#I tried to tell her FACTS and she literally told me not to accuse my sister and that she’s working part time and I’m like??? she’s not???
firewoodfigs · 1 year
#me this fine thursday morning 🤠#honestly I’ve been really enjoying my new job because I get to specialise in what I want and my boss is a literal angel#like i would do anything for her bcs she is such a kind soul who is constantly looking out for the people under her charge#and she’s so down to earth and easy to work with#BUT. my mom has been throwing all kinds of shade and subtext at me#and I keep telling myself it’s a small thing I’m used to it it shouldn’t grate on my nerves so much#but it does??? and I can’t keep gaslighting myself???#tldr she lowkey thinks I got ‘let off’ my previous job bcs I was lazy and left a bad impression due to my coming in late#but what about all the 3am nights?????? girl’s gotta sleep????#also I literally told my previous job ‘give me disputes or nothing’ and they couldn’t give me what I wanted bcs it was a bad time#and just recession vibes#so they offered for me to go to Dubai instead#which my mom just INSISTS was a dumping ground bcs I wasn’t good enough or smt wtf#meanwhile she gets so defensive of my sister who hasn’t worked for nearly 4 years#I tried to tell her FACTS and she literally told me not to accuse my sister and that she’s working part time and I’m like??? she’s not???#and my sister is being so miserly and insufferably calculative over every penny#while JETTING OFF EVERYWHERE ON BUSINESS CLASS. I JUST. ?!?-&:&/!:!:!:$:#anyway the subtext is just that my mom is concerned her only source of income aka me will be cut off lol#but I was still??? giving her an allowance while travelling??? meanwhile my sister is just asking us to cough up $$ for her share of the#mortgage?????!????!!!!?#what a morning. I’m so mad I could punch a wall lol#Spotify
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truckstoptigers · 1 year
i feel like i need to tell my sister's mom about what he did
it doesn't sit well with me that there could be a possibility he's hurting her or has hurt her the same way. she's eleven just like i was when it stopped
i feel like i'm responsible because i'm the one that left. i feel like i left her. i left her with him and i didn't look back why didn't i say anything she was so little why didn't i tell?
i don't really believe in god but i pray our father hasn't already done the same to her
i don't know if i could take it
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klaprisun · 4 months
One Sunny Day
(Stardew Valley)(Haley x Female Farmer)
Chapter 16
I'm in dire need of a trip to the Stardrop Saloon. I have been working my ass off on this farm non-stop, and a couple glasses of ice cold beer from Gus is going to do just the trick.
"Long time no see, Gus!" I holler as I enter the saloon.
"Ahhh Danny! Good to see you. I've heard lots about what you've been up to, but haven't gotten to see you," he replies as I take a seat at the bar.
"What do you mean you've 'heard what I've been up to'?"
"Oh you will regret you asked that. I'm sure they will answer everything you are questioning." Gus points to the arcade where the group usually hangs out. All of them are aware of my arrival and are waiting like hungry dogs for me to walk over there. Even Emily starts walking out from behind the counter and takes me by the arm to walk me over. I fumble to grab the handle of the beer Gus passed me just before we started walking away. This was not how I expected my night of relaxing to go. Instead, I am now being involuntarily investigated for who knows what.
"I didn't do it, whatever it was!" I shout, making myself sound guiltier than before.
Everyone had looked at me with confusion, but then burst out laughing.
"Can we not just want to hangout with you?" Maru chirps. I give her an accusing stare. I notice she looks at the others in the room with a suspicious look.
"Hey where is Haley?" I had noticed the spot beside Alex where she usually sits is empty.
"Got 'em," Sam says a little too loudly. The crowd, including me, shoots him a dirty look. He quickly puts his hand over his mouth as if the words just accidentally slipped out.
"What do you mean 'got 'em," I quiz Sam. He gives me a wide-eyed stare and slowly just shakes his head, not wanting to answer my question. I hear some of the group groan, some just put their hand on their forehead in disappointment.
"Jas saw you and Haley getting down and dirty, quite literally, in Aunt Marnie's cow pen. She told everyone," a voice chimes in from behind. When I turned around to see who spoke, it was Shane. He was standing in the exact same spot by the fireplace with a beer in his hand.
"Well aren't we mature, guys? Couldn't just come flat out and ask me!" I throw my hands up in the air when I turn back to look at them.
"We didn't want to...I don't know... center you out?" Leah tries. She makes a cringe face, knowing her comment did not help.
"You guys did an amazing job doing that," I clap my hands sarcastically. I won't lie, I am kind of amused at their attempt at subtleness. "Just because you guys tried so hard, I will stick around. DON'T over do it or I will leave."
Resting against the side of the pool table, facing the majority of the room, I take a sip of my beer and hold it out as if telling them to 'go on'.
"Well we all saw you guys dancing together at the Flower Dance of course. What was that about? Elliot wags his eyebrows as he asks.
"She didn't have a dance partner," I looked at Alex for a split second, then turned back and continued, "and I also didn't have a dance partner so naturally we just partnered up. That's not anything weird."
"You know what I meant, Danny."
I sheepishly look down at my muddy boots and tap them anxiously on the hardwood floor.
"You guys had a lot of chemistry going on there..." Abigail pitches in.
"Then we hear that you guys were getting it on in Marnie's cow pen?" Sebastian joins.
"We weren't 'getting it on'!" I howl in embarrassment while doing air quotes. I now truly know what it's like to not have privacy in this town.
"My sister hasn't stopped talking about you whether she knows she is doing it or not. Everyday it's 'Danny this. Danny that'. No offense, but I don't need to hear everything it is you are doing, or are planning to do," she gives me a friendly laugh. I know she didn't mean harm, but I couldn't stop focusing on the fact that Haley is talking about me all the time.
"She talks about me?" I inquire while slightly blushing, somehow forgetting that everyone is listening to me.
Sam perks up and aggressively sticks his hand out to me as a way of saying their point is proven.
"She isn't into me! She isn't even into girls. I don't know what you guys want from me. She is always on and off again with Alex which means she is clearly into him. Enough to keep going back." This has just turned into a big finger pointing game.
"Leave me out of this," Alex throws his hands up in surrender.
"Just like you randomly left her alone on the day of the Flower Dance? Do you know how much that means to her? And for someone else even! Who does that?" I snapped at him.
The room falls silent. No one dares to say a peep. My breath is heavy and unsteady. My anger level is starting to boil over.
"If you're into Haley just admit it and get this over with," he quietly and calmly replies.
"FINE! You guys want me to admit it? I'm into Haley! Are you all happy now?" I finally break, dramatically throwing my arms out to the sides with each sentence.
"We all knew, Danny. You didn't hide it well. We just wanted you to admit it and not think you have to hide it." Maru says gently.
"Why would I admit it when it makes no difference in how things are? She isn't into me and never will be. I'm nowhere even near her type. She hates how dirty I always am from being outside. She hates the way I dress. She hates the farm smell that lingers on me. She hates everything about me." I lay back onto the pool table, contemplating everything being said.
"The way she looks at you says otherwise," Penny quietly says.
"You're just saying that to make me feel better, but thank you for trying." I poke my head up as I speak to Penny, but rest it back down after.
"She was actually here the whole time," I hear Sam say. I quickly jump up off the pool table and look for her. I can't believe she just heard me say all that.
"I'm just fucking with you," Sam cracks up uncontrollably, swinging his body around as he laughs. Sebastian, who is sitting right next to him, puts his hand on Sam's shoulder and just shakes his head.
