#IBS Medications
gastroenterologist · 1 year
Discover comprehensive information on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – its Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment options. Learn how to manage IBS effectively.
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clownpulp · 3 months
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hiii know i havent posted much art here lately but i am once again disabled and very broke, looking for anyone who may want one of these semi-monochrome rendered bust sketches :] $25+ depending on detail, and i can always do larger pieces, color, etc !
dm here or email me [email protected]
ko-fi if you just want to help me out
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endofradio · 3 months
every episode i watch of house md just gets more insane what do you MEAN this guy just prescribed somebody CIGARETTES
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longreads · 2 years
I love a good medical drama. My mother, a nurse, raised me on ER and General Hospital, always pointing out all the plot lines that “would never happen in real life” but were really cool to watch on TV. My mother credits ER with pushing her toward her decades-long career in the operating room. So when I, a poor lost college sophomore who had gone to school to play French horn (French horn!) and found it wasn’t what I thought it would be, I did what I knew best to do and turned to TV. And on TV, I found House.
House had it all: a painkiller-addicted doctor with a smart mouth and a slap-worthy face, medical mysteries solved via CSI-style case-of-the-week format, and a beleaguered crew of sidekick physicians whose instincts were never quite as good as House’s. I would spend each episode studying the setup and trying to unravel what the medical culprit could be before the ultimate reveal. Instead of realizing that what I might want to be was a writer with a good plot, I missed the mark and decided I wanted to be a doctor.
Want to feel like you’re watching House, M.D. this Tuesday morning? Dig into Lisa Bubert’s new reading list on medical mysteries!
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niuniente · 8 months
Me: Stomach, let's have lasagnette. It's pasta, pasta sauce and grounded meat. Cheese for garnish. Stomach: This is fine. Me: Stomach, let's have spaghetti. It's pasta, pasta sauce and grounded meat. Cheese for garnish. Stomach: :///// Eeeew what is this do not want ://// I'm going to be angry at you for a week now.
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toffeeimagines · 7 months
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Dear selfshippers w/ IBS, your F/Os wouldn't look down on you or think you are gross for your condition. They will help manage your diet if you need them too. They will comfort you when you are having flare-ups, even when they get bad. They'll remind you to take your medicine if you take any.
If you have only recently developed the condition (like me), they will help you with researching IBS and help you with dietary & lifestyle changes you may need to undergo. It can be scary and a lot, but they are there to help you through it.
They are there for you, no matter what.
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pro.shippers please dni
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eldrai · 2 years
Love looking up IBS because it's just like may cause [symptom doctors never mentioned was related] [symptom doctors never mentioned was related] [symptom doctors never mentioned was related] [symptom doctors never mentioned was related] and abdominal pain!
Like wow. Thanks. Glad I spent so much time as a literal child worrying there was something seriously wrong with me because I had other symptoms.
Anyway, here's a few symptoms in case it is ever useful to someone:
The ones you probably know
Diarrhoea (including mucus)
Abdominal pain/cramping
The ones you might know
The ones you probably don't
Dysmenorrhoea (heavy periods)
Pelvic pain
Back pain
Interstitial cystitis + other bladder problems
Sleep disturbances
Joint pain
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pixelatedraindrops · 2 months
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Nurse Pixel: I'm going to examine you!
Kazin: ...Eh!?
Usually if friends of mine are not feeling well or are sick I send them my best wishes and they get better in the next few days. (or they tell me their symptoms and I get inspired by it somehow lol)
But with Kazin, I found out she's had bloating and stomachaches for almost a year multiple times a month and hasn’t gotten any better. She didn't seem to know what was wrong with her.
So I did a full examination. (aka asking questions and taking a guess from my knowledge)
My final diagnosis: She has IBS-C
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...and yet she probably still won't resist the urges to fill herself with caffeine and junkfood... xD
(your funeral bestie haha i tried)
but yeah I doodled our lil’ sonas for funsies
I gave hers a coffee color scheme ☕
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spoonful116 · 11 months
Zofran tastes like broken dreams and not "cherries"
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melodymorningdew · 6 months
I haven't weighed this little since I was 13-14 years old... I really don't want to waste away my guy.
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arctic-hands · 3 months
I wish I didn't have to be "otherwise healthy" to be in scientific trials and such. Like I get they need consistent variables, but also these drugs will go to treat people with health issues and very few chronically ill people have JUST ONE chronically illness so at some point in the trial they should be looking for people like me
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heartshattering · 4 months
Love hearing random ass ableists on the radio going on conspiracy theory rants about how medical professionals "just want to get everyone hooked on meds" and how "chemicals shouldn't be going in your body"... meanwhile, I have doctors and nurses flat-out refuse to prescribe me anything because they claim it "goes against their beliefs" and they think my chronic health issues can be "cured" with stuff like magically not stressing out anymore, or taking non-FDA-approved herbal supplements, or fasting... 🙃
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faecaptainofdreams · 13 days
Doctors and nurses should somehow have to be held accountable for negligence, arrogance, horrendous bedside manner, humiliation, and other shit inflicted on patients. I’ve been neglected, abused, laughed off, gaslit, and plain insulted by physicians, doctors, nurses, specialists and ER personnel my entire life. I have never been a know-it-all, belligerent, or anything but patient, polite and attentive when seeking medical treatment.
So here i am, with pelvic pain burning through my genitals and related to BM struggles (as I’ve undergone off and on for like a year or more), and even if i could afford to go see an OBGYN, I’m fucking terrified to. I’m going to be 30 in a month and have never had a pelvic exam or even a discussion. I also think it’s cute how I’ve been told “oh, you can pick a man or a woman to do the exam!” Oh wow, thanks that’s so cool! Not like both options suck equally 🤪 not even for very different reasons, either! The dogshit level of medical care I’ve received throughout my life has been excruciating and scarring, with the first event being a literal legalized, perfectly acceptable medical r***. A systemic one so widespread there are fucking support groups for it.
I live in Indiana. NO ONE likes the medical care here. If i EVER can fucking afford some help, does anyone know a state with GOOD fucking specialists/OBGYN/doctors??? Because I’m not getting it in this fucking state.
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iiidunno · 22 days
Day two back to school:
❌ threw up twice
✅ made five death whistle prototypes, realized I don’t understand how whistles work, spent two hours reading articles in the science of whistles and accidentally spawned another useless hyper focus
✅ went to art history class, got intimidated by large attractive men
❌did not eat enough food, due to the nausea
❌ accidentally traumatized a kid with a nosebleed by having explosive diarrhea (idk what a twelve year old was doing in the university bathroom bleeding all over, at least he couldn’t smell anything? ❌ drank coffee, which I know is a bad idea and helps nothing
✅ made cylinders for my ceramics assignment, very boring but fun to play in dirt
✅ designed an impossibly difficult to construct puzzle box to make in ceramics
✅ drew a penis (not class related)
✅ pretty much instantly dropped out of my evening class (we’re counting that as a win I don’t care)
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clandestinegardenias · 2 months
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naamahdarling · 11 months
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