#I’m the real Severus snape
Severus Snape, a small 16-year-old boy— too underweight and petite for his age, stood in his small bathroom glaring into the mirror as he brushed his teeth. Faster and faster, harder and harder he brushed. Brushing until he felt a metallic taste in his mouth. His eyes were bloodshot, his cheeks sallowish and his gums were bleeding as his mind was wracked with thoughts and memories he wished would just go away. His reflection glared back at him, his own dark lifeless eyes staring into his very soul that had been tormented for all his ‘pitiful’ life.
Oh, it was just another day. Just another day of being harassed and bullied by those ‘perfect little heroes’ known as the Marauders. His tormentors. It was another day he lost himself to the unbearable anger and pain that resided in the back of his dark little mind. Another day of causing disappointment to the one person he cared about, Lily Evans. Just another day of being treated less than a person because of his blood and class status as well as the way he looked.
He continued to glare at himself in the mirror. He hated it. He hated himself. He hated his reflection. He hated his father who mercilessly beat him and his mother on bad days, which was most days. He hated the marauders who tormented and harassed him for no good reason. He hated the teachers and staff who ignored him for not being popular, rich or a pureblood. He hated how he could SEE his poverty, his weakness, his filth. It sickened him.
His reflection was proof of his tainted blood. It was proof he would never be like the ‘heroic’ James Potter whom everyone seemed to love. It was proof he would never have the humor of Sirius Black, whose jokes could make anyone laugh even if they were utterly terrible. It was proof he would never be like Remus Lupin who was a coward but seen as shy and likable guy. It was proof he would never be like Peter Pettigrew who was pathetic in a way that added to the credibility of his tormentors, that made it seem so utterly impossible they could ever do any wrong.
He knew. He knew Lily Evans was taking a liking to them. He could see it in her eyes. Every time she’d glance at Potter or smile at Black’s jokes. He knew he was slowly losing her to them. It was only a matter of time and he knew he could do nothing to stop it.
“Heh.. they’re right... I must be pathetic... I can’t even hold onto one person… the one person that cared for me…”
Blood dripped down from his lips as he spoke, going into the sink’s drain and disappearing. He watched through the mirror as his blood fell to the bottom of the sink. He chuckled, how pathetic did he have to be? The grip he had on his toothbrush tightened, as he went back to brushing. Harder and harder and harder. Trying to get the filth to disappear. The filth no one but himself could see.
He dropped the toothbrush, as the memories of his torment pervaded his mind. He looked down at the sink as he spat out more of his blood, watching it disappear down the dark drain. Oh, how he wished he could follow.
He quickly glanced up at the mirror once more, looking through his dark messy and greasy hair. He clenched his jaw tightly, anger clouding his judgment.
Slamming his fist into the thing, he broke it and watched as it shattered into pieces. His knuckles were now bloody and bruised but he didn’t care. He’s had worse, why would he care about something as trivial as this?
“Pathetic. You’re so *pathetic*. So- so *weak!* It’s utterly humiliating-! No wonder *she* wants to be with them rather than you! You deserve this. They know it, she knows it- Heh. Even *you* know it.”
He slammed his fist into the broken glass again, letting his knuckles get scratched up and bruised even more. It was nothing he couldn’t handle. Not after the beatings and bullying he went through. This was- this was practically child’s play compared to what he’s already been through. He was numb to it.
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hannaxjo · 8 months
Alan Rickman, David Thewlis, Gary Oldman and all those are iconic in their roles in Harry Potter, but I’ll always be a bit sad about that casting, because having that ‘Marauders era’ cast be age appropriate would’ve just been so much better for the story.
Sirius wasn’t this old man who spent 12 years in Azkaban, no he got locked up at 21. He spent almost third of his life in a cell. He wasn’t this wise father figure to Harry, he was a reckless thirty-something who never really got the chance to mature past 21.
Remus was an exhausted, bone deep tired man carrying both physical and mental scars from the suffering he went through. Because he’s a werewolf, because of the war, because he lost all of his friends. And he’s only 33 when first introduced.
And Snape. Snape wasn’t an old bitter man who just hated everyone and enjoyed being antagonistic. He was 31 in Harry’s first year. He began to work for Voldemort as a teen, and as a double agent at 20. He’s a thirty-something bitter man, who never got to really live or make real connections. From Harry’s perspective he’s scary and intimidating, but really he’s just kinda…sad and pathetic. And then especially that scene where Snape is begging Dumbledore to help save Lily, and promising anything in return. (Because apparently Dumbledore needs something in return…for saving people.) He’s twenty. Barely out of his teens. Rickman was good in that scene, but having someone who actually looks twenty, would better show how scared, young, guilty and just desperate he was. That might not put Dumbledore in such a good light, though.
And then, the characters I think would’ve been the most important to cast age appropriately. And most people probably already agree and know who I’m talking about. James and Lily. They were 21 when they died. When Harry sees them in the mirror of Erised, they’re 10 years older than him. That’s the age difference Ron has with Bill. In that scene I might understand somewhat them being in their thirties, because that’s what Harry wants. He wants his life with his parents, he wants to have been raised by them. Though, I don’t know if the mirror could know what they might’ve looked like in their thirties, since they didn’t live that long. But then, in the cemetery when Voldemort’s wand spits the last spells cast, we see Lily and James as they were. 21. They’re telling their son to hold on just a moment longer. And they are 7 years older than him. In Deathly Hallows, Harry sees Voldemort kill them. They’re not this happy couple who’s got to love each other for a long time, only to have that happiness torn from them, no they started at Hogwarts ten years ago. They’re 21, and they’ve barely tasted that happiness. At the end of the book Harry talks to his parents. They comfort him and promise to stay with him, as he goes to die. Harry’s seventeen. James and Lily are four years older than him.
It wouldn’t have felt as nice. Harry being comforted by someone who looks almost his age. But it wasn’t nice. It was pretty tragic. Casting people who look 21, would’ve really made it land on the audience. It was a tragedy. They were barely adults.
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
Friendly reminder that Snape actually believed Sirius, Remus, and James were in on the werewolf prank and that they all tried to kill him. He believed his bullies were all capable of murder for nearly two decades and had only found out it was just Sirius during the Shrieking Shack scene in Prisoner of Azkaban.
So when you keep this in mind while looking at Snape going to Dumbledore to protect the Potters, remember that Snape thought James had tried to kill him at least once and didn’t care whether he lived or died. I’ve seen a lot of antis criticising him for only seeming to care about Lily because he asked Voldemort to spare only her, but many forget that 1. Harry was 100% going to die, Snape couldn’t ask his Master to not kill the main reason he’s going to the Potters in the first place, that’s a stupid idea. 2. Snape thought James had no problem with killing him (not just not caring if he died, he thought James was actually okay with killing Snape himself) — even putting aside everything else James and Co did to Snape, why would Snape want him to live?
