#I’m going to start selling everything I own lol
wewontbesleeping · 1 year
spending money makes me feel SIIIICK
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chevelleneech · 24 days
semi-live blog
They are immediately the cutest fucking people when together. So soft, so giggly.
I know it’s part of their social culture, but they drink a lot. Maybe it’s because I don’t drink, but dang.
“Jungkook is currently doing his skincare.” They add to the screen after panning away for scenery, yet leaving the sounds of *slap slap slap*😭
Jungkook cycling through multiple pairs of sunglasses, and Jimin swanning in and picking the first pair is peak! They’re so similar I yet so different, lol.
Another thing I’m sure is part of their culture, is the way they pay for stuff, but I find it interesting still that we’ve seen Jimin buy almost everything during their trips, since as far as we know they have pretty lax hierarchy rules between the two of them normally.
Jungkook is in the most romantic moment of his life, lmao! “I love it here!!!” said a million times. That man was experiencing a real life Hallmark movie in his head.
I also thought they spoke/understood way more Japanese than they apparently do.
“Come on everybody!” I understood that reference.
The way they chose to animate over everything to avoid having to blur a billion people in the station is HILARIOUS!
Jimin is too funny bro.
This train ride is so peaceful, it’s selling me on visiting Sapporo despite being broke and not speaking a lick of Japanese.
Can we also discuss how “My man, my man, my man.” Jungkook is? Yet Jimin is too, and somehow both is more than the other, lol. They are perpetually on some, “Jimin will like this.” “Where’s Jungkook?” *films food, pans to Jimin* *films the outside world, pans to Jungkook* *cuddle even while walking* type stuff. Just lovesick.
Girl!dad Jimin confirmed🥰 He’ll be such a sweet dad too, I think. He’s so patient and kind, which is heavily required to raise another human.
I loooooooooe Jimin’s jacket dude.
The way Jimin immediately pivoted to making JK laugh when he tried to downplay himself. Like I said, “My man, my man, my man.” Don’t talk bad about his man, even if you are his man.
My most delusional Jikook theory you’ll ever hear from me: “Are You Sure?” actually became the title because they were asking it if each other, because they in looooooooooove.
Also, to answer my own question from my previous list… yes, the bubble is back.
Role play Jikook strikes again!
Jungkook is it slick! He played with that sip of whiskey the entire time, but the minute Jimin left he downed it.
Them forgetting to pay would’ve been me. And JK initially sending Jimin back to do it would have also been me. You got it, extrovert! Take the embarrassment for the both of us!
They’re so cute! This snow fight makes me want to be somewhere cold for the holiday☹️
The food always looks so damn good! Lord I’m jealous.
I need someone to compile all the times JM and JK go out to eat together, and let me know if Jimin is the one with his back always to the door? It’s a thing in America at least, that the “protector” tends to sit where they can see the door, and I don’t know if that’s a thing in SK as well, but it’s cute, because it matches their dynamic either way.
“Your fingers were all over it.” SIR!? You’ve had his sweaty ear in your mouth… he’s had his mouth on your neck… you’ve also had his fingers in your mouth before and vice verse… AND y’all constantly eat and drink off each other… in fact… yesterday he bit the very sausage you were in the middle of eating and then you continued eating it… before that you gladly allowed him to put his TOES next to your face while you were BRUSHING YOUR TEETH. Stop playing with me, Jeon Jungkook!
Jimin legit being ready to beat Tae’s ass over a dumpling is too crazy, lol. And folks be acting like he some docile helpless baby. Meanwhile, JK is a mediator. They definitely made for each other.
End of the episode. It was fun. Felt like the start of a holiday special. And I didn’t mention it up top, because I decided to “live blog” thoughts like ten minutes in or whatever, but Jungkook softly and sweetly saying he wanted to come back to Japan because it reminded him of their first trip together… SOBBING! He’s such a sentimental guy, with an equally as sentimental guy on his arm.
They truly do vibe so well, and I understand with each passing episode why them enlisting together was a non-choice choice. They click. Like they said themselves, they’re one person split into two bodies, and it’s clear as day they thrive off of being around one another.
Not to get too sappy either, but it’s insane they feel that way about their bond and dynamic, on top of all the things that already just so happened to bring them together. Not just born in the same country, but same city. Auditioned for the same music group. Actually made it into the same group… they were destined to meet, and even they feel that way. All that’s missing is them being the same age, and they’d be the same person. That’s an insane thing to say, but really tells you how deeply they value their connection.
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sunnys-out · 10 months
One for the road | Alex Morgan x Reader
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Part 2 of Your damn cherry chapstick
A/N: Again we are going to, again, pretend that voicemails can be this long lol. Tech at work stopped working so was able to write this.
Warnings: Internalized homophobia, slight nsfw, not a happy ending
WC: 684
“Hey sorry I missed your call, just leave me a message and I’ll get back to you when I can! Bye!”
“Hey (y/n), this isn’t technically a text…but you will probably not even listen to this. So, I guess I’ll just say what I need to say for my own sake.”
“I remember the first time that I had met you…you were way too excited that morning practice…I was not. laughs Then we got paired up for drills and I could barely keep up with you…I don’t think you even broke a sweat”
“You were one of the few that had class after practice while the rest of us headed back to Clark Kerr to shower and sleep a bit longer. I made an off-hand comment as we were going our separate ways. I had seen a vendor near our dorm on the weekend selling strawberries and wondered when they would be back so I could buy myself some”
“I didn’t think about it until that evening…you knocked on my door with a small,green basket filled with strawberries. Honestly, I didn’t expect it especially from you...I mean we had just met. You just took one from the basket and took a bite, ‘just one for road as payment’ you said to me with a wink as you walked away to your room down the hall”
“I think that is when I started to fall in love with you…yeah I loved you…I probably still do…no, I still do. Sigh You became my best friend and I don’t ever think I can be as close to someone as I was with you. When we had our first kiss in the hallway of the frat house celebrating our win against Stanford…I swear I didn’t taste the tequila that you drank earlier but the strawberry you had the day we met.”
“I fell harder for you every day but I got scared…when you introduced me to Servando…I saw an easier future. You were everything I dreamed of but my career was just starting…I was becoming a poster child and the world is better but- I- sacrificed everything I had with you to have everything I have now. I hurt you I know…it hurts me knowing that. The Gala, I left you the moment I saw the recruiters, my fear came back again and I attached myself to Servando. You would be ok without me was my thought; you didn’t need me…Portland was smart to take you when they got created”
“(Y/N), I didn’t realize how much what I did affected you until you got injured for the first time in Portland. The eyes you shot at me when I approached you in the physio room to check on you. The force that you used to pushed me away, ‘Don’t fucking touch me’ keeps playing in my head when I remember that day. I really lost my best friend”
“You said that you remember the way I-...I remember those times too…I haven’t forgotten that. You were more than that to me. That last time…it was a goodbye but I just wanted to be close to you again to just be around you. I wanted to be near you when you had your career ending injury with Portland. That’s not what I did. I kept my distance when I saw you go down and from then on I kept myself from you.” 
“I did listen to your voicemail if it isn’t obvious…I’m sorry…You’re right when you say that I would think to run back to you if you showed up at the wedding…but it would only be a thought. I’m still that scared university student, fearful for her future but so in love with her best friend. You don’t deserve what I am doing to you, so this will be my last message to you ok? I love you and even if I won’t be in your life anymore…I will always be rooting for you…maybe in the next life we-... never mind. Goodbye, (y/n)”
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hugemilkshake · 4 months
Hey can you do more uh...self aware cookie run au with anxious reader? Just I can't help but imagine more scenarios of y/n being anxious and thinking 'OH MY GOD IM GONNA DIE!' Buuut end up spoiled by cookies. Here are some examples I thought up but if you think of anymore cute and fun things, I'd love to see em too!
