#I wanted there to be more food in Tron
murderbees · 4 months
More World Building for Tron, because I get stuck on random details
This time, featuring Energy in general, on the Grid
First, energy is multifunctional within the Grid. It power vehicles and machines, and serves as food and drink for Programs. It's naturally occuring, in the outlands with pools.
Energy is a natural resource, distributed throughout the grid as rain. Unforunately, Raw energy is slightly corrosive. You can drink it and be okay, but long term exposure isn't good for anyone. Think of it like salt water or lemon juice. Sure you'll be fine, but you will get uncomfortable. Since it's also energy, everyone absorbs some through their skin. If you absorb too much, you'll overload your systems and that's also really bad. That's why storms are dangerous, in addition to the electricity and lightning.
Energy has three forms, Raw, Primary, and Secondary. This refers to how processed the energy has been. Raw energy has not been processed. Primary energy has been processed, and is the most common form. Secondary is less common and is used in culinary pursuits or in the military.
Primary energy has either been processed through the city's power plant or through the Grid. In the ground is an aquifer of energy, which is why Tesler tried to drill for energy. Unfortunately, this caused blackouts since the city's energy is pulled from that same aquifer. The power plants regulate energy and moniter its use to ensure everyone has what they need, and that the aquifer remains healthy. If you take too much, there won't be enough left to support the city. The plants also plan excursions to the outlands to find energy pools to harvest. It's all about balance.
Each building has it's own energy well, but they're used as secondary energy sources. It more efficient for everyone if the power plant manages energy. The energy is distributed throughout the area by aqueducts connected to all buildings.
Primary energy can be drunken but it's really strong. Most programs prefer it diluted. Primary energy is used mainly for infrastructure and vehicles.
Secondary energy ranges from liquids to solids. It can be thinner, thicker, jelly-like, or even crystalline. It's used in both culinary arts and industrial and military functions.
Culinary energy tends to focus on drinks, with some jellies and solids. They make syrups and bases, sodas, many different kinds of energy drink for programs to consume. If you drink it every day, why not make it interesting? Some programs even have the capability to process the energy into jelly-like or crystal-like structures. These aren't very common, since they're more like gimmicks or candy. Not necessary, but novel and fun. Once turned into jelly or crystal, the energy cannot be turned back.
Industrial energy tends to be thicker, using a concentrated energy to run heavy machinery. There are many engineers experimenting to make more efficient energy forms. Crystal energy is sometimes used, but it's very rare.
Except if you're in the military. The military takes crystal energy and makes it into bombs. Yup, bombs. Crystal energy pellets are essentially bullets, and larger crystals get turned into grenades and bombs. Anything that uses crystal energy has a change to just explode.
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star-stilinski · 24 days
Maybe because it's Dylan's birthday can we get a Stiles' birthday fic, like how it would be to be his gf or his crush and celabrate his bday with him 🥺❤️?
omg YES!
i'm imagining this as a dating situation, because if you guys were just mutually crushing i know he would have NO IDEA what to do since he's such a gift giver and it's not really appropriate to give gifts on your own bday.
i just knowww stiles would be such a big birthday person (for his; half the time he forgets even scott's birthday). but i think with all the supernatural crap getting in the way, especially after season 3b, he'd forget it was his own birthday sometimes until the day of or before. he'd definitely beg you to sleep over, just cause he'd want to wake up next to you as his first birthday treat, tho.
"g'morning, birthday boy." you'd mumble in his ear once you were both (barely) awake, holding him like a teddy bear while he lays on his back. he smiles and makes a contented hum, not even bothering to open his eyes as he turns on his side and tugs you into a horizontal hug.
you accommodate to his cuddling, running a hand through his hair. "c'mere, first birthday kiss. i have to give you as many as years you are old before the end of the day."
he grins into the kiss, just a peck, before he's grabbing your cheeks and kissing you all over. "that sentence didn't make any sense."
"shut up."
he pulls back, mocking offense. "you did not just tell the birthday boy to shut up. take it back."
you laugh and squeal when he finds your waist, pinching where it tickles and chanting "take it back! take it back!" while rolling you around in his sheets.
just in time to save you of your handsy boyfriend's torments, noah stilinski knocks on the door loudly. "sounds like you guys are awake, is everyone decent?"
you giggle and stiles gives you a look that says he's about to be flirting with you. his hands slide around your waist now, and he speaks up for his dad to hear through the door. "yeah," his voice drops for only you to hear, "but not for long, hopefully."
you laugh and smack his chest, and noah peeks his head into the bedroom. "morning. there's waffles on the counter, and chocolate milk in the fridge. i gotta go, can i trust you two to be smart?"
stiles throws his head back into his pillows and sighs out "aw, yes, waffles!" as you meet noah's gaze.
"yes, sir, we're going to meet up with the others in a bit. thanks for breakfast!"
the sheriff nods and his eyes leave yours, studying his son instead. he steps forward and strides across the room to where stiles lays, pushing his bedhead back and ruffling it. he's got a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face. "happy birthday, son. i love you."
stiles makes a face. it's not quite a smile, but it's something akin to it as he swallows. "thanks, dad. love you too."
you avert your eyes and try to let them have a moment, even with stiles holding you to his chest like he is.
once noah's gone, you and stiles find yourselves in the shower, brushing your teeth. stiles has already made a comment about birthday sex and you reacted accordingly, rolling your eyes and fighting a smile. he melts when you massage shampoo into his scalp and complains about the water being too hot. you both argue about it playfully before deciding getting out is the best option.
showered, dressed, and scarfing down some waffles, you and stiles listen to his favorite music and discuss the plans for the day. hangout with friends, go get food at his favorite place, watch tron, and call it a night ("oh," stiles says through a mouthful of waffle, "can we make out at some point? you didn't add that to the itenerary.").
after cleaning up your breakfast mess (and getting in three more kisses), you and stiles climb into roscoe and hit the road for lydia's house. he's explaining the impact of the saw franchise to you and holding your hand, and he looks so pretty in that blue color. you lift his hand to your lips and kiss it softly, stuttering his rant momentarily.
at lydia's, you all sing him happy birthday and eat ice cream and burgers. the presents are all great, save for isaac, who got him a book called 'a guide to sex for virgins'. he was very proud of his gift, but stiles just threw it at him flippantly. then, you all migrate to the pool.
stiles watches when you undress, and you feel your cheeks heat. but he doesn't mention it, instead challenging scott and kira to a game of chicken. they consider it the challenge of a lifetime and are ready to play almost immediately.
"c'mon, we'll win." stiles loops his arms around you and kisses the side of your face. "plus, don't you think you have to say yes? it's my birthday..."
you pout a bit. "i just washed my hair."
"and you won't have to get it wet, because we'll be winning. hello, scott's going to get distracted as soon as kira's got her thighs around his head!"
you laugh at that, and watch as scott runs his hands over his girlfriend's thighs, his eyes slightly unfocused and his lips parted just slightly. your boyfriend clucks his tongue, seemingly seeing the same scene, and shakes his head. "poor guy. he's not getting any because it's not his birthday. i couldn't relate."
stiles pats your ass and drags you into the pool, ducking underwater and propping you on his shoulders. he gives your thighs a squeeze and it sends a thrill down your spine, and then walks you over to kira.
"okay," kira grins and holds her arms out towards you. "may the odds-"
stiles lets out a war cry and starts pushing at scott, who retaliates slower than usual. you take that as your gunshot and you and kira start wrestling, laughing as you hit and push and hear a "gah! that is not fair play!" from below you.
when you and stiles win (kira let out a whine of pain when you accidentally slapped her arm too hard and it distracted scott), he gets you off his shoulders carefully and wraps you in a bear hug, carefully avoiding your hair.
as the evening goes on, the guys roughhouse and find sinking toys while you and the girls eat more food and bask in the sun by the edge of the pool. every once in awhile, stiles will drift by you and smile, and you'll blow him a kiss or mouth happy birthday or run your hand through his wet hair. he preens like a proud cat every time.
you end the night in the best way: feeling fuzzy and warm from the sun, home alone with stiles stretched out under you on his couch. tron plays in the backround while you kiss him as many times as he is years old or however the hell you're supposed to explain that, and he tastes like vanilla ice cream and chocolate drizzle.
"happy birthday." you mumble against his lips. you feel him smile, and his hand cups your neck as he leans in for another kiss.
"the happiest."
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lieslab · 5 months
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: Han X gn reader
Summary: A simple trip to the arcade leads to disaster after disaster and a brief doubt that your boyfriend truly loves you.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 3K
Trigger warning: Anxiety (specifically social anxiety) and self-doubt.
A/N: Anonymous requester, I've done it. This was super fun to write (I mean up until the self-doubt and anxiety part where I proceeded to get a little sad) Never fear because I managed to make the end fluffy just like you requested!!
I'm sorry it's probably been posted way later than you expected. I have a job and I've been looking at college options and that's the reason why all my requests are a little slower. It's never too late to make your dreams come true. Anyway, I hope you enjoy <3
_ _ _
It was a blast from the past, walking into the arcade that your boyfriend found one day. It was like stepping back into the 80’s. Fun colorful and bright prints littered the black floor. Neon strands hung above your heads in waves. The lights had been dimmed to make everything pop. 
“Do you like it?” Han turned to you and beamed. 
“This place is amazing. How did you find it?” Your eyes were wide as you glanced around. The white t-shirt you were wearing seemed to glow beneath the neon funk. It was trippy and it was exhilarating. Excitement thrummed through your veins. 
“I don’t know. I went on a walk one day and accidentally entered. I wanted to go to the coffee shop next door and got lost in my thoughts. I ended up here in the process.” 
Off in the distance, you could hear the hums of bowling pins being set back up. Squeaky motors had been used year after year after year, gathering up rust and remaining ungreased. The old hinges seemed to be on their last limbs, but they still managed to hold up. 
Cheers filled the air as a family, split in half for the bowling game, managed to gather a strike. Kids laughed and rushed in front of you. In another section, the greasy smell of fried food wafted over to you. You practically drooled at the sudden overpowering scent of pizza. The acidic tomatoes and the greasy cheese mingling with pepperoni. 
Arcade game after arcade game sat along a side wall. Multiple people’s silhouettes were lit up from the static screens. You managed to catch a few glimpses of familiar games. Pac-man, Frogger, Donkey Kong, and Tron. 
More modern games had been speckled throughout the large area. Skeeball had been placed across from the bowling lanes. Four basketball hoop games and a few football throwing games sat beside it. Larger machines that held more unfamiliar games were speckled throughout. 
Han laced his fingers through yours and led you towards the counter to get coins to play. It was one of his favorite parts of the place. All the games took old golden coins instead of electronic swipeable play passes. 
When he handed you a cup full of coins, he smiled. “So where should we start first?” 
You shrugged, still looking around with wide eyes. “There’s so much to do. We could do anything and-” 
“Then it’s a good thing that we have the whole afternoon to play, isn’t it?” 
His uptick in energy made you smile. The two of you slipped into the full arcade and began to play. You managed to last for nearly two hours before exhaustion set in. Han still seemed to have so much energy, but you felt drained. 
