#I’m a bad master
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happypeachsludgeflower · 7 months ago
If I had a nickel for every time a danmei had a good white/light green character with an “evil” dark color/red character as their husband, I would have— a lot of damn nickels. Why does this keep happening??
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meltedmush · 9 months ago
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I was on a novel binge the past 2 weeks,,,
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strpw · 2 days ago
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starlightwayfinder · 1 month ago
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important distinction
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divorceblogger · 1 month ago
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the vampire companion, anne rice & katherine ramsland
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thefearfulheart · 4 months ago
I offer another clownbo au to the clownbo people again
God Evbo keeps restarting the timeline because something ends up happening to Void that ends up with him dying each time and it breaks Evbo every time it happens.
So he thinks that if he can restart the timeline again that he’ll be able to fix it, that he can stop it before it happens so he does it and he’s back at square one as a noob but with the power of a god at his fingertips and he races back to the top and his first meeting with Void. Relief washes over him as he sees him and he ends up hugging a confused Void who has no idea what’s going but assumes that Evbo is just happy that he didn’t die in general.
Everything goes as it did in the original timeline and it’s great! Evbo even ends up solving things way quicker and getting it all done so much faster than beforehand! The only thing that really threw him off is when during when they went through the hidden level again that when he met the Parkour Villain it ended up with the guy looking at him for an uncomfortable amount of time before actually getting out of his prison and just saying:
“So we meet again.”
Which confuses Evbo and he doesn’t even notice that Seawatt ends up swiping his diamond boots again while he doesn’t notice and giving them to the Villain.
But he ignores it and goes to find him again and defeat the villain.
And he wins.
Then everything is good and great for awhile…Void is alive and breathing and smiling and-
And then he dies.
So evbo tries again.
Because he failed Void, so he needs to try again for him.
So he starts again and climbs his way to the top to see Void again and then continues on towards to meeting the Villain but this time no words are exchanged.
Everything proceeds as normal until the final parkour race between them…and the course has changed.
But Evbo pushes it back and defeats the Villain again.
And everything is good again.
But Void dies and he restarts the timeline to save him.
And again and again. A rinse and repeat cycle that always end with Void dying and begins with Evbo restarting as the villain, perhaps tiredly, stays silent the entire time as it goes through with the only variations being changes to the end parkour course.
It’s a maddening cycle and Evbo feels his sanity slipping bit by bit.
Maybe in the 50th loop or so the villain finally snaps and grabs Evbo by the shoulders with such a rage that it surprises the god.
“Is this some divine punishment of yours that you crafted for me?” The villain would say as his fingers dig into the other’s skin. “To know that I will never win against you…that no matter how hard I try to defeat you that it is just a laughable joke in the end!”
“W-what?” Evbo is just…surprised even though it makes a lot more sense on why the villain changed over time or that the course he beats him in changes. “N-no! How?-“
“How many times have I seen your face? How many times have I died by your hands…”
And the villain just throws him onto the ground with barely hidden anger as Evbo scrambles to…apologies? He doesn’t know.
He didn’t know that someone else…he didn’t know. He doesn’t know what to say.
So he just restarts the timeline and runs away from it as guilt crawls its way to his heart.
But he doesn’t stop it. He’s already gone to far and it’s fine…it’s just a fluke right?
It can’t happen again.
But the next time the villain sees him and, the minute he gets down from his prison, he jumps on top of him and goes to punch him before Evbo restarts the timeline with the realisation that no…it wasn’t a fluke. That it definitely did happen and it now makes everything so much more worse.
It makes him want to vomit.
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jo-the-cosmic-being · 5 months ago
I’m not judging anyone’s art style/preference or anything BUT
I just don’t get it why people assume Jay is a skinny twink, really short and shy.
Like… girl…
He’s a ninja, he can do really cool shit, he literally lifted and threw Nya away once with no effort and I know it’s cartoon physics and all but still!
And also, he randomly winks at people and stuff he is not shy or at least mostly not
He’s like really cool. He got a girlfriend he is master of lightning, he is blue, and looks great in a suit.
Besides he’s a yellow plastic guy
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catparty41 · 4 months ago
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some emf doodles cus I can’t get the idea of him in a tank top out of my head 😔
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m0liku-mori · 1 year ago
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Lil silly splatmas drawing so you guys know I’m alive umm
(Artblock and burn-out had me hard btw)
Also a variant without text
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And bonus <3
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(The lil guys are going to take over the world >:))
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coulsandies · 2 months ago
Song Lan to Xiao Xingchen:
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LMFAAAAO song lan says it as a joke and xiao xingchen doesn’t realize and is like “wait i need to call my psychologist to check :(“
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fienyx · 1 year ago
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I think they would smoke weed together
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totallyradicalmucky · 9 months ago
This looks so awful. But I wanted to make something like this kind of? A tiny compilation ig.
They’re such a family. I love their dynamic. The aqua teen hunger fam. ATHFamily.
