paroroland · 16 days ago
dude man bro
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continuallycowardlycod · 1 year ago
Ars Paradoxica school au but it's a high school where all the kids are obsessed with the drama in the science and maths block.
I have a rough outline for the first two arcs of the plot but don't know where to go from there.
Mr Partridge is the head of Maths, Mr Barlowe also works there too and both their wives are quite involved with the school for various reasons ( I haven't decided whether I actually want them working there or not yet).
Dr Grissom showed up and got immediately promoted to head of science, the rumours as to how vary between her bribing the headteacher or being a time traveling scientist with knowledge far ahead of the current time. Or maybye she's just good at her job.
Mr Wyatt works there too along side Ms Roberts, who's happy to finally be able to teach instead of constantly being on supply duty.
The school ends up getting shut down when some government guy shows up and one of the Chemistry teachers commits arson.
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clairewritesjjkxreader · 1 year ago
Yakuza x Cinderella AU Part 1 (Sukuna x Reader)
A/N: I listened to Sukuna’s Russian voice dub while writing this. Gave me some cool gangster vibes.
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Everyone would have understood if you shed the “Itadori” name after old man Wasuke passed away, and no one would have blamed you if you walked away from being Yuuji Itadori’s legal guardian. After all, you just started college, you didn’t need to be “burdened,” especially by a kid you weren’t even related to.
But there was no way you could leave eleven-year-old Yuuji alone. You grew up changing his diapers, taught him how to ride a bike, cleaned up his boo-boos, and threatened his bullies. 
He was your family.
Prioritizing your baby brother and his future above your own, you decided to bartender at a fancy but sleazy bar. Although the majority of patrons were assholes and the place was too far from your house and the university, the pay was better than most other part-time jobs so you sucked it up.
Between your job, mandatory onsite classes, group assignments with lazy jerks, and taking care of Yuuji and the house, you could never afford to sleep for more than three hours a day. 
But Yuuji was, of course, an angel. 
He didn’t like to show it, but you knew he missed gramps, and you often caught him biting his lip to suppress his whimpers and wiping his eyes with his back turned to you. He did his best to appear strong, but you wished he’d rely on you more. But the little tiger never stopped doing his chores and liked offering to do yours.
“I can’t get a part-time job yet so all I can do is take care of the house and everything else!” When he said that, you swore an arrow pierced your heart and you almost died from fluffiness. 
Seeing Yuji’s bright smile was the only thing that kept you going, especially after a long day at the bar.
That’s where you met Ryomen Sukuna. He was the single most irritating bastard you’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting. It wasn’t like he was a sleazebag per se–he was actually more of a silent, brooding type compared to the handsy, foul-mouthed drunkards you usually dealt with. At least, that was your first expression of him.
It was nine pm and your five minute break was almost over so you sent Yuji a good night text and a reminder to lock the doors and windows. You brushed your hair and went to your post behind the bar. 
This place was in the inner city, far from most schools, so it was rare to find college students here, but it was a Friday and the end of finals week so the place was jam-packed with depressed people. You didn’t mind. Actually, you preferred having a bar full of university kids over a bar full of working adults. You liked college students. They were… nicer, more polite and patient compared to their older counterparts, who were usually middle-aged career men and women whose dreams have been shattered by the real world. Your regulars were broken and pathetic, and they often liked making their problem yours. You’d “listen” to their ramblings, nod and pretend to care, when in reality their words just went in one ear and left straight out the other.
You didn’t like talking or socializing. You left that part up to the waitstaff and prepared the drinks as quietly as possible in order to avoid trouble.  
It was nearing one am, almost time for you to go home. You finished wiping the last piece of glassware when the store bell rang. You didn’t bother to even pretend to be polite this time and continued cleaning up, waiting for one of the waiters to tell the guest that the bar was already closed. But that didn’t happen. 
“The VIP room is a little unclean right now, so if you’re willing to wait–”
“What do you mean unclean? You should always keep it ready,” a cold, androgynous voice reprimanded.
You were annoyed. And a bit confused. You’ve been here for several weeks now and you just found out about this so-called VIP room. And up until now, the personnel here always shooed away all customers during closing. 
“It’s fine, Uraume,” a deep, husky voice interrupted. “I’m fine waiting here. Just get me my drink.”
You raised your eyes and saw a tall man in a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, bringing attention to his… big veiny hands and sinewy arms, lined with black tattoos. 
“O-of course!” Your boss clasped her hands together. “Please excuse me, I’ll get the sake ready in a bit.”
As if sensing your gaze, your tall, red-haired stranger turned his head, revealing a face also full of tattoos. You blushed but composed yourself and bowed in greeting. You refused to make eye contact again though, too embarrassed that you were caught ogling. He was more gorgeous than most idols and sports players that showed up on TV.
“On second thought, I think I’ll sit at the bar.”
Ah, crap. 
“Oh, um…!” Your boss fumbled towards you, putting a hand over your shoulder. “Th-this is Y/N. She’s new. Really new, I don’t think you’ve met yet.” It felt odd watching your usually calm and charming boss act like this. She was the one who dealt with perverts and other difficult clients, all without getting too emotional or stuttering, but she seemed almost afraid of this man. “Y/N, this is Mr. Ryomen Sukuna, he owns this bar.”
That name certainly felt familiar, but you sucked at names, and as for his face… you glanced up at his smirking face. Yeah, there was no way you’d forget a guy like him. Even if you just saw him walking down the street for a split second you would remember him for sure. 
Your boss squeezed you and you quickly bowed your head again. “Um, hello, thank you for the opportunity.”
“You seemed irritated when my companion and I walked in.” 
“No, you must be mistaken.”
“Really? You couldn’t even be bothered to greet us. Bartenders are supposed to be friendly.”
You just tilted your head, contemplating on what to say next when your phone started ringing from the counter. Mr. Sukuna swiped it before you could blink. 
“Hey!” Your sudden burst of energy shocked you and your boss. You slapped a hand over your mouth. “Er. I mean… I apologize.” 
“Shouldn’t phones be on vibrate during work hours?”
“It was on vibrate. We’re supposed to be closed now.” Welp. You were already as good as fired so you didn’t try to cover up your weariness. Yuji sometimes woke up randomly in the middle of the night. He was probably wondering where you were. You held out your hand. “Can I please have it back now? Sir?”
Like you just told the world’s funniest joke, he threw his head back, laughing heartily. 
Despite your boss almost fainting on the spot thanks to your little stunt, you didn’t get fired. Sukuna seemed absolutely smitten with you–that is, as much as an owner can be smitten by a pet hamster. 
It was the beginning of an irritating, one-sided relationship. 
Ever since that day, Sukuna began frequenting the bar more often. Sometimes three times a week, other times almost daily. Rather than stay at the VIP room, he’d hang out by the bar and find many ways to piss you off, like hitting on you, annoying you until you talked about either Yuji or your classes, and asking you to make some complicated cocktail he heard from a business partner, only to then insult it (he’d always finish the thing though). At the very least, he didn’t try touching you inappropriately. And plus, his childish fascination with you meant he demanded you hang out with him immediately after you finished preparing someone else’s drink, so you didn’t have to listen to other people whine about their lives and you didn’t have to make up excuses with the more gropey customers.
To be continued…
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ghastimart · 17 days ago
oh god, see me
so all the scrapped ending content keeps making me sad. good thing i have an au where happy endings are the inevitable! didn't feel like posting this to ao3 yet so if you don't have context to the ocs mentioned / used don't think too hard about it.
Sebastian reunites with Mama Solace after years of separation and coverups.
words; 2,662
Things had settled into a state of calm. 
