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I'm Alice and this is a multifandom, multicontent blog (on its better days). I use tags to rant. Don't hold it against me. Greek. This user is the owner of strong opinions, often correct ones :P
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alicepao13 · 10 hours ago
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Whoever conceived and animated this moment, I hope they're doing well and thriving. This is S-rank romance stuff here.
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alicepao13 · 10 hours ago
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@ncisverse - it actually kinda is my house... #NCIS #NCISverse #behindthescenes #BTS #TV #Gibbs #WhatToWatch #Meme
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alicepao13 · 10 hours ago
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Thanks, I'm already invested in this show, no need to make it worse.
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alicepao13 · 10 hours ago
For example, there was a show in particular that experienced a big Destiel shipper move because they found their new gay ship to replace Destiel with (I won't refer to it by name but a lot of people know what I'm talking about and I firmly believe that they were specifically looking for a new gay ship because certain behaviors reek of fetishism, which again would not include all those shippers but the ones to whom this applies). Well, that fandom became 1000% more toxic after that. << Are you talking about Buddie? lol (if you weren’t, that’s what came into my mind when reading this, some of those shippers are… extreme…)
lol I will neither confirm nor deny. But since you mentioned them, it was hilarious how they broke into two separate sects last year and started fighting among each other. And how this year some of them are already coming back to their original ship once the writers threw them a bone and the other one sunk. Those people that moved on so quickly and then came back? Those can be pretty safely assumed to be fetishizers.
Now, I'm not like, a fan. It's a good show, I enjoy it casually, I have been forced to watch a thousand edits by my sister, who is the actual fan of the family, which don't really hit the way that would make me be more than a casual viewer. No one's fault, my choices are weird. But I pay enough attention. I think I'd even written back in... spring? Last year? If I hadn't written it, I'd definitely told my sister that it was clear the other relationship wouldn't last and served one purpose only. It's insane to me that so many people fell for the plot device, the way it was written (not their best in my opinion) and with each episode it became more clear. I mean, obviously people are entitled to their own preferences but I'm also entitled to judging them. Aside from Buck's realization and coming to terms with his bisexuality, there was nothing that should draw a Buddie shipper to the other ship, certainly not chemistry. Except, as I said, if they don't care about the characters and they're specifically locked on finding gay ships in a show.
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alicepao13 · 11 hours ago
Ben Stiller | Film Still #69
Adam warming up before a take in the elevator.
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alicepao13 · 11 hours ago
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Adam Scott on the Severance Finale, Fans Thirsting After His Short Hair & Telling His Wife Spoilers ▸
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alicepao13 · 11 hours ago
"I care for you, Mark!"
Says the same woman who says, "I've wanted to pummel Mark myself, but I'm his employer" and then a short time later throws a mug at him lol.
Anyway, interesting and intriguing. Can't wait to find out more.
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alicepao13 · 11 hours ago
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I need Britt Lower and Adam Scott to do an X Files inspired photoshoot recreating some of these promo pictures
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alicepao13 · 11 hours ago
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alicepao13 · 11 hours ago
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Dylan and Mark having some very different innie/outie interactions today
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alicepao13 · 11 hours ago
Truly amazed by the complete lack of chemistry between innie Mark and Miss Casey compared to outie Mark and Gemma. Like the actors flawlessly convey that outie Mark and Gemma are perfect for each other but for innie Mark his soulmate is Helly without a doubt. I'm so enthralled by the distinction between the innies and outies and this episode showed that better than ever before!
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alicepao13 · 11 hours ago
me arguing with myself at 3am
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alicepao13 · 11 hours ago
do NOT get a job and go to work! your work self will take on a life of their own and run away with your mortal enemy's work self and steal your body in the process and you will NEVER see your fucking wife again!!
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alicepao13 · 11 hours ago
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alicepao13 · 11 hours ago
John Reardon is alive and well, and if CityTV renews Hudson and Rex he will probably be back, because that's what's reasonable. << unfortunately, this counts on them being reasonable… I mean, anyone with some sense in their head, understands this is the way to go. But I unfortunately, have no reason to trust that they do… oh god how I wish I could smack some sense into the people in charge lol.
lol I definitely wish I could too, even just for making us consider all these possibilities. I spent almost eight years being a fandom member (in general, not just about this show) where I didn't have to consider any of these things. It was nice. And if I'm being honest with myself, there's definitely a part of me that hates that of all the shows that I watch it's this show that has caused so much fuss. If I were to face that production, my first words would have been, "Who the fuck do you guys think you are?"