Y/n goes to the hollyberry kingdom and meets pitaya. Thinks they are gonna die to dragon...nope, dragon just wants to encourage y/n to make smores or roast jelly dogs over their flames and if a single one of the cookies who sabotage the competition even think for a SECOND about interrupting that, then they got another thing coming!
Y/n thinks they are gonna die to the licorice sea or the traitor affogato cookie when encountering them....sea acts kind to y/n somehow (or just ignores em...your choice lol) and affogato just wants to spoil y/n with sweets! (Bonus: instead of joining the COD....they go with y/n as something along the lines of 'you know what? I don't want to take over this kingdom anymore. I don't want it anymore, I want y/n! King, I admit to everything, please banish me so I can run away to y/n's kingdom!') Lmao!
Golden cheese kingdom...y/n goes in, thinking glitches are gonna kill em buuuut all the digital cookies make sure y/n is feeling safe, happy, and comfortable....aaaand golden cheese gives em lots of hugs lol! Can imagine being wrapped up in her wings feels really good!
Enjoy the milkshake! I had to give an excuse for writing about affogato cookie- I mean, the dude caused me brain rot. Also I’m not writing any golden cheese stuff because smoked cheese massacred my team and I’m angry at that (my team had way more power than smoked cheese)
Somewhat plot relevant?
-platonic self aware au-
Normally you had means of controlling your anxiety but at this moment, there was no way you could control your anxiety. You were in the middle of a forest! And not even one in your own world! It was one in the game you had recently just gotten into!
You were only on episode 4 in the story mode so you literally had no clue where you were. You just sat on the ground and started to silently panic.
But at some point a cookie you did see once in the cookie unlock screen kinda picked you up and just took you to a palace? You don’t really remember what the cookie said but they weren’t hurting you! So that must mean something!
But you were now having a feast in this palace with a cookie who you learned was actually a dragon- well anyways the dragon said they were Pitaya Dragon, also known as The Red Dragon. You did panic for a moment before Pitaya told you to just chill out and have something to eat.
And you know what? It was actually quite fun! The Red Dragon talked about other dragons and nice fun stories while the two of you ate, you were sad to go but you had too. You got some berries and stuff you could sell as a wondering traveler. Though you did tell Pitaya you’d come back one day so might want to stay close
You had gone from a warm and humid forest to a frozen wasteland. What’s more to say? You had everything you needed to survive and villages were quite nice to you, you had your own gear so you didn’t bother them too much.
But you did befriend a peculiar cookie when you were by the Dark Cacao kingdom…
A cookie who looked quite lavish found you and seemed a little lost and panicked… kinda how you were when you first got here…. You felt bad to the cookie so you went to talk to them
Apparently his name is Affogato Cookie and he was banished from the Dark Cacao kingdom on the grounds of the false accusations of him trying to upstage the king. Poor guy…
Now since Pitaya Dragon was so generous to you when you had nothing so you decided to help Affogato get back in his feet since you should be passing on others kindness!
What you didn’t know was that one Affogato lied to you, two Affogato had connections to Dark Enchantress and three, he would become your travel buddy. So now the two of you travel around as friends :3
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obey-moi · 8 months
I wanna imagine that the cards are a real thing in-universe. Like, the brothers, royals, Solomon and Thirteen all get put into a trading card game just because they’re all very popular individuals with their own fanbases Everyone’s card art is a little different from their actuall looks bc the actual people aren’t involved in the art production, so everone gets washboard abs and clear skin. It’d also be considered defamation of any of them are portrayed with a single blemish lol.
Of course Asmo collects ONLY his own cards and MC’s cards, even if some of them look off. “This one’s hair is too brunette but I love the SHINE they put in my lipgloss!” Or something silly like that. They go into a photo album binder where he gets other pieces of fanart.
Leviathan collects SO many card and knows the rules and decimates everyone at the games, but he absolutely refuses to collect his own cards. “Can you imagine if I played my own card as if I were actually cool? Like I had those powers, or l-looked as dashing a-as they portray me?? None of my cards would actually be good?? I’m JuSt An OtAkU??” Never plays the holographics of MC. Those get framed but never displayed. (MC finds them and they do the same to him since they both avoid their own cards. In fact they do a daily dropoff where if there’s an envelope under their door they can usually expect it to be the others’ cards.) He’s also a master of making different decks, like he has a deck for every sin, every person, etc. The Royals+Angels deck and the Envy deck are his favourite ones.
Mammon thrives on the Devildom TCG market. Rare cards go for a ton of Grimm! And also you wanna know why he keeps trying to sell pics of Lucifer, right? He knows one of the official card artists. “This was the outfit this card was based on, yeah? Here’s the followup of him rolling his sleeves and loosening his tie! And I bet you’re gonna love THIS one! Nobody can ever seem to get his angry smile just right until they see it in person, but this picture comes pretty close. Doesn’t it give you shivers? I can start at 1500 grimm. Also, could you tell whoever is making THESE cards to stop whitewashing the GREAT Mammon? Plzkthx :)”
Satan’s not much for card games unless a friend challenges him to a different, more classic game, like rummy or liar. But he does keep the trading cards he likes the most. Art is art, what can he say? They’re also perfect bookmarks. His fave is probably one of MC that captures them perfectly in his vision.
Lucifer thinks the whole TCG is just silly and doesn’t really participate in any of it........... But Priddy Boy’s gotta be ✨Perfect In Everything✨. The man has canonically been stated to be good a video games for the simple need to be good at everything, you think he wouldn’t study strategy and play like it’s chess or smth? That and in his Dad Wallet where he keeps pictures of his brothers (and MC), he keeps his favourite cards of them behind each respectful photo.
Beel doesn’t really collect or know how to play, but Beel has autographed many a card after fangol games, so he can at least understand it’s a collectible item. He tried learning from Leviathan how to play this one time, and it made sense to him for the most part. Card has Life Points, Attack Points, and Special Skills. Beat up opponents' cards and win. Not too different from most other card games. But there are complicated rules to it that he forgets or mixes up. He’d much rather use the cards like dolls and make them “talk” to each other.
Belphie also doesn’t play or collect, but he does enjoy getting his hands on the holographic cards. One day Levi was sent to look for Belphie to tell him it was dinner time. He found the youngest in the attic cutting up the cards into shapes and gluing them back-to-back, hanging them up like a mobile. Levi fainted backward down the stairs and refused to look at Belphie for two months straight.
Solomon really likes these cards! Like Satan he uses them as bookmarks, but specific Sin Colours and People get paired with certain books. Green Satan cards are used on cursed tomes or books about curses, blue Satan cards are used in art history books. Pink Asmo cards are left in Seduction Spell books, while yellow Asmo cards are for books about venoms from creatures. Etc. Makes categorization much easier!
Barbatos doesn’t collect, but he does know how to play. He referees for the Young Lord sometimes whenever Diavolo gets a chance to have fun.