"Haha very funny," I shoot back sarcastically as I roll my eyes. I go back to just leaning on the pool table.
"Just tell her how you feel," Sam has finally stopped his laugh attack to pitch in.
"Just for her to go back to Alex eventually and hate me for ever being around her? Absolutely not. She'd be so disgusted if she found out I was into her and creeped out by the fact we hung out often."
"She wouldn't think that-," Emily tries.
"Did she tell you that?" I cut in before she could finish her sentence.
"No but-" Emily attempts once again. I throw my hand up to silence her and angrily leave the arcade.
"I'm not risking my pride and dignity just to get shot down," were the last words I called back before leaving the saloon all together.
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kvntsugi · 5 months
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"Realistically, just because we work hybrid and got called into work today doesn't mean you should slack off too much on your attire, Yunkyoung." My face mimicked a grimacing expression that dawned on my face. Whilst I have worked with the pink-haired girl for a few years at this point, what she did was no surprise. Especially due to the fact it's only a few people (me and literally just her) in today for some unknown reason.
The sound of a pen clicking as she leaned against my cubicle, my eyes leering back towards the dual setup monitors and resuming the clacking sounds of the keyboard typing away on excel. One column over the other and comparing quarterly data, analyzing assets of certain stocks to get the best ROI for our company.
"It's not like it matters, no? We're the only ones here besides the cleaning staff. And you seem to have everything under control - I know how you been working, Oppa." Yunkyoung's sweet voice spoke out so melodicly, they were music to my ears. Feeling her soft palms on my shoulders with an eensy bit of pressure applied that formed goosebumps in my forearms.
How could someone who seemed nonchalant seem so carefree and upbeat? If she doesn't work, then how could our tasks be done for the day? She's probably different when she's conversing with others, or even doing anything else but her job. Maybe even a nepo-baby at this point but she's so deep in the company she might as well be grandfathered in. She didn't have a CTA certification either, I'd bet money on that.
Small moves going about with her thumbs being applied down, my eyes forming crescents and feeling relaxed when slumping down into my seat - the WPM on the keyboard getting slower as my fingers didn't follow along to the thoughts in my head for the work I had to be done.
But regardless - Seo Yunkyoung. She was teh daughter of the company president, and is also my 'boss.' On paper that is, but in retrospect, I think most of the team still regards me as the head and treats me with more respect than from what I've seen from chatter and other people's circles.
"Why, what's wrong?" Her voice spoke up with her hands stopped moving in conjuction. As if it were a big surprise I stopped working since there was always some efficient routine going about. If I tell her to continue what she was doing as I felt comfortable, she might just stop talking to me and not believe me with how far out the comment was.
"No… nevermind, don't worry about it." My lips tugged out from side to side with fingers picking up the pace on the tapping.
"Alright then, report every detail to me. And we are getting another new hire in the office today as well; HR told me last week in an email and I specifically recommended you for the on-hire process.
"…Okay." Speaking out casually as I tried to ignore her.
"Also!" Yunkyoung's voice rose as she smacked my shoulder, causing me to wince out in a feigned amount of pain. "Don't go around trying to seduce her because she might be young and pretty!" My body turned out in the chair and gave her a puzzling look, head tilted off to the side and lips became agape at her ridiculous request - not that I had any plans to seduce any said new-hire. But the face she thought I would have the audacity to do such a thing.
"All men like cute and young girls, so I'm warning you in advance. She gets canned immediately if that happens." Her dainty finger pointing out at me and nearing my forehead, she was asserting her position over me when I tried to roll back in my seat to get some space between the two of us.
"Yeah, yeah. Obviously, I wouldn't be doing anything. No point in risking my career." Shrugging my shoulders out at her, unsure of why she would accuse me of such a thing. I've never once in the past three years of working here have I crossed a line with anyone.
"I'll be keeping an eye on you, so watch yourself." The pink-haired girl spoke as she walked away, not having other words to speak to me about when she was nearly across the hall and into her office. My arms crossed against my chest and leaning back against the comfort of the seat to try to get an idea of why she would suddenly speak of this. I'm already too tired to think about training someone else, and it seems like it's someone she might even know if she's making disparaging comments like this.
Would she be coming in soon? Or when exactly should I be expecting a new face in the boring slums of the office?
Still, if something bad happens. Good things are bound to happen as well, or whatever uplifting phrases are the norm nowadays. As I chipped away and widdled down my research a reminiscent sound rang out. The messenger app the office used to communicate with one another.
"The part-timer is coming up now, and I've assigned her to help with your chores for the day." Yunkyoung. Nobody else would have sent someone like that. And what chores do I have, exactly?
The sound of a shuffling pair of feet came and rang in my ears as Yunkyoung gave me a wide grin when passing by my desk, our eyes gazing at each other with her orbs forming crescents that looked all too adorable and familiar. There shouldn't be too much of an introductory party thought, right? Since it was only the two of us here?
"Ahem, excuse me!!" Yunkyoung's voice rose as time seemed to go by quickly, not realizing that she might have introduced herself already to the new girl. Unsure at her actions though as it was just us two and she could have just spoken normally instead of whatever voice she was trying to capture. "Let me introduce you to Kim Yeonhee. She'll be working in our department starting today."
My eyes peered at the new girl who sported a blonde pigtail look. Her top spoke volumes with how contrasted the color was to everything else in the office. It was a breath of fresh air but if this was how her wardrobe was - it was something I had to acclimate to. Not one to complain too much though, always a big fan of change and if someone kickstarts it I'm all for it.
Standing from my seat and giving a courtesy bow and extended my hand to the foreign girl, trying to make her feel welcome with my rugged expression and attempting my best grin out in hopes she wouldn't get frightened off.
"She doesn't seem too bad, right?" Yunkyoung pulled me aside during our lunch break, going to the roof to enjoy a bit of the sunlight and escape the dungeon that was our workspace. I leaned back against the railing with a coffee in hand that the gracious Yeonhee grabbed for me as I wasn't too sure what else to make her do. She didn't know any of the basics; no excel, quickbooks, or any of that sort. But hey! She was pleasant on the eyes, maybe as much as our boss was. "I picked someone who's a hard worker so you could get some rest. "
The shorter girl got closer to me and dragged me by the tie to pull me in for a chaste kiss. My arms drooped down to our sides and wrapping her small frame around my grasp, keeping her in close and forgetting what I was about to say, all thoughts went out the window as our lips became one. Despite being a polar opposite of the girl I was addicted, no matter how much complaining and whining I would do. It all came down to this in the end and I have no regrets.
My motivation to work slowly declined and vanished into the air, her lips was so intoxicating. She was so… aimlessly flirty, for a girl that was an extrovert it was all but a surprise when she came to me. Or if I succumbed to her and I was twirling around her fingers. My cheekbone was getting embraced when I felt the inches lessen more between us, chest to chest with my breathing getting heavier. Running my hands up and down on her body and landed on her rear that I envisioned, it's been far too long since the last escapade I did with her. When my lips parted, her long freshly varnished nails found their way to the buttons of her shirt.
"I've noticed you checking me out, silly. Don't play dumb." She spoke with utter confidence with how it oozed out of her voice. She continued to smirk at me while undressing her shirt until the last button was undone.
My hands going up like she was an officer and I was trying not to be guilty of my crime. "My bad, and I thought I was being discreet." A toothy grin came about from me, making the girl giggle at my response. She put both of her hands to my jaw and pulled myself in for another kiss - longer this time. My eyes fluttered to a close to let the darkness envelop over me and hearing the sounds of lip-locking and having the wind be an adlib to the music that drew to my ears. The plastic cup of coffee fell to the floor beneath us and my hands found it's way towards her back, finding the clasp of her bra and un-doing it. Her bosoms weren't the biggest, but they were perfect for her stature. And in general, she was absolutely divine and sculpted so beautifully.