P.AI.nter, decidedly, liked the Aquarium. After hours, he was allowed to roam - a makeshift body on wheels allowing him to take the elevator down and cart around as he desired, painting scenes from the tanks and the waterpark, going up to the roof to catch sunrises and sunsets and clear nights. 
Anything, anything was better than the cold and unfeeling gray of the Blacksite’s halls. They felt so much happier – despite Sebastian’s warnings and misgivings about the Ministry, their trust had proven well-placed so far.
Everyone seemed happier, really. Viorel had managed to call his dad when they made landfall and wept on the phone. Cephei had seemed intrigued by all the things land had to offer, running around with Echo whenever the park was closed to poke around. Millie had been relearning to dance on her new legs, Tobias and Elliot – already inseparable – had made a habit of camping out around every corner of the place, treating every night like date night as if making up for lost time. And Audie, of course, had been over the moon to be back in their element, socializing with all the staff at the Aquarium to catch up on what they’d missed.
So that left Sebastian. Sebastian, who still hadn’t fully taken his ease ever since they arrived onsite. Sebastian, who always eyed the staff that had been taking care of them with a critical eye, who growled whenever one of the doctors approached a member of their hodgepodge “family” unexpectedly. Sebastian, who refused to let himself relax, anticipating another betrayal. 
“One of us has to be vigilant,” He’d grunted in reply one day when P.AI.nter asked why he was so on-edge; “The Ministry is no different from Urbanshade. I don’t trust it, and I won’t let us get hurt again.”
Still, it felt unfair. They’d been there for half a month by this point, readjusting to living on the surface, waiting for the proper procedures to play out between the Ministry and Urbanshade to guarantee they wouldn’t be hunted down or “reclaimed”. At the Aquarium, at the very least, they were protected - Director Hart assured them of that much, so Sebastian deserved to relax. 
But how?
His own abilities were still woefully limited, in the body he had currently. He thought about what they could do, rather than what they couldn’t; what Sebastian had longed for most in their time underwater. And a memory came to mind.
They’d never told Sebastian, but on more than one occasion, they’d caught a breakdown on the cameras – watching silently as he curled up in the far corner of a room he’d been scavenging in, or simply fled to, and wept, calling out for his mother in a state of weakness he wanted no-one to see. 
His mother, then. Surely it couldn’t be hard, now that they were connected to the internet again. Humming with certainty, P.AI.nter began to browse the web, windows popping open and closed on their screen as they sat in the corner of the group’s shared room, alone for now. It was dinner, after all – and he, being the only one without a stomach to fill, decided to skip it in favour of his brainstorming. Circuitstorming. Whatsoever it was called – a good move, because he could move in secret like this. 
Articles about the arrest. Interviews. Names – his sister’s. Her Facebook. Contacts, and –
There she was. 
… Now what?
He grunted to themself, puzzling over the question. It had been so long, would she really bite a stranger messaging her saying, “Hey, your son’s alive! Come get him!”? 
It seemed foolish to try, but he had no other starting point. So, making up a quick burner account, he opened a private message to her and shot it off.
> Mrs.Solace? You don’t know me, but I know your son. He’s alive. Would you like to meet him?
His earfin flicked as he emerged from the water, shaking out his hair. Audie hopped out beside him, sitting on the edge of the pool. The dolphins continued to swirl around his tail, occasionally nosing at him to try and instigate play again until he hauled himself fully out and slapped the surface with his tailfin to make them disperse. 
Director Hart stood in the entryway to the room, seeming troubled as she approached them, and he grimaced. 
“Did Echo get stuck somewhere again? Cephei said they were watching them,” He huffed impatiently; “Go bother it for –”
“No, Sebastian, it’s… We have a visitor asking for you.”
Him and Audie’s voices answered in unison, both of them stiffening as their minds jumped to the worst. He glanced down to them, jerking his head. 
Urbanshade – it has to be Urbanshade.
“Get everyone in the room.”
As they collected a towel and hurried off, he faced Director Hart, growling lowly.
“What do they want?”
“It’s… A woman, Sebastian, I don’t think she’s the threat you think she is,” The Director spoke slowly, searching his gaze; “Wayland’s taken her to one of the conference rooms to wait for now. She was very insistent that you were here.”
“You told her I wasn’t, right?”
“Of course. That's the procedure. But she started making more of a scene.”
As he dried himself off as well, throwing his clothes back on, she received a message on her phone, and read it quickly, her brow furrowing.
“... Oh.”
“What now?”
“Audie wants you in the room. You - oh.”
At her softer, more knowing sound, he furrowed his brow, his tail lashing with agitation. She paused, then looked back up at him with a nod, clearing her throat.
“Come find me in the employee lobby when you’re ready.”
With nothing more, she turned and left. He paused for a moment, puzzling it out for a moment before he grunted and made his way upstairs, checking himself to make sure his tail didn’t dent the walls as he went.
“You what.”
P.AI.nter flinched as Sebastian snarled, standing at his full height, his shoulders brushing the ceiling as the rest of the polycule shuffled around nervously. 
“I just – you’ve always wanted to see her again! Haven’t you?!”
“You don’t get to be the one to decide that! Fuck, P.AI.nter!”
His anger gave way to panic as he drew a claw through his hair, his tail lashing and knocking over a chair. Cephei and Echo flinched from the noise, and Elliot growled in turn, leaning forward to press a hand against Sebastian’s tail.
“Hey. They were only trying to do something nice.” 
“I just –”
He broke off with a sound that sounded somewhere between a snarl and a whine, shaking his head and coiling around the room restlessly, his hands shaking. The rest of the team watched with worry and sympathy, waiting until he finally stilled before they moved again.
He lowered himself down at a gentle tug against his shirt, enjoying the warmth of Audie’s hands against his face first, then Tobias and Elliot on either side after, running their own fingers through his hair to ease him down. 
“... I can’t see her like this,” He croaked; “I’m not…”
A million words went unsaid, and he shook his head.
“... What if she’s scared of me?”
“She won’t be,” Millie said from her perch on the bed, so sure.
“What if she doesn’t recognize me?”
“She will,” Viorel insisted from beside P.AI.nter’s desk, also confident in his words.
“How do you know?”
He opened his eyes to meet Audie’s gaze, and they were the one who smiled at him, squishing his cheeks gently.
“Because she loved you enough to come now. Don’t keep her waiting anymore, Sebaba.”
Conflicting emotions haunted his chest and mind as he took the elevator minutes later, coiled into a ball. Though they’d all asked if he wanted company, he’d denied it – this task was herculean enough without his partners looming over his shoulder to watch the inevitable breakdown. 
As the doors opened and doctors breezed by, Director Hart was standing in the lobby, perking up at his approach. He swallowed, trying to keep his tail from doing anxious knots as he nodded.
Wordless, she led the way. 
This hallway, he knew, led to a veterinary entrance to the Aquarium, but a left turn before that brought them to the conference rooms. He counted three doors before she stopped and knocked on the door. Some hushed words were exchanged, and Wayland came out, nodding respectfully at Sebastian as he passed by. Director Hart turned to Sebastian proper after that, holding the door handle for a moment.
“I’ll be waiting just outside whenever you’re ready.”
“Sure… Thanks, I guess.”
With a nod from her, she opened the door, and he hesitated before slithering inside slowly, keeping the light on his esca out for now.
His mother stood up the moment she watched him enter. She had not aged gracefully – the stress and grief of the past decade had taken its toll. She looked exhausted, haunted and haggard. 
Her eyes were wide as she took him in. He watched as she looked him up and down, absorbing how much he’d changed. How inhuman he was.
Surely, He thought, She doesn’t recognize this. How could she?
