#I was going to do fanart of this; but I think people would use that as an excuse to be bigoted.
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cubur · 1 day ago
I’ve been seeing your art all around the internet and trying to find your page where you are active. I finally found your tumblr and was so happy until I saw the posts about your pet and how bad you are feeling. I just wanted to let you know that your art truly brings light into my life and even if you stop drawing it has forever impacted me. I wanted to say thank you and I hope you will return one day.
Hello! Well, I probably haven't been around for 3 months. I've had the chance to read all the messages now… And I realize i've caused a lot of you to worry, so even though i can't answer each of you individually at this point, i thought you at least had the right to know what was going on.
Ok, when I lost my cat about 3 months ago, I lost many things along with it. I don't know if you guys noticed, but i'm not as active as i used to be. In fact, I can't even remember the last time i drew narusasu …it feels like i've forgotten how to. Honestly I never imagined this day would come… I mean… I don't know how this sounds to you guys, but i won't be able to be active on this account anymore even if i wanted to. I've been trying to hide it, but i've been having arguments with my family about my fan arts for the past year or so. No, not in the way you might think. It's just… maybe many of you won't understand, but my country is going through serious financial struggles, and unfortunately i no longer have the time to create art for free like i used to.
For over ten years, I've been making a living by drawing at my desk, creating things online, whether good or bad. But at some point it stopped making me happy, yes, and that's when I started drawing fanart. Believe or not, the sense of warmth and belonging I felt here was something i had never experienced anywhere else. Yes ofcourse I love Naruto and Sasuke, but the warmth I felt and the feeling of knowing that i wasn't alone was what truly brought me here. Some of you made me laugh, some of you made me cry, and some of you even made me really angry at times. But throughout my life, I've met very few people whom i truly felt close to, and one of them was someone i met thanks to this community. That's why I want to sincerely thank you all!If I've been fighting all this time, it's because I don't want to leave you all. But after a certain point, trying to manage both of my accounts actively caused me to spend extra energy mentally and even physically. So, in the end, I burned out.
Recently, every time I drew sns, i ended up arguing with my family, and it just made me feel like this was the place i should give up. Unfortunately, people can change when it comes to money and that's why I had to take a break.
If you ask where I am now and what I'm doing, i'm still doing one of the things i love, i mean drawing, but active and working on my other account, which is completely different from this one. I'm not planning on closing my account here yet, still have unfinished commissions, and just want to leave the door ajar in case i still have a chance to come back in the future. But still, if you were to ask my honest opinion, I would say don't get your hopes up too much…
No matter what, take care of yourselves guys! Thank you!❤️
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agent-calivide · 1 day ago
I'm tired. Call this a rant or a vent post, but I'm so tired.
I'm not going to call anyone in specific out, but please for the love of god if you hate a character, STOP putting hate in their character tag. More specifically, if you hate people for how they choose to like a character, please, block and move on.
Yes there is a disproportionate amount of fan content for John Juniper, no it's not just basic white boy syndrome, he was the only one with a character model that showed up for more than five seconds and had an actual appearance for literally years. Positive association is a thing. Yes, you can hate him, that's normal and to be expected, dare I say most John Juniper fans do. No, most of the fandom doesn't actually think he's coming back, it's a running joke/issue based on how Schell handled their own lore that was founded before IEYTD 3 when Schell was acting coy about his status only to rip the rug out from under us with an obituary out of nowhere. No, you don't have to like the fanfics or fanart of Phoenix or Handler with Juniper romantically, but if you don't like it please block, scroll, or- I don't know- take a screenshot and talk shit with your buddies in private or something. Complaining about how a small section of the fandom posts frequently rather than putting in the energy to post more of what you like wastes your time and hurts people who are, god forbid, having fun.
And, frankly, it's not even about Juniper at this point. It's so disheartening to CONSTANTLY see "hot take, I actually HATE the way you engage with this fandom. You should make more things that are closer to MY interests." You know how much it sucks to see people say you're liking your media the wrong way when you aren't doing anything harmful?
