#IBS remedies
familydocblog · 1 year
Finding Relief from IBS: Your Guide to Managing Symptoms and Living Better
In this post, I’ll go over what IBS is, what causes those miserable symptoms, plus simple yet effective lifestyle tweaks, treatments and coping strategies to help you minimize symptoms and feel more in control.
If your stomach issues have you doubled over in pain, rushing to the bathroom, or popping antacids daily, you might be one of the 30 million Americans struggling with IBS. Don’t worry – you’re not alone. And most importantly, there are solutions! In this post, I’ll go over what IBS is, what causes those miserable symptoms, plus simple yet effective lifestyle tweaks, treatments and coping…
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samwisethewitch · 1 year
Tried a new restaurant yesterday and got burned. 🫠 But at least I can show y'all what I do for flareups. Part of why I like having tinctures on hand is because it makes it easier to grab something when I feel bad.
I hope this helps y'all next time you have tummy troubles!
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heartshattering · 4 months
Great, it's that 'lovely' time of night where I lay down and feel my guts churning/bubbling/spasming uncontrollably and causing me intense pain as well as triggering obsessive thoughts about death and dying 🙃
My only relief is sleep but I'm literally in too much pain to sleep and my brain keeps telling me that I'm going to fucking die since I have no way of seeing a specialist until July. I don't have any signs of bleeding, just the pain and bathroom problems, which are symptoms I've had before. But of fucking course my mind wants to convince me that this time my obsessions are right and I am going to die horribly somehow.
I haven't eaten my favorite food in a week and I miss it. I can't take medicine for pain and headaches anymore. Every time I eat, it just hurts my body to the point where I don't know what I can possibly eat without making myself feel 1000x worse. Between the physical and mental pain, I'm up all night panicking, crying, and feeling miserable and sick. I just want to feel better already.
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Basil: Nature's Gift to Your Gut
We all know and love basil – that fragrant herb that elevates our culinary creations with its unique aroma and flavor. But did you know that this kitchen staple is also a powerhouse of digestive health benefits? Let’s embark on a journey to explore the fascinating ways basil can nurture your gut and enhance your overall well-being. Unveiling Basil’s Digestive Superpowers Basil isn’t just a…
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medscribr · 4 months
Managing Stomach Aches in Children: Causes, Symptoms, and Home Remedies
Stomach aches in children are a common complaint with various causes. As a parent, caregiver, or guardian, it’s challenging to see a child in discomfort. While severe or persistent symptoms require a healthcare professional, many mild stomach aches can be managed at home. This guide aims to provide a thorough understanding of potential causes, symptoms, and home remedies to alleviate stomach pain…
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veros-network · 7 months
guys do u think that cave men ever had ibs?
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gastroenterologist · 1 year
Discover comprehensive information on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – its Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment options. Learn how to manage IBS effectively.
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healingartsnyc · 1 year
Discover Gentle Natural IBS Remedies | Healing Arts NYC
Don't let IBS hold you back! Discover Healing Arts NYC's exclusive range of natural remedies, crafted to ease your symptoms and restore balance to your digestive system. Embrace a life of comfort! Read our blog to know more!
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healthvise · 1 year
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10 Natural Remedies for IBS
There is no cure for Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). A few treatments are available, but many people instead test with natural ways to find comfort from the symptoms of IBS and IBS pain relief. 
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almondest · 1 year
Favorite Crime
:: Blade , Jing Yuan , Dan Heng , Sampo , Gepard
summary: breaking up under certain circumstances, adhering to you as their favorite crime.
a/n: ib what I'm currently going through RAAAAAAAAAAAA (expect for more angst in the coming days)
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The things you did.
You played a significant role in him. Blade was sure you two would last longer than expected, but it was never bound to happen.
When you asked to end things with him in unfortunate circumstances, he felt his whole world turn upside down. The way all the things you did reflect in his vision every night.
There was no remedy for those memories, your face played like a melody that won't leave his head.
"Why..?" He meekly whispered. he was facing you, the tears that were threatening to fall down those crimson eyes were so forcibly kept. Instead, he just looked at you, scanning those eyes of yours in an attempt to convince himself that you were just joking.
"I'm sorry Blade. I-I just have too much on my plate right now..." You whispered back, before turning away from him. "I love you Blade, I really do. But because of this, I had to cut you off. for our sake."
Well, I hope I was your favorite crime.
He loves you so much, that he doesn't want to see you hurting. But Jing Yuans method, brought you down and just made you sadder than you already were.
