#and in the end Athena will use any of her children as she sees fit
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thesummerstorms · 9 months ago
I've been dabbling in a project, mostly world building and not actual fic because my brain is a strange creature, but I have decided that in my interpretation of the PJO universe, Athena is ... well a strategist in all things.
Including the creation of her children.
The way I'm envisioning it, creating a child from her own mind isn't really a task she undertakes casually.
Yes, she does it occasionally as a "gift" to a mortal whose mind she admires. There's no romantic or sexual relationship, but it's an intense, consuming relationship all the same.
Children born for that reason (or for just that reason) are rare though. Athena might have many favorites, but she's also proud. Who deserves a child entirely crafted by a Goddess? Only the few.
I think, in a normal decade, the number of Athena campers is actually on the lower end compared to most of the other Olympians.
None of the Campers outside of Athena's own children every really figure it out, and Chiron, who knows, would sooner die than tell them.
But when there are many children of Athena, like there are in Annabeth's childhood, it's a sign that something strange or terrible is coming.
Athena is a strategist, the right hand of Zeus, his favorite child, the one who forsees and attempts to dismantle threats to Olympians' power. She moves the pieces into place without hesitation or sentimentality.
And the easiest pieces to control, of course, would be her own children.
Other demigods have other immortal parents to listen to, no matter how strong their desire for victory or their inherent cunning. Her own children are fragments of her own mind- much more reliable. Much easier to predict.
And if in the years leading up to whatever disturbance she forsees she chooses mortal parents for her children with calculation, with an eye for the skill sets and temperaments she predicts most needing in the dark times ahead...well, the child and their parent should be honored by her forethought.
It isn't even that she has no affection for the parent or child, in so much as she is capable of affection. But Athena is always, always three steps ahead, and her actions always have intent. Her children are no different.
A demigod, ultimately, is a weapon in the hands of the gods. It's best that the ones she chooses are well-crafted.
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starlightshadowsworld · 1 year ago
Percy Jackson except Jason and Thalia were the first children born after the Big 3 vow.
Long before the events of the story.
Thalia still ends up and tree, but no one really knew what happened to Jason.
Until Sea of Monsters where instead of Tantalus showing up, Jason does.
Because if there's one thing Zeus/Jupiter's gonna do, it's punish his sons.
And just... Imagine everyone expecting some grised old being who's committed the worse crimes on earth.
But it's a kid.
It's a kid a few years older them wearing a tattered purple top.
He'd look like any other camper but there's chains on his wrists and ankles that drag behind him.
Scars covering his body and a tattoo no ones able to fully see.
His eyes mirror the sky before them and hold so much sadness that a person could drown in them.
Chiron is suprised to see him, a mix of greif and relief in his eyes as he greets him.
"It's good to see you, child."
"And you too, sir."
"None of that now, you are among friends."
Jason visibly relaxes at that, his smile goes from polite and practiced to genuine.
"Right... It's good to see you, old man."
His humour is so dry that's it's hard to tell when he's joking or not. And yet he's gotten some laughs.
It feels like a reward in itself when someone makes him laugh. His whole face lights up and for a second the sadness in him fades.
Jason's less off a new camp director as he is a glorified babysitter. And yet he takes it all in stride.
He's not a pushover and steps in to mediate, but for the most part let's everyone carry on as they wish.
If he's not around, Jason can be found sitting by his sisters tree. He talks in a hushed whisper, catching her up.
If anyone notices him crying, no one says a word.
Jason proves himself as a formidable fighter, having stopped a camper struggling with a sword technique and demonstrating it to them patiently.
Clarisse immediately challenges Jason.
He's clearly holding back but Jason does give her a fair fight. His fighting style is a lot more polished.
And yet, there's something wild about it.
He does smile at one point, when Maimer strikes him.
"I'm afraid, that little trick won't work on me."
It was a short fight but the Ares cabin definitely gained some respect for him.
Clarisse asks why he didn't use the electricity against her, and he says he can't.
Shaking his chains like that explained everything.
It's easy to forget Jason's parentage. Especially after seeing him gush over architecture with Annabeth.
Hell all he needs is grey eyes and he'd fit right in to the Athena cabin.
And yet, at the same time there's no one else who fits as Jason's parent than Zeus (well Jupiter but they don't know that.)
Jason's a natural leader, he's a great diplomat and can defuse even the most chaotic situations.
There's power in his words, authority and yet he doesn't abuse it. There's a weight that's always on his shoulders.
He's a mystery.
He doesn't sleep in the Zeus Cabin, he has a blanket and curls up on the ground. Apparently he's used too it.
Tho there's been times he has been persuaded to sleep in the Hermes cabin, it's rare he accepts.
Not that he sleeps much. People have heard the screams from his nightmares.
More often than not Jason's awake, talking to the Naids and Nymphs as he patrols camp grounds late at night.
Surprisingly none try and attack him, in fact they all treat him with respect.
Grover says that Jason's blessed by the wild by an ancient being, not that he knows who.
Jason doesn't talk a lot about himself, he will talk at length about his sister though. And old friends with a sad smile.
The past is a hard subject for him, he says bits and pieces but not much.
The camps magical food doesn't work for him. Jason goes out of camp borders and goes hunting.
He eats alone, outside and Hestia makes a fire for him. He always sacrifices some food to her.
But also to Hera, which was surprising.
"But your a son of Zeus... Does she accept offerings from you?"
"I'd hope so, I am her champion."
It takes a while for anyone to realise but Jason's chains are heavy.
In fact there are days where Jason simply can't move. Because lugging them around tires him out.
And sometimes the camps borders simply don't let him leave.
On those days some campers have hunted for him.
Jason's always suprised and thankful. He'll share and tell them not to out themselves in danger for him.
But they do so anyway.
Camp Half blood decided a long while back Jason was one of them.
He's like everyone's stressed out, tired, nerdy older brother.
Jason has no knowledge of pop culture and apparently that's a crime.
But since no tech is allowed at camp, which means a lot of reinactments of memes
He's still confused but very entertained.
They've seen him fight monsters and it's so different to how he's fought in spars.
Jason fights to survive, he doesn't have a weapon other than his own chains.
He growls, he rips monsters apart with his bare hands and teeth.
Only stopping when they've all been defeated.
It was awesome.
Tho he did almost get hit by lighting from above and had to rush back into camp.
"Can I ask, what are you being punished for?"
"Let's just say, me and my dad had a disagreement."
Zeus: He's a monster, he's nothing but trouble and a mistake.
Camp Half blood: If monster, why friend shaped?
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year ago
@evcndiaz ‘s post about Eddie and Shannon and their relationship and being in love got me thinking about Helena and Ramon’s relationship and well anyway it ended up as this rambly mess of a meta essay that would’ve never fit in the tags! I could be totally barking up the wrong tree, but, well
I just wonder how loving their relationship actually is and if we’re maybe gonna start seeing more of the cracks I already think are there, because we often use our parents relationship as a blueprint for our own - be that what to do or not to do. And it’s all feeling a bit like parallels paralleling and threads interweaving.
Eddie joined the army to provide for his impending family - which mirrored a lot of what we know about Ramon- working away a lot, barely making it home for the birth of any of his children/ turning up after the event. Leaving Helena to fill the role of both parents and being a distant part of his children’s life. I’d love to know how old they were when they had Eddie, because while the retirement party suggests Ramon as being older when Eddie arrived, it feels like Helena is perhaps a fair bit younger (that could just be my reading of it) - perhaps Ramon was pressured into getting married and settling down and Helena was a young pretty girl he was introduced to idk!
Eddie claims his mom is fine and he only has a bad relationship with his father, but his mother is strong willed and pretty forceful - she is the driving force behind so much of what we have witnessed - she is the one who wants to keep Christopher, she is the one being dictatorial about juice boxes etc, it is her who starts telling the less than fun (read traumatic) story about Eddie and the car. Ramon is never the instigator, merely the back up for her plans. It’s almost as if he’s playing along for an easy life and isn’t actually in love with her. I’d argue their relationship is pretty toxic (he kept major heart surgery from his entire family - that is not a good thing non any level!) and that now Ramon is retired and around more - that they’re going to have to spend so much more time in each others company that we might start to really see things not going so great for them - especially if Ramon doesn’t adjust to being in one place all the time and with Helena all the time rather than sporadically. Abuela is there at the moment and perhaps her presence has been helping paper the cracks.
It’s making me think of how Athena described her divorce as being viewed as a failure within her community- that she’s the first one to get a divorce etc. And while the religions (and communities) are different, there are similar sentiments within the catholic community around divorce - especially that generation.
Viewed from the outside with the information we have, Helena and Ramon’s relationship seems much more one of tolerating and accepting the situation because there is no other option than one of genuine love, respect and friendship. Eddie had essentially gone down the same route as they had and because he knew no different was prepared to settle for what he had - for Chris - sacrificing his own happiness (because that’s what you do) and repressing who he is because of the situation he found himself in.
Shannon was the one ‘strong’ enough to step away (not saying her way of doing so was right at all - heaven knows I’m not Shannon’s biggest fan) - the outsider - the one without the pressure of religion and community (community because she is white and not a PoC so community is different. we don’t really know enough to know for sure but she always reads to me as non catholic and as a child of divorce - where is her father and the fact there is zero mention from her mother about wishing her father could meet his grandson etc suggests he’s not dead!) and the one to actually recognise her feelings for Eddie were not those deep abiding love. Had she not died we maybe could’ve seen them developing a co-parenting relationship in a similar way to Athena and Michael, but we’ll never actually know.
It all adds so much more depth to Eddie’s repression and inability to understand his feelings - this isn’t even related to buddie or being queer. There’s this sense that the tangled web of feelings he had in relation to Shannon hasn’t been fully unknotted or detangled and he’s still playing into his family expectations - Shannon was never fully accepted, just tolerated, because she wasn’t from his community and that relationship would’ve ended in divorce - making Eddie a failure once more in the eyes of his family (and community). He was spared that because Shannon died, so Eddie is now choosing to date women (Ana and Marisol) who are from his community - therefore more acceptable to his family.
It’s actually a really interesting thing that seems to be happening in Eddie unpacking himself and his trauma and repression and breaking the cycle. Ana was perfect on paper - but Eddie was ultimately dating her for Christopher rather than himself. He’s unpacked that bit of things and has dealt with that aspect of his trauma/repression.
Marisol (as very little as we know of her at this point) is interesting because she’s been presented differently to Ana - Ana we never ever heard about any of her family beyond a cousin having a baby and the christening being where Eddie (and Chris) would meet the family - which Eddie was less than enthusiastic about when it was revealed. Marisol is different - we’ve seen her brother and heard her talking on the phone to her mother. Yes she was at the Diaz house during Chris’s date but they had zero interaction with one another. The fact she is given less screen time than Shannon and even the fact she appears in the same episode as Shannon (because she didn’t actually need to be there to help ‘chaperone’ in all honesty) puts her in parallel and contrast to Shannon. There’s a couple of interesting things to point out here - Shannon is not present in the places Marisol is (I can’t be 100% sure because the scene wasn’t long enough and it was out of focus) - there are no photos of Shanon on the mantle etc the space Marisol is allowed to occupy - Shannon is completely confined to Christopher’s room. It’s an interesting choice to do this because it focuses the Shannon of it all on Christopher (which is right and important and we’ve already talked at length about the fact they’ve chosen to put Buck into the same position and space as Shannon) but it also implies the Marisol of it all is not connected to parenting. That she is solely connected to Eddie. That Eddie hs actually started dating her because of advice from Pepa plays into this, and the fact we already know more about her family than either Shannon or Anas respective families, to me at least, implies that’s the direction of growth we’re going to see from Eddie - learning that he can follow his own path rather than the path his family expects him to, that he’s going to be learning what love does and or doesn’t look like - getting to do the learning he didn’t before because Shannon died before he got the chance to do that bit of growing (brain won’t let me articulate this fully but you know what I mean)
And some of the things Ryan has said about their relationship - great job of introducing her, figuring how things fit - how and if she fits (I’m paraphrasing massively because I don’t have the mental capacity to go look for the quote right now) - is all just suggesting to me that her purpose is about him learning and understanding he doesn’t have to conform to his family’s expectations etc. Recognising and growing in the direction that’s right for him rather than what’s right for his family, and to bring it back around to Helena and Ramon - recognising that their relationship is not that great of a relationship to seek to emulate.
Shesh! I have zero idea if this makes one iota of sense but it’s been whirring round in my brain since 7x01!
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doevademe · 1 year ago
Who among the gods actually love their children? If you had to classify each of them according to their relationship with their kids (and when I say kids I mean the protagonists, like for Zeus, I would say just look to his relationship with Talia or jason cause he got a lot of bastards, that bastard).
Tbh, I think only Hades gets close to being a loving parent to Nico. But it s been years and I m afraid this judgement has been compromised over years of headcanoning.
Okay, I spent some time thinking about it so... here
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I tried to put every god that has a demigod kid in PJO and HoO.
Some notes below the Read More:
Hades is top tier, but he's still very flawed. His comment about wishing Bianca had survived instead of Nico is still an asshole moment and a stain in his otherwise spotless record as a parent.