My hands immediately went towards her chest and cupped them from the underside, massaging them in a circular motion but both in different directions from one another, feeling her perky nipples spring against the palm of my hand as I couldn't take my eyes off her face and how it contorted when getting played with. Her nipples kept rising in time with my loving touches, tensing and becoming utterly stiff, and they were begging to get licked and sucked on.
Her hands reached to the back of my head, which I took as an open invitation. With an open mouth, feeling the insides of it begin to drool and seep out, having to gulp down a small pool of saliva that formed in the pit of my mouth and throwing my face between the peaks of her chest. They were a delight for me - and any man in general. Taking a deep breath and inhaling her scent, feeling her body and humming out gleefully at the mixture of perfume residue and sweat that built up.
My wet tongue embraced the soft and stiff nipple, making a diligent attempt to suck it off. But it was still stuck no matter how hard and long I sucked that little meat marshmallow. Letting out moans against her supple skin and feeling it reverberate out and showcasing how much I enjoyed it. Her moans were stifled out by the fact she didn't want to be all too loud. Not wanting the newcomer nor the public to hear how ratchet she could become as they were still in the eyes of the public - if one were to look up at spot them that was.
Making a trail of kisses from the middle of her chest and stopping right below her belly button. My hands following right along and hiking up her tight skirt and using a bit of elbow grease to fully cup them above her waist.
"No panties today, Yunky?" A curious brow raised up from me and slipping my dominant hand between her inner thighs and discovering the forbidden secret that now only us two know.
"Hehe, oops. Might have forgotten to put a pair on today!" Her words were feeble and ineffective, but she spoke out in such a bright, girlish voice that made her seem like a naive, innocent girl. This sort of acting made me fall more her and just shrugging my body in a non-caring manner.
Taking a glance down between her thick thighs and noticing the girl was sporting a beautiful and clean-shaven pussy. Her lower lips were small and thin but still distinct enough to realize that it was her curved shape. How healthy and pink it was and… well soaked? After a caring caressing of her bosoms. Everything was easily spotted enough and picking out apart from one another.
Yunkyoung was my own oasis. Maybe my personal one with how things were being drawn out. Dipping my head in deeper down and slurped up more of the pink-haired girl's sweet juices - as much as I could. Playing with her clit and flaps with my decadent tongue. My wet muscle was doing a fabulous job (or so I thought, with how many moans she slipped out and grabbed onto my hair.) Her pussy tasted to divine, so heavenly and never wanting to leave, but I was on a limit. Lunch time was almost over and we couldn't spend the full allotted time doing this when there was a newbie on the insides. It was too unfortunate that he couldn't fill her insides with white, but there should be another time when they handle the rest of this.
Making small kisses on the innards of her thighs and sliding my tongue against her skin. SMall purple marks on her white skin to let her know who was just there. Maybe even Yeonhee could spot it if she was diligent enough to notice any differences.
"Why -- why'd you stop?" Yunky's voice got so whiny as I pulled my body up, my legs felt wobbly from standing on my heels for the past half hour and needing to get the blood pumping in them again before they slept on themselves.
"Yeonhee's gonna start searching the office and realize we left and came back together if she's smart enough." Rolling the cuffs on my sleeves up and wiping any lingering liquids on my mouth before gazing down at her. Seeing what a disheveled mess she was and buttoning up her blouse one by one, making sure to leave her bra behind as a treat for me when we get back to the daily tasks at hand.
"Besides, knowing you, you might need some time to doll yourself up again so I might just head back down first so it doesn't look too suspicious to her." My body slumped down to grab the littered cup of coffee that was previously on the floor, walking on over to the trash bin, and turning around to spot the girl one final time in her state. Seeing how she was looking at herself in the camera on her phone she had those worries to think about now before finally heading back over to my desk.
Stepping back into the fray of things and seeing Yeonhee diligently work on her tasks I gave out to her before the break, seeing how she might have just ignored her lunch in itself to try to get an inkling better at the job.
"Alright, Yeonhee." Making sure my voice was loud and clear as I stood above her cubicle. Just thinking about this got my head hurting already and I can't seem to communicate properly. My hand going up to my forehead to try to wane off any of the pain. Yunkyoung did mention that she picked up a hard worker to help with my work. All Yeonhee has to do is work hard.
"So what do you know how to do? You don't know any of the basic office programs on your computer, you can't make paper copies…" With each thing I listed out, she shook her head, hands on her lap with her pleading eyes looking up at me. Why did Yunky choose her - or the company in general? Surely this isn't another case of some family problem going on…
"Wow… this is why young children -"
"You're saying boomer stuff now." My head whipped over to the girl with a shocked expression, eyes widening at her words with her hands covering up her lips. "Oops."
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Alright, so I may be overthinking this...Like, a lot...but I've got a theory (Also this is copy and pasted from my comment on YouTube).
So something interesting I only caught on a rewatch is that David does not actually confirm all of Ace's testimony.  Here's the quote:
"But I will admit, I did indeed meet Arei last night in the relaxation room.  As for what I actually talked to her about...Well, I've already forgotten!  She's dead now, so who cares?"
Now what I gathered from this was that while he is confirming that he met with Arei in the relaxation room, he is not confirming that their conversation contained the information Ace said that it did.
Which struck me as odd, since you'd think after giving that whole speech about just admitting the truth, David would just admit that Arei accused him of having that secret.  But he doesn't.  Instead, he keeps repeating that Ace is lying about something, (Since he says he wants to call Ace a "worthless lying piece of shit") but doesn't bother actually calling him out on it.  Not because of his pride or anything, like he said was his reason for revealing his secret, but because he thought that the rest of the cast wouldn't listen, implying this was the truth but that none of them were willing to hear it anymore.  And so he drops the topic and Ace's entire testimony is just kinda confirmed in the rest of the cast's eyes, even the stuff that wasn't confirmed by David.
So in my opinion, with all that evidence...Ace is definitely lying about the stuff that happened when David and Arei met up.  I'm not sure what they actually talked about, but it probably wasn't related to David's secret, since David seemed so surprised Ace knew about his secret even though his conversation with Arei could've easily been overheard.
But the next question we have to address is...Why would Ace even lie in the first place?
The obvious answer is that he was being suspected of murder and wanted to throw the blame onto David, and that might be true.  But if Ace was lying about this entire interaction like I suspect, that would require him to have already picked up on the fact that David was a lying manipulator, something no one besides Teruko had noticed.
And if Ace already knew that, without overhearing anything, you'd think he'd just tell everyone, 'Hey, David is a manipulating scumbag', not make up an elaborate story about how he'd overheard Arei say it.
But here's the thing: Ace has stated over and over that he doesn't want to die, and that it's one of his greatest fears.  Veronika told him that being so mean to everyone would make them want to kill him, and that's true for murders like the one Nico pulled, that was done purely on emotion and no regards for what could happen in result of their actions.  But if you really thought about it for more than a few seconds, you'd realize that if you really wanted to get away with murder, you'd aim to kill the people who you'd think could solve the murder.  You wouldn't go for the idiot jockey who wouldn't be able to solve the case no matter how hard he tried.
But if Ace were to say that he has more observational skills than literally everyone else in the room, since he managed to catch onto the fact that David was a manipulator when no one else did, (Besides Teruko, who only knew because of her first interaction with David when he broke character), then that would be all the reason a killer would need to justify killing Ace.  He was a complete jerk and could potentially notice things the others didn't.
