#I’m not even in the supernatural fandom
therealdistortion · 3 months
Reblog if you also found out Biden dropped out via the destiel meme
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todolist-nothing07 · 5 months
I was over here minding my business hanging out in the mauraders fandom and the merlin fandom and just chillin and then I see one (1) edit and I’m sucked back in. Fu*k me man.
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ghostdrinkssoup · 1 year
moriarty and sherlock are criminal x investigator written by straight people and hannibal and will are criminal x investigator written by gay people hope that helps
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soullessjack · 1 year
it genuinely kills me very slowly to think that some people can only ever think of jack as the destiel kid and not like an actual person with a myriad of maladjustments or silly funny personality quirks. like he has a whole special red and white fleece lined Christmas jacket and is canonically acknowledged as looking like a stupid hot white boy without any thoughts behind his eyes. He killed a whole fucking archangel and then decided that he really wanted to try making some friends like a week later. they wanna be normal and nice so bad and pretend to be some normal small town boy next door all the time but they were literally so angry once that it took three gunshots fired in the back to make him calm and reasonable.
he stress eats and stays in their room for weeks on end when they’re depressed or upset. they line their shoes up and fold their shirts and wear bright yellow vans and red hi-tops. he’s narratively paralleled to Anakin but his favorite character is Ahsoka. he pretended to be a coke addict and pretended to be a pretty new boy next door again to flirt with a hopelessly romantic girl. women want him and he’s absolutely clueless about it. women and men and probably fish fear him too. he dresses like a combination between an elderly man and a 70’s sitcom hippie. he was literally called Bieber and Suite Life. they like stripe patterns and Hawaiian pizza and movies and computers.
they’re literally an autistic person who just explodes shit when they get overstimulated. They watch riverdale and constantly sweep their hair back in a specific stylistic choice bc he likes looking like that. he fucking decapitated a whole Gorgon and then stole the guy’s snake as a trophy. he says shut up when he’s mad and calls things stupid and says they suck. he’s a teenage girl. he’s. A Teenage boy. He’s non-binary. He sat on the throne of god in grass stained jeans and clunky grandpa sneakers and left it all behind without even blinking as soon as his shitty bunker home called out to him. He sticks his tongue out when he’s focused on something and his left eye pulls up into a squint when he smiles reallt wide and his smile is crooked and he has sleepy eyelids . They decided to defy death herself just to rescue someone he mildly remembered caring about once and then blackmailed a reaper into helping with said rescue plan.
He got turned into the tiniest ugliest dog ever and got a thermometer shoved up his ass in the same episode where he’s narratively symbolized by the ouroboros symbol and makes the deliberate choice of destroying his soul just to selfishly keep his family bc he legitimately cannot handle thinking about losing them without going insane. his nicknames are sweetheart and darling boy and pal and buddy and Jackie Boy and slugger and he apologized to a girl for upsetting her like two episodes after ripping a man’s heart out and eating it raw. He literally actively wants to be a silly little guy that everyone likes but he’s so insane and unwell at the same time. he’s the best character ever and I need the entire world to understand this and to see him as more than just the destiel baby or I will also explode. .
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i still cannot comprehend how u guys will write or draw or rb something of jack where he is present as a full grown adult and then call him a precious child….
#maybe media literacy IS dead like how can u not understand that his development is not like a regular human’s????#but nah i’m the weird one for thinking he doesn’t have a toddler brain in an adult body#DO YOU HEAR YOURSELVES?!#‘well he’s new to the world. he’s just a baby’ everyone regards him as an adult who is new to the world#he literally said right out the gate he is not a baby or child. you just go the baby jack tinted glasses on and can’t separate that from#what’s in canon. ‘they call him a kid’ yeah cuz they’re in their forties and have lived a lot of lives#like kid bc he is their kid but not a kid. ‘kid’ as a term of endearment. idk if u guys have heard of the concept#when does the narrative treat him as an actual child and not just new to the world? or comparison to a child when he doesn’t have his powers#which means child as in ‘weak’ or ‘incapable’ also don’t bring up anything that disabled adults and/or especially autistic adults have/do#like velcro shoes or stimming. focus on his storylines and actual characterization please and tell me how he is a precious child#is it because he is polite? yeah well he’s also bitchy and mean and commanding. it’s almost like he’s a multifaceted character#or something. you’d think considering the writers had written children before that they would’ve chosen child-like storylines and things#for jack’s character but no this is a fantasy show. it’s not just a drama. his age is played for jokes because he *could* choose to be an#adult. because he’s a nephil. because he’s a non-human character who doesn’t abide by typical human development. his physiology is#completely different than an actual adult or child. his fingerprints are even abnormal. and y’all wanna say he is a ‘literal child’#or a ‘baby in an adult’s body’ which if that was true wouldn’t he act like a baby? and wouldn’t the writers make that clear? like where are#y’all getting this from?? i feel like i’ve missed out on a joke. like i’m standing outside the echo chamber wondering where it even#originated from#supernatural#jack kline#supernatural fandom#spn fandom#fandom critical#spn fanfic#spn fanart#spn fanworks#the infantilization of jack kline#hw.txt
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transgendercastiel · 10 months
we consume media to resolve media. The reasons fan spaces are more saturated for some franchises is because they leave things unresolved and unsatisfied, regardless of what part of a media has been unresolved, whether it be an ending to a plotline or the ending of a show itself etc.
