#I keep wanting to call the new book dream girl evil which would be way funnier tbh if chloe ended up crazy evil
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regardstosoulandromance · 1 month ago
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the vibe of chloe and sid in the au pair affair
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nothazellevesque · 1 year ago
Okay, rereading pjo as an adult made me realize that Luke and the titans really used the geneva conventions as more of a geneva checklist. like bro technically did all but FOUR of the war crimes outlined in the geneva conventions. and he technically attempted summary execution, but he failed. let’s recap and go over what Luke did and where it fits as a war crime:
Willful killing, or causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health- literally all of the shit he does. Luke breaks this one with the pit scorpion in book ONE, and then keeps on breaking it every book.
Torture or inhumane treatment- okay so technically Luke is a victim of torture and inhumane treatment by kronos, and kronos tortures folks with Ominous And Scary Dreams.
Unlawful wanton destruction or appropriation of property- Luke/kronos goes absolutely HAM with the scythe and wrecks olympus. and a lot of Manhattan.
Forcing a prisoner of war to serve in the forces of a hostile power- okay so technically, luke HAS no prisoners of war, but he blackmails silena to serve him as a spy. she is not physically held captive in the traditional sense, but she is forced to serve out of fear for her and her loved ones’ safety. technically not a traditional prisoner of war, but DEFINITELY not a willing member of the titan force (i have no idea how to classify silena, really) also forces annabeth to hold up the sky so atlas can be free, literally forcing her to serve his goals.
Depriving a prisoner of war of a fair trial- technically has no prisoners of war in the traditional sense, but considering percy and his friends are briefly held prisoner by Luke and he tries to kill percy by letting antaeus, ethan, and a dracaena attack him without him being formally accused of a crime, i think this counts in the loosest sense of the law.
Unlawful deportation, confinement or transfer- annabeth in the titan’s curse. while technically not shown in the books, she did NOT make it from that cliff at westover all the way to mount othrys on her own or willingly. sorry girl
Taking hostages- annabeth. all those mortals on the princess andromeda. man took a LOT of hostages
Directing attacks against civilians- he puts all of New York City to sleep. not ONE of those people is a combatant, Luke. those are civilians, Luke. You did a war crime, Luke.
Misusing a flag of truce, a flag or uniform of the enemy- kronos literally wearing Luke as a skin suit. While Luke may have been an enemy combatant to percy and camp half blood, it is VERY apparent that he is fighting for some aspect of control and does not want to be kronos’s skin suit (as exemplified by his conversation with annabeth). or, a more obvious example, Luke masquerading as a normal camper while doing kronos’s bidding in the early days. man DEFINITELY wore the camp shirt while doing his evil deeds.
Settlement of occupied territory- taking over the princess andromeda. does a cruise ship count as territory? Idk. but i don’t think the titans built a whole ass cruise ship JUST for luke and kronos’s coffin and then decided to let a bunch of random mortals on. those folks were most likely already on there.
Deportation of inhabitants of occupied territory- the mortals on the princess andromeda are NOT present after sea of monsters. so where did they go?
Using poison weapons- idk what to classify the lydian drakon as. is that thing a combatant? a weapon? whatever it is, it has poison, and it kills people, which is Not Allowed. also Ethan’s little poison knife stab on annabeth. little war crime bestie
Using civilians as shields- wtf else would you call just leaving all those sleeping mortals on the street in Manhattan if not human shields?
Using child soldiers- okay to be fair EVERYONE in the pjo universe does this war crime. so ill give Luke a slight pass
Firing upon a Combat Medic with clear insignia- the Apollo cabin. those kids are the closest we got to combat medics in these books, and the monsters definitely try and munchity crunchity the fuck out of those kids
Murder, cruel or degrading treatment and torture- um… literally EVERYTHING luke/kronos unleashes upon the campers? idk what you would call a POISON ACID SPITTING DRAGON HITTING YOU IN THE FACE if not torture. also. he murders ethan. that’s definitely a thing he does. if the shard of weapon in Ethan’s body doesn’t kill him before kronos drop kicks him through a pit hundreds of stories above the ground, that drop definitely will. sorry ethan.
Pillaging- technically he does not do MUCH pillaging, but the stealing of the helm of darkness and the lightning bolt, and other minor things counts i think
idk if luke and kronos know about the geneva conventions, but they definitely exist in universe, so… have fun at The Hague with your war crimes mcgrimes headasses
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braceletofteeth · 2 years ago
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @kissporsche 💕💕 which made me really happy because a few months ago they initiated a conversation with me and I was too much of an introvert to keep it going, so I had thought then that I had lost my chance at friendship forever 🥲
Three Ships
The (un)holy trinity: Hannigram (from Hannibal), Jongmoon (from Strangers From Hell) and VegasPete (from KinnPorsche).
First Ever Ship
It's hard to pinpoint the exact pair... Hmm... I'll tell you about the first one I remember being obsessed about, as in reading all the fics available about them-obsessed. I was eleven? Twelve? Anyway. That would be Cato and Clove, from The Hunger Games. They were not canon in the book (or the movie! They were done SO dirty in the movie!!! I CAN'T EVEN FIND A GIF OF THEM TOGETHER TO INCLUDE HERE 😤), there were just one (or two?) moments that could be interpreted like that, if you had a wild imagination 😅 Fortunately, at that time, me, and a bunch of other kids who enjoyed the tragedy of it all, read too much into it.
So, while everyone else was discussing the love triangle of the main characters or shipping themselves with Finnick Odair, we were in a dark corner crying and throwing up because of two kids who were raised to become killing machines—the star-crossed lovers from District 2, as we liked to call them.
Last Song
Keep Asking Me, by Francis Well. It has a feeling similar to Little House On The Hill, so I think of them as sisters.
Last Movie
Cherry Magic: The Movie. I had already forgotten the gifsets I had seen about it, months ago, so everything was a surprise.
[spoiler alert] My favorites scenes were the ones of Adachi and Kurosawa meeting each other's families, even though it seemed like my heart was going to jump out of my chest in both occasions 😀
Currently Reading
Making my way through the PrapaiSky tag on AO3 (meaning I'm reading literally anything and everything that sounds slightly interesting).
Currently Watching
1. GAP. I haven't watched the most recent episode yet, but it seems we're reaching the climax of the story. I'm already dreading the moment I'll have to let go of all my girls (+ Mon's step-father) :(
2. Star & Sky Series. I've finished Star in My Mind, and I'll start Sky in Your Heart (which is the part two? the spin-off?) soon (allegedly. Never trust a 'soon' coming from me).
3. TharnType. Only a few more episodes to go. Absolutely bonkers show.
4. Summer Strike. The healing type that I had been saving for when I needed it most.
5. Beyond Evil. I had been saying for a long time that I was going to rewatch BE, but never got around to do it (16 episodes! Who has the time!!). My brother was browsing Netflix looking for something for us to watch together, and suggested BE. I thought he was joking (he has already rewatched it 5 or 6 times by himself 🙃), so I agreed, also joking. Turns out, he wasn't joking 😀😀 So now we're watching it again (*in my first time, I watched it with him as well). It's been a really different experience, watching it from the perspective of someone who knows what they should be paying attention to (I wish I had forgotten the details so I could enjoy the unpredictable mystery again, but it seems I still remember most of it 😅) .
Currently Consuming
Currently Craving
Eight (or more) hours of sleep. No waking up because of freezing temperatures, bad dreams, or the men working on a new floor for my neighbour's house in the early hours of the morning.
... I haven't had one of those in a while 😞
Since it's people I'd like to get to know better, I'll tag the blogs I started following more recently: @saturnskyline @leporschespam @ronandhermy @teakrush @stillqueerstillhere (it's absolutely okay to ignore this, though 😊✌)
**If there aren't 9 it's because I'm bad at math.
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imagines-to-quench-thirst · 4 years ago
Visiting your hometown
What happens when you take your man to your home town? As your memories, people and places come together how will he react?
A small/long drabble to get me back into writing. Enjoy!
Victor Creed
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This mutant never thought that he would walk in your hometown. He didn't expect to see cultures that morph together into one special town, your town. A place where you grew up. So keeping all that in mind he was cautious. Various not to offend someone or to say a rude word in your mother tongue. For the first time in his life, he is frazzled and nervous. he will keep in his front pocket a small leaflet some words he heard you say a few times that may be of some assistance. trying to woo you.
-that old hag showed me the middle finger. let's go.
Unfortunately, anything that he says wrong, will be your responsibility to amend it. so good luck.
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you just know that Loki will have your mother tongue in his little finger (that sounds weird but let's carry on) but do not be fooled, he can not survive the morning wave of people in the farmers market. something that is pretty much normal for you. Loki doesn't know how to feel when he sees the local butcher wrapping the meat in todays' newspaper giving it to buyers or how people shove him to the side as his black suit with the green scarf is more than brought down in value. he will hear the near shouts of Famers that are trying to sell their livelihood to him as his head goes from one side to another in a split second. he will easily get reeled in by the old farmer who just smells the innocence on the Midgardian addressed god. you know the moment you grabs his hand he looks at you.
-how did you ever survive in this chaos?
-I thought you said that chaos is your middle name.
-it is however my kind of chaos is more dignified.
-survive just a little bit more, I need to go to that man in the corner.
-oh, no...
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we all in the fandom know that thor is a ball of joy. but when he lands in your city, your territory he is stoic. he is here on a mission and no one should stand in his way. he will glue himself to your side and he will hold the dictionary book in his mighty right hand and your hand in his left. he will not stand for wasting a day on mundane stuff that you do with him back in the HQ so say goodbye to lazying around. when you go to the oceanic part of your country you are now almost ready to drown him in the ocean. or just leave him on the road, it is getting that heavy.
-thor, think it is time to stop.
-what do you mean?
-to be honest, I don't know anymore I am so tired.
-you are right... let us stop. for 2 minutes and then you can drive again.
-I will leave you here.
Bucky Barnes
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bucky loves to travel. he loves to see you in the role of a guide you tell him about the park where you cut your leg open and when you got to the hospital as a nun stood above you praying for your recovery. bucky loves to feel the fresh air going into his nose thinking to himself how this was the same air that you breathe in. he loves to see all the different parts of the city where you went to. even so much that he went to your former hairstylist.
-bucky, you don't have to do this.
-nonsense, doll. I want to experience it. just like you did.
-that was eons ago. and I wore super short hair, like a hedgehog.
-yeah, it was so short that I only put on gel and made small spikes.
- I will give everything I have and say that you looked beautiful.
-alright, your call.
Steve Rogers
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steve cannot wait for enough for him to arrive in the city where you walked, ran, and laughed. he cannot wait to enter your old apartment and see all of the hidden pieces that he wants to know. he loves to help you clean the apartment and see a big box of your old photos. he will look with your through on the hard wooden floor with one arm around your shoulders as you talk about each photo. even showing him the photo of your sister.
-when will I meet her?
-I don't know.
-didn't you say that she lived here, still?
-I want to meet her. I think am ready for it.
Bruce Wayne
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you just know that when you told him to pack his bags to go with you he did his research. he knows when, how the city was built. he will try to memorize the tongue twisters and say them horribly wrong just to make you laugh. when he looks at your old apartment he tries to envision the day you left it all behind to go to Gotham and it breaks his heart to imagine you in tears.
you take his calloused hand feeling his fingers tighten the grip.
-sorry, I immediately imagined you when you moved out. I got sad.
-because, you surely cried.
-I did, a little, but this city didn't have that something.
-and what is that?
-you dumbass. now stop sulking we need to clean.
Clark Kent
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as Clark arrived at the farm where your aunt lived he couldn't help feel but prepared. he saw the cows eating grabs and was ready in a split second to milk it just to show off his soft and delicate side. Clark heard the stories of your aunt, well one of them, and from what he concluded, for now, this aunt was the beginner level, nice one, the one who won't tear him a new one if he doesn't treat you right. as the door opened you greeted your aunt in your mother tongue and introduced your man. Clark shakingly trying to reply in the mother tongue feeling the few letters that stood together could fall more apart than from his mouth. your aunt laughed hugging him and roughly patted him on his back. almost like a punch if you will. you look at your aunt and Clark cannot help but stand behind you as he whispered.
-what did she say?
-she said that you seem stiffer than a goat's turd.
-you said that this aunt was nice.
-she is. but that is the way we express ourselves.
-with curse words???!!
-what better way.
Arthur curry
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Arthur was relaxed when he arrived, he was laid back when he slept in your apartment but that all suicide jumped off a cliff as he shook hands with your mother. Your mom wasn't that intimating but he heard the stories of her standing to your abusive father and running away with just some change in her pocket and a used car. he knows that the woman in front of him is strong can make or break your relationship. so he held the coffee cup in his hands as if was the key to everything he needed to know how to make your mother happy. he saw how your eyes sparkled when you talked to her how your smile ever left for a second you take what seemed to him in complete gibberish but cute gibberish. your mother turns to him asking in English.
-so Arthur, can I call you by your first name?
-yes, madam. of course, you can.
-thank you. well, then Arthur what do you do for a living?
with a small nod from you, he tells the honest truth.