He hated this.
Every moment he dreamed of just being home again, eating one of her meals, hugging her one last time, it had been undercut by what he’d become. Not just in the sense of his mutations, though that played a massive part. 
No, he’d been an innocent man when he last saw his mother. Now, there was blood on his hands, and not every kill had been necessary. 
So here he was; a monster by every definition, hunching his shoulders as he met eyes with the woman who’d given him life in the first, who he’d wanted to see - who now, he would give anything to avoid.
She stepped forward, and reached out. Against his better judgment, he lowered himself to meet her touch, the tears gathering in his eyes from the first moment her hands graced his face.
“Mijo,” She said, the word dripping with grief and love, and suddenly Sebastian was a child again.
He was much larger than her now, but that didn’t stop his mother from pulling him to her chest and holding him as close as he could while he utterly shattered in her arms, sobs wracking his body. All three of his own arms wrapped around her, loose – too frightened of his own strength, but just as frightened to let go of her, in case this was just an illusion after all.
He’d hallucinated before. But not now, not as her hands curled into his hair and brushed it into place just like she used to.
“Oh, my baby,” She whispered; “What did they do to you, Sebastian? My poor baby boy…”
“How –” He choked up, shuddering, his eyes screwed up; “ – How did you know it was – it was me? I’m nothing like… I’m not who I was.”
“How could I not?”
She pulled back –  the gesture felt like pulling broken glass from his skin, but he allowed it so he could meet her gaze – and she held his face tightly between her hands, her expression intense and serious.
“I would know you the second I saw you no matter what happened, mijo, you’re my son. That hasn’t changed.”
“... God.”
More tears spilled down his cheeks, and he pulled his mother a little closer, shutting his eyes. His ears flicked as she brushed his hair out of his face. A touch he’d longed for for so long, a touch he couldn’t get enough of, he never would.
“How do you think they’re doing in there?”
“Just fine,” Viorel assured P.AI.nter, patting the top of his monitor as the group sat down at their usual table; “We’d definitely know by now if it went badly. It’s been years – give them some time.”
The AI’s fans had been humming at maximum since the confrontation before Sebastian left, all too anxious that they’d done the wrong thing. Despite everyone’s attempts to assure him otherwise, P.AI.nter couldn’t help stressing. 
It wouldn’t be the first time it had miscalculated a gesture. But to do it over something so heavy felt – it felt –
“Stop overthinking.”
He yelped as Echo flicked his screen, switching gears to glare down at them grumpily.
“Hey! I am not!”
“Are too!”
“Am not!!”
“Jesus, here they go again,” Millie sighed as Tobias snickered, reaching over to tug Echo away. 
Everyone halted and perked to attention at Sebastian’s voice, eyes widening and shoulders squaring as they noticed the woman standing beside him. He fidgeted, uncharacteristically bashful as he wrung his hands together, his ears twitching and flapping while the woman looked from person to person. 
“This is, uh… Hm. I’d, uh, like you to meet my mom.”
Audie and Cephei’s tails both started to wag, and the former stood up abruptly to offer a little bow of respect that Echo mimicked uncertainly. 
“Mrs. Solace! It’s a pleasure!”
Similar words were offered around the table, and Sebastian coughed softly, leaning down to speak to her directly – pointing out each person as he introduced them.
“That’s Tobias and Elliot, Viorel, Millie, Audie, Cephei, Echo, and P.AI.nter. They’re er… Family, I guess, that I met underwater.”
P.AI.nter hurried over, their wheels squeaking on the cafeteria floor as they met her gaze for the first time – and while taken aback by his rushed approach, she didn’t seem offput, merely blinking as he smiled awkwardly.
“It’s me – I was – I’m the one who messaged you! That was me!”
“Oh – oh! That was you! I – I owe you a lot, then, don’t I?”
“No, no! It was my pleasure,” He practically squeaked out, beaming at her properly now; “I – I wanted to help you two reunite. It means everything to me that you came.”
“Why… Did you come?”
Sebastian tilted his head as he finally posed that question, quirking a brow at his mother.
“I mean – some shady nameless guy messages you saying he knows about your missing adult kid, and you fly halfway across the world? Should I be worried?”
“Ay – have some respect,” She tsked, swatting his arm lightly and earning a laugh from a few of his partners at the table; “I didn’t believe him blindly.”
“She really didn’t. There was a lot of skepticism and questioning,” P.AI.nter agreed. Sebastian simply grunted, his tail thumping softly against the ground as he accepted that answer. 
“Good evening friends! I see we have another face joining us for dinner – any allergies or sensitivities we should be aware of, ma’am?”
Elaine – Chef Nichols – smiled as she stepped over to the table, clipboard in hand, and Mrs. Solace shook her head, smiling.
“Oh, no, nothing that I know of!”
“That’s my favourite thing to hear! Alright, squishies, what’ll it be?”
“Actually –”
Sebastian started, then hesitated, fidgeting with his jabbot for a moment as he looked down at his mom.
“... I don’t want to ask too much of you, mamá, but… Can you… Can you make some of your empanadas? It’s… I really missed them, and –”
“Ay, mijo... Of course. Why don’t we make them together?” 
His ears wiggled as she snagged one of his hands, and he nodded with a creeping smile. Elaine squeaked with joy, eagerly inviting them into the kitchen. 
P.AI.nter returned to their spot as chatter broke out amongst those who remained at the table, watching Sebastian and his mother dance around Elaine and Giselle behind the counter. For the first time, Sebastian seemed genuinely at ease and happy, and it made P.AI.nter feel warmer.
Viorel nudged him, earning a grunt.
“Told ya.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m just glad he’s happy.”
“You and me both.”
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 9 months ago
Wait I think I missed the part of the game where it says all the characters (like Catnap and Dogday) are kids and when I looked it up all I'm finding is theories?? (This has nothing to do with the sexualizing them conversation)
Before the release of chapter 3, we received an arg from mob entertainment games- the makers of poppy playtime. In said ARG you can learn about an orphan child named Theodore Grambell.
Through this arg you learn that Theodore has been seeing and interacting with The Prototype- and The Prototype supposedly was trying to save Theo from playcare before he was experimented on, but it failed when the workers of Playtime co severely injured Theo, and the prototype basically came back with theo to make sure he could receive the help he needed to survive- leading to the prototypes capture. Theo views this event as The Prototype giving up his own freedom to save him- and as such, when the workers of playtime co turn Theo into Catnap after he's returned, Catnap worships the prototype as a savior. This is then all doubled down on when the chapter actually released, because you can find a tape of a doctor speaking to catnap, but referring to him as "Theodore" and wouldn't you know it, Theo is the only one ever to have that name in lore.
Kissy Missy can be found in Chapter 3 looking longingly at a picture of a little girl who is believed to be her from before-
and even FURTHER back many MANY people believe that poppy herself is the founder of playtime co's adoptive daughter.
Its also said over and over and OVER again that playtime co would be nothing without the kids. Many people believe this to be very literal. Without the kids- their toys wouldn't be successful.
There's also other tapes in Chapter three, one is about a kid being pulled from class because hes been "selected", one is about a woman and man (presumably a couple) crying because the orphan they wanted to adopt is no longer available as hes been taken for "testing", and in another we hear a doctor have to turn a kid away because he's trying to "fix" his friend who is "sick".
The toys are not always kids, but a lot of them are as that was the WHOLE POINT of playcare, the onsite orphanage. It's why in my AU i am trying to save them- because they are just that. Kids. Who have been traumatized beyond any understanding of the word. It is horrific- grotesque- and honestly stupid because where does playtime co even GET that many orphans.