Y’all know ya homeboy DIAVOLO is one of the biggest collectors! He and Levi are both DAUNTING on the “battlefield”, though Dia doesn’t take things so seriously like Levi does sometimes. He’s even commissioned actual paintings of himself and everyone so that those portraits can be made into cards. They’re the rarest ones, there only being one of each person out in the world. As much as Dia would have loved to keep those cards, he likes to watch the chaos of others scrambling desperately try to obtain an Ultra Rare Royal Painted Holographic. Besides, he still has the original paintings! (Also he likes to collect the DevilWendy’s kids meal toy versions of those “cards”, which are actually those plastic “gold” plated cards inside of “”””pokéballs””””. Adorable!)
Some Thirteen cards have special abilities based on real traps of hers. Some of Thirteen’s traps are based on some of the cards. She likes to tape some cards up like stickers to some of said traps as decorations. Or as part of the trap. She once tried to entice Solomon with a card, but Levi fell for it instead and nearly got impaled in a tiger trap she called “Super Duper Rare Double Dare #106”.
Mephistopheles says he doesn’t care about such childish playthings. But once the Diavolo released those Ultra Rare Royal Painted Holographic, and ‘Phisto got highest bidder on the Diavolo card, SUDDENLY he’s become Maximillion Pegasus and his signature deck is the Diavolo deck.
Luke isn’t really one to play, but he does like the art of some of them! He’ll put some in a scrapbook! It’s also another bookmark technique, where certain people’s cards get bookmarked on their favourite recipes. He got the idea from Solomon’s method of bookmarking.
Simeon also doesn’t play but mainly collects. Got a little hooked on it before Raphael moved in and the room was being used for Levi’s spare collection stuff. He was even given many of the Common ones for free (what Simeon did with common cards, Levi didn’t nearly care as much, and trusted him more with cards than he could trust Belphie with holo’s...). He’s collected all the Seven Lords themed ones. It’s a nice, low-key hobby, like stamp collecting. He donates the ones he doesn’t need to MC or Levi.
Raphael neither plays, collects, or knows anything about them really. But he does still have an annoying familiarity with them, thanks to Michael wanting him to buy several packs, nay, BOXES of packs. Michael needs to be the number one Lucifer Card collector. Bro misses his bro... ;(
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xclowniex · 3 months
I don’t know if it makes me a horrible person but I’m actually kind of glad seeing Yuval (feels very weird saying that seeing as my uncle is called יובל) getting ripped to shreds by his ‘supporters’. Like, not happy, but just sort of satisfied??? I had to unfollow him when I was still on tiktok because he was promoting ahistorical bullshit and demonising Israelis. It’s extra shitty because the first ever video he made on the conflict was actually fairly balanced and recognised Jewish self determination and being indigenous to the levant, and then he deleted it, apologised, and started erasing Jewish history because he thought he could bend to these people’s will. His account prides itself on being informed and factual and fair, and yet he pulls a stunt like that, and I can only imagine how much worse he’s gotten since I deleted tiktok
We all knew that this would happen. The harassers knew it would, at least in their subconscious. It was only him who didn’t. They’ve pushed him to the very edge because now the baseline for being like them is to view the Shoah as a couple thousand people dying for basically being Christians, and it’s made special because they were white, and now that he’s stepped out of line a little they are coming for him. Maybe it’ll snap him out of being an idiot who sells out his own people so that he can be seen as a good person instead of like, actually being a good person. But he’ll probably just try to curry their favour again and fail over and over and over. Idk. It’s a weirdly gratifying but also incredibly depressing thing to see that what you predicted was going to happen was exactly right
(and I know some idiots are going to try to twist this into saying ‘you think fundraising for Palestinians is evil!!!’ because the anons you get are absolutely deranged. That’s not my problem with him or his account, wanting to fundraise for families is great and, as long as they’re verifiably real, it’s a good way to directly help people without their aid being taken away and siphoned off by Hamas. My problem with him is that in an effort to be the token Good Jew tm he completely revises history, spreads propaganda and false info, and vilifies every point of Israel’s life as a state. Plus he can’t even pronounce his own name right lol)
100% with everything you said.
I don't think you are a bad person for having a sense of "I told you so" towards what he is experiencing. It sucks and no jew should experience antisemitism, however two things can be true at once.
Its only natural to feel almost a sense of vindication, a "see look, I told you all this was going to happen and none of you listened to me and now you're suffering too"
I also agree that he will likely bend to their favor. He has shown some backbone in regards to his apology video where he stood behind his original message but apologized if his wording was off and re-worded his statement. This is all my assumption as I am not in his head, but I feel like his backbone on this came from sheer disbelief that face eating leopards ate his face. We may see this end up as a turning point where he stops pandering, or he might continue to pander either out of wanting to be accepted or because of other commitments like Ayame. She might not want to continue to make content with him due to the backlash and boom there goes his biggest series + a potential relationship as I'm unsure if it's just for views or if they are genuinely interested in each other.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 10 months
a/n: hi ! this is the first part of hopefully a series ! it’s the plan that multiple characters all get their own series :)
for reference, I’m never going to use actual plot lines for fics so that we can avoid spoilers. i hope my writing is in character- and good lol. Prologues will always be shorter than actual chapters- think of it as getting into character lmao.
Enjoy + please leave your thoughts !
chapters 1 and 2!
Kendall Roy x Reader
Something Sweet; Prologue
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5:30 A.M.
You stare at your alarm clock as it beeps- you swear that thing has grown eyes and is staring at you. You drag yourself out of bed, and before you know it, you’re flitting about your bakery getting ready for the day. The night before, you’d made a perfect batch of Eclaires that you’re sure will sell well today. When it finally hits seven, you flip the sign hanging on the bakery’s front door from ‘closed’ to ‘open’.
You normally don’t get that many people in the early mornings, and today is no different. A few people come in and buy some of your Thanksgiving themed cookies, a few others the seasonal peppermint coffee. It being Thanksgiving, you don’t see anybody in your store at all after nine.
Until it hits noon, anyway.
When the bell fastened above the front door tinkles, you’re in the way back messing around with some dough for a prospective holiday pastry you’ve been thinking about. “Coming!”
When you round the corner, you’re a bit surprised to find who’s looking back at you. His eyes wrinkle in exhaustion, and he’s subtly fidgeting with his fingers. He’s wearing a smoothed out sweater vest, crisp dress pants, and a watch that looks like it cost more than your bakery. You wonder why he isn’t wearing a coat- November in New York was by no means warm. You feel like you’ve seen him somewhere before- online? On the street, in the news? Before you can open your mouth to ask how you can help, he begins.
“Why are you open on Thanksgiving?”
Again, he takes you by surprise, but you don’t miss a beat. “Why are you here on Thanksgiving?”
“Touché. Sorry. I’m drunk. And high. I think.” He drops his head into his hands. “I just needed to get inside. Sorry,” he repeats, attempting to wipe the weariness from his eyes.
At first, you don’t know what to say. You don’t really dabble in the world of drugs, nor do you drink, but you feel for him. There’s just something about him- some part of your subconscious that knows something you don’t. He looks like he’s been through it, anyway. It doesn’t hurt to be kind.
“Why don’t you take a seat? Stay in as long as you like. I’m not exactly busy.” You gesture to the various booths and café tables that line the walls and sit throughout your store.
He ducks his head down, pinking slightly. “I’m really sorry.”
You sigh, and feel a tinge of pity. “Go sit. I’ll get you a glass of water.” Reluctantly, he shuffles off, and you fill a glass with bottled water then open your pastry display.
You round the counter and sit in the chair across from him, sliding him the water and setting a prettily decorated cupcake on the table.
