#I've already found 5 more shows i might wanna go to
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what an incredible fucking show
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lodeddiperactivate · 4 months
I hate you more! Part 4
Pairing: Rodrick Heffley x fem!reader
Word count: 1,601
Warnings: angst, drugs, alcoholism, substance abuse
Summary: A classic enemies to lovers! Y/N decided to go to that college party, saw her ex at the party, then Rodrick showed up. Ofc, nothing bad will happen, right? ;)
Author’s note: I've been busy, not much to say, but here's part 4! I'm thinking of ending this series by part 5 and will prolly make it smut :>
Tags: @tomhockstetter7-111 @quadraticmandela @bubbl14 @iliterallydontexistlol @avihtoria
Rodrick agreed to your offer that you'll split the $100 a week with him if he cooperates and takes it seriously. This also means that your session for that day can end early so you can go to said college party. You quickly said your goodbyes to the Heffleys and went home to get ready. This was your first time sneaking out to a party in an entirely new town so you were kind of nervous, mostly because you're worried someone might recognize you at the party, which is why you chose one that's quite far (sort of). This also means taking the bus at night to a part of town you've never been to. It was all so scary but exciting for you, and you just longed to be surrounded by strangers. You were so deep in thought while waiting for the bus that you failed to notice Bill, Loded Diper's lead vocals. You've seen him a couple of times when you were at the Heffleys, and you've also confirmed with Rodrick that Bill is around 35 years old.
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Shoot! You begged and hoped he did not see or recognize you. Luckily enough, you saw the bus rounding the corner just before Bill eyed you curiously. When he finally recognized you and was in the process of calling out to you, you had already boarded the bus. There weren't a lot of people riding the bus or even waiting for the bus so you breathe a sigh of relief as the bus drove away before Bill could catch up to you. You immediately slouched back to one of the seats and relaxed a bit.
You were nearing the party when your phone rang. It was a common friend between you and your ex, they were the one who initially told you about the party. Your heart sank when you saw the words on your screen, "I'm so sorry Y/N, I know you wanna go to this party to escape but I heard that he might be there!"
Great! You said to yourself. Your ex is gonna be at the party. Your mind goes to the worst case scenario where your ex is already hanging out with some hot new girl, making out at some corner or whatever, and you'll be there, not knowing anyone and being awkward and all. You're typically confident in your social skills but you can't seem to shake this nervousness and inferiority complex whenever you're around your ex. Your ex is 5 years older than you, and you had always thought he was so cool, that is until he started bringing girls to his college dorm. He assured you that nothing had happened, and maybe nothing did, but you knew that that was not how you wanted to be treated.
The bus stopped at a screeching halt and you walked out to greet the cold evening air. You wore a slightly oversized leather jacket over a plain white shirt and a black mini skirt. You wanted to appear cool but not trying too hard but with all this nervousness, you decided that your first agenda for the night is to get some alcohol in you. From the bus stop, it was only a 3-minute walk to the house. It was already getting late so no one was checking who was coming in and out of the house, which makes it easy for you to sneak in.
As soon as you stepped in, the music was blaring, college kids were drinking and dancing and groping each other, and making out. It was utter chaos, and for someone who likes to be organized, it was funny finding peace amidst the chaos. You went into the kitchen and found a couple of hard liquor, you went in for the kill. After just a few drinks, you found yourself walking to where people were dancing and started swaying your hips. One of your hands holding a cup while the other one freely roamed and caressed the rest of your body. You weren't sure how long you danced but you've noticed that another hand was also exploring your body. You turned to see that it was your ex.
"What are you doing here, Y/N?" He asked.
"I could ask you the same thing," you slurred which gave away the fact that you were already slightly intoxicated.
"Well, I for one am a college student, this is a college party." He said.
"In that case, why don't you go find some college girls to invite back to your dorm huh?" You said as you pushed his hands away. You tried walking away from him but he quickly yanked your arm which made you yelped. The music was loud to begin with but he yanked it so abruptly and out of nowhere that you were sure your voice pierced through the loud noise.
"Hey man, let her go."
Wait a minute. You know that voice. No no no, it can't be. Your ex was blocking the person who just spoke but as soon as he turned to see who it was, you kew your suspicions were right. It was Rodrick. Of course, Bill would tell him he saw you at the bus stop. Your mind ran frantically at all the possible situations that could unravel.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Rodrick. Let her go, I mean, don't bother Y/N."
You can tell he was nervous. Your ex was more muscular than Rodrick, and you don't know Rodrick well enough, but you can tell he has never been in a fight before. Your ex, on the other hand, has been in plenty. Although, he has been in reasonable fights and not petty ones, you try to convince yourself that as long as Rodrick doesn't do anything stupid, you can easily walk out of here in one piece.
"You don't want me bothering Y/N?" Your ex asked slowly, almost mockingly.
"Yeah, that's what I said, butt breathe!"
Butt breathe? Where in the hell did he learned that insult? You decided to step in.
"Come on, Rodrick, let's go." You walked past your ex and grabbed Rodrick by the arm.
"Yeah, you're lucky, Y/N is here to stop me because if not, I would've showed you what it's like to get your teeth punched, I mean like knocked out...get your teeth knocked out from punching."
You hear your ex scoffed at Rodrick's attempt to scare him. And with you grabbing Rodrick's arm and rushing to get out of that house, the last thing you heard was your ex calling out to you, "I'll see you soon, Y/N".
Rodrick had drove all the way to the house party when Bill texted him he saw you at the bus stop. And so, with the events that had just happened, you weren't surprised that the ride back was just pure silence.
You can tell Rodrick would look at you every now and then, trying to come up with something to say, but you were blankly staring at the road. The truth is that the breakup had left you feeling hurt and unwanted. Seeing your ex at the party and feeling his hands on you made you yearn for something, well, physical. You were embarassed at this fact but what can you do?
Rodrick coughed, probably in an attempt for you to look at him. You slowly looked at him, and he smiled. His smile was all teeth but his brows were wrinkled like the top part of his face was worried yet he was attempting a smile. It was the most ludicrous smile you had ever seen that you couldn't help but let out a small giggle.
"What?" He asked smiling back.
"Nothing. It's just that you have an ugly smile." You said as you let out a heartily laugh.
"Don't knock it 'til you try it."
"What? Try smiling like that?"
"Yeah." He said slowly, smiling.
You didn't realized it immediately but did he mean something else entirely? You looked back at him, he was focused on the road. You were probably 20 minutes away from home at that point.
"Thank you."
"What for?"
"Hmmm," you thought, "for protecting my honor."
Rodrick seemed proud when you said it that you saw him made his usual grin. You were grateful but at the same time, you just love teasing him.
"Although, you really need to work on your insults."
"What's wrong with them?" He genuinely asked as he turned a corner to where your houses are at.
"A lot!" You said and giggled as he slowly pulled to the front of your house so as not to wake your parents. You quickly said thank you again as you opened the passenger door to his Loded Diper van.
"Maybe.." he said. You paused just as you were stepping out of the van.
"Yeah?" You asked, as if you were hoping for something, the tone evident in your voice. Rodrick looked at you, and you thought that for the first time, he held your gaze.
"Maybe you can teach me how to properly insult someone, next time?"
You smiled, "Of course!" You replied, and before you know it, your entire body was moving on its own as you leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his check. He was surprised as you are as you both stared at each other for a few more seconds before you said goodnight and hopped out of his van. As you walked to your front door, you turned to wave goodbye to him and he waved back, smiling.
DOAWK masterlist
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ywpd-translations · 8 months
Ride 759: Pressure
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Pag 3
1: Even if the towel gets wet it's still
2: A towel, huh?
4: Ahh, I'm sweaty
Ohh, how lucky, I have the shower room all to myself!
5: What-
6: In the dark!? In the shower!? Midosuji-kun!? And there's so little water
How long has he been taking a shower.... he's really too weird....
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Pag 4
1: The water's...
2: stream runs down the limbs and falls on the ground
3: The towel has no power anymore
No meaning
6: But is that really true?
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Pag 5
1: What is he mumbling about
Ahhh, please just hurry up and finish your shower
Can I turn on the light... is that okay...
2: I just can't find the meaning
4: If I....
5: take that to be the case!!
7: I found it, in a place like this- the answer!!
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Pag 6
6: Oi, Midosuji... kun!!
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Pag 7
1: Sohoku's.... those guy's stage is starting
Don't you wanna hear their comments!? They might say something about their strategy...
3: He's not here!? Huh!?
Komari... that guy said he was going for a trial run to look for... “good meat”? And other stuff that didn't make any sense
4: Hatchobori went and followed him... but
Ahh, dammit, has everyone else also gone to the stage and that's why there's no one in the tent?
7: A child!?
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Pag 8
2: Who's this kid
3: Ah? In our tent!?
Ah? And that's Midosuji's seat!?
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Pag 9
1: This is why I hate kids!!
They don't listen and cry too easily!! And even before the important Inter High, this is so annoying!!
