#considering how many times youve said it before
shatar-aethelwynn · 2 years
What "obsession", my dear? You have attacked "The Greek" (!) with absolutely no reason in a comment under a post of one of your friends having as subject something totally irrelevant (the Egyptian faience frog). Who exactly is the obsessed? Anyway, your reply to my last message was very weak and totally beside the point, as you have objected essentially nothing to what I had written. Not that my expectations were much higher, of course. To remind you only one aspect, your friends are in no way specialists in Late Period Egypt (to put it mildly). Moreover, to assess what the classical sources say and their value on any subject, one must have a knowledge and understanding of the context and content of these sources, things that your friends totally lack. So, I repeat my question, on the basis of what expertise exactly do your friends reject totally the classical sources on Late Period Egypt, but also refuse more generally any value to the work of major classical authors? If you search a bit, you will find quite easily that Egyptologists who specialize in the Egypt of Late Period have a much more open-minded approach on this subject and exploit what the classical sources say on Egypt, in combination of course with the Egyptian sources. You will not find many specialists in Late Period Egypt howling in chorus "Herodotus is my b...ch" or "F...k Herodotus", as your friends do on this site, moreover fanaticizing on this topic their ignorant fanbase. However, it seems that you profess that all intellectual authorities may be criticized and even vandalized, except the Supreme and All-Encompassing Egyptological and Historical Authority of your tumblr friends, which is for you absolutely immune to criticism and totally beyond question. And of course you completely failed to grasp my point that not only the ancient Egyptian, but also the cultural heritage and the classics of other peoples deserve respect and should not be vandalized. You don't have either any grasp (again to put it mildly) on the place and importance of the work of the great ancient Greek classics in the cultural heritage of the whole humanity. But I will not continue this interaction with you. I will only suggest that, just for a change, you consider the possibility of stopping being the blind admirer and the maid of your tumblr "academic" friends and of trying to develop some kind of independent personality. Bye and best wishes for your future.
Ah, so it is you. Tell me, have you created another account and are messaging me on anon so no one else can attempt to do to you what you've done to my friends for two. fucking. years. Or have you finally decided I'm worthy of the same lack of respect you have shown to my friends by logging out to message me because I've blocked you?
I have refuted you repeatedly in the past without once changing the point I was making and you proved incapable of reading comprehension then, so why should I bother now? You're just going to ignore anything I say, continue to slander my friends to fuel your self-righteous arrogance, insist that I have wronged you personally without showing any proof that I have done so, and display nothing close to the calm rational discourse you claim to expect from us.
But, once again, because I doubt you remember: I do occasionally use Herodotus in my research, which I have never denied and have stated before. Since I don't study the history of historiography, I don't generally find him to be particularly enlightening. I don't think he's anything important for studying Egypt. He's fine for the Greeks if you ignore the mythological stuff and the heresay, but when there is a conflict between the accounts of the Egyptians and what Herodotus says, Herodotus is wrong. Herodotus is not a trustworthy source for ancient Egypt. He has served his purpose historically and can now bow out of 90% of the Egyptological discourse as either demonstrably wrong or irrelevant. You equate "Herodotus said this sentence", which does appear in many books on Egypt at a lay-reader level because he's a relatively familiar name, with "yeah, you can go trust whatever he says" and no Egyptologist will ever agree with you on that. Especially since those references to Herodotus are rarely more than throwaway lines that could easily be removed from most books without any consequences.
You also still fail to show an understanding of both what historical criticism is and how it actually works, as well as what kind of website you are on.
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Oh and congrats on admitting you still hate-read their blogs even though they've blocked you too.
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awkwardarmadildo · 2 years
to add on to the humans are space orcs/earth is the universe's australia, sensing. my therapist has recently explained that its not normal the way i know who and where someone is by their footsteps. not just the sound, but the vibrations. if someone isnt purposely walking on light feet, i can tell who and where they are, even with headphones blaring. imagine a human on a ship and the awe-filled terror itd earn from their non-human crewmates.
edit: ive realized i wasnt clear enough in my intentions. im not saying "if you can tell peoples footsteps apart, youve been ✨️ T R A U M A T I Z E D ✨️ d-(^♡^)-b ". its about the inherent panic in Not hearing the steppies and therefore Not having the time to prepare yourself for whoever might be approaching and essentially being ambushed. also, being able to tell if someone is normalTM, happy, sad, et cetera. the combined terror of not being given time to make oneself "presentable" for whoevers coming, And Also whoever has just seemingly teleported is fucking pissed, which is never good. Anyways, enjoy!!! \(^o^)/
Gilith enters the library, searching for Human Raven. They seem to be found most often either here or in one of the many gardens on the ship. Human Alex said he'd likely find them here today.
Gilith pokes his head through the doorway, not seeing Human Raven, but before he can move on, a voice calls out from one of the high-backed chairs decorating the library.
"Hello Lithy, what do you need?"
Gilith sputters, "Wha- Human Raven, how did you know it was me?" Gilith makes his way over to the chair that held Human Raven in a twisted knot that, when Human Raven stood up, would surely leave a horrifying crunch Human Alex had likened to a human candy that exploded in one's mouth.
"You've got some loud stompers, Lithy."
"I do not know what that means, Human Raven."
Raven stands, causing Gilith to flinch at many snaps and crackles of their bones settling into place, and smiles up at his towering form.
"What did you need?"
Gilith notices more and more Human Raven's greetings. He thought maybe they could hear him coming, but they greeted him while wearing ear speakers, the volume so loud, Gilith could hear it from a few feet away.
Humans did not have psychic skills, and the only other human who seemed capable of a preemptive greeting was Human Alex. The two seemed to share all of their off-hours, so maybe that was where he could find his answers.
Gilith scoured the many gardens, stopping just outside of the doorway. He could hear Human Alex and Human Raven chattering to each other, but neither seemed to notice his presence.
In an attempt not to disturb them, he walked with what Human Bea had described as "tip-toes". A challenging feat, considering his round flat feet, but he managed.
Both Human Raven and Human Alex had their backs to him, so he coughed in the same way Human Bea often did to get everyone's attention.
The reaction he got was unexpected when both Human Raven and Human Alex flinched so hard their shoulders seemed to lock.
"My apologies! I didn't mean to startle you," he rushed over, but stopped short when they both flinched again. He recoiled his hand.
"It's ok, Lithy," Raven says, voice slightly choked. "Just give us a sec."
"Oh. Okay." Gilith turned his eyes down.
"What-" Alex started, his voice sounding as though it was rubbed raw. He cleared his throat and tried again. "What can we do for you, Gilith?"
"I did not have anything specific to talk to you about. I wanted to..." he trails off. "I wanted to inform you of the new plants we are picking up at the next trade planet."
Gilith feels his face twist with the lie, but now didn't seem like a good time to ask.
His desire to understand, however, doesn't fade after the incident. It only makes his hunger grow.
Instead of bothering Human Alex or Human Raven, Gilith decides to ask Human Bea, who does not sense him before he greets her.
"Hello, Human Bea."
"Yes, hello, Gilith. Is everything okay?"
"I have question."
Bea tilts her head. "Ask away."
"Are you- humans- able to detect someone before you see them?"
Bea's face softens into an aching sort of frown. "Not naturally."
