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I saw this and thought of you, while you don't care if I exist or not.
#at least I'm not a cheater :)#unrequitedlove#onesidedlove#indifference#apathy#heartbreak#longing#pining#missedconnections#breakup#exes#movingon#lettinggo#memories#nostalgia#wistful#bittersweet#existentialcrisis#insignificant#invisible#loneliness#isolation#disconnect#thoughtofyou#caring#hopelessromantic
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Existentialism (2) Masterlist
part one
all the little temporaries (ao3) - indistinct_echo
Summary: Not for the first or last time, Phil has to say goodbye to everything (apart from Dan).
An Insomniac’s Daydream (ao3) - Young_Rouge_Rose
Summary: Dan Howell is an insomniac, a pianist, and possibly a modern day Nostradamus, as his twisted dreams seem to be pointing towards the destruction of the world. When plagued with such dreams he does what any sane and natural human being would. He gives up sleep. No sleep. No dreams. No end. Phil Lester is a humble barista who feels like a daydream and somehow manages to keep the monsters, which come with such twisted dreams at bay. But there is more to it than meets the eye, for the past always has a way of catching up with you. This has happened before, but it can’t happen again.
at the loss of words (ao3) - cantbother
Summary: when Dan finds himself unable to deal with his thoughts on his own , Phil tries to help him - through the door Dan had locked the night before
If Lost, Return To Phil - thatsmistertoyou
Summary: Dan and Phil are friends with benefits, which always works until it doesn’t. Dan wishes things could be different, and gets more than he bargains for.
I'm Falling (So I'm Taking My Time on My Ride) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan's having a crisis again. Phil helps him through it again.
Pinkie Promise (ao3) - lestericalphan
Summary: Dan and Phil decided as children to make a promise to be there, care and to help each other. The only question left is how long does a promise really last?
Polaroid Prince (ao3) - CelestialYuuri
Summary: Dan Howell has had the reflection of an auburn-haired individual for as long as he can remember. As he’s growing up with the reflection, he notices how much it changes and how much he changes as well.
Querencia (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: in which Dan is existential and Phil is there for him.
Sauvage (ao3) - covetsubjugation
Summary: When Dan and Phil fail to leave the country in time, they are trapped in the UK during the most dangerous time of the year. What are they to do when their safe house gets broken into during The Purge?
Six Feet Under the Stars (ao3) - smol_chilli_pepper
Summary: The night was beautiful but he couldn’t stop staring at the boy next to him, all in black a galaxy on his own
sometimes quiet is violent (ao3) - nivi_chip
Sumamry: Sometimes, Dan just needs to see a pair of legs next to him.
Take a Picture and Frame It (ao3) - interruptedbyfjreworks
Summary: Dan's never been one to believe that 'everything happens for a reason', but he can't help but feel that Amelia was put into their lives by more than just an off-chance.
The Infinite Possibility of Us (ao3) - Young_Rouge_Rose
Summary: It began as all good stories do, with an inciting incident. Dan’s just so happened to be almost getting hit by a car, watching a man die before his eyes and somehow falling into a web of alternate realities. Just your usual morning inconvenience. He just wanted a coffee, and to make Phil happy. Now all he wants is to get back home, back to his world, his life, his Phil. Little does he know Phil has found himself in a similar predicament, and what is stranger still is that in all other worlds they seem to be together. Maybe this is the universe trying to tell them something.
What Do You Mean This is Wrong? (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan and Phil are celebrating Chris’s 30th birthday when Phil remembers what his 30th was like just a few months earlier.
#phanfictioncatalogue#phanfiction#phanfic#phan#masterlists#existentialism#existentialism masterlist#existentialcrisis
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/83b955d2a947d4e9d2e1d3f536ad6de8/dd3b2c260c0bb8aa-d2/s540x810/3566460f9c8bec839cf105af52ad198707a4f159.jpg)
Title: Schrodinger’s Christ
Artist: Erin Meares/Mirroribis
Medium: Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
No AI image generation used
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Crisis Existencial
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a6ef72ff4ddbe1ce8ab9f8efeb99b17d/18f6fd8c6791d14e-d2/s640x960/2c9928e3205f6c2302a521b5dc9e46b3b66adb90.jpg)
En psicología, una crisis existencial es un conflicto interno caracterizado por la impresión de que la vida carece de sentido y en el que los esquemas mentales construidos ya no sirven para afrontar la situación actual.
La crisis existencial se da porque la vida, o la forma de percibirla o entenderla, cambia. De repente, las ideas pasadas y las expectativas del futuro caen. Aparecen nuevas preocupaciones y preguntas que nunca habían sido planteadas y para las que no se tiene respuesta aún.
La persona se siente perdida, desorientada, no tiene claras sus metas y se replantea sus creencias y sus valores, con un malestar psicológico importante.
Es un punto de inflexión en nuestra historia vital, que conduce a sentir la necesidad de encontrar una identidad y un sentido o propósito a nuestra vida, lo que conlleva diferentes síntomas psicológicos y emocionales y que puede llegar a ser muy estresante.
Las crisis existenciales suceden cuando pensamos que no somos capaces de afrontar los acontecimientos de la vida, con los recursos que hasta ahora nos funcionaban. En ese momento nuestro dialogo interno se llena de expresiones como
«¿Cuál es mi propósito en la vida? No le encuentro sentido.»
«¿Qué sentido tiene todo esto?»
«¿Quién soy yo?»
¿Cómo es que nada me llena como antes?
¿Qué será de mi mañana?
Si fuera el caso, probablemente estemos atravesando una crisis existencial, que puede cambiar radicalmente la dirección de nuestra vida haciendo que nos planteemos objetivos nuevos o, en cambio, puede llevarnos a una espiral negativa hacia la depresión.
