#I was only supposed to make an account to see who the new members were when they were announced
rainbowolfe · 2 days
Why Aym and Baal?
They were, according to Shamura, supposed to be Narinder's replacement family/companions. Narinder never really got that memo, but like, what did Shamura expect? Relationships don't work that way. You can't just throw two strangers at someone and have them fill the void of a millennia-long relationship.
But the question of the hour is, why Aym and Baal? I don't think it's because they're cats.
It's implied Narinder had his own family (made up of cats or whatever he is) and chose the Bishops, a goofy assortment of non-mammals over those blood relations. So he's not exactly inclined towards members of his own species. So that doesn't feel like the reason why Shamura chose them. And it doesn't feel like the reason Narinder kept them.
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I noticed that this photo from Jalala's journal had to have been of pre-servitude Aym and Baal, cause they're much younger. Baal's hair is shorter, they're both just wearing basic tunics instead of their signature robes, and Forneus isn't wearing her hat. So Aym's always looked a bit scuffed, and it wasn't the result of his time spent with TOWW in the Realm Beyond.
Which means Shamura saw him and went "wow that's literally Kallamar". Scar over one eye? Check. Messed up ears? Check. It would also loosely confirm that the boys were sent after they sealed Narinder, since Kallamar's ears wouldn't be scuffed before then.
It would be really funny if what Aym's looking at is Shamura, and this picture was taken 5 seconds before disaster.
Now, my first instinct was that Baal would be Narinder, and what Shamura hoped to recreate was Narinder's relationship with them and Kallamar. But that doesn't quite make sense. The new "family unit" already has a Narinder, so why would Shamura give him another?
Baal can't be filling Shamura's role for two reasons. One, as the head of the family, Shamura would be more likely to be Forneus (the role they are now placing Narinder in). If not Forneus, then the unseen father presumably taking this picture. Two, Shamura does not believe that Narinder loves them. That's. Kind of why they're doing all of this. So they wouldn't give him a replacement-Shamura either, unless they were feeling really really egotistical.
Which leaves us with two options.
And the correct one is Leshy. Leshy, whose core item is the red camellia. And whose symbol becomes a black heart when he's cleansed.
While we don't get to hear much from Baal, Heket's core traits are that she's a shit-talker and likes to eat. Leshy's core traits are that he's chaotic, but has an appreciation for/focus on the world around him. Smells, sights (when he could see), and sounds.
Baal is actually the politer of the two and, based on his recruitment dialogue ("So much color... so many creatures") he too is the worldly type. Also, Baal thanks Lamb for helping them. Leshy and Narinder are the only Bishops who thank Lamb in the end.
And, you know, if you take the order Shamura lists the family in into account, Leshy and Kallamar are the first and second sons respectively.
Of course, this can be taken one step further in another direction :3c I can't just leave Heket out of this.
Although Shamura only gave him Aym and Baal, theoretically what they saw was a four-person family unit that reflected their own... before Narinder entered the picture. I mentioned before that if Shamura isn't a reflection of Forneus, then they're a reflection of the unnamed father. (Who I suspect to be Paean)
Which means they saw Heket in Forneus.
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Do you see the vision??
Cause this is a found family, age order doesn't necessarily matter to the familial hierarchy. Even if Shamura wasn't the eldest, they would still be the head (whether matriarch or patriarch) because their role is as the leader of the other three. Heket would be below Shamura, but above Kallamar and Leshy, because she serves as caretaker. She's even the one who takes charge upon Lamb's return, as the matriarch would do if something were to happen to the patriarch.
((Traditionally, while the father is seen as the protector and provider, his purpose is specifically to rule/lead the family. It is the mother whose sole purpose is to protect. Primarily the children, as their (often only) caretaker. But in traditional circles, it's commonly felt that the mother should sacrifice everything for the father as well.))
It would be particularly fitting because a lot of Heket's side of things revolves around sacrifice. How she's burdened by it, and seemingly how much she tried to do to find a better/different outcome. She's characterized as particularly family-inclined.
This would suggest that who Narinder valued the most in the family were Leshy and Kallamar. At least, it would suggest that's how Shamura saw it. But I'm liking this line of thought, so let's say their read is accurate.
Shamura saw that Narinder. Could also be Forneus. And Shamura loved Narinder the most, so...
Narinder and Heket's disdain for each other stems from them competing for the same role in their family: The matriarch. Shamura's second in command, and the boys' caretaker.
Not in a "raise them" type of way, at least not in Kallamar's case. But to guide and influence them. To be the one they trust and rely on. Heket has been that. And, intentionally or not, Narinder intrudes on that.
Narinder's the 'other woman' lmao
As a bonus:
Baal is aligned with his father (you get Tears of the Vengeful Father in exchange for him). Aym is aligned with his mother (ditto for Tears of the Merciful Mother).
If Aym = Kallamar; Baal = Leshy; Forneus = Heket; and The Father = Shamura
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Then that dynamic is actually reflected in this Tarot Card. It pairs Kallamar with Heket, and Leshy with Shamura. :3
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uzukali · 2 months
ok! I want to be done with twitter now ^u^
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fanfictionlibrary01 · 3 months
AO3 works being stolen and posted on rivd.net
What is happening, and what you can do. Check for edits with additions at the end of the post!
We've posted these infos in our Discord server, but want to make them accessible for more of you AO3 and fanfic folks out there. What is happening? A user called "Fanfic Books" on the site https://rivd.net is posting over a million of fanfics since May 18th (account creation time of that user), all of which seem to be stolen from AO3 users. You can check if your works were stolen by searching your AO3 username on that site. Reporting this on the site is tedious, and contains so much requested data and personal (sensitive) information about you that is just seems sketchy and like they want to grab your data to sell it off again. (See this for more on that.) That a virus called "rivd" apparently also exists does not help their case. Since the person posting the works is also listed as Moderator of the website, chances of successful reports are, by our estimation, very small to non-existant. (As you can look up here.) Creating an account on that site is also tedious - after trying it, the feedback was that a moderator needs to approve of my account creation request. How long that is supposed to take is not known. What can you do? We deduced - through admittedly rushed, because we felt like time was of the essence, and and sparce, checks - that people who have their works locked on AO3 have not been affected. (At all/as much is not to say, it's our best hope and theory rn.) We advised our server members to lock their AO3 works for the time being, as that currently seems like the only prevention method available. A great tutorial for how to lock all your AO3 works at once has been posted here. Kudos to this X/Twitter post that seemed to have started the spread of information, and others relaying the infos (like e.g. r/AO3 on Reddit). Edit (0,5h after initial post):
With permission of the author on AO3, here are screenshots from when I checked if their works (unlocked on AO3) were stolen. Searching for works of the FFL Discord server's admin, who has them locked on AO3, resulted no matches on the rivd site - hence the theory/recommendation that locking your AO3 works helps.
Edit 2 (4h after initial post):
There also seems to be a new occurrence that the fanfiction tab has been emptied/does not contain (publically displayed) fanfics anymore. What this means and if the fanfics are really taken down is unclear, but given that the anime fanfic category that once existed is seemingly completely gone, something is being done. Rumor is that a mass report of DMCA at Cloudflare caused this - it feels like a win either way!
Edit 3 (23h after initial post):
It seems like rivd.net is now completely down/inaccessible. See last attached screenshot in this post! No infos on what this means or what caused this are available atm, but like before, it feels like a small win!
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raspberry-cannibalz · 7 months
can you pretty please write yandere doctor masacrik x reader where basically she takes mimi’s place 🙏
We love psycho cuties!!! Yes I can! This Is my first time running a account like this so please leave any tips on my writing and formatting if you'd like<33
Y/n= Your name
E/c= Eye color
Yandere Masacrik x Fem!reader
Word count: 1940
Story contains: Yandere themes, implied abuse, Y/N, NOT PROOF READ.
Masacrik was always a jealous man when it came to something he owned. That was the case with you. He barely brought you out of the house. You always remained there, unless you were being good. If you were really good he'd take you for a walk at night. But today was different. You weren't exceptionally being good but you weren't being bad. You caught a really bad stomach bug from something you ate the other day. You needed proper care. Masacrik noticed this the night before he had a very big day at work. Of course this was an inconvenience for him and he looked rather sore at you.
The morning of his big day at work he rushed around the house packing his bag as you sat on the sofa sick to your stomach.
He approaches you, slowly raising his hand. You thought he was still upset with you so you flinch and close your eyes with a bit of fear. Only for you to be met with a head pat. You open your eyes.
"I know this isn't your fault."
Masacrik says in a kind soothing manner.
"I have to take you to work with me though. Which is rather upsetting to me. I don't want anyone looking at you other then me. But I suppose I'll have to deal with that today."
He walks around the sofa to his shoes. You never really had any shoes to wear, even for the night walks. You kinda just let the rocks poke at you, Getting cuts and bruises on your feet. But today he pulls out a nice pair of cute black shoes. Masacrik motions you to go over to him and you did. You always listen to him. It was like your purpose for existing. He slides the shoes on you, almost a perfect fit. They were a bit tight on you, but that was better than walking on sharp rocks and god knows what else would be on the ground. He then grasps a small dark navy blue jacket. He carefully puts it on you and buttons it up, then pulls out his big red scarf and wraps it around your neck nicely. It covers your nose and chin.
"Now, y/n. You need to be on your best behavior today, got it?"
He looks at you in your e/c eyes with a serious expression.
You nod but that makes Masacrik shake his head.
"Use your words."
He says in a stern tone. You hesitate for a moment before letting out a soft "yes...yes sir.." bearly Audible.
Masacrik smiles at you and stops leaning over you.
"Good, Let's go now." He takes your hand in his and leads you outside. You never have been out in the daytime. Or you don't remember if you ever did. You start to walk the opposite direction then you do when you go for night walks.its a cold morning, you look up and you can see Masacriks breath in the air. He usually wears his scarf on his way to work.
"Y/n, you will be in the break room while I'm in a meeting today. I packed some fruit for you to eat while we are there and some medicine."
Masacrik spoke in a low soft voice while keeping his grasp on my had.
"If anyone talks to you, you have to tell me. People looking at you gets on my nerves enough."
He grips my hand slightly tighter, his tone getting a hint of jealousy in it. We reach the hospital he works at, Masacrik pulls me closer to his side and lays his hand on the side of my head, pressing it into his shoulder. Many of people are going in and out of the hospital. Doctors, nurses, released patients, happy family members, sad family members. And before you know it, you're already inside and walking towards the elevator. This place was so bright and clean, Some what familiar to you. As you two go up in the elevator, you cling onto Masacrik's jacket from the stimuli of this new yet familiar place.
Masacrik leads you out of the elevator and down the hall to a staff only room.
He sits you down at a table and puts an apple in front of you.
"Eat it when you get hungry." His voice is monotone and he looks like he needs to start heading to his meeting.
"Be a good girl y/n"
he says softly then heads for the door. You lay your head in your arms on the table for who knows how long. You hear someone enter the room but you are a bit too hesitant to look who it is, You dont want to disappoint Masacrik.but you hear a voice say something, you don't know if it was directed to you or if two people are in the room, the voice said.
"Who's that?" It was a females voice. You hear the woman walk over to you and tap your shoulder. You jolt at the touch, knowing you'll have to tell Masacrik about this small interaction.
"Hello? Are you alright?" The voice seems soft and curious. You decided to look up, you meet face to face with a girl with a pink long bob haircut. She has a cat ear hat that is white that looks just like yours. She looks to be a nurse. You sit there just looking at her a bit of fear and nervousness on your face.
"Are you lost? Oh! Are you waiting for one of the staff?" She seems kind and happy.
"Masacrik.." you manage to mutter out barley Audible
Her smile turns a bit into a frown.
"Oh are you his sister?"
She asks her tone turned a bit cold. You shake your head.
"Fr..Friend..?" You say softly, not knowing if that's the right word to describe your relationship with him. She sighed in a bit of disappointment, she seems slightly bothered.
"Well hes in a meeting so he won't be out for another 30 minutes." She walks over to a cabinet over the counters. You just sit there worried you made her mad until she turns around holding two choopa chub lollipops, Ones strawberry and the others chocolate.
"So I'll wait with you till he gets back." Her voice seemed to become more calm and tender. She walks back over to you and hands you the chocolate lollipop and opens her strawberry one, then pops it onto her mouth.
"My names strawberry" she sits down beside you. You open the chocolate lollipop and put it in your mouth.
"I'm y/n.." you are very hesitant to speak to her. You two just kind of sit there in silence until you both hear the door open and a males voice.
"God I hate this job!"
It was a nurse. He had short brown hair and a whiny voice. He looks at the two of you sitting at the table and he smiles.
