Life update ;-;
I know I haven’t updated or submitted anything in a while and I feel so terrible about that. Gearing up to buy a new house in December and I start a new schedule at work next week so life has been so crazy! I also have went complete ADHD mode and I’ve started multiple stories 😅 I want to get a turian story out and I’m in the process of writing an actual sci-fi novel that I’m excited to give you guys an insert of soon. So more things are coming, I’m just very slow ;-; Here’s a picture of my dogs for tax (this is the best one I could get of both of them together lol). Much love guys and I hope everyone’s week is going well <3

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Glamrock Monty (FNAF) x Reader Part 3
AU Fanfic/NonCanon
Takes place after the fire
Animatronics are redesigned sorta
Sun/Moon are the same animatronic
Will probably be some spicy parts so...18+
No use of y/n, your name is Beanie now
Will probably be multiple relationships (I love Monty and Sun/Moon both way too much plz don't make me choose)
You made your way towards Gator Golf from the Daycare. It was on your way to Rockstar Row so you figured you’d at least swing in there first to see if Monty was hanging around in his favorite area. The animatronics weren’t confined to their green rooms like they used to be. You made it very clear that they were free to go and do as they chose. They were, unfortunately, still confined to the Plex as a whole but that was something you weren't sure the world was entirely prepared for right now.
Heading into the main Gator Golf doors surrounded by cardboard cutouts of the band and random ‘on theme’ foliage, you were blanketed by the shine of the green neon lights and sounds of the faux gators that would occasionally pop out of their pools to give players more of a challenge.
You had so much fun rebuilding this area. The sights and sounds and even the slight smell of…rain. There were so many parts that your team flawlessly put together to create the most perfect ‘bayou’ for the scaled animatronic. You’ve always been obsessed with anything crocodilian anyway so you really got to nerd out during the whole process.
You waved at the staff bots that wizzed past you, almost barreling you down. You looked back and watched them whirl away, a look of confusion on your face. You shook your head and continued on, wondering what was going on with them. Which, funnily enough, you were about to get your answer when some sort of identified item flew past the archway at the end of the little side hall.
You sped up across the bright green carpet as you were eager to see who was already messing up your work. You were firing yourself up to give them a very large piece of your mind when you turned the corner and saw none other than the big, green animatronic himself. You were just in time to see him throw a FazCam at super speed towards the last bot that was racing towards the door. He narrowly avoided the novelty camera so it flew past, clocking one of the big green neon signs and shattering part of the glass at the bottom corner.
You were furious. What in the absolute hell would make him do that?!
Monty whipped around at the sound of your voice and locked eyes with you, narrowing them and letting out a low growl.
“Oh. It’s you.”
“Damn right it’s me. What the hell was that about?!”
“Don’t ya even think that you can bounce up in here and yell at me!” Monty roared, storming up to you.
Monty was used to intimidating people. Bossing them around. Throwing tantrums. That was just a part of the code that ingrained itself and made it into his personality. But you knew that. So you weren’t afraid of Monty (at least not really). You planted your feet and readied yourself for whatever issue Monty had.
“I came in here to check and see if you needed anything, Montgomery, until I saw you terrorizing staff bots!”
He eyed you for a moment like he was measuring you up before he leaned down and got nose to nose with you. You could see the neon glinting off of the sheen of his razor sharp teeth as he flashed a predatory smile.
“I need ya to go back to ya little office and mind your business.”
“Or what?” You narrowed your eyes, glaring up at him. Challenging Montgomery Gator was not on your list of things that would potentially happen today but you almost weren’t surprised because of his previous (and current) reports. You were surprised that he was throwing his attitude around so early. Over the last few months he had already received a few complaint reports but you brushed them off until you could talk to him yourself. And now the reports were definitely making a little more sense.
Monty stiffened and then let out a low chuckle. “Oh sugar…”
Before you could even react to what or why he said that, you felt his hands grip around your waist and just as quickly as he grabbed you, you felt the claw of his thumb slightly dig into your hip as he pushed you.
Not very hard, but just enough to cause you to stumble and trip backwards, right into one of the little ponds of water that was scattered out around the golf course. Water immediately went up your nose as you were unprepared for the submersion. You panic splashed until it dawned on you that you were only in water that was about 2 ft deep. Standing quickly, you coughed and sputtered, getting your breath back. You quickly looked around for the 7 ft gator to really give him a piece of your mind when you saw him exiting through the little hidden side door that went into the vast maze of underground tunnels.
“Montgomery!” You yelled out at the top of your lungs.
He briefly stopped and looked back at you. Right before he continued on through the door, he locked eyes with you across the massive area and flashed that dangerous grin.
“Nice glasses!”
You were left standing in the pond, soaking wet, completely dumbfounded.
Monty knew he would probably regret that later. He had only been online for 3 months and already the reports were coming in about his behavior. But if they would just leave him alone, then there wouldn't be any problems. He wasn’t going to be some show pony anymore. Monty cringed remembering what they first told him when they came back online.
'Things will be different now with the new owner.' 'So much more freedom.' 'No more harassment from the human staff.'
What a joke. Already Monty had two run-ins with a couple of mechanics and it wasn't even his fault. They didn't like the gators new upgrades. Called him creepy and started criticizing the new owner girl. Monty didn't understand why she wasn't here when they woke up, if she loved the place so much. And her attitude? Yeah, they were going to have problems. Monty was done being pushed around for fear of being decommissioned.
He strolled around the tunnels in areas that only he was familiar with. The regular staff usually avoided the lower tunnels altogether because of the loose Endo rumors. He had never seen one down here so he didn’t put much stock into the tales.
He came to a cross section with a few different openings that branched out. The one on the far left would take him back to his green room on RSR. As he went to take a tiny step towards the archway, Monty stopped and briefly stared down the tunnel to the right of him. He contemplated for a moment, rolled his eyes at his thoughts, and started down the tunnel on the right, headed straight towards the maintenance door on the far end that adjoined to another door that led to one of the many gift shops.
Monty just trudged along. Humans get sick if they’re wet and cold. And it was pretty chilly in the Plex… She was going to need a change of clothes. And if she was actually going to maybe stick to what she promised, then Monty didn’t want her dying of pneumonia or something just as serious.
At least that’s what he told himself to hide how he really felt.
You sat and steamed in your desk chair. You hadn’t bothered to grab a change of clothes from the multitude of shops in the plex because you were just that angry. Instead you decided to stomp through the atrium all the way back to your office, halting other employees with a shake of your head when they turned to ask questions about your sopping state, the now heavy green ponytail shaking off water droplets every time you moved.
You had already typed a message on your FazWatch to have the technicians clean and repair the shattered sign that was the handy work of Monty himself
You were upset for a multitude of reasons. One being that you let him get to you. You knew how he was from looking at the statements from others but you choose to look past that and give him the benefit of the doubt. Which is now the reason why you’re sitting in your office soaking wet. You hadn’t expected things to go perfect, you honestly didn’t know what you expected, but it wasn’t being drenched in pseudo pond water on your first day back.
And two, your pride was hurt. Monty was always your favorite animatronic. Knowing that you didn’t automatically win his favor definitely knocked you down a few pegs. You even wore your favorite glasses today that mimicked his own. You felt very silly now because of it.
You really weren’t sure what to even do. How do you punish an animatronic when you’ve made it clear that no one will punish them? You started to feel so stupid. It was completely your own fault for thinking a famously unruly gator would automatically change just because there were new people in the mix.
You were half way through a sigh when you jumped at a sudden and loud knock at the door. You stood and shivered, the chill of the Plex finally sinking in and it was only enhanced by the dampness of your clothes. Opening the door you were absolutely shocked to see the guilty gator on the other side of your door frame.
You looked up to see fabric hanging from the end of an outstretched claw.
“Here.” Monty huffed, through gritted teeth. “Wouldn’t want ya to catch a cold and die before you really get to run this place.”
Your face morphed from sudden shock to a shy but warm smile as you plucked whatever outfit it was from the tip of his claw. Monty was known for his bad decisions, but he definitely wasn’t known for regretting them or making up to the people he got into it with. You still weren’t sure what to do, but this was progress. And any progress was amazing, especially with Montgomery Gator.
“Thank you, Monty.” You beamed up at him, your anger gone. “But if you lay hands on me again, we’re going to have problems.”
Monty held up his hands in mock surrender while letting out a rumbling chuckle. “No promises, sugar.”
He put special emphasis on his new name for you.
“It’s Beanie. You’d do well to remember that, Montgomery Gator.” You sounded stern but you were just teasing him. You liked watching his eyes narrow and that grin spread like he was moments from eating you alive and enjoying every bit of it. No thrill you’ve ever gotten before compared to the feeling you got from him and you wanted more.
Monty took one hand to push his long, bright red hair back while he used his other to push his glasses further up on his face. His expression relaxed into one of lazy confidence as he slowly looked you over.
"I think I'll remember just fine." He mumbled, eyes locking back on yours before he chuckled again and turned to start his walk back down the hall.
You shook your head and had to stop yourself from giggling. Looking down at the clothes in your hands, you started to unfold them to actually see what he grabbed you. When you finally saw the images on the front, you couldn't help but laugh.
Of course he would get you a Montgomery Gator pajama set.