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girl-in-a-bubbl3 · 3 months ago
Glamrock Monty (FNAF) x Reader Part 1
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AU Fanfic/NonCanon
Takes place after the fire
Animatronics are redesigned sorta
Sun/Moon are the same animatronic
Will probably be some spicy parts so...18+
No use of y/n, your name is Beanie now
Will probably be multiple relationships (I love Monty and Sun/Moon both way too much plz don't make me choose)
Monty saw her before she saw him.
She was a tiny thing. Maybe 5 ft tall with long green hair up in a ponytail that swayed every time she walked. She had tiny little dots on her face, like freckles, except they were multicolored.
All of her accessories seemed to mirror the themes of the Plex. Her earrings were different. Dangling from the left ear was what looked like a Sundrop candy wrapper, one of the Daycare candies, and the right ear was the same except with a Moondrop wrapper.
What stuck out to him the most was the red, star shaped glasses that you had perched atop your head. They weren’t purple, like his, but you knew it was a nod to him.
Monty stared down at you from the balcony in the atrium. He was definitely intrigued.
As he was staring down at you, Monty became lost in thought. Not noticing when you looked up and locked eyes with him.
Today was your first day.
Sort of.
Ever since the fire that happened two years ago, you’ve been onsite helping with rebuilding the Plex and the animatronics who got caught up in the evil plans of humans.
You still weren’t clear on everything that happened. You just got a call one day from a very kind but monotonous lady who told you that your uncle had passed and the Plex was now yours to go further with, if you so chose.
You hadn’t spoken to said uncle in almost a decade. He wasn’t very interested in the family, just his machines. You didn’t know much about him and when he made it big in Fazbear entertainment, he left the family to fend for themselves in a failing economy.
So finding out that everything was left to you was more than a shock. It took you over a week of weighing pros/cons and investigating to ensure it was something you could do. The one thing your uncle and yourself had in common: Robotics was your greatest passion.
You spoke to him about it only once before you went off to college for Mechatronics but the fever in your eyes must have been enough to convince him that you would continue what he started.
And you would. But you’d try to do so, so much better.
Fazbear Entertainment had a history of violence, cover ups, coercion, and a lot of corruption. That was something you aimed to change. It was something you didn’t really had to worry much about with rebuilding the Plex because that was simple but when it came to the animatronics…
The repairs, recoding, and reinstallation of new and old parts took you a whole year and a half. You worked from the time you woke up to whatever time you would end up passing out. The more you read the manuals, wrote your own manuals, and spent time with the unconscious animatronics, the more you could see how easy it was to get attached. Something you were so unsure of turned into the center of your whole world.
You had a little apartment built for yourself that was connected to your office so you didn’t have to worry about commutes anymore. The Plex was now your home too.
You had been gone for the past three months. You missed the animatronics waking up again because you had to be in meetings to discuss the politics of reopening the Mega Plex. That hit your heart. You spent so long getting things ready and you weren’t even the first to reintroduce them to the place that they had worked in for so long now.
You trusted the handful of mechanics that was over that, but it just wasn’t the same. And the grand reopening was in a week so today you were finally back to introduce yourself and have some time with the ones you had grown so attached to, unbeknownst to them.
As you approached the stage where your colleague was introducing you, you couldn't help but feel every eye on you as you approached the stage to make your welcome speech. You had received an ungodly amount of criticism since you took over the Plex in your location.
At 27, you were old enough for people to consider what you said but still young enough for everyone to think that they knew better. You were covered in tattoos and always kept your hair dyed an unnatural color. Multiple piercings in your face and you had to always have your favorite accessories flashing (it just so happened that most of those pieces were Fazbear specific). You were never seen without your rose colored, star shaped glasses. You weren't exactly the image of professionalism.
Stepping up and standing to wait for your colleague to stop talking, you happened to look around and take a quick peak at everyone around. There were about 30 or so human staff members. Janitors, other mechanics, stage hands, etc. And then you saw the animatronics. Your heart skipped a beat as you recalled all of the work you put in to each of them.
You tried to keep as much of their original personalities intact as you could when filling in the gaps that the virus left. You did change their casings. You wanted them to be even more realistic than they were. Freddy, Chica, and Roxy got hundreds of tiny little fibers that gave them that extra soft feeling that fur would. Monty was fun because he got hundreds of individual scales and the design made him virtually impenetrable with the tough, but smooth reptile skin. You didn’t alter much with Sun/Moon except for allowing their faceplates to move and change instead of the one specific smile that they were forced to keep. You figured you’d talk with them personally about more alterations since the daycare attendant was a little more sensitive than the others.
Freddy was sitting forward in his chair, trying to give the speaker his upmost attention. Chica was by the refreshment table, obviously sneaking snacks. Nothing new there. Roxy was sitting beside Freddy with her arms crossed, examining her fingernails, looking bored. You didn't see the daycare attendant and immediately a little of seed of worry started to sprout inside of your stomach. You'd have to go check out the daycare after this.
Monty was also missing. You searched around the atrium and didn't see his large, scaley figure. You happened to quickly glance up and your eyes locked onto a large, green figure leaning against the railing on the third floor of the atrium. Monty's expression was hazy as he stared at you, almost like he was waking up from a dream.
After a moment, it's like he finally realized you were also staring at him. He quickly looked away and scampered off until you could no longer see where he was. You made a mental note to check on him later as well.
“Welcome our new Director, Beanie!”
That was your cue. You stepped on up with a large smile and took the microphone. “It’s so nice to see you all, especially our animatronic friends! We’ve all worked so hard to be here right now. It’s been two long years and a lot of dedication.”
The rest of your speech was pretty generic but you still tried to be as inspiring as possible. You truly did have the biggest sense of pride looking around the Plex and it definitely reflected in your voice. So no matter what you said, the promise of the future reflected in your voice.
After everything was over and employees started to disperse, you couldn’t get the absent animatronics out of your mind. You excused yourself from the last bit of conversation and headed off towards the Daycare.
You were a little nervous since this was your first time meeting the Daycare Attendant but only because you definitely had a soft spot for the twins. Something about their presence was enough to hide the past trauma that always presented itself to the forefront of your brain at the worst times.
You worked so hard to make sure the daycare would be up to their standards when they returned to it. It was the area you spent the most time in. Fortunately enough, the fire didn’t touch their room. You decided to keep it exactly as they had it but you did add a furniture catalog so they could request anything extra that they needed. You knew your uncle never gave any of them that option.
You entered the daycare lobby and briefly marveled at the familiar bronze statue of Sun and Moon in the center. It was one of your favorite pieces that was a part of the daycare so of course you kept it.
You decided to use the normal entrance instead of the ultra fun slide that the kids would eventually use once the Plex reopened. You’d definitely tested it out more times than you could count when you were unaccompanied so you figured you could use the main entrance for now.
Approaching the large, wooden doors you stood for a moment and took a deep breath. Before you could even reach for the handle, the door in front of you flew open and in front of you stood a lanky, 7 ft tall, sun themed animatronic.
To be continued...
Author's Notes:
Hi guys!! So sorry this chapter is so incredibly long. I needed to set the foundation ;-; I'm SO excited to start this story. I haven't decided on what relationships will happen yet. My poly brain refuses to let me just focus on one lol. Definitely Monty/Sun&Moon oriented tho. Might sneak some Freddy love in there. Not sure yet. I hope you guys like the intro! I'm literally about to start the next chapter because I'm so excited. Stay tuned for that and another Bonnie chapter. I have most of it written but I'm having writer's block and can't decide on how I want to finish it. So sorry I keep making you guys wait for that. But here's this to fill the time until then! Much love and hope you guys enjoy what's to come <3
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bettermiya · 2 years ago
Through the Wall
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Pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader
Inspired by @ninefuckingoneone's comment! It's an honor!