Una crisis existencial conlleva sentimientos de malestar sobre el significado, la elección y la libertad en la vida.
El problema radica en no encontrar respuestas satisfactorias, lo que puede desencadenar frustración y pérdida de alegría interior.
Nos sentimos inseguros sobre cómo responder o qué camino tomar, e incluso puede afectar nuestras vidas de manera negativa si estos sentimientos persisten o empeoran.
Tipos de crisis existencial
Crisis de falta de sentido cuando creemos que no hemos cumplido nuestras metas o no hemos conseguido algo significativo. Esto puede llevar a cuestionar la propia existencia y el propósito personal.
Crisis de identidad, que afectan la imagen que tenemos de nosotros mismos. Nos preguntamos si somos lo que realmente queremos ser.
Crisis de libertad y la responsabilidad, que surge ante la responsabilidad que causa la libre decisión. Algunas personas sienten que no son capaces de aceptar las consecuencias de sus decisiones y se abruman cuando dejan de depender de otras personas.
Crisis que responden a preguntas como
¿Me conformo con la vida que tengo?
¿Me quedo trabajando en un trabajo que no me gusta?
¿Qué estoy haciendo con mi vida?
Crisis sobre la mortalidad. Conforme cumplimos años, muchas personas comienzan a hacerse preguntas sobre el final de la vida y lo desconocido. Ello puede generar ansiedad y sentimientos vacío y confusión.
Crisis sobre la soledad. Las separaciones y el aislamiento que podemos ir sufriendo a lo largo de la vida pueden llegar a generar una sensación de soledad que puede generar una crisis porque no le vemos sentido a la realidad.
La crisis existencial implica un cambio en nosotros, de manera que nos llegamos a sentir como si fuéramos otra persona o cambian aspectos importantes en nuestra visión de la vida.
Durante esta crisis nos cuestionamos aspectos que hasta ese momento habíamos dado por sentados o que simplemente no nos preocupaban, habitualmente sobre la propia existencia.
Por otra parte, las preguntas que nos planteamos durante una crisis existencial implican un elevado compromiso personal. La respuesta que estamos buscando va dirigida a reencauzar el sentido de nuestra vida.
Los síntomas de la crisis existencial
Estamos atravesando una crisis existencial cuando:
Cambiamos nuestras costumbres para probar cosas diferentes, pero no nos satisfacen
Creemos que debemos cambiar nuestra vida, pero no sabemos cómo
Las actividades que antes nos motivaban han perdido su valor pues ya no les encontramos sentido
No encontramos sentido en nada.
No tenemos ganas de nada: ni de ir a comprar, ni de ir al gimnasio, ni de hacer nada de lo que antes te motivaba.
Nos cuesta levantarnos para ir al trabajo. No hay nada que nos motive.
Nos cuestionamos a menudo si tuviéramos que seguir teniendo la pareja que tenemos.
Nos cuestionas las decisiones más importantes que hemos tomado a lo largo de tu vida, como la elección de la profesión o de la pareja
Nos sentimos constantemente con tedio
Nos sentimos mu agotados emocionalmente
Pensamos que nos faltan muchas experiencias por vivir
Tenemos miedo al futuro pues no logramos verlo claramente
Tenemos una sensación de extrañeza con nosotros mismos, como si fuésemos otra persona
Tenemos una sensación de insatisfacción generalizada, aunque las cosas marchen bien
Todo nos da pereza: salir con amistades, una boda próxima que teóricamente nos tendría que hacer ilusión.
Las causas de la crisis existencial
La crisis existencial está profundamente vinculada al proceso de crecimiento y maduración por lo que puede ocurrir en cualquier momento de la vida.
Algunas causas pueden incluir:
Cambios de trabajo o carrera
Conciencia de los propios límites
Diagnóstico de una enfermedad grave o potencialmente mortal
Emociones reprimidas
Fallecimiento de un ser querido, y afrontar la propia muerte
Insatisfacción con uno mismo
Sentimiento de soledad y aislamiento en el mundo
Sentir culpa por algo
Sentirse perdido y fuera de control. No hallar un propósito para la vida
Sentirse socialmente insatisfecho
Tener hijos, el matrimonio o el divorcio
En algunos casos es posible encontrar un factor desencadenante, sin embargo, otras veces no es posible.
Las consecuencias de una crisis existencial
Cada persona es un mundo y no todas experimentamos la crisis existencial de la misma manera. Hay quienes viven la crisis de una manera puntual y en un periodo de tiempo muy limitado mientras que otras atraviesan un periodo mucho más largo, intenso y desestabilizador.
De hecho, hay quienes nunca atraviesan por una.
En algunos casos la crisis existencial no se resuelve satisfactoriamente y la persona cae en la “triada cognitiva”, desarrollando una perspectiva negativa de nosotros mismos, del mundo y del futuro, lo que puede generarnos problemas psicológicos, como:
Ideas suicidas
Sentimientos de indefensión
El tratamiento de la crisis existencial
Es conveniente estar activos para “Que la inspiración nos sorprenda trabajando. A veces es difícil, pero no nos interesa quedarnos parados: salimos a pasear, vamos a nadar, escuchamos música…”.
Esta actividad ayuda a abrir la mente y a propiciar la inspiración para encontrar una salida en la crisis.
Estas técnicas pueden ser de ayuda para ello:
¿En qué destacamos? ¿Qué es aquello que se nos da bien?
¿Qué cosas hacemos que no sean por obligación?
¿Qué cosas nos satisfacen?
¿Qué podemos aportar a los demás?
Busquemos apoyo emocional, compartiendo nuestros sentimientos y pensamientos con personas de confianza, como amistades, familiares, etc.