"What do you mean?"
She takes a breath, seemingly preparing herself. "Well, most people are able to live in a relatively safe place. But some people aren't as lucky. Some people have to memorize the falls of others' feet. It's a learned survival tactic."
"I don't understand," Gilith says, his face wrinkling in confusion.
"Some people aren't safe, so for the ones who weren't born with the good luck of a safe home, they have to know who and where someone is. They have to know if they need to hide or prepare themself. They have to know if they're in danger or not."
Gilith feels his whole body go slack as a wave of sadness washes over him at the memory of Human Raven and Human Alex's reaction to his sudden appearance.
"I have loud stompers."
Bea's face scrunches up as though she's trying not to laugh. "You do. You have safe stompers, too."
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days-until-burnout · 2 months
Can I request Magic Mountain going kaboom dramatized. Also, bonus request that you include a ship you consider underrated. Love your work,
-Internet Rando
OKAY. okay. i got the first part. but the underrated ship will have to be another day! i just got back to writing 'properly' today so it took a long while to get a hang of words. and thank you! glad youve enjoyed these writing. hope you like this one too!
📧 Day 31 -
Characters - Grian & Gem, Skizz & Scar (ft. Joel & Impulse) Words - 1,034 Time - 55 mins Content - Hermitcraft
“Okay, Joel, next you are going to cut the—” Grian said, an audible strain in his voice. Gem squeezed his forearm, and he looked up at her, their faces colored the same. Equal amounts of worry. Anxiety. Any wrong direction or movement would send all of them into the skies, them and their bases. He swallowed as her expression became encouraging, his own mirroring. “—red wire with black and yellow stripes. Tell us what happens.”
Over the communicators, the pair heard a snip, breaths held. They waited a couple seconds, panic slow to sprout before the line crackled, a quiet sigh in the background.
“He’s got it,” Skizz whispered, and they sighed. “No boom, boom yet.”
“You know, G, I still don’t understand why you didn’t let Skizz and me go. Don’t you trust us?”
“Not now Scar!” Gem hissed. They heard a startled yelp from Scar, a stumble back and almost falling. Luckily, no signs of an actual fall. 
Grian breathed in and out a couple times, though Gem could see how hard he was trying to keep it together. Instead of pushing the conversation further, they focused back on the manual in front of them. All the papers and pictures, the thousand combinations of situations and specifications. It was overwhelming, yet she grabbed the pad of paper on her lap, grabbed the pen, and awaited to jot down the response. 
“Some– Some sort of panel opened up on the side. There are numbers… dots and lines… weird scribbly symbols.” Scar re-told a couple seconds after. 
“Still have wires. Same rotation. Five out of seven lights on top,” Skizz added. 
They flipped through the pages, cross-examining their information and findings. Quietly, they discussed, and quickly, they argued. 
Impulse would’ve been much better interpreting all these manuals and instructions. And like Scar said, he and Skizz should have been the ones to disarm the tnt triggers. Which would have let Gem and him as information relayers, and more than anything, interpreters. Maybe if they survived this one, they could swap. 
Gem glanced at the timer, nudging Grian, sharing the same unspoken feeling. 
“Okay, Impulse, ignore the new panel for now. Let’s finish the wires, then we’ll get around to that later.” Gem jumped in, trying to keep a steady tone in her voice. She waited, hearing Skizz and Scar shuffling about, then they gave the go-ahead as they had done the previous times. “Okay. Okay. So we shouldn’t have many wires left, right? From the solid colors, we’ve cut red, black, and blue. From the stripes, we’ve cut blue with black, blue with yellow, and red with black and yellow. And they are not done yet, correct?”
“Affirmative.” They replied in unison. 
“Okay. White then yellow, and that should be all for wires.”
Involuntarily, their eyes glossed over the timer. Still ten minutes, but any wrong move and they could cut their time by half, or even have an explosion. They really, really did not want or need an explosion that big. Just a couple more triggers to minimize the damage, just a couple more and they would be free to go crazy with the remaining tnt clusters. 
A snip. Then another. Silence. Eyes glued to the timer. Every second felt different, like they had somehow forgotten how time worked. Like after every second, every blink, the universe changed the rules of time, bent it at its will, and left them a mess of stringless puppets. 
But no explosion yet. 
“So?” Gem asked, unusually quiet, like speaking would shatter their reality. Maybe the tnt had gone off, and it had lagged the server so much they were yet to experience the horrors. Maybe they were all dead, and this was her purgatory. Hers and Grian’s. Forever stuck on the place and time frame that doomed all their friends. She bit her lower lip, holding her breath before closing her eyes with an exhale of relief. Never had she been more glad to hear Scar and Skizz tripping over their own feet. 
“Wires down!” Skizz cheered. She heard them high-five, and she could only smile at Grian. He gave her a nod, relief in his face and shoulders too. 
“Alright, boys, two more modules,” Grian spoke next, an airy thing. They could see the end of the tunnel, this was almost over. “To verify, our last modules are the new decoder panel and blinking lights, correct?”
“Correct,” Scar replied. 
“Got it. Alright. Press any button when there is a zero at any point in the timer.” His eyes snapped to the timer as Gem’s did, counting down the seconds until nine minutes. 
Six. Five. Four. Three…
“Order of button, clockwise rotation, from top. Red. Blue. Green. Yellow.” Skizz sounded nervous, stumbling through some words but still clear and in time. Grian bit the inside of his cheek, flipping to the right page. Gem beside him, pen hovering over the new page, diagram drawn and assigned, ready to write down the patterns. “Yellow battery, if that means anything.”
“Press blue.”
“Follow the pattern. Blue.”
“Blue. Blinked red.”
“Blue, green.”
“Blue. Green. Blinked red.”
“Blue. Green. Green.”
“Blue. Green. Green. Nothing.”
“Blue. Green. Green. Blue.”
“Wait, isn’t Joel colorblind?”
It was comedic. Grian barely caught the tail end of Scar’s words before the whole mountain shook. Debri flew high in the sky as the ground under them collapsed, dirt and pebbles against their arms, screams ripped from their throats. In the distance, past the ringing and erupting floor, they hear more screams. Their papers slashed the air above them as they flailed to each other, holding on as tight as they could. 
Everything stopped eventually, with grumbles and groans of the ground, sobs in their own lips. 
Minutes were like hours. Everything stilled. Frozen. In place. Waiting for them to move. Instead of white clouds and blue skies, they had dust clouds and walls of dirt all around them. They had fallen a couple blocks, not enough to kill them, but enough to take substantial damage. 
The line crackled, so far away suddenly, “Gr– Grian? Gem? … Are … okay? Where … Level … We are … Gem? … G?... Any– … there?”
CLIFFHANGER UPON YE in my defence, i had 5 more mins to write but i didnt want to rush the ending. so this is what you get. also. again. been a week since ive written anything. gimme a break :[ anyhow. WE BACK IN BUSINESS 💪 sorry to joel and impulse, whom i wont be tagging because they dont even appear 😓
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ilanorgratvol · 3 months
I know, there are plenty playlists for our gorgeous Wizard of Waterdeep, but I just had to let it out of my system.