-I am a superhero. but minus the stupid cape. I am here to keep you and your daughter, of course, safe from all danger. and I hope you will like me!!!!
you turn to your mother with a small chuckle as you tell her in your mother tongue.
-he is helpless.
-he seems like it, good luck, Y/n.
Orm Marius
nothing can save his pulse from rising as he walked with the crowd of people in the town square only your hand which he held more than tightly enough. you stopped pointing at a big statue of a colonel on a horse placed in the middle of the square.
-he is a big deal.
-yes, I can imagine the poor people that had to lift it up to place it here.
-yes, but thanks to those people, people now in the present can always remember what they went through at that time.
he didn't find any specialness in the statute for him it lacked in far more than that he can count but when he saw your face looking at the statue he knew that whatever that stirred in you he wanted to see it every day. he only squeezed your hand placing a kiss on your knuckles.
-does this mean you want in your likeness?
-sure, but only if you will make it.
-oh, darling, that is a recipe for chaos.
The Joker
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j never put effort into himself. he did in destruction, in chaos, in mayhem, and even in covering his white skin with some basic foundation as he meets your off the edge aunt. when you told him that every second sentence from her is a curse he was more than ready to meet her. because sometimes crazy people click with the people who like to curse. everyone knows that. so when he sat in the house of your crazy aunt he firstly observed, he watched you talked together and exchanged laughs, even more, when you ever brought to tears as you laughed off the curses she threw at you so playfully making even j smile. so when she turned to him it was game time. and you were the translator.
-my aunt asked what is that you do for a job?
-tell her I am the man of your dreams.
-I told her that.
-damn, then tell her-WHAT?!
you giggle at his shock as you heard the playful quote she told you when you were little and j wanted to know what she said.
-what did she say?
-she said "if a girl gives a man a hand, she will give him her ass"
-your aunt is a wise woman.
- I knew you would like her.
Duncan Vizla
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Duncan likes to take walks and taking a walk with you next to him as you showed him around your old neighborhood and told him stores of the always pissed on metal slide and the always filled cafes that were always the pinpoints for some scammers he found in question why you like it so much. as you showed his around you stopped at your old elementary school. you showed him the main entrance was where everyone hurled in the morning hours and where you sat with your friends and talked about the horribly proffers that still to this day haunt you. something he heard you mumble in your sleep.
-she was that awful?
-yes, and people like here never get old it's like the evilness she has in her keeps her eligible for work.
-am i not the same?
he couldn't ask a stupider question. and for that, you punched him in the shoulder.
-don't compare yourself to her. you aren't evil.
-you are forgetting my job, darling.
-you kill for money, she kills for fun and to keep herself alive. a difference now let's go home I need to remind you just how good and attentive you can be.
-lead the way, dove.
hope you liked it. Tell me what you think❤️
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serpenteve · 4 years ago
I'm having the horrible realization that Aleksander never actually did any serious wooing of Alina in the books. It's all just Alina her self being horny attracted to him. But this is supposedly???? His grand scheme???? Of manipulation???? Implications! It seems like the girls in these books wasn't the only one slut shamed. I'm- ☠
Leigh wrote a man sexy and captivating and said "it's his fault, actually, that Alina got a crush on him. He shouldn't of.... uh.." Flips through papers. "Ah, had such pretty eyes."
Okay! 👀Yes, we are finally doing this!
I'm flipping through my copy of Shadow & Bone and noting down all the interactions between the Darkling and Alina which I've put in chronological order beneath the cut.
First of all, the Darkling and Alina are only alone together in about a handful of scenes. Most of the time, the are surrounded by other Grisha or Baghra or are in a public place. A lot of the Darkling's actions and words are clouded by Alina's own insecurities. She constantly voices how she feels like she's not good enough, not pretty enough, not strong enough and he takes it in stride and gently encourages and placates her. There are a few lies he does tell her (that the Black Heretic was his ancestor, that he wants to destroy the Fold, and he doesn't know what Baghra's power is, etc) but if we extrapolate the trajectory of her ill-fated romance arc, I think even book!Darkling would have told Alina about his real plans if she seemed like she'd accept them.
A lot of speculation has been made about the Darkling's seduction of Alina and honestly???? Aleksander literally just exists and Alina is thirsting for him because she's desperately looking for validation and re-assurance. I initially head-canoned his first kiss by the lake as being pure calculation and the kiss at the Winter Fete being 100% accidental (because Dark Lord Sasha played himself lmao) but on this re-read, I don't even know anymore. He already came close to almost kissing her after they have a tender moment, catches himself and then immediately leaves before he can catch feelings. Then when they share another tender moment at the lake, he kisses her and then is surprised by it and before he can really process it, Ivan comes by to cockblock.
Like, even Leigh (as much as she has shit on this ship) said at one point that the Darkling has strong feelings for Alina, even if he may not necessarily quantify them as love. So looking back, I don't read anything the Darkling did as manipulative seduction. He obviously lied about some stuff and wasn't transparent about his real plans for the Fold, but as a military commander who sees Alina as an opportunity for a coup, it makes sense that he'd play that a little close to the chest---especially when Alina has proved to be wary of his powers and has a very black-and-white sense of morality. If anything, this is less "the Darkling seduced Alina to manipulate her into being used!!11" and more "local dark lord tried to encourage his protege and accidentally caught feelings and it was a mASSIVE FUCKING INCONVENIENCE TO HIS EVIL PLANS"
But you know who does slut-shame Alina a lot? Baghra. Seriously, Baghra makes Alina feel like shit for her crush on the Darkling numerous times. She has all these lines:
"You want to be [his pet]...Don’t bother lying to me. You’re like all the rest. I saw the way you looked at him."
"Dreaming of dancing with your dark prince?"
"Foolish girl." (After Alina shamefully admits the Darkling might come to her that night)
At one point Baghra creeps on Alina and the Darkling's interactions and even though literally nothing happens between them and when the Darkling leaves, Alina catches Baghra giving her a snooty look. ("For no reason at all, I blushed")
She is determined to shame Alina for her feelings and make her feel like a lovesick idiot for daring to crush on him and this is in addition to all the slut-shaming Mal does. The narrative revealing the Darkling is the bad guy all along while leaving Alina no compelling arc to discover this on her own feels very much like Leigh hitting us all with Baghra's stick, like "Foolish girls! You thought he cared about Alina just because he has a sexy jawline??? HAHA HE LIED YOU SLUTS"
Scenes with Alina and the Darkling in Book 1
Their first scene together is in the Grisha tent. Based on Alina's description of him, she already thinks he's hot as barely any other character in this godforsaken series gets so many descriptions of their grey/smoke/slate/quartz eyes as Aleksander does 😏
The next time they're together he saves her life. Alina is traumatized from seeing a man sliced in half and the Darkling instructs her to keep her eyes on him instead. She is disturbed that he killed the person about to murder her and this aversion seems incredibly contrived and arbitrary on behalf of the author. It's almost like she wants Alina to be vindicated and shamed for not trusting her initial bigotry against him or something 🤔The Darkling admits even he can make mistakes and then he touches the back of Alina's neck (with some secret Heartrender/Healer abilities?) and she falls asleep riding on his horse.
They spend the next few days traveling. Alina notes that the Darkling hasn't spoken to her (probably because he's focused on getting her to the Little Palace without any more assassination attempts) but Alina is a paranoid she's offended him somehow. Again, this is just Alina's insecurity painting a narrative that simply doesn't exist based on what actually happened so far.
They exchange a few words by the stream and Alina fishes for pity points by saying she's ugly and can't possibly be Grisha. Aleksander appears 100% done with her stupidity and says she doesn't understand but he's not in the mood to explain at the moment and walks off ☠️
Alina joins the Darkling and his men for a meal. She notes that the grouse they've killed is meager shared meal but that the Darkling doesn't want to put his men in danger by sending them out to hunt in the forest at night 😌He also sits on the floor to eat like they do and he doesn't take more than the regular portion than they do 😌. Sorry, how is this man the most ~evil~ wizard on the planet? He is obviously a good and fair commander and beloved by the Grisha.
Alina has been checking Aleksander out the entire time so when he catches her, he walks over to talk. He fishes around for information on what Alina has heard about him. He seems sad when Alina mentions she has heard that Darklings are born without souls, though not surprised. He then spins the story about the Black Heretic being his ancestor and how the Fold was a mistake and how every Darkling since then has tried to undo it and how Alina is "the first glimmer of hope" he's had in a long time.
Because Alina is still on that "Grisha are unnatural monsters" agenda, she asks him about the Cut and he explains it but she's still distrubed. He asks her if it would have been better if he used a sword and she replies: "I don't know". The Darkling gets offended and leaves. Alina tries to convince herself she can't have possibly hurt his feelings (because Darklings don't have souls or feelings?) and then feels paranoid that she's failed some secret test. Yeah, the test you failed is called "empathy", Alina 🙄
Two days later, they arrive at Os Alta. Aleksander roasts the Grand Palace as the ugliest effing building he's ever seen. He leaves immediately after dumping Alina at the Little Palace and Alina actually seethes that he isn't paying more attention to her? I understand that it's overwhelming to go to a brand new place, but Alina expecting him to constantly hold her hand and explain everything to her after she basically insulted him is a bit strange.
The next time Alina sees the Darkling, they are scheduled to appear before the King and Queen. The demonstration is a surprise for Alina and Aleksander's lack of transparency of what's expected of her means she's forced to rely on him and trust his instincts. This might be his underhanded way of getting Alina to see that she can trust him; that he will not make her look like a failure or humiliate her; that they are in this together and it will only work if she trusts him.
After the demonstration, Genya and the Darkling trash the monarchy for a bit (Alina is horrified) and then the Darkling orders Genya to get a black kefta for Alina, to which Alina infamously wants a blue one. The Darkling doesn't really put up much of a fight, merely wanting to know why. Alina decides he doesn't approve of her choosing blue and wonders to Genya if he's angry.
After Alina's first day, the Darkling calls her to his quarters to ask her how her day was. Alina is surprised that this is all he wanted to know because she was paranoid he was going to torture her??? She says: "Why shouldn't I be afraid of you?...You can cut people in half. I think it's fair to be a little intimidated." If the Darkling is offended or angry about this, he doesn't show it and merely indulges her. He notes that she has a habit of running her hand across a scar on her palm and asks her about it, tracing the scar himself. Alina gets distracted by his touch but manages to answer his questions: she got the scar at Keramzin, Mal is also an orphan, he is good at tracking. He shows her a secret passage back to her rooms to avoid the main hall.
Alina starts her training and at one point laments that the Darkling is rarely at the Little Palace and when he is, he never speaks to her or barely looks her way and she is convinced it's because she's a failure and can't summon light on her own. It could also be because, you know, he's the commander of the Second Army and is usually seen in talks with other military advisors and the fact that Alina kinda lowkey insulted him with her wariness about his powers???
The next time they are together, Alina interrupts him and Baghra arguing. He politely asks her how she is. Baghra antagonizes her. The Darkling defends her. They talk about amplifiers and because Baghra is being a snarky little shit about it, they take their conversation outside.
Aleksander complains about how annoying his mom is and then asks Alina what stories she's heard about Morozova's herd. At one point he laughs for the first time and Alina practically creams her pants at the sound. Alina expresses her concerns that she can't summon any light and the Darkling says he's not worried and it will happen when it happens and worse case scenario, it will happen once she has the stag. They have a quiet intimate moment, gazing softly into each other's eyes and then suddenly Aleksander realizes he's catching feelings and steps back suddenly like "GoodLuckWithYourLessonsOKayBYE". Baghra watches this interaction from her hut and gives Alina a slut-shaming look.
Alina eventually does learn to summon light on her own. Baghra gives her grief about how it's not enough. The Darkling shows up during one of these lessons and says as much. Alina says she's useless. The Darkling corrects her (“I don't think you're useless, Alina....No Grisha is powerful enough to face the Fold. Not even me”) and then he apologizes for letting her down ("I've asked you to trust me and I haven't delivered"). He wonders if his mother is right and he's crazy to hunt the stag. They have a nice bonding moment, Aleksander lies about Baghra's power, and then he asks if Alina would think him crazy for still wanting to find the stag. She asks why he cares what she thinks, he seems genuinely surprised himself that he cares. Then he kisses her. He seems not to have meant to kiss her because then Ivan shows up for his 5 o'clock shift of cockblocking and the Darkling immediately pretends like nothing happened and walks away with him. Like dude is acting like a fucking dork who's allergic to feelings at this point. I should note here that Alina practically has an orgasm from how giddy she is about this moment. She can barely think of anything else.
The next time they're together, it's at the Winter Fete. They do their demonstration and Alina accidentally reveals her insecurities about how he had kissed her and then disappeared. He responds, "Did you really think I was done with you?" and then they enjoy some steamy kisses and thigh grabbing in an empty room before a random round of Grisha show up for their 6 o'clock shift of cockblocking. Aleksander is annoyed at his own attraction to Alina. He asks if he can come to her that night but Alina doesn't get a chance to respond.
and then the Darklina romance arc falls off a giant cliff and dies a terrible death 😭😭😭
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galactic-magick · 4 years ago
As Long As I’m With You: Agnes/Agatha Harkness x Reader
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Request: Hi, can you please do where Agnes (a villain) saves fem reader's life because she has feelings for her? In the end they end up together // also took some ideas from this request
Summary: You’re accused of witchcraft in your village, and a mysterious beautiful witch comes to your aid.