"Oh god its him.." you hear strawberry mutter and see her pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Heyy, strawberry! You never told me you had a friend just as cute as you!" The nurse says with a slight flirtatious tone.
"Hmm wow really?" Strawberry says in a sarcastic voice.
"What's your name little lady?"
He approaches you with a freaky smile. You look visibly nervous and uncomfortable.
" °°° " you look at the ground.
"Not much of a talker huh? Eh that's fine I like that in a woman." He puts his hand on your shoulder
"Women are such yappers they go on and on an-"
he gets cut off from a yell.
"HEY! Do not touch her without her permission." Strawberry glares at him and grabs his wrist.
"I'm just being friendly toots" the nurse replied with a snarky tone
"Yeah ill make sure to tell that to the hospital manager. Let's go!" She gets up and starts to drag the nurse out of the room. You are left sitting there alone in that room.
After about 15 minutes, you hear the door open once again. You look to see if strawberry was back but you see Masacrik instead. Your mood instantly got better when you saw him. Though he doesn't seem too happy with you. He walks over to you and bends down so both of your faces are directly in front of each other. Masacrik grabs the tick of the lollipop and pulls it out if your mouth half eaten.
"We will talk about this at home
He says in a deep voice. Masacrik pulls out the medicine and puts a small bit of it in a small plastic sip cup and hands it to you. His face looks annoyed and jealous.
"My shift is only a couple of more hours."
He walks to the door and leaves the room. Hes still holding the lollipop and just as he left the room he puts it in his mouth with a grin.
You sit there anxiously. You take the medicine then lay your head down in your arms and on the table again. You hear people go in and out of the room for the next couple of hours but they didn't pay any mind to you, they just ignored you if they saw you or they were in too much of a rush to notice your existence.
You finally hear a familiar humming as the door opened. Its Masacrik! Hopefully in a better mood. You look up from your spot. You didn't realize someone had turned off the lights at some point. The room is dimly lit from the hallway light peering in from the glass window on the door. Though Masacriks humming seemed happy, his face said otherwise.
You knew it was time to leave so you get up from your seat and walk over to grab his hand. You took his but he didn't take yours, you were just grasping onto his finger.
Masacrik leads you out of the room and the hospital and down the street home. Silent all the way home. It was like a punishment to you. You hated when he was mad at you, it almost physically hurt.
You both reach home and get inside. You take off you shoes and go over to the sofa to sit down but you suddenly feel yourself being pinned into the sofa. You look up at Masacrik.
"Who was it.?"
He says trying not to yell. His face is in a rage. This startled you to the point you started to tear up.
Masacrik demanded you respond.
"H..her name is strawberry.." you muttered. Masacrik's face turns to jealousy.
"But.. but she. Saved me.." you spat out.
Masacriks face went from anger and jealousy to confusion.
"From what." He says in a stern voice"
"Creepy nurse Man.. with brown hair.."
Masacriks face turns more calm.
"I guess that this can be an exception this time." His grip on your shoulders loosen and he falls onto you wrapping his arms around you.
"But you should know that you are mine. Not hers. Got it..?"
He Whispers into your ear softly with a small hint of jealousy. You nod as you both fall asleep like that.
You wake up with the sun shining into the window. You sit up and see Masacrik is at the table drinking coffee and reading the paper. The paper reads.
-young nurse found dead in his car at 11:49pm-
Masacrik seems to be smiling at the paper but you don't seem to understand what the paper exactly says.
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klausysworld · 10 months
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(This is based on that cam girl idea I had except I ended up making more boring than I initially thought so I might make another or something? I dunno, either way I hope everyone likes it cuz it’s still cute)
Something special
Klaus was no stranger to sex. Over a thousand years he had tried damn near everything and knew just how to pleasure both himself and others. He found it both amusing and inspiring how humans invented new things to satisfy their needs and often tested them out. Webcaming sites were one of his favourites.
Having an eager, gorgeous girl on his screen teasing him for hours and moaning softly. It helped that he had a lot of money, it mean he had private chat rooms and calls with a lot of these girls. There, when it was only him, they would begin to lose more clothing. Some were happy to be completely naked for everyone to see but the ones who were out for money only did it for the right amount. They were his favourites, knowing that they got excited when he joined the live because he would offer what they needed.
He hadn't been on for a good while while he was busy with his curse and hybrids but once he had the time, he decided to log back on. He scrolled for a little while to find someone who peaked his interest. Klaus was careful with who he picked, he didn't want to have loads of girls waiting for him, he needed them to feel special and wanted.
But after a little while, he found her. Y/n, or at least that was her name on here. With a slight smile, he joined. She was in her panties and an oversized baby-pink jumper that went just over her thighs and swallowed her pretty body. Her hair was down and she was simply eating her dinner, gammon egg and fries. The wall behind her was white and he could see the end of her bed at the edge of the screen. She smiled at the camera as she dipped her fry in her egg and took it into her mouth, chewing slowly before swallowing it down.
He watched the comments, and then her, studying how she reacted to different requests and compliments. Some people were asking for her to take off the jumper, some were asking her to lick her knife and others were asking to have a private or members only stream. She hummed softly as she took a sip of her drink, which was a tall glass of milk making Klaus smirk.
She shifted to sit up in her knees, her thighs parted but the jumper making it impossible to see between them. A good few people send her money, most a maximum of $50 but he could tell that she was happy with that. She let out a soft laugh at one of the comments, "mm it's just milk, I'm sorry" she smiled and as though it were contagious, so did Klaus.
For the next few nights he just watched her. The most she would let anyone see of her was her thighs or sometimes a little cleavage but she wasn't explicit at all. He began to wonder how much it would take to have her take her panties off. So, out of curiosity, he asked.
He watched as her face went pink and she fiddled with the edge of her t-shirt. "You're very forward..." she glanced at the accounts name "Nik" she murmured softly and he grinned.
A hundred?
He questioned with a sly smile and she nibbled her lip and ignored him making him hum lowly to himself.
Two hundred?
He asked, his eyes narrowing slightly in determination. When she still didn't answer him and instead began talking to a different one of her...fans I suppose, he decided to send her some money. $500 to be exact. Her eyes went wide and she seemingly shrank into herself. "I- um..." her face reddened and she paused for a moment before the steam ended. He then received a private message
I can refund you
was all it said and he frowned
Why would I want a refund? It's for you, sweetheart.
he replied with a click of his tongue, watching the three dots dance across his laptop screen.
I won't do what you want for it. You can have it back.
she was scared and he knew that but he didn't want her to be.
That's alright, love. You can keep it anyways. Maybe buy yourself something and wear it in your next show.
he offered, hoping she would accept. As soon as she did, he was in.
If you're sure? I'm very sure. Well then thank you, Nik ❤️
he smiled at his screen and went offline for the rest of the night. He began to picture how her body would look beneath her baggy clothes, he imagined her sexy little figure crawling towards him on his screen and her lips whispering his name like she had before.
The thought stuck with him even in sleep and followed him all the next day and onwards.
It took a good couple of weeks to fully gain her attention. Then he was on every day, sending in money and flattering her. He was happy to do so though, besides she had been more confident and a little more seductive with her behaviour. She still never took her clothes off, especially not for everyone but when he went into a members only room with her and a few others she would be in only her underwear. No shirt or jumper to hide her soft skin.
And after persistency, he managed to have a one-on-one session. He had his camera off to begin with but when she shyly asked if she could see him, he didn't want to deny her sweet voice. Her expression was somewhat relaxed when she saw him, he wondered what other kinds of people would manage to get her like this.
He smiled and hummed as he allowed her to look him over for a moment. "Better than expected sweetheart?" he purred and she shrugged sheepishly.
"Well yeah honestly" she laughed and so did he. Most of the men she went one-on-one ended up being either old and alone, young and horny or married and telling her she needed to be quiet because his wife was in the next room over or that he was on break at work. Still, she never hung up, they were paying her after all. Some of them were there purely to talk and of course others were much more direct about what they wanted.
Nik had been a bit of a mystery to her. Sometimes he was asking to see her panties and the next he was just wondering about her day or what things she had in her room like the teddy bears on her bed which she didn't mean to have in the shot.
So she was curious as to how this first personal interaction would go.
Klaus was mostly proud that he had gotten this far but also somewhat excited, after realising that Y/n had become his release for his stress after a long day in Mystic Falls, he began to feel a little something for her. He just knew if she were here that she'd be terrified, she was far too lovely for war and pain. If Klaus were honest, he didn't really understand why she was on this kind of platform, she really didn't seem the type but he assumed it was for the money or perhaps she wasn't as innocent as she made him and the others believe but he didn't think that was the case.
Either way, he had been looking forward to this evening for a while. "Well I'm glad I haven't disappointed" he chuckled and she smiled. She sat back against her fluffy pink beanbag so the camera could see her top half. His eyes traced the pattern on her white lace bra, a little jewel handing for the bottom. Her hair looked freshly done and he could tell that she put in much more effort for her spenders.
"Don't worry about disappointing me, I can promise that you won't" she told him, her voice smooth like silk as his tongue wetted his lips and he straightened up. He was sat in bed, his laptop on his lap over the covers and a bottle of lube on his bedside table just incase.
They began just talking about simple things, she asked him questions and he answered to an extent and vice versa.
But as the night grew older, he began to ask if he was allowed to have a better look at her. She agreed easily and stood up for him, giving a 360 of her body. He groaned softly and damn near begged for her to take her panties off and by the end of the call she did. Her thighs squeezed together but he could see her smooth little mound. She sat back in her beanbag on her side so the curve of her ass was on display for his eyes and occasionally when she shifted, he would catch a glimpse of her glistening cunt.
After a good while she had to go and thanked him for everything he had said to her and given her. He smiled back and thanked her in return "Perhaps next time we'll get rid of that pretty bra of yours too?" he teased and she blushed.
And next time, he did. He had her completely naked, lead on her front and eating some chips while they spoke. Klaus could imagine her tender breasts spilling out of his hands as she told him some innocent story without realising his attention being elsewhere as she leaned up on her elbows allowing him to see her pebbled nipples. Once he let out a groan, she popped her head up and realised. He could see something dim in her eyes and it made him feel some sort of guilt? But she brushed whatever it was away and smiled, asking if he wanted her to help him feel better.
After that he began to push further and further each time, becoming aware that when she trusted him enough, she would do just about. anything.
Her manicured nails would squeeze at her budded nipples while he gave slow strokes to his hardened cock, occasionally cupping his balls to tease himself.
Her legs would part for him to get that view he had longed for, his mouth watering and cock beginning to twitch with the need to bury inside her and yet he feared that he never would.
Often it was one-sided, Klaus would get off while she spoke delicious words to fuel his desire and showed off her body. But after a while he began to request that she showed him how she played with herself. He asked if she ever thought about any of her spenders when she was alone at night and if she would ever let any of them, more importantly him actually meet her. Touch her, fuck her. God he wanted to, he needed to.
Seeing her little fingers curl inside her tight little cunt was becoming addictive. It got even better when he would send her the money over and a link of the toys he wanted her to play with for him.
Sometimes she would bring her toys out in some of her normal streams, she would have her vibrating panties on while she spoke to her fans, grinding against a teddy and biting at her own lip to keep quieter than she would be normally.
Klaus and Y/n had become somewhat emotionally involved without telling the other of their true feelings. They both assumed the other was their for physical things. Y/n especially thought Klaus could care less about her. Especially when he suddenly stopped turning up. Never joining her performances or even coming online. She assumed he must've gotten bored or something?
She didn't know that he was in New Orleans, in and out of wars and living in a house full of bloodsucking creatures, night howlers and magic practisers.
And he didn't know that she was also in New Orleans, working in a little coffee shop out of the way. Not until he found himself inside it after a very long night. He didn't want to go home and stayed out, wondering until the sun rose and shops began to open. That was when he stepped inside and his eyes found hers.
Recognition flashed through both of them and he could hear her heart pounding as she stepped back quickly, tripping on her foot as her breathing escalated and a whispered chant of "nonono" slipped past her lips. On instinct he rushed forward to follow her, shoving past the little gate that let the employees go behind the counter. Other staff yelled at him but he just focused on following her breathing.
He got to a small room which a couple coats hung up and some bags, then he heard a slam and lifted his head to see a window smack closed.
Hurriedly he went back out through the front and sped round where she must’ve climbed out, he could faintly hear the quick patter of footsteps and chased it. His breathing was almost as fast as hers as he turned corners with pace and ran straight into someone. He apologised with a grunt and looked up only to find himself surrounded by people once again as the day was beginning in the busy city.