Yet after all that, Snape went to Dumbledore to protect the Potters even though Voldemort had already agreed to spare Lily (the one whose death would break him), showing that he put aside his hatred of James and—to some extent—wanted Lily’s loved ones to be safe as well as Lily. We already know Lily’s happiness meant a lot to Snape, seeing as he automatically never bothered her again once she told him to leave her life after the incident in SWM. But going to Dumbledore, who could’ve easily killed him, in order to secure Lily’s protection would mean to protect the man who—as far as Snape knew—tried to kill him and an infant he never met, even after Voldemort already agreed to do what he wanted (and we see he actually tried to keep his promise, seeing as he gave Lily a choice to step aside, unlike James).
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magical-gifts · 8 days
shall i say
keanu reeves
as my snape!fancast
….. and never speak of it again
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mrs-snape5984 · 3 months
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“Oh, but what will it take ‘till you believe in me the way that I believe in you?”
“I said I love you, that's forever. And this I promise from the heart, I couldn't love you any better. I love you just the way you are…” (“Just the way you are” by Billy Joel)
I will turn 40 years old in two months. 40 goddamn years on this planet…and only now - at my lowest point in my existence - I realised something. All my life, I’ve been hidden behind a mask. A mask, made of all my responsibilities and supposed duties, which I’ve put on from a far too young age. A mask, which helped me to hide all my ugly vulnerabilities and my true self from other people. A mask, which I thought would keep me going and going for lengths…hiding myself behind an “I’m fine” or a “No, it’s okay!”. A mask, which also came with the capability of erecting thick walls around my heart and soul…building a fort around the real Julia.
21 years ago, when I’ve found the perfect coping mechanism for myself in the love to Severus Snape, I started to allow myself being vulnerable in my little stories about Severus and my undeniably self-inserted OC Jules. Only Severus was permitted to know, what’s really going on behind this mask. He became the safe space for my deepest thoughts and emotions…the only place, where I’ve granted myself the right to express my own wishes.
And suddenly, after almost 40 years of existing in this world, I recognised, that there’s a drawbridge to my fort…and that there’s someone, who’s brave enough to knock on my door. Someone, who isn’t afraid of looking at the personality behind my mask. Throwing all my unpleasant traits at them, the defensive guards of my fort tried to scare them off in an almost desperate attempt…pushing them away to protect my raw core from being seen.
But my guards got propitiated by this someone. One after the other, they laid down their weapons and lowered the drawbridge ever so slightly…centimetres for centimetres…until someone slipped into my fort…getting a glimpse of the real Julia behind the mask. They made themselves comfortable within the black walls of my fort and switched a light on. This little light is shining through the eyes of my mask now…and it didn’t stay unnoticed.
All of a sudden, some people started to notice a change in my mood, my behaviour and my attitude. Even my children are wondering about the unfamiliar lighthearted happiness of their mother…despite the confines of my disease ME/CFS. Someone lit a fire in the darkest corners of my heart…and for the first time in my life, I allowed myself to acknowledge my own wishes and hopes. Maybe, I don’t have to hide myself behind walls and a mask the whole time? Maybe, there’s even some beauty in the rawness of my soul? Maybe, I’ll be bold enough to act on my own dreams and desires for once? Maybe, this time, I’ll be brave enough to stand up for myself…and let myself heal. Maybe, for once, the mask will be discarded for someone.
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As always, when I’m thinking of these complex urges to express myself through Severus and Jules, I commissioned my dear friend @madfantasy to help me by creating the perfect artwork for my ideas. Mani, you beautiful gem of a human being, you’ve outdone yourself with these masterpieces! When I explained my imagination of Jules, showing herself to others (here presented as an audience behind the green flames of the fireplace) only behind the alleged safety of her well worn mask, I wouldn’t have thought, that your realisation of this idea would even be possible like that. But again, it seems as if you’re capable of understanding the pictures on my mind. Thank you for your willingness to hold the paint brush…helping me to pour my emotions out into art. Feel hugged, my precious friend.
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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Concerning the Death Eater Cult Under Voldemort; The First Wizarding War
What the uneducated See: Nazi Comparisons
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What I see: Manson Family Vibes
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Just an observation….
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g1rld1ary · 5 days
red carpets - actor!sirius black x actress!reader
wc: 942
cw: none! you catch sight of sirius on the red carpet
tag: @lovemenotts
The sheer amount of noise surrounding you was making you light-headed. Yet, you plastered on a smile, smoothed out your silky skirt and stepped onto the red carpet. Your smile didn’t budge as you inched down the carpet, performing for the hungry cameras and the sometimes scary men behind them. You grit your teeth as they yell commands, changing pose as they desire, waiting to get to the interview portion of the red carpet. At least the journalists had to be polite to you.
A woman from some gossip rag you purposefully avoid reading calls you over and you consciously boost your smile again, turning up the energy to 100. She’s nice, at least, and a good conversationalist. Too many interviewers left you to pick up their slack and carry the conversation as if it weren’t their job to be digging for the information they want.
“How does it feel to be nominated for an Emmy in your first foray into television?” She asks and you beam.
“It’s such an honour, really. I mean, this show is such a labour of love, Lily put her heart and soul into the writing, so I’m just so grateful I got to be the one to bring it to life. It’s so amazing that we’re both being nominated tonight,” You answer with a practised grace, giving a glance to the camera behind the interviewer.
The conversation continues and you find yourself enjoying it more than you anticipated. The interviewer connects with you well and matches your excited energy at being around celebrities. You figure it’s about time you move on, but give her one more question as a secret reward for her not being as invasive as the others usually are. She asks about your friendship with Lily and creating a project with someone you’d known forever and you grin again.
You start your answer, gushing over Lily’s talent for screenwriting and your friendship of ten years. You turn to look for her, meaning to gesture when your eyes get caught on something. Someone.
“Who is that?” You ask the interviewer, pointing out the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen in your life. Long dark hair, dressed in all black with silver jewellery glinting in the flash of cameras, you basically fall in love at first sight.
“That’s Sirius Black,” The interviewer answers with a laugh.
“God, what is he from?” He’s honestly supernaturally good-looking, you’re not convinced he’s real.
“He co-created and stars in The Marauders series, you haven’t seen it yet?”
“No, I’ve been meaning to but I haven’t had the time — Lils says it really has to be appreciated so I’m waiting to dedicate significant time to it. He did not look like that on the poster.” The series is set in high school and so all the actors look different, younger, Sirius no exception. The dark eyeliner around his grey eyes creates a magnetic contrast that makes him look much more mature than his character.
“Is it safe to say you’ll be finding him at the after-party?” The interviewer asks cheekily. The situation comes back to you in an instant; you’re on camera and who knows how many people are seeing you thirst over another actor in real-time.
“God no,” You laugh, frantically trying to brush over the incident, “I don’t chase after boys. He’d have to work for my attention.” You wink in an attempt to deliver the joke and it goes over smoothly enough, the interviewer graciously letting it go and thanking you for your time. You thank her profusely.
You chance another glance at Sirius as you move on, all grace and long limbs as he effortlessly poses for photos and messes around with his co-stars, spirit not yet beaten out of him by Hollywood. You envy the way his cast talk all the way through the process, clearly extremely fond of each other. You would go to the ends of the earth for Lily, your best friend and writer of the show you star in, but your male lead couldn’t be more opposite. Severus Snape was someone you would never get along with, and your interviews consisted of forced smiles and camaraderie on your side and zero effort from him. You would love a cast like The Marauders, not that you would dare complain to Lily, who had given you so much.
