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I'm Alice and this is a multifandom, multicontent blog (on its better days). I use tags to rant. Don't hold it against me. Greek. This user is the owner of strong opinions, often correct ones :P
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alicepao13 · 4 hours ago
while I don’t think badly of Sarah because it was clear that she took time off exactly for that reason, to presumably mourn Charlie (as nowhere is it even stated that she went to look for him), I did not want this for her because I know there are fans of the show out there that will think badly of her for that reason. << I only blame the writers, not Sarah (but I also (obviously) love her as a character) and if anything, it has been established by now that Sarah loves Charlie, and she wouldn’t just move on from him like it’s nothing (once again why that beach scene sucked). But I guess the haters are gonna find a reason to hate on her regardless…
I agree, they'd find reasons even when there weren't any. Which is why as a show that by now must know its fanbase and as a show that is aware of existing in a racist, misogynistic world, it would be unwise to give people ammunition to dislike her character even further. They obviously can't help it if someone hates her just because. But they can take care to not be inconsistent with their writing.
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alicepao13 · 5 hours ago
And Rex was acting like that months afterwards. It was fucking heartbreaking, it had ripped my heart right out of my chest and then stomped on it. Sarah, too, seems to have moved on just a few months later. << they should’ve just cut that scene and had it end with Sarah and Rex in the previous scene…. Making it seem like she wasn’t still sad made it worse, even though it also seemed like she hasn’t lost hope about Charlie being alive
Everything’s still unresolved but now you’ve put the message in the show that Charlie and Rex’s partnership isn’t a bond that cannot break, Charlie and Sarah’s relationship isn’t something immovable. <<< that’s truly what hurts the most and honestly. God, I that this is what they chose to go with, that out of all possibilities, this is what they chose for an ending
they should’ve just cut that scene and had it end with Sarah and Rex in the previous scene…. Making it seem like she wasn’t still sad made it worse, even though it also seemed like she hasn’t lost hope about Charlie being alive
Exactly. Especially since as the audience we weren't given the same amount of time. I don't think they thought this through at all. I might have mentioned it already, but this show is obsessed with ending on a lighter note, and it totally ruined the ending of this episode for me.
that’s truly what hurts the most and honestly. God, I that this is what they chose to go with, that out of all possibilities, this is what they chose for an ending
Again, I don't think they thought this through. It might have been that they were running out of time, out of options, out of everything. The fact that they came up with a storyline that kinda holds up for Charlie's absence throughout the season should not be confused with how much time they had to write the ending they chose. Anyway, while I don't think badly of Sarah because it was clear that she took time off exactly for that reason, to presumably mourn Charlie (as nowhere is it even stated that she went to look for him), I did not want this for her because I know there are fans of the show out there that will think badly of her for that reason. And while I might feel miffed by this creative choice, I don't want it to be added as fodder to fuel the hate for her.
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alicepao13 · 5 hours ago
As we know, previously, two more episodes were listed for season 7, then once it was announced that 7x08 was the finale, they got removed (from next-episode and IMD), and I noticed just now that “A Most Holy Dog” is once again added to the list (saying it airs March 18). Now I’m not delusional enough to believe that it means anything, but I find it very weird that it has appeared again after being removed
It could still be a bonus or "best of" episode about Diesel. I mean, that's what the title "A Most Holy Dog" alludes to. I, too, have seen the episodes in various sources "appear" and "disappear". I must make this clear, calendars, and other sources don't make stuff up. They might get things wrong but that's based on the information available. Whether this is a real episode, I mean, I doubt it. They already said last episode was the season finale, there's no doubt about that. If it's a bonus episode, a BTS episode, a small featurette, or "best of" episode, it might explain the confusion and the adding and removing it, and now IMDb having it listed under "Unknown" makes more sense because that's where they'd put an episode that's not actually an episode. However, that's where they'd also put an episode for next season when said season hasn't been announced yet. So, nothing's certain, and I have to note again that this is my theory and it might be none of these things.
For the international fans as myself, if such an episode is aired, it's quite possible that it won't actually be ripped by any teams as it will not be considered an episode, unless they also mistake it for a normal episode. They don't often rip extras. If this is tagged by the production as S07E09, then they will rip it.