Busquemos nuestro propósito examinando nuestros valores y creencias: ¿qué es lo más importante para nosotros en la vida y qué creencias nos guían?, para encontrar un sentido más profundo y tomar decisiones alineadas con ellos.
Establezcamos metas y busquemos nuevas experiencias, con realismo, que nos ayuden a encontrar un propósito.
Si existiera la magia ¿cómo sería nuestra vida?
No podemos dar respuesta a todas nuestras dudas y cuestiones y esto es algo que conviene aceptar. Sin embargo, es necesario reflexionar y apercibirnos de cuáles son los puntos más importantes de nuestra crisis: qué es aquello que más nos incomoda de nuestras vidas y cuál es el camino para cambiarlo.
Las respuestas a las cuestiones que frecuentemente plantea una crisis existencial implican un camino de descubrimiento personal, o sea que un psicólogo profesional podrá guiarnos en el camino para que las descubramos por nosotros mismos, atravesando valores y creencias, y nos ayudará a tener una visión con evidencias de la situación que estás viviendo y para que lograr encontrar un nuevo sentido a nuestra vida.
Según el doctor Irvin D. Yalom, se trata de orientar a la persona tomar decisiones significativas y hacia esos cambios que, estén en sintonía con sus valores y propósitos personales, en cuatro áreas básicas
abordar el miedo a la muerte
recuperar la libertad
un nuevo sentido vital
vencer el aislamiento
Trabajando lo siguiente:
Afrontar la incertidumbre y los sentimientos de angustia.
Beneficiar la conexión social para evitar la soledad.
Confrontar los pensamientos pesimistas y limitantes.
Permitirnos trazar nuevos significados vitales.
Promover la construcción de una vida más creativa, libre y con propósitos.
Las siguientes son algunas formas en las que la terapia psicológica online puede ayudarnos en una crisis existencial:
Exploración y reflexión de nuestras preguntas y preocupaciones existenciales, para indagar sobre nuestro sentido de identidad, valores y metas en la vida.
Autoconocimiento y comprensión de nuestros propios pensamientos, emociones y patrones de conducta, para comprender mejor nuestras inquietudes existenciales y descubrir nuevos significados y direcciones en la vida. Es conveniente mirarnos al espejo y apercibirnos de quién somos y qué queremos, ya que pasamos parte de nuestra vida siendo como otros esperan y dejándonos llevar por inercia.
¿Cómo nos gustaría ser dentro de cinco años?
¿Cuáles son nuestras fortalezas?
¿Cuáles son nuestras pasiones, sueños y deseos a corto y largo plazo?
¿La persona que somos ahora es quien deseamos ser de verdad?
¿Qué cambios deberíamos hacer para acercarnos a nuestro «auténtico yo»?
Reevaluación de creencias y valores desafiando las creencias limitantes o poco saludables, y a trabajar en la construcción de una base de valores más sólida y coherente.
Búsqueda de significado y propósito guiándonos en la búsqueda de actividades, relaciones y metas que nos proporciones un mayor sentido de satisfacción y significado personal. ¿Qué es lo que nos hace sentir bien y realizados como personas en este momento?
Estrategias de afrontamiento, porque la crisis existencial puede generar ansiedad, depresión u otros problemas emocionales, para los que el psicólogo puede enseñar estrategias de afrontamiento efectivas para manejar el malestar emocional y fomentar la resiliencia.
post de Cristian Cherbit psicólogo online https://christiancherbit.com/
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Outer Wilds - How I Became Entangled to One of the Best Games Ever
GIF from: Tenor
“There is no way to tell you what Outer Wilds is without spoiling it entirely. You have to experience it yourself. Besides, it only takes 22 minutes.” – A Redditor
Outer Wilds is a 2019 video game developed by Mobius Digital and published by Annapurna Interactive. It is a puzzle space exploration game that makes use of knowledge and experience as your key to progressing through the game.
I personally enjoy and love Outer Wilds for its amazing concept and world building. For a space exploration game, there is truly no other game as similar as Outer Wilds. Although the game may seem or look repetitive, all I can say is throughout that repetitiveness, comes a new opening of adventure, wisdom, and a story slowly unfolding ahead of you as you take one step with each run you make. It’s a progress that doesn’t make use of advancements, leveling up, or anything cliche from other progressive puzzle games, but instead seeks and asks you what you have learned and how you can use that knowledge in unlocking the next world.
Actually, I can’t even state that there’s a “next step” in Outer Wilds, given how it’s truly an open world game, where there are no restrictions or guidelines that you’re forced to follow throughout your playthrough - Outer Wilds uses curiosity and the freedom of the player to interact with its playground.
Accompanied with outstanding existentialism soundtracks, and interactable NPCs that you’d get to greet throughout the solar system, you the player becomes attached with its simple but wholesome storyline with the game.
GIF from: Tenor
I simply cannot say anything else about Outer Wild’s contents and nature of the game. As someone who has played Outer Wilds without any idea what the game has in store for me, it’s that sense that makes the game a wonderful, memorable, and “oh-I-wish-to-play-this-game-again-for-the-first-time” experience. For you to play Outer Wilds you must be attentive and thoughtful of your decisions, constantly asking what is the next thing you should do as the only hint you’ll ever have is yourself and the time you get to play the game.
Whatever happens next when you play Outer Wilds, I guarantee that it is something to not be feared. Embrace the unknown and let curiosity be your guide. Safe travels astronaut!
Interested in trying out the game? Why not check out the store!
Post by Lou Anthony V. Laburada
#outerwilds#underratedgames#timetravel#time#travel#outer#wilds#3dgame#rpg#choices#multipleendings#existentialcrisis#fungame#puzzlegame#knowledge#lore-based#lore#funny#gaming#gamersalad#deeplore#space#astronaut#spacegame#space game#game
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Im trying to be better everyday of my life.
My life is pretty good actually.