You don’t end up meeting Sirius during the awards or the afterparty, unfortunately, though you do see him once more across the room and feel the flutter of intrigue in your stomach. The next awards ceremony you had a goal, and a series to watch in the meantime.
The clip from that interview goes viral, both your fans and Sirius’ dissecting every frame of the videos. Some focus on the subtle up-and-down you give him, slowing it down to a snail’s pace to catch every eye movement. Others focus on Sirius, swearing they could see his eyes flick over to you for a fraction of a second. The ultimate conclusion is that you two should be in love, or already are, and fan edits of both you and your characters are already surfacing on TikTok.
You sigh from your hotel bed, scrolling through an endless amount of photos of him and yourself. Your publicist would not be happy with you. Although, it could be a pretty good marketing strategy.
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run-clever-boy · 9 months
I’m here - Severus Snape
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Severus Snape x Professor!Reader
Warnings: Crying, all fluff!
Word Count: 657
Summary: You are a young professor in love with Severus Snape. When everything gets to be too much, you break down and he comes to your aid.
It was dark in the library. You used to come here as a student to escape from the other students, you never felt like you really belonged in your house. Now as a teacher, you have made a few allies among your peers. 
One professor, despite how wrong you felt about it, held a special place in your heart. 
Severus was not as he appeared. He was caring and gentle, helped you when you needed it. He seemed to know exactly how to help you when you needed him most. With this past reputation of his, you knew that he would probably show up at any minute at your aid as you fled the great hall for the library in a hurry after dinner. 
You loved him, try as you might to ignore it you loved him more than the initial platonic feeling you had. He would show up in your dreams, daydreams, you couldn't get him out of your head. When he was around you tried to clear your mind, but to no avail. You were decent at occlumency, but he brought down your barriers.
The more you thought the more somber you became, and the less control over your emotion you had. You needed to get yourself together.
A single tear
Then another
And then another
Soon your emotions overcame you and you hid among the bookshelves sobbing into your robes. You weren't loud by any means, but your thoughts echoed in your head until you heard a voice in the void of blackness.
"Y/n? are you alright?" Severus' baritone voice shook you out of your sobbing state as you tried to straighten up and pretend like everything was fine. As your vision corrected out of its blurry setting you saw the professor kneeled down by your side with a deep look of concern.
"Yes, I- I'm alright" you said in a shaky voice. 
"No, you're not, what's the matter?" he said, it was calmer than his normal authoritative tone.
"I just got in my own head is all, I'll be alright" you said
"What about?" he questioned. You knew if you told him the real reason he would reject you, tell you that you were too young and that this was all stupid. Or would he? 
He placed a hand on your shoulder and shivers when up your spine. Every touch sent electricity through your body, every brush of a hand, every glance, every slight smile you could coerce out of him made you feel better.
"Severus I- I can't-"
"Yes, you can."
 He tilted your head up with a finger as his eyes looked deep into yours. Pleading you to tell him what was wrong. You had never seen him like this, he seemed so, delicate and careful. Like you were a vase he didn't want to break. 
You paused.
"I what?" he said with growing concern.
"I love you, severus."
The words hung in the air, and you clung on them with everything you had. He looked at you with a calm sort of shock.
"I'm sorry" you mumbled under your breath as you stood up and tried to flee the library, but before you had the chance he stood up and grabbed your hand and spun you around and held you close to him, his finger lifting your chin to make your eyes meet once more. 
He hesitated, he wanted something, but you couldn't tell what. His eyes glanced from your lips to meet your gaze again. He looked behind him at the library door then pulled your face closer to his, his lips smashing against yours and in a crazed fit of passion. 
He held you there for what felt like so long then finally allowed breath between the two of you. He pulled you close to his chest and held you there, just enjoying the silence.
"I love you too, I always have" he whispered gently.
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impishtubist · 14 days
Happy birthday, @arliedraws ! I'm so happy that our paths crossed online and then in real life 💙 I tried writing you a little ficlet based on your Sirius tramp stamp art, but uh, this happened instead.
The new math teacher is cool. 
He walks into class on the first day wearing a leather jacket and carrying a motorcycle helmet under one arm. His dark hair is long enough to pull back into a short ponytail, though some strands escape, and he’s got a neatly-trimmed beard and tattoos. The entire class breaks into whispers, and Harry is fascinated. 
Mr. Black is fun. He dresses and acts like a former rock star, and he makes math interesting for once. Harry can’t remember the last time he paid close attention in this class, and he diligently fills the pages of his notebook as Mr. Black takes them through each lesson.
“Excellent work, Harry,” he says one day as he passes back a test, and Harry blushes furiously. This close to Mr. Black, he can smell leather and cigarettes, and see the way the man’s eyes crinkle at the corners when he smiles.
Mr. Black holds office hours before school most days, and Harry asks Mum if she can start dropping him off early. Mum is delighted he’s taking such an interest in his studies, and agrees. 
“Your father never studied,” she says one day as they’re driving to school. “He still got top marks on everything. Drove me insane. Some of us have to actually work for our grades, and I’m happy you’re putting in the effort, sweetheart.” 
“Morning, Harry!” Mr. Black greets one day when Harry walks into the classroom. Office hours started a few minutes ago, and he’s the only one here. That won’t last long--Hermione won’t be far behind him, and several more of his classmates will come before the hour is up. Mr. Black’s office hours are always busy, which is why Harry tries to be the first one there every day. “I’ll be down in a second. Go ahead and get settled.”
Mr. Black has shed his button-up and is wearing only a thin t-shirt. He’s standing on a stepstool so he can get something down from the top shelf of one of the cabinets in the room. The t-shirt is tight, and Harry watches the muscles of his back and arm flex.
“O-okay,” he squeaks, but he stands there staring at Mr. Black until Hermione comes flying into the room a few minutes later, a dozen questions tumbling out of her at once that Mr. Black is only too happy to answer. 
“Harry, are you packed?” Mum calls up the stairs to him.
“Yeah, been packed for ages! Can we go now?”
“Don’t use that tone with me,” Mum says as Harry comes down the stairs, backpack slung over his shoulder. “Why are you in such a hurry to get to Dad’s, anyway? What mischief does he have planned for you two?”
“Nothing!” Harry says, which is a complete lie. He’s been texting Dad for the past couple of weeks about pranks they can pull on Dad’s awful neighbor, Severus Snape, and he can’t wait to try some of them out. 
His parents have been divorced since he was a baby; Harry doesn’t remember a time when they all lived in the same house.They don’t live far from each other, though, barely a ten-minute drive, which means that Harry can attend his school no matter which parent he stays with. He lives with Mum for a month, and then Dad, and they’ve switched off like that his whole life. Neither of his parents have remarried yet. When Harry was little, he’d wanted his mum to marry his kindergarten teacher, but then Mr. Lupin had married Mayor Shacklebolt and Harry had cried for a week about it. He’s fine with it now, though. They’ve got like five kids now, and Harry does not want any siblings. He likes having his parents to himself, thanks.