So instead of telling the rest of the class that he was the one who caught onto David's false persona, he claimed Arei figured it out, simply by reading the secret over Whit's shoulder, something he oh-so-conveniently didn't notice at all.
...So yeah.  That's why I think David was calling Ace a liar even after he said he'd stop denying things that weren't true.  I'm probably waaaay overthinking this, but that's my theory.
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trans-wojak · 11 months
Cool so if misandrist anon gets to be a hateful bitch to all men do i get my get out of jail free misogynist card? I've been sexually harrassed as a 10 year old by both, but men were forced to apologize to me by other men and women, while if i was harassed by women, they thought they did absolutely nothing wrong even though i felt way more violated. I was only ever groped by women in my whole entire life. It heavily affected how my sexual orientation manifests (my attraction to women can be uncomfortable because of fear of them breaching my boundaries and treating it as an innocent joke). Men are always friendly and speak kindly to me at work but women keep taking out their anger from home at me. My boss is completely ostracised by women at work because she (yes, my boss is a woman! And her boss is a woman too!) reminds them of company policies when they get ridiculous with their demands, like wanting to have double break time compared to other departments and do no extra work to make up for it. We have one other man in the department and they keep emotionally manipulating him into working second shift in the evenings week after week because they don't want to do it, despite it being literally part of their job to be on rotation for the second shift (he shouldn't be doing this because it breaks worker safety laws).
Radfems are so fucking stupid it's unreal
Literally, like I’m technically bisexual but I have a preference for men. But I also find it’s just too hard to date women, I always constantly got put down for the same behaviours THEY do (being open about attraction and talking openly about sex). One time when I lived in shared housing, it was predominantly with women and we had music videos playing. A chick appeared wearing short shorts and I said “hell yeah” - I immediately got attacked by the girls in the room, along with my ex girlfriend trying to tell me I don’t need to be a womaniser to “act like a cis man” to be a man. While those same women would sit around discussing in detail how much they love big cocks, eating ass and licking out pussy.
I’ve been groped by a woman before, and when I tried to tell people in the friend group they told me it was my own fault for not speaking up when it happened and she didn’t really mean it. But if a man did that, they would have called him a violent rapist. Like, I wasn’t even trying to get her to be “cancelled” I’m pretty sure some of it was a misunderstanding cause I went into freeze mode but when I told her about it, she blew me off and tried to say if I don’t speak up it’s my own fault.
Also, whenever I rejected sexual advances from ex girlfriends cause I wasn’t in the mood they would start accusing me of not thinking they’re pretty/hot and I’m like no I just don’t feel like it. I wasn’t given any gentle affection, it always was assumed I wanted sexual intercourse if I was affectionate when really I just wanted to cuddle.
I swear some women will use the fact they have kids to get out of doing their part at work. It’s one thing for people to be courteous and help out but to basically force others to take all the “bad” shifts is so frustrating. Especially when these days, both parents work. And women are allowed to be verbally aggressive and no one thinks is wrong, but if a guy does it everyone acts like it’s the same as physical violence. Whereas for me, I see it the same way. At the share house, one of the women and me got into an argument. She started yelling, screaming and throwing things. I told her let’s stop please, this is scaring me. She started laughing at me and got even MORE aggressive. Like I had to threaten to call the police to get her to stop.
I try very hard to be conscious, I’m on the spectrum and at times I don’t realise the volume of my voice. Especially when I feel strong emotions. When women have told me it’s making them uncomfortable, I ask why (cause I don’t realise my voice volume) and they accuse me of pretending to not know.
Being an autistic man is harder than an autistic woman. Autistic women are seen as cute, quirky and shown sympathy for mishaps in social interactions. People assume the best intentions from them. But autistic men are seen as creepy and full of ill motives. My life was easier when I was a girl cause no one treated me with all these rigid boxes. Now I’m treated as a fucking creep automatically.
I see women as people and people can be crappy. They aren’t special. They shouldn’t be granted special treatment just for being a woman.
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zalrb · 2 years
I’ve seen so many people say that Stefan only loved someone if they saw him as a hero and he wasn’t in love with Elena anymore in s4 because he couldn’t be her hero anymore. Also that Stefan only fell in love with orphaned girls. First Katherine, then Elena, then Caroline. What do you have to say about this?
On the real, part of me just wants to leave my response at, based on the meticulous and involved masterlist that's pinned to my blog that answers these types of ridiculous assertions in various posts even if not directly asked, I think my stance is clear and the other part of me is bored so I'm debating.
I guess I'll go with the latter but I have to reiterate that these are stupid takes.
he wasn’t in love with Elena anymore in s4 because he couldn’t be her hero anymore.
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besides the fact that I would never say Elena saw Stefan as a hero and I would say that Stefan never cared for anyone to see him as a hero, which is something I’ve explained in great detail over and fucking over again, I mean I have a masterlist, Damon is the one who wants to be Elena’s hero
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to the point that Sybil gets her hooks in him by pretending to be an Elena desperate to be saved
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even the framing of Damon running off to “get his girl” is very him swooping in to be her saviour or her hero
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The language of Stelena is different
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Damon tries to frame Stefan’s behaviour in 2x08 as “all hail hero hair Stefan going off to get his girl” but Stefan is literally just like, it’s not even about that. Elena is in trouble and I need to find her it’s really just that simple
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which is the kind of attitude Elena herself has about Stefan
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but not taking any of that into account (because who cares about context amirite) if their argument is that Elena didn’t see Stefan as her hero in season 4, I guess they’re forgetting that Elena still does rely on him quite a bit
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From another post of mine (MASTERLIST) Like blood is supposed to be where they have their disagreement except that even with that, Elena looks to Stefan, they work together like a team
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The one time she didn’t, she literally had no choice because she was sired to Damon and Damon explicitly told her not to tell him.
to the point that when she has no humanity, the way she chooses to explain to Rebekah that she’s a bad person is by bringing up how she destroyed her relationship with Stefan
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and she was plainly jealous in season 4
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Stefan simply de-centers himself because he’s not Damon and he respects boundaries so when they’re not together anymore and Elena is having issues, he’s not quick to swoop in and save the day because that’s not his place anymore, that’s Damon’s 
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DErs should just say they hate boundaries and leave. Like we’ve all watched the show, there are receipts.
2. Also that Stefan only fell in love with orphaned girls. First Katherine, then Elena, then Caroline. 
So, people realize that TVD is a show right? And Stefan isn’t written as a character who specifically goes out of his way to fall in love with orphaned girls and it’s not even like it’s a pattern that the show didn’t realize they did, which makes him, I don’t even know what they’re trying to say with this accusation, that he likes women who don’t have parents so he can fill a void?  JP and co simply have a hard-on for killing off parents because it’s the only way they can think of to try and nuance their characters and/or get Elena to relate to them
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Who on this show isn’t an orphan or doesn’t have abandonment issues because their parents are negligent?
Tyler’s parents:
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and then Damon kills Mason
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Grams died
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her father died
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her mother is absentee
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and doesn’t even stick around when Enzo dies.
Kelly just disappears leaving him to fend off rent and car insurance on his own
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even when Matt tells her to leave in 1x18, she didn’t have to go, she could physically leave the house and stay around to keep an eye on her son but she just straight up leaves
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Caroline and Matt bond in season 1 because they both feel incredibly isolated, for her because Damon is abusive and for him because he has no one in his life, Kelly is never around, his father abandoned them and he thinks Vicki left too not knowing she was murdered 
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Season 8  for Matt is all about contending with his dad abandoning him.
