#I’m talking about Simeon and Solomon
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lowcallyfruity · 10 months ago
For two characters that live in the same house they sure don’t interact much
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mammon-s · 1 year ago
What threesome pairing in obey me do you not see anyone talk about but you want to be in the middle of?
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not-amberlynxx · 2 years ago
Looking for anyone who plays obey me and obey me: Nightbringer. I need some friends to add and people I can talk to about it 😭😭😭 let me know if you’re interested!
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aydien677 · 4 months ago
Incorrect Quotes part 6.
Mc: "I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone else crash at your place."
Solomon : "You people already know too much about me."
Mc : "I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let anyone but me crash at your place."
Mc: "What's a word thats a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'?"
Lucifer : "Disgruntled, miserable, desolated-"
Mammon : "Smad"
Lucifer : "Get out"
Mammon : "In my defense, I was left unsupervised."
Lucifer : "Wasn't Mc with you?"
Mc: "In my defense, I was also left unsupervised."
Mc: "Luci, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?"
Lucifer : "I don’t know, love you, talk to you later"
Mc: "Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Levi"
Mc: "Hey Lucifer"
Lucifer : "Yes?"
Mc: "Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?"
Lucifer :
Lucifer : "Where’s Solomon?"
Mc: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
Lucifer : Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD
Mc: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING MAMMON WITH ME
Simeon, picking up the monopoly board: "I think we’re gonna stop playing now."
Simeon: "Lucifer why?"
Lucifer who just drank 102° black coffee: "You'll know when Luke has his rebellious phase"
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rae-writes · 1 year ago
An Angel?
om demons x reader (+Simeon, Solomon, Mephi, Raph)
wc : 2.k
warnings : more simping bois, more humor, a lot more sprinkles of suggestive comments
synopsis : a deviltok trend has the boys on their knees for you, part two: electric boogaloo
a/n : for the record, Luke was in the room while Mc was making it, cheering them on, doing his cute little “Waahhh!” // idea brought to me by the lovely [your-next-daydream]​ // AND, as usual, let’s not talk about how ridiculously long this took me to finish ahaha rip me-
demon ver. 
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<Simeon> Mc looks rather...heavenly, don’t you agree? 
[attachment sent] 
Intrigued, he wasted no time in clicking on the file, grinning when he realized it was one of your deviltoks. Decked out in your RAD uniform, you sat in a chair with your hands clasped together. 
“Who are you?” 
Smoothly, almost as if you were floating, you stood and took a few steps towards the camera with a rather shy smile. 
“An angel.” 
You bowed ever so slightly, flitting your gaze to the floor. 
“What’s your name?”
You spun suddenly, sending your red accessory swooshing in front of the camera, covering everything from view. 
As fast as the transition happened, it ended; the view was cleared to reveal you— angelic down to a T and beautiful wasn’t even enough to describe you. 
You were adorned with sheer, white clothing that was loose and flowy, probably swaying due to a fan that was off camera. Light blue accents were scattered here and there- including an extension piece in your hair of the same color. Sparkling gold accessories glinted under the light, but not as much as the halo that hovered above your head. It was a gorgeous molten gold tint, partly transparent with glitter floating around inside (with a few cracks decorating the outside of it). It only brought attention to the snowy wings spanning out behind you, flecks of iridescent scattered amongst the feathers. 
[9 people saved a video attachment]
Ah. Yes. He’s not combusting on the inside, not at all. 
*insert internal screaming*
Ahem. Now that his jaw has been picked up off the floor, he is immediately wondering how the fuck Simeon of all people got access to the video before him
Don’t get him wrong though, he is on the way right now- leave the door open, Mc
He has to put his marks all over your body to get rid of the fact that you looked that pretty while using Michael’s name
Possessive urges aside, please keep the outfit on
Does not care if you’re dressed up like an Angel, he will gladly corrupt you
In fact, he wants to corrupt you- let him see that pact mark of his while you look so angelic, yeah?
might be into role playing it if you’d like
Blinks a couple times before looking around slowly; poor boy really thought he’d been yeeted back to the celestial realm for a minute there
It’s all quiet before suddenly everyone in the house (and probably outside) hears “HOLY FUCK WHAT”
You never cease to amaze him, by the devils, is he in love 
The blush on his face- if he was anything other than a demon- would look severely concerning. Like no, it’s not a red beacon of light, it’s just him coming through the halls
Is creepin outside ya door practically on his knees. Please let him in. His greed is flared and you’re the only cure even if you’re also the reason
He is dying to have a diy photo shoot of the two of you in your angel fit
Step on him. Do it- it’s the perfect angle, the shot comes out beautifully and he is putting it right in his wallet once it’s developed 
Will step on you in return if you ask
You’ll let him kiss all over your body, wontcha, Mc? (he’ll even be gentle with his fangs when he nibbles around that golden necklace you’ve got on)
*cue his very nervous yet giddy laughter*
This is just like that anime he saw last week called ‘Help! My human s/o just turned into an Angel but I’m a demon and actually kind of into this?!” 
Seriously though, you look so beautiful, Levi was immediately down in the floor with his face covered and tail wagging 
Please allow 3-4 business months before he can recover 
Jk lol he’s hovering in your doorway before you you can even click on his contact
Shyly asks if he can touch your halo and wings (and ends up with his tail wrapped around you, knocking you side to side because it’s still attempting to wag) 
Unlike the eldest brother, Levi practically begs you to roleplay this with him and have a cosplay photoshoot 
Will shamelessly keep you to himself for the rest of the day and hiss at everyone who gets too close 
Please sit on him and call him mean names while also holding him sweetly 
Sign him tf up- he’s got a pen at the ready 
Irony aside, Satan thinks you look absolutely stunning— straight out of a fairy tale 
Irony not aside, Satan is actually so into this and craves to play it out with you
He was never an Angel to begin with, he was born a demon; just thinking about making your ivory wings turn black makes him excited 
Satan understands it’s just a simple spell you’ve casted so he won’t get too out of sorts (but if you like it, then what’s the harm?) 