Mum pulls into Dad’s driveway, and Harry leaps out of the car and runs to the front door. He lets himself in with his key, shouting, “Dad, I’m home! Wanna go--” 
He stops short. Dad leaps up from the couch, startled, quickly disentangling himself from the man he had been sitting with and--and kissing--
It’s Mr. Black. 
“Harry!” Dad says, running his hand through his hair. “You’re, ah, you’re early--”
“Oh!” Mum had come into the house behind Harry, and she stands there with her hand over her mouth. “James, I’m so sorry, I didn’t think it would be an issue to be a little early. I didn’t realize you had, um, company. I should have called ahead.”
“It’s okay, Lils.” Dad gives them both a sheepish smile and holds out a hand to Mr. Black, pulling him up from the couch. “It’s about time we told you both, anyway. Harry, this is Sirius--”
“He’s my teacher,” Harry blurts. “Dad, you’re kissing my teacher.” 
“Er, yes, well.” Dad clears his throat. “We didn’t want to tell you until we were sure…but I’ve been seeing Sirius for a few months now, and--”
“I am sorry, Harry,” Mr. Black says. He’s still holding Dad’s hand. “I met your dad at the shops right before school started. I didn’t realize his son was in my class until I saw you that first day. We talked about it, and we decided it was best not to say anything to you until we knew…well, until we knew that this was something serious. No pun intended.”
He winks at Harry, fucking winks, and Harry is going to die. 
“I’m Lily,” Mum says, breaking the awkward silence, and Mr. Black lets go of Dad to shake her hand. “It’s so nice to meet you. I take it you’re Harry’s math teacher, then? He loves your class. I’ve never seen him so excited about a subject before!”
“Harry’s a great student,” Mr. Black says. “I love having him in class.” 
Harry can feel his face burning. “I’m not that special.”
“You are,” Mr. Black says, placing a warm hand on his shoulder. A strong, solid hand. Harry’s knees are going to buckle. 
“I think you’re embarrassing him, Sirius,” Dad says, and Mr. Black steps away. Harry misses his touch immediately. “But we were thinking, Harry…if it’d be alright, Sirius could spend the weekend with us. We could all get to know each other? Maybe go to the cinema, out to dinner, that kind of thing?”
Dad looks and sounds so hopeful. Harry sighs.
“Yeah, alright,” he says, and both Dad and Mr. Black beam at him. “But no funny business, okay? Your room is right next to mine, Dad.”
Dad goes bright red. “Right, no funny business. You’ve got it.” 
Mum kisses Harry on the cheek and gives him a quick hug, and then leaves. Harry’s left standing awkwardly in his dad’s living room with his dad and his teacher, who are dating. Harry grimaces inwardly. The whole time he was noticing Mr. Black’s beard and eyes and muscles, his dad was--was--
Harry stops that train of thought dead in its tracks. He does not want to go there. 
“So we’re still pranking Snape, right?” he asks loudly, more to drown out his own traitorous thoughts than anything else.
“Oh, yeah, definitely,” Dad says quickly. “Sirius even has some ideas about that.”
Mr. Black pulls a piece of paper out of his back pocket and unfolds it. It’s covered in his chicken scratch handwriting. “Where do you want to begin?”
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tvimagines221b · 8 months
Being The Daughter of Snape’s Closest Child-Hood Friend And Him Being Your Mentor Would Include:
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Upon your arrival at Hogwarts during your first year, it was clear that Professor Snape was able to recognize you almost instantly. It wasn’t just the fact that you were a splitting image of your mother. Though, you had always been oblivious to your mother’s connection with Snape, he had not been the same to your existence. As the years after their graduation passed, Severus and your mother did well to keep in touch with one another. By no other way than through letters. It is how he knew of both your birth, and your arrival to Hogwarts.
It was almost instantly that Snape knew that he felt some sort of obligation towards you. Not only did he swear to help you excel in your studies by becoming your mentor, but he also swore to protect you from any harm that may come to you.
When first meeting Snape, like many of the other students you could feel his intimidation. Seeing how closed off, and guarded he acted.
Although, this only made you more curious about him.
With your time under his mentorship, you had come to learn that Snape had taken a liking to you. Not only giving you knowledge, but treating with you kindness.
Realizing Snape wasn’t as awful as students proclaimed.
Bonding with him over your shared connection with your mother. Often it’s when he notices you do things that remind him of her. Or, as the both of you are having tea together and he spends hours on end talking about his memories of your mother.
Snape believing you can become greater than you could possibly imagine. “My dear, you have more potential than you can even imagine. I believe that one day you could become of the greatest witches this school as ever seen.”
His words meaning the world to you. “Thank you. I’m just trying to make my mother proud.”
Him telling you, that you are. And he is proud of you too. “She is proud, as am I.”
It was in that moment, you had seen him smile for the first time. A real and genuine smile. And you had then known, how much he truly cared for you.
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nekokvmaa · 4 months
Trans Snape is so real for me cuz even if we ignore the fact that I’m just projecting cuz I project a bunch of shit onto him, there is no way anyone could convince me that fucking Tobias and Eileen could come up with a name like Severus to call their child
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captainjamespotter · 2 months
Hi, I’m James!
…and welcome to my blog
If your name is not Severus Snape, then I happily welcome you to my blog where I do things! I would love to be friends
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Some things about me!!
My pronouns are he/him. I'm a Gryffindor. I'm pansexual (yes, I like pans). Proud captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team (go lions!!!). My favorite color is red.
My tags:
#james rants, #james is lonely, #captainjamespotter ooc #james potter talks
The whole group:
@remus-lupin-offical Moony!!!
@sirius-thesstar Padfoottttt
@ur-local-peter-pettigrew WORMTAIL
@lily-evans-for-ya The loml (she just doesn't know it yet)
@pandora-notyetalovegood The nicest Slytherin
@the-real-marls-mckinnon She's cool asf
@barty-not-barry I actually don't know much about him. He's kinda mean :(
@regregregulusblack Baby Black
@barbie-wants-to-be-me-fr Matching my freak (we both like coffee and cats)
@stolemyheelsfromlegolas I would absolutely let her paint my nails
@itty-bitty-bella @therealcissyblack @andro-black padfoot and reg’s cousins
Hey! I'm @graceland-also and I run this account! No NSFW please, I'm a minor.
DNI: zionists, racists, transphobes, homophobes, nazis, xenophobes, etc, just don't interact if you're a rude person
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thebunnybabyblog · 4 months
Late night visit (snape x reader 18+)
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Severus planned for a boring but peaceful night alone when a sudden intrusion caused for his night to be turned upside down 🖤
Word count: 5717
Category: smut and fluff
Warnings?: drunk sex but there is assumed consent as they are very much a couple in love but plz irl make sure your partner is safe! And the tiny use of daddy, only a few lines use the word so it’s not a daddy dom type fic! Anyway enjoy!
