aofikofi · 2 days
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emf is working really hard !!!
the command block looks so silly ijbol
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teeniecherrie · 2 days
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this was how this scene went right??
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starbound-jupiter · 3 days
thinking about how EMF was always going to be Evbo's successor, whether he became a god or not. When he was going to jump off the bridge, Evbo was fully prepared to hand his position over to EMF (despite EMF being consisently kinda pathetic) before he knew he was going to become a god. EMF wasn't someone hastily shoved into the vacancy left behind after evbo's ascent. He was the only one Evbo really trusted in the first place.
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courier-roku · 1 day
Mavbo cuddles perchance(?)thank you🙏
Even the hero needs a break
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(There is like two Mavbo cuddles request, so I'm making the first one Parkciv 1 version instead)
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no1-emf-fan · 1 day
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lilacdrinkssss · 17 hours
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i love them a normal amount
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venusinta · 7 hours
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his champion & his god
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itsmepaupao · 12 hours
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"Just make sure you'll get better at 360s while I'm gone"
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charlotte-queen-owl · 12 hours
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Y'all wouldn't BELIEEEVE me if I told you which one of these losers is God and God's little Champion.
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rollistanz · 2 days
here in parkour civilization, no one jumps for the polycule
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communistcatboi · 2 days
More Mavbo art!!! They are too sweet not to draw :)
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Timelapse and stuff under the cut once again :)
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Also here’s the background of the last one without the characters on it, incase anyone wants a plain parkour civ wallpaper:
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mavbo-side-blog · 3 days
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ran out of space for the feet. just imagine they are there.
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ardbar · 3 days
I think the concept of personal space in parkour civilization is different compared to the regular world.
People here have at least one block distance from eachother and even bigger of other levels. Everyone stays on their own block and don't dare to jump on a block person occupying. Mostly because because you just risk to fall off ot with that person, but if you do happen to share this space with someone intentionally it meens something special.
Sharing an already small space with another person? Risking to fall on to the lower parkour lever or even straight into the abyss? That meens you trust them, know that they won't betray you and push you off the block, that they will be careful to not jump straight on you and not fall into your demise. And this person trusting you to give them enough space, that you will catch them if they tip over the edge.
But the highest form of showing trust and connection here is probably jumping together on one block in sync, especially if you're doing it fast and without much effort. When to people move like a man and their shadow, not hesitating in their jump and being able to change direction without any delay on anyone's part - that takes skill and time. Time that they spend together, skill that they grew together.
It wouldn't be surprising if Parkour God and His Champion would also to do that, considering how devoted they are to eachother and ready to risk everything just to be always by their side
Bro why are you wasting talent like on my inbox; you belong on ao3, stuff like this would do numbers there lol
As I tend to do I am going to analyze this and give my take; I am going to break this down point by point. First when we come to your idea of personal space being different in Parkour Civilization, I think that is a super fascinating idea. In their world one wrong jump at least if you are a pro or a noob spells death, before evbo took over. As you said this would explain people having a different idea of personal space, the more room you have from other people gives you a more controlled environment for making jumps. Also while not a directly violent society it is shown that people don't view death the same way; they will kill you in a parkour battle if they need to or you refuse to surrender. This idea then can very easily be grafted onto people wouldn't have many reservation of pushing you into the void if it means they get to live; kind of like when people are ice skating and they start to fall so they grab the people around them, stabilizing themselves but causing others to fall. All of these points would imply or at least lend credence to personal space being a much bigger deal in their world; however, there is one thing this argument is neglecting there are places in the world without parkour.
In this universe the outside world is a majority parkour, this is of course reflected in other parks of their society with things like transactions being parkour and in the architecture. However on the note of architecture while parkour is incorporated there are still large area's with zero jumps. This raises an interesting issue. While outside people want as much space as possible, so would this also be reflected while inside where jumps aren't as plentiful? Would people let down their barriers if they think they are safe, or does life harden them to never trust the people around them even when they don't pose a threat? Honestly I don't have an answer to this that satisfies me; I don't know enough about behaviors or habits and how they form to give a well informed answer. One would assume that when you are almost always in a situation of life or death a moment of peace wouldn't make you drop you walls, however the people in this world don't act normally.
Evbo for example loves parkour, everyone does, and death is seen as not really something that is important even back when it was permeant. So would these people view this as a life or death situation or just another day? I think a parallel to real life would be driving, by all measures it is very dangerous but a huge number of people do it everyday; every time someone steps behind the wheel of a car their chances of dying that day skyrocket but we don't care. This might also be the way people in their world view doing jumps. Of course its dangerous but its life and they don't know anything different than it. Of couse when we drive we follow rules, more or less. I could see this being the same as traveling with parkour there are rules you follow but once you get to solid ground then you can relax. This is all to say that while personal space is important outside, once inside it becomes more akin to how we view it. I feel like i've bled this point dry so I'll move onto another thing you brought up which was doing parkour simultaneously or on the same block.
Even if doing parkour is just a common task to these people I still think they would see doing it on the same blocks as someone a very personal thing. If I once again make a parallel to the real world and automobiles this might be something similar to riding on a motorcycle. It is a much more dangerous thing to do and requires close contact, if you have any sense you would need to have a huge amount of trust in the person you are doing it with because if either of you screw up it could mean certain death. As a certified Mavbo shipper I of course think this would translate into their relationship. However, I'm going to take it a step further.
I don't think EMF would fear doing any jumps. His best friend, his love, is the god of parkour. He is loved by the very concept, so would he ever be hurt by it? Would he believe that Evbo would never let his domain bring harm to him, even if he makes a mistake does he have complete faith in his god to make it okay? I would think so. I think this is especially true when we consider the type of person Evbo is. He is someone that does dangrous insane things knowing the risks but has faith that he will succeeded. Seeing this same philosophy being practiced by his most devote, I don't think he would let that trust in him, in his idea be misplaced.
While I do have more to say on this topic I have to return to doing work. My books on arbitration law wont read themselves, sadly. I hope this was an adequate response. Also I was being serious earlier assume you are the same person as all of the other askes your writing has a lot of emotion in it and is very compelling. I could def see it doing very well in fanfic spaces, but you do you.
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starbound-jupiter · 3 days
Hear me out.
Seawatt and EMF were in a relationship in the beginning, or before the beginning, of the series. By the end of the Second Movie, they both (obviously) have crushes of Evbo.
Seawatt gets brought back.
This is the first time that EMF and Seawatt have actually, really, talked since they broke up (EMF sending Evbo to Seawatt's lab was kind of petty break up stuff). No, when EMF was held hostage doesn't count, for the purposes of the story, we're saying they didn't really talk, just stood at an impasse vaguely glaring.
Evbo has, unknowingly entered relationships with both of them (Noob level doesn't teach you shit about relationships), so it's a lot of awkward tension, but it's endgame Polykour.
either way. i’m cackling, this is the best thing i’ve read all day 😭😭
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courier-roku · 1 day
Update- I made Evbo, so now Its Mavbo
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I'd argue seawatt/emf is yuri
in parkour civilisation, mavbo is in fact yuri
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