Hecate is up there because she is there for her children, but lets them choose their path.
The two placements that pain me the most are Apollo and Ares, because this is just PJO/HoO/ToA canon, where they are objectively bad parents, while in actual mythology they rank among the best of them.
Poseidon is bottom of his tier and I almost put him in the tier below, because while he loves Percy as his son, it never feels like he loves him as a person. He loves that he's powerful, he loves that he's his son, but never seems that interested in Percy beyond that.
We don't see Demeter actually parent her demigod kids, but I assume it's similar to how she treats Nico and Persephone so... it fits.
I'm counting Hera solely because of her messed up patronage of Jason. In some ways, Jason feels more hers than Zeus's. She's still a shit parent, and poor Jason has to die before she realizes that he got the short end of the stick (and then shifts all the blame to Zeus).
Hypnos, Nike and Hebe have demigod kids. Nike and Hypnos have appeared in the canon. Neither mentions their children.
Athena is a double whammy. She thinks her children should be like her, do her bidding and reach greatness, but she also only seems to care about them when they are useful (Annabeth has siblings, not that Athena cares).
Zeus escapes being abusive by a smidge. Him trying to kill Thalia in TTC might push him over the edge for some, but he's never enough of a parent to his kids to actually call him abusive. He still expects them to be at his beck and call and give him glory, though.
Hestia is the ultimate mom. I take no comments on that front.
Artemis treats her Hunters like a mix between companions and (wo)manservants than her kids. She may care for them to some extent, but she's definitely not a parent to any of them
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jaydaaasworld · 10 months ago
Baby thoughts
Warning:pregnancy pregnant baby
Since the second you found out, Buck had been glued to your side. It had been three weeks since you took that test, since your doctor had confirmed it and in that time you had, had to convince him every single day that he could leave you and go to work. Every day he fought you, wanting the both of you to stay home so you could rest and he could wait on your every want and need, but you couldn’t do that. You were only thirteen weeks along and there was hardly any reason to be confined to the bed just yet. You knew that he was only concerned about the safety of you and the peach you currently carried in your womb. It was endearing and one of the sweetest things you’d ever seen, you hadn’t thought that Buck could get any sweeter, but here you were one act away from having a mouth full of cavities.
What hadn’t helped was that Buck had been responding to several pregnancy calls in the past few weeks a few resulting in sadder endings than anyone wanted. They had struck a chord with Buck and had only made him hover all the more.
Adding the water to your cordial, you took a sip of the orange, a light buzz filling your taste buds. You had become obsessed with anything orange-flavored since your pregnancy diagnosis. Whether it was orange Skittles (which Buck had kindly sat and sorted out for you), or orange flavored chocolate, or even the orange-flavored cupcakes you had found at the grocery store and ate within an hour of buying, anything orange and you were all for it.
Walking back into the garden, your entire body seemed to clench a little as you stepped back into the gaze of the sun. As much as you were enjoying this downtime with the 118, it was so hot. The heatwave had only hit LA in the past few days but already it was in full swing and you were feeling every beam of it.
“Y/n,” you turned over to where Athena was sitting with Hen and her daughter May. The three of them stood around the mini bar that Athena had installed, in direct sunlight. Already hot, you fought down the urge to grimace as you moved to stand by them, the sun glaring on your skin. “We were just telling May about Buck and that kiddie ride at the mall. She doesn’t believe us.” Hen informed and a grin split across your lips, taking your mind off of the sweltering heat.
“Oh my, God. I have a photo, hang on,” You pulled your phone out of your shoulder bag and set your drink on the bar, thumb flicking through the many photos in your gallery in search of the one from the Saturday before. “He thought it was funny and I tried to tell him he wouldn’t fit but he insisted,” You giggled and turned your phone for May to see. “I honestly thought I’d have to call nine-one-one.”
Displayed across your screen was the photo that still had you giggling a week later. There sat Buck, who had squeezed his way into the small metal bus which was aimed for children 7 and under. But Buck had twisted his body at all kinds of angles and had somehow managed to worm his way into the ride. His head was poked out of the door hole, his legs curled up against his chest, unable to stretch out in the tiny space that his body was occupying.
What Athena and the others didn’t know was that Buck wouldn’t have gotten into the ride if it wasn’t for you. That morning your hormones had been playing you like a fiddle and every little thing had upset you, the bin bag had broken when you were trying to change it out for a new one, somehow a red sock had slipped in with your whites and now everything you owned was slightly toned pink and they had shown that advert with the puppy sat in a box, in the rain, on the side of the street with people walking past ignoring it. It seemed, that morning, that everything was stacked against you. Buck had offered to come with you to the mall so you could pick up your clothing order from a store, you had ordered certain items that they didn’t have in stock and they had delivered to the store the day before. You were buzzing to see the new pair of pumps you had ordered. You knew that in a few months if not weeks, the shoes would probably be pressing against the sides of your feet and ankles because of the pregnancy swelling, but that hadn’t stopped you from ordering them in your size. However, like everything else that morning, even that didn’t go as planned. The shoes had been delivered in the wrong color and in a size smaller than you wanted, making them impossible to wear. Buck had seen how disheartened you had been when you left the store, trying not to cry in frustration. He had wanted to do something to cheer you up and in a joking manner, he had made a bet with you that he could fit inside the kiddie bus ride.
It had succeeded in cheering you up, if not from how silly he looked, his large muscular frame curled up inside the ride, from when he got stuck and couldn’t get himself out straight away. You had done what you could to help him out, but you were giggling so hard your entire body went weak. When he had finally gotten out, the two of you had continued to giggle all the way home and your mood had been lifted for the rest of the day.
“Oh, my God,” May giggled. “That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Please send me that!” she begged.
“Of course,” you agreed with a laugh of your own. “I could never gate keep on a photo like this.”
“What made him get in there?”
“It’s Buck, does he need a reason?” Hen scoffed. As the ladies continued to giggle, the heat seemed to make its presence known as it glared down at you. The side of your temples was beginning to throb and your skin was starting to get slick and sticky, sweat oozing from your pores. You raised a hand to swipe at your brow, glancing around the garden for the closest seat, your legs aching.
As you moved towards one of the sun loungers, your boyfriend’s eyes caught onto your movements, already on high alert.
“Y/n? What’s wrong?” he asked, abandoning his drink at the grill and rushing towards you, one arm slipping around your waist to help guide you to the seat.
“Buck, I’m-”
“Dammit, it’s too hot out here for you. We should’ve canceled,” he began muttering to himself. “Are you dizzy? Do you need a drink of water? What about something to eat? Is your blood sugar low? What if you’re dehydrated?” The only thing making you dizzy was the hurricane of questions Buck was sending your way, not even leaving a chance for you to answer them. One of his hands instinctively came to rest on the front of your stomach.
“Babe? Baby?” You tried to pull Buck out of his panicked rant, his eyes not once meeting yours as he kept scanning you for any visible injuries. Not that there were any, but the paranoia was getting the best of him and the heat probably wasn’t helping.
“We should get you in the shade,” he decided. “Shit, you should’ve stayed inside. You’re carrying precious cargo now, baby. You and Peach can’t take this heat. We shouldn’t have come. This is all my fault-”
“Buck!” You pressed your hands to the sides of his face, directing his eyes to yours so you could try and ground him. “Buck, baby, I’m fine. We’re fine. I’m just a little hot and tired that’s all. It’s normal.” He still seemed a little uncertain, and his eyes held a lifetime of worry for you and his unborn child. “We’re okay. I promise.” You offered him a reassuring smile, your thumb coming to brush against his bottom lip rhythmically, giving him something to focus on. His eyelids pressed shut as he breathed slowly for a second.
“Are you sure? ‘Cause we can go home-”
“We’re fine. I just need to sit for a minute that’s all.” You peeked over his shoulder. “While I’m sitting, we should probably talk to the people behind you, they seem a little shocked. You kind of let the cat out of the bag.” Buck twisted his head to look around at the team behind him, everyone stood, jaws dropped and eyes wide. Eddie was the most comical of the bunch, his glass halfway raised to his mouth ready to take a sip but frozen in time with the news that Buck had unintentionally shared.
“H-Hey, guys,” He chuckled awkwardly with a sheepish grin. “I guess we have some news to share.”
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fiona-frauenfell · 2 years ago
MPHFPC character’s godly parents
because the release date for the PJO show was announced yesterday!
Jacob, son of Hermes
I’m going to be honest, I don’t have a real reason as to why I put Jacob here; it just feels right. It might be the fact that Hermes is made to be the catchall cabin, and that for some time, Jacob doesn’t know his peculiarity. I think it’s be cool if he was “unclaimed” until the end of the first book.
Emma, daughter of Ares
Ares is a rather aggressive and rash god, similar to Emma. She is known to snap from time to time and sometimes lets her emotions get the best of her. Where do fire powers come into this? One word; spite. I think I’d be funny if Ares somehow gave a child of his for powers to spite his girlfriend’s husband (though I know this is practically impossible.)
Millard, son of Athena
Millard is very intelligent; he’s the brains of the operation who always has a plan. I think this puts him perfectly in Athena cabin! Also, Annabeth got a hat that makes her invisible from Athena, and Millard is invisible, so…
Bronwyn, daughter of Tyr
Bronwyn feels like the child of a war god to me, but Ares/Mars didn’t feel right, so Tyr is what I decided. One of the things children of Tyr can do (or I guess can’t do) is never refuse a challenge. In book one Emma claims that Bronwyn “could not forgo a competition of any kind,” This makes it seem like Bronwyn would fit in fine with other children of this war god.
Hugh, son of Mars
Mars is a god who will never fight without a reason, and I see a lot of that in Hugh. On numerous occasions he’s seen fighting with people to defend those he cares about. He’s also the god of agriculture, which is quite compatible with Hugh’s peculiarity.
Fiona, daughter of Demeter
Do I really need to explain this one? For those who don’t know, Demeter is the goddess of plants and her children have the ability to manipulate all types of vegetation. That’s also a pretty accurate description of Fiona’s peculiarity.
Horace, son of Somnus
His last name is Somnusson; Somnus son, like son of Somnus, Roman god of sleep. Children of Somnus also have the ability to control dreams (even if they don’t have prophetic ones.)
Enoch, son of Apollo
Yes, Hades is an obvious option for Enoch, but I think Apollo could work, as well. I really like this idea because Enoch’s peculiarity is a lot more anatomical than Hades children, since he physically has to put the hearts in their bodies. And with Apollo being the god of medicine, this could be categorized as healing? Maybe?
Olive, daughter of Frigg
Frigg is the norse sky goddess, and she’s the goddess of family. Similarly, Olive is a very welcoming character who can become friends with almost anyone, and make anyone feel like family. She also can float, which is similar to a power many demigods of the sky gods possess; flying.
Claire, daughter of Freya
Freya is also a Norse goddess; specifically one of love and beauty. Claire is described as being a pretty girl who looks almost doll-like. But just like Freya (who is also the goddess of war), Claire has a vicious side when she uses her back mouth. The duality of this goddess works perfect for this equally dual character.
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hikari-kaitou · 4 years ago
Capcom’s Official AA Fanclub Surveys - Main Series Edition
Naturally, Capcom’s official AA fanclub site didn't only post surveys about the DGS characters; they published far more of them about the main series characters. It makes sense, as they started the trend before the DGS series had even been conceived.
Back in the old days, they used to hold a survey on Capcom’s official AA fansite every few months where they’d write about the seasonal activities of a handful of characters and ask fans to vote for the funniest/most pleasant/strangest/etc answer.
They stopped doing them in like… 2016? 2017? The original text is lost for good as far as I can tell. Even the wayback machine couldn’t help because the content was password locked and you can’t get past the password wall while remaining in the archived version.
Fortunately, I saved some of my translations of them so I thought I’d share them. Unfortunately, I was doing these translations very casually and only intended to share them with two of my close friends at the time when I did them, so some of them are just summaries rather than proper translations, and I tended to only focus on characters that we personally were interested in or scenarios that we thought were funny or interesting. That means there are parts missing, and because I didn't expect the original text to be wiped off the site I didn't save it so I could go back and fill in the blanks. Sorry about that...
Cut for length!
"Spring is on its way and each of the AA cast members spent their day off in different ways. Who's way of spending their day off sounds the most pleasant?"
Phoenix- he finished unpacking his moving boxes and sorting his seasonal clothing. While he was packing away his ugly pink sweater and such, he happened across the complete works of Shakespeare at the bottom of one of the boxes, got completely absorbed in reading, and ended up abandoning his unpacking.
Mia- She went shopping at a department store for a new summer suit. On her way, she coincidentally ran into Maya, who was on her way to the agency to hang out, but then at some point Maya vanished. Mia tried calling her cell phone but she didn't answer. "Don't tell me she's lost at her age," Mia thought, and began to search for her. She found Maya transfixed by a rooftop Steel Samurai show. It seems that she was both exasperated and relieved.
Maya- she tagged along on Mia's shopping trip, but the second she spied a poster for a rooftop Steel Samurai show, she made a beeline for the roof. She got into a cheering battle with a mean-looking elementary school boy and really enjoyed the show. When the show was over, she reunited with an exasperated looking Mia. She gleefully led Mia to a burger restaurant so they could eat some burgers together.