2: Oi, what are you doing, brat
Don't just come in wearing shabby, dirty tank top
Just because it's open doesn't mean you can't come in
3: Oi!!
4: Look at me!!
5: Are you in fifth or sixth grade!?
I'll take you to the main office
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Pag 10
2: Huh
It's thick!?
3: Huh!?
4: Huh!?
5: Huh!?
6: Why
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Pag 11
1: Funatsu-kuun, are you suddenly grabbing someone's arm
4: It was Midosuji....
It was Midosuji!!
5: It's always been him!?
He looked like an elementary school kid!!
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Pag 12
1: Why!?
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Pag 13
1: I was here.... since earlier?
2: Waaaaaa
3: You said “shabby, dirty kid”
Who was it!?
4: Since the beginning of this year.... he's become even more precise in controlling his pressure
No, no, it was nothing
5: Adding to the way he could look bigger last year, now there are times when he lowers his pressure and looks small!!
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Pag 14
4: So... this guy
5: can lower his pressure to the point that he can look the size of a kid at will...?
6: To compete in the Inter High
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Pag 15
1: This guy has sharpened both his body and mind tremendously!!
2: Puku!!
3: Uwiii-
5: You really have a tremendous control on your pressure
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Pag 16
1: Midosuji-kun
Waaaa Hakogaku's Manami!!
2: Why.... why are you here
Can I come in?
I don't mind
Is that okay!?.... okay then, come in!!
3: Is it okay that you're no watching Sohoku's fantastic stage?
4: That's just a show
It has nothing to do with the race
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Pag 17
1: As expected, puku, from the man who only feels joy in running and who's only specialized in running, Manami
2: It's the last Inter High, after all, I came to say hi
3: With your team?
5: It's personal
6: Will we race each other at some point?
For sure
7: Because
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Pag 18
1: we want the same thing
2: Ugh!! Ugh.... this guys has a tremendous pressure too!!
3: Oh....
4: Then should we do it....
5: A race
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Pag 19
1: After I defeat that Sakamichi!!
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Pag 20
1: Yeah
2: I'm different this year, you know?
I've already found the answer!!
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
02/26/24 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&Crew;WeeJohnWondays; New Calendar; Watch Party Reminders; Uk Billboard; Trends; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; DailyDarby/Tonight'sTaika
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Wee John Wonday! =
No guests today! Just the wonderful Kristian Nairn himself! So I didn't get time to write up a synopsis, so I'll give you a few highlights I thought you might like!
Next Wee John Wonday will feature: Ruibo Qian and Anapela Polataivao!
Calypso's Birthday Airing Episode, the guests will be: Con O'Neill and Gypsy Taylor!
GOT questions!
== New Calendar ==
Weekly Calendar! Tomorrow is #TomatoTuesday!
#TomatoTuesday is a day to rave about OFMD's rave ratings on Rotten Tomatoes to different streamers! Please add your own review if you haven't already! Rotten Tomatoes Review Tutorial.
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= People of Earth S2 =
People of Earth S2 continues tomorrow Feb 27 at 9 pm GMT / 4pm EST / 3pm CST / 1pm PST. Need access? Reach out to @iamadequate1!
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= Uncle Season 2 Watch Party! =
Wed 28th + Thurs 29th GMT - 8pm / ET - 3pm / PST - 12 pm Streaming on I-player! Outside the UK? Follow this VPN tutorial to learn more.
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= Joe Lycett Watch Party =
According to the new weekly calendar you can join @lcwebsxoxo for Joe Lycett Watch Party at 10 pm GMT on twitter! #YoureATreasure
== UK Billboard ==
As many of you have heard, the Save OFMD Crew has been working on getting a billboard going in the UK.
"Our goal is to help achieve pick-up for Our Flag Means Death. To do it, we need the show (and the campaign) to continue garnering attention through sustained interest, viewership and fandom growth, and we need to prove to other streamers that picking up the show is a good financial investment."
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Since there's so much information, I'm just going to give you some links that you can peruse at your leisure:
Save OFMD Crewmates Billboard Post on Tumblr
Transparency Policy
London Billboard FAQ
SaveOFMD Crew Contact Info
If you'd like to donate to the billboard/truck/subway effort (it's not required) please visit: Save OFMD Ko-Fi
I mentioned in another post-- if you don't feel comfortable reaching out to SaveOFMD Crew directly, and want to chat/forward feedback anonymously, I'm more than happy to do that on your behalf, just shoot me an anon ask. However, I will probably not get to them tonight because it's already very late, sorry! I'll forward them on first thing in the morning for me.
== Trends ==
Sure looks like #OurFlagBBC is still going pretty strong! Great job friends!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Collages =
Almost at the end of the month of February -- and the Feburary LOVE #OurFlagMeansDeath Collage Fest! from our fabulous crew-mate @WanderingNomad on Twitter! So close to being caught up on the rest of the month!
Day 26: Season 2 Costumes!
Day 10: Ewan Bremner!
Day 11: Joel Fry
Day 12: Ruibo Qian
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Wanna be featured in the fan spotlight? Send me a message! We're trying to make sure our creative crewmates are getting a chance to strut their stuff! I've been reaching out to several folks so hopefully we'll have lots more soon!
== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies. Tonight, I was gonna write a bunch of stuff but then I found this video of Rhys sending some love and encouragement, and I felt like it was needed more than anything else. I haven't gotten permission to share the full video on here yet, so if I do I'll get it posted. For now, @lividturkeys posted an uplifting section that I think we all need to hear tonight.
"Keep the laughter coming...We stick together and keep bringing love and joy to this planet, it needs it more than ever...Keep laughing, Love you"
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Okay so I'm running out of time, so tonight will be pics not gifs, sorry all. One of these days I'll finish catching up earlier in the day (ha!)
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PS: I have no idea why but my 5 year old finds Taika and Rhys HILARIOUS. Like, laugh his ass off roll on the floor laughing when he sees Taika talking and Rhys making silly movements.
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #5
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They're so cute...
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OH, she set them up!! Here we go!
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Wanda making squeaky toy noises when Cosmo hugs her is all I've ever wanted.
"We're real, all right! ... Real fairies. Not real humans."
BUDAWHAAAAAAAA-? Thank you Cosmo for just confirming elastic skin, which has been one of the most important headcanons in my worldbuilding. I did not expect you to do that for me, but... thanks?
Pfft, Wanda changing her legs.
ERG??? Is that you?
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Okay, there's that "We've been retired for 10k years" implied time travel bit; I think I remember that from the story bible + early convos with my friends, so at least I came prepared to expect that.
This is either time travel - which plays perfectly into my established "Cosmo ate a time key during dinosaur times and has been running around through time unsupervised for ages" headcanon anyway, LOL - or they're flat-out lying to Hazel, seeing as the audience already knows Timmy is confirmed as a recent godkid, so... Hm.
SLDKFJSD I love how the guy who accidentally sent his baby stroller down a steep hill is wearing a #1 Dad hat. "My expensive stroller! ... I mean, my baby!" - Yeah, we're still in FOP. All the parents are terrible here.
Setting her up as loving french fries and then turning her into a fly who found french fries was clever.
Cosmo once again being so close and yet so far to his mark. Good to see him back!
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Me when I return my would-be murderer's daughter, who is a bug.
I AM SO GLAD that even in 10,000 years, Wanda's small talk skills have not improved far beyond "I'm Human McRealPerson" and "My husband is a grilled cheese sandwich" from back in the day, sdlkfj. That's my girl!
oh no, the Venus flytrap gift they brought over is about to go so wrong.
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Yep, she's still goin'. Talking about the carwash.
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GIRL check your fingers.
OH MY GOSSSSSSH, he's dressed for a classy party in Fairy culture. Cosmorella? We thought you were dead!!
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... That's an ant? I would've guessed tick.
It's a guy ant? Buddy, are you sure you're supposed to be foraging?
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Let's go!!
SDLKFJSDKLFJSLKJF noooo... No, no, no, no, no... Not the thing I use to symbolize memorials for the dead, c'mon!
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It IS an accurate item for a Fairy house- these were all over the place in Fairy World during the old show, AND in that color, though you usually see more than one "wand" per pot.
I'm super impressed the artists studied the old interior design customs. Huh.
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Cosmo lives here. Also, BABY!!
OOH, I'm excited that Cosmo and Wanda's window overlooks Fairy World because it's kind of a portal. I did something super similar with a rat cage in an upcoming Frayed Knots scene, where Anti-Cosmo and Wanda are godparenting together during school. Nifty!
He even confirmed it's a spell on the front door! Wow. Somehow, Past Me nailed that.
"We can choose which world we go out into!" -> /Me with my 'fic where Kevin Crocker is confused that Shirley's Pizza Parlor has an exit on the other side that goes to Retroville.
Cosmo: We lived in Timmy's fishbowl for 20 years. Wanda: It was 7.