What strikes me the most about this one is that like almost every song for me is associated with some stage during Gale's life (well, almost, I'm still filling the gaps). And I just can't stop and listening to it, imagining all these events in my head.
I hope someone will find this interesting.
Goddess of the Rain - the stage of ultimate devotion of Mystra. Young Gale, had just gotten the attention of the Goddess of Magic herself and is eager to prove himself worthy.
Take me to your church Teach me how to sing Show me how to pray
Break me as you will Let me be your priest Let me be your prey
Let me rise to stand Here beside your form As your right handHere within the storm
Paradise - we've gotten Stockholm syndrome, guys :) Gale is still devoted to his Goddess but started to realise all toxicity of their relationships. Is he able to go away? Well, not now.
"In the most nights, she keep returning in her weaves..."
Toxic, kinda' crazy, hot Keeps me underneath her thumb Robs me of my dignity tonight Always wants to take a piece And chew me up and spit me out Just enough to get me through the night Before I know it— I'm just doing what she says Yes, I'm doing this...
Wrong Side of Heaven - Gale has already gotten the Orb and was abandoned by Mystra. He feels frustrated and lost and locks himself in his tower.
I spoke to God today And she said that she's ashamed What have I become? What have I done? I spoke to the devil today And he swears he's not to blame And I understood 'Cause I feel the same
Goodbye Cruel World - Gale lost himself in self-pity.
Whoa, goodbye cruel world I'm off to join the circus Gonna be a brokenhearted clown Paint my face with a good-for-nothing smile 'Cause a mean, fickle woman Turned my whole world upside down
Can't Find a Way - Gale finally left his tower, hoping to make a brand new start. This is when he was captured by the Illithids and the events of the game had taken the place. He started to accept Mystra's decision and tried to disassociate from the past.
Now that youve gone again Ive found other friends You ask what you are You don't even care for me Im tired of belivin Now that youve gone away Nothings left to say You ask what you are You dont even care for me Im tired and leavin
A Place in Your World - gods, isn't it the most Golden Retriever song?)) Gale meets Tav, slowly falling in love, seeking their attention.
Would you like to see within my heart? Would you like to be there when I fall apart? The sun might scorch my eyes But no one ever cries a tear for me Is there nothing more that I can stand? I feel so displaced now I'm the lonely man But look into my eyes And maybe you can see what's in my heart
Repentance - Gale has gotten the message from Mystra and considering to follow her order. I imagine him sitting alone in his tent, illuminating only by candle on his table; his hands in his hair, his head lowered and eyes shut closed.... Oooogh, it's a tough one.
Staring at the finished page before me All the damage now so clear and evident Thinking 'bout the dreaded task in store for me A bitter fear at the thought of my amends
Hoping that the step will help restore me To face my past and ask for forgiveness Cleaning up my dirty side of this unswept street Could this be the beginning of the end?
The Cross - Tav persuades Gale not to follow Mystra's order and claim the Crown of Karsus. Gale meets Mystra to threaten her. "Not happening" Gale's line is in my mind forever.
I was young and so naive You were God and I believed You made me kneel You made me feel Like it was all my fault But now I know it wasn't mine at all
Lose Control - I mean, guys. You know what it is about ;)
Something's got a hold of me lately No, I don’t know myself anymore Feels like the walls are all closin' in And the devil's knockin’ at my door, woah Out of my mind, how many times did I tell you I'm no good at bein' alone? Yeah, it's taken a toll on me, tryin' my best to keep From tearin' the skin off my bones, don't you know
First Light - classic! Gale and Tav find comfort in their tower in Waterdeep and themselves. I don't think I need to explain anything here))
One bright mornin' changes all things Soft and easy as your breathin', you wake Your eyes open at first, a thousand miles away But turnin' shoot a silver bullet point-blank range And I can scarce believe what I'm believin' in Could this be how every day begins?
Want me to make playlists for other characters? Let me know in the comments.
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ghost-bxrd · 8 months
is it bad I'm looking forward to the pain dicks going to go thru when u release the final part of owl song?? also I know youve said you might not continue and leave that as the final part but id be interested to know your hc on what jasons return would look like? as if he's been avenged by dick does he still hold resentment/anger to the rest of batfam/how does he feel towards dick, would he make contact?? his thoughts on tim replacing him? does he still become a crime lord?? so many questions sorry hahaha I just love this series/world you've built so much!!
Ksksks no no, it’s totally valid! And I’m real happy you like the series!! 😊💚💚💚💚✨
And honestly I haven’t thought about their reunion a lot yet, (mostly because I’m really not sure how many people will end up screaming at me ksks) but in the event of one Jason would probably still harbor a good amount of resentment, mostly because of REDACTED REDACTED. But he probably wouldn’t feel anywhere near as murderous considering the joker is still being found all over Gotham City (a very macabre Easter egg hunt for everyone involved).
Jason would have a hard time harboring true hate towards Tim though seeing as they bonded way before his death. He’d still be angry af that Bruce and Dick are allowing him to prance around in the colors Jason died in, but he wouldn’t go as far as to want to take it out on Tim. Probably? Maybe. We’ll see 👀
But let’s be honest, Jason is theater kid with all his heart. Part of him craves the drama. He’s not gonna go straight home anyway without assuring himself in the most convoluted way possible that they still miss him.
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kichikichiko · 1 year
"Thats my girl"
YALL IVE BEEN GONE FOR TOO LONG MY BAD. This has been sitting in my drafts for a while so I decided to finish it 😴😴
Wanderer x fem!reader , suggestive a bit, violence, threats from wanderer, a bit ooc, not proofread
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The pure shock plastered on his face says it all.
One of the students of the akedamiya rushed to Wanderer and told him, in a frenzy how youve gotten yourself into a fight.
Wanderer stood there for a few seconds before tilting his head down and frowning "You better not be shitting with me Akeem."
Wanderer hated many things, ranging from insects to humans but if theres 1 thing he hated most, was someone using your name to get him to lower his guards, and apart of him cant fathom you getting into a fight.
You sometimes spoke too loud or too little, smiled a lot and is always willing to help everyone (ew people pleaser 😨😨😨😨❗️❗️❗️). Confrontation was so not something he considered to be a thing you'd do, let alone getting into a fight.
Akeem shaked his head and waved his arms around, showing he wasnt joking "No no Im serious! There was a comotion on the streets so went to check it out. I saw (name) fighting verbally with Halima, sooner or later it would turn into a physical fight-"
Wanderer stormed off in an instant, didnt bother to listen to the rest of Akeem's story, hell knowing Akeem his story would probably take all day to finish. Wanderer wasted no time to find you.
Wanderer was worried you'd get hurt, yet he knew he could trust you to defend yourself to an extent before he comes and saves you.
His eyes scanned the area in a hurry, hoping to catch a glimps of your hair or face or hear your voice from any direction. Lucky for him he heard your voice pretty quickly coming from behind, and he ran. For this once your loud voice was useful well... other than to scream out his name
As soon as Wanderer arrived he saw you holding Halima's arm shouting "say it again! I want to hear it! No no no dont you shy away! You could say it loud n clear the first time Im sure you can say it again but this time for everyone here to hear!"
"Get away from me you sick bitch!" Halima shouted yanking her arm away, raising a hand to slap you.
Before her hand could reach you a familiar hand took ahold of hers and dragged her away.
