#Immortal Weapon
James would slowly wake up in a dark room. Which was odd, because James never slept at night.
James would then realize he's tied down, in a surprisingly comfortable chair. None of James's vampire powers seems to be working. James would realize that there was a single chain wrapped around his chest. Thick and made of pure silver, rendering James powerless but leaving his mind clear enough to think.
His wrists and ankles were bound with normal rope, rope he would be able to snap easily if he wasn't bound by silver.
A man sat at a desk a little away, his pale blue skin, darker blue hair, and red eyes making it clear who he was.
Thrawn, the man who was going to help Homelander brainwash Starlight then seemed to vanish when the plan was put on the back burner.
Even as James starts to wake up Thrawn pays him no mind, continuing to write calmly as if there wasn't a vampire tied up in the room.
-BearMage (As Thrawn)
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It was regrettable that the only time a vampire was vulnerable was during the day when they are little more than corpses, or when feeding. Thus leaving Norrington unprotected to go to photoshoots or meetings , despite the growl from the wolf pup when someone came for his daddy that wasn't his other daddy.
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But James hadn't moved until the sun was far past set. . "H-homelander?"Eyes fluttered open, his vision hazy as he attempted to piece together the events that had transpired. The room was dimly lit, and his body felt sluggish. As his focus slowly returned, he realized he was bound by heavy silver chain, and an ominous sense of dread washed over him
His head throbbed with a dull ache, and his powers were stifled by the silver restraints. Trapped in his own mind he could not reach out with telepathy. With effort, he rasped, "Where ..am I?" His voice was weak, the words escaping his dry and parched lips
His futile attempts at breaking free resulted in nothing more than a frustrated, anguished grunt. "Someone has a death wish, I see.. "
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elgaberino-mcoc · 3 years
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InfoGraphic: The Trope Road to Spiders-Man
Originally posted as part of a mailbag reply about Spiders-Man.
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clarisimart · 27 days
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you haven't seen your ex in years and you want to show him how over him you are, but oh no, he went from a nerdy out-of-his-depth twunk to action hero GILF (grunkle i'd like to *REDACTED*)
commission info here
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wikiryu · 1 year
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unsurebazookacore · 9 months
opened my dash and the first thing i saw was:
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i feel like someone punched me in the face so hard they sent me back to the 4th grade
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 11 days
I have all the time in the world. How about you?
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There is a theme to Aylin's threats and vows of vengeance that I've noticed and that I want to share.
Do what you will. I cannot prevent you. But you know as well as I, I will come for you. One day.
That one, for example, is for Balthazar, while she is imprisoned.
I cannot prevent you. But I can advise you. Be careful to whom you yoke your fate. One day, when he is severed from me, Ketheric will die. I will not. And when I am freed, I will remember whose recompense to claim.
Did you expect me to beg? To cry? To plead? For what. I accept my fate - for now. But the life of a divine is longer than you can fathom, Sharran. And this cold chapter will close, one day.
And those are for you, when you've yet to harm her, when she's still only warning you off. But then, if you choose to try to kill her, like so many before you:
Was it everything you hoped for? Was it sweet, Sharran, to murder a paladin of Selûne - her daughter - her sword? Congratulations - your mistress Shar will write your name on her hand. And I? I will come for you. When the time is right.
The next bit depends on your character's gender:
When your sons are grown and your beard is long and wiry; when you cannot hold your nightly water and your nose grows as long as your weary, weary days… When your daughters are grown and your chin sprouts whiskers dark - when your teeth are yellow as corn and your sleep grows short and your days are long and weary, so weary… When your children are grown and your eyes are weak; when your nose grows as long as your weary, weary days…
Ultimately, your fate will be the same:
That is when this immortal will visit you, Sharran. That is when I will show you what it is to be afraid.
All these long-term promises of one day, coupled with inevitability.
I find it so striking that most of Aylin's threats include her flaunting and flexing her immortality (as well as her flawless, long memory) over whoever has wronged her.
Present your weapon, soldier. Plunge it into the Nightsong. I cannot stop you. But know this: I never forget a face. HAH! Are you afraid, Sharran? Do you rattle and jump at the realisation that an immortal has your face emblazoned in her mind forevermore?
Everything is but a passing inconvenience to her, she claims, even a century of imprisonment and torment. Outlasting, outliving - that is simply what she does and what she chooses to intimidate with. Promising to wait until you are old and decrepit, until after you've experienced all the vagaries of age that she never will, leaving her sword hanging over your head throughout the entire miserable lifespan that she has permitted you to have.