It would have to do while you washed and dried your clothes. You didn't even want to consider what the other employees are going to think when they look at your chic new outfit. Very professional. Very boss babe.
Just as you were heading to your room to change, you got a ping on your FazWatch. Looking down to check, you saw a text from Sun.
tea party? 🧁
You quickly typed out a response as your excitement rose, especially at seeing the cupcake. You definitely assumed there were going to be pastries and you could always go for something sweet.
sure! let me check in with the other GRs and i'll head that way :)
you can maybe also possibly invite them too if you want <3 :))
You giggled more at Sun's progressive use of emojis.
sounds great! i'll text you when we're on the way :) <3
Well this was certainly an exciting first day.
To be continued...
Author's Notes:
Ahhhh it's hereeee. More foundation mostly so I'm sorry about that but because you guys have had to wait so long I'm going to put some heavy fluff and maybe spicy parts in the next chapter or two. Things have leveled out so much more in my life so I'm going to try and at least upload weekly like I originally said! And I will definitely be continuing the Bonnie story, as well, but I need to find a better way to separate the stories on my page. I'll play around with that and see what I can do. Also I got approved to post on AO3 so I will start adding chapters there too!! If you would like my user on there just let me know :) Missed hearing from you guys and I just want to say thank you to everyone who's following along. Much love <3
#fanfic#writing#fnaf#<3#fnaf security breach#oc#fanfic writing#security breach#glamrock monty#montgomery gator
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First off, super big apology for going ghost ;-; The storm was a lot to get through and I’ve barely been home or have had time to do any writing at all because of it. I’m still here, though, and I’m going to try and actually get back on track this week. I hope everyone is safe and doing well. Much love <3
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Hi friends <3
Just a quick update, I honestly haven’t got a lot of writing done. My state is one of the ones being impacted by Tropical Storm Debbie so we’ve been preparing for this week. It’s definitely hitting us hard already. I’m hoping that we’re too far inland to lose power but I’m really not sure how it’s going to go. I’m going to try to get some chapters out soon if it doesn’t get too bad while I’m home today. Fingers crossed and please send good vibes to the east coast this week. Much love and stay safe.
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Recommendation/request: put your fic under a read more; when a post is long and takes time to scroll past it can be a little frustrating. The read more also adds an enticicment to interact directly with the story - have a paragraph or two of the start then add the read more
Thank you!! I had no idea that I could do this.
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Glamrock Monty (FNAF) x Reader Part 2
AU Fanfic/NonCanon
Takes place after the fire
Animatronics are redesigned sorta
Sun/Moon are the same animatronic
Will probably be some spicy parts so...18+
No use of y/n, your name is Beanie now
Will probably be multiple relationships (I love Monty and Sun/Moon both way too much plz don't make me choose)
-This is a heavy Sun chapter with some nice fluuuff.-
"ᵒʰ. ᵐʸ. GOOOOSH!!" Sun squealed in a way that made even his voice box strain, rays sticking out and spinning excitedly. "I'm so, so, sooo excited to meet you!! You fixed us! You fixed the daycare! Oh we've been waiting SO long to meet you!!" He paused momentarily while his eyes met the dangling daycare themed candies that were your earrings.
“ᵒʰ oh OH!! We love your accessories, new friend!!”
Sun's hands would act like he'd want to start reaching towards you but something would reign him in every time and he'd just clasp them in front of himself while twirling his thumbs. He was bouncing from one foot to the other and he seemed jittery but his wide smile was immediately infectious.
“Thank you so much!!” You beamed and stuck your hand out for him to shake. "It's so, so, so nice to meet you, Sundrop! Or do you prefer Sun?"
Sun looked down at your hand and back up at you with a look of bewilderment on his face, rays standing still. You were wondering if maybe you had done or said something wrong until he tentatively reached out his opposite hand and gently grasped yours.
His warm smile returned as he just held your hand there. You didn't want to start the shake so if he was content with just holding your hand there, then you were fine with that. His hand was warm and despite it being encased in silicone, it was surprisingly soft. No matter how many times you replaced or tested parts, you've never experienced them like this.
"I.. prefer Sun! But...you can call me whatever you like." He started hesitantly. You've seen every line of code and read every part of their manual but nothing could have prepared you for actually meeting him in person while he was present and conscious.
He was so...human.
Your brain was in overdrive from paying attention to every little physical movement while also analyzing his mannerisms. You were completely encapsulated by him. His eyes were still just glowing orbs with no irises. You figured you'd ask him about that later along with any other upgrade questions.
Sun's eyes got wide and he looked at you expectantly. "Could I...could I show you around the daycare?" He almost whispered it.
Even though you could probably identify every tiny spot and speck in the daycare with how much time you spent in there, you still excitedly agreed and let Sun lead you through the large double doored entrance, all the while never letting go of your hand, just gently pulling you along behind him.
By the time the tour was done and you both were sitting at the small craft table for kids, you had finally remembered what you came to ask him.
"Oh Sun? I meant to ask you something earlier but I forgot until now."
He quickly looked up and his smile gleamed at you. "Ask away, Sunflower!"
You couldn't help the brief stutter that came out of your mouth as you started to ask but then the little nickname Sun gave you registered in your brain. You tried not to take it to heart. He probably called everyone that. But you still couldn't help the quiet giggle and tiny smile that formed on your face as you started again.
"Why weren't you at the little welcome party this morning?"
Sun stilled for just a moment, barely noticeable, before he went back to coloring his current work in progress. He chuckled nervously and spoke with his head looking down at the paper.
"I was there! ...Sort of. Moon... was watching from the rafters. There was so many people I just...got a little nervous. Heh."
"Awh, Sunny, that's okay! You guys totally didn't have to. I just wanted to make sure you got your invitation."
Sun looked up at you with that same look of bewilderment. Speaking so quietly you could barely hear him. "You're so...considerate. No one has been considerate with us before you."
His statement made you feel a lot of things. Sadness, anger, and frustration that he's never experienced the kindness they both deserved and gave to others. But happy and hopeful that you could make all of that up to them now. You weren't your uncle. You would do things a lot differently.
"I'm sorry, Sunny. Things are going to be different now. I don't agree with how you were all treated under... previous management. I'm hoping to right a lot of those wrongs."
"Oh Sunbeam," Sun leaned over the small table slightly, you noticed how he almost reached out his hand to you again but stopped himself before he could actually do it, "You've already went far beyond that with everything you've done!"
A blush spread across your cheeks and it was your turn to hyperfocus on the page you were gluing googly eyes on.
"Thank you, Sunny. That really means a lot. I really hope we can all be great friends. Speaking of... I haven't gotten to see Moon yet. Could I officially meet him, too?"
Sun's eyes glazed over for a moment as you assumed they were having one of their private conversations. Once he came back, he had a slightly sad smile on his face.
"Moon says he needs a little more time... i-if that's okay." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and avoided your eyes.
"That's totally okay. It's his decision so whenever he's ready then I would love to meet him."
It was almost like Sun let out a sigh of relief. He met your smile with his own and tentatively reached out his hand to brush against yours. You held your hand up as an invitation for him to intertwine his fingers with yours which led to him doing the same with the other hand. He seemed to always want to touch but something held him back from doing so. You assumed it was the previous reactions from people he did try that with and you were determined to give him a better experience. Both of them.
"Thank you, Sunflower."
Sun's face abruptly changed into a sly smile as he turned your hand over to trace the lines of your palm with his fingers. "I'm also sure it won't be long before Moon really wants to meet you, too."
Sun giggled at something that you assumed Moon was telling him. You didn't know what he meant by that but his smile was devilish and made you wonder if there was a more... not-so-innocent side to the daycare attendant. Your heart started to pump a little faster, especially since Sun was now trailing his fingers around your forearm, absentmindedly, going up and down.
“S-so Sunny… do you like your new faceplate?” You figured that would be a good enough distraction and it definitely was seeing as he immediately pulled his hands back to cup each side of his new face.
“I doooo!! We can make sooo many silly faces now and I can taste!” To demonstrate his point he let his long, thin, orange tongue fall out of his mouth while he pointed to it.
You laughed and nodded. “I’m glad you’re pleased with everything. If you think of anything else you’d like added, could you both let me know? I have a furniture catalog in your room, as well. So if you want to decorate a little I can get you some things.”
Sun beamed at you and nodded quickly, his rays spinning one way and then another.
“Oh thank you so, sooo much, Sunflower!” He tapped his fingers together like he was deciding whether or not to ask you something. “Do you think… maybe we could get a tv for inside of our room? We’d like to watch movies there.” He chuckled nervously again while his eyes darted around the daycare, like he thought he was asking for something impossible.
“Sure! Whatever you need just send me the item number and I’ll order it. If you think of anything throughout the day you can text me.” You held up the new FazWatch that you had distributed to everyone. “I built in a communication function within your AI so you can send me a ping whenever you need something.”
Sun looked at you in amazement. You heard a beep from your watch and looked down to see a message that Sun had sent as a test.
like this?
You giggled and quickly tapped a response on your watch to send back.
just like that :)
You heard Sun promptly squeal in excitement as he got your response as soon as you sent it.
“That’s so, so, so much fun!! We’ll get to talk to you all day while you work!”