First, it was that I wasn't making Phoenix "right" because I made them more effeminate and had them use she/her pronouns in my personal fanfics and fanart. Then, it was that Juniper was so gay he'd NEVER like a woman, and that women were just innately revolting, so shipping him and my Phoenix was gross and wrong. Then, it was why are fem!phoenix's so popular, they're nonbinary, stop assigning them a gender when there were like five fem!phoenixes total. Then, FINALLY, people chilled out and were tolerant of the fem!phoenix and mellowed out a little, but now it's I don't like the way you write/present John Juniper. If I had a shot every time I saw "hot take, I HATE Juniper, I don't get why the fandom likes him." I'd be dead. It's not really a hot take, it's the one I see all the time, but rather than investing that energy into making something new this fandom would rather just take pot shots at the consistent creatives rather than make something themselves.
I feel like a lightning rod of hate, but I don't remember asking for it. And I know a good handful of other IEYTD creators feel similar. If you hate Juniper so much, block his tag. Block the creators. Something.
But it's not fair to the people who are passionate about this game to be used as the resident dunk-tank because you don't like their favorite character, or you don't like their writing, or whatever argument of the week you have. We're here to have fun at the end of the day, and I don't see how an ooc self indulgent fic is harmful enough to warrant the way some of the people in this fandom are treated.
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chevroletdean · 3 days ago
Good grief, what is this? This has to be ragebait, and if it is, I'm falling for it, lol. I'm sorry you had to wake up to this, Alex. Anon, you're lucky Alex is such a kind soul, her response is nicer than anything I would've come up with.
Imagine sharing something for free that you're proud of, only to have some stranger be like "Actually, there's something wrong with this. 🤓" and then on top of it, they expect you to... what? Be thankful for their uncalled for, oh so helpful insight?
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Please, and I'm saying this to you, Alex, and any other writers, don't let anyone kill your vibe. To write (or generally to be creative within fandom spaces as the same applies to, say, fanart or fanedits) always means making yourself a little vulnerable. People forget that publishing something someone poured their heart into can be quite personal. Wanting others to respect that is not asking too much.
So yes, if someone complains (not critiques constructively, complains) in the comments, Alex definitely has a right to stand her ground. Or even to "ignore" said complaint, because she doesn't owe you an explanation. What do you expect, Anon? What is she supposed to learn from that comment? Should she delete and rewrite everything from scratch, crawl on all fours and ask for forgiveness?
It's a shame some people do not recognize the sheer amount of thought that goes into writing. Even if you didn't enjoy the story, or parts of it, nobody can deny the fact that time and effort went into writing 20k+ (!!!) words. Over. 20,000. Words. With 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman 12 pt. that would be over 60 juicy A4 pages. You think someone just poops that out mindlessly? Dismissing that is just straight up rude.
It's one thing to receive (useful) feedback that might help writers improve (though please know that not everyone is looking for feedback in the first place, and I don't understand what triggers someone to still voice their opinion when nobody asked for it). It's an entirely different thing to have people be straight up mean about it.
Nobody is forcing anyone to like a fanfic, or hell, even someone's writing in general. I have authors whose writing style I enjoy more than others, but I don't go out of my way and ruin their day. Sometimes a story isn't my cup of tea, but I can still acknowledge the effort behind it.
This isn't Goodreads, Anon. We're not on Amazon either. It's Tumblr. In my 13+ years on this website, I have never seen this as a page where people consume (sponsored, edited, and officially published with the intention to sell, mind you -- all resources your average fanfic writer on Tumblr simply doesn't have) content to then give it an X/5-stars rating.
This is, and always has been, the reblog site. Meant for you to find stuff you think is cool. Now, you obviously can't think everything is cool, so those other things which don't spark joy for you, you simply scroll past. Maybe block, if you absolutely hate it, and go about your day. Hope that helped, Anon!
I saw your reply to a comment and I don't understand why you get so defensive when someone criticizes your writing. Isn't that allowed? That's the problem with Tumblr these days. There are only small groups and anyone who doesn't belong isn't tolerated. I enjoyed reading your stories, but I also found several things that made no sense. It's a shame that criticism is simply ignored.
Ah, what a lovely message to wake up to! 😂
Hello, “anon.” I think I know who you are, but for the sake of this I’ll refer to you as anon.
I believe you’re referencing a comment someone made on If I Stay - Part 2, where they basically said, "This makes no sense and I couldn't bother to finish reading it anyway." What you're saying is it made no sense to you. And as you can see, I don't ignore criticism, I respectfully responded.