You are both wrong- it was like 68 <3 But honestly, I forgive you for not wanting to tell Hazel time was frozen for 50 years. I don't think she'd like that. Actually, I don't think she was born yet, because my vision is time freezing at the end of Season 4, and Dale was rescued in Season 2, so... Yeah, she wasn't born. Still, you don't wanna just drop that on someone.
That's actually very funny that Cosmo and Wanda are struggling because they're out of practice during their retirement.
THERE'S THE SIGN!! Way to go.
Oh, and the credits are done in a similar style to the old ones? Even the colors? That's so cute! That's also nice that Hazel's VA was a story editor too- That probably helps with the passion and vision.
That was cute. I liked it. Huge relief to see something well-researched and made with love after "Fairly Odder" was a struggle for me.
I've got a little more time tonight, I might be able to get one more episode done before bedtime.
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bcbdrums · 6 months
I think a lot of the support for Maka's mom might just be a hate for Spirit.
My gosh just found this in my drafts. Sorry, Anon, if you were the other one I recently answered about her. So some of this may be redundant...
Let's not even look at Spirit. Let's just look at Maka's mother. What do we know about her?
a great meister
made Spirit a death scythe
was Spirit's second partner after he was with Stein 5 years
was the one to discover the experiments done to Spirit
she left Spirit for his supposed cheating
she is NOT THERE
Spirit describes her as asking pointed questions
(anime only) she's "missing"
(anime only) sends blank postcards to Maka periodically from around the world
(anime only) was calm and collected at the divorce hearing
(anime only) could use the special scythe-technique Genie Hunter
(anime only) Maka describes her like a grizzly bear/hippo in that she is "strong, hot-tempered, you don't wanna see her when she's angry"
(anime only) Maka describes her as "still warm, kind-hearted, and loyal"
(manga only) mailed her wedding ring to Spirit after the divorce
(manga only) has a strong anti-madness wavelength
This...is literally it. This is ALL we know about the woman. We don't even know her name.
I don't see a good mother when I look at this list. So why there's support for her in fandom? All I can think of is sympathizing with someone who was wronged by their significant other. Which, I completely understand. But why put her on a pedestal for it? When she has nothing to show for herself in terms of being a good mother to Maka... No no, this woman...does not deserve any honors.
Now, let's look at Spirit. What do we know about him?
he is there and always has been (at Maka's kindergarten graduation; he's in her photo albums with her younger than that)
he makes an effort to be around Maka and tries to spend time with her; he is utterly devoted to her
he tries (but fails) to get her a special gift (not his fault it failed)
the idea of a parent abandoning their child sends him sobbing
he's Lord Death's personal weapon and takes the job seriously
he likes booze
he likes women
he goes to a cabaret regularly for drinks and attention
he is very good at reading and controlling a meister's wavelength
he will risk his life for the greater good
he looks beyond the surface with people to see the good within
he exaggerates (even lies) to make himself look good to get attention from women (manga only)
he lies to Lord Death to save a friend's life (manga only)
he genuinely cares about other people close to him and their happiness (manga more obvious but both)
he's aware of his own shortcomings and admits to them (manga more obvious but both)
he shows extreme bravery in the face of certain death (manga only)
I will repeat what I've said elsewhere... The author presents him as a character to be disliked; to be the butt of the joke. But by the fifth episode into the series, that's already changed! Already there's more going on beneath the surface. And that just continues to unfold in the anime, and then even more in the manga.
The problem seems to be people see him in episode/chapter 1, draw their conclusions, and...that's it.
But yeah, this should not be a... Spirit vs. His Ex situation... Mrs. Albarn was awful too, arguably far worse.
So, yes, I agree. I think a lot of praise for her is in fact just projecting based on unwarranted hate for Spirit.
(I was SO tired writing this please tell me if I forgot anything.)
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headsincloud9 · 1 year
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Credit: 400+ smut prompt list was found on pintrest from a tumblr that was called @trash-hours
400+ smut prompt you can use for 2 paragraph smut as well as requests, or asks.
Rules here.
Part 2
1. " Ths cock isn't gonna suck itsell.
2. "So desperate for it aren't you? Well, if you want it so bad you better start taking it."
3. "I'd hold onto something if I were you.
4. "1 love it when you moan my name."
5. "Just a littie harder."
6. "Let me give you a reason to stay in bed."
7. "No panties?"
8. "I want you now."
9. "Use your tongue."
10. "Please don't stop.
11. "I can't sleep without you here."
12. "If you don't change out of those shorts and into some pants l'll have them around by lunch."
13, "Do you like that?"
14, "You need a place to stay for the night?"
15. "Spend the night with me?"
16. "You can get louder can't you?"
17. "Look what you do to me.
18. "| want to taste you."
19. "I think it's time you get rid of that V-Card."
20. "Open your mouth."
21. "If you want to cum you better beg."
22. "Maybe I should leave you like this, that way anyone who wanted to use you could have a
go with you, Would you like that?"
23. "That feels so good."
24, "Don't cum yet."
25. "Strip. Now."
26. "Take off your clothes."
27. "Bite me!" "if you insist."
28. "Can you feel what you're doing to me?"
29. "This is a one time thing."
30. "Tell me how you like it."
31. "Get on your hands and knees, right now."
32. "I wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it."
33. "1 just want to please you."
34. "Each of my thoughts about you are improper."
35. "I love it when you kiss my neck."
36. "Don't be gentie."
37, "I've never wanted to fuck you more than 1 do now.
38. "You want to have sex with me?"
39. "You're not going out dressed like that."
40. "I'm afraid i can not longer remain professional."
41. "Make me."
42. "You're mine."
43. "l love it when you talk dirty."
44. "I'Il let you do anything if you just touch me now.
45. "I've never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly.
46. "This is new."
47. "Don't give me that look."
48, "Like what you see?"
49. "Stay quiet."
50, "I told you to stay still."
51. "I promise I'll be good."
52. "Just shut up and fuck me."
53. "You feel so good."
54. "| want you inside me."
55. "| think I like you better with a gag in your mouth.
56. "I'd like to breed you."
57. "Perhaps I need to remind you of your place."
58. "I think I've made my intentions clear.
59. "Be a good girl and spread your legs."
60. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you."
61. "I know a workout you might actually enjoy."
62. "Come on. Take it all on your own like a good littie pet."
63, "Think you can handie that much."
64, "Let me show you what happens to littie brats who don't follow the ru
65. "How do you feel about two at once?"
66. "I want it to hurt."
67. "I had no idea you were into this kinda thing.
68. "Don't tempt me."
69, "I've never done this before.'
70. "Don't be afraid. It's me."
71. "I just want to feel something.
72. "I swear I'm gonna fuck the next person that comes through that door
73. "I want your cock in my mouth."
74. "Wanna join?"
75. "Mind if 1 join?"
76. "I'm either joining or watching, you pick."
77, "Don't make me take you home and punish you."
78. "Your more than just a one night stand."
79. "Don't forget who you belong to."
80. "Want me to give it back? Make me."
81. "Would you just shut up and kiss me already.
82. "Try to stay quiet, understand?"
83. "| think I've spoiled you too much these last few days."
84. "We're in public, you know."
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jumpywhumpywriter · 3 months
A Life in the Hands of the Enemy -- Villain reluctantly saves Hero's Life part 5
Warnings: violence, bleeding, near-death experience, captivity whump, cruel Villain whumper
Zack hummed cheerfully to himself as he wandered back upstairs to relax and watch the news, hoping to find any reports of an overpowered new villain in town to start his search.
It wasn't long before news reports started coming in, showing buildings torched in flame, destroyed sections of street... the state of the city was deteriorating.
He frowned as a fuzzy picture of a large man popped up on a news report titled 'Newest Big Baddie?' From the level of destruction this individual had caused, he found himself very unsettled. I'm the one who rules this city, he thought angrily. Not doofus wanna-be-me there.
He got up and paced thoughtfully, setting his genius mind to the problem. He weighed advantages and disadvantages, sorting and cataloging information in his head, taking into account every small variable at play.
This new villain is clearly dangerous... and motivated enough to go to the trouble of setting up an ambush for Amber, he thought. Intent like that is powerful. This is a man who knows what he's doing, capable of formulating intricate plans, like myself. Zack couldn't help admiring the new guy. He'd successfully taken down the pesky hero, a feat that he himself had repeatedly failed to do. On the other hand, New Villain doesn't know that Amber is still alive, or that I have her in my possession. She might the key to defeating him, if only I can find a way to control her powers.
Right now, Amber was weak, still recovering from the many grave injuries she'd sustained. But as she healed, her former strength would inevitably return... and Zack knew that would be a big problem for him.
But I think I know how I can control her, he thought darkly, a clever idea crossing his mind. I know how to force her to fight for me. She will make a fine weapon, a fine weapon indeed... He walked briskly to another room where he kept all his experiments and experimental weapons and technology, and got to work, crafting a special surprise.