More people were flooding into the building. Han was distracting himself from this by focusing on the games, but you couldn’t. You were becoming more and more aware of how much harder it was to move through the area. 
Most people were polite, but some were not. A few glares were sent your way by a group of teenagers at one point. Your stomach churned with anxiety as you mumbled a quiet apology for stepping in front of them and scurried away. 
Han hadn’t realized it because he was too busy gushing about Pac-Man and how he wanted to get on the leaderboard. You were happy that he was happy, but you were starting to feel constricted. The crowd seemed to push against your lungs and make it harder to breathe. 
You made your way over to the game and Han began to play. After about four rounds, you announced that you were going to get a drink. Too involved in the game, he mumbled a weak response and you disappeared. 
In the cafe area, you felt a lot better. After ordering your drink, you sat down at a small table and sucked in a deep breath. During some days, your social anxiety was worse than other days. Just in general, you could have bad anxiety days. 
It ruled your life, no matter how much you tried to work on it. You tried to journal and you had tried therapy, but nothing seemed to stamp out that fluttery and panicky what-if feeling. It was some piece of your brain that you didn’t quite know how to get rid of. 
For a while, you were content with leisurely sipping your drink and observing the people in the bowling lanes. Parents in one lane were with their two kids. The kids couldn’t have been much older than ten. The mother and daughter had teamed up against the father and son. 
“Mommy and I are going to beat you!” The little girl smirked. Two black pigtails had been tied at the sides of her neck. She was dressed in a lavender dress that seemed to radiate beneath the white lights above her. 
“Nuh-uh! Nuh-uh!” The boy stuck out his tongue. His hair was the same deep shade of onyx. Both of their facial features were a perfect blend of their parents. 
“This isn’t fair!” Another voice cried off in the distance. Your eyes adjusted to find two younger girls. One stood with her hand on her hips and the other stomped her foot. “It’s rigged!” 
“It’s not rigged, it’s your fault that you don’t know how to bowl. I tried to tell you, but you’ve refused to listen to me. This is your own fault!” 
You smiled at the sight. Everything seemed to be against you when you were a kid. It was so easy to get frustrated and upset at the age when you didn’t understand how the world quite worked. 
“Feel it? The weight of the ball in your hand? Just get used to it and hold on tight. Don’t want to drop the ball on my foot, do we?” 
Your head snapped to the opposite side when you heard a man’s voice. A guy was standing behind a girl. Adorned in a gray hoodie, he had an arm looped around her waist. She laughed with his right hand tucked over hers. 
“I’m being serious, get used to this and this motion.” He slowly began to rock her arm back and forth. It was the same motion that you used to bowl and release the ball. “Once you get used to this, you focus on aiming.” 
“And how do I do that?” The girl asked. 
“Keep your eyes on the prize, sweetheart. Keep your gaze locked and loaded in the middle of the pins. Focus on that middle point. Breathe in and breathe out and then release the ball, got it?” 
You watched the girl do what he said and she released the ball. He kept his chin over her shoulder while the two watched the ball slip down the lane. Over and over the bright orange ball rolled head over heels until- 
The girl beamed as all the pins fell over. “I did it! I did it! I did it! I got my first strike!” 
“Congratulations, baby.” 
You looked away as the girl spun around and kissed the guy. It felt like such an intimate moment and you didn’t want to intrude. Your mind began to drift back to Han. You shifted in your chair to find him still hooked up in front of the Pac-Man game. 
A sigh slipped out through your nose. You didn’t mean for your thoughts to start wondering, but they began to creep in. Did he love you as much as you loved him? When was the last time the two of you had such an intimate moment outside of the house? Was he embarrassed of you? 
He rarely held your hand and never even attempted to kiss your cheek in public. Sure, you both walked side-by-side, but that wasn’t the same thing. The more you thought about it, the more hurt you felt. You were squeezing the juice out of your own heart. 
The lump began to form in your throat and you quickly stood up. In the process of attempting to grab your drink, you knocked over the cup. It hit the ground and spilt all over the floor. Your tears blurred your eyes and you cursed beneath your breath. 
Why were you like this? Why were you such a klutz? You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to gather the courage to go ask for napkins. Before you could stop them, someone headed towards you. 
The kid was too distracted by the handfuls of tickets in his arms. Quite literally, he was skipping off to the front to gather prizes when the disaster worsened. A loud gasp left his mouth as he slipped in the sugary soda. The back of his shirt seeped it up as he fell. 
The moment you heard the ruckus, your eyes opened in shock. A loud wail came from his mouth and alerted everyone near your area. All eyes were on the two of you and your heart quickened. 
You dropped to your knees instantly to try to console the poor boy. You reached out a hand and gently pulled him up. “Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” A woman’s shrill voice filled your ears. You glanced over to find a woman standing with her fists on her hips. “Get your hands off my son!” 
“I-I’m sorry, it wasn’t like that, he fell and I-” 
“That doesn’t give you the right to touch him!” She snapped as she rushed towards him. “Come here, come on, let’s get you to the bathroom to try and clean you up.” She shot you a final glare before you were left alone. Eyes from earlier still lingered. 
You suddenly thought you might burst into your own set of tears. Before you could approach the counter to ask for napkins, a worker appeared with a mop. He huffed as he dunked the murky tendrils in a bucket of sud filled water. 
“I’m really sorry,” you apologized. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Not like you’re the first one to make a mess, butterfingers. You certainly won’t be the last one either. Just get out of here and try not to make another mess, will you?” 
You mumbled another apology and rushed away from the mess with your empty cup. You tossed the remainders of the sticky mess into a trash can and disappeared back into the crowd. You were about ready to sob and to make matters worse, you left your coins somewhere and you didn’t know where. 
You couldn’t play anything and Han still had your wallet. You had given it to him earlier because your pockets were small in the pants you chose to wear. If you bothered him, you’d ruin his Pac-Man game and you didn’t want to worry him. 
More than anything, you just wanted to go home. You wanted to change and go back into comfy clothes and relax. You had reached your limit minutes ago and things were only getting worse. 
So you circled the arcade again and then again and again. You didn’t linger in one spot for too long. You kept your arms wrapped around yourself and you kept your body tucked into itself. The last thing you wanted to do was cause another issue. 
You circled over and over until you caught a glimpse of Tetris. The game was on and ready to start, but nobody was around it. It seemed like someone decided to play it and then decided to abandon the game before it could begin. 
You couldn’t help it, after nobody appeared for nearly a minute, you slowly walked over. Your gaze casted around, but everyone was still in their own little worlds. After pressing start, you began to play the game. 
In the beginning, you were good at it. Pressing the controls and adjusting the multi-colored awkward shapes to fit together. You were making good progress until you messed up on a T-shaped block. The moment that happened, your anxiety began to brew. You began to worry about other blocks before they were down. 
Tetris was a lot like anxiety. Everything seemed to do well until something slipped up. One small slip-up was enough to make you panic about the future. Instead of attempting to focus on what was in front of you, your brain was multiple steps ahead of itself. 
When you realized this, you couldn’t stop. You tried to focus on the block in front of your eyes, but you were constantly thinking about the block that would come next. Where would you place it? Would it fit between those two shapes? What if it was too big and caused the blocks to stack higher? You weren’t supposed to let them stack too high. 
You didn’t realize you were crying. The screen illuminated the glossy tears silently trickling down your cheeks. You didn’t notice until warmth slipped onto your hand. It was then that you realized you were crying and it made you stress out more. 
Before you could try to fix it, the game ended and a huge game over screen sat in front of your eyes. There was an option to play again, but you didn’t have more coins. You sniffled and sucked in a deep breath. 
“Baby, are you okay?” Han’s voice hit your ears. 
You spun around to come face-to-face with him frowning. You quickly used the back of your hands to wipe away the tears. You sniffled again and nodded. 
“What happened?” 
“Just some anxiety and stuff.” 
“What kind of anxiety?” 
You didn’t mean to blurt it out, but it came out anyway. “Do you love me like I love you?” 
“I mean, y-you don’t really interact with me when we’re in public. You don’t hold my hand or kiss me. I mean, you did earlier, but that was only once and I just…” You trailed off. “Am I not good enough for you?” 
He gently reached out and took your hand again. You let him lead you through the crowded maze of people and pull you alongside a further away wall. “What’s got you so worked up? You know I love you a lot. I don’t touch you a lot in public because I don’t want to make you nervous.” 
“Do I not show you enough?” He frowned. 
You shook your head, “I-I just…I don’t know.” 
“You’re ready to go home, aren’t you?” 
You meekly nodded and pawed at your eyes again. Your social battery was blaring with an alarm. You needed to go home and recharge before you went out again. You needed personal space to feel like you could breathe again. 
“I have one more coin and then we can go home, okay? I was actually saving it for you. I don’t think you’ve gone to the claw machine yet, have you?” You shook your head. He grinned, “let's go!” 
You let him lead you over to the claw machine. He handed you the coin with a smile. “I’ll let you do the honors because you’re good at these.” 
“I only have one try.” 
“Yeah, but I believe in you. Even if you don’t get anything, I still have all of our tickets. We have to go redeem our prizes.” 
You slowly slipped the golden coin in the slot. There was a whole section of the games, but Han had pulled you to one lit up neon pink. Inside, a wide selection of plushies sat staring at you. As the game started up, you debated on what to try and aim for. 
After a brief consideration, you finally grabbed a hold of the black controller and began to shift the claw. You put all your focus into the game and tried to block out the surrounding noise and Han. You needed perfect attention while doing this. 
The crane swung for a bit and then it stopped. Just for a brief second, you tilted the control to the left. Holding your breath, you pushed the red button. A soft whirl filled the air and you and Han watched the crane begin to outstretch and fall down. 
The tiny arms opened as it sank further and further into the pit of plushies. Silently, you begged it to grab the one you were aiming for. You waited and waited and waited until- 
“Holy shit,” Han whispered. 
The claw had grabbed onto the plush. You kept holding your breath because you had seen this multiple times. It was only when it dropped into the prize shute that you let your breath out. 
“You did it!” Han cheered. 
You smiled, ducked down, and retrieved the prize. When you held it up in the light, Han’s face lit up. “Oh, it’s beautiful. What are you going to name them?” 
“I’m not.” 
His eyebrows furrowed together, “you’re not?” 
“It’s up to you.” You reached out and held the boba tea plushie out towards Han. A small brown straw poked out the top of it. Plush velvet black spheres created the illusion of boba balls. A faint blush sat on its cheeks and there were sparkles in his eyes. 
“You’re giving him to me?” 
“He kinda looks like you. Plus, he’s very cute. I know you’ll treat him kindly and take good care of him.” 
Han’s eyes softened as he took the plushie from you. There was blush powdered across his own cheeks. “Thank you. You already know that I’ll cherish him forever. I’ll take him home and place him next to Han Quokka.” 
At that moment, he simply didn’t care that the two of you were in public. He placed the plush beneath his arm, gently cupped your face, and pressed his soft lips to yours. When he pulled away, you were left dizzy and breathless. He laughed at the gobsmacked look on your face. You were left floating on cloud nine with your anxiety far away from your immediate thoughts. 