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spiderpupware · 7 months ago
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the-worms-in-your-bones · 2 years ago
No other doctor who ship will ever live up to thoschei in my mind. Like they love each other, they hate each other, they’ve been friends since their first day at the academy, they are each others worst (best) enemies, they’ve killed for each other and they’ve killed each other, they’ve each offered the other the universe in their own way, they’re the last two left, the universe never has been and never will be big enough for the two of them, they know each other better than anyone else ever has or probably ever will. Do you get what I’m trying to say here
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redshoes-blues · 9 months ago
I’m so ill over Osha and Sol’s dynamic two episodes in, like master and padawan dynamics always kill me, but these two are living rent free in my mind. Their compassion for each other’s emotions and hardships, all of these years later. How they both worry they failed the other (“I wasn’t a very good student” and “perhaps I wasn’t a very good teacher”). The way he looks at her with such fondness and care and the way that she falls right back into her trust in him. Sol saying “I believe you” even when all of the evidence is stacked against her and she’s literally backed into a corner. And he isn’t just saying it, he genuinely does believe in her. She’s his daughter through and through and they’re breaking my heart.
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happi-dreams · 5 months ago
so me and my sister just rewatched both the lego movies and we have just been yapping to each-other ever since and i really need to talk about emmet as a autistic character and the movies in general because GOD—
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Emmet autism power time wao
In the beginning of the first movie, Emmet is the only person we see who consistently refers to the instructions and carries it around throughout his day — kinda being a ‘script’ that other autistic people use to fit in with others or use with social situations except instead of being internalised rules it’s a *literal* instruction book (which he has many of). This being a representation of the expectations that society expects of him and the unspoken rules he needs to follow; he’s been essentially wearing a mask throughout his whole life in an attempt to fit in, but even then his peers still see him as different due to them not following the instructions as closely as he does, causing a disconnect that Emmet couldn’t know about because he assumed everyone is doing the same as him.
But by the end of the first movie, Emmet realises that he can be himself and can focus on what makes him, *him*!! Rather than constantly following what others expects of him, he unlocks the ability to master-build and uses it for specifically things that interest him and what he wants (e.g the construction robot and the double decker couch!).
This lead into the beginning of the second movie, after 5 years Emmet is now living by his own life by his own rules, he still follows instructions but this time he makes it himself! He knows that routine and it makes him the most comfortable so he continues to do it but by his own terms. (akin to how autistic people (me) use specific routines and plans to make their day to day easier).
He’s also shown to be the only person who’s appearance hasn’t changed at all, still sticking to his optimistic demeanour because it’s an integral part of his identity as a person and by not conforming to the expectations of society he’s in, he’s being himself and valuing what makes him unique — building things that are specific to solely him.
In the Christmas tree short he’s the head of the construction crew sequence team, in the movie he builds a comfortable home with all of his interests and personality stuffed inside! But it is immediately disregarded as ‘not serious’ and ‘too bright/clean/friendly’ and dangerous to society (dangerous to the views society wants him to conform to) — with that critique of his home then being an indirect critique of his character and who he is as a whole, that he cannot or should not be himself anymore, that he needs to change and be more serious, more mature, this evident key reignites the feelings of insecurity in Emmet that he should not need to feel again following the events of movie 1.
Considering Rex Dangervest as a character; this is a version of Emmet we see as who, after being stuck in a dryer and wallowing in feelings of betrayal and anger, conforms to what his old peers wanted from him, putting on another mask now of maturity. He changes his entire appearance, emphasising the change while also burying his past identity.
However, even though he’s being what others wanted of him, he’s still doing it for himself and to attempt to squash or bury the deep insecurity he now has. He’s learned that instructions aren’t needed anymore, which is yet another thing he has completely removed from his identity now and in an attempt to be as un-himself as possible, he lives his life impulsively and destructively — his entire crew being composed of raptors than people, reflecting his distrust of people and further separating himself from them, furthering his isolation in toe.
Rex is also a unreliable narrator, lying about his accomplishments and playing it up to further conform into this mask he has created and making himself seem much more special and interesting than what he may actually be, using this to push himself further away from who he used to be (quite similar to Lucy actually, but taken even further through him taking what everyone says about him literally).
But back to Emmet, when he meets Rex he is in a vulnerable point in his life both in situation and emotionally, he’s unsure of whether he should be himself or how others feel about him. He wants to be loved and known by others and not being ignored like he was in the beginning of the first movie, he’s clearly willing to change himself in order to achieve this goal even if it’s not good for him, Rex had (has) this same insecurity and feeds into this intentionally, encouraging Emmet to change himself and grow tougher and stronger mirroring what his peers used to do with him, showing a cycle of hurt that is caused because of those words and actions.
Emmet changes *insanely* quickly, learning the master-breaking ability immediately as opposed to Rex who likely needed years to perfect it, likely pushing most of his feelings deep down and even though he’s accepted more of himself at the beginning of the second movie, his whole life before then was constant repression and masking, the instructions he was given by society actively told him what to do and how to feel, how to answer others but he was never given an outlet for any negative emotions.
That many years of repression cannot be undone such a short time, but Rex gives him a destructive outlet to vent his emotions rather than a constructive one — furthering what Rex wants Emmet to be and what Rex sees as good now because of his own trauma, wishing to now better his past self and help him realise the ‘truth’ earlier than he did, both to help Emmet but also protect him from what Rex had to go through but in the end hurting Emmet anyways.
In conclusion,
Emmet is uber duper autistic and he should be able to get a therapist and also be silly *drops mic*
I have more I wanna yap about but imma give myself a lil break cause i have like, a whole talk about the second movie plus a rewrite of the entire dryer bit plus fun things but ye
But i really hope this sounded good !! if you have literally anything to add or rebuttal please let me know! :D
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