Severus settled into his favorite reading chair with a freshly brewed cup of tea. y/n had been on him to start taking time for himself and decrease his stress levels. So, she had popped into a fancy little tea shop in London on her last outing and purchased a container of lavender Earl gray tea the shop woman recommended. It was about 11 when he had finally decided to put down his work and take her up on her advice to relax and try to settle in with a cup and a book that wasn’t potions related.
He always felt guilty if he wasn’t working when he was alone, felt as if he was wasting time if it was for his enjoyment, but her words from earlier in the day passed through his mind. “Sevvie please, it’s Saturday, don’t drown in your research until you pass out.” Normally she would be by his side on a Saturday evening but tonight she was off with her girlfriends as one seemed to be getting married and she was tasked to help throw a bachelorette party.
She wasn’t much of a “party girl” so he was shocked when she had told him about it. Not like he didn’t want her to go or anything like that, she was entitled to a life outside of his dungeon, but more because she wasn’t a big drinker. She normally chose to be curled up like a cat lounging no matter if it was home alone or over at Severus’ place.
It took Severus about an hour to finally get comfortable and push down his looming guilt of not being productive to finally get into his novel. He had decided to pick out the Henry James novel The Turn of the Screw, a classic horror novel filled with psychological horror and madness. Really, a perfect book for him other than the textbooks that he liked to read as if he was a kid with comics.
As it was a shorter novel and him being such a fast reader it took him only about an hour and a half to finish. He looked over to the clock on the wall and it was almost 12:30. He wondered how y/n was getting on, “I hope she’s safe” had crossed his mind many times that night. Like before he was fine with her being out, she was an adult and he wasn’t her father but it didn’t stop him from being concerned. He wasn’t worried about her doing something wrong, he was worried about the people who lurked in the shadows. He bounced his leg nervously, just sat in his chair not knowing what to do now. He thought he might as well get ready for bed as he wasn’t going to get any real comfort until he saw her in the evening tomorrow.
He pushed himself up and out of his chair and made his way to the bathroom for his nightly rituals. He had changed out his clothes for his pajamas and was half way through brushing his teeth when he heard a crash from downstairs. He jumped by the sudden commotion and quickly spit and dropped his toothbrush in favor of his wand that was sitting on the pile of discarded clothes on the floor. Barreling down the staircase ready to blast whoever dared break into his home, he stopped dead in his warpath to be met with a very intoxicated y/a who had somehow managed to stumble in and fall directly into the table he had by the front door, knocking over books and a large vase in the process.
“Y/n! Good heavens are you ok?!” He exclaimed as he rushed down the last few steps. “What are you doing here? How did you even get here?” Many questions were being rushed to her drunken mind that she didn’t even know how to respond. He quickly crouched down to her side and noticed she had fat tears welling up in her eyes. “I…. I’m s-sorry *hick* I just wan*hick*ted to seeee you” she cried, slurring her words. He couldn’t help but soften as he heard her little pathetic cries below his looming figure.
He had actually never even seen her drink before so never knew what type of “drunk” she was. She was just so helpless before him. “I’m sorry I broke *hick* your table sevvie” she cried to him, now with her face hard into his chest. He liked to pretend that he hated it when she called him “sevvie” but he really loved it and hearing it coming from her drunk mouth made his heart beat fast. “Shhh my dear it is only a table, it can be easily picked up and fixed. No real harm done.” He consoled her with a gentle hand petting her head.
While he held her he looked up to the door and noticed the many locks were all still secured and he furrowed his brow in confusion. “Y/n… how did you even get in here?” He asked. “Please don’t be mad Sevvie…*hick* I just wanted to see you real bad” she pleaded into his chest. Right then he knew exactly what she had done. “Oh Merlin y/n, you didn’t apparate here did you? In such a drunken state, you could have sliced yourself in half!” He scolded, not meaning to come off as angry but he had a bad habit of not conveying his tone correctly. She didn’t even reply with words but with more, now louder, sobs into his shirt.
He knew that scolding her in this state was not the right thing to do and quickly tried to remedy the situation with more petting and soothing words “shhh it’s ok I’m sorry, Sevvie didn’t mean to yell, it’s ok shhhh.” They stayed there a few moments just rocked back and forth as her cries calmed and now were down to a few sniffles. As much as situations that were caused by big emotions made him feel completely uncomfortable, he couldn't help but to feel good in this moment. In her drunken state all she could think about was coming to him. He would do anything for her and if that meant sitting on the floor by the front door with books and pieces of vase scattered across the floor then that’s what he would do.
“Here, let's get you upstairs and cleaned up. We can worry about this mess in the morning.” He said in a smooth tone trying to not get her crying again. He stood up and held onto her arms to get her to her feet, she stumbled lightly and fell into his chest. He loved the close contact that continued to be bestowed on him. “I’m sorryyyyy!” She cried as she looked up to him with her tear stained cheeks clearly on the verge of crying again. He had his answer from before on what type of drunk she’d be and she clearly was an emotional one. He wondered if this was the reason she preferred not to drink around him at all.
“Darling it’s quite alright let me just help you up the stairs.” He said as he scooped her up in his arms bridal style. She went up in a fit of giggles tightly gripping her arms around his neck. It was good to hear her laugh instead of her continuing sobs. “See that’s much better I only want to hear your laughter the rest of the night, no more crying.” He said in a fake strict tone but sly smile. She looked up to him with bright cheeks. She nuzzled her head into his neck and they made their way up to the bathroom to get her cleaned up.
He didn’t know if her smeared makeup was completely due to her fits of crying or also because of whatever wild antics her and her girlfriends got up to earlier in the evening. He knew now was not the best time to be asking too many questions but he couldn’t help himself not to pry a tiny bit. He sat her down on the closed toilet and moved over to the sink and got a warm washcloth prepared. Moving to sit on the edge of the tub adjacent to her he began to gently wipe her face.
“So my love, did you have fun this evening?” He asked, trying to lighten the mood. “Oh yeah! We went to this bar that we ummm went to in college” she trailed off “mmmmmm this feels goooood” he couldn’t help but to chuckle as she pushed her face more into his touch. “You touch me soooo good Sevvie” she hummed. Severus’ eyes widened a bit and he cleared his throat. It’s not like she had never said that to him but still compliments and especially double meaning compliments made his heart race.
“Here, you sit right here and I'll bring you your pajamas. How does that sound?” He asked as he brushed some hair behind her ear. “Mmm yeah please sevviest snapeeee, hehehe sevviest like severus but sevvie hehe get it… ” She laughed as if it was the funniest joke on the planet. He just looked at her desperately trying to stifle the laughter that was bubbling inside him. “Yes, quite funny indeed my love.” he replied back to her. “oh!! The pink pair pleaseeeeeee!!” “Your wish is my command.”
He never thought in a million years would he see a drunk y/n disheveled and giggling, sitting in his bathroom at 1 am. He thought he’d have a pretty boring night filled with quiet solitude and unamusement but now he was striffiling through her drawer she claimed in his dresser for a particular pair of pajamas with a little white bunny plastered on the front. He had actually gotten these for her as a little gift when she was given the drawer and a key to his home. He was very nervous giving her that much access to his life but he grew to really miss her when she was gone and didn’t value the alone time as he once did.
