#I spent like 2 whole days on this I cannot remember the last time I spent that long on a single drawing
bunnieswithknives · 3 hours
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How much can you fit under your skin?
For @warning-heckboop's AU :3
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depresseddepot · 5 months
my cat's surgery is scheduled and the recovery will be. pretty intense
#i have to do little physical therapy exercises with him three times a day#which. fine? i can do that#but he has to be confined to a small area where he cannot run or jump for 3 whole months#and that shit is going to be ROUGH#a week? sucks but i could handle it#THREE MONTHS?? of my little boy not being able to move and having to be in a cone?#i've spent the last 6 days like. paralyzed because I'm just WAITING#waiting and watching him in pain!!!!!#first i was waiting for the vet apt now im waiting for the surgery#and after that itll be 3 months of waiting for him to recover#maybe its the looming dread of how ALL of my routines will be out the fucking window#and i have so much shit to do the next few weeks#the body must survive to care for my cat (and it will) but the mind will tap out early i think#3 months of cold compresses and warm compresses and physical therapy and 2 weeks of cone and 8 weeks of limited mobility#and i have two finals due next week that i haven't even started uwu#i mean maybe thats good?#i can work on those on my laptop sitting in his little cage maybe#:(#at least my parents are paying for the surgery. i have to remember that#i am still on track to graduate. i can still get the goddamn hell out of here eventually#but i have been so nervous for the past week i can literally feel the cortisol in my bloodstream#(thats an exaggeration i know that isnt how stress or cortisol works)#he's going to have a nakey leg. like a rotisserie chicken#oughhgh i feel the anxiety eating me like bugs!!!!!!!#the deep breathing isn't working batman. or whatever that reference is
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alotofpockets · 6 months
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Meeting again | Part 2 | Leah Williamson x Reader
Where Leah saves the day and sets up Liam's class with a visit to the Emirates.
Thank you @totaly-obsessed for letting me bounch ideas off of you for this one!
Meeting again universe | Woso masterlist | Words: 2.7k
When you check your phone after waking up, you see a text from Leah. Her name amongst your notifications instantly brings a smile to your face.
Leah: Hey, good morning! Can I pick you up at 11 for that coffee?
You text her back instantly, no longer being scared of messaging her, after you’ve spent the evening together last night. After doing some stuff around the house, you get ready, and wait for Leah to pick you up.
At the coffee shop Leah went to order for the both of you, while you found a spot to sit. You were admiring your surroundings, when Leah headed your way with two cups in hand. “No coffee for you?” Her placing a mug with hot chocolate down in front of her peaks your interest. “Oh, yeah, I don’t drink coffee.” She says with a shy smile. “Why didn’t you say so when I asked you out for coffee? We could’ve gone somewhere else!” Leah shakes her head instantly, “Don’t worry about it, I was happy with the invite to see you sooner, and this place has the best hot chocolate in town.”
You fall into conversation with Leah just as easily as you had done yesterday. With years to catch up on, there were enough topics to keep you talking. Though, even if you had fully caught up with Leah, you think you’d still find topics of conversation to get to stay talking to her.
The first time you got quiet for a moment was when Leah said, “I’ve been trying to piece together how we stopped being friends all those years ago.” Your eyes fall to your lap, it had been your fault that the two of you stopped being friends. You wish things would have been different, but then again, you would not have Liam. Liam meant the world to you. “I remember us being really close, and then some rumours spread.” Your eyes meet her nervously. You noticed a slightly hopeful look behind her eyes, as if she was never fully able to understand what happened back when you were kids. So, you took a deep breath and started talking.
“Okay, the rumour, the one where it spread around the school that I liked you, was never actually a rumour.” Leah’s blue eyes pierced into yours. “Oh?” A part of Leah felt relieved that those almost moments between the two of you growing up weren’t just in her head. “Yeah, basically I confided in Maria, one of my best friends, about my feelings for you, because they were confusing me. You know as a teenager finding out that the feelings you’re meant to be having for a boy, you are feeling for a girl.” Leah nodded in understanding. “Well, she was apparently very homophobic, and decided to tell the whole school. I stopped being friends with her instantly, and you know the rest. I got together with Ryan to get people off my back, and put distance between the two of us. I think I even convinced myself for a moment that I could be straight, but yeah that’s not me.” 
You let your eyes meet Leah’s again, there was no anger or hurt behind her eyes, just softness and understanding. “I am truly sorry about how everything played out, and if I hurt you in any way, that was never my intention.” Leah reaches for your hand on the table and gives it a soft squeeze, “You have nothing to apologise for. What Maria did is truly terrible, and I wish I could’ve been there for you at that time. All of that is in the past now though, and we cannot change it.” Her hand stays on yours. “You’re right, we can only focus on the future.” The blonde smiles and nods. “Well, that was a lot deeper than coffee would have gone, but I’m glad we were able to talk about this.” You both laugh. “I should really head back though, I have to pick up Liam from school in a bit.” 
Leah drives you back to your place, and the two of you share a hug when you arrive. “Thank you for today. We should do this again sometime.” Leah says, and you agree instantly, “Yeah, I’ll text you later?” And you did. After Liam went to bed that night, you were texting back and forth with Leah all night, until you fell asleep with the conversation still open. 
The next time you saw Leah, you and Liam watched her play on Sunday. You were rather far from the railings, but Leah found you amongst the crowd and set the both of you a wave when the match was over. 
Since Liam missed Leah for dinner the first time when he had invited her without your knowing, and it got you to reconnect with Leah, you decided to invite her over for dinner that night with the both of you. You decided to make pizza together, since you found out that alike your son, Leah’s favourite food was pizza. Leah was amazing with Liam, you admired the two of them as they were busy chatting, while decorating their pizza’s. 
While you sat down for dinner, you talked about your plans for the week like you always did with Liam, but now including Leah. You had always found it important to know what was ahead, especially since Liam was at his dad’s for half of the week. You had given Leah the honours of talking about her week first as the guest, she told you about her work schedule, and some other things she had planned for the week. Then Liam wanted you to go next, so you shared your work schedule, and your plan to spend your days off with. Liam wanted to finish off the round, he told you about his plans with Ryan, and what he knew about school. “Oh, and mom, what are you doing for the class tomorrow?” Your brows furrowed in surprise, “What do you mean, bud?” 
“It’s your turn to do the class trip tomorrow, do you not have anything planned?” Liam asks in a worried tone. “Buddy, I’m so sorry, but I don’t know anything about it being my turn.” He stood up from the table and you were instantly worried, luckily he came right back with his backpack. “Here, Miss Owens sent this out.” He hands you a letter, informing the parents of the switch in schedules, and it did indeed show you for tomorrow. “Buddy, if this is still in your backpack, I have not seen it yet.” Realisation hits him, “Oh mom, I totally forgot to give it to you. What are we going to do?” Leah, who had been quiet during the interaction spoke up, “I think I might have an idea. I know it’s not my place, but I think I can help, may I?” She looked at you for permission. “Yes, please, I do not have the right connections to take a class out for the day this last minute.” 
Leah got up, “Alright, I am going to make some calls and I will make sure you will have a great day tomorrow, I promise.” She told Liam. She headed into the other room, and started planning away. About thirty minutes later she got back into the kitchen, “Alright, everything is set for tomorrow. I will keep it a surprise though, are you both okay with me coming to class tomorrow?” Liam instantly said yes without giving it a second thought, his friends would finally believe him when he said that he knew Leah Williamson. You nod as well, “Thank you so much Lee.” Leah’s heart started beating faster at the nickname she hadn’t heard from you in such a long time. She smiled and sat back down for dessert. 
The next morning Leah was at your door bright and early. You were busy packing Liam’s lunch when she knocked on the door. “Liam, can you get the door bud?” He came walking into the kitchen pulling Leah behind him, “Mom, Leah still won’t tell me what we’re going to do.” You smiled at the scene in front of you, a frowny kid, and a smirking Leah. “Don’t look at me, Leah went out of her way to arrange this for you, so let’s allow her the one rule she set in place for this.” He let go of her arm. “Fine.” He turned to Leah, “I am grateful that you did whatever it is that you did for me, I just would really like to know what it is.” She put her hand on his shoulder, “I know kiddo, just a little longer, I promise it will be worth the wait.”
You and Leah wait outside of the classroom, while the teacher starts out the day. “Thank you again for doing this, I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” Leah shrugs, “You would’ve figured it out, you’re a great mom. I am glad I could help though, I hope the kids like it.” Leah zipped down her jacket to reveal her Arsenal jersey. “By the looks of that, I think the kids are going to love what you have in store.” Leah is about to say something back, but Miss Owens tells you the class is ready for you. 
The two of you step in, and you see the jaws of many kids in Liam’s class drop. “Hi kids, as many of you know, I am Liam’s mom. Today, I have brought someone special with me. I would like you all to meet Leah Williamson.” You introduced her to the crowd, “Hi, I’m Leah, and Liam told me you were looking forward to doing something fun with the whole class. What would you say if the Arsenal players bus was waiting just outside of the school?” The class erupted with excitement. “Would you all like to go and see?” Miss Owens calms down the class again before heading out, “Jackets please, and wait in a line outside of the classroom.”
Leah takes the lead and takes the kids to the players bus. At first they admire it from the outside, where the whole class takes a picture with Leah. Then Leah invites them to sit inside, once all the children are settled, Leah gets on the microphone and starts talking to the kids, and interacting with them. “So, who wants to go to The Emirates Stadium with me?” You couldn’t believe that Leah pulled all of this off in thirty minutes. She sat and talked with the kids, while you talked with Miss Owens. 
After a short tour, Leah guided the kids to the family and friends area of the stadium. “What do you all think of one more surprise?” The class starts cheering again, and right on queue, a group of Arsenal girls walk out. Katie McCabe, Lotte Wubben-Moy, Beth Mead, Vivianne Miedema, and Kim Little, greet the kids with waves. They all have a little meet and greet with the kids, before it is time for them to head back to school. Leah thanked the teacher, and waved bye to the teacher and the kids. Since it was already the end of the school day, and she wanted to show Liam some more behind the scenes things, she asked the teacher if it would be alright if she took the kids back on her own, with a promise of getting her some signed copies of her books for her own kids she agreed.
Liam was living his best life hanging out with his favourite players, like they were friends he had known all his life. Lotte walked up to you as you were watching him talk with the girls. “So, you and Leah go way back I hear?” You smile at her, “Yeah we do.” You and Lotte talk for a bit before she gets pulled aside. “It was nice meeting you y/n, I’ve heard a lot about you the past couple of years.” Lotte’s eyes widened when she realised what she had just said, Leah had just walked up to you, and her cheeks turned red instantly. “Sorry.” Lotte said before quickly walking back to the rest of the girls, and whispering something into Katie’s ear. The latter turns to you, “Mind if we show Liam around some more?” You shake your head and return your attention back to Leah.
“So, you’ve been talking about me for years, have you?” You didn’t think it was possible, but her cheeks turned even redder. While Leah was nervous, she felt like it was now or never. “I mean can you blame me? You are pretty hard to forget.” You’re the one with blushing cheeks now. Leah’s words hang in the air, and you feel a warmth spread in your chest. The way she spoke those words, makes you feel like maybe, she has felt the same way all along. 
“The feeling is mutual,” You reply after taking a moment. A small smile tugs at the corners of your lips. “I mean how could I forget the girl that was always able to bring a smile to my face, even on my worst days? I think I already proved that though, by coming to most of your matches.” You both laugh at the last comment. “I’ve missed this.” Leah reaches for your hand out of instinct, “You laugh, your smile, and just having you around.” 
Your heart is beating a million miles an hour, by the way she was looking at you right now. In that moment, when her ocean blue eyes stare lovingly into yours, you realise that perhaps the rumours, the misunderstandings, and the years apart were merely obstacles on the path to this moment right here. “I’ve missed you too, Lee. Remember when the other day we said that we can only focus on the future?” Leah nods, and rubs her thumb gently over the back of your hand. “I hope you’re a part of that future.” You nervously look up at her again. 
Leah gave your hand a soft squeeze, “I hope so too.” Her smile grows bigger as she continues, “I’ve thought about what could have been with us so many times, but right now, all I want is to be here with you, and see where time leads us.” Your smile grows just as big as hers is, Leah had felt the same way about you all of this time. “Would it be inappropriate to kiss you at your place of work?” Leah pulled you closer by the hand she was holding, and moved her other hand to your cheek, gently moving her finger over the soft skin there. “I am not working currently, so I think that should be alright.” She leans in the rest of the way, and after all these years of will they won’t they, and what could’ve been, you finally felt her soft lips on yours. 