"Wanderer..." in awe you looked at him. He was pissed, extremely pissed, and you can see it in his face.
He started, voice low "keep your hands off of her you insect. Unless you want to die then by all means go ahead, but as any idiots Ive dealt with Im sure you wouldnt want that" letting go of her arm, Halima took a step back glancing at you with tears in her eyes before running away.
You looked back at him knowing he'll yell at you once you get home or maybe here on the streets. Before you could say a word, he dragged your arm away from the crowd and sped walked home.
"Shut it (name). Dont say a word."
After a while youve reached the front door to your house.Everything went by so fast because suddenly Wanderer pinned you to the wall inside your home and slammed his lips against yours. It didnt take long for you to melt in the kiss.
After a while you pulled away and looked at him, "youre not mad?"
"Mad? Why would I be? I think that was hot. Are you hurt anywhere (name)?" Wanderer asked, cupping your cheek and caressed it.
"No Im not hurt.. dont worry. She just said some insufferable things about you and it made me mad. I guess I went a bit overboard..."
He laughed and kissed your neck "nah, do it again. How bout we take this to the bedroom?"
You moaned softly and nodded.
"Thats my girl"
Yall fucked at the end yall know tht rite 💀
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
ok i finished Lolita, here's my rambling notes which are really more about me & my reactions than the book. I stopped taking as many notes the further in I went.
the forward for this is so funny. we got someone in universe telling us that the things this guy says are absurd and you should NOT fall for his bullshit, because he is NOT a gentleman.
Approx 24 minutes in he proposes the idea of the nymphette. 9-14
its fascinating the way he constructs this other sect of being, this third sex, this nymphet. the way he calls them demons, as if it's their fault, as if it could never be a problem with him.
gets mad that some guys entire fuckin house burns down so he cant ogle his daughters. what an asshole.
Negro/Negress Count (i updated this every time the word negro is used. i just think its funny, its like a drinking game for me. at least black people exist in this world lmao): 7
(about quote #6) the way he talks about Mrs Haze (and in fact most women and girls) as though he is so handsome that he literally cannot stop them from entangling him in an affair is fascinating. Man cannot hold himself responsible for anything.
ok so he's just met dolores and this isnt really a product of the book, but the narrator does a REALLY god job with HH. genuinely just a really good performance. he reads the cadence of HH's flowery writing so well, he emotes so well. its great.
of course this overwritten little creep would write down all his thoughts in a little book. just like he's doing now. at least he's consistent?
so much damn interpretation huh. he's always like "I know she wanted me to kiss her i could tell she was waiting for it" MY GUY.
wait when does this take place was it really normal to marry your first cousin in the midwest in the 1950s?
the way he describes her being not entirely innocent as a warning sign, as some great evil that would trap him, is fascinating. because she is not what he thought an innocent little girl should be, he pushes a bit of the responsibility off of himself and onto her. she's not a child, she's a dangerous nymphet who pulls him in and traps him in her impropriety. despite him literally (thinking he was) drugging her (in an attempt to keep her from knowing what hes doing) he STILL blames her for enticing him. still considers her a fae creature. i hate him. i love this book.
it is truly kind of fascinating how he makes it sound like their trip wasn't all that bad and just offhandedly mentions horrific stuff like the rate at which she sexually abused her, or how Dolores cried herself to sleep every night when she thought he was asleep, and how she almost never seemed to actually be happy. and yet he'll go on and on about all the things they got to see, and how much money this whole kidnapping roadtrip cost him.
the fact that he now has to just straight up pay her, and she's clearly not enjoying anything is so !!! and then he has the NERVE to steal her money back while she's away !! the money she's probably trying to save up to get away from him !! do you guys know what thats like?? when the money youve carefully saved just.. disappears?? good god.
oh ok so he KNOWS she might try to run away if she has too much money. cool cool normal.
i do like this school parent teacher meeting thing thats basically laying out that it's very clear dolores has issues around sex. like this is somehow so clearly an issue that they called him in about it. Ough.
love his indigence at Lo saying that he tried to molest her back before he married her mother (more or less true, and i would even say he succeeded that one time) and that he murdered her mother (a reasonable assumption on her part)
Mans just said he can shed torrents of tears thru his dick. He’s unnecessarily crude for someone so poetic and I love that part of his character tbh.
So he just slapped her and it’s fascinating how clearly abusive he is even from his own softened retelling. Like he doesn’t phrase it like this, but every action he takes is to isolate and control her.
i know he sucks shit but him leaving Rita is especially cruel to me. there was no need to leave her behind with only a note. no amount of calling a woman "sweet" or his "poor little thing" makes up for how absolutely disposable they all are to him. he admits that he needed her, that her company kept him from having breakdowns that would send him to a hospital, and he still just leaves her behind forever. when he knows thats what she was scared of most.
i aint even know about Clare Quilty. huh!
i am enjoying his sad walk through his "smothered memories" like yeah man. you suck and you fucked up everything and you do deserve to feel bad about your active ignorance (i like that he brought up the memory of rescinding that one promise because that was one instance i was really stuck on. like she has nothing man, and it's silly to you but it's everything to her)
y'know im still not entirely sure what Pentapod Monster means
he is not a gentleman
But how his heart beat when, among the innocent throng,he espied a demon child, "enfant charmante et fourbe," dim eyes, bright lips, ten years in jail if you only show her you are looking at her.
I was naive as only a pervert can be (lol)
nymphets do not occur in polar regions (oh my god shut upp)
the reader will regret to learn that soon after my return to civilization I had another bout with insanity (I absolutely do not regret it my wonderful narrator <3)
I was perfectly aware that if by any wild chance I became her lodger, she would methodically proceed to do in regard to me what taking a lodger probably meant to her all along, and I would again be enmeshed in one of those tedious affairs I knew so well.
To keep her happy, I had to present her with an illustrated catalogue of them, all nicely differentiated, according to the rules of those American ads where schoolchildren are pictured in a subtle ratio of races, with one--only one, but as cute as they make them--chocolate-colored round-eyed little lad, almost in the very middle of the front row.(I just find this quote interesting because it makes a point that there would only ever be at most one black kid. not sure what to make of it but i did enjoy that)
It was she who seduced me. (SHUT UP)
the body of some immortal demon disguised as a female child. (SHUT UPPPPP!!)
Used French only when she was a very good little girl. (I’m attacking you with my teeth and claws. I love this book.)