“Drink up.” You look at him expectantly. He stares back, then looks down into the glass. “Like you said, you’re drunk and probably high. It’s best you start flushing it out.”
He mumbles a quick ‘thank you’ and takes a dainty sip of water.
“Come on. You have to drink more than that.” I peel the wrapper on the cupcake back and push it into his hands. Hesitantly, he eats.
“This is really good,” he says quietly. “You made it?”
“Of course I did. I bake everything here.”
Eventually, he finished both the water and the treat. With what you read as shame, he thanks you profusely again before being interrupted by someone entering the shop. Before you get up, he says softly, “Let me pay.”
“What? Absolutely not. It’s on the house.”
You go to help your customer, but when they’re gone, you realize that so is the man from before.
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dailyreverie · 11 months
Pumpkin patch and everything nice
A/N: Requested by @the-little-ewok 🎃💖 I really hope you like it!! I expected it to be a blurb but hey... here we are now with 1k words lol.
@flufftober - Day 22 Picking [pumpkins]
Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader Modern!AU, I guess. Beebee is a Corgi.
Word count: 1.1k words
Flufftober masterlist
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As soon as the wheels came to a stop, you could already smell the sweet treats baking and the distant fire coming from inside the cabin. The pumpkin patch extended for as far as you could see, the brisk air from outside forced you to wrap yourselves in knit sweaters and scarves, it was the perfect fall afternoon of orange leaves, warm drinks, and Poe by your side.
The car engine turned off and at the same time Beebee started barking from the backseat, his tiny dog butt waving in anticipation. You couldn’t blame him, you had planned this trip for weeks and you were sure your dog was as excited about it as you were, Poe’s enthusiastic calls of “are you ready bud?” only fueling the dog’s tail waves. “Are you ready?” He cocked an eyebrow when he repeated the question for you, earning a light push and a laugh from you.
Poe opened his door and rushed to open the one beside him - yes, not yours, but the one from the back that let Beebs out to run freely around the autumn paradise in front of you. “Beebee! Don’t go far!”
“I don’t think he cares.” You joined him on the other side of the car, his arm finding its way around your shoulders and yours around your waist. “You did promise him a big place to run around, if anything-”
Poe nodded, his lips curving into a loving smile. “Yeah, yeah, this is my fault.” Poe finished for you, leaning to kiss the side of your head. You walked side by side to the entrance of the pumpkin-filled woods, taking in the silence of the place only accompanied by the crunch of the leaves under your feet and the laughing kids in the distance.
As you entered the enchanting pumpkin patch, warms wrapped around each other, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment washing over you. The rows of plump, orange pumpkins seemed to glow in the warm sunlight, and it was as if you'd stepped into an autumn picture you’d only seen on those aesthetic blogs you follow. You watched Beebee zigzag through the rows of pumpkins with untamed enthusiasm, barking at every pumpkin he felt could be a threat.
“Don’t think I forgot about your mission.” You bumped Poe’s hip with yours.
Poe smiled, not averting his eyes from the horizon. “My mission? Do you mean the very same reason why we are here?” You laughed at his excitement, squeezing his side; you could even see his eyes already scanning the place. “I promised you, sweetheart. I'm going to find the biggest, most gorgeous pumpkin in this whole patch, and we won’t leave until we have it.”
“I better get my coffee and my muffin, then. Get comfortable while I wait for you.” You teased.
“Oh, so you think it’s going to take me long?” He unwrapped himself from your embrace to stand in front of you with a playful glare in his eyes. “Is that a challenge?”
“Maybe,” you shrugged, knowing exactly what a challenge did to him.
Poe's eyes sparkled with determination and affection as he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a sweet, promising kiss. “You’ll see. I’m going to ace this mission.” With a mischievous glint in his eyes and one more quick kiss, Poe began his quest for the biggest pumpkin. 
You couldn't help but watch him with affectionate amusement as he scoured the patch, lifting pumpkins, inspecting their size, and occasionally shaking his head as he sought the perfect one.
“Beebs! Come on bud!” Poe’s voice called for your chubby corgi who ran up to him with an acknowledging bark. He followed Poe's every step, as if he too was participating in this mission all with Poe talking to him through it too, giving him instructions on how to find it.
As Poe searched, you made your way to your own mission up to the nearby rustic stand selling hot apple cider, freshly-baked muffins, and other autumn delights. The aroma of cinnamon and nutmeg filled the air, and you couldn't resist getting a cup of steaming cider and a pumpkin spice muffin. You found a cozy spot at one of the wooden tables set up nearby and settled in to enjoy your treats with the perfect view of your boyfriend and your dog equally excited in the patch.
Beebe was the first one to tire out, reaching you with a tiny pumpkin in his mouth, dropping it on your feet, and flopping onto the ground. “Guess who’s winning.” You chanted with a sing-song tone that made Poe grunt - “that’s not big at all”, he even complained, continuing his search through rows and rows of pumpkins.
You were halfway through your muffin when Poe called for you, an excited “Sweetheart!” coming from somewhere down the patch. You spotted Poe in the distance, triumphantly lifting a gigantic pumpkin above his head, his muscles bulging with effort. His infectious enthusiasm had attracted the attention of other pumpkin pickers, who cheered him on as he carried the enormous fruit back to you.
Poe placed the pumpkin down with a satisfied grin, beads of sweat on his forehead, and his hands were covered in dirt. "I told you I'd find the biggest one!" he declared, looking pleased with his accomplishment.
“I never once doubted you,” you said, admiring the massive orange ball that sat on the table between the two of you. 
Poe wiped his hands on his jeans and leaned in for a loving kiss, tasting of the earthy scent of the pumpkin patch. "I hope you're ready for some serious pumpkin carving," he said with a wink.
“Definitely. Do you think I’m going to let Finn and Rose win this year again? Hell no.” You both chuckled, Poe letting himself fall on the chair beside you the same way Beebee had flopped to the ground. He loved that competitive side of you, the very same one that pushed him to find the pumpkin and that was now rewarding him with a taste of your cider.
As the sun began to make its way down, you and Poe gathered your treasures, including the enormous pumpkin and the smaller ones Beebee had gathered, and made your way back to the car - not without running back for more of that cider and a couple more muffins you couldn’t get enough of.
“We should do this every year,” Poe spoke up after a few minutes down the road on the way back, interrupting the sound of Beebee snoring in the back.
Turning to look at him you admired his profile, strong and calm with a soft smile playing on his lips. You reached over and squeezed his hand, your fingers interlocking with his. “I’d love that.” 
Poe smiled wider, quickly looking at your matching loving smile not wanting to miss the way you were looking at him, before lifting your hand to kiss the back of it. He kept your hand in his as he always did while driving. Many more years of this… yeah, you could get used to it.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
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bohemian-nights · 4 months
this fandom….man, oh, man….they believe anything and everything. it’s actually insufferable. we have less than 2 weeks until season 4 starts filming, i need them to put out the sophie announcement NOW. this is just ridiculous, like this is not marvel. it’s bridgerton. i still believe masali is 100% sophie. these people don’t get she cannot be a gender bent michael, that’s literally incompatible with how they wrote the world of bridgerton. it doesn’t work lol.
Honestly it’s no coincidence that those peddling this crap all have variations of the same MO.
I was not born yesterday. Anybody can come into someone’s inbox (anonymously) and say whatever they please. Anybody can claim they have a source/friend who works in the industry/at Netflix/is a journalist(seriously I’ve never seen this many people who have such friends). Anybody can claim they are a journalist or work at Netflix.