Edgeworth- he treated himself to a drive along the coast in his red sports car... Well, that was the plan, but then he was pushed by his mentor Von Karma into being the driver for his shopping trip. As a reward for his service, he received a brand new Von Karma style, stylish and flashy summer suit.
Then there's Larry, who dragged Phoenix to a café to hit on its hot owner, and the judge who bought a wig.
"Apollo, Fulbright, Edgeworth, Klavier and Kristoph made visits to a nursery school near the courthouse. Which of them did the most pleasant activity with the children?"
Apollo acted out the story of the “Crying Red Ogre” for the children. Phoenix played the part of the blue ogre, and Apollo was the red ogre, and Apollo’s wailing moved the children to tears too. In a panic over all the crying, they got Trucy to cheer them up with a magic trick in which she made Apollo disappear.
Fulbright: He came dressed in a blinding white costume to teach the children about justice and put on a play. The children gave him thunderous applause... But when Jinxie, who had been forced to play the part of the heroine, saw Fulbright, she thought he was the ghost of an army general, got scared, and slapped a charm on his face.
Edgeworth and Gumshoe: He and Gumshoe were going to reenact the story of Kintarou (an old Japanese fairytale). Franziska handed Edgeworth the Kintarou costume she’d designed (If you've seen Ghibli's Spirited Away, recall what Bou, the giant baby, wears. That's what we're talking about here). Edgeworth fearfully asked “You... expect me to wear this...?” Gumshoe, who had painted his whole body black to play the role of a bear, told him “Of course, sir! It doesn’t fit me!” and shoved Edgeworth out on stage in it. Edgeworth quickly began to reconsider Gumshoe’s salary for next month.
Klavier and Kristoph: Kristoph started giving a boring lecture on the importance of law, and the kids were getting antsy. Seeing this, Klavier came over with his guitar to liven things up, performing a rock style arrangement of the “The Bear Went Over The Mountain". But then he threw in the unnecessary comment of “If any of you scratch the frets of my guitar, I’ll be suing for damage of property, ok?” And they both ended up getting kicked out.
"This survey is about who knows how to enjoy a sunny day at Gourd Lake the best"
Simon: To give Taka some exercise, Blackquill took him and Fulbright (who was on guard duty) out for some falconry. Things were going well until Taka heard something about this mysterious creature “Gourdy,” freaked out, flew into the little shop selling Gourdy merchandise and started making a huge mess. Blackquill and Fulbright gathered Taka up in a panic and hightailed it out of there as fast as they could.
Edgeworth had seen Phoenix home and on his way back passed by Gourd Lake. Just as he was starting to get bad flashbacks... he happened to hear Larry in the middle of a flirting attempt and got dragged in. The woman he was trying to put the moves on was a foreigner, and she and Edgeworth started chatting in her native language. Larry couldn’t understand and was annoyed that Edgeworth was apparently moving in on his target, so he sulked and blew up at Edgeworth.
Athena tried to play matchmaker for Apollo and Juniper, so she told them to meet her in the forest near Gourd Lake so that they would run into each other there and hopefully hit it off. Juniper got there first, expecting to find Athena, but when Apollo showed up, she panicked and hid behind a tree. While she was trying to gather her nerve to go talk to him, he wandered off and she lost sight of him.
Phoenix was at the park and he got caught by Larry who was doing his part time job of selling Samurai Dogs. Larry saw a pretty lady that he wanted to flirt with so he asked Phoenix to mind the shop while he was gone. Business was slow, so he called in all the WAA members to put their full range of skills to use. They seem to have managed to sell them all!
Gumshoe took Missile for a walk in the park. They stopped for a rest and Gumshoe fell asleep, so Missile slipped out of his collar and ran over to where the Samurai Dogs were being sold. He ate them all without Phoenix noticing. Phoenix handed things back over to Larry when he got back and Larry got in huge trouble for losing so much product.
"This survey is talking about how the cast spent their Valentines Day"
Trucy gave Polly chocolate for himself and some for Klavier and asked Apollo to give it to him for her. Klavier wasn’t in court when Apollo went to look for him, though, so he and Phoenix went to the prosecutors’ office together with their chocolate. On their way, though, Apollo found himself getting a lot of strange looks from Themis Legal Academy students.
Ema gave some chocolates to Phoenix to give to Edgeworth because she suddenly got called to a crime scene. Phoenix headed over to the prosecutors’ office but Edgeworth was in court and wasn’t there, so Phoenix waited out in front of the prosecutors’ office with this flashy, girly looking bag of chocolates. Edgeworth’s trial ended up going a long time and Phoenix got a lot of stares as he waited.
Edgeworth was hit by a pollen-filled spring breeze on his way back to the office and suddenly his eyes got all red and itchy and he was left sneezing and sniffling. Phoenix came to talk to him and got quite a surprise when he saw the state Edgeworth’s face was in. The chocolates Ema gave him were in the shape of the Steel Samurai and they made Edgeworth so pleased that it seemed to ease his suffering a little.
Flower Viewing:
Phoenix and Apollo go to the park early to hold flower viewing spots for the WAA members. They see some people from around town that they know who ask them to hold their spots while they go and grab this or that. Phoenix and Apollo do their best to hold those people’s spots and in the process lose their own. They end up begging Edgeworth to let them share his and Klavier’s spot.
White Day:
Because of his painful memories about Valentine’s Day from elementary school, he doesn’t like Valentine’s Day or White Day that much. As a return gift to his beloved daughter, he gave her painstakingly handmade magic panty shaped chocolates. Apparently he forced the ones that didn’t turn out on Edgeworth...
Klavier was holding a ladies only concert, which he invited Trucy to. Phoenix was worried about letting Trucy be out at night by herself, so he sent Apollo along in disguise (as a woman!!). But Klavier saw through Apollo’s disguise easily and to Apollo’s horror, called him up on stage.
Autumn/Moon Viewing:
Phoenix, Edgeworth and Larry went to collect chestnuts together. Larry was too focused on looking for chestnuts and not watching where he was going and fell down the mountain slope. Phoenix had tried to catch Larry but he ended up falling too and spraining his ankle slightly. Edgeworth had to carry Phoenix on his back down the mountain.
Apollo went moon viewing with the rest of the WAA. It turned out into kind of an office party and Apollo had drink after drink while assuring everyone that “I’m fine!” but ended up getting pretty hammered. He proceeded to pass out and Phoenix took care of him.
Obon Festival:
Klavier performed a bonfire festival dance version of the Guitar’s Serenade at the summer festival and Apollo provided the taiko drum backup. He filled the gaps in the taiko drumming with his chords of steel, and it was a very energetic bonfire dance.
Edgeworth noticed the festival going on on his way home from work and decided to have a look. He saw Phoenix selling Samurai Dogs and desperately wanted one, but couldn’t bear the thought of Phoenix finding out that he was a Steel Samurai fan. He hemmed and hawed in front of the festival stall, trying to decide whether to buy one, but they sold out before he could make up his mind.
Phoenix went to the festival with Maya. Larry, who was working the Samurai Dog stand, called them over and forced them to watch the stand while he made a booty call. Phoenix and Maya’s manzai comedy duo style vocal advertising was so successful that they quickly sold out.
Phoenix, Trucy, Athena, Apollo and Pearl all spent the night at the office after their party wrapped up. Phoenix put presents next to the kids' pillows during the night.
Edgeworth grumbled about having to play Santa but dressed up anyway and snuck in at night to bring the younger ones at Phoenix's office some presents. He accidentally ends up sneaking into Phoenix’s room instead.
Apollo wanted to be a good big brother to Trucy and Pearl, so he snuck into their rooms to leave gifts but tripped over something, let out a Chords of Steel volume shout as he fell and ruined the surprise/
Klavier, as a favor to Trucy, snuck in dressed as a Visual Kei style Santa, but he announced his arrival with a rock arrangement of Santa Claus is Coming to Town and got caught and kicked out.
Blackquill had to make a jailbreak in order to play Santa, was chased down and Phoenix woke to find the police surrounding his office.
DGS Edition
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absentia-if · 3 years ago
Of Playground Insults
A commission from the Ko-Fi for some Margot Steele fluff. I hope you enjoy! (Margot Steele x F!MC)
“I love you.”
The statement passes so easily from your lips– as if it was always meant to do so– but the reaction was always the same; blue eyes flashing warmly, a light dusting of red across high cheekbones, and the sweetest of smiles curling full lips. An elegant hand rising– from its curled position around a steaming mug of tea– to cup your cheek with a gentle air.
“I love you too.” The reply, as it always is, comes in a soft whisper; as if it were a solemn oath that she’d uphold until her last breath. “More than you could ever know.”
Everything settles back to normalcy after– the calm feeling of tranquility settling between you both– as you go about your day.
Of course, it wasn’t always like this. Where gentle words and looks were all that you needed to communicate; you still remember when sarcastic quips and unspoken feelings were the currency between you.
The memories cause your hands to flex— tightening your arms around her neck— as you instinctively made sure that she wouldn’t back away; as she so commonly did in the past. An action that Margot didn’t even need to question— though an elegant brow did arch briefly— as her own arms lazily loop around your waist.
“Is there something troubling you, baby?”
Baby. It was such a simple name but coming from her? With the smallest hint of an accent, that no one but the Steele’s seemed to possess, allowed your earlier feelings to settle. An almost embarrassed smile gracing your face as an airy chuckle escapes you.
“It’s just something silly, Maggie.” You roll your eyes at your outlandish feelings. “You know how I get lost in my head sometimes.”
Margot tucks a strand of black hair behind your ear; her soft smile never wavering in the slightest. “If it’s bothering you then it’s not silly, Vivienne.” Dipping her head, she places a light kiss to your still slightly furrowed brow. “Tell me what’s wrong, baby.”
Sighing�� as you knew that there wasn’t any way Margot was going to let this go— you explain your earlier feelings. “I was just thinking of how we used to be with each other.”
She tilts her head. “How we used to be?”
“Yeah, you know—” Your hand waves behind her head— still refusing to untangle yourself from her— as you try to make your point. “How we used to squabble like children. Playground insults even when we were in university. I—” You shake your head. “I don’t want us to go back there, you know? I love you so much and I couldn’t bear the thought of losing what we have. Not when I know what it’s like to have you. To see the real you behind all the snark.”
“I feel the same way, Viv.” Margot tuts as you try to speak, which automatically quiets you down. “We will always be those two kids arguing over who got to play on the monkey bars next, that will never change, but our ending will.” She dips her head to place a gentle kiss to your lips; her soothing scent of rose-vanilla, and something that was purely Margot, washing over you. The taste of her cherry lip gloss lingering on yours as she pulls away. “You’re my everything, Vivienne, and even if we argue that doesn’t mean that will ever change. Please believe me when I say that.”
You smile— seeing the genuine adoration within sparkling blue— as you press a kiss of your own to her cheek. “Of course, Margot.” Pulling away, you gesture to her outfit. “I thought we were going to take Athena on a walk. Are you going to go dressed like that?”
Margot’s brow furrows as she glances down at her ensemble; a tight fit lilac tank-top, that gave the briefest glimpse of chiseled abs beneath, paired with black shorts that went to mid-thigh. “I wasn’t planning on it.” She peers up through her eyelashes; a teasing smirk quirking her lips. “Do you think I should?”
You roll your eyes at her. “You can do whatever you want but I know that you’ll end up hating it if you do.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Margot agrees, her attention briefly shifting to her mug of tea as she takes a sip. Her body already headed towards the stairs to change. “I’ll be back in just a moment, baby.”
“Take your time.”
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“What do you want for dinner?” The question comes out of nowhere— as you had been walking in a companionable silence with only the sounds of nature and Athena breaking— and you turned your head towards Margot, noticing that her gaze was still locked with the horizon.
You shrug. “I don’t know. Did you have anything in mind?”
“I was thinking we’d eat out tonight.”
“Really?” You question with some incredulousness leaking into your tone. “You hate eating out.”
Margot whistles lowly for Athena to heel— a command that is followed immediately— before she responds. “Correction. I don’t like eating out at the places that are open at the God forsaken times you wish to do so.”
“Hey!” You cry out in mock outrage. “I’ll have you know that Rolling in Dough is a staple to any sane person's diet.”
Margot rolls her eyes playfully. “Yes, I agree. If that said sane person doesn’t wish to live past the age of forty.”
“At least they died doing what they loved.”
“Eating greasy burgers?”
“Yes.” You nod as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which causes Margot to laugh. “I get the feeling that you’re not taking me too seriously right now.”
“What gave you that impression, baby?” Margot asks, with a smile curling her lips. “Was it the tone of my voice?”
Your eyes narrow. “Now I think you’re just teasing me.”
The responding laugh from full lips is cut short as Margot gets distracted by something; your gaze following hers and what you see causes your own smile to appear.
Monkey bars; situated in one of the various parks that littered Aurora. There wasn’t another person in sight— Athena already sniffed around one of the swings— as you shift your gaze towards Margot.
“Are you thinking—”
“What I’m thinking?”
There’s a brief moment of silence before you both shout.
“The last one there’s a rotten egg!”
