#IGNORE my last post... totally irrelevent......
plushmon · 8 months
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So I can watch her fall apart 'Cause I know when I break her down We'll spit on all the happy clowns that live around this sunny town
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athenasparrow · 2 years
No. 20 - Old | Jily Micro March
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Thank you for the prompt @jilymicrofics 😘
Summary: In which Euphemia isn't the only one in the family who can incite shenanigans : )
Read on AO3 | 1533 words
WhatsApp Chat
Private : Lily Evans, Kingsley Shaklebolt
Kingsley Shacklebolt : So how did it go?
And I need to know immediately bc not sure what to buy...
Ice cream to cheer you up?
A bottle of wine to drown your sorrows?
Boxing gloves to kick some ass?
Lily Evans : Can I choose all of them?
Kingsley Shacklebolt: That bad?
Lily Evans : And worse : (
You should be lucky you found a nice man.
They’re all gone.
Not a single good one left!
Two bottles of wine?
Kingsley Shacklebolt: I did snag a good one ; )
There are still a few out there Lils! We will find you one.
Two bottles? Easy peasy lemon squeezy
Lily Evans: Doubt it
Yes two, to fix my current state: stressed, depressed lemon zest 
Or simply wallow in it.
Haven’t decided yet.
WhatsApp Chat
Private: Lily Evans, Alice Longbottom
Alice Longbottom : Hi Darling!
I told him to wave to his godmother, but apparently pesky motor function isn’t happening yet.
Lily Evans: You don’t know how much you just brightened my day! Look at those chubby cheeks!
Don’t insult my godsons motor skills - he’s only three months old.
He’s got the best motor skills ever. Give him big kisses.
Alice Longbottom: Why does your day need brightening? Are you alright?
There’s a reason you’re his favourite.
Oh look, that sort of looks like a wave
Lily Evans : Nothing to worry about, just another bad date
King is coming over late to help me wade through the “grief”
He’s bringing lots of wine.
I’m fine really, this dating life is just getting quite old, you know?
I might just take a break from it all.
That’s totally a wave Xxxxxxx
Alice Longbottom: Oh you poor thing : (
That sounds amazing, I am jealous of you Lily!
Eh I feel that, but once the right one comes around it won’t feel so tedious, I promise x
Want to come over this weekend and see Neville?
Lily Evans: You better be right Al!
You know I do.
I’ll bring lunch : )
WhatsApp Chat
Private: Petunia Dursley, Lily Evans
Petunia Dursley: <attachment>
Please choose a gift from my list for my birthday
Don’t use red wrapping paper, it’s hideous
Lily Evans : Red paper coming right up See you Saturday Tuney.
WhatsApp Group Chat
Members: Kingsley Shacklebolt, Blake Rathborne, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin: Does anyone happen to have an extra wallet with their stuff from last night?
Blake Rathborne: Nope, nothing here sorry
Didn’t think you’d leave your wallet in your pocket Remus.
Gay clubs get a bit handsy
Sirius Black: Remus loves it when I get handsy with him ; )
Remus Lupin: That is irrelevant since it wasn’t, in fact, my wallet
James’ is missing.
Kingsley Shacklebolt: Well that makes more sense.
Straight men, honestly.
Sirius Black: LOL
Remus Lupin: ????
I’m going to assume nobody knows about it then??
I’ll email lost and found at the club on the off chances it turns up.
And break the news to James that he’ll have to cancel his credit cards.
Kingsley Shacklebolt: Posh bastard.
WhatsApp Chat
Private: Sirius Black, Kingsley Shacklebolt
Kingsley Shacklebolt: Did you post it?
Sirius Black: Yup Did it this morning
Should arrive over the weekend
Can’t give Remus time to get suspicious
WhatsApp Group Chat
Members: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter
Sirius Black: Rise and shine sleepy heads
Good news Prongs, found your wallet
James Potter: After all that shit you gave me last night you have it?
Remus Lupin: That’s great. I’ll call the club when they open and tell them to ignore my email
Sirius Black: Found, not have
Club has posted it to you
Remus Lupin: A club we live fifteen minutes away from has posted us something?
James Potter: lol yeah, I’ll just go grab it now
Sirius Black: dunno too late I think
Said they’d posted it
James Potter: Okay fine
But with my wallet gone, you’re buying me lunch Padfoot
Sirius Black: I’ll be there in 10
WhatsApp Chat
Private: Lily Evans, unknown
Lily Evans: Hello! Realise this may seem a bit random, but I think someone just accidentally mailed me your wallet by mistake?
I hope this is the right phone number, but if it’s not and you know a “James Potter” could you send through his contact details please? - Lily
Unknown: Oh, hello Lily! Yes, I’m James. So sorry about that not sure how it happened.
I can come by and pick it up?
A relief to know where it is.
Unless you’re not comfortable with me coming
I can meet you somewhere
Or feel free to leave it on a bench or something
Hmm, that sounded like a drug deal
*Unknown number changed to James Potter
Lily Evans: You can come by, it’s fine
I’m sure we can manage without the drug deal
This is me <maps.google.com/droppedpin>
James Potter: But what if I’m a serial killer???
I’ve always wanted to be part of an illicit drug drop
I’m pretty sure my mum would murder me though
But might be a rather exhilarating experience 
I’m on my way
I am happy to meet on the street if you’re more comfortable!
Lily Evans: I’m pretty certain serial killers don’t announce themselves like that
And wouldn’t suggest public spaces for meetings
And lol, wouldn’t you be into killing men anyways?
Incase you didn’t know, I’m a woman,
Unless your sexuality has arisen from a deep-seeded hatred for women?
Exhilarating for a moment maybe, I’m sure the night spent in jail would bring the excitement right down.
Neighbours are moving today so just come on up. 
Apartment 526
James Potter: What? I’m lost now
Lily Evans: What??
James Potter: Why would I be into killing men or hate women?
I’m in your lobby
I’m coming up
Lily Evans: Because of the sexual aspect of serial killers?
You know? Because you’re gay you would kill men???
James Potter: I think there’s been a misunderstanding here
I’m not gay
Hold on I’m on your floor
Is it okay if I come to your door?
Cut for eventual smut
Lily frowned at her phone and moved to her entrance, grabbing the package from the console and heaving the door open.
She glanced to right to see a a very fit man with ruffled curly hair, black jeans and bright hazel eyes that danced behind his square glasses.
A very gorgeous man who was apparently not gay.
“Hi” she called “I’m just over here”
He threw a lopsided grin at her and started making his way over.
“I’m Lily” she said extending her hand and smiling at him when he reached her door.
“James. As you already know” he said grinning ruefully.
“Not gay James” Lily corrected him, biting her lip as a laugh bubbled out of her.
“Yes. Why did you think that?” James said, his brow furrowed “I’ve never been told I give off a gay vibe”
“You don’t” Lily said “but…well…look” she extended the postmarked package his wallet had arrived in.
“What?” he said glancing down at it.
“Well, the return address is a gay club” she said laughing “I’m sorry I made assumptions, but”
“Oh yeah right, of course” James said laughing awkwardly “nope, definitely straight, just there with my mates”
“It’s a fun club” Lily agreed “my friend Kingsley loves it. Used to go there every weekend when he was single”
“Kingsley Shacklebolt?” James asked suddenly.
“Yeah, that’s him!” Lily said smiling “I think he was there this last weekend with his boyfriend. Did you meet him?”
“Yeah, I’m Sirius Black’s brother”
“Oh I have heard about you. I suppose I just didn’t put the dots together” Lily said smiling at him. God, he was fit .
A clap of thunder alerted Lily to the fact that the sky had suddenly decided to open and her sofa was about to get drenched.
“Shit” she cursed running to yank the window closed.
It was easier when a second pair of joined, helping her move the old window back to latch closed.
Lily felt her breath hitch as she registreed the hot press of his body against hers.
He seemed to realise he was flush against her.
“Sorry” he said hastily, stepping back to create distance between them.
Lily suddenly felt overwhelmingly hot even though the cool thunderstorm had blown in a draft.
Her eyes flicked over his soft lips where his tongue darted out nervously. Lily had the sudden urge to taste him. She pulled her gaze away to meet his own, only to notice it was darker than when they’d last locked eyes.
Lily wasn’t even aware she’d moved, but her mind came back into her body at the sizzling feel his lips left on hers. 
He was delicious.
She fought the moan he pulled out of her, before giving in when his warm hand slipped under her shirt.
“Shit, you sound amazing” James murmured.
Lily lost herself in his lips until his hand traced a questioning circle around her thigh and she became aware enough of her surroundings that she realised they’d migrated to the couch.
