijin.
And so, Orion headed for the conjurers' guild. He was subsequently directed to a corner of the structure, where he found a handsome miqo'te doing, well, something, with some bottles. Orion had to admit he was less than knowledgeable when it came to alchemy, and he had truly no idea what was going on.
“Well met,” he said to the miqo'te. “I'm looking for a man named X'kijin. Might that be you?”
#crystalmarred#t: 01 | crystalmarred#✦ : orion ( ic )#hiii sorry this is a little late#hope this works for you!
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@crystalmarred | how many fingers am i holding up? (from Kijin if it's okay!) 𝑴𝑶𝑹𝑩𝑰𝑫 ᶜᵘʳᶤᵒˢᶤᵗʸ . ( a collection of various unsorted question prompts
"T-three..." The young adventurer hesitated, tensing up, wary of the Miqo'te stranger and tightens the shaky grip of the Heartsickness keyblade in her left hand. Despite her head and chest pounding, Selena felt certain that her vision isn't blurry but the inquiry left her second guessing herself.
"I didn't hit the door that hard..." Selena quietly says, out of breath. She had slipped out of Dawn's Respite and had done well enough to keep herself out of sight - until she wasn't. When the keybearer suddenly bumped into him, it spooked her bad enough to run face-first into the door leading back to Dawn's Respite where she was supposed to be resting. She dropped her gil pouch in the process and its contents spilled across the floor.
After she turned around, the keyblade is summoned out of reflex, shakily holding it up to purchase distance. Pale eyes wild with apprehension stare up at him, watching, reading every movement. The color drained from her face.
What am I doing...? Why am I acting like this? I'm supposed to be safe...Right...? Feeling ashamed of herself, Selena looks away, slowly lowering the keyblade with every deep breath she took. When the weapon slips from her grip, it disappears as it fell and clatter on the floor. She rests her back against the door and stares down at the floor.
"I-I'm s-sorry...I don't know what came over me..." The young adventurer anxiously scratches the itch on her scarred ear before wiping her bloody nose on her sling. She momentarily feels around her nose as if to check to see if it had gotten broken when she hit the door and grimaces, cursing under her breath.
Ow...Did I break it again? It doesn't feel like it.
Her stomach growls loud for her to notice and flinch. Right. I was going to grab something to eat. Where's my...Ah. Noticing where her gil pouch fell, Selena carefully kneels to collect the pouch and the mess the spill made.
#A New Home [FF14 x KH AU] | Answered#crystalmarred#crystalmarred | X'kijin Lyzej#queuesicles#Yes it's absolutely okay!! ovo#injury tw#blood tw#PTSD tw#Hope this is alright!
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@crystalmarred liked for a starter for Kijin, from Estinien!
"... Would you be able to fix up a crack in my armor? The shoulder piece cracked when I got into it with a giant crab. The story isn't important, all I need to know is if you can fix it."
#crystalmarred#muse: E.stinien#fandom: f.inal fantasy 14#[ estinien: no im not going to explain crab you'll just have to imagine. ]
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☂ What’s your best RP experience?
@blxxditout asked: ☂ What’s your best RP experience?
☂ What’s your best RP experience?
really clicking with someone new! sometimes you find someone who has cool hcs and a cool character and you really want to write with them but you don't know how, and then they post a starter call or a meme or something like that, and you tentatively send something in, and they reply and you're like OH THIS IS GREAT ACTUALLY and the next thing you know, you're mutuals on discord and talk every day. good times.
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Things said in an adventuring party // ACCEPTING » @crystalmarred ( Tataru ) said: ‘ not to brag, but at least six men have described me as ‘terrifying’. ’ (Tataru to Eydis, two of them are Estinien and Alphinaud asdkfjhsalk—)
HER ANSWERING GRIN MATCHED Tataru's mischief, a flash of fangs and a bark of laughter. "You should brag," Eydis countered, crossing her arms leisurely across her chest. "I am not sure they would say the same of me."
"In fact, it makes me wonder why I am even here, when you can keep them all in line."
#𝙶𝙴𝙽 » ffxiv.#𝙴𝚈𝙳𝙸𝚂 » ic.#crystalmarred#I fear no man...but Tataru.....Tataru scares me#thank you for sending an ask! And also refollowing :D#I'm glad to see you on the dash ♥
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“Look,” X'kijin started, not particularly wanting to argue with Papalymo. “You know I can eat just about anything.”
And find value in it, beside. Cultures varied greatly and many found traditional Ala Mhigan cuisine to be too… wild, so it was hard to judge overmuch.
“But this,” he said as he moved the archon loaf in a failed attempt to flop the bread. It didn't flop at all. Offensively, it stood rigid. “Is kinda disgusting.”