He slipped your hand into yours. It was getting late and the arcade had emptied out a little. It was starting to feel like you could breathe again. 
“Come on!” You grinned, “let’s go get the rest of our prizes!” 
When you began to run through the crowd, he followed right behind you. 
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
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strayheartless · 7 months
More than a question. Holy shit finally someone talking abt strifehart!!!! Imma follow you TwT
I feel like a fraud😭😅 I would die for strifehart honestly, but I am incredibly guilty of not posing about them as much as I would like. So….
Here have some of my Strifehart headcanons:
They don’t show affection very freely around other people but if they fall asleep together on the Couch everyone is always surprised to find out that Squall is the clingy one.
They are both guilty of dad-ing Sora. Squall will hand him money, his keyblade and some extra potions and snacks before he heads out the door; while Cloud will zip up his hoodie, check his gear and do the whole “if you need us you call, Kay?” Sora’s given up trying to point out that they are not his Dads.
They rib each-other endlessly, smirking the entire time. Things like, “gods Squall, why are you so useless?”, “dunno, must have caught it from you!” It always has people asking how they can be a couple.
The loving bullying doesn’t stop when their alone, it’s just more tactile. Poking, hip checking, raspberries, tickle fights, picking the other up and bodily moving them when their in the way, flicking the others nose, aggravated biting, hitting each other with magazines and newspapers when the other isn’t paying attention, play fights. They are like actual children but no one ever sees it cause they like it to just be for them.
They steal each others food all the time. Which is funny because they are both quite territorial about food by nature. This usually ends up in one of them grabbing the others hand and forcibly trying to wrestle the food out of it; or playing keep away with their plates.
They work with eachother silently and like they’ve done it all their lives. They always seem to know where the other is and move accordingly to being in each others space.
Cloud is the only ONLY other person aside from Sora who is aloud to be left alone with Tron. Squall would chew off his own leg before giving DiZ the passwords and while he likes Ienzo he’s still not really sure he trusts him.
They communicate through raised eyebrows alone. And always know what the others thinking.
Cloud has had to physically retrain Squall from beating the shit out of Siefer the first time they went to Twilight town and found out this GROWN ASS ADULT had been bullying kids. (I know canonically Seifer is supposed to be a little older than Hayner pence and Olette but I vibe more with the darkness took Gaia and the planet headcanon than the “everyones from radiant gardens” canon.)
Squall is naturally left handed but was forced to write right handed in in SeeD and so Cloud keeps taking the pen out of his right hand and butting it in Squall’s actual dominant hand.
Cloud carries all his stress in his shoulders and hands (you know exactly where this one’s going.) and Squall is usually the one massaging out the tension and …. Kin- pfft🤣 I’m sorry I cant!
Cloud knows every one of Squalls buttons and how to push them. He can be irritating when it suits him and sometimes he gets bored enough to provoke his partner. Squall usually ignores him which is a mistake because it makes Cloud push harder until he ends up in a headlock.
Squall will never EVER Admit that he gets seriously grouchy when Clouds away. Like it’s adorable but Aerith wants to strangle him most days when he’s skulking about like a lion with a sore tail. It’s incredibly amusing to watch his head snap up when he hears Fenrir pull up outside of Merlin’s.
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My brain won’t shut up about how Jotaro and Kakyoin would spend a rainy day together, so here we go with another unnecessarily long ramble.
The two somehow always manage to get caught up in the rain, despite knowing that rain will be on the forecast. Nori fully blames Jotaro for dragging him out of the house for last minute errands or food runs. Jotaro would compensate by using his own coat as a makeshift umbrella in an effort to keep Nori dry. It’s an attempt and somewhat works, Nori’s hair is thankfully spared, but they’re still soaked through their clothes by the time they get back home. And Jotaro never hears the end of Nori’s snarky remarks about his poor storm planning.
Of course being the highly protective, attentive, and caring boyfriend that he is, Jotaro doesn’t want Noriaki to catch a cold, so as soon as they step through their front door, he immediately goes into the bathroom and starts preparing a bath. Depending on Nori’s mood, he’ll either want to bathe alone or want Joot to join him, but on rainy days like today, Noriaki always wants to bathe with Jotaro. They sit cuddled together in the bath, soaking in the water’s and each other’s warmth, neither of them talking or moving until the water turns cold or Nori complains about pruning. Nori is leaned back comfortably against Jotaro’s chest, while Jotaro buries his face in Noriaki’s sea of hair and keeps his arms around him, engulfing him in a secure, warm embrace.
After the bath, Noriaki puts on a comfy, oversized jumper that he stole from Jotaro long ago, and goes onto make them both their favourite hot drinks to enjoy while watching a movie or tv show, or listening to their favourite music (today is a movie day ^ ^). Jotaro puts on his starfish patterned sweats, clothing that he only wears when he and Nori are alone together. As always, the two have a small argument about what movie they should watch that lasts till the drinks are ready, Nori’s choice of course wins today because he was right about his prediction of the rain starting while they were out of the house (like every other time).
I haven’t really thought about what their preferred hot drinks would be, but for now let’s say vanilla tea mixed with honey and milk is Nori’s favourite (mine too), and black tea with 3 or 4 sugars is Jotaro’s. Those are probably my final choices as their faves tbh. As for the movie choice, Nori would definitely pick some 80s or 90s sci-fi movie, so today’s choice is Tron. Joot doesn’t like to admit it, especially not to Nori’s smug face, but he does genuinely enjoy the sci-fi movies that Noriaki picks, but he won’t allow Nori to get another win today. Unfortunately for him, Nori can read him like a book and light teasing ensues when they go to bed later on.
It’s always a guarantee that they’ll fall asleep to the sound of the rain pitter-pattering against the windows and roof while they’re cuddled up together because they’re such grandpas despite being in their 20s or so. They never finish a movie or show while like this, especially on rainy/snowy days. xD
If the rain lasts for more than a single afternoon and night and goes onto the next day, Nori would spend his day tending to his plants on their porch, making sure they’re getting just enough water during the storm, and making him and Jotaro comfort food for lunch and dinner. Meanwhile Joot will sit hunched over his desk working all day on his marine biology research or whatever nerdy ocean desk work he’s into, with occasional kisses and cuddles from Nori as encouragement and a good luck blessing.
This ended up turning into a domestic ramble that can apply to a snowy day too, but whatever. I just love writing about how stupidly in love they are. I can’t get enough of them, and it’s starting to become worrying. (*´ω`*)
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siberat · 6 months
*Slides Monopoly money*
Can I have some Fattytron drabble?
(T/fp, I/dw or E/S I don't mind) Im just thirsting for a fat Mega/tron who's too full yet keeps stuffing himself to get some bot's attention (SW, Rod/dy, Mags or Op im not really picky about ships kek). But yeah, Fattytron being very full-
Never really requested drabbles before so im sorry if it's weirdly worded aaaaaa-
-not Chunkytron ☆
this is a two parter, here is part 1 ! Little bit of a slow start.
Mega/tron x Sound/wave, feeding,
The only sound emanating from the empty room was his grumbling belly. Sure, the mission to retrieve the relic was a bust, but was it really wrong of him to be angry? How hard was it to foil those pesky Auto/bots and their child counterparts? The warlord growled as he busted open a fresh box of energon goodies. He had his supper, consisting of a generous portion of food, and now it was time for dessert.
At least the snacks had been replenished. By who? He didn’t know or care; he just unwrapped the light blue round cake and took a bite. The sweetness soothed his woes, even if just for a moment. Thankfully, he had the whole box to himself.
Cake after cake was devoured, each bite bringing a smile to his lips. His tongue eagerly licked up any cream that smeared over his lips. These treats hinted at vanilla and were ever so moist; it always put Mega/tron in his happy place.
It was simple. Being stuck working in the mines with next to no pay, one could not afford such snacks. Lunch consisted of liquid energon with metal additives; while it did the job, it wasn’t anything to write home about. However, one would occasionally magically appear in his dreary lunch pail. After admiring the pretty light pink color flecked with blue geode crunches, Mega/tronus would unwrap the surprise. It smelled so lovely- he swore the little round ball just reeked of sweetness! And that first bite lit his taste sensors ablaze.
He felt as if his whole frame was lifted out of those mines and into some kind of nirvana. Each bite brought him so much joy! Sadly, like with most things in life, all good things come to an end. After licking his claws clean, there was no more to consume, and he sat there looking at the empty wrapper.
Ok, he also licked the wrapper clean, but who could blame him?
Now, all these treats were gone, making him feel just the same: sad and nothing to look forward to. The evening would be much more productive if he reviewed his battle plans instead. His rumbling belly did not agree, but there were no more of his favorite treats in stock.
You know when you just want to be alone and not bothered by anyone or anything? Yeah, this is how Mega/tron felt. So, when the door opened in this tucked away room that not many mechs used, you could imagine the annoyed look washing over his face as he gave a death glare at whoever dared to enter.
Once the door fully opened, it revealed Sound/wave's long, spindly form.
Great. Just who the Decep/ticon leader wished to catch him pigging out on sweets- it was a super-duper family-size box nonetheless. And yes, he ate them all; their empty wrappers lying around him didn’t leave any doubt about who indulged in them all.
Primus, Sound/wave better not gripe about it!
Instead, the silent warrior respectfully tipped his helm, acknowledging his leader’s presence, then walked to the pantry.
And cue a loud belly grumble. Mega/tron bent forward and curled his arm over his swelled tummy. With brows furrowed, the gray and purple mech cursed himself for not retreating to his personal quarters.
Perhaps he could just get up and leave?
Well, the sound of the other walking back to the table squashed that idea. He tried to shimmy his midsection out of view. Out of the peripheral view of his optics, Mega/tron saw Sound/wave set a large box down and then take a seat.
Couldn’t Sound/wave take a hint? Indeed, he’d not be this oblivious…
Those thin fingers made quick work of ripping the seal from the box and opening it up. His visored helm took a peek, then rubbed his servos together in what can only be imagined as glee. Then, his servos reached into the box and gently lifted out its contents.
And yes, a stupid smiley face appeared on his visor as a large cake was lifted and set on the table.
Large cake.
It was light pink with blue geode crumbles.
And very, very large!
Mega/tron couldn’t help but stare at the gorgeous sight. This was the biggest of his favored treats he had ever seen! Before he knew it, he was licking his lips and reaching out a claw to help himself.
But Sound/wave slapped his hand away and wagged a finger.
How dare he! Mega/tron’s face scrunched as he growled, watching his subordinate grab a fork and stab into his favorite treat. Just how the slag could Sound/wave eat this? He had no freaking mouth!
But that fork traveled his way, and those furrowed optics grew wide in shock. What the slag was going on here? The treat stopped just short of his lips—so close that the warlord could practically taste the sweetness.
And Mega/tron just stared at the communication officer. Was he being serious? Was he wanting to feed him this cake? While the mech may have been unsure, his belly wanted the attention.
A loud, whining gurgle erupted, demanding to be fed.
And Mega/tron had a ferocious appetite!
And that chunk of cake pressed ever so teasingly against his lips. The spindly blue mech made some clicking noises and tilted his helm to the side.