You barely have time to blink before you’re making a mad dash for the playground. Laughter and playful teasing passing between you both as you do so.
Things may not be different in some things but they were in all the places that mattered.
And that’s all that mattered to you.
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theepitomeofamess · 4 years ago
hey y'all, i'm working on this project i'm really excited about and i wanted to share some of it.
it's basically just a retelling of Ares mythology (i know that this probably sounds a lot like knock off madeline miller, but just hear me out) focusing on the parts that don't paint him like an angry meathead -- the version of his myth where he's raised by Priapus and taught to dance long before fighting, how he is one of the few male gods to care for his children and respect women, the story of his daughter Alcippe (which, if you don't know it, trigger warning for sexual assault and murder if you look it up), and the idea that his anger stems from depression caused by being hated by his supposed father and ostracized by any god who wanted to stay on Zeus' good side (hello projecting :^D).
Anyway, i wanna share some ideas i have about Ares as a character (in no way trying to be disrespectful to the deity, my apologies if it comes off that way). I've got a long list of ideas under the cut, I'd love to get some feedback (@witch19, you know I'd love your opinion on all this)
so a big concept i want to work with is tattoos. from what i understand, tattoos were a sign of punishment in ancient greece, used to mark slaves and criminals so they could be identified or continually punished. there's a story (link here) of athenians tattooing athena's owl on ancient samians after a defeat, ares decided to take on the same punishment as the men he had helped in the battle. as he grows into himself and his confidence, the tattoo grows with him from athena's pygmy owl to an eagle owl, which became one of his sacred animals in some versions of his mythology. he started getting even more as he started viewing them as a sign of strength rather than punishment, and especially when he learned of emperors tattooing gladiators, who he often helped and identified with
the owl is his first tattoo, but his favorite is a honeycomb over his heart. there are a lot of bees on the comb, with aphrodite being the queen directly over his heart. there's a bee for each of his children, and a drone with a broken wing for Hephaestus (Aphrodite actually gets a matching queen bee on the back of her hand so when she puts her hand over his heart, the bee is still there)
maybe another tattoo is a peacock feather for his mother? maybe it's covering a Lichtenberg figure he got from one of zeus' fits of rage?? maybe idk???
speaking of scars, he gains a scar for every one that's gained by a soldier. it doesn't matter what side the soldier is on, it doesn't matter how minor the wound is, he bleeds with every soldier in every fight he's involved in, feels their pain. armor does nothing to stop it -- it never even gets scuffed.
because it never gets hit and therefore looks brand new, ares doesn't actually like wearing his armor. it gives the impression that he's never been in a fight. he'd rather just wear his tunic.
he's actually much more of a romantic person than a sexual one. he's not asexual (bisexual, actually), he's just a big softy and craves a softer, more genuine connection. that's why he doesn't take as many lovers, why he doesn't have casual sex, and why he takes his time romancing aphrodite. he really enjoys the soft, quiet intimacy.
the first time he met aphrodite, he asked her to dance. no one was dancing except servant girls/nymphs, and they were not on the same page at first. aphrodite thought "dancing" was an innuendo (like what zeus and poseidon have done before), and ares wasn't catching on to the fact that she thought he meant sex. poor boy just wanted to dance, and it took some talking in circles, but he did get his dance. aphrodite loved how fun and innocent it was.
dancing is an outlet for him. he loves it. he spent his whole childhood with priapus dancing, and still enjoys it to no end. this influences his build (where a lot of the gods -- zeus, poseidon, etc. -- are more bulky and lumbering, ares is very lean, limber, and light on his feet)
he keeps a garden. it was part of being raised by priapus in the mortal world -- they grew their own food, and it's a hobby that followed ares into adulthood. besides, growing his own food means that, while he doesn't get as many offerings, he still gets the good stuff. the garden has a beehive that aphrodite loves helping with. all of his children are spoiled with mortal food before they are ever old enough or well known enough to get an offering from the mortal world
he refuses the idea that zeus is his father. he believes the version of the story that he was conceived by hera alone through pure spite and rage -- this is the version that athena tells him, and he tends to believe athena before anyone else.
speaking of, he actually gets along with a lot of the gods. he and athena, though constantly pitted against each other, have a pretty good relationship and she is often a comfort for him. they will often sit together in no man's land after a battle, and she will often comfort him if it was a particularly bloody one. at the end of the day, in her mind, she's his big sister. she actually used to (against zeus' wishes) go visit ares at priapus' home and read him stories.
apollo actually really enjoys hanging out with him -- ares dances to apollo's music and apollo is the one that gives ares his tattoos, a form of art that apollo doesn't get to practice otherwise.
he sees hades a lot more than a lot of people, as he often helps thanatos in escorting killed battalions to the underworld, spending the entire time ensuring them that even if they did not achieve victory, they brought honor to their homes and families. hades doesn't have favorite nephews/neices, but given how ares has been ostracized in a way that hades can find familiar, he empathizes with him quite a bit.
he and hephaestus actually would have been very close if they were allowed to have a childhood together and didn't have mutual jealousy, and actually have some really sweet moments. ares trusts hephaestus wholly with the wellbeing of aphrodite and his children, knowing that he will take care of them in his stead if he needs to.
still working out the kinks on this idea, but the dryad Harmonia is born from the tree that grows from ares' tears for Alcippe. she offers to help him create an entire society of daughters for him, ones that live away from the threat of men. daughters that know well how to protect themselves from those who threaten and attack them. (like i said, i'm still working on this idea, i'm not even sure if the amazons will be included, but i like thinking about the different ways that this could be interpreted/used)
maybe in that same vein of harmonia and the tree, ares crafts eros' bow himself (maybe with some help from hephaestus and his experienced craftsmanship?) from a branch of harmonia's tree? maybe he strings it with his own heartstring, left dangling loose, irreparable after the heartbreak of Alcippe?
okay so clearly i have a lot of ideas regarding this project. any and all writers, mythology lovers, narrative flippers, please let me know of any further interest or ideas about this!
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scarletarosa · 4 years ago
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Greek goddess of discord, enmity, and strife
Eris (Roman: Discordia) is one of the most malignant goddesses and represents all that brings hatred, distrust, and suffering into existence. From my workings with this goddess’ mother and my own encounters with Eris, I have documented a more in-depth account of the treacherous nature of this goddess. The origin of Eris is as a daughter of Nyx (goddess of night) and Erebus (god of darkness). While neither Nyx or Erebus are malicious deities, Eris by her own nature became full of animosity and violence towards others. Other children of Nyx were born, but it is her daughter, Philotes, who is the counterbalance to Eris. Since Philotes is the goddess of unity and represents all that causes love, compassion, and harmony in existence, she seeks to mend and fight against the harm caused by her half-sister, Eris.
Although Eris loves no-one, she has still had brief lovers and has birthed several children as a result. Her children are sometimes Kakodaimones (tar spirits) which are malevolent entities of tar that plague mankind and seek to destroy lives. Other children of Eris are monstrous-looking beings of cruelty that represent the aftermaths of discord. Some of these have been Ponos (Toil), Lethe (Forgetfulness), Limos (Starvation), the Algea (Pains), the Hysminai (Fightings), the Makhai (Battles), the Phonoi (Murders), the Androktasiai (Man-slaughters), the Neikea (Quarrels), the Pseudo-Logoi (Lies), the Amphilogiai (Disputes), Dysnomia (Lawlessness), and Ate (Ruin).
Mythology: The main mythology Eris is mentioned in is the story of the golden apple. While this myth is embellished of course (as the majority of myths are), it is still based upon a true event that Eris had caused. The story goes that because of Eris’ reputation, she was the only goddess to not be invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. The goddess spitefully showed up anyway but was refused admittance, so she went into a fit of rage and created a golden apple- upon it was inscribed “To the fairest”. This apple was imbued with Eris’ energy of discord and as soon as she threw it, it immediately struck competition and jealousy into the hearts of the other goddesses. The three who laid claim upon the golden apple were Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite- each fought over who was most deserving of this prize. In the end, Aphrodite was awarded the apple after offering Paris to have Helene as a bride, an offer he could not refuse. Yet even this action ended up causing even more strife since it sparked the Trojan War.
Although despite what the Greeks had assumed, Eris is neither a sister or friend of Ares, but they are actually enemies. According to Ares, this is not just because Eris only uses people for her own gain, but also because she is the one who told Hephaestus of his affair with Aphrodite, causing them to be caught and humiliated. The only deity Eris has ever made a sort of “partnership” with has been Loki, since they both may seldom work together to bring rivalry and betrayals among humans. The two of them also act very similar to one another and employ many of the same tactics.
Appearance: Eris appears a seductive woman with amber eyes, long black hair, and pale skin. She wears black dresses when alone, but when among others, she likes to wear colourful clothing that best suits how she wishes to have others view her.
Personality: Eris is completely dangerous and cannot be made as an ally. She is selfish, cold, cruel, vindictive, deceitful, sadistic, and is a master of manipulation. She is also willing to employ any means available to have her way, including temptation, seduction, manipulation, deception, betrayal, emotional abuse, physical attacks, killing, etc. Eris can even create beautiful objects in order to bribe people into doing harmful things or cause other chaos (as shown with the golden apple). Because of all her corrupt deeds, the gods had long ago banished Eris from staying upon the Earth, forcing her out into the vastness of space where she made her home in an isolated spirit-dimension. Although Eris will sometimes return and glide through the Earth’s atmosphere, causing humans and deities alike to become suddenly prone to arguments and wars. She greatly delights in the suffering of others and hates seeing anything that is pleasant; if she has the chance, she seeks to destroy such enjoyable things in whatever way she can. Be it a bloodied battlefield, a gruesome murder, or a destroyed relationship, Eris will be laughing.
For those who try to communicate or work with Eris, their lives are eventually ruined in some way or they end up losing something that was precious to them. Be wary that this goddess does not represent the totality of chaos, only the unnecessary aspects of it and the maliciousness of egocentrism. She loves to have people work with her or adore her only so she can stab them in the back and gloat over their heartbreak; but plenty of times she causes strife to people who don’t work with her at all. But by working with this goddess, it only assures that her attention will be fixated on you rather than possibly being targeted for temporary fun (which might only cause one fight to break out). Some common things that Eris likes to cause are making partners cheat on each other or have frequent fights, destroying careers, having malicious rumours spread, family infighting, tearing apart friendships, causing battles, and belittling people. If she cannot manipulate a person, Eris herself often likes to say malicious words in order to make people feel horrible about themselves, even to the point of depression.
So overall, this goddess only desires a world where everyone and everything is in ruins, to the point where everyone hates each other and there is no compassion or pleasure for anything. Only rivalries and egotistical actions would remain. It is therefore best to remain cautious and to not put trust into this deity who embodies such things, she is not worth the risk. If you need help in maintaining harmony within your life, Philotes can always be worked with since she is a force of unity.
*artwork by Irenhorrors
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athys-obelia · 4 years ago
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hey hey hey.
so like i had a thought?
au where felix notices how down diana is about her pregnancy and approaches her. she confides in him - she's afraid for her child, any complications with their health, their future, everything. the chance she is betting on is a good life for her child with their father, but...she cannot foresee the future, after all. diana has worries as any new mother would.
(under cut for length)
and after pondering on it, felix proposes an idea: what if he could garuntee this child's safety? diana had already expressed her will to make him their godfather, shouldn't he rise to the occasion? you should run away, he tells her, and spend the rest of your pregnancy at one of my father's estates.
she agrees, albeit hesitantly. he's been distancing himself from her - claude - ever since the pregnancy, but she visits him on her last night at the palace. it is a horrible night - all goodbyes are - and claude seems to sense something. he asks of her to spend the night, and diana can't find it within herself to reject the request. she'll just have to slip during at night, she thinks.
she spends her final trimester on robane lands, under the care and knowledge of felix's father as the knight spearheads the quiet search for the emperor's favorite concubine. she feels strangely at peace.
the search intensifies as her due date nears, and the week of athanasia's birth, everything...stops. duke robane explains the emperor cannot make the loss of an heir public knowledge, and has ordered the destruction of ruby palace. the concubines have been dismissed.
diana receives a special visit a few hours before going into labour - before her is a beautiful brunette with determined eyes. diana's body grows weaker by the day, she has been bedridden for the past few days, but she feels content. her child will be fine. so will her lover. claude may think her selfish after this, though she supposes if it can garuntee her baby's smile, she will accept it. she can be selfish if needed.
the obelian skies mirror the chaotic silence within the imperial palace. the young emperor has not made an appearance in the audience hall for days. his tailor has not received any orders for the usual military attire lately - rather, the instructions detail a simplistic, pure white fabric, as if...almost as if he were in mourning. the eerie calm seems to foreshow a storm.
and amidst the rain and thunder roaring across the empire, under the gaze of an ever loyal knight and a young lady, a princess is born quiet. her declining breaths reflect her mother's. "she has your eyes, my lady," says lilian york, "her father's beautiful colouring, but the strength is from you. the strength you have given her. she will live with power."
"and love?" the new mother asks weakly.
"lots," the knight swears. "a child borne of love deserves nothing less."
she is safe, my daughter - my daughter is...
by the end of the week, the imperial directory is edited at the command of his majesty, the emperor. a new name is added.
athanasia de alger obelia.
lilian york sighs at the babe in her arms. "the undying...what a cruel joke. his majesty can't possibly know whether lady diana or the little princess are still alive."