You're asking me to tolerate rudeness, anon. I've been writing for about nineteen years, since I was 10 years old. I've gone through a lot of growth as a writer since then, and I still am. I'm not a perfect writer, nor am I expecting everyone to love everything I write.
However, there is a world of difference between "constructive criticism" and "rude criticism."
Constructive criticism takes many forms, but it can look like this:
"There were things I liked about this story [name an example], but I'm sorry, this aspect I just didn't understand/didn't vibe with [insert example]."
^That kind of thing I can respect. It's about the delivery. I've had meaningful discourse with people who didn't vibe with things about my work. We talked it out like adults. However, the comment, "This makes no sense and I couldn't bother to finish reading it anyway" is not constructive. It's a rude, disrespectful complaint.
I spend several days, even weeks or months outlining, researching, drafting, and editing my stories before I post them here and on Ao3 (for free), as many writers do. Because we care about our work and a lot of us take writing seriously.
It takes someone just a few minutes to read something, and just a few seconds to write a negative comment like that.
The only way I know you've "enjoyed my stories" is if you comment and/or reblog a story. That particular person has only ever posted negative comments on my work; therefore, I can only assume they don't like my stories.
"Don't like, don't read" is a thing in fandom for a reason. Words have power, and at their worst, they can make or break a writer's will to write and share more stories (again, for free). It's a very personal thing to write and be creative, and it can be doubly scary for new writers to share them publicly.
So you can ignore this and continue leaving comments like that for writers if you want to, but I doubt it will earn you many friends in the fandom. At least, not from the writers you claim to like.
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bree-paints · 7 months ago
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My copium where they all survive and they are an iconic one eyed trio
Also some random sketches because 266-267 have been killing me emotionally thank you
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lvmimis · 5 months ago
i probably shouldn't harp on this but i was Provoked and i no longer have dishes to wash
anyway i do think we need to address the fact that we seem to treat fanwriting and fanart fundamentally different (or maybe i'm biased and just not seeing the other side, and if so you guys can gently point that out) but i feel like people do not just demand and expect artwork of their faves in the tags generally the way they demand writing as if it's not just as much an act of labor as everything else
all fanwork is an act of labor and love you are entitled to none of it
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i-really-like-phrogs · 5 months ago
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Franken-Lyds I conjured up a bit back. I loved this look—Well— to peices! (Bwahahaha)
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ooglesdoogles · 23 hours ago
Roma/Romani isn't a standard set culture, so in my opinon, I think picking a specific region or group of romani (such as lithuanian, turkish, US) can help narrow down the influence Dick would have on his early childhood- most likely in the forms of food, fashion, beliefs, and language. Look into traditions within these groups and really take into consideration how those would translate over an immigrant's life (speaking specifically about the idea that The Flying Grayson's were part of an international circus. If they're a few generations removed from being immigrants within the US, think about how the culture of the US would shape Dick's life when mixed with a home culture of Romani traditions.
Having him be physically designed to look more stereotypically Romani isn't a travesty, don't get me wrong. I love love love seeing characters that are canonically not white get any sort of nod towards that (cough cough damian constantly being whitewashed in everything but the fanart and fics), but small things like inclusion of language, culturally/familially-significant patterns on clothing/art or jewelry, handmade toys, foods, religions and other smaller, more specific features of cultural representation are good things to look into when writing about characters from other cultures. (Also note that if the circus was multi-racial/ethnic/national, those cultures would also influence him as a young child.)
And on that note: also keep in mind how significant these things are for the characters AND the real people. So many Roma have lost their lives and had their cultural practices stripped from them and the future generations, so there may be spots where information is missing or isn't common knowledge, and that's okay, but try to avoid making stuff up or adding in you're own twists. You don't have to be an expert on every part, just learn as you go along and do your research.
Thank you for the question!!
As someone who is partially Roma/Romani, I feel the need to give my pov on how Dick is usually portrayed:
There is nothing wrong with being Roma and having light skin and/or light eyes. I see so many fans screaming about making Dick representative of Roma through his skin colour and so many people talking about giving him "roma features", but Roma people don't have a singular look (just like every other race and ethnic group), so insisting he be consistently portrayed as having "ethnic" features can sometimes overshadow the point of fighting for an "accurate roma dick grayson" within the fandom. The point is that the culture and heritage that dick would have experienced and grown up in until Bruce took him in isn't erased or neglected, and yes that can include racial discrimination based on looks, but in my opinion- he could be blonde with the brightest blue/gray eyes and as long as he's still accurately portrayed as being culturally roma, it's a good representation.