Mega/tron was no dummy. He got the hint. Hearing the other’s engines purr, it was clear Sounwave wished to feed him. And the sound of the warlord's belly grumbling, he wanted to be fed.
Was there a downside to this?
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fights4users · 1 year
Sleep cycle | Speculating how sleep would look in the system/grid
Who’s ready to sound really pretentious about beddy-bye?! I made a half joking post about God mandated bedtime before, but now I have a more concrete idea.
For one thing programs aren’t like us they don’t take something like food and convert it to energy. It’s absorbed straight and directed to whatever function they need/want. There’s Energy used to run but it can also be directed and transferred. An example being, Yori uses some of the energy Tron gave her to transform the apartment and herself. There’s purpose and intent behind the way they use energy. It’s what differentiates X from Y ( Thus not every energy transfer = sex )
They get power from just about everything they do and the world around them, if everything is running properly (when we see the ENCOM system and the grid they are not running as intended). Honestly I’d say a energy cycle is like a water cycle except transferred between programs,  vehicles and their surroundings etc. (I don’t know a thing about computers this is all speculatory based on the world we see in the films,) I think the occasion where a program would need to drink energy or find a pure source would be rare, and it’s more of an extra boost. Like how the only setting outside of the cavern we see anyone drinking is the End of Line club, a bar. In both films it’s shown getting that excess/pure energy can pretty much get you similar to our idea of “being drunk”.
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Anyways, what’s this have to do with sleeping? Well,
Sleep is a self-regulatory thing, just like people it’s saving that extra energy and sort of “recharging”, honestly with programs I think it’d be fun to take that literally. For programs it’d be storing the unused energy and absorbing more from their surroundings ->charging (again it gets more fun the more literally you take this). It’d be different depending on purpose and type, some may follow the “God mandated bedtime” whenever the computer shuts off or goes to sleep while others may not sleep at all! (Like how some constantly run in the background even with your stuff turned off). Additionally like drinking power/energy I think it could sort of be recreational? Someone said it before me but programs are their job- so the occasional rest might be thrilling? I don’t know.
Ok so now we’re getting into headcanon territory as opposed to me theorizing. Beds! What, where, how- or is it like a stand up thing in a tube. Looking at Yori’s apartment and the brief glimpses of furniture and how the Novel vaguely explains- furniture is Function> looks- even after Yori’s designs come through it’s sort of “a put a nice warm electric pillow on the lounge seat”.
I’d say it’s Ancient Greek very table/sofa like beds mixed with 80s contemporary meets liminal space. I think beds being table/slab like would make sense… charging table like a phone lmao. Some are completely content “Frankensteining it” but mattress, sheet, pillows are more for fun. (Yori would probably rather de-rez than not have it decorated, can you blame her? Her styles great.) basically computer lounges,  conversation, pits etc
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withoutalice · 6 months
this is the most self indulgent chubformers tar.n/ma thing i've ever cooked up-
tw: being weird about medical procedures and doing unnecessary injections. also phar/ma harms ta/rn on purpose out of revenge? lust? i mean. it's phar/ma the queen of medical malpractice idk what you want from me-
look i need ta/rn to be useless and pathetic and unfit to lead the dj.d so he's stuck in his hab 24/7 with phar/ma - at least when the doctor is actually around. most of the time, ta/rn is all alone stuck in his berth (as he needs help to get out) hooked up to alll these little monitors that phar/ma said he 'needs'. he can only stare at the ceiling and whimper and whine and repeatedly comm phar/ma and cry about how he wishes the medic would just come back alreadyyy (phar/ma ignores most of the comms-)
When phar/ma does come back from work he's grouchy and lashes out at ta/rn - ta/rn lets it go bc he loves his medic and knows his job it stressful so it's okay right? phar/ma comes over to check on the drips he has connected to ta/rn and give him his daily injections but he's too rough and misses the veins several times and doesn't warn him before the big pokes come; ta/rn stays silent, forcing back tears
phar/ma ignores his protests for cuddles and goes to rinse off in the solvent. under the guise of trying to help ta/rn get better, he makes ta/rn get up to walk around the hab a bit before going to bed. they go to the kitchen so ta/rn finally gets a few solid foods in. phar/ma complains about his day and ta/rn just listens and doesn't offer advice, just like he was taught...
On days off ta/rn is given many more injections; they make him feel ill and shaky and like he's starving and he hates it but he trusts the medic - besides he's given all the food he craves for on these days in order to lessen the 'unfortunate but harmless side-effects'. phar/ma all but bows to his wishes on these days and actually seems to care for ta/rn; it makes all the other days of the week in their relationship seem less depressing.
phar/ma is supposed to be helping him reduce his weight...ta/rn hasn't seen a single change. he honestly feels like he's gotten bigger, but what motive would phar/ma have? he's only under the medics full-time care in their hab because of his own begging to be cured of his binging that forced him out of his spot in the d.jd - and worst of all out of mega/tron's favor. of course, his t/cog issue is gone now that he's too fat to trans.form - but now his vents constantly shut off and his head hurts and he's weak and craves energon like a starving mech even though he's being provided more than enough sustenance. he wants to get better. he will get better.
but not if phar/ma has anything to say about it...
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Team 41514 | The Don-Trons
Part 1 Betrayal (next part will be linked here)
April really did try to stay awake after her alarm went off. She had moved it farther from her bed so she’d be forced to get up, she brushed her teeth right away, she even made herself a morning coffee. Now that coffee was going cold while she sleeps on her couch. It really was a valaient effort but there’s only so much you can do when you spend your nights working part-time jobs or fighting with mutants. Luckily something came along to wake her back up.
She has no time to react to her wall bursting open before she’s catching a turtle shell hurling towards her face. Mikey quickly pops out to wraparound her tightly, tears streaming out of his eyes.
“April help! He’s gone crazy!”
“Don’t be ridiculous Micheal! ‘Crazy’ implies lack of reason and you know I have plenty of reason.”
April stares at her friend hovering in the rubble that was once her wall, clutching his weapon and grinding his teeth.
“And what reason could you possibly have for destroying my apartment?”
“Oh please. It was just a wall, hardly your whole apartment. Besides, you destroyed something much more important.”
April’s lips press into a tight line, “more important than my wall?”
“But of course! Both of you are responsible for breaking something infinitely more valuable: my trust.”
“I swear! I didn’t know what he meant!” Mikey pleads.
“What are you two on about?”
“Scoff! Like you don’t know.”
“Barry told me some kids asked him to be the supervisor for their club and I was all excited and I ask ‘did you say yes?’ and he did! So I screamed ‘yayyyyyy!’ and was all excited ‘cause he was taking initiative and helping out human kids and the school and I hadn’t even needed to convince him and I was so proud! But then it turns out the club was a robotics team and he never even told me so I couldn’t tell Donnie but even if I did he wouldn’t have been able to join because he’s not a student at your school except Baxter Stockboi was able to so maybe he could’ve especially with Barry being in charge but Donnie doesn’t like Baxter or Kendra or anyone on the team except maybe Sunita and Dale or maybe just Sunita since we’ve never really talked to Dale and honestly we’re not that close to Sunita but I’d like to because she seems super cool and you guys always hangout and I just want to spend more time with her!”
“Yeesh, did you get any of that?” everyone turns in surprise to find Leo, leaning in the doorway to April’s kitchen, eating noodles out of a takeout container with chopsticks. “Just saying, I completely skimmed past it. Didn’t even look like he was breathing for most of it.”
“Are you the one who keeps eating my leftovers?”
Leo freezes. Risking only a quick glance away from April’s eyes to the food in his hands before getting caught back into her deadly stare. “No?”
“I don’t have time for any of this. I need to be at school in,” April checks her phone, “five minutes ago!” Her head drops back onto the armrest in frustration.
Leo puts down the chopsticks, grabbing the hilt of one of his katanas eagerly, “need me to get you there?”
“No!” she and Donnie cry.
“It pains me to say but this is far more important than April’s education. She will not be able to go to school until this is resolved.”
April’s eyes snap towards the purple clad turtle. Donnie claiming something is more important than education? “What did you say happened?”
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teecupangel · 2 years
Submitted by @fanworldbuildingfun
Hello there. I have had this little idea rattling through my brain
A Desmond who has recently run away from his home but have not yet found a place for himself in the wide open world. And – he ends up in Turin, for a while. Going at saving up some money to move further
But – he is still young. Getting a job is one thing, but finding a place to stay that wouldn’t bleed his savings out has been harder. Even more so, if he was looking for a place that wasn’t 50 types of shady
One of his freer days, he ends up stumbling across a small cave. Kind of like the ones we have to push through in new game trilogy. A vertical crack, really. And with nothing better to do, he decides to explore it
The place this crack leads to? The Grand Temple. An earthquake caused that crack to appear, and another one would have originally closed it a year or two later. And while there are no power sourced, here, to activate the temple en large… We do have Origins with its silica that can be found right in the temple, as an example of small-scale power source
It’s a pure stroke of luck, but Desmond manages to activate a small, small section of the Temple. Not enough to draw Juno’s attention. But enough to make it – a place to live? To explore? Maybe managing to somehow to connect to the place with modern tech – again, on pure stroke of luck because who know that sticking a cord to that one spot in the platform that kind of looked like a jack, would work?
Eventually, say, in a year, Desmond has to move on. But in that year? Desmond learns just a little bit too much to not be noticeable as he goes on. Imagine it like the result of regular late-night Google binging. He’d just look up one thing, that leads to another, then to another
Odd things to include:
Desmond could use touchscreen tech straight off once it popped up. Better than anyone else who knew him. Also tended to complain about it being slow
Casually correcting someone in the bar and getting into a deep discussion about some Niche@TM branch of science that was a rabbit hole Desmond spent some time looking through in Temple
Odd preferences in lighting
Tron: Legacy premiere left Desmond with an intense feeling of Déjà vu (the movie aired in 2010)
Desmond probably did not have the intended reaction to Animus
Additions from teecup:
All this google would totally lead him to be a regular on a lot of conspiracy theory boards. The idea of ancient aliens are the premise of myths and legends will make him have a ‘you annoy me but you give me the weirdest and most interesting questions’ relationship with one of the regular users there (who turns out to be a bespectacled man we all know).
Instead of a cord, maybe the glowly lines recharge his equipment or something like some kind of wireless charging ports XD
All of Desmond’s exploring made him find the thing that makes the ‘ambrosia’ that taste like cardboard. Still, it’s free and he feels full just eating one bar so, even if it’s possible that it’s not all that safe, he still uses it so he wouldn’t have to budget for food. Depending on how big we want the dispenser to be, if it’s small enough, Desmond could haul it out of the Grand Temple when he leaves because ain’t no way he’s gonna let go of that bad boy. Buying food and cooking becomes more like a treat for Desmond. (He also learned how to add seasoning to the Ambrosia so it tastes like… well… seasoned cardboard)
It would be funny if Desmond found the Isu equivalent to a 3D printer and, while the crack isn’t big enough for Desmond to take out say the motorcycle of his dream that is absolutely more scifi than anything out in the market today, he could use it to print really good forgeries like a birth certificate, documents required by school registrars… maybe even money?