These people have claimed it all yet no one has provided a shred of actual evidence(ex. stills or audio) to back up their claims. Most of their claims don’t make any sense(Benedict is next yet they haven’t casted Sophie and he’s going to have a threesome with a man?) and they constantly contradict each other(sister vs. cousin thing when John is a confirmed only child; Eloise is next, no Benedict is next, no Francesca is next🤦🏽‍♀️).
If you’ve read the books or paid any attention to the show at all those claims straight up make 0 sense. Benedict is supposed to be just floating around fiddling life away right before Sophie comes in. He’s right on target in the show.
Michael’s gender is just as integral to the plot as Sophie’s. Michael becomes the Earl of Kilmartin because he is John’s closet male kin(they are first cousins via their fathers who were twins). He has severe guilt because of that. He is a rake and had quite the reputation because he is a man and men are afforded to do as they please. Fran struggles with her fertility and decides to remarry because she wants children. You change Michael’s gender and you change everything about WHWW.
Not to mention that as the Bridgerton verse stands gay marriage is illegal. Gay people have to live in hiding. Fran and this fanmade character they have come up with cannot have a happy ending.
I see y’all trying to compare your delusions to Benophie, but while they aren’t exactly taking part in society, Sophie was Benedict’s legal wife. They have children and they have a life together where they don’t have to hide their love and their union.
If that isn’t enough think of the money Netflix/the pun locs hers would be losing out on making such a fucking idiotic decision. Selling a gender-bent WLW tragic romance to a mostly straight women audience will not go over well.
Or how about how it would look casting Masali, a dark skinned Black woman, in a role meant for a man.
I’m just going to come out and say it, a large part of this fandoms gullibility is due to the fans inherit anti-Blackness.
Even though this show is a Shondaland production, Shonda herself is a Black woman, and she prides herself on creating content for Black people, they don’t want a Masali to play Sophie Beckett.
That’s where these rumors begin and end. With people not wanting Masali or any other Black woman(cause even if Masali isn’t Sophie not for one moment do I think that Sophie won’t be Black) to be Sophie Beckett.
So with that said, until I see the last two episodes with my own eyes (or by some miracle they let Masali appear with Luke on The View or GMA next week)I refuse to believe the lies of the deluded.
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burningvelvet · 1 year
More thoughts about The Tenant of Wildfell Hall after finishing it…
1 good movie adaptation WHEN?
2 the themes of universalism and the idea that everyone can change if they want it bad enough and nothing is permanent and we have the ability to make choices and self-destruction has social repercussions bc it affects the ppl around you… yeah, my heart is full!
3 helen successfully microdosing her own child with poison to give him a pavlovian response to alcohol so he wouldn’t end up as an alcoholic like his father and grandfather because she intuitively knew he had a genetic predisposition to addiction despite having no modern knowledge of science or psychology. excellent.
4 the shit helen goes through in this novel is unreal. our girl is basically trapped in a frat-house — complete with the booze, drugs, laughter, fraternizing, sportsmanship, anti-intellectualism, infidelity, and rape culture.
5 as a sad aficionado of the romantic era & byronic studies i can 100% without a doubt say that not only is arthur based on some popular victorian conceptions of lord and lady byron and their marriage, but the brontës must have been familiar with biographical writing on byron’s life! i’ve found several academic texts to support this and it’s 100% true.
6 also, as a person who grew up with relatives who suffered from severe substance abuse and mental illness, i’m pretty confident in saying that the brontë sisters must have had some inside knowledge to spark their sustained interest in writing about these subjects. there are specific details and feelings pertaining to these topics which are documented with so much acuity it must have been personal to them. it seems a lot of academics theorize this as well — however, i still don’t know enough about the brontë family biography to form my own opinions on this topic yet!
7 helen is such a progressive mother (considering her circumstances and level of education, and the non-harmful drugging aside which is questionable today but within the narrative understandable) and her theories on education and parenthood are so advanced.
8 i think arthur’s friends (especially mr. hargrave and annabella) are as bad as he is, considering the fact that they enable him and they could easily use their influence to try and sway him considering but they choose not to — only partly because he’s the “leader of the pack,” but partly because they also have zero respect for helen and enjoy openly bullying and abusing her in her own household
9 big shoutout to the servants in this novel who are the real heroes. all throughout the novel (especially starting from Gilbert’s POV considering he and his family are a little poorer off than those of the Huntingdon circle) we see the lower-classes and smaller owners gradually triumphing against the upper-classes, gentry, and larger land owners. i love the line about rachel having to sell helen’s fine gowns for cheaper ones, and how helen notices that rachel still looks decent while dressed like a more common woman.
10 the very ending with everyone’s resolutions was a bit choppy and rushed but i don’t mind because everything went how i wanted it to go lol. but the ending for arthur/helen — the fact that he never repented, but helen still believes in universal salvation nonetheless, and still took care of him even though she didn’t have to, after everyone else abandoned him — the person he treated the worst still cared for him when no one else did — she fulfilled all her marital vows and he fulfilled none of his — his fear of death — her letter of december 5th, her holding his hand until the very end — his last words, “pray for me!” don’t leave me!” — all the unspoken words on her part, her feelings of helplessness, her telling him that she cannot save him, his crying and cursing the world — her fainting from exhaustion — him continuing to act like a brat on his death bed — her taking control, her cleverness with the contract — her lack of closure — aahhhh! just so heart wrenching and frustrating and angsty yet also cathartic and realistic.
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stevespookington · 2 years
have any fic recs?
I'm assuming you are here for steddie fics so here's some! also going to toss a link to my stranger thing fics on ao3 on here because ofc I rec my own lol
make this inn our own by @hexmionegranger (it's still a wip rn but it will be done in a couple of days!) a hallmark style winter fic based around steve inheriting an inn (or inn-heriting lol) I am literally obsessed with it
After a family secret threatens the upstanding Harrington name, Steve is forced to leave Hawkins right after highschool. Life carries on without him, The Party defeats Vecna and the gates close, and ten years pass. Then, Otis Harrington dies and leaves Steve the Carnation Inn. With Christmas fast approaching, business man Steve must return to Hawkins and fix it up to sell. But coming home comes with guilt, trauma, and grappling with his identity in the Harrington family, and the family secret that tore him away from the one person who may have understood what he was going through. Add in a dilapidated inn, a snarky handyman, a meddling gang of no-longer-kids, and a little bit of Christmas Magic, and everything Steve has fought so hard to build is suddenly threatening to crumble around him.
it's time to run by @maxinemaxmayfield a timeloop fic that is just so good!! (I still need to finish it, but it's such a great read that I'm dropping it here anyways i absolutely love the build up)
“–Can you hear me? Dustin! Earth to Dustin!” Steve jolts upright. Eddie’s voice, slightly distorted, coming through the walkie. Nancy’s voice answers, and Steve blinks, looking around. He’s in the Wheelers’ basement, folded awkwardly into a horribly uncomfortable chair with wooden armrests. Lucas and Dustin are snoring nearby, and there’s the sound of soft voices and the clatter of cutlery from upstairs. He’s been here before.