"no - it is the name lady diana expressed her partiality for," felix says with a slight smile, "it is a dare."
little athanasia groans.
athanasia de alger obelia - or, more commonly, athanasia robane - has seen many families. lilian does not what to say when the princess wonders why she cannot call her 'mother'. why she cannot address the men she believes to be her father and grandfather as such, why her grandfather refers to her as 'my lady'.
at the age of four, athanasia has stopped asking such questions. lilian cannot help but marvel at the way she avoids the topic with an intelligence that should realistically be far beyond her years.
athanasia's grandfather has made habit of asking her the same question as he tucks her in every night. "are you happy, my lady?"
she nods every time - it is such an obvious answer, after all. "athy is so happy, grandpapa! thiiiiis much!! why do you always ask that?"
her grandfather smiles. athy loves that her grandfather smiles so much. "i come from a family of knights, my lady. we are taught to honour our promises first and foremost."
"did you promise someone you would keep me happy, grandpapa?"
duke robane raises an amused eyebrow. "aren't you chatty today? get some sleep, sweet one. i will be here in the morning."
he always is.
duke robane tends to frequent the palace often. today, however, is a special day.
"were you on your way to the hall?" the emperor inquires, running into the red haired noble on his walk.
he bows in greeting. "i was not. i did not wish to bother you today, your majesty. i know you do not like to be disturbed during this time of year."
claude rather likes duke robane. he is relatively tolerable, like an older, wiser version of felix. "then what are doing outside the palace?"
"i was on my way to town, your majesty, with a... family member. her birthday is arriving soon, you see, but she was quite taken with your beautiful gardens, so i let her wander outside - i wouldn't dare allow her inside without your majesty's approval, of course."
claude raises an eyebrow. "a family member?"
"my granddaughter, sire."
claude glances at felix curiously. "i was not aware of this... development. how many children are you fathering when you're not bothering me?"
felix snorts.
"er...a foster granddaughter, your majesty."
"i do not see her here. i assume she is felix's current heir, is she not? i should be offended you have not introduced us."
"she is playing a game, sire," duke robane explains, "she has gone to hide and i am to find her. it is called hide and seek, as i am told."
he winces at the familiar voice calling out, "grandpapa!! look at this shiny flowe-"
little athanasia's face pales.
"my lady, meet his majesty, the emperor of the Obelian empire."
the blonde princess clutches her grandfather's sleeve. "from... from athy's books?"
felix cannot tear his gaze away from the emperor's face - or rather, the jewelled eyes that stare at his goddaughter.
claude could laugh. that face, even with her eyes matching the prominent robane silvery eyes...felix must really take him for an idiot, he thinks. really, he should be offended. he remembers putting felix in charge of the search years ago... lying to the emperor? disguising a member of the imperial family to pass off as their own? in what land would this not be a crime?
still, this...this 'athy' looks happy. or looked happy, before she saw him. only a fool would grow to be jovial in the palace, so claude wonders whether thank you may be in order for keeping his child so cheery.
then again, this said under the assumption that he would've kept the child alive in the first place.
claude glances at duke robane - the man is usually so poised, he thinks he'll have some fun while this little charade is up.
"what is your name?" he asks blankly.
the duke interjects, "we call her athy, sire. the name athena truly fits her - she is a very bright child."
ah, interesting...felix's father seems to both be smarter and care for the girl more than claude initially credited him.
"hide and seek," claude muses, barely making an effort to hide his smirk, "so, you've finally decided to come out of hiding."
"i was on my way to the lake. get ready to join me."
duke robane glances at five year old athanasia - she had been called to the palace for tea with the emperor once, after which their little tea parties became something of a common occurrence. he had faced hell and beyond trying to keep it under wraps - at least felix's position as the emperor's guard was a comfort.
"your majesty, forgive me, but the lady hasn't learnt to swim. i fear it may be dangerous."
athanasia shoots him a look - don't argue with the emperor, grandpapa!
"what's there to worry about when she's with me?" claude asks, eyebrow quirked, "besides. the three of you should be quite used to playing dangerous games by now."
felix sputters. "your, your majesty?"
yes, dealing with house robane is much more entertaining than roger alpheus could hope to be...
"what was it? hide and seek. your daughter could get lost, isn't that sort of thing very dangerous?"
athanasia raises an eyebrow at him, unimpressed, as felix flushes red. claude finds himself wondering - not for the first time - what goes inside her head? it's not uncommon for this child of five to react with the maturity of an adult, intriguingly.
"lets go, uncle!" she exclaims, offering him her hand as he's seen the duke and felix hold it often. she interwined her fingers with his once he accepts her hand. so small, it is. small and soft, as if he could crush her with the littlest force.
claude stares at her platinum blonde hair, a hint of a smile playing on his features. "robane has gotten quite daring lately. of course, a bold house will raise a bold child."
duke robane glances at the blonde in his doorway - how out of place her bright hair had once looked, bouncing around in contrast to the rich, deep browns and reds of the robane mansion. the estate seems to lose life whenever his foster granddaughter visits the palace, now. as per their little custom, she visits him in his study at her return. "my lady. come."
"i have to greet lily soon or she'll get mad. she hates when i meet you without being dressed for it. but i really wanted to see grandpapa." she grins brightly, and he thinks her smile is the gods compensating for the moon's quiet glow. the princess takes her place on his lap. "what are you doing, grandpapa?"
"there's some trouble at the border. i'm only looking over our damages, i'll be done soon."
athanasia's grandpapa has never once dismissed her questions claiming she's too young. he's never withheld knowledge she's asked for. sure, he makes it so the terms are easier for her to understand, but she's never been out of the loop. "how has the emperor been to you, sweet one?"
"i almost called him daddy today," she admits, feeling her grandfather's hand on her shoulder tighten.
athanasia chuckles. "well, that's a lie. i did call him that. but...he seemed okay with it."
"yeah! he's so odd. he even told me i should stop wearing so much red and black."
"what did you say to that?" the duke asks.
"i told him they were my house colours, obviously. i can't just stop wearing my house colours! he said purple suits me better. i mean, if i was his daughter or something i could wear a lot of purple. it's the imperial family's colour, isn't it?"
he clears his throat. "...you were at the palace for the entire day, my dear, weren't you bored?"
"not really. oh! i met a magician today too."
"a magician?"
"mhm! everyone at the palace is so weird, honestly. apparently he's been sleeping there ever since emperor aeternitas? i don't know, he was really strange."
"emperor aeternitas? from nearly two hundred years ago? what else do you remember about this mage, my lady?"
she presses her finger to her chin. "to tell you the truth, grandpapa, he was very pretty. like...really pretty."
athanasia's grandfather gives her a smile she has learnt to be vary of. "are you interested in this magician, my child? i don't mind extending an invitation for the pair of you to become better acquainted."
"grandpapa! when will you stop trying to become a matchmaker?"
duke robane sighs playfully. "i'm only thinking of your future, my lady. your debutante is not too far - you will need an escort to dance the night away with."
she pouts. "i can dance with you, grandpapa."
he chuckles, and the silence stretches until athanasia breaks it once more, murmuring a soft, "no."
"no?" her grandfather echoes, confused.
"that's a 7," she says, pointing towards the document he's been working on. "not 3, that was last time. grandpapa told me the border towns have a larger population now, so that needs to be factored in, doesn't it?"
duke robane studies the calculation, the surprise evident in his sharp features. "hm?...you're right, thank you."
she grins. "i've been working on my sums lately! aren't you proud of me, grandpapa?"
"always, sweet one. you're very smart to be at this level so young."
athanasia beams. "i mean, you taught me everything so it's almost like you're praising yourself, you know?" her grandfather laughs at that, the sound deep and familiar. "anyway, are these real gold? they're very pretty." she gestures towards a box of earrings resting on her grandfather's desk.
"they were your mother's," the duke tells her, feeling the girl stiffen. "i planned to give them to you at your return."
"they're very...siodonnan," she remarks almost awkwardly. "very pretty."
"she wanted you to have them. apparently they were a gift."
he confirms with a slight chuckle, "they are gold, authentic. that fascinates you, doesn't it? you've always been quite taken with shiny things, ever since you were a child. your grandfather was like that too, athanasia."
"you're like that?"
the duke of house robane blinks in surprise once. then twice.
felix stares at the eleven year old in the emperor's bed. blonde hair spilled all over the pillows, her frail body hidden under the covers. how...?
he hadn't registered the passage of time at all. the emperor's index and middle fingers rest on athanasia's forehead, his own creased in concentration and annoyance. felix can't even help the fury building within himself.
"your majesty," he begins cautiously - claude has been a wild card ever since watching his daughter cough up blood at the breakfast table. the massacre everyone was on edge about eleven years ago at ruby palace would've been inevitable yesterday had athanasia's childhood friend - the mage - not arrived as early as he had. "you should rest."
claude's gaze turns to him dangerously. "do not tell me to rest when-"
the girl stirs uncomfortably, her eyes opening. she glances at felix before tugging on her father's sleeve weakly. "papa...?" tears prick at the corner of the young princess's eyes.
oh, that's right - felix remembers his father having the talk with the princess a few months ago. she had accepted the new information quietly, and rather quickly, to the both robane mens' surprise. the princess had started bringing her father flowers on her visits from then, and as if in return, claude had an entire garden in built where ruby palace would've been.
the emperor's hand returns to his daughter's forehead and she blinks sleepily a few times before drifting right back to sleep. the magic has long worn off - neither father nor daughter had flinched at the sight of her shimmering blue eyes. if anything, felix had seen claude's shoulders relax.
the emperor lets out a small sigh. "i will not be here when she wakes." he traces the soft collar of her purple nightgown. "and should she consent, see to it that athanasia moves into emerald palace by the end of the month. she has been fostered long enough."
oh, his father would definitely not like that.
"are you mad, papa?" athanasia asks, the sequins of her debutante dress glittering bright u der the lights of the hall..
"why would i be? did someone dare say something to y-"
she latches onto his arm before her father has a chance to finish. "no! nobody could dare offend me on my debut. especially when i have you by my side."
"then you do you ask?"
she plays with the intricate patterns on the arm of his outfit. "because i refused to move in with you? trust me, papa, i didn't mean to hurt you at all...i was only..." scared. it was at the debutante, wasn't it? when you chose jennette over the real athy.
"it was simply your choice," the emperor tells her flatly. "and i seem to recall you delaying it. not refusing."
athanasia laughs sheepishly. "that's right. i don't want to force myself into your life. i really love our time together though, papa."
her breath hitches as claude halts in his step. his hand raises to her jawline, thumb brushing against against her earrings. "where...? where did you..."
"papa? do you need to sit down?"
it does the trick, snapping her father out of whatever trance he had been under.
"won't you dance again? i'll be here," he encourages, and athanasia nods. she's shared one with her godfather, one with ezekiel alpheus...
"what are you doing here, your highness?" duke robane inquires, separating himself from his conversation partners.
"won't you dance with me, grandpapa?"
the duke can't help but smile at the way she addresses him. "you were escorted by his majesty, sweet one. why do you wish to spend your precious time with this lowly servant?"
he sighs with a fond smile. "alright, alright. but even dancing with fathers is out of fashion nowadays, princess. and you're here, asking me?"
she frowns, unimpressed. "i think you don't want to dance because you're so tall. are you calling me unskilled?"
he gives her a charming smile. "how could i dare?"
"don't you remember, grandpapa? in your study?" she extends her hand with a familiar smirk, "i come from a family of knights, my lord. we are taught to honour our promises first and foremost."
and really, when has duke robane ever been able to refuse his granddaughter?
a/n: literally what is this. why is this. when i say i only meant to write a drabble-
but!! duke robane never hesitates in standing up for his granddaughter, even against the emperor! athy and found family!! honestly i love the dukes' conflict here - alpheus with jennette and robane with athy :)
claude and his subtle shade 🙃
lily and the robanes honoring their promise to diana and teaching athy both love and strength <3
the magic explosion thing happened much later, and with slightly different claude/athy dynamics - he certainly can't take her presence for granted, she doesn't doesn't even live with him yet (she wants to!! the insecurities around jennette are just acting up rn)
athy will have support during amnesia arc + ana's antics!!!
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mst3kproject · 3 years ago
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The Giant of Marathon
For some reason, probably because I've seen them all so many times, I thought I'd already done all four Film Crew episodes.  Evidently this is not true.  Here's one, and if you haven't seen it... wow, Mr. Honcho was not exaggerating about the thousands of sweaty men.
Philippides of Athens is the greatest athlete there is, having won the entire Olympics. With the games over, he returns to his day job as commander of the Athenian city guard.  Followers of Hippias the exiled tyrant are plotting to take control of the city with help from the invading Persians, and they try to seduce Philippides to their cause by offering him wine, women, and homoerotic wrestling (it was ancient Greece, after all).  Philippides refuses to be seduced, and sets off to secure the help of Athens' old enemy Sparta in opposing the Persians.  His mission is a success, but upon his return a spy tells him that the Persians are planning a sneak attack on the harbour of Piraeus.  Can even Philippides get there in time to deliver the warning?