As she pleaded with him to touch her, a faraway thought crossed her mind.
Perhaps dating wasn’t getting old after all.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Imogen’s powers are interesting to consider in the context of the story, but a lot of the real world analogies people try to make with them are absolutely horrible. Imogen’s powers aren’t a good metaphor for queerness/chronic illness/mental health issues, because they aren’t dangerous invasive powers that can kill people that are inherently tied to an evil source. The comparisons don’t work and have some really bad implications.
(As of 8:14 AM EDT today, April 15th: not answering new questions for this meme that come in but answering the ones already in my inbox - this is the last one btw)
Mostly agreed; see below for the nuanced answer.
For what it's worth: the argument in favor of Imogen's treatment in Gelvaan being a metaphor for queerness that I've seen failed imo because it ignored her powers, rather than incorporated them. It focused on the surface level "woman goes back to her small rural southern-coded town after spending time away having left in the company of another woman, and is ostracized on her return and receives a complicated response from her father" while refusing to engage with the pretty significant details of "woman did sorcery so hard on two people she wasn't sure if she'd killed them; father has seen both his wife and daughter develop incredible and dangerous psychic powers and leave him and still defends them which has further ostracized him within his small town." Like, the problem was not that it equated queerness with her powers; it equated queerness with "people in a small town not liking you because you're different" without exploring that Imogen is, in fact, different because she can murder people with lightning and know all their secrets and whether or not she's attracted to women is completely irrelevant to that.
With that said. My personal mental health stuff is not something that fits well into Imogen's narrative, and I'm physically able-bodied and don't have anything chronic of significance, but I have seen people who do and who have found Imogen or other characters with powers that are potentially harmful to others, like Chetney, to be meaningful. Again, my issue with the queerness metaphor is that it centered on how people see her in a very specific location where she did commit a significant act of violence, and not what Imogen herself experiences. Like, I think comparing Imogen's own experiences as someone who has to carefully avoid triggers (keeping up her mental walls), who gets occasional headaches or sleep disturbances as a result of her powers, and who sometimes struggles to reconcile what she knows to be true via her psychic powers with what people are saying (and as a result both has difficulty interacting with others and is often snappish) is a valid comparison.
To sum it up, it sort of goes back to the X-Men post I have somewhere in the archives. Imogen's own experience with her powers as a metaphor for chronic or mental illness? Totally valid. How other people perceive Imogen as a result of her powers, which are in fact harmful or invasive to them? not a good metaphor for homophobia, ableism, or social stigmas. Like, I think it's fair to say that the X-Men can feel things about their own powers that are relatable to people who are mentally or chronically ill, but it is also valid if the population is like "yeah actually I think we should have some system of registration over 'guy who can laser beam me to death with his eyes', actually, and I would prefer not to hang out with him." The metaphor needs to be quite specific to be handled sensitively.
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clay-cuttlefish · 11 months
Finishing off every Question comic with Bombshells. I procrastinated on this for a while because I don't want to be done and have a real count of how many Question comics are bad, but I can't ignore it forever.
War Stories
Renee's kind of a fusion of her late Gotham Central and post-52 self, plus some unique traits just from this universe. She's got a lot of the guilt and poorly-hidden rage, but she's Not A Cop.
She's around for a while, and isn't totally irrelevant, but mostly she's one of Kate's love interests.
She and Kate found a kid named Jason, which went exactly as well as you'd expect the Bat adopting a Jason to go, and that's the big incident that tore their relationship apart.
Like a lot of the characters her personality's a little shaky, wobbling between a distinct sharp-edged self and the generic-author-voice that everyone falls into sometimes. None of it is a full "she would not fucking say that", it's just bland.
Men Who Would Be Kings
Instead of being a noir detective, she's drawing more on adventurer archaeologist tropes.
I actually really enjoy this! It's a neat way to switch up her background while keeping some of the pulp vibes.
I don't think it'd work for a story that's closer to canon, but Bombshells is a very distinct Elseworld that reinterprets and un-legacies a ton of characters, not working in canon isn't a problem.
Also I think it's fun that all the heroes are lesbians and there's a lot of crack ship flirting. It's weird sometimes but for the most part I'm on board with the lesbian divorce polycule.
Mechanical Gods
It's a little weird to me that Renee's the Question at all, since she doesn't have any theming, costume elements, relevant backstory, or annoying cryptic dialogue.
Even when there's theme-based banter she still gets left out half the time, since the Question doesn't mesh well with everyone else's animal gimmicks.
There's a single page of Renee's guilt issues and then it turns into the BatCat soap opera.
What's Past is Prologue
Renee being called the mother of Kate's child makes me mildly unhinged, especially because Kate has picked up the Bat responsibility of having way too many love interests and is cheating on her girlfriend.
They hold hands and then disappear from the comic for the last quarter of its run to go be gay and blow up fascists in Spain, which counts as a happy ending.
Bombshells United - War Bonds
Sequel time.
Renee gets a lot more focus in this arc than in all of Bombshells, and this arc is mostly a take on the Black Adam plot from 52, which is a neat bit of spotlight.
The writing, especially the dialogue, is. Well. I am lying to myself about it being alright because the batshit ways it riffs on various canon stories are stuck in my brain a little, but it's pretty bad.
Absolute galaxy brain shit to put the inevitable Jason Resurrection Angst into the 52 plot. Sure, I have reservations about how maternally Kate and Renee are written, but "what if instead of Under the Red Hood we just made Kate and Renee really sad" is such a power move I don't actually care.
Seriously it's such a flex to bring back Jason only to have him walk back into the afterlife with a minor character from a decade-old event. No Bat-importance for him.
I don't think Bombshells is a particularly deep take on Renee, but there's a real attempt to use her character history beyond being a cop, she gets new angles and unique elements, it tries. That means a lot when Renee has 98 non-canon-or-DCAU comic appearances, maybe a dozen of them are doing anything with her, and the best actual take on her as the Question is still Scooby-Doo.
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shatar-aethelwynn · 2 years
What "obsession", my dear? You have attacked "The Greek" (!) with absolutely no reason in a comment under a post of one of your friends having as subject something totally irrelevant (the Egyptian faience frog). Who exactly is the obsessed? Anyway, your reply to my last message was very weak and totally beside the point, as you have objected essentially nothing to what I had written. Not that my expectations were much higher, of course. To remind you only one aspect, your friends are in no way specialists in Late Period Egypt (to put it mildly). Moreover, to assess what the classical sources say and their value on any subject, one must have a knowledge and understanding of the context and content of these sources, things that your friends totally lack. So, I repeat my question, on the basis of what expertise exactly do your friends reject totally the classical sources on Late Period Egypt, but also refuse more generally any value to the work of major classical authors? If you search a bit, you will find quite easily that Egyptologists who specialize in the Egypt of Late Period have a much more open-minded approach on this subject and exploit what the classical sources say on Egypt, in combination of course with the Egyptian sources. You will not find many specialists in Late Period Egypt howling in chorus "Herodotus is my b...ch" or "F...k Herodotus", as your friends do on this site, moreover fanaticizing on this topic their ignorant fanbase. However, it seems that you profess that all intellectual authorities may be criticized and even vandalized, except the Supreme and All-Encompassing Egyptological and Historical Authority of your tumblr friends, which is for you absolutely immune to criticism and totally beyond question. And of course you completely failed to grasp my point that not only the ancient Egyptian, but also the cultural heritage and the classics of other peoples deserve respect and should not be vandalized. You don't have either any grasp (again to put it mildly) on the place and importance of the work of the great ancient Greek classics in the cultural heritage of the whole humanity. But I will not continue this interaction with you. I will only suggest that, just for a change, you consider the possibility of stopping being the blind admirer and the maid of your tumblr "academic" friends and of trying to develop some kind of independent personality. Bye and best wishes for your future.
Ah, so it is you. Tell me, have you created another account and are messaging me on anon so no one else can attempt to do to you what you've done to my friends for two. fucking. years. Or have you finally decided I'm worthy of the same lack of respect you have shown to my friends by logging out to message me because I've blocked you?
I have refuted you repeatedly in the past without once changing the point I was making and you proved incapable of reading comprehension then, so why should I bother now? You're just going to ignore anything I say, continue to slander my friends to fuel your self-righteous arrogance, insist that I have wronged you personally without showing any proof that I have done so, and display nothing close to the calm rational discourse you claim to expect from us.