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trickytrick · 1 year
pete wentz’s reply to heychris’s hateful paragraph back in 05:
oh what a monster we've created.
when i am called by my manager to read a post that is burning through the internet it makes me wonder. ive never responded to rumours or shittalking online, no matter who it came from- at the same time there is nothing that makes my blood boil more than reading this- being who i am, my first instinct is to blow it off- but then i consider how anytime anything is written on the internet people believe its true- no matter what, no matter the biases or subjectivity of the sources. my first instinct is to lash out- to say everything i think about you and every situation- to defend myself and attack you. as unbelievable as it is- i am an extremely insecure person- everytime i read something about myself negative or positive i react in probably the exact same way anyone would.
but like i said- i am going to continue to do this my own way, what i consider to be the higher road. i understand when we get angry we often lash out- ive done it myself on many occassions. if you want to talk to me about any of this call me on my cell phone and we can do it one on one-
i will not be responding to anything else-
however, the attacks about our fans and the people that listen to this music and read these words is completely offbase- the fans of this band are my entire life- ive lost my girlfriend, my friends, much of my "normal" life- just to keep this relationship going- this isn't to say that i dont make mistakes, take misteps. just because youve seen me on tv or at a show doesn't make me anything less or more than humanyou dont ever see the other side of the way we agonize over every decision we make or try our best to please everyone- because we've given up in bands before and we know how it feels and we dont want that to happen. everyone in the band is upset about this- remember everyone that makes up fall out boy- they all wanted me to voice that we appreciate our fans and friends that weve met more than anything- and that we realize because of where we are all the arrows are pointed at us- but we will try our best. and we do try our best. we also, have far more faith in the intelligence and dedication of the people that believe in us to think that they will be swayed easily. if you want to hear other stories of how we actually talk about our fans or think of them please ask other bands, they will testify to how we really act. we just want you to know that in four years when noone cares, we still hope you are thereim not going to freak out or whatever, but please an attack on our fans or our relationship with them as a p.r. move is uncalled for.
this doesn't need to be reposted anywhere- i am sure that fob fans know where to find it.
chris if you want to talk the phone line is there.
i wrote this pretty fast so i apologize for the typos and run-ons.
until then, thank you to everyone who reserves judgment and has my back until the end of time.
- petey
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ankhisms · 8 months
ep 46 of agito was very good, probably one of my favorite episodes of the show so far.. i ended up rambling more than i meant to oops
the struggle shouichi and mana both go through paralleling each other as they grapple with the death of manas father and the possibility of shouichis older sister being partially responsible but moreover both of them grappling with power of agito and how it can be used to inflict violence on others.
i dont really view agito as being a sequel to kuuga really although i know being a follow up to kuuga was the intention behind a lot of it because kuuga is such a beautiful and unique one of a kind thing theres only ever gonna be one kuuga yknow but that being said i do think late show agito and this episode in particular do harken back a bit to kuugas themes about violence and humanitys capacity for great good and great harm.
shouichi is so completely willing to give up his powers because he feels that they only bring people pain, even when hikawa ryou and kino remind him of how many people hes saved, but in shouichis eyes agito is responsible for the death of manas father and he cant forgive himself for that even if he wasnt the one who did it- and for a while mana is unable to forgive him for this either, shes just a teen and shes already had to lose her father in a horrible tragic way and now shes finding out that someone who she considers family could be connected to that tragic death. of course she runs away from shouichi and tells him to leave her alone. its too much for anyone to handle especially a teen.
but then later shouichi not only gives up his powers because he doesnt want to hurt mana or anyone else, hes completely willing to sacrifice himself to save mana. he shields her from being struck by the unknowns attack even when he doesnt have the power to transform into agito anymore, and he thinks this is for the best. because he struggles to disconnect agito and its power from the violence that claimed both the lives of manas father and his sister.
i think my favorite part was the end fight sequence where you have several good things going on, youve got houjou setting aside all his pettiness and his pride in order to give hikawa directions and be his eyes in the fight while hikawa cant see, and then mana tells shouichi that he needs to fight again as agito and even though shouichi still cant transform he doesnt hesitate to run up to god and try to punch him just as a normal human, and the first thing that hikawa sees once his vision returns is shouichi untransformed and powerless attempting to literally fight god
also man. i mentioned before that i liked that it felt like kino was still a bit aloof and not totally nice but i also felt that his gradual change in character was good, ryou comments on it and then youve got him performing emergency surgery on shouichi to save him. but in the end kino never got off that mountain. the past never did stop haunting him no matter how many lives he saved, he could never go back in time and save his brother.
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could you explain (as briefly or detailedly as you feel like, i'm just curious) what makes a flag better than another flag other than just a general like or dislike for the design? like how does one design an effective and "correct" flag? what makes some flags bad? i've been in so many different art and design classes and whatnot and have never learned about this but it interests me!!
oh my god absolutely. buckle up lol
so the main purpose of a flag in general is to symbolise something, in this case a country. a good flag should be something people can rally around. the most important factor there is if people actually like the flag (its not a hideous eyesore). but beyond that, there are a couple general rules that help flags stay unique and accessible so everyone in that country/state/organization/etc. that it represents will be happy with it.
First you have to think about where flags most commonly are: on flagpoles. a flag should not be designed to be seen from five feet away, it should be designed to be seen from hundreds of feet away. in that vein, it has to be simple.
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heres the flag of panama and kentucky for comparison. panama’s flag is simple and neat, while kentucky’s flag has lots of little details that are hard to make out even on a phone screen
Secondly, you are not going to be seeing a flag on a flagpole straight on like these images. they will be fluttering in the breeze (AT BEST) and a portion of the flag will be obscured. you know what that means? NO TEXT. you cannot read shit if that flag is flying in the wind, even if you’re on the right side of it so the text isnt backwards. if the wind isnt blowing then youre out of luck
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on the left is the german flag, which even if you didnt know was the german flag, you can still tell what it looks like. three stripes, black red yellow. on the right is the flag of illinois, which is trying to tell you its the flag of illinois but you cant tell because that text on the bottom is unreadable.
thirdly, for the purposes of being a good rallying icon, its good to use symbolism representative of what the flag is for
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i dont really have a bad example here because this is subjective but on the left is the flag of new mexico. the red sun symbol is a puebloan symbol representing the native peoples who lived in whats now new mexico for thousands of years and the yellow background is for spain, who owned the land before the us took it. on the right is the flag of chicago, with two blue stripes represent lake michigan and the chicago river, and the red stars represent four major historical events
a lot of people will also say that you should only use two or three colors in a good flag but i think you can make more work, even though it might be harder
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indonesia’s flag, on the left, is a flag with two colors that i would say isnt great (its almost identical to the flag of monaco, which existed already at the time indonesia chose theirs) and on the right is the flag of south africa, which is a flag with lots of colors that i would consider to be a good flag
all of that is to say, if you want to make a good flag, model it off an existing country flag. those are generally the best flags out there because they have the most pressure to be a good flag. most people who live in a country they’re proud to live in love their flags (theres a reason the us flag is so strongly associated with extreme patriotism!). The same cant be said of most states, as a lot of state flags have detailed designs and text, and especially cant be said of cities. i showed the chicago flag earlier because its one of the few city flags in the us that gets actual usage outside the government. chicagoans are proud of their flag as they should be and if youve been to chicago, youve seen the flag. they put that thing everywhere, from backpacks to water bottles. now to top it all off here are some of my personal favorite flags from around the world
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left: the flag of barbados (i love the color scheme and the trident is a perfect stylized symbol) middle: the flag of yabucoa, puerto rico (a rare flag that uses purple, as well as having a pretty unique design) right: the flag of maryland, usa (a controversial pick, but its distinctive and marylanders wear it with pride (often literally))
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hanako-san · 1 year
ok so i was just looking around a bit and i saw a post about AidaIro.. my apologies if youve already seen it by the way-!!
i will copy and paste it. :)
heres the post:
The rumor is/was that Aida, the artist, have a like for shotacon. The rumor is based on two things:
The first one is that Aida apparently draw in their Twitter an art (not a sexual one, since Aida haven't draw anything explicit, ever) of a character from a shota game. I saw the art, but since I don't know that game and it didn't have any name attached, I couldn't look for more information about it. So this first part is debatable, not confirmed.