(You wanted opinions, so I'm sending them directly to the best Scion. I do not take criticism.)
How do you feel about Archon Loaf?
Papalymo chuckled, shaking his head.
"Oh, no, you don't have to convince me of such an opinion," he reassured him. "Consider yourself lucky that you haven't had to develop a tolerance for the stuff. There are many in Sharlayan -especially those in the Studium -- who'd most certainly waste away without it sustaining them throughout their demanding responsibilities. Archon Loaf isn't popular back home for anything other than necessity. However, I've found that soaking it in brandy can help... a little."
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@crystalmarred ;; S T A R T E R C A L L ;; URIANGER .
One might deem it HUMOROUS how there are tiny little IMPERFECTIONS within a characteristic all but intimately BOUND to someone. Urianger is known for being the epitome of observant, nigh impossible to catch off guard or in a state of ill prep, and yet . . . despite his wealth of observational skills, he cannot seem to realize when he has droned on for far longer than necessary. How he manages to turn a request for aid into a Sharlayan thesis is beyond the understanding of even those closest to him, yet there he sits, brow creased deeply in that contemplative manner, detailing how he found himself in this predicament in the first place.
Humorous, even more, is the lack of realization that his flowery manner of speaking and writing is the sole cause of this entire ordeal in the first place.
" Naught more than an accidental discarding of a personal pursuit of poetic enlightenment, yet mine own recollection of its scrawlings is certain it contained but a few, poorly written pieces. " Sat nearest him on the tabletop, though, is a strongly scented letter written in response to the parchment he had dropped, with a flower bundled within, and a written promise to meet him at the ' location he had detailed in his beautiful letter. ' " I fear some maiden has mistaken this hobby as a drawn out map to the depths of mine own heart. I am . . . admittedly concerned and at a tragic loss for how to handle this. "
#crystalmarred#[ :) any muse you're feeling on your end!#i couldn't help making urianger suffer just a little. c; ]#muse ;; URIANGER ( THREADS )
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🌸。*゚+. Starter call | @crystalmarred
"Why am I not surprised to find you here?" There's humor in his tone as he approaches, a brow raising whilst he took in the other and his attire. "Am I right in assuming that Tataru has you doing favors for her, yet again?" The woman sure did love putting their dear friend to WORK didn't she?
Thancred folded his arms across his chest, weight shifting from one leg to the other. With the way in which he PRESSED his lips tightly together, it was easy to tell the Hyur was close to laughing, but held together determinedly.
"What is it that she has you making this time?" He inquired, having not really planned in making small talk with others during his visit to Sharlayan, but growing CURIOUS all the same.
#crystalmarred#VERSE | EW 🌸 Thancred Waters#//I read in your info that Tataru has X'ijin make stuff for her so-- I thought it'd be a funny chance encounter :'D#I hope this is fine!! Let me know if you need any changes! Thancred is just quietly snickering but also 'you poor thing' LOL#I'm excited to finally write with you!!!! ♡//#🌸。*゚+. QUEUE
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@crystalmarred - Tsuru ( & Eventually A'atahni)
Sometimes Meiko forgot how tall she was when she was in Limsa Lominsa. Sure, there were handfuls of Hyur and Lalafell and the occasional Miqo'te, but Roegadyn were so commonplace! She only had to look down to chat with someone half the time in Limsa! It was almost as good as Ishgard!
But she did get a good view of things. That was also required if you lived in La Noscea -- watching the streets for wee pickpockets. Meiko wouldn't even mind so much if she didn't need the things she had on hand, and if half those pickpockets weren't just doing it for fun.
Regardless, Meiko always kept an eye out -- so seeing a wee Au Ra lass wandering alone, looking distressed, immediately drew her attention. She did glance around -- sometimes folks weren't above using wee wains as bait -- before approaching.
"Excuse me, lass," she greeted her politely, leaning over and mindful not to get too close in case it frightened her. "M'hopin' you could help me w'directions. Do you know your way 'round here?"
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@crystalmarred asked:
❛ you should’ve thought about that before you got into a fight. ❜ (k'lyhhia and x'kijin, if that's okay! aka tigress does tiger things and dumbass healer does healer things—)
The tigress parts her lips to argue, but quickly decides against it. He was right. She deserved that. She'd gotten herself into this situation, picking a fight with those bandits - she had no right to complain about the pain. But hey! At least she had won, and smacked around a few low lives in the process.
"Point taken." She stifles a laugh, only to wince as it aggravates her injury. Her striped tail curls up beside her, and she allows the healer to do his work with no more complaints. "I appreciate the help. You could've easily left me here to lick my wounds."
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@crystalmarred | Tataru Taru Cont. From Here
"H-huh?" When the Lalafell mentions the color of her attire, the keybearer instinctively inspects herself as if someone had recently pointed out a missed ketchup stain. It didn't occur to her that the gear and clothes she wore were often dark.