I don't actually know if it were possible to win the entire Olympics in ancient Greece.  I know there were several events and at least one of them involved reciting poetry.  The Battle of Marathon was in 490 BC and a table on Wikipedia suggests that there could have been up to twelve different sports, but some of them were only for children.
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The Giant of Marathon touts itself as a tale of epic battles, daring deeds, and political machinations.  I'll get back to the epic battles and daring deeds, but what stands in for the political machinations is mostly a bunch of people pining.  Unimpressive villain Theocritus is pining for the beautiful Andromeda, whose father has promised her to him but she thinks he's a dick.  She's pining for Philippides, who is also pining for her but thinks she's one of Hippias' followers, so refuses to speak to her.  Meanwhile Theocritus' concubine Charis is also pining for Philippides because he's the only man who ever refused to fuck her, I think.
These relationships are important to the plot, too.  Andromeda's love for Philippides is one of the reasons her father refuses to join the traitors, and when Theocritus realizes he cannot have her, he ties her to the prow of his ship to force Philippides to watch her die.  Charis' crush on Philippides leads her to her death, as she is executed for spying.  Yet none of it is ever developed beyond 'these two pretty people saw each other and now they want to bone'.  Philippides declares his love for Andromeda after a single five-minute interaction.  Charis has seen Philippides twice, and both times it went badly, when she decides to betray Theocritus.
Why do the writers hang such important plot points on the 'love' between people who have barely spoken to each other?  I can't decide if it's because they're lazy, or because they're hacks, and I lean towards a combination of the two.  There is absolutely no subtlety to the writing in The Giant of Marathon at all.  Everything is told, not shown.  We know that Theocritus and Creusus are traitors because they talk about it, in dialogue that's clearly written for the audience, not as anything that sounds like a natural conversation. We know that Charis and Andromeda are both in love with Philippides because they say so.  The only thing we're really shown is that Andromeda hates Theocritus, which comes through in her body language (though we are also very much told), so props to actress Mylène Demongeot for that much.
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The movie doesn't care about any of this character stuff, anyway.  It just wants to get straight to those epic battle scenes, and it's very obvious how much work and time went into those as opposed to everything else.  The battles are lengthy and elaborate, full of impressive stunts and props and miniatures being destroyed all over the place.  We get to see Persian chariots run down Greek infantry, and while I'm pretty sure this would have been orchestrated so the stuntmen didn't get hurt, I'm not nearly so confident about the unfortunate horses (and neither was Bill).  There are ships in flames and injured men screaming as they fall overboard.  There are even some pretty good deaths, like the guy who was hit in the eye with an arrow.  The desperate last stand of the city guard against the entire Persian fleet, with the Spartans arriving just in time to save the day, is very tense indeed.
I get the impression that this is what somebody really wanted to put on screen, and they did a decent job of it, but pretty much the entire rest of what ought to be the story is just an accessory to the fighting stuff.  It's as if the film-makers wanted so badly for their fight sequences to be epic that they forgot what makes epic-ness – which is the characters and their stake in the events. We don't know any of these people, none of them have anything we might call a personality trait, and so we don't care.
The focus on how epic it all is makes I seem a little strange that the battle ends on a shot of dead Persian guys floating in the water. You'd think they'd want to end with something that more decisively shows the Athenian victory, maybe the men cheering as the Persian ships turn around and flee.  Or perhaps some kind of victory celebration, which could mirror the celebration of Philippides winning the Olympics in the opening and call back to the scene where Philippides asks the goddess Athena to protect her city.
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Instead, we cut to a shot of Philippides and Andromeda walking across the farmland together.  This feels a little too sudden, and is also a poor fit with the rest of the movie.  The only time we've seen Philippides on his farm is when he's gotten disgusted with the politics of Athens and returned to the countryside to sulk.  If the farm is supposed to be a place where he's happy and at peace, the movie never establishes it.
So that's political machinations and epic battle sequences, let's talk about some daring deeds.
Unlike the Hercules and Maciste movies we've seen in the past, The Giant of Marathon wants to be grounded in real-life history.  This means that while the script does reference gods and mythical heroes, none of them ever appear and there is no hint of them working behind the scenes to bring events about.  Likewise, Philippides is not a demigod, so we avoid several of the tropes associated with the genre.  Nothing important ever happens (or fails to happen) because the hero was asleep, and he never bends prison bars or drinks a love potion – although a love potion is mentioned, as if to draw attention to this.
This doesn't leave Philippides a whole lot of scope for daring deeds, and when they try the results are a little lackluster.  His main feat is, of course, running all the way from Marathon to Athens (the proverbial forty-two kilometres) to let them know of the impending attack, but while this ought to be the highlight of the movie it's shot in terrible day-for-night and we have nothing to suggest how far this is... I think the writers just assumed everybody knows the length of a marathon.  If we'd seen the army tired from making the march earlier, we would have a better sense of it being a long and tiring journey even at a walk or with horses, and it would seem that much more formidable as a distance for one man to cover before sunrise.  Of course, showing us these things is apparently beyond the scope of The Giant of Marathon's writers, but you'd think they could at least have a character say something like, “it's twenty-six miles!  He'll never make it!”
His other major daring deed is when he pushes giant boulders down a hill onto the attacking Persians.  This is kind of weird because Philippides is not Hercules or Maciste.  He's good at track and field, but we haven't seen any evidence of him having godlike strength, and this is a universe where gods don't seem to do much anyway, so it comes out of nowhere.  The rocks are huge – there are similarly-sized ones at the park near my house and I know one guy couldn't move them no matter how buff he might be.  Did somebody just forget that they weren't making a Hercules movie?
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Between the battles and the various plot twists, The Giant of Marathon could have been a pretty fun sword-and-sandal movie, but it's like a tower without a foundation.  The fights have nothing to hold them up, so we just can't get into it. Also, what the Underworld happened to Hippias? We see him once, chatting with the king of Persia, and then he vanishes and the movie decides weaselly little Theocritus is the big bad instead. I'm sorry, but if you've got a character with a name as cool as 'Hippias the Tyrant', you really can't just drop him like that.
The Best Brains liked to complain about the tinyness of the costumes in these movies but honestly, nothing here is as off-putting as actual ancient Greek sports would have been to the modern viewer.  When I was in university I TA'd for a course called Introduction to Greco-Roman Civilization. It was an adventure in several ways – the students were mostly dumb freshmen who spent the lectures playing Farmville, and the professor didn't give a shit because she'd just been denied tenure.  I don't know how much anybody learned in that class, but I'm sure they all recall how, after the professor told us that Greek athletes stripped naked and covered themselves in olive oil before wrestling, somebody raised a hand and asked if they removed their body hair.  The professor cheerfully told him that they did not, so next time we see a Greek vase we ought to remember that these guys were much sweatier, oilier, and hairier than terra cotta can possibly convey.
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elisaphoenix13 · 4 years ago
Consequences Of Pitching Practice
"That's all well and good but you still haven't given me the screwdriver."
"Nnmmmnnn." Lucy answers while slobbering all over said screwdriver.
Tony huffs fondly. "Don't let your mom see that. I don't need another lecture about how unsanitary that is." He takes the screwdriver and chuckles when the baby glares at him. "It's also unsafe. I kind of like you."
Lucy babbles at him angrily as Tony wipes the screwdriver free of drool and he offers her one of her actual toys. It's not that he didn't offer her her own toys in the first place, it's just that Lucy had an uncanny ability to get her hands on whatever she wanted. Even when she was confined to a highchair or something. It wasn't anything magical, Tony and Stephen made sure of that, Lucy was just a typical, curious baby.
Tony had a feeling he may have been the same way as a baby.
"If you keep back talking me like that, you won't have lab time with me anymore." Tony says as he tightens a screw.
"Mmmfffbbb!" Lucy retorts and the engineer looks over at her to find that she had somehow gotten her hands on a different screwdriver. Which she was currently drooling on the rubber end of.
"Maybe I should take that as a clue that it's lunchtime for you." Tony says. "How about a bottle?"
Some happy beeps and whirs grab Tony's attention and he looks over at the kitchenette to find DUM-E excitedly starting a bottle. The first ingredient? Grease of some sort. Tony wasn't even sure when the robot grabbed that.
"No, no, no. Lulu can't have grease. You finish that for yourself!" Tony reprimands as he walks over to make a proper bottle. He partially ignores the sad noises DUM-E makes and takes the bottle over to Lucy. "Here you go dolcezza. How about something sanitary to put in your mouth?"
Lucy eyes the bottle her father holds out for her and Tony's eyes widen when she actually throws her screwdriver across the room and takes the bottle. He looks over to where the tool had landed when he hears a crash and finds a separate project emitting sparks from where it had been hit. Six months old and she had quite the arm.
"Maybe we should make a baseball team." Tony says calmly. "You can be our pitcher. Diana was kind of like that too but Cassie corrupted her."
For once, Tony doesn't get an answer from Lucy, but she was too busy with her lunch. Something he should probably be thinking about at the very least.
"Think your mom would make me a sandwich if I asked him nicely?"
A pointed look from the infant makes him chuckle.
"Probably not, huh? Not when I'm down here with you and tinkering for f--"
A low hum distracts Tony and he swivels around when it gets louder by the second. The machine Lucy had damaged with the screwdriver was spitting sparks like an angry cat, and it was glowing brighter and brighter. Tony barely had the mind to turn back and grab and cover Lucy just before the thing exploded. The force of the explosion sent them to the ground, but Tony made sure to keep Lucy secure in his arms. When he recovers and sits up, he winces as his ears ring and the first thing he hears is Lucy crying. Her poor ears were probably ringing too and he knew that Stephen was going to have a fit when the sorcerer undoubtedly came to investigate. Both Friday and Victor tended to snitch on him, especially when one of the kids was in the lab with him.
"I'm sorry dolcezza." Tony says to Lucy in an attempt to soothe her. "Daddy should have checked to make sure you didn't do so much damage."
He carefully gets back to his feet as a window opens to ventilate the smoke, and checks Lucy over to make sure she's unharmed, glad to see she wasn't and was already calming down. Her cries had already turned into whimpers and she had grabbed one of his fingers to stick into her mouth to help soothe her further. Tony coughs and waves away the smoke in the air, noting that DUM-E was actually in the process of putting out a small fire by the machine. It wasn't the only thing Tony noticed either. There were two extra bodies standing by the burning remains of his project, and when the smoke finally cleared away, Tony froze.
The two people that were also waving away the smoke and coughing were his parents.
Howard and Maria were standing ten feet away from him and all Tony could do was stand and stare.
That project was in no way a time travel machine, but clearly that's what had happened. His parents were somehow pulled from the past with a half finished machine that Lucy broke with a screwdriver, and Tony was floored. The last time he saw his mother was the night she died, and his father during the time heist.
"Tony!" The engineer blinks and looks over at the door with wide eyes as Stephen rushes in and over to him. "Friday told me there was an explosion. Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah. We both are. Lulu was just a little spooked…"
Howard's voice draws the attention of both men and Stephen's eyebrows fly up toward his hairline.
"What exactly were you working on?" Stephen asks Tony.
"Not a time machine."
"She's so darling." Maria says as she takes Lucy from Tony. "What's her name?"
"Lucy." Tony mumbles and watches the interaction with fascination.
Once they had gotten over the initial shock, Tony managed to explain what happened before promising to find a way to send his parents back to where they belonged. For now though, they were stuck in the present time and Tony was already preparing for anything. Maria wasn't the problem...it was Howard. Tony had no idea how things would go when it came to his father.
"Who is her mother?" Howard asks.
There it is. That didn't take long, Tony thinks to himself. He then points to Stephen.
"Him. Meet my husband, Doctor Stephen Strange." Tony says.
"Did you adopt?" Maria asks.
"Yes...but not Lucy. Stephen is literally her mother. The girls were made with magic." Tony explains, and Maria brightens when he mentions the girls.
"There are more?" Maria asks while Howard simultaneously says, "Really, Anthony? Magic?"
Stephen was the one to answer Howard before Tony could open his mouth again. The doctor didn't even have to say anything. He simply displayed his magical abilities and Howard actually closed his mouth.
"How many children do you have?" Maria asks again.
Tony looks at her and genuinely smiles. "Seven."
"And a half." Stephen adds and Tony chuckles.
"That's a long story." Tony explains to his parents.
"Where are the others?" Howard asks.
"Somewhere." Tony says flippantly.
"Peter is out patrolling, Harley and Thomas are running an errand for me, Diana is downstairs with Cassie, and William is napping with Valerie." Stephen tells them. "Tea?"
"Yes, please." Maria says and Stephen walks into the kitchen.
Tony could only watch his mother play with Lucy. Even Howard seemed content to spend time with his granddaughter, so Tony joined Stephen in the kitchen and finally took a shuddering breath. Stephen looks over at him with concern and Tony waves him away.
"I'm alright."
"Wondering if it's all a dream?" Stephen asks.
"Maybe? It was nerve wracking just seeing my father during the time heist and now he's actually here. Sort of." Tony tries to explain.
"You have a chance to tell him what you want to." Stephen says. "And...I understand how you're feeling."