Hell, Kai has parental/family issues
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The heretics are a found family because they were cast out by their covens. This is just a TVD staple.
3.  What do you have to say about this?
 What a STUPID argument.
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Staving off a tide of violent urges as I process the various horrors I saw today. This job is becoming actually bad for my brain. Today I went to an apartment complex that I’ve already bitched about a few times, but today was my breaking point lol I was lead into the apartment by this Maintainance man, who promptly took off the second he knocked on the tenants door, they came to the door abs I couldn’t even process what I was seeing when the door swung open. One bedroom apartment, 5 people on the floor wrapped up in blankets and literal crack smoke in the air. A windowsill is stacked high with picked clean chicken bones? Roaches everywhere. as soon as I walked in one of the people in the apartment went up to this girl who was completely still on the couch and started violent shaking her screaming “WAKE UP HEY WAKE UP THERES PEOPLE HERE” and she was 110% unresponsive. The windows had been broken for about a year and just had a board put over them….on the inside. Here’s a fun fact: When you break a window and board it up from the inside, all of mother natures mighty feats of degradation of man made materials will ruin your sashes and window frame forever! At least that’s what happen when you leave busted windows up for a FUCKING YEAR WITH NOTHIN TO PROTECT THEM BOARDING THEM UP FROM THE INSIDE MAKES 0 SENSE
Just a week before when I went to measure the windows The aforementioned maintenance man insisted I measure these windows from the outside, because he “didn’t wana take thee boards down” so I was like “uh ok” I really didn’t see a problem at the time. So he very clearly didn’t want me to see the inside prior, for obvious reasons, so he had me do it from the outside so I’d show up and be blind sided. That was my working theory when this happened initially. Come to find out, my co-worker / best buddy already went and measured these 7 months ago and told them they were beyond repair and glass replacement wouldn’t even work at this point. So this guy Fucking knew what he was doing the entire time.
So when I got back to the shop and informed my boss of what happened she called and said she didn’t want to put her technicians in any danger so we wouldn’t be returning. This Fucking maintenance man told her that he was in there the whole time. Like I wish I took a picture of this mother fucker when I came outside of that actual nightmare, he was sitting on a picnic table smoking a cigarette, this guy bailed on me as fast as he could and went out for a lil smoke break while I tried by best to avoid any stray needles that may have found their way onto the carpet. Then tells my boss on the phone that he was in there with me lololololol sublime excellent wonderful amazing im this close to turning one of these mother fuckers into an example it’s not even funny.
Either way, my boss said she’s going to try to get permission from the big big bosses (we’re a small company owned by a multi-billion dollar company) and she said even if we do go back in the future we’re going to have ground rules that these maintenance blockheads have to follow the second they don’t were Fucking splitting.
Like I just can’t do this anymore, one of my clients at this job is a housing assistance program that provides housing for addicts and that’s like my main daily thing. And like I’m not looking down on anyone in that kind of position, I have addicts in my life and it’s terrible and sad, but I can’t help but not feel safe. Especially when the extent that the people who are supposed to be coordinating this Shit for me do is call me and warn me about the bad stuff lol I’m not accusing anyone of trying to steal my tools, but I’ve been told probably 10000 Fucking times by the same guy “not to leave any expensive tools around because the people in this unit have already stolen from several contractors” it’s like dude what the Fuck. I make $19 an hour I don’t get paid enough to fight off the most desperate people alive.
And this keeps happening every Fucking day because they’re putting me in charge of all the glazing jobs that the more senior glazer doesn’t want anymore lol so this is just my life for probably the next couple years. Trying not to get killed for the $10,000 worth of tools in my van or just the van in general. Like it’s really Fucking dumb. I’m sorry if I sound insensitive to the struggle of the people in these situations but I promise you anyone in my position would be incredibly frustrated and generally unhappy lol
Thanks for reading
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aita-blorbos · 2 months
AITA for getting into a relationship “too quickly” after exiting a situationship??
fake names for obvious reasons
for context, i (18F) had a mini crush on my coworker, gabby (21F). me and gabby work at a popular retail store. we started hanging out constantly after work, getting drinks, getting fast food, watching movies etc etc. she shared a car with her long term boyfriend, kyle (22M), so I would often have to drive her places. this lead to us forming a pretty close friendship. after gabby broke up with kyle, i was there for her. i encouraged her to do so because i knew she wasn’t happy. one night, less than a week after they broke up we were cruising near the beach after work. she had me pull over and confessed to having feelings for me. we kissed and that was that. we talked about getting into a relationship but she wasn’t ready. i told her it was alright and that i would be there for her if she needed me, but i wouldn’t wait forever.
due to some unforeseen circumstances, the place we both work had to shut down for a little while. i’ll spare the details, but nobody was able to enter the building for roughly three weeks. during this time, gabby never reached out or responded to my messages. i tried and tried to get a hold of her, but she kept canceling plans to go out with other friends. i eventually got her to respond (begrudgingly) after a week and i told her that it’s probably best if we remained friends. she said that she would “eventually” like to date me, but now she’s just not ready and then stopped responding.
this is where i might be the asshole. because i had told her i am no longer interested in a relationship with her, i met up with billie (18F) who was a childhood friend of mine that i reconnected with through tinder a while back. me and her immediately hit it off and began officially dating after the first date. it was almost love at first sight; everything about her was intriguing to me. as i am writing this, we are still happily together and don’t plan on breaking up. billie is, quite literally, my dream girl.
as you can imagine, we spend almost every day together. when my workplace reopened, i insisted on taking her to buy a nice bag because she is constantly dropping her stuff. we found one that looked exactly like mine, only pink. we both wandered around the store for some time before she had to use the bathroom. as i was walking around without her, who was on the shift but gabby. we said hello rather awkwardly before she jokingly pointed out that i’m essentially buying my exact bag in a different color. before i could stop myself, i said “it’s not for me, it’s for my girlfriend.”
gabby texted me after, accusing me of never really liking her and moving on too fast. in my opinion, it feels very hypocritical of her to tell me all this. i have apologized profusely, but made it clear that billie and i are going strong. i don’t feel like i should have to apologize because i made my stance clear. i didn’t want a relationship with her because of the way she treated me. i felt like a highly convenient rebound girl for her, to show kyle that she doesn’t need him. while i admit billie and i are moving fast, that doesn’t change the fact that i told her i was going to stop persuing her. i also feel as though it is not her decision when i move on from a fucking situationship. yes, it hurt and i liked her, but i’m not going to wallow in it until she decides it’s convenient.
so, am i in the wrong?
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
thoughts on azriel and mors relationship?? i didn’t love how mor was accused of “leading him on” for 500 years when she literally didn’t express interest as far as i can see. like he made her so uncomfortable she felt she couldn’t come out to what is supposedly her closest family. and i don’t see a lot of people talking about this aspect, i feel like it’s pretty ignored as a fandom.
i see it from both sides but first, lets establish the facts:
Azriel had a crush on Mor
Mor wanted to lose her virginity to one of the greatest Illyrian warriors, took one look at Cassian and knew he would be - and he was kind. She didn't pick Azriel because she knew he had a crush on her.
Cassian knew Azriel had a crush on Mor. He hated the thought of his brother not being just his and Rhys' anymore so ruined it for Azriel
Mor gets dumped in Autumn and Azriel finds her. He tries to confess his feelings and: Azriel thought I deemed him unsuitable. He started to confess what he felt, and I panicked, and … and to get him to stop, to keep him from saying he loved me, I just turned and left.