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15 Popular Philosophical Films That Will Make You Question Everything! 🔥
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What If Life Is Just One Long Job Interview for the Afterlife?👻
A Horrifying Theory on Why Bad Things Keep Happening to Good People
Let’s be real—life makes no f*cking sense. Good people get dragged through hell, while complete human dumpster fires live in luxury, scamming their way to yachts and private islands.
But what if that’s the whole point?
What if life isn’t just a chaotic mess, but actually one long, grueling job interview to determine whether you’re getting “hired” into the afterlife?
Yeah. Buckle up. This theory is about to make everything way worse.
📄 Step 1: Congrats, You’ve Been Shortlisted for an Unpaid Eternity 🎉
Welcome to existence! You didn’t apply for this. You didn’t agree to this. But guess what? You’re in the running whether you like it or not.
From the moment you’re born, you’re tested. Not just on the obvious stuff—morality, kindness, intelligence—but on your ability to endure absolute f*ckery.
And much like a terrible corporate job interview, you weren’t given any instructions.
What’s the criteria? No clue.
Who’s doing the hiring? God? Aliens? Some celestial HR department?
What’s the position? We still don’t know, but apparently, it involves “proving yourself” endlessly.
💀 Step 2: Your Resume is Just One Long List of Suffering
Think about it—struggle is the ultimate qualification.
Want to be seen as “strong?” You better suffer first.
Want wisdom? Better go through some trauma.
Want to be a “good person?” You better get f*cked over and not become bitter.
Meanwhile, the absolute worst people in society? The ones who treat others like garbage and somehow thrive? They’re not even in the running anymore.
They already failed the interview.
Earth is just their severance package.
So if life keeps handing you back-to-back bullsh*t, congratulations! You’re still a candidate.
☠️ Step 3: The “Unpaid Internship” Phase (a.k.a. Why Everything Feels Unfair as F*ck)
You ever notice how some people just coast through life effortlessly?
Trust-fund babies? Not even in the process.
Mediocre billionaires? Already rejected.
People who somehow keep failing upwards? Yeah, their application’s been shredded.
Meanwhile, you’re in the trenches, grinding through never-ending lessons in patience, disappointment, and character development.
Because this is the unpaid internship phase of eternity.
No benefits.
No clear goal.
Just endless hoops to jump through in the hopes that, at some point, you get “hired” into whatever the f*ck comes next.
🚪 Step 4: The Final Interview (a.k.a. Death)
After all the tests, heartbreak, and suffering, you die.
This is the moment of truth. The celestial hiring manager reviews your life choices, moral compass, and ability to suffer with dignity.
Then? They decide:
✅ Do you get hired? (a.k.a. Good Afterlife?) 🔄 Do you get reincarnated and sent back to try again? (Fck.*) 👻 Do you get ghosted entirely and left in limbo? (Oops, no eternal job for you.)
Or, worse…
What if there was never a job to begin with?
��� Step 5: What If This Was Just a Cosmic Reality Show?
What if all of this suffering, all of these “tests”—were just for entertainment?
They throw random obstacles at you for drama.
They set up toxic relationships to see if you’ll leave.
They make sure you experience both hope and despair—just for the plot.
And then, when you die?
They just start a new season.
🤔 So What’s the Play Here?
If life is one long job interview for the afterlife, you have two options:
1. Play Along & Try to "Win"
Be a decent person, even when it sucks.
Keep suffering and pretending it’s for a reason.
Hopefully, get “hired” into the good afterlife.
2. Say ‘F*ck It’ & Stop Playing the Game
Reject the suffering = meaning equation.
Find joy in the little things, because maybe this is all we get.
Do whatever makes you happy, because the rules were never clear anyway.
Maybe the trick is realizing the whole hiring process is a scam and just enjoying the ride before they pull the plug.
🔥 REBLOG if you’ve ever felt like life is just one long-ass prank. 🤡🔄 💬 COMMENT if you think you’d pass or fail the interview. 🚩🚩🚩 🚀 FOLLOW for more unfiltered existential chaos. 🕵️♂️💣
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Just something I wrote a while back & decided to NOT give shit anymore.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ce8a1260ac75214004796db8651a6670/8beeb3bcb050ecbc-15/s540x810/5d6d32c2433b94a7636c63af3879a7f3a5a962ea.jpg)
I don't have a title yet.
It's a story, but also processing some things...
Just let me fuck Jesus. What's the problem? "He is real," right? Isn't that what you told me all those years ago..?
Fuck me, Jesus! FUCK ME!!
"What were you doin' today?"
"Eh. Nothin' much."
"Annie, seriously. You look EXHAUSTED!! Where did you go last night after the party?"
"I.. I went home."
"Home? Back to the apartment?"
"HmMm. Yup."
"Okay. Seriously, girl. I care about you! What's going on?"
"Nothing! Okay!? Nothing... Just let me be."
[Annie was very frustrated, scared, and annoyed. They just didn't like people invading their personal space. Getting too close. She didn't have many friends, and that was okay with them. Yes, they are needy, but they didn't NEED a ton of "Followers" on whatever social media is out there now either.. They just wanted to be left alone. To "introvert" when needed. Process things alone... Why don't people understand this? She had a very closeted upbringing which made it difficult for her to socialize anyways, but sometimes you just NEED to be alone... It was just her, the parents, and her two dogs. She loved those two dogs...]
"Just fuck me Jesus. Fuck me," is all Annie could think about...
Annie and Caroline kept walking to the arcade to meet their friends.
She couldn't understand why "Jesus" kept popping into their brain. It's not like she believed in him anymore as the "Saviour of the world" or anything, but there WAS an emptiness she hadn't felt in a long time... She was able to keep it at bay. Finding things she likes & loved doing, but that wasn't enough... She couldn't even find happiness, WHOLENESS, in dating someone she ACTUALLY liked... It just didn't make sense. Where did this emptiness come from?