A few days passed, And Zack made sure to keep his new captive well-fed and cared for. He needed her in good health for his plan to work. Today would be different from the usual routine, though. This time he wouldn't be entering her room to bring food, or fresh bandages. No, this was going to be a rather interesting interaction…
He entered Amber's room to find her already pinning him with a fierce glare, her posture stiff and defensive.
"I'm almost healed. You won't be able to hold me here much longer," she growled threateningly.
"I know. But I'm here to change that," Zack replied, unphased, and brought a miniature tranquilizer gun out from behind his back. Her eyes flicked over to it, widening with concern.
"What is--"
That's all she got out as he smiled cruelly, took aim, and pulled the trigger, nailing her in the shoulder with a dart. She cried out in pain, and he relished the helpless panic and fear that flashed across her face as the drugs started to take hold.
In a vain effort fueled by anger and pain, she suddenly launched at him with a snarl to attack, going for a throat punch, but her fist stopped an inch from its target as the cuffs on her wrists snapped taut, stopping her.
Zack smiled coyly at her, tracing a finger under her chin tauntingly. He couldn't help it. "So, so close," he tutted. "The more you fight it, the more it'll burn."
Amber started trembling uncontrollably, eyes filled with intense pain as her legs started shaking unsteadily beneath her, before she crumpled to her knees with a rattling breath of air, fighting to stay conscious. Zack crouched down in front of her, gripping her shoulders to steady her, more out of mockery than reassurance.
"Let go, hero, you know you can't fight it forever. You need the rest. I've got big plans for you..." He savored watching the fight slowly leave Amber's body as her eyes went out of focus, head drooping, before she finally went limp. He carefully lowered her unconscious form to the ground, then reached into the large pocket on the inside of his jacket, pulling out a metal collar. He fitted it around her neck and adjusted its size to fit snugly, but not too tight to cut off her air. After fiddling with it for some time, he was satisfied, standing up with a greedy smile.
"Now, you will be the greatest weapon the world has ever seen," he whispered under his breath. Then he reached down... and took the cuffs off her hands. "I won't be needing these anymore to control you, beast."
With that, he retreated from the room to wait for her to come back to her senses. Once that happened, it would be time for her first lesson in obedience.
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nuwildcat · 9 months
10 QL people I want carnally aesthetically
Sooooo as your local ace, I couldn't complete the lovely tag from @sunshinesanctuary with carnally, cause....I don't think that way. BUT with a little chit chat in DMs with @luckydragon10 I was able to cobble together a list of aesthetically pleasing people from Queer Love series.
Cool I'm going to start with the two who lured me into Thai BL cause why not.
**note the following gifs will not be the most flattering, but instead the most hilarious ones I find on tumblr's atrocious gif search.
10. Tan (Max Nattapol) - Manner of Death
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What can I say, I like a good cheeky monkey who has no idea what to do with the pretty man that has just kissed him. He has his little shit face on here, and that's about all it takes to lure in my ace heart.
9. Bunn (Tul Pakorn) - Manner of Death
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What an orange cat of a man. Like, what were you thinking was going to happen (spoiler he was checking for a gun I think? sus little bean) but that is a horrible way to go about that. Charmed the shit out of me from the get go, he absolutely deserves to be on this list. Also that shirt is doin' werk.
8. Phupha (Earth Pirapat) - A Tale of a Thousand Stars
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Right, so, as far as aesthetics go, this man is already pretty, but then they stuck him in a uniform, and I've always been a sucker for a uniform. He gives gremlin vibes this entire show, despite the serious face that is just stuck like that. (I am starting to sense a pattern...).
7. Prapai (Fort Thitipong) - Love in the Air
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What does this man do? Seemingly, nothing. He has way too much time on his hands and a clearly overworked secretary, but I will say the lack of brain cells and puppy dog eyes kinda worked for me. (not enough to finish the series, but I was digging him).
6. Jang Jae Young (Park Seo Ham) - Semantic Error
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I love how freakishly tall this man is. Once again I have found an absolute terror of a man (this one totally has a golden heart) and latched onto him instantly. The fact that he came with a built in size difference is just the icing on the cake.
5. Choi Yu Na (Song Ji Oh) - Semantic Error
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Ummm. Yeah Imma just let that gif speak for itself. Immaculate babe, just keep doing what you're doing.
OKAY from here on it's just KP I don't know what y'all were expecting otherwise.
4. Tay (Us Nititorn) - KinnPorsche the Series
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My love affair with Tay is long standing and undying. This is the best I could do to find a silly gif of him. Honestly I think that speaks to why he is so high on the aesthetic list. Poor man lost in a google coin toss to Big 😭
3. Big (Nodt Nutthasid) - KinnPorsche the Series
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That right there ladies and gentlemen, is peak bodyguard performance, losing your shit over the new kid. All jokes aside there's something about this man's face that makes me wanna stare at it from like every angle. Give this man another role so I can stare at him more, please.
2. Porsche (Apo Nattawin) - KinnPorsche the Series
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Ahhh Apo and his amazing faces. There is a unique ability to demonstrate just how little is going on in a character's head, and Apo has it DOWN. Porsche my darling, aesthetically your a freaking masterpiece, but baby if you think too hard you might hurt yourself. (Yes I am aware the theme is getting worse). THAT BEING SAID. Holy shit when you clean this boy up he is a force to recon with. That green suit??? it haunts me. Aesthetics on point with this brat.
Kinn (Mile Phakphum) - KinnPorsche
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Right so this last one was actually hard to pick between Porsche and Kinn, buuuuut if I'm going form a character aesthetic approach I have to give the #1 spot to Kinn. My man slays through the majority of this show with suits on point, and cocky faces galore. I kinda hate him a little bit for how long I had to scroll to find an unflattering gif. EVEN HERE HE LOOKS GOOD he just got his dick sucked too hard in a helicopter to pull off suave. *throws hands up in the air* I just wanna put him in my pocket and take him out and shake him every once and a while.
I am very late to this game but I am going to inflict this on a couple people I think who haven't been tagged and whose answers I would find amusing. @lady-guts @fairhairedkings @medievalraven @stoeptepel @dr-lemurr
Please feel no obligation to participate I just think y'all would have good hot-takes.
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drawnaghht · 9 months
Yuichi Usagi is [SURNAME] [given name]
lol I've written abt it before going into more specifics & making theories, but this post is just to clear it up again as a general ref for newer fans reading old or new posts abt it and finding themself confused... edit3(15.1): rightfully so! if you've ever watched more than 5 anime or just read some manga, you might recognize that Yuichi is most commonly a given name in Japan. Even viewers familiar with japanese would have made the same assumption. But the show itself uses it as a first name, so it becomes confusing. After jan 6th we found the behind-the-scenes lore for that too.
- clearest tell in the show itself that Usagi is his first name - his auntie calls him Usagi. What auntie calls their sole nephew or close family member by their family name? ... which would have to be her own family name then too...???
Secondly. He introduces himself as Usagi the more he's in the city. First as Yuichi Usagi, but then after a few chases, he gives up and introduces himself to Kitsune as "Usagi"in the 1st episode. boy wants to be known as Usagi haha.
edit 2 (8.1.2024): as of 6.01 we have official confirmation that this is fact + a little backstory! Yuichi is the boy's surname
the whole show, all the other characters use japanese naming convention - e.g. Gen introduces himself as Murakami Gennosuke to the Bat Squadron. it seems the other younger characters call each other by given name basis because they're either all around the same age or don't feel like using family names for each other. Often characters don't have family names because they're orphans (Chizu, Kitsune, Hana). Or it's the only name they go by in general (Tetsujin, Lady Fuwa).
it's that simple! you can headcanon whatever but at least know the show itself has named him this way.
I've already written about this b4 too but Yuichi can very rarely be a family name (apparently). there might be other reasons the show crew gave him Yuichi as a family name, but if that doesn't cut it, you can always adopt my theory that he has a rare two given names.
But yeah, the show makes it clear that Usagi is his first name. It's a spinoff based on Usagi Yojimbo and some of its stories and ideas, and made by fans of the comic and Stan's work. They decided to give him this name, for whatever reasons, and it's his name used in the show. There's too much much work in the show itself for them to give him a random name either, "just because they're ignorant" or even just bc they didn't research. They clearly did or the show wouldn't have some surprising elements to it as a spinoff or as a past+future combo of japanese aesthetics.