That being said- representing him as having darker skin and phenotypically common features (such as a large/longer sloped nose and semi-slanted eyes) isn't an awful way of acknowledging his ancestry. Fanart is an amazing thing and if you feel that Dick looks better with these features, that's great! But it's also important to remember that just making him brown doesn't represent much, so it's important to recognize ethnic characters while keeping the things that make them ethnic.
So tldr:
Brown doesn't always equal good ethnic representation, especially if the culture surrounding that character's story is ignored.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 7 months ago
i think fandom spaces would become much more enjoyable across the board if people stopped flipping their pancakes over other fans enjoying characters that they don't like. or, god forbid, like them but in 'the wrong way.'
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yeahsoapy · 20 days ago
Giving characters tans or slightly darker skin in fanart is like serving in the army. Fuck
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greensagephase · 1 day ago
@ridiculous-hibiscus Awwww, Hibi!! 🥹🥹
No, seriously, the vibes are so warm! It's just so incredibly cozy. I swear it feels like a still from one of those Christmas movies (a romcom xmas movie perhaps? 🤭🥹) because of the vibes. You captured the energy so beautifully!
And about the background, I could see that it looked different from the rest, but I didn't want to assume it was a photograph beneath it because either way, I loved the vision you went with. You've made me realize that I could actually try and use this method in the future as I continue my own drawing journey, so thank you for teaching me that!
Also, omg, I love that you used the dancing hearts (using 'dancing hearts' alone is chef's kiss, I love that!) as a way to foreshadow that! Like, that's so SWEET and THOUGHTFUL. Thank you for sharing your thought process behind it! I already loved the detail alone and now knowing the reasoning, even more! Also, I did notice that the tree was a little bare, but I suspected it was because they were in the middle of decorating it and about to make their clear ornaments :') (I wish we could do that for real with Miguel *sighs*)
Hibi... My heart can't take this, but I understand what you mean and I appreciate you sharing it!😭 I just sat here, observing the pic of the room (the before) for a few minutes and honestly (maybe I'm extra and too emotional), I felt an overwhelming loneliness looking at it. It feels like I'm looking at one of those fake rooms in furniture stores, void of any life. It's exactly what life was like for Miguel before Dulzura! And then looking at the after... The same space screams WARMTH, PEACE, COMFORT -- HOME -- and all because of one single person who has changed Miguel's life forever (I'm not ok right now 😭).
HIBI, HIBI, HIBI, HIBI!!! You want to make me cry, don't you? You think of me as Dulzura?
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That is SO SWEET -- I'M ABOUT TO CRY, HIBI, BUT HAPPY TEARS! 🥹🥹💖💖 It means so much to me that you tried to represent me and that you think of me as Dulzura! Thank you for that and for sharing the fact with me, also, it's not strange at all! It's very kind and thoughtful of you. 💕 Also, thank you for the sweet compliments! 🥺
Girl, you nailed the moment so wonderfully! And Miguel!🥰🥰 I just want to cuddle with him on the couch (still)! Omg, I'm always so interested in learning how people imagine Miguel's scent, so thank you for sharing that! I'm gonna need to go and find something similar to what you've described, but I feel like I'm imagining it decently and if it's how I'm imagining it...
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I just know he smells AMAZING! There's no doubt about that!
Awww, hehe! I'm touched that my response made you happy! It's always so sweet knowing I've at least made one person happy with me being here on tumblr🥹
Also, I try, Hibi! I don't want to disrespect anyone, so that's why I always ask artists first!💕
Wait, a possible fanart of the ice skating scene...?
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That would be SO SWEET SJKDFJKDJOSI I would literally scream at the top of my lungs because that's literally my second favorite scene of this chapter! I would be over the moon, but no pressure at all, pookie, and please take care of yourself first!! 🫵🏼😤 I am honored that you've drawn this beautiful fanart and even considering doing another one, like, THANK YOU!!!😭
Thank you SO MUCH, pookie! This fanart truly means so much to me!🥹 I hope you're having a great evening so far and that you have a wonderful and restful weekend! 🫶🏼💖
p.s. I've never been in one either, hehe, I just did some research to get an idea of the layout. It's funny how many things we writers look up for our fics sometimes.💀 And awww, I swear you're too sweet with all these compliments, I'm seriously about to cry! But oof, I'm just so grateful to be able to write and share my writing, and that you guys enjoy it! It's my honor, truly ❤️
Hiii, Alondra! 👋 🥰 I finally got some time due to a break from work to make some fanart for NC! This is inspired by Ch 22 (tbh, there are so many art-worthy moments in that chapter, but I only have so much time) 🥹!