Wants to read a forbidden love trope book and maybe act out some of the scenes while you’re still dressed like that 
The hopeless romantic in him is front and center the entire time
If you think he’s gonna let you go now, you’re sorely mistaken— let his brothers try and take you away 
He’s got tons of scenarios to act out if you can handle him 
That weird high pitched sound you hear from across the house that should be something only dogs can hear? Yeah that’s Asmo squealing
Posting your video EVERYWHERE bc everyone needs to see how fucking gorgeous you look 
You can hear his footsteps from a mile away as he hurries to your room 
He MUST see your outfit in person ASAP
Azzy. Is. So. Fucking. Down. For. This. Shit. He thinks he’s dreamed about this once actually  
Please let him just examine every inch of you, he’s begging
Once again his camera is out and ready for a photoshoot and his demon form is out right alongside it 
He will be keeping you for the next 24-48 hours thanks
Choked. Again. 
Don’t be alarmed by the loud rumbling sound— it’s not Beel’s stomach for once, but instead a growl
He didn’t mean to make that sound but you just look so— and he just— and you— and and— A a a A A 
Has that cute little blush plastered over his face all. day. 
Might be tempted- or actually try- to take a bite out of your halo or something else ifykyk
Rewatches the video at least ten times because you're just. Wow. Wow. W O W. 
Is now in the mood to eat some celestial realm food with you 
though his appetite is half for food and half for you 
Pls don’t mind his staring or the way he’s probably drooling a bit, he can’t help it :(
“...wait, what?”
Lays there staring at the ceiling for a moment bc PHEW you got him sweating and he hasn’t even moved yet-
Manages a straight face all the way until he enters your room and sees the outfits in person
To which he is, once again, dropping right at your feet with a look of ‘PLEASE’
He needs a whole ass minute or two to catch his breath from how fucking gorgeous you look and then he needs another whole ass minute or two to scan you over again
Please sit on him
Is uncharacteristically stuttering through every sentence— how can he possibly concentrate on stupid words in these [amazing] conditions?!
Gatekeeping you AGAIN
Underneath you the entire. time. 
*windows shutdown* 
*windows restart*
…aaand we’re back ladies and gentlemen and every cool dude in between but Barbatos is still fucking astonished— absolutely flabbergasted at how badly he’s got it for you
He dropped everything he was carrying in that moment and swiftly picked it back up, hoping no one saw
Diavolo saw. He recorded the entire thing and sent it to you, zooming in on Barbatos’ blush
There’s just something primal in him that makes him want to sink his teeth into you and coil his tail around your body so that you won’t be able to go anywhere else until he lets you
Everyone be damned, Barb will be having you to himself for the entire night
Will also run his fingers along the faux wings and halo before he absolutely ruins you until the magic dissipates
He is…totally normal about the entire thing..
His father help him— Diavolo is so incredibly thankful for the exchange program
Is OUT of the castle at mach speed before Barbatos can even say otherwise
And then he’s speeding right back and summoning you to him instead so he can have you to himself
Mans is kneeling at your fucking feet the second he lays eyes on you
And while it isn’t ‘proper’ for someone who wants unity between all three realms to want to corrupt you— 
—he does. So badly. He thinks he might even beg you for it 
Also wants to take a picture of the two of you with him in his demon form (it’s the it picture for weeks after he posts it)
Cannot stop looking at your halo; please let him touch it
(If you slowly begin altering your wings to bleed black, he’s practically foaming at the mouth—) 
*sharp inhale* . . . *yeets halo*
He deadass forgets he’s an Angel himself for a few minutes bc he’s too busy simping fawning over you 
God who?? Like get tf outta the way, beep beep, archangel on a mission comin through 
Is begging as soon as he steps foot through your door. Please, please let him touch you and explore— he should be ashamed with how unabashed he is but fuck look at you 
Will let his own wings out just so you can compare your angels forms (melted on the spot when you brushed your wings against his)
Honestly can’t decide if he wants you to corrupt him or if he wants to corrupt you…or both at the same time
He’s not sharing you. Not now. Not like this. 
You may look like an angel, and he may be an angel, but he won’t treat you like one tonight 
If you do the fancy trick of letting your wings turn black, he’s completely bowing down to whatever you wish right then and there 
Kinda forgot he was immortal for a split second and wondered if he’d either died or accidentally traveled to the celestial realm
Gains his bearings rather quickly, but the hold you have on him is still very much there
And he’d like you to have a hold around his throat— what? Who said that??
His pretty little blush where he averts his eyes all nervously? YEAH THAT
He’s taken aback for a couple moments before his usual shit eating grin comes back but that blush? Still there. 
Backs you against a wall, in a corner, and let’s his hands roam with a small laugh, quietly asking how you manage to make him lose composure so easily 
Is so soft and sweet for a minute before his eyes darken and that SEXY smirk crawls onto his face
Plucks that halo right from above your head and tosses it behind his shoulder because how could he possibly do what he has planned if you’re an angel?
Makes your wings bloom black himself (and challenges how long you can handle him)
extra little bonus: 
Simply raises a brow and wonders why the hell his body got so hot all the sudden 
Ignores the video for a couple hours until he realizes he can’t stop fucking thinking about it 
Promptly decides he’s going to go straight to you and demand how dare you invade his thoughts like this 
And then promptly decides he’d rather just revert to using his hands instead when the sight of you makes his mouth dry and water at the same time
Will take it upon himself, right then, to corrupt you
Because there’s no way in the seven rings of hell he’s letting you switch sides and he’ll break the magic you’re using as proof
After though *cough cough* he will bashfully tell you how gorgeous you looked…
Let me tell you, mans was not ready 
Like if you’ve seen the video of the person with a stacked ass on the stretcher being carried by and the news reporter’s face afterwards, that’s Raphael. 
Luke takes a picture of his expression and makes a meme
Won’t address it until the very next day, stiffly telling you that your outfit was very pleasing to the eye (he thinks you’re drop dead gorgeous, okay, he’s just struggling)
If you offer to show him in person, he is ascending right back home. Won’t deny, though. Like please do. 
In awe for the whole experience 
And blushes an alluring deep shade if you show him some ‘corruption’ tricks you have up your sleeve
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starry-miki · 2 months ago
⭐️ Gift 2 for @sane-omblog ! In participant of @obeymeholidayexchange ⭐️
Prompt! “Purgatory hall squad in matching sweater for Christmas”
(Click for clearer version idk how to fix it ;-;)
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💕 I would like to first say thank you to @ephie-om for both helping me with what Simeon would be doing and also “encourage” me to keep this piece and finish it all the way though! And i would also like to thank my sprint squad too; yall help me stay productive and I finally would like to thank @aspiringtrashpanda for the creation of this event, I’ve had a wonderful time meeting so much new people and gaining new moots and seeing my older ones too!! I love y’all so much!!! 💋🫶🫶💕
Now onto this piece thoughts and comments, other info and bonuses! (Kinda Long?)