Him and the comics' original Usagi, Miyamoto Usagi can share a first name. I know it looks confusing coming from other shows where evryone has specific names. I know it's just generally confusing as a tmnt fan... but their names and tags can co-exist as-is. maybe i don't get out enough into other shows but I've never seen a fanbase stretch themselves so into a pretzel over characters sharing their first name. also Miyamoto Usagi is based on a famous historical samurai, more precisely - Miyamoto Musashi. His movie depiction was what inspired Stan Sakai in the 80s... ppl in real life share first and last names very often so it just doesn't bother me personally that they share one name, but not their family name. So I don't get anymore why ppl are upset that his name is a combo of two first names... I believe there's also a irl children's book author named Usagi Yuichi (maybe pseudonyms being animal names is more common in japan?idk) so I wonder if the crew knew about that 🤔
clearing this up again bc every time I see someone say smth about this show and it's some misunderstanding on top of a misconception, I just wanna make a simple chart to explain things lol. but i don't know if ppl would care even. I know ppl sorta dislike this show or don't care abt it anyways. but then... why talk about it? why share info like a fan who knows or cares about it... and then it's false info... so idk, if they're not a fan, don't take them at face value, but even if they're a fan, it's easy to share info without a source and have others think it's real. Be ready for info to change or your first impressions to break. I've mostly only theorised or drawn from the show itself so far, but even things I say might change if other evidence is provided. So... lol lets all just read into this show calmly I guess.
edit (7.1.2024): lol another thing to add that I didn't think about: there's a 1000 years between the generations of Miyamoto Usagi and Yuichi Usagi. so them not having the same surname would be considered quite normal (and so far, no evidence to conclusively say that M! Usagi is a grandpa... the scene between Usagi and his auntie in the evening in ep 1 also seems to allude that there are many generations between the og era and the future era and that Usagi's auntie is speaking of her own direct great grandfather and Miyamoto Usagi separately...
Anyway. That's all! Hope this is helpful to newer fans.
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demadogs · 1 year
Do you know any good wlw movies/ TV shows on netflix? I've watched a few, I am not ok with this, Carol, duck butter, but im LESBIAN DEPRIVED!
unfortunately almost all my favorite sapphic shows have been canceled especially the ones on netflix but i do still think theyre worth your time. but it might also kill you bc the story isnt finished. all these shows are also just amazing plots too. like i would love them just as much even if there wasnt wlw relationships.
heres what i got for shows but not all of these are on netflix.
the wilds. this is an AMAZING SHOW. its on amazon its about a staged plane crash where 8 girls are stuck on an island but they dont know that its all a fucked up social experiment. a lesbian relationship became established before it got canceled after s2.
cable girls. this is on netflix and it actually DIDNT GET CANCELED HALLELUJAH. its an amazing show but it actually doesnt really count as sapphic bc one of the characters in the wlw relationship ends up being trans. but its still a great queer love. this shows spanish and set in late 1920s madrid at a telephone company. its one of my favorite shows ever literally every season is better than the last plz watch it.
everything sucks. this is on netflix and it did get canceled but the lesbian relationship was mostly established before the end of the first season. its set in the 90s and its just a really cute show im mad it got canceled.
paper girls. this is on amazon and ngl this is one of the most painful sapphic show cancelations ive ever suffered through so if you dont wanna watch it just bc of that i dont blame you. its about these four young girls who accidentally time travel from the 80s to current day and meet their future selves. the gay girlies are heavily implied and foreshadowed but they dont get together before the end of the show :(
the last of us!!! not canceled its still going!! this show has an episode that shows a past sapphic relationship with the lesbian main character but the first season doesnt introduce a new relationship yet. the second season will tho. im sure youve heard about this or already watched it but its about a zombie-like pandemic from a deadly fungus and its total post apocalyptic. also AMAZING found family father/daughter trope. dare i say i actually think i like them more than el and hopper.
i really need to find more great sapphic movies.
my favorite lesbian movie of all time is portrait of a lady on fire. its a french period piece and its just beautiful and THERE ARE LIKE ZERO MEN IN THE WHOLE MOVIE. i think the only line a man has is “bonjour” and thats it. MY KINDA MOVIE!!!!! INSTANT 5 STARS!!!!! i love this movie. the initial premise is that a woman needs to be painted but she cant know that shes being painted so the other woman has to just study her while hanging out and then paint her from memory. it ends up being much more than that but gaaahhh if you only watch one of these make it this movie.
another iconic sapphic movie is but im a cheerleader. way different tone much less dramatic and more comedy but still never gets old.
you didnt mention books but im gonna give you book recs anyway.
seven husbands of evelyn hugo!!!!!!! im sure youve heard about this. i dont think its overrated at all it really was such a good book and dont let the title fool you its gay as hell. if youre really not a reader tho this is going to be a netflix movie soon.
an amazing duo book series is criers war. i LOVE scifi and fantasy and this is my favorite sapphic scifi story ive ever read/watched. i want this to be a movie or show so bad. its about a world where some people are people and some are what they refer to as “automa” which are essentially cyborgs but they look just like humans. crier is an automa and the daughter of a king and ayla is a poor human and she has a vendetta against crier bc her father was responsible for her familys murder but crier doesnt know this! so then ayla gets the job as her maid for the goal of killing her basically but of course it gets super gay instead. its such an interesting take on the enemies to lovers trope bc its one sided, cryer has no idea ayla considers her her enemy. also neither of them are white i think crier is brown and ayla is black.
i hope you like these! and if anybody else has lesbian story recs plz put it in the replies or rbs cuz i also need more lesbian content!!!
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airenyah · 6 months
Hi, I came to report to you that your ql music research is rubbing off on me 😅 I was watching ep 2 of Ploy's Yearbook (for Joong and Namtan 😍), when suddenly I recognized a piece of music!! But I couldn't place it, so I tried to remember which series have I watched so many times that I'm familiar with the music. I reached the tentative conclusion that it must be from SIMM or possibly from Hidden Agenda (but I definitely connected it to JoongDunk). Maybe I need to do a complete rewatch of both series to confirm, what a hardship 😂 I just wanted to tell you that maybe aside from being a JD vampire bl truther, this will be your other legacy
oh my god, that's amazing!!!!!! i LOVE to hear that!!!!! i'm actually planning on making a side blog focused on shared royalty free music in thdramas, but that's something that is earliest going to happen in the summer if not in the winter. i wanna work my way through some of my fave shows first, because those are the soundtracks i'm more likely to recognize and i just wanna have them on my google doc before i go put everything in tumblr posts (which is also gonna take forever bc my google doc is currently at 100 pages worth of entries sjkfkjsfdj)
aaaaanyway, re: music in ploy's yearbook
was it by any chance desert caravan by ludvig moulin? i haven't watched ep2 yet (i was actually about to go watch it when your message came in and i couldn't help answering it first kjdkfdg), but i did see a clip of it earlier in jimmy's insta story and the scene had this music in the background. it has come up in episode 1 already as well. if it was this, then good job on connecting it to a joongdunk show because it actually has come up on hidden agenda a couple of times! i'm still missing the last 3 episodes on my music collection, but these are the time stamps so far:
ep1 pt1 - 0:13
ep3 pt2 - 0:20
ep4 pt1 - 4:32
ep8 pt4 - 8:08
And here are the time stamps for ep1 of ploy's yearbook:
ep1 pt1 - 11:10 / 17:41
ep1 pt2 - 1:50
ep2 pt1 - 9:38
ep2 pt2 - 0:27
ep2 pt3 - 3:09
ep2 pt4 - 3:07
you might also have recognized get up on that horse by spring gang as the music that plays in bad buddy at the beginning of ep7 when pat is in the car (ep7 pt1 - 1:20) or also in ep12 when patpran claim they broke up (ep12 pt3 - 3:45). oh but wait, it's definitely connected to joongdunk, you said? well, as it turns out this one has actually come up in star in my mind a lot. like. A LOT:
ep1 pt2 - 5:55
ep2 pt1 - 4:00
ep2 pt4 - 1:02
ep3 pt2 - 1:15
ep3 pt3 - 1:55
ep3 pt4 - 1:17
ep6 pt2 - 1:23
ep7 pt2 - 1:48
ep7 pt4 - 0:48
ep8 pt1 - 4:33 / 5:41
ep8 pt3 - 5:07
and here are the time stamps for ep1 of ploy's yearbook again for reference:
ep1 pt1 - 13:00
ep1 pt2 - 2:26
ep2 pt1 - 8:37
and here, have a bonus because why the fuck not: moonshiner's turn by martin landström. this one has shown up in ep1 pt4 of both bad buddy as well as 23.5 degrees. also found in ep1 of ploy's yearbook at:
ep1 pt1 - 18:53
ep1 pt3 - 6:16
ep2 pt1 - 0:35 / 17:30
well, i'm gonna go watch the new episode now! feel free to check back on this post in a couple of hours, i might edit it or add a reblog with all my findings about the music in ep2 😂
i've added the ep2 time stamps to the aforementioned ones! and i found new music as well!!
maybe the one you recognized as a joongdunk series music in ep2 was winning hand by ealot. it came up in star in my mind a couple of times:
ep1 pt4 - 3:00
ep2 pt2 - 2:20
ep4 pt2 - 9:16
ep8 pt3 - 4:17
it featured in ep2 of ploy's yearbook at following timestamps:
ep2 pt1 - 16:58
ep2 pt3 - 3:45
and there was some more bad buddy music as well (diggin' the drama by the new fools) and it amazes me that my brain immediately went "we know this!!" considering it showed up in bad buddy exactly one single time (ep7 pt2 - 13:45). bad buddy really has wormed its way into my brain in every single aspect in the last two years huh djkfkjdfg. anyway you can find it in ep2 of ploy's yearbook at:
ep2 pt1 - 11:10
apart from these, there were also two pieces of music that sounded increeeedibly familiar to me but neither shazam nor google could come up with any results! i'm gonna have to click through my "not found" list at some point, maybe they're already there. here are the time stamps if you're curious:
first one i can't find (ep2 pt3 - 2:06)
second one i can't find (ep2 pt3 - 7:09)
this is gonna bug me for a while....