In the end, Desmond’s fiddling with Isu tech made him too interested in technology in general and he tried out engineering and computer software classes, half just pretending he was supposed to be there and half actually giving forged documents too good to be found out by current tech and experts. Maybe he even becomes friends with two certain blondes who have issues of their own although he doesn’t stay that long but he definitely made an impact on the two of them.
And with his Frankenstein knowledge of both Isu tech, googling and the few classes he took in various colleges while he does his city-hopping just to be sure no one from his parent’s cult finds him, he starts to be a regular in tech and machinery chatrooms, becoming friends with a certain black-haired young woman who has the weirdest but most interesting ideas that made Desmond’s mind go ‘ooohhh, but what if…’
In the end of all of these, it’s not Abstergo who finds him first.
Nor is it the Assassins.
The first ones to make contact with him and asked if he wanted to fuck society up?
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chunkytron · 7 months
Old chubformers fic I wrote in 2021, kinda makes no sense and is badly written but hey, it was 3 years ago lol
(@chubs-your-formers since you were interested in reading it^^ )
Empty boxes and wrappers of candy layed on the ground. They were all in shades of pink and red with the shape of small 'hearts' as the humans called it. They were once filled with chocolate, a human sweet whom Mega/tron was fond of.
Speaking of which, the warlord was currently sitting on his berth with pillows around him. His maw was open and chocolate crumbs dusted his chin as he waited for more food.
Sound/wave giggle softly, slime servos reaching to grope Mega/tron’s love handles before returning to feed him. Another wrapper fell on the ground as the candy was put in the larger mech’s mouth. It was soon followed my four more, Mega/tron had difficulty swallowing the mouthful. He eventually managed to swallow before reopening his maw, wanting more.
This time, the darker mech brought a large drink to the other’s mouth. The drink was a large energon milkshake,
as the humans called it with wiped cream , chocolate chips and syrup on it. He could have sworn Mega/tron’s optics sparkled at the simple sight of if.
Sound/wave watched as Mega/tron’s belly swelled up at each sips. Chocolates being fed to him at some intervals. The warlord’s gut whined as he began seeing the bottom of the glass.
Seeing this, the silent mech brought him another drink and some ice cream, both with the flavor or chocolate. Sound/wave began feeding him large spoonfuls of ice cream, earning some moans from the large mech.
Sound/wave might have overestimated Mega/tron’s tank capacity. Servos rubbing circles over the taunt and packed mesh of Mega/tron’s bloated belly. He watched as the silver mech who layed on his back, burped and let out a pained whine.
The slimmer mech gave the bigger one’s gut a firm but gentle slap, making the mesh jiggle and gurgle as it digested the large meal.
Sound/wave layed next to Mega/tron, their servos interlocking as the smaller mech gently bumped his head on Mega/tron’s.
A simple message on his visor as their optics met.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, love.”
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murderbees · 5 months
thinking about Tron program bodies again, blood is not enough for me, where are the wires and fans and plates of metal that bend and snap
I have this vague image of an anatomical diagram of a program
Energy Circulatory System - the Blood, also the digestive track bc they don't have food, Mouth to throat tube to processor located center, near the disk port, it processes and then pumps the energy through the lightlines of the body, if a program overclocks themselves enough, they can suffer burnt or even ruptured circuitry
Energy both fuels the program and cools them off, when cooling processes are activated, the energy will be cooled off by nearby venting processes and will then be circulated throughout the body
Venting System - Similar looking to lungs, two fans that sit within the upper chest, one on each side, subtle ducts can open along the sides of a program to release extra heat (they sorta look like gills, ticklish), Most of the cooling is done through this system, Vents work to expell air through the nose, mouth, and additional vents and ducts, some programs have extra vents for their functions (Mechanic need more bc they work in hotter environments)
The Disc Port - connected directly to the morherboard of the program, this is why if programs are hit there, they will derezz, sorta like a brain (head wounds are not fatal), all processors are connected via wires to the board
Processors - part of the motherboard, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, all the senses are split up into different processing units, These usually have a mechanical unit, like eyeballs, that connect to the board with long thin wires, essentially the nervous system, but centered around the disc not the head
Internal Systems - internal sensors and diagnostics that regulate the body, the Endocrine System, Connected to a programs personal display, will update with warnings and display whatever parameters needed about the body
"Bones" - programs don't have bones, but they do have metal tubes that house their more delicate pieces (wires), Some programs (security) have more reinforcement around vulnerable areas, like the throat and chest, with the plating sometimes even being above the skin, Additonal plating can be added to the forearms and calves without much modification, further integrated armor is an arduous process
Derezzing is still a thing, parts of a program will maintain integrity to a point, then they collapse into voxels, Not all pieces will derezz, if that threshold isn't met, the pieces will remain in their form, basically, if you want to fully derezz a program you have to grind them into voxels, otherwise the bones and other stuff are unlikely to derezz until the energy runs completely out (usually a few days, or the Grid equivalent), where they will then turn into a pile of voxels
Voxels and Energy both evaporate, losing their vivid technicolor hues, until they turn a dark soot grey, at this point they disappear leaving a thin dusty film behind, it's hard to clean and slippery
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it would make sense and be a good idea if the next ancient breed for lightning after this one was a robot/cyborg/golem/steampunk clock construct/ect and this is all the reasons why as well as some speculation on what a hypothetical robot breed could be like
now that aethers have been released and the first lightning ancient confirmed organic, it seems as good a time as any to dust off this old draft of a suggestion i made before aberrations were even an element at all. please read it i worked very hard on it
(i can’t do anything about the weird spacing between some words, it doesn’t show up on the post editor)
reasons it would make sense and has precedent in canon:
-steelhounds. from their art, they are clearly robotic or at least heavily cybernetic lifeforms. there are edible steelhound puppy food items, which both means that they have biological components at some stage of their life, and that they can breed, or have the ability to convert organic life.
-the stormcatcher and his flight prefer to rely on machinery for things rather than outright spells. out of all of them, he seems by far the most likely to make his first attempt at a workforce by literally building them (to be “perfect” probably”) and then animating them with his own mana rather than forming them from magic like the others presumably did.
-the lightning flight has a strong thematic precedent for rogue golems, “progress”, and a certain sort of “making technology better/using technology to make a superior version of this thing”. over half of it’s native life seems to be escaped populations of self-replicating robots and cyborgs. there are mysterious golem factories everywhere. it would be a very effective payoff of that thematic thread if it turned out the original children of lightning were themselves mechanical too.
-there is precedent for elemental spirits inhabiting inorganic bodies in several golem workshop enemies, along with many other “enchanted statue” types. normal, organic dragons are also technically artificially created bodies imbued with draconic spirits of elemental magic, and regularly grow inorganic and even immaterial structures like crystals and smoke as part of their bodies. it doesn’t seem a massive stretch of the imagination that the stormcatcher could imbue a draconic spirit into an inorganic shell of his own construct.
-the stormcatcher is obsessed above all else with advancement and productivity. machines do not need to sleep. machines do not complain. machines do not have feelings or thoughts or biological failures. machines do not need to ever stop being productive. replacing his employees with machines is absolutely something the stormcatcher as we know him would do, and the only reason i could see for why he has not done that yet is that he already tried this once before and it blew up in his face.
reasons it would be a good idea to do regardless:
-people really really want robot dragons. i am aware of multiple people who would lose their minds over robot dragons.
-i cannot emphasize enough that the only way people wouldn’t love this idea is if the execution was wildly questionable or ugly in design
-even if they hated the design that got chosen i know for a fact people still like the general idea of a robot dragon
-as said above, it would tie a long running thematic thread together very well and just give the idea of lightning flight in general a little more feeling of cohesiveness and depth
-since it would be an ancient breed, and therefore only able to breed with more of it’s own kind, there would be absolutely no need to worry about how to adapt all the modern genes to a robotic body. you could just pick out the few that would adapt well as a “paint pattern” or something, and then for the rest you could just go wild adding whatever steam vents or lasers or robotic attachments or jetpacks or tron lines whatever machine-themed additions you could think of. they should definitely get circuit.
-it would feel more diverse than another “smooth 4 limbed mammalian noodle with deer or undefined bean nub shape head and dog legs and one defining feature” or “tundra” again. flight rising as of late has a huge design diversity problem and really seems to have trouble coming up with things that genuinely look different while also looking like complete designs that consist of more than one or two sort of disconnected feeling gimmicks. making the entire body a robot would make it more likely that the design would feel more cohesive if nothing else.
-it would make more sense that they don’t wear clothes
-lore writers would have a lot to work with
-you could say that their roars sound like electric guitars and dubstep screams echoing over the dunes
how it could work lore-wise:
self-replicating artificial lifeforms already exist canonically, but since i imagine the staff would prefer to have a lore explanation as to how they reproduce here’s a few suggestions
where they came from, why they’re like that, how they might have worked, and where they could have gone:
origin 1: abiogenesis- in the beginning, there were 11. in the beginning, 11 became more. while the others built their children of blood and bone, the father of storms saw another path; his creation would not be one of weak flesh-but of living lightning and metal.
in an ill-tempered grumble of thunder, he retreated to his workshop.
for weeks the ringing of hammers, switches, and coils haunted the then-empty dunes as slowly, beneath an infant spire that for another ten thousand years would not earn it’s name, the father of storms’ own image of took shape.
he welded brass, balanced gears, built engines, carved thoughts circuit by circuit written in lines of gold, breathed life and magic into their hollow forms as only a god could. at last he had his workforce-eternal machines of his own ingenuity to match the primitive organic legions the other gods would soon bring. in the ages to follow his work would flourish at speeds finally worthy of the lightning it’s powered by, unrestrained in scope now that with his newfound expendable underlings, his workshop would no longer be staffed by a team of one.
(abiogenesis scenario sup-option 1) the stormcatcher may have designed them with different attachments for preforming different sub-purposes in the greater purpose of being his lab assistants, creating a sort of pseudo-eusocial-hive-caste system. this could be represented by the tertiary genes.
(abiogenesis scenario sup-option 2) they may be highly modular beings that can fairly easily swap out parts at will, modifying themselves frequently like living swiss army knives for all manner of lab, factory, workshop, ect functions.
tl:dr if the lightning ancient breeds are robots or cyborgs and did not make themselves that way but were created by the stormcatcher as mechanical beings at the start, then the following is functionally canon
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origin 2: transhumanist (transdraconic?) singularity-
the lightning ancients were once an organic lifeform breed like all the others. but unlike the many distant children of the ever-storm that followed, they took their creator’s ideals of progress, improvement, advancement, bettering to the deepest part of their heart-and found that heart’s feeble flesh wanting. their creator spoke to them of thinking for tomorrow-and in their future they saw thunder and metal where once were blood, flesh, and bone. as they say, out with the old, and in with the new.
