#I thought I was overreacting but
wataeicentric · 1 year
Sorry I disappeared I was too busy going fucking crazy. This event has made me feel nauseated for 2 days straight I really don't want Wataei to have all their development stripped back and absolutely ruined. If Wataru either 1. Does not care about this or 2. Doesn't even get upset that his supposed "best friend" didn't tell him about his marriage I'm writing enstars off and I will disappear for two months cause wtf
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foreverthebolter · 3 months
If you don’t understand that Colin saying she “entrapped” him was 1) because he was hurt and 2) because it gave him an excuse to still marry her even while he was upset then I don’t know what to tell you
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def-not-kaz-brekker · 11 days
I hate it when people don’t take aromanticism seriously. I hate it when they say “oh it’s just a phase I also thought I was aromantic but then I got a partner.” It doesn’t apply to everyone.
Respect aromanticism as you would respect any other identity
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redysetdare · 4 months
Maybe making jokes about "Invading" countries while we have multiple devastating wars that have massive invasions going on isn't the best look you guys.
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sonseulsoleil · 1 year
I’ve seen some posts that are variations of “I wish they’d just queerbaited me instead” and while I’m sure most of them are jokes, it’s still rubbing me the wrong way.
I first read Good Omens when I was about 15 years old. At the time I was closeted, and extremely depressed. I knew I was feeling a lot of things that I wasn’t “supposed” to be feeling, and that I wasn’t feeling other things that I thought I should be feeling. I knew I was different, but I hadn’t figured out exactly how yet. Good Omens came into my life during this time, and it spoke to me. Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship was not defined, but the queerness was obvious, just beneath the surface. And even beyond them, it was a book about choosing love. Adam chooses his love for his family and friends and Tadfield over being the antichrist. Anathema chooses a life with Newt over Agnes’ predictions. Crowley and Aziraphale choose their love for the world, for humanity, and for each other, over their duties. It’s against the rules. It’s deviant. But it’s the right thing to do. Love, in every form, is always right, that’s what I learned from Good Omens as a sad repressed queer teen. And I fucking loved it. I saw myself and my own struggles in that story.
When the first season of the show came out, there were a lot of accusations of queerbaiting thrown around, but I never saw it that way. It’s always been a story drenched in queer themes and motifs, intentional or not. Would it be nice to see the angel and demon kiss? Of course. But I didn’t need it. I was happy with the story the way that it was.
And then season two came out, and honestly? I underestimated how much blunt textual queerness would mean to me. And I’m not just talking about Crowley and Aziraphale. All the queerness. Maggie and Nina. The magic shop owner and his spouse. Beelzebub. The story of Beelzebub and Gabriel falling in love and choosing each other over their respective sides, which took those queer themes already present and doubled down on them. Even little things like Crowley offhandedly saying “actually not either” to “you’re a good lad” took my breath away.
The ending was heartbreaking, but it was heartbreaking because it felt so real. It tapped into a specifically queer pain, the pain of repression and fear, and how easy it is to give into the desire to simply fit in, and how that can tear apart our relationships.
It truly, sincerely, means so much to me. This story that I’ve loved and seen myself in for over a decade, has just said back to me, loudly and utterly unapologetically: yes, you are a part of this story. yes, it’s for you.
So, no. I wouldn’t have preferred to be queerbaited.
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oatm3al-c00kies · 10 months
everyone shut up i need to tell suzanne collins directly that the only part of 'the ballad of songbirds and snakes' that got an actual extended period of laughter in my theatre was the "tuberculosis on legs" joke, a joke made at the expense of a young, suffering, dying, sick tribute as she's about to accidentally ingest poison and kill herself because she's so thirsty and sees water and thinks it will make her feel better. this girl who's so sick because of the living conditions in her district, who was doomed as soon as her name was called, who was probably just so relieved to see an un-smashed bottle of water she didn't think anything of it, too exhausted and dehydrated to think anything of it.
a joke made by the capitol host of the hunger games to try and make capitol citizens laugh and make the horrific things happening in the arena better tv because they already don't see the tributes as people who have lives and who matter and maybe we're so close to her dystopia that we can actually fucking taste it
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kanthonyism · 3 months
deeply glad that Anthony and Kate fucked off to do their thing and weren't their for Lady Whistledown reveal because if they'd been their the show runners would have also made them react in a way that is so Out of Character for the sake of whitewashing Penelope and getting their unearned pay off and it's fr so unrealistic that she wrote the nastiest shit about everyone and was not shunned 😭😭😭 like what happened to stakes and consequences
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canisalbus · 11 months
Hello! I love your art- you have a real talent for expressive eyes. You're a great cartoonist, and I can't wait to see more of your work
It's a little silly, but I just wanted to say- don't beat yourself up for having a reaction to needles after a bad experience. On a moral level, yes, but also a practical one.
It's normal for a body to react to a bad experience with fear. That's what fear evolved to do, warn you about something that could go wrong next time.