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bahja-blix · 1 year
Helluva Boss S2 EP 5 (Unhappy Campers)
Helluva Boss S2 EP 5 Review! 
🌵My opinions and views might be different from yours and that's okay! I'm entitled to my opinion and so are you! It is a free country where we should express how we feel about whatever it may be. Use your voice and let it shine! 
🌵🌵I've done some research on blogs that shared their thoughts and watched Helluva Boss S2 EP 5 (Unhappy Campers) several times over to get an insight of my own thoughts and put them all together in one. In other words I will be using other pieces of info from others whom have already critiqued the show and use their thoughts as inspiration! 
🌵🌵🌵I will be answering asks about this episode or Helluva in general so send away your thoughts especially in the comments section! 
I'm going to highlight some things I actually did like about the episode before I critique it as I don't wanna completely end off on a negative note and throw in a bit of positivity, So let's begin!! 
🌵 Number 1 I really liked the fact that *Gasp* IMP is actually doing their job? 🥳🤯 I can't believe it neither because I nearly forgot about it lol! Man, If only there wasn't so much pointless filler in the previous episodes where they don't do their job and just screw around. I was genuinely surprised and I'm glad the episode went that route! 
🌵 Two, in the beginning Millie was spot on in this episode when it came to figuring out who they needed to kill as She quickly found some clues and facts like an actual detective from a far. I really liked that! 
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🌵 Three Moxxie was funny in the episode to me. When he was interacting with the gals I couldn't help but laugh at his attitude and him getting roasted. 
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🌵 Four nitpick but I like how good Millie looks as a tomboy and the clients design I like too so ya! 
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🌵 Before Barbie ruined it for me I liked this one line she said in the episode! That line being: 
"Do you have any idea how easy it is to manipulate teenage humans?"
To me, I felt like it was a commentary on my own generation and real life. How my generation is very easy to manipulate and influence especially nowadays. I felt like it was relatable because that's the truth! 
Teenagers and kids in general *cough* gen z can be Very influenced or manipulated. The younger a person is the more likely they are to be influenced by bad people especially if that said person is seen as cool, popular, or in with the IT crowd. Trust me I've been there as an actual Gen Zer back in my edgy teen years. Only difference is I grew the hell up! 
🌵 With that done let's get into how I feel about the episode because….There's a lot to unpack here!
🌵 When I first saw the title card I thought that Moxxie was going to be the main, Main focus in the spotlight and not Millie because of how the title card looked alone with a confident Moxxie and a disappointed Millie. Just like how Moxxie got the spotlight in other episodes such as Harvest Moon Festival (Where Millie should've had the spotlight in that episode) and just like how Stolas and Blitzo did in multiple episodes because God forbid the Stolitz show actually fucking ends so we can get actual character development for our fucking female characters that desperately need it.  However, that wasn't the case this time! It was Millie who actually got the spotlight most of the episode more so than Moxxie. 
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🌲 We open up with Blitz looking for his sister Barbie Wire, where we find out (Later in the episode at 18:47) that he wants to help his sister and catch up her and it's all sweet in stuff, except I don't care. Blitzo is angry and upset over the fact that he can't find his sister so he storms to his office while Moxxie and Millie are trying their best to help a client who got killed at their camp site. Moxxie asks Blitz for advice and Blitz tells Moxxie to figure it out himself therefore Moxxie is put in charge as the lead. Mox promise's to find his killer and he says He says and I quote "This will be the cleanest, well prepped, most surgical hit they'll ever have" end quote… implying they will solve this case quickly only to completely contradict itself because it takes them a whole week (according to their universe) to drum up some BS they pull out of their ass to get some Jimmy guy killed by the end of the episode and while Moxxie is supposed to be the most logical one in IMP Moxxie messes everything up and the plan takes longer because the writers wanted to shit on Moxxie again because
"hee hee funny funny no one like him lol"
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🌵 Moxxie sets up a plan where they go to a campground and play dress up again, Like they did in the cherubs episode.
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I have several questions!
How come Barbie Wire who is an imp, can literally fucking shape shift without using any sort of magical source however, Moxxie, Millie and Blitzo can't? In Seeing Stars they had a chance to actually explain why but chose not too! Where's the fucking grimoire? They can use the grimoire to open portals, use spells, summon, but they can't use it for disguises… The Grimoire itself is so flippin useless that it shouldnt've even been introduced in this show. Furthermore, Why the Hell is Everyone in this goddamn universe so utterly stupid? Okay I know why but still… Like okay the girls Moxxie tries so incredibly hard to befriend, question him for the way he looks n stuff but when they see Millie they don't question her at all like???¿?¿? K lmao
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🌵 At the campground Moxxie and Millie recap their plan in the most cringy way possible and then they move on And part ways. 
🌵 Moxxie tries to befriend the gals in the most wack ass way but gets his ass roasted. The gals leave and Blitzo continues to find his sister. 
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🌵Millie is the most badass at the  camp because that's how Millie is… Moxxies badass wife that doesn't even have to try at all in fact the episode makes sure that everyone loves her because Viv said so that's why! 
🌵First off all the song Millie sings is God Awful, her being overly popular at the camp grounds is so fucking forced and completely out of knowwhere. She joins a volleyball game and dunks on some kid and that's what makes her popular? Lmao K, 
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🌵 Mox gets jealous of Millie because he's not the focus in the episode! It's Millie for once. After a small argument Millie suggests that Mox does something that he's good at so they can go and continue with their plans. 
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🌵 Oh come the fuck on dont tell me Moxxie is this fucking cringy like he has shown he can perform and sing better that that! *Facepalms* 
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🌵 Moxxie screws up yet again and everyone hates him even more so he goes crying on the toilet. Millie comforts him and that's sweet and stuff. Mix tries again, and again, and again, he fails spectacularly and then Moxxie gets upset Yet Again! 
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🌵 Mox goes on about how he has a "Job" to do and that the job has to be done "His way" because God damnit he said so! Only it wasn't Millie that messed up the plan at all because had Moxxie actually listen to his wife this time the episode would've fucking ended and the filler wouldn't happen now would it? Moxxie is the one that messes everything up and it takes Millie up on stage to unintentionally kill who their looking for with a firework that just so happen to go flying into the location that Moxxie, Blitzo and his sister were fighting at. 
🌵 The Falling Out
Millie and Mox *gasp* have an argument? Couldn't believe it either lol! Millie admits she doesn't feel important. That no one is proud of her and this and that. Millie sweetie you fucking LOVE killing, killing is your life. it means the whole world to you and now you're pulling this outta your behind? They literally could've finished the job had Moxxie listened to her. Then Literally not even a minute and a half later this shit happens… 
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🌵 Moxxie gets up on that stage like the diva he is and constantly validates his wife for being the biggest badass ever to walk earth while at the end of his speech creeps everyone out then goes and looks for the suspects but only after Millie points out some sus activity. Mox runs into Blitz and gets called out for his fuckery not finishing the job he was tasked to do.
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🌵 The Barbie Wire Situation
Okay I'm going to be tapping into sensitive ground here so please keep in mind I'm going off of the themes in the episode that are presented to me as the viewer. I have read others posts about Viv and the backlash she got about Barbie but regardless, these are my thoughts, this is your final warning and here we go!
🌵 Going back into the beginning At the 3:44 minute mark when Moxxie and Millie go and find out whom possibly killed their client Moxxie states "Hm, You know, these kids are a bit younger than I was expecting" and then followed up by telling Millie to not be sexual around them Implying that the campers are minors which is why I (like others) questioned the situation especially later in the episode more as time went on! (Moxxie telling Millie to not be sexual is completely contradicted in the last bit of the episode simply because horny ass Viv just couldn't hold it in anymore)
🌵 Barbie was okay until she decided to be a creep ass in the episode at the beginning of the 16 Minute mark of her flashing her boney ass at the audience… Viv once again gets her ass in that hot water when people call her out for her abysmal writing. I've heard that people saw her say that The "Teenager Jimmy" is 18 or 19 but the scene itself to me was unnecessary and still downright creepy. 
Like? The show literally could've thrown in a bag of weed or edibles if the show really wanted to go there knowing the nature of the show anyway and that would've made more sense since you yourself Barbie are a drug addict who makes young impressionable teenagers smuggle drugs. 
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🌵 Later Barbie says "I don't wanna hear it "Kid". She calls him kid which is really weird but I mean…there's literally grownups irl that call older teens kids anyway so I mean I Guess it can be taken either way. But here's the thing though this Jimmy guy sure acts like a dumb immature kid with his "WHAAA?? Heeeyyy No I'm not" attitude like lmao 😂 which is it is he older or is he younger? Pick one! 