You thought you knew him, guess you didn't. He hides so much stuff that you just wished he'd be free to tell you anything and everything.
"So, you were engaged?" You looked at him dejected, tears were slowly blurring your vision. "So you knew..."
"And you were planning to keep me from the dark? Do you never plan to tell me? I wouldn't have known if Yanqing never told me." Your tears finally gave out, breaking down right in front of him. "I was trying to get you to hate me!" You sighed, wiping away the tears that stained your cheek.
"Maybe we need to cool off for a while? Or better, Maybe we need to gather enough time for ourselves." You turned your back on him. "I love you. I really do, but maybe this isn't the right time for us."
It's bittersweet to think about the damage that we'd do.
After a heated argument with him a few days ago, you two gradually made up. But you always felt that deep inside, something was going on with Dan Heng. He was slightly colder, the vibe he gave off whenever you two met felt unfamiliar. It was as if, the love that once radiated to the two of you disappeared like nothing.
"I can't help but think, that as if we're strangers heng..." You started, walking towards the couch to sit beside him. "is something going on? You know you can tell me..." You whisper, taking his hand and playing with it.
He remained silent, treating you like a breeze of wind. 'No, nothing is going on my love...' Is what he wants his mouth to speak out but nothing comes out. "Did I do something wrong again? Please talk to me..." You started pleading, tightening your grip to his hand. 'No..You never did.'
Yet despite your pleas and begs, he never shared a glance with you. "[Name], let's end this." 'Fuck, please don't cry.'
Cause I was going down and I was doing it with you.
The first few years of your relationship was a blast. It was fun, it was something you never experienced with others before. Sampo was someone you gave your heart to ever so fast. But sometimes, these can be bound to break.
"You don't understand!" You screamed, accidentally throwing the vase of flowers that he gave you for your 3rd anniversary a few days ago, immediately feeling guilt rush through you.
He raised both his hands as a sign of surrendering. "[Name], my darling please don't get mad anymore... I swear I'll never really do it again!" You irked at those words of his. No matter what he says, you no longer felt the urge to give him another chance.
"Sampo, I'm done. Let's stop this..." You sighed, tears threatening to fall. "Once a thief, always a thief."
But I say that I hate you with a smile on my face.
He's beginning to grow distant. Gepard who once knew how to balance both his time for work, and for you was no longer there. After the whole fiasco of having 3 wanted people, he gradually lost time with you. And whenever he had, you did your best to get him to cheer up and spend time with you, but all you ended up receiving was a harsh cold shout of "leave me alone!".
"I'm home." A soft masculine voice echoed through your shared apartment but you never ought to give a response.
Soft creaking of the wooden floorboards were subtly heard, stripping your attention off to the newspaper you were reading. "Ah, you're home..." You unenthusiastically greeted.
You knew deep down that he had reasons as to why he acted that way for the past few weeks, you tolerated it and understood his situation. But when he actually shouted at you more louder than before gave your last straw.
Never once did he apologize after lashing out on you, never once did he even try to check up on you right after.
"Gepard, do you love me?" You asked, breathing in the courage to finally say it out. "Hmm? What's up? Of course I do... You don't know how much I do." He softly mouths, walking near you to give you an embrace he longed for.
"Oh, is that so?" You asked. "Are you doubting me?"
Long pause. Long pauses. Silence.
"I... Maybe we need space for a little while?"
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when i first created this blog, i made a post about the importance of being healthy/getting your body right;
so i guess it's rather fitting that my journey of refinement starts here.
i have a history of digestive issues. going all the way back to my childhood. years ago, i was diagnosed as having IBS, but lately it has gotten worse and the usual remedies haven't been working as well.
ironically, they got worse right around the time i started a weight loss journey.
i was airing my frustrations to Grey while also telling him what my plans were to deal with it when he suggested that i stopped guessing what was wrong with me and go to a doctor.
so i took my ass to a functional medicine doctor/nutritionist.
after an appointment that lasted over an hour, and completing a very lengthy medical questionnaire along with a food diary,
she diagnosed me as not having IBS but actually having SIBO along with chronic constipation (sorry if that's tmi ya'll lol)
and the reason why it's gotten worse is because *drum roll*
i've been eating healthier [because of my weight loss journey].
apparently when you have SIBO (which stands for small intestinal bacteria overgrowth), some food that is healthy, actually isn't healthy for YOU because of the bacteria.
i won't go into detail what SIBO is (feel free to google it) but once she explained it my symptoms made sense and everything just *clicked*
so now i'm on a special diet and my natural, herbal medicine is on the way.
we're going to give it a few weeks to see if there are any *positive* changes and then adjust if necessary.