You briefly pondered if that was good or bad but either way it would be fun so you didn’t think much of it.
“I may be slow to respond sometimes if I get busy so don’t worry if you don’t hear from me for a bit, okay? Speaking of work, though, I do have to get back to my rounds.”
Sun’s warm smile immediately fell and he reached out to grab your hands again. “Do you have to?! We were having so much fun!”
Sun was slowly pulling you towards him, making it slightly uncomfortable since the little craft table was in between you both still. You had to force yourself to let go of his hands and slink back so you could stand up and start heading towards the door.
“I was having fun with you too! But I also haven’t met the other Glamrocks yet and I have a few questions for everyone so I do have to go.”
Sun had stood and bounded towards you but stilled once he heard your words. He spoke quietly, “You choose to see us first?”
Your heart flipped at the way he looked at you when you spoke. The more time you spent with them the more you started connecting the little pieces. They were programmed to nurture and to connect in a building where no one wanted to connect with them. Hesitant. Anxious. Lonely.
You knew from the diagnostics you ran that Sun and Moon were the last to power down. You couldn’t bring yourself to watch their final footage when you were scanning old clips which featured a lot of staff bullying the sun themed animatronic. Sun was naive to it at first, but when he finally realized what was happening, he stopped trying to socialize. He had his job with the kids to keep him going but when they were gone and everything was quiet, Sun just… sat.
After the virus started, Moon started getting less and less freedom since he was the only one hit with it. His outbursts and unpredictability made him a risk that Fazbear Co was not willing to take any longer so the lights permanently remained on in the daycare. And Moon was trapped inside of his own AI for far too long, exacerbating the virus. Making it feed on the attitude of contempt that they were both hit with on a daily basis.
They didn’t understand what was happening to the Glamrocks when it hit. And then Sun didn’t understand what was happening to Moon when it hit him. But it invaded quickly and attached right to the core. You spent a whole year just removing the virus and recoding, over and over, until there was no more sign of it, with extra protection built in to stop it from ever happening again. You were obsessed with creating firewalls that each had a different encryption which would make it much easier to shut down any infection before it got to the point of no return.
You were going to make sure that the past did not repeat itself. You were going to keep them all safe. No matter what.
You stared at an imaginary spot on the colorful, padded floor while responding, fiddling with the little beaded necklace around your throat. “Truthfully, I’ve spent a lot of time in here. It’s the place I’m most comfortable. A lot of sleepless nights trying to break through a problem or come up with an idea of how to go forward with something. It’s probably my favorite spot in this whole building.”
You mumbled the last part and glanced up after a minute of still no word from the daycare attendant. He was still just staring, eyes glazed over indicating he was in a deep discussion with Moon. He popped back after a moment, the barely noticeable dimming of his eyes returning to a full glow. Someone less observant wouldn’t have noticed.
He did the familiar motion of going to reach out but stopping himself. Instead, this time when he went to move, so did you. You extended your arms and reached out for him. Opening and closing your hands to indicate for him to take them.
Sun looked at your hands like they were the most expensive treasure in the world. He took on a bashful smile and you could hear his fans, as silent as they were supposed to be, you could just pick up the quiet whir in the background as they had kicked into overdrive. You weren’t sure if that was a defect or if something else was causing it. You’d check up on that later.
He gently wrapped your hands in his. Using this moment to swing you towards him as he engulfed you in a warm and enveloping hug. You were surprised by the immediate contact and you held stiff at first, but the embrace felt too natural, too comforting, something you had never experienced before. It was easy for you to relax and lean into it, returning his embrace with a tight squeeze of your own.
Just as quick as it happened, he rapidly disconnected from you. He chuckled nervously and started anxiously picking at his fingers, looking at you expectantly as he spoke. “Well…until next time then?”
You smiled and nodded. “Until next time! Would you like to walk with me to the door?”
Sun immediately jolted and nodded feverishly, rays spinning. “Of course!”
Sun watched you walk away back towards the main parts of the Plex, ponytail swinging behind you. There was so much he wanted to say that he didn’t.
He love, love, loved the rainbow freckles that were sprinkled across your cheekbones and he was dying to tell you how cute he thought they were. Tiny little shapes littered in like a heart, a star, and a little crescent moon. Sun noticed every detail. But Moon reminded him to have a little self control.
You don’t know her, Sun. She fixed everything, but with what intention?
What if there isn’t any intention? What if she’s just nice?
We’ve thought that before Sun…
Moons comment made Sun shiver. They had thought that before. They’ve thought a lot of things. A lot of things that turned out to be very different than they thought because humans could be so cruel.
But Sun refused to view them all that way. Sun knew the children that were a part of the daycare and how innocent and kind and caring they were. Humans weren’t made to be cruel. The world made them that way. That same world made Moon suspicious and paranoid. Sun watched the change in him over the years and couldn’t stop it. Because most of the time… Moon wasn’t wrong.
But seeing the sparkle in your emerald eyes when you looked at him or asked him a question, Sun couldn’t help but have hope. And no matter what Moon said, Sun felt something else when reaching out to the middle ground of their AI that they shared. Trepidation. Caution. Suspicion. But also… Curiosity. And the smallest sliver of something that Sun didn’t quite know what to call but the ache throughout his endoskeleton made him want more. Sun was barely able to feel it before Moon slammed shut that box and locked it quickly but that millisecond was enough.
That’s all Sun needed.
Afterwards, the time Sun spent cleaning kept him lost in thoughts of you. How short you were (which was adorable), how you were so confident but got flustered so easily (Sun smiled remembering the rosey hue that spread across your cheeks), and how you were so soft but fragile in his arms. He was glad he didn’t listen to Moon on that one because the lunar animatronic tried to get Sun to specifically not do that.
But Sun was so glad he did. And when you relaxed against him, you felt the same thing from Moon, however he would not and would never admit it.
Which led Sun to remembering how he held your hands at the craft table and how smooth your skin was as he ghosted the tips of his fingers over your arm. Moon was chastising him in their mind the whole time but Sun didn't care because he knew that secretly, Moon wanted more. Just as much as Sun did.
I'm excited to see her again, Moony.
Easy, Sun...
She's not like them, Moon. I can feel it.
Let's hope you're right, Sun. Let's hope you're right...
To be continued...
Author's Notes:
Woo! Another insanely long chapter lol. I'm just all about that foundation ;-; Let me know what you guys think! I may start the third chapter after I post this because I just wanna get lost in this story lol. Much love <3
#fanfic#fnaf#writing#<3#fnaf security breach#oc#fanfic writing#security breach#sun/moon fnaf#sundrop/moondrop#sundrop#moon fnaf#moondrop#fnaf moon
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ME TOO!! The second chapter is going to be pretty Sun heavy but we’ll get there B)
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Glamrock Monty (FNAF) x Reader Part 1
AU Fanfic/NonCanon
Takes place after the fire
Animatronics are redesigned sorta
Sun/Moon are the same animatronic
Will probably be some spicy parts so...18+
No use of y/n, your name is Beanie now
Will probably be multiple relationships (I love Monty and Sun/Moon both way too much plz don't make me choose)
Monty saw her before she saw him.
She was a tiny thing. Maybe 5 ft tall with long green hair up in a ponytail that swayed every time she walked. She had tiny little dots on her face, like freckles, except they were multicolored.
All of her accessories seemed to mirror the themes of the Plex. Her earrings were different. Dangling from the left ear was what looked like a Sundrop candy wrapper, one of the Daycare candies, and the right ear was the same except with a Moondrop wrapper.
What stuck out to him the most was the red, star shaped glasses that you had perched atop your head. They weren’t purple, like his, but you knew it was a nod to him.
Monty stared down at you from the balcony in the atrium. He was definitely intrigued.
As he was staring down at you, Monty became lost in thought. Not noticing when you looked up and locked eyes with him.
Today was your first day.
Sort of.
Ever since the fire that happened two years ago, you’ve been onsite helping with rebuilding the Plex and the animatronics who got caught up in the evil plans of humans.
You still weren’t clear on everything that happened. You just got a call one day from a very kind but monotonous lady who told you that your uncle had passed and the Plex was now yours to go further with, if you so chose.
You hadn’t spoken to said uncle in almost a decade. He wasn’t very interested in the family, just his machines. You didn’t know much about him and when he made it big in Fazbear entertainment, he left the family to fend for themselves in a failing economy.
So finding out that everything was left to you was more than a shock. It took you over a week of weighing pros/cons and investigating to ensure it was something you could do. The one thing your uncle and yourself had in common: Robotics was your greatest passion.
You spoke to him about it only once before you went off to college for Mechatronics but the fever in your eyes must have been enough to convince him that you would continue what he started.
And you would. But you’d try to do so, so much better.
Fazbear Entertainment had a history of violence, cover ups, coercion, and a lot of corruption. That was something you aimed to change. It was something you didn’t really had to worry much about with rebuilding the Plex because that was simple but when it came to the animatronics…
The repairs, recoding, and reinstallation of new and old parts took you a whole year and a half. You worked from the time you woke up to whatever time you would end up passing out. The more you read the manuals, wrote your own manuals, and spent time with the unconscious animatronics, the more you could see how easy it was to get attached. Something you were so unsure of turned into the center of your whole world.