He made it back to the bathroom with her retrieved items to be met with, nothing. She had made a break for it. “Y/n? Darling where have you run off to?” He turned around and continued down the hall to check his study for his vanishing act. It was easy enough to find her as all he had to do was follow the trail of clothes that led him to his office door. “Umm y/n are you in here?” He said as he slowly opened the door.
He was met with the sight of y/n standing in just a bra and panties warming herself by the still lit fireplace. “Oh Merlin…” he thought to himself as he saw her glowing in front of him. “Sevvie! There you are! I wondered where you ran off to!! You were gone for ages!!” She exclaimed while wrapping her arms enthusiastically around his neck. “You left me all aloneeeee after it took me so long to finally find you I’m hurt!” Y/n said in a huff
“What do you mean it took so long to find me?” He asked puzzled. “Welllll i accidentally ended it a few spots before i landed on your table” she looked up shyly “I’m gonna have to apologize to one very angry neighbor lady tomorrow.” At this point he couldn’t hide his laugh and sent out brighter laughter around the room. “Sevvieeeee don’t laugh at meeeeeee.” She squealed and she swung about.
He couldn’t help but to grab on to her waist for support and remembered just how almost nude she was. “My love, why did you undress?” He asked. “Ohhhhhh I donno. Maybe I didn’t wanna wait for you to do it for me.” She suddenly let go of his neck and pushed him back into his reading chair. He stumbled back in surprise as she had never been forceful with him before. Before he could make sense of the situation she had straddled his lap.
“What the? Y/n what has gotten into you?” He laughs out. She started peppering his face with little kisses, giggling with every single one. She was gripping the sides of his face and as she pulled away from the kisses she looked down to him with heart eyes. “My sevvie is sooooo beautiful. My beautiful handsome pretty boyfriend!” She squished his cheeks while she spewed out compliments. He couldn’t help but blush at her drunken proclamations and he loved hearing her call him her boyfriend.
“Sev I just love you so so so much why and how did I get so lucky! I just wanna kiss you forever and ever!” She exclaimed before she started another assault to his face. Severus couldn’t lie he was having a very hard time controlling himself at this very moment. He had his beautiful girlfriend straddling him in front of a roaring fire half naked shouting to the heavens on how lucky she was to be so in love with him.
His mind was filling up with many thoughts that were the opposite of putting her back into clothes but he still had a sting of guilt that was swaying him to stop. “My love as much as I am very madly deeply in love with what is happening right now, I think we should stop.” He said with a tone that implied he really hated having to say it. She looked down at him with her big sad eyes “but sevvieeee I’ve been dying all night to come back to you!” She protested, leaning down to rest her face by his neck. “I need you sooo so bad!” She whined into his ear, her breath tickling his skin. He felt a shiver wash over him and his skin covered in goosebumps to the sensation and her seductive tone.
He was struggling hard to fight off his urges to just push her right to the floor and devour her whole. “Listen my love you are drunk it would be improper to continue this as much as I absolutely would love too.” He said while again pushing her hair behind her ear. She couldn’t help but nuzzle into his soft touch. “But sevvie I thought about you all night even when I wasn’t even drunk yet.” She cooed. “Is that so?” He asked in a hum. “Yes I couldn’t stop thinking about you all night. With Shara getting married I couldn’t help but think about how I want to be locked away with you for the rest of my life. Just right here, placed in your big soft lap.” Her hips wiggled playfully against him and her breath danced along his neck.
He couldn’t help but close his eyes and lean his head back to the double stimulation. “My love you are treading dangerously close to me, not being able to control myself.” He warned her. “Maybe I want you to lose control on me?” She licked up his neck in a seductively slow pace finally resting on his earlobe with a nibble. She knew exactly what buttons to push to send him over the edge. Sober or drunk she would let this man do anything he wanted to her, just to be underneath him was a reward from the gods to her.
His hands met her waist and pulled her hips to press her hard against him. “Don’t ask for something you might regret darling.” She looked down to him and with fluttering eyes cooed “but sir you have never been a regret only a reward to me.” And brushed her lips against his. He was pushed to his limits, something in him snapped and his eyes went dark.
He flew to his feet with her still straddled around him. She squeaked in surprise. Before she knew it her back was against the wall and her lips were being assaulted with deep passionate kisses. Moaning against his lips, a fire was building up inside her, so was desperate and needy for his touch. He moved to her neck and left rows of kisses, nibbles and sucks on her sensitive skin. “Oh gods Sev it feels so good. I need you so bad it hurts Sev so so bad mmmm yes!” She was practically vibrating underneath him.
Moving away with her from the wall he made his way through the door. “Sevvieeeee where are we going?” She called out in his clutches. “I’m going to ravage you properly right on our bed.” She couldn’t help but feel her heart pound to the words “our bed”. She couldn’t wait so she continued the fiery kisses to his lips and neck as the stumbled down the long hallway.
They bursted into the bedroom and before she knew it she was thrown atop of the plush bedding. She looked up to her powerful man and felt a twinge between her legs. He was so dominant looking above her. His hair disheveled and lips plumb from their feverish kissing. “Please just do dirty things to me, I can't stand it” she said to his looming figure. Without words he hooked his slender fingers underneath her panties and pulled them down hard, leaving her pussy exposed to him. She couldn’t help but moan to the sudden exposure and roughness.
“Mmm I love it when you get rough with me.” She moaned “oh really? Is that how you like it my dear?” He kneeled down on the bed with her naked core under him and leaned down close to her ear. “You like it when daddy gets rough with you?” She could tell right then she was done for because Severus wasn’t one to call himself by other names especially something like daddy. All she could do was moan from him sultry words but this wasn’t good enough for him. If she wanted to play this game she was going to play by his rules.
“If you want daddy to play with you my love, then you need to speak when I ask you a question.” He snapped as he grabbed her chin to look at him. Her eyes were wide and the heat was past building, it was boiling out of her. “Mmm yes sir I’m sorry sir.” She said to him as pure and innocent as she could. “Such a good girl for me,” his hand began to travel down her side and he made circles around her thighs. So close to where she was practically begging for him to touch. “Now like I said before, do you like it when daddys rough with you baby?” “Oh gods yes!”
With that he shoved his rough fingers into her core and went to work on what she was so desperate for. The room quickly filled with her moans and the sound of her wet pussy sucking his fingers in. He sucked along her neck and moaned into her skin, the sounds she was already making were driving him wild. She was coming undone underneath him already. Without stopping the rampage on her core he moved his way down her body until he was in sight of the sweet prize between her legs.
He could now see just how wet and dripping she was, it was already leaving a mess on his bedding. He couldn’t stop himself from taking a taste of the sweet honey she was producing just for him. “Mmmm o….oh gods yes! Please yes! I’ve wanted you to eat my pussy all night! Please mmmmm” Her hands found their way to his head and pulled him even closer while bucking her hips into his mouth.