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changingplumbob · 5 months
6 months in...
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Have a teen Cassandra, Devin and Charlie.
Today makes 6 months since I've been posting, and about a year that I've been playing with my rotational save. I'm so happy to finally have people to talk to about my sims so this post, much like my 3 months post, is here to say THANK YOU
Thank you first and foremost for caring about what I have to share into the void. I really didn't think my little stories would gain any followers beyond the people I migrated here from Spoutible with. After all they're sims living simple-ish lives, making their families with less drama than the average story on here. And no tidying up filters or edits. Somehow you welcomed them into your dash and I'm extremely grateful. Thank you for every single like you give. For those that comment, thanks for the chats. For those that want to comment, I promise not to be scary. For those that don't want to comment or don't have time, guess what? I still appreciate you being on this journey with me!
On behalf of my sims, thank you for accepting them. Thank you for understanding they fall all over the map. They have different body builds, genders, romantic attractions, sexual attractions, woohoo drives, are neurotypical and neurodiverse as well as having different moralities (I have an evil sim and a good sim now? Can't remember if they've ever talked but they certainly know of each other). I'm trying to add in more ethnic/cultural diversity where I can but with long lifespans it can take a while.
Between you and me one of my biggest tumblr fears is getting to part 3 of a household only for someone to comment "These ones are so boring, get back to blah blah blah", but... that hasn't happened? Somehow I've been extremely lucky and landed in the part of tumblr where none of you post mean or rude things on my posts. For this I am incredibly thankful.
Thank you for accepting me being me, and everything that entails. Including days where my IBS keeps me from being overly literate. All the cute cats I have no choice but to reblog. Understanding I have no idea how to play tag properly. Not cutting me off for an excessive love of puns and shoving song lyrics into tags. For including me with the boops, virtual flower bouquets, and asks where I can't seem to give a short answer.
Thanks to you for not minding me commenting on your posts. Extra thanks for reblogging the content and stories you enjoy to broaden my horizons.
So until later today (or your tomorrow) when I introduce which household we'll be heading next I decided to do something different. I have on my external harddrive screenshots from when I decided to start writing alongside my sims gameplay. There was some weird happenings way back when so have a flashback or three.
What's that? A couple of you have followed me in the past three months and haven't seen my cat? Let me remedy that! Here she is with one of her two favourite blankets.
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EDIT: I'm super nauseous today and will probably be off tumblr while my IBS settles and I have to take her *points above* to the vet because her arthritis meds have her off her food and I want to make sure we're doing what we can to keep up her food intake because she's a delicate 12 year old lady.
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How Slippery Elm Supports Digestive Health: A Comprehensive Exploration
Slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) has a rich history in traditional medicine, particularly among Indigenous communities in North America. Its soothing properties have been recognized for centuries, especially for conditions related to the digestive system. In recent years, interest in natural remedies has sparked renewed attention to slippery elm, not just in folk medicine but also within scientific…
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daveykimy · 9 months
old-timey folk remedies (& folk magic?)
I've been neglecting this tumblr for awhile (TBH I forgot) But I'm back to my slow journey of reconnecting with my Chinese side of my ancestry and I got a treat for you all! Here are some old timey Chinese folk remedies.
TW: gore
The best part of chatting with your elderly members of your family is when they start spilling stuff from the past. I love it when my grandma and grandpa starts recounting folkloric shenanigans they did and the small folk remedies their parents and grandparents gave them. These remedies are all oral traditions, as it's the norm for most Chinese folk religion-related things. From a time when your average person didn't have access to a physician, doctor, or hospital. Or when the did, they couldn't afford to visit for non-urgent reasons.
-TO REMEDY DIARRHEA: when you buy pomegranates, save the peelings and dry them under the sun. They can be simmered in water into a tea and given three times a day to those with an overactive bowel.
-TO GET RID OF WARTS: roll a blunt out of well dried mugwart leaves that was collected and hung on the front door during Duanwu Festival (dragon boat festival). Light the blunt and place it just close enough above the wart that you can feel the heat but not so close that it burns you. Make circular motion around the wart with the lit blunt while gently blowing on it. Do this when you wake up and before you go to bed. Repeat daily until your wart disappears. Collect the ashes of the blunt every time and rub it onto the wart.