But I mean hey, Who knows maybe this guy who sounds nothing like a 18/19 yr old really is an adult or maybe Viv is just a damn liar that's pulling something out of her ass to get herself out of that hot water that she put herself into! It was the first day of the episode and people will talk more as time goes on! 
🌵 A slow-ass fight within the episode ensues but it's nothing really all that special compared to what we previously got like with Truth Seekers and Western Energy as examples.
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🌵 In the end regardless if Barbie tried saving him that Jimmy guy died anyway because of Millie and her fireworks that blew his ass away... quite literally LMAO
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🌵 Glad we actually get some sort of context or insight on Barbie and Blitzo's relationship within the 18:44 minute mark, Where we learn that Blitz literally ruined her life in the past however, here's the thing… we don't even get to see what actually happened in their past. It's just a bunch of filler instead of developing this character you tried hyping up. Why did Barbie go to rehab? Was it the drugs? Or something else? Why does Barbie hate her brother so much and never wants to see him again? Why doesn't the episode fucking explore their relationship properly? Viv why the hell did you try so incredibly hard to hype up this character if there wasn't going to be jack shit with her? 
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🌵 The episode DID NOT need the incest "joke" at all in any way shape or form. Viv and her horny writing staff just Had to add that in there be shocking and subvert expectations when in reality it didn't like? We've already seen Those two humping in the air on stage before in the goddamn cherubs episode. lmfao sweet home incest Alabama am I right? 
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The End! 
🌵 Wow! Definitely NOT a fan of this episode at all! It's a meh episode that actually did get me to laugh a few times. This episode should've been split into two parts. One where we could get to explore more about Barbie and her relationship with her brother Blitzo and another where the writing staff could write an actual BETTER Millie episode where she actually gets better character development than small pieces of development! Those Asmodeus crystals are unexplained and never explored on! The Grimoire is fucking useless as hell, this episode should've been in season one based on the fact that unlike season one of Helluva Boss season two is completely different! They actually do their jobs in season one but two? Nah Fam! Like every episode of helluva boss there's a ton of errors in it, Blitzo is an asshole but that's how he always been, Moxxie being ranchy AF especially when talking about his period as if he's the greatest thing in the universe was Not Funny! Barbie is a groomer, regardless if Viv claims this Jimmy guy is, 18 it's still creepy and was completely unnecessary. The incest jokes in the episode were completely horrendous and didn't need to be in the episode at All, and lastly… 
🌵 Loona Does shows up at the very last second of the episode! She sure does exist does she? There's the bait! Come and Get It!
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Did I miss anything you'd like me to talk about? Ask me anything! Do you agree or disagree? 
Comment, like, share around, critique and always give feedback as everything is appreciated!
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texasthegreatdestroyer · 11 months
Creating Animated Wallpapers with 3D parallax (Gyroscopic parallax) Like Apofiss. (Adroid)
See this here??? Example Here. Do you wanna make something like this? Skip the colored text if you want to get to the meat of the information. Do you ever just see something really cool on the internet, and go "Hey! I mostly have the skills to do this! All I'm missing is a quick guide on how to achieve certain affects!" And then proceed to spend the next two days scrounging the internet for answers but find absolutely nothing? Yeah... That was me. I only just now figured out how to do it, and that was after giving up on this potential project twice. In my particular case, I saw a neat little wall paper running around by the artist Apofiss. I love this creator's work, and I think they do amazing stuff, but me being me and an artist, I like to put my own personal touches on things, and so instead of just buying a wallpaper, I have to put myself through the pain and misery of incorporating my own art into an animated gyroscopic live wallpaper. Considering if you're here reading this post, you might be like me, and hella annoyed that you've spent hours to even days researching this and haven't found a tutorial that actually helps but instead is a shitty app that barely scratches the surface and doesn't allow you to incorporate animated details into your images that you intend to use a parallax on, and it's likely also because much like myself, you may have been using improper terminology and not scraping far enough down into search engine as a result. What Apofiss created, and what you're trying to pull off is an animated wall paper with a Gyroscopic Parallax. It's not something that requires complex coding, but instead requires a third party app called KLWP (Not sure what the letters stand for, but I find it easy to remember the order they're in because they look like a condensed down spelling of Kool Whip.) Download App Here. This is the only app that I've found that will allow you to include gifs and videos into as layers to your gyroscopic parallax. Here's the video Tutorial I found that teaches you how to set up that animation. Video Here.
Also keep in mind that if you've reached timestamp 1:35 of the video, the video tutorial is 7 years old, so it likely has not been updated to allow animations at the time that person filmed the video, but I can assure you that it is an option. This is my own screen as of 11/5/2023 showing that you can add animated images, you just simply need look for it in the prompt when you go to add items.
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This^^^ is the same settings as this vvv
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Make sure that as you follow the tutorial, you use a gif instead of a regular images for one of the items that way you can see how the thing operates, and when you preview it, have fun tilting around your phone to watch that small little glimmer of hope flare up in your fragile, already broken little heart. Trust me. It's fullfilling. I can answer questions, but I'm still fairly new at this myself. I just wanted to put these resources out here, because it is hard to find a decent tutorial. Your best bet is just going to be to play around with the app yourself and see what you can do. I recommend that you do one of two things to help others who may be struggling with this as I have. 1. Spread it around to people who have asked these same questions and never got answers. 2. If this post sucks and you can make a better, more cohesive tutorial, make one and spread that around. This is Tex, yall have a wonderful rest of your day, and happy live wall paper making.
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ackalice · 1 year
Hiiiiiii how are ya?? :D Been a while, sorry I've been sucked into another fandom lol Anyways I found this and thought: why not ask my fren! :3 Here's an ask thing
1. who's your favorite oc?
2. who was your first oc?
3. how many ocs do you have?
4. have you kept all of your
ocs since the beginning?
5. are any of your ocs based
off of a show/book you like?
if so, who?
6. what is the species of the
majority of your ocs?
7. are any of your ocs an
original species? if so,
what's the species and who?
8. if you can, draw (oc name)!
9. write a few sentences as
(oc name)!
10. are any of your ocs part
of a story? if so, what is it
about and who's in it?
11. do you have any twin ocs?
12. are any of your ocs
13. what is the gender of the
majority of your ocs?
14. make up a new oc right now
based on (concept/show/color/
15. would you ever give up any
of your ocs?
16. who is your oldest oc
17. have you ever roleplayed
as your ocs?
18. how many of your ocs were
adopted from someone else?
19. who is your least favorite
20. which oc do you think has
changed the most since you
made them?
21. who is your newest oc?
22. have you ever cosplayed
your own ocs? if so, who?
23. which oc do you think has
affected you the most as youve
grown with them?
24. have you gotten cosplayers
of your ocs? if so, of whom?
25. do you have any ocs that
you havent drawn/written as/
talked about in a long time?
if so, who?
(Please ignore this if you either don't want to answer or have had this sent to you already)
Hi meelu!! I’ve been alright, just very inactive because of busy busy life stuff- but I saw this pop up and I wanna answer dis cuz I luv u my moot!
1. Favorite oc: my favorite oc out of all of them? Uhhhh good god- I’m gonna say my favorite is my very first oc, C.J., because she was a very big part of my early art journey. And also she was very cringy and I love her for it.
2. First oc: whoops I answered this- it was C.J.! She was a generic fox girl I made when I was a very itty bitty kid.
3. How many ocs: don’t judge me here- from what I counted just now it’s 56. There could be more that I’m forgetting, so it’s pretty iffy. But I do remember that the number got up to 60 at some point.
4. Have you kept all your ocs since the beginning: Despite how many I have, it’ll be a surprise to hear that I have actually retired a bunch. And by a punch I mean probably over 15. This does include C.J. And her band but only because I felt like I wasn’t using her enough and she had done her part for me.
5. Are any of your ocs based on a show or book: HELL YEAH! God, dude there’s a lot. Well- I say a lot but it’s not 56 a lot- anyway-
I made warrior cat ocs, like anyone, but those were retired. I based a series I have, Remnant, off of magic girl shows but it’s too far from any of them to be directly from those media. There’s The Owl House, which was several ocs I never continued using (and I’m sad I never did), there was a Brand New Animal oc I scrapped, and of course there are more that didn’t leave the sketch phase.
I guess you could count fnaf, but that’s a given.
I also had some Helluva Boss ocs that I have sketches for and even started a comic for- but when I say a comic I mean half a page was finished and I lost motivation.
Good lord I just remembered I had a whole mlp next gen. So I made a crap ton of mlp ocs- anyway-
But then you delve into two of my favorite shows and you go down a rabbit hole of history I’m not going into- which is My Hero Academia and Tmnt. I’m saying Tmnt in general because I’ve put my ocs into several shows in the franchise. Tmnt has ocs I’ve mentioned before on this blog and MHA has seven ocs of mine, that’s Jejeru, Kami, Kai, Kianami, Marikaida, and Chinatsu. I’ve fallen out of the fandom but I might use them in future, who knows!