Having said all that: Original production was supposed to be nine or ten episodes. Shaftesbury owes CityTV at least one episode, maybe two. Whatever that might mean. I cannot be aware of what kind of deal they've made for it.
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alicepao13 · 6 hours ago
Mark: Charlie can take care of himself.
Sarah: Yeah, he can.
Narrators voice: Charlie could not, in fact, take care of himself.
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alicepao13 · 6 hours ago
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alicepao13 · 6 hours ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Dragon like cloud over Mount Fuji at sunrise. By touyoui, Nov 2024.
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alicepao13 · 6 hours ago
The pettiness is just 👌😂
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alicepao13 · 6 hours ago
Hudson and Rex S07E08
As I was already spoiled for the ending, I can't say I paid the required amount of attention for everything before the last few scenes. But that's what this review is for, to force me to rewatch this episode.
I hardly know anything about Belize but I have a hard time believing that any cops in any country would refuse to spend some resources to find a fellow cop from another country, unless what we're going with here is that the entire Belizean police is either paid off by the cartels or completely uncooperative, and given how the episode progresses, there's no indication for either.
Never believed that the guy was the victim for a moment, even though he was stabbed right before our eyes. I don't know, something about him. But the way the episode gradually reveals how much of a sleazebag (and in the end a criminal) he is, is really good.
What kind of name is Tober? Shortened from October?
Luke Roberts got a “with” credit in the earlier episode and this one and no one in the fandom even noticed, me included. Sometimes I think we deserve the shit we’re getting from this show.
Okay, tahini definitely does not go on a burger but throwing away they entire burger? Could never be me.
"I don't know what I would have done if I'd lost him". IS THAT FUCKING FORESHADOWING???
Nice catch on Jesse's part to notice Serge's tell and call him out on it.
The woman, Marget, faking her pregnancy was a surprise. I'm so used to the "man cons both women" trope I usually see presented that way in crime shows that I never even gave a thought that she might be in on the whole thing. And Rex kept acting weird around her but everyone, myself included, assumed it was just "doggo smelling that there's something in the lady's belly".
So, hot prowl is when the burglars choose to hit houses when the owners are inside. Never heard of it. Also, sounds stupid from the burglars' side.
See, that's why you don't put such warm colors on our precinct, because you might at some point need to show that a character is in a place like Belize and then your only option will be: just even more orange.
Why does Mark's phone work fine but Charlie's wasn't?
Why is Sarah so surprised that Lina's phone never went missing? It's not like phones aren't an essential part of our lives these days.
Rex can see the number written in fluorescent paint but can't read. Maybe next season.
Joe: *shows the number 1838 in fluorescent written on the glass (very dramatic, Joe)* "Do you recognize this number?" Rosco: "Uh, the year you were born?" I cackled.
"Come work for me". Jesse, you work for the police. You can't make promises to hire people.
Well, I was totally not paying attention or I would have realized Jesse and Sarah had found a passage in one of the crates.
I like the scene with Rex passing the lasers but I'd have liked it more if they hadn't shown it in the sneak preview. Also, I suggest another music. Specifically, the music from the laser scene at Ocean's 13 lol
Dude didn't seem so broken-hearted about getting arrested in the end. What do you mean, "Oh, well"?
It is now time to stop copying other shows, Hudson and Rex. You are copying the wrong damn storylines. Specifically, the ones that I don't care to see again, as I didn't care to see them the first time either.
The scene they shot where they get the news about Charlie, they knew that they were shooting it in case John Reardon couldn’t come back. They all knew what that meant. I personally think this was insensitive towards the rest of the actors at the time it was shot.
For the audience, the only thing that ending would be good for was shock value (which I personally don't like in most cases) but in typical CityTV fashion they managed to fumble the ball again so that half of us already knew what would happen, even before they released the also spoilerish sneak peek.
