#nquesu wanna block
nqueso-emergency · 3 days
I want to be nice and give bestie boos a win.
So, I'll try... *ahem*
Something bucktommy specific will drop within the next 48 hours.
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nqueso-emergency · 3 days
To each their own, but it was Lou and Oliver’s beautiful scene that got me to watch the show, not the countless buddie edits I tried to avoid for years. In the kiss scene alone, both Lou and Oliver gave so much, it’s truly one of the best kiss scenes on tv. Look, Ryan has some good moments but it’s truly baffling when certain people place him above everyone else, above THE Angela Bassett, Peter Krause, Tracie Thoms, JLH
And then they come and tell us to get up?? 💀
Do not get me started on that take 😭
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nqueso-emergency · 7 hours
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So, ant has had enough guys!! How dare anyone think greasy hair and a pornstache is ugly!! And how dare they not like a character who fucked up his kid and cheated.
Question, ant... why are you in a sub of a couple you hate?
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And why do you get pissed that people might want Eddie gone when YOU post things like this:
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I also know that Ant was at least ONE of the anons who pretended to he a crew member in my asks. Had enough yet??? 🤭💀
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nqueso-emergency · 1 day
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How are you going to tag Oliver fucking Stark, a man who is thrilled to be telling this bucktommy storyline and shit on it??
What tf is wrong with you??
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nqueso-emergency · 2 days
can i ask a question without you getting mad cus i dont mean it in a bad way 😅how are you so confident about tommy being buck’s endgame? i dont have many friends in fandom since i havent been around long, or a group chat or anything, and people are so vague so i feel like i’m missing out on some key reassurances like everyone knows something i dont
Because 1, Oliver doesn't want to continue playing Buck's relationships the same. 2, Tim's interviews make it pretty obvious to me. 3, I've seen a vague version on a season 8 timeline and it just makes sense
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nqueso-emergency · 1 day
it's gonna be long but i'm so tired of this lame shit.
stop doing this "both sides are bad" bullshit. both sides have bad apples but hell should not put bad bucktommys in the same "bad" category as people who is:
1. an owner of a big news acount inciting bully and harrassment to a queer black teenager because they got accused of creating a new news account when it's actually a buddie who made that account, and guess what, never appologized!
2. a person who infiltrate a discord space and getting informations like age and sexuality from people out of that discord to X/twitter and let the cult bullying and calling the discord's people "hags"
3. made a tumblr blog dedicated just for wishing harm and death on a fictional character
4. orchestrated on creating some horrible fanfictions with the wrong tags about a fictional character being a child abuser and child killer, and sent the links of those fanfictions to the fans of said fictional character through inboxes
5. changing a fluff ficlet of a ship created by a fan to a horrible abuse story and sending it to so many fans of the ship through inboxes
6. harassing artists by reuploading art on other social media just for your cult to shit on the art
7. creating a fanart and draw a fictional character as a monster and using the term "lizard people" (but hey they got rewarded!)
8. harassing multishippers for creating fanarts and fanfictions for the newer ship
9. sending phising links and reporting as spam to a positivity project
10. you can check on Lou Ferrigno Jr's latest post on X/Twitter about him swallowing an apple sticker and see how many wishes of harms and deaths you can find on the quotes and the replies
11. throwing tantrums and sending threats to THE showrunner over a scene that didn't included on the final cut (the scene not even significant enough to the whole episode arc:((()
12. recorded an X/Twitter space when the black fans there expressing their disappointment about people (actors included)'s treatment toward a certain actor with racism history during blm, putting the recording out so the cult could harrass the fans who's talking in the said space
there are bad apples on bucktommys side. even sometimes i think maybe i am one of the bad apples. but i love how bucktommys never holding back for calling out someone's bad behavior even it's from their own side. so i'm always grateful that i'm on bucktommys side. oh, for all of those points of bad behavior above, we have receipts, bcs we would never speak without receipts.
P. S. certain group of shipper could made a team to investigate who nqueso-emergency actually is but not one of them move to investigate who are these people orchestrating csa fics and made their community look bad? shocker!!!