But, once again, because I doubt you remember: I do occasionally use Herodotus in my research, which I have never denied and have stated before. Since I don't study the history of historiography, I don't generally find him to be particularly enlightening. I don't think he's anything important for studying Egypt. He's fine for the Greeks if you ignore the mythological stuff and the heresay, but when there is a conflict between the accounts of the Egyptians and what Herodotus says, Herodotus is wrong. Herodotus is not a trustworthy source for ancient Egypt. He has served his purpose historically and can now bow out of 90% of the Egyptological discourse as either demonstrably wrong or irrelevant. You equate "Herodotus said this sentence", which does appear in many books on Egypt at a lay-reader level because he's a relatively familiar name, with "yeah, you can go trust whatever he says" and no Egyptologist will ever agree with you on that. Especially since those references to Herodotus are rarely more than throwaway lines that could easily be removed from most books without any consequences.
You also still fail to show an understanding of both what historical criticism is and how it actually works, as well as what kind of website you are on.
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Oh and congrats on admitting you still hate-read their blogs even though they've blocked you too.
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grandhotelabyss · 2 years
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I’ve been neglecting Tumblr—you really, if you want to be entertained, need to be reading my Substack—but now that everybody seems to be here again, let me make a point. We haven’t done a “New Conservatism” post in a while. I had almost my last word on that subject at Katherine Dee’s Substack at the end of the summer (she’s here too: @defaultfriend), but there are a few more things to say about this loose affiliation’s recent dive into Steve Sailerist racial science. 
I object to this turn on more fundamental levels than the political. I do not oppose their racism with today’s anti-racism. In fact, anti-racism as we know it, originating with Du Bois’s creative adaptation of German nationalism and his own consequent quasi-eugenic concept of “the Talented Tenth,” is not actually in conflict at the premise level with Sailerist racism. Whereas I have total and unmitigated contempt for the social sciences and am therefore rarely tempted to think there is anything interesting to be said about “race” pro or con. 
Anyway, above is a screenshot from a Substack essay by this social scene’s literal court eunuch, a rhetorical pastiche of Paglia in homage to Todd Fields’s TÁR. The “Shakespeare as illiterate Ghanian immigrant” crack is an allusion to Curtis Yarvin’s ignorant Oxfordianism, which I dispatched here and here, but I’m interested in the sleight of argument by which “genius” becomes “intelligence” in this paragraph. In the arts, these are only loosely correlated. 
“They don’t build statues to critics” because critics have the intelligence but artists have the genius. Even if IQ is real—I don’t know or care whether it is—IQ above a certain level tends toward a kind of alienation that forestalls the emotional awareness great art requires. Thomas Pynchon and David Foster Wallace were too smart to be geniuses, whereas, for example, James Joyce pulled it off with aplomb. He was dumber than he looked; according to Umberto Eco, he probably didn’t read more than a few pages of Aquinas—and I haven’t either.  
The difference between intelligent criticism and genius art is a capacity for verbal metacognition. The genius, immersed in artistic forms and manipulating them into original configurations to create new affective realities, cannot necessarily explain his activity, nor draw out its philosophical implication, political significance, etc., and even when he can, it is often irrelevant to the unconscious impetus that called the work forth. 
An artist who enjoys supreme intelligence does not necessarily deploy it to advantage in his work. Dante understood all that theology, I’m sure, and put reams of it into the poem, but he couldn’t add to it; all he added to was our stock of immortal images, including the one theology could not assimilate: his beloved girl next door reigning at God’s side. Did Aquinas say that? Which is why the intelligence wasn’t quite necessary in the first place. Goethe? Sharp as a tack, but in his art he invented only new forms of pathos. Predictably, sentimental populists like Dickens and Whitman weren’t really that smart at all—but they were geniuses, and you’ll have a much better time with their masterpieces than with the more intelligent and frigid productions of their better educated contemporaries. 
The modernists, living after mass literacy created the high-low divide, were smarter on paper, but it’s Dante all over again. Joyce and Mann could push those ideas around but not add to them. All we remember is character and setting, Bloom masturbating at twilight on Sandymount Strand, Castorp reclining in the gelid Alpine air. Whether or not intelligence is heritable—I don’t know or care whether it is—genius is certainly not. Genius is a genuine X factor, a comet across the sky. We see no genius dynasties. Mann’s son wrote novels, but who reads them? His daughter was a lauded expert in maritime law. That takes more brains than I’ll ever have, I’m sure, but artistic genius? 
Intelligence may run in the family, but genius comes from nowhere and returns to nowhere, coalesces out of and spills back into the ocean of existence. This is why, for polemical emphasis, I think of it as a petit-bourgeois phenomenon: an unaccountable explosion in a small shopkeeper’s family, something you can’t explain in the ledger, but which a canny sales acumen understands will, nevertheless, move.
The point of America was not to be a pure democracy, which nobody actually wants, but to remove the impediments to genius created by hereditary elites—generation after generation of watered-down genetic lines asquat on fortunes they don’t have enough taste to know what do with. (What do these aristocrats do with their money these days? Apparently they pay environmentalist teens who have neither genius nor intelligence to throw soup in museums.) This was the original critique of racism, by the way, before W. E. B. went to Germany. The decisive beating in single combat Douglass delivers to Covey demonstrates the ever-renewed right of the stronger to preside in culture; it demotes the weaker party empowered by the sediment of hereditarian prejudice into law. The intelligent understand the law and can change the law. For the genius, there is no law but the one he makes—no trail but the one he hacks into the moral and emotional wilderness. 
Why does one who proposes to speak of genius, then, immediately begin ceding ground to the weary determinisms of science? Even science itself is only advanced in the spark-gap between hunch and insight; it literally comes to them in dreams.     
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 8 months
noooo i havent seen that anime yettt i think i will sjnskms👀
SPEAKING OF BEOMGYU i was listening to coming back for more like two days ago and all i could think of was OMG THIS IS SOOOO JEONGHAN AND YN i think i need help rip
math is sooooo so hard it makes me vomit like,,
ive been ignoring it for the past few days rip and thats got my mom so worried i feel so guilty,,,,, but also😭 i love math i cannot live without math i literally ignore every other subject in favour of practicing math all day every day (which is also super harmful-) BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THIS
and no i was talking about a series called once upon a broken heart the mmc is so unhinged and such a sadist most of my annotations of that series look like, 'pathetic jeonghan?' 'pathetic jeonghan would totally do this' ' THIS IS SOO PATHETIC JEONGHAN??'
!!!if youre into angst you should def read it the second book is going to rip you soul to shreds and im not even kidding i love it soo much
IRRELEVANT BUT theres a book releasing in like two days omg and im sooo excited bec 1) its the last part 2) its like a cannon crossover w another series which i used to be obsessed w by the same author i love crossovers i just love dimension travel (?) man
ARE YOU WATCHING PERCY JACKSONNN I LOVE IT SOO MUCHHH CANT BELIEVE S1 WILL BE OVER THIS WEEK?? the eps end before they even start eng shows are soo short its so annoying like?? eight eps?? 30 mins per ep??? thats hardly a quarter of a regular kdrama girlie be fr😭😭
help i havent really thought about it i dont think im not anal much?? 👀 (maybe a lot of sickly sweet fluff too) LET ME THINK ABOUT IT WILL GET BACK TO YOU !!
tbh ive been trying to find good joshua x jeonghan smut + fic but i never seem to be able to TT ive given up atp,, like its mostly non idol au and ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP TROPE (LIKE THATS SUCH A HUGE TURN OFF FOR ME FOR SOME REASON) like give me yearning give me pining give me savagery give me tears sigh
i woke up so pissed today because isnt it just so annoying when you think youre finally over your highschool crush and then she invades your dreams looking ridiculously hot smh like i PHYSICALLY felt my heart pound in my sleep ive been able to think only about her all day long its driving me crazy and this is tmi i think💀
also im almost 20 hehe youre only like four years older than me 👀
Tell me if you dooo watch it i’m actually super into it right now
Learning very interesting things about you…. Math is hard… but loves math….
noted noted noted… prefer yearning…
THAT IS SO ANNOYING IM SO SORRY YOU WOKE UP TO THAT. Thinking that you moved on only to find out you DIDNT i would be so stressed… crushes are… stressful….