-A SALVE FOR BURNS: obtain a dead newborn baby mouse, place it in a jar of sesame oil and seal it. Bury the jar in the earth near the hearth. Check on it often, and when the oil has become a putrid liquid, it is ready to be used to treat burns.
- TO HELP RECOVER FROM A FLU OR COLD: roast a tangerine, unpeeled, just until it is soft and hot. Eat that between meals and it shall help you recover fast.
-FOR CONSTIPATION: drink a shot of sesame oil. easy.
-FOR MIGRAINES & HEADACHES: rub tiger balm on your temples in a circular motions. You can put two slices of fresh daikon (the giant white asian radish) on your temples for 15 minutes.
-FOR FROST BITE: simmer dried eggplant stalks and leaves in some water and strain. Let it cool just a little and soak your frost-bitten feet or hands in it. Repeat daily and it should heal fast.
-FOR PSORIASIS: Mix some dried powdered orange peel or orange zest into some sesame oil. Use it as a salve on the affected area.
-FOR IBS OR STOMACH PROBLEMS: take 2 hawthorn berries, 3 dates, and 7 peppercorns and crush them all together. take it with a shot of vinegar.
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niuniente · 10 months
I had a dream where an unknown man bit me on the ankle and I turned into a vampire. I didn't want anyone to know but I needed help, so I pondered should I seek out Astarion or Spike for the help. I logically concluded that since Spike feeds on people - and I likely have to do the same as a person living in a city - and he is somehow a mixture of a vampire and something else, like I am, I should ask for his help (and I somehow knew him already).
I wonder if all these vampire references I've ran into lately are related to my anemia. It's been 3 years since the IUD installation to cure my anemia. I still bleeding 7 days each month, and rather heavily. None of the iron supplements I've tried during these 3 years works - sprays, pills, chewable pills, natural remedies, medication, juice, nettle, drops - but they all cause me a food poisoning due my IBS + reflux. It takes a week to recover even from a mild doze. Doesn't matter when or how I take the supplements - digested iron in any form is poison.
Eating food with a high iron content is not an option, as I just bleed out all iron I get - and it's physically impossible to eat so much food to get my iron levels out from the anemia even if I tried to.
Now, iron via IV is an an option - but not as long as I keep bleeding. It would help for a 1-2 months and I'm back to zero.
Stopping the bleeding is difficult because I've got a heightened genetic risk both for a breast cancer and a stroke. Cancers and strokes run on both parents' side. So, hormonal pills are out of the question.
A hysterectomy would cure the bleeding but not my endometriosis. So I still would need something hormonal and from all the options, the IUD is the best.
I'm having a light risk hormonal medication at this moment for postponing periods so that I can actually go to onsen while I'm in Japan. If this pill keeps the periods away, I'll need to discuss with a doctor if I could have both the IUD and this pill. They don't affect one another negatively and I can't rely on a pill alone because of the IBS.
Absolute. Bullshit. To. Have. A. Uterus.
At least as a vampire I wouldn't have health problems and iron problems would be solved in a week.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
WHO Declares Mpox Crisis: Is it really a Global Public Health Emergency?
Ian Brighthope
Aug 16, 2024
Alarmism at work again? PHEIC’s may becoming a routine, a habit or a need for the WHO to justify it’s existence. Remember what happened to the boy who cried wolf too often.
“ The World Health Organization (WHO) has raised the alarm, declaring Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, a global public health emergency due to the rapid spread of a new variant. The situation is dire, with the latest outbreak originating in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and now affecting neighbouring countries in Central and East Africa. The WHO's Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has emphasised the need for a coordinated international response to curb the spread and save lives.”
Mpox is a viral disease that typically causes flu-like symptoms and pus-filled lesions on the skin, pathologies that can be prevented naturally. Although it is usually mild, certain strains can be fatal. The current outbreak, particularly involving the clade Ib variant, has shown a disturbing trend. This new variant spreads more easily through close contact, including sexual transmission, making it more difficult to contain. Is this another case of a manipulated virus?
The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) has reported a 160% increase in suspected Mpox cases this year compared to the same period last year. Over 17,000 cases and 517 deaths have been recorded across 13 African countries, underscoring the urgency of the situation.
As the global community ramps up efforts to combat the Mpox outbreak through vaccines, antiviral treatments, and public health measures, there is growing interest in natural substances that may offer additional protection or complement existing treatments. While these natural remedies should not replace conventional medical approaches, they can serve as supportive measures in reducing the risk of infection.
Here are some natural substances that have shown potential in preventing or alleviating symptoms of viral infections like Mpox:
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