The second part of the rumor is... Well, some TBHK artworks. Here I have to concede that Aida did draw characters, especially Hanako, in suggestive ways. In the past. Back in 2015-2016. Here you have some example tweets with arts that... well, when I look at them, I ask myself: "why? why make children pose like that, or make a focus at those parts of their bodies?"
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You have to think that sexualization is not only explicit sex, naked people, etc. It's as well suggestion. In the same way, shotacon is not only drawing naked children or them having sex. That it's at the minimum, a proof of Aida not caring a lot about crossing visual sexual insinuations with characters that look like children. You can make a pass to the sexual puns and all of that, since well, they're teenagers (and if anything, that would be Iro's fault, not Aida's). But that's a different topic.
Anyways! thats the end of the post and im kind of questioning alot of things now..or maybe im overreating..? what do you think?
Hi :) I saw those tweets, no worries, but your question is very interesting and you don't have to apologize :) I'm glad you asked the question!
As for Aida, this is the first time I hear it from you. I've never come across a rumor before since I've been jshk fandom, but it's actually wondering. Unfortunately I cannot confirm this.
Yes, I saw it and I was very dissatisfied, but we are talking about Japan here and the subject is more complex. Shotcon means something different in Japan than in the west but more on that in a moment. The rumor may have some truth in those tweets from years ago on their Twitter, it may be a hint that it may be true, but it's also impossible to say if it's true, it really can't be confirmed and one can only wonder. I will say this way. These tweets are not 100% sure. They are only circumstantial, not 100% proof. Looking at Amane, I really wonder if the rumor was true, but that's my personal feeling and considering what they do in the jshk series and what game they released, I wouldn't be surprised.
You're right, shotcon doesn't mean sexualizing the erotic way, and that's mostly in Japan. This can be a very suggestive way as seen in Hanako. The problem is that in Japan the age of consent for s*x is 13. I've seen manga that contain erotic scenes from 13 year I personally don't like it and how Amane was drawn. I suspect that such scenes with Hanako's body and not only are just legal there.
You have a right to be the way you feel and I don't think you're exaggerating. I feel the same when I look at their old tweets. I feel so uncomfortable watching these tweets but what is weird and immoral is for us, to them is normal I guess.
I love Japan, but there are many things I don't like and just allowing these things at 13 is one of them and drawing children in a suggestive way or the availability of some manga containing THESE SCENES at 13.
I think it's both of them's fault, if Iro does it then Aida agrees so. I don't see here to w one person to blame. I blame both of them. They're both guilty, but like I said, it's normal for them and they don't see anything wrong with it.
Although I think they don't see anything wrong with exposing it in a suggestive way. They already have a problem with naked bodies. I guided by what they wrote in volume 1
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I can only guess from what they did in this case and my conclusion is this: I guess they think that suggestive things like those in Amane are less evil and harmless than naked bodies? hmm. But I still think it's wrong. Suggestion may seem like the less evil to them, but it's still… it's wrong. I hope I conveyed it well.
Thanks for asking the question.
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ppnuggie · 2 years
  『 female human reader + tailgate 』
  — chapter 2
  — getting to see some more interactions going on👀👀 also another thing ive noticed when reading mtmte fics ,, ppl dont take in the different times that happen on different planets ,, like on one planet it could be that every minute is 50 years on earth or smt 🥴
  < one , two , four , five >
so far it was nice. interesting ,, to say the least. a lot has happened already in the past few months according to swerve. he was one of the minicons on the ship ,, and apparently was running a bar without the captains knowing. he talked quite a lot though ,, yet it didnt bother you for a minute unlike others. he was also apparently a big fan of humans ,, or had a big obsession with them.
        you didnt get it ,, why he liked humans so much. there wasnt anything special ,, other than the fact that theyre smaller and organic ,, compared to the metal titans of the ship. there were three other minicons you'd come across. rewind ,, tailgate ,, and pipes were their names ,, and they were said to be quite old. older than your own planet that is.
        pipes was quite generous ,, always offering to give you a lift to different places after and before meetings. he was good company ,, always listening and giving some actual good advice unlike others.
        though they treated you well ,, better than some mechs on board that is. rodimus kept calling you 'that human' or 'little guy' ,, and more than once has a mech mistaken you for a pet. it was degrading to say the least ,, so knowing that theres a few that treated like an actual being made it a little better. those four weren't the only ones you'd seen or come across.
        you've made good progress becoming somewhat of an acquaintance to some others on the ship. those bots being rung ,, skids ,, blaster ,, and ratchet. rung was the psychiatrist of the ship ,, a therapist if you will. skids was someone suffering with amnesia and blaster was the life of a party. a bit passive aggressive to some ,, but he waa quite nice towards you. he did say he's met humans before ,, interacted with them ,, befriended them. hes chill if anything ,, more of the type to just go with the flow.
and ratchet ,, hes old and seen it all. hes been through hell and back ,, seen more than you would from a snuff film. or multiple snuff films at that. hes really the only medic on board ,, working his aft off from day to night. you pity the poor mech ,, though he already scolded you about that.
you've met others on board. cyclonus ,, trailcutter ,, whirl unfortunately ,, chromedome ,, and brainstorm. percepter as well ,, but you rarely see the mech. hes usually locked up in his lab digging his nose in god knows what. or hes usually chasing brainstorm out of his lab. it reminded you of how siblings would act ,, not that you had siblings but you've definitely witnessed their relationships before.
        whirl and you had a run in at swerve's bar ,, the mech practically storming in and cussing everyone out. then he had saw you and now you've practically become the one person whom he solemnly seeks out for god knows what. it's different everyday. " lets blow up perceptor's lab ." or " lets scratch a spike onto ultra magnus's desk ." were the latest ones this past week.
        you'd like to think you and chromedome are somewhat acquainted or well ,, you know him somewhat. especially considering how often you hang out with rewind and how often chromedome is attached to the minicon. he doesnt talk too much ,, nor does he really do much. youve got a basic understanding of him so far. a mnemosurgen who doesnt stop what he does ,, despite his many promises towards rewind.
        poor minicon always rants about it to you ,, how he could easily end up dead one day from it all. or how its bad for him ,, the memories and the nightmares he gets. you feel bad ,, yet there wasnt a thing you could really even do.
        cyclonus you met through tailgate. he also didn't talk much ,, just giving a gruff or a nod every now and then. when he did speak ,, his voice was deep and gruff ,, yet calming as though he were about to sing a lullaby. his face reminded you of a skeleton ,, a human skeleton. how his cheeks had that sharp look to them ,, and the sharp edges of his chin didnt help either. yet it also seemed like his armor was similar to that of a samurai.
        trailcutter you've seen at swerve's bar ,, usually drowning in his sorrows and always going about his forcefields and whatnot. hes usually seen hanging around with skids. you've given him a greeting or two when you did have the time. he always talked about how this 'hound' guy would love to meet you ,, the mech apparently having a fascination with humans and earth itself.