Words: 2200+
Warnings: fem reader, Agatha is low key evil so she hurts some people, a swear word, reader has an angsty past
Author’s Notes: This can be read as either a standalone fic or as a prequel to my other fic “Spell Practice.” I took quite a lot of creative liberty with this, hopefully that’s alright. Also disclaimer I am in no way a history expert so even though this is set in like the 1500s-1600s it’s probably very inaccurate, but it’s fanfic so anything goes right?
Taglist: @nyx-aira​ @midnight-lestrange​ @thestrangeundoing​ @thegayances @sleep-deprived-athlete @dr-robotnik-said-hella​ @fallingfor-fics @p-nymph​ @thelanawinterrs @sunproud​ (if your tag didn’t work it might be bc your blog isn’t searchable so make sure that’s on so you’re notified of future fics!)
You had no idea how much your life would change when you left your house that day.
It started out with a simple run to the market and the garden to get what you needed for supper that night, a job that almost always falls to you. You don’t necessarily mind getting away from your family and talking to some people in town, but it’s clear that your family doesn’t want you in the house as much as possible either.
It’s gotten to the point where they’re just looking for a reason to get rid of you. You’re a disappointment, after all. You refuse to marry in order to help your family’s status, even though you’ve gotten a couple offers. You counter your parent’s rules and ideas every chance you get, no matter how much they tell you you’re crazy. They belittle you constantly, saying your dreams are worth nothing and you’ll have to be dependent on them forever if you never submit to the role in society you’re supposed to.
Obviously bullying you out of their lives wasn’t working, so they’ve moved on to spreading rumors about you and setting you up for crimes. None have worked yet, of course, but every day you fear they’ll get too close.
Until you get burned at the stake, though, they’ve given you basically every responsibility of the house. You do all the shopping, cooking, and farming, as well as taking care of your younger siblings. You wonder what they’d do without you, despite how much they seem to want you gone.
As you’re buying a few crops and eggs from your neighbors, you swear you see something move. You turn around and see a little boy floating in the air, screaming.
You drop everything in your arms and reach up to him, trying to grab him and help him down, but he keeps flailing, and his screams start to feel directed at you.
“Hey! It’s okay! Let me help you!” you hold your hand up, speaking as calmly as you can. “I’m not going to hurt you,”
“WITCH!” a man yells as he sees you. “SHE’S A WITCH!”
Everyone around turns and watches you.
“No! No! I’m not the one doing this! I’m trying to help!”
“Let him down and maybe we’ll wait to kill you til tomorrow!” someone else demands.
A couple people march towards you to grab you, and all you can think to do is start running.
You race out of the center of town into the trees, and about five men chase after you. You keep going until it feels like your legs are going to give out and you can barely breathe, but they keep coming.
“Please! Please stop! It wasn’t me I swear!” you cry. “I don’t know what was happening!”
“Shut up, girl,” one grunts. “Your father always said there was something wrong with you, makes sense that you’re a witch!”
“What’s so wrong about witches?” a female voice calls.
You and the men spin around, trying to figure out where it came from.
Before you can blink there’s purple smoke surrounding you, and the men are thrown against the trees. They’re knocked unconscious instantly, but you remain standing and untouched.
“Who are you?” you ask, your voice quivering.
“Don’t be afraid, my dear,” the smoke starts to fade and you can make out her silhouette, then eventually her face. “I’m here to help you,”
She’s beautiful. You’ve never seen someone that immediately feels so friendly, so different in all the best ways.
“It’s alright to stare, I know I’m quite a sight,” she laughs. “I’m Agatha,”
“I’m Y/N,”
“Ah, yes, I’m pretty sure I’ve heard of you,” she smiles. “Everyone in the village can barely stand you,”
“Thanks…?” you’re not sure how to respond, especially after all that just happened. “Wait, if you live in my village, why have I never seen you? And how come you’ve never gotten caught using magic?”
“Memory spells, of course,” she shrugs. “Now, let’s get you somewhere safe, alright?”
You nod, and she wraps an arm around you. She takes you deep into the forest until you reach a small house, the glimmer of the fire peering through the windows.
You settle down on a chair while she makes some tea and food. She offers you a blanket and hands you the cup and plate, sitting down across from you.
“So how long have you been practicing magic?” she asks.
“Oh…I…well actually I don’t know how to use any magic,”
“Really? Why were the witch hunters after you then?”
“I was set up, I think,” you say. “There was a little boy floating in the air, and since I was near him they thought it was me. But I wasn’t doing anything,”
“Well,” Agatha sips her tea. “Sometimes magic can manifest itself subconsciously. Maybe you were doing it but didn’t realize it. It’s quite common,”
“But…how would I have magical powers? I’ve never learned it from anywhere,”
“Some people are just born with the gift,” she grins.
You exhale, thinking over what she said. Could it be true? You’ve been a witch all your life without even knowing it?
 That night, Agatha conjures another bed for you to sleep in. But even though she made it as comfortable as she possibly could, you can’t get a wink of sleep.
You lift off the blanket and wrap it tightly around you, getting up slowly and quietly. You walk outside and sit against a tree, looking up at the stars.
You’re sure your family has heard the news by now. Their disappointment of a daughter is finally gone, accused of witchcraft. It seems that the foreseeable future will be spent with Agatha, the only safe person you have.
You wonder just how much she already knows about you. She mentioned she’s heard people gossiping about you all the time in town, yet she still saved you after hearing all those negative things.
Why is that?
“Can’t sleep?”
You jump at her voice, and she chuckles a bit at your reaction.
“Sorry,” you sigh. “I just have a lot to think about from today, I guess,”
“No worries,” she sits down beside you. “So do I,”
“Agatha,” you say. “Why did you save me?”
“Us witches have to stick together. I saw you were in trouble, so I saved you,”
“But you knew, didn’t you? You’ve known I was a witch long before this, didn’t you?”
“I had my suspicions,” she agrees. “Whenever I heard people talk about you, I figured you weren’t like everyone else. But I didn’t know for sure until today,”
“I wish you had taken me before,” you huff, a few tears falling down your cheeks. “It’s been so bad, Agatha, feeling worthless just because you’re different, everyone hates you…”
She pulls you into her shoulder, letting you cry into it, “I know, dear, I know,”
 It takes you a while to come to terms with your potential powers, but as soon as you’re ready Agatha begins to teach you how to use them. You spend your days studying her spell books and practicing simple spells, most of which you fail at.
She encourages you as much as possible, explaining to you that magic is not something you can learn overnight, sometimes not even over years. She tells you that she’s actually thousands of years old (a surprise to you due to her stunning looks) and she’s been practicing for much of that time, and there’s still some spells she hasn’t mastered.
Your impatience still gets the better of you most days, though. You can’t imagine waiting several centuries to get something to work, if you get it to work at all.
One day you’re sitting at the table, trying out a simple transfiguration spell. You wave your hand repeatedly at a potato, hoping to turn it into an apple. It doesn’t even wobble, not even a single spark, but you’ve been sitting here for hours and don’t want to give up just yet.
You nearly fall asleep from exhaustion when all of a sudden it happens. It works.
There’s an apple in front of you. Not a potato, an apple.
“Holy shit!” you scream. “Agatha! I did it!”
You run over to her and point at your small accomplishment.
“Look at you go, darling!” she smiles, hugging you. “At this rate you’ll be changing rocks into cats before you’re 200!”
You laugh, “Oh come on, this is literally just one of the beginner spells,”
“So what? That’s where everybody starts,”
You break out in giddy excitement again, jumping up and down a bit and looking back and forth just to make sure your creation is still there.
Without thinking, you kiss Agatha quickly on the lips.
She stares at you, mouth open.
Before you can apologize, she grabs your face and kisses you hard. She’s everything you’d imagined and more, soft and warm but with a spark you can’t ignore.
When you finally break apart, her hands linger, brushing across your features and in your hair, “I’ve been waiting to do that,”
 Things change after that, but in only the best ways.
Agatha isn’t just your mentor anymore, the only friend who came to your aid.
She’s your everything now, a soulmate, your home.
You tell her all about your life, and she tells you all about hers. As she has significantly more stories to tell, you’ll fall asleep many nights to her whispering all the legends she lived through that no one else knows are true.
She makes you laugh every day, and makes sure you always know how much she cares about you. There’s only so much you can do in your hidden home in the woods, but with magic the possibilities are endless and she’s never short of romantic ideas.
Tonight you find yourself lying your head in her lap while she plays with your hair, close to the fire so you can watch the little shows she creates with the flames.
“What about love?” you ask.
“What about it?”
“Out of all the stories you’ve told me, you’ve never mentioned being in love before,”
“Well,” she sighs. “That’s because I haven’t been,”
“Why not?”
“It’s just never appealed to me,” she says. “Until I met you,”
“Oh,” you grin, looking up at her.
She leans down to kiss you, but you’re broken apart by a loud noise outside.
You shoot up, looking at Agatha in pure panic. Your heart races as the noise gets louder and louder, eventually leading to shouting and knocks at the door.
“WE FOUND YOU!” a booming voice yells.
“Aggie?” you whisper. Everything crumbles around you. Your perfect, happy life, now about to be stolen from you. You have no idea how they found you, if you are about to be dead, if you’ll be able to defend yourself at all.
She kisses you and stands up, “Stay here. I’ll take care of it,”
With a fling of her fingers the door flies open, and the torches the townspeople are holding are burnt out. She smirks, purple smoke covering the area as she goes through them one by one, some just throwing to the side and others suffering a painful death.
She turns their own weapons against them, their own people against them, and makes them regret everything they’ve ever done.
When she returns to you, you’re still in so much shock and panic you couldn’t tell exactly what she was doing.
“Did you…kill all of them?”
“They got what they deserved for threatening us,” she says nonchalantly. “But we’re not safe here anymore. It’s time to find somewhere new,”
“Okay,” you nod as she pulls you against her. “As long as I’m with you,”
“I’ll always protect you, even when you learn enough to protect yourself,” she kisses your forehead. “Always and forever,”
 “I’m back, darling!” Agatha calls, shutting the door behind her.
“How’d it go?” you run to her, grabbing her hands.
“Splendid, that poor Wanda already loves her new neighbor!”
“Wow,” you giggle. “You know I must say, this whole living in a sitcom thing isn’t that bad, you look gorgeous in that 50s dress,”
“Oh darling, somehow after all this time you still flatter me,” she pretends to fan herself. “I have to go back over real quick, alright? Gotta give her this spicy magazine,” she holds her hand up in the air and magically forms one in her grasp.
“Ah! Be sure to get some ideas to use on me when you get back,” she laugh.
“Oh I will honey,” she winks, kissing you before going out the door.
You settle on the couch, looking around at your home. Out of all the places you’ve moved to together, this was by far the weirdest. There’s no color, and everyone besides you and Agatha and Wanda are under some kind of mind control.
You never imagined that day all those years ago would bring you here, spending your life with a beautiful witch and being her partner in all things, even sinister ones. But you wouldn’t have it any other way, and you know this strange town will only bring you more opportunities to practice your magic and help Agatha with her plans.
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justmesadgirl · 4 years ago
The Bet - George Weasley
Pairing: George Weasley x Gryffindor reader
Warnings: angst, fluff,
Words: 7.1k
Summary: Draco makes a bet with George Weasley about dating the shy Gryffindor named y/n. But what happens when she finds out it’s all just for a bet and what happens when George actually realizes that he has fallen for her. 
a/n: English isn’t my first laungage so sorry for all the mistakes!
requests are open!
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“Fred where are we going to get the gold.” George asks his twin brother. They were planning on opening a joke shop but they still didn’t have enough money gathered up. Harry had helped a lot with the wizarding tournament winnings but it still wasn’t enough.
Fred and George were sitting in the library which was unusual for the Weasley twins but this was the only quiet place they could think and plan new products for the shop.
“I don’t know. We just have to come up with something.” Fred tells his brother as someone pulls the chair in front of them and sits down. Both of the twins look up surprised to see Malfoy sitting in front of them with an evil smirk on his lips and his two minions standing behind him.
“You need some money Weaselbees?” Draco’s words were interesting them, what could he possibly offer them. But at the same time, they didn’t want anything to do with Malfoy.
“Bugger of Malfoy we don’t need anything from you.” Fred angrily sneers at Malfoy, not wanting to be bothered by him any longer.
“Are you sure?” Draco asks them as he places a fat bag full of galleons on the table. “I could offer 100 galleons for a bet.” He continues.
“What bet?” George asks before Fred can speak. He knew that Fred would say no but 100 galleons would help them a lot.
“I will give you all of this if one of you manages to get y/l/n to fall in love with you.” Draco tells them as he points to a girl sitting on the other side of the library nose buried in a school book.  George and Fred both turn to look at you. You were a Gryffindor and no one knew why, you were one of the shiest students in the whole school. You only had a couple of friends and one of them was sitting in front of you doing the same thing as you and that was Hermione Granger.
“Why her?” Fred asks, confused. “What’s in it for you?”
“I don’t like her and she got me in trouble last week so I need a good laugh.” Draco casually tells the twins and his two minions laugh at their friends' words.
