#I live a healthy lifestyle
prisonhannibal · 2 days
my art block disappeared so I have drawn a total of like 14 hours in the past two days yay
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
In s5 when Will tries to give Mike space because he interprets Mike’s clinginess as his own, only for Mike to confront him like What gives? and Will being like I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to sabotage everything again…
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disciplinedselfrya · 1 month
This morning I asked myself: "How do I want to feel at the end of the day?". The answer came almost immediately. I want to be in a good mood, to feel productive, and proud of myself for getting one step closer to my goal. And then I asked myself something else: "What do I need to do to feel this way?". That's how I wrote my to-do list.
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Which is the best foods for weight loss in united states ?
The best foods for weight loss in the United States combine nutritional value, portion control, and sustainable eating habits. Here are some attractive options:
Leafy Greens: Incorporate kale, spinach, and Swiss chard into your meals. They're low in calories but packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Lean Proteins: Opt for skinless poultry, lean cuts of beef or pork, tofu, and legumes. Protein helps you feel full and preserves muscle mass.
Fruits: Enjoy colorful fruits like berries, apples, and citrus. They're rich in antioxidants and fiber, making them satisfying and nutritious.
Whole Grains: Choose whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat bread. They're fiber-rich and provide lasting energy.
Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, and chia seeds are excellent sources of healthy fats and protein. They also keep you feeling full longer.
Fish: Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart health and can aid in weight loss.
Greek Yogurt: It's protein-packed and can be a creamy, satisfying snack or breakfast option.
Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are low in calories and high in fiber. They make great additions to meals.
Avocado: While calorie-dense, avocados provide healthy fats and fiber, helping control appetite.
Beans and Lentils: They're rich in protein and fiber, keeping you full and stabilizing blood sugar levels.
Water: Don't forget the importance of staying hydrated. Drinking water before meals can help control portion sizes.
Herbs and Spices: Flavor your dishes with herbs and spices instead of salt or high-calorie sauces.
Remember, the key to successful weight loss is not only about individual foods but also about overall dietary patterns and lifestyle choices. A balanced diet, portion control, regular physical activity, and consistency are essential for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Consult a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized guidance on your weight loss journey.
Read more helpful information about health & fitness :
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fitgothgirl · 3 months
OoOoooOOo look at me with a random photo dump/life update!
I keep wanting to journal in my handwritten diary, but it's just working out/I can't get it stick. And I haven't been really journaling here either because I've been wanting to "save it" for the diary so I don't get tired of writing about the same things. So that means I'm just not writing at all now! So I'm just going to try to switch back to tumblr & and also try to journal more than I had been doing before (since it was still sparse).
And so~~~
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Random Puck pic while he's being rambunctious & crazy eyed. 🖤 Caught him as he was bucking the metal bed leg lol...
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Delicious dinner at one of our favorite places with my bf's parents for his birthday. 🍷🥩😋 We actually did this a week before his birthday since they were going out of town.
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We went to a Giants game on his actual birthday, which just happened to be their Pride Day event so that was cool! They gave out sweaters with the SF logo filled with pride flag colors but the rest of the sweater was white so we just gave them to friends lmao... Also the gif of the closest flag pole is hard to see but it has 5 flags for each of the teams in the division, and they're in order of the current standings. Hate to see the Dodgers up there but it is what it is... (At least my dad has been happy...) Also, is this a bf face reveal?... 🤔 It's definitely been at least many a year. And you are correct he is very handsome. 😍😁
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McCovey Cove where people hang out during Giants games to get the rare "splash hit" home runs. They're out there no matter the weather but this was a gorgeous day so it looked like a party. 🍻☀️
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Couple recent selfies. Left was a few days ago when we went to see the Ghost concert movie Rite Here Rite Now which was fun! The only other time I've been to the theater for a non-movie was seeing UFC 189, which was the fight where Robbie Lawler got his lip hella split open and it was all flapping on the big screen. 😆🫣 It was still a super fun time though haha. And then the right is my a gym selfie from yesterday! I was back after about a 10 day break from the gym just due to some ups and downs emotionally/mentally. Haven't been able to be super consistent but just glad to be back when I can get there. However I accidentally shmurdered my abs since it had been a while and I was already neglecting them... 😅
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Backyard hangs. Left: felt artistic during a friends' BBQ we hosted this past Friday so had my friend hold her weed for a portrait mode pic lol. Looked so nice in the summer sunset. 😍😄 Right: just chillin on my own a random other day.
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Yesterday's meals & this morning's breakfasts.
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Got a 1.5 mile walk in, & about 45-50 min on a recumbent bike.
Feeling better today. Nebulized already.
Up early, caffeinated. On my lunch break now.
Laundry is going. Time to walk the dogs 🐕
I addressed my loneliness with some extra Journaling this morning.
I know my marriage went bad, but I miss the companionship & cuddling. My ex turned out to be a cheater who manipulated me and financially abused me tho, so I don't miss that shit. I haven't spoke to them in years. Sometimes it is just better to cut contact completely.
Caregiving is lonely. Working from home is lonely. Not living in town is a little lonely too because it's not like I can just pop by someone's house. Everywhere I can go involves more driving and is less accessible, especially in today's corporate world.
My gf got sick at about the time i was starting to get restless, so I am giving her space to heal.
I am trying to refocus that intensity back to myself. Focus on my goals. My shit. My stuff.