        thinking back on it ,, you did make good progress being aboard the lost light. made a few friends and some soon to be friends. no enemies yet ,, thankfully ,, or that would pretty much ruin the 'human-cybertronian' relationship you were working towards for your 'bosses' on earth. you tried as often as you could to send them reports and updates ,, trying to keep on top of your work. yet time worked differently in space and different places.
        right at the spot youre in right now ,, every day is a hour on earth. you were somewhat struggling to keep up with work ,, yet it was becoming a bit overbearing. rung has offered to help you with the stress ,, as he was a psychiatrist and it was his job to help those in need ,, whether he was on duty or not. the more you thought about visiting the orange mech ,, the more you wanted to send a message.
        the datapad stared at you ,, words meaningless the more you stared. with a huff ,, you gave into temptations ,, setting aside the datapad and giving a quick message to rung ,, saying you'd drop by real quick for a small chat. he wasnt busy as of the moment anyways ,, probably pondering his little ships or something nerdy.
the walk wasnt too far either ,, so you didnt bother asking pipes for a lift. he was probably at swerve's around this time anyways ,, laughing it up with some of the other bots on board.
stopping right in front of rung's office ,, you looked up at the tall door and stepped in front of it. the door slid open slowly ,, revealing the inside. all neat and organized ,, not a single mess in sight ,, with the mech himself observing on his ark ships on his desk. his helm popped up ,, before a smile had danced across his derma. he stood up from his desk and made his way towards you.
" (y/n) ,, how nice to see you ,," he greeted ,, opening his hand for you to stand on. you gave a brief nod ,, climbing on and watching as he made his way towards his previous spot. " its nice to see you as well ,, i hope you dont mind that ive stopped here for a moment ?" you tilted your head to the side.
" not at all ! ive grown quite fond of out little conversations ,, in fact . what brings you here today ?" his smile was soft ,, eyes shining under the light. his glasses were set aside on the desk ,, letting you see his face fully. " nothing much ,, just got tired of doing work is all ." you gave a small shrug. he hummed ,, before giving a response. " you're not overworking yourself again are you ?"
you shook your head and hands quickly ,, " no no ! ive been taking breaks and eating my meals !" rung nodded ,, giving a chuckle ,, " good ,, i wouldnt want to have to report you to ratchet again ."
" please no ,," you fake pleaded ,, " not again ,, one time was enough !" you laughed quietly at the memory. it wasnt too long ago rung found out you had been overworking yourself to near death. he was fast to report it to ratchet ,, who in turn ,, stole all your datapads and pushed food packed with vitamins and calories at you. he said he wouldnt give your datapds back unless you had eaten and taken proper care of yourself.
it took a while ,, but ratchet finally gave your datapads back. that was the last time you would show or tell someone you were being overworked. whilst it felt nice ,, having someone fret and worry over you. yet it made you behind on work ,, and proved bothersome. these little lies of you not being overworked wont hurt anyone though ,, so long as you kept a positive attitude and showed up to things.
your conversation with rung seemed to fly by ,, having talked about his latest findings to things about the past or new human songs he's come across. he is quite fond of them ,, and the literature. hes more into the older authors ,, ones from more than a few years ago. from his recent choices ,, you'd have to introduce him to osamu dazai one day.
though rung had a patient coming soon ,, and with that you left his office ,, feeling much better than before. your relationship with him was growing more ,, maybe even becoming one of his few actual friends on the ship. instead of some who only acknowledge him by his job ,, instead of the mech outside of being a psychiatrist.
with a final goodbye ,, you sauntered out of the office and casted your gaze to the window. a galaxy ,, one you werent sure of ,, was passing by. you could see the sun in it ,, a super giant ,, almost blindingly bright it was. the planets orbiting nonetheless beautiful. there werent many ,, only five of them. yet ,, they were all unique. with a small smile ,, you took a quick photo and headed back towards your habsuite.
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thueenz · 11 months
Have you "come out" with your identity to your parents/friends? How did you do it? Completely ok if you don't wanna answer or give too many details. Hope ur safe and happy
hi! i don't mind answering at all ! ! im gonna put this under read more for the sake of not throwing a wall of text on peoples dashes
i have come out to my parents, and as for friends, ive only ever had to come out to one because the rest are lgbt in some way LMAO 😭 i dont know anyone close to where i live so thats a bit of a cheatcode. in an evil way because the con is i dont know anyone near me wouldnt recommend to be fair BUT !
it was like, years ago now, so the details are a bit foggy, but i literally just sat them down while shaking in my boots and told them , said i had something i wanted to tell them all and came out, it wasnt too complicated for me since my family is like...well, theyre not hateful, i'm not going to call them allies considering the first thing they told me was that they found my identity too hard to grasp 💀
i eventually confronted them on that and it didnt do much either, they use the proper pronoun more often in front of my friends but never really when im alone and they have a bunch of other issues with that stuff, theyre like, the type that think theyre progressive but arent lol. I.e i used he/him for a friend for months and they did too but they heard the friend is trans and immediately stumbled using she/her constantly and were like oh well im not used to it 🥺🥺 girl wtf youve been using he/him for months!! so stuff like that yk?
as for the One Cishet Friend I Met On A Game, i also just sort of did the same thing? he was a lot more accepting though, very sweet, he was googling what pronoun to use in his native language for me so that was a lot more touching after my last experience 😭
it's a bit annoying but i dont really put much mind to it! i dont really care what my family thinks anymore on that even if its bothersome, ive got a lot bigger fish to fry with my family LMAO and boy are they frying... theyre positively cooking
i hope that answers sorry i don't have many details i have poor memory also it just wasn't very eventful aside from me being very anxious each time
HOWEVER this gives me the chance to share my favourite story to share with people because its so stupid. OK SO! about a year before i came out? idk, my mom literally asked if i was gay 😭😭 and i was closeted so i was like shaking in my boots and i was like no why.. and she said because i never had a crush on a fictional male character, like my sister liked shrek as a kid so she "knew.." she was straight it LINGERS IN MY MIND ITS SO FUNNY LMAO like please diagnosed as gay by your mother because you didnt get a crush on shrek. DIAGNOSED AS STRAIGHT BECAUSE YOU DID GET A CRUSH ON SHREK ?? I literally like men too though so she was right but also not but also what the hell LMAO
i hope youre safe and happy too! ♥️♥️tyvm for being sweet feel free to send any more asks if i didnt cover something! i havent eaten breakfast yet so im a bit scattered im gonna do that 🫡
anyone whos read this far gets a gold star 🌟
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floridensis · 2 years
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the naturalist at Favorite Park was talking about the park’s wetland - i didnt know before tonight that it was an INTENSE restoration project, and that like twenty years ago that entire part was all invasive australian pine and they had to kill them all and then pretty much build the whole thing. she talked about how in record rains, the water would come all the way up past the sand strip (a remnant of the plot’s past popularity with ATVs) and under the pavilion we were standing in. ive never seen it get nearly so high, ive never seen the sand strip go under. she also talked about the record breaking heat and dryness from recent summers, and how recently you were able to see the lake bottom, mud cracked like you might expect a desert to look. but she said that everything seems to rebound fine when the rains come back.