After 9 crashes on procreate and hours of labor I would love to present you, your 2nd gift Ne! I decided to go a little all out for this one since I know I wouldn’t have enough time to do the 3rd gift 😔 (more details below)
Frankly I’m surprised it turned out alright, since I completely forgotten how to render more uhhhh more extravagantly?? and the last time I actually fully render was about roughly in May for Ven congrats gift?? So basically this was running on Christmas prayers and hopes and dreams LMAOOOO
Cookies! You may notice each cookie looks a bit different, which each character decorated each others cookie!
Simeon did Solomon’s cookie,
Luke did Simeon’s cookie,
Raphael did Luke’s cookie
and you already know which one old man made drew it with my left hand (let’s be honest it’s the best looking cookie and the best looking thing in this entire piece I’m make it as my profile pic)👁️👁️
Here is a full view of the piece without the cookies surrounding I forgot to save a non filter version of it but I have some snippets when I was sending it to one of my acquaintances but I guess of only old man and Raphael?? (But Raphael came out so cuteeees 😭💕)
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So the 3rd prompt details I’ll talk about it on my side account in a new post. I probably have it up some time in the next few days if not def sometime on first week of January, it also got a backstory to it LMAOO
💕 Happy holidays again Ne and I hope you enjoy your presents! And I hope the new year brings you joy and wonderful new things for you!! 🐞💋💕
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l3viat8an · 2 years ago
☻ Obey me characters as TikTok ‘poetic rizz’ comments ☻
I’ve been collecting “rizz” TikTok comments so that I could post this jsjsjsjs (some of them are funny and ik a bunch of them are actually Edgar Allan Poe + others quotes!! but calling them rizz comments is funnier 🤭)
“I would rather have every single bone in my body broken than see you cry, for my body can be repaired, but your heart cannot.”
“If I had a grimm for every time I though of you I would be a billionaire and the money I’d give to you.”
“I have 206 bones in my body, but when I see you I have 207!”
“I’m sorry I dont play call of duty. I only hear the call of your beauty”
“Without a pen or paper you still manage to draw my attention.”
“Your eyes are like clouds, for even when they fill with sorrow and drown the land, they paint the sky with unimagineable beauty.”
“If beauty was the answer to all of my problems, you’d be the solution~”
“If I gave you a rose for everytime you crossed my heart, you would have but one, for you have never left.”
“Just as the autumn leaves, descend from the trees, I fall for you every season.”
“You must be wearing running shoes, because you have been running trough my mind since we  met.”
“Me and the moon talk at night, the moon tells me about the sun and I tell the moon about you.”
“For centuries, humans have used the stars to guide them on their journeys, but everytime I look into your eyes, I get lost.” 
“If you are to be the sun, then I am to be Icarus, a fool fated to fall and burn before I even reach you. Yet even on wings of wax, I would fly to you.”
“I don’t love you with my heart nor with my mind, I love you with my soul so even if I die it won’t stop…”
“Even if you had Medusa's curse, I would still look into your eyes. Although I will be turned to stone, I will be gazing at perfection for eternity.”
“They can say they love you, but I say, tell me every terrible thing you've done and let me love you anyway.”
“If I could express how much I love you with that phrase I would only say it once, for my love has come but it never goes so my statement holds true.”
“Like a moth to a flame, I shall be eternally mesmerised by your warmth and mere existence, and I’ll give anything to hold you, even if it burns me”
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briardoll · 10 months ago
The Obey Me! Characters react to an MC who talks to themselves!
Lucifer actually thinks it’s kind of cute, but worries you may be lonely, or quite possibly mentally ill. He may ask why you talk to yourself so much so please assure him that you’re fine!!
Mammon thinks you’re crazy, “who likes talkin’ to themselves??” Maybe it’s a weird human thing, or maybe you’re just a weird human. Either way he’s gonna bust in and ask why you’re so passionate in your hatred for modern art. (The kind of stuff where they paint a canvas entirely blue or tape a banana to a canvas and call it art. <- defo isn’t something I’M passionately hateful about (¬_¬))
Levi understands completely what it’s like to have to converse with yourself because you know nobody else understands/cares about what you’re saying. Comes in and tries his best to listen and understand your thoughts!
Satan stands outside and eavesdrops on what you’re saying, uses the information he earns to one-up his brothers by knowing what you like/dislike without ever having asked or being told directly. It creeps you out until you come out of your room unexpectedly and catch him spying.
Asmo will originally think that your live-streaming something and check all your socials, (why would you stream without telling him!? He wants to watch every second you know!) when there are no lives to be found, he comes in and asks to help film the deviltube video with you, realizing there’s no video to film either he decides to get in on the conversation and even agrees with what you’re saying! He never knew you had that much in common before!!
Beel thinks you must be hallucinating, it’s because you haven’t eaten enough of course!! He brings you your favorite meals, drinks, and snacks so that you can regain your mental stability. You tell him that you just talk to yourself to get your thoughts out somewhere and it confuses him, he’s a man of not too many words, and if it’s not about food he’s doesn’t usually pay enough attention to form an opinion. Eats snacks with you and listens to what you have to say.
Belphie thinks you talk way too much about things that aren’t important. Does laugh when he hears about the time a cicada flew in your mouth one summer as a child. “So you’ve never known how to keep your mouth shut, huh?” Whoops, gave himself away, now you know he’s there!!! (Definitely never happened to me and I’m definitely NOT speaking from experience! Actually… yes it did. I’m scared of cicadas TO. THIS. DAY.)
Diavolo thinks you talk to yourself because he doesn’t make enough time for you! He feels bad that you feel the need to talk to yourself because he’s made you so lonely! Please promise him that he did nothing wrong! He’ll still deploy a little D. To be your conversation partner when he’s busy with paperwork.
Barbatos only requests that you speak to yourself quietly, the young lord is working you know! At least now he knows your likes and dislikes better and can better cater to your needs. (him and Satan have similar mindsets in this regard)
Simeon wonders in you’re recording some kind of podcast. He’s never found it online, but it doesn’t bother him because he can listen from right outside your door. Is always excited to know what the next episode is about!
Luke comes in and asks you if you’re sick, when you tell him no, he asks if you’re lonely. You could’ve just asked him to talk! Baked some sweets and shares them with you while you talk about your common interests.
Solomon responds randomly to your rhetorical questions from outside the door. You tell him to go away and that you weren’t talking to him, just when you think he’s gone he answers you again and laughs, it’s now a fun game for him to play when he visits you.
