thefearfulheart · 2 hours ago
I offer another clownbo au to the clownbo people again
God Evbo keeps restarting the timeline because something ends up happening to Void that ends up with him dying each time and it breaks Evbo every time it happens.
So he thinks that if he can restart the timeline again that he’ll be able to fix it, that he can stop it before it happens so he does it and he’s back at square one as a noob but with the power of a god at his fingertips and he races back to the top and his first meeting with Void. Relief washes over him as he sees him and he ends up hugging a confused Void who has no idea what’s going but assumes that Evbo is just happy that he didn’t die in general.
Everything goes as it did in the original timeline and it’s great! Evbo even ends up solving things way quicker and getting it all done so much faster than beforehand! The only thing that really threw him off is when during when they went through the hidden level again that when he met the Parkour Villain it ended up with the guy looking at him for an uncomfortable amount of time before actually getting out of his prison and just saying:
“So we meet again.”
Which confuses Evbo and he doesn’t even notice that Seawatt ends up swiping his diamond boots again while he doesn’t notice and giving them to the Villain.
But he ignores it and goes to find him again and defeat the villain.
And he wins.
Then everything is good and great for awhile…Void is alive and breathing and smiling and-
And then he dies.
So evbo tries again.
Because he failed Void, so he needs to try again for him.
So he starts again and climbs his way to the top to see Void again and then continues on towards to meeting the Villain but this time no words are exchanged.
Everything proceeds as normal until the final parkour race between them…and the course has changed.
But Evbo pushes it back and defeats the Villain again.
And everything is good again.
But Void dies and he restarts the timeline to save him.
And again and again. A rinse and repeat cycle that always end with Void dying and begins with Evbo restarting as the villain, perhaps tiredly, stays silent the entire time as it goes through with the only variations being changes to the end parkour course.
It’s a maddening cycle and Evbo feels his sanity slipping bit by bit.
Maybe in the 50th loop or so the villain finally snaps and grabs Evbo by the shoulders with such a rage that it surprises the god.
“Is this some divine punishment of yours that you crafted for me?” The villain would say as his fingers dig into the other’s skin. “To know that I will never win against you…that no matter how hard I try to defeat you that it is just a laughable joke in the end!”
“W-what?” Evbo is just…surprised even though it makes a lot more sense on why the villain changed over time or that the course he beats him in changes. “N-no! How?-“
“How many times have I seen your face? How many times have I died by your hands…”
And the villain just throws him onto the ground with barely hidden anger as Evbo scrambles to…apologies? He doesn’t know.
He didn’t know that someone else…he didn’t know. He doesn’t know what to say.
So he just restarts the timeline and runs away from it as guilt crawls its way to his heart.
But he doesn’t stop it. He’s already gone to far and it’s fine…it’s just a fluke right?
It can’t happen again.
But the next time the villain sees him and, the minute he gets down from his prison, he jumps on top of him and goes to punch him before Evbo restarts the timeline with the realisation that no…it wasn’t a fluke. That it definitely did happen and it now makes everything so much more worse.
It makes him want to vomit.
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learnelle · 1 month ago
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Autumn is here ! 🍂 Currently sick in bed with a cup of tea, looking at pictures I took recently and praying that I’ll get better before my Saturday morning flight to Ireland 🤧
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paroroland · 16 days ago
dude man bro
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dissentersrising · 11 months ago
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i keep clicking “preview skin” knowing full well i only have two sandsurges
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rubindraws · 6 months ago
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Wafuri doodling after [looks at smudged notes] two months at least
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awkwardandeccentric · 4 months ago
Part of the reason why I kin Stolas so much is because my own father survived two different domesticly abusive relationships.
So, now that that’s out of the way.
Octavia sees her mother abusing Stolas but mentally puts them both on equal footing. “Are you two done screaming at each other for the day?” and “Why does he hate her more than he loves me?”
She doesn’t know that he’s spent the last 17-18 years taking physical, emotional, and psychological abuse to give Octavia a “normal life” (I really hope Octavia never finds out she was conceived via rape. I don’t think Stolas will ever tell her because that would shatter her). She doesn’t know about his severe drinking problem that he uses to not feel all the misery. I don’t know if she knows about the SSRIs but considering how much Stolas keeps secret, she most likely doesn’t.
Octavia right now is angry with her father because, in her mind, her dad and mother loved each other and then her dad did a completely 180 by cheating with an imp and then firing back at all of Stella’s verbal assaults with no rhyme or reason. She is also going through trauma and that deserves to be acknowledged.
The thing about escaping domestic violence is your kid will never not be traumatized by it. If you stay, they’re traumatized by the abuser. If you leave, they’re traumatized by the sudden loss of stability, even if that stability was toxic and terrible. The best you can do is hope to mitigate the damage (but please if you have any doubts on whether to stay in an abusive relationship, the answer is always ‘no.’ Leave while you’re still alive).