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bastard-child-bones · 8 months
Lord I haven't been on in nearly two years! I have plans... ideas in the works.. I need a #REBRAND! Thankfully in the time since I last reblogged a post I've gotten a bit funnier and smarter 🙏💯 I also moved houses 🔥 I HAVE A HUGE BEDROOM NOW! AND I ADOPTED A CAT! I actually 🤓 have TWO cats🐈 now but I didn't adopt one of them he was a stray we found on the side of the road 🚗. He was thrown out of a car, but he's alright now! 😁 I'm debating between a bit of a revamp🧛‍♂️ of this account, or just starting a new one.. I want a clean slate and I don't think I can delete reblogs BUT I don't want to get rid of my first tumblr account 💔 I will most likely just use this account 🔥🏌 Proud to announce that since getting off tumblr and putting down my iphone I've gotten many real life friends 🙏 Basically I'm normal now 🤯 Instead of spending my time scrolling through tumblr blogs now I scroll through stories on instagram! #MATURITY I like every single story I see and I follow over 300 people 💪 #IPADBABYMAXXING #SCREENTIMECHAMP #BLUELIGHTADDICT My fibromyalgia has gotten significantly worse and I also have chronic migraines now and they think I might have lupis but LIFE GOES ON! I have no room to complain, MY LIFE BE LIT! How can I complain when I have a little three-legged kitty who goes "Brr meow?" and a bunch of plants and MY OWN BATHROOM? Good lord this post is getting long 😨 I'm not sure anyone will even see this but that is irrelevant to me 💪 I'm very good at having one sided conversations because my parents ignored me so much when I was little 🤑 BIG THINGS COMING SOON... VERY BIG PLANS IN THE WORKS.... #2024ISMYYEAR
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thoughts i have had about yuri on ice characters and a bo burnham special that i need to get out of my head
i have given a lot of thought to my Yuri on Ice fic the last few days and i had a thought that i feel like sharing with the class. I've decided to write it in a timeline where the COVID pandemic never happens and the world didn't descend into madness in 2020. primarily because I originally came up with the idea long before that happened and I don't feel line including it in my writing. but this also means that the characters in the world would never get to experience the absolute masterpiece that is Bo Burnham's Inside. The argument could be made that they already exist in a world that Bo Burnham is not in. but I believe since Stéphane Lambiel - a real world figure skater - is seen in the last episode of yoi then Bo Burham has every right to be there too
this whole post is about the characters I am writing about, Seung-gil Lee and Otabek Altin and the versions of them that i have created. i have a specific series of events that occur in Cadence (you can read this post without having read it but it might help if you have. And same goes for Inside. It's on Netflix and I cannot recommend it enough) so anyways!!!!! if I were going to go a completely different direction with my story this is what I would have done with it
The two of them would start living together at the time the country they are in went on lockdown. It wasn't the plan but they found out that they do really well as roommates and they decide to just let the universe have this one. So, imagine this. It's the 30th May 2021 and they are scrolling through Netflix, trying to find something to watch while lounging on one of Otabek's many couches. They see a comedy special called Inside and decide to give it a shot on Otabek's recommendation - he's watched Bo Burnham with Leo and JJ a few times in the past and always enjoyed himself.
it is different from anything they have ever watched before. there is humor to it if course but there is something so deeply haunting about it as well. they aren't sure if they are enjoying themselves, they just know they don't regret their choice. eventually, Seung-gil breaks down listening to Bo's monologue in All Eyes On Me - "I began having severe panic attacks while on stage which is not a great place to uh... have them" He'll never forget his first panic attack on the ice, the way he thought he wasn't going to make it off the ice, the fact that there was no one on the side lines that knew what was happening, not ever. no one that could even see what was happening, not until Otabek came around
Otabek hugs his friend, helps to calm him down. and they hit play once they've settled again with Cho and Bear. Otabek's tears surprise them both, the choked sob that escapes his throat when they're listening to Goodbye and Bo sings, "When I'm fully irrelevant and totally broken dammit, call me up and tell me a joke" because that's his future and he has desperately tried to ignore it but he can't forever, he has to admit that eventually he'll be forgotten, lost among all the people who can still compete
I dunno, I could write a whole essay but I think I'm gonna call it there. I just had to blend these two things that I am passionate about. And then get it out of my head by typing it all out. It felt like a waste to not post it here. 💛 Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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unhingedeandm · 2 years
Jeremy 2 - Sexy Sweet Yummy - Castiel x Jeremy Fragrance
written by Erin - blah blah blah watch UNHINGED
Jeremy was unsure of himself. Usually, he could ignore all of his problems, every thought irrelevant when discussing his passion - fragrances.  
For the past few days, however, he had found himself constantly thinking of one man in particular. Or, one angel, rather. 
He couldn't share his favourite male fragrances with his fans without thinking of his REAL favourite male fragrance: Castiel.
Castiel had a scent unlike any other, an unearthly scent that Jeremy was now craving. 
He wanted more. No, he needed more.
Jeremy had sent a few messages "Dean's" way, hoping to catch the attention of the angel once again, to no avail.
Jeremy could handle many things; boring smells, hell, even no smells at all! But he couldn't handle the silence.
He'd admit, he'd been lonely. Nothing had compared to Castiel after the night they shared together. 
Jeremy even tried masturbation, again, to no avail. 
He couldn't cum. It felt as though the act of masturbating was for power rather than pleasure. He could only beg that this power was being used to contact Castiel, maybe even manifesting his return?
Several days had passed before he heard from Castiel again. Once again, it was via Dean's tiktok account. 
"we never met up? I lost my phone this weekend."
Was Jeremy really, truly speaking to Dean this time? Or was it Castiel playing some sort of heavenly prank that Jeremy couldn't understand? 
Jeremy had to respond, fast.
"I am speaking to Castiel, yes?"
The account's response came very quickly. 
Oh. Jeremy had fucked up. 
Why could his love life never be simple? Why was he always getting involved with completely and utterly unavailable people? 
Jeremy threw his phone across the room, knocking his almost full bottle of Dior Savage on the floor.
He turned towards the direction of the smashing before realising what it was that had fallen to the floor.
"I don't care," he mutters to himself. "It's boring anyway."
Jeremy avoids tiktok all day, instead posting several Instagram reels about his newest fragrances.
"So this is Paco Rabanne Invictus, new bottle," he pauses, taking a minute to collect his thoughts, giving his neck a total of 5 sprays of the fragrance. "It reminds me of a certain someone, we - uh, we had good times together. It doesn't smell as sexy, or sweet, or yummy, to be honest but it - uh, reminds me of him and our time together." 
Jeremy didn't even rewatch the video before hitting post. His fans seemed to thrive on his unhinged, deep emotions so this would do well. He would gain a couple of extra sponsorships, maybe, for high viewership.
His fans didn't care that he was suffering. They didn't want to know Jeremy. Only Jeremy Fragrance. They didn't know anything, not even his last name. They didn't know him, they didn't know Castiel. 
Jeremy's phone vibrated as he thought of another Instagram reel. A tiktok notification, he  noticed. 
Dean? Castiel?
He quickly scooped his phone up from the countertop, his thumb pressing on to the notification
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beetlegoose01 · 2 years
The Problem with Rise Apriltello
An analysis by Pepperimp01, aka Char, aka me 
Well, it’s been a total of about a week since I last pissed off the Rise of the TMNT fandom, so I suppose I better do it again. 
I’d like to clarify before I begin that I will not be comparing Rise Apriltello to any past Apriltello versions (mainly 2012), because it seems irrelevant to talk about it. Whatever your opinion on that ship, does not apply here. Good? Good! 
Uh, spoilers for Rise btw. 
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I’d also like to start by saying I adore Rise April. She is probably my favorite character overall in Rise. I love her personality, her design, her growth, and her character development that ends with her becoming a Hamato. It actually makes me tear up every time she has the final moment with Karai.
My issue with Apriltello has little to do with her, actually. To be honest, the idea of her being childhood friends with the turtles is adorable and makes my heart melt to think about. My problem is actually with Donnie. 
(If you're a Rise Donnie stan, I beg you to read the entire thing before you harass me,,,, again)
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Donnie is not a good friend. 
When I was first in the fandom, I really loved Rise Donnie and April’s friendship. I thought it was such a nice change of pace from the past TMNT verse to have them just be cool buds instead of awkward love interests. And at first, I was right. Early on, in the episodes War and Pizza and the Purple Jacket respectively, Donnie goes out of his way to help April, even putting himself in danger to do so. 
Unfortunately in the latter episode, Donnie also proceeds to blame April for his own mistakes. She did warn him in the beginning about the Purple Dragons, and he ignored her for his own selfish reasons. Donnie, we all know can’t admit when he’s wrong and has an ego larger than his forehead as his only personality trait, so I guess that should be expected. 
“April: I warned you about those guys.
Donnie: You said they were full of themselves not that they were criminal masterminds. So in a small sense, this is entirely your fault.” 
-The Purple Game
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This example is relatively minor and was a joke so I’m not going to harp too much about it. However, there is one episode that still bugs me and that is Donnie Vs. Witch Town. 