P. S. S. points of bad behaviors above is mostly about their treatment toward other fans and real life person. i'm not getting deep into their treatment toward fictional characters on the show, especially their treatment toward a certain gay character because when we tried to call them out, they just twist it to "hAtinG on a rAciSt aNd mYsOgIniSt chArActEr iS hoMOpHoBic noW?". well, honey, that character is already change to a better person now and he stated that he's not a good person back then. you know who's homophobic, now? yes! YOU ARE!
thank you for your your service, nqueso, have a great day. and i love you, bucktommys! we'll get through this🫶🏽
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nqueso-emergency · 11 hours
In my feels this morning.
This is the first season I will be live watching without my mom and although it is just a "stupid show" it was our thing, ya know? So, yes I thought maybe having people to openly discuss the episodes with this season would be a good thing.
I have friends, although most are in the industry so they don't want to discuss the show as an actual fan. My cousin will sometimes... but says it's weird because she knows the people IRL.
Sorry. I probably just need a lot of caffeine to get my mind right this morning.
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nqueso-emergency · 2 days
Religion and Catholicism has always been portrayed with a huge amount of respect on the show, to be honest it’s something I always admired Tim and the creators for doing. With Bobby and with Marjan. It will not be used in any other way going forward, this show is watched by millions of Americans; majority of them i’d wager are religious.
The definition reads as follows “Catholic guilt is the reported excess guilt felt by Catholics and lapsed Catholics. Guilt is remorse for having committed some offense or wrong, real or imagined”
Bobby said a lapsed catholic is still a catholic for a reason; you are still a catholic. Sometimes you just need to be reminded that. Season one showed Bobby as a man who talked to nobody about his past but his priest. His guilt was eating him alive. He opened up to his team slowly and to Athena as time went by. Bobby like Eddie experienced grief but just on a very higher scale by x10000 and talking to a priest helped that grief and that guilt that he will carry until he dies. It’s rather strange how people are not connecting the two. Bobby saw the grief that Eddie still carries, he gave him his prayers book for a reason. Because a fellow catholic has lost his way and needed guidance. And Bobby knew how that healed him, so it can potentially also heal Eddie.
No place like home will most likely end with everyone going back home to their family or partners and Eddie realises that he will go home to an empty house; alone. Because his son won’t even talk to him. Driving home past a church he stops and enters because he needs someone to talk to, someone who will listen and not judge. Someone who’s helped heal a man who went through grief x10000.
When you actually stop and remind yourself of season one; a season people love to forget…..the two stories are actually very similar. Eddie is a broken man because he hasn’t moved past his grief of the woman who was the love of his life, just like he said last season. That grief blinded him into losing and traumatising his son who is his whole life.
Grief of his dead wife isn’t going to be cured by some miracle realisation that he has been secretly gay all along. That is canonically false; given the fact that he is mourning A WOMAN who he LOVES to this day.
Anon speaking facts.
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nqueso-emergency · 1 day
Lmaooo “archiving bad behavior” you really got some god complex. I notice we’ve still heard 0 insider info from you as it was all a lie just to gain followers so you can bitch about buddies. Like you people are not even enjoying the show you’ve just latched yourself onto a character who’s been in a handful of episodes and have made that your entire personality. Wild to me that people still take your word for it considering how your real identity has been exposed
I mean... I enjoy the show. Especially this scene uwu:
They're a couple 🥰
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nqueso-emergency · 2 days
I feel like I gotta be the only one who actually was happy reading that not a lot of time has passed between seasons and Buck and tommy were actually still getting to know each other.
Because one thing about Tim? He sure as fuck loves to skip the development part of the relationships he creates and move it at the speed of the flash.
The first 2 seasons of Lone Star gave Tarlos literally hardly any development and almost everything happened off screen. I remember watching thinking … wow wow when did that happen? How are they moving so quick? I love Tarlos but those first 2 seasons was a strugggllleeeeee! I don’t even remember their first I love yous, or how they first moved in. Luckily they got more in s3/4 but it took a while!
We opened season 2 with bathena dating secretly and ending it with them moving in and getting married. Fine by me cause I love those two but that was quick!
I’m not even going to bother talking about Buck and Eddies relationships with their partners … yikes. I’ll give it to them with Taylor Kelly and Abby (but Abby was played by Connie so duh) but apart from those two it was all very fast. I will never ever forget Buck meeting Natalia and by the end of the fucking episode after knowing her a fucking week telling Eddie “I think she knows me better than I know myself”
…………WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?!? MY GUY!?! YOU PROBABLY DONT EVEN KNOW HER BDAY … oh Jesus Natalia and Buck was something else. 🙄🙄
Marisol and Eddie lord give me strength they met and moved in wtf
I loved what they did with Maddie and Chim; the development took a while for obvious reasons and we learned about their traumas and how they healed together honestly it was handled with such care. But that’s a rarity in the 911 world.