Been Waiting For Someone New To Make Me Feel Alive by @tabbytabbytabby the kids parent trap them and it's very cute with some misunderstandings for some mild angst with happy ending would definitely recommend
As Steve tries to work through his growing feelings for Eddie, Dustin hatches a plan to try to get the two of them together.
from this moment on by @hotcocoaharrington very cute established relationship and proposal fic it's oh so soft
Steve bought the ring a year after they started dating. It was too soon, way too soon, even if everything they’d been through made it feel like they’d known each other, like they’d been in each other’s corners for forever. One year was entirely too early to be putting marriage on the table, especially when they were still so young. Not to mention, Steve knew that Eddie had a rocky relationship with the concept thanks to his parents, and, truth be told, so did Steve. But none of that really mattered. Because Steve was that in love. He was that sure of them. So he bought the ring. Without hesitation. And he held onto it, for all this time. He’d had a gut feeling, back in 1988. And eight years later it’s still there. Still there and stronger than ever.
and since I haven't been reading as much as usually do i'm also going to toss some from my marked for later list below the cut that I am looking forward to 👀
Paint Nights by AnnetheCatDetective
Steve is looking for something for Dustin, but when he walks into the game and hobby shop, he sees something he likes.
oh, I heard it through the grapevine by idontshaveforsher_yesyoudo
“It just doesn’t make sense why Mr. Harrington’s single! He’s nice, he’s funny, he’s hot for his age -“ “I overheard him threatening to smash Mr. Munson’s kneecaps in with a spiked bat the other day,” Paul says. “I’m telling you, he has a dark past.” or, not a single senior student at their high school can figure out what’s the deal with mr. harrington’s love life. maybe the answer is closer than they think.
Ring Ring (Why Don't You Give Me a Call?) by whatsthatfor
What was strange was when Harrington called. And called again, and then Eddie was calling him, and it just didn’t stop. Eddie and Steve fall in love over a series of phone calls.
In Eddie's Honour by literaldisneyprincess
Without thinking, he reaches down and slides his fingers over the indent made by the pen. Eddie must have pressed down harder than necessary, leaving a tactile mark as well as the visual one. Steve’s hit by the realisation that Eddie will never write his name again. Never write or draw, or even hold a pen again. Ever. For the first time in two weeks, he stops. He looks around his room, feeling lost, feeling alone and so achingly, horribly empty. Steve struggles with the grief left behind after Eddie's death and how he can move past it without forgetting.
but the fire is so delightful by 96tears
When Robin and Dustin back out of a trip to Steve’s grandparents’ cabin over Christmas break, Steve’s a little disappointed. But he can’t lie: the idea of spending the weekend alone with Eddie is pretty damn appealing. He’d been hoping to get Eddie away from the others, so he could finally tell him how he feels, and now he’s got the whole weekend to do it.
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joesalw · 9 months
First of all, I’m happy to learn that I’m not alone in my becoming anti TS journey. I realized it’s my love for her since I was 10 years old that made her special in my eyes. Now that the glasses made of childhood nostalgia are off, all I see is a mediocre artist who doesn’t deserve everything she has right now. There are far more talented artists that deserve the recognition and fame, but they don’t have Daddy’s money when they were starting out so 🤷🏽
Save for folklore and evermore, most of her lyrics are also meh. My Lit major friends were right when they said “lyricism? what lyricism?” 😂 it’s embarrassing to see swifties (me included back then) compare her to Shakespeare or Jane Austen lmaooo
Like a lot of other people on here, I became resentful of her this year because of her behavior to the point that I have her muted on Spotify and blocked in social media since the start of November. How she dealt with and treated Ana’s death just really rubbed me the wrong way, sorta like it’s a confirmation that she doesn’t care about BIPOC lives when her whole brand is her loving her fans so much and having a close relationship with them. BIPOC lives are relevant to her only insofar as ✨ diversity and equality ✨ and “no i’m not racist or a bigot i literally have [insert minority group here] friends” damage control are concerned. Watched videos of her LatAm shows and the difference of her energy/how she engaged with people was glaring. It’s embarrassing to see swifties defend her like besties go get some standards and make sure you get your money’s worth, lmao.
And of course, how she’s intentionally associating herself with known abusers and SA apologists. I guess #MeToo was just another era for her and now she’s over it.
I got tickets to her show early next year, but after giving it time (to see if it’s just a phase and I’d like her again eventually), I decided I don’t wanna watch her anymore. Ironic because I stayed during the events of 1989 and after, but it’s ultimately TS herself who made me hate her, lol. Spending $2,000 (includes flights, hotel, etc) over an objectively mediocre artist who’s starting to show her real colors now that she thinks she’s unstoppable is just not worth it. Glad I now see the light 🙆🏽
Anyways, would you know about Ticketmaster’s policy on transferring the e-tickets? I’m the account holder and they did confirm that I don’t have to be physically present for my friends I was supposed to go with to get in. (Ticket transfers via TM are not possible.) I just wanna sell my own ticket and get my money back. Thanks in advance!
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thunderroseses · 3 months
Neptune from the Royal Au (everything will be redone in digital art when I have more energy!)
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Neptune’s kingdom is known as the forever frozen kingdom, one forged from war and bloodshed from battles long gone, during the multiple wars they were under control of the Sun’s empire and any battle Sun got into so did they, meaning they very war torn for much of their history until the Great War that involved many of the Solar System kingdoms, Neptune was not welling to give up easily as they raised above all else to stay alive and keep their citizens safe.
Sun gave them their independence after this as they couldn’t keep their many colonies under control any long as Sun needed to focus on his own Kingdom.
Warmth is the upmost important as it is almost always snowing or cold out, so they wear multiple layers that keep them warm will also expressing their nation pride, on Neptune’s coat you can see their nation flower that is royal purple and fish, as they have a booming fishing industry (more on it later) underneath the coat is a pale white dress, to keep focus on the elaborate coat, it is light and flowing, as to make it easy to move and not weigh them down, the veil is to keep their head/ears warm and having a layer between her head and crown, as metal can get really cold.
For the braids it’s tradition from the start of their villages to have two braids with dark blue ribbons in their hair for the first daughter, while the other younger daughter wear light blue instead, it shows their maturity and wellness to serve their citizens and are passed down by their mother after they hit puberty, believing that is when they are mature enough to know the responsibility they are excepting by taking the ribbon, this is also a huge celebration that the girl are trained for since they were little.
Neptunes kingdom has a lot of bright colours to keep their moods up in the cold weather, it also help other find their way between towns in case of storm comes in. Even if it’s cold out everyone is pretty happy and friendly for those brave enough to visit despite the cold.
They are mostly known as a ice fishing nation, which is how they get most of their fish since the ice makes it hard to fish normally, they sell the freshest and best tasting fish on the market right next to Earth (something she is not happy about lol) if anyone is brave enough to visit it’s for the sea food :)
Neptune has memory loss after part of a castle collapsed onto her during the war, she was only six at the time and has a long lasting consequences because of it, those being memory loss/trouble and phantom pain that strikes up sometime leaving her bedridden.
Uranus parents are the cause of the castle collapse and while they didn’t mean to hurt such a small child, it was collateral from the war effort, Neptune’s parents were wary of Neptune hanging with Uranus (this is long after the war) but lighted after they saw how much it helped with Neptune’s memory problems as well as making Neptune more social then she was before. Now the parents are more friendly with each other, often going over to Uranus nation a few times a year (Uranus would go over to Neptune’s but had health problems which are also consequence from the war more on it in Uranus section)
Neptune is very close with Uranus and they try to keep in touch via mail, she is not as close to the other gas giants but is friendly with them.
She doesn’t really know the rocky planets, maybe when she was younger but can no longer remember anything about them, same with Sun even if she was their ruler for years
I’m probably going to post Uranus’ next, I’ve been really enjoying making up stories for all the different kingdoms and what their kingdoms would be like, if anyone else want so join in I’ll be happy to share it and talk with them to bounce ideas off each other!