The scene at the beach? Why would we as the audience want to watch a sad scene with the people close to him mourning Charlie for about a minute or so and then be done with it with a convenient fast forward months later? If you think that your show can’t handle people grieving, DON’T FUCKING WRITE THAT. Kommissar Rex had an entire episode with Rex walking around the house like he was ready to follow his partner in his grave. He would barely eat, he wouldn’t go out of the house, he didn’t want to work cases. The audience was practically begging for anyone to manage to lift his spirits (and that’s where the new guy came in). And Rex was acting like that months afterwards. It was fucking heartbreaking, it had ripped my heart right out of my chest and then stomped on it. Sarah, too, seems to have moved on just a few months later. Like, I obviously can't tell what's in her head in a few seconds but neither can anyone else and there is no grief! It’s appalling. At this point, and while talking about this scene in particular, whether Charlie is dead or not doesn’t matter. With this scene, he becomes a footnote in his own show. A sad thing of the past.
And there was no reason to write either of these scenes. Charlie’s fate could have been written as a mere disappearance which led to a cliffhanger without making people think he’s dead, until they could have known if they could get John Reardon back for next season. The result for the audience is the same, but with more genuine reactions from the characters and we wouldn’t need to jump to several months later. The episode could have ended with them not knowing about Charlie’s whereabouts. I know that it’s not an ideal ending but that’s the theme of the season. There is no reason to write something purely for shock value. If you cannot resolve anything, as they clearly could not, this isn’t the answer. Everything’s still unresolved but now you’ve put the message in the show that Charlie and Rex’s partnership isn’t a bond that cannot break, Charlie and Sarah’s relationship isn’t something immovable. And it’s probably for nothing, unless the show is way dumber than I think they already are and I’m wasting my time.
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alicepao13 · 1 day ago
I’m also the kind of person who googles if I’m watching something and have questions, but surprisingly, a lot of people don’t work that way…
Sure, the future is unknown and Charlie is now Schrödinger’s cat. There’s quite a bit of panic right now, but we should try to keep a level head. I wish I could say, trust the writers or whatever, but, eh… <<< If the show is renewed, and counting on that John comes back (which it seems like he would want, based on his IG post a while back), I don’t believe that Charlie is dead, they’ll find a way to explain where he’s been for months (maybe someone saved him and he ended up in a coma or with temporary amnesia or whatever).
Like you said, there’s a lot of panic and feelings running high right now (understandably), but I guess we can’t do much than wait and see if the show gets renewed or not… The show (and the fans and everyone involved in it) deserves a proper ending and a chance at closure. I’m keeping all my fingers crossed.
Amnesia is so easy but I'd take it if they can't think of anything else. Besides, most of the storylines rely on the execution to succeed rather than on the originality of the storyline.
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alicepao13 · 1 day ago
Well, they don’t know what the fans want, or don’t really care. All these shows are sustained by the general audience and not the fanbase. << That’s true enough and it’s even worse because the majority of the general audience, probably doesn’t even know why Charlie/John was absent this season and have already quit/lost interest in the show…. All of this is just making me very, very sad. 😔
Understandably. Although I have to question why a self-proclaimed fan of a show wouldn't know anything about the reason this season is they way it is, when a simple google search would reveal the answer. I mean, I watch older shows that I'd never watched before all the time and when something illogical happens in them, I check all kinds of sources just out of mere curiosity. When they're current shows, I usually already know if something has happened.
This is something the general audience wouldn't know. And there's a question there, would the general audience watching this season tune out? And CityTV, knowing of the special circumstances surrounding this season, would it trust the show to regain its presumably lost audience and grant it a new season?
In any case, do not despair. Hudson and Rex has already had a lot of seasons, and we can hold onto that and the memories of good episodes. Sure, the future is unknown and Charlie is now Schrödinger's cat. There's quite a bit of panic right now, but we should try to keep a level head. I wish I could say, trust the writers or whatever, but, eh...