It can't be because this cult she grew up in was real. It CAN'T. This feels different than just depression and suicidal thoughts... It was definitely more than that... Will she ever BE happy? Content even?
She really didn't know... It was frustrating and sad. Is this what life was for them? Sad all their life.. forever?
Annie just never understood the concept of a Being in the sky that loves them until all eternity while It sat back and LET all the hurtful crap happen to them and NOT step in while the world fell apart because people decided to destroy it... NOT stepping in when a plague was about to take over. She just couldn't grasp the concept that anything COULD care.. Even the Greek Gods were raping and being destructive. It just never made sense to them.
"I guess since this is love, I want nothin' to do with it. If heaven IS real, I am ready for the flames. Heaven sounds awful for all of eternity because 'God,' and specific others (her parents.. EVERYONE who is "saved by Jesus".. WHY?) would be there. It just doesn't make sense!!"
She just couldn't make all the pieces fit. She never felt cared about at all. She was never taken care of. Assaulted in many ways, not just physically... She just couldn't handle it anymore, so, she left. Cut ties with her parents and anyone else she knew from that life. It was either that or suicide. Which is why she couldn't understand why these feelings if wanting to die have come back in full force.
"Will it ever go away?" ....
All she wanted to do was cry in that moment walking to the arcade with her friend.
"Will they even understand? Like, REALLY understand?"
Her brain felt overwhelmed, foggy with all the feelings and thoughts going on in that moment.
She just wanted to not suffer. Have peace.
"Will all this religious crap ever go as way!!??" she thought.
"Annie, seriously. ARE. YOU. ALRIGHT?"
"No. I want to go home."
Caroline, wrapping her arm in Annie's, turned around and started heading home.
****SIDENOTE: Clinical Depression & Major Depressive Disorder are real (and the same). Religious trauma is real. PTSD & CPTSD are very real and VERY DIFFERENT. Let's be kind. Thanks for reading!****
Caused by repeated or prolonged exposure to traumatic events, often during childhood or adolescence (e.g., abuse, neglect, captivity).
Typically caused by a single, intense traumatic event (e.g., war, natural disaster, assault).
Requires a medical diagnosis
The persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest that characterizes major depression can lead to a range of behavioral and physical symptoms. These may include changes in sleep, appetite, energy level, concentration, daily behavior, or self-esteem. Depression can also be associated with thoughts of suicide.
People may experience:
Mood: anxiety, apathy, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, mood swings, or sadness
Sleep: early awakening, excess sleepiness, insomnia, or restless sleep
Whole body: excessive hunger, fatigue, loss of appetite, or restlessness
Behavioral: agitation, excessive crying, irritability, or social isolation
Cognitive: lack of concentration, slowness in activity, or thoughts of suicide
Weight: weight gain or weight loss
Also common: poor appetite or repeatedly going over thoughts
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Existentialism in a Coffee Mug: What Your Morning Brew Tells About Your Life
Morning: The First Sip of Meaning
In a sleepy stupor, with droopy eyes and am craving for caffeine, one may walk into the kitchen unaware of his actions. With first sip of coffee as one touches the mug to the lips, there is suddenly an awakening, both corporeal and existential. This simple act, this daily ritual bears the most profound load of thought, will, absurdity of existence. This is the philosophy of coffee.
Sartre and Camus did not write much about espresso shots or lattes, but surely they would consider your coffee routine a metaphor of life itself. The ritual, choices, and reliance on an external substance to feel 'alive'-each of them is deeply symbolic. What does your coffee say about your state of being?
Coffee Choice Paradox: Are You Truly Free?
You do think you're choosing your coffee, Rothko-black, oat-milk latte, or overpriced cold brew-aren't you? To you, your decision is a true instance of free will. Or is it?
Jean-Paul Sartre, father of existentialism, would likely say that the way you choose coffee epitomizes radical freedom-you give definition to your existence according to the choices you make. But have you ever stopped to consider if that choice were anything but a product of years of marketing, your habits, and the culture you grew up in? What if you take the same coffee every day? Does that still count as living a real life, or is that just playing a part? Are you truly making a choice, or is the choice being made for you?
The Daily Ritual: Absurdity in a Mug
According to French philosopher and writer Albert Camus, the essence of the absurd is integral to your caffeinated ritual. You wake up, you make coffee, you drink it, you wake up, and you repeat. Day in and day out. It's the same thing again. Some call it comforting, but for Camus, it is absurd-an unending chain of life that, in the end, is devoid of meaning.
Yet absurdity, according to Camus, is not a reason for despair but a reason for acceptance. You may have to learn to embrace the act of grinding beans and boiling water, like Sisyphus rolling his boulder up the hill only to watch it roll back down again.
The Black Coffee Nihilist vs. The Sugar-Coated Optimist
Your coffee order says a lot about your philosophy, whether you know it or not:
Black Coffee: You look deep into the abyss, and the abyss looks right back. No sugar, no milk-just reality—raw and unfiltered. You take life straight and keep it strong and bitter-so strong it's sometimes unmanageable, but it's all yours to deal with.
Latte Drinkers: You accept the absurdity of life, but you want to put some frothy comfort around it. Maybe you're sorta an existentialist, but you're also a realist-why suffer when you can give yourself a little comfort?
Espresso: Life is short and intense. You don't want to waste it on trivialities; you'd rather take it all in one strong, tiny shot.
Decaf: Denial? Hope? A rebellion against yourself? Either way, decaf is the ultimate absurdity in this one.
Caffeine and Seeking the Meaning of Life
We drink coffee to wake up. The question, however, is what, or who, wakes up? While existentialists would argue that life has no predetermined meaning-we must create it for ourselves- on some days such a meaning may just seem elusive before that first sip of caffeine.