You had a little apartment built for yourself that was connected to your office so you didn’t have to worry about commutes anymore. The Plex was now your home too.
You had been gone for the past three months. You missed the animatronics waking up again because you had to be in meetings to discuss the politics of reopening the Mega Plex. That hit your heart. You spent so long getting things ready and you weren’t even the first to reintroduce them to the place that they had worked in for so long now.
You trusted the handful of mechanics that was over that, but it just wasn’t the same. And the grand reopening was in a week so today you were finally back to introduce yourself and have some time with the ones you had grown so attached to, unbeknownst to them.
As you approached the stage where your colleague was introducing you, you couldn't help but feel every eye on you as you approached the stage to make your welcome speech. You had received an ungodly amount of criticism since you took over the Plex in your location.
At 27, you were old enough for people to consider what you said but still young enough for everyone to think that they knew better. You were covered in tattoos and always kept your hair dyed an unnatural color. Multiple piercings in your face and you had to always have your favorite accessories flashing (it just so happened that most of those pieces were Fazbear specific). You were never seen without your rose colored, star shaped glasses. You weren't exactly the image of professionalism.
Stepping up and standing to wait for your colleague to stop talking, you happened to look around and take a quick peak at everyone around. There were about 30 or so human staff members. Janitors, other mechanics, stage hands, etc. And then you saw the animatronics. Your heart skipped a beat as you recalled all of the work you put in to each of them.
You tried to keep as much of their original personalities intact as you could when filling in the gaps that the virus left. You did change their casings. You wanted them to be even more realistic than they were. Freddy, Chica, and Roxy got hundreds of tiny little fibers that gave them that extra soft feeling that fur would. Monty was fun because he got hundreds of individual scales and the design made him virtually impenetrable with the tough, but smooth reptile skin. You didn’t alter much with Sun/Moon except for allowing their faceplates to move and change instead of the one specific smile that they were forced to keep. You figured you’d talk with them personally about more alterations since the daycare attendant was a little more sensitive than the others.
Freddy was sitting forward in his chair, trying to give the speaker his upmost attention. Chica was by the refreshment table, obviously sneaking snacks. Nothing new there. Roxy was sitting beside Freddy with her arms crossed, examining her fingernails, looking bored. You didn't see the daycare attendant and immediately a little of seed of worry started to sprout inside of your stomach. You'd have to go check out the daycare after this.
Monty was also missing. You searched around the atrium and didn't see his large, scaley figure. You happened to quickly glance up and your eyes locked onto a large, green figure leaning against the railing on the third floor of the atrium. Monty's expression was hazy as he stared at you, almost like he was waking up from a dream.
After a moment, it's like he finally realized you were also staring at him. He quickly looked away and scampered off until you could no longer see where he was. You made a mental note to check on him later as well.
“Welcome our new Director, Beanie!”
That was your cue. You stepped on up with a large smile and took the microphone. “It’s so nice to see you all, especially our animatronic friends! We’ve all worked so hard to be here right now. It’s been two long years and a lot of dedication.”
The rest of your speech was pretty generic but you still tried to be as inspiring as possible. You truly did have the biggest sense of pride looking around the Plex and it definitely reflected in your voice. So no matter what you said, the promise of the future reflected in your voice.
After everything was over and employees started to disperse, you couldn’t get the absent animatronics out of your mind. You excused yourself from the last bit of conversation and headed off towards the Daycare.
You were a little nervous since this was your first time meeting the Daycare Attendant but only because you definitely had a soft spot for the twins. Something about their presence was enough to hide the past trauma that always presented itself to the forefront of your brain at the worst times.
You worked so hard to make sure the daycare would be up to their standards when they returned to it. It was the area you spent the most time in. Fortunately enough, the fire didn’t touch their room. You decided to keep it exactly as they had it but you did add a furniture catalog so they could request anything extra that they needed. You knew your uncle never gave any of them that option.
You entered the daycare lobby and briefly marveled at the familiar bronze statue of Sun and Moon in the center. It was one of your favorite pieces that was a part of the daycare so of course you kept it.
You decided to use the normal entrance instead of the ultra fun slide that the kids would eventually use once the Plex reopened. You’d definitely tested it out more times than you could count when you were unaccompanied so you figured you could use the main entrance for now.
Approaching the large, wooden doors you stood for a moment and took a deep breath. Before you could even reach for the handle, the door in front of you flew open and in front of you stood a lanky, 7 ft tall, sun themed animatronic.
To be continued...
Author's Notes:
Hi guys!! So sorry this chapter is so incredibly long. I needed to set the foundation ;-; I'm SO excited to start this story. I haven't decided on what relationships will happen yet. My poly brain refuses to let me just focus on one lol. Definitely Monty/Sun&Moon oriented tho. Might sneak some Freddy love in there. Not sure yet. I hope you guys like the intro! I'm literally about to start the next chapter because I'm so excited. Stay tuned for that and another Bonnie chapter. I have most of it written but I'm having writer's block and can't decide on how I want to finish it. So sorry I keep making you guys wait for that. But here's this to fill the time until then! Much love and hope you guys enjoy what's to come <3
#fanfic#fnaf#writing#<3#fnaf security breach#oc#fanfic writing#security breach#glamrock monty#fnaf sb#montgomery gator#sundrop/moondrop#sundrop#daycare attendant#moondrop#moon fnaf#fnaf moon#fnaf daycare attendant
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Hi friends! <3
I should hopefully be uploading another Bonnie chapter tonight (possibly). If not… might have something else planned o.o I have a few Work In Progress stories that I’d like to get uploaded soon. One being Monty-centric, one Sun/Moon story, and I have some other fandoms I’m going to be diving into as well (Specifically Mass Effect because I love turians sm ;-; ). The Bonnie fic def isn’t going anywhere but it’s turned into more than just some story I’m writing so I’d like to look into the development a bit more. Chapters will be out at least once a week tho so it’ll still be here!
Side note: I’m going to have little links on my tumblr to go to each separate story but I’m not sure how to show them on mobile. If anyone has any tips about that please let me know ;-;
#fanfic#glamrock bonnie#glamrock bonnie x reader#fnaf#writing#<3#fnaf security breach#oc#fanfic writing#security breach#mass effect#turians#reader#story#oc story
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Glamrock Bonnie(FNAF) x Reader Part 9
Not enough sassy Bonnie fanfic so here we go...I'll try to upload at least once a week.
AU Fanfic/NonCanon
Bonnie is terrible but he likes you
5 greenrooms on RSR (we include Monty)
Sun/Moon are the same animatronic
Moon has a lil touch of the virus
Will probably be some spicy parts so...18+
Also just using the gif
Bonnie was so much bigger and faster that by the time you crossed the doorframe, he was already yards ahead of you. There was no way you’d catch up to him in time, you knew that. So you ran to Freddy’s green room and started pounding on the door.
A concerned Freddy came quickly and saw your panicked expression and rapidly growing heart rate.
“Bonnie is going to hurt Moon!”
Freddy was understandably confused but he glanced down to see where your hand was resting on the bruising around your neck and he nodded and took off sprinting in the direction of the daycare.
You started running after them in that direction, hoping that when you got to the daycare, whatever you found wouldn't be that bad.
You had barely stepped foot into the daycare lobby before you heard shouting and yelling. Bonnie's voice boomed above Freddy's protests and Sun's high pitched arguing.
"Don't you ever let him lay hands on her again!"
"She wanted to meet him and I promised!"
"I don't give a fuck wha-"
Blowing through the doors you finally laid eyes on them all. Freddy was holding Bonnie back in a tight bear hug. When looking at him, you glanced at his shoulder and let out a sharp gasp making everyone turn towards you.
There was a deep, clawed gash going down Bonnie's shoulder blade all the way down to the top of his chest plate. When you turned to look at Sun a few feet away from them, one of his rays was broken and he was holding his right arm so you couldn't see whatever had happened.
Everyone was quiet and still as you all stared at each other before you broke the silence.
"What...what happened here?"
Bonnie let out a deep growl as Sun started to take a few steps towards you and he stopped before glaring over at him. "Bonnie came in and turned out the lights to start a fight with Moon!!"
"And I'll do it again you fu-"
"Bonnie!" It was your turn to yell at him. He looked over at you and glanced to your throat before turning to glare at Sun again.
"He hurt you."
"Bonnie it's fine. I can handle myself and Moon wasn't even that bad!"
"It's not fine!" He finally broke out of Freddy's grip and stomped up to you. "He left marks on you!"
You looked over as Sun's hand flew up to his mouth and you barely heard him whisper, "Moon, stop that!"
"What the fu-"
You grabbed Bonnie's arm as he went to turn and look towards Sun, obviously hearing what he said.
"Bonnie, stop. Let's go."
He was still half turned towards Sun, debating whether or not he wanted to finish what he started so you decided to speak again, more firm.
"Bonnie. Now."
He finally gave in to you and started to let you pull him out of the daycare, grumbling under his breath.
"Sun, I'll be back to look at you. You're going to need repairs," you shot Bonnie a look, "because someone loves making my job harder."
Bonnie looked away and just kept walking, letting you lead him, hand in hand. You didn't notice the look on Sun's face as he wished that your hand was in his instead.