I wanna see it all; I don’t care how slowly it goes. Just show me development!
I agree! I'm really excited to see this relationship develop. We deserve it and Buck deserves it.
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nqueso-emergency · 2 days
25 minutes of screen time?? Babe anon it was far less than that and we bucktommy’s love him anyway 💜
Lmao 🤣
Small screen time king, Tommy Kinard does not care. He's kissed Buck twice and explored kink at dinner.
We're good
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nqueso-emergency · 9 hours
To the anon who said: “Disney protects its shows prior to release. This isn't new. This is standard.” No, and here’s proof that that’s bullshit: One of the journalists who got the 911 screener and tweeted that she won’t be saying anything about it also just saw Agatha All Along early. As you know, Agatha All Along is a Disney show. Today, this journalist made a thread of her AAA thoughts and impressions, without spoiling anything.
So to recap, yesterday the journalist watched 911 and said she won’t comment anything. Today she watched AAA and gave her first impressions. So if this is the case of Disney cracking down, why are the SAME journalists able to say their thoughts and feelings on another Disney show? And btw this journalist is also openly a Buddie shipper. So most likely, things didn’t go her way when she watched the screener and she doesn’t want to poke the bear, aka the rabid Buddie stans. It has nothing to do with Disney cracking down.
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nqueso-emergency · 2 days
Remember when the bestie boos said calling Tommy Buck's boyfriend was a stretch and then Tim said they were a couple?
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nqueso-emergency · 2 days
lou’s microexpressions are so beautiful i really do think ryan should study the meisner method
Lou is so good with what he does. It's why people love Tommy and Buck together
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nqueso-emergency · 8 hours
Some ppl were talking about how BuckTommy moving in would be super quick if it happens this season but if Tim is … well Tim. Quick is his style.
Tarlos moved in at s2.ep10 … that’s quick sure but why waste time? We are in s8. Are you telling me Taylor Kelly is the only LI who we ever gonna see Buck live with??? I’ll jump.
I need to see this man finally have a long term happy and healthy relationship (where he doesn’t cheat)
Something people also need to realize is that these men are over 30. They're not going to drag their feet
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nqueso-emergency · 1 day
Look I don’t particularly care about Buddie or bucktommy, I just want Buck to be happy after all the shit he’s been through in the show and if that’s with Tommy then great! But it makes me uncomfortable that bucktommys are celebrating it as a ‘win’. I think both sides have behaved so badly that they don’t deserve to be rewarded with their ship being endgame. The amount of petty point scoring by both sets of fans is so childish. Buddies making up shit about Tommy and painting him as some narcissistic abuser is ridiculous and the shit that some of the big Buddie accounts say about bucktommy fans just screams obsessed. BUT on the other side I was disgusted at the end of last season when bucktommy’s were saying that Eddie’s storyline should be that he hits rock bottom by attempting suicide. There was a whole video on TikTok by fallenangelandpie where she said that there should be a scene where Buck and Tommy were on a date and it cuts to Eddie with an empty bottle of pills- this was right after Ryan spoke up about his own suicide attempt and it was in such poor taste. I’ve seen loads of them making really nasty comments about Buddie fans appearances as well. Like let’s all just have some respect for fans and actors?? I’ve never seen such a toxic fandom on all sides and I’ve been part of The 100 fandom.
The tiktok is the only take like that ive seen. So, let's not group an entire fandom in with one video. Plus, Ryan himself has said he wants to destroy Eddie... so hitting rock bottom isn't really a stretch.
It's not like there are fics being posted on ao3 or in people's asks about Eddie ending things. There's only one character that has been featured in csa fics and over 200 bashing fics.
Both sides have toxic people, that's fandom, but only one side has repeatedly crossed lines and gone to extreme measures.
And it's not the side that has the canon ship.
I haven't seen a bucktommy call out a buddie on their appearance either .. though I have seen Mikko call one bucktommy tiktok user "sid the sloth" and a majority call us hags, overweight, and ugly
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