My god. Donnie is at his worst in this episode (and that’s saying something considering he's selfish and insufferable for most of the series). All April wanted to do was visit Witch Town and get help on her project. Instead of supporting his supposed best friend, Donnie proceeded to act like a jealous boyfriend and sulk the entire time, even sabotaging everything for her. He mansplained and disrespected the witches, and even got April arrested for something HE did. He was the one who got her banned, it was entirely his fault and you know what? I’d maybe forgive it if he, I dunno, apologized? He apologized to the witches, sure, but he never apologized to April for ruining everything for her. 
No, apologizing is too much work for the “precious purple bean”, and he decided it would be a great idea to make it all about him.
“April: Why are you so obsessed with proving me wrong on this?
Donnie: Because, I’m the Science Guy! If mystic powers can do everything I can do but better, then why would you guys even need me?”
- Donnie vs Witch Town.
This is actually a really common manipulative tactic used to make the other person apologize, or alternatively, comfort the abuser. April should not have been the one to comfort him and he should not have gone on his “poor me” tangent. It’s really sad that Donnie actually showed more compassion towards a robot, rather than his best friend. At least with S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N, he apologized. Too bad he can't do the same for April.
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In conclusion? Raph should be April's best friend over Donnie.
I guess all we can hope is that Donnie will be better in the movie. Although if you saw my Andy and Russ callout post, that might not be likely.
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randombubblegum · 2 years
as much as i hate looking back and being like “omg awsten planned it the whole time” (bc tbh i am Tired of awsten and his schemes please just give me the product i’m gonna pay for) i do think the whole “deleting friendly reminder” thing was a total plan and he still has it somewhere. obviously bc he posted demos from it?? like it was never actually deleted. but with the theme of fandom being “the strangest dream of all” and middle/end of GH (idk where ice bath falls on the track list) being where he “wakes up” it would make sense that we’d revert back to friendly reminder era. not saying we’re getting those demos as real songs (altho i would love that) but just music like that you know? i also think it would be a way for awsten to crawl back to pop punk with his tail between his legs and play it off as “it was always the plan to do this obviously if fandom and GH were wild dreams they’re gonna sound crazy and different.” like i know and you know that’s not what happened, GH’s tik tok bait flopped, but i can see everyone on twitter being like “ommgggg GENIUS king shit he plans every move” yadda yadda. i kinda like the idea bc whatever it takes to get us back to old awsten, if we need to pretend the last two albums were fever dreams then fine.
this has just been my theory since the whole “GH was a nighttime album and parx5 is a day time album” and “ice bath being the wake up moment” but it’s a theory im clinging to out of pure hope lol
ya im totally in agreement with u here. although honestly i DO think he fully scrapped friendly reminder BECAUSE he released the demo versions yknow? like ya he definitely did not delete the album files, obvi. i think he said he deleted everything but the finished mastered tracks which presumably is what we got on the demo album. but i dont think hes ever gonna polish up the demo tracks weve had for 3 years at that point to release as “new songs” because even for him that would be desperate and pathetic…… which is like sad bc the demo songs are leagues better than anything on gh LMAO
i TOTALLY agree with you that i am sicklkk to bastard death of this “awsten had the WHOLE THING planned out years in advance!” like no. he did not. he does plan things and drop hints but theyre never as solid and concrete as people up his ass want to make them out to be LMAO like more often than not he just tailors stuff to reference things in the past and not the other way around, which is like fine, or else his “hints” are so vague and irrelevant as to be throwaways. like the phrase “next greatest hits” hidden in the fandom booklet…. that literally means nothing!!!!! and it could so easily be discarded and ignored to fade away forever if he decided g WASNT greatest hits lol
but anyway ya, u know and i know that gh flopped and his tiktok virality bait failed completely and he is SCRAMBLING to make up for it. hence crawling back to pop punk (and maybe hopeless records) w his tail between his legs…….. i can totally see him pulling something like that but honestly id be shocked if he ACTUALLY made reference to “we are doing friendly reminder again” bc that would fly in the face of his whole “NEVER GO BACK NOSTALGIA IS POISON FOR ART” uppity bullshit lol. and honestly with what weve heard of funeral grey it doesnt aound anything like friendly reminder (in a bad way…) so i dont have a ton of hope…… but i wish he would ☹️ regardless no matter what he does ppl are gonna look for ways to go “omgggg genius king of planning 🥺” even tho hes flying by the seat of his pants here
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The Haunting of Thomas Sanders 
> Part 1 < Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Summary: Nico was beginning to think his new boyfriend was haunted by ghosts. He never planned to bring it up until the ghosts themselves came to him asking for help.
CW: food mention, alcohol mention, past breakup
Notes: Based off this text post I made. 
Nico had come to the mall for inspiration.
Anything to get out of his office would help him at this point, really. The meetings he had to go to were stifling any new ideas and the nosey, pompous co-workers were worse. The writer did not know what he was looking for, but what else brought people to malls? Maybe a new outfit would uncover confidence , maybe indulging in greasy food would be that final click he seemed to lack, maybe people-watching would offer the right story. Nico's bets were not on the last one.
The mall was not as busy as it once had been. When he was still a teen it was a lively place bustling with a constant traffic of people. Walking through shops offered hours of new stimulation and the hallways were towering, intricate skylights the crowning jewel. As time went on Nico got older and things changed. Online shopping is easier than anything and a fair few of the shops were closed down for good.
Nevertheless it was his favorite place to write if he had to choose. The buzz of energy helped him focus on work. Nico found peculiar security in being an irrelevant face in a crowd of hundreds, and knowing that each person had a life he could never even imagine opened floodgates of inspiration. The 'What if's?' and 'Why's?" he asked himself when people-watching could get the ball rolling.
Now there were less faces, less stories. Nico did not appreciate the way this shift reflected in his work. The difference was noticeable, and he struggled more with deadlines, but he worked with what he had.
He learned to pay attention to individuals more. However, currently what he had was waiting for his food, because at this point he might have more luck finding inspiration in eating then in others. There had only been a toddler throwing a tantrum, a teen scrolling on their phone, and a man who sat down across from him at the food court-
Oh hello, inspiration.
If Nico was staring, the only reason he got away with it was his laptop blocking his line of sight. He saw all he needed out of the corner of his eye. The floral shirt was extremely flattering, and if he wasn't mistaken he could see the outline of muscles. That brown hair looked fluffy, and what he would give to run his fingers through it while- Okay, Nico, you might be gay but that thought isn't for a stranger .
He could not even see his eye color. And the man in the floral shirt was eating, interrupting his meal would be rude. Maybe there was a way to make this still work? As his waitress got to his table and dropped off his food, he subtly turned his pinned-covered backpack in the direction of the stranger. If Mr. Handsome did not answer his silent plea then he would move on.
He tossed a fry into his mouth instead of letting himself think.
Maybe he had got his hopes up when the guy came in his direction, only to walk up to a Karrot King line. When the writer saw the man in the floral shirt inspect the plant, he wondered if he liked botany. Finally the same useless hope happened again when they made admittedly awkward eye contact for a few seconds. So he has brown eyes. The guy turned away rather fast so Nico dropped it. Maybe showing a pride pin made the guy uncomfortable and it was to good to be true.
Only when he heard a CRASH and saw somebody fall into a garbage can, did he finally get an idea about what to write. That was a metaphor he could spin into a story. Certainly it was not at all because he felt trashy for a missed opportunity. Nor was it due to that cute guy having disappeared, leaving his food uneaten.
Wait . You can still make this work, Flores.
He scarfed down the rest of his food and discarded the trash. Nico's fast pace to get to the table with the food turned a few heads, but he ignored it. Greasy bag in hand, he browsed the crowd for that familiar pattern. Every person wearing a floral shirt was either an older lady or a child. Nico swayed on the balls of his feet as he contemplated what to do next, but then he saw him coming out of the restroom.
None of what happened after went as planned. Serves him right for letting his overactive imagination create unrealistic expectations.
He should have known trying to do small talk with strangers would only backfire. After Nico had called out after him to return the food, he had tried to ask what made him leave in a rush to forget his food. Then the guy asked what was wrong with him and Nico dropped it. He gave the stranger his well-wishers and left afterwards. He would honestly rather head back to work then be here right now.  
No matter if he was admittedly cute, Nico Flores probably would have been mad at the man if he did not look like he was on the verge of a public anxiety attack. He was probably starving, too, if he had forgotten his lunch.
The man in the floral shirt hesitated behind him, running after Nico.
