Favorite rarepair?
currently stuck on jack kline/jesse turner. we need a ship name for them asap!!!
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Thoughts on Sam x Jack
personally not into winkline, like people can ship what they want it’s just not for me. kinda like dean and amara. (NOTE: my blog is anti anti and proshipper safe bc i’ve been in fandom since 2012 and know how media works. idk what the obsession with everyone being the fandom police about ships or literary themes as of late, but i think it’s related to the concept of equating media consumption to morality. like in the same vein as “video games make people violent ” or “true crime fans wish they could” and etc and i’m anti censorship bc just bc i think something is icky doesn’t mean it’s morally apprehensible and shouldn’t exist or that people should be harassed/doxxed/etc or laws should exist that only allow “good media” because it’s a slippery slope) i think mostly in sam/jack’s case it’s because in that context (and in general) sam is often looked at as jack’s mother figure when he’s…not. now if, let’s say…time travel and jack goes back to meet early seasons sam? might get cancelled but that would be … so juicy. like the concept. do u see my vision. but my unpopular opinion that there there is more substance to dean/jack. maybe im remembering the show wrong but after s13 sam and jack just don’t interact that much? i blame the writers for that but we got optimism that was a jack + dean hunting episode and we got dean taking him out to do stuff when he was dying. i don’t remember an episode that was jack + sam centric which makes me wish we had one. sigh. this kind of went off on a tangent lol but these r non linear my thoughts haha
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oh my god, new midam blog, welcome to the chaos! i am lowkey not super active rn but like im so here for you bc this ship is so cool ! -@theyonlyhadeachother
omg hiiiiii !!!! new oomf thank you for welcoming me!!!! AND YEAH they’re sooooooo <3 tbh idk how how i didn’t get into this ship sooner! like it lived in the back of of my mind and then something happened. now im obsessed and can’t get enough of them! apologies in advance for spamming ur blog btw :)
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Just read ur new fic and woah it was so beautifully written. Really loved it!
ahhhh omg thank you so much! this is very kind of you <3 i appreciate this a lot. TFLAD is the first fic i’ve published in this fandom (disregarding my destiel fics from like…ten years ago LOL) and i was pretty nervous about posting it. so this feedback means so much to me and i’m so glad you enjoyed it!!! i’m currently working on the sequel since that fic diverges from canon in s13 >:) so yayyyy!
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Thank you for answering my ask and sharing all that information/gen
I take it that means it's ok for me (someone who ships wincest and winkline) to like and reblog your posts
of course, thank you for asking anon!! i appreciate it, and yes for sure! just cuz i don’t personally ship wincest or winkline, i still understand it, y’know? you don’t gotta feel shame or nervous here :)
this is a side note and just for you and maybe other people wondering, i need to do my about me again but in general my “byf/dni” is more of like…i’ll block you if u fall into certain categories (ex: people -18 cuz i’m in my mid twenties, racists, transphobes, zionists, etc) so here’s this fyi in advance. i personally don’t think they actually work or think they’re very important. i’ve been on tumblr off and on for years so i’m pretty into simply curating my own experience in fandom, so i’m fairly friendly with my block button lol. but i generally don’t block wincest or winkline shippers for simply being wincest shippers, it’s pretty much always for some other reason.
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Cuck castiel
…………………………..i’m listening
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If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! 💜💜💜
oh thank you!!! this made me tear up 🥺😭 this is so sweet. i’ll be joining u in doing this anon! :)
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Chuck x destruction. I love it. And it’s not that his and Amara’s polarities were reversing, exactly. Metatron referenced a god who smote. Who gave into his wrath. Maybe the “opposites” theme is too reductive for Amara and Chuck? Maybe it was used as a way to control her.
oh yes, this is interesting!
i also believe that it’s far too reductive, and is probably just a narrative to control things and put himself in a more positive light (pun intended). he even tells dean during their initial conversation after he’s revealed to be god that he used to be hands on and part of that was punishing. metatron (worst person you know makes a valid point) remembers this version of him and we see bits and pieces throughout, but he also asks why. and chuck says because metatron, and the archangels, angels, etc, all disappointed him. and when chuck is disappointed with something, his solution is to either get rid of it, go on to something new, or both.
so despite how chuck/god is ‘supposed’ to be the personification of the light—pure and good and righteous—that’s clearly not the truth. i mean, his favorite pastime is making sam and dean suffer simply because he can while he watches. he ignores anything he could do to help the world because anything that doesn’t bend to his exact will is a failure in his eyes, and his will is always correct despite multiple people disagreeing. so he wants to start over, go back to the beginning, and get what he wants. maybe this time he will finally be satisfied! maybe this time will be different!
the whole reason he wants amara’s powers in the first place at the end of s15 is because he can’t truly destroy, only she can. but amara is shown to have grown, changed, and wants to continue healing. she’s shown that she doesn’t want to just destroy and instead simply just exist. she barely even uses her powers after a certain point, despite being the most powerful being on the planet. which makes her less pure darkness and more gray.
but since he can’t make her work with him out of her own free will, he manipulates her into consenting to being absorbed because she won’t just do what he wants. he can’t actually control her, and she is a threat, and he can’t have someone more powerful than him. let alone someone who doesn’t agree with him. and one of the biggest issues chuck has with amara is that she calls him out on his shit and his lack of growth, which is why their reconciliation doesn’t go well after a point. he doesn’t grow or change, in fact he becomes more of what he has always been (*cough* the mark) after he stops pretending. and it’s interesting that he stops pretending after she comes into play, but that’s when we truly see how truly gray he is, because she’s the darkness! she’s evil! he doesn’t need to play pretend because the embodiment of destruction is right there! it’s in the name! she’s in direct opposition to creation, which is always good! (*coughs* lucifer creating jack….)
the irony of all this, of course, is that he doesn’t need the power to destroy in order to be destructive. he views destruction as being able to wipe the slate clean, but his lack of being able to take accountability for his flaws, have any sense of wisdom, or need to improve keeps him in the same ouroboros cycle. his existence is nothing but metaphorical self destruction and disappointment while he views himself as the good guy. he doesn’t see that he doesn’t amara to be gray. he doesn’t see that he’s already gray because the grayness doesn’t come from the power itself, it comes from what one chooses to do with it. chuck only sees himself as the light so there has to be darkness and it can’t be him.
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monsterfuckermilligan · 10 months
wanna hear my weird asf folkloric take on Jack? nothing "bad" exactly just... unusual
-local autdhd myth kid
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