Thirteen plays pranks on you while you do it, knocks on the door really hard and then hides so that when you open it nobody’s there! Will go to the electrical breaker in the house and switch the lights in your room on and off to hear you scream in terror.
Raphael thinks a curse might’ve been placed on you, asks if he needs to rain spears onto the person who did this to you, you tell him that no, you weren’t cursed, you’re just like this. He now thinks you are very odd and may possibly need some kind of mental help.
Mephisto will not tolerate your stupidity. If there is nobody in the room, you simply don’t speak, you aren’t filming a video, you aren’t talking on the phone, and you’re certainly not normal for acting like this! Cease it at once!
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devildomwriter · 7 months ago
Obey Me As Tumblr #28
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Solomon: Boil up some Mountain Dew. It’s gonna be a long night
Barbatos: You could have said anything else
Solomon: Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, Baja blast to fuel my trouble
MC: Got a vibe check at Claire’s
Thirteen: How was it?
MC: I have 3 weeks to live
Mammon: If only I were Kpop. Then you’d all see.
Leviathan: You’re already popular and widely hated. What more do you want???
Mammon: Thanks for saying that
Belphegor: How does it feel to be a god?
MC: Idk ask me after I do 10 pushups
Beelzebub: Do ten pushups then
MC: Fuck you. No
Belphegor: Might fuck around and walk into a thick fog and never return idk
Mammon: Mark my fucking worms
Satan: This statement dealt 10 damage to everyone in a 2 mile radius
Help me, I am trapped
Inside a haiku factory
Save me, before they
I got your message
And have snuck my way inside
Oh my god, what the
Asmodeus: You’re all beautiful in your own special way
Leviathan: Actually, I am very ugly
Asmodeus: Okay then I was wrong
Leviathan: You know what better than weed? Water
Mammon: Here’s the dumb bitch again
Leviathan: Shut up you dehydrated high motherfucker
Raphael: Why does baby Yoda have completely different eyes to as an adult…
Diavolo: Puberty
Leviathan: You know how people’s baby teeth fall out
Raphael: Thank you for equally awful answers
Asmodeus: The sexual tension between two gas stations on the same intersection
Thirteen: I’m so sick of this shit. Two gas stations can’t even be on the same block without someone shipping them, while I can’t find a single fic of Denny’s/Applebee’s with Denny bottoming
Solomon: You’re literally out of your mind if you think Denny’s isn’t a top
Lucifer: I wish the 2012 apocalypse actually happened
Asmodeus: Does anyone know a single redeeming fact about New Hampshire? Is anything good about it?
MC: Letters can be arrange to spell “heh…penis warm”
Asmodeus: How tragic that a place so wretched should be blessed
Solomon: I think we can be evil. As a treat
MC: We?
Solomon: We :)
MC: Old people? More like fold people
*makes an origami swan out of grandma*
Lucifer: Literally what was going through your mind that motivated you to make this?
Leviathan: Tumblr is just talking to yourself but for an audience
Simeon: That’s called a soliloquy
Leviathan: Found the theater kid. Get em boys
Mammon: Coats and jackets are too aesthetically pleasing to only wear during the cold seasons. I think scientists need to stop doing their dumb bullshit and band together to invent a jacket that can be worn whilst it’s hot out
Mephistopheles: Vests?
Mammon: You’re so lucky a computer screen protects you from my hands
Last • Next
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devildom-moss · 1 year ago
Words to melt their hearts
"You’re doing a good job. It’s okay to relax; I’ll be right here the whole time."
"I know I can trust you - just like you can trust me. No matter what, we’ve got each other."
"I like you, and I’ll continue to like you, so you might as well get more comfortable being yourself around me."
"I admire you; you’re always impressing me with your ability to learn and grow. I already knew you were great, though."
"I love being around you. The world feels more beautiful now that you’re in my life - and it’s not just because you’re pretty."
"I can always rely on you when I need you; I want you to rely on me, too."
"You’re not fooling me; you tried really hard this time, didn’t you? I’m so proud of you."
"You made the best decisions with the knowledge you had. You don’t have to carry the burden on your own anymore."
"I feel more at peace when you’re around. You make me trust that everything will work out."
"You don’t have to try so hard to be a part of my life. I’ll fight to keep you around; it won’t just be your effort keeping us together."
"Good luck getting rid of me. We’re stuck with each other, and I’m really happy about that. I want to stay in your life for as long as possible."
"I like talking to you - maybe it’s selfish, but I always feel seen by you. I hope I’m someone whose heart and soul will always look good in your eyes."
"I don’t have any expectations of you - not in a mean way, though. It’s just that you can be whoever you are. I won’t turn away from you."
"I’m glad to know that demons can be so kind-hearted and admirable. You’re proof of that."
Angst version: (Words to break their hearts)
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koolades-world · 1 year ago
Ok ok ok hear me out because this is gonna be so cute
All the brothers but Lucifer turning into babies/toddlers and it’s just the most adorable thing ever
Mammon is clinging to his older brother like he’s his life support(if Lucifer puts him down he cries) 🥺
Omg I’m gonna cry thinking about this
Ok so back to the original thing I was gonna say
Can you do headcanons / a fanfic of MC helping Lucifer deal with his now baby brothers and actually has a knack for it
Like they’re rocking them to sleep, helping feed them, playing with them, etc
MC also obviously takes pictures of Lucifer taking care of his brothers too and it’s the absolute cutest thing you’ve ever seen
The brother’s ages also depend on how old they actually are, so mammon is like 4, Levi is maybe 3, Satan is 2, Asmo is 1, and of course the twins are like a few months old
Belphie and Beel cannot be separated or they will start crying
OMG asmo saying his first words / taking his first steps
I’m actually gonna cry this is so cute
I can totally see Satan insisting he doesn’t wanna be near Lucifer but the moment Lucifer isn’t within his sights he starts throwing a tantrum because he does indeed want to be near him
(Can we also get his reaction to MC humming Belphie and Beel to sleep)
hi!! AWWW this is literally so cute!!!!
parent mc and luci <333
decided to do hcs and a drabble since this is just so so so adorable. i could totally be talked into writing more of this concept haha
please enjoy!