When they actually sat down to talk together, the man in the floral shirt - Mr. Sanders, Thomas - was quite charming. And funny. And intelligent. Oh, when he had called Thomas an inspiration earlier he had meant it. He just met a singer and an actor, is there a more perfect match to a writer and poet?
Leave it to his imagination to think of a man he just met reciting the poems and lovingly singing songs he writes.
The two had talked for over two hours without noticing. They had bounced ideas off of each other and Nico made an impressive amount of progress. He felt so giddy with just this one interaction! Nico was sad that they had to leave; Thomas seemed just as reluctant to part.
"Well you didn't get to eat much today at lunch right?"
Thomas fiddled with his fingers, "Yeah…"
Nico did not let himself second guess himself , he offered, "Then let me buy you dinner tonight!"
As a breath caught in Thomas' throat, Nico was self conscious that he might have said something wrong, but the heavy blush across the other man's face was not of offence or horror at all. Thomas was smiling at him again.
Finding ways to make Thomas go speechless was going to be his new favorite pastime… if Thomas would give him a chance, he decided. Just that alone lit a fire inside him, and later when he finished with writing for work, he would write some more. All he would be writing about would be this, a collection of poems to free these butterflies in his stomach. Thomas seemed to look around for approval from anybody else and nodded quickly
"I'd love to go with you, Nico! Maybe we can uh- get to know each other better?" Oh man, it was flattering to have somebody so cute get so nervous at him of all people.  
"Only if I could get to know the digits on your phone number better," he confirmed with a playful grin. It might have been cheesy, certainly. But he was also the person who told Thomas that they would not waste this opportunity. Pretending he was not corny now would be a lie.
Thomas taking his cliché advances in stride only made him more hopeful.
They both later met at a local bar and grill close to the beach. A salty sea breeze tousled his hair and the palm leaves. The hour was close to sunset, too hot for the mosquitoes to bug them but not too hot for the two of them to eat outside.
"I'm looking for a table for two? RSVP'd under the name 'Flores'?" He asked. The waitress nodded, sat him down with a menu. Thomas was not there, and a part of him wonders if he is getting stood up. Nico, not particularly interested in looking at food yet, fiddled with his laptop. He sighed because even If that was the case, Nico would try to make the most of the night.
The waitress brought Thomas to the table a few minutes later. The writer's heart soared before worry took root. Thomas was wearing that same expression from earlier that day on his face. He anxiously explained. "I'm so, so sorry for being late. And i totally get if you don't want me here and would prefer to just call this all off. I didn't mean to show up late, but then as I was about to leave my apartment I- my keys just-"
Nico grabbed one of Thomas' hands and smiled reassuringly. "Hey, I'm not angry you got here late."
Thomas really did look cute flustered, but he did not let go of the hand. Instead he ran his thumbs along his knuckles. "I'm happy you're here with me. Wanna order a drink and maybe share an appetizer with me?"
They both chatted about foods they disliked while waiting. Thomas hated carrots with a passion as it turned out, and he made a mental note to tease him about going to a Karrot King. Nico in turn talked about his dislike for most seafood and mushrooms because of the slimy texture. The waitress came and both agreed on a sampler platter to share.
"Mimosas at sunset?" He inquired.
Thomas smiled nervously. "I usually save them for brunches, with friends. All the other options I like are too much if I want to drive home tonight."
Nico nodded, understanding.
Just like in the food court, Talking with Thomas made time go past without him even noticing. They tried out food together, talked about music, and that led Nico into telling a story about a Highschool band. Thomas was red in the face and giggling uncontrollably by the time they paid for the check and had to leave.
They left the building together when Thomas stopped him. "There's a park around the corner. We can feed the ducks some leftovers."
If Nico noticed that Thomas was not ready to say bye just yet, he did not say it. The last of the sun was behind the horizon by the time they went through a breadstick. Watching Thomas interact with the ducks gave him the idea that this man loved animals. They were cute, he would admit, but nature found other ways to ruin his mood.
Nico laughed at himself, pulling his arms closer into his body. "I almost wish I dressed up a bit more. I didn't expect the mosquitoes to be this bad."
"I know it's warm out, but I can lend you a jacket?"
Nico did a double take at what Thomas was holding up. It was black with plaid sleeves, already oversized so it wouldn't have a problem fitting Nico. It honestly looked very comfortable, and it would keep him from being bit, but comfort wasn't what he was caught up on.
"Being warm beats being eaten alive."
When the fuck did Thomas have an extra jacket on him? Did he really not notice it?
He hesitated, and then asked a whole entirety different question. "Are you sure I can take this? I won't be able to return it to you tonight."
Thomas insisted, "Please, I don't mind- I don't need it. And you can keep it for tonight, or until we see each other again?"
Nico put the jacket on and it was soft. And it smelled like the cologne Thomas was wearing. Oh this was nice. "When will that be, Thomas?"
Thomas let his eyes linger on Nico in his jacket. "Saturday I'm free, I think. We could have brunch together, even."
He smiled. "Saturday sounds wonderful."
When they first had met, being infatuated was easy. It came to the pair more natural than breathing.
Nico originally did not know if his relationship with Thomas Sanders would go anywhere. But the first meeting had been so promising. And then they had a brunch date at Thomas' place, then a second and a third. Maybe… maybe Nico was moving too fast. Things kept going well nonetheless.
Four, five, six, seven. They kept on hanging out. Going out. They wanted to see more and more of each other. Quickly they were amassing a horde of good memories together. During nights away, they loved to text and call each other. They never put a label on what they did, which was starting to bother him. It felt more intimate than friendship. Were these dates?
According to his family, yes. They had noticed his change in mood and lack of free time quickly and demanded explanation. He kept it vague, but got advice anyways. Mama Flores said it was ridiculous that he had not brought Thomas by to meet the famila. Hid Papa was more doubtful. Even though it has been years since Nico's last major failed relationship, his father was still worried.
Papa Flores was a proud man, so it left a bad taste in his mouth when he requested Nico to take more time before giving his heart away. He had to oblige. Nico was over it, he healed, but some of his family was not. Nico's ex was like a second son to Papa, and everybody was hurt by him.
Call him cliché, but Thomas was different.
Even when Nico was past the stage of infatuation, Thomas took his breath away.
Could you be infatuated by somebody you have not actually kissed yet? It felt like it. Sure, when they had met at that food court, he had his breath taken away, and that feeling intensified when they saw each other more. He knew infatuation could feel like love, but these feelings passed the test of time and matured into something deeper. With more meaning. He did not like just the idea of Thomas and what their future might look like, he liked Thomas for his presence and as a person.
Suddenly his worries that they were moving too fast turned into frustrations they were moving too slow. They were more intimate than regular friends, but they never got far enough to be considered partners. It was frustrating to figure out. Nico was ready for a relationship, he was certain. The three months he spent getting to know Thomas were blissful, and calling their dates only "hangouts" had begun to feel forced.
So they talked about it.
Thomas said he was also ready but his actions seemed more… hesitant. He mentioned somebody from his past, who he moved on from but never could forget. Nico wanted to ask, to find out what happened to his heart for him to be so afraid. He knew what it felt like to have scars that still hurt, he wanted to be there for Thomas as he healed.
But that was not the time for the conversation. Not when Nico was nearly on Thomas' lap and his arms hung around his neck. Not when Thomas met his eyes and Nico stared at them for too long. It could have been him trying to figure out what emotions they held, maybe Thomas' eyes were that beautiful. His friend -- boyfriend? -- got so anxious and trapped in his head easily, but Thomas seemed in control of his more scary thoughts in that moment. It brought a smile to his face, unnoticed between the way they were slowly moving closer.
Still, cautious and vulnerable, eager and loving, Thomas had let Nico kiss him. Finally getting to show Thomas just how much he wanted to cherish him was amazing. And receiving that same passion in return was intoxicating.
Getting an answer never felt so good.
Nico's more-than-friendly feelings were not the only thing that was starting to add up in regards to Thomas either. There were strange happenings, though were so minuscule he had nothing tangible to go off of.
Thomas might be really good at sneaking things past Nico's eyes, common sense would say. Intuition told himself not to doubt what he saw. Thomas did not have that spare jacket on their first date originally. It literally had to of appeared from thin air. And when Thomas invited him for brunch, he noticed that two of the mimosas Thomas had prepared with brunch had vanished. Sometimes he experiences ghost touches when staying the night. The hands were gentle and comforting, calluses on the fingertips just like Thomas, but when he opened his eyes nobody was there.
That was the most noticeable of things. Though he could list off a dozen smaller happenings. He had no proof for them, as they could be explained, but Nico listened to his gut here.