WC: 2.6k Triggers: Kidnapping, Physical Violence, Non-Consensual Touching, Bondage, Stalking, Light Alcohol Drinking / Yandere adjacent. MDNI.
Summary: The man of your dreams is closer than you think. Horror!AU. The Boy!AU.
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The job ad boasted an unbelievable salary, which included all expenses paid with a separate allowance, and you would be living with the family in a beautiful old house in the country. Apparently, groceries were delivered from a nearby village and the delivery person had agreed - thanks to generous tips from the house’s owners - to also bring up food from the local restaurants. The whole thing sounded a little too good to be true, but after months of job searching, you were growing pretty desperate. So, while questionably sober and despairing, you decided to send along your resume.
You woke to a response the next day asking for a time you could do a phone interview. Everything was a bit of a blur after that. You did the interview over the phone - the questions ranged from the normal to bizarre (“Do you have any children or family obligations that might prevent you from living onsite and being on call?” “Will you sign an NDA?”). You even did a follow up interview in person at a local cafe with a weathered looking, but well put together looking older gentleman, who claimed to be the owner of the house and the father of the child in question. He seemed a bit old to have a child of an age to need a live-in nanny, but who were you to judge? Especially when the money and benefits were so good. He meticulously went over the duties, reiterated the salary and allowances, stressed that anything you could want would be provided, and reminded you that the job required you to stay at the house at all times except Sunday, which would be your only off day.
Even after going through all of this, it didn’t become real to you until you were in the gentleman’s car with your suitcases thumping in the trunk, cutting through a thick barrier of trees down a long and winding drive. The car passed through a large iron gate that closed after you passed through, up and up to the circular drive in front of the giant country estate. The gentleman gave you a tour of the grounds, the garden in the back was of particular interest to you as a place where you could retreat in the warmer months.
He led you inside, showed you around the labyrinthine halls and the massive rooms- including a parlor, a library, kitchen, game room, and other rooms that had strange, old fashioned names and purposes that you immediately forgot. There was apparently a large basement and attached wine cellar that could be accessed through a door in the kitchen and an attic accessed through a pull down ladder that unfolded from the ceiling in one of the upper floor hallways. The second floor was nothing but halls and bedrooms. He showed you the door to the room of the child you would be taking care of, which was marked with a carved tree with sprawling roots and your room which had a carving of wildflowers. Apparently, these were the only areas upstairs you would need access to aside from the linen closets.
This was all things you had been expecting. What you were not expecting was the doll.
“This is Hajime Iwaizumi. My son.”
It was a life sized doll of a child that looked about six years old, carved from very soft wood. A detailed, sweet face was painted on the doll’s head and soft dark hair was carefully arranged in a short spiked style. The hair was disconcerting; it felt very much like real hair. The doll wore what looked like a school uniform with a blazer, little shorts, knee high socks, and shiny little shoes. You waited a long time in silence, staring at the doll, resigning yourself to the fact that this was likely some kind of television show prank.
It wasn’t. You were introduced to the doll. You were given a schedule you and the doll had to adhere to. You decided, in a haze of confusion and shock, to sign the contracts. After the first month of nannying a wooden doll, the gentleman and his lovely wife told you they would be leaving to return to their apartment in the city. You would have full run of what they called their ‘country home’ and their numbers in case of emergencies, but they would be going back to their separate jobs. You felt a little nervous about being in the giant, quiet house alone, but on the other hand, it was just you and a doll and sometimes the delivery person.
You agreed, and it was probably just because you were alone in the house that strange things started happening. You lost one of your shirts at some point between your laundry basket and the dryer. The house made strange noises from the walls, which the owners had claimed were caused by the pipes and HVAC systems, but they sounded an awful lot like footsteps and breathing sometimes.
Once you woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and thought you saw a figure silhouetted against one of the windows at the end of the hall. You screamed and ducked into one of the rooms, but when you finally gathered the courage to peek back into the hall, you saw it was only the curtains fluttering. The window was apparently opened a crack, enough to let the night breeze in. You closed it and locked it.
By far the strangest thing you noticed was that food seemed to be disappearing faster than you were eating it. One Saturday night, you bought yourself a pizza. You distinctly remember putting the box with a few pieces left into the fridge for the next day, but Sunday when you opened the box, it was empty. You did get a little tipsy that night on light alcoholic drinks you were able to coax the delivery person into bringing with the orders, but surely it wasn't enough to cause you to forget eating the rest of the pizza. Right?
You still keep up the doll’s routine. You feel ridiculous, but it would have been wrong to take the family’s money without doing the job you had been hired to do. You dress the doll. You take the doll for walks outside in a little wooden wagon. You read out loud to the doll in the library. You play music loudly (always loudly, they were firm about this, speak loudly, play the music loudly, as if the doll were hard of hearing). You take your meals with the doll. (Yes, you had to make a portion of the meal for the doll, set a plate of food in front of the doll, then scrape the food into a compost bin afterwards. They were firm about this as well. Sometimes, you leave the room to do something and come back to find the plate empty, but you don't like to think too hard about that.)
It has been three months. You are well into your routine, and, at the end of the day, your life is rather peaceful. You just finished tucking the doll in for the night and decided to take a long, relaxing bath in the antique, clawfoot tub. You lean back your head against the back of the tub, taking in the scents of the candles you lit on the counter and the bath salts you poured into the steaming water before you got in. It is quiet and peaceful. You have headphones in so that you do not hear the strange noises from the walls or the general settling of the house.
Your music is not too loud, but loud enough that as you lay there in the tub, dozing, you do not hear the footsteps.
You don’t notice another presence in the room at all until you feel something brush against your scalp. You lift your hand, thinking with some small jolt that perhaps an insect had crawled in while you weren’t paying attention- this is a country house after all- but what you feel surprises you. Your fingers intertwine with someone else’s. A hand is resting on the top of your head; someone’s fingers slide away from yours and comb through your wet hair. The touch is a little rough, and despite your shock and effort to remain very still in case they did not notice you notice them, you give a little squeak when their fingers snag in a tangle of your hair.
Your hands cover your mouth. The hand freezes. After a few, tense heartbeats, you feel the hand return to combing through your hair. When it reaches the tangle again, the person’s other hand presses to your scalp, holding down to keep your hair from pulling as they work out the tangle. You are trembling in the tub, trying to decide whether it is better to remain still or if you should try to bolt. But the figure is so close, and it would take precious seconds to stand and step over the rounded edge of the tub, seconds in which the intruder could grab your arm or hair and pull you back.
A thick, calloused hand slides to your shoulder and dips beneath the water; the tips of rough, dirty fingers with broken nails slide over your clean skin, leaving smudges in their wake. You feel a hot breath against your cheek. They are leaning over your other shoulder, breathing onto the coil of your ear and down the side of your neck. You can’t take it anymore. You grab the edges of the tub and launch yourself up onto your feet. Your shoulder bangs against the figure’s chin, and they grunt, more out of frustration than pain.
You manage to throw a leg over the edge of the tub, but as you are shifting your weight to swing the other out so you can run, you slip. You fall out of the tub, banging your knee and elbows as you go down. Pain explodes through your left knee, which took the brunt of your weight when you hit the tiled floor, and you cry out. You’re screaming now, because you’ve remembered screaming is what you should be doing. You can hear the heavy footsteps approaching from behind you, slowly. Then a sound echoes through the halls and both your scream and the intruder’s footsteps go silent.
The doorbell.