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alicepao13 · 1 day ago
I don’t believe for a moment that this ending was necessary under any kind of circumstances. It’s one thing to have Charlie missing, and another to write that he’s possibly dead and show people moving on from his absence. That was a cliffhanger that they wrote for pure shock value and they added the scene with the time moving forward because of this show’s annoying habit of ending on a “positive note”. It’s bad writing. <<< That is all true. I’d have much preferred if they’d just kept going with the storyline of him looking for Jack… especially since this wasn’t a “positive note” at all, all it did was upset the fans and send us all into a spiral of emotions… I just hope with all my heart that there’s a season 8, I can’t bear it if this is how the show concludes
Well, they don't know what the fans want, or don't really care. All these shows are sustained by the general audience and not the fanbase. Hudson and Rex doesn't have that much of a big fanbase to begin with, especially in Canada which is what CityTV cares about, which is why making some noise right now is important. And the production companies which care about selling the show abroad might actually believe that international fans may go along with just any outcome for Charlie just because we're used to Rex's partners getting killed or replaced on Kommissar Rex. Which I doubt is true anymore, since as an international fan myself I don't feel that way about a show with an established lead for 7 seasons (in Kommissar Rex they'd switch after 3 so you wouldn't get that attached as a viewer), switching partners had always been my least favorite part of that show, and it's also not the freaking 90s. Crime shows are character-driven now. Anyway, I've yet to find an international fan of Hudson and Rex who is okay with this ending, much less the possibility, albeit small, to change leads. They might exist, I just haven't stumbled onto one yet.
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alicepao13 · 1 day ago
What makes me the most anxious is not knowing if the show is renewed getting renewed… I’d be handling this a lot better if I knew that season 8 was happening, with the whole cast returning…. I understand that the episode was likely filmed when the outcome of John’s illness was uncertain, but still, that ending was just heartbreaking 💔
Yeah, the not knowing can be unbelievably frustrating. I mean, it was frustrating even last year when they'd ended on a high note (yeah, the last episode of S6 hadn't been the most action packed or deserving to be the season finale, but nothing bad was happening). Now? It's just a big cloud of doom hanging over the fandom lol
I don't believe for a moment that this ending was necessary under any kind of circumstances. It's one thing to have Charlie missing, and another to write that he's possibly dead and show people moving on from his absence. That was a cliffhanger that they wrote for pure shock value and they added the scene with the time moving forward because of this show's annoying habit of ending on a "positive note". It's bad writing.
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alicepao13 · 1 day ago
i wish ppl on this website, and within leftist circles in general, were a little less gung ho about making jokes or statements like "billionaires arent people" "nazis arent people" "police arent people"
there is no level of evil where a human stops being a human. if you decide to kill them for their crimes, then you are killing a human. and sometimes that is justified! oil execs and war profiteers have destroyed countless lives in service of their own sick greed, and given the chance to enact that same violence on them, id probably pop their heads like a pimple.
but it is important that we do not shy away from the reality of that choice. it is a human life that is being ended. a person with interiority, feelings, family.
if we stop considering any group as people, even a group defined by their own evil actions, then we are drawing a line to divide society into persons and non-persons, and stating that those non-persons do not deserve to live.
i hope i dont need to explain why that is a dangerous position to take.
these people and all of their evil, their greed, their hatred, are just as much a part of humanity as art, culture, language, food. they are a part of us that has grown malignant and cancerous, and like a cancer, they must be excised for the sake of the whole--but they are still a part of us, made of the same stuff as us, down to their cores.
evil humans are still humans.
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alicepao13 · 1 day ago
Scratch that. This season of Hudson and Rex was exactly like S8 of The X-Files, still without the mystery.
This Hudson and Rex season is starting to feel like S8 of The X-Files. Without the mystery because in this case we know exactly why Charlie is gone.
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alicepao13 · 1 day ago
I had another post in mind but first I'd like to give congratulations to the writers, for throwing away months of goodwill towards them in recognition of them and the rest of the cast and crew having a hard time this season in light of everything that's happened. This cliffhanger was the worst way to repay the audience for that. We watched the show this season trying to find reasons to keep being interested, trying to motivate not only ourselves but the rest of the fandom, and this is what they do in the end? Thanks a lot.
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alicepao13 · 1 day ago
S07E08: I've uploaded the HDTV version, I won't be able to upload the big one for several hours, so if anyone wants to watch it right now, this will have to do. The other will be up in 5+ hours (including uploading time which is a bitch).
Hudson and Rex Episodes
It has come to my attention that Hudson and Rex episodes are not easily accessible to a lot of people, despite it being broadcasted in many countries. I was looking for a place to archive the episodes myself in good quality as a backup but up until recently, the 1080p rips were huge so it was an impossible feat. I finally found some mkv ones that are not as ginormous as the others, and I'd like to share them with the fandom.