And Nico has no idea what he would want to do with this information anyways. Thomas seemed to have some supernatural force that followed him around. What a fantastic conclusion to jump to! It would be weird to bring up, especially after Thomas had denied anything when Nico subtly brought it up. And the ghosts - for lack of better term - did nothing to harm Thomas.
The information that Thomas was haunted by ghosts was, for all intents and purposes, useless.
(Except it was not. It was fantastic material to write from. When he first called Thomas inspiration, his first impression never proved to be wrong.)
(And if Nico had started a personal project dedicated to a story based on it, nobody needed to know,)
The difference between Nico's feelings for Thomas and his feelings about his ghosts is that one actually got addressed.
He would be content to let Thomas have that secret to himself.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Hello Hello!
I wanted to ask you about your opinion on Byakugan princess thing. The last movie was such a crapfest, ignoring canonical facts like a pro. How is Hinata the Byakugan princess when she didn't even have the best Byakugan? Neji had the best Byakugan skills of all the Hyuugas, this was acknowledged several times by Hyuuga members and Hinata's own freaking father. Even her sister has better Byakugan skills than Hinata.
I mean ship NH or whatever, but please see it as it is. The last movie was retconned like there was no tomorrow. Inserting Hinata where she has no business being? Fuck that shit!! Hinata's Byakugan was apparently retconned to be strong enough that now Boruto has karma or whatever, seriously? Not that Boruto is well written, but give us, the audience some credit!! We are not stupid man. We have been invested in your show for the last 15 fucking years, don't insult our intelligence like this!!
Kishimoto was a story supervisor for this film apparently. How did he actually supervise it, by making paper planes out of the film script? How is it possible when there were so many canonical mistakes in it?
NH shippers always cite some random panel where Naruto as much as looks at Hinata. Which aren't many to begin with, snicker snicker. But like I feel sad for them. No woman should go through literally life threatening confessions just to get a measly reaction out of a boy. That does not send a good message to either boys or girls. NH shippers are so sad.
This is the post about Byakugan Princess being a pathological liar throughout the Naruto series, where she couldn't honour a single line from all the 3 confessions she ever made!!!
No wonder her fans will claim that she can do anything with her Byakugan and that she is far superior than Neji!!! If you ask them any valid Manga Panels... They would run away or bring some irrelevant panels. Because Their Byakugan Princess herself is a big pathological liar...
This is my short post about The Last Movie and Kishimoto's involvement in it.
Kishimoto was barely involved in it, anon!!! That's why the movie looks the way it is. The only movie he called 'A Pinnacle of the Career' is Boruto movie.
This is my post about Why I hate Hinata so much??
This is my response post about some NH shipper's total lack of comprehension about SNS or may be a lie... Who knows???...
This is my post about the difference between Sasuke and Hinata, because people usually draw parallels like both are from prestigious clans, both uses Visual Prowess and shit!!!
So, Whatever I wanted to talk about this girl, I covered in all these above posts, anon.
No woman should go through literally life threatening confessions just to get a measly reaction out of a boy. That does not send a good message to either boys or girls.
Well, I wholeheartedly agree with this and it did send a wrong message to many people. Like one of my friend said, "Hinata is the best women Character in Naruto series because despite getting wounded for Naruto, she waited for him"
I just stopped talking to him.... Because I don't want to have a conversation with a guy who expects such a thing from a woman. It's disgusting.
That scene is exactly what many men want from their Girl... Like being extremely devotional. And Girls who want to grab a boy at any cost would be encouraged by seeing that scene.
It's pathetic really.
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buckysmischief · 4 years
running in the dark - 1
Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1,291
Warning(s): language, angst from the start but ends on a good note
AN: It you haven’t seen x men first class and/ or don’t know who Alex Summers is & need a face for the character, just google Lucas Till. & if anyone wants to be tagged, there’s 23 spots.
to the permanent tags - if you don’t want to be on the list anymore for any reason at all, message me and let me know. ill be making a post about it in a few days (maybe) but just figured id mention it now lol
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Your attention wasn’t fully on Alex and he could tell, “Where’s your head at?”
“You,” you lied, “and this game.”
“You hate baseball, Yn. Don’t lie.” Alex Summers was a blonde hair blue eyes masterpiece who was sculpted by the gods, too bad their temper wore off on him.
In the hopes of avoiding a public argument, you thought telling the truth would be the safest bet, “My anxiety is just really high, Wanda and Pietro kinda dropped a bomb on me before I left the house and I haven’t processed it. Remember my old neighbor that I was close to, but we fell out of touch? He’s coming back apparently.” For a moment you thought he had dropped it, but no, he’s been wanting to start a fight since you made him late to the game.
“So you’re telling me that you’re thinking of another guy and the irrelevance of his life to yours in the middle of a date that I paid for?” He always knew how to play the victim, and any other night you would have fallen for it, but not tonight. So you ignored him. “Well I’m gonna go, have fun finding a way home.”
You didn’t have to find one, Wanda was always on standby for situations like this - which was reason number four she didn’t like him. The fact that it happened more than once wasn’t information you wanted to share, but after a long session with your therapist you knew that it wouldn’t do well to keep that information to yourself. If Bucky was here it would have been him, which was something else she wanted to talk about but your time would always run out around that point.
The drive to the house from the stadium was short and quiet, but the moment the smell of the ocean began to fill your senses you felt yourself becoming more grounded. Living at the beach was the one condition you had when Wanda suggested you get a place together, which is why she had four houses picked out before she even asked you.
You just wanted to go sit on the roof and watch the waves crash into the sand, but if Pietro’s car parked in the driveway meant anything it was that the three of you were in for one hell of a night.
“Hey there, doll.” Correction, the four of you. “Long time no see.”
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Anger was never an emotion you felt for Bucky before he left, but over time it became the only one you could remember.
Bucky knew you wouldn’t be exactly thrilled to see him, not after cutting all communication, but he didn’t expect that. He expected awkward silence, shifty eye contact, even you going off on him. If he knew you were this mad, pretending not to know him mad, he would have gone about this totally different. “Let’s walk the beach, the moon’s just bright enough to light the way.”
“No.” You wanted to run to him and give him a hug that would make up for the eight years of silence, but when you looked at the man who was standing in your living room… he was a stranger. This Bucky’s hair was shorter and he stood taller, you could spot a few tattoos on his arms and another creeping up the side of his neck, he even had facial hair. If so much had changed on the outside, you weren’t ready to find out how much had changed on the inside, not yet. “You’re a stranger, could be a murder for all I know. Or worse, someone who just up and leaves. Already had that happen once tonight, wouldn’t wanna risk it a second time.”
You ignored everyone and walked up to your room and had every intention of going to bed, but the voices coming from downstairs were too distracting - especially since you couldn’t make out what they were saying. It didn’t help that you longed to have your toes in the sand ever since Bucky mentioned that walk. The last thing you were going to do was show your face downstairs though, so your bedroom window was the only way out.
Once you were safely on solid ground and you could taste the salt in the air it was like you could breathe again. In the last six hours your entire world had turned upside down, again. It always seemed like one thing after another but the last six alone have been a complete joke. Sure, lashing out probably wasn’t the best move but what else were you supposed to do? Pretend everything was okay? Not a chance.
“You know, after all these years it’s comforting to know this is still your happy place.” You didn’t hear him coming, but you figured he’d show up eventually.
“So you’re not a stranger.” he started to smile, figuring you were finally over it and ready to talk, but that wasn’t the case. “You’re a stalker.”
“Can you just drop the attitude for five minutes and look at me? You can be mad at me all you want after that. If you can’t give me five minutes then I’ll leave, but when you’re ready I’ll be at Pietro’s.” He stood behind you for a few more minutes, neither of you speaking a word, before deciding to walk away. Your feet were moving before your brain could even register what was happening, and when Bucky turned around with arms wide open because he knew no matter what you’d never let him walk away from you, you ran even faster.
The two of you just sat in silence for a while, but eventually Bucky’s curiosity got the better of him, “So, who is Alex?”
“Alex Summers, he was a grade ahead of us.”
“You’re dating that asshole?”
“How surprised are you really?” Truth be told, he wasn’t. Of course he hoped that at some point over the years you would stop dating losers and find someone who treated you right, for many years he hoped that guy would be him, but sadly he knew neither of those things would happen.
“You deserve someone who’s going to treat you right, Yn, that’s it.” He meant it. Even if that person was someone else, he meant it. Bucky had tried moving on from you by dating a couple different women but they could never compare to you, especially Natasha. She was so jealous of his friendship with you, even the idea of you, that she had somehow manipulated her way into alienating you from his life. It was something he couldn’t undo, but something he was determined to make right.