He let out a frustrated groan and spun around, checking through the crowds as much as he could. “For fucks sake” he growled, storming through the people until eventually finding his way home.
After that day he went back to that coffee shop every day until he eventually compelled one of the other workers only to find out she quit on the same day she saw him there. He compelled every person in the building until one of them told him that they knew where she shopped.
He then continued to hang around the shopping centre for hours like a full on stalker.
Eventually he spotted her, and he did not waste a single second before he was directly behind her “Y/n?” He whispered and she physically jumped as his hand came in contact with her shoulder. She smacked his hand off her, wide eyes staring at him and he knew she was ready to run so he moved forward. Hands either side of her head against the shelves of the supermarket.
Her breathing was laboured and fear rolled off of her. “What do you want?” She whispered, her voice a little more breathy under the circumstances but still mellifluous.
“I- I don’t know” he whispered back, becoming a little confused. What did he want from her? As if realising the situation a little better he moved his hands away from her. What the hell was he doing?
He had caged the poor girl, scared her and for what? To look at her? He could do that online though he was certain she would have blocked his access by now. He didn’t even think to log back on.
His jaw clenched and he took in the anxious expression painting her face. Had someone found her before? Did she think he was here to hurt her?
“I’m sorry” he murmured, taking a hesitant step back “I didn’t know you were here, I just saw you and- I don’t know…I just wanted to…see you? Or talk to you? I don’t-“ he could feel his mouth going dry as he stared at her
“How did you know I’d be in here?” She asked, afraid and a guilty look spread through him.
“Well…okay that makes it look worse” he laughed uneasily. “I just…I missed you” he whispered and she studied his face
“It’s not like it’s hard for you to see me” she whisper yelled and he sighed
“Well I know that but I couldn’t come on there anymore” he mumbled knowing that a number of beings would’ve been able to hear it.
“Right, you’re married or something. Look I don’t care okay? I’m not gonna tell anyone. I don’t even know if your name is Nik” she promised. “I won’t say anything and you won’t say anything…right?” She asked, a twinkle of desperation glistening in her eyes.
His expression softened slightly and he backed away slightly so she wasn’t trapped. “I’m not, married- but I won’t do or say anything. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you” he told her, still confused with what he himself was thinking and doing.
She watched as he left, bumping into someone by mistake as he left. She wasn’t sure whether she should be more afraid or at ease. She leaned more towards the first one.
She began to look over her shoulder whenever she was out, she moved apartments and changed her loyalties when it came to shopping.
And yet still, even with Klaus also trying to avoid her and leave her be, they managed to collide.
Walking straight into each other in the middle of town. His hand had lurched forward to catch her from falling and they both looked to the other prepared to look annoyed before both going silent and wide-eyed. After a second he let go of her and they both muttered an apology, what was worse was that he was with Rebekah and Hope. As soon as Y/n saw the child she turned moved past him, gaining speed as she went. Rebekah could tell something was wrong as her brother went to follow the girl only to sigh and turn back to Hope.
“Secret lover?” She teased but he didn’t look amused so she kept it to herself though she had Hope shared a look.
Klaus however only appeared troubled. He found himself making a new account to watch his girl once again but she’d been inactive for a little while, people asking for her to come back. He hoped he wasn’t the cause but part of him knew he was. He’d spooked her.
But after a while she came back and he watched, send in some cash and eventually he was on a one on one session again. He apologised for how he’d come across and promised he never had ill intentions. After a little time they fell back into pattern and their confidences grew when asking and doing things.
And when he saw her working in an art store selling paints and other mediums as well as helping out with some galleries nearby, he decided to actually talk to her comfortably.
He asked if she’d consider going to dinner with him and gave her his actual number. After a good week she agreed and he had in a fancy restaurant. He could practically smell her nerves but tried his best to soothe her, promising everything was okay and safe. She told him she did the camming for two reasons, for the money but also for herself because she enjoyed it and it made her feel good about herself. They both agreed that if their relationship progressed that it wouldn’t stop her from doing what she wanted just like she wouldn’t stop him from his….job that he made up.
In fact he asked if she’d ever let him join her. She had laughed and shook her head but several dates later when he had her pressed against the same bed that he’d watched her touch herself in months earlier, and was sucking pink marks into his skin, he asked again. And with convincing, she agreed.
God he couldn’t wait to have people know she was taken, he knew it would take a little while but he wanted to make all those people watch as he fucked her senseless. Show them how a real man could treat her instead of those toys.
Not that he didn’t enjoy using them with her, whether it was steaming or in their personal time. He kept her hidden from his family and she didn’t want to ask about it, a little worried for the answer after that time she saw the little girl and blonde women but she had fallen in love with him and it frightened her to think that any of this wasn’t real for him.
For her, she was safe. She was with someone who respected and knew about what she did and would pleasure her not only privately but willingly be apart of her…show.
And for him, she was someone who didn’t see him as a monster or a freak. She wasn’t caught up in any of his family drama or causing any. Everything was nice…for a while.
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observeowl · 1 month
Second Chance | Chapter 4 - Strangers Now
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You missed drawing the string back to your face and seeing the arrow hit the yellow centre; what you didn’t miss was having to wake up at 5 am in the morning to travel to school and set up the boards. You remember selling your bow immediately after graduating, there’s no time to shoot, and places to shoot aren’t as common as a basketball court or football field. You took an arrow from the quiver and loaded it once more before releasing your breath with it. Once you saw the arrow hitting the centre, you placed your bow down. 
Clint stared at your grouping from next to you. “You’ve improved over the week.” He clapped in shock before nudging your side. “Tell me, who is the new coach you got outside?” 
Clint was the captain of the Archery team, and he often coached new members up to a certain standard before the actual coach came in. Thanks to his teaching, you learnt a lot more about Archery. You never knew that to shoot competitively, you’d have to own so much equipment. He was kind enough to teach you what each of them is for when other members approach you for certain things since you were the logistics director. Truthfully, you only took up this role because you wanted to be able to put something in your resume. 
“So, what did you and Nat talk about?” Clint asked as you were pulling your arrow out of the board. 
“What? We didn’t talk at all.” 
“Nat asked me where you were two days ago. Did you guys miss each other?” 
“I have nothing to talk to her about.” You collected all your arrows and returned to the shooting line to prepare. 
“What happened? I thought you were always happy to hear anything about Nat?” 
“Well, now I don’t. Is there a problem?” You glared at him. “I’m shooting now. Could you not bother me?” Clint was shocked at your words. You were usually so non-confrontational and soft, never daring to say no to others. 
“Did Nat make you angry?” 
Just then, an evil plan hatched in your head. “Why don’t you ask her?” 
After you were done with training, you lugged your heavy backpack and waited for Andrew. He was bringing you on a date to a cafe nearby within walking distance, but when he heard you were going for training, he offered to bring his car along so you didn’t have to carry the heavy backpack. 
After the party, Andrew started texting you, and he revealed that he was in the same Management Accounting class as you. He was sitting behind you all along, and you didn’t really notice him because you were always on your phone once you found your seat until the class started. Camellia and Diana were always the ones who did the interacting while you sat there like a loner.  
When you saw his notification from your home screen, you immediately went to text Camellia. You were freaking out that someone actually asked you on a date. After not being in the dating game for so long, you kinda lost touch with what you’re supposed to do. In actual fact, Camellia had no experience in dating as well, so she was worse than you. But she’s the one you would rely on to cheer you on. You had other friends throughout middle and high school, but she was the only one you opened up to within a year. She took care of you and showed you many things that opened your world. You had her to thank for making you more confident in trying new things. 
“Hi, sorry for making you wait. I was a bit nervous, so I left the dorm late.” Andrew helped me put my back in the trunk before opening the passenger side door for me. 
“That makes both of us.” You all started chuckling before making a move. He turned on the radio, and Taylor Swift happened to be playing. You learned that he had been to a Taylor Swift concert and admitted there was explosive energy all around. Seeing people’s Instagram videos of concerts made you dream of attending some sort of concert and experiencing it yourself, but you were too shy to go alone, and all your friends have different tastes from you. 
“We should go together one day.” He said. 
“What?” You asked, confused. 
“To a concert. Whichever one you want. From your question, I can tell that you’ve never been to one. Do you want to go?” You nodded your head and smiled. You’ll take this chance to experience all the things you never did. 
“We’re here.” He parked the car by the roadside before entering the cafe. It has a very vintage decor inside and a clear theme of typewriter here. “Apparently, we can use the typewriter here too. I can ask the owner for the papers.” 
He found a place to sit, and you looked through the menu for something to eat before settling for some aglio olio. You continued the conversation from earlier, and he was really relaxing to be with.
After learning what you said to Clint, Nat was furious that you decided to taunt her despite being in this situation. Clint was none the wiser and continued asking for answers about what happened between you two that Natasha couldn’t provide. The sudden switch between you and Nat has left him very confused. He didn’t know you two had gotten close enough to hate each other. He was about to get a headache from watching the two of you interacting with him as a messenger. 
Thanks to Clint, she knows where you’re headed, and after much searching like a mad woman looking through the windows of all the cafes nearby, she finally found you chatting with Andrew. Rage filled her eyes when she saw you so happy with him.
She opened the door harshly, and the windchime alerted everyone inside of her arrival. You watched her storm closer and didn’t get to say anything as she pulled your arm. “Get up!” She was stronger than you and was making her way out with you as fast as she came in. 
“Hey! What are you doing?” Andrew rushed out behind you after seeing you getting dragged out by Natasha. “Let her go!” 
“This is between me and her, you don’t interrupt.” Natasha glared at Andrew, who was grabbing her wrist. “Let go while I’m asking nicely.” 
“No! You’re the one that is forcefully taking away my date.” Andrew didn’t heed her advice, and she expertly flipped him onto the ground while still having one arm on you. He didn’t know that Natasha had a black belt in Judo and Taekwondo. 
“Natasha, stop it! Andrew, Andrew, it’s okay. I’ll come and find you later.” You tried to prevent the situation from getting worse than it is. Natasha pulled you away when you tried to check that he was alright. She dragged you quite a few streets down, and you were sick of her leading the way without telling you anything. She always thought that whatever she said goes because she was earning more between you two. “Enough!” You released your hands from her grip. “Just say what you want and get over it!” Your shouting has caused people around to look at the commotion. 
“Why did you tell Clint to find me for answers?” 
“I don’t know what kind of story to tell him, so I figured you could do the talking.” You shrugged your shoulders. “You always make the decision.” 
“I do not!” She insisted. 
“So then, why did you drag me away from Andrew? Couldn’t you find me another time?” You argued and pointed to the street where you were dragged from. 
“Don’t change the subject! What do you expect me to tell Clint?”
“I don’t know! Anything! That we don’t see eye to eye?“ You snapped. You were getting more frustrated talking to her. “I’m trying to live my life here without you. Stop bothering me, and don’t look for me. We are just strangers.” You told her with conviction and left her there to deal with everything. 
After texting Andrew, you realised he was still waiting at the cafe and picked up your pace a little. You couldn’t be more apologetic when you arrived for causing such trouble and embarrassment for him. 
“It’s okay.” He shook his head. “I have to ask, though, who is she?” He was surprisingly understanding. 
“She just, she used to be a friend.” You struggled to come up with an answer. “Let me pay for the food. That’s the least I can do to repay you.”
“No, it’s alright. I brought you here today, so I’ll pay. But I guess I’ll allow you to pay for the next one.” 
“That’s a promise.” 
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@gemz5 @natsxwife
@dyslexic-dreamer @unexpected-character @eternalnight410
@leenasayeed @oh-thats-sad @skz-xii @gay-frogs-dancing-around
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nqueso-emergency · 1 month
Trent's been catering to buddies (always) the entirety of (pre) season 7, but especially after 7x10 because he didn't like what happened with BuckTommy.
He didn't want to get involved, yet he posted about his distaste for the dinner scene on 911tvnews for everyone to see instead of his personal account when he was what? Previously, just sharing bts, interviews, promos, cast info, etc... because he had labeled that account as a news account 🤨 also contentious when claiming it's unbiased. "It's not an official account for 9-1-1." He just wants to brand and represent the show publicly while gatekeeping and making sure we only get factual information and tells us not to listen to anyone that isn't credited *paid* solely for a hobby... So we were supposed to ignore that post that wasn't news/updates on a news/updates account?
He wants to claim he's neutral but fights with people calling him out. Talks ignorantly and judgemental about professionals and fans that he doesn't like and, at the same time, seemingly always positively interacts and thanks Bobs in replies because they kissed his ass or sucked up to him and defended him when people noticed him leaning more and more and purposely excluded members and discredited anyone who didn't ship or was skeptical of Buddie, Ryan, or Oliver. He always puts an act and wants to play dumb and in disbelief that people don't like him. He would rather use the excuse that it's convenient *lazy* to pick whatever picture comes up first for his count downs... as if he and other bobs weren't mocking people when they asked about the lack of variety...