As soon as Bonnie's greenroom door closed you went off.
"What the fuck was that?!"
Bonnie whipped around and squared himself to argue back.
"What is your problem? I was defending you, idiot!"
"You were causing more problems and how am I going to explain to management that I have to stay over now because you decided to start problems in the daycare?! The other mechanics have already been thinking about telling Frank you need another reset since you threw a bowling ball at someone yesterday!"
The mention of the reset made Bonnie give you an icy glare, he quickly started walking up to you, not stopping so you were having to back up before you eventually hit the wall of his greenroom.
"That would be completely up to you, mechanic. You're in charge of the resets. You gonna do it or what?"
He was so close to you that his body was almost touching yours. He stood at his full height, looking down his nose at you. His tone had gone cold and he was waiting on your answer, a ticking timebomb ready to explode.
Despite him trying to intimidate you, you just reached your hand out and set it on his chest plate, slighting touching the tiny blue hairs above the collar of his shirt.
"You know I wouldn't do that to you." You said it quietly and calmly, looking up to watch his expression go from angry to confused surprise, presumably more at the touch than what you said. You heard the familiar sound of the fans coming on and his eyes just fluttered as he thought of something to respond with.
You took your other hand and starting inspecting the gauges that you assume Moon made. It was deep. He got him pretty good and it hit you how powerful these animatronics really were. Thankfully most of his wires and exoskeleton were fine. He would need a whole plate change before the shows and parties tomorrow, though.
"We need to go to P&S so I can fix you up, though."
Bonnie snapped out of his daze and returned to his usual charm. With fans still spinning wildly, he raised his hand to cup the side of your face and make you look up at him. It was your turn to sputter. "I would rather stay here and tell you about throwing that bowling ball."
You felt the blush rise to your face and you were acutely aware of how soft Bonnie's hand was. You knew he was teasing you again but you liked it. You liked Bonnie.
You were tempted to do just that. Ignore the rest of your work and just let Bonnie do and say whatever he wanted until the end of your shift but you knew that would probably be a very bad idea. The thought of injured Sun also snapped back to your mind making you feel terrible.
You sighed and took his hand in yours, using your other one to gently push him back. "I have a job to do. And don't forget, you're not the only one I have to repair today."
Bonnie rolled his eyes and grumbled something about how Moon deserved it. "Alright, alright. I get it. I'm coming."
He followed you to the back of his room and through the door to Parts & Services. You were both quiet on the walk, but you occasionally felt Bonnie's hand bump against yours. Whether on accident or on purpose, you weren't sure, but it did happen quite frequently on your way.
Approaching the P&S doors you checked the time. 5:39 am. You decided just to be safe that you'd send Frank a message and let him know you might be a little late getting off because of two unexpected repairs. You didn't go into much detail and just left it at that.
You didn't think Bonnie's plate changes would take too long but you still didn't know what all was wrong with Sun. If they had to close the daycare today the company would not be happy...
Bonnie hesitated outside of the main repair cylinder. You knew he hated going in.
"It's going to be a simple swap, Bonnie. It won't take me very long and you can stay awake the whole time if you want."
You saw him nod before you turned around to go find the part that you needed. Nothing was really sorted well in the bins full of parts but at least they tried to keep each one specific to whoever they were for.
After digging for a minute you found everything you needed and headed back to the cylinder. Bonnie had already walked inside and was sitting on the long table.
You asked if he was ready and he gave you a quick thumbs up. "Let's get this over with, peeps."
You both were pretty silent during the repair but you started thinking about the bowling ball incident and you were curious what actually happened.
"Hey Bonnie? Why did you throw that ball at that guy?"
You heard Bonnie chuckle and saw the tip of his ear twitch. "He was harassing one of the girls that helps out at the ice cream counter. She kept telling him to leave her alone, always telling him no and to back off. So I decided to just help get her point across a little. No big deal. Although I think I also terrified her, too, which wasn't the intention but oh well."
You were surprised at that. Bonnie's outburst was because he was trying to help? You wondered how many times that had actually happened. You loved that he was actually trying, in his own way, but maybe you could have a talk with him about his methods later.
He really wasn't as bad as he was made out to be.
The swap went smoothly and in no time you had a new plate on with no evidence of the fight that happened previously.
You inspected your work as he walked out of the cylinder. "Alright Bonnie, I don't want to have to do this again anytime in the foreseeable future."
Bonnie grinned at you and shrugged. "No promises."
You giggled and tried to playfully push him. He didn't budge an inch to spite you but it only made you laugh and you heard him chuckle quietly as well.
You looked up into his glittering maroon irises and was temporarily captivated once again. Your hands itched to reach out and touch him. And you felt an ache in the pit of your stomach, wanting him to reach out and touch you, too. As if reading your mind, Bonnie reached out and took your hand, pulling you closer to him.
He leaned down, bringing his face closer to yours before whispering in your ear. "Thanks, dollface. For everything."
You felt the familiar butterflies rise back up in your stomach. Your face was burning with the blush that spread across your cheeks and you couldn't help but let out another giggle and mutter quietly. "No problem, Bonnie."
You looked up after a moment of silence and the expression on Bonnie's face made your knees weak. His eyes were half lidded, gaze traveling down your body and back up, with a lazy smile sitting on his face. You knew you had to stop things now or Bonnie was going to end up keeping you in his greenroom for the rest of the day.
So you took a deep breath, a step back, and you looked down at your Fazwatch.
"Alright, alright. Time for you to go back. I have to get Sun in here so I can check him out before the daycare opens today."
His expression turned sour at the mention of Sun. You did regret having to end whatever thoughts were going on inside of his head. "He can deal with it for today. Give him a little time to think about things."
"Bonnie, stop. Don't act like that."
He looked away and mumbled something under his breath. You swear you heard something along the lines of 'my girl' being a part of whatever he said.
"What was that?"
"Nothing. I'll head back. But if either of them lays a hand on you again..."
"They won't. Goodnight Bonnie. See you tomorrow."
He hesitated for a moment before he started back towards the door that led to his greenroom. "'Night, peeps."
To be continued...
Arthors Notes:
Things are heating upppp. Not sure what direction I'm going to go in the next chapter. I'm just going to start writing and it'll be a surprise to us all xD I want to incorporate some more time for other characters and also start driving into main character's backstory. But I also am dying to have a spicy moment so we'll just see where it goes lol. Much love guys! <3
#fanfic#glamrock bonnie#glamrock bonnie x reader#fnaf#writing#<3#fnaf security breach#oc#fanfic writing#security breach
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Glamrock Bonnie(FNAF) x Reader Part 8
Not enough sassy Bonnie fanfic so here we go...I'll try to upload at least once a week.
AU Fanfic/NonCanon
Bonnie is terrible but he likes you
5 greenrooms on RSR (we include Monty)
Sun/Moon are the same animatronic
Moon has a lil touch of the virus
Will probably be some spicy parts so...18+
Also just using the gif
After talking to Sun for a few hours, your brain was completely frazzled but also yearning for so much more information.
First of all, Sun and Moon both were an extremely interesting animatronic. Truly an engineering marvel, honestly. Apparently, when the lights went out, they designed Sun in a way where he turned into a completely different animatronic, that being Moon. It all made sense but you never knew they were even remotely designed like that. It was fascinating. You also learned that they could communicate with each other inside of their head. So the times Sun was staring in the distance... he was actually having a side conversation.
Secondly, Moon did have a virus. It wasn't as bad as it used to be, but Moon was still pretty unpredictable around people. Sun did make it seem like Moon liked the virus. It seemed to give him more freedom, the side effect being it also made him very volatile in certain situations. You definitely wanted to take a look into that but Sun made it pretty clear that Moon said it was off limits.
Sun didn't understand why Moon did what he did with you, though. He wouldn't answer his questions or give him his thoughts or feelings. When speaking about you, Moon would shut down completely. You and Sun were both perplexed by that.
You asked Sun if Moon had ever actually hurt anyone before and he didn't want to talk about it so you assumed that something happened. You made a note to ask Freddy about that too.
Sun did let you scan him and, surprisingly, there was nothing wrong with his code. No virus, no bugs. Everything perfectly normal. Your brain was on fire with the need to keep looking and learning how one was effected but the other wasn't but you didn't want to overwhelm Sun.
You really liked Sun. And Moon, too.
Looking down at your Fazwatch, you noticed it was now around 4 am. You needed your last few hours to check up on the Glamrocks one last time before you had to leave. You completely forgot to scan them while bowling and you figured they purposefully didn't remind you.
"Alright Sunny, I guess I'll head out now."
"Oh do you have to?! I was having so much fun!" While having your talks, you both had started coloring and making crafts to take the pressure off of Sun. It was fun. And you wish you could stay and just play with the glitter glue and pipe cleaners.
"Unfortunately, I do. But I really enjoyed our time together! And Moon, too, I really enjoyed meeting him. Even though he wanted to be all grab-by and mysterious." You chuckled and rubbed your neck, thinking of his grip. Lazily wondering how tight it could get while still being comfortable...
What is happening with me lately?
You looked up and saw Sun staring at you in what looked like...shock? "Sunny? You okay?"
"You like...Moon?"
"I do. He's the other part of you. You like him and I trust your judgment so..."