“So what about you?” wanting to change the subject as quickly as possible, you asked the first thing that came to mind, “How was the Army?”
“It was fine. Got to travel a bit but I mostly stayed in Texas. How have things been here?”
“They’ve been great.” The lie came out easy, it always did. “Do you wanna head back in? I’m starving.”
He pulled you up from your spot in the sand and as he was carrying you back to the house you realized you weren’t mad at him anymore. You had a glimpse of hope that maybe this was the first step in things finally going back to normal since he left.
“So,” he spoke softly, “we’re good?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, we were never not good.” acting as if you didn’t treat him as a stranger only hours ago.
“I was hoping you grew out of being a brat.” Everyone knew that would never happen.
“Me? A brat? Sergeant Barnes, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
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perm tags (49/50): @sociallyeneptbarnes @hopesbarnes @stuckonjbbarnes @superavengerpotterstar @estillion14 @sleepingspacedragon @geeksareunique @imsoft-barnes @piper-koko-barnes-rogers @murdermornings @distractedgemini @screaming-fridge @readeity @whatinthyworld @my-drowning-in-time @valkyriesryde @buggy-blogs​ @hey-its-grey @pinknerdpanda @brokenthelovely @theannoyingnightmarecollector @death-unbecomes-you @rhymesmenagerie @teasgyu @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @https-bucky @also-fangirlinsweden @goalexis123 @missmeganrachel @sunflowersandcherry @miraclesoflove @matsumama @reann-loves-sebstan @thinkoutsidethebex @thefridgeismybestie @niall2017 @maddope @imagine-all-the-imagines @thummbelina @m3ga1nsp1r3d @romaniansweetheart @thebadassbitchqueen @king-sebb @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @bonkyboinkybucky @slaytherinthoughts @kingkassam @anti-the-glitch-bitch @poppunkdork
series tags (2/25): @rebekahdawkins​ @writerwrites​
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ellelans · 3 years
You made a tag comment about how Buddie wasn't planned from the beginning. And therefore what we got in Season 2 wasn't (at the time) the groundwork for a love story. I agree completely! Much of it I can see as either a bit of fun (the Christmas elf, the instagram girl) or that kind of hyper-masc heterosexuality that loops around itself and becomes gay (Buck's whole...thing with Eddie in the beginning, the focus on Eddie's body/hotness/physical appearance). But sometimes I step back and look at the whole and I'm all 🧐 🤔.
I don't even know what I'm asking lol. Would just love your thoughts/feelings on the confusing spectacle that are Buck and Eddie in season 2. And when/how/why did the show change their mind?
Thank you so much for the ask and you know what? Let’s talk about it.I recently had an in depth chat about this pretty unpopular opinion with a friend and I tried to explain to her why I don't see buddie as an actual pairing or having any canon potential until early s3 and why I don't believe they were planned from the beginning.This will be long and all over the place of course lol
The first and the most obvious reason is the way 911 deals with main characters and their romantic arcs.They don't actually drag it on for long because there is no need or time for that since every single main character has a strong storyline of their own and any romantic development between any pair as an additional combined storyline. Relationships happen fast on 911 because they are planned ahead and the only relationship that took longer than usual few episodes was Chim and Maddie and they were already kissing and planning a date in 2x11.
Also when shows enter their second season there is never a way to predict how long it will stay on the air and because of that it is impossible for me to believe that buddie was planned as some epic old school slowburn that is nowhere as close to be resolved after 3 seasons.When I say old school slowburn I mean shows that have this one heterosexual romance at the center of the universe that is usually stretched across seasons and builds up sexual tension between characters and it takes literally years for them to finally get together.We have these two characters that where made for each other and you KNOW that they will eventually get together because of some ridiculous pining that will eventually end in a kiss and everyone will scream and cry.And maybe that’s how buddie feels to me now after years of careful build up-but the way I see it they as a potential something didn't happen in s2.
We all joke about how character introduction of Eddie is the gayest we have ever seen and Buck's reaction to him as true bisexual and I do that myself too because I am a bisexual too and tbh its hard to unsee (also I don't want to) but lets remove our rainbow glasses for a second. What really did happened in that scene? Eddie's perfect abs on display,Chim and Hen fun comments on how beautiful he is,Bobby's praise and bragging about getting Eddie and his Silver Star on the team and Buck's insecurities flaring up as a reaction to all of this.Buck immediately feels threatened.At this point we of course have no idea how deeply his insecurities run or why,but as episode progresses we witness Eddie on his first call making a better decision to how to handle a medical situation and backed up by Bobby.It has sort of a devastating effect on Buck,who suddenly starts acting like we have never seen him before.Then there is a that scene at the gym where Buck tells Eddie how he is his problem. And later we of course have the scene in ambulance when Eddie asked what exactly they are measuring. Because that's what it looked like - a usual macho men measuring context. But the thing is 911 doesn’t toxic masculinity when it comes to main male characters and we saw many examples of that already by then,but the biggest one was supposed to be BuckandEddie. Equals,partners and best friends.
911 was already pushing boundaries with cast,characters and relationships diversity and I strongly believe that what they wanted to show us was a male equivalent of what we are used to see in female bffs -a different kind of a friendship between men. Men who care about each other,who talk about feelings,discuss sex,dating or why they don’t,who again openly acknowledge that they find each other attractive and giving advices on how to take a more flattering selfie,who are not afraid of crying, admit they are struggling or heartbroken or loving their kid.Honestly when was the last time any of us saw a male friendship like theirs?Men are not allowed to be like that on TV (I am still shocked that its a Fox show tbh) and especially with each other.We are not used to see such a development so no wonder people started paying attention-which was what writers wanted,of course.
But that also brings us to that important question about queer undertones,subtext and do what we actually see in s2. Are there queer undertones?Absolutely. Subtext?It’s right there but you will probably not get it unless you’re reading between the lines.Before we get to Christmas Elf,there was ‘’He is cute!/He gets that a lot,you should’ve seen his kid...’’ Maddie and Buck scene that is once again reinforces that Buck finds Eddie attractive and it shouldn’t be a surprise because we already know from 2x01 he has eyes - but they mention it AGAIN and that personally made me raise a brow or two.By the time we get to that Christmas episode,we already have Shannon back and Buck finally moved on from Abby with Taylor and then Ali and then we are given another queer coded scene-with Christmas elf.And its very cute and to an average heterosexual viewer its a nice little joke,but any queer watching that scene was probably taken aback a little.
So why imo did Tim&Co do it and when they realized they can actually see where they can take BuckandEddie and when they started becoming buddie?My answer is ship teasing.It’s what a lot of people actually mistake for queer baiting,but we are not talking about that rn.Ship teasing works like charm and if shows can get away with that-they will totally use it to their advantage.It’s usually not always malicious,but it IS always intentional because that brings in a category of people that were overlooked for a long time-online fandom.Now I have seen some opinions that fandom doesn’t really matter,it’s the ratings that count and that is NOT TRUE.You can have your ratings,but if there is no buzz online?Your show is going nowhere.For at least a decade now every self-respecting production has teams to monitor fandom activities because it gives them better ideas about how consumers(fans) are interacting with their product (show).Fandom is important because we generate the buzz.So I do believe that BuckandEddie and that sweet ship teasing were to get a certain part of the fandom pay attention.
I wasn’t here when S2 aired so I don’t know if that was the case,but it is obvious that these scenes I talked about above made fans pay a LOT of attention. And maybe that was the reaction writers needed to start changing course from ship teasing to start building up to something else.They maybe didn’t plan it at the very beginning and on paper,but lets also not forget the insane chemistry between Oilver and Ryan,which imo is another big reason-it's impossible to ignore.
Because S3?Is light years away from S2 in terms of BuckandEddie-they became buddie.In s3 Buck and Eddie become each other’s significant other,they are in a primary relationship. ’’Buck invites Eddie...’’?!!!!! It is not yet romantic and probably won’t be until ending of s5 if we are lucky-but it is in your face,they are not subtle anymore.I personally saw buddie only at the end of 3x03 when Eddie came over and said that there is noone in the world he trusts with his son more than Buck, looking like he did into Buck’s eyes,while ‘Photograph’ played in the background right before Buck’s overvoice about being seen and found and a raft to bring one home. After S4 ending tho...we all know that something is about to happen and its like there is electricity in the air as we are waiting for s5!
Probably a lot more thoughts than you expected,but I have many feelings about these two and when buddie goes canon this post will become completely irrelevant lol 💖 
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