Note: I know they don't actually have both trees up in the same room, but I found a little stamp on IbisPaintX that looked holographic to me, so I included it to show you how I pictured the futuristic holographic tree with the little ornaments.
Also: I loved how Miguel's white cable knit sweater turned out. Still learning to paint and render, but our muses Dulzura and Miguel are helping me! 💞😍
Hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed reading your work, as always ❤️💙❤️💙
Love, Hibi 🫂
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Hibi! What if I cry?!?!
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THIS IS SO LOVELY, HIBI!!! 🥹🥹💖 The way the living room looks so COZY and WARM! I seriously love the way you decorated the space; from the couch to the coffee table to the curtains and art on the wall. The trees! I adore both so much and I love how you imagine the holographic tree! It looks so cute! I actually really love the little hearts effect, which I hadn’t thought about before, but would make so much sense for people to be able to add effects to their tree like raining hearts or stars, or something of the sort. That detail and the tree overall are so cute and cozy, Hibi! I appreciate you sharing your vision of it! 💕💕
Also, is this lovely girl your spidersona, or you? I know you said in a comment you've been struggling with your spidersona, too, so I'm curious if this is her, or it's you! Either way, she's so pretty and looks so sweet!🥹 I also love the expression on her face; she’s so immersed with the clear ornament and totally oblivious to the flustered Miguel at her side after calling him cute, haha!!🥹
Which by the way, FLUSTERED MIGUEL!!! AAAAAAAAA, I LOVE HIM SCRATCHING THE BACK OF HIS HEAD, HIS WIDE EYES, AND THE BLUSH ON HIS CHEEKS — SCREAMING FROM THE ROOFTOP!! And the freaking WHITE CABLE KNIT SWEATER — HIBI, YOU’VE BLESSED US!! 🥹🙏🏼 He looks so, so, so cute, handsome, toasty, and cuddly. 🥺😩 I just want to snuggle on the coach with him, head pressed to his chest and letting our warmth become one while I smell his comforting scent, augh! It turned out amazing, friend, you should 100% be happy (more than happy!!) with how the sweater turned out! It truly looks so cozy. I also want to talk about Miguel in his socks… WHY IS HE SO CUTE ?? 😭😭😭 It's such a small detail, but I feel like it further shows how comfy and open he is with Dulzura in their home (as best friends🙂). He just looks so freaking homey!🥺🥺
Also, the two coffee mugs! This is literally me when you guys include them in your art:
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS PRECIOUS FANART, HIBI!!! I swear it makes me want to go and read part 22 and pretend it's December and not March because the vibes in your art are pure peace, coziness, tenderness, and warmth!! ✨️🎄🎁🥹 It means so much to me that you drew this on your free time, too, seriously, thank you!! 😭🥺 I most definitely enjoy and LOVE this fanart, pookie! There's no way I don't!
I want to ask :)) Is it okay if I link this post to the NC fanart post and tag you on it? Please let me know if you're OK with that! I would love to add this beautiful fanart and you to the post! 🥰🥹
Thank you so much, Hibi! As always, I'm so grateful and honored that my fic inspires you guys to draw and that you feel comfortable to share it with me! 🥹 I swear, just thinking about it makes me want to cry each time. 😭I'm sending you a big and warm virtual hug right now!! Please take care and rest my dear, Hibi! 🫂💖
p.s. the penthouse is such a vibe, Hibi. Wishing I was there right now with our favorite Spider-Man 🥹💕
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hasellia · 7 months ago
Idk if Akatsuki cosplay is still big after. What, 20 years? But I just thought of a way to explain it to folks who don't know them.
"So you know Michael Phelps, right? How by sheer genetic chance he is built like a monster for swimming? Well, imagine if Michael Phelps teamed up with Usain Bolt & Simone Biles. Together, they team up with every other incredible athlete at the olympics who is built for a single sport. They're all from different countries, with an arguably globalist goal; yet they are just as competitive & egotistical as the usual Olympian. Also, they're terrorists."