Think about your reasons for drinking coffee. Is it only an obsession? A necessity? A small treat in an indifferent world? The existentialist would say that no reason is more ‘valid' than another-the only thing that matters is that you define it for yourself. Perhaps coffee, just a drink, is a rebellion against the emptiness of it all, or perhaps it's something else.
The Barista and the Waiter: Authenticity versus Performance
Sartre had a hotly debated idea called "bad faith," where people deceive themselves into acting like they have no choice and these people, instead of living authentically, perform certain roles that other people believe they should. An example he used: a waiter doing his job too well-over polite, too mechanical with his gestures, lazily denying being just a waiter.
Now, look at your barista. Is he genuinely relishing what he does? Or is he simply acting as a barista, wandering in and out amidst the absurdity of serving coffee? And you yourself-are you playing the role of a morning coffee customer, filling a pre-scripted conversation? And if you are, does it really matter?
Nightfall: That Existentially Decaf Dilemma
It gets to that time of day where you enter the Ultimate Question: Do you drink coffee after 6 PM? The rational side says no, sleep is probably important. The absurd, irrational side, however, argues that the now is all that matters; the future is still uncertain. Who cares if you will regret it in the middle of the night? What if the existentialist within you wishes to embrace the absurd and drink an espresso anyway?
This is existentialism, pure and simple: acknowledging the freedom of decisions, even if they seem silly. I mean, life is one big question mark—what's one more cup?
Last Sip: Embracing the Absurd, One Cup at a Time
At the end of the day, your coffee doesn't have to mean a thing. It can be just a drink or a tiny existential statement about life. Really, the most crucial part is stopping, sipping, and existing for a moment.
So tomorrow morning, ask yourself that first sip: Am I drinking this coffee, or is the coffee drinking me?
Either way, enjoy it.
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why are people "broken"?
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why are there so many people who are classified as broken? one might think that, as intelligent beings, humans would have found a solution to this long ago. on the other hand, perhaps over time, human intelligence has taken a path that isn’t actually good for us. industrial development, digitalization, and other elements shaping our society may have created an environment so far removed from what is natural that it has become inevitable to feel unwell.
what if things aren’t supposed to be the way they are?
it could also be that the idea of needing to be whole—or that it’s even possible to be whole—is just an illusion. perhaps our developed environment has given too much space to perfection (if wholeness were classified as perfection). or perhaps this developed environment of ours seems to demand perfection. maybe perfection has gained its value and admiration under false pretenses. nature is neither perfect nor permanent, but through human innovation, we have created things that approach perfection and can be maintained for hundreds, even thousands of years. maybe the question isn’t about people being broken, but rather why people are expected to be whole.
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Plot twist: What if the stars are just tiny holes in the fabric of the universe, and the light we see is something even bigger staring back at us?
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I remember the days when a pill would solve 90% of my problems, but now I look back and think: "That can't be the solution, just a camouflage to try to fit in or adapt to this meaningless world." We can't get stuck in situations that leave us immobile.
But, taking a moment to reflect on this and looking at all the memories stored on my phone, things seemed more carefree and worry-free. Maybe that's what people always said about youth: that we lived selfishly, without worrying about tomorrow.
I'd like to live that way again, but without the part where I reach adulthood and have to deal with all the things I did without thinking about tomorrow. Maybe that's everyone's dream. Maybe that's why older people, who haven't developed panic syndrome, think and start living life to the fullest. They simply can't take the real world anymore and don't want to care about anything else. Besides, they have nothing left to lose, just like young people and children.
Living with worries just to build a legacy? At what cost? What's the point if we're all going to end up in the same hole? It may be a bit pessimistic, but it makes me think about all the things we gave up on because they were considered impudent. It's just that the next day always comes, demanding accountability for everything we did the day before.
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Deeply Thespian, Terminally Online
Deeply Thespian, eternally existing between realms of hyperrealism and that one philosophy podcast I found at 2 a.m. because I was too tired to read Simulacra & Simulation (talking about you, Plastic Pills). Call me they/them, but don’t ask me to explain why, it’s an existential thing, you wouldn’t get it. Can’t adult today, too busy questioning the meaning of my existence while simultaneously overthinking my latest ‘moodboard’ for life.
Staring into the void like I’m in some A24 film—slow burn, no jump scares, just atmosphere, the kind of movie that makes you think you’re supposed to feel something but you really just want to leave halfway through to get overpriced coffee and call it "self-care." Yes, I am sad, but it’s the kind of sadness that makes me artsy, not your standard ‘crying over a boy’ kind of sadness. Meanwhile, everyone else is stuck in their MTF fantasy, so proud of their transition but still wearing the same "cis-passing" armor like it’s a self-made art piece. It’s cute, but sis, nobody cares if you’re an embodiment of narrative subversion.
And while we’re at it, let's talk about the Puppygirls—you’re all out here with your collars, pretending to be part of some edgy rebellion, but really, you’re just participating in the latest e-girl performance art piece. Sis, you’re not embracing a kink, you're just wearing dog ears and calling it “empowerment.” Like, do you even know what’s behind that aesthetic, or are you just too busy posting your puppy play fantasies on the timeline to realize it’s just the new quirky? I see you.
Then there’s the Pagang crowd—the ones who’re like, “I’m a witch, but also, like, a healer and totally in tune with the spirits.” Baby, you’re just pretending to be ‘spiritual’ while swiping through astrology memes on Instagram. You’re not summoning energies from the universe, you’re summoning a shopping cart full of sage bundles and overpriced crystals. Also, let’s talk about the Wiccans, out here chanting “Blessed be” in the middle of the night but then claiming, like, Allah is too strong to kill? LMFAO. Yeah, that’s how you truly feel connected to the cosmos—by weaving your beliefs into some ridiculous argument on TikTok. We get it, you’re a witch, but you can’t even summon a basic sense of self-awareness.