Mc and Lucifer take care of his brothers as babies
I've already decided this was def solomon's fault, just like most other shenanigans
lucifer was at home with his brothers, and you happened to be with diavolo, helping him with a redecoration project at the palace
he could hear his brother yelling in the living room, but suddenly, it all stopped. at first he wasn’t too alarmed, but as the silence persisted, he decided to get up and check it out since his older brother instincts began to kick in
solomon actually met him at his door, word vomited, and almost vanished on him. lucifer managed to catch him by the collar and made him repeat himself
when he finally explained what happened, lucifer almost dropped him out of shock and called you up because he needed major help
once you arrived, you were less upset than lucifer
while he was stressed already, you couldn't help but coo at how adorable they all were
mammon and levi were arguing about something you couldn't understand, satan was occupied with a pillow with tassels on the couch, asmo was playing with the ends of solomon's cape, and the twins were fast asleep
luci fully expects you to back out, and is prepared to deal with them on his own, but is surprised when you scoop up asmo and began playing with him
after that, he learns what a wizz you were with kids
when they had a problem, you were on top of it
the two of you took turns changing diapers and things like that but he was surprised on just how much you were able to handle on your own
his brothers also adored you and were always competing for you attention and showing you all of their things
anything you did, they would want to do too, which was both cute and useful
in the meantime, solomon was supposedly trying to find a reversal spell or potion of some kind, but lucifer didn't really believe him
a few times, you had visitors. luci only allowed diavolo, barbatos, luke, simeon, and solomon into the house. luke had lots of fun and helped you take care of the brothers, while lucifer and simeon talked and did other chores
over this time, luci learnt a lot about you, and grew to appreciate you evermore
"Mammon! Levi! Time for dinner. Come sit down please." You set out four plates of vegetables, pasta, and chicken nuggets for the older brothers. Asmo and Satan were already in their chairs, waiting for food to be served. While they ate, you and Lucifer would feed the twins from a bottle. You'd fallen into a routine and learnt exactly how each of the boys liked everything done.
The two, who were running around the dinner table, settled into their chairs beside each other, and began to eat. Granted, they were arguing the entire time, but as long as they ate their food, you could care less. The arguing became background noise quickly enough.
Once they were mostly finished eating, Lucifer took them upstairs to get ready for bed, while you handled the twins. To make things easier, the two of you decided to let them all sleep in Lucifer's bed. At first, you had wanted to keep Beel and Belphie in a crib in his office, so the others didn't wake them up, but they couldn't rest there for more than an hour or so without waking up and bawling their eyes out.
As Lucifer got his younger brothers into their pajamas for bed, they all began to act as they had every night when he did that routine with them nightly, such as beginning to get restless and whining about bedtime. As he did, and while he humored them, he remembered how thankful he was for you and how he wouldn't be able to do any of this without a child expert like you.
It took him a while, but eventually, he had them to bed, and while it took a little longer, you had the twins to bed temporarily, to give the two of you time to get ready for bed.
"Mc." Lucifer greeted you as you walked into the room with a nod.
"Hey! Everything all good?" You slid into the seat next to him and began eating the plate of food he had set out for you.
"Yes. They're all asleep but I had to promise Mammon cartoons tomorrow morning. Expect to be woken up early." He chuckled a little.
"Ahh, that's alright. Could be worse. Besides, you love him." You smiled at Lucifer. He had finished eating, and was just relaxing, and enjoying the silence. As you continued to talk to him, he sat and stared at you. After a while, you realize he hadn't said much of anything. "What's wrong? Something on my face?" You wiped your face with a napkin.
"No, no. I just wanted to tell you thank you." He paused for a moment before continuing. "Even if this is the rest of out lives, I wouldn't mind, as long as you're here." Lucifer had never said something so sweet so randomly to you.
"Luci! You're too kind. Thank you too." You threw your arms around him. You were thankful for him too, and while you didn't exactly know how to put it in words, you tried your best to put all your feelings into that hug.
Once the two of you were done there and ready for bed, you got the twins and joined his other brothers in bed. You were able to drift to sleep with a baby on your arms and with the thoughts of Lucifer's true affections for you.
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rashomonss · 1 year ago
Hello! I was wondering if you could pair Simeon with the dumbification prompt for the Valentines Treat event 🥰 thank you for taking the time to read! I love your stories btw <3
hello hello!! so sorry I’m getting to your request so late! I planned on getting the valentines requests in a lot sooner but i ended up getting into a car accident and this past week was absolutely insane haha but i’m good now
but that’s besides the point! ofc you can and thank you sm! I’m so glad you enjoy my work, i hope you enjoy this, i enjoyed writing it. tbh I always love writing for simeon he’s one of my favs haha. anyway love ya! (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
Warning: NSFW (read at your own discretion) / gender neutral
“my cute little slut”
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“What was that my love?” Simeon said with a smile.
No coherent response came from your lips, just moans and mewls of his name. Babbles or things here could be heard there as he made you finish for the hundredth time tonight.
Continuous tears fell from your eyes and you tried to think just how you got into this situation. However it was a bit difficult to think when Simeon’s cock was filling every inch of you.
“Shh it’s okay, don’t even try to bother with thinking love, I’ll just fuck all those thoughts out of your pretty little head.” Simeon smiled.
Though his voice did not match his pace whatsoever.
It was rough and deep, he made sure to hit all of your favorite spots and he practically knew your body like the back of his hand.
“Look at you, aw what a precious little thing for me. You’re taking me so well MC” Simeon said softly in your ear as his fingers worked at pinching and massaging your nipples. You were getting close, he could feel it.
It wasn’t that hard to not notice the way you would clench around his cock each time you came. Though he loved that about you. Your pretty little hole belonged to no one but him.
And, no one but him could make you feel this way.
No one but him could take away all your worries and leave you a dumb fucking babbling mess on his cock.
That was a luxury he alone had, and boy did he love it.
You had come to visit him early in the afternoon at Purgatory Hall. Luke and Solomon went out to buy dinner so Simeon was alone for a while.
Because of this you figured he was the best to vent to about your current troubles.
He understood from the moment he saw you that something was wrong, and when you explained to him how your week just continued to get worse he listened intently and gave the best advice he could.
However he also explained that he would be there for you in any way he could…and of course one thing led to another and next thing you knew you were naked on his bed with your face down in the pillow and your ass in the air.
Simon started out slow and steady making sure to tease you just a bit. He’d bring you close to an orgasm then stop and continue at a slow pace again.
After a good amount of time it drove you absolutely insane to the point you began squirming and begging him to just fuck your brains out.
So, ask and you shall receive.