News and updates, not affiliated, fan account... 😒 It's not a job to him, but he acts like he has authority within the fandom to shares every little detail about 9-1-1 and repeatedly tells people to not listen to other sources all while treating others like trash for questioning him ethics for his "fan account." 👌
The library is open! I love this it's perfect.
I'll add the tasteless pride month post he made on that news account and how he reblogs his OS archive X account on the news account.
If you're a fan account... maybe don't have the ABC official website set as your website in your bio. 53k followers and yet he only talks to one person?? Holy hell.
I think he feels big and important because some of the cast and crew follow him on Instagram but what a sad existence that must be, really.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
so is the video with jk and a girl in his apartment real?
I'll answer this once so you all will stop sending me asks about it, because my god. Relax people.
1. It's ILLEGAL to film someone without their knowledge inside their place of residence like this. How the FUCK are you people all losing your shit about if it's real or not and what that means for shipping and not about the absolute lack of boundaries and how fucked up it is to film someone like that?? Report the video and the people spreading it to Big Hit. Doesn't matter if it's real or not, at this point it's got JKs name attached to it and they should know. They want to know about malicious rumors like this.
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^ please do so if you care about them at all
2. It doesn't look real to me. It looks like a set up, which is what predictably happens often to BTS members whenever they have a comeback. In fact, 5 days ago someone warned people on Twitter that they heard about someone making up rumors and to not believe them and be ready to report as antis had a whole plan to try and turn JKs Chinese fans against him and since it was posted on Weibo and targeted towards a Chinese audience first... that tracks as well. The video came out of no where from a brand new account and then all of a sudden a ton of random anti accounts were sharing it everywhere. It's supposed to be distracting ARMYs from streaming his new song and give him a "scandal" (because oh no, someone in their mid 20s might date someone! Gasp!) Is it working? Because we should all honestly care less....
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^you can check their account to see the thread too if you want
3. Multiple people have pointed out all over Twitter the minor layout differences of the apartment and how things don't totally match up that get overlooked due to how grainy the video is. (Creepy ass video.) And again, NOT THE POINT. I doubt it's actually JK. Like I truly do. It only sort of looks like him too. So whatever. But his name is attached and people are going to believe whatever they want to believe now. But honestly. True or not, if you are going to be more mad that an idol is fucking someone (no matter who) over that their privacy was invaded, your priorities are screwed up. And that's a you problem.
4. No, this isn't like the Tae and Jennie thing either, this is such a drastically different type of *leak* (that's I don't even think it IS a leak and not real, but that's just me, yall can think he is happily together with this girl if you want) and the focus on shipping and the scandal of that whole thing instead of their privacy being invaded and people just not caring about that is just as fucked up now as it was then. And that's the only comparable thing to this scenario here.
Hugs and condolences though i guess to anyone actually upset. Goodnight.
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thehollowprince · 1 year
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I've already said before how much I can't stand Screenrant, and yet I fall for this clickbaiting rage bait every time I see it among my Google recommendations. Seriously... every time.
And I don't make posts like this because I think it's going to change the minds of anyone who irrationally hates the Jedi because someone in the fandom convinced them too by using guiding terminology. No, I make posts like this so that when someone goes looking, they'll find opinions that differ from what's popular, as well as using facts from the source material to back up those opinions.
So we're just going to go through this, point by point, and highlight the flaws in this "argument."
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The only question I have for this is Why?
Why would an organization dedicated to defending peace and justice throughout the galaxy not have a base of operations? This is a question I'll repeat later on for one of these other "points," but it just bears repeating. How is the populace of the galaxy supposed to reach out to these new Jedi for help if they can't find them?
And while it sounds nice on the surface to travel the galaxy and train padawans as she goes, it's totally impractical, considering she's the ONLY Jedi doing this. Like, do you have any idea how long it would take to train new Jedi this way?
Like, I'm all for Jedi traveling the galaxy to bring peace and all that, but to do that, you have to have Jedi to travel.
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I know this point has been talked about repeatedly, but let's once again hash this out.
The Jedi did not forbid relationships!
Relationships happen all the time, from romantic to familial to friendship. The Jedi frowned upon attachment. And before anyone hops on this post or jumps into my inbox, please look up the philosophy of nonattachment as it pertains to Buddhism and Eastern Philosophy.
Also, look up the difference between an attachment and a connection.
A Jedi's whole purpose was to put the needs of others first. That's their whole schtick. And if a Jedi couldn't put their commitment to the Order and the Republic above their own wants and desires, they were always free to leave. There are plenty of other Force-based groups in the Galaxy that didn't frown upon attachment or relationships. I don't understand why so many people think that the Jedi should have to change their entire philosophy to account for a few selfish individuals.
Go back and read the books and comics from over the years. With very few exceptions, every time a Jedi tried to have their cake and eat it too, they fell to the Dark Side. So Rey's Order actively encouraging relationships (because that's what Fandom is about anymore) is just going to continue the cycle of the Jedi Order falling because "how dare this ancient organization follow its rules and not throw out their entire philosophy" and thus starting the cycle all over again.
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Yes, because having multitude of voices with differing opinions and viewpoints is bad. They should all just do their own thing, Lone Ranger style, regardless of how such chaos defeats the entire purpose of the Jedi.
Side note: what movies was this author watching where they came up with the idea that the Jedi Council thought they owned the Force?
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The ranking system was there for a reason.
Can you imagine a new initiate coming to Rey and saying, "Hey, I know I've only been training here for two weeks, but I deserve to look at that Sith holocron because I'm a Jedi and we're all equal members with no rank."
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You want them to be vigilantes.
Just say you want them to be vigilantes.
The entire point of the Jedi being such a prominent part of the Republic was to avoid bias in justice. We've seen how Senators and politicians and law enforcement could be bought off, but that wasn't the case for the Jedi. They were impartial peacekeepers and their place within the Republic was a vital part of that.
To me, this feels like the author wanted the Jedi to say, "Since you're mean to us, we're not going to help you," which is the complete antithesis of what the Jedi stand for.
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"I'm sorry, ma'am. I know your toddler is Force-sensitive, and your house falls apart every time they have a temper tantrum, but I can't help you. We don't offer training until they're older and have already caused massive damage. Best of luck."
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Yes, absolutely. Because the defenders of peace and justice throughout the galaxy who should strive to remain calm and keep a level head in the heat of the moment should have LESS training. We just want cops with lightsabers, right?
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The Jedi did not join the Republic as a military unit. All the times they acted as military commanders throughout their history was at the insistence of the Republic. Hell, they were drafted to lead the clone armies during the Clone Wars.
The Clone Wars, which I'd like to remind everyone, were orchestrated by several Sith Lords over the span of a decade, after decades more of destabilizing the galaxy. The Jedi specifically tried to stop the Clone Wars from happening, but the deck was stacked against them.
All of this blame on the Jedi for the failures of the Senate and the direct machinations of a Sith Lord who chested his way to the highest office of the Republic.
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I highly recommend these people look up what George Lucas has to say about the Jedi and the Force. He specifically says that the Dark-Side is unbalance.
I'd also like to point out that the first mention of "the Light Side" was in The Force Awakens. There is no mention of "the Light" in the Original Trilogy or the Prequels. The "Light" is the balance.
This has been discussed multiple times by multiple people, but apparently it bears repeating.
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When did they not "pay attention" to Force visions?
Because in both Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, when Anakin has dreams about his mother and Padme, respectively, he doesn't tell Obi-Wan or Yoda the full extent of them. If he had told Obi-Wan what his dreams were about, they probably would have gone to save Shmi. And it was Anakin's own actions that led to Padme's death, the very thing he'd been dreaming about.
Hell, even when Luke had his Force vision in Empire Strikes back, if he'd heeded Yoda and been more cautious, he wouldn't have lost his hand. I want to remind people that when Luke showed up, Han Solo was already frozen in Carbonite, and Lando was able to save the others without the Jedi. All Luke being there accomplished was him receiving an ass-whoopin' and the revelation that he was Darth Vadar's son.
I don't know why people are so dedicated to trying to smear the Jedi at any and every opportunity, but it's getting boring. Especially when all one needs to do to refute these claims is to just watch the movies.
Like I said in my earlier post, this author wants Rey to create an entirely new organization and just slap the name Jedi on it for branding rights.
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amarylliasky · 26 days
Number 30! So close!
Another part of the Daffodils and the Meaning of au! I know this au started centered around Choi Han, but I just have too many thoughts about Cale’s life.
Kim Rok Soo, Cale Henituse
Kim Rok Soo, no, Cale didn’t know what to make of his new family.
They were…nice? He supposed? He really didn’t know enough about them to make a solid judgement. At the very least, they seem to genuinely care for him, which is more than he could say for anyone else prior to his adoption. But then again, he thought his uncle had cared about him too. Of course, they looked pretty upset after being told about how his uncle had treated him, so he couple probably rule out the possibility of them beating him.
Small mercies.
He could tell they didn’t know how to act around him. That much is obvious in the way that Mister Hen-Father addressed him. Like he’s talking to a stranger. One with a very familiar face, who happened to look exactly like his dead wife. He couldn’t imagine how it felt. And he’s not quite sure how to act around the man who claimed to be his father either.
The other members of the family weren’t any less awkward, they might be even more so, actually. What do you even say to the long lost son of your father/husband who’s just up and waltzed into your life after years of established relationship?
On all accounts, he is a stranger in this house. He is the only one who doesn’t belong here.
Aside from that fact, he couldn’t say that the last few weeks have been unpleasant. After all, he had a warm bed, clean clothes, and more food than he could eat in a lifetime. In fact, if he were to spend the rest of his life a stranger to these people and only interact with others when addressed, he can’t say he would mind. Aside from the awkward pleasantries with the house’s occupants, the servants are very courteous and only bother him about his well being, an ideal way to live a peaceful life.
At least, that’s what he thought before he met his personal butler and chef.
First of all, he had frequently stated that he didn’t need any servants assigned to him, but the Henituse couple had insisted on at least two. Not wanting to upset them after he’d been treated so well, he had relented to their wishes. But he had almost wished he hadn’t. He’d almost had a heart attack after meeting who would serve him for the foreseeable future.
While the deputy butler who was primarily in charge of his meals and basic needs was a little awkward and quirky, he wasn’t all that bad to have around. No, he wasn’t bad at all. But the other two were where the real problem lied.
His personal butler, Ron was an utterly terrifying man. With a benign smile and all observing eyes, the old man made him feel like prey in front of a predator. He felt like if he made one wrong move, his throat might be slit in his sleep. The man’s son was no less scary.
Beacrox was to be his personal chef, and he was also terrifying. Cale was sure that his knives had been used for more than just cooking before. He was also a germaphobe, but that was the least of Cale’s worries.
Suffice to say, he’d almost keeled over right there and then. However, he couldn’t turn away the servants that his father had personally picked. And it was only made worse when he found out that they had previously been employed by the man’s late wife. His mother. Turning them away would be like insinuating that his mother didn’t know what she was doing hiring them. And he would never insult the dead, he may be a bad person, but he’s not that terrible.
So he was left no choice but to let them be. At least he got some good food out of it. Seriously, Beacrox’s cooking is heavenly. At this point, he wouldn’t mind being poisoned by the chef if it’s from food this good.
Scariness aside, the two didn’t treat him badly. In fact, they treated him like a king! Or how he would imagine a king to be treated. Was this how rich people always lived? He could see the appeal. Maybe he could learn to deal with having them as servants? Of course he can, he’s lived in worse conditions before anyways.
Lately, Ron has noticed some interesting things regarding his new charge.
Young master Cale, who previously went by the name Kim Rok Soo, was quite a shy child. He didn’t talk much, and when he did, it was always in short sentences and said with the utmost respect, even to the servants. Ron began to wonder what this little puppy-like young master’s life was like prior to being taken in by the Henituse couple.
So he’d done some research. According to the staff, the young master was the lost child of the late Jour Henituse. Well, that much was obvious, but what wasn’t quite as obvious was the fact that the boy had apparently been taken in by a different couple and even received a new name altogether.
Kim Rok Soo was said to have lost his parents at the age of six, before staying in an orphanage, then later being taken in by a “relative.” According to various eyewitness reports and the child’s own testimony, that relative had abused him until the authorities were forced to step in and he was again placed in an orphanage.