Then, if you wrong her in a very heinous way, there's the extreme one of outliving not only you, but killing and extinguishing your entire bloodline in order to obliterate every trace of you from existence:
WHEN I AM FREE, I WILL DESTROY YOU! I WILL MURDER YOU, AND YOUR CHILDREN, AND THEIR CHILDREN BESIDE! I will rip this world apart, plank and beam, until every iota of your being is scalded by my light. This is my promise. This is my vow.
Over and over, Aylin builds her oaths of vengeance on the foundations of an utter, even proud, certainty that she will see her foe end, one way or another, due to her nature and the simple fact of her own endlessness. This is the well she keeps coming back to.
And I find all of this, this consistent insistence on it, so striking and ironic, because one of her other main emotional threads is being thoroughly enraptured by and devoted to and just so completely in love with a mortal. One who will age and die and pass into memory just like all the targets of her rage - if I think of Isobel when I re-read all of that dialogue up there, it seems to cut both ways so deeply. But then there's the extra element that every single one of these is spoken when she either knows or is (incorrectly) convinced that Isobel is dead. Isobel, who didn't get to grow old, and who is both an anchor to humanity and a very painful reminder of the truth of Aylin's situation being twofold.
Aylin will outlast what she hates, yes, but she will outlast what she loves as well.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 29
Danny became ghost king his first order of business was to return artifacts to there rightful owners. These owners included from multiple countries on earth, Amazonians, the sea, tamaran, and so many more. Danny wasn’t planning on running a museum of stolen artifacts anytime soon.
So what if they we’re given as a way to prevent pariah from cutting off passage to the afterlife or from just destroying them. Why would anyone question why they were returned.
Considering no one realizes there had been an exchange of power everyone. Everyone assumes pariah was no longer satisfied. Danny didn’t bother to leave a note or anything.
So now the justice league and others are preparing to summon the king and potentially have to seal him away.
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gaysesamestreetreject · 4 months
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the sketch I made for a lino cut I'm working on, I'm not sure about the colours yet though
also additionally, sth I played around with yesterday:
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ylieke · 1 year
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thesummerstorms · 3 months
I've been dabbling in a project, mostly world building and not actual fic because my brain is a strange creature, but I have decided that in my interpretation of the PJO universe, Athena is ... well a strategist in all things.
Including the creation of her children.
The way I'm envisioning it, creating a child from her own mind isn't really a task she undertakes casually.
Yes, she does it occasionally as a "gift" to a mortal whose mind she admires. There's no romantic or sexual relationship, but it's an intense, consuming relationship all the same.
Children born for that reason (or for just that reason) are rare though. Athena might have many favorites, but she's also proud. Who deserves a child entirely crafted by a Goddess? Only the few.
I think, in a normal decade, the number of Athena campers is actually on the lower end compared to most of the other Olympians.
None of the Campers outside of Athena's own children every really figure it out, and Chiron, who knows, would sooner die than tell them.
But when there are many children of Athena, like there are in Annabeth's childhood, it's a sign that something strange or terrible is coming.
Athena is a strategist, the right hand of Zeus, his favorite child, the one who forsees and attempts to dismantle threats to Olympians' power. She moves the pieces into place without hesitation or sentimentality.
And the easiest pieces to control, of course, would be her own children.
Other demigods have other immortal parents to listen to, no matter how strong their desire for victory or their inherent cunning. Her own children are fragments of her own mind- much more reliable. Much easier to predict.
And if in the years leading up to whatever disturbance she forsees she chooses mortal parents for her children with calculation, with an eye for the skill sets and temperaments she predicts most needing in the dark times ahead...well, the child and their parent should be honored by her forethought.
It isn't even that she has no affection for the parent or child, in so much as she is capable of affection. But Athena is always, always three steps ahead, and her actions always have intent. Her children are no different.
A demigod, ultimately, is a weapon in the hands of the gods. It's best that the ones she chooses are well-crafted.
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agentc0rn · 6 months
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"Get the key back. It should not be used. Everything will vanish again. Do you want to know unending pain…like I have?"
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vertigoartgore · 5 months
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Wolverine on the road by Olivier Coipel.