Sun's voice got very quiet and his smile grew wide and very warm. You heard his fans start to whir loudly. You made another note to ask Freddy what that could mean.
"Thank you, Sunflower. We're both very happy to be working with you."
"Same here, Sunshine. And tell Moon that I want more time soon but I expect better behavior."
Sun's eyes glazed over for a moment and then he gasped, whispering to himself quickly. "Moon I will not say that!"
You leaned over the table and poked Sun on the shoulder. "I want to know!"
Sun started chuckling nervously and stood up fast, skipping around the table. "Time's ticking! Better get going to the others!"
Sun scooped you up in another big hug and spun you around while gently setting you back down and ushering you towards the daycare exit.
"You can't keep hiding things from me, you know. I'm going to start bugging you eventually!"
You looked back at Sun when you were almost through the big, wooden doors. His genuine smile was back on his face as he stared down at you.
"I know... but Moon said we can't reveal everything all at once! Ruins the 'mystery'" Sun wiggled his fingers at you, "See ya Sunshine!"
Sun rapidly closed the daycare doors while giving you a big wave before you could get out another sentence. You were left staring at the locked exit in stunned silence. Were they teasing you?
You couldn't help but walk away with a shy smile on your face. You were really enjoying your job and the people you were going to be working with.
You were almost out of breath when you made it to Rockstar Row. You really needed to work on your cardio...
You approached the familiar door with the teal light and yellow star on the door. You were actually pretty excited to see Bonnie tonight. Before you even knocked on the door, it slid open and in front of you was the big bunny himself.
He looked down at you with a lazy expression before you saw his mouth pull up into a little smirk. "Can't stay away, can you Peeps?"
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms but couldn't help yourself from breaking out into a big grin. "You're just so charming I don't know what I would do without all of your lively remarks."
Bonnie chuckled and moved to let you in. "Come on, before I change my mind and shut the door on you."
You shook your head and walked past him. You had seen his room recently. When you saw it last, it was an absolute disaster. Things were broken, stuff was everywhere, etc. But looking around the room now, everything was so...clean. It looked like Bonnie had organized and replaced (or at least tried to fix) the furniture that was broken.
It was nice.
"Wow, you really cleaned up in here."
Bonnie narrowed his eyes at you. "And how do you know that?"
You shrugged and started taking out your tablet. "I saw it when I was looking for you guys earlier."
"I didn't answer so you just welcomed yourself into my room?"
You froze and turned to look at him. "I wanted to make sure you were okay. Drop the attitude."
You noticed the tip of his ear twitch. He was quiet for a moment before grumbling to himself and heading to the couch to sit for the scan.
"What took you so long in the daycare anyway?" Bonnie asked as you started the scan.
"I was talking to Sun. And I met Moon."
Bonnie made a noise like he was choking. "You did what?!"
Bonnie whipped around and grabbed your wrists, yanking you closer to him. He started doing his own little scan of your body until he froze when he looked at the mark that was left on your neck.
Immediately Bonnie's face went from shock to anger, extreme anger.
"That son-of-a-bitch."
Bonnie ripped the wires out, stopping the scan, as he proceeded to race out of his room, presumably towards the daycare.
"Bonnie, no!!"
You started running after him, panic settling in.
Oh no no no.
To be continued...
Authors notes:
Kind of a short chapter to transition into some...stuff lol. What's going to happen between Bonnie and Sun/Moon? o.o So sorry for the suuuuper slow burn. Creating a foundation is so tedious but I want to make sure that's something I don't skip. I want to do a spicy chapter soon so... stay tuned for that xD Much love guys! <3
#fanfic#glamrock bonnie#glamrock bonnie x reader#fnaf#writing#<3#fnaf security breach#oc#fanfic writing#security breach#sundrop#sun/moon fnaf#sundrop/moondrop#sun/moon
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Glamrock Bonnie(FNAF) x Reader Part 7
Not enough sassy Bonnie fanfic so here we go...I'll try to upload at least once a week.
AU Fanfic/NonCanon
Bonnie is terrible but he likes you
5 greenrooms on RSR (we include Monty)
Sun/Moon are the same animatronic
Moon has a lil touch of the virus
Will probably be some spicy parts so...18+
Also just using the gif to have a gif... we know Bonnie is actually blue in this house B)
You started towards the daycare after the great time at Bonnie Bowl. It was only 12:17 so you had plenty of time to focus on the daycare attendant and still give everyone else a quick check before the end of your shift.
On the way, you started to wonder why Sun wasn't at Bonnie Bowl. Was he invited? Did he not want to come? You figured you'd ask Sun when you got there as long as it didn't seem like a sensitive subject.
It was quite the trek there considering Bonnie Bowl was all the way on the opposite side of the Plex but you were already learning a few short cuts and it was only your second day so you were pretty optimistic that in a week you'd be able to get around a lot faster.
You entered the daycare lobby and hopped into the familiar slide at the end of the room. The bright yellows, reds, and blues swirled past as you landed in the same sea that was the ball pit.
You heard Sun and felt him grab your outstretched hand before you even saw him.
"Hello, helloooo!!"
"Hi Sun!" You muttered into his shoulder as he spun you around in a warm, signature hug.
He set you down gently, just like last time, while holding both of your hands and swaying from side to side.
"It's so good to see you, Sunflower!! How are you?! Can we do more crafts tonight?! I got new glitter glue!!"
His energy made you giggle and you started to sway, side by side, just like he was. "Sure! We can do that but do you think I could meet Moon first?"
Sun immediately stopped swaying and his hands drew back so he could fidget with his fingers. He started to look around the room as he chuckled nervously. "May-Maybe later, Dewdrop. There's so much to do and the crafts will take some time!"
You noticed he had so much anxiety, especially when bringing up Moon. It only drove your curiosity. Moon was never mentioned in your task list or any notes. But he was pictured everywhere in the daycare. He was the other half. So what was going on with Moon?
You gently reached out and took Sun's hands in yours. He fixed his attention on you as you tried to get answers.
"Sun, please be honest with me. Is there something going on with Moon? Why are you so nervous?" He tried to keep looking away but his attention always fell back to you and the warmth from your hands.
You typically didn't like touch, especially from strangers, but you always felt so comfortable with Sun. The first time he wrapped his arms around you, you felt something very unfamiliar. You felt.... safe?
Your attention snapped back to Sun's words as he started to speak. "Moon just... he's just... Moon is different." He said in quiet tone that was very unlike him.
"How's he different?"
“Moon is great with the children! Just not with… the adults…”
"How long has it been since Moon has been around an adult?"
"Maybee...a year, or so." Sun continued to try and pick at his long and slender fingers while still holding your hands.
"So...what about his scans?"
"Moon doesn't get scans. Not anymore..." He mumbled quietly.
You were pretty shocked. From what you gathered from Sun, something must be up with Moon when he sees adults. That was obviously not how he was programmed, so it must be a bug or a virus. If he hasn't had a scan in over a year there's no telling how bad it is or has gotten... You were immediately concerned.
"Sun, I really need to meet Moon." You repeated to him your thoughts and worry that something might be effecting his counterpart. "It's very important that I do. I want to make sure both of you guys are always okay."
For a while, Sun just stared off into the distance and was completely silent except for the roar that was his internal fans. He was obviously struggling with something. You were starting to wonder if he just wasn't going to answer you at all until he spoke so quietly you almost missed it.
"Okay... Just please stay near the light switch, Sunflower. Promise me?"
"I promise, Sunshine."
He chuckled nervously and seemed to pull you a little closer before gently pulling you in the direction of the security desk. You let him lead as you followed close behind him.
He stopped in front of the light switch and softly nudged you forward. "Near the light switch."
He was serious.
You lay your hand on the switch as Sun started to take a few large steps back. It was a little confusing why he was acting this way but you didn't question anything out of fear that he wouldn't allow you to meet Moon. Once he was far enough back, he nodded at you to turn off the lights.
So that's what you did.
Immediately the daycare was bathed in a blanket of darkness. It took your eyes a minute to adjust before you could just make out the edges of the desk but nothing farther.
You heard a gravely, high pitched laugh coming from somewhere in the room. Your heart started to speed up and you felt a small tinge of fear at the unknown.
"Moondrop?" You called out hesitantly.
"Hellooooo, Starlight."
Your head snapped in the direction of the voice and you saw two round, red eyes that glowed back at you. He was perched on top of the opposite corner of the desk. It took you a minute to really see him but once you did, you realized he looked almost exactly like Sun, except the opposite.
His faceplate was still round but with no rays peeking out. Instead, there was what looked like a nightcap? His color scheme was darker. Instead of red and yellow pinstripe pants, Moon's were blue with glowing, yellow stars. You looked back up to the red LEDs on his faceplate and you still had that small sliver of fear, but there was something else. Something you couldn't quite put your finger on.
"Hi, Moon." You gave him a little wave and watched him start to sway on the desk, just like Sun does. And just like you do with Sun, you started to slowly mimic Moon's movements as well. It wasn't something you did on purpose but you couldn't stop yourself.
You both just swayed and stared at each other for a moment. And then you blinked and he disappeared. You looked around quickly and didn't see anything. You wondered for a moment if you were crazy and if that was just a hallucination until you heard it again. The laugh. Moon's laugh, you assumed.