I sip my iced coffee, think about the meaning of my gender, and casually decide it’s not transcendental or revolutionary, it’s an art form (again). If you think uwu goth mommy vibes or e-girls with a pink halo are the peak of 'authenticity,’ then you clearly don’t understand nuance. It’s 2025, the true aesthetic is cyber-shamanistic-sapiosexuality, where every interaction feels like it could be a Mandy meets Under the Silver Lake fever dream.
But let’s be real, the Post-Belle Delphine e-girl era is played out. You’re not some deep, misunderstood soul anymore—you’re just part of a content factory that only knows how to churn out the same thirst-trap aesthetic and call it “empowerment.” And the whole "yass queen, here’s my $5 Patreon" thing? It’s just exhausting at this point. Not to mention, the Twomad memes are done too, Rest In Piss, Psycho. You’re all out here trying to flex your internet stardom like you’re really creating something groundbreaking when you’re just screaming for attention in a filter. Do we miss the chaos of the early internet, or are we just pretending it's still cool because we’re too scared to acknowledge we’ve moved on?
And speaking of trends, let's talk about Dollskill for a second. That store is basically the Walmart of dystopian future fashion. It's all the same recycled cyberpunk and gothcore bullshit with a sprinkle of capitalist nightmare. You think you’re edgy, but you're just a walking ad for tacky 'alternative' consumerism. And don't even get me started on Cyberdog—remember when Cybergoth culture was the thing? Now it’s all a joke. We had the neon dreadlocks, the PVC, the electric rave aesthetic that was actually about rejecting mainstream culture, and now it’s just glorified mallwear for people too afraid to leave the grid. You really think that’s what real underground culture looks like? Please. Bring back the true cybergoth spirit or just let it die in peace.
But let's not pretend the modern incels aren't part of this mess. They’re the forgotten cousins of the cyberspace rebel, all too wrapped up in their warped ideologies about how the world owes them something. You don't want to make art, you want to make memes about 'women' that exist as concepts, not people. You’re just bitter and online, crying about blue-haired feminist ideals that you never understood in the first place. Here's a tip: Maybe if you spent less time complaining about women on Reddit, you could make something cool instead of just being an aesthetic bottom feeder.
Also, like, can we talk about how every Millennial still thinks Idiocracy is some kind of dystopian prophecy when it's really just an aesthetic at this point? Gen Z has already exceeded their expectation of cultural decay; we’re thriving in the chaos and yet still holding onto Euphoria reruns like we’re waiting for the next existential crisis to validate our moods. But okay, you keep quoting Idiocracy as a cautionary tale, while I’m over here basking in the void. You wouldn’t understand.
Just vibing in my cosmic angst, endlessly spiraling, and never explaining. Because honestly, we're at the end of history, my dude. We’ve hit the final loop, the last meme cycle, and here we are, still pretending that the next big internet wave will bring salvation. But no. This is it. We’ve run out of things to do and things to say. But it's okay, because at least we're all collectively drowning in the abyss. And you wouldn't get it.
Speaking of that, shoutout to 4chan—once the breeding ground for pure internet chaos, and now just a warehouse for recycled memes and half-baked philosophy spouted by neckbeards who still think their magnum opus is a comment about cultural Marxism. Yeah, it’s a cesspool, but at least it used to be funny. Don't even mention 8chan, though. That place is a straight-up nightmare. A (former) haven for the most wretched corners of the internet, full of idiots pretending they’re breaking boundaries by posting the same self-righteous drivel. You’d think it was some kind of digital utopia, but in reality, it's just a community of trolls trapped in a perpetual feedback loop of their own arrogance.
Oh, and by the way, let’s not forget the Eternal September we’re all stuck in. It’s been forever, hasn’t it? Every new wave of internet users that roll in, with their memes from 5 months ago, their Twitter discourse, their ARG obsession that’s as hollow as their last ‘become a digital god in five easy steps’ tutorial—it's like we’re all eternally stuck in the first month of school, and none of us know what the fuck is going on anymore.
We’re at the end of history, my dude.
#DeeplyThespian#ExistentialCrisis#SapiosexualVibes#InternetCulture#GenZVibes#WitchTokIsTired#PlsDontMakeMeExplain#AestheticNihilism#TwomadRIPiss#IAmTheVoid#MemePhilosophy#CyberShamanism#EgirlExhaustion#Tumblr#moodboard#current mood
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Nihil sub sole novum
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e7abbbd001cb895d5fcc7cc0e71583f5/6e219c5d2b076a08-b8/s500x750/7d22acda2a6ff9978546d92675b1b294bafc0c46.jpg)
From the End of the Beginning of this year, last year, most years, every year. Ah, a three-year odyssey, where time is less of a straight line and more of a spiral. If anything, these past few years have been a masterclass in the ironically absurd. Between the incompetence of systems that promise salvation (insurance, healthcare, politics, religion) and the existential dreariness of a body that stubbornly clings to life despite all odds, the journey feels less like progress and more like a forced march toward an inevitable, unremarkable end. One cannot help but wonder—has anything truly changed, or are we simply treading water in the flood of our own making? Our current way of life, metaphorical and literal, serves as a backdrop to this existential performative dance. The wreckage left in its wake mirrors not just the physical destruction but the internal chaos of living in an age where security is fleeting, satisfaction a myth, and self-importance via social media dominates. The grand dream of perfection—whether in homes, bodies, relationships, or ideologies—is swiftly eroding, leaving behind the stench of human vulnerability. Yet, in the face of this, there's a curious resignation. We become more connected than ever before while we are more disconnected than ever before. Defies logic, but here we are. The repairs are slow, the bills pile up, but at least there's a sense of grim humor in the absurdity of it all. One adapts, kicks rocks barefoot, to the constant erosion, which, in its own right, becomes a form of rebellion against the very systems that demand our submission.