Simeon wasn’t gentle in the slightest after you spoke. He grabbed your hips and roughly pounded into you until he was satisfied. You came at least twice before he finally finished in you.
That didn’t stop him though. After that he flipped you around on your back to face him and teased you as he continued to pound into you, filling you with his cock.
“You’re taking all of my cock in your tight hole so well, only I can make you feel this good huh love?” Simeon said with a chuckle.
You didn’t respond as he continued talking, all that left your mouth was moans of his name and how it was too much. He in turn noticed and began to slow down with each thrust until you noticed.
“MC are you listening to me?” Simeon asked with a teasing smirk, his voice now finally reaching you. He had been talking to you for a bit but you never responded so he finally stopped causing you to squirm and beg for him to move again.
“’m listening I swear” you cried out.
“Really what did I say then?” He chucked. His dick throbbed inside of you and you tried to move your hips for any type of friction since he refused to grant you any, but it was no use, Simeon just pinned down your hips with a smile.
When you didn’t respond he laughed and pulled completely out of you.
A whine was about to leave your mouth again as you were getting prepared to beg, but his cock returned inside you in less than a minute causing a gasp to leave your mouth instead; your back arched and your hips buckled into him as you came just from how deep and harsh he entered.
“You’re just a dumb little slut for my cock aren’t you?”
His words had you tightening around his dick in an instant. Out of everyone in the Devildom you never expected an angle to say something that dirty to you. It shocked you but you loved every moment of it, he could tell.
“Uh huh” you cried as you gripped the sheets beneath you.
“Who’s the only one who can make you feel this good?” He said, followed by another hard thrust.
“You” you cried softly.
“I can’t hear you love”
“You- AH…!”
Before you could even string together a sentence he made you come again. Fresh tears left your eyes as he rode you through your orgasm straight into another one.
“Don’t stress with anything else for today my love, just let me fuck you till all you can think about is me and me alone” Simeon said as another orgasm ripped through your body.
You didn’t bother answering him, besides you couldn’t even really understand what he was saying. Your mind went blank as he continued fucking you and even going so far as to whisper a few praises and a few degrading comments with each thrust.
Orgasm after orgasm he had you remember just who’s cock you were coming on.
After all his name should be the only thing you remember in that fucked out little head of yours.
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Can we get the obey me boys(the brothers + dia, barbs, solomon, and simeon) reacting to mc having severe period cramps? Would they get all demon-y at the smell of blood?
Love your stuff btw!
Signed, a yandere junkie~
I'll do two for now 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Period | Yandere Obey Me
For those in the devildom having a draw for chaos and mortal pain it’s quite normal for blood to bring about a different kind of reaction. But to the surprise of no one period blood and the whole menstrual cycle is a complete bafflement to all who catch a whiff. Don’t worry though, you have the brother and your various friends. This surely won’t strike any of them to have an unusual streak in emotion and self-control, right?:
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“It’s that time I’m suspecting?”
“Understood rest easy, take your time to rest my dear.”
“A-are you sure?”
“Of course I'm sure. Do you doubt my promise to keep you?”
One of the most casual about it 
He absolutely has done research for this exact occasion
But nothing is like experience in taking care of you himself
As well as the compulsion that has him being just as reactive as you
“You seem a bit different today Lucifer…”
“Am I? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oooh is that a gift from (Y/n)--”
“dON’t ToUCh tHaT!” 
“Sorry, I don’t know what’s with me this week.”
You’re not with him that’s what
For all the necessities he delivers he’s been keeping his distance
Taking the advice of the human care books he gave you your space
After all who better to deal with the human-female innerworkings than a human-female herself
But something feels wrong more than usual 
And it only seems to stop when he returns to your side at the end of the day
“Perhaps the hormones that are at work in you create a…guardian of sorts…out of me.”
He doesn’t really understand, all he knows is that when you were preparing to go to RAD he frantically calmly decided you’d not be attending
His excuse reasoning? That he would hate for any lesser demon to feel what he’s feeling 
That and he’d actually try to kill anyone who shows such similar inclination to protect you
“If anyone should stay to soothe you in this great time of need. I’m not above massacring any threats to you while you’re at your most vulnerable..” 
Generally he’s quite tame
…compared to his brothers
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“Hey (Y/n) why’d you run off like that I thought we were having a good time.”
“Oh…hey (Y/n) if you’re hurt it’s okay to tell us we have tons of things that help heal humans.”
“Ugh! No that’s not what’s happening here!”
“Don’t be embarrassed here i’ll help!”
“Aghghgh!!!! Barbatos! Barb–Ah! Don’t you dare!”
A scolding and prompt lesson from Barbatos is very much in order
For someone so adamant on urging the blending of their worlds he doesn’t really know about this side of humanity
And unfortunately he’s never been one for backseat learning
“(Y/n), we’ve spoken and Diavolo would like to propose a hands-on-lesson with you about your menstrual cycle.”
“Uhm what kind of lesson?”
“One that will require he familiarize himself with all aspects of this process. Something that would preferably stimulate the five senses.”
“....Lucifer!!!! Solomon!!!”
Even better it has to do with you
What better way to strengthen your bond by having to monitor you
Not only for your safety but for all of humanity
“Hey later on we should definitely watch that movie together!”
“Oh yeah I thin–”
“I’m sorry but she cannot!”
“What why not?”
“Because she’s coming with me! The best place for a woman on muenster cycle is with me at the royal palace.”
“Uhm that’s not tr-”
“Here I’ll take you now!” 
He’s going to be hard to teach
But once you sit him down or snap at him one too many times
He’ll decide listening to you is the best course of action
In turn it will definitely build a relationship between you two
It may not be as romantic as he planned
But he’ll take it….for now 
After all there’s one every month
“That was fun! I can’t wait until the next time!”
Because he’s actively testing for it he might find some demons and creatures that react to it
But he won’t actively experiment with you in danger
Because it’s just not a good look to brutally murder every other subject of his that has a reaction he doesn’t like
“Next month I’ll have to convince them to let me get a swab or whole container full that’d be really hot.”