Here’s the interesting part. Shortly before his being taken in by child services, the boy had been taken to a local hospital by an elderly couple, who took the liberty of paying for his bills and trying to locate any other living relatives. Well, the story goes that the boy’s “uncle” wasn’t related to him at all and in fact, the child hadn’t even been related to his so-called parents. Of course, the boy was ignorant of this fact until a mere few weeks ago when the authorities were finally able to narrow down who the child’s parents actually were. Imagine their surprise when the boy turned out to be the son of Deruth and Jour Henituse.
After they made contact, the Henituse’s wasted no time in bringing the boy home, much to “Kim Rok Soo’s” utter bewilderment. The poor boy must have faced quite the shock from the whole ordeal. He had gone through so much for a child of merely fourteen.
Ron had only met Rok Soo, or Cale, a few days prior. When he’d been offered the position of Cale’s personal butler, he had wasted no time in accepting. He and his son owed their lives to Lady Jour and thus, it was only right to be the ones to serve her only son. As someone who witnessed first hand how devastated she was by the loss of that same son, he felt it was his responsibility to do whatever he could for the boy now. His son Beacrox didn’t have any objections to the idea, even empathizing a bit with the situation, so they’d both made the arrangements and met with the young master shortly after.
Initially, young master Cale had been quite afraid of them, but he’d soon learned to hide it well enough. Well, for most people anyway. Though it was quite amusing to watch the puppy recoil at the lemonade he served, but drink it anyway, his reactions did strike a nerve with Ron. Disregarding the fact that Ron is who he is, the boy was unusually nervous around other people, especially adults. Well, it’s no wonder, with everything that Ron has heard. And he’s sure that the boy has experienced far more than what’s on paper.
Well, it has been too long since he’d done some reconnaissance of his own, he’s feeling a bit rusty. It might be time to repay all his debts in full.
Nonetheless, Ron will continue to serve and observe his new young master for as long as the child needs him. Who knew that he would find a new purpose in his old age? Ho! This boy will surely bring forth many more surprises in the near future.
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lacefuneral · 11 months
ok i've seen some posts about the tumblr alternative cohost but none that were actually helpful so!
(disclaimer: i am very new to this website. users who have been there longer can and should chime in with additions and/or corrections)
Cohost Introduction Post
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What is cohost?
Cohost is a fledgling website that is essentially a tumblr clone, but with its own culture and site-specific features. It is also very much a work in progress. You are encouraged to talk in the cohost forum to suggest changes for devs, report bugs, and upvote other people's suggestions. This website WILL grow and change over time. And as such, I do not know if/when the information I share here will be outdated. Edit: To answer an ask I received, anyone can join cohost without an invite. It used to be invite-only. It is not this way anymore.
Is "adult content" allowed there?
Yes. Cohost is not on the app store, meaning that it is not subject to Apple's specifications. You can post illustrations, writing, and photographs (cohost does not support any video formats at this time, just gifs). Cohost has an elaborate filtering and trigger warning system (moreso than tumblr), and you can disable adult content for your entire account or for individual tags. I actually don't engage with the adult content at all on there. Visual CSEM (both real and fictional) is specifically forbidden (although frankly I think the guidelines could be stricter wrt written content. Still, does seem to handle this better than AO3 does, going as far to say that written content about real minors is forbidden.)
How are minors protected?
The minimum age to join cohost is 16, and requires proof of parental permission to join. Users who are under 18 are automatically age-gated and cannot view adult content.
If cohost isn't on the app store, how is it used?
You can, of course, use cohost on a computer, but it is designed with mobile in mind. Opening the website on any IOS browser, clicking "share", and then "add to home screen" will install an app for you to use. The same can be done on an android. There is a guide here.
How does cohost work?
First, you create an account. Then you wait for approximately two days (read: weekdays) for the account to be activated. This is done to prevent spam bots. In the meantime, edit your profile. List some interests, your pronouns, your other social media links. Give yourself an icon. Note: icon and banner file sizes are small. You may need to shrink and compress images.
After the two days are up, make your first post! Write a basic introduction (with what you feel comfortable you feel sharing) and list some interests you like, maybe some hobbies, media, etc. And then tag this post with "#welcome to cohost". This will let existing members know that someone new has joined, and they may initiate conversation and/or follow you.
Next, go to the search and type in "The Cohost Global Feed" and click on the tag. Bookmark this tag. This is essentially one giant community space where you can find random users. (There is currently some discourse on the website as to whether this tag existing is a "bad thing" or not because "cohost isn't supposed to have a global tag". Just ignore that lol). Next, go back to search and type in things you like. TV shows, maybe. Video games. Music. Anything. See if people have posted in the tags. Follow them. Comment on their stuff. Click "like" to bookmark the post if you want to.
Most crucially, make sure that you bookmark the actual tag so you can look in that tag again later without having to manually type it each and every time. Also, you get a feed called "bookmarked tags" which allows you to scroll through all of them at once, which replaces the "for you" feature other websites have.
You can "share" a post (called "rebug" in user slang) which serves the same purpose as a reblog on tumblr. In a rebug, you can add your own tags or comment in the body of the post. Cohost users do not talk in tags as much as tumblr users - they tend to prefer to speak in the body of a rebug, or in the comment section (replies). At this time, you cannot view all reblogs. But you can view all comments in the comment section. Any post that is rebugged will preserve the tags of the OP, with any additional tags added being attributed to you. Rebugs are named after the website mascot Eggbug, a purple bee-like insect.
Posts are called "chosts" - and shitposting is called "shitchosting." Two examples of global shitposting tags are "#css crimes" - which is when a person does goofy things with the HTML/CSS editor to make colorful text, fake chat windows, and such - and "#shitchosting" which is a general shitposting tag. I've also seen people use tags like "#random".
If a post makes you laugh, check out the OP's profile. See if they post frequently, and if you have any common interests. If you realize you want to block or mute someone instead, you can.
You can send asks just like on tumblr, but your inbox must be manually opened first. So remember to do that.
How do I look at my own blog?
This is one of my gripes about the UI. You would think, intuitively, you would click here (at the top of the screen). But you would be wrong!
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It is ACTUALLY under the sidebar menu, called "Profile." And I'm not the only one to to complain about this. (To get back to your dashboard, by the way, you click on the cohost logo.)
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Are there sideblogs?
Yes! Each sidepage (sideblog) has its OWN set of likes AND followed pages (blogs). This allows you to easily switch between multiple sets of dashboards. A lot of users use this to have a SFW dashboard and an adult content dashboard. But it works like tumblr, too. You can have a side page/dashboard for whatever you'd like. Maybe one of your pages is for programming. Maybe another is for photography. You switch between your pages by clicking the arrow next to your icon/username at the top of the screen. ("Ohhhhh.... THAT'S what that's for.")
What's the userbase on there like?
Mostly programmers. Trans people. Furry artists. Plural systems. Furry trans plural programmers. Certainly a lot of shitposters. The website is trans-run and, as such, has zero tolerance for TERFs. Everyone seems pretty friendly from what I can tell. And there's very much a culture of "follow someone randomly based on their vibes" that doesn't happen as much on tumblr. Tumblr is more like "I really like this TV show, I'm going to follow 40 blogs about just this interest." Because the cohost community is so much smaller, there is a lot less content overall, especially fandom content. You can't follow 40 fandom pages because your fandom tag has a total of 3 posts, all made by one person approximately a year ago (well. for me anyway).
Cohost, then, actually has much more in common with real-life socialization. You seek out people with interests that may be very different from your own, and to find a common interest is very exciting! Unlike tumblr, you are encouraged to tag as much as possible. This allows your posts to be seen, to find common interests. And, of course, don't forget to look in "#Welcome To Cohost" too! You may find some new friends there.
What file formats can I post in?
Currently, I am aware of basic image formats working (like jpeg, png) animated gifs, and mp3s. You currently cannot upload videos to cohost. I believe the reason is not related to server costs, but rather as a way to curb the uploading of copyrighted content.
How does cohost make money?
There are no ads, and yet, as far as I am aware, cohost is operating comfortably. There is, however, an entirely optional "cohost plus" that is $5 USD a month. Currently, there are a few perks, but not enough to convince me.
What if I think something about cohost should change?
Cohost has a forum where users can submit ideas for features and other users can discuss/upvote those ideas.
Here is a list of posts made for newcomers to read:
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bogkeep · 1 year
it was always a strange dichotomy. every middle school classmate i had told me i'd be a millionaire when i grew up, a Famouse Artisté. it's easy enough to imagine as a teen, i suppose: skill equals fame equals money. i was doubtful about this prophecy, not because i wasn't confident in my ability to draw, but because it was hard to imagine a world where i'd be paid for it.
it was an ice breaker game at summer camp. horrible one, really - everyone in a group were given a character profile. now we had to imagine that it was the zombie apocalypse, and the helicopter to safety was two seats short and we had argue why we deserved a spot. the character i got was an asshole doctor of some kind. i don't remember if i argued my way into the helicopter or not, but i do remember the feeling that's been hanging over me my entire life - if the apocalypse happens right now, i have nothing to contribute.
there's something really painful about it. i have cultivated a skill for my whole life, i can make art and tell stories that are entirely unique to me, there is no way to get someone else to create in the exact same way i can, and yet - i've contributed more to capitalist society by sitting in an empty hotel reception for eight hours a day.
which made me develop anxiety, to boot.
i illustrated two children's books. they're some of my best work. the contract i signed was industry standard and the indie author who had hired me was incredibly kind... but even after stock sold out i had earnt little more than some pocket change.
in high school we had an outing to dig our own snow caves that we would spend the night in. in teams, thankfully. i have so little physical strength to speak of, most i could do to help was clear away the snow rubble and toss it outside. i know, i know, my classmates reassured me it was an important job to do, i was an invaluable member of the group, sure - but it's that feeling, you know?
what would my task be in the communist solarpunk commune?
a person cannot be useless. it's a human being. they just exist, no ifs and buts about it. one can only be useless in the eyes of an ableist, capitalist society that sees no value in being alive beyond production and profit.
sometimes i receive messages from internet strangers to tell me something i said - often several years ago - was helpful to them. maybe it was a throwaway comment on a forum. maybe it was replying to a question they could've googled the answer to. maybe it was an encouraging reply to someone's artwork. turns out it mattered to someone. huh.
of course you can learn new skills. i have learnt plenty over the years! i have also learnt that there are limitations to what i can do. that some of the obstacles i face are not in fact obstacles everyone faces. it's not that i can't break tasks into smaller steps, it's more that half of those steps are going to be "rinse your hands because you Touched a Thing and now you're going to have to touch Another Thing." i wonder if that's adding to my cognitive load or something.
i was never raised to be a man, so by all accounts i do not understand why i'm so haunted by the spectre of toxic masculinity - what would i do if i was a medieval peasant and a war broke out? what if i was in a pre-historic hunter gatherer society and i was expected to hunt? what if i was a humble farm boy discovering the sword of the chosen one and the world depended on my non-existing courage to face certain death?
look, it's stupid. these are not scenarios i will find myself in. besides, pre-historic humans depended on community and taking care of each other. that's how we survive.
i'm not useless and i decided to make peace with being useless anyway.
we're surrounded by digital clocks. we can't really escape them. do we need watchmakers? would they save me a spot in the zombie apocalypse helicopter? no, don't answer that. i'm just happy i found something that requires a light touch and an observant eye.
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hydrangeyes · 11 months
A new adventure awaits you!
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Edit: So shuffling through my docs It's been brought to my attention that wattpad (who I use as backup) Cut a lot of my fics in half??? anyway I'll be trying to fix that also
Monkey D. Luffy x Seme male reader
Chapter Text
Height: 5'9
Gender: Male
Age: 23 (Luffy 22)
Personality: Blunt
Hair color: Dyed green, curly mess
Eye color: Hex #94544a
Body type: Soft, lightly muscular think mechanic type
Power: Yes, plant-based
Your road to becoming a world-class chief was surprisingly a bumpy and chaotic one. Traveling land to land, learning different recipes and ingredients involved more action than you originally thought.
Then occasionally diving into the sea to catch exotic sea life that looked edible
And then, after you ate that smelly yellow fruit it weirdly even itself out. A healthy blend of too much and just enough going on in your life. Of course, you heard the legends about the highly looked-for devil fruits. But you thought they were just legends and didn't think of them much after.
Stumbling upon one while lost and eating it wasn't part of your plans. How were you supposed to know that they came in a variety of designs!? the legend only talks about the one! at least the legend you heard of.
But it has helped you both in a fight and cooking-wise.....
And really really out of all the bumps and stumbles during your journey. None of it could prepare you for the straw hat pirates. Well, definitely not their Captain Monkey D. Luffy.