6. What is the species of a majority of your ocs: Okay. So. This question is very hard to explain because I delve into some WACK species genetics with my ocs- Remnant is literally based on splicing genetics. But if we are being honest, most of them either started out or were, at the beginning of their story, human. So I’m gonna go with human. The second place runner is definitely an animal crossed with a human though because those are just fun.
7. Are any of your ocs an original species: Yes, actually! I’ve got several. Not that they have names or official species types or backstories or anything, but they sure are there. I’m gonna describe random characters I’ve put together with no specific species in mind.
Lufoa, an oc I did a ramble on a while ago, is not crossed with any known animal. That’s actually part of her story, but I haven’t worked it in yet. Another I could count is Artemis, but I don’t know exactly what she is- I haven’t explained it yet. There’s also my oc Alice, (NOT A SELF INSERT) who’s some kind of demon. I dunno what kind but she’s also there.
I’m gonna be skipping 8 and 9 because I’m running very low on the creative juice and haven’t drawn or written for fun in a WHILE and just don’t have any motivation for it- I’m so sorry abt it but I’ll answer the rest gladly!
10. Are any of your ocs part of a story: Quite a few of them are, actually! The one’s based on tv shows and books are obviously apart of one, but I’ve got a few I’ve made up on my own. There’s Remnant, the big magical girl-ish show series about teens participating in a high grade school and also accepting genetics testing to be apart of the military (main character is not aware of this second part in the slightest, woOooOoo plot~). I’ve got Midnight Misteps, which is a similar concept but it’s the apocalypse and new species and monsters and cryptdids roam around while our main cast tries to rebuild society again. I have Vivian and Fin, the two characters I don’t have a series name for yet where Viv meets a demon through accidental circumstances but turns out it’s not accidental and she’s been kidnapped by literal Hell but she doesn’t know for a majority of her time down there. And then you’ve got Camila, the rich pink and proper girl who meets secret agent Thomas under the impression he’s just a grouchy guy and then gets roped into a big gang conspiracy in her town and has to avoid these dangers with her new cop buddy all while in heels.
So yeah I’m doing great with work in progress projects
11. Do you have any twin ocs: yes! I’ve got one set, and they’re fnaf ocs, if you can imagine it. I reworked a sister location oc around a few months ago and doubled her into two people! That’s Frankie and Danny, the sweetheart engineers! One of them isn’t a sweetheart, but yadda yadda, plot and story stuff- I’m movin’ on!
12. Are any of your ocs siblings: oh. My. God. Yes. It would be very hard for me to pick them all out and name them, but let’s just say yes. Yes, there are many. I’ve got one set of sextuplets in there somewhere-
13. What is the gender of most of your ocs: Female. It’s so female it’s unfair. I’ve been getting better at this, but I still prefer drawing women over men and I have no idea why?? It’s nothing negative or anything- I just think I started drawing girls and just kept drawing girls and completely missed the boat I had to jump onto to draw guys anatomy correctly. But I’m getting better!
14. Skipped again because creative juices….aughhhhhhh….I’m tired of not having energy to draw ;-;
15. Would you ever give up any of your ocs: Okay I’m gonna assume this is talking about giving up an oc to another person- like an adopt situation- and uh no. I don’t think I would be able to do that just because I have emotional connections to literally all of them. I love them too much to just hand over their birth certificate, y’know?
16. Who is your oldest oc (age wise): oh hah. Okay, so I’m inclined to say C.J., because I ended her story with a cute little story of her growing old with her partner in a little cottage in the countryside- but! I’m gonna give this one to Paula Fidreas, a Remnant oc, because she is quite literally in her 50’s as of the start of the story. In the simplest terms, she’s a PE teacher.
17. Have you ever roleplayed as your ocs: Yes! C.J. Was actually made from a role play! And I think I’ve role played as Camila before, but that memory is a bit fuzzy.
18. How many of your ocs were adopted from someone else: None of em’! They’re mah babies, tried and true.
19. Who is your least favorite oc: I don’t count her in my oc count but Adelaide’s adoptive mom is definitely my least favorite. As a character she has a purpose in the story but I would never use her again or draw her in detail. I don’t know, she’s just there for character development at the moment.
20. Which oc has changed the most since you made them: Vivian. Definitely Vivian. Not just because she’s the oldest of I still use, but she’s also went from a brown haired girl with zero personality and a boyfriend to a troubled teenager who is too weird and different to have friends so she seeks out companionship in the land of the dead.
21. Who is your newest oc: I mentioned them earlier and this totally breaks the abruptness of me mentioning them once out of nowhere, but the sextuplets are my newest ocs. Out of all of them, Orion is the newest because I came up with his concept first.
22. Have you ever cosplayed your own ocs: Alas, I’ve never had the determination nor the money nor the confidence to do such a thing, BUT I ALMOST DID. When I was little I almost cosplayed C.J. Because I had no other ideas for a halloween costume. I didn’t end up doing it because I chickened out. Kinda wish I did though..
23. Which oc has effected you the most as you’ve grown with them: I’m gonna give this one to Alice, actually. She’s the basis of my online persona and username, if you couldn’t tell- and she was with me through quarantine. That was a joke, but no really, she consumed my art that last year.
24. Have you gotten cosplayers of your ocs: No, lol- I don’t know near enough people or anyone who would do it. And if anyone did do it, I would be dead upon seeing or hearing it because OH MY GOD?? You thought my art was good enough to put time and money into a COSPLAY?? THANK YOU???? We’re getting married. Put on the ring.
25. Do you have any ocs you haven’t used in a long time: y e a h… I haven’t ever mentioned Pepper here. She’s uh…okay- imagine Entrapta from She-ra but ten times worse and no moral code. Evil scientist. That’s all I have to say here.
I’ve been off tumblr for a while bro thank you for bringing me these! They were so fun <3
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semi-sketchy · 1 year
I did it. I finally finished SatAM. The big cliffhanger the series ended on is...Snively usurping Robotnik and taking over as the next big villain? Wait did they seriously kill him? After those silly fakeout deaths, THAT is what deals him in?
I don't want to be too hard on the storylines that weren't finished, like Naugus or Sally's father, I know they were counting on a third season and didn't get renewed.
Alright, so I guess my opinion on SatAM is avoid season 1. There is nothing relevant there and it's frankly boring as all get out. Season 2 is better structured, has more continuity, although sadly the theme of de-robotization is dropped entirely half way through to go back to rebel shenanigans. They did use some game mechanics, such as the time stones, but then quickly went back to their own thing and left the source material behind. There's also a few episodes that are two stories and those are the most filler and boring season 2 gets. That said, it's not unwatchable by any means and I actually thought Antoine's torture sequence was funny, even though it was a cliché.
I liked season 2 and I see why some people really latched onto this. My biggest hangups are mostly inconsistencies, such as Tails' age, how de-robotization can be temporary it breaks all the laws of science, or how someone can even fight the mind control to begin with in Xenoblade it required the power of a god.
Aside from that, yeah this is Sonic in name only. Most obvious thing to point at is he is such a stuck up prick it isn't funny. Like he is legit so cruel to Antoine. I'm tired of asshole Sonic, give me back kind and compassionate Sonic who isn't out here to get kisses from a princess. Seriously Sally keep your lips to yourself for once she gives out like 5 kisses an episode They also called Sonic the "leader of the Freedom Fighters" in an episode, like...? Huh? SALLY is the one with all the plans, SALLY gets to do the cool stuff, at no point did I ever think Sonic was in charge. 99% of the time, Sonic is simply used as a distraction so the other Freedom Fighters can do their thing and that is SUCH a waste.
I've already said my grievances with Robotnik, he just misses everything I loved about Eggman to be generic evil. Like dude doesn't even design his own traps, he has Snively do it and you want me to believe he'd be a better villain in a hypothetical season 3?? They wanted this show to be taken over by the OCs I swear
I also assumed it was Rotor who took Tails' place as the smart guy, but no, that's actually Sally. Rotor builds stuff, but Sally is the smart one that hacks things and figures out the tech. Tails is so forgotten about, he's missing from half the episodes and is only featured in maybe 4? He's so babified and I am tired of that trope. The fact that they said he was 10 really makes me wonder how they viewed their target audience.
I'm not sure what I'd rate this. Like season 1 is a 2/10 and I never wanna watch it again, but season 2 I found engaging, like maybe a 7/10? 6.5? I guess I'll round it off to 5/10 overall, the good parts make up for the bad ones. It's not Sonic, but can be good as it's own thing when it wants. One day when I actually read all of Archie, I might get an appreciation for the cast that the show didn't give me.
Anyways, I've been using this stuff as background noise while sewing, so maybe that'll carry me through Underground. God, only thing I remember about Underground is I was actually mad there were so many episodes. As a kid I didn't understand the concept of stop watching something if you don't like it.
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