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were-wolverine · 8 months
i don’t have an official name for it yet but so far i’ve been calling it “tim’s immortal zombie brothers au” so. yeah i’ll post the actual storyline on Ao3 but here’s some stuff that i made for it:
robin (dick, 19)
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shrike (jason, 17)
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magpie (tim, 14)
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(ipod case and taser are gifts from steph)
robin’s weapons stash / magpie’s weapons stash
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photo IDs below
[ photo 1 - clothes: face mask, hoodie & cargo pants, combat boots, utility belt
armor: knee & elbow pads, armored vest, padded gloves ]
[ photo 2 - utilities: zip ties, flashlight, rebreather
extra: protein bar, lollipop (for kids), mini first aid kit, earplugs, lighter, walkie talkie, swiss army knife, blades, taser, gum, water bottle ]
[ photo 3 - clothes: hoodie, cargo pants, combat boots, utility belt, gun holster
armor: face mask, bulletproof vest, knee pads, padded gloves ]
[ photo 4 - utilities: zip ties, flashlight
extra: mini first aid kit, gas mask, gum, cigarettes, lighter, cash, pain meds
weapons: pistol, katana, taser, crowbar ]
[ photo 5 - clothes: hoodie, cargo pants, combat boots, face mask
armor: knee & elbow pads, army vest, padded gloves ]
[ photo 6 - utilities: lock pick kit, flashlight, taser
extra: bandages, swiss army knife, camera, tablet (for hacking), earbuds, ipod, lighter ]
[ photo 7 - weapons: push daggers, karambit knives, shuriken, escrima sticks, kunai throwing knives ]
[ photo 8 - weapons: collapsible bo-staff, shuriken, tantō knife, bagh nakh ]
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harpuiaa · 1 year
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i've been dead and gone bc of school and jobsearching and everything happening all at once but ive been playing the boktai series games lately and i'm enjoying it a lot. I just got past the third boss in boktai 2. I don't know why but i'm enthralled with these games, i highly recommend them
#WOE TEN THOUSAND TAG MUSINGS BE UPON YE (this is a warning)#boktai#(pointing) the battle network fan has fallen for the crossover marketing 20 years late#the first gif is bc i imagine the bosses waiting all polite like for django to finish eating healing items when heal scumming in fights.#twenty apples a day keeps the damage away#django is like a son to me hes just a little guy#if the text is hard to read in the third image it says “The tick damage in sunlight brothers”#i find it funny that vampire django still gains his energy from sunlight after turning. his voiceline changes too#it's hard to tell if it's bc hes supposed to sound gruff or like hes in pain. but it makes me feel bad for recharging energy like that#i figure he'd be wound up abt this since it seems he views any connection to his father with a lot of weight#(e.x: zazie pointing out he's crying just after the gun del sol got stolen at the start of 2)#hence why he's depressed in that image#also all the official art of him looks very cool but im incapable of seeing him like that his sprite makes him look like a scruffy dog#im torn between thinking it's cute nd wanting to make fun of him with doodles. least typical vampire appearance with the most typical power#the way you kill immortals (vampires) in this game is so metal i need to rant abt it Somewhere#so like boktai is a game series abt vampire hunting but it's rather sci-fi abt it. instead of more typical weapons you use solar energy#the immortals resurrect after being killed#but this can be prevented via purification. the way this goes is#after winning a bossfight the enemy will get sealed in a coffin. that you then to drag allll the way back outside the dungeon#(often with new puzzles thanks to the coffin being an extra weight)#all the while the immortal inside tries to escape#the objective is to get the immortal to a. summoning circle i guess?#housing devices called pile drivers. they're more like lenses or mirrors though.#they focus sunrays on the coffin purifying the immortal after a brief fight that's like#preventing the boss from attacking the pile drivers until it dies#like. this doesn't sound all that special but most bosses you fight are sentient and i just think it's a bit of a brutal method#for a main protagonist to use#i keep thinking of how it must feel to do it for a living. something like a funeral driver but you're the murderer and the corpse isn't dea#and instead of a funeral you're taking them to a mega death laser array that'll slowly chip away at their health#and then boktai 2 inflicts that on django and im like. is he ok (he's ok but he died)
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paingoes · 28 days
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little graphic for johanna and delta ! although they’re both psychics, they are not the same species and they don’t have the same abilities! 
any intelligent species in destroyer-verse can be psychic, but some are more inclined to it than others.
delta's species has an unusually high percentage, around ~15% .
only 0.001% of johanna's species are born psychic.
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transphilza · 1 year
not forcibly assigning phil a dad role in every single rp relationship regardless of if it actually makes sense is not just about not being annoying and forcing ooc headcanons onto characters, but like character wise it’s actually extremely good for characters to have relationships on equal ground. this is why c!emeraldduo Not being family is so good, because both phil and techno’s characters lacked equal-ground relationships and so having a closely trusted friend who is an equal was a very powerful dynamic. in both dsmp and qsmp phil Is a guiding or paternal figure in a lot of ways for a lot of other characters and because of that, him having relationships that are Different than that is really important and good
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