It all started when you arrived back at your main place of residence. An island called Crystal Rock.
Looking out to the harbor with a smile you inwardly pat yourself on the back for picking this place out on the map. Already there were rows of fresh-looking produce being sold at stands that led to a lively marketplace.
Waving at any familiar face you make you're way to your own cozy eatery. You left it in the hands of a trusted employee and seeing them inside getting ready to open it piece warmed your heart.
You went in to help, startling your employee but they gave you a warm welcome back anyway. It was a special day and with all that you brought back, you need to prep a special menu!
It took you a while, not that you mind it gave time for regulars to come in and make a happy ruckus about your return which gained the attention of some new customers.
It was fun and finally displaying the new menu ramped things up. As you drag a barrel of alcohol on out you frown hearing how quiet things have gotten all of a sudden.
"H-hey boss.. um, some pirates came in demanding to see you?" your employee poked their head into the kitchen. They were trembling. Tensing you grab your pan as if to serve the still hot dish on it and followed them out.
Waiting for you there was a group that called themselves the sea urchins. A fitting name really. They've been following you around trying to get you to join their crew for months now.
Scowling you gesture to the door with the pan. "Get out of my tavern, now."
"Or what?" The captain snorts smirking as his crew laughed behind him, a few snatching drinks from cowering customers.
In a flash, you jumped over the countertop and swing your hot pan. Smacking the captain across the face. The force sending him through the window and across the street.
"Or that." You growled out.
And that's when chaos erupted.
(Mini time skip)
You don't know when but at some point between you fighting off the other crew members and the Urchin captain getting back up now with a half-burnt face, another group of pirates joined in.
When things have calmed down you bashed that stupid urchin captain's head hard enough to send him packing, you looked up to check on your tavern.
"Ah, what a relief it's still standing...well...except for the window," you grumbled to yourself.
Checking it over almost made you forget about the other pirate group. Hearing them check on each other you turn and blink. Those eyebrows......
(Timeskip lol)
Sanji couldn't believe you were only able to recognize him from his eyebrow pattern. But in your defense, you have yet to see anyone with similar brows.
Now here you were after the fight, treating the group to a late feast. A thank you gift for helping in the fight.
While you were chatting with Nami and Usopp (I love him), Luffy inches his way to Sanji while devouring his pile of food.
"Hey hey, Sanji?"
"How do you know Y/n?"
Luffy asks staring at you curiously. Sanji hums glancing at Zoro "Ah we crossed paths when I was younger, I kind of took him in and- wait hold on!" He stops and points at Luffy standing in front of him glaring "We already have a cook, ME!"
Luffy pouts up at him, moving Sanji's hand from his face.
"That's not why I asked! Tho... I do really like his food.."
"Ah, I'm glad you do Luffy!" a voice calls from behind Sanji, startling him to the ground. You raise an eyebrow at the goofy man and step over him grinning at Luffy.
"I want to make the best for the person who helped protect my tavern after all." you hummed. For the first time in a long while Luffy's face became flush and he appeared flustered.
"W-well um It's nothing really! Is this really okay, making all this that is?" He squeaks out rubbing the back of his neck looking up at you shyly.
'Cute.' You think to yourself and chuckle smirking "It's more than alright, I've stuffed our storage to the brim." you purr softly, Luffy looks you over in a daze then away. You almost burst out laughing as Luffy suddenly looks redder than an apple. His mind running over less than innocent things for once.
"Eh? Sanji-sama is your captain a pervert?????"
aaaaa this went longer than I expected lol. Hope you like it, kinda ran with this one then semi-lost steam (❛‿❛✿̶̥̥)
Requested by: @AntonellaVelazcoGuer Thank you!!!!
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destinygoldenstar · 28 days
☀️This Gabby Stan Supports Everything She Does☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 6 “The Most Tranquilous Game”
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I'm aware of Season 3 airing. I put the poll on whether or not I should watch this while it was. By the time this comes out, this may or may not be before or after the finale of that season is released.
Quite obviously I'm not caught up so I'm not watching that right now. The only thing I know is that the finale is around the corner, and I heard a lot of people online saying they hate the Finalists for some reason.
I also saw awhile back a little meme image (that I won't show cause it's not mine) that "Jake is a garbage human being and he should die" or something.
(Became a Jake stan) ...huh, well ain't that a bit extreme.
That totally gives me hope that things will be civilized.
I didn't plan to get caught up by then, as I'd rather watch at my own pace and actually sink in what's happening so I understand it. I did the same thing with Total Drama. Because whatever show, you have to actually take any and all moments and dialogue into account, otherwise stuff gets misinterpreted.
I know half the time with these reactions I'm cracking jokes, but that's only my way of showing my investment. If I was bored and/or frustrated I wouldn't be doing that.
I hope that's understandable. I'd much rather enjoy this show and form my own opinions and takes from my own viewing experience. Obviously if I have major gripes with a plot element going forward, I'll say it, but for the most part I actually want to hear it out.
Indie Animation such as this get a lot of creative freedom to make whatever story and narrative they want. So instead of whining about corporate interference that isn't there, I'd rather say "I'll hear you out, and here's how I feel personally. Whether I think it was handled well or not with what you were trying to do."
So... I apologize if I show an opinion on something that isn't majority. Like if I like someone you hate or if I don't care for something you love. But also, I'm not gonna apologize for having them.
I'm an analyzer. My username is AnalyzGolden. I analyze stuff in the way I see it. It's in the name!
I'm like this with Digital Circus as well. I don't interact with much internet discourse surrounding it and I just want to do my own thing and see things through my lens and not others. Cause most indie animation fanbases have a reputation for being… shall we say, extreme.
So... I hope this is understandable.
I'm also thinking about doing a post on the tier list on the characters in this season once I'm done with this season. I think that'll be a fun way to properly explain my takes on all of them.
So with this out of the way, let's begin:
"It had some cool stuff that we can apply to the game!"
"It mentioned this 'Heather' person, who betrayed her alliances, abused her alliance members, and sabotaged a relationship!"
"Then there's 'Alejandro', who flirted with everybody and betrayed everybody, and also sabotaged relationships!"
"...I'm seeing a pattern."
"...but only if we ignore the section on teamwork."
You guys are slaves to the demon child. I hope you're proud.
Btw I'm only hating on Fiore because she's the villain character and therefore she's supposed to be hated. I don't actually hate her as a character. She's quite interesting.
"Do you recall what I told you about my wife?"
Are we FINALLY getting info on this?
He's broke or something, right?
"That you don't get along?"
"We do get along. It's common for marriages to get testy, I'll have you know. I'm just hoping things will get better."
Aaaahhhh... okay.
I thought for a second it would be that, but I leaned more towards my theory of them being broke.
"If I win, I'll take my family somewhere to start a new life."
Add that to the list,
'Alec: Fix Family Bond'
Okay, who do we not have for a motive that's still here?
I don't think Miriam or Gabby mentioned theirs. Or Dan. Or... I think that's it.
"Wow, look at Romeo over here, I'm sure money will solve your marital problems."
That is sarcasm caught in 4k
Not the six year old roasting the life of a grown married man!
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Ooh, Grett actually looks really good in pink. I'm just noticing her wearing that.
"Jake, how are you? Do you feel better?"
He might still be mourning. Idk what his mental state is after that.
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Now I'm actually giddy. What is wrong with me?! Why are they so great?
Going in, I was expecting Toxic Yaoi just cause of Tom's spy shit, but they're actually so sweet and wholesome and good for each other.
"I'm here if you need anything."
I can't imagine how it's like for Tom. I don't think he was imagining getting close with someone just cause of the spy profession.
"I like this boy, I want to be around him and help him out."
"Now don't worry about getting us breakfast today, I will get us the usual."
Idk how I like the sound of that tbh. XD
I just imagine Tom coming back and calling everyone to the meal. "BREAKFAST IS READY!!!"
...and it's just char XD
That also implies they work together to prepare meals for the group EVERY DAY. I love that.
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No not Grett changing her facial expression from that!
"I smell gay! I didn't ask for that in my coffee this morning!"
"Jake and I really bonded in the last challenge, it sort of opened my eyes. It's gotten me to open up more to these kids."
Yeah, I actually like Miriam now. Before I was just kinda forgetting she was there, but I like her now.
"Do you like him?"
*Covers mouth to hold back the giddy noise from my mouth*
Oh my god she's actually going there! I did not expect that.
"Uh... maybe. He's just really good as a person towards me and I feel like we're really opening up to each other, you know? It's not that deep... maybe we'd go out for Chinese sometime. Maybe we'd catch a movie together."
"Tom, do you like him?"
"Uh, no?"
You're lying. You gotta be lying.
"You always smile when you're talking to him."
"It's just... I like him, but not in that way."
Liar. Your scenes together say otherwise.
"I'm not ready to be in a relationship."
Oh is that what it's about... yeah I would understand that.
"Recently... I was in a somewhat toxic relationship and things didn't end well."
Oh now that makes a lot of sense.
Was it SOMEWHAT toxic, or...?
I'm probably thinking too angsty about it.
"He cheated on me. And... I couldn't get over it."
Well no shit you wouldn't get over that. That's awful!
Why did he do that?! Why would he want to hurt you like that?!
"Well you're young, unlike me, you still have a lot of time ahead of you."
Yeah... you can find someone better.
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Oh shit, Grett...
And because of Jake's past experience, he is NOT gonna take it well!
OH NO...
"Hey um... how's everything?"
"All good... I'm still here."
That sounds so sad.
"Yeah I'm still alive. A tornado hasn't slammed into us yet, you know?"
"Everyone tries to vote me out! Only Grett stayed by my side even though you said I shouldn't listen to her!"
This Gabby Stan supports everything she does.
"I'm sorry, I thought I could trust the guys, but I was wrong."
Dan. You're being a dick.
"I hope our team wins todays challenge because I'm not too confident about my position."
And I hope they don't so you get voted out!
...actually is that worth that risk? They could vote the others.
Dan, really, you're the only one on that team I wouldn't mind losing.
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Like this is not fair!
"Today the challenge will be for individual immunities."
"Tonight, BOTH teams will go to elimination and vote a person off each of their teams."
"Double elimination AGAIN?!"
"Well guess what? Life isn't fair."
...he do be spitting facts though.
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Yeah uh, that doesn't look like a tranquilizer gun! THAT LOOKS LIKE A MACHINE GUN
"It'll only put you asleep for a few minutes... hopefully."
Cut to everyone waking up from a ten year coma.
"If there's no way to avoid elimination tonight, I have to start preparing..."
*Gets a fashion ad*
I guess she's going to slay with her fashion sense 💅
"Gabby what were you doing talking to Dan this morning?"
"I was reading him for filth."
"You shouldn't talk to him!"
On the one hand, Dan is on your team. You kinda want to be on good terms.
On the other hand, it's Dan, so it's fine by me.
"But it's only a matter of time before her little cry-baby bonding session turns into an alliance."
"Oh boo hoo, my loves ones died! Who gives a shit?! UGH, people who mourn the dead are SO ANNOYING!!"
He's also a bad aim apparently cause HOW DO NOT HIT ANYONE?!
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He really is not subtle, is he?
"I don't want to be in a relationship or push it further, but I didn't say I can't crush!"
Tom's like "Why you pressing your hands like that?"
"I'm a wittle scawed of the bullets..."
"I think I saw Jensen."
"This way, come over here."
I thought you were trying to AVOID him. Why'd you want go towards him?
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Oh shit here we go...
"Golden told be awhile back to tell you something very important!"
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"Hey Grett. Maybe you should tell Jake something. Just a thought.
"For some reason I have the urge to tell Jake something. Huh, wonder who this Golden Voice is.""
"Tom was lying to you. It was Tom who voted for Drew."
Ooooooohhhh god...
I'm like preparing myself for the blowout.
"Because Drew found out his little secret."
"What secret?"
"The whole sun sensitivity story is fake. He lied to you because he's a spy."
"What are you talking about? Is this a joke?"
"He's here for work. You mean nothing to him other than a way to blend in more."
"Come on Jake, Grett has clearly lost it."
I'm CONFLICTED. Not my best girls HURTING my best boy!!
What do I do? Do I support her...? I don't know...
At least it's earlier in the season so they have a chance to bounce back... I don't... I don't know...
This is gonna be so ugly. Jake is gonna be HURT.
"I get hurt and traumatized by my ex! I lose my grandma! AND NOW THIS SHIT. I CAN'T CATCH A BREAK!"
"Tom! You're not gonna believe this!"
"Believe what?"
"Grett was saying the strangest things about you!"
"Wh-what did she say?"
"She said you were the one who voted Drew because, get this, he found out you were a spy?!"