A loud “Ahem” pulls you away from the blonde. You turn around and find Liam, Katie, and Lotte looking back at the two of you. Before you can say anything Liam turns to Katie and Lotte with a proud smile on his face, “I told you they would get together sometime soon!” Katie high fived him while you laughed, of course Liam had talked about your love life with the two people that were probably sharing Leah’s right back. Leah put her arm around your shoulder, and walked towards the group. “Who’s ready for some dinner?” Liam hugs you from your other side. “Mom, this has been the best day ever, can we please make it even better with McDonald’s for dinner?” You look around the group of girls left over to see if they’d be down too, when you get three nods, you look back to Liam. “Let’s do it.”
As you walk out of the stadium with Liam’s hand in your left, and Leah’s hand in your right, you couldn’t be more happy. 
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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theyrealllesbians · 2 months
Regulus was manically pacing around his room, playing with the cord at the base of the phone.
"What do you mean there's another one?" He asked in an exasperated tone, rubbing the bridge of his nose to try and fight the annoyed headache he could feel brewing.
"Another wedding invitation has just come for you, from Emmaline Vance? Wait was she the one who was obsessed with Peter and would try to dance with him at every party for like a year?" Sirius said, getting progressively louder and more excited as he carried on.
"Yes." Regulus bit out. He really could not be bothered to go to another wedding. Why did everyone want to get married all of a sudden, it's only been a couple, wait no 7 years, since he left high school. God, how had it been 7 years already? "Surely I don't have to go. I can just RSVP back saying 'thanks, but no thanks' that'll work right?"
Regulus didn't even really understand why he was getting so many invitations. He'd had 5 wedding invites so far, 2 baby showers which he was not going to and 2 reunion dinners. Of course his own brother's wedding invitation was not included in this list of grievances. He's never dare complain about having to watch the happiest day of Sirius's life. Even just hearing him and Remus try and sort out the last few details made his heart warm in a way that he would never dare admit to.
"Come on, you have to!" Sirius exclaimed. "Everyone will want to see you. Besides all of us," 'us' being Sirius, Remus, James, Peter, Lily, Mary, Marlene and Dorcas, "are going and I refuse to spend another evening answering a million questions about you when you could just get over yourself and come!!!!"
Sirius was referring to the last high school reunion that happened 2 years ago that he had refused to go to. Apparently, Sirius spent the whole night getting asked about Regulus's whereabouts and what he was doing, if it was true that he had refused to work in the family business, whether he was gay and if so, was he single?
"Ugh," he groaned, "if I do go, and that's an if! I'll need a date. Where am I supposed to get a date on such short notice." Regulus's head was now beginning to ache as it had threatened to do so at the thought of having to sit through a wedding with someone he barely knew just to show that he wasn't alone and that he was doing well for himself.
"I don't know, do I? I mean you don't have to have a date." Sirius suggested, speaking through a mouth of some form of food.
"I do though don't I, otherwise I'll just get pitying looks the entire night. Or worse, people coming up to me trying to ask me out." He shivered at the thought.
Sirius choked a little, "That's a bit cocky don't you think?"
"No I don't think it is actually, not after I had Gideon touching my knee last month asking if I'd 'be interested in a night to remember', I cannot do that again. I just can't," he whined. He may as well have stomped his feet to go along with the toddler type tantrum he was getting close to. But Regulus did not care, he was being entirely serious when he said he could not do it again.
"Fine then, go with Barty?" Sirius suggested.
"Can't he's already going with Evan." Regulus responded, damning them both because it wouldn't be a half bad idea.
"Act as if you're in a throuple, you could pull it off." Sirius teased.
"Sirius" Regulus whined again, he needed real solutions.
"Doesn't really work now that everyone knows I'm gay." Regulus was getting tired now, why did he call his brother again? Oh right he didn't, Sirius called him because Regulus is currently on a work trip and Sirius is watering his plants and clearly snooping through his post.
"Well, I don't have any other ideas. This is why you need more friends." Sirius said matter of factly.
"To have as back up wedding guests?"
"Yes, that's what we do all the time. I don't actually think that anyone really knows who is with who. Oh, you could go with James. I don't think he was planning to go with anyone."
"Yeah, pass." He would not go with James Potter. Not for any particular reason, he just couldn't.
"Right well, I can't help you"
"Apparently so. I'm gonna go" Regulus just needed to lie down and think about what he was gonna do. He still had a month to figure it all out.
"Alright, see you soon, call me if you need anything else." Sirius said, trying to maintain his 'helpful' older brother personality that he had built.
"Yep will do, bye." Regulus hung up.
He really hated wedding season.
Just had this idea, it will be Jegulus. Kinda fake dating/ friends to lovers type deal. I'm actually pretty excited to start writing it and have quite a few ideas already.
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h00nerz · 1 year
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masterlist | 1k celebration
pairing: kang taehyun x gn!reader (slight park sunghoon x gn!reader)
genre: angst, fluff, college au, sort of academic rivals to lovers, tsundere!taehyun, jealous!taehyun
word count: 2.2k
warnings: none afaik, just taehyun being possessive
prompt(s): #33 — “i can’t pretend anymore.”, #34 — “you’re all i can think about”, #35 — “i am so very in love with you”, #36 — “it’s you. it’s always been you.” & #37 — “i cannot stand you, and yet, i cannot fathom being away from you.”
requested: “okok i wanna send in a request bcs this kind of drabble has been living in my brain and idk if anyone wrote smth like it before but anyway!! lines 33 through 37 would lowk be so good for a jealoustsundre!taehyun where he acts like he fr despises you, but he like overhears u talking abt going on a lil date he gets so upset and mad 🤭🤭 i lowk got this idea from that one video i dont remember where but taehyun held a drink and was talking to the camera and said like " got this for you but that doesnt mean i like you or anything" HES SO 🙏🙏” — anon
authors note: omg heyyy my first time writing for tyun i am so excited!! enemies 2 lovers again bc… yeah. anyways enjoy~~
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SO FAR, YOUR JUNIOR YEAR OF UNIVERSITY was proving to be the worst year of your life. You were finally starting to take classes more specific to your major, which meant things were starting to become a lot more serious. You didn’t have time to work anymore, and even though you had spent the whole summer leading up to the start of the semester working two jobs to have enough money for tuition, you were still barely managing to scrape by. 
Worst of all, though, was Kang Taehyun. 
Kang Taehyun was the bane of your existence. You had first met as freshmen at your university, in the same philosophy course, and you had immediately despised him--or rather, he despised you, and your hatred was just reactionary. It didn’t really matter, though, all that mattered was that he was a menace that made your life ten times harder than it needed to be. 
After that semester, you thought you’d never have to see him again. But, of course, fate had different plans for you. It turned out, Taehyun was pursuing the same major as you, which put you in multiple of the same classes by the time your junior year rolled around. By that point, it had been nearly two years since your last encounter, so you’d hoped he’d grown just a little bit since then. But, of course, he hadn’t.
Kang Taehyun had a vendetta against you that he wasn’t quite ready to let go of. 
Your last class of the day had finally let out, which meant it was time for you to head to the library. The night before, you had stayed up late pulling an all-nighter, and you really were not looking forward to another afternoon filled with studying, but if you wanted to make this deadline, you had no choice. 
With a sigh, you stood up from your seat, and were overcome with dread when you recognized a head of pink hair approaching you. “Not today, Taehyun. I am not in the mood.” You grumbled as you stuffed your laptop into your backpack, purposefully making sure not to even glance in his direction. 
“Yeah, obviously. You have a late night or something? It looked like you could barely stay awake the whole lecture.” He laughed at you, and now you finally looked over at him with narrowed eyes. “Jesus! You look like you just stepped off the set of The Walking Dead!” He exclaimed. 
Horror overcame you, as you realized just how bad your dark circles probably looked. “Shut up! I don’t look that bad!” You snapped at him, zipping your backpack shut so aggressively the zipper nearly broke off. “Even if I did, though, this is the face of someone who’s about to get an A on our midterm paper. So, ha.” 
Taehyun rolled his eyes, trailing after you as you exited the lecture hall. “Please. When I got Kai to review my paper, he said it, and I quote, ‘brought tears to his eyes’. It was that good. And I don’t look half as shitty as you do.” 
He was right. He didn’t look shitty at all. In fact, that was the most infuriating thing about Kang Taehyun. Even though he had shown time and time again that he had an ugly personality, his physical appearance was the opposite. Everything about Taehyun was perfect. His recently dyed hair, that was so fluffy atop his head it was reminiscent of cotton candy. His dark brown eyes that were simultaneously adorable as well as mysterious and inviting. You knew he worked out, he talked about it all the time, and it really showed. You hated him for being such a repulsive human inside of such an attractive body that must have been crafted by the gods themselves. 
“Probably because staring at his laptop screen and trying to decipher whatever bullshit you were spewing dried out his eyes.” You suggested. As you walked, you felt a yawn bubbling in the back of your throat, and as hard as you tried to suppress it, you were unsuccessful. 
“How late did you stay up last night? Really?” Taehyun asked, raising an eyebrow at you. For a brief second, you thought you saw a flash of something different, a flash of something human in his pretty brown eyes… But, you shook your head, positive that you had been imagining it, and sure enough, it disappeared.
“That’s none of your business.” You were quick to snap, quickening your pace in hopes of getting away from him. Instead, though, you ran straight into someone else, and knocked a couple of textbooks they were carrying onto the ground. 
“Oh no! I’m so sorry!” You immediately started apologizing, bending your knees so you could start to pick up the books. When you glanced forward, you felt your cheeks redden as you realized you had bumped into the Park Sunghoon, and the Park Sunghoon was looking at you with wide eyes. 
Park Sunghoon was, like, the star of your campus. He was the captain of the school’s extremely famous ice hockey team, which made him basically a celebrity on your campus. That combined with the fact that he had a face only someone blessed by Aphrodite herself could wield. So, for that perfect face to be just inches from your own right now has your stomach doing somersaults. 
“Oh. Hi, Y/N.” Sunghoon greeted you, and as the two of you finally stood, you blinked at him. 
“You—how—my name?” You stuttered out, staring at him like a deer caught in headlights. 
He furrowed his eyebrows together. “We had a class together last year, remember? You always sat in the row in front of me.” 
You slowly nodded. “Oh. Yeah. I’m surprised you remember that.” 
“How could I forget? You know, I always thought you were really pretty, Y/N.” He smiled at you, revealing his fang-like teeth, and you swore your heart stopped. 
There was loud coughing behind you, and when you glanced over your shoulder you were surprised to see Taehyun was still standing there. He was watching your interaction with Sunghoon with narrowed eyes, like he was contemplating murdering the ice hockey captain. You wondered if they had some kind of rivalry with one another, or maybe he was just irritated by him for the same reason he was irritated by you: just because.
You jerked your head to the side, trying to gesture for him to get out of there, but he stood in his place and looked as though he had no intentions of leaving. 
Deciding to ignore him, you looked back to Sunghoon, and flashed him a shy smile. “Really? You do?” You asked, batting your eyelashes at him. 
He nodded. “Yeah, really. Um, I’ve gotta go, but if you wanna get coffee sometime…” His voice trailed off, as he pulled a marker out of his backpack. You thought your heart was going to literally beat out of your chest when he uncapped the marker and started writing on your wrist. “There’s my number.” He grinned at you, and you watched in awe as he backed up and walked away. 
Once he was out of earshot, you turned around to face Taehyun, a big smirk befalling your lips. “I guess Park Sunghoon is into The Walking Dead!” You announced triumphantly, like you had just beat him in a game of sorts. 
He didn’t react, though, still wearing the same, ticked off expression from earlier. 
“What? What’s your problem?” You furrowed your eyebrows, and suddenly he snatched up the same wrist Sunghoon had just written on. “Hey! What the hell?”
“I need to talk to you.” He said in a low voice. 
“Then let go of me and let’s talk!” You hissed, trying to break free of his grip, but he wouldn’t let go.
He shook his head. “Not here. Follow me.” Unfortunately, he didn’t give you much of a choice, as he started dragging you through the great big hallway of bustling students. Eventually, he found an empty classroom and pulled you inside, shutting the door behind the both of you.
Finally, he let go of you, and you immediately stepped away from him, reaching up to rub your sore wrist. “What the hell was that, Taehyun?!” You demanded, practically spitting in his face. 
“I told you. I need to talk to you.” He repeated himself.
You rolled your eyes. “So then talk! I have places to be, I don’t have time for this!”
“Oh, like coffee with Park Sunghoon?” He spat, his voice laced with venom. 
“Maybe! Doesn’t matter, because who I hang out with is none of your business!” You jabbed a finger, and he once again caught hold of your wrist, holding you in place. 
“Listen to me, Y/N. I’m only going to say this once.” He warned you, and although you wanted so badly to fight him and get out of that stupid classroom, you were also desperate to hear what he had to say. He let out what sounded like a sigh of defeat, and he hung his head loose in front of you. He mumbled something unintelligible, and you raised an eyebrow. 