I am recovering, I am trying to allow myself more rest.
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conspiring-limabean · 6 months
I would never deny science (though there are also valid reasons these studies might be dubious) but the thought of this theory is so fucking funny to me
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bring back bloodletting 😍
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womenfit2 · 8 months
Amazing Weightloss transformation
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officialpenisenvy · 8 months
it pisses me off soooo much that i can't eat salads you guys have no idea
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fitforestfairy · 10 days
Fairy’s Wellness Drink 🍋 🫚
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It’s a pity that the term “detox” has been so overused and used to market drinks and diets that are supposed to be a “magic pill” for all health and weight loss things related.
I know your body has the organs necessary to detox itself and so on. I still like this drink! I just don’t like to call it “detox” not to give the idea that it does anything particularly miraculous 🧙‍♀️
It just sets the tone of the day for me and I can tweak it in different ways (adding fresh mint or green apple slices or even cinnamon) and I simply like it!
Even though it’s an acquired taste, and the straw is pretty much mandatory because of the level of acidity to help protect your teeth enamel.
Roughly it consists of:
A tall glass (mason jar, etc) of water
1 cap of raw apple cider vinegar (I literally use the cap of the bottle to measure it out!)
1-2 limes (or half a lemon), some sliced and some juiced
A bit of fresh grated ginger (or ginger powder)
Some of the actual benefits, apart from naturally helping with hydration (because water!) and some vitamin C, the component in the ACV may help regulating blood sugar levels, plus if you use actual raw ACV with “the mother” the probiotics are good for gut health.
Let me know if you’d try it and how you’d modify it according to your taste and needs 🥤
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wolframpant · 1 year
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13 October 54 AD: Emperor Claudius dies after consuming some mushrooms that were allegedly poisoned by his wife Agrippina.
I, Claudius
Anno Domini
Imperium: Nerone
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disciplinedselfrya · 23 days
Fall of 2024 - Goals 🍁
Okay! New season! Let's put that "summertime sadness" away and starting working on our goals! 💪
Now, before you start writing ten different areas of your life that you want to improve…stop! You're not setting goals, but failure.
I know you are enthusiastic, but calm down a little. Because you have school and as sad as it might sound to you, school takes a lot of time. And if you are on this blog, you can't afford bad grades.
So let's set manageable goals. I want you to choose three things in your life that you will focus on the next three months.
And if you are still in school, your academic life should be one of them.
For me, those three areas are:
Education (my grades, knowledge and Olympiad work)
Physical health (my diet, workout schedule and daily steps)
Skills - literature and communication, maybe psychology (writing on this blog, writing poetry, attending all sorts of events where I have the chance to meet people who work in the field, volunteering)
Some other examples might be your financial situation, your mental health, your social skills, network, hobbies or one important project.
This fall, I want to focus on getting fit and healthy, working for the Olympiad and learning about literature, communication and psychology while also getting to know more people (my network).
Now that you know what are the areas in your life that you want to work on, think about how you will take action. Autumn has three months. At this point, you only need to focus on September.
After each one of the things above, write what you'll do to reach your goals.
For my education:
I will study every day using effective techniques
I will talk to my teacher and make a plan for the Olympiad that I will follow
I will do my homework as soon as I can
For my physical health:
I will start working out 6 days a week again: three times a week weights, three times a week cardio (dancing, swimming and maybe running)
I will walk to school and go on walks when I can
I will follow a healthy diet (I will post the rules soon)
For my skills (and network):
I will make a schedule for my posts once school starts and write consistently
I will have the courage to take initiative and start conversations
I will attend events related to my interests (at least one this month)
Note: everything will be done after I get back from my second trip. I am leaving the city today and I will return on Friday. My school year starts on the 9th of September and this is the day when I will actually start studying and everything else. Next week, all I want is to have fun! <3
They might seem like a lot, I know. But you won't actually do all these every day.
For instance, I will have days when I will just work for the Olympiad, study, go to my dance class and write a post (except for school and eating healthy). Or I will have an event and do some homework, maybe go to the gym after this.
You have to take each day as it is. And stay consistent.
If this is too much for you, choose two areas instead of three.
Focusing just on your grades and health, for example, is way better than having five different tasks on your plate daily and ditching them all. 👌
Hope this helps! Keep going! And have a loooovely autumn! 💖 Rya
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naenaesdreambody · 3 months
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(Almost!) 40lbs Down!
My first ever post! First picture was taken Jan 17 second one Jul 7. Not a huge difference in my body but I already feel so much better.
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helshollowhalls · 10 months
This apartment houses me, my cat, my ghostly ancestors who are perpetually disappointed in me, my demons that haunt me and my brain.
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rinkwrites · 4 months
Log Book - 22/05/24
Breakfast - avocado toast
Lunch - wrap with pesto ham and tomatoes, salad with carrot spinach and kale
Dinner - wagamamas teriyaki chicken donburi
Jobs ✔️
yoga class at gym
cleaned behind bed
bought clothes for summer
sorted out files from this year
queued some old essays to post
piano practice
did the dishes
hung up clothes to dry
composted old flowers
Fun Stuff
went out for dinner
went book shopping
going to see a play
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monsieurenjlolras · 9 months
Yes I'm making yorkshire puddings at 2am. It would have been 1:30am but it took longer than usual cause my arm is sprained get off my case
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