You felt a hang grip your wrist, uncomfortably hard, and yank you to the side, your hand coming off of the light switch. Just as quickly, you were pushed backwards and your head hit the wall (you were thankful it was padded).
You felt a hand fly up and grip your throat, quickly tightening. Yours flew up to try and stop the one that was around your neck as you looked up to see Moon's face inches from yours. His eyes burned like hot red orbs that you were almost hypnotized by.
Your breathing was strained because of Moon's grip and your heart was beating rapidly, making your head swim and your vision blur, but you couldn't stop staring into his eyes.
He was quiet for another minute before he spoke.
"Suuun tells me you're special to him. That I shouldn't hurt you like the resst of them." He hissed the words at you. His voice had bits of static and little glitches that you found interesting. You were so focused on that, that it took a minute for what he said to register in your brain.
Special? And hurt...me?
When did Sun tell him that? Do they talk a lot? You had so many questions but you could barely breathe in Moon's grip. You weren't sure what to do.
"P-please...." Moon stared at you for a moment before he finally relaxed his hand just enough for you to actually take a few decent breaths.
He kept you pinned with both hands as he stood and inspected you. You didn't understand where Sun went and why he wasn't stopping Moon from doing this to you. You scanned the room with your eyes but you couldn't see or hear anything related to Sun.
"Where is Sun...?"
Moon took one of his clawed fingers and slowly trailed it down the side of your face where it rested on the base of your neck. You heard him giggle. "You don't knooow. Sssun didn't tell youuu."
You didn't move for fear that one wrong move and that claw would likely cut you but keeping up conversation made you feel like you had some kind of control.
"Tell me what?" You asked quietly.
"When the lightsss turn on..." the hand near your neck moved to grip the side of your hip, pushing you farther back into the wall. You noticed his other hand sneak towards something on the wall that you couldn't see. "...I become Sun."
He started laughing again and before you could ask any more questions Moon switched on the light switch himself. It took a minute for your eyes to adjust to the explosion of bright lighting and once you focused on the figure in front of you... you saw Sun.
His hand was in the same place on your hip that Moon had his, the other was hovering over the light switch, frozen in place. Sun's expression was unreadable. His glowing eyes looked down to the hand on your hip and back up to your face. The rays on his faceplate spun a few times and his face looked like he finally registered what was going on. He quickly jumped backwards like he had been stung, fans immediately spinning wildly as he started to stutter.
"I-I am so so so-sorry, Sunflower! I didn't me-mean to touch you like t-that!! I-I...Moon..." You held up your hand which made him freeze and stand silently, waiting for you to say or direct him to do something.
You tried not to really focus on the way your body reacted to being gripped by Moon (and Sun?) like that. The fear but also...excitement. The anticipation for... what? You quickly pushed that line of thinking down, too nervous by what it meant. Instead, you focused on calming down Sun and figuring out what in the world you just experienced.
"Sun... I have so many questions."
To be continued...
Authors Notes:
Hi friends! Hopefully should be updating daily again but we'll see how it goes. I have so little time during the week but I love this story and it's important to me. I hope I didn't disappoint with writing Sun/Moon. I decided to end it where I did to help transition to the next part. Moon typically wouldn't give up his time in the dark so him turning on the light switch himself... well that's all part of the plan B) Big thanks to everyone who's read along so far! Please feel free to leave feedback, comments, and suggestions! Much love <3
#fanfic#glamrock bonnie#glamrock bonnie x reader#fnaf#writing#<3#fnaf security breach#oc#fanfic writing#security breach#sun/moon#sun/moon fnaf#sundrop/moondrop#sundrop#moon fnaf#moondrop#fnaf sb#daycare attendent#fnaf moon
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Hi friends <3
Uploading Chapter 7 tonight! Trying to battle with work this week and making time to write. I've barely been home and writing on my phone has proven to be risky lol. But Chap. 7 will be out soon and it's a very heavy Sun/Moon chapter so if you simp for them like I do, I think you'll enjoy it :,) Much love to everyone and I hope your week is going great!
#fanfic#glamrock bonnie#glamrock bonnie x reader#fnaf#writing#<3#fnaf security breach#oc#fanfic writing#security breach#sun/moon#sundrop/moondrop#daycare attendant
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Will be back with a new chapter tomorrow! Work has me so exhausted so trying to catch up a few things.
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Glamrock Bonnie(FNAF) x Reader Part 6
Not enough sassy Bonnie fanfic so here we go...I'll try to upload at least once a week.
AU Fanfic/NonCanon
Bonnie is terrible but he likes you
5 greenrooms on RSR (we include Monty)
Sun/Moon are the same animatronic
Moon has a lil touch of the virus
Will probably be some spicy parts so...18+
Also just using the gif to have a gif... we know Bonnie is actually blue in this house B)
Your alarm went off and you were up and ready to start another night. A quick shower, some basic makeup, and a fresh pair of clothes. You were about to head out the door before you caught your look in the mirror. There was something else you decided to add. Walking back to your vanity you took out a little compact with different colored eyeliners.
You took the little makeup brush and dipped it in a little cup of water to activate the eyeliners. With a quick dip in the bright yellow color, you drew a little star right under the corner of your left eye. Dipping back into the yellow once again, you drew a little sun underneath the corner of the other eye.
You admired your artistry in your vanity mirror and nodded. You were ready for your shift.
Walking through the Plex doors you were a little early so you passed more employees on their way out. Everyone mostly kept their head down as they passed you, eager to be off of work and head home to their families. You felt a pang in your chest since you knew that the only thing you were going back to was your apartment full of half unloaded boxes.
But that’s okay. Because I’m okay now. And I’m away from them.
You quickly cleared those thoughts from your head as you made your way through the maintenance tunnels to the locker rooms that contained your locker.
There was a few people milling about in the locker rooms, gathering the rest of their things to head out for the day. As you were putting a few things in your locker, you picked up on a conversation that was happening behind you.
“I’m going to mention to Frank that Montgomery and Bonnie both need another reset. Montgomery’s attitude is getting worse and Bonnie threw a fucking bowling ball at me today.”
“Do it. I’m tired of having to put my safety at risk for these stupid robots.”
Your jaw clenched as you listened to the two people talk. They must have not known that you were the new nighttime mechanic who would be over that. So they obviously didn’t know that whatever they told Frank, a ‘reset’ would never be happening again. You were about to turn around and give them a nice taste of your opinion but instead you bit your tongue and waited for them to leave.
Let them complain. Nothing was going to happen. Not if you could help it. You also gave a silent thank you to the universe that you worked mainly by yourself. It wouldn’t look so good if you lost your first new job in another state because you couldn’t control your temper.
You grabbed your tablet and checked your Fazwatch. Almost time to clock in. You started out the door and towards Rockstar Row to start your day. Your task list didn’t mention anything specific. Just a general check in with everyone along with your normal maintenance tasks. Checking the stage was your favorite, so far, because it’s like you felt a tinge of the lingering show magic.
On your way to Bonnie’s green room, you wondered what made him toss a bowling ball at someone. It wasn’t funny because they could have gotten hurt but you couldn’t help but chuckle a little bit thinking that that definitely sounded like something Bonnie would do.
You neared the familiar teal light that shone above Bonnie’s green room door and you felt your heart start to involuntarily beat a little faster. You were just excited to start your night. At least that’s what you told yourself.
Approaching the door, you knocked a few times but no response. You called out Bonnie’s name and after a few more minutes, you used your keycard to open his green room door. You let out a sharp gasp when you saw the state of his room.
It was a disaster.
The couch was turned over, there was trash thrown all about, and there appeared to be a bowling ball stuck in the wall.
What the hell happened today??
Or was this how his room always was… You remembered you’ve never actually seen inside of his green room.
You decided that this was a problem for another time and you started your way to Freddy’s green room instead. And just like Bonnie’s, his room was empty. Upon inspection, every green room on Rockstar Row was empty. Where was everyone?
You checked your FazWatch to see if you were able to send one of the Glamrocks a ping. You vaguely remembered Frank mentioning it only when 100% necessary. You thought now was pretty necessary.
You scrolled through the directory and thought about who to send a ping to. Immediately your mind jumped to Bonnie, at first, but something held you back. You decided to shoot a quick message to Freddy instead.
Where are you guys? :)
You waited for a few minutes before you got a message back, but it wasn’t from Freddy.
It was from Bonnie.
U forget about our date?
You felt a blush spread across your face and sent a quick message back.
I’m on my way!
You rushed to Bonnie Bowl. You wondered why Bonnie responded instead of Freddy. You were trying not to read too much into it but it was hard not to, considering his attitude towards the other employees.
And he called it a date.
You took a shortcut through the tunnels to the atrium where you started towards Bonnie Bowl. You were extra excited to bowl with everyone so you were moving faster than normal.
You approached the large purple opening of Bonnie Bowl and went through the sliding metal door. You could hear lively conversation coming from inside. You caught the voices of the Glamrocks seemingly laughing and having a good time. You stood in the spacious bowling lobby and looked over the rails to see them all getting the game started.