I am not and will never victim blame Stolas. Escaping domestic violence is already as hard as swimming from the Pacific to the Atlantic without a life vest. I don’t blame him for not knowing this isn’t normal and that he deserves better. I don’t blame him for not wanting to leave Octavia without a mother (even if the mother is evil incarnate). I don’t blame him for 17-18 years of his survival mode working on overdrive and him not being able to see ahead how not kicking Stella to the curb the millisecond the egg was laid could damage his child down the line. I don’t blame him for putting his whole reason for not kill himself on Octavia, as unhealthy as that dynamic is.
But I also hope Octavia gets to a place where she doesn’t hate him for all this. Stolas can be selfish, but this isn’t one of those times. He found a lifeline in the form of a stupid red lizard (affectionate) and he’s gripping as hard as he can because he’s going to drown if he doesn’t. And to be honest? Taking some of that toxic energy off Octavia is a good thing. It’s not fair for her to be his sole reason for not killing himself. Again, don’t blame him for it- my birb husband has been tredding water for 17-18 years and needed some lifeline, any lifeline- but that doesn’t make it healthy.
I don’t want Octavia to know every dirty detail of her parents’ relationship. But I hope she finds healing in the knowledge that her father loves her more than all the rings of Hell combined and he’s spent 17-18 years trying to make it to the next morning just to make sure she’s okay. I hope she knows that he will protect her in the way he was never protected.
Great now I’m crying I have to call my dad.
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banannabethchase · 4 months ago
My mom is downstairs watching the presidential debates, and I watched 3 minutes. My heart rate spiked to 137 and I feel a panic attack threatening.
I didn't talk a lot about this during the 2018 or 2020 elections, because I was still recovering from my dad's death and a lot of different huge life changes. But in 2018, one of my students came into my classroom and I knew something was off. After the assistance of an interpreter, a phone call to his mother revealed that he had watched his father the night before be taken from his home because he was suspected of being undocumented. This child was in first grade. We didn't know what to tell him. Mom asked us for advice and we didn't have any.
During the 45 presidency, I had many students ask when "they" were coming to get their parent. I had students ask me not to speak Spanish, because they were afraid that if they were heard speaking Spanish in front of the school somebody would hurt them. I have multiple intellectually disabled students, multiple physically disabled students, and I didn't know how to tell them that the person that the president put in charge was willing and interested in pulling away their educational rights. Not to mention my students who have any variation of a palsy watching videos of 45 mocking them on television.
I don't like Biden. I think there's a lot of things he's doing wrong and a lot of things he can do better. However, there's a lot of stuff he's done right. Not enough, but some. Voting for 45 is bringing back trauma into the lives of very young children who aren't old enough to understand it. It's enforcing laws on bodies. It's enforcing laws on identity. And it's absolving those who have committed actual violent crimes, because you cannot tell me that somebody becomes a billionaire without hurting others, to the degree of reducing their taxes.
Not voting is a mistake. Not voting is a privilege. Unfortunately the reality is we have two shitty options. One is a failing grade at a 50%, and the other is a failing grade at 0%. As a teacher, I know full well that you can recover from a 50% in the grade book, but you can never recover from a 0%.
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sewingpatches · 14 days ago
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Gang is all here
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olessan-lokenosse · 5 months ago
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lady-of-the-upside-down · 4 months ago
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Commissioned this at an artist alley earlier today! 🤍
Their instagram: passioninspite
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unhealthy-leon-brainrot · 1 year ago
be my valentine 💝
audio xmythical on sc
scenes leonsfilms on ig
i come bearing a gift for my lovely friends <3 @uhlunaro @starwritesstuff @so-mordor-itis @heavennights @yourgentlegirlfriend @cweampier @tosuckmyweenis 💐 i love u all always and so does leon 🫶
[the moment i rendered the edit and watched the entire thing, i smiled, broke down and cried lmao i love leon so much i just want to hold his hand. anyway, i hope this edit made you smile :)]
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rara-avis-fr · 1 year ago
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anyway hi guys check out my glados fandragon &lt;3
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tomswifty-fr · 5 months ago
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paroroland · 2 months ago
i have another self-indulgent kinitopet au smh
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they're not digital becos i'm experimenting with acrylic markers ✊️
i'm gonna drop the lore next time becos i wanna honk shoo now 💤
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loartacc · 8 months ago
Lo art time yet again
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Three lil flitts for ramora :) not gonna tag these guys with the rp specfic tag bc they are just art adopts lol.
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legofemme · 8 months ago
Hey . Yeah the modern and ancient breed separation is great. But i feel like there needs to be a larger discussion around the moderation clarification + policy update. "From the river to the sea" is not a political slogan what the fuck are they talking about. Linking a CLEARLY biased news article doesnt make something true
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