Here’s so extra drawing I’ve made, mostly for the villagers outfits
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Different versions of the Riddler constantly making freudian slips when they are near their crush Y/N. Like they are hanging out and Y/N stops to smell a flower, and Eddie is just like, "I wish that was me...". But when Y/N turns around and asked what did he say he just blurts out. "I WISH YOU WERE STUNG BY A BEE."
"Gosh you are so lovely. I love you."
(You don't have to do this if you don't want to I just think it is a funny idea.) ^^
A/N: Aww this is such a super cute idea lol but I think some Riddlers will probably be suaver than that, but most of them would absolutely erupt into random blabberings cause that's easier to explain than his emotions lol
Riddlers x Reader - I Love You--Wait, what?
Arkhamverse Riddler:
You just had to be near him, and that frustrated him. He was frustrated that he got flustered around you. You made his brain stop thinking logically, and purely upon emotions, and he hated it. You constantly distract him with your laughs and smiles. 
The way your eyes genuinely lit up when watching him work. How you shared his enthusiasm whenever one of his machines or gadgets sprung to life. The way you looked at him with excitement and pride, the way no one has ever seen him. 
He was working on another one of his projects. You would look between his blueprints and back on the parts he was tinkering with. Trying to connect what you saw on the paper to what was physically there. 
Edward stopped moving his tools for a moment and just looked at you. 
“I adore you…”
“Come again, Eddie?” You looked up to face him. 
Edward froze. His hands tightened around his tools, wishing it was his neck instead. 
“Oh, uhh..er..I said I warned you, not to get too close. Sparks could fly and there’s no use you going blind!”
Dano Riddler:
Edward enjoyed seeing you, it started to become his favorite part of the day. It took you sometime, but you were able to get through his hard exterior and you two eventually became friends at work. Of course, it didn’t take long for the companionship to evolve into something more deeper and intimate for Ed. 
It was another boring business party. Edward will never understand why they make these things mandatory. He knew no one wanted him there just as much as he didn’t want to be there. 
“Eddie! Is that you?” 
He heard your voice over, and turned around to greet you, but he wasn’t prepared to actually see you. You were dressed to the nines in formal wear, it was the first time he’d seen you in anything but work attire. 
“Y-You look stunning…”
“What’d you say, Eddie?” You asked with a small smile. 
“I-uh-er-um..I-I was humming to myself, sorry..”
You giggled. “It’s okay, I’m glad I could catch you! You look handsome!” 
Edward gulped the growing frog in his throat. “Uh…oh, yes, um…thank you.” Someone shoot him now. 
Gotham Riddler:
Another tale of work friendship blossoming into something more. Edward appreciated you more than he could ever express in words. You actually listened to him, made an honest attempt at his riddles, he was overjoyed when you tried to tell some of your own (even though he knew the answers before you even finished them, but he was appreciative all the same). 
It didn’t take long for romantic feelings to start taking over. He wanted to ask you out so badly, tell you everything; how much you mean to him, how he appreciates you…
“Gosh, I love you…” He muttered. 
“I’m sorry, Eddie! I didn’t catch that!” 
His heart stopped and dropped to his stomach. He totally forgot you were right next to him at his desk, overlooking a new report for him. 
“NOTHING! Uh, uh...sorry I mean…I just said..that..uhh…I-I need you..your second opinion on this report…” 
“Smooth.” said the dominant personality that lingered dormant beneath his self conscious.
BTAS Riddler:
Even though Edward is now a well known criminal, he does still enjoy making toys and games, even if nobody gets to enjoy them. However, that is until he met you. You were one his associates at Baxter Toys, and yet somehow stayed in touch while he was in and out of Arkham. 
“Oh, Eddie…this is incredible!” You commented. You just solved his new renditions of an old puzzle box concept he developed. 
“You’re incredible.”
Ed’s eyes widened as he repeated what he said in his own head. “Oh, ah, um…I said thank you, you’re input is greatly appreciated.” 
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler:
He actually says things like that rather often, and expects you to take it as a joke and not sincere at all. The only way you’d know it was sincere is when he backtracks, because he didn’t expect you to hear him. 
“You’re pretty amazing…”
“What was that, Ed?” 
“Huh, what? I didn’t say anything, can you go back to bending over, please?” 
You rolled your eyes and instead walked out of the room, barely hearing Ed let out a “hey!” as the door closed on him. Proud prick.
Twojar Riddler: 
He doesn’t see the reason to say anything unless he’s going to be heard. When he tells you something he expects you to hear it. 
“I know I don’t say it often…but I hope you know..” He’s cupped your chin in his hand and made you look up into his eyes. “I am absolutely enamored with you…”
“W-Wait what?”
“You heard me.”
Gotham City Sirens Riddler: 
One time, he was in his office just organizing some case files in his cabinets. You decided to take the opportunity to also do some spring cleaning around your office space as well. Plus you enjoyed spending time with Eddie. He liked reminiscing on old cases with you or cases he took in your absence. 
When the scenario in question started, he was recounting a time your assistance really came in handy. 
“I remember that,” he smiled fondly at the memory. “You are so brilliant..”
“Sorry, didn’t catch that! What did you say?”
“Oh, um, uh…I was just thinking…” His brain rattled to try and say something, until he realized. There was nothing to worry about what he said, because what he said is true.
“I was just thinking about how brilliant you are, I’m lucky to have you on my team.”
Young Justice Riddler:
You two were on another recon mission for The Light. You were sitting beside Edward on the jet flight to your next destination. You were staring out the nearby window, with a contented smile on your face. 
He hoped you didn’t notice how he stared at you, yearningly. The way the soft light of the setting sun made your face glow more radiant than before. It made you look ethereal. 
If heart eyes existed, he would have them right about now. 
“Gosh…you’re so gorgeous…I love you..”
“Huh, did you say something, Ed?” 
Telltale Riddler:
He’s sorta like twojar. Whenever he speaks, he expects to be heard, if he didn’t want anyone to hear he wouldn’t have said it in the first place. Not to mention it’s hard to get a compliment or any sort of affirmation, but on the rare chance he does, he won’t hesitate to manipulate you to think you didn’t hear anything. 
He hummed pleased at the new outfit you were wearing. “You look radiant..”
“Hm?” You turned around to face him.
“Oh, nothing, dear. Don’t you fret.”
Gaslighting prick. 
Hush (DCAU) Riddler: 
You were one of the few hench-people he hired on that he could genuinely trust. You always had his back when it came to physical altercations with the Batman. You could keep a secret if he was weary of a traitor in his gang. He also had a massive crush on you as a result of this. 
He watched you as you went through a basic work out regiment. Edward felt like an absolute schoolboy the way his cheeks were dusted a rosy pink and he found himself occasionally gasping for air. 
“You’re incredible, God I love you..”
“Sorry, Eddie.” You slipped off the earbuds you had in your ear. “Did you want to tell me something?” 
“NO-N-NOTHING..no..nothing at all…ehh er..sorry, I-I’ll leave you be.” He did leave you with his tail in between his legs and him kicking himself mentally, whereas you were just left confused.
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thefreaksrunthisshow · 11 months
Saw your request for NPMD prompts, so here's a concept that's been nagging at me. Post-Max, Pete (to Steph who has complicated feeling about her late father) "You say that shooting me makes you no better than your father, but..."