“Sure. I can make her fall in love with me.” George says before even thinking the whole situation through.
“What?” Fred asks his brother quietly, turning to face him.
“Thats a lot of money Fred.” George whispers to his brother.
“The bet is on then. Let’s shake on it.” Malfoy announces as he gets up and offers his hand to shake.
“I'm gonna see that money very soon Malfoy.” George replies as he shakes his hand, confidently. Malfoy nods at them, takes the bag full of gold from the table and disappears out of the library.
“Are you crazy George!?” Fred raises his voice earning an angry look from Madam Irma.
”She will never know Fred. I will take her on couple of dates, use my charm and all that gold will be ours. I promise I will let her down easy.” George tells Fred before turning to look at you. He felt bad for doing this to you but the joke shop was his dream and no one could stand in the way of it.
“You are crazy dear brother. Just go easy, she is friends with Ron, ‘Mione and Harry.” Fred warns him. George just gives him a nod before making his way to you and Hermione.
“Hello ladies.” George says as he sits down next to you.
“Hey George, can we help you with something?” Hermione asks George. But he doesn’t even look at her because his eyes are glued on you. George doesn’t think he has ever had an actual conversation with you. Even if you were close with his younger brother he never had a reason to talk to you. But now sitting next to you George realized that you were beautiful. Light pink blush on your cheeks because he was sitting close to you and he always had made you nervous so every time he was around you would try to hide away from him.
“I’m actually here to talk to you y/n.” George announces.
“M-me?” You finally turn to look at him. You didn’t even think he would actually know your name.
“Yes you darling.” His words make a fiery blush spread on your cheeks.
“W-why?” You mumble out to him as Hermione's face holds a confused look.
“I was wondering if you would go on a date with me.” He smiles at you sweetly.
“T-thank you but n-no thank you.” You reply to him as you get up and take your book before making your way out of the library. Not spearing a look at him or Hermione.
“What? Why not!” George yells after you. “Sorry ‘Mione need to go.” He gives her a quick smile before running after you.
“y/n wait!” You can hear him call after you but you just pick up your speed. Your mind was going crazy, so confused with what was going on. He had never talked to you before, why would he want to go on a date with you. He was funny, sweet and incredibly handsome, he could get almost any girl in the school so why would he want you out of all people.
You turn to the next hallway but you pump into someone, making you drop your book. You would have fallen on the floor unless the person you pumped into wouldn’t have wrapped their arms around you and kept you up.
“Oh wow you need to look where you are going.” You look up at the ginger confused.
“G-George?” You ask him. He was right behind you so how was he in front of you now.
“Yes darling.” His smiles make your legs go weak but luckily he was already holding you up.
“H-how, how did you do that?” You ask him as you step away from his hold before picking your book up. But this time you don’t walk away, you straighten your back and turn to face the tall ginger.
“There is a secret passageway.” George tells you like that was the most normal thing ever.
“Oh.” Is all you can get out. Being with him made you even more nervous than usual.
“Not gonna run away this time?” He teases you with a smirk on his lips.
”I can.” Your reply makes him laugh.
“So would you please go on a date with me, gorgeous?” George asks you once again.
“W-why me?” You question him.
“Because you are funny, smart and honestly you are gorgeous. Why wouldn’t I want to take you out?” George gives you his signature smirk. He was known as a flirt around the school but not as well known as Fred was.
“O-okay.” You mumbled to him looking at your shoes.
“Was that a yes I just heard?” George asks you happily. The 100 galleons were just so close he could almost touch it.
“Y-yeah I will go o-out with you.” You stammer more than you wanted to.
“Great, so this Saturday I’m taking you to Hogsmeade. Now would you let me walk you back to our common room?” You just nod your head and he takes your book from your hands before taking hold of it. The whole way back to your common room you make small talk or more like George does and you give shy small replies back.
The days leading up to Saturday George would sit with you at breakfast and try to talk to you as much as possible. You however failed to notice the winks he would send to Draco at breakfast or when you two walked past him.
George was anxiously walking in the common room on Friday night. Tomorrow he would take you on your first date but the past couple of days he had been spending with you had actually been nice. He liked to make you laugh and he loved to see you blush.
“What’s wrong George?” Fred asks from the couch by the fire. The twins and Lee were the only students in the common room, because it was already 2 am and everyone else was in bed. “Are you nervous about tomorrow?”
George let’s out an annoyed groan at his brother's words. He didn’t even have to say what was wrong because Fred already knew.
“I might actually like her.” George whispers underneath his breath.
“Pardon?” Fred asks not sure if he heard George right.
“I think I might actually like her. She, she is just so sweet and nice...” George cuts his sentence off as he turns to face his twin brother.
“Then call of the bet with Malfoy.” Lee speaks up from his seat next to Fred.
“But we really could use the 100 galleons.” Fred mumbles to them.
“That’s true. That’s a lot of galleons.” George says as he sits on the coffee table so he can face his brother and best friend. “I really wanna go out with her. I think that something could actually happen between us.”
“Well then go on the date with her and keep the bet on with Malfoy.” Lee suggests.
“But when she finds out?” Fred asks them both. “What would happen when she finds out?”
“But if we make sure she won’t? You will get the girl and money!” Lee continues. Fred wasn’t so sure about the plan as Lee was. George didn’t want to hurt you but he and Fred needed the money so maybe he should just risk it.
“I think we should head off to bed. Big day tomorrow then.” George gets up from the table and starts making his way to his dorm room with Fred and Lee following him.
What could go wrong?
Next morning George saw you sitting with the golden trio at breakfast, smile forms on his lips as he makes his way to you.
“Good morning beautiful and others.” He says as he sits next to you. A pink blush spreads on your cheeks making him smile even wider.
“Oh shod off George.” Ron groans at his older brother. He didn’t like the sudden interest in his friend by his older brother. He never talked to you before and he had a feeling there was something wrong with the whole situation.
“Love you too brother but I’m here for the pretty lady, not you.” George lets Ron know before turning his eyes back to you. “Excited for our date? I am!”
You let out a small laugh at his words but you keep your eyes on your plate that was almost empty. You didn’t think you would see him in the morning. “Y-yeah I am.” You mumble to him as you play with the food on your plate.
“Great. I will go eat breakfast with Fred and Lee. So let say we can meet by the entrance hall at 1pm?” George asks you as he starts getting up.
“Okay. See you then.” You finally turn to look at him and his goofy grin makes you smile. “Can’t wait!” He kisses your cheeks before leaving you alone with your friends as their eyes burn holes into you. “W-what?” You ask them as you turn to look at them.
“Something is going on.” Ron lets you know, his mouth full of food and you think you see some of it fly out of his mouth.
“So you think George wouldn’t like y/n?” Hermione asks, shocked. Maybe Ron was right maybe George wouldn’t actually like you, why would he. Even you thought it was weird how suddenly he was so interested in you but at the same time you really enjoyed the attention he had been giving you. You only had been on one date before, with a nice Hufflepuff boy named Charles but in the end you realized that you would be better off as just friends.
“Shit, sorry y/n! I didn’t mean it like that. You are a great girl but I just think something smells fishy with this whole situation.” Ron apologizes to you. Harry had been awfully quiet about the whole situation.
“No, no it’s fine Ron don’t worry. I think I will go read a little before meeting up with G-george.” You let your friends know before getting up. Even saying his name was weird. The whole bloody situation was weird but maybe for once you should just go with the flow. George only had been nice to you so why should you doubt his reasons.
You make your way to the entrance hall. George was already there waiting for you with his goofy smile on his lips. You were so nervous, hands shaking but you hid them inside your pockets.
“You look lovely.” George speaks up as soon as you are close enough to him.
“T-thank you. You look nice too.” You mentally hit yourself at your reply, couldn’t you come up with something better than that he looks nice too.
“Well thank you. Ready to go?” He asks and offers his hand to you. His action makes you blush,  you take his hand, mumbling a quiet yes to him. “No need to be shy, darling. It’s just me.” He whispers to you as you two make your way to Hogsmeade.
“You make me nervous.” You let him know which makes him laugh.
“Why do I make you nervous?” George questions you.
“I’m not sure, you just do.”
“I’m okay with that as long as you give me that cute little smile and you blush like that.” George tells you, your free hand finds its way to your cheek to feel it.
“I can do that.” You let out a giggle, you blushed easily but George made you blush more than usual. George asks you questions the whole walk to the village, asking about your family, favorite foods, friends, interests, life plans and anything else that comes to his mind. Slowly you didn’t feel as nervous around George, you were enjoying his company a lot.
“I was thinking we could go to Madam Puddifoot’s tea shop, then we could go to Zonko’s and honeydukes? What do you think?” George asks you as you finally make it to Hogsmeade.
“That sounds good.”
“Let’s go then, some nice hot tea to warm you up.” George squeezes your hand before pulling you towards the tea shop. Usually couples would go to the tea shop for dates because it was a nice quiet place to spend time at. George opens the door for you, like the gentleman he is. “Go sit down and I will go order for us.”
George makes his up to the counter and orders a teapot of flower tea and gets a cake piece for you to share. The whole way down to Hogsmeade his heart had been going crazy in his chest. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t talked to you before the bet started with Draco.
“Got us a cake to share and some flower tea, hope that's okay?” George places the tray on the table before sitting down next to you. You and George spend almost three hours in the tea shops just talking, not even noticing how much time had passed since you had sat down, the teapot was empty and the cake plate only had crumbs on it left.
“Should we move on to the joke shop?” You ask him when you see that the sun was already starting to set.
“Yeah I need a couple of things from there for a couple of pranks me and Fred have planned.” he lets you know with a proud smile.
He helps you put your jacked back on and offers his hand to you. The smile on your face started slowly hurting, he had made you laugh a lot, and made you blush even more.
The joke shop was full of people, you never really came in here. Only once with Ron when he wanted to prank the twins back for something they had done to him.
“Me and Fred want to open our own joke shop after school.” George speaks up from behind you when he sees your eyes wander around the shop. You turn to face him.
“Really? That’s really nice, a perfect job for the best pranksters of the school.” You let him know, your words make George blush and suddenly you understand why he likes to see you blush. George gets the things he needs from the shop and you two make your way to honeydukes. He is surprised by the amount of sweets that you get, but making note of your favorite ones.
It started raining as you two were making your way back, and the rain was only picking up. You were luckily already almost back at school and if you would start running you would probably make it in before you got soaked.
“I love the rain.” You whisper under your breath.
“Me too! Makes me feel free.” George lets go of your hand and just spins around looking up at the sky. It was already dark outside at this point. “Dance with me, darling!” he stops in front of you with a huge smile on his lips.
“What?” You ask him confused, was he being serious.
“Dance with me.” He repeats himself offering you his hand and doing a small bow.
“Sure.” you laugh as you take his hand in yours and place your other on his shoulder. His free hand finds your back before he starts spinning you around on the wet grass. He was humming an unfamiliar song. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, his hair was pressed flat on his forehead and his eyes were on you, a big smile still on his lips and you were mirroring it. You felt so happy at this moment, like nothing could ruin it.
“Can I kiss you?” George speaks up after a while of dancing in the rain.
“Please do” You whisper to him, your arms wrap around his neck and George places his warm hand on your cold cheek. He slowly brings you closer to you and then he kisses you. You had never had a kiss like this before, it made you feel warm inside even if you were actually freezing. George felt the same, this had to be the best kiss he had ever had.
You need to pull away from him, needing air. A small giggle leaves your lips as you look at him.
“I think we should get inside before we get sick.” George says, pulling away from you, but he takes your hand in his again before you two make your way into the school. The walk back to the common room is silent but you stop him before he can say the password to the fat lady. You give him a quick kiss, blushing like a crazy person.
“Thank you for a wonderful date.” You thank him turning to look at your shoes. George places his hand on your cheek and makes you look at him.
“And thank you for making it wonderful. I really hope I can take you out again.” George’s voice sounds hopeful, really hoping that you would let him take you out again.
“I would love that.” You breathe out before he kisses you once more. “Let’s go get changed, we are soaking.” George laughs before you two make your way into the common room, both of you making your way to your own dorm rooms to get changed before dinner, huge smiles playing on your lips.
George is enjoying his dinner with his best mates when suddenly Malfoy sits next to him which makes couple of heads turn. Malfoy wasn’t really welcomed into the Gryffindor table.
“What do you want Malfoy?” Fred groans to him, hating how almost everyone in the great hall was looking at them.
“Wanting to see if the bet is still on.” Malfoy tells them as he looks at George.
“Yes it is. Actually had a really nice date with her last saturday.” George lets him know proudly. He could almost feel the galleons in his hands.
“Great! About the bet, I think I forgot to mention a part of it last time.” The evil smirk on Malfoy’s face makes George’s heart drop to his stomach.
“What?” George murmurs out, confusion written all over his face.
“I want you to break her heart when she falls in love with you.” Malfoy states with a small laugh. “I want you to humiliate her in front of everyone.” He continues, keeping his voice down so others don’t hear the conversation.
“What?! No that wasn’t part of the bet!” Fred speaks up from the other side of the table. George doesn’t even know what to say. The date with you had gone so well, how was he supposed to break your heart?