Selena realizes that she was always drawn to black, some greys, and more recently, a color named gloom purple if she recalled the name correctly. The keybearer recalls purchasing several bottles of the dye for her gear in Mor Dhona's marketplace, out of her own coin purse, some days ago.
"Are dark colors not practical though?" Selena found herself asking Tataru, brows furrowing in thought, "Easier to hide stains, and whatever mess that we adventurers get into, no?"
I've never really thought about wearing something brighter like a pastel color before..., the keybearer thinks to herself, frowning and feeling uneasy, scratching her right arm, I'm unsure if they'd suit me well.
#A New Home [FF14 x KH AU] | Reply#crystalmarred#crystalmarred | Tataru Taru#I hope it's okay if I continue this! I adore it. x3#Tataru has my ok to makeover Sel. xD
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☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
Salty af munday meme
I’ve been saying this for upwards of like 7-8 years now, but the tendency for people to format their text to make it pretty yet unreadable. It’s so hard to read replies that are littered with unnecessary spacing, strike outs and changes in text style. I’m mobile a lot so sometimes that stuff doesn’t even show up on mobile so half the reply is just missing. :/
#out of droplets;;#your replies should be readable on the dash and on mobile.#I understand it’s a stylistic choice but there have been people who I can respond to because I legitimately cannot read the reply and#understand it.#you can write pretty and still make your replies legible!#tbh the biggest rule I have for roleplay is: can my partner understand what I’m reading?#have I conveyed that well enough?#and some people value aesthetics over comprehension and if that’s ur perogativr#live and let live! but also please understand I cannot rp with you if I cannot understand what you’re writing#crystalmarred
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Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book? + Are you happy with how your favorite canon muse was portrayed in canon?
Questions for the Mun | Accepting!
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
I've been trying to think and the only character I can think of is Aerith Gainsborough. And the only reason I was meh about her when I started playing FF7 was because my friends all hated her and told me she sucked. I wanted to fit in so I wouldn't let myself like Aerith until much later in my life. I was also...very young when I played FF7, haha.
Are you happy with how your favorite canon muse was portrayed in canon?
I'm not sure I have a favorite, between Haurchefant and Aymeric. And the answer is, yes, of course, that's why I love them! ...I say that, but I can understand when a character has more than one canon appearance, sometimes sequels and prequels can be...underwhelming. I do look forward to seeing Aymeric later in the plot (I can only assume he's still around at least somewhat), but I guess I don't have to worry about Haurchefant coming back! ... ;_;
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@crystalmarred sent in: accident for X'kijin & Inanna? 👀 (WoL or NPC Kijin, up to you~)
❝ 𝐀 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆. ❞ — 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 // accepting !
05. accident ; receiver comes across sender for the first time, just after sender has had a minor accident.
A request from the Studium was not an unusual occurrence for Inanna, though they were a little less common now that she and her fellow gleaners no longer had to prepare for the end of the world. Tucked away in a corner of one of the lower floors of Noumenon, Inanna sat surrounded by a rather impressive collection of books, towering above her head in increasingly unstable stacks. Monitored by an odd, twitchy little librarian mammet that seemed intent on wearing a track between her nest of books and the elevator, she had spent the better part of her morning researching Coerthas's Sea of Clouds after being tasked with securing a paissa for one of the Studium's researchers. Being that her expertise was in flora rather than fauna, she had needed to spend some time getting to know the unfamiliar species before setting off.
Her solitary research was interrupted rather abruptly, however, by the dinging of the elevator. Looking up from her reading to catch a glimpse of her company, Inanna had only enough time to call, "Wait-!" before her mammet companion charged blindly right into the unwitting Seeker's legs with enough force to bruise. After a brief pause, a series of crestfallen mechanical noises emitted from the pathetic thing before it wobbled, spun, and fell dramatically to the tile floor.
Groaning as she envisioned the paperwork a repair report would entail, Inanna pushed herself to her feet, heading over to check on both the mammet and its innocent victim. Tail flicking in annoyance, she spared a glance for the stranger's well-being before kneeling into a crouch, her hands rushing not to X'kijin's aid, but to the mammet's. "The librarians are going to kill me if you've gone and gotten yourself broken..."
#// gleaner inanna.... as a treat....#crystalmarred#[ muse. ] inanna.#[ ic. ]#[ verse. ] a world apart.
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"behave yourself." (Erenville to Wuk Lamat)
"What? I have been on my best behavior!" Wuk Lamat bristled, folding her arms. "Have you ever stopped to think that maybe it's you who could beneift from behaving a little more recklessly? As far as I know, I'm not breaking any of your Sharlayan laws by having a look around!"
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