“What did you say?”
“I said I can’t pretend anymore!” He exclaimed, and the sudden outburst caught you off guard as you took a step back. 
“What do you mean…?” You asked quietly, but there was a small part of you who knew the answer to your own question already. 
He let go of your wrist, reaching up to run a hand through his strawberry colored hair. “You know, Y/N… I can’t stand you. And yet…”
“I can’t… I can’t fathom being away from you.” His pretty brown eyes finally gazed up to meet your own, and you realized his face had become almost as pink as his hair. Your own cheeks started to heat up at the sudden confession. “Ever since our first class together, you’re all I can think about. Y/N…”
He took a step closer, and you didn’t know why you didn’t back away. Instead you stood still, allowing him to gently take your hands into his own. “As much as it pains me to admit it… I am so very in love with you.” 
You blinked at him. “Y-You are?” You whispered, and he nodded. Kang Taehyun, the pretty boy who had been tormenting you in your classes, who you swore you hated, was in love with you?! It sounded made up. And yet… It made a lot of things start to make sense. 
“Which is why you can’t go out with some idiot like Park Sunghoon.” He pressed.
You frowned. “He’s not an idiot!” You snapped at him, finally gaining the sense to pull your hands from his. “And--And you can’t just spring this confession onto me! You’re probably just trying to distract me because midterms are happening, and--and you want to be the top of the class!”
He rolled his eyes. “No, Y/N, I don’t--”
“Yeah! And you’re just going to--to pretend you love me, and then get me to realize my own feelings, and then right when I start to fall for you, you’ll rip my heart out of my chest, and--” 
Before you could finish your ramblings, Taehyun was cupping your face and connecting his lips to your own. You let out a soft gasp in surprise, frozen for a moment, because Kang freaking Taehyun was kissing you. This was absolutely not what was supposed to happen! But… Something about it felt so right. It was like your body had a mind of its own as you relaxed under his touch, kissing him back with as much passion as he had offered you. 
He pushed you forward until you stumbled back onto one of the desks set up in the classroom, and you gasped again when his hands slid under your thighs to lift you up onto it. Your fingers laced themselves in his pink hair, which was surprisingly soft for having been recently dyed. He was kissing you hungrily, like you were his first meal in days, and he couldn’t get enough of you. 
He was kissing you like he was in love with you. 
After what felt like an eternity, he was forced to pull away from the kiss to catch his breath, and you found yourself chasing after his lips. He smiled down at you, and you felt his fingers brush against your cheek as he gently tucked a loose strand of your hair away. 
“I’m not lying to you, Y/N. This isn’t some cruel trick to make you fail. It’s you. It’s always been  you.” 
You smiled. “You really mean it?” He nodded. “Hmm… I’m not sure I believe you… I think I’m going to give Sunghoon a call…” You lifted your wrist to look at the numbers, unsurprised to see the ink had smeared after Taehyun dragged you into the room.
The color drained from his face. “What? Are you serious? I confess my love, and--and you’re going to call Sunghoon?!” He stared at you in disbelief. 
You tried your best to keep a poker face, but were unable to fight back the laughter for very long. “I’m joking, idiot! Holy shit, you should have seen your face!” You began to cackle loudly, but Taehyun was quick to shut you up with another kiss. 
Maybe the rest of the year wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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permanent tag list: @jakeshands @therealhyunjingf @exohclipse @ttyunz @naveries @mazeinthemoon @luvsoobs @n0-thisispatrick @arizzu @dewyboi @yeonboy
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Walkered (1): Frustration
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Summary: You’re getting on is nerves. Right?
Pairing: August Walker x fem!Reader
Warnings: grumpy August, sub/dom undertones, implied mentions of subspace
A/N: This is the first part of my sub/dom drabble collection with Dom!August Walker.
Walkered masterlist
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“You think you’re funny, huh?” He growls in your direction.
You don’t know what you did to deserve August’s wrath today, but that’s all you get from him. A cold glare in your direction, and snarl as you don’t give him a reaction.
“No. I think I’m cute,” you give him your sweetest smile and bat your eyelashes. If you want to survive in this world, especially at your working place, you cannot let a man walk all over you.
He releases a frustrated huff. Most of the women he met in his life would’ve cried when he barks at them.
But you. You are a whole new level of frustration to him. “You’re neither cute nor funny. Do you think it’s funny to mess with my report?”
You bend down to open the drawer of your rolling file cabinet to get a lollipop from your secret stash. If you must face August Walker today, you’ll not do it without something sweet to make him more bearable.
He’s the epitome of a grumpy bear with an attitude.
You sit back up, looking around your small cubicle to calm your nerves. There’s a fake sunflower next to a unicorn plushie. You smile as you remember the day you got it.
“Did you even listen?” He grunts and snaps his fingers in front of your face. August steps into your personal space to stare down at you. “Where is my report?”
“It’s not my job to take care of your reports, Sir.” You dare not to tell August what's on your mind. He’s fucking tall and beefy and the way he squares his jaw makes you whimper.
He dips his head to look at all the knick-knacks on your desk. “What’s all of this?” He asks. “Plushies, toys…sweets.” August nods thoughtfully. “Do you like surrounding yourself with fluffy things, princess?”
You swallow thickly.
His hand. That large paw is suddenly on your face, and it’s surprisingly gentle and warm. Your eyes flutter shut as you bask in his warmth.
“Hmm…you don’t belong here.” He murmurs. “You hate this job, and you’re not good at it. I see the way you dreamily look out of the window.”
Usually, you would protest, but his hand is so warm, and you feel yourself drifting away. “What is it that you want, princess?” His breath fans over your face, making you whine.
“Hmm…” you’re so sleepy and just want to curl into a ball on your bed, wrapped in a warm blanket. “Warm.”
He chuckles at your reaction. August never took his time to get to know more about you. Now he found your weak spot. You’re a natural sub and love giving up control.
“You want to be safe and warm, huh?” He furrows his brows. It’s been a long time since he found a natural sub. Most of the girls he spent his time with lately wanted to try new things to spice up their sex life.
They never lasted long. Not with a dominant man like August. “How about I take you home tonight? We could talk about my report too.”
“Hmm…Julie took care of it,” you murmur, afraid to be any louder. “I don’t know what happened to it.”
“Good girl,” he lowers himself to whisper in your ear. “I want you to get off work earlier today. Meet me at the garage. We have a lot of things to discuss.”
You blink your eyes open the moment he takes his hand off your cheek.
“I—” you don’t know how to react, or what to say. August was nothing but vile towards you, and now he made you feel things you haven’t felt in a long time. “I can’t. You’re so mean.”
“No when it comes to my girl,” he brushes his lips over your forehead. “If only I knew you’re looking for someone like me to take care of you.”
Walkered (2): Revelation
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punemy-spotted · 1 year
A Worthy Grave - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - The Dead Become the Emperors of Memory
Pairing: Federal Agent!Ari Levinson x Witch!Reader
Masterlist; Chapter 1; Chapter 2
Pairing: Federal Agent!Ari Levinson x Witch!Reader
Warnings: THIS IS STILL A HORROR FIC; A Whole Lot of Body Horror; Blood and Gore; Harm to an Animal; Gruesome Murder; Religious Iconography; Straight up Heresy; Christ Imagery; Gruesome Descriptions of Organs; Ghosts; Ghouls; Violence Against Women; Discussion of Grief; Witchcraft; Blood; I Cannot Articulate Enough That This is a HORROR Fic; Dead Dove: Do Not Eat; Seriously so so dead, HEED THE WARNINGS
Chapter Summary: Death was not supposed to visit you in the one place you spent your day speakin’ for it, carvin’ answers out of flesh and bone.
Notes: So yes it took me 84 years to update and I'm SORRY. Please take this update as an apology. (also yes this was on Ao3 ages ago… depression’s a bitch, y’all.)
I cannot emphasize enough that this is a horror fic so things are going to get gory going forward. PLEASE read at your own discretion, I'm begging you.
As always, I crave feedback so please let me know your thoughts! Have questions about the lore? Let me know about those too! As a reminder, reblogging fics supports authors so please let me know you want more by liking AND reblogging!
All of my work is 18+ Only, Minors DO NOT INTERACT. I do not consent to my work being posted anywhere besides Tumblr or Ao3 and I post my work there myself. Do not copy, translate, or repost any of my content.
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The next morning comes with lab results and Ari Levinson bringing you coffee, bright and early.
Good coffee, too, which you note with amusement the moment you take a sip, You convince Janice to upgrade the beans?
Pretty sure she’d tell me asking wasn’t even on the budget. I went to Jed’s.
You go to his restaurant or his house?
You’re teasing him — which you’ll admit is new for you, especially with Ari fuckin’ Levinson standin’ in front of you, sipping coffee and enjoying one of Jed’s famous breakfast sandwhiches — but considerin’ your couch an’ the fact that he slept on it night before last, it’s not like you’re unjustified, is it? A fact which he, to his credit, takes in stride, taking a smug sip of coffee — if such a thing were possible, it would be Levinson to pull it off — and shrugging, Showin’ up unannounced at the ass-crack of dawn’s a privilege I reserve for you, Doc.
You roll your eyes, hide your smile behind the lip of your coffee cup, Just cuz you spent the night on my couch don’t mean I’m gonna be any nicer to you, Levinson.
Shit, Doc, you start bein’ nice to me and I might swoon here and now.
You’d refuse to admit it if he or anyone else asked you to, but that makes you laugh, hidden behind a huff that could be annoyance or amusement, Hope you ain’t expectin’ me to catch you, Levinson.
I learned my lesson last time the Chief tried makin’ us do trust exercises.
Not my fault you didn’t warn me.
He shrugs, you roll your eyes, turning back to the computer as it dings with a message for you to review, You better have ordered me a sandwich too, or I’m bannin’ you from my biscuits for the foreseeable future.
That’s for you to find out in the lunchroom, Doc.
Where the hell’s your apple butter?
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In a twist of fate you will not be thankin’ anyone for — least of all Ari Levinson — there is a sandwich waiting for you in the breakroom fridge, labeled and everythin’. You pop it into the toaster oven like you always do with Jed’s takeaway, pouring yourself a glass of sweet tea and taking the time you deserve for yourself an’ your lunch break, having taken great care to make sure there’s not an ounce of paperwork or results to review while you sip tea an’ enjoy a meal to the sound of blessed silence.
Most of the office would be done with their lunches by now, or eatin’ at their desks to avoid traffic in the break room. ‘Course, with your lab, the idea of eatin’ a meal with a frozen corpse in the next room waitin’ for you to finish rummagin’ around in its guts did not whet the appetite.
Least the break room don’t smell like formaldehyde all the time.
So you take your vigil here, disappearing into your thoughts and the quiet joy of pastrami on rye.
Until Ari Levinson, like a bloodhound sensin’ the exact moment you find silence in your life and choosin’ to hunt it down, comes strollin’ in, See you found the sandwich, Doc.
You might’ve been grateful you’d already finished your meal, just sippin’ tea by the time he came by, but you’re already missin’ silence and there’s a good fifteen minutes left before you need to clock back in an’ pretend you’re comfortable ‘round grieving parents, so you’d thank him to forgive you for lookin’ like he made you swallow a lemon. Whole. You bribin’ me with a sandwich to keep talkin’ to you, Levinson?
Is it working?
You open your mouth, poised to continue the time-honored tradition of tradin’ barbs with him, sarcastic quip ready to fly from your tongue, when you see her. Standin’ there in all her spectral glory, mouth open wide in a static scream of horror an’ fury, a livid necklace of purple bruises blooming around her throat, hollow eyes trained on you.
And Ari Levinson, goddamn him and his goddamn training, notices. Notices. Watches you. Makes silent note of how your mouth snaps shut, how your lips fold into a grim line and follows the trajectory of your gaze with a turn of his head, watchin’ the hallway behind him.
Hey Doc, he calls back to you, voice as level as he can probably manage it.
Yeah? You make a valiant effort at doing the same, refusin’ to take your eyes off the specter once known as Jane Doe #117.
I’m assuming you see her?
Sure do, Levinson.
There’s a pause, a moment, Ari’s hands slowly reaching for the gun at his holster and you slowly reaching a hand out to stop him, ears ringing as you try to make sense of the radio static pouring from that endless scream, your daddy’s lessons servin’ you well. Run.
A beat.
Then—Levinson, I need you to get security over to the lab.
The look he fires back at you is pure confusion, hand still poised over his gun and you know in your bones the only reason Jane Doe #117 hasn’t moved is cuz you’ve got eyes on her right now.
Bad deaths. The humanity is rotting out of her by the second, an’ no amount of cornbread offerings an’ promises to do our best are gonna keep her from lashin’ out at the humanity she’s lost, not ‘til the person who took it from her is found and named. Named for her to haunt until they too, turn to rot.