Her neediness was fueling his lust as if it was a fire to dynamite. He moaned hard around her clit lapping in all of her juices as his fingers continued their assault. His cock was pressed hard against the bed and he found himself bucking against the sheets just to find a morsel of relief. Her taste was driving him crazy, the way her moans were filling the room were sending him into overdrive. He just wanted to do anything for her at this moment to make her feel even an ounce of what she makes him feel.
He could tell she was close, her breathing was erratic, her hands couldn’t find a place to sit, her pussy was throbbing around him. She was in pure ecstasy and it was all because of him. “Sev oh gods Sev- I….I don’t know how much longer, oh fuck, I can hold!” Her hands shot back to his hair pulling him hard against her. He was so close now he couldn’t breathe but he didn’t care, he could die right then and there and he would die the happiest man in this galaxy.
He sucked her clit hard into his mouth and he hooked his fingers in just the right way that pressed the soft spot deep inside her. She was a wild animal underneath him; he had to hook his free arm around her thigh to keep her right where he needed her. “C….cum!! I’m gonna-” her sentence was cut short with a loud and desperate scream to the heavens.
He released her limp body from his grasp and removed his fingers but left a few more licks and kisses to her drenched core trying to take in as much of her as possible. “How was that my love? Did sevvie make you feel good?” He asked with a wet smile. She could only hum in response as her breath was ragged and she had turned to goo in his bedding.
He thought of getting rough with her for forgetting to speak when spoken to but he quickly decided to let it slid as she just looked so fucking cute. A complete and total mess sprawled out just for him. “My love, I'll be right back, let me get a washcloth for you.” He wasn’t even worried for his own release; he was happy to just give his angel what she was so desperate for.
He turned to retrieve a washcloth from the bathroom but was stopped when he felt a hand take a fist full of the back of his shirt. He was pulled down to the bed on his back, “oh no you don’t! You think I just wanted to cum? You are wrong, mister! I want your cum!” She shouted down to him as she began to straddle his still raging erection. The fabric of his pants were rough against her sensitive core as she ground her hips hard over him. Her hands placed against his chest to find support in her wild grinding.
Severus sucked the room's hot air in between his teeth and he clenched his eyes tightly as the sudden sensation of her above him was sending pin pricks all over his body. “You want my cum my love? Is that what you have truly been on the pursuit of?” He said almost breathlessly. “Well free me and take it all.” Practically begging as he needed this just as much as her.
She didn’t hesitate in her drunken haze to finally free the prize she had been pining after the entirety of the night. Earlier in the evening the idea of being married to Severus made her hair stand on end. Being together forever unrestricted from one another never having to leave to go sleep in her own bed somewhere else. She just wanted, no she needed, him for the rest of her days.
She looked down at his swollen, slick member with heart filled eyes as if she was looking at God themself. “Sevvieeeeee do you understand how deeply and madly obsessed I am with you?” She cooed, grabbing ahold of him by the base slowly churning upwards. A mix of her words and movements sent stars floating around his head. His hands found their way to the soft flesh of her thighs that kept his body tightly in place.
No matter how many times he would go to bed with her, the sight of her naked frame in soft candle light made him feel as if he was hallucinating. Always afraid one day he would awaken cold and alone in his bed, with no traces of her ever even existing. He couldn’t believe someone could actually be truly in love with him and crave his touch, soul and body; but here she was, placed upon him in complete and utter desire and love.
She had completely lubricated him with the copious amount of precum he had produced while pumping himself against the mattress. She looked down at his blushed face and like a feral animal pounced herself down on him without words. She was already so wet and ready for him she slipped down with no hesitation. “Gods… FUCK!” He yelled out to the heavens.
His eyes shut tightly and his head pressed hard into the sheets, he could feel her already pulsing around him. The feeling of her melting into him as they became one. Fully inside her, she ground her pelvis into him. She could feel his dark hair brush against her core, adding a tickling sensation to the already overwhelming pressure.
“God Sev you fill me up so full, I think about your cock all day when you’re not around.” She breathed out while looking down into his eyes. He didn’t even know how to respond, she was always so shy, normally, when they had sex he had to tease the words out of her. But here she was towering over him, freely offering up words full of lust straight from the deep parts of her brain, looking him right into his soul.
He felt like a shy teen boy having sex for the first time. He hadn’t felt like this in ages as he was always the dominant one and usually would only prefer that; but, right here right now, he would let this wild woman rip his heart out of his chest and serve it to him on a platter. His body was starting to just do things without his brain even telling it to.
Hands roamed her sweat kissed skin and found comfort along her waist as his hips started to buck into her. Her head shot back looking high up to the ceiling, her breasts bouncing hard now above him. Her wild moans echoed off the walls and through Severus, it’s as if he could feel them rumble around in his chest. Watching her filled with so much ecstasy, like she had become a little sex nymph.
“Se-sevvvvv p-pleaseeee!” She whimpered and whined. His eye began to twitch and something in him snapped. Gripping her waist, he spun her around to where her back crashed into the soft mattress below, taking his place on top. “Please what, my love? It seems I’m in need of some instruction tonight.” He said looking down at her with dark hooded eyes. “I ummm I-“ was all she could respond to the sudden shift of power between them.
Even in her alcohol fueled state she knew that she was done for now. All the teasing and power play would have eventually come back to bite her in the ass and she wasn’t complaining. It was her goal all along, to rile him up in ways she was too afraid of without the liquid courage flowing through her veins. “What? You were so vocal before, now you can’t even muster up a single sentence?” He said dangerously close to her ear. His hot breath sent shivers down her spine as it came in contact with the thin veil of sweat that formed on top of her skin.
“Please Severus! Please, I can't take it. I just want you to pound me until I'm a mess under you! Just fuck me already please!” She was met with no response other than him quickly lining himself back up to her and plunging himself deep into her core. She let out a scream that if someone would have passed by their window would probably thought something else was going on in there. He didn’t even let her adjust to him, he just gave her exactly what she was begging for.
Blow after blow was delivered at breakneck speeds to her cervix. Never relenting to give her a second to replenish the air that was being knocked out of her lungs. She was a pile of mush below him and yet she needed more of him. She needed to do all the things she was so afraid to ask for when they were normally intimate.
Without words, as she had no ability to use her voice anyway, reached up to his left wrist he had planted in the bed by her head. She slithered her fingers around him and brought his index and middle finger to her lips and slipped them into her mouth. He let out a low and desperate moan as she sucked and swirled her tongue around his digits.
Never breaking eye contact she slipped his fingers out of her mouth and placed his hand around her throat. His eyes widened at this, they had been rougher before but she had never initiated it, especially so boldly. Her face flushed red, eyes filled with desire and mouth opened, he was in heaven. To be looking down at this angelic being below him and she wanted him to devour her whole.
His grip tightened around her delicate throat as his erratic thrusts pounded into her, at this point he couldn’t stop his hips if he wanted to. “Fuck my love, why didn’t you tell me you wanted me this way?” His fingertips dug into the sides of her neck and tears began to form in her eyes. He could tell she was close even with no sounds now escaping her mouth as she started twitching around his cock.