“Slipped my mind to mention it last time but I don’t think it’s a big deal... or is it, George?” Draco asks George. “I thought you needed the galleons.”
George couldn’t even find words to reply to Malfoy. 100 galleons was a lot of money but was it worth of breaking your heart for? Why did life have to be so hard sometimes,
“I need to think about it.” George finally replies after a couple minutes of silence.
“Get back to me when you know.” Draco tells him before getting up and leaving the great hall.
“Are you bloody serious George? You can’t do that to her. Are you out of your mind?” Fred whisper yells at his brother so no one would hear them but to George’s bad luck his younger brother had heard the whole conversation between them and Malfoy. Ron doesn’t stay to listen to the rest of the conversation, he had heard enough. He would confront George later but right now he needed to go tell you the truth. He hated George for doing this to you but he hated himself at that moment more because he had a feeling that something was wrong and now he has to be the one to tell it to you.
Ron stormes into the Gryffindor common room to see you and Hermione talking which was sometimes new because usually when you two were alone you would be studying. You were telling Hermione about your date with George, cheeks read.
You were so happy, your date with George was perfect. Just like from muggle books you had read. He had treated you like a princess and you couldn’t wait till you would have another date.
“y/n?” Ron’s voice makes you stop talking to Hermione and you turn to look at him, your huge smile falls as you see his face.
“What’s wrong Ron?” Hermione asks from next to you. Ron looked like he was about to be sick and he felt like it too.
“I need to tell you something.”
“Go on then? What’s wrong?” You ask him, voice full of concern.
“I don’t even know what to tell you.” Ron starts. Sitting down next to you, running his finger through his red hair. “I-I heard George and Malfoy talking.” He was taking a long time.
“Go on Ron. We don’t have the whole day!” Hermione groans.
“Hermione let him tell it on his own time.” You tell her off and turn back to look at Ron.
“Malfoy and George have a bet.” Ron finally looks up at you. “Bet about you.”
“What?” Hermione mumbles more to herself.
“What do you mean by a bet?” You ask him confused. You can feel your heartbreaking, that’s why he was suddenly interested in you.
“Yeah, a bet. About how he would need to break your heart and humiliate you in front of everyone...” Ron’s voice is a bare whisper at this point. The look you give him makes him feel even worse but he needed to tell you before the thing between you and George went on any further.
Before you could say anything after Ron’s words the portrait opens and you see two tall gingers walk in. You push yourself up from your seat, tears brimming your eyes as you march your way to George.
“Hello beautiful!” George happily greets you. You don’t even know what to do, you are so angry and disappointed that you just slap him as hard as you can.
“How you fucking dare to do that to me!” You yell at him, and the whole common room goes quiet.
“W-what are you talking about?” George asks confused, bringing his hand on his hot cheek. You look a lot weaker than you actually are.
“I know about your stupid bet with Malfoy!” You yell at him, tears now flowing down your cheeks. “A-and I thought there could actually be something between us!” You push him out of the way and run out of the common room. Not stopping even when you hear several people call after you.
You needed to be alone, not wanting to speak to anyone or see anyone. Your mind was slowly going through what had just happened, what Ron had told you and that you had just slapped George Weasley in front of the whole common room and yelled at him for what he had done. Embarrassment taking over your body, now everyone knew that George wouldn’t actually go out with someone like you.
Tears were slowly blurring your vision and you found yourself at one of the corridors that people didn’t use much. This was your safe place when you were stressed or couldn’t sleep. You made your way here to think. Finding a seat at one of the window ledge. Pulling your legs against your chest as you finally let out a sob.
How could someone be so evil to make a bet with someone else's feelings? You know that Draco hated you after you had turned him down, you came from a good pureblood family and he had tried to make a move on you and you had turned him down because you could never be with someone like him. You really thought that George was different, that he was nice and caring but he was even more evil than Malfoy himself.
You didn’t return to your dorm till early in the morning, everyone was already asleep when you made your way to your bed, body aching. As soon as you close your eyes and are about to drift off to sleep you can hear someone whisper your name from the door.
“y/n?” you hear it again, but the voice belonged to a boy not a girl’s so you don’t dare to move or open your eyes, hoping that whoever it was would leave. “y/n?” you heat it for the third time before the dorm room door closes, only thing afterwards you can hear is snoring from one of the girls beds. The voice who had called out to you was familiar.
George closes the girls dorm door quietly before leaning against it, letting out an angry sigh. He had been looking for you after you had run out on him, but he couldn’t find you anywhere. It was like you had left Hogwarts.
So George decided to stay in the common room till you would come back, but after hours of waiting he had fallen asleep on the couch and woken up to the sound of someone climbing the stairs up to the girls dormitories. He jumped off the couch as fast as he could and ran after the sound but by the time he made it to the door you were already in bed. George tried to see if you were awake but you didn’t even move when he whispers out to you.
George felt so stupid. How could he mess this up. How could gold be worth the bet he made. You were an awesome sweet girl and he had hurt you. He felt like hitting his head against the stone wall next to him. How would you ever believe him if he tried to tell you that he actually liked you, that he actually wanted to spend time with you and that he actually found himself falling for you after a week of knowing you.
The next morning Hermione wakes you up by shaking you a little, weak smile on her lips when you open your eyes.
“Good morning. How are you feeling” she asks you.
“Morning and I’m fine. Why are you waking me up?” You sit up in the bed and look around the room. “What time is it?”
“It’s almost 8am and we need to get to class.” Her words make you groan, you felt so tired and you just wanted to sleep the day away.
“Oh okay, let me get ready.” You groan as you get up and change into your school uniforms, making your way to the bathroom to brush your hair and teeth.
“I packed your bag for you.” She holds out your bag for you.
“Thanks, you didn’t have to do that.” You take the bag from her and you two start making your way to potions class.
“George went looking for you after you left but he couldn’t find you.” Hermione speaks up after a while.
“Oh...” is all you get out, what were you supposed to say. He just used you for galleons.
“You should have seen Ron after. He was really mad. Even scared me a little.” She continues. “Ron almost punched him but Fred pulled him away in time.”
“Can we not talk about this?” You ask her.
“Yes, sorry.”
Rest of your walk into potions class is quite both of you lost in your own thoughts. As you two walk in your eyes find Draco. He looks up at you and smirks.
You sit down in your seat next to Ron. “Thank you for defending me.” You whisper to him as Snape walks into the class.
“Any time, you are my best friend and George was an arse to you. I’m sorry.” Ron doesn’t turn to look at you, he keeps his eyes on Snape even if he isn’t listening to him.
“Don’t be sorry. I should have known that something was up.”
“Any guy would be lucky to date you, only if they tried to actually get to know you.” Ron gives you a quick glance, not wanting Snape to yell at you two for speaking.
“Thank you Ron.”
The day passes quickly and before you know it you are already making your way to dinner with the golden trio. Not really listening to the conversation the three were having, your mind drifting off to the way someone had called your name last night.
“y/n?” You hear it again but you are sure that it was just you imagining it but when your friends stop walking and turn to face the person who was calling out to you, you realize that you weren’t just imagining it. Slowly you turn to look at the person who was talking. George had an apologizing look on his face, he was about to say something but Ron cut him off before he could even start.
“George leave it, she doesn't want to hear it. Just piss off!” Ron didn’t sound happy at all with his older brother, but if you were honest you wanted to hear the reason why he would do something like he did. “Please?” George turns to look at you, making your heart race.
“No, I told you already.” Ron groans at his brother, taking your arm in his starting to pull you towards the great hall but you stop him. “I actually want to hear the reason.” You say loud enough that George could hear it too. “Are you sure?” Harry asks you from next to Hermione.
“Yes.” You let your friends know before turning to face George again. “Let’s go somewhere more private.” You tell him, feeling other students' eyes on you. Everyone at Hogwarts already knew about what had happened in the Gryffindor common room last night.
George didn’t believe his ears at first, he thought it would take weeks to get you to listen to him, but here you two were walking to the courtyard in silence. As you two make it there you sit down on one of the benches. George sits next to you looking at you with an unreadable face.
“G-go on then.” You curse yourself for stuttering in front of him. You wanted to seem strong, like the thing he had done to you didn’t hurt you the way it did.
“I-I don’t even know where to start.” George lets a heavy sigh out. “I’m just incredibly sorry. I never actually wanted to hurt you, I thought that I could get the gold from Malfoy without hurting you so me and Fred could start our joke shop.”
“How did you think y-you could do that if part of the bet was to hurt and humiliate me.” You question him.
“No no. At first the bet was to get you to fall in love with me, that’s all. But after our date Draco told me that I needed to break your heart, if that had been in the bet in the first place I wouldn’t have done it.” George was speaking fast, wanting to get everything out. “But I need to tell you that I’m more than sorry, I was wrong to bet on you in the first place. You are an amazing girl and in a way I’m happy about the bet because otherwise I probably wouldn’t ever have spoken to you and that would have meant that I never have gotten to know you.”
“But you think it would have been okay if I hadn’t been the way I am.” his words were just making you even more angry about the situation. You get up from the bench, ready to leave him but he stops you. “No that’s what I meant! You just make me nervous! And I know I messed up but I don’t want to go back to life without you. I think I’m falling for you.” You turn to face him after hearing him confess his feelings.
“Y-you really think I could ever trust a word you say to me?” You ask him, even if you enjoyed your time with him you don’t think you could ever fully forgive him for his actions. “I… I forgive you…” before you could even continue George speaks up.
“Thank you thank you! I will not disappoint you again.”  
“Let me finish, but t-that doesn't mean I want to be with you. You are a nice boy but I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.” After you finish speaking George’s face falls. For a second he actually thought you would forgive him and you could forget that the whole bet was a part of the start of your relationship.
“Can’t we even be friends?” George’s words make you give him a sad smile.
“Maybe one day but I need my time. So for now goodbye George and take care.” You squeeze his hand before walking away from him. You wanted to forgive him, forget the bet and be with him but you didn’t want to hurt yourself again. Maybe love wasn't meant for you.
Weeks passed by George didn’t try to talk to you he would just smile at you when you passed by or say a small hi to you nothing more, wanting to give you space before he would try to have a real conversation with you. It had been so hard for him to keep away from you, every waking hour he was thinking about you and how much he missed you. George was mad at himself for falling for you so quick and for hurting you the way he did.
You didn’t expect George to actually stay away from you, he never listened to people and for once he did and you weren’t sure if you were happy or sad about it. You wanted space but you missed him at the same time, the week you had spent together had been nice, it felt nice to have someone walk you to class and ask about your day, most of the time Harry, Ron and Hermione were up to something much greater than having the time to have small talk with you.
The golden trio were up to something once again and you had desited to not go along with them once again, so you found yourself sitting in the common room alone reading a book. Hermione had given it to you, it was a muggle on once again. Gryffindor common room was quiet and mostly empty, only couple other people who were studying or reading in their own bubbles.
It was getting late when the portrait hole opened and two tall gingers walked in, your eyes meet with George’s, making you blush so you quickly turn back to your book.
“Go ahead Fred I will come up in a minute.” George tells Fred, not even listening to his brother talk anymore. After seeing you alone sitting by the fire reading a book, he knew that he needed to talk to you for even a little while.
“Are you sure that this is a good idea?” Fred questions as his eyes follow George’s to see what he was looking at.
“Yes, just go on.” He whispers to his brother giving him a quick glance before walking up to you. “Can I sit here?” George asks, pointing at the empty space next to you on the couch.
“Y-yeah.” You only spear him a glance before turning back to your book, pretending to be reading. George sits down next to you, turning to face the fire not sure how to start the conversation with you. “S-so how are you?” You speak up after a long awkward silence.
“Oh... I’m good thanks. How have you been?” George turns to face you, surprised to see you already looking at him.
“I been good…” You blush again after meeting his eyes.
“I’m sorry for what happened between us.” George could suddenly feel the lump growing in the back of his throat.
“It’s okay George, I told you I forgive you.” You give him a sweet smile taking his hand in yours. “Well I didn’t when I told you that I did but now I do. It’s okay you did it for your future, for the joke shop.”
“Nothing makes it right, no amount of gold should be a reason to hurt another person and I promise you I’m regretting my choices more than anything. If I could go back in time and fix everything I would.”
“Well technically you could get a time turner.” You joke, making both of you laugh.
“Can we be friends? I really enjoy your company and I just want to get to know you better… I miss you.” George confesses, bringing your both hands into his.
“No, I don’t think I want to be your friend.” You let him know.
“Oh, I understand.” George mumbles to you before letting go of your hands and standing up.
“I meant that I don’t want to be your friend because I would like to go on a date with you!” You tell him quickly, panic clear in your voice. You get up too, not wanting him to walk away from you. “WhAt?” George turns to face you shocked, did he hear you right?
“I-I mean if you want to… It’s totally fine if you don’t feel the same way…” George didn’t let you finish before crashing his lips onto yours. It takes a second for you to respond to the kiss but when you do the kiss was even better than the first one you two shared, it was full of passion and love. George pulls away to take a deep breath in, leaning his forehead against yours.
“Are you crazy, of course I want to go on a date with you. Can’t bloody get you off of my mind for the past month.” His words make you giggle. “Can we start from the beginning?”