But you don’t got time to think about that right now, not when Ari’s already arguing with you ‘bout leavin’ you alone with an eyeless, bloodless, ghost. Or haint, you ain’t sure what he’ll call it—Doc, I know—
I know I didn’t stutter, Levinson. Security. Lab. Now.
It’s already too late.
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Jon Doe #43 is less pleasant lookin’ than the girl whose ID he had hidden inside his flayed jaw — the girl whose radio static warning is still ringing in your ears as you take in the sight of him now, lookin’ leagues worse than he did the first time he showed up on your doorstep… two nights ago.
How quickly things move.
Ari swears low under his breath behind you, both of you frozen in place and trying to make sense of the tableau before you, the sight of a dead man strung up against the wall, arms outstretched and a crown of broken scalpels forced into the exposed bone of his scalp, head hanging low as if looking down at the figure kneeling at his bloody, skinless feet.
Is that…?
It is.
Something sick rises in your gut as you take a look at the blood-bathed figure kneelin’ before the corpse you know she’d been busy trynna put back together into somethin’ buryable, her gloved hands bound into some bastardization of penitent prayer by a line of what you’re pretty sure is John Doe #47’s own large intestine, havin’ been cleaned out after another one of your techs “recovered” it from the tupperware container it’d been found in when the whole mess’d been discovered.
You can’t see her face — part cuz she’s turned away from you, lookin’ up at that flayed Christ, an’ part cuz of the horned thing resting on her shoulders, a shape you wish you didn’t recognize as you take in the sight of cream-white fur stained with drippin’ viscera — but you suspect you know exactly what kinda expression she’s wearin’ underneath that “mask” forced over her.
Blood for blood.
You made a life of it, death. Cornbread offerin’s like your momma taught you the first time you met one of the wailin’ spirits of the woods ‘round your home, let ‘em gorge themselves on the vitality of food the same way a livin’ bein’ might fuel themselves with the actual thing. Tried to make sense of the static the way your daddy would when he stepped off the pulpit and into the graveyard behind your family home, always hissing warnings to the bein’s beyond to keep away from his family.
You made a life of it.
But just like the mountains, the ones meant to keep you safe if you kept ‘em safe, death was supposed to stay way the hell away from you, was supposed to keep its scythe off you an’ yours until they were good an’ ready to travel through that big black door. That was the promise written all over that big ol’ family Bible you spent  your childhood copyin’ so you’d be ready for the world outside your homemade Eden, the one you wielded like shield an’ sword against any manner of haint unwillin’ to recognize the darkness in your own blood.
Death was not supposed to visit you in the one place you spent your day speakin’ for it, carvin’ answers out of flesh and bone, woe to you who rend the flesh.
Your lab is now an active crime scene, casting you out to make your calls to next of kin — you know them, you’ve met her husband ‘bout a half-dozen times this past month alone, bringin’ her lunch when her scatterbrain forgot it, got used  to seein’ him lingerin’ sheepishly in the doorway and then hollerin’ for her to come out front an’ give her beau a kiss — and try to get used to sayin’ her name in conjunction with, There’s been… an incident.
You’re no grief counselor.
There’s no training for this, but it ain’t right. It ain’t right for someone who ain’t family to call hers, someone who don’t remember laughin’ at her gettin’ giddy over stomach contents. Someone who don’t understand what it’s like to miss the sound of her hummin’ some pop song you ain’t even heard of—
You holdin’ up alright, Doc?
Ari Levinson makes you jump for the second time in as many days, office phone clatterin’ from your hand as you spin ‘round and try not to let your heart beat out your chest, still too busy overthinkin’ to manage a glare, I’ll be fine. You get the security footage from the lab?
Yeah. Got a couple computer guys on it now, trying to figure out what happened.
Well, you sigh, rubbin’ the bridge of your nose as you lean against a metal countertop, We better hope we find out soon enough, cuz I’m ‘bout three seconds from shakin’ this whole goddamn buildin’ apart lookin’ for someone to pin this shit on.
Ari nods, mouth pressed into a thin line as the silence ‘tween you stretches out, eyes wanderin’ over to the closed-off lab, sanctuary swarmin’ with corpse beetles mournin’ the loss of one of their own as they try an’ find out whodunnit.
You know they won’t, ‘course, but it’s enough to let ‘em try.
You’d never admit it, of course — an’ maybe you’d almost forgotten it by now, those childhood truths givin’ way to the kinda truths you needed to keep your callin’ here in these mountains — but it used to terrify you. An’ why wouldn’t it, all ‘em screamin’ mouths an’ radio-static pleas beggin’ you to make sense of the injustices of the world they’d been cut right out of?
Too much, too much pain, too much horror, too much for a girl of tender years to tolerate hearin’, much less repeatin’ to those still grieving.
Problem with the dead is, well, they’re selfish. Don’t care if you’re barely old enough to understand the meaning of death, still meant to be shielded from those things that should long have left this plane of existence an’ passed through that big black door.
Ari Levinson don’t know none of that terror though, don’t know much more’n what you jammed into his head after blowin’ away another one of your ghosts, but he means well. Stands a little to close behind you like he could just peer ‘round an’ see the way your lips twitch as you swallow down blood an’ bile, holdin’ back the shadows of your daddy’s own temper.
You gonna be alright, Doc?
Ah shit.
You’d rather chew glass than tell him you prolly won’t be, tell him you just lost a girl you loved like your own blood, tell him you got cocky and now the very community you called your home was in danger cuz of it.
But there he is, standing in front of you like a fuckin’ sentinel while he waits for you to give him something back. Assurance, more likely, but as much as you’re used to tellin’ lies an’ keepin’ secrets, there are some falsehoods even yoou can’t keep.
Sure, you finally answer, trying to sound convincing and feeling the hollowness bitter itself on your tongue, I’ll live. Gimme a few hours an’ I’ll have somethin’ to say for her.
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a-non-ymouswriter · 10 months
Alright, let's talk Rewind (or my MCYT fics)
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i think it's time to finally talk about rewind/remix.
or generally, just my mcyt fics in general.
it's been a while since i updated any of them and trust me, i am very much FILLED WITH GUILT over not updating or continuing them- problem is; i just don't have any motivation in them at the moment. my interest and motivation for them have waned, wilted and withered. the three unfortunate ws that arent wins.
i dont want to say i abandoned them, i hate the thought of abandoning ANY STORY and i like the thought of getting back to them at some point. maybe my motivation will come back, it has in the past and that's a great hope to have.
however i am aware that these stories have been gathering dust and it's possible that motivation will never come back and i hate that.
i know partially why i'm no longer interested? partially- it mainly started with techno's death. it just didn't feel the same anymore now that cc!techno was gone, but if things went differently then maybe i could've continued just as normal. but i'm pretty sure my motivation took a great hit when techno died.
another great hit to my motivation is the whole... thing with cc!dream??? WHICH I WILL NEVER EVEN POKE ABOUT, YOU CANNOT MAKE ME, I WILL IGNORE EVERY ATTEMPT. it felt weird writing about c!dream even though i should REALLY be able to separate the two, cc!s are different from fictional c!s and all that but for some reason i just don't feel too comfy writing him right now.
and since my main series of rewind and remix is MAINLY RELATED TO DREAM- you can see my problem here.
the dream smp is done, over, there is no season 2 and my interest in this fandom is only tethered by the occasional fanfic that i stumble upon and the numerous fanarts that come and go. that interest isn't enough to motivate my writing.
a funny thought though, is that i think i spent a LOT of motivation and kind of burnt myself out in the future back when i was DAILY UPDATING REWIND- like i don't know if you readers remember but i was updating DAILY on rewind. every day, FOR ALMOST A MONTH- something that might never happen again really and i'm still kind of proud of that.
but i'm pretty sure it was very unhealthy of me to do daily updates the way i did- it took A POWER OUTAGE to make me stop doing daily updates and i remember STRESSING OVER NOT UPDATING while the power was out. so yeah, i'm pretty sure i set myself up for failure there XD
but i'm so glad that i was able to at least finish rewind. my very first story that i completed. unfortunately i'm not too confident about finishing the rest of the series (and some other fics).
a friend of mine actually suggested something that i've been thinking about from time to time; i give you guys the outline of what COULD have happened. what i was planning on writing and then completing my works.
it sounds like a good idea but i didn't want to let you guys down in just, giving up like that. but nowadays, it sounds like a better and better alternative than to just wait for my motivation and interest to come back. it's almost been a year already for wishes and family, and remix, i managed to update stream labs a few months ago so that's hopeful but the others...
okay, i'm going to give YOU GUYS the choice here. i'll tell the ao3 readers about it as an important update author's note, but im going to make a poll about this choice soon and i'll even pin it on my tumblr.
it'll last- maybe two weeks? but yeah, it's the least i can do to see what you guys want.
EDIT: polls apparently only last a week, so it'll be up a week.
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gellavonhamster · 4 months
13 books meme
Tagged by @littlestsnicket (thank you ❤)
1) The Last book I read: One Piece Novel Heroines by Jun Esaka, which I've already been posting about enough not to elaborate here
2) A book I recommend: can I copy your homework plagiarize the answer to this from the person who tagged me? Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke. I know a lot of people find it too long or just not their cup of tea, but it's one of my all-time favourites, one of those books that feel like they were written for me specifically, and I cannot help recommending it to others :)
3) A book that I couldn’t put down: I remember reading TFOTA #2 and #3 (The Wicked King and The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black) in a single day. I was feeling unwell, and it was cold outside anyway, so I just spent most of the day reading in bed. I recall being surprised by how engrossed I was - the first book of this series didn't grow on me until well into its second half.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more): I have this sideblog on Twitter where I post a quote from Dracula per day (yes, manually, I don't know how to make bots lol). I just move down the text and skim it and pick sentences that catch my eye, and when I reach the end, I start from the beginning again. So, in a way, I am constantly in the process of rereading Dracula
5) A book on my TBR: Chrétien de Troyes' Perceval and a bunch of its continuations, Lolly Willowes by Sylvia Townsend Warner
6) A book I’ve put down: the thing is, if I don't really enjoy a book but still can find a good thing or two about it, I will keep reading and hoping it will improve eventually, and if I don't enjoy a book at all, I forget about it as soon as I put it down. Out of sight, out of mind - unless I particularly hate it. When I try to think of any books of the latter kind, the first to come to my mind usually is A Discovery of Witches. I found the worldbuilding really interesting, but damn, the protagonists were so annoying that I wasn't going to struggle through that brick of a book for it.
7) A book on my wish list: I need to get a copy of The Bad Beginning, The Wide Window, and The Hostile Hospital, and then I'll have the entire ASOUE collected! Would also love to get any other Snicketverse books; I only have Poison for Breakfast - bought it literally last weekend. I could buy them online, of course, but: 1) I prefer to avoid online shopping if there is realistic possibility for me to come across that item offline; 2) accidentally stumbling onto these books in bookshops (especially second-hand ones) when I least expect them feels like such a right experience for this series that I am inclined to continue acquiring them that way.
8) A favorite book from childhood: Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner... truly formative shit, responsible for at least 50% of my sense of humour
9) A book you would give to a friend: I was at my friend's place recently and noticed she had the exact same copy of Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury as I do. When I told her about it, she told me it was I who gave her that book (I forgot 🤦‍♀️) and that she loves it and rereads it almost every autumn :') So this one has definitely passed the test.
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own: I have a whole shelf full of poetry books, in fact. At least half of them weren't bought by me, but by my family members long before I was born, but presently all of them are considered mine :D Those that I bought myself include collections of poems by Christina Rossetti, Emily Dickinson, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Oscar Wilde, and Marina Tsvetaeva, among other things. And Useless Magic by Florence Welch!
11) A nonfiction book you own: I stumbled upon The Republic of Pirates by Colin Woodard in the same second-hand bookshop where I bought all the parts of ASOUE I currently have and couldn't believe my luck - I really wanted to read it after watching Black Sails! It's great.
12) What are you currently reading: Tristan and Isolde. Restoring Palamede by John Erskine. Really enjoying it so far; it sort of demystifies/disenchants Arthuriana but without excessive cynicism, with the narrator being understanding, perhaps even compassionate, when describing the characters' very realistic, human flaws. Technically I'm also reading E. W. Hornung's short stories about Raffles and Bunny through the Letters from Bunny Substack, but it's more like "desperately trying to catch up and failing". The stories themselves are delightful, but I was right to suspect that this way of reading books is not for me.