“You like it when I’m rough with you huh? You like being a whore under me? Who knew you were such a slutty little minx, I guess I’m going to have to use you like this more often, how does that sound?” All she was able to muster was a sharp inhale and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She couldn’t hold it any more, the way his hips were snapping against her had been stimulating her clit and the lack of oxygen was making her body foggy. Just being able to listen to the deep moans and grunts from the delectable man above her was enough to send her over the edge.
“Are you going to cum for me? Come around my cock for me, let me see how good this cock you’ve been dreaming about makes you feel.” He grunted as he rhythmically snapped his hips. His words were the straw that broke the camel’s back, her hips bucked and she practically elevated off the bed. Her sudden movement shifted his grasp and allowed her to fill the room with screams of passion as she came undone around him. He had never seen something so erotic under him and without warning shot load after load deep into her as he clenched and gritted his teeth like a beast above her.
After they had finished erupting, the room was only filled with huffed breaths. Severus had collapsed on to her and she could feel the ragged breaths in the nape of her neck. Even in her exhausted state she still managed to run her fingers through his sweaty matted black hair and revel in the fact that he was all hers. This tough and stern man who he showed to the world was not even close to being his true form. He was warm and filled with love and passion and she was ever so grateful that he chose her to be wrapped up in a sweaty mess with.
Her eyes filled with hot tears unexpectedly and she couldn’t stop them from flowing down her cheeks and into his hair. He didn’t notice at first but soon felt a cool sensation form in his hair. He looked up in shock as he saw her there quietly crying. Afraid that what he had just done was the cause he spoke in a frantic tone, “My love, whatever is the matter? I’m so sorry if I was too rough with you! Please tell me what I can do!” His large palm found her cheek and held her gently.
“Sevvie- I…I just love you so much! Being with you is everything I’ve ever wanted… I just wish I never had to leave.” She cried to him. His expression softened and his eyes filled with stars as he looked down at her sweet face. He let out a soft chuckle and said “My sweet is that all? I was worried I had overstepped. Do you really feel that way? Do you not want to have to leave?”
She looked up at him with tear filled eyes. “Well all you had to do was ask y/n, I haven’t wanted you to leave my side ever since you took over a spot in my dresser.” He smiled down at her, his fingers brushing away the tears that threatened to fall. “How about I run us a hot bath and we go get you cleaned up? How does that sound?” She nodded and he gently scooped her from the sheets and cradled her in his arms bridal style.
Out of the bedroom and off to the bathroom he couldn’t help but feel his heart swell at the thought of her wanting to intertwine her life with his. He had never planned on finding someone let alone living with them. His brain tried to fill him with doubt that this was just the liquor speaking for her but he knew her words were her own. He could tell just by the way she had wrapped herself around his body and hummed into his neck. This was true, this was real, this was love and with her here it turned this house into a home.
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
Teenage Snape: I don’t need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!
Adult Snape, to Phineas Nigellus after he called Hermione a Mudblood: Do not use that word!
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I have to say Severus Snape is one sexy badass!he protected Harry for Lily, though I think the fact she never forgave him over the whole “Mudblood” slur is so stupid!. Real friends would protect someone that was being tortured! Yes tortured! You probably think I’m crazy for saying this but if Lily evens truly cared about Severus should would not have laughed at him, or sided with her bigoted housemates from Gryffindor. I mean did she Love James or his money?
I agree that she shouldn't have laughed or sided with James, especially considering she laughed before Snape said mudblood, but I don't really blame her for being mad about mudblood after the fact.
I've talked about this a lot on here but, at the end of the day, it was a pretty serious word, regardless of Snape is also technically a mudblood or not. But I think she overreacted as well.
The order of events during that whole scene is not in her favor
Before Mudblood she walked up, almost smiled at Severus being hung upside down and choked (which IRL is a form of torture called waterboarding), then stood there and flirted with James
After Mudblood, she made fun of Severus' poverty (which Im sure she knew about his familial situation) then body shamed him
I have no respect for her but I never blamed her for wanting to cut ties
I think she had been wanting to do it but Sev saying Mudblood gave her a solid reason. A lot of other events always led me to believe she didn't care about him as much as some people think
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ruinofchimera · 5 days
Lily’s quick retort wasn’t a ‘hurtful, isolated reaction’ that was otherwise free of systemic prejudice and not indicative of anything deeper, it was emblematic of her classism. She threw his otherness in society right back at him after he did the same to her. You can argue this is no real issue, because Lily’s prejudices aren’t going to get anyone killed, but classism is part of their dynamic from the start. It’s why she’s comfortable scapegoating him for stealing Petunia’s letter, and why she doesn’t consider that he hasn’t got the luxury of antagonising people like Mulciber. Petunia didn’t emerge from the womb looking down on Spinner’s End, she learned it from the same parents who raised Lily. She’s never more Tuney’s sister than in that moment mocking his poverty.
* it’s also relevant I think to point out that JKR has said that many purebloods would also consider halfbloods like Snape a mudblood. Bellatrix certainly doesn’t consider him as one of her kind. He can’t pass as anything other than what he is - he has a muggle name and looks like his muggle father and he’s stuck sleeping in the house of pureblood supremacy. He’s, to use a very clumsy analogy, a mixed race kid who’s been abused by his POC father and has internalised self-hatred. It’s a bit more complicated than saying Snape has political privilege and Lily is the oppressed.
In my defense, I’m a paragon of laziness, which is what kept me from spoon-feeding why exactly Lily’s so-called knee-jerk reaction constitutes participation in systematic class pressure, much like Severus’s slur does. Actually, if I had decided to explain it, I couldn’t have put it better than you did. You nailed it. So while it’s not entirely necessary, I can’t help but offer a few more examples to back up your point.
Sugar-coating Lily’s behavior certainly shows that fans overlook the complexity of classism in the series. Discrimination in the wizarding world isn’t one-dimensional—it operates on multiple levels, with poverty acting as a form of ‘otherness’ that cuts across even pure-blood lines. Rowling actually depicts how deeply ingrained class prejudice is through Ron Weasley. Ron’s pure-blood status didn’t shield him from the bullying he faced due to his family’s poverty. Despite being part of one of the oldest wizarding families, Ron is belittled and looked down upon by wealthier pure-bloods, particularly Draco Malfoy. Classism in the wizarding world operates on a nuanced level, where even pure-blood characters like the Weasleys are subject to scorn from wealthier families. We see Ron systematically oppressed by this for seven books, yet some still believe blood status is the sole axis of discrimination in Wizarding society. Isn’t that curious?
Now, I want to expand on the concept of pure-blood supremacy, which is often simplified in this fandom. As I mentioned in my previous posts, Severus Snape is, in fact, a mudblood in the eyes of the pure-blood elite. The term ‘mudblood’ doesn’t just apply to Muggle-borns; it refers to anyone whose bloodline isn’t considered ‘pure,’ especially those with close Muggle relatives. Severus’s Muggle surname only highlights his deviation from pure magical lineage in the eyes of blood purists, even if he had wanted to hide it. His ‘tainted’ blood status made him just as much a target for discrimination among pure-blood elitists, complicating the idea that Snape had political privilege.
You’ve already covered this topic perfectly, so as promised, I’ve just thrown in some extra fuel to highlight your point.
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