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queenofallimagines · 1 year ago
Oooh I have a Obey Me writing idea for you but you can ignore if you don’t wanna do it. So when you first come to the Devildom, almost all of the brothers are cold/petty asf to the MC (in my Pisces opinion). Imagine MC’s like “fuck that” and doesn’t try to pander to them as much as the game script wants you to. Like the story still progresses bc the MC is still nosy when it counts, but she doesn’t center them around her world and instead gets closer someone who was nicer/more helpful in the beginning (say like Solomon or Simeon). I’m sorryyy I’m not hating on the brothers but realistically you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Like yeah being a tsundere is cute to an extent but most of em were doing too much in the beginning. Maybe a reaction from the brothers (doesn’t have to be specific for each brother) as they slowly start to warm up to MC but they can’t stand that they’re not gonna be as close as they wanted to be. And either Solomon or Simeon (or both) reacting to you getting closer to them ;) Again this request may be highly specific so you can either tweak it or toss it if it doesn’t sound appealing to write. It can be SFW or NSFW. I love your writing!
A/n: YOURE SO RIGHT BESTIE!! Like the dick ain’t good enough for them to be all over MC like that CRAZY disrespectful 😒 like in my head I was being fake nice to them to secure the pacts until like you make one with Satan and then it’s like okay, maybe I can be genuine w yall. Bc like I’m making friends w any of the billions of other demons there like Diavolo is all but head over heels for you.
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- I’m so on board with this
- Like if they want to go low I can take it right to hell
- They want to throw UP
- Mammon thinks you’re joking but when you fr never come ask him for help he’s crying himself to sleep
- Asmo hates being ignored so after that time in the maze(catacombs? wtf was those) he’s antsy that you don’t really talk to him
- They feel you having fun through your pacts but when you’re around just them it’s like nothing
- Like when a lightbulb dies
- Student council meetings become increasingly more tense as they watch you get along with Solomon and Luke and Simeon and you’re cold to them
- They don’t even really realize they the problem at first
- Lucifer always itching to punish someone so when he snaps at you and you clapback and the issue never comes up again he’s a little disappointed
- Like him and Satan make fun of your grades?
- Bet. you’re being tutored by Solomon and a demon in your potions class
- Like bitch how the FUCK were we ever supposed to take demon philosophy before?? We just got here!!
- Refuse to work with them on any school activities
- You and mammon partnered up to decorate for some school event?
- You work only when he’s not around
- Beel is the one who sounds the alarm by realizing it’s hard to keep track of you
- Like he’ll go asking where you are and nobody can even say when the last time they saw you was
- Belphagor tried to pull that “I’m a human” shit and you didn’t visit the attic for like three weeks😭
- Had to actually force himself to be genuinely nice
- Remember how they said they sent a demon to like the human realm to pretty much do the same thing? who was that because I don’t think we ever hear about them😭
- But you get their number and talk about your shared experiences
- Fish out of water if you will!
- Lucifer WANTS to yell but you do the bare minimum of what they ask he can’t mandate you to join family movie night😔
- Asks a pouting mammon where tf you are and he lists off like any number of random demons you could be chilling with
- Asmo is burning with envy as he catches you at a party with a group of old acquaintinces
- Can see they are so obviously enjoying your company
- Tries to steal the attention for himself
- Levi seeing you on other mfs socials cosplaying w them and doing a TSL marathon like he’s right there??
- Dinner be so awkward but you brush it off like a G
- only texts the family group chat for confirmation, dinners ready, and when is lord diavolo asking for everyone
- Lucifer comes to Dia’s house bc paperwork and he plans to spill the tea when he sees you and him already HAVING TEA🤨
- Like excuse me??
- “Ah just who I was looking for-“
- “Sorry Lucifer I have exams to study for I was just asking Lord Diavolo some history questions I’ll be on my way.”
- He’s literally WILTING💀
- Whines to Dia and he’s like I’m sorry ?? have yall not been spending time with them??
- “Yall….LIVE together. I ain’t out just you and them in the same house for no reason??”
- He can’t eleven rly do shit bc you’re integrating into demon society very well and are pretty sociable
- Like you gain regular popularity but not through them
- Rest of RAD forgets you’re under their protection tbh
- Like you’re your own entity and not at all attached to them so when a random demon is caught talking about like chilling w you and mammon is like IM THEIR FIRST MAN YOU GOTTA AS ME
- he looses about 500 years when the demon goes
- “Oh yeah you are their hired help huh?”
- Yeah he’s picking out a coffin
- Bc he rly tries to curb his tsun behaviors but he hasn’t made it to that level with you where he can be genuine in private
- Levi too like he calls you a stupid normie on reflex and is whimpering when he sees he’s been blocked on devilgram
- What did yall expect??
- Beel is the ONLY one who you regularly talk to
- And even then he’s got his own stuff going on
- But you guys always eat together
- Jaws dropping when he offered you food
- I imagine Beel is like “oh they don’t be talking to yall?….That’s crazy”
- Precious boy so unaware of the conflict
- Nor bc he’s dumb but he’s like “tf that got to do with me?? MC likes me.”
- Very “okay what does that mean to me tho” energy
- I imagine after the Levi pact arc when mammon is wrapping your sprained wrist and he’s all
- “If I can’t come save ya next time, Die.”
- You pull away completely
- Even Satan is having to control himself be he sees your purposefully avoiding him
- He would congratulate you on how well you’re dodging his advances if it didn’t piss him off so bad
- Keeps it a little secret to himself that he can feel your pact mark burning right under his skin whenever you talk to them
- Played hot and cold to see how he can make you less mad when he interacts with you
- Lucifer is so desperate he’s fr about to make a pact early to feel any sort of proof you exist
- Idk if peacocks do it but you know how birds will rip out their own feathers under stress?
- Yeah That’s HIM😭
- Barbados just sit back and observe
- Even the season 3(?) characters come in early! Like you meet 13 as an extension of Solomon and y’all are thick as thieves
- You’re flourishing in your Magic practices bc you still have their pacts, them helping you with magic or not you’re still not one to be fucked with
- Mephistopheles is so giddy that you’re close to him and not Lucifer
- Offers to hide you in his news room to avoid them
- “It’s so quiet a perfect place to study!”
- Sees them scrambling to get ahold of you but your in his office w your phone on silent
- “Oh hmmm, idk I saw them in the forbidden section of the library maybe check there? Weird y’all supposed to be watching them and have no clue about their whereabouts.”
- Lucifer can take it NO LONGER when we’re about right before lesson 16 and he’s making a scene at dinner
- “Why do you never stay in this house? You a mere human think you’re too good to talk?”
- “That. That shit right there is why I don’t talk to any of you. Do you not notice how rude you are?”
- Before Satan can even say his “we’re demons” line you’re cutting his ass off
- “Why would I want to spend time around people who threaten my life for fun?🤨my job is to heal demon human relations and I’m doing that just not with the help of YOU.”