13) What are you planning on reading next? Dracula in Istanbul (the Turkish translation/adaptation of Dracula), courtesy of @seawilde <3
tagging @afoxnamedmulder, @seawilde, @lefresne, @uupiic, and @snckt; as always, feel free to ignore if you don't want to answer :)
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unnervinglyferal · 6 months
Hey Feral, I'm sorry I haven't sent any asks for the past few monthes, my cat recently got euthanized. It was the on Sunday. I knew that she wasn't doing well..she was about 2 when I was born, making her 17 years old, which roughly translated, is about 78 or 79 human years, which is the average lifespan of an American woman, which she technically was, given that she was a female cat in America. She'd spent a while on this earth, and I think my mom knew that she wouldn't be here for much longer. She had kidney disease, and apparently she was showing symptoms of being in the last stage-she started walking funny, and she barely ate. The day before she died, she didn't eat at all. On Sunday, she stopped drinking. I remember thinking, before, that although she was dying, I'd be ready. That I had prepared myself. I knew this, but done part of me couldn't understand why she had to die. Death is what happens to other people, but I forgot that everyone is "other people", including my cat. But to me, she wasn't "other people", she was my cat. Her name was Ariol, and I've had her for my whole life. I remember when I was younger, she would sit on whatever book I was reading so that if pay attention to her instead. I wish I'd never pushed her off, but sometimes I did. I was too wrapped up in my own problems to realize when she started deteriorating. I pushed her away again and again, and that went on for years. She just wanted me to hold her, and I was too focused on unimportant things to care. I thought, then, that surely she could wait. She was my cat, my friend, and so she would be here forever. And then I realized that wasn't true. I looked over one day, and realized she couldn't see me. She had slowly been going blind, just like my other cat. It was only then that I started paying attention-that I remembered she, too, was mortal. I think it might've been too late. I don't think, near the end, that she even recognized me. I had faded away, and then she faded too. She would lie in bed all day, and cry when I started to leave. I don't know how long she did this before I started to notice. Maybe she spent years wondering why I no longer hugged her, treated her dearly, noticed her. If I could go back, I would not have forgotten her for so long. I would have loved her, known her, as I tried to do at the end. And now that cannot be rectified. Sorry for the emotional rant, I feel like a lot of people don't understand why I'm so upset over this.
Signed, engineer anon.
Sorry about your cat. And yeah, regretting shit like that hurts really bad, when there's nothing you can do about it now, other than knowing not to do that next time. Your cat didn't deserve that, but she taught you to not take any cat after her for granted.
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star-boy--7 · 1 month
ok it's like 2 am so sorry if this doesn't make any sense but i cannot get jean valjean's costumes out of my head. cause like
he starts the show in red, and wears it for the whole prologue. sure, he tries to cover it up with a tan jacket, but the red is still very visible
the next time we see him (as m. madeline, the mayor) his most prominent color is green, the complimenary color to red. pretty much it's exact opposite. he wears green for, if i remember right, the remainder of act 1
(brief interlude for cosette: the coat he buys her when he adopt her is blue, and she spends most of the musical in various shades of blue. however, the first time we see her after the time skip she's wearing green, and she is again when she's about to leave in act 2)
in act 2, jean valjean wears a lot of blue, cosettes color. however, he also wears a military uniform, which is blue and red. maybe i'm thinking too much into this (definitely) but this is also when the power dynamic finally switches between him and javert, and i think the color of his days in prison coming back is no accident (it definiltey was an accident and i am overthinking this)
finally, after the barricade, he wears pretty much exclusively black. this could be because everyone he knows is dead except cosette and marius, but honestly i think it's because it's javert's color. the combination of the power dynamic flipping plus javert's suicide (which is a reprise of jean valjean's musings right before he broke his parole, but that's a rant for another time) have made jean valjean take over javert's color. and of course his last costume in the show is white, symbolizing his death. right before he dies, though, he is in a tan shawl. perhaps a call back to when he attempted to hide his red prison robes earlier?
basically, i spent way too much time thinking about this and i fucking love color symbolism. i will spend even more time thinking about this.
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nuri148 · 4 months
Distances in AoT
Or: Yams has no idea of geography and the relationship between distance and travel times in AOT makes no sense.
Part 1 Part 2
There are a lot of rides and expeditions in the story that may or may not look like insta-travel, but we really can’t tell because we’re not shown or informed of the travel times.
So I’m going to focus in the two instances that we do have enough info to infer the time spent getting from A to B: The holding of Utgard Castle and the expedition to retake Wall Maria. I’m going to do it in reverse order, too, because I, like Levi, like to save the best for last.
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Return to Shiganshina
The SC leave Trost as the sun sets, aiming to cover the 100 km that separate them from Wall Maria during night time, when titans are typically inactive. The idea that travelling by night “might allow” the SC to make it to Shiganshina before dawn was first proposed by Armin in chapter 37, “even if we cannot get there at full speed.”
The RtS expedition takes place only 3 months after the cadets graduation (Connie, chapter 72). We know the winters are harsh in Paradis (chapter 40) and in all the things that went down during that time we haven’t seen any snow or very heavy clothes, so it’s safe to assume that the main action took place during the summer, and the RtS events happen somewhere from late summer to mid-fall. That means 12-16 hours of night-time (fun fact: day and night duration through the year is very similar in Tokyo and in Nördlingen).
It is stated in chapter 9.5 that, during the 5 years since the fall of Wall Maria the SC has stationed supplies in the lands between this and Wall Rose¹, but this supply chain would likely be just storage of goods, horse tack and food and tinned food; there would be no change of horses as these would need the stations to be manned and this is titan territory. Each soldier needs to ride the same horse all the way. And we know the terrain wasn’t flat and that they didn’t even ride the whole time:
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So we’re supposed to believe that a group of 100 people covered 100 km on horseback in 12–16 hours, at night. It’s not entirely in the realm of impossibility—if we take that expedition as an endurance race and assume horses have been trained and prepared as for one—but it is a big stretch and a huge gamble if any of the horses becomes unable to go on. Remember, both horses and riders need to stop for food, water, toilet and rest. And if you’ve ever been on holidays with a group, you know that the bigger the group, the longer it takes to do anything.
Still, taking into account all we’ve seen, and with all the assumptions and supositions skewing to the most favourable scenarios, I could give this one a pass.
Utgard Castle
This is all taken from Manga Chapters 35-40, in case you want to read along. A quick summary of the story:
Most of the 104th are isolated in a safehouse near wall Rose under the ward of veteran soldiers, pending investigation on their affiliation, or not, with the female titan. Meanwhile, Zeke transforms the people of Ragako Village into titans. When these are first spotted “500 m south” of the safehouse’s tower, they ofc don’t know about Zeke, so they assume the wall has been breached.
An urgent dispatch (Thomas) is sent with the news to Stohess where Erwin is dealing with the aftermath of Annie SNAFU. At the same time, cadets and veterans split into groups to go alert the people in neighbouring villages so they can evacuate.
The South team does a clockwise sweep of the area, passing by Ragako (where Reiner totally tells Connie that that titan’s not his mum) and then riding along the wall looking for the breach². At night, they meet the West team, who did a similar sweep but counterclockwise.
They take refuge in Utgard Castle, very close to the wall—The soldiers spot it clearly from the wall, at night, so I’m guessing 500 m tops. It is also supposed to be more or less midway between Trost and Klorva. The safehouse is probably somewhere between Ragako and Utgard. Titans attack, and they hold the castle all night until Hange’s squad arrive at dawn and rescue them.
Because Yams had the great idea of putting timestamps in all these developments, this is where things get... interesting. And by interesting, I mean incoherent. 
I’ve adapted my previous wall map showing the places and shortest possible routes in this arc. We don’t know the exact location of any of the relevant places, so while I had to eyeball it, I assure you it’s less eyeballing than Yams did. Kind reminder, too, that IRL, actual travel distance would be at least 10–20% longer than the straight line distances used here.
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Assuming Utgard is at the midpoint between Trost and Krolva, that would put it about 290 km in a straight line to Trost, and a similar distance to Ehrmich. Assuming Ragako is more or less in the midpoint between those two, that would make it about 140-150 km away from both Trost and Ehrmich. The safehouse from where the dispatch departs is supposed to be somewhere between Ragako and Utgard (orange area). So it could be anything from 140 to 250 km to Ehrmich—Thomas’ first stop. I’m going to pick 150 because it’s a nice round number.
Thomas leaves as soon as the titans are sighted. It takes him 8 hours to arrive to Ehrmich... and he arrives in Stohess 4 hours after that. I’ll let you look at the map above and let that sink in. I could say “I rest my case, your honour” and end this report here as we mourn geometry together.
The 8 hours to Ehrmich are already a huge stretch. As we’ve seen in the previous section, the Pony Express could cover only 100 km in that time (I’m going to be gracious and assume the roads between the town nearest to the safehouse and Stohess are as well equipped as the PE was.)
But then we’re told it took Thomas only 4 hours to ride the 352 km between Ehrmich and Stohess. On horseback. That’s basically what it takes nowadays by car, on the highway.
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But it gets better! (and by better I mean worse). After Thomas gets to Stohess, EMA, Hange, Levi, and pastor Nick travel in a 2-horse carriage (driven by Moblit) to Ehrmich... Where they arrive 4 hours later. So we’re expected to believe that in a mere span of 4 hours, a decision was made, people was gathered, a carriage was tacked and loaded, and 7 people on said carriage covered a distance of 352 km.
From there, EMA, Hange and Moblit continue to Utgard (another 290 km) on horseback, where they get 3-4 hours later, just in time to save their comrades. Half of what it took Thomas. 1/6 of what it would have taken the Pony Express. And since the people between Utgard and Ehrmich would have likely evacuated, there might be fewer to no chances of changing horses along the way.
So either the horses of the SC possess the magical power of moving at plot speed anytime, or Yams does not even know what size he made his world, or he doesn’t give af.
Or all of the above.
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I know AoT is “just a story”, like many others, and that not everything has to check out exactly to the real world. But while AoT has some supernatural and steampunk elements, these are framed in a world so heavily inspired in our own that it’s not a stretch to expect everything but the VM gear to behave according to basic geometry and physics rules.
In that sense, I believe Yams made a mistake in assigning exact sizes to the walls without taking the time to calculate how big a world would that really result in, or how long does travel take without our modern machines, or without giving a fuck that his numbers made no sense. But while he may not care about the numbers, and many reader also won’t care, some will, and call him out for it. And I’m not talking about splitting hairs, I’m talking miscalculations the size of Texas. So it really baffles me that none of his editors or publishers seem to have given a shit about it either. So much for the stereotype of Asians being good at math.
I understand AoT was a serialised manga, so maybe when you realise you’ve fucked up in chapter 2, that’s in last year magazine, but things like the wall size and how many hours it takes to go from A to B could have been easily fixed or retconned in any of the collection manga books (tankobon, omnibus, colossal) and/or the anime adaptation.
The ridiculously big size of the Walls also means that all the talk about people being cramped inside wall Rose after the fall of Wall Maria and needing to “cull” some of the refugees makes no sense whatsoever. Also, there are two or three simple solutions that Yams and his editors might have used to solve the problems that the wall size create. I might address some or all of that in another post (I need to crunch more numbers). One blunder at a time.
I guess what bugs me more about this kind of stuff is the realization that a work published traditionally, one that makes enough money to maintain a whole team of editors (both artistic and commercial) behind, turns out to be more poorly researched than many a fanfiction that someone wrote just for fun in the scarce free time their actual job, studies and/or household leave them.
¹ I would interpret this as rather a re-establishment of supplies, as it makes no sense that there wasn’t such a set up before, at least between the main districts and towns.
² I’m going to ignore the fact that, despite both saying their villages are “nearby”, Sasha and Connie only reach them 5 and 9 hours after the sighting, as their mission was to warn all villages in the area, so they didn’t go straight home. Even with that, the area covered would mean their horses are supersonic lol.
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feraelancunin · 10 months
1, 2, 4, and 6 for the Durge asks?
answering an ask game
1. How does your character figure out their class/subclass? Is it different than how they were before losing their memories?
Sorcerer perks XD lightning magic is to them like muscle memory. all assassin rogue levels they may have had (not 100% sure yet if they did) are pretty much forgotten though... and eventually they do gain bard levels due to alfira impact (more on that in a different ask answer)
2. Does your Dark Urge use a name? Is it one they remember or do they have to adopt a new one?
They remember both the Dark Urge and Ferael as their name. Given that the first one seems to cause raised eyebrows, they end up almost exclusively going by Ferael, unless they want to weird someone out. (like Fist Ulthred at Last Light)
Inner though process: Shadowheart is perfectly normal and acceptable, but the Dark Urge is not?? Fine, I guess. I'm Ferael then.
(ironically giving a normal name afterwards makes the whole Dark Urge thing seem worse XD Like they came up with something edgy on the spot despite having a normal name lol)
4. How is Gale doing right now? What drove your Dark Urge to put him in that state?
(…) Ferael stares at the swirling magic, as an arm emerges through the unstable portal. This branch of flesh is begging to be pruned and its sap supped from… A fantasy squirms its way into Ferael’s mangled mind. To slice through the stranger's wrist, part the skin, break through tendons and cartilage, until the hand and arm are separate. The ever-present headache intensifies, their vision blurs.