“You know if we start from the beginning you can’t kiss me like this anymore before our date?” You ask him with a small smirk.
“Oh no no we don’t want that do we?” George replies before kissing you. “Well can we at least pretend that the whole Malfoy situation didn’t happen?” You giggle at his words and nod your head. Being with him made you so happy, he was the only one who got so many giggles out of you.
“Yes we can forget the Malfoy situation.”
“But tell me lovely what have you done to poor Malfoy that he would give up 100 galleons for breaking your heart?” George questions you as you two sit back down, this time cuddling up to each other.
“He asked me on a date but I turned him down.” You tell him.
“Hurt his ego a lot I see then.” George laughs, feeling finally happy to have you in his arms and having another chance with you.
“Didn’t know me turning him down would be 100 galleons worth in a bet, might take him up on that myself.” You joke, making you both laugh again.
“Thank you for giving me another chance.” George whispers to you after a while, “I promise you that you won’t regret it.”
“I hope so Wasley, next time I will make sure that Ron will actually bunch you then.”
“To be honest love, I think you would munch me harder than he ever could.” George laughs, thinking about how Ron was always bad at fighting when they were kids.
“Hey he is still one of my best friends, don’t be mean to him.” You push him playfully.
“Okay for you I can say that I will try but I won’t promise anything.” He lets you know as he brings you closer to his body, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Can we stay like this forever?”  
“If you don’t mess it up this time we can.” You tell him before giving him a quick kiss. “Just please don’t mess this up okay?”
“I won’t… believe me I will never let you slip out of my hands, ever again.” He promised you before placing another soft kiss on your lips. Maybe you deserved love after all.
A/N: Let me know if I should make a fluffy second part? And tell me what you think and if you want to be added to any tag list let me know! It means a lot to me when you guys leave  comments of what you think!!!
permanent tag list:
@smexylemony  @alylanaeblack @dottirose @obviouslyoleff @sleepybesson @btzlc @judemoos @procrastinatingparker @tomshufflepuff @marcymakemagic @joycelovedorial @wronglanemendes @lou-la-lou @spideyboix​ @nervouscafe @vibhati123 @ourkarlanicoleuniverse​ @whitoutsanity @spidey-holland7 @living-on-rice @emogril @joycelovedorial @biggraysonenergy @mendesilicious @heartbeats-wildly @dreaming-about-fanfictions @broidktf @softlyqoos​ @theweasleyslut
George & Fred tag list:
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meimi-haneoka · 4 years ago
Akiho Shinomoto - a manifesto of love
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Despite becoming one of my favorite characters in the whole Cardcaptor Sakura franchise (and I would’ve never expected to love a new character this much), I realized I’ve never spent a long post for her, like the ones I did for SyaoSaku or for Tomoyo and Syaoran long time ago.
And there’s a lot to say, because Akiho Shinomoto is actually the first character who has introduced the concepts of evil and child abuse in Cardcaptor Sakura.
Something that wasn’t even remotely conceivable until (almost) 5 years ago.
Often considered boring and weak from the CCS fandom, Akiho actually harbors an immense strength inside of her, which goes mostly unnoticed to everyone, in-story friends included. Let’s see why.
Sentenced to death, for lack of magical powers
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Once upon a time, a baby girl was born in a clan of powerful magicians, the most ancient of Europe. Clan members seemed happy and curious about the new entry to the family. They had great expectations about what magic she would develop, as everyone else in that family. At the ripe old age of 1 year and a half / 2 years, the baby girl was expected to show some signs of magic, but she had none. But hey, maybe she would become powerful later, let's pat her head and wait patiently. At that time, the Clan still showed some kind of "attention" for her.
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But by the time the girl was around 6/7 years old, no fragment of magic appeared in her. Unacceptable. She's the daughter of two top rank magicians, in a clan of magic prodigies. Yet, she showed none of those gifts. They kept comparing her with some boy, living in a far away country, part of another famous magical clan. The girl suddenly held no more interest for her Clan. They actually started seeing her as a stain on their Clan's pride. Suddenly, the focus was all on how they could surpass the other rival clan. The girl was left all alone. A magicless member of the family is a member who doesn't even deserve being talked to. An interrogatory, at most. Who cares if the little girl wants to socialize, if she wants to play, if she's the only young person in that Clan, already without her parents who died so early on? The only thing this girl was good at was reading books, so all that's she's allowed to do. Not even playing with stuffed animals. For some reason, she's allowed to keep only ONE plushie, which is basically everything to her. But books and dolls can't fill that sinkhole she's already feeling at such young age.
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Obsessed with this "anomaly", when she was about 2 years old, the Clan had the baby girl examined by a member of a Magic Association in England, known to be the den of shady magicians. A 8/9 year old bored magic genius, named “Yuna D.”, was her examiner. The boy said "She's like a blank book". The girl grew up, and the situation was still the same. The disapproving stares of her relatives cut the little girl’s heart like a sharp knife. They called her “worthless”, “useless”. They even doubted she could really be the daughter of her powerful parents. So what should they have done? Let the little girl live her life like any other regular human being, or taking literally the words of a BORED, EMOTIONALLY UNDEVELOPED CHILD who literally spat out the first thing that came to his mind?
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Although the choice should’ve come easily for any normal human being with a functioning brain, they actually went in the other direction, greedy for power. And so, they decided to treat the girl like a tool, using her to store all kinds of magic for them to use. If she couldn’t be of any help to her clan with her capabilities, they would give her a purpose.
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On some kind of altar, halfway between a lab rat and the sacrificing ritual of a sect, the most ancient Magicians of Europe together with the Magic Association performed a dangerous magic on her, which afterwards would take its toll even on the casters: they turned her into a magical artifact, capable of engraving in herself all the magical books she would encounter, transforming her de facto into a book herself. As if this wasn’t horrifying enough, this spell will progressively try to crush her soul and conscience, until it gets destroyed completely. So when the artifact will reach its limit, it will be the death of her, as a human being. Only a shell of her will remain. And judging by what was said later on in the story, they actually hope for her to lose her consciousness completely, so they can make use of her more easily.
Afterwards, they burned the book they took the ritual from, so the procedure would remain in their knowledge only. Greedy till the very last drop.
Once their perfect magical tool was achieved, turning a little girl into some sort of artifact, both the Clan and their accomplices couldn't stop bragging about it. The only positive words Akiho has ever received in her life by her people were after she was turned into a tool.
With a newly found purpose for that stain on their clan’s pride, they sent her away into the world to collect all the magic books she could find and write their powers into her, even though she was still just a child. For reasons still unknown, Yuna D., the boy who involuntarily caused this horrible ritual to happen and basically condemned her to death, offers himself to accompany her. The very first decision he took in his own life. That decision will change forever the course of their life, for both of them.
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Rising from the ashes, towards a future of hope
Rehashing Akiho’s past is important to understand her personality and behavior fully. CLAMP, in the Clear Card manga, have portrayed the story of her past in a very peculiar way: it starts as any other fairytale, with light tones and cute designs. But as the story progresses, and the horror ensues, the tone of the tale changes, and so the drawing style too. It becomes serious, and “realistic” (ad opposed to the initial cutesy style). What started as a possible generic fairytale, turned into a real nightmare.
On top of being deprived of the love of her parents ever since she was born, because apparently they died right after, Akiho spent her early childhood in complete solitude. Those magicians who were supposed to be her remaining family were too absorbed into their own greed for power, to consider the needs of a baby girl. Not to mention that they had some kind of disgust for her, for being magicless. She was denied attention, cuddles, conversations, play activities, toys. She was denied love and care. All basic things that contribute to shape the personality and psychology of a person. Akiho grew up with the conviction that she wasn’t worth any of that, because no one gave it to her. One of the complaints I have seen the most about her in the fandom, is how she’s always so apologetic, to the point of becoming obnoxious. If you think about it, one of the most prominent characteristics of her personality is how she continuously apologizes to people, thanks them for any smallest thing, and is always, constantly seeking validation. 
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But if you stop for a second to think about her past, you’ll realize with dismay that those are none other than symptoms of the abuse she suffered in the past. She was called “good for nothing” and “useless” by her clan and the Magic Association, and those words carved themselves into her heart, forever scarring it. Akiho grew up believing that she was really worthless and good for nothing just because she couldn’t meet the expectations of her clan, and it’s apparent when we see her considering herself “extremely clumsy”, even though we have afterwards seen that she’s perfectly capable of cooking, sewing, even playing sports. She only needs the dedication of someone who would teach her that.
With a disastrous psychological situation like this, one would naturally wonder how this girl didn’t commit anything extreme yet. Completely alone in the world, deemed useless. Unloved.
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Books, books were her first lifeline. The fictional, magical, wonderful worlds depicted in those stories saved her sanity, making her dream about a better life, about friendship, about love. They taught her everything. They gave her the hope that those things existed out there, and maybe one day she would be blessed with them too. The fantastical characters kept her company when no one was there for her (yet). And she loves them viscerally for that, to the point of seeing herself mending damaged books in the future, as a possible occupation. Just like they mended her lacerated heart.
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The second lifeline was her meeting with Kaito. Uncharacteristically to him, Kaito showed immediately a kind and interested behavior towards her. This was so shocking, so incredible that Akiho’s first reaction to his introduction was to run away. No one ever addressed her with the intention of having a conversation. No one was ever interested in what she was reading. Even just by this you can get a glimpse of how miserable her life had been till then. Full of psychological issues himself, thanks to the human connection Kaito gradually turned his attentions towards Akiho from contrieved mannerism, to genuine and sincere gestures. Akiho can feel that affection, even if her self-criticism always pushes her to believe that she’s nothing more than “job” to him. It’s something small, but what she’s experiencing with Kaito is her everything, and more than she’s ever had.
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The third lifeline is Momo: Akiho doesn’t know, nor remotely imagines she’s actually a living magical creature. But she has been her constant presence ever since she was born. Her connection to her is special, and you can see it in their daily (one-sided, for now) interactions. Akiho talks to Momo, she greets her when she comes back home, she constantly carries her around, she thinks about giving her a little dress as a present. Momo is Akiho’s strength. The love this girl pours into what she believes is just a stuffed animal is incredible. It goes to show Akiho’s immense capacity to love something/someone without expecting anything in return, but actually just enjoying the simple presence and courage they give to her. If you think about it, it’s the very opposite of what she experienced with the only human interactions she’s ever had before Kaito came into the picture. Her aptitude to selfless love is also remarked between the lines in chapter 49, when Akiho is telling Sakura about her relationship with Kaito. Despite all the ugliness she went through, she’s still able to find in herself the strength to overcome all of it, and change her life for the better.
This certainly hasn’t been an easy or quick process, because in the flashbacks of her journey with Kaito we always see her with a pensive/serious look. It must have been extremely hard to start trusting others, when she had no one she could count on in her own home.
Akiho’s capacity to love and rise from the ashes of her terrible past has been so contagious, that it has started to affect Kaito too.  As Momo said in chapter 51, once you’re given the reason to change, no person can ever stay the same. This must have been true for Kaito, but certainly for Akiho too.
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I’m absolutely positive that Akiho (and possibly, Kaito too) will be the symbol for one of the most important, beautiful messages in the whole Clear Card Arc: even if your life isn’t perfect, even if your past scarred you in multiple ways, there’s always hope. Hope to turn over a new leaf and change yourself for the better too, in the process. Overcome everything that had you stuck in pain and grief. Achieve what you always wished for.
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that-millennial-chick · 4 years ago
Dark Skies
The Signs’ Face Claims
I had this idea for a while: Personification of the signs. I always wanted to write a story that presents the signs as people, with the same features and personalities that the signs are said to have, living their lives, interacting with each other. Here are a few ideas for each character, if I get to the actual story, the characters will develop a lot of course. Please inbox me your feedback, if you would be interested in a story as such. 
Here’s an idea for the face claims. (the actors’ actual sun signs don’t have anything to do with their roles):
Henry Cavill as Aries, the impulsive soldier.Strong-minded and brave, but a hot-head, which makes him dangerous in a fight. He often throws caution to the wind and goes straight to the point, which he may regret later. He lives for today, is initiative and ambitious, lacks certain gentleness, humility and sense of social act, hurts people without even intending to. He’s restless, vital and always looks for new challenges and adventures. Deep-set eyes and dark eyebrows give him the severe, serious but handsome look. He’s not into love, but does like sex. He rarely gets attached to people, only lives for war and winning battles.
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Zoë Kravitz as Taurus, the confident, self-sufficient, but sensitive girl. You can rely on her, she’s honest and respects good manners. Patient and cautious, she knows what she wants and won’t let anyone stop her. She keeps her feet firmly on the ground, doesn’t like to dream or wish, she strongly believes that if you want something enough, you have to go and get it. She’s practical and responsible, but easier to break than she’ll ever show. She loves strongly, and passionately, has a big, loving heart, but knows when to let go, she doesn’t put herself down for anyone. Her doe-like, big, brown eyes will make you trust her with your life. She is exactly who a woman should be, if you could say that, confident, strong, independent and intelligent.