- Dips to purgatory hall bc it’s not Solomon’s night to cook
- They all just kinda 🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍for a few days bc wtf can they say to that??
- Like you’re absolutely right
- You were already humbling Lucifer before but now he has this irrational anger towards you
- But in a nice way??
- He’s like packing your lunch and throwing away whatever you had
- Pushing you out the way to do whatever chore or task you’re doing
- Makes your favorite foods when is his turn to cook dinner
- Like he’s completely unhinged
- To stir the pot let’s say this is lesson 16 and they show up to all that
- Can you imagine??
- Their filled with even more regret than before!! They never got a chance to establish a deep bond with you
- Not really. Not like you have with everyone else
- And now you’re gone??
- They barely even care about the Lilith reveal like😭
- They do everything they can to win your favor but it’s like the end of the program now who’s to say it was enough??
- Beel is elated while the othered are broken that you and belphie become close
- Poor belphie is exhausted w all this drama so to make amends even more he goes out of his way to heal the gaps between you and the others so it’s all good now
- Not Lucifer tho
- He’s still moping
- Can’t hurt his pride by saying how glad he is that your back
- Can’t tell you how he watched his world fall apart when he saw the light leave your eyes
- DEFINITELY can’t tell you how he prayed to Lilith that he would protect you from now on and that he’s sorry
- All of RAD throws a huge goodbye party for you
- Lots of tears
- During the movie night of like that last few days
- As a little treat for you, you still sleep w Lucifer lmao
- Like you sneak out to go to the bathroom and none of the brother see you for the rest of the night?? Yeah we knew already
- He WILL cry jsyk
- He’s pressing kisses all over you and holding you like you’ll disappear
- Mumbling praises into your skin
- The most he’s ever said “I love you” in his entire existence
- Looking at you with teary eyes
- Can’t keep up his prideful façade
- He’s okay with being vulnerable to you
- Again hit him w the “my morning star”
- And he will go crazy
- Tears up when you leave
- Like he can’t even front like he’s not about to go throw up
- They’re all anxious that they won’t ever see you again because you still hate them
- I promise you on everything in all three realms
- They almost do NOT let you leave when you go
- “Thank you for my time here, I love all of you.”
- They are inconsolable
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incarnadin3 · 6 months ago
Obey Me! Quotes from an incorrect quote generator pt.3
MC: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Lucifer? Lucifer: … No. Diavolo: I do! MC: I know, Diavolo. Diavolo: I’m sad! MC: I know, Diavolo.
Satan : Stubs their toe FUCK! Lucifer: Mind your language! Satan : What else am I supposed to say, “Woe is I”??? Lucifer: Satan : You have to accept that swear words are necessary sometimes.
Mammon : Whaddya call a fish with no eye? Lucifer, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons Mammon : Mammon : fsh
Mammon : Change is inedible. Lucifer: Don't you mean inevitable? Mammon , spitting out coins: No, I did not.
Asmodeous: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
Belphegor: Okay okay stop asking me if I'm straight, gay, bi, whatever. I identify as a FUCKING THREAT.
MC: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous. Mammon: What if it bites me and it dies!? Lucifer: Then you’re poisonous. Jesus Christ, Mammon, learn to listen. Mammon: What if it bites itself and I die? Solomon: That’s voodoo. Luke: What if it bites me and someone else dies? Lucifer: That’s correlation, not causation. MC: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die? Asmodeous: That’s kinky. Lucifer: Oh my God.
MC, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here. Lucifer: Hey. Diavolo: Hi. Barbatos: Hello. Solomon: Hey! MC: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only! Simeon: We were out of Doritos.
MC: Do you have any skeletons in your closet? Belphegor: You mean literally or figuratively? MC: Honestly, the fact that I have to specify…
Beelzebub: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars. Belphegor: If anyone, and I mean anyone, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life.
Solomon: How petty can you get? MC: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
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xxhexwolfxx · 10 months ago
Can I request dating headcanons for Solomon, Simeon, Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephistopheles, and Raphael with gn s/o?
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A/N: Thank you so much for requesting! I’m sorry it took so long! I hope you enjoy <3
DISCLAIMER: None of these are really connected.
CHARACTERS: Solomon, Simeon, Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephistopheles, and Raphael
He loves to do little things to tease you. Poking you, making you blush, etc. He'll obliviously stop if you tell him to.
If you get sick, then he'll immediately make a potion or something to help you get better. He doesn't want you to feel bad.
He loves teaching you about magic. It's really the only time where it's the two of you, so he makes the most of it.
Sometimes when you guys are alone, he'll show you his pact marks. He likes to tell you about the stories behind each of them.
He loves to sit outside and watch the sky with you. Especially if it's in the human world. He loves watching the sun making your skin glow.
He loves hugging you. His hugs are always so warm and comforting. If you have a bad day, his hugs always make it better.
You're his muse in his writing. You can be sitting there and immediately he wants to write a book about the both of you on an adventure.
He likes to wrap his wings around you when you two cuddle. It's warm and keeps you close.
He tries to sneak out often to see you. It's often enough that Barbatos puts spells on the windows to make sure he won't sneak out.
Loves to learn more about humans so he can understand you better. It helps him understand how to keep you safe.
Sometimes Lucifer or Barbatos has to remind him to be gentle with you. He just gets so excited that he hugs you a little bit too tight.
He loves to notice how small you are compared to him. Especially in his demon form. It only makes him want to keep you closer to him.
He loves to let loose a bit around you. He does things he only does when he feels safe around you.
He uses his powers to keep you safe. He'll tell you how to avoid the danger to keep you safe.
If he's in his demon form, he likes using his tail to keep you close to him. It makes him smile when you play with his tail.
When he has days off, he likes going out with you. A walk or even going out to dinner, he enjoys spending time with you.
Loves to (lovingly) banter with you. He loves teasing you about you being a human.
First time he realized he loved you; he panicked and only told you when he was forced to.
He introduces you to his horses. He teaches you how to care for them and how they enjoy being pet.
Sometimes you randomly find him staring at you. He always has a soft, loving look on his face as he does.
If anyone even jokes about harming you, he’ll pull out the spears. He never wants you hurt.
Although he barely shows emotions, he's surprisingly easy to talk to about everything.
Sometimes he says something hilarious with a straight face to make you laugh. He loves to hear you laugh.
He allows you to touch his wings when they're out. He teaches you how to care for them, so he can spend time with you.
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