We know that Mor uses Cassian as a buffer and it makes Azriel uncomfortable (e.g. the foot rub). She sleeps with men (and secretly women) which makes her feel terrible. Mor also tells Feyre that Azriel has had his fair share of lovers too so it's unfair to say Azriel has simply pined for 500 years.
So that's where we are at with this weird scenario. Apart from in ACOMAF when both Mor and Rhys joke that it drives Cassian crazy that he never got to sleep with her again.
Okay, so Mor's perspective:
She is not into him. She uses Cassian to express that. She sleeps with men like Helion to also express that. It's pretty clear that - from Azriel's perspective - that Mor is into men too. She is tactile with him, touching him, she shows concern etc but also does the same for Cassian - but not to the same extent. If anything, Mor is more tactile with Cassian. I don't think it's leading him on though as she's not saying "hey, come to my bed, oh wait no sorry not tonight".
Azriel's perspective:
He tried to tell Mor his feelings at a very emotional moment and she just walked off rather than facing them. He believes he is unworthy of her. Mor says herself "I could peel off my clothes right in front of him and he wouldn’t move an inch. He’ll see himself as a bastard-born nobody, and not good enough for anyone. Especially me." In all those years since, Azriel still has not told Mor his feelings because he thinks he's unworthy.
If we say this whole farce is not down to SJM's messy writing and sloppy retcons... What irks me is that Mor knows that Azriel thinks he's not worthy of her. He thinks that's the only reason. She lets him believe that because its more comfortable for her to do that. I don't think at any point she has led him along and it worries me that after 500 years he's been unable to pick that fact up. It's strange that after 500 years of Mor choosing to cuddle up to Cassian and have foot rubs from him, that Azriel is still interested in her. (But I think a lot of it is due to the rushed retcons).
Mor has not had that conversation for a reason. It could be that - as we've seen in canon - she gets spooked by Azriel's temper. Fair enough. But she also is selfish about it.
I’m petrified to face him —to tell him he’s spent five hundred years pining for someone and something that won’t ever exist. The potential fallout … I like things the way they are.
Mor is scared to tell him she's not into him but not because of something he might do to her, but she likes the situation now. This reads to me as she likes Cassian and Azriel both fussing after her. She caused waves between Cassian and Nesta because she knew her buffer wouldn't be hers. She doesn't want Azriel to dote on another woman and her not be the only one e.g. I don't want him, but nobody else can have him.
Mor does not owe anybody. She doesn't need to come out. However, after 500 years, she is still living a lie. She is not comfortable coming out to the family that we are told is a court of dreamers and they're all amazing and such good people!!! So why can't she? Will they reject her? Will they punish her? Is she scared of the wider reaction from the court? Like I don't understand why she hides a relationship with women from the inner circle. Hiding it from the court, yeah okay, I can imagine the Illyrians would be horrible to her. If she is that scared of Azriel's reaction to her liking women then maybe he shouldn't be in their inner circle??? Does she think they won't be on her side and would support him instead?? Then again, they all know Azriel has a crush on Mor and not one of them has stepped into say she's not into him, Cassian is happy to make Azriel hurt by his flirtatious actions with Mor rather than saying "my brother, she doesn't want you".
It all boils down to sloppy, lazy writing. It makes Mor look like a selfish bitch and Azriel a completely unhinged weirdo. It also shows the IC is really not very close to each other.
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vintage-bentley · 7 months
Just adding to the JKR and gay Dumbledore discussion; another thing to remember is that when JKR began writing the books, Section 28 was still in effect and she likely would have had trouble with putting in nondeniable homosexuality in her books. and yet, as the other anon said, she definitely was laying out the backstory even if she thought she'd never been able to show it beyond coding. In addition, the tabloid reporter who wrote about Dumbledore in the final book, the way she wrote about him, Grindelwald (evil wizard boyfriend), and Harry, it was in the very British way of never saying it outright, but insinuating enough to get the point across while still maintaining plausible deniability to get around British libel laws. To a Briton, it would be far more obvious that the Wizard Tabloid was trying to call Dumbles a flaming q*eer who maybe never should be trusted around young schoolboys (sorry for the language, but that was the sentiment in story). American Tabloids don't have the subtlety, so this might not have pinged anything in American readers. Or came across far more subtly. She also didn't bring up the fact that Dumbledore was gay unprompted for press. She was at a Q&A session in 2007, and a fan asked if Dumbledore ever had any girlfriends or romances [there were a few Dumbledore/McGonagall shippers back then, so the fan may have been trying to ask about that]. She replied, very casually, that well he was gay so no girlfriends but he did have a romance (with Grindelwald). The crowd went bananas, and she seemed surprised, said she would have said something earlier if she thought people cared and would be this happy about it. The scriptwriter for the movies did know, as she once had to tell him to cut a scene where Dumbledore starts talking about a girl he liked in school. She apparently had elaborate backstories for all the main teachers in school, but never found a way to make any of them relevant (aside from Snape's) to the story as it's told from Harry's POV, and most kids don't really give a toss about their teachers personal lives. But she always wrote Dumbledore in a way she thought was coded enough that older readers would pick up on it. But she never tried to toot her own horn, with like LOOK AT MY GAY REPRESENTATION!! LOOK AT HOW BRAVE I WAS! PRAISE ME!!! or anything. She wasn't trying to get praise for gay rep without actually having it be gay, like some people...
I guess now is the time to admit that I assumed the evil boyfriend was Voldemort 💀 I was just like “yeah that makes sense” and I understand if the HP fans want to point and laugh at me
A few people have pointed out the existence of Section 28 in both discussions of HP and GO, and it’s incredibly important context. (Especially when comparing how the two books went about it…one still being respectful to gay fans, and the other being like “okay section 28, you don’t want us promoting homosexuality? We’ll take it a step further and make a joke about burning f slurs, you’re welcome”)
Tbh I’m surprised that the Anti-JKR crowd hasn’t called out the inclusion of that tabloid…it seems like the perfect thing for them to misinterpret and bash her for.
From everything I’m hearing about this, it seems like she’s been very respectful and casual about the whole thing. To me, it seems like she had an idea about her character that she legally couldn’t put into the books, and was honest about it when asked. And she seems to understand that it’s not explicit representation that deserves praise, otherwise when she was accused of being anti-LGBT she’d be all “oh but Dumbledore is gay and he’s amazing representation!”. Meanwhile Neil expects praise for being all “A/C are literally anything you want them to be except gay”
Dumbledore aside, I have a lot of respect for JKR’s support of LGB people from what I’ve seen of her tweets. She’s always one of the first to speak up for lesbians when the TQ+ are being lesbophobic, which I think is really important given her large platform. I have no doubt in my mind that she’s an ally, so it doesn’t surprise me that she handled a gay character so well.
It’s so fascinating that a woman can be this respectful regarding a gay character and receive so much backlash…but a man can be Neil Straightman and have the entire internet kissing his ass. And it’s funny that JKR has lost her belief in gender because of how she’s been treated due to her sex…yet Neil’s sex benefits him so much, which allows him to deny the importance of sex.
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cimeriansparrow · 5 months
My mom got mad at me this morning bc "I never talk to her," but every time we try to really talk, it turns into a massive fight (guess what happened 15 minutes ago)
I can't even ask questions without them eventually leading down a road where she keeps cutting me off and begins to yell at me. Obviously I'm taking a tone with you. Not only am I literally just speaking to you in the way that you speak to me, but being spoken down to for 22 years really teaches you that it doesn't matter How I speak to you, you won't ever Listen. Idk. I'm tired of living in a house where I can't even try to talk to my parents about the smaller stressors that I have.