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I’m active (assuming that active means, in this context, that I enjoy a piece of media and frequently reblog posts relating to said media) in 2 different fandoms that have a character named Jack and sometimes I’ll see a post talking about one of them without checking to see who reblogged it and I’ll be like
“Huh. I didn’t know Jack “Cowboy” Kelly from the Disney live-action 1992 musical Newsies directed by Kenny Ortega about the newsboy strike of 1899 in New York City had two shitty dads. You would think I would know that already…”
And then I see it was reblogged by a Supernatural-focused blog and things start to make sense again
I find this hilarious every time it happens
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73647e · 1 year
dps supernatural au where it actually is shitty as fuck and is so far from supernatural and is essentially just the poets as the mystery gang from scooby doo but it's actual ghosts and demons that they're fighting and not just people pretending to be creatures of the night. oh, and anderperry obviously.
no cause it would be so funny to me if todd's family were hunters, and he was essentially raised into it, with his brother jeff. as they got older and did more respective hunting, he met all sorts of people on his travels. other hunters, the kids of other hunters, etc. he has like a network by the time he went off on his own. jeff, who the family golden boy, went off to college instead, leaving todd to hunt on his own. he spends time with his friends, hunting with them, hunting alone, everything. then the whole dragged-to-hell-saved-by-an-angel thing happens in the same way that it did in the show (idk why todd would’ve gotten dragged down there, like what he would make a deal for his soul for but whatever. semantics). but that’s where neil comes in. and then yk,, they fall in love blah blah idk gay people are so funky and i’m in a weird mood
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leedlethebeedle · 3 months
TV shows that hint at feelings between two characters I ship but never have them actually get together have me screaming at my tv like crazy Steve screaming at Dora
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evancordelia · 1 year
Another TT repost
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I’m realizing that one of the many reasons I can’t help but love all the pain and questioning and love and fear and joy that’s come from Good Omens S2 is that I’m dying to reconcile the heaven and hell within me.
I find myself, for the first time ever, on the outside of my religion. I was always so afraid I’d be kicked out or let go, so I worked so hard for so many years to do what I thought was necessary to warrant the love of God and the congregation. I was really good at it, too. So, when it was me that did the letting go, as I take scary steps away from something I once thought was everything- I’m scared. For two years my anxiety has been tearing me up inside. But this summer was different. Because I’m still afraid of so many things and I feel sort of untethered? Like very free, but like I’m not sure where I belong? And yet, I’m now so… alive in it. If that makes sense.
I feel awake to myself. It does feel manic some of the time but it’s exhilarating for the rest of it. It’s such a niche and specific and gentle comfort that I’ve found in this gorgeous fiction and its fandom. Because religious trauma is crazy. And it’s easy to slip into thinking I’m crazy. But there are so many of us sharing vulnerable thoughts and art about all the things I’m terrified to face or ask or feel right here in the Good Omens space. And if it’s more than just me…maybe it really is an “institutional problem”.
I just know that I feel like I’m caught between heaven and hell all the time. I want to be the angel I want to be the demon. I hate the angel I hate the demon. I love the angel I love the demon. And finally, finally- here in this space- I feel okay with that. I feel less afraid. It’s like a miracle.
Thanks for this miracle.
Tumblr media
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johndonneswife · 7 months
speaking of spn. i have been soooo sad for years bc i deleted my old tumblr and that’s where i met ayesha (tragic) 😓 and i have not been able to get into the email account i made specifically for that tumblr - forgot my password, didn’t have any security questions or my phone number or another email linked to it - anyway, google was just like ‘lol make another email! it’s free!’ and i was so annoyed about it. for years. but i woke up at like 3 am the other night and suddenly remembered my password!!!? and i had email notifs on for everything so i literally have every message ayesha ever sent me and every time she replied to one of my old posts saved now 🫂 and i have the first message she ever sent me!!! we also met a long time ago before tumblr even had DMs ok like you don’t understand
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soullessjack · 9 months
tumblr is a cesspool of bad fandom opinions but spn tiktok is another ring of hell entirely because like. what do you mean “lucifer would’ve been a better father to jack than dean.” what do you mean “mary was just as bad if not worse than john.” why are you calling people pedophiles for wanting a grown man just because you think he’s mentally stunted because he wears Velcro shoes. do you understand what you are saying. are your brain cells active and functioning properly
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Thoughts on Sam x Jack
personally not into winkline, like people can ship what they want it’s just not for me. kinda like dean and amara. (NOTE: my blog is anti anti and proshipper safe bc i’ve been in fandom since 2012 and know how media works. idk what the obsession with everyone being the fandom police about ships or literary themes as of late, but i think it’s related to the concept of equating media consumption to morality. like in the same vein as “video games make people violent ” or “true crime fans wish they could” and etc and i’m anti censorship bc just bc i think something is icky doesn’t mean it’s morally apprehensible and shouldn’t exist or that people should be harassed/doxxed/etc or laws should exist that only allow “good media” because it’s a slippery slope) i think mostly in sam/jack’s case it’s because in that context (and in general) sam is often looked at as jack’s mother figure when he’s…not. now if, let’s say…time travel and jack goes back to meet early seasons sam? might get cancelled but that would be … so juicy. like the concept. do u see my vision. but my unpopular opinion that there there is more substance to dean/jack. maybe im remembering the show wrong but after s13 sam and jack just don’t interact that much? i blame the writers for that but we got optimism that was a jack + dean hunting episode and we got dean taking him out to do stuff when he was dying. i don’t remember an episode that was jack + sam centric which makes me wish we had one. sigh. this kind of went off on a tangent lol but these r non linear my thoughts haha
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werepires · 2 years
Ok listen I get people are upset again bc of a con statement but did we collectively forget it’s not even certain Cas is in the prequel isn’t it a bit quick to say “Jensen’s answer dooms future destiel” if we don’t even know if this hypothetical “future destiel” even exists
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These are ones I though of in like five minutes, no research was put in to this it’s all vibes, so if your ship didn’t make it sorry
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