I mean I don't think he should lie any further, but...
"I can explain!! It's not what you think!!!"
"Wait what? It's true?!"
"It's not that simple!"
Just hear him out! I can explain EVERYTHING! I know you're upset, but please hear me out!
"Oh my god... it really is! So you're just here for your job!"
"And our friendship, was that just to blend in too?! Did you ever care about me at all?! Was any of it real, HUH?!"
I know you being upset is understandable! It still hurts!
I can imagine what's going through his head though. His loved ones have a habit of either dying or lying to him and hurting him, and now turns out his new crush is a spy?
"Jake, calm down-"
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"I don't owe you anything! It's my life! Step off, Jake!"
"Oh EXCUSE ME if I don't want to be part of your 'super cool' spy plan!"
"Can you stop telling the whole goddamn neighborhood?!"
And they got shot...
Oh my god, I need a minute to CALM DOWN.
Was that... I mean I know that was a Tom liar reveal, but was that a Jake true personality reveal?!
Is he an asshole?!
Goddammit, he IS an asshole, isn't he? I WAS ROUTING FOR YOU.
I'm calming down, I'm calming down...
Tom and Jake are gonna drive me FUCKING. CRAZY.
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I don't think that's how those pans work, I think the darts would stick to the pan, not bounce off of it.
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She pulled a Rapunzel.
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And this man shot a child.
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Why are you wasting time digging a hole?!
There's a man with a machine gun!
"What revenge?"
"Against Dan."
Go ahead Gabby. I support whatever you do.
"Why don't we just focus on getting to the lake?"
"No! We eliminate the competition first, and search for the lake after."
So anyway, I feel like someone's getting immunity right now...
*thinks about it*
Okay NOW I get it.
"How come you're helping me? You know only one of us can win, right?"
No I think he's gonna betray you.
Should've kept Lilly and Ashley around Ellie. This is your karma.
"You would do the same for me."
"Uh... yeah. Sure..."
*cuts to confessional*
"I definitely wouldn't."
I can't blame her though.
"And then Jake said 'I need you to tell me what's going on' and Tom said 'I don't owe you anything' and then Jensen popped out and BAM!"
She do be right though...
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"You can play guilty while putting together a raft. I don't want to get wet."
"We're on National TV! I'll get my hair wet!" - SAME ENERGY
"Sometimes I just like to do what I want and not be bossed around."
Like, I'm defending ZERO of Grett's actions. She's a bad person. But it's just because how she goes about being a bad person that interests me so much.
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Oh so NOW they stick!
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(Twice in a row, Gabby...)
"It's my plan. I did all the hard work. I deserve it."
...I mean she DID do shit, but also...
"I know you weren't helpful today! We all know that without me, you couldn't have made it this far."
"All day I've been doing what you say, AND YOU NEVER EVER SAY THANK YOU!!!"
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I mean, I love Grett too... BUT.
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And Alec gets it too.
Cool. I guess.
I mean he's fine, I just like others more.
"Yeah... just one of the rafts broke my bamboo."
"And also hit me in the face. I was lucky not to drown."
"Do I need you to give me my totem?"
Sorry, TOTEM, I keep saying idol.
Honestly, yeah, you gotta play it. Cause I guarantee you you're gone if you don't.
"No I'm fine. I think tonight's decision will be an easy one."
"Golden put me in the heading! That MUST mean I'm safe!"
God I think I jinxed Ellie...
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They're STILL pissed.
Miriam is gonna come to me like, "Golden, you're having Toxic Yaoi for dinner tonight."
"Grett, I'm sorry, I don't regret taking the immunity."
As you shouldn't.
"If you don't vote for Dan tonight, you're out next."
Is Miriam gonna convince them to vote Grett out?!
"I don't know if I can trust Tom after betraying the guys alliance..."
And besides, it's screwed.
Tom and Jake divorced.
"There's no way you can win the next challenge with her here."
Especially since she's a kid who has limitations. It is the smarter move.
"I would've preferred the three of us to make it to the merge, but there's no other option."
Honestly I would've preferred that too and that's what I thought would happen. Guess not.
"I like Fiore, but Ellie is more useful in challenges..."
It's up to Alec.
Alright... let's see what we've got this time. This should be interesting.
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Dammit, why'd he have to be an asshole, huh?
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Of course Miriam writes in cursive.
"You can fool these Gen Z'ers..."
Miriam's climbing up my tier list.
Alright, Teal's up first.
I mean, I prefer it be Dan just cause I like Grett, but also...
I don't think I'm gonna be mad.
I like how Trevor says her name.
And then the last vote is Grett.
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A fav is gone.
"Sorry. We won't tolerate you any longer."
"You think I care?! Because I don't!"
I think she does care though.
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Ellie's gone, isn't she?
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I thought she was gonna make it further, tbh.
"Good luck winning challenges with a six year old."
Wah wah waaaahhh...
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"I've already won a lot in my life..."
The shakiness of her voice. OUCH.
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*I got a safelife repair ad*
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Oh god, that's gonna be bad for Tom's mission, isn't it? Whatever it is he's doing.
I mean lets be honest though... that post isn't Jake's fault. How's he supposed to know that would happen?
Ugh... I had a gut feeling though, cause I saw people HATING Jake's character and calling him the worst.
Okay, BUT, I don't hate him. Surprisingly enough.
I'm actually intrigued by his character a lot more now.
I thought he was gonna be the precious bean. The sweetest character. But no, he's petty and impulsive.
I HAVE to give credit though, this is NOT something that came out of nowhere for me. He did snap at Nick in Episode 4 for stubbing his toe, and they established this episode more of Jake's past to add more context to his POV.
So he was in a toxic relationship before and got betrayed by it. That makes perfect sense to me. I understand why he'd be pissed. Tom lied to him.
But he DEFINATELY overreacted towards it. It's one thing to yell at the heat of the moment, it's another to vote for him just because you're pissed.
So, yeah, I'm not excusing his behavior, I'm just understanding WHY.
"OH NO! A character is revealed to have FLAWS. And said flaws made things worse for other people! Well clearly I hate them now!!"
I'm not doing that.
I'm just not that kinda person in how I view media. I don't hate characters just because they have flaws. When you're watching Total Drama, you gotta have that mindset too. Cause in that show, there's A LOT of characters that do screwed up things and it's wrong. So I'm used to it.
If anything, I guess Jake being revealed to have negative traits makes him a lot more interesting now. Cause yeah, I've been there. It sucks. Well, I wasn't in a toxic romantic relationship, but a toxic friendship when I was younger. It lasted for years so it left me pretty distasteful to the people around me and everyone hated me for... acting like Jake did here, honestly. How bout that?
Him and Tom are gonna BREAK ME, I can tell.
At least the lie is outed earlier in the season, so it's not as bad as it could've been...?
Like, it would've been a lot uglier later and it resulted in one of them getting voted off.
But at least they can work this out, right? Cool off, come clean, and repair the damage. Then go out for Chinese Food and hang out by the lake. Everything will be fine. They'll get their Chinese date. IT'LL ALL BE FINE.
...god, looks like I'm having Toxic Yaoi for dinner tonight.
Really, of my favs, Gabby is the ONLY one who ACTUALLY did nothing wrong. It looks to be that way.
I didn't expect her to kiss Ellie though. That was cute.
I was expecting that to be just a friendship, but I definitely don't hate this.
Too bad Ellie's 'gone'.
Should've used that idol.
And I shouldn't have put her in the heading. I jinxed an elimination yet again.
I'm a Grett stan. I definitely want to analyze her in the character tier list I'm gonna do after this. That way I can properly explain WHY I like her so much. As a villain, obviously. I think she has a lot more depth to her than shallow "I'm a mean girl".
But I'm also not mad that she got voted off. It is deserved. And let's face it, Grett was never winning anyway.
Anyway, idk if this will get any attention because of the Season 3 finale, but hey, I can continue these if you guys seem interested and entertained by them.
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year
D. Gray Man: Morality vs Victory (and Survival)
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D. Gray Man has a unique situation as far as conflict goes. The enemy is an army of millions of demon machines that are commanded by a race of humans that are virtually immortal from the perspective of ordinary people...and they can only be harmed/killed by a weapon that is so selective that only a handful of people in the world can use it. This isn’t a situation where anyone can just enlist and train to become an exorcist nor can the Black Order simply conscript new soldiers; this is a world where the chosen few and only the chosen few are physically capable of fighting the enemy.
This is the reality. This is the shit hand humanity in this world was dealt. So from from the perspective of ordinary folk who have no power against this fate other that to rely on the exorcists, many of whom are children, it's easy to see how and why they got desperate.
The other thing to consider is this isn't a normal war. The Black Order isn't the aggressor and the Earl and Noah Clan's ultimate aim is complete and total annihilation of humanity. So there is no hope of a ceasefire. There is no treaty the Order can sign, no way to negotiate, no way to appease the enemy. The only outcome that can happen is the destruction of one or the other.
In the grand scheme of things, the Order has nothing to lose. Lo Fwa recognizes the barbarity of the Third Exorcist Program and says what a ‘good person’ would say,  “This is not how I want to win.” That is a noble thing to say, but for the above reasons, the unspoken (and even spoken) outlook of the Order's leaders seems to be, “Do we win or do we die?” 
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In spite of his photography 'hobby' and unhealthy obsession with Lenalee (cause that part of this character is really fucking creepy when you look past the fact it's supposed to be a joke,) Bak is actually one of the better leaders as far as morality goes.
When the Third Exorcist Program was unveiled, Bak was the only one verbally against it. He's the only one to called out Epstain for her part in the project.
Taking his background into account, this is understandable. His parents both martyred themselves in order to shut down the Second Exorcist Program and to hopefully prevent any similar experiments from taking place in the future. On top of that, when the scandal of what Lab 6 was doing got out, he probably took the brunt of the backlash in his parents' place.
Adding to this, when the Level 3 attacked the Asian Branch, his primary goal was keeping Allen safe. He acknowledged he couldn't fight and refused to throw him into the ring with a 'figure it out' mentality. So Fou took Allen's place. Even at the cost of her life, neither she nor Bak were willing to sacrifice a child. (He was even willing to risk blackmail with the aforementioned photos.)
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We've already seen that Komui's the one who put an end to the human experimentation and he actively advocates on behalf of his sister and the other exorcists. He's also the odd one out as far as the other leaders of the Order go as he's the only one who doesn't have a generational obligation to be there, as both Lenalee and himself came from outside the Order and are the only surviving members of their family. Which in an organization where nepotism seems to be the commonality, that makes his position in the Order pretty impressive. He's the Alexander Hamilton of the Order.
During the attack on headquarters, Komui mobilizes the remaining exorcists to repel the akuma and made the practical decision to destroy the Egg in order to prevent the Earl from reclaiming it. But with the Level 4's appearance and the unknown status of their fighters, he chose to retreat. Like Bak during the Asian Branch crisis, he chooses not to endanger the lives of the exorcists who couldn't fight.
However, during the Third Exorcists arc, this standpoint of his starts to waver. Like Bak, it is to Komui's credit he didn't know about the Third Exorcist Program, but there is still the undeniable fact that he did not oppose the project when it came to light. He's uncomfortable about it, for sure. You can see he is not at all okay with any of this.
But he still says nothing.
The likely consolation in his mind is the Thirds were willing volunteers for the project and are honored to sacrifice themselves if need be, but this is still undeniably a slippery slope that can blow up in their faces. Which it does, resulting in the loss of the Thirds and four exorcists.
A silence of Komui's that speaks louder, though, is the treatment of Allen during his last days at the Order. Komui was in a bad spot here. On the one hand, he still views himself as an advocate for the exorcists. On the other, one wrong word and he might be the next one they lock up. So rather than speak out, he stays quiet in order to protect the others, which effectively means abandoning Allen. He doesn't even seem to be advocating for the Science Division's efforts to help.
There's already conflict between him and Lenalee over this. She's shown arguing with him in Night 204. We don't know what about, but given the context of the chapter, this probably isn't a petty sibling disagreement. Furthermore, where the current chapters stand, she and Marie are refusing to give him any information about Kanda and Johnny's whereabouts. This goes to show that while he does have good intentions, he no longer claims the same level of trust he used to, and that is likely killing everyone on the inside.
There is a distinct divide between 'Komui is Lenalee's brother' and 'Komui is Lenalee's commanding officer.' All the way back in the Fallen One arc, he is rather withdrawn in his instructions for her to recover Suman's Innocence and telling her point blank that he is beyond saving. There is also the post-Barcelona funeral where he strictly adheres to the Order's policy of cremating their dead and refusing to allow the finders to contact the families. Later on, he is even telling himself he can't afford to be sentimental even though we can clearly see how much the losses have affected him.