You remember now. You had called in a food delivery before getting in the bath. Something from that Italian place you like and wine. You had been planning to be freshly washed and smelling of your body spray and shampoo when you opened the door. You were going to flirt with the cute delivery person, invite them inside… With renewed purpose, you scramble to your feet and dash out of the bathroom into the hall. The intruder must have been surprised by your speed, you think, because the heavy footsteps take their time to follow you. Maybe the intruder is debating whether to stay or flee now that someone else is here.
The delivery person has saved your life, you think. You’re going to give them the biggest tip of their life. You practically launch yourself down the stairs and skid across the foyer. You’re naked and dripping with water and suds, but you don’t care. You fling open the door and find the delivery person standing there with your food and a bottle of wine. Their face goes through the gamut of emotions before settling on deep discomfort. Perhaps they had known your intentions, but this is coming on too strong. They open their mouth to speak, but you see the color drain from their face as their eyes drift slowly over your shoulder to stare at something behind you.
“We have to go!” You say quickly, not daring to look back. “There’s someone–”
You reach for their hand, but they take a step back. The fear on their face is slowly draining away into something like disappointment. They remain there in the doorway, blocking your exit, but they don’t seem to be moving to help either. The footsteps are right behind you now. Your blood is roaring in your ears. A powerful arm wraps around your middle; the other around your chest. The intruder’s face presses into the top of your head. The delivery person sighs. “Do you need help getting her back in, sir?”
You couldn’t have heard that correctly. The person behind you rumbles. The delivery person averts their eyes. “Sorry, sir. Do you want me to bring the food for you?” Suddenly you’re being lifted up. The arm around your stomach hooks beneath your knees; the one that had been crushing your chest now catches your back as you tumble. You look up into the face of the intruder and find a wooden mask staring back at you. The mask is very similar to the carved, wooden doll with a gentle flush painted on the cheekbones and painted, smiling lips, but where the eyes should be, there are two perfectly round holes. You can see real, human eyes staring at you through the holes.
The masked figure carries you back through the house; you’re too shocked and too winded from your screaming and your brief flight toward escape to put up too much of a fuss. The delivery person is following behind you both. Your strange party goes up the stairs and to the room with the tree carved into the door. The room inside is the same as you remember, except at the back of the room there is a door that wasn’t there before. You all go through the door and step into a small corridor behind the walls. It leads to another room that sends a fresh jolt of panic through you.
There is a bed with thick leather shackles attached to the posts of the thick, antique head and foot boards. There are polaroids all over the walls- of you. You taking care of the doll. You sleeping. You showering. You living in the house over the past few months. The masked figure drops you on the bed and only then do you start fighting again. The figure slaps you across the face so hard you see stars; you don’t fight anymore.
“Hajime!” The delivery person huffs. “Your parents said to take care of them! If you break them, I can’t fix them like I fix your other toys.”
The masked form- Hajime - gives a soft sound then strokes your stinging cheek. “Sorry.” His voice is low and gruff and sounds like it hasn’t been used in a long, long time. Before you can entirely regain your senses, Hajime has dressed you in a pair of your underwear and one of your baggy t-shirts, both items that had gone missing over your stay. He shackles you to the bed and turns to take the food from the delivery person. The delivery person hands it over and waves their hand.
“I’ll lock up after I leave and let your parents know everything went smoothly.” They wave to you then disappear.
Hajime is a perfect gentleman. He sets out the food and feeds you. He offers you sips of wine in between bites. The food is delicious. The room is dim except for the amber glow of a few candles. Under other circumstances it might have been romantic. Hajime’s eyes shine behind the mask. After you stomach all the food you can, he eats a little then settles beside you. You have been taking care of the doll all this time.
Now it’s Hajime’s turn to take care of you.
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deltaheartsstuff · 8 months ago
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Dogday in my au. Originally Ethan was gonna be the bigger bodies dogday but with his voice in game he sounded more like an adult so i made Geoffrey with Ethan being one of the smaller critters.
Lore with Geoffrey and Ethan including poppy au lore might be confusing if you don't know the actual lore.
Geoffrey is an divorced man and struggling to take care of his son, he got a job at playtime co and they told him about the onsite orphanage having a school house that Ethan can go to while he was at work, including playing with the other kids. It was all good until the scientists mistook him for one of the orphans and decided to use him for testing, they put him to sleep with the gas and were taking him to the labs when they crossed paths with his dad. Using Ethan as a hostage they threatened him.
Geoffrey begged for his son's life saying he would do anything to keep his son safe, and taking advantage of his words they decided to turn him into dogday since adults were much easier to turn into the bigger toys. Geoffrey now Dogday was pretty upset for this and did attack the other staff but after being subdued he was told if he behaved he would be allowed to see his son every week.  
Ethan later was used to be turned into a smaller Dogday due to Geoffrey both attacking the staff but also because Ethan knew to much. Geoffrey still complied with the staff demands and even became one of the more calmer experiments.
and other things Geoffrey was planning on adopting Ethan's best friend Theodore.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year ago
I have been binge-watching SCP Foundation videos on youtube, and it got my noggin a’workin on an Eldritch Euclid-type SCP monster known simply as “Dream”, a being that is capable of making and controlling dreams. He is sometimes referred to as Morpheus but it’s unclear whether this is simply a reference to the Greek god of the same name, or perhaps a name from a time when he was still human.
Okay, so I’m going to stop there, as I am actually incapable of writing the really scientific prose that is prevalent in SCP videos LOL But essentially, SCP Dream still has all the powers of our Dream, and is also capable of traversing to the waking world.
I’m torn between 2 possible aus here. One, an au where Hob meets Dream when he’s still a kid and befriends the eldritch being unknowingly in his dreams. There actually exists a fic with this same concept, only friendlier cause Dream was Hob’s imaginary friend, but I’d like to go a darker route where Dream becomes possessive of Hob, which is funny because he thought of the kid as a nuisance at first, amusing but annoying, so Dream doesn’t break Hob’s mind immediately. Yay. Instead he allows the child to visit him at night when he’s asleep. I’m imagining Dream making up dreams to keep Hob occupied, finding Hob’s reactions to be really entertaining. Oh and a possible scene where Hob laments to his dream friend about his trouble with bullies at school, and Dream acts dismissive to his plight as always, but miraculously his bullies all had mysterious medical emergencies and won’t be coming to school for awhile. And as the years go by, Dream grows more and more attached to Hob, to the point where he refuses to let Hob wake up, and he starts tempting Hob with sweeter dreams. Maybe some sexy dreams too, cause Hob is such a beautiful young man now, and Dream can't help but notice the way Hob has grown in certain places. COUGH HOBOOOBIES COUGH. I like to think Hob will refuse, maybe he bulk orders coffee or something, which will anger Dream and cue the dubcon/noncon scene huehuehueheuhuehue
The other au is where Hob is a SCP foundation researcher assigned to Dream, and of course our favorite eldritch being grows scarily attached and the same dubcon/noncon shenanigans occur.
I’d love to your thoughts and prayers (lol) on this.
-Love Yan Anon <3
Oh hot!!! Very hot!!! I'm gonna expand on that second option since you filled out the first one so wonderfully!!!
So Hob is a young researcher who's been assigned one of his first SCPs, and he's super excited. Only he just wishes that Dream wasn't quite as excited about him, too... he's being held onsite in a containment chamber, and he always insists that Hob come inside to do his research "properly". Dream is classed as Euclid, so he's complex to contain but not impossible, and he honestly just lets Hob come and go as he pleases. In containment he has plenty of things to keep him entertained, because the Foundation isn't cruel, but he's just so much more interested in Hob. His vivid daydreams and nightmares, his wandering thoughts. Dream eats it all up hungrily. He's relying on Hob to give his contact with dreaming, and Hob does that so wonderfully. How can Dream help but adore him? He's a perfect vessel for Dream’s love.