He reaches over and carefully grabs Tony's right arm, and looks at the scars traveling from the top of his hand and up his arm. They disappear briefly under his sleeve, but then reappear at the collar of his shirt and finally stop just below the right side of his jaw. Tony supposed Stephen had a point. Stephen probably felt that having Tony back was just a dream for a while. But Tony was here to stay.
Howard and Maria had to go back.
"You've made it very clear that I'm only allowed to die of old age or caffeine overdose." Tony chuckles and Stephen looks at him flatly.
"Preferably the former."
"That's the plan. Where's Athena?" Tony asks as Stephen gently drops his arm and turns back to the tea.
"Upstairs with William and Valerie. Tibbs is sleeping in his cat tower."
"The chaos will start up any second now regardless." Tony huffs and Stephen picks up the tea he finishes and takes it back into the living room.
Tony follows him, finding Lucy surprisingly with his father, and giving Maria a chance to drink the tea Stephen offers her. The chaos truly did erupt after that as he expected. Maria was only halfway through her tea when the kids that were out and about came home, Cassie and Diana came upstairs, and William and Valerie shuffled out of the little girl's room. Harley and Peter had expressions on their faces that made Tony think that they knew who exactly their visitors were, but they didn't say anything.
"Here's the rest of the brood." Tony announces. "Brood and a half." He says motioning to Cassie.
"I'm sure it's always exciting here." Maria says with a smile.
Stephen snorts. "If it's not the kids, it's our friends. Sometimes it's both."
"But it's our life. I don't think any of us would trade it for anything." Tony says.
Not even for one more day with his parents like he might have wished for once upon a time. He got his wish anyway, just not the way he thought he would. Because Lucy liked to throw things.
Tony told himself that he wanted to say things to his dad if he ever got the chance to, but just like the time heist, he couldn't bring himself to do it. He didn't want to see his parents off with another bad memory, and he didn't want to do that to any of his kids. They deserved a good memory with their grandparents...and Howard was being pretty decent so far. He could be civil too.
To Tony and Stephen's surprise, Howard and Maria enjoyed spending every moment with the kids. Stephen at first kept an eye on them to make sure they didn't force any of their beliefs on them (or try to parent them in their own way), but he was able to relax after a little while. The older couple were content to spend time with the kids as grandparents usually did. Watching movies, playing games, cooking, and sharing each kid's hobbies.
Tony unfortunately couldn't spend much time with his parents because he had to fix the project Lucy had thrown the screwdriver at. He had to find a way to return his parents to their own time since he knew they didn't belong here. No matter how much he might have wanted them to stay and see how his life turned out.
Maybe they would go back to his seventeen-year-old self and tell him everything would work out okay. Even back then, Tony probably wouldn't listen to them, so he could see their attempt to reassure him being ignored.
It only took Tony a couple of days to fix the machine so that he could send his parents home. He let them, Stephen, and the kids know...and spent the rest of the night and up until the next afternoon with his parents. When it came time to take them back downstairs, they all went to say their final goodbyes.
"Do they have to go?" Diana pouts and Maria smiles as she pats her head.
"I know dear. It's unfair, but I'm glad we got to see you and your brothers and sisters." She says softly. "You be good for your mom and dad."
"I will."
Maria and Howard were quick to accept Stephen's role as the kids' mother once they explained how it started. How it started as a bit of a joke but overtime became serious...and then true when Diana was born. Of course they weren't used to it since their time was almost forty years prior, but even they knew anything could happen that far in the future. That things and people were becoming more open-minded.
"Thanks for teaching us some more of your recipes." Harley says, making Maria smile.
"Of course. I'm glad to see you enjoy cooking."
He shrugs. "Sometimes."
"Make sure you surpass your father." Howard says and Peter grins.
"We will."
After the kids finish saying their goodbyes -- and of course Lucy throws her teething ring at them -- Howard pulls Tony aside. Stephen watches with a raised eyebrow, but Tony subtly waves away his concern and the sorcerer turns his attention back to Maria and the kids.
"I'm glad to see you've done well for yourself." Howard says.
"For the company?" Tony asks.
His father sighs. "No. I'm glad to see that you have a family. A good one. Your children are all amazing and I'm not even talking about their potential." Tony looks at him in surprise but doesn't interrupt as Howard continues. "Your spouse...I don't know how things are in this time...but he's good for you. I…" he sighs. "I'm not good at this…"
"It's okay. I think I know what you're trying to say." Tony reassures. "I love him. I love my kids...and I would do anything to keep them safe. I have and I always will."
"I'm proud of you." Howard says softly. "I know our relationship wasn't the greatest, but I wanted to make sure you knew that. I doubt you need to know that or if you care--"
"Thank you." Tony says. "It means a lot."
"I'm glad we got to see you happy."
Tony felt just a tiny bit lighter after that when they rejoined the others. He hugged both of his parents goodbye, watched as his kids and Stephen did the same, and then booted up the machine that would send his parents back. Tony made sure Lucy didn't have anything that she could throw and make a mess of the machine again, and then finally hit the button. He looked at his parents as the machine hummed loudly, and returned the smile they gave him before they disappeared from sight and the machine powered down.
Stephen walks over to Tony as the kids head back upstairs, and wraps his arms around his neck. "Any regrets?"
Not at all.
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gwendolynnderolo · 4 years ago
my thoughts on the lawsuit arc: my 911 hot take of the day
i know the lawsuit arc is one of the most controversial storylines in all of 911 and everyone has wildly different opinions on it so i’m here to offer my take on it. this is just my opinion and how i view the characters so enjoy!
first of all, i feel like a lot of times if people love a character they get mad when the character does something they don’t agree with or that they think is wrong or selfish or harmful. and while it can be very hard to see a character that you love do things that aren’t good, that’s what makes a character interesting. if a character was perfect and never did anything wrong, they would be incredibly boring and one-dimensional. but instead of looking critically at character choices and analyzing their motivations and accepting that they’re a flawed character with complex emotions they often just get angry and say that a storyline was dumb or didn’t make sense because it didn’t fit with their view of the character.
this is what i’ve seen a lot of people do with buck, bobby, and the lawsuit arc. they say that both of them acted recklessly and impulsively and handled the situation terribly, and i’m here to say: yes, they did, and that’s the entire point.
the entire lawsuit arc revolves around all of these characters making all the wrong decisions, but with very valid and understandable motivations behind those decisions. neither of them acted like their best selves because they weren’t being their best selves. they weren’t acting out of logic, they were acting out of raw emotion and that led them to make stupid decisions that caused a lot of pain. and that’s a good thing. (for the story, not for the characters obviously)
let’s first look at bobby, who arguably was the catalyst for this whole situation (technically it was the truck bombing, but i’m talking season 3). the end of season 2 sees bobby being forced to deal with his traumatic past and relive the deaths of his wife and children and all of the people in that apartment building that he felt responsible for. he has his title and job stripped away, he’s taken away from the thing that provides him with healthy coping mechanisms, and then he’s forced to watch from the sidelines while the man he thinks of as a son is trapped under a ladder truck that was intended to kill bobby.
obviously bobby gets his job back, buck survives, and everything’s relatively okay at the end of season 2, but bobby still has that guilt on top of the guilt he’s been dealing with for years over his wife and kids. beginning of season 3, bobby is tentatively ready to welcome buck back, and then he watches buck almost die in front of him (again) and, understandably, panics. he tells buck he’s not ready to come back and buck lashes out and quits.
bobby watches buck almost die yet again during the tsunami, which he almost certainly blamed himself for, feeling that if he had let buck come back to work, buck wouldn’t have gotten caught in the tsunami.
buck obviously comes around and takes the fire marshal job, which bobby viewed as a way to let buck do what he wants while still protecting him. bobby blames himself for everything that’s happened to buck in the past six months, so of course he’s going to do everything he can to keep buck safe.
so, bobby lied to him and kept him from doing what he loved, because he didn’t know another way to keep buck safe. the concerns bobby raises even outside of his personal investment are very valid: buck is on blood thinners, which would make it significantly more dangerous for buck to be on a call. bobby already worries about buck constantly and this would only add another level to that, and he has an entire team to look out for.
and the most important thing: bobby blames himself for everything that’s happened to buck. if he allowed buck to come back and buck got hurt, bobby would blame himself. bobby has already lost so much and still blames himself, and he doesn’t think he can handle another loss like the one he’s already suffered. his actions come from a place of love and concern for buck and his safety.
and now for buck. i relate a lot to buck so there might be a bit of projecting in here but i’ll do my best to keep it impartial. to start off: what buck did was stupid, impulsive, selfish, and ended up hurting everyone he cared about. but it also makes complete sense when you look at it from his point of view.
as viewers of the show, we see the complete picture. we see every point of view, all of the thought processes behind character decisions, so it’s much easier for us to judge characters for their decisions. but we have to remember: buck did not have the full story. buck couldn’t see into bobby’s head and understand that this was coming from a place of love and a desire to protect.
all buck saw was the people he cared about abandoning him and thinking he wasn’t capable enough to do his job. this wasn’t at all what happened, but from his point of view that’s what it seemed like. and when you look at the situation from buck’s point of view, this starts to make a lot of sense.
end of season 2, buck gets crushed by a ladder truck and nearly dies. in an instant, his job, his normal life, and everything he cares about is ripped away from him. his girlfriend breaks up with him (not blaming ali, she had her reasons) which was just another person that left him, so he feels completely and utterly alone.
in the 5 months between season 2 and season 3, buck worked tirelessly to get better and get to the point where he could get back to being a firefighter, which he views as his entire life and the only thing that gives him purpose. he finally gets to where he can come back, and it’s all ripped away from him again when he nearly dies (again). after the blood clot, bobby tells him that the higher ups don’t think he should come back yet because of the blood thinners. buck is still in a very emotionally raw state, so he quits.
buck is understandably miserable after this, he feels like his life has no purpose and he’s unable to do what he loves. and then: the tsunami. buck nearly dies (AGAIN) and also almost loses christopher, who he basically views as a son. buck feels like he’s failed eddie but eddie reassures him that he trusts him completely.
and now we get to the primary conflict between bobby and buck’s respective motivations. bobby’s decisions, at their core, were out of guilt. he felt responsible for buck being injured, so he did everything he could to try to make up for that and keep buck from being injured.
buck’s motivations, on the other hand, revolved around trust. he always felt like he could trust bobby and the 118 completely, and saw them as family, especially bobby. buck thought that bobby was on his side, that he wanted buck to come back as much as buck did. when he finds out that bobby is the reason buck can’t come back, he feels betrayed. he sees the decision as an indication that bobby doesn’t trust him, and that he didn’t trust him enough to tell him what was really going on.
another important thing: buck had every reason to believe that the rest of the 118 knew what bobby was doing and were also lying to buck. the only person who knew was athena, but buck had no way of knowing that. buck himself says that the 118 tells each other everything, so why wouldn’t he assume that hen and chimney and eddie all knew and also chose not to tell him?
in buck’s eyes, his entire support system (excluding maddie) is ripped away from him at once. the 118, his family, doesn’t trust him, they lied to him, and they replaced him. obviously none of this is true, but from buck’s point of view, it makes complete sense.
this also makes eddie’s conversation with buck after the tsunami take on a whole new meaning. buck’s best friend looked into his eyes and assured him that he trusted him more than anyone in the world, and now buck thinks that eddie has been lying to his face. if bobby can lie to him and eddie can lie to him, then he can’t trust anything he thought he could.
so, buck goes for the nuclear option. he doesn’t feel like he has any other choice because he doesn’t feel like he even has anyone in his life that he can depend on right now. without his family, his friends, and his job he has nothing, so he grabs the first opportunity he sees to get that back.
was it a good decision? absolutely not. did it end up hurting everyone he cares about and nearly costing him everything? yes. was it stupid and impulsive and selfish and a whole bunch of other bad things? also yes.
but that is why it makes sense. it’s a very human decision borne from very complex, human emotions, and so is bobby’s decision. these characters are deeply flawed and complex and sometimes do impulsive and selfish things and that’s what makes them interesting.
the lawsuit arc is a perfect example of two people who deeply care about each other making all the wrong choices in an attempt to protect themselves and the people they care about. and that is why i think it is an incredibly well executed storyline that added tremendous depth to both buck and bobby’s respective characters and their relationship.
hope you enjoyed my ridiculously long post of the day! let me know if you want to hear my thoughts on any other storylines because i spend a ridiculous amount of time thinking about this show.
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ssaltbending · 4 years ago
Ok, guys, hear me out: Zuko is a Capricorn, Katara is a Cancer —and here’s why (it would be so poetic).
Part 1: Zuko
TW: explicit mentions of child abuse.
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I know this statement might seem weird and out of place, but in the last couple weeks I’ve been digging a lot into astrology and, in order not to forget my roots, I thoroughly felt the need to combine both of my most recent obsessions in one post, given that this headcanon hasn’t been able to leave my mind ever since I came up with it: if we applied astrology to the Avatar world, I’m sure Cancer and Capricorn would be Katara and Zuko’s signs, respectively. And I don’t say this in a superficial way, just by looking at zodiac memes and associating Katara with the crybabies Cancers are portrayed as or saying Zuko is a Capricorn buzzkill as people who know astrology on a surface level would assume they are —those are some of the most common stereotypes about the signs. No, I’m saying that they embody those signs on an archetypal leve: in the way their stories, especially Zuko’s, resemble the myths that originate the zodiac signs and their respective traits.