“A hand? Anyone?” the stranger’s voice returns the half-drow back to reality, before they fully drift away. They look around, blinking away the remains of the fantasy, as the dagger Ferael didn’t even realise was in their hand, drops to the ground with a clang. A hand. Right. Confused, they look at their own outstretched arm in front of them and… High five the stranger. (..) After this wonderful display of common sense, Ferael manages to free Gale from the portal.
Gale is doing fine now - if still a little bit freaked up by the whole head-on-a-spike image thing Ferael conjured up during the little spell casting date. (at least the wizard got over the crush he had on the sorcerer)
6. The one urge you cannot avoid in the game is killing Alfira. Does that event have a particular impact on your character or do they take it in stride?
OOF. Huge impact. They consider it their biggest failure. For most of the game.
Alfira's death is when the Urge gets real. Nor just an excessive bloodlust in combat. Not just vile fantasies that pass. Not a choice to be made. All the reassurances they got earlier echo hollow. It's a "Yes. There IS something wrong with you." moment.
Moreso, in my headcanon, Alfira actually spent a day or two WITH the party before getting killed - she wasn't just an innocent Ferael killed - she was an ally and a would be friend.
She was killed because she was the one who helped Ferael remember the "I know how to and I enjoy playing lute" detail from their forgotten past. Blood and murder is the only thing they are allowed to remember.
Once Ferael learns more of their past, the guilt ends up being more bearable, ironically. Given the sheer amount of victims - they are just kinda numb to this most of the time.
Even, so Alfira is the first step in Ferael's path to eventually reject Bhaal. (Also, the tieflings never learn what happened to Alfira. But Weeping Dawn is not forgotten as a song.)
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beachy--head · 2 years
a new kind of waiting (1)
During those long, never-ending hours when the plane is missing and no one knows anything, she pretty much lives at the hospital, because if she doesn't stop moving, maybe she won't think.
A kind of japril AU take on the plane crash and the days spent waiting for news. One-shot.
Note: This started as a drabble, and well... it got a bit out of hand.
(read on ao3 or ff.net)
She keeps busy on day 1.
During those long, never-ending hours when the plane is missing and no one knows anything, she pretty much lives at the hospital, because if she doesn't stop moving, maybe she won't think. She doesn't sleep, she barely eats, she helps out in the ER and where she can, she babysits Zola for a few hours. When she's not working, she stays near the phone in her office or at the nurse's station, because it could ring at any moment, telling her that they – because there are other people she cares about on that plane too, even if her brain is too busy worrying about one of them in particular to spare a thought for the others – have been found all alive and well, and that the whole thing has just been a giant misunderstanding. Her heart stops beating every time she gets a page, or every time she sees Owen, and her stomach is nothing but a ball of nerves.
She decides that he cannot be dead on day 2.
Because if he is, then the last thing her best friend would have heard from her is that he had to leave her alone, and this cannot happen. She can't remember the last words she's ever said to Reed, and she refuses to acknowledge "I don't need your pity" and "leave me alone" as the last things she said to Jackson. To acknowledge that the last time she saw her best friend, she pushed him away as he was just trying to take care of her, like he always does.
Oddly enough, she doesn't cry. She's known to be the emotional one, she's pretty sure every one of her co-workers has seen her cry at some point or another, but she's feeling too terrified to shed a tear. The only time she comes close is when she hears Catherine Avery yell at Richard and Owen and demand they do something, but her mentor's anger only reinforce her belief that Jackson will be fine, because there's no Catherine without Jackson, and Catherine is here. Well, Catherine is here, but she's also not, because the broken look in her eyes when she meets April in a corridor and falls into her arms is very un-Catherine-like. And still, April doesn't cry.
Mark Sloan, of all people, forces her to go lay down in an on-call room on day 3.
She doesn't have the energy to refuse, and if she had, the look on the attending's face would stop her. It's fear, it's weariness, it's guilt for sending Jackson in his place, for making him take his spot on the surgery team as a parting gift, a reward for passing his boards. It's full of all the things he hasn't said to Lexie, and all the things he hopes to say to her one day, and before he leaves, she squeezes his hand, because she knows all too well what he's feeling.
She tries to close her eyes, but opens them right away, because of course she sees his face. His face laughing after a corny joke and too many beers at Joe's, his face frowning as he's trying to find the answer to one of her questions during one of their many study sessions, his face softening as he looks up at her, at all of her, in a hotel room in San Francisco. She doesn't know how she manages to fall asleep, but she wakes up with the covers lying on the floor and her scrubs all sweaty. She doesn't remember having nightmares, but then, she's living through one.
Alex yells at her on day 4.
They're in a patient room, doing some last check-ups before discharging him, and he starts yelling for the most insignificant reason. She yells right back at him, right in front of the patient too, before Richard comes into the room and asks them to leave the hospital and go back to their place to get some rest. He says he'll call them as soon as they have some news, and Alex mutters "whatever" and leaves without waiting for her. She's tempted to ignore Richard's order (he's no longer her boss anyway), but then she sees Callie pacing in the attending's lounge, clutching to Sofia, and Mark, his head in his hands, and Owen, who has maybe said three words ever since they found out, and she goes home. At the apartment, she goes straight to Jackson's room, snuggling under the covers in his bed, and only moves when Alex gruffly tells her that the food he ordered just got here. He ignores her when she says "thank you", and they eat in silence.
The phone rings and her pager beeps on day 5.
Alex drives like a maniac while she bites her nails in the passenger seat. She's tried praying the past few days, but the lines of communication between her and God are a bit murky at the moment, and it only makes her think about all of her failures, which makes her think of how she made Jackson feel responsible for them, which turns her stomach. She still manages to send a quick prayer, mumbling under her breath, not knowing if it'll be heard, and Alex doesn't even make fun of her.
At the hospital, they run, don't walk, straight to the conference's room, where most of the attendings are gathered. She can see the tears on Mark Sloan's face, and her heart stops.
It starts beating again when Hunt tells her that there was only one casualty from the plane crash, and that Sloan is weeping for someone else than his protege. The shock of hearing Lexie is dead battles with her relief that Jackson is alive, the two concepts clashing and jarring, and that's when the tears finally come. She finds a wall and slides down to a sitting position, her body racked with sobs, and Bailey kneels next to her and softly repeats that Jackson is okay, thinking she's misunderstood what she has just heard.
Jackson (and all of the other survivors) comes back on day 6, and a new kind of waiting begins.
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S1E5 — Home
Priscilla comes home to dead men in her hallway and receives a call from Fury. For obvious reasons he’s not telling her where he’s going.
Fury arrives at base camp
Not!Rhodey visits the President. The admiral has notes, but not!Rhodey shoots those down. Not!Rhodey tells the President, “It’s the Russians, 100%.” Which is part of Gravik’s plan, and also not true.
Fury enters the Skrull HQ, coughing from the radiation. Sonya calls not!Rhodey.
Gravik walks circles around Fury, taunting him. Telling him about how Gravik was a former fan of Fury who looked up to the older guy, but was disillusioned and went rogue because of inaction and empty promises.
Gravik is enraged, rightfully enraged by Fury’s promise of a better life unfulfilled. Gravik says, “The species you spent your entire adult life defending, they were condemned to die the day I realized you weren’t a man of your word.” Basically, he means, why should the Skrulls live a bad life, when he could just make it quick and easy for them, to end their suffering as fast as possible? Imagine personally feeling like your hero has failed you. Everything you’ve looked up to for YEARS, down the drain.
Fury has thought that getting dusted was dying. That’s what it felt like for him.
Gravik takes the vial of the Harvest from Fury.
Scene cuts back to the hospital; not!Rhodes is getting the President out somewhere.
Gravik secures the vial, and the screen lists off several known Avengers plus a few of their adversaries. The blood is not that of ordinary people; but some of the strongest amongst them.
Sonya intercepts not!Rhodey outside a door. Fury is in a coughing fit in Skrull HQ. Gravik fires up the machine, there is a bright light that encapsulates the both of them. Gravik, now supersized, throws a punch at Fury, who - SURPRISE! - blocks it. See, the machine gave Fury powers too. Gravik was too caught up in his rage to remember that the stage was set for not just him to be powered up, but Fury too.
PLOT TWIST! It wasn’t Fury, after all. It was G’iah. But this raises the question: Where actually is the real Fury, if this was G’iah? When did he hand the vial off to G’iah? We find out two short scenes later that the real Fury is in the hospital. Which makes sense because Fury was in the hospital the WHOLE time. From last episode, he was always there. However, this means that G’iah would have had to play the long game and shapeshifter into at least 2-3 other people. But the question is when? I ask because the scenes in the hospital occur concurrently with the events at Skrull HQ.
Gravik and G’iah use a few different powers. He powers up with the Abomination, Hulk, Groot, and (???), and she powers up with Extremis, Drax, and Ghosts powers. They begin to fight, and G’iah uses Frost Beast powers. Gravik also utilizes Ebony Maw’s powers. Despite the ice shard G’iah struck him with, he recovers.
We cut to a silo, which opens. It has platforms within; why does this place look so familiar? I feel like we last saw this place in CACW, but I cannot be certain.
We cut back to the fight, and G’iah goes cosmic, just like Captain Marvel, and packs a punch at Gravik. He also has similar powers, playing her at her game. However, she one-up’s him by going Mantis. He plummets to the ground, recovers, and they go at it again. Two ridiculously overpowered individuals slugging it out. He taunts her saying, ‘You’re just like your father. You’re just like them.” She shoots a cosmic beam of light straight through his torso, killing him.
G’iah heads indoors, shutting everything down one machine at a time. She also frees the captives. One of them being the real Rhodey. Which begs the question, how did he get captured? Everett Ross too.
The real Rhodey appears much weaker than everyone else who was rescued; this is explained by him being held hostage “for a very long time”, perhaps for FAR LONGER than anyone else.
Ritson, now better and on the mend, gives a speech to the nation. He says, “We all witnessed the terror attack that was carried out on my motorcade earlier this week in England. The terrorists responsible were a shape-shifting alien-born species known as Skrulls. That is why tonight I’m presenting to Congress, for immediate emergency authorization, a bill that designates all off-world born species enemy combatants. We know who you are. We know how to find you. And we will kill every last one of you.” This is a very political metaphor, and I don’t like speaking of politics on here. However; this speech brings to mind 9/11 of sorts, where because of the actions of a few select subset of individuals from a certain place and racial ethnicity and religion, the USA decides to be openly hostile to that particular group of people, including sending troops to indiscriminately kill the guilty AND innocents of that group. This speech is very scary, because in Secret Invasion, the actions of a few (namely Gravik and his henchmen) have ruined the reputation of the many (innocent Skrulls AND every “off-world born species”). Ritson didn’t want to eradicate a few, he wanted to eliminate them ALL. Didn’t matter who it was, he wanted them all gone.
Sonya meets up (‘gently corners’ sounds better) with G’iah, and offers to make her a leader to fend off Ritson’s planned attack on her people. Sonya and G’iah enter a deal in which both sides can benefit.
Fury drives to a clearing at night. He phones Ritson, and admonishes the president on “that hateful-ass speech” he made. Fury continues, “Putting things back together was never gonna be easy. You took a situation and made it worse. That’s real one-term-President stuff. But we have to act now. Before the hit squads you inspired kill off the Skrulls who still wanna help us. Now you’ve got dumbass vigilantes killing innocent humans, too. When they’re not getting killed themselves. Call off your war.” (This monologue is interspersed with scenes of violence at various places.) Ritson returns fire with, “Give me a break. There’s only one was this ends. The old Nick Fury would have known that. And if you truly care about the Skrulls, get ‘em off my planet.” The President is discriminatory, just like many individuals in power around the world.
Fury is about to head off, but his wife Priscilla (Varra, actually) catches up to him. He tells her, “The Kree said they are open to peace talks with the Skrulls.” She is unamused. “The Kree make peace. Reminds me of that old joke. What do Skrulls call good luck? Bad luck.” Fury requests that Varra join him and be a diplomat, she agrees.
The two head onto the space ship, and the episode ends.
Thoughts: Also a pretty dark episode, but I found the fight between G’iah and Gravik fascinating, not least because we get a glimpse of what a fight would look like if you had the ABSOLUTE strongest genes and the ability to switch between them at will. Wasn’t epic, but fascinating. Oh, and the politics. I barely touch on politics in my posts, but Secret Invasion is a sort of spy vs spy thriller, with obvious political undertones. So, obviously, there are some lines that MCU could and did cross; after all, Marvel really does reflect the world outside our own windows. 10/10 on the intrigue, fascination, and darkness.