(transhumanist singularity scenario sub-option 1)-if this is the case, these dragon-ascendants may possibly even be the creators of creatures like the steelhounds, relics of their endless striving for better than the now, a long-forgotten crusade to bring to all the world the fruits of this, their greatest triumph, a hand of prideful works ascending reaching ever upwards towards the sun.
a race on the cusp of singularity, seeking to drag their world kicking and screaming with them into perfect digital eternity. they looked upon the world of flesh and blood they were given and knew they could make it all more. perhaps, in the end, their heavens-reaching tower of all their mighty works all came crashing down.
they dreamed of a world harder, better, faster, stronger, made in all ways superior to the way it once began. but some dreams to other eyes are nightmares best left in the dark.
origin 3: ancient for game mechanic purposes only-
the busy tinkerers of goldensparc or the tempest spire or some yet unnamed city, in their eternal gods-ordained quest to bring their technological might to the task of improving upon any and all design, have rent the finest metal and magic from the earth to sculpt and weld into the greatest clockwork rendering of the draconic form ever created. the next dragon. the most advanced of the clock-golems ever created, the most versatile dracodroid to date, a category previously occupied by little more than tech startup gimmicks that never panned out as their marketing stunts sweepingly promised they should and simplistic brass dracoforms able only to continuously sweep a single narrow path without adaptation. the closest imitation of functional draconic life and behavior there has ever been, cutting out the need for expensive factories through incorporating some variety of self replication technology, granted even elemental power by cutting edge spellcraft and/or embedded cores of the most precious enchanting stones. some hyperbolic outlets may say it’s programmed imitation of the draconic mind is perfect.
far, far too perfect.
how they breed:
1: steelhound-
as stated before, existing steelhounds appear to be partly organic at some stage of their life as well as able to reproduce both their organic and inorganic body parts in their offspring. the mechanical lightning ancient breed may be still partly organic, allowing them to reproduce, and they may possibly use the same method as steelhounds to create offspring that have inborn robotic components as well.
2: cyborg culture-
the breed may be still partly organic in their adult form, and their offspring may be born fully organic. as they grow, they are strongly culturally encouraged to modify and “improve” themselves however they wish until they reach an adult state near indistinguishable from a golem. (the significant con of this approach is that invariably people would be disappointed that they could not have the design of the organic baby form as a nonrobotic adult)
3: ambiguous nanotech-
the breed may be fully mechanical and use some form of magical or nanotechnological means to build more of themselves. perhaps their offspring are initially created as small, simple, incomplete constructs that both “grow” and fuel themselves by consuming food which is then either fed into an internal furnace for power or assimilated into raw material for further construction by some form of magic or nanotech, allowing them to literally grow new parts if they consume the right things.
4: stormcatcher said so-
they can produce offpsring because the stormcatcher simply imbued them with the magical ability to create more of themselves to fill out and repopulate his workforce without having to build them himself again.
5: it’s magic-
their ability to reproduce is just magic, it doesn’t really need an explanation. the way all other dragons reproduce is most likely magical in nature already.
6: progressive construction-
similar to the nanotech approach but with the significant difference that the “growth” of the initial small simple construct is fueled not by nanobots or magic or consumption of building materials, but simply they or their “parents” literally building more onto them.
why and how they would need to eat:
gameplay and story segregation is at play. site mechanically they would eat the same as any other dragon.
option 1-fuel. they may partly power their bodies by processing organic material to generate energy, possibly also in addition to having lightning rods to absorb lightning power, in which case the furnace fuel system is most likely a supplementary backup to ensure they can keep going when the power from their lightning rod system runs out.
option 2-raw material. if their construction includes a nanotechlike equivalent whether by magic spell or by technological construct they may consume organic matter for these magical or technological systems to convert into raw material for self-repairs, giving them some ability to “heal”. this could possibly mean they may only need to “eat” particularly often when damaged. if it’s magic that is responsible for or in some way “fuels” or drives this effect, it could possibly provide an explanation for why the healing spells in the coliseum work on them.
option 3-both.
option 4-replenishing a vital system. in a similar way to how liquid cooled computers require fresh coolant periodically, or many machines need periodic lubricant, they may have a similar system that requires replenishment by a certain material. depending on exactly what chemical it is they need to replenish to function and what it is for, and what exact type of food they eat, this could make a lot of sense.
if stormcatcher made and was later dissapointed with them, them still needing to eat for fuel might be one of the reasons why.
why they might have vanished and how they might come back:
ending 1-they never left.
when the ancient age ended and the children of all others withdrew from the world so too did they for reasons of their own. from the birth of their successors they have spent eons watching, studying, waiting, experimenting on them.
possible reasons:
variant1a-they were cast away when the stormcatcher found something new, but they would not allow themselves to be truly forgotten. they may have long served their part, but they still linger to see, study, the world they created.
variant1b-when the birth of the modern breeds began they saw an opportunity of some kind, perhaps for study, perhaps for knowledge, perhaps for power. the secluded what remained of themselves away for what would become the longest greatest experiment of their race’s collective history-an undertaking generations long to watch and see how the world went on without them. the grand experiment to end all others. the greatest control observation of them all.
abiogenesis scenario variant 1a- the storm-father has devised a new experiment. it has been an age of metal and thunder singing through circuitforged veins, failures and triumphs nameless and many at the hands of his perfectly inorganic world. perhaps, after so long working only in mechanical realms, it is time for something just a little more outside of the box he works in. maybe he’ll see just what it is about those organic lifeforms the other deities seem so taken in by. he doesn’t understand their fascination with the messy, ungainly things, their seeming persistence in seeing something he doesn’t.
after all, a scientist wouldn’t reject a possibility variable without testing sure.
abiogenesis scenario variant 1b-
an age has come and gone. outside the walls of his workshop, the makings of the mortals once more fall to ruin like so many others down the long stairs of time, and his siblings first children have passed into memory. many of the gods stand once more alone. but they have not gone silent.
one by one each light winks out. civilization after civilization extinguished with little more than a whisper. their settling silence parallels the weathering on his own eternal machine’s hides. all things fade, in the end.
the silence falls it’s blankets on all for a mortal’s eternity. to a god, they are not content to allow the silence lease for long.
the cycles of history drudge on over and over on the ceaseless wheel of time, pulling the same up cycle by cycle from the riverbed’s muck. for yet another of countless fleeting moments, different yet the same, a race secondborn emerge to an empty world left to them by an ancestor they would never know.
the stormcatcher looks out from the depths of his workshop, untouched by the outside waves in the oceans of time, and scoffs, why?
his siblings secondborn take their first wobbling steps. a distorted mirror of their elder kindred so many cycles before. they quarrel and they fight; until they don’t.
the elements battle. they war as they always have, as they always did before. but where each flight would stand before a monolith solely of their designer’s own creation, a key in the balance is beginning to shift. where before there would be one breed and one magic, the god’s domains have begun to accept the cast-offs of eachother’s children.
a child of the floes and a child of the forge meet at the top of a snow-spotted hill, and roll and play together in the sunrise. neither of them bears the icewarden’s eyes.
their secondborn were made capable of union regardless of maker and shape. their nests lay not dead eggs and tearful partings but thriving children, born one shape or the other, but not both. the wars rage on as they always have but the peoples mix and mingle until it is no longer easy to be sure which god birthed who.
the lightweaver’s high priest enters her temple, long robes dragging up the steps. the air is hot and the marble is chilling in his golden-bright secondary eyes.
their cooperation has never borne fruit before, only failure and disaster. an as-expected unrepeatable waste of unrecapturable time.
why do they persist in repeating a failed experiment?!
cooperation is done. it failed. dragonkind was gone, it failed. it’s time to move on to another solution, to stop wasting time on thing already proven not to work. all of their experiments failed, why do they strive to repeat those failures?
why do they see something i don’t?!
workers cluster at the foot of his workbench, ages of rust weigh on their metal hides. their glassy eyes that look to him are tired with the hollow aching fading of eternity, he notes with a bitter disappointment. imperfect. the perfect needless, fleshless workers, against the ravages of time still had failed.
there are so few of them now.
this experiment is a failure.
variables presuppose, shifting up and down their stacked threads in an orderly and uncaring mind.
(rigid inorganic thinking beneath which primal thunder brews-deep in the roiling dark far below. an unpredictable, paradoxical, self-contradicting mind. back and forth, one state to the other. like binary, like circuitry, on, off, on, off, one, zero, one.
there is no room for feeling, for inefficiencies, for mistakes or pithy mortal weaknesses in the hard, heartless mathematics of his reality, his civilization’s machine. the computer knows only the numbers it codes-it cares nothing for the lives each digit represents.
legendary is his cold efficiency, as is the thunderstrike of his fury, the totality of his wrath. always sudden. never forewarning. on. off. on. off. one. zero. one.
one never can be certain just when or where a lightning bolt will strike.)
had one not been tested thoroughly enough?
they are waiting for an order. they are not many. they are tired.
the world outside is a growing state of a paradoxical conflict-yet-cooperation, connection and rejection simultaneous and overlapping in the same space.
had this-- notion, of theirs, of unity, not been tested thoroughly enough?
(so many experiments, so many disappointments) 
the remainder of his last failed project look up at him with their tired, rusting, imperfect eyes and those-physical expressions of his siblings’ insanity prance about the world merrily slaughtering eachother and somehow not dying while his own empire’s great works lie collecting dust outside.
but expected.
they watch him still. with their worthless little failure eyes. the whole lot of them, in the end.
(their hides gleamed once.)
..... fine.
if his kin are so determined to this perpetual dance of coming together and breaking apart all over again until the shade drags them all to the void’s trillions-damned stomach then who is he to say no? evidently abject insanity is the name of the game they’ve all been playing all this time and no one thought to inform him before he made the mistake of thinking this was a real, serious attempt at finding an actual solution to anything!
his once-great race of ascending experiments look to him and he looks back with disdain. they were built for self-sufficiency, for efficiency, for perfection, for war.
the equations are unmoving. their failure is clear.
tragic. but expected.
..... fine.
with a sweep of his gigantic skull he booms his new and final orders to the lingering gaggle of outmodes in a cold and calculated fury, clearing away these walking remains of his latest failed experiment. their final directive is to watch and gather data on this newly devised long-term scientific venture-abandoned refuse of a disproven theory they are at least they may potentially be of some remaining use to him.
the vast slab of his worktable is swept clean for the drafting of a new, organic line of undoubtable disappointments. a test of the waters in revisiting old delusions of theirs, he snorts with dispassionate contempt, to play along with their breathtakingly illogical chase for a variant of some cooperation scenario that actually bears results worth calculating. though it’s not as though his own isolationist efforts in a cultural vaccuum as they are have gotten results in long-term-he may as well, as they say, throw everything at the wall. one thing, rising from the hard-edged certainty of the numbers, is clear.
this farce is over.
dust hangs still in the dismal dawn air as dim orange fingers of sun lap his storm-grey flank.
“Tragic. But expected. “
a groan of shifting stones and a cascade of pebbles breaks the still air. something vast stands to titan feet, shakes itself off.
a pause. “Where will you go?”
the voice behind him is tired, old as the mountains they both loom above and thrice as weathered, deep as caverns and wide as hills, crackling and rumbling with a disbelieving surrender, breaking. He did not turn to meet the earthshaker’s eyes.
“Where i may not be found---this farce is over, and i’ve plans of my own.”
and without another word, he took wing.
the voice receded unseen to the miles of distance behind him.