Tried to bring up what's been going on the past few months bc she accused me of being depressed and lazy and. Yeah. I was depressed for 3 months. Thank you So much for noticing. It really speaks volumes to me that you didn't say anything about it while I was going through it?? I tried explaining that a new medication (that she knew I was taking!!! I told her when I switched to it!) Was causing me immense brain fog and seriously scary suicidal ideations that I did nearly act on.
And she got pissed and started yelling bc I never talk to her, and when I asked her to stop yelling she told me that she's gonna yell because she shouldn't be made to feel like this in her own house. She just went through a massive surgery and she's had to walk on eggshells around us when we should have been taking care of her (which we did. And it fucking tears me apart that she doesn't realize how much of my own life I've given up already to make sure she's been taken care of) and she's done with tiptoeing around all of us and she just kept going and going and going and going and going because she doesn't actually ever know when to fucking stop.
No shit we don't talk. Every single time I try to talk with you it ends up like this. With me trying to calm down after stepping away after you've accused me of some wild shit and when I come back to try to talk normally you're still yelling. In fact, you're more incensed than before.
For some reason she thinks adhd medication will fix everything. Like it's some sort of cure all and I don't have a decent handle on it. And every time I bring up that I've done some research and I feel like I might be on the autism spectrum she tells me that's stupid and people are making a trend of it and that's why I feel that way and I shouldn't think that because none of us (myself and two younger sisters) are autistic.
If none of this makes any sense to anyone reading, know that that's how Every Single conversation with her goes. If she's not in a good mood she's going to bring you down to her level of emotion. She will make it about her through the stupidest methods possible, and after being emotionally manipulated like that my entire life it's hard to see exactly what's going on because she comes at you so fast.
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lunarmourning · 3 months
Ok hi i have just one quick thing to ask. Can you explain the times where you've gone into servers and gcs and told greg you were mad at her and then when asked why you didn't tell it???
hi I don't usually like to answer these on my Tumblr especially since the situation has so much more than I could ever explain from an ask (when I say every situation I've been accused of has two sides, I mean it! I know for a fact that a lot of the stories people heard are lacking so much context) and I am really not comfortable airing trauma I haven't fully revovered from on Tumblr but I will answer this one. If I'm assuming what you're referring to right (if I'm not, don't be afraid to shoot another ask! i haven't gotten a lot of explanation of what I did wrong from. anybody. Also I am in no way uncomfortable with someone reaching out to me through dms, I would not be mad at anyone who got wrapped up in this situation for wanting to talk. Even Greg, I promise I would be comfortable with dming with her about if asked). (warning this is gonna be rambley, I just woke up)
I assume this would be when I would talk in a gc about my feelings in the relationship. I would like to explain that the only times I've talked about Greg in a gc were when I was mid breakdown or meltdown (often triggered by Greg doing or saying something triggering and then just. leaving me alone. which, happened several times.). Also, I would never talk with anyone that I knew Greg was friends with. I didn't feel like my breakdown gave me the right to ruin anyones relationship or perception on it. Which is, genuinely, the only reason I never came to anyone from the sunshine cult for support about her in my relationship because of how. many toxic that had been done to me in the relationship (which is the reason I eventually broke up with her after months of consideration, and the reason I blocked her. I felt sick talking to it and kept getting flashbacks. just generally felt uncomfortable and decided the best thing would to put distance. I in no way meant to hurt her through this). So, I talked with friends she didn't know very well (like Pip! hi Pip thank you for being supportive when my ex was being weird about my disability). I would like to repeat, I would only do this mid breakdowns.
About not communicating that I was mad. i literally. did. and tried. so many times. One of my earliest problems in the relationship is that we just didn't communicate at ALL. And Greg kept repeatedly hurting me because of it. It got to the point I was scared of her. I tried multiple times to talk about how the things she was doing was hurting me and every time I would be shut down and given excuses. Like that she didn't know how to communicate (I'm actively getting hurt here and I'm trying to express that. so we would end the conversation, I would have a breakdown alone in my room and she would go to bed. and it would happen again. I would like to say in a relationship where both people [likely,I am unsure if I have It fully yet. still researching] have bpd, that communicating is SO important and the lack of it is why we both feel we were hurt in the relationship. Greg never expressed when I was hurting her so I never knew. And I would like to say that it's valid and I'm so so sorry if I hurt you, but if you had told me I would've stopped in a fucking heartbeat. I told you when you hurt me, you just didn't care.). Or that she was dissociating (which is okay!!! often times I didn't even know and then I would be in "trouble" for trying to make her talk In that. Pls I promise if you had expressed that you would talk about this later and not just use it as an excuse for not talking about it ever I would be okay!!! it's just when every single time on four or more occasions, every time I was trying to express how I was getting hurt from toxic behavior. Also a lot of these dissociations wouldn't come until I tried to communicate so. hm. and this happened every time). So after repeated times (throughout MONTHS) communicating things that she would do over and over again, I kinda. gave up. If I ever told her I was mad and didn't explain, I'm so sorry and looking back that was wrong of me to do. but. I did. i did tell her. and after getting yelled at and ignored for hours to days on end for simply trying to fix something that had hurt me. i gave up. Can you blame me for making a stupid decision with someone who would never listen?
Greg at some point also sent screenshots of me trying to communicate for the final time before I gave up to people without my permission. My friend, who actually talked to me about my side of the situation unlike everyone else, sent me what Greg sent. And I was not surprised to see how much of that conversation was cropped out. A lot of the stories being told about me are half-truths, with things left unsaid to make me seem like a bad person.
(this situation also has a lot more behind it so please don't take this statement as all of it. Both this singular accusation and everything else has SO much context. This is simply me trying to explain one or two situations. Like I said, if anyone has any questions about another situation don't be afraid to reach out. I would be happy to talk to anyone who was willing to listen.)
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galaxietm · 1 year
another small update in the roller coaster i'm dealing with
so. the roommates i'm kicking out, and one of the ones who WAS going to stay (i have no idea if she's going to stay or not now) all ganged up on me in the roommate group chat we have when i simply asked them to close a door (that's supposed to be closed, mind you) and were taking turns attacking me, bringing up small petty things, and taking things out of context / misrepresenting them to make me look bad.
one of them, who was the roommate i was good friends with and was going to be the only one staying for sure, then accused me of threatening to fake a panic attack (when that wasn't what happened at all, she literally took a vent i did to her early in august out of context, also conveniently leaving out the fact that i made sure to tell her it was a vent and make sure she knew i wasn't serious-- the exact wording i used was "it feels like i'm going to have to have a panic attack for them to realize i am taking everything seriously and like i'm not brushing it off", but go figure, the full thing doesn't benefit the argument / them attacking me)
she also tried to accuse me of using my mental health as an excuse, when i've told her lately is that i've been stressed, have barely been eating, and haven't been sleeping well because of all that's been going on. she took it as a chance to act like i've been weaponizing all of this, when she's using the venting i've done to her in private, both about the house and otherwise, as a weapon?
she's also trying to act like i'm brushing everyone else off but they're all the ones brushing me off and trying to manipulate the situation
and you know what?? at this point i would rather live alone dude. rent's only about 1050 for the whole house, yard and garage, so it's not that bad-- it'll be rough at first, but i'd rather pay rent and bills by myself if it means avoiding bullshit and drama and miscommunication like this.
my mom took me to get some coffee so i could get out of the house for a bit, but we also took this chance to stop by our lawyer's office to ask him to draw up papers for the other two (who are in a relationship with the guy who we served last week) so we're going to serve them as well.
i told our lawyer that i have screenshots of the whole thing and, honestly, i'm saving them in multiple places so that i still have them just in case.
honestly?? i'm done with them walking all over me. i'm done with this bullshit, i'm done with all of this getting out of hand and going off the rails like it is. i'm done with not feeling like i'm at home in my own home. i'm done with them acting like i'm the bad guy for just reinforcing the house rules i've told them about as well as my own boundaries.
i'm also very, very tired and stressed because of all this.