Therefore, without further ado, let me explain.
The Capricorn archetype: the sins of the father...
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As any casual astrology enthusiast may probably know, the sign of Capricorn is connected to qualities such as perseverance, integrity, resilience and ambition, typically treated as the CEO or boss of the zodiac. However, the sign itself has a richer and much more complex story as we look at the deities it is associated with as well as the planet that rules it: Saturn, linked to the Roman god of the same name and the greek gods Cronus, Zeus, Hestia and Pan. Some astrologers choose Cronus as Capricorn’s patron god and others prefer his children, but that can be explained very easily.
The myth goes like this: Cronus, a giant and father of what we would know as some of the main greek gods (Hestia, Demeter, Hades, Poseidon, Hera and Zeus), was actually the son of Uranos, who he subverted thanks to the advice of his mother Gaia to use an agricultural tool to kill him. But as time went by and Cronus had started having children with his partner, Rhea, the fear of his descendants becoming stronger than him and doing the same thing he had done to his father took over him, which led to his decision of swallowing them all whole. He started with Hestia all the way back to Zeus, whom he couldn’t swallow right after he was born, unlike his other children, because this time Rhea had hid him in the island of Crete to protect him from his father. To deceive him, Rhea then covered a rock in cloth to make it resemble a baby for Cronus to eat it, thinking that it was a newborn Zeus.
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Time passed and Zeus grew stronger until he was ready to confront his father and save his siblings from his womb, and when he finally did it, he managed to force Cronus into disgorge them one by one, in the reverse order they had been swallowed —which left Hestia as the last sibling to be disgorged.
After that, Zeus was left with a prophecy, where he would also be possibly overthrown by a son of his. And after Métis, the woman he was told would bear said child, gave birth he swallowed the newborn whole just like Cronus had done with his brothers and sisters. The child in question, however, started giving him headaches as it grew older and bigger inside of him and would become the goddess we know as Athena. What Zeus did with her was the repetition of a cycle perpetuated by his forefathers, a cycle of abuse and trauma that seems inescapable. What this part of the duality of the Capricorn archetype shows one of the ways in which those ideas of tradition and legacy can be carried on (a very negative one, to be honest), but that’s not the only way they can manifest, which gives the archetype this… almost cinematic quality, in my opinion. (And if we take this into account, I might headcanon Azula as a Capricorn rising due not only to the archetypal coincidences but the overall mastermind outlook she has and how much of a natural, domineering and calculating leader she is, but that’s besides the point.)
Now, let’s talk about the other side of the archetype, which gives it this incredible dual quality: Hestia’s path. Unlike her brother Zeus, Hestia was the one who not only had been devoured by her father, but she had spent the most time inside him as well. This is often associated with the emotional isolation many Capricorns experience in their youth, the lack of warmth and love by one of their parents, along with the desire not to become the abusive parent they were exposed to. Hestia is the other side of the story, the unspoken leader of the Olympians, the one who broke the toxic cycle running in her family for generations, vowing to become an eternal virgin and protector of the earth. Besides, Hestia means “hearth”: the inner fire, the one that is never allowed to go out.
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(art by @elisebrave​)
That is the soul of the Capricorn archetype: the crossroads of destiny, the moment when the child decides whether to become like their parents, or forge their own path like Hestia did. Do you guys see what I see now? Are the similarities clear enough?
As my dear friend @persephobeee​ points out in her Capricorn essay (a crucial source for this one): “The Capricorn archetype is a cycle of stuck parents putting stress on their children at such a young age so then their kid ends up making money in retaliation, but then treat their kids the same as well due to the lack of warmth and freedom they had in their own childhood. The intense pressure put onto them as a child [then] leads to isolation and depression. It’s a cycle. ‘I don’t want to be my parent, but also… how they have ruined me’. The chain can continue with Zeus (projecting sorrows and nightmares onto their own children) or it could break with Hestia (the path of love, light and protection).”
This is why Capricorn’s planetary ruler, Saturn, is also associated with ideas found in this myth: restriction, limitation, order, boundaries, leadership, responsibility… pretty much dad vibes, to be honest. Do you guys see what I see or do I have to dig deeper?
“But isn’t zuko a firebender?? Why would he be an earth sign??”, you may ask.
The way that I might be making headcanons about the Gaang’s western zodiac signs isn’t gonna be based on which element they bend, because that would be quite reductive and restrictive for me as an astrology junkie, but their similarities to each sign’s archetype and overall characteristics. And yes, I do see Zuko as an earth sun, but that wouldn’t be his only sign, there is also the moon and the rising sign, which also have an important impact on the individual. In my opinion, Zuko’s personality embodies the qualities of fire signs as well: competitiveness, drive, passion, impulsiveness and loyalty. But to me those qualities are better shown in his character through his moon sign: an Aries moon, to be specific. See those anger outbursts? The “I don’t need any [fucking] calming tea!!”? The “you never think these things through”? Aries moon behavior, right there. But I’m not going to focus on moon signs right now. Let’s get back to the behavior I am the most well-versed at: Capricorn behavior.
So, the sign of Capricorn is also a cardinal sign, a leader, since they are the ones that begin each season. In the Northern Hemisphere, Capricorn season starts right on the winter solstice, and the opposite happens in the South. However, since all the astrology lore comes from the North thanks to the Greeks, Babylonians and more, the seasonal connections are related to the seasons there. As a consequence, Capricorn is the cardinal sign that brings the coldest, darkest season of the year: winter. And incorporating that into Zuko’s character would be incredibly fitting, in my opinion, because of some stuff I’ve read here on Tumblr saying that making him being born during the coldest time of the year would make it a terrible omen for a firebender, worse in this case due to him being born into the royal family, symbols of the power and “supremacy” of the Fire Nation. The fact that he would be born in winter, if we follow this reasoning, would have made him seem as a disappointment to his father ever since birth. 
… or maybe I’m just cruel, guys.
Moreover, I think Zuko embodies many of the Capricorn qualities in the way he carries himself (because no, not all Capricorns are confident managers with the world in our hands) and how hard he has to work to earn everything he gets. A key part of what this sign represents is “the path of hardships the goat has to overcome in order to reach the top of the mountain”, which along with the myth I have described before, could easily be applied to Zuko. It describes values of endurance, hard work, discipline and drive in order to achieve your goals, something that can be seen in Zuko all throughout the series, but changes its focus as the seasons go by. Besides, uhm… have you guys seen “The Day of Black Sun, Part 2”? That is literally the positive outcome of the Capricorn myth made into animation: the confrontation between an abusive father figure and his abused child who has decided to part ways with him in order to become a better person.
On another note, I think it is important to highlight how the Capricorn in Zuko could be seen based on how the rest of the Gaang treats him as well when he changes sides and he’s accepted into the group. How?, you may be wondering: as a father figure, but in a positive way. In many scenes it can be noticed how he naturally takes a position of leadership within the group as well as he takes care of the younger members such as Aang and Toph but, especially in Aang’s case, tries to ground them and teach them. As examples, take the following: Zuko reminding Aang that soon he will have to face the fact that he might have to kill Ozai, him trying to get everyone to train when the comet is about to arrive; how when Aang gets lost, it is him the one people look to in order to lead the group, etc.
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Another thing that is well-known in Capricorns is our resilience and perseverance and, honestly: do I even need to explain that? When it comes to the guy who would get his ass beaten again and again and again for one season straight in order to get what he wanted which would also give him the approval of his father, what he craved most? It screams earth sign behavior to me, but with a heavy saturnian influence due to Zuko’s background which, to me, can be quite an interesting reflection of the Saturn/Cronus myth with his children. Said tenacity could also be exacerbated by the willpower and energy brought by the possibility of him having a fire moon, I don’t know, think about it. I stick to that headcanon.
That perseverance can also be seen when it comes to Zuko’s firebending, given how much he’s always trying to improve his skills. Although it could be argued that in reality he’s doing so due to the expectations put on him to be a proficient bender just like his sister in order to be accepted by his father, and his constant training to the point of exhaustion is just a manifestation of that toxic behavior. I am sorry to tell you, but that’s textbook Capricorn behavior, associated with the symbolism of the hardworking goat in general: working the hardest in order to get what you want is always on-brand when it comes to important Capricorn placements, and in my opinion Zuko is no exception.
Final thoughts.
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Anyway, what I think would be most relevant is what I mentioned before about the Capricorn archetype and how it could tie in nicely to Zuko’s character arc with him as a representation of Hestia, who could grow out of the abuse she experienced and got a chance not to make her father’s mistakes and break that horrendous cycle she had been a victim of. I would go into this more deeply, but I think it has been enough for now. However, I’ll be back soon with a part two, talking about my water queen Katara. What do you think about this headcanon? Do you agree? If not, why? 
Thanks for coming to my weird-ass TedTalk at 1am. I needed to vent and I haven’t been able to put the computer down since 9pm, I literally only stopped to eat, lol.
See you soon, 
a Capricorn sun.
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ofthesinners · 3 years ago
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 “ she really didn't wanna make it messy     she really, really didn't,       but the girl gone cray
death, murder tw ! / @duskintros
athena’s life was planned out for her, for as long as she could remember. she was to marry a well off man of her parent’s choosing and live her life with them. she moved from her childhood home to her adult home and wasn’t supposed to ask any questions about it. that was just how life works, that’s what she was always told when she was younger. it’s how her parents met and how their parents met and the cycle continues on and on. she didn’t like it, but it was clear that her opinion was never going to matter in the grand scheme of things. 
she was around fifteen when her husband was picked out for her by her father. it was a slightly older man, who had a wealthy family and was set to inherit his family’s fortune once they passed. he was perfect in her father’s eyes. but athena saw something different, she saw greed in his eyes, saw something primal that went past the need for success and the family legacy. but her opinion didn’t matter. 
it wasn’t long before they were married after a year of courting, if you could even call it that. it was him testing out to see if he liked athena, she never got to say how she truly felt. she felt like she was on display, a doll that never got to speak up. it didn’t stop when they married either and she ended up in her husband’s home surrounded by his family. but their glances were far worse, there was something sinister in them that she couldn’t quite place. she would express her concerns to her husband but he would scoff at her and telling her she’s being mad, that she’s lost her mind. after a while, she started to believe him. her opinion still didn’t matter. 
years passed and she gave two beautiful children to her husband, a boy named geoffrey vii ( a family name ) and their younger daughter georgina. not a family name but it fit in well with geoffrey. her kids were able to fill for something that she was missing, a place in the family and in the world. she loved being a mother, while she wished to be out in the world doing stuff in addition to that, she knew she couldn’t be greedy. but two children weren’t enough to appease her husband. he wanted more, she said that two children were the perfect amount. he didn’t want to listen to her opinion. 
despite her reluctance, she agreed to try and give him at least one more child. but it wasn’t working, no matter how many times they tried. modern medicine wasn’t a thing back then, but athena is almost cerain that he was the reasoning as to why they weren’t able to have another kid. her husband sought out a different opinion. 
this came in the form of their maid, someone that athena had grown close to and considered a good friend. she was one of the only people she felt she could talk to, that wasn’t completely lost to the family title. but she was wrong, as was evident in the way he was sleeping with her. and was caught by athena and she couldn’t focus on anything else other than leaving the scene and into the dark night. something that used to intimidate her but seemed like a welcome change after what she just saw. her opinion failed her once again. 
during that moment, cold, confused, distraught and frightened, was when rosamie decided to make her presence known. she pleaded for rosamie to leave her alone, that she was just trying to find her way home and that she meant no harm. she was just a housewife and a mother trying to find her way back. she begged for rosamie not to hurt her, but her pleas were not granted, it was the exact opposite. maybe her opions got her into this situation to begin with. 
she came to on the cold mossy ground, but it didn’t feel cold to her. she felt different, she felt hungry. she found her way back home with ease, stumbling into the house as if she were drunk but she wasn’t drunk at all. she was on a mission. she made her way into what was once her bedroom where her husband and his mistress lay and all she saw was red. there was red in her eyes, on her hands and on their sheets. what was left behind could only be considered a massacre. her husband and the maid were no more, left to be found there by some poor unsuspecting family member. but it wasn’t a family member that found them, it was her daughter. a look of horror filled both of their faces as athena realized what she had done and knew there wasn’t ever going to be a way past this. she left her child to stand there, traumatized at the scene she left. was it worth it all in the end to make her opinion known? 
she spent some time out of control, letting the hate and despair in her heart fester into something ugly and spiteful. it wasn’t healthy, but nothing about what she went through was healthy. she couldn’t shake the look in her child’s eye, it wasn’t something she was ever going to be able to forget. she was going to have to live with that for the rest of her life, since it was clear no one ever really cared about her opinion. 
she eventually found her way back to the lynns, even if she was hesitant to join with them fully, she had to admit traveling in the coven was better than how she was living. she still tried her best to keep her distance, but it got harder to do the longer she spent with them. maybe her opinion will finally count here? 
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