(a traitorous small part wonders if things could have turned out differently.)
transhumanist scenario sub-option 1 variant 1a-perhaps they weren’t sure how to feel about being replaced by the very organic forms they left behind. maybe when it all came crumbling down, what was left of their civilization decided to step back and watch the primitive lifeforms that took their place, to see where they went wrong. after all, if the stormcatcher chose them over us in the end, they must be somehow better.
ending 2-our longest night
at the end of the ancient age their kind fell deep into a dormant state. now all these thousands of years later, something has made them awaken again.
variant 1a-they were new once, but now they are old. the technology of tomorrow becomes the technology of today and finally the technology of the past. and deprecated software is... replaced. it’s time to clear out the old models and make way for an updated worker design. throw them somewhere in the back of this drawer and forget-the stormcatcher doesn’t need old tech anymore.
their god has abandoned them like an out-of-date iphone, in favor of the latest and most new.
variant 2a-they got out of control, and were considered a dangerous mad science experiment. the stormcatcher, or the ancestors of the ridgebacks, sealed them away in the deep laps and threw away the key.
variant 2a-they had an actual robot rebellion against the stormcatcher after being made to work in the labs and factories to fuel the expansion constantly and were put to sleep, most likely to occur in the “the stormcatcher created them as robots to help in his workshop already and they never existed as anything else before that” timeline. in this scenario is is equally possible that they were or were not created with the intent to have full free will sentience at all.
varient 3a-the equations are clear. is spills out across the vaccuum diagrams like asimov’s psychohistory in the stories of a world a another universe away. the stormcatcher’s calculations have predicted this: their own computations have corroborated. there will come a day in this world’s history when something that has always been growing will finally reach a breaking point beyond which life on this world can ignore it no longer. small processes there are now will eventually run unceasing until something larger gives, the natural progress of entropy in a system of chaotic organized-like existence. something is coming, and if we do not prepare we will not survive. our distant organic draconic successors will not survive. nothing will survive.
a civilization of computers at the call of a pure mana computer god, calculations running a billion fold each moment shape clear the date at which they know with certainty they will come to be be needed, though the peoples of that distant time will not know that needed they are. all there is now, is for them to place themselves all quietly into their long, long sleep.
variant 4b-a calamity was coming to shake their world in their time rather than ours, with the power and totality of something like an asteroid strike, and their kind went dormant to survive it. only now have they started to wake up.
variant 4c- whether natural disaster or warfare or a virus or asteroid or simple running out of resources and deciding to go to sleep until the world recovers enough more, a calamity has come and the calamity has gone, sweeping the machine race away with it, and there are none now left to remember. thousands of years pass. their successors construct the greatest reactor ever seen by dragon eyes on the heart of their land’s aortal leyline.... and unknown to them, the side effects ripple down the leylines of all the expanse, and surges make their way down into a long-forgotten facility. maybe soon, for the first time in ten thousand years, something will stumble out into Sorhaldûm’s light.
variant 4d-to survive whatever calamity came to pass, they placed themselves in stasis at the base of the towers and/or a special reactor and/or some other important large invention in the hopes that they would slowly recharge them with time. modern dragonkind has been using these structures for a long time, unwittingly recharging them slowly in the process.
variant 5a- they loaded themselves into a supercomputer to escape the nonspecified end of their civilization a long time ago, and only now has something triggered them to download back into their bodies. either they intended to remain in limbo for a theoretically indefinitely long amount of time-or something went wrong with the reactivation process that trapped them in the system until a new factor came into the situation to give it a nudge. (this could easily also be categorized under some variants of reconstructing science)
variant 5b-they all trapped themselves in a virtual reality mind upload immortality personal simulated universe scheme as an attempt at a sort of ai ascension hive mind singularity like those old sci fi universes where humanity all loaded their brains into one giant computer system around a star, retreating inward to sleep in infinite digital dreaming in a world inside and below the outside for the rest of time.
abiogenesis scenario variant 1a- every good scientist has a backup plan. in the stormcatcher’s case, that backup plan was a machine race of sleepless unstoppable dormant servants, kept inactive in reserve just in case at some distant future point down the line the situation got hairy enough for concern and the more pedestrian, organic workers were not enough.
abiogenesis scenario variant 1b- they’ve been waiting somewhere deep in reserve in the stormcatcher’s labs for a long time. once they were his lab assistants, but it seems eventually he ceased to care. someone goes down into the old archives of thousands of years past and cracks open just the right door to find them. they haven’t been activated in a very long time.
(abiogenesis scenario) ending 3-reconstructing science/the reconstruction of fallen ancients. once the stormcatcher made an army of metal and lightning, but that was an age ago. it’s been a long time since then. the world is different now. all of them were destroyed in the ancient wars a long time ago, their blueprints old and forgotten under the dusty pile of inventions since. but-something’s coming now. something big. even the stormcatcher can feel it-the balance is shifting. he’s going to need More. a brush knocks loose an age-old blueprint from the bottom of the shelves.... it seems as good a time as any to revisit old machines of war.
variant 1a-it was not the stormcatcher, but a simply a few small members of a modern breed, who stumbled across the rusted, weathered and empty old parts of a mysterious machine scattered buried and forgotten in the sand, and saw fit to rebuild them. the shifting expanse has no shortage of distant far-flung wrecks and abandoned husks of technological ghosts-this time is no different.
variant 1b-the shifting expanse is not named for nothing. ancient structures and forgotten things, stations, labs, compounds, and experiments both sanctioned and secret civilian and all of the above mad long abandoned, are unearthed and buried again just as quickly by the everchanging tides of the vast and hostile dune sea. how much history is entombed beneath those sands forever to remain unseen is no one’s place to say.
the unstable topography is governed by winds and mechanisms inscrutably complex and distant to the draconic-and human- mind. today, it is something long buried that has been uncovered- in the tumult of the weather or some recent event, a portion of the desert has blown away, exposing a vast and uncountably ancient dilapidated complex from long long ago. the ancient citadel, a place of endless rooms filled with experiments, the locus of a fallen empire’s power. this, is where the mysterious remains of some ancient automaton are recovered-and, by their clueless discoverers, expecting some mindless novelty servant, reforged.
the ancient citadel complex could potentially be a new coliseum venue, a dilapidated old lab unburied out of the windy sands, and the breed could be the first coliseum-obtainable one, if it went this direction.
(ancient in game mechanics only scenario)ending(beginning?) 4- no gods no casters. the metal dragons were never meant to be sentient, but there are many things the lightning flight has created which were never intended to turn out as they did. it would not be the first time unfettered advancement has charged blindly ahead to make the biggest, strongest, most powerful thing it can and damn the slightest sideways thought to any possibility of the consequences. they were never intended to be sentient-but creating, with no concept whatsoever of safety, an artificial intelligence as advanced and complicated as you can simply to prove you can do it is given to causing certain repercussions.
they were created by the foremost minds of modern dragonkin-and they would not allow themselves to remain a mere tool for their organic master’s using. this is the ai rebellion plotline you never knew a fantasy kitchen sink with large spots of jarringly fantasy-free dark scifi needed, and the newly created mechanical dracoforms will not rest until their rights within the dominant society are secured.
variant 1a-they did not fight- how could they, against the beings that made them and every weakness they have to exploit? no, instead they fled-to another land in hopes they could find somewhere to be free. out into the desert and into foreign territories and into hiding among dragonkind’s own peoples-hoping for a day they can walk in the sun.
blanket awakening scenarios and misc endings that are applicable to all or most of these endings:
broken masquerade- they are hiding among us, disguised as us, and soon, for whatever is decided to be the reason, someone is about to give the all-clear.
my greatest dissapointment- the stormcatcher built them to be the ultimate perfect beings, and was less than satisfied with the results. even as invulnerable unaging sapient sleepless self-replicating hyperadvanced beyond draconic intelligence and near incapable of clumsiness or mistakes machines, they were still subject to the wear of time, they still required food for fuel, they still had feelings and relationships and will and despite no need for sleeping still objected to spending all their time on the factory floor as workers without pause. this experiment was a bitter wasteful failure, and he did not like to dwell on this farce of disappointments any longer. his standards are unreachable-they could never please their creator. they could never be enough.
variant 1a- they may not have just simply been perfectly functional but when fully rendered in the limits of physical reality ultimately less than the stormcatcher had hoped for, they may have even been actively malfunctioning. similar to how the aetherdragons are irresistibly compelled to eat paper-which i very much doubt is by the arcanist’s design.
in this possibility they either were reawakened, or created in the first place, by several dragons in modern times being willingly or unwillingly roboticized into them. a sort of transdraconic ascension origin/ancient in game mechanics only origin fusion, with optional elements of our longest night depending on exact presentation.
#for a name i would suggest something cool like 'automech'#i'm imagining this mainly as a super advanced sleek dark fututistic scifi aesthetic#with a heavy helping of aperture science#and a sort of 2000's deviantart dark future spaceship futuristic city hyperrealism portrait bent#more metal gear meets portal and 2000's hyperreal dark future portrait deviantart than fantasy to be honest#but that's sort of the idea#to be jarringly not fantasy#not fantasy at all#early lightning mechanofauna art seemed to be leaning for a heavy darkish scifi cyberpunky-adjacent edge#cyberpunky for lack of knowing a better word to use here#and i think we should keep with that#see once again: steelhounds#but if flight rising decided ot do osmethign entire different and go with gears they could go with something like 'clockworker'#of 'clockwright'#flight rising#'engineers' is also an idea#Sorhaldûm is meant to be a placeholder name for sornieth's sun until offical lore says otherwise#and it's pronounced sorhalDOOM#or like the word dune but with an m#to be perfectly honest i don't know if the diacritic mark actually changes the pronunciation like that#i just copied it from 'khazad-dûm' because they way the pronounced it in the movies sounded like the sound i had in my mind#my personal preference is the transdraconic singularity followed by attempted force-'improvement' of all outdated organic life as the origin#like a very specific kind of space future dystopian art from really cool scifi dystopian distant future hyperreal digital art on deviantart#type feeling#the sort of ones that would have a loot of semi-sleek but very realsitic and sort of tonally dark feeling spaceships#and immense imposing near incomprehensibly advanced and similarly tonally dark and opressive feeling dyson rings around stars#and abandoned similarly quietly dystopian hyperadvanced compounds and facilities and power stations out in the desert wastes#carcasses of forgotten war starships like beached sand-buried whales#the desert wastes that once were where this once-green planet had life#or like-'surface level attempted smooth clean utopia with not-so-hidden cracks and at errifying
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honey-beanie · 2 years
Bakugou A-K Fluff Headcanons
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
 Bakugo is the type of person who doesn't really like PDA and would refuse to show affection in public unless someone is eying you up, then he would probably grab your waist, so the extra knows that your his. But when you guys are alone he likes to cuddle you while you are sitting on his lap. Rest his head on your lap, let you play with his hair ect. He would let you do whatever but he might not look like he is enjoying it but he secretly is lol.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As his best friend he won't yell at you as much as he yells at everyone else [but still yell at you]. He doesn't mind you company, he will make sure your grade and training are up to par since he has to be seen with you, and will even play video games with you, as well as touch him without being tron across the room.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Bakugou loves cuddles when you two are alone together. He loves to put his head on your lap [vice versa}, loves it when you sit on his lap and he gets to hug you from the back. He likes being the big spoon and hugging you from behind using you as his personal body pillow. He also like to half spoon [still being the big spoon}, but if he is feeling really sad he likes to bury his face into your chest or dig his face into your neck.