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twptwp · 2 years ago
I am somewhat tempted to write a fanfiction, not a romance one though as those things do not interest me so much. I wonder if anybody would read Noelle and Berdly being friends?
Furthermore, if there are any fanfictions already on this topic? I would love recommendations if so!
Whenever I try looking I just end up seeing lots of shipping stuff with all different characters, it's an oddly difficult search for me
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bythehearts · 6 months ago
not to bring tiktok drama on tumblr but like every time a ‘scandal’ comes out with one of these ‘production companies’ that make fan films i always hope we’re finally gonna discuss how they professionalize something that should be an hobbyist endeavor… and yet every single time i’m disappointed.
#like I know we’ve been talking about it here on tumblr and i remember seeing like one or two videos on tt about it#but other than that creators really don’t seem to be engaging critically with the impact that the very nature of what they’re doing has#and look i truly do love the art that some of the people involved in the project make#like arone is truly one of the most talented cosplayers i know#ethan is an amazing actor and I’ve followed him since before he was even in the marauders#dorian is a great writer and idk the others as well but I’m sure they are all great artists#((naming the just cause i feel like being vague would be worse in this case))#and i do believe they engaged with the project with the best of intentions#without knowing or trying to afford grace on past controversy#and it truly is a horrible predicament to have your work be tainted like that for something you had no control over#but like i do think we should be questioning the very idea of how this fanfilms have been made is inherently a problem#like fanfilms are essentially fanfiction on camera#so as long as a few cosplayers want to get together with their iphones write a script and shoot at the local park I don’t have a problem#but if you are putting in place a product that somehow requires you to fundraise consistently for two years then I have a problem with it#ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE SELLING THE SCRIPT TO DO SO#cause even if that script hadn’t been ai generated#that script is fanfiction and you do. not. sell. fanfiction.#seriously like… do we need to go over our abc again?#like fanart and cosplayers are a bit different in the sense that people sell fanart/do commissions and they can be professional cosplayers#but for any other fanmade project that requires you to put pen to paper (or keyboard to chatgpt ig)#you need to be engaging with several ethical questions regarding any exchange of money#and personally i don’t think that there’s been engagement with those ethical reflections#and this isn’t about any of the people involved and not even about mischief productions specifically#it’s about a wider issue in how we have been collectively normalizing a way of doing things that should not be normal#and like yes star using ai and being overall not good is bad but like can we talk about EVERYTHING ELSE please
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torchickentacos · 5 months ago
The world may change at rapid paces that induce constant emotional whiplash, but at least there's one constant (pokemon xy anime discourse on twitter)
#I almost never use twitter for several reasons but I do check in suuuper rarely when I want to look at fanart#and there's always some sort of xy argument on my tl no matter who I follow (or don't). I find comfort in this.#it's an important part of the pokeani online ecosystem#and my part in the ecosystem is 'critter that lives under a rock and occasionally scuttles out for crumbs only to run back afterwards'.#anyways my take on xy is that it did some good things and some bad things like every other season of pokeani. idk.#i know that's an incredibly boring opinion but oh well#i've never been well situated to be passing judgment on which seasons are the highest quality anyways kdjskfjsdkf.#rocks and glass houses and all that jazz.#i mean i do have opinions on xy but i think my opinions are just kind of in the middle and boring?#there's some good and some bad and lots of missed potential. that's pokeani as a whole for you though.#I could make a pros/cons list for every season and I think it'd be pretty balanced at the end of the day tbh?#each season has good and bad things. it's just about finding which seasons have the good things you like!#maybe it's just the people pleasing middle-grounder in me but i really think all seasons are pretty even at the end of the day-#they just appeal to different people.#every season is someone's favorite and every season has haters. this is normal and fine.#but by all means keep the arguing going. people not arguing about xy would be an apocalypse-is-coming type of change honestly
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6-2-aestheticsofhate · 7 months ago
Gabriel is seemingly canon (?) to the lore of Pressure
I was on the Official Pressure wiki and while I was browsing around I found something. An angel is mentioned who was captured by Urbanshade and kept locked up and used as a source of blood. What is notable is that the Flesh Prison and possibly the suicide trees from the Violence layer are mentioned, as well as a modified railgun called Heavenpiercher.