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f-list-questionable · 9 months
Not f-list, I just wanted to share my earliest #badrpstory from about 12 years ago.
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Just look at this nightmare of a bio and know that this person had a fandom.
They had a roleplay group on deviantart for their fandom, where people could play OCs for this world where L4D(2) zombie children were still cognizant and so were shuffled back into public schooling.
Your character had to be either a student or a faculty member at this school. The moderators, all this person or their friends, were rarely present. When they were there it was to roleplay their own characters who were neither students nor teachers, and there was an unwritten rule that we were NOT to attempt to interact with their scenes, which were preplanned. You were also not to post too much while they were playing. In that way it was less of a roleplay room, and more of a stage for their OCs.
The first time I remember getting in serious trouble, they had set up a wedding scene and in the process made a huge deal about there being an excess of catering, so some of us decided our characters would break into the venue and steal some food-- because they were borderline feral children with intensified senses, of course they were going to. We thought that was the point. Wacky hijinks ensued with the mods responding to their efforts with strange and hilarious deterrents like being struck by lightning. Our characters forged on in the quest for cake and overpriced baked ravioli.
Out of nowhere the mods break character and start screaming at us about how this is a "private scene" and we "can't take a fucking hint".
The next time we ran into trouble a friend of mine had invented some kind of strange ink blob characters related to their OC. I don't even remember what the content of the RP was but the mods cursed them in all caps. "TELL ME WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ZOMBIES?" over and over.
I don't know, what does Alan Wake have to do with zombies? What does TRON have to do with Zombies? What does the Self-Insert Principal's 8-legged rainbow color-shifting pet dragon have to do with Zombies?
The last straw was when I made an OC like that looked like this.
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My friend messages me and tells me the mods are freaking out in the chat calling me a plagiarist. I join chat and immediately get dogpiled. Accusations, insults, snark, sarcasm, "did you think we wouldn't know".
What was my crime?
"Cheek patches".
Yes, the generic animu blushies were the problem. You see, the "cheek patches" were a real physical feature on the main character's face. The main character, who was otherwise quite literally nothing more than a chibified Hunter. This was a genetic trait he shared with his brother, which would regrow when pulled off, and because my RPC, who happened to also be a short hunter, was drawn with this? That meant she was a ripoff of their extremely original Do Not Steal OC.
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They would not accept this as a stylistic choice. No no, in THIS universe, blushies are REAL, and YOU COPIED THEM. When chat pushed back, then suddenly I was a style thief, despite myself then having an overly soft wannabe-semirealism style while the owner's had an extremely angular toony look, as above.
They kept tearing me down for over 30 minutes, during which they went on to lie about her younger brother to make the two of them seem more alike to the MC duo. They told everyone that he was a "tall quiet Smoker" like the main character's best friend, when he was actually a Spitter, of average height, and who was definitely not quiet but instead had no jaw and could not speak.
Nothing about their appearances besides a height gap and the shorter having "cheek patches" were similar, neither body nor clothes. In fact, they both broke norms for their respective Infected types. My friends tried to help. They pointed out that most other Hunters in the group were far more similar to the MC, and that other characters that had been submitted with the same "cheek patches" were accepted. That many OCs were the same but with a different shaped hood, or added bunny ears, sometimes just visible eyes or hair. They also pointed out that one of their own mods' OCs was basically a genderswapped version of the MC's older sibling with a similar name, and they were very obviously trying to match the owner's art style as well.
Despite this, I was singled out and berated until I was sobbing like a bitch. I left the group, deleted the character, and removed all mentions of the group off my page and every deviation I'd ever made for it. I still don't know why I was targeted.
What gets to me these days is realizing that we were exposed to some pretty weird shit in that group. Some of the players were obviously very young, as in not old enough to use the site kind of young, and the owner gave us the impression that they were much older than they really were to give the appearance of being responsible, knowledgeable, in control....constantly mentioning being an old man with a boring job. Mid-to-late-20s type. They were actually only 18 when I joined.
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The problem there is that this led us to believe that the inappropriate topics we encountered in that room were a normal and safe way for grown adults to communicate with us. Sex topics were "normal". Being bullied by adults was "normal".
All of the pictured characters are underage, some as young as 12. And this was just the norm. Why did they accept sexualized character submissions from minors? Why was this displayed to minors? And why was this just the way people behaved on the internet back then?
0 notes
percontaion-points · 11 months
Lifeblood chapter 9
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Today's review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 9
The Grid buzzes inside my head, pricking like bee stings. Remember the year you spent as an Unsigned, torn between Troika and Myriad, unsure what was best for you? Every time someone pushed you one way, you pushed back and ended up further away from a conclusion. Be the Laborer you needed someone else to be. 
Full offence, but the Laborer Ten needed was somebody to go and bitchslap her shitfuck parents, and tell them that torturing their only child was not going to make things BETTER. 
…Has Ten tried bitchslapping a Myridian general? Maybe that I would help!
The boy who 143s me is within reach.
Really? Are we seriously going to do this? 
Note: 143 is a shorthand for “I love you”. As in 1 letter in “I”, 4 letters in “love”, and 3 in “you”. 
“You’re about to learn the harsh reality of the war between realms, and the betrayal you will always face at the hands of our enemy. Not because you’re facing Killian, but because you’re facing a Myriadian. Good luck.”
Chapter 9 summary: On the other side of the waterfall, Ten is startled when they fall into what’s basically a wormhole. When it dumps them out in Texas, Ten has to look around, startled at how different the world works through her Troikian eyes. 
Dior is inside the safehouse, her skin literally crawling with black shadows only spirits can see. Elizabeth is of the opinion that Dior’s case is not one that can be won, which… Wow. Tell us how you really feel. 
Despite the fact that Ten was told only to observe, she can’t help but comment about Dior’s pity party for one. She calls Dior out on her shit, but I kind of agree with her. Dior made her bed, and at this point, there’s nothing to be done except to keep fighting. Elizabeth is upset at Ten’s words as well, but I’d also like to remind everybody that not even a page earlier, Lizzy thought that it was a losing case. 
Ten questions Dior, on her actions leading up to her needing to be in the safehouse. Trying to figure out when she got infected. Dior says that Zhi and Rosalind weren’t acting differently than usual, and her boyfriend (the only other person she had contact with before contacting Troika) is unsigned. 
Lizzy gets angry over all of this, and goes above Ten’s head to report this. But the person that she reports to is Meredith, who gives Ten the green light in this. Liz then gets angry, and accuses both of them of nepotism. 
Eventually, one of the other angels reports that Killian is outside. Ten starts issuing orders, but in an effort to try and take back control, Liz says that they should ask Dior what she wants. Ten knows that Dior might have other plans in mind. But since this is Ten’s shitty love story, obviously Dior agrees with Ten’s idea. So now we’re going to have a reunion. Even if Liz thinks that it’s a shit idea. 
0 notes