However, fear can be reinforced. If your body responds to a stimulus with fear, and then you feel a negative emotion around that memory, your nervous system goes "Wow! That was so bad that even thinking about it stresses me out. I'd better make sure to never let this happen again. Time to dial up the fear signal!"
Being kind to yourself about something frustrating or painful is hard in good conditions, and I don't want to minimize that. This isn't "don't let it bother you" or "just get over it" or "think positive" advice.
When a fear of needles happens to me again (the fear comes and goes), I try to treat it like I would a food aversion resulting from food poisoning. You know when you eat something bad, get sick and then the thought of the food is really gross for awhile? Like that!
I try to let myself be mildly annoyed, but not so much it gets my blood pressure up. Sadness doesn't seem to extend the length of the fear either. But anger, guilt, or shame for me really seem to reinforce the fear reactions.
Your mileage will vary, of course! For me, I went from no fear of needles, to fainting when an IV was put in, back to no fear with patience and time. Maybe this can be a bit of hope for you too! I wish you luck and a smooth road!
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wish-i-were-heather · 1 month
i cant have an argument without crying wtf
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absolutelybifurious · 5 months
tim minear really got on facebook dot com like
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shorlinesorrows · 7 months
don’t mind me I’m just busy having Feelings over the scene in the Moon Knight tv series where Marc meets the avatars/gods for the first time.
words can’t describe how distressed I got when Harrow showed up and started speaking, dripping poison into the words “he is unwell” with a tint of false concern, just the right amount condescension, and a spoonful of pity
thinking about how from that moment Marc (and the whole system) was disregarded as unreliable despite the fact that the situation had nothing to do with their DID. thinking about how the avatars and their gods stopped listening to him.
thinking about how the moment someone is neurodivergent, or disabled, or different in any way that isn’t palatable, that’s “scary”, they stop being worth listening to
not a person, just something to disregard, lock away, or pity.
And how Harrow got away with it, how he was able to frame himself as the caring “good guy” for revealing this incredibly personal piece of information to a group of people who had no business knowing it, effectively silencing someone who desperately needed to speak. For his own gain.
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sdeprived · 1 month
I think nobody around me gets how much I like Starset when I say I like them
I like them biblically. I like them like I'm the only person alive who has ever listened to them and hence carry this trascendent message inside my soul of how great and amazing their music is. I like them like everyone else is biologically unable to process Starset's sound frequency except from me. Like if Starset was that 52Hz lonely whale and I'm the only one who recieves their sound vibrations from the other side of the ocean. Like if I myself was Starset in a past life and now I'm remembered of the words I wrote into a discography.
The first time I heard one of their songs I felt the universe shifting, the worldlines collapsing, my brain chemistry being rearranged, the course of my existence being bounded to forever feel this weird familiarity for their music without rational explanation.
- Sleep🌵
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silverraes · 10 months
okay so we all know that I am the #1 Phaya being a little shit (affectionate) enthusiast but I do think his reaction to what the doctor said was... interesting
like I get it, random strangers knowing your issues isn't cool and at this point Phaya would have no reason to believe that the doctor found out some other way, but that was one hell of a strong reaction (Phaya you can actually talk to Tharn you know, poor Tharn looked genuinely confused and concerned)
but it's also making me wonder if Phaya being a little too hotheaded might have been part of the reason why their past lives ended in tragedy
(also if we assume that the thinking face he made after eavesdropping on Tharn and Yai was because he heard them talk about Tharn's vision, then you'd think he'd come to the conclusion that Tharn would be the last person to consider him crazy because of the dreams... Phaya bby please use your brain, you're smart enough to be a special force police officer, I know there are some brain cells there)
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winryrockbellwannabe · 5 months
this guy is honestly making me question too much shit
bc there's no way in hell is just that nice, right?
at this point either: 1. he's being this nice and kind bc he has a crush on me, 2. he's honestly that nice, which will make me have a crush on him, bc omg. he's just the nicest person ever
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Okay idk if its just me but I've seen SO MUCH hate for switches here recently😭 idk if theres a joke im missing out on or??? The arguments are always the same as biphobic ones too, the whole "you cant be both, pick a side" thing
Like, yes, more often than not I prefer subbing. But that doesnt mean I dont like to dom just as much, I just have to be with someone I really like and that hasn't happened in a while. Also i just find sub posting easier and more fun than dom posting, but thats just my experience.
Idk. To all my fellow switches, you guys are the bomb. Ur hot as fuck I dont care what anyone else says. Now get over here so we can make out sloppy style and fight for dominance like a couple of dogs.
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evilkitten3 · 2 months
au where itachi actually did just Decide To Do That and tobito made up the whole story about him being ordered to bc he wanted to sic him on killer bee (and maybe snatch that yummy yummy kotoamatsukami) so when sasuke shows up at the summit and demands danzou explain himself danzou has no fucking clue what he's talking about
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