Roxy was the first to turn and notice you, saying your name while the others turned their heads towards you and also gave you hellos as well as little friendly waves. You hopped down the stairs and jovially skipped towards your ‘coworkers’.
“Hey guys!”
“‘Bout time you showed up, peeps.” Bonnie glanced over at you and did a small double take, his eyes looking straight at where the little yellow star was painted on your face. "And I like that star." He muttered the last part.
You giggled and batted at him with your hand. “I didn’t know we were starting so soon! And thank you.” You also muttered the last part while inspecting the tip of your bowling shoe.
“Are we bowling or are we meant to stand around while you two flirt?” Roxy stated very unenthusiastically.
You saw Chica’s hand fly up to her mouth and Monty rolled his eyes. You immediately felt your face heat up as you looked away and watched Bonnie try to shove Roxy but she was too quick for him and sidestepped out of his way. He turned back to the computer system in front to start the scoreboard and cue the balls while shaking his head.
The game was starting.
You could feel a shift in the air of Bonnie Bowl. The competition was starting. You even felt a buzz in your own veins as you zoned in and mentally prepared yourself for the match. You didn't know how you'd do with precision perfect animatronics, but you were darn sure going to try.
"Alright!" Bonnie turned around and clapped his hands. "The goal is to knock down all 10 pins," he glanced at you, "obviously. The score is determined after the 10th frame. If you don't understand how to play at this point, you probably shouldn't. So let's start the game!"
The music in the background was definitely getting you pumped. This was exciting. Bonnie was obviously up first. And not surprising, he rolled a perfect strike on his first roll.
You heard Roxy boo as he went to take his seat, showboating a little in front of everyone.
Freddy was up next. His first roll he knocked down 8 pins. You were a little shocked since you figured they would all be pretty on point. Unless he was trying to do worse so you'd have a chance. On his next roll he knocked over 1 more pin with a first score of 9.
You were up next. You felt everyone's eyes on you as you approached the lane in front of you. It was your first roll and you were honestly so nervous. You didn't want to mess up, especially not in front of Bonnie.
You took a deep breath.
I got this.
Grabbing a ball you you lined up your shot, swung your arm back, and let the ball go. The rolled effortlessly across the shiny lines and collided right into the pins, but only knocking down 8. You heard Bonnie snicker behind you and paid no attention to him. You had one more ball to roll.
Gearing up again, you let the ball fly. It soared down the lane and crashed into the last remaining pins. You had got a spare! 10 points!
You shot Bonnie a smug look as you made your way back to your seat and saw him roll his eyes but not before you saw the corner of his lips twitch up, fighting a grin.
The game continued. Roxy rolling a 9 and Monty getting a strike but also throwing the ball so hard that he cracked a few of the pins. Which led to a briefly heated argument between Bonnie and Monty that everyone had to collectively help settle.
You were having such a great time. By the 9th frame, you had 4 strikes and 2 spares under your belt. You weren't in last place (Poor Freddy) but even if you were you wouldn't care. Even with the intense competition it didn't stop the jokes from Roxy and Bonnie, it didn't stop Freddy from trying to enforce rules on 'no cussing' which led to more cussing from Monty, and you all had to keep an eye on Chica or she would wander off to eat the trash in the ice cream kitchen.
Bonnie tapped the ball return and turned towards all of you before making his last few rolls. "Let's make it a liiiittle more interesting."
Everyone quickly got very quiet and looked up at Bonnie, a little confused as to what was coming next.
"If I strike out on this frame, I'll have a perfect score. If I do, which I will, then I get one favor from each of you at the time of my choosing."
Bonnie looked very pleased with himself as the others started making notes of protest.
"I am not giving you anything, ever." Roxy growled.
"I don't even like you." Monty stated which caused Roxy to roar with laughter.
"I don't know if betting is ethical..." Freddy's input.
"But what if you don't?" You were quiet until now. Everyone turned to look at you and Chica immediately started to giggle.
"Yeah, Bonnie, what if you don't get a perfect score?" She said.
Bonnie rolled his eyes, the smug grin disappearing off his face at the even mention of him not coming out on top.
"Like that's even an option-"
"If you don't hit a perfect 300, then you have to help clean all of the greenrooms for a week."
There was a moment of silence before everyone, even Freddy, started to roar with laughter and shout words of agreement.
"Perfect Bonnie actually getting his hands dirty?" "I would love help from Bonnie with cleaning my greenroom!" "I don't know if I trust him around my stuff..."
Bonnie locked eyes with you and looked as if considering whether or not to throw you down the lane. After a moment, he nodded.
"Fine. Like there's any chance of that anyway."
Bonnie turned back to the ball return and picked up his first ball. He had 2 rolls, 3 if the first two were strikes. And the first roll was, unsurprisingly, a strike. You heard Monty boo and friendly competitive remarks from some of the other Glamrocks. Bonnie grabbed his second ball and sent it flying down the lane as well. Strike. Another sea of protests.
Just before Bonnie was about to roll his third ball, he turned his head over his shoulder to look at you. Just for a moment. And in that moment you knew you had to do something or Bonnie was going to get that 300 score. So while your eyes locked, you boldly took the tip of your fingers and pressed them against your lips, then tilting them forward, quickly blowing Bonnie a little kiss.
His reaction was just what you wanted. His eyes went wide, you heard his fans kick on into overdrive, and he quickly looked away from you, focusing back on the ball in his hands before visibly trying to refocus on the game.
Not everyone saw, but Roxy certainly did. So a new round of comments and hoops and hollers set off among the Glamrocks. Including Chica singing, "Bonnie's got a girlfriend!" They knew you were doing it just to fluster him, and they wanted in on it now too. You weren't sure if that was good or bad.
"Oh my God, shut up!" Bonnie yelled at the others.
"Take your shot, bunny! If you're so confident." Roxy yelled back.
The laughs died down as Bonnie stepped back up to the lane. Bonnie Bowl was his game, his territory. But he couldn't shake the buzzed feeling that he got from what you did. Teasing or not, he couldn't get his mind off of wanting more...
You saw Bonnie shake his head, line his arm up with the lane, and launch the ball. Everyone was silent as they watched the ball float down the lane towards the pins. It was like time had slowed once again. You watched as the ball collided with the pins. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9. 9 pins down. The one last, stubborn pin wobbled dangerously but stood tall amongst the sea of his downed brothers. 299. Bonnie did not get the perfect score.
The sounds from the Glamrocks were deafening as you heard laughs, squeals, jeers, jokes, and friendly reassurances coming from Freddy only. Bonnie just stood there, staring at the pins like he couldn't believe it. He always got a perfect score in Bonnie Bowl. He always won.
The only thing that was different was you.
He turned and looked at you and you gave him a sheepish smile. You knew what you had done but you didn't regret it. Bonnie glared at you at first but couldn't stop the grin breaking out across his face. You let out a sigh of relief that he didn't resent you for your little stunt and joined him in joining the Glamrocks in their friendly banter and camaraderie.
After finishing up the last of the game, you came in 4th place out of 6, which in your opinion wasn't bad considering you were playing with people miles ahead of your skill level (even if Chica and Freddy may have done a little worse on purpose just to let you get ahead).
Everyone eventually started to disperse and tend to their own activities for the night but you felt a large hand grab your wrist and pull you back from the exiting group. You looked over to see Bonnie looking down at you.
“I have something for you.”
You looked up at him in confusion.
His other hand came around and produced a small cup. Upon closer inspection, you saw it was the same kind of ice cream that Bonnie took from you last night. You slowly took it from his hand.
“Good game, dollface. Enjoy the ice cream. It’s my favorite flavor, too.”
He winked and let go of your wrist, stepping around you and heading out the exit. You watched him walk out the door of Bonnie Bowl and you couldn’t help but notice the butterflies you felt in your stomach.
To be continued…
Authors Notes:
Hello friends!! So sorry this chapter took an extra day but I haven’t been home the past few days. I also had to research a few things about bowling lol. Next chapter we get to meet Moon B) Slowly starting to heat things up and dive more into the plot. There is one, I’m just kind of forming it as I go tbh, but there will be a plot xD
#fanfic#glamrock bonnie#glamrock bonnie x reader#fnaf#writing#<3#fnaf security breach#oc#fanfic writing#security breach
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Hey there! I just wanna say that your fanfic is amazing! I started to read it yesterday from part 1 and I couldn't stop until part 5 xd
It was so good!! Your descriptions, the personalities of each character, the context. It all fits perfectly! I can't wait to see a new chapter.
My feedback would be don't stop writing!
Way to go Superstar!!
Best regards,
A fan from the shadows ✨
This means the absolute world to me. Thank you so much ;-;
For anyone who doesn't know, I had some pretty intense trauma happen one week ago. It shook my whole life and I didn't know if I was going to be able to make it through. So I started this tumblr and started writing. It's kept me sane and gave me something to look forward to every day.
So reading things like this make me feel like I'm "write" where I need to be. Haha I made a pun... Sorry I'm also ridiculous lol. But seriously, thank you Anon and everyone else who's following along with me. <3
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I will be posting another chapter soon. I haven’t been home all day so I was going to write the story on my phone but it started having an error with saving and I lost 2/3 paragraphs so now I’m weary with writing from my phone 😅 Stay tuned for the Bonnie Bowl chapter!!
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