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alicepao13 · 12 hours ago
Sorry for my ignorant question about Castle, lol. I was never really a fan, but I did watch a few seasons of it, until season 4? Maybe? So I had no idea what happened after that, except from what little I saw online here and there, when the show was still airing, but I just remember it being very popular (it used to make me so annoyed every time it beat Criminal Minds at the People’s Choice Awards lol)
Unfortunately, toxic fans exist everywhere… and they’re also unfortunately always the loud ones for some reason. Like, I’ll admit, I’ve been borderline unhealthy invested in TV shows, but not to the point where I’d become crazy enough to spew around bullshit that has no basis or be hateful, but I guess some people have too much time on their hands (or just don’t know limits)… Anyway, thanks for answering the ask.
Sorry for my ignorant question about Castle, lol. I was never really a fan, but I did watch a few seasons of it, until season 4? Maybe? So I had no idea what happened after that, except from what little I saw online here and there, when the show was still airing, but I just remember it being very popular (it used to make me so annoyed every time it beat Criminal Minds at the People’s Choice Awards lol)
Without knowing what you've read online, I'd advise you to take all of it with a grain of salt. Or a lot of salt. Anything I read back then was pure clickbait and no one from the cast had ever talked to any "reporters". So, they pretty much made stuff up. (Also, no offense to Criminal Minds but I remember those People's Choice Awards, and given the size of the fandoms back then I assume that if Castle wasn't going to take it, then Bones would. I used to watch all of those, though, and Criminal Minds up to at least 12 seasons but it got too long, as a lot of shows do. I didn't really care about the awards because aside from the usual fighting inside the fandom it would also cause fighting with other fandoms, and it was literally a "who has the most unhinged fans that can vote 500 times per day" competition because if memory serves, there was no voting limit. Which is one more point against the sanity of the Castle fandom, actually.)
Unfortunately, toxic fans exist everywhere… and they’re also unfortunately always the loud ones for some reason. Like, I’ll admit, I’ve been borderline unhealthy invested in TV shows, but not to the point where I’d become crazy enough to spew around bullshit that has no basis or be hateful, but I guess some people have too much time on their hands (or just don’t know limits)… Anyway, thanks for answering the ask.
Yeah, I mean some shows and some characters also draw a certain kind of people, and shippers especially can become quite toxic. I don't expect fans who have acted one way in one fandom to act another way in another. For example, there was a show in particular that experienced a big Destiel shipper move because they found their new gay ship to replace Destiel with (I won't refer to it by name but a lot of people know what I'm talking about and I firmly believe that they were specifically looking for a new gay ship because certain behaviors reek of fetishism, which again would not include all those shippers but the ones to whom this applies). Well, that fandom became 1000% more toxic after that.
I don't know how people find the time, honestly, either. Case in point, some of my asks were waiting two days for me to answer them. (I tend to write lengthy answers which is also to blame but still).
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alicepao13 · 12 hours ago
It’s that their minds are small and their heart is non-existent. Which is funny because this show used to have a lot of heart. << That just makes me sad, especially since that’s why I’ve always loved the show, because of the comfort and heart of the show…. I obviously still love the show, but I wish they handled things differently (read better)
If I was a bit more detached from everything (which I cannot seem to be able to do, alas), I'd find the situation pretty funny. One of the show's strong points for me had always been that there was a positive vibe to the whole show, which did not come from the storylines or the uplifting theme of the show, but from the people involved. And it seemed like the ideal set to be on for actors, especially since there was a dog there pretty much constantly, and who wouldn't like that?
So, even if some of our concerns about what has transpired this season are even 10% accurate (e.g. if there were only talks for drastic changes), imagine how that climate will affect the production going forward, without even mentioning the eventuality where they actually replace John Reardon.
I honestly don't know what they're thinking in the production(s). But I sure as hell am thinking that there's quite a bit of incompetence involved, even if it turns out that the only thing they're guilty of is that finale and the non-communication.
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