He wants to be inside Hob, like he's been inside his subconscious. Wants to explore his body and see what reactions he can elicit. He will inspire new dreams, new nightmares. The dream of being worshipped, the horror of being consumed. Dream wants to see it played out in the flesh of Hob’s body. The sweet little human thinks that he has Dream contained but oh no, Dream can't be contained. Not really, not while he has access to Hob’s mind. It's Dream who's doing the research and the sweet man doesn't even know it.
It's not until Hob finds himself face down on the floor with dreamstuff keeping him bound at his wrists and ankles that he realises that perhaps Dream is a little more complicated than he might have initially appeared. Hard to deny it now when Dream is fucking him joyously into the concrete, nuzzling into the back of Hob’s head and moaning like he's having the time of his life. The more Hob whines and shivers, the more his mind spirals, the more Dream seems to like it.
But then. This is going to be a truly amazing addition to his report. So Hob should maybe just keep trying to make it as good as possible for Dream. The more data the better, right?
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paroroland · 2 months ago
i have another self-indulgent kinitopet au smh
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they're not digital becos i'm experimenting with acrylic markers ✊️
i'm gonna drop the lore next time becos i wanna honk shoo now 💤
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galexystern · 1 year ago
island of love masterlist;
a steve harrington/reader love island au. (completed)
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pairing; steve harrington/reader, eddie munson/chrissy cunningham, robin buckley/nancy wheeler; eddie munson & reader, chrissy cunningham & reader
rating; T
warnings; Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Swearing, Alternate Universe, Cuddling & Snuggling, Modern Era, Everyone Is Alive, Falling In Love, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Getting Together, Happy Ending, Humor, Banter, Flirting, Jealousy, Betrayal, Kissing, Hugging, Reality TV, Alternate Universe - Reality Show, Pining, Mutual Pining, Romance, Parenthood, Slow Burn, ish, No Smut, Implied Smut, minor use of y/n, girls supporting girls, Heartbreak, Heartache, Plot Twists
word count; 35k
desc; "So, Steve, what brings you here?"
"An SUV," he responds, deadpan, and you laugh again. "Oh, you meant the villa?" He asks exaggeratedly. "The usual: love."
"I guess that is a basic question," you concede. "It is called Island of Love."
"Not everyone comes for love," Steve protests. "But I doubt they'd tell you that."
You narrow your eyes. "Then you could be lying."
"Nah, I'm as honest as they come." It's obviously something a liar would say, but there's something in his eyes that makes you believe him. Maybe it's the hope. Maybe it's the excitement. Maybe it's the way he's looking at you. One of those. "And I'm honest when I say I like you." Maybe it's that.
~aka the love island au nobody asked for~
i've been working on this for a long time and i'm really proud of it! i hope you like it :)
love island is a british/uk reality dating game show where couples compete to win £50,000. wiki here
there are us and au versions as well. this story is set in the us but it's pretty vague on location.
recouplings, challenges, dumpings, etc. are all tests for the couples and entertainment for the audience. casa amor comes halfway through a season and splits the boys and girls to test their loyalty in their couples by putting them with new islanders of the opposite gender.
none of the drinks contain alcohol, as that is a show rule.
raunchy races; snog, marry, pie; baby day; the general format of challenges, recouplings, and dumpings; and the live finale are all taken from the show. specific themes and actions are mine.
there would definitely be producers onsite during filming and no secret conversations would be allowed in real life, but i needed them for the plot so take that with a grain of salt lol.
y/n is only used at the end of part two, during an outside pov (you'll know what i mean).
the show usually lasts like six weeks but this is obviously less than that because i said so.
naomi is not a real person but based off the hosts of the show.
i definitely implied the audience is way dumber than they are. don't sell yourself short as a love island fan!
read on ao3
part one (17k) part two (18k)
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artfightdramaconfessions · 5 months ago
Just saw someone on the discord ask if their au design of mario was too close to the original to be allowed.
It is pretty much just mario. I only noticed it because I was scrolling through the help channels (the amount of people who seemingly don’t read the rules baffles me), and was like “wait is that mario??” Mod says that it would be allowed under the upcoming rule changes.
I am scared about the new copyright rules to be honest, if a design that’s just mario is going to be allowed onsite.
(If the owner of that au design happens to be reading this, I am absolutely not mad at you for having a mario au design and wanting people to draw it. That’s honestly so cool. I am just very conflicted about it being on artfight, but go for it if it makes you happy)
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xamaxenta · 1 year ago
Aaah thinking abt that MAS works at an undisclosed theme park that is not disneyland but effectively is au and Ace n Sabo are actors who play respective princes
But i thought oh man. Its SO fun if Sabos the typical blonde blue eyed white horse prince, but Ace is cast as one of the modern action heroes
And technically theyre not allowed to crossover into each others sections of the park for immersion reasons, theyre still spotted together anyway
Just bc the contrast of a fantasy prince and a super hero hanging out together is really tickling me
Marco’s still the onsite veterinarian, and animal/wildlife specialist who gives tours of the gigantic walk theough aviary and talks about fancy birbs
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years ago
Supercorp Imagine Me and You AU
Another day, another life, Lena would be glad to see Kara Danvers in her flower shop. But after months of feeling their chemistry build and grow, only for Kara to sharply pull back at the last moment– it hurt, and Lena has yet to heal. With a madhouse dash to an event she’s already late for, Lena feels nothing but irritation. Well. Not just irritation. That same spark of longing is still there– and it just irritates her all the more.
“Lena,” Kara says quietly amidst the hubbub, “can I speak with you?”
“I don’t really have time right now,” Lena returns with curt honesty. She bustles around her– friend? More-than-friend?-- as she gathers the last pails of flowers to load into the van.
“It’s important,” Kara tries again.
“And I have three floor arrangements I have to build onsite because a delivery came late. Jess! I need those gardenias!”
Jess emerges from the back room, arms full with two buckets of cut flowers. “Coming! I’ve got them!”
“Get them in the van, we have to get going–”
The entire shop grinds to a screeching halt, leaving a silence so deep you could hear a petal fall. Lena stops and stares at Kara shaking in place with cheeks blazing.
Lena knows what it takes to get Kara Danvers to raise her voice. She remembers coaching her to do so at the soccer match, weeks ago now, and she’d had to wheedle and cajole Kara into heckling the referee. Even then, Kara had done it only the once.
Now here Kara stands, trembling and red-faced, fists curled at her sides. 
“I left Mike,” Kara says, quieter but no less fierce. “I couldn’t– I couldn’t pretend anymore. Pretend that I was okay with just okay. Pretend that I didn’t want you.”
LEna stares in shock as Kara takes a step towards her, then another. 
“I love you. I’m in love with you. And even though I hurt Mike, I’m not sorry. I’ll never be sorry for what I feel– not ever again.”
After a long moment, Lena turns her chin to address Jess, but doesn’t break eye contact with Kara.
“You got the event?” she asks her assistant. 
“Oh hell yes.” Jess moves towards the door and the waiting van. “Consider me gone.”
Once her friend slips outside, Lena remains mindful of her other patrons, now visibly hanging onto every word. With a nod towards the back, Lena beckons to Kara.
“Let’s talk.”
//prompts closed
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spongyspingy-rising · 3 months ago
does anyone else have emperor's wake lore?