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After the disaster of the Second Exorcist Program, Bak and Epstain both swore they would never be a part of any experiment like that again.  They lost their parents, Epstain owes her life to the Changs for shielding her from Alma's rampage, and they were left picking up the pieces of the disaster. It was her testimony to Central that put an end to the program.
So why does she go and dredge up all that bad blood to create the Thirds?
Bak, Komui, and Epstain all definitely went through a period of recovering mentally from the attack on headquarters, the appearance of a heretofore unheard of Level 4 akuma, and had to contemplate what this would mean for their organization going forward. It's not entire clear exactly when Komui became the branch chief, but he was 23 when he and Lenalee reunited, so it was around that time. (Lenalee would have been eight when word of the Second Program got out, so he definitely would have heard about it.)
So these three made their promises when they were in their early 20s at the most. In Bak and Epstain's case, they were handed responsibilities that should have remained with their parents for a few more years. Komui was still a teenager when his parents died.
They weren't children, but they were barely adults. In the face of tragedy, they all said, "No. We can be better than this," and they upheld those ideals admirably.
However, after nine years, hundreds of casualties, and catastrophic loss of life later, the Level 4's attack called back everything into question. It's the brutal reminder of their situation and of the three, Epstain is left questioning the stance she took a decade earlier. In short, the appearance of the Level 4 and the prospect of near annihilation scared her.
It definitely scared Komui and Bak, too, but as stated above, only one of them verbally opposed the Third Program. And even Bak gave in eventually.
Fear fueled desperation and desperation blurs where the line should not be crossed, and all three of them are now grappling with the idea of surviving and hanging on to their morality.
And unfortunately, there are the members of the cast that say,  “Victory no matter the cost.”
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Which brings us to this guy.
Leverrier is definitely in the category of 'Characters you hated more than the villain' and his character design definitely didn't help things. From his first appearance in the series, he's callous and cold-hearted towards the exorcists, regarding them as less than people and more weapons and property of the Church. During the Level 4's attack, when Komui gave the order to retreat, Leverrier disagreed and said they should stand their ground in spite of the fact they had a one in a million chance of winning the battle.
However appalling as this decision was, though...it still worked. Sheer, dumb luck that it was, but we still have to acknowledge that Leverrier's decision and Lenalee's resolve were the main catalysts that, for better or worse, led to the discovery of the Crystal Innocence.
Unlike Komui, Bak, and Epstain, we don't have much in the way of backstory for Leverrier's character. There is definitely an element of family pride behind his motives. That is apparent by the vague storyline of the 'daughter that was offered up as a saint' as well as his rant to Link in Night 213 about using Allen and the 14th to win the war and that it's his victory, not Central's.
But there are two moments for this character that I think are telling. One is Link's statement in Night 247. "I have someone whom I wish to save...someone who lives his life restrained and filled with nothing but hatred." Link is pretty biased, so it's hard to gauge exactly what is genuine loyalty vs blind brainwashing, but the point is Link still has some reason to stand in his employer's corner. However, the other key moment is the very brief flashback we get in Night 150 where Leverrier, as a child, is calling out Hevlaska for her part in the human sacrifices, telling her she is murdering her own people.
This is a really odd stance for an otherwise harsh character, which does maybe indicate there was a time where even Leverrier thought the extreme actions of the Order were wrong? If this is true, what happened? If he used to be like the others and did once regard the exorcists as people instead of weapons, why the change?
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There's a bittersweetness to the events of Lab 6 and the perpetrators of the Second Exorcist Program.
What's important to keep in mind is that even though Alma and Yuu were lab experiments, the scientists didn't treat them that way at all. They didn't keep them locked up in cages, the pair had free range of the lab as we can see them wandering all over the place unsupervised. The scientists gave them gifts. Alma knew what winter was despite having never been outside, so that means someone had to have told him about snow. When they had to 'dispose of' Yu, Tui and Epstain are openly weeping, and even Sahlins looks affected.
It's not a stretch to say the scientists loved those two, and so the entire lab did not hesitate to say, "No more." They put an end to the project and martyred themselves.
I think there also was an element of fear in this decision. Tui and Edgar Chang also probably had a line they thought they would never cross, and then they did. Once you commit something you previously thought was unthinkable, the question then becomes, "Where is the line now? How far are we going to go?"
Were they afraid of what they could become?
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Finally, we come to the last character we're going to examine:
On his deathbed, Zhu Mei Chang confesses he is the one who began the human experimentation, that he was 'proud and cruel' and sought only the glory of his clan as he trampled on the lives of hundreds. This was an unexpected point of development for a character who's first appearance was a joke. When he first shows up, he's humbly chopping cabbage in the kitchens completely oblivious to Fou yelling directly at him through a megaphone. This introduction is hardly indicative of a heartless man who possibly tortured and killed many innocent people to have the 'honor of winning the war.' So the humor of him working as a lowly cook in the kitchens takes on a quality of possibly him trying to repent for everything he'd done.
So I'd like to acknowledge the age gap again:
Komui, Bak, and Epstain are still young adults. In their early twenties, they drew a line and stayed firmly behind it. Now they are 29-30 years old and they are toeing the line they themselves drew. That's a nine year difference. Nine years of hardship and a hopeless war that's been going on for a century already. As the audience, we have the benefit of assuming this war is going to end within their lifetime; they don't have that luxury. If nine years, and the prospect of carrying on through this the rest of their lives, did that to them, what did twenty or more years do to Zhu Mei Chang and Leverrier. Tui and Edgar were 39 and 43 years old respectively when they were killed, so their sacrifice may also have been viewed as an escape from a lifetime of warfare.
Allen and company have lost Suman, Daisya, the other Barcelona casualties, Tapp, countless members of the Science Division, General Yeegar, and many others through the course of one year.
With that kind of odds, it's tragically understandable how characters like Zhu Mei Chang and Leverrier may have ended up where they did. I don't like the idea that a character is inherently evil. D. Gray Man is a series full of many characters who are complex and nuanced, so writing off some of them as 'just cruel for no reason' is kinda out of place. Especially when the main villains are just as detailed. With the way things are going for Komui, Bak, and Epstain, I do genuinely wonder if Zhu Mei Chang and Leverrier once drew their own line of morality (as the Night 150 flashback may imply) and then decades of losses led them both to ask, "Survive as sinners or die as saints?"
Personally, I think every last one of the characters listed above who are still alive are headed for a Thanos-esque, "What did it cost? Everything..." tragedy.
Further tragedy has the potential to push even Komui, Bak, and Epstain, further down an ever darkening path. D. Gray Man is not a normal war. Whether they fight for vengeance or pride or to protect those who are left or they feel winning the war no matter the cost is owed to the countless people who have already died, it's still victory or death in the most literal sense for the Order.
That said, for the characters who have already gone too far and crossed the line, there's no redemption nor should there be redemption.
Castlevania Dracula says it best:
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There comes a point where even the most determined of soldiers have to ask, "Does the victory justify the atrocities?" and "If this is what it takes to win the war, then maybe we deserve extinction."
Honestly, I really hope Leverrier's character arc ends with him getting yeeted out a window like it's a Prague regime change.
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So where's it all going for the younger generation of the Order?
While they don't have the audience's benefit of knowing the war could end within their lifetime and there is in fact a light at the end of the tunnel, they do have the hindsight of knowing what the Order has done, all the mistakes that have led them to this point. Similar to Komui and the other branch heads, they doubly have the stance, "Our predecessors fucked up. In spite of the odds, we can be better. We can break this chain of generational trauma and win the war without the abhorrent methods."
Wanting to be destroyers that save people.
Hanging on to hope.
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anjelicawrites · 10 months
Cringefail Throuple 💡
Professor Michael Gavey is the biggest mystery at Oxford. Nevermind the rumors of ghosts or secret societies. Everyone, regardless of what they’re reading, wants to know what the fuck is going on with him.
It all started when two of his students saw him walking towards a car that a beautiful woman was just getting out of. The students thought they were about to see him getting rejected HARD, but then as he and the woman meet at the boot of the car, they kiss! Very passionately and sloppily!
One of the students whips out his phone and takes a picture on instinct, later posting it on the Oxford subreddit with the comment “this has to be a hooker, right?” Why else would a woman like that kiss a guy as brusque, rude, and just plain weird as Professor Gavey?
But then, only two days later, another student posts pictures they took that zoom in on the matching rings the professor and the woman wear. They’re fucking married! The subreddit goes wild.
The true conspiracies don’t start until some students see the woman (“Mrs. Gavey, I guess?”) at their favourite local pub, brazenly flirting with the owner as he tends bar. They sneak a photo and post it on the subreddit, and all of a sudden all of Oxford is up in arms that their least favourite maths professor’s wife is cheating on him.
Until later that week, another student posts a photo of both Mrs. Gavey and the professor BOTH flirting with the pub owner, who seems to reciprocate!
The mods of the Oxford subreddit make a new subreddit specifically for the Professor Gavey conspiracies after that.
The theories range from the denials (“there’s no way Gavey got not one, but TWO people to like him!”) to the correct (“it’s def a throuple”) to the actually insane (“Gavey is a pimp in his spare time and he’s just checking out his hos”).
Michael, Reader, and Billy are well aware of this, and enjoy looking through the subreddit when they’ve had a few pints. Billy even has a burner account where he posts his own, obviously incorrect, theories. He’s now known as the “secret agent truther” among the small but passionate community.
Reader doesn’t really care at all. She thinks it’s kinda funny, actually.
Michael was a bit pissed at first, but then he realized that the intrigue was leading to more students taking his classes, and after that, some even switched their course to maths. Now he’s all for encouraging it. After all, the more students take his class, the more bonuses he gets, and the more he can spoils his cringefail lovers.
Local cryptid math professor Michael Gavey, who is the strictest, the biggest asshole in the whole university, who dresses like a loser grandpa, who revels in failing his students and making them feel stupid. And no one knows a single thing about him. The Oxford subreddit is full of his students, and ex students, whining and bitching about him; the stolen photo is a bomb, it becomes the hive of the conversation. The barrage of new pics are all people are talking about, and that's when you three get a whiff of what is going on.
You can't stop laughing: they all hate Michael, yet they're inflamed because of your supposed 'cheating' with Billy. Michael is not as happy, they call you all variations of "slut" under the sun and who takes pictures of strangers kissing?
"You know we can drive them even madder, by feeding them false information? Muddle the waters, so to say" Billy says after the photo of you three flirting makes its way into the subreddit.
You can see the mischievous spark in Michael's eyes.
"They're going to make fools of themselves. That's what they deserve for snooping and insulting you." He says menacingly.
And so it starts, the barrage of false, bordering to absurd, opinions, flood the 'Michael Gavey conspiracies' subreddit, raging from "Maybe they're just friends" to "The guy from the pub is their bull", to "No, the professor is the bull." to "Gavey is in a secret society, those two are just members!" to "They're in for the sex. Why do you think Professor Gavey dresses that way? He's hiding his monster dong in there!". Some people believe in the "Throuple theory", others are hell bent in proving that the kiss in the first photo never happened, it was just the terrible angle; they are not kissing, it's fake news!!! Others are all in for the "Professor Gavey is the head of a sex cult", whilst a small fractions wonders why he's always such in a terrible mood, with two hot people by his side, perhaps the sex is awful?
Some of those theories are carried on by Billy's various burner accounts; he randomly logs in and trolls the subreddit, while you three are relaxing for the night, telly on and feet on the coffee table. He plops himself next to you and Michael, wondering which account he should use for the night ("I haven't logged in the 'Gavey is a pimp' one in a while, but the fake news redditors are rabid tonight!").
You find the whole situation hilarious and ask Billy updates on the guy who calls you a 'slut', but is hell bent in using the more obscure and ancient slang he can find, "Jezabel" is a great classic, but "Cockatrice", "Wish-wife" and "Mignote" are in your personal top 10. You three are still debating about "Half-virgin", does it mean the person uses one of their holes and the others are still untouched?
Michael, who's discovered the joys of trolling people, drops extremely vague hints during his lectures and checks the subreddit to see how the people there react; he's even managed to recognize a couple of his current students and a batch of people from the previous years (one is a PhD candidate and Michael is working him like a donkey for the unflattering comments he left).
Ever since the first photo dropped, there had been a spike of enrollment in his courses, which gives him the chance to terrorize and scar for life a bigger chunk of rich assholes who got admitted thanks to their family's wealth. The fact that he gets bonuses is the cherry on top, you two need all the pampering he can provide!
Cringefail throuple taglist: @fan-goddess
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