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If you're having trouble seeing the screenshots here it is written as well as the link to the wiki page itself.
"In 2007, Urbanshade opened a gateway to the Banlands, prompting the "Banlands Expedition" lead by the N.O.S.T sub-division. There, they encountered the Guardian Angel of the Banlands. Seeing it as an enemy, Urbanshade fought the angel and heavily wounded it after shooting it with the Heavenpiercher, a modified mobile railgun. During the fight however, Urbanshade employee River died after giving his all during the fight. To honor his name, a Trenchbleeder would soon to be named after him. After the encounter with the Guardian Angel, the Devil seemingly pleased with Urbanshade, made a deal with them. The Devil promised that Urbanshade employees that went to hell would be spared from treeification, a process where one's soul gets turned into trees. In addition, the Devil carved the pentagram into the eye of God, publicly referred as the Moon, as an act of desecration, thus preventing God from being able to peer into the Banlands to monitor it. The desecrated side of the Moon is only viewable from the Banlands, while the people on Earth only sees the other side which is normal.
After deeming the Banlands unprofitable for Urbanshade, all further expedtions to it have been deemed unnecessary. The heavily wounded Guardian Angel was taken back to the Blacksite, along with a Flesh Prison and some treeified people found during the expedition. Using the Alicron, Urbanshade would harvest the blood of the angel for an unholy benefit: once someone drinks a cup of angel blood, every sin would be obliterated from their body, sending them to heaven instead of hell on death. This would be saved only for employees retiring from Urbanshade. Despite this, no amount of angel blood can help Mr. Shade, as his soul was deemed too impure."
While there isn't a source on the wiki for this information the Guardian Angel of the Banlands IS mentioned in the Trenchbleeder document when explaining where Trenchbleeder River got its name so that part is canon.
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The Heavenpiercher railgun is also mentioned in another in-game document for Paranoia's Box so that gun existing is also canon.
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It's very likely this information is intended to be canon due to all the references to it in-game and also considering the fact its an official wiki and not an unofficial one.
TL;DR a guardian angel (presumably Gabriel because of all the Ultrakill references in the banlands) was taken by Urbanshade and kept as a prisoner so they could harvest his blood to remove sins from people.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 3 months ago
i draw to draw & not exactly for results. i mean sure i have an end goal in mind for things but its not really about that. so. i generally just assume people will see the art & look at it for all of 20 seconds maybe go 'neat' to themselves & maybe hit like & thats it. i dont expect it to particularly catch any interest that anyone would save it and especially not something anyone would come back to look at frequently. i dont even look at my own stuff much after its done (usually) how can i expect others to. its not even a sad thing for me i appreciate those 20 seconds of consideration & every like i get. to think it means more to people is always deeply surprising
#the time i went to one of rizz's streams & when i commented she recognized me & got so excited she changed#the bg to the most recent art i'd done of her#rizz it's been years & i still love & miss u ur one of if not the most bubbly & kind people ive come to know#u'd respond to her thinking maybe ur a bit over the top but then her reply would double that energy#i miss her i really do#i think kuki's said it saved & used keppi art before 🥺🥺🥺 still hard to believe & i appreciate it so much#anru's also saved & used my art i've done of her before. love her too shes also so sweet#& ik zin really likes the sekarime art i did which again still surprises me & i appreciate#and then u have zensen u went to find my account after vomas which isnt really online art at that point#but im still like holy shit i did NOT think any of them would actually care enough to go looking at my acc#magu's liked my art since the very first fan art ive done & theyve rted a few here & there too i wonder if they have any saved#i dont know if theyre a save every piece of fanart for their works they see or not type of person#but i know they do like getting fan art#but in general? no i never expect it to ever particularly catch anyone's attention#its not like my art ever really says anything beyond 'i enjoy the subject matter' so a brief look is all i ask really#i think its like. really funny when every once in a while someone will be like 'ur arts so underrated'#& then i never see them again. thank u stranger bye stranger#i draw for the same reasons i write & thats to get the things out of my head so they dont rot there#its done to show appreciation but after its done i move on to the next thing. i remember what ive done but dont usually#keep looking at it. exceptions for whatever i make my wallpapers or icons but thats it#its always welcome to tell me if u ever like anything in particular btw
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