D = Domestic ( How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
We all know Bakugou is a great cook and will cook for you already knowing what foods you love, and if your tired from training and starting to get hungry he will cook food to help you get better while still tasting good. I see Bakugou as a neet and clean person but not a clean freak, his mom probably smacked him so many times when his room gout messy that now he subconsciously keeps it clean lol. His dorm is probably one of the cleanest out of the boys. If you don't clean right he is the person to yell at you and do it himself. Overall a good roommate if you don't mind lots of yelling. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I see Bakugou as the type of person that once he falls in love he won't ever give up on that person. But if he had to break up it would probably be for the reason that the two of you aren't compatible of you are annoying to him and he really never liked you or he accidentally hurt you really bad [like you can't even walk no more} so he broke it off so he doesnt hurt you. But IDK I feel like you would probably be the one to break of the relationship. 
F = Fear (What do they do if their partner was scared? How do they handle it?)
If his partner was scared he would do his best to comfort them with a huge squeeze hug. But if its someone scaring you you best believe he would beat there ass. Overall he would just cuddle you in silence and be there for you to cry out your feelings.
G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their partner?)
Bakugou has amazing memory so if he spots you staring at something that you really want, even if you later forget he would definitely remember and but it for you and give it as a surprise gift. Therefore he always gets you the best gifts. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Bakugou is not the type of person to initiate hugs unless you don’t do them. He loves giving back hugs and his hugs are always with a tight squeeze. He likes to hug you when noone is around or looking, but if you were to hug him in front of people he wouldn't push you away but he will act like he doesn't like it. But if you give him a back hug OMG, it does something for this man, he absolutely loves back hugs 
I = I love you (How would they say the magic word?)
He would probably say the special words to confess to you in a few different way. I mostly see him saying it after a huge argument with him were your about to break down in tears and you totally oblivious that he likes you. “Don't you see I love you god damn it!” He would probably just shout it at your face, then realize what he said and brush and look away trying to play it cool. Or he will pull you into a passionate kiss while your still mad, then say the special words. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
This man gets jealous very easily but will never tell you. If he sees someone eying you up he will through a nasty glare there way… He is not controlling where he will tell you who you need to hang out with its just he wants you all for himself. Even if your hugging your friend [no matter what gender} if you gave him no hugs in a while he will get very salty and purposely bump you so you get the message. If you start talking about your celebrity crush or a fictional crush he will automatically point all there faults and if they did something you liked he would try one day to do the same thing. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
This man is an amazing kisser, come at me if you disagree!!. Bakugou is that person who is just instantly good at a lot of things and kissing is one of them, he is extremely good at using his tongue. There are only two options for kisses for this boy weather his kisses are passionate and deep, with lots of ruffness or he gives you kisses on your neck or collar bone, no inbetween. If he is hugging you from behind it is most likely that he will give you kisses on your shoulders or neck. But if your giving him kisses he actually is a fan of little pecks here and there on his face, he finds them cute, and you can notice that his ears become a little bit flushed.
I was to lazy to do the rest of the alphabet, but I will do it if someone asks for it. Sorry if this is bad its my first time writing full on headcanons so sorry if its bad T-T
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tetranymous · 2 years
Tagged by @predawnrex04
Rules: Make a new post and copy the text from this post and fill out the questions with your answers. Then tag five or more people you want to get to know better. Have fun!!!
1. Favorite colour(s):
Big fan of amber (especially the amber in the default ms paint colour palette), aqua and neon purple and medium blue are also excellent colours :)
2. Currently reading:
My uni mech textbook, I don't really read much outside of uni anymore (free time? Nonexistent.)
3. Last song you listened to:
I listen to music more than I don't nowadays, RIGHT NOW I'm listening to stick figures from animusic 1 (please watch animusic if you are a fan of robots that are just funny guys)
4. Last thing you watched:
5. In school?
Yep, studying mechatronic engineering at uni (robots and junk (literal (affectionate)))
6. Thing you’re looking forward to:
SUMMER BREAK. I need that sweet, sweet free time to fix my gottdang phone. *currently battling against the terrible screen and CPU of the $79 woolworths phone as we speak* (how this thing is worse than a phone from 2015 AND less responsive than my other phone from 2009 is a complete and utter mystery)
7. Thing you’re working on right now:
HOKAY SO. my mechatronics class has a free form practical where you get to make whatever you want right? So when my phone broke the first time (battery became a spicy pillow) I got REALLY fed up with how nothing is user serviceable anymore (my phone isn't that bad but the fact that I had to order speciality parts for it sucked) so I took it upon myself to fix it one project at a time
So I started small, (might try and tackle serviceable phone for my thesis, phones are INCREDIBLY complex) and made the Comically Large Arduino Watch. It tells the date! It tells the time! It has backlight control! It has a battery that lasts ONE (1) full day of constant operation! (Full list of features)
Here it is btw
Tumblr media
This is an older photo of it, I've replaced the Arduino Uno with an Arduino Nano (to get more space in there, despite its size there is NOT a lot of room) and am currently adding automatic backlight control, some blinkenlights, and am fixing the whole battery situation (this required a COMPLETE code overhaul btw) tempted to add a dancing amogus in the 1 free character block I have left on the display too depending on how much I get done before it has to get marked
8. Can you cook or bake?
I can cook, unfortunately I have disease where whenever I look in the pantry all I see is condiments. Plus I hate cooking meat because I'm afraid I'll give myself food poisoning :( (not to mention the accursed Oils™ , I DON'T LIKE TOUCHING THEM)
9. Piece of media you’d recommend to anyone:
Tron legacy. It's got old computers! It's got highly experimental lasers! It's got practical effects! It's got Daft Punk! It's got genders! It's got ethical dilemmas! It's got cool cyber jets! Just everything I love it so much (I am so normal about this movie *has a Tron blog they've been running since 2016*) watch Tron (1982) first though you need the context (I ALSO LOVE THIS ONE TOO. Go look up how it was made its insane. Tldr: computer animation did not exist, but single frame rendering did. SO THEY HAD TO CALCULATE THE POSITION OF EVERYTHING WITH MATH BY HAND. And that's just the surface of the iceberg baybee!!!)
Not tagging anyone because I'm too shy (weem weem himper), but if you want to you can do it :)
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.67--Episodes 5-6
I have watched through S7E6; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—I don’t think they handled Tiana well at all. First of all, her personal code doesn’t hit the mark. Tiana is a dreamer, sure, but she’s also excruciatingly practical. She saved and scrimped her money in jars to get her restaurant, she didn’t bet her rent on it. And making her a sheltered princess-by-birth? Lousy move. Her essence is that she is an ordinary woman who works hard for what she’s got, almost too hard, because she wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Community is what’s important to her; dedication and effort, because those are the things she grew up with, not wealth and blindness and entitlement.
—Drisella’s dress at the auction was so pretty. I love cropped, long-sleeved jackets with long solid-colored dresses.
—That ain’t no food truck, that is a hauling-stuff truck. Can’t pull the wool over my eyes.
—I love Regina’s new warrior-Queen aesthetic in the Cinderella world. Which, by the by, needs to get itself a proper name. Calling it the Cinderella world all the time feels pathetic.
—Facilier turning a frog into a person is messed-up. But they were such cute frogs together! All hippity-hopping into the swamp, cute lil froggie voices. (Not the legs. Frogs’ legs are icky.)
—Speaking of Facilier, I love him. I hope he’s not a one-time character.
—He’s quite handsome. And those clothes—which, if you’re going to keep one single outfit from a movie, that’s the one—suit him to a T. And I just adore his voice; any guy who’s playing Facilier has got to have a good voice, and this fellow delivers.
—Those divining bones were an interesting alternative to cards. I mean, I miss the classic, because the cards in the original movie were one of the best visual stuffs, but it’s a cool idea.
—Henry beating up thieves with a plastic Tron lunchbox may be one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a while.
—Regina being gullible about Drisella just proves how good she is now. Only the hero ever falls for such an obvious manipulation.
—Also, Regina’s innate mother-ness is my favorite. Maybe she should consider adopting another kid.
—But that stuff Henry was saying about how ‘he never had a mom, but in his book he gave himself two’? That was terrible. Has Regina not suffered enough?
—When Regina got back her memories, her first idea should’ve been going to Rumple. If anyone else would be awake, she knows it’s him. And she’s gotta be salty about owing him a favor, too.
—Which is also not a good thing. He only collects on his favors when his badness level is high. But, I choose to believe that he’s still a good dude.
—Hook should not have gone into that creepy dark house by himself. That was just stupid. For all he knew, it was a trap. There could’ve been ten people waiting to stab him or something. Where are his brains at?
—That lady in the tower needs some explaining. There is a different between mystery and confusion, and she’s starting to fall into confusion enough that it legitimately agitates my braincells. It’s been six episodes, and I forget how many of them she’s been in, but the fact that I know nothing about her except she for some (unexplained) reason has magic—in a land without magic—is not good. I don’t know why she and Drisella seem to have some history. I don’t know what story she’s supposed to be from. I don’t know what it is Tremaine wants with her. She seems to have some precognition abilities? Or maybe just really good deductive reasoning skills? Leave a couple of elements as unknowns. I don’t have to know her histories with these respective ladies, why she has magic, if she has foresight, who she’s supposed to be, all at once—just give me A FRICKING ONE! —Seriously, this season has a lot of exposition that yields shockingly little knowledge. Now, I’m willing to admit that only having one season of this storyline makes me impatient to know more, because I don’t want it to be left with a lot of loose threads that will never be resolved, but for all their talking they’ve told me very little.
—So, Rumple’s gonna stick with these clothes? I guess it would be kinda weird for everyone else if he started wearing suits, and they’re not practical for a detective. And hey, he’s been alive for centuries, maybe he wants a chance of style. Not that I’m complaining, those clothes are choice.
—He needs to say dearie more. Although that would be the biggest possible red flag for anyone awake….
—Having one of the stepsisters be the badguy is a v good decision. It’s not the expected plot, and they’ve worked it out in a way that I actually didn’t know whether or not to believe Drisella (yk, until now) and I didn’t quite see it coming that she’s the one to cast the Dark Curse.
—SO I had a mega brain-melty moment when somebody, I think it was Lucy but don’t quote me on that, was talking about how cool it was that Henry wrote a fairytale book that had real stories in it. And I was like, “yeah, there are books with real stories. Biographies.” And then I was like, “wouldn’t it be cool if biographies were written the way Henry’s book is?” And then I realized why I like *good* historical fiction so much. It’s based on real people’s lives, and it has most of their real stories. But it’s written in a way that engages and entrances my imagination; it’s written like a fictional story and that somehow makes those people more real to me. And you know what? If I was now or ever planned to be famous, people seeing poetic story elements in my simple existence, years after I died, and spinning those elements into a mythos of their own, would be the highest honor I could ever imagine.
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