Disclaimer: I did not do these rips or the transcoding. I haven't checked the episodes one by one to see if there are any faults with them, just a few as random tests, I also watched a few, and they were all good, subtitles were working and in sync, etc.
What you need to know before downloading:
The files are in mkv format and Mega, the host I've uploaded them on, does NOT have a player to play MKVs online. The links are for downloading, or alternatively transferring to your own Mega account, not for online streaming.
The video codec is HEVC, which is why the size of the episodes is not huge. That might affect some older computers which may not have this codec, though. Read about HEVC here and if it's missing, you can add the HEVC codec.
Same goes for your tv if you choose to play them in one (although you probably can't add the codec there). I generally recommend downloading one episode as a test. If it plays in your device, they all should play in that device.
Most of the files have forced English subtitles on them. I am unfamiliar with forced subtitles in general. You may have trouble removing them on a tv, maybe. I've tested them only using VLC on my computer and they can appear and disappear just fine when I choose so like normal subs do. Forced subtitles are not hard-coded subtitles.
Episodes S01E01 - S06E06 were all transcoded by one team as it was a pack, the rest by another, as the first pack was uploaded during this winter hiatus and there was no other upload by the first team for the rest. I only see small differences between the episodes, not worthy of a mention. I've kept the original file names, so you will know when the teams change if you're interested in that (team name is the last input on the title of the file).
The size of all the episodes in total is around 92GB. When you go to download them, each file will also display the size of it.
How to download (skip this if you've downloaded from Mega before):
Even if you have set your browser to ask you where to download the file, Mega will download the file you requested entirely before asking you were to save it. It's how their cloud service works. You don't need to download anything else to get these files, just right-click a file and click Download, and then Standard Download when the submenu opens. You do not need to download the Mega Desktop App, unless you want to download the entire folder at once as a ZIP file. I don't know how many concurrent downloads a free user gets on Mega, or limitations regarding the GBs per day on free users.
Mega suggests users download using Chrome or a Chromium based browser, however downloading the files one by one should work in any browser.
If you have a download manager, just load these folders in it and it will do the job better than your browser.
If you attempt this with a smartphone, then I highly suggest you download the Mega mobile app. I don't think the files will download to your phone otherwise.
These lead to each season's folder of episodes. Only copy the link below, do not copy the season identifier at the start of each line. Make sure you copy the entire link especially the S4 one which apparently continues in a second line.
About Season 7 rips: I will upload the first rip that is up so that we won't waste time, this is usually a HDTV rip by the release team SYNCOPY (so basically the episode as seen on tv without ads, usually with the promo, in 720p, no subtitles - subtitles will be added on the same folder in separate link, if any). Later, this will be replaced with 1080p links. Please, check the link periodically to find more links. The goal is to have 1080p Webrips around 1GB for each episode.
Other information:
I'll try to keep the links up as long as I can but I suggest keeping your own copies. Mega does not offer that amount of space for free, so this is a paid cloud service. I'm not looking for anyone to participate on the upkeep but there might be a day when these links will be taken down for any number of reasons. Personally, I don't trust the cloud. Keep local copies of anything you don't want to lose.
If these are reported, I will not be reuploading them and I assume that reporting may also take down my account with them so I will probably also not be able to be a paying customer of their service either way. So, keep the sharing of the links within the fandom. I will not tag this post, but I highly encourage reblogging it to spread the info.
I suggest that anyone who wants to share this with a lot of people should make their own cloud backup. The purpose of me uploading these links is, ironically, not piracy. The purpose is to make the episodes easily accessible to fans.
I will not upload these in other cloud services, if anyone wants to go upload these in google drive, for example, I'm not willing to risk it but of course, anyone else willing to do it is welcome to.
If anyone has questions or concerns, I'll be glad to answer them. Not everyone is familiar with hosting sites, but this is easier than a torrent. I'm sure I've forgotten things which to me may seem simple.
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alicepao13 · 2 days ago
one day there will be a holiday season where u fucks rediscover krampus (2015) as the campy ambitious extremely fun christmas horror starring toni collette and adam scott that it is and i will be vindicated
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