Fucking Pizza
Peter Spankoffski x Stephanie Lauter
A/N: Thank you so much for sending me this request! It’s short and the title is a bit weird but trust me just read it and it makes sense lol. But anyway I had so much fun writing this and I hope you enjoy it and that I did it justice! 😊
Warnings: language, bit of angst but mostly fluff, AU where Pete and Steph get tf out of Hatchetfield
“Steph,” Peter started, his voice unsure and high-pitched. He didn’t know how to approach the subject or even what to say but he had to say something. Stephanie was more distant lately than usual and he couldn’t really blame her. They’d lost two friends, his brother, and her father as well. They were doing the best they could with their fucked up lives seemingly falling apart at the seams. The only good thing that had come out of all of it was the comfort they had found in each other. He was hoping to put it all behind them and move on together.
“I don’t want to hear it, Pete! Can’t we just forget about it!” Stephanie huffed. “Just eat your fucking pizza, goddamn it!” she slurred through a mouthful of her own fucking pizza, pepperoni to be exact. Pete had to eat that horrid abomination — pineapple pizza and she refused to try it. It was sacrilegious to the pizza gods to even think about adding fruit to their holy concoction.
He sighed and chewed his fucking pizza. It was tasteless and bland, a cheap one from the convenience store down the road, but it fulfilled the job of filling their stomachs and providing a cheap date night which was something they rarely got to do. Between all the shit they’d been through with undead Max, the Lords in Black, and all the other weird things going on in Hatchetfield they got as far away as they could as soon as they graduated high school.
Pete was enrolled in a good university studying to be… something. He still had no idea who he was or what he wanted out of life, but he was slowly figuring it out. And Stephanie? She never was one for school but she’d found something she could do and that was art. She focused all her feelings, attention, and time on creating. It’d been her outlet to process all they’d been through and she’d managed to sell a few pieces so far. Between the occasional artwork sold and Pete’s part-time job at the university library, they made it work. Things were hard, but at least they had each other.
“You can talk to me about it, Steph. Please, I’m here for you.” He moved closer to her on the tiny second hand couch and grasped her hand, catching a whiff of stale cat piss and cigarettes. They’d found the couch on the side of the road and even though it had been cleaned to the best of their ability it still slightly smelled no matter how much they scrubbed it. It was tacky, red and green plaid with yellow swirls, but much like everything else they owned it was functional, at least for the time being. Finding a new couch was at the top of his to do list and he’d sneakily been checking thrift stores trying to find one for some time now to surprise Stephanie with. So far he’d had no luck.
“You’ll never understand,” she sighed. “For god's sake, I pulled the trigger! If not for that undead bastard you would be dead! I shot you and that’s exactly what those sneaky Lords in Black wanted! They played us and… and I’m just like my father!” she cried, her facade finally breaking, tears flowing down her cheeks.
“You say that shooting me makes you no better than your father, but… it actually makes you better,” he said finally.
“What on earth could that possibly mean, Pete? How does shooting you make me better than him? It surely seems like something he would do.”
He knew his next words were of the utmost importance but how could he say what he truly meant when the thoughts wouldn’t form coherent sentences? They tumbled in his now empty brain, bouncing around like a game of pin-ball. At last the ball fell through the gap but with it came the clarity to communicate what he needed.
“Your father… He did everything for power, to further himself, right? What did you have to gain from shooting me? Did you do it for power? No, you and the rest of the world would get to go on and yet you would have gone every day full of regret. Why live with that same regret when I’m alive and sitting here beside you?”
“That’s not — ”
“No,” he interrupted. “I’m being fucking serious. Why put yourself through that when I lived? Steph, I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
“Pete, please stop.”
“No, I…I love you,” Pete confessed. It was the first time he’d actually said those words out loud to her. Before now, he’d been too scared, too worried that she wouldn’t say it back but at this very moment he didn’t care about that anymore and he meant every syllable of those three words with every fiber of his being. “You need to know that, okay? I fucking love you and I hate to see you put yourself through all this torture when we both lived! We got out of there all that is in the past now!”
Stephanie sighed and collapsed into his arms. “You ass,” she sniffled. “I love you too, you know.”
“I know,” he replied, kissing the top of her head. “Now let’s finish our fucking pizza or it’s gonna get cold.”
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yellowjacketsfashion · 5 months
:) what you do is honestly so impressive, can i ask what your strategy is or some of the steps u take (bc im curious, not asking for an extensive tutorial or anything lol)
Thanks, I try my best! :)
For the most part I use Google’s image search to find items (though Pinterest and Ebay have similar programs that do the same kind of thing). I usually start with a good photo of the item I’m looking for, in this scenario I’m going to use tomorrow’s item as an example.
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In this instance we’re looking for Lottie’s pink sweater (Top Left Image). I then click the camera icon and crop the image down to what I’m looking for (pink sweater).
The search will give me results and I look through them to find a similar item (bottom left image shows examples). In this instance, the sweater is really distinct and so it’s not that difficult to point out. The bottom right image shows that I’ve found it on ebay. From there I’d save the original image of Lottie wearing the sweater and a screen shot of the found item and crop them both to be square photos for my post. I’d copy down the found item name and add that underneath the photos on my post before putting it in my queue!
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Sometimes items aren’t as easy to find (usually because I can’t find a good picture) and so I have to resort to typing out descriptions of the item. If I was doing that for Lottie’s sweater I’d probably say “pink houndstooth striped sweater” and hope it comes up in the results.
If it doesn’t I usually add what I call “mall stores” to the end of the search to help find it (so like Zara, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, etc.) I’ve found that at least for the younger cast, items are mostly from stores like that and depending on what the item is, I can usually narrow it down based on the clothes these stores usually carry. What I like so much about the Wildreness wardrobes though is that because they needed multiples, pretty much all the clothes are modern and so I don’t have to look for vintage (which would make this whole thing significantly more time consuming). The older cast is a little harder to find stuff for because as a younger person I’ve usually never heard of the stores their stuff is from or I haven’t shopped there to know what they sell. I know some of the adults also wear vintage clothes and that can also make it harder to find an exact match (though they did use a lot of vintage in the Pilot for the pre-crash scenes apparently).
Some of the hardest items to find are usually flannels and striped shirts (which Yellowjackets has no lack of) due to the colors and patterns being difficult to pick up in the Google searches. Though, because they’re patterned they are usually easier for me to visually identify when I find them. Solid color items are harder because they could literally be from anywhere (this is why I have like no Travis finds). Plus, because I’m looking for items the costume department bought years ago, I’m usually at the whim of people reselling their old clothes online. Over all though, for some reason Adult Taissa’s clothes have been the easiest to find? I think it’s because they’re pretty much all designer and there’s more monetary value in reselling those rather than a forever 21 t-shirt you bought 2-3 years ago.
Besides my own finds I also repost other people’s finds or listings from sites like Spottern and Shopyourtv.com to help add to the content I publish on here. I find those posts to be good filler and helpful for me because it usually makes up for my lack of Adult Yellowjackets items.
In addition, I read/listen to interviews with people like the costume designer because they’re really insightful and usually provide inside information that can help me find items (or give me fun facts).
I know you didn’t want a tutorial but looking back I think I kind of gave you one. I think i covered everything but let me know if you have any other questions! I’d be happy to answer! Either way, I hope you found my process interesting! :)
(Edit to say that Laura Lee is hands down the hardest person to find stuff for because all the clothes are modest and I kind of think the costume department didn’t get them from the stores everyone else got clothes from. Idk though but that’s just my thought.)
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