“but theres one thing that i have yet to see come back,” she said, and i wiggled a bit forward on the bench in anticipation - “and i really want to see it again, because it is listed as endangered,” and im now literally on the edge of my seat because i KNOW shes going to talk about the nodding clubmoss - “it’s called nodding clubmoss, and it looks kind of like a norwegian pine tree. i haven’t seen it since”
and i got a bit overcome with excitement and have no idea what kind of full body gesture i made, but it was dark out so it didnt really matter. i was like “oh!!!! yeah i havent seen them for a long time either and i would look every time, but i saw them again! i was here on a native plant society trip, and my friend was hoping to see them. i took him to where that big dense population used to be, but we still couldnt find any. i was sitting in the dirt, telling him i was really worried that they had all died off and were all gone. i know this is like the only place they still exist in the county, so i thought they might be GONE gone. and the he said, ‘you mean like this?’ and pointed to one tiny clubmoss!!” she was glad to hear it and i told her where we found it, and then used what i said as a jumping off point for a bit of a speech, because she wanted to talk about my fear for the existence of the clubmoss. she has been doing restoration work in various natural areas in the county for about 20 years, and in that time she has seen so many things that seemed to be on the brink, or gone, but then when the circumstances are right, they will come right back. sometimes on their own, sometimes with help, often with a bit of both. and whenever she hears people talking about inevitable doom, she just wants to share with them all the wonderful little comebacks shes seen, just in her very small scope, and how many little comebacks there must be all over the world considering her experience is certainly not exceptional. i followed up with mentioning how amazed i was that the wetland - currently the last known home in the county for both the clubmoss and sundews - was initially covered in australian pines, which are known to grow in huge stands choking out the MASSIVE majority of other plants below. if youve ever been in one of those, its incredibly barren. other plants do manage, but for the most part the ground is just covered in swaths of pseudo-pine duff. that they survived the australian pine invasion, all the upheaval that went into converting it from the australian pine stand to the wetland it is now, and then in the case of the clubmosses, having dried out to the point that i do believe like every living individual at the time did die off like two years ago.... its amazing. she said she has no idea what the populations of either were like during the australian pine days even though she was there working on it. so i dont think she saw any. she supposes they were just waiting for the right conditions. the sundews (and until recently the clubmosses) have such a big healthy population it’s hard to imagine the population was ever not doing well. it’s not like either species is one that expands its range easily, especially with no other local populations. this got a little more long winded and meandering than i intended but thats what i do. anyway i just think the resiliency is awesome
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gardenerian · 2 years
sorry if youve been asked this before do u think ian ever goes back to being an emt?
ive been thinking a lot about how he talks about using studying and the job itself to give himself a sense of purpose and maybe he doesnt consider it for a while when hes back with mickey because they really have a lot of catching up to do in terms of being happy and content together without a ticking time bomb on their relationship and i think that happiness feels like purpose enough but maybe he does go back eventually? he just seemed so happy there idk id love to hear your thoughts🫶
you know, i think i have been asked this before... but i have no idea what i said askdjhf plus, ideas and headcanons shift over time so - let's revisit 🥰
but honestly - i don't think so. i think part of his story and his growth means recovering from that loss. i want it for him so bad, but i think that chapter of his life is over. it's real grief for him, and i think it drives him to take care of himself as well as he can.
but! that said... i could see him putting some time in at the business, building it up and making a solid foundation for them financially. then maybe doing something else? something that helps him feel fulfilled, something stable? something that helps people. mickey would maybe keep the business going - perhaps he'd bring in lip or a cousin to help? idk. i see it being more up his alley longterm.
if they both stay in the business, i see them taking on different roles... ian doing more of the outreach and such, mickey crunching the numbers and making the business run like a well oiled machine 😇 they have many opportunities ahead!
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finalshaper · 2 years
okay i need to talk about djss i cannot take this bullshit anymore
this is a very long winded rant and probably very passionate and cringe and nonsensical but i am so fucking attached to this character and i need to voice why before i burst into sobbing. whoever made nova and wrote him i need to hug all of you because. thank you. youve. created something that i've really fucking needed in these last few months, years even. i dont even know where to start.
so like a year ago almost two years ago. i was in the transformers fandom. ran into some toxic assholes. basically treated me like absolute shit in every way possible. constantly walked all over me and did shit just to spite me, made fun of me when i was in pain, etc etc. all around shitty people. so for the longest time i used to go by nico, derived from nico di angelo from percy jackson. was super attached to the name. i'd perk up with happiness whenever i heard the name, or someone called me it.
now these toxic assholes literally ruined that name for me. the name sat like poison in my mouth, slowly dripping down my throat. i was basically dissociated from my identity and who i was because of how these assholes fucked with my head. i didnt know who i was. always floating, going by like a hundred nicknames but never knowing exactly who i was. it was like i was nothing, just. there. existing. a name i was attached to was sullied by toxicity and poison.
i've also spent many years, pretty much my entire 18-year-old life, ashamed of my weight. Ashamed of my body, hating it, curling my lip in spite. wishing i was as thin as my barbie dolls or my sister, or the women i saw on tv. or the men i saw on magazines posing flexing muscles. or whatever character i saw. people with my body type were always treated as a joke, always joked at for eating, always this and that, constantly yelled at to exercise. because i was built different. and stricter beauty standards over the years had me climbing closer and closer to being obese just based on my weight, even though i gained none. i was just heavyset since the beginning, and beauty standards were getting harsher and harsher.
originally my friend (who i love to death) tried to get me into nsr last year, saying it was something that i would like considering the art style, nature of the game, etcetera. she especially predicted i would love nova because space, which i've always had a love for. i thought he was pretty okay, but nsr never really held my attention for long. it wasn't something i was into at the time. but cut to a year later and I play it for the first time when I was on vacation with my partner... and NSR's time to shine in my life made itself known.
i was INSTANTLY attached to Nova. He had the same sort of features I did. those broad shoulders. that wide chest, that large torso. even the legs! even his fucking legs! i felt so seen. so heard. and i loved him, and he taught me how to love my body for the first time in my entire life. like hey, if i can love him for representing my body type, maybe i could learn to love myself as a result.
while i was at it i finally settled on a name -- nova. It felt like me, just like nico did. i'd light up whenever someone said it to me. nova. it was like that poison in my mouth turned into honey. nova. it felt like everything slid into place just because the funny space man reminded me of how much i love space, and if the name is taken from a character that's brought me genuine comfort and joy for the first time in literal years, then i'm happy.
nobody can ruin him for me. not this fandom, not anyone. two cunts came close but nova is worth more to me than those cunts ever will amount to in their entire lives. i will not let some lying maggots sully my happiness and my connection to this character. not now, not ever. this funny little space dj is worth more to me than some assholes who can't not act like babies for once in their lives.
look, call me cringe, call me this and that, bully me even. screenshot me and put me in your cringe comps. but this is how i feel, this is how i pour my heart out. nsr helped me fix myself. it's one of my biggest comfort games, and even though i'm hurting (both related to and not related to the two cunts) so it's hard to enjoy things, including my hyperfixations, i still turn to the funny dj for some comfort during those long nights crying my eyes out over things that are/were beyond my control.
i can go on all night but this post is big enough and i need to sleep and am currently crying behind my screen rn. im so fucking cringe im sorry feel free to make fun of me lol
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