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Tom Hiddleston as Gemini, the sweet and funny, blonde, curly-haired sunny-boy. He can seamlessly change everything, from style, ideas to work or partner. He is easy to adjust to significant changes. Surrounded by a little nervous energy, he is brilliant but sometimes emotionally unstable. Being bisexual, he likes to sleep around with different people, but doesn’t really mean to intentionally hurt anyone, he just expects other people to take life and relationships as easily as he does. He’s humorous, energetic and cheerful, but doesn’t let anyone see his sensitive side, that’s why his mysterious way seems very attractive. 
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Andrew Garfield as Cancer, the typical sweet boy, who likes to play with fire and often gets burned. He can go from being in a great mood to suicidal thoughts in a second. His heart is easy to break and he doesn’t know how to get over it. Trying to bring an order to his chaotic feelings, he starts writing. For himself at first, but that’s how his talent as a writer gets discovered. It helps at first, but his vulnerable nature wants him to take revenge on those who hurt him, which starts to destroy him slowly. 
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Madelaine Petsch as Leo, the Queen Bee in Louboutins. She likes expensive clothes, always looks flawless and knows it. She appears even more confident than she actually is. As a struggling actress, her life hasn’t been the easiest. Trusting and a little naive, she’s often been used and lied to. She likes to manipulate people, but sometimes ends up being manipulated herself. Trying hard to hide her generous, forgiving heart, she thinks that the key to success is heartlessness and diamonds. Her brutally honest personality gave her the name of a “bitch”, which she enjoys at times, it gives her a painful kind of satisfaction to be hated, but admired at the same time. Her long, red hair perfectly matches her ever-red lips and green eyes, that roll so often. She enjoys her naturally good looks and knows how to use it for her best. 
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Jamie Chung as Virgo, the beautiful healer. She’s a doctor, she lives for helping people. But the sad truth is, she doesn’t always know how to help herself. Being a gorgeous, strong woman, she is full of insecurities, no one can understand. She is ready to sacrifice herself for others, even people she doesn’t know, because her own life doesn’t mean anything to her. Attentive, with great analytical skills, she seems to see everyone's personality through, she sees when somebody’s hurting, when somebody's lying, her eyes don’t miss out on anything. She loves to bring order into the chaotic life, and tries to make the world a better place by being considerate and organized. Being wealthy, she doesn’t like expensive and unnecessary luxuries. Taurus is her soulmate, but unfortunately, there are many struggles that come in their way. Their love is beautiful and innocent, but leaves them both heartbroken, more than once. 
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Shay Mitchell as Libra, the girl next door. She has always been a girl who went by unnoticed. A wallflower kind of girl as they say. She never minds, she doesn’t like to show off, doens’t like to shine. Simple clothes and sneakers, ponytail and barely any make-up, that is her every day look. She has a soft personality and knows how to handle troubles, a diplomat, religious, fair, justice has always been important to her. People usually think that she is a depressed teenager, but that isn’t true, life is going as she wishes it to go. She doesn’t like to be pushed, pressured, she prefers to leave responsibility to others. Sometimes, she feels a little basic, that’s all. But the girl will find her place in this world very soon. 
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Michael Ealy as Scorpio, the blue-eyed devil. Despite what people said, he isn’t all that bad. The often call him “the evil eye”, if your eyes meet, you always move first. He can kill you with a look, undress you with a look, send you to hell with only one look. He’s never easy, everything is important to him and he takes everything seriously. All around him is black or white, nothing in between. The only people he can call friends seem more like loyal servants. It feels like he never tells the truth, he’s mysterious to a fault and will never tell you his opinion about anything. Don’t do him wrong, he will never let you leave with it. He scars a lot of people. Not always intentionally, just by being himself. 
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Will Smith as Sagittarius, the short-tempered cop. He’s charismatic and respectful, a real fighter for justice. Straightforward, he will shoot arrows, he can’t leave anything unspoken. If you’re in the wrong, he’ll make you crack. He does have strong relationships with people, but only the ones who deserve it in his opinion. Quite tolerant, he will accept a lot of your flaws, but never cross a line, he can cut you out of his life in a second. He’s living on the edge, taking risks, jumps into danger, whether it’s about work or love. Being short-tempered, he gets angry fast, screams, even gets physical, but calms down fast and often regrets it. He does have a good soul, but not many get to see it. Mostly, all they see is a man fighting for the good in any possible ways.
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Keanu Reeves as Capricorn, the lone wolf. He never really needed anyone. He was fine being alone. Growing up in an orphanage, he was used to it. Not knowing love, no one to care about. But still, he got through, fought for his degree, became a teacher, not even knowing what for. He doesn't really fall in love, he doesn't really get attached, he doesn't really need it. His good looks and seemingly cool nature attracts a lot of people, he’s interesting, mysterious behind closed doors. But no one really knows him, not even himself. At times, it feels like he's ready, to be a part of the world, to take care of people, but he struggles to believe that anyone would put up with him. He always was so ambitious, so determined, but he came to a point where nothing makes sense anymore. That's the moment he meets him. Better said, he reads his book. A book about retaliation.
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Margot Robbie as Aquarius, the sharp-tongued beauty. She grew through struggles and insecurities, which turned her into this perfect human being. She was abused, betrayed and had to fight to survive, just to become a brilliant thief. She’s a woman who gets what she wants, with her intelligence and incredible looks. She considers herself a visionary, she has her ambitions and desires, she’s close to the spiritual world and has a great imagination. Overly dramatic at times, she knows her worth, and knows others better than they know themselves. People bore her quite easily, she expects mystery and entertainment from others. Sexually passionate, she suffers from lack of permanent feelings. Her life has to be a never-ending adventure. 
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Jared Leto as Pisces, the lost soul. He'a a musician, struggling with drugs and alcohol abuse. His curious and creative mind can't manage between his will to get inspiration and his addictions. He always needs more, whether it's whiskey, love or music, he can never stop. At times, it feels like he's at the end, that he can't do it anymore, but only one shot, and he's back, writing, singing, playing guitar. He falls in love with creative souls like himself, struggling, even dying. For him, it's always over. Every day, can be his last and all he does is singing, dreaming, he always took the path of least resistance.
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mybabygirlelsa · 4 years ago
So I was watching Frozen II the other day and the whole confusion about the voice visited again. Like, who's calling Elsa? Is it Ahtohallan? Her mom? Her own self? Jennifer Lee (I think) said that the voice belongs to Iduna, but that doesn't sit well with me. And then I remembered that I've written my own theory about it, which why not share it with you? 😂
It's probably very inaccurate based on the things we know, but it was really fun to write!
Hope you enjoy!
(A/N: italics are extracts of the book "Frozen II: The Junior Novel")
The Fifth Spirit
Very long ago, in a time no man can recall, humans weren't the dominant species on Earth. There were no rules, yet neither freewill.
Or so it was thought.
People lived under nature's laws -they interacted with it, respected it greatly but mostly feared it. Prophecies about nature's rage were foolishly believed and seriously taken into account.
But it wasn't nature they truly feared -it was its magic.
Humans never succeeded to understand magic -it was considered unreachable. Only a small group of people that repeatedly refused to take part in the "vision of civilization" decided to co- exist with the magical elements and spirits of nature. These people were the first human inhabitants of the Enchanted Forest and the ancestors of the future indigenous Northuldra.
As time went on, people grew more and more arrogant, thought they were capable of everything and gradually stopped believing in nature's power. They began sacrificing and falsely taking advantage of nature's goods. Seeing their audacity getting out of hand, the spirits of air, fire, water and earth sought help from Ahtohallan, the mythical river said to hold all the answers.
The then- small glacier, foreseeing the consequences of people's hauteur, sacrificed a part of herself and sculpted a female figure, with hair and skin as white and pale as freshly fallen snow and eyes as blue as shining ice. With her ancient magic, the glacier gave life to the woman, who was none other than the Fifth Spirit.
According to scanty myths, the woman had achieved great and extraordinary accomplishments in her previous life and the magical river had collected and kept her soul to be used for greater things when the right time would arrive. However, those speculations never came to be confirmed.
Nonetheless, why she was there and why she was chosen, that she never came to know. And a part of her wondered if she ever would.
People's conceit kept growing in an astonishingly fast pace while the Fifth Spirit was given a duty -to connect humans and the magic of nature, as well as protect the only home she would ever know in her existence; the Enchanted Forest.
Apart from her duty, she was also given a power no human had known and no spirit had possessed -the ability to create ice and snow, to control and bring winter. After connecting with the other elements, she was also gifted and given powers to represent all four spirits, such as wings, the ability to strike lightning and control the water, as well as the power to cause earthquakes.
The Fifth Spirit was sent to humans after fully mastering her powers and understanding her purpose. Under the guidance of the unseen deity, people began having faith in nature and underlying yet great respect.
However, this was not an easy task to achieve. It took her almost a hundred years to restore people's faith and trust -but she successfully accomplished it.
Each passing day her power grew significantly, and so did her fondness for her creator. To show her gratitude, she used her unprecedented power and expanded the length and height of her beloved glacier, making Ahtohallan an extension of her powers and mostly, herself.
To honour her child, Ahtohallan assigned to her a new task; she had to visit a chosen woman's dream and recite a poem that would soon be heard from every young Northuldra mother's lips -the lullaby of Ahtohallan. The old glacier also gifted her with a beautiful staff that could summon power and turn into a crystal necklace when unneeded.
Having already mentioned the lullaby, it's important to subjoin the meaning behind a specific lyric -"dive down deep into her sound, but not too far or you'll be drowned". The youthful spirit created a sheer drop that ended to an ice sheet to keep there the utmost truth, for only the most selfless souls would be fearless enough to ignore the warning, as well as brave enough to dive into the abyss. That, if anyone would ever manage to reach the frozen river. For the mighty Water Nokk -who shared a very special bond with the Fifth Spirit- guarded her secrets.
For the very start of her existence -as well as in the meantime of her mission to restore people's faith-, the Fifth Spirit would travel across the Earth to bring winter and joy to the children. She was the very first winter spirit  -Jack Frost made his appearance a lot later. Legend has it that she was the Snow Queen the Danish author, Hans Christian Andersen, spoke about in his fairytale. However, unseen as she was, this theory had never had a requisite basis and was never further explained.
As time went on, the forlorn deity was assigned tasks that aimed for specific, chosen people freeing their potential, resulting their lifework to be considered admirable, and almost magical. All spirits had agreed there were and there would be humans that deserved to be known for their own "magic". The Fifth Spirit helped people accomplish dreams and bring visions to life, as she was the only spirit that had the power to transform, painlessly get into one's head to guide and/or give advice and take a human form of any needed age as well as gender when one's achievement was considered of great difficulty. She even had the power to seek a specific ability she didn't possess -which would later on be declared hers- so her efforts could be crowned with success. 
She could do anything. There was only one thing she was unable to do; feel.
She was emotionless.
Even her fondness for her mother was taken away after the second century passed. It was thought that if she was given the ability to feel, she would show mercy and compassion and her unlimited patience would spare.
So forsaken she remained. Nameless and isolated, unseen and walked through by people, having to serve her cause on her own, merely meeting with the other spirits on specific occasions.
One of them was on the first day of spring every five years, when everything was blooming, blossoming and growing. A great part of the Enchanted Forest was her deed -she expanded its length and grew more trees, more grass, bloomed more flowers, added more bushes, a small river -where the Earth Giants would be sleeping in the future- that floated into a waterfall which ended at a sheer drop, a pit full of black rocks later known as the Lost Caverns. Because of this, the spirits gave her the appellation "The Reincarnation of Mother Nature" -the only name she was ever given.
For most of her existence -as long as she was waiting  for her next task to be handed-, she lived close to her glacier. Away from any kind of life, on her own, in her Ice Palace of memories. She spent so many years close to it, that her fondness returned and she wanted to praise her treasured river.
So she gifted her her voice.
Her act was pure and sincere and played a significant role in the Enchanted Forest's and spirit's future. The iconic and quintessential call would later on be heard, and then, much later, known worldwide as one of the most famous melodies of the Gregorian Chant -the "Dies Irae".
During one of her missions, on the fjord south of the Enchanted Forest, while she was making sure the protector of people, the famous warrior of old, Aren, had achieved his life-changing goal, something changed. Aren was a little bit like her, a protector who served people as his cause. She was protecting the Forest and was serving both nature and humans. Yet a big difference grew the gap between them; he was loved and surrounded by people.
He was feeling.
She wasn't.
Occasionally, she would roam the night skies to witness a life she had never known, to witness how people felt.
And remind herself how she couldn't.
She had been told to distance herself from sunlight, as if she was a single snowflake that would melt when she met with sun's light. She had been told humans were weak, mischievous and unpredictable creatures. She had been told she was greater and superior. Yet she caught herself longing to spend a day warm in the sun, longing to see people dancing...
Longing to feel.
And so she did. Painfully, her as cold and hard as ice heart melted and its first beats sounded like heavy raindrops hitting the dry soil loudly.
She had never felt so alive. She had never... felt.
However, her accidental action required a cost to be paid.
The same, previously mentioned scanty myths, referred to another woman's soul, which had been collected and kept by Ahtohallan. She was certain she would be the one given the great purpose and when she wasn't, her soul never reached the heavens as she swore revenge on the young soul of the Fifth Spirit. Hiding her true intentions, in Ahtohallan's chambers she remained, nurturing the young spirit like mother Ahtohallan did.