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astrobstrd · 2 years
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Hey folks, season's greetings. Runner-up for most sentimental gamer 2021 here and I got a bug up my ass to write about video games. It's equal parts games that did and didn't release this year. Forgive me for any run-ons or excessive commas, this started as a piece on one game on the list and then became a top 10, then it spiraled out of control a tad as I forced myself to write more. Regardless, I'm happy with it and you can check it out under the read more. Happy holidays!
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Gundam Evo is so goddamned weird. It’s a great game that I cannot recommend anyone jump into now. I really enjoy the core gameplay loop and what it does versus a game like Overwatch— the dash and boost system serve as a salve to the ever-present hero shooter roll-out problem and offer a little bit of movement unpredictability, the lack of clearly defined roles prevented the game from having a dichotomy of “hard” or “soft” tank and support units, and, generally, I found myself having more fun with it than I could recall having with OG Overwatch at the time. Every time I think about going back, however, I remember that it’s one of the clearest examples in recent memory of a publisher just not really giving a shit about its product.
The game sits at a sub-1k player count on Steam, with no way for people in certain regions of the world to even play the game, the console versions took a full two months after initial release to hit digital storefronts, and there’s no backfill system in any capacity. For a game to have such promise in a world where only one hero shooter really survived the late ‘10s burnout period, then to fizzle out so quickly… it’s just kind of a bummer. I would not be surprised if the game is shuttered by this time next year. Still, the time I spent with it felt immensely satisfying.
Yeah. I fell in last year, (completely by coincidence, when they put the skanking emote in, if you can believe that, which you shouldn't,) and now that I can play Zero Build, my playtime's only gone up. I've also watched as the remaining capital G-I Games Industry folks I follow, who poked and laughed at the Tower Building Gaming For Children also fall into the exact same hole. So... lmao.
I think as you get older you do look for a few more opportunities to have a common activity that you nor your friends really pay a whole lot of attention to but use as a vehicle to shoot the shit. That's Fortnite. It's like getting drunk at a baseball game in the middle of the day for late millennials. It also has full patch cycles that are genuinely, unabashedly, very fun. We got dirtbikes and gravity hammers and fuckin Doom Slayer now man! It's great!
Oh, and to defend my honor just a little, I've spent a grand total of $14 on it. I caved to buy the Rasputin and Gangnam Style emote. What are you, the IRS? Leave me alone.
...henceforth referred to as SRB2K because I'm not typing all of that out again, is not a live service game, and also a mod for Doom. It's (probably) the best Sonic kart racer ever made, and it's all built in a game that has nothing to do with the little blue freak. It feels fantastic to play, and it evokes the same feeling of fuzzy-warm coziness that I got from playing a lot of Skulltag one winter. I spent quite a lot of time in late January and February compiling user created SRB2K mods, hacking together soundpacks for existing characters, and screaming into a microphone as I careened through some of the best and worst maps I've ever played in a racing game.
I pretend to hate this game and sometimes I do.
And now it's time for
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Let's find out!
10) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge
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Man, was this a fun surprise! I’ve never been the biggest turtles guy, but I am enough of one to have a favorite that I’ve picked almost entirely on the basis of color and weaponry. (It’s Don, for the record.) I am also enough of a fan of cooperative side-scrolling beat-em-ups that playing this whole game in a little under four hours with a group of friends was a complete blast. I have this weird hang up where I just can’t play these games solo. I think most beat-em-up devs also know that the real meat is in flying through them with a buddy or three or five. (After all, the only way I was ever going to finish Double Dragon: Neon, a game that I love but was definitely not the target market for, was playing it in co-op a year after its release.) That all being said, the fact that TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge allowed for six players at a time is as perfect as it is completely batshit and overwhelming. I’d routinely lose my place altogether as the genuinely fantastic backdrops and battle arenas turned into a flurry of blows and flying footclan bodies, and I simply did not mind.
While my time with it didn’t last long, I couldn’t help but admire the fact there was enough depth in the combos and strategic use of heavy moves, super attacks and thug-juggling technique to potentially make the game worth replaying. This is not even mentioning the genuinely fantastic sprite, level and sound design work. Fast, fun, and punching above its weight class as a title that was free day one on Game Pass, a fact of the gaming landscape that I constantly feel like we’re on the verge of having a reckoning with. Anyway!
9) Rumbleverse
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I must preface this blurb with the fact that I have completely fallen off of Rumbleverse and I am genuinely sad I don’t have more to say about it. It’s been probably 3 months since I last fired into Grapital City, but the pull to go back amidst my neuroses and general malaise has been strong. It’s one of the few battle royale games where the insane love for its inspirations and the dedication poured into the game itself both shine right through. From the looser fighting game influence in its move priority and combo systems, to the completely unmistakable wrestling mark DNA, Rumbleverse is authentic and just plain fun. Compared to your bog-standard, shooty-bang-bang battle royale, the hype, guttural-noise-inducing moment ratio is off the fucking charts here, and that’s reason enough for me to include it.
By the way, every now and then I’ll hear people bemoan the fact that there are no melee-focused battle royale games. The fact that this game did not once and for all solve this quandry for people despite being the best implementation of that concept? It makes me want to scream.
8) Marvel Snap
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Don’t look at me like that.
I really didn’t expect to like Marvel Snap. I’m not a comic book or superhero movie guy, but it’s amazing what being both free and available on Steam can do for you. Despite starting a little rough and having some growing pains in making decks that I actually wanted to use, the game of Snap itself is undeniably fun and incredibly easy to fall into. As of the time of writing this, I’m collection level 593 and I can no longer deny that I’m just playing it for giggles. This is the game that the certain-Blizzard-card-game-playing-me of 2017 wanted and just didn’t realize. Despite the whale bait in this very obviously mobile card game being clear and evident, and the fact that there is no way to assuredly get cards you want before level 500, I still somehow feel like this is the one online CCG I’ve seen that treats you with some modicum of respect... so long as you pace yourself and play in chunks. The quick nature of Snap, of course, isn’t really conducive to this, but you really just have to chalk that one up to terrible, awful, no-good, very bad mammalian reward responses.
I know the one thing that people just cannot shut up about is the game’s brevity, but it really is important to herald. As someone who’s played half-hour Hearthstone matches, it’s an undeniable factor in its continued popularity. After a particularly rough two days in late November where I kept snapping and kept playing despite losing six(!) ranks, I remembered an extremely salient realization I had while falling out of love with MOBAs a few years ago— if it sucks bad enough, you can leave. You can hit da bricks, so to speak, if you’re not making anyone else suffer as a result of it. If you’ve put a handful of your chips on black the last six spins and lost every time, it's okay to walk away from the goddamn table.
Latent gambling impulses aside, Snap is undeniably fantastic, and not even the only card game I’ve been playing this year.
7) Downfall: Slay The Spire
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I’ve played a lot of Slay The Spire. It’s probably not even a fraction as much as the truly dedicated card gaming wizards that I’ll occasionally see screenshots from on the Community Hub, but damn, I love that game. Slay The Spire also came to me in a weird time; I was knee deep in my graveyard shift job at a gas station and spent my evenings, (7AM-11AM on any given day,) trying DESPERATELY to find a game that didn’t require too much of me but was still engaging enough to play between smoking pot, drinking, doing laundry, or all three. I bought the game on a whim, knowing only that it was a rogueli(k)(t)e and a card game, then fell ass over end into a Spire shaped hole.
Downfall: Slay The Spire is a lovingly crafted mod that pretty much just serves as an excuse to get me to play even more of this damn game. From the incredibly well-translated boss characters to the Hermit’s ability to pass as a character that Mega Crit would’ve made themselves, Downfall is fantastic. It could easily pass as an officially released expansion, and it's something I’ve already lauded over in the Steam Reviews for it
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This shit is bananas, man. I loved Devil Daggers so, so much, and despite still being squarely stuck 50 seconds away from the Devil Dagger, I swear I will get it before I shuffle off this mortal coil. And you’re gonna give me another lofty goal to strive for in a completely different game 6 years later? Fuck you m4tt. I love you m4tt.
I’ve played 3 ½ hours of HYPER DEMON so far. It was all in one sitting. I was amazed I didn’t forget to breathe during all of those 210 minutes. It’s the exact same all-consuming, focus demanding immersion that Devil Daggers ensnared me with in 2016. It’s Devil Daggers: Puzzle Fighter. It’s a cocktail of cosmic horror, Windows Media Player visualizer, Quake 3 montage over-editing, what I imagine the visual sensation of DMT looks like, and pure, unfettered skill-based FPS ecstasy. HYPER DEMON holds you to the sanding belt of its incomprehensible blazing-fast iridescent horrorscape and is unfeeling to whether you can handle it or not. I want more.
I need to play more. I will be playing more. I live to serve SORATH.
5) Super Mario 64 — B3313
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I have never completed Super Mario 64. In fact, to my recollection, I never actually owned a copy of it despite having an N64 around the time of its release. I did, however, play an awful lot of this Super Mario 64 romhack in January. It has stuck with me ever since.
In second? grade I’d pass the controller at my best friend's house, as each of us desperately tried to clinch the red coin star in Lethal Lava Land or not tumble off Cool, Cool Mountain. In my teens I’d boot up an emulated copy through Project64 and try, to my behest, to play a game that paled in comparison to the breadth of experiences I’d already had with, at the time, recently released games. (Of course, when your high watermark is something like Garry’s Mod with workshop support or Just Cause 2, anything else feels like hoop and stick.) Even still, I appreciated what Mario 64 meant at both of these stages of my life, for one reason or another. Now, as an adult who claims to have a pretty good understanding of video gaming history, that respect has only deepened.
As a kid, I could recall broad strokes of the in-game world when I was away from the Mario Sanctioned Zone of my best friend’s house. The general layout of the first floor of Peach’s Castle, the first Bowser stage, the royal slide, as well as strange fragments of the hub world architecture scattered through my brainspace. In the days after a hang-out or sleepover, I’d devise ways to get around stages in my head, but SM64 never stuck in my craw for long amounts of time. Yet, I still had moments where it was forced back into my consciousness.
During a particularly shitty bout with the flu when I was about seven, my child brain conjured up visions of a castle that… sort of existed. In between retching up anything that wasn't saltines and soup, half-watched segments of Nickelodeon’s Games and Sports channel, and confronting the sickly taste of bile and lemon-lime Gatorade, I’d pass in and out of dreams, seeing feverish facsimiles of Mario 64. Strange floating voids that might’ve resembled a run-up to Bowser, Tick-Tock-Clocks that didn’t seem to match up with what was on the cartridge, and impossibly long hallways that bled into one another.
I had a passing knowledge of the “every copy of SM64 is personalized” “meme” before playing B3313, and saw increasingly convoluted icebergs and the Wario Apparition, (something that thankfully doesn’t show up in this romhack,) as laughably goofy addendums to already lame gaming creepypastas. The general idea of this hack, despite being fueled by this mix of amateur horror, is something still so genuinely fascinating to me. It's not even really the concept of a game with a “personalization AI,” but moreso the idea of imperfect memory. Things might be changing without any input from some spooky and malicious entity pulling the strings, you just can't remember what these places looked like. Those who are as equally fascinated with B3313 as I am use that term— “fever dream.” They use it liberally when talking about the general feel of the romhack, while also mentioning that at some point during their childhood, they would also have dreams about parts of Mario 64 that didn’t exist, or were slightly off. As one of those people, B3313 nails that exact feeling one-hundred percent.
Super Mario 64: B3313 is a fever dream come true. It’s a slurry of beta, demo-build and original content that bleeds into areas from the retail copy of Super Mario 64. Despite its brief, eyeroll-worthy, yet awkwardly fitting brushes with metatextual horror writing, (enter this cave if you want to see your deepest fears unfold!!!!!!!!!,) the main conceit of this strange, alternate-history beta-dump Mario romhack still hits like a guided missile to my brain. The seldom-played yet still familiar memories of Peach's Castle turn from a welcoming environment into an LSD: the Dream Emulator-esque maze of doors to entirely different castles, alternate versions of existing Mario worlds, densely foggy ominous hallways, and harshly inhuman architecture. It’s bizarre, surprisingly unsettling and manages to evoke a sense of familiar unfamiliarity.
B3313, Wet Dry World’s Negative Emotional Aura and the Personalized Copy concepts are at a bizarrely interesting confluence of childhood imagination, video game folklore, niche meme culture, and, most importantly to me, the impermanence of memory. It already feels like decades ago that we were telling people that, no, Nelson Mandela did not die in prison, the Berenstain bears’ surname was just being misremembered, and, uh, that Taco Bell never had “medium” sauce, but there’s something weirdly different about the foggy, self-aware recollection of sections from Peach’s Castle that never actually existed. There’s an unspoken understanding in YouTube comment sections and other circles versed with B3313 that none of this is, y’know, for real. It’s all gotten a bit tongue and cheek and suffocatingly ironic now, and while some would consider this a horrible breaching of kayfabe, I see it as a necessity to prevent B3313 and other experiences like it from becoming deeply lame, reminiscent of the early days of extremely self-serious YouTube ARGs.