I've been hemming & hawing on a couple things but ultimately decided I wanted to move AWAY from taking my lore offsite (I already have the morsallis au i can play with whenever) and engage more with onsite lore, since I always lamented that astramor was so disconnected from it... I looked at a couple different locations but I already have hewn city lore with mothsgrave & I slapped myself in the emperor's wake ages ago lol.
nyanyway I'm trying not to take too much inspo from any one thing, so I'd love to hear about people's ideas to see what kind of direction I might wanna take things c:
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laceyjane44 · 1 year ago
GaaSaku 2023 FanFest Day4
Prompt: Medic
“Come on, Gaara,” she groaned. “Not tonight.”
“Just give me ten minutes?” he pleaded; his hands, hot and sweaty as they were, grasped at her own. He held her fingers gingerly and brought them to his lips, speaking against them, “I promise it won’t take long.”
Sakura rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, pulling her hand from his and wiping the sweat from them. “I know it won’t,” she agreed. “You remember what happened last time? I do.”
Gaara chuckled. “You know I’ve been practicing, I’ve gotten better,” he countered, stating his case for the umpteenth time that day.
Sakura couldn’t help but glance back to the open mat behind him where Lee could be seen shadow boxing in the studio mirror, checking his form. “So? The whole team has been practicing for nationals. He’s gotten better, too,” Sakura stated back, a tempered warning in her words. She learned very early in their relationship that no one in the dojo was going to keep that bloated ego of his in check if she didn’t. Being top players in the division and instructors at the dojo, he and his colleagues were often left uncontested unless against one another. Gaara though, no matter how much she loved him and admired his proficiency in weapons specialties, just wasn’t a match for Lee in point sparing. “You were nearly concussed last time, and,” she emphasized by pulling him a little closer by the sleeve of his gi. “He had you down after three rounds.”
Gaara thinned his lips trying to hold back his smirk, but as usual he failed. “Ten more minutes,” he said as he stepped closer, slipping around the subject while slipping his hands around her waist. He pulled her against him. “And then whatever you want tonight is yours.”
Sakura turned her face when he bent down to kiss her, though it didn’t deter him from pressing his nose against her hair and breathing in the scent of her shampoo. It was a promise she had heard before and one that he was all too eager to uphold. Usually, it paid off to go along with it; another hour for practice here, another spar with Naruto there, and the rest of her evening was filled with his undivided attention. Gaara loved giving her said attention, and he was more than equipped to do so.
Having been in taekwondo since he was a young boy, Gaara had earned his blackbelt by the age of twelve and had known nothing outside the world of competitions, perfection of form, and intense physical training. He’d been making a living by winning weapons competitions across the country before he went up against the top competitor from Uzumaki Dojo and quickly found himself with a shiny new medal and recruitment to a full-time gig at the best studio in town. The Uzumaki’s had made a name for themselves and they fared no less when their son took over the business. They had a large facility that hosted anything from beginner level classes in Tai Chi and kick boxing, to expert level martial arts specialization fit for competitions at national levels, even global some years. Given the intensity of some of their programs, Sakura had been hired a few years back as an onsite RN that also had a license in physical therapy and massage therapy. She was an invaluable asset to the dojo and played a key role in keeping their fighters in shape for competition.
That was how Gaara found his way into her life; a series of overblown sprains and pulled muscles that had him seeking her out once or twice a week until she finally broke down and accused him of purposely monopolizing her time, to which he responded by stating that he wouldn’t have to if she would just go out with him, and he’d been showering her with his attention ever since.
But a tussle with Lee would leave him in no condition to do so, she was absolutely sure of it, and she preferred they start their weekend without a care regiment. Sakura wasn’t a fan of bringing her work home with her, but with Gaara moved in, it followed her home more often than not these days.
So, she tried a different approach.
Looking back up, she pushed her weight forward and leaned against him, those green doe eyes of hers blinking at him as she pouted. “You promised we would spend the night together,” she mumbled with a half-hearted whine, reminding him that with nationals coming up, their free time together at home was dwindling. Gaara ran his fingers through her hair, openly enjoying her methods. “You were going to take me to dinner.”
“My love, you know I will,” Gaara practically purred in response as he bent down and kissed her forehead. “Just be patient.”
She huffed and broke away from him to sit down on the benches beside the mats. He gave her a wink and readjusted his gi before joining Lee. They both seemed too eager for an honest rematch with each other as far as Sakura was concerned, as were some of the seasoned students and other senseis that gathered at the edges of the mat to watch.
Naruto and Hinata, their employers and the owners of Uzumaki Dojo, joined her at the bench. They had dismissed the last class of the day and came over to see what the excitement was all about. Being the procurers of the talent employed by the dojo, as well as one of their competing specialists in form, Naruto stepped over to referee their match.
All the onlookers, Sakura and Hinata included, were watching quietly for the first round. It lasted less than thirty seconds before Lee landed enough strikes to end it and get his first point, no shocker there, and Gaara quickly called for the start of the next round, already returning to stance.  
“Is Gaara looking to compete in point sparring at nationals this year?” Hinata asked, her sentence punctuated by the sharp Si-jak called out by her husband.
Sakura shook her head, bobbing her heel on the ground as the air filled with the sounds of sliding feet and deflected strikes. “No, sticking to his usual,” she said with a sigh. “He’s just trying to fix that sore pride Lee gave him.”
“Point, Lee!” Naruto called out. Gaara cursed and his opponent was all too eager to encourage him to try again, to try harder. “Bah ro!”
“I don’t know,” Hinata mused thoughtfully, tilting her head to throw Sakura a side-glance.
“Si-jak!” The next round started, Gaara was certainly putting greater force behind his strikes, and he’d gotten faster at deflecting Lee’s blows, but Lee had been busy keeping everyone in his dust.
“It has been a while,” Hinata continued. “I have a feeling he just wants to relive the nostalgia.”
Another point to Lee, another call for return to start. Round four; they certainly weren’t wasting any time, and she had to at least give him credit for the new personal record against Lee.
Sakura looked over to her and couldn’t help but laugh. “Of getting kicked in the head?”
Shaking her head, Hinata explained, “You know he wasn’t even aware we had an onsite medic until you needed to monitor him for symptoms of concussion?”
Sakura nodded; oh yes, she definitely remembered. She had been late to work that day with car troubles and received a call while at the mechanics; Lee overdid it with the new guy and they were wondering what the warning signs of a head injury were. She left her car at the shop and immediately called for a taxi, all the while running through some questions with Naruto over the phone. Arriving as soon as she could, she walked into work only to hear Gaara barking from the back rooms that he didn’t need to be looked at and he was fine. He obviously hadn’t dealt with defeat much, he was also visibly surprised when she was introduced to him as his coworker, and she’d certainly had her hands full with him after that.  
“Hurt pride or not; I think that was his favorite day at work to date.” She smiled over to her friend, a rare and mischievous expression crossing her face. “It’s not often you get a girlfriend as a consolation prize.”
Sakura looked away from the teasing in Hinata’s eyes only to see her lover take a swift elbow strike to the side of the face followed by a side kick to the ribs. Failing to counter the kick left him open for another set of blows to the ribs and that finished off the points needed for the fourth round to be Lee’s win.
Gaara’s back found the mats soon after and Lee laughed as he collided with the ground. “I’m sorry, man! I thought you’d keep up.”
Gaara groaned for him to shut up as he leaned up on an elbow and clutched his side. He looked over to his girlfriend from his spot on the floor, eagerly looking for her sympathy while feigning more pain than he was likely actually in. She became convinced that Hinata had been right; if losing against Lee meant reliving the first day they met, he’d be happy to taste that defeat again.
Somewhat apologetically, Lee looked across the mat to where Hinata could be seen grabbing the first-aid bag from beside the bench and jokingly handing it over to Sakura, and he called out, “Medic!”
Thanks for reading!
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