The steady march of time continues, dragging more medical frustrations, loss, and the weary realization that life is as much about enduring as it is about achieving anything meaningful. Health problems, relationships, and even political ideologies become so much noise against the backdrop of the real question: What’s the Point? So, as the years accumulate, what is left to do but press forward, not in hope or optimism, but because time, relentless in its ticking, doesn’t really offer an alternative. The absurdity, after all, is the only thing that’s truly constant. Is your life a carefully constructed narrative, or are you simply improvising a tragic farce with occasional comedic beats? A theater of existence through a lens. From hurricanes that rip apart our homes and finances to the inevitable decay of the human body. I am always pondering the inherent futility of attempting to control the uncontrollable. Existential dilemmas emerge from mundane struggles: rebuilding without the tools or even a blueprint for the tools becomes a symbol of a compromised life in a dream where inflation ensures the rich get richer and the rest get a crash course in survival. Oh, that isn’t a dream. That’s been a reality for most of us. There’s a sharp turn into the familiar friend of entropy. Here lies the ironic absurdity of caregiving: futile efforts to prolong a life that ultimately evaporates into oblivion. Yet, I welcome musings of AI, conceptual horror, and the darkly comedic nature of politics, whether life has meaning, but whether meaning itself is the cruelest joke of all. They say “live and learn,” but if one hasn’t learned, did they ever live? Whenever I heard a “saying,” and it starts with “they say.” Who the hell are “they?” It makes me want to hunt down, “they,” slap them in the head.
Welcome in social media, the internet’s great experiment in collective brain rot. What begins as communication to gain different perspectives turns into tribalism in online spaces evolving into unhealthy internet subcultures, where trolls and influencers battle for supremacy in a digital coliseum of irrelevance. Internet idealism now reduced to a sandbox for the trivial and the vindictive. Does it even matter whether a troll, a cultist or elitist wins the argument if the platform itself is a dumpster fire of collective word vomit from narcissists? Granted elitists wouldn’t be on social media all that much. They are too busy ‘eliting’ themselves to more monies. When you have loads of cash, does one even want or need social media? Woke or unwoke, left or right, preaching the Lord’s name or not; these labels serve merely as masks for the fear that underpins human existence: the terror of being forgotten in a universe that never cared in the first place. The message—a searing reminder that the more we “connect,” the more we expose the gaping void within ourselves while disconnecting from the people that are actually in our reality. We try to venture out. One can only wave their hands so much to get someone else’s attention. If they choose to ignore that and you know deep down you were forward with that concept of communication. It isn’t on you to care. You attempted, they played dumb. Why would you accept that from any situation or person? The floodwaters of nature are matched only by the flood of systemic incompetence, with insurance premiums rising as fast as the costs of rebuilding. The house, much like life itself, becomes a metaphor for the disillusionment we all feel: repairs are never as simple as they seem, and some losses—like the pool cage and later the entire pool lanai—are just too damn expensive to replace. Yet, here we are and instead of descending into despair, we just realize life goes on, even when the dream moves slowly towards a singularity. You can’t save everything, but you can at least salvage the absurdity of it all, laugh and curse the fake God in the sky.
These reflections are framed not by sorrow, but by existential absurdism: does it matter? Does the universe even care a blip within a blip within a blip within an ocean, within a glass, on a planet that was swallowed by a giant space whale even care? In a world where the system is rigged and the body betrays you, the only thing left to do is keep moving forward—until the final, inevitable reset. Whether sudden or prolonged, life and the death of that life is just the final joke in a single frame of reference full of bad punchlines.
With that said 2025 is going to be a little different, at least in how I attack my writings. I have been so busy with some other things that I haven’t been able as much to work on my own stuff. I am slowly but actively taking all my blogs and converting them to audio/video presentations. They are not podcasts. I am just taking the written blogs or essays using an AI voiceover to read it with some sort of video attached to it. I like the audio spectrum. It’s like a "visualizer" for audio that allows you to see a visual for the sound, making it a neat little creative tool. I will be producing a real music video for the band I work with. Going low tech with that as well. Going for a 90s grunge or metal vibe of the time. I have a lot of audiobooks to get through this year. Many that deal with black hole fiction and stories revolving around time dilation. I want to put out a few short-stories this year as well and work on something bigger. As of right now I do not have a real writing schedule like I usually work from, but my next essay will be on labels. What they are and why they are important. We have had labels longer than sugar. I will probably write a lot of reviews on these science fiction books. The more of these more existential fictions the more it will draw me into thinking about reality and how I want to formulate my own stories. I got some solid ideas that I feel like I want to talk about. I think short-stories with expansion in mind is the best way for my brain to operate when writing. I will also continue to doing tech-style essays on some of the odd computer stuff I tend to tackle. So yeah, 2025 is gearing up. I am glad I am able to think about this in a healthy place in my brain and not have too many delusions of grandeur.
As I look ahead to 2025, the creative landscape feels like a vast, uncharted universe—full of potential, ready for exploration. Whether it’s blending audio-visual projects, diving into the abstract depths of existential fiction, or tackling the nuanced power of labels, the journey is ongoing. But, like a supernova, I’m aware that growth and creation are processes of expansion and contraction, marked by moments of clarity amidst chaos. It’s a balance between the infinite and the finite—an ever-evolving dance of ideas and reality. Here’s to the art of becoming.
Nihil sub sole novum Latin for (Nothing new under the sun) by David-Angelo Mineo 12/31/2024 1,467 Words
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