There’s a seal that you break at some point if you came up playing video games. It’s the realization that everything in the game you’re currently playing is there on the disc. Emotion engines and curated experiences cannot magically conjure a completely unique experience specifically for you. With digital games, automatic updates, and the increasing capabilities of neural networks and AI, this becomes a harder point to make, but we’re not quite to the point where games can just generate new assets out of thin air. New content speeds through pipelines for still-alive service games, patch notes get nailed to the theoretical doors of your chosen Gaming Chapel, yet ghosts do not haunt hardware. There is no “personalization AI” present in a two-decade old N64 rom, and with how fast information travels and the fact that leaking video game news and secrets is basically a goddamned industry now, most games don’t get to keep their secrets for long, no matter how much I may want them to.
As you do with the childhood loss of innocence, you learn to eventually understand and cope with the feeling that games are not infinite dream machines made for you and you alone. However, you inevitably replace that malaise and disappointment with the fact that these collections of data and if-then statements still have so, so much to share with you. Experiences like B3313 come along from time to time to serve as a haunting reminder, though. This romhack is a transmission from a moderately different yet hauntingly similar reality that threatens to plunge you back into the depths of childlike mystique, wonder, and, funnily enough, horror, but with your current adult understanding and awareness. It’s equally as enticing as it is terrifying.
I know part of it is just getting older, not having enough space in your head for everything, and generally just "recording over" less important events in your life, but I've realized in the last few years that I don't remember parts of my childhood. I'm not talking year long spans or anything like that, but traumatic experiences that my brain has blotted out, or lengths of time that I just used to remember very succinctly. I don't think my childhood was any more or less extraordinary than anyone else's, probably on the "less" side of that spectrum, actually, but… it just feels weird. In finding old TV show uploads and reliving games from that time period, I feel like I've been trying to piece it back together or convince myself that I shouldn't. I think this romhack, in its own way, helped me cope with a little bit of that.
Playing B3313 is tasting honey lemon cough drops as I sweat into my childhood bedsheets, drifting in and out of tenuous sleep in my dark bedroom in the middle of the day. In its own weird way, it’s beautiful.
4) Hitman: World of Assassination
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Thanks for sticking with me through that.
Up until recently, I always felt like an outsider when I said I was a fan of the Hitman games. I loved Blood Money when I was at the ripe old age of 10, and loved watching Tom Bowen’s “How Not To Play Hitman” series slightly more than actually playing it. I did end up finishing Blood Money, eventually moving onto Silent Assassin and, for some reason, Codename 47. I could not finish the first, nor stomach the latter, and it always made me feel like… a poser, I guess? They were pretty “hardcore” games at the time, known for stringent stealth and detection mechanics, and looking at forum posts and videos at the time it felt like I wasn’t getting The Full Experience by not being a bad enough dude to play them, let alone get Silent Assassin ranks. The World of Assassination trilogy has blown that locked door off the fucking hinges for me.
The three newest Hitman games are wonderful romps. As someone who’s been following Giant Bomb for a decade and loved their Hitman coverage and content, it feels like I’m just copying their homework here, but oh well. From throwing homing briefcases and walking around as a clown with a WA2000, to actually seeing the bald beauty's story wrap in the third chapter, Hitman asks you to take these games as seriously as you can. While you’re still definitely Agent 47, (nom de guerre, Tobias Rieper,) and still definitely going through an actually pretty good plot thrust in between garroting sociopathic billionaires, you are given carte blanche to steal so many clothes, chuck so many wrenches and empty as much lead into bystanders as possible with very little restriction. It's this distinction that I feel makes stuff like World of Assasination and, in my opinion, the Dead Rising series work. Comedy is often a hard thing to do in games, and I feel it's best left up to player expression and interpretation in most cases.
Whenever possible, I WILL go for alert-less stealth runs in any game where it's possible, and I killed hours meticulously reloading checkpoints, or missions wholesale, in the World Of Assassination trilogy back in February just to get Silent Assassin. But I also had plenty of moments where I had to break my own self-imposed restrictions to, for example, shoot Vanya Shah right in the back of her smug head and beat a quick, immediately exposed retreat as I let the exhausted sweatshop workers she rules over see her body careen two stories to the ground below her. This was a moment so satisfying that I am struggling to not reinstall the game right now and record a clip myself. (By the way, while Hitman has never been about killing people who don’t deserve it, WoA’s targets ride a hell of a line between being laughably sociopathic and ripped from the headlines of [what is hopefully not] the near future. I really do admire it.)
Hitman had some of my absolute favorite moments this year and, despite it pushing you strongly to a lot of those moments, they never felt unearned. I often yearn for the desire to feel like I truly was the brain genius who earned my moments, but Hitman helped lessen some of that stringency on myself while still allowing me to push my understanding of the game. From throwing Erich Soders’ replacement heart into the trash to whacking the Janus in a send-up to Blood Money’s A New Life, it’s some of the most satisfied I’ve ever been getting lead to water.
And, god, that fucking mission in Berlin? Insane. Insane. I know people talk up Dartmoor a lot and it does deserve it but… man.
3) Dicey Dungeons
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In the midst of my summer-time seasonal depression, nothing was really working for me. I found myself pouring over what was on PC Game Pass, writing off games that seemed like too much of an undertaking after I’d completed a certain, lengthy RPG earlier in the season. Dicey Dungeons was a blip on my radar once upon a time, but had slipped through the cracks of my memory until I scrolled past it in my Xbox app, then inched my way back up to it.
I am both surprised and not that I spent SO much time playing Dicey Dungeons this year. As a man that will play any rogueli(k)(t)e you put in front of me at least to the completion of one successful run, it’s basic fuckin’ math. It’s the logical conclusion of just how rudimentary you can make a roguelike and have me still play it.
It’s also, by technicality, the third god damned card game on this list.
Dead simple— Dicey Dungeons is a game of rogueli(k)(t)e Yahtzee with RPG classes, inventory management, and an absolutely fantastic soundtrack that has me picking up my chiptune defending sword-and-board once again. The fate of your runs are, with some influence from the player, entirely up to literal dice rolls. I truly love just how much the game leans into being a stone-cold RNG fest, down to the fact that the entire thing takes place in a game(show) of fate hosted by an anthropomorphized Lady Luck. Its writing and enemy design is sickeningly, saccharine sweet and just a tiny skosh insufferable, but it never gets in the way of how rock solid and addictive the game itself is. So much so that I squeezed this damn game dry of content.
I’ve seen quite literally every piece of new content the game has to offer shy of the Halloween expansion, (it turns the game into a lethal puzzle thing, just not my cup of tea,) and I still had to stop writing this section of the list to go play a quick round. Played Robot in Parallel Universe with a decisive victory against Madison, in case you’re curious. And I cranked the volume in the boss fight for the first time since I turned it down to catch up on podcasts and video essays while whittling through the end-game hard modes. Lifeline goes completely insane as does the rest of the soundtrack. I was throwing ass in my kitchen making sandwiches listening to this months ago. This game just rules.
2) Yakuza 7: Like A Dragon
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Of all the ‘guys’ I have claimed to not be in this GOTY list, I am, maybe least of them all, a turn-based RPG guy. I’ve tried, multiple times to breach them, and the best I can get is about halfway through most mainline Pokemon games before the tedium of Okay Now You Go battling gets to me. And yeah, I know, I just got done rattling on about two different card and dice-based roguelikes that are also turn based but… that’s different, y’know? I’m not just highlighting Firaga and watching an animation play out, I’m throwin’ dice and channeling lightning orbs and…
Look, it’s not important. What is important is I finished my first fucking Yakuza game this year. And it was the goddamn turn based RPG! Yakuza 7 is one of the most charming and enjoyable games I’ve played in my life! And it’s a turn based RPG!
That’s horrifying!
I don’t need to sing the praises of any of Ryu Ga Gotoku’s games. If you’re following me, you’re probably fully bought into the series or have heard people around you audibly get boners for Goro Majima and Kazuma Kiryu. In fact, I find it incredibly difficult to write anything new or provocative about this game that hasn’t already been said, but I just feel so strongly about it. It’s the insanely fun video-game-meets-real-life premise and immeasurably loveable cast of misfits that excel. It’s the heat moves. It’s Zhao. It’s the raw passion, genuine heartbreak, and joy of just being here that really got me. It’s Zhao again. Combine all that with an active battle system that satisfies the goopy goblin gamer brain’s need for near constant input and man? I’m set.
I know through cultural osmosis that Yakuza is a series about a few key things: compassion, loyalty, the bonds we share with others, and what loyalty really means. Yakuza 7 obviously has all of this in spades, but especially what it has to say about the lower/working class, anyone unfortunate enough to be homeless, sex workers, and those from impoverished backgrounds is so effortlessly excellent that it makes me excited to go back and play this series from the word go. I’ll miss the hell out of Ichiban and the shonen protagonist brand of fire-blooded vigor and bullheadedness he brought, but I’m excited to (…eventually) start anew.
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1) Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3
Here we are. Finally. I’m not only writing something about a released version of Jaykin Bacon Jabroni Brawl, but I also genuinely feel it’s my game of the year. And now that we’ve arrived at this juncture I just keep thinking… what the hell do I even say about this game? I found something, but fuck, it took a while:
It must be said that I was raised in a triple parent household: I was brought up by my mother, father, and the Source engine. When I was 9 years old, I tuned into a mid day re-run of the now anicent television program The Screensavers that showed off version five of Garry’s Mod. At that point, I’d already played scattered chunks of the short, but enthralling Half-Life 2 demo we had on our family computer, (of course, the Icthyosaur jumpscare and being teleported to Ravenholm scared me right off,) but hadn't picked up the game. I begged my poor cash strapped father for a copy probably too many times, and after we both realized the pirated copy he nabbed wouldn’t be compatible, got a Half-Life 2 & Counter Strike: Source double pack for me as a birthday/Christmas gift.
I loved Garry’s Mod. I’ve got no clue how many hours I poured into version 9 before its subsequent release on Steam as an officially sanctioned mod, but let’s just say it was a lot. In December 2005 I joined the Facepunch forums, learned the difference between models and textures, corrected a lot of spelling mistakes, had my first bouts with navigating Windows folder directories, definitely made some crude sex poses, and found my first group of online friends shortly thereafter. I would eventually slowly slip away from regular patronage to Facepunch sometime in the early 2010s, but the impact it had on me as a youth is unquestionable. We can talk about whether it was a net good some other time though.
Before this gets too far into navel gazing and nostalgia, I’ll say that along the line I played a wonderful mod for Half-Life 1 called Half-Life 2: Jaykin Bacon Source that serves as the genesis for Jabroni Brawl. It’s a mess, but up until its Facepunch-branded revival and subsequent alpha/beta tests, it was the only thing I’d ever played like it. It’s full of ripped assets from other mods, purposefully goofy voice acting from its shithead (lovingly) teenage creator, and plenty of stuff taken from the then-recent Metal Gear Solid 3, a game I had also fallen in love with prior. It was dumb fun that I have forced multiple groups of friends at varying stages of my life to play and have a ludicrous amount of attachment to.
And Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3 is that, all over again, from the faithfully recreated weapons and impenetrable Facepunch callbacks, to the fact that this more or less ended up being a surprisingly official-feeling love letter to anyone who has ever made anything in either Source or Goldsrc. Jabroni Brawl knows what it is, and that’s all it is. It’s a deathmatch mod for and by the people still cherishing the rapidly atrophying muscular structure of a game engine that just won’t seem to die. It's for the people who want to get a group of people together on a Friday and throw friction grenades at/fart on each other. And that's all it needs to be to knock it out of the park.
Source and its modding scene still means a lot to people, myself included. For a lot of us weirdoes, it was a playground that evolved into a way to make friends, hone skills and even turn interests into hobbies and jobs.
But hey, this is getting KINDA GAY!!!!!!!!
Jabroni Brawl is frenetic FPS bullshit. It’s terminally stupid, rough around the edges, and unbelievably fun with the right people. Jabroni Brawl is gaming. It’s e-sports. It's, dare I say, hobby-grade. And it’s a complete goddamn miracle. I mean, fuck, this is probably the one project to start on Facepunch and actually see the light of day, right? Even seeing the Tales From The Galactopticon models in the customization menu made me feel positively ancient.
Here’s an in-game clip of a good friend killing himself in maybe the funniest way I’ve ever seen. Take care, and Feliz Navidad.
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