Once she learned the youthful deity had broken the laws she had been restrained from ignoring, the resentful soul brought her bitter foe to the Enchanted Forest, secretly from Ahtohallan, and for the first time in forever, she allowed her to feel.
While she burned her.
The Fifth Spirit was set on fire and was obliged to feel her skin melting, like snow on a bright, sunny day. It was unimaginably painful. Her haunting call, that was later on used by a young Northuldra girl, tore the sky apart and meant only one thing;
"Help me".
If it wasn't for Ahtohallan's and Water Nokk's intervention, the Fifth Spirit would have vanished. The evil soul was banished to the Lost Caverns, a place with no way out, where one would be at their lowest emotional point from that day forward. However, before she was sent away, the hateful soul put a curse on the traumatized spirit -when she failed to serve her cause, she would be burned. If the mistreating soul still existed, that no one ever confirmed.
After her adored water horse healed her with the water's curative properties, the Fifth Spirit swore not to feel again, and accepted the prohibition of getting any near the land where the future kingdom of Arendelle would come to be.
Thousands of years passed and the unseen spirit's heart had gotten colder than ice, preventing her from repeating her mistake. Ahtohallan and the other spirits mourned for her, for she was not who she had once been, and made great efforts to change the past's design, intentionally forgetting what had been done was unchangeable.
Despite her change -and most likely because of it-, the Fifth Spirit had dedicated most of her attention to her precious forest. Seeing this, Ahtohallan assigned her the task of looking after a young Northuldra girl, so the deity could be surrounded by her forest.
The Fifth Spirit and the young Northuldra were somehow connected. Iduna, the young Northuldra, would occasionally hear the eerie melody of the spirit, since the deity would "sing to those who hear". The girl would also be seen playing around with Gale, the feisty Wind Spirit. Iduna was connected with nature in an unexplainable way -she was different and destined for great things; she was chosen.
One day, ships arrived at the entrance to the fjord south of the Enchanted Forest -wooden ships full of people who were determined to create a home for themselves near the water. Soon, the kingdom of Arendelle came to be and the Fifth Spirit knew what that meant.
The newcomers were welcomed by the Northuldra's ruler when he met with their king on a cliff as the sun set. The leaders firmly shook hands at this meeting, which was seen by others only in hazy silhouette. Yet the deity saw everything clearly.
To demonstrate their goodwill and friendship, the Arendellians built a mighty dam in the Enchanted Forest. They placed it on the river that flowed into the Arenfjord, the deep blue body of water upon which Arendelle Castle had been built. The dam connected all the lands and made it easier for the Northuldra and their reindeer to roam. King Runeard, the leader of Arendelle, offered it to the Northuldra as a symbol of peace and cooperation between the two groups. But the powerful spirit could see past his facade.
When the dam was complete, the Arendellians threw a great celebration. Northuldra from all over the land gathered at the base of the dam to mingle and feast with the Arendellians. The Fifth Spirit tried to warn the indigenous tribe about the trickery behind the kindness for months but no one listened -they were all busy welcoming and celebrating with the frenemies.
The poor spirit could see how it would all end and attempted to warn young Iduna. But it was too late -the battle had already begun.
Arendelle had turned out to be harmful once again. And as the lush beauty of her beloved forest was being destroyed, as the chaos continued beneath her, she cried, with her plangent call shaking the trees and crumbling the ground.
Her cry echoed as another voice synchronized with it -a pleading for help. Her eyes spotted Iduna holding a young boy in her embrace, as the girl called for help in agony. The Fifth Spirit, overcome with grief of centuries, wailed her eerie melody, mourning for her forest.
As well as for herself.
Her end was near and she was about to meet her tragic fate. She had failed to protect the Forest. She had failed to serve her cause -and the curse continued.
The Wind Spirit heard her call and took the children to safe ground. But it was the only one who listened.
Overcome with rage, the Fifth Spirit cried sorrowfully one last time before a mist, as thick and impenetrable as stone, enveloped the forest, as a promise she would forever guard it from foreigners. Then she disappeared, since people had stopped listening.
However, this was not her end. The Wind Spirit carried the remaining bits of her body to the devastated glacier that grieved over her lost daughter for days, in the meantime causing great parts of herself to collapse. The Water Spirit, overwhelmed with pain as well, told the river about the girl the Fifth Spirit was assigned to look after. Ahtohallan understood the importance of the young Northuldra's deed and finally let the soul of the deity find its new body, knowing she would not return the same.
The Fifth Spirit's soul travelled across the skies and on the Northern Lights above Arendelle it remained, looking after young Iduna, for she was destined to carry in her womb the reincarnation of the lost spirit.
And so, the spirits waited -waited for the Fifth Spirit to be reborn and return to where she belonged.
They waited for her to rise again.
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vivian24l · 4 years ago
“I remember that day clearly, my last birthday with them. Father knows I hate large gatherings, yet he threw me a big party anyways. Everyone showed up. The Leaguers, the original Leaguers, the Titans, my friends and family.
I didn’t appreciate it back then. Now I can only look back and wish I could experience it once more. Wish I could see them once more, happy, together, not having to worry about an ongoing war.
I remember racing my cousins. I wish I hadn’t cheated in that race. Uncle Jon said Mother had used the same trick when they were kids. I practiced magic with Tiago and the Constantines. I remember Aunt Kori pulling me into an unbreakable hug. She had told me I’m growing to be just like my mother.
I used to look like her. Both with purple eyes and purple hair. My skin had more color. Now I look nothing like her. I no longer have her purple eyes, but green like Father’s, my hair has become a brighter shade of purple.
I miss them. Father gave me a silver dagger that day. He never lets me play with sharp objects, we only used wooden sticks when training. Mother gifted me with a spell book, it contained a vast collection of spells ranging from beginners to highly advanced. I lost both of them. The only things I have left of my parents, lost, gone forever. I long for them to return. My parents and their gifts.
I wish for all of them to return. Not just my parents but everyone. I wished this never happened, I wish the war never started. I wish I had been more grateful for all that they have done for me.”
“Do you remember the day they left you at that place? That place that was supposed to be remote, guarded, and free of any upcoming parademon attack?” he asked the young girl.
“How could I not? That was the day I lost them. That was the day they left.
Grandmother Talia greeted us at the harbor of Infinity Island. I didn’t know, back then, that it was the last time I'd see them. They told me I’ll be staying with Grandmother for a while, I didn’t think of asking how long. Then they hugged me. I missed that. I missed the way they’d cover me in their warm embrace. The way Father wraps his arm around both me and mother. I caught a shimmer of a tear from the corner of Mother's eyes. I felt their sadness. It was when I saw that tear slip, that I knew something was wrong. When I felt Father fighting to keep his posture, his stoic manner, that was when I knew I would be there for longer than ‘a while’. I wish I could’ve told them how much I loved them, I wished I could’ve given them one last hug,” she closed her eyes. “But I didn’t. I didn’t because I was a dumb eight year old who didn’t know what to do.”
“Do you remember the day you died? The day those hybrids took you down? The day you visited me in my realm and left to rejoin the living? The day you left something very valuable behind?” he asked.
“Why are you asking me these questions?” she asked miserably.
He smiled. “Because Granddaughter, it is good to learn from the past, to take the pain and turn it into strength. Now, tell me of that day.”
“I-I remember running to the courtyard. There were screams coming from outside. An assassin crashed through the window, his legs were gone. I was...horrified, yet I kept going. I was stupid, thinking I could help. When I reached the courtyard, I saw corpses everywhere. Ripped up and severed. Grandmother and her elite archers were shooting down the creatures. My uncle calls them Paradooms. Parademons mixed with Kryptonian DNA. Grandmother’s supply of kryptonite-infused weapons was running low. I thought I was strong enough. I summoned beams of energy. I kept using magic until I had no energy left. I kept going. I should’ve stopped. I continued to fight. Picking up a stray sword with a kryptonite blade. It cut through plenty of monsters. Then Grandmother called my name. It was as if time slowed down. Her face contorted to horror, an emotion I have never seen her express. I felt a wave of emotions coming from her. Yet, nothing from myself. The pain was so bad, it felt like nothing. My vision had begun to blur when I noticed the sharp point of a claw emerging from my chest. I remember the paradoom falling as I laid on the ground. Grandmother rushed to my side. She told me not to worry. Then I came here. To this place you call home.”
“I never see this hellish realm as home. I am a conqueror of worlds, I focus on establishing and controlling new frontiers.”
“TT. We can agree that we have very different interests, Grandfather.”
“Now, I must ask. Why are you here? Why am I here? Why have you called upon me?”
“I am here to remind you. It takes a lot of energy to escape that prison in your mother’s head to visit you in your dream. This location is where your subconscious wants you to be, because deep down you know where to go. You know how to end this. You blame the Lazarus Pit for your loss of powers, but have you really lost your powers?” He gave her an amused smile, knowing the young girl was conflicted.
“Yes. No! I don’t know! I can still feel emotions, I can feel energy within me, but I can’t access it. I can’t perform a single spell, not even the simplest,” she confessed.
“The Pit is supposed to revive and strengthen the one of dips in it, that is if they are able to control the evil temptations of the Pit. You, Granddaughter, were already powerful. You still are. The Pit boosted your abilities, but you haven’t brought them back with you.”
“You’re saying...that I left my powers in Hell?” Rashida asked skeptically.
“What else could I be saying, dear?”
“What’s it in for you? Why are you helping me?”
“Because I would like to conquer Earth. I shall not let that weak, ‘New God’ destroy this planet before I do. Besides, I need a body to inhabit once I break free. Your mother won’t last, she is already weak.”
This got Rashida’s attention. “Then how do I get my powers back? How can I get to Hell without dying?”
“Hm. I’m sure that spellbook of yours would be useful. Once the proper ritual is performed, you should be able to enter and exit that realm.”
“But, I’ve lost it. The book was burned during the first paradoom attack.”
“You are the granddaughter of Trigon. The granddaughter of the first Batman, Bruce Wayne. The great granddaughter of Ra’s Al Ghul. The granddaughter of Talia Al Ghul. The daughter of Raven, the Queen of Hell. The daughter of Damian Al Ghul Wayne, the current Batman. You have a powerful heritage. I expect you to live up to your blood.” He gave her an expectant look. “And let’s not forget that family that took in your mother when you first came to Earth, the Kryptionians,” he added.
“Bart explained this to me the other day, something about a multiverse. The book is lost in this world. It no longer exists in this universe. However, there are many alternate universes, different worlds out there. If I’m able to locate the right one, I should be able to get that book”
Trigon smiled. “Correct, my dear. Now, time is running short. I suggest you make haste.”
Rashida looked up from her internal thoughts. “Wait, what do you mean by that?”
But it was too late. Her surroundings have begun to shift. Trigon had swirled into a translucent black shadow and disappeared through the cracks of the room. She no longer sat in the obsidian chair in the Underworld’s throne room. Instead Rashida sat up with a jolt in her uncle’s base. Her head was beaded with sweat. She left the little room, which she had claimed to be her sleeping quarter. Jason was still asleep in front of his computer. Judging by the position of the sun in the cloudy red sky, it was late in the morning.
Artemis looked up from her daily ritual of sword sharpening. “Good morning, kid.”
“Why did you let me sleep in?” asked Rashida.
“Last night was rough. I thought you needed the rest,” she glanced at Jason and Roy, who was still asleep on the worn down couch. Artemis held up a tin can. “Pineapples?”
Rashida accepted the fruit. “How did you get your hands on pineapples?”
Artemis shrugged. “Oh, you know. Quinn and her buddies were in the area.”
Rashida took a bite of the diced pineapples. “I have to say, I envy them. They get to do the cool stuff like infiltrating LexCorp. While, we’re stuck fighting off the parademons and thugs.”
“This’ll be over soon. And then, you can do the cool “infiltrating” stuff as well,” assured the Amazon.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 4 years ago
Feel It In The Morning
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: ~1.4k
Warnings: drinking, implied smut, too drunk to do anything but sleep
Request by anon: Hi! Could I get a Dean x reader based on Feel It In the Morning by Rascal Flatts?? Please and thank you!
Summary: A night of drinking and dancing leads to something special than just a one-night stand. Dean feels like there could be something between you two, but the question is... will you?
whiskey for @spndeanbingo​
“There can be no good without evil” for @spnquotebingo​
“I think I’m adorable” for @spntfwbingo​
Author’s Note: This is unbeta’d and all mistakes are mine. If you have any requests, please send them in!
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It’s amazing how well you can get to know someone at a bar when there is alcohol around. You’re a free spirit, never staying in one place for too long, always meeting new and interesting people.
Dean Winchester is no exception.
Beer turned into bourbon, bourbon into wine One drink turned into the rest of the night The way that we were feeling was stronger than a buzz Don't know what to call it, but whatever it was
“Are you sure you want to play this game with me? I’ve done a lot of stuff,” you grin and take a seat at the bar.
To reel in more customers, the owner is hosting a “Never Have I Ever” game that all the patrons are open to play. They get their alcohol at the bar, the bar makes a ton of money, and the owner gets good press as it can be a lot of fun. No one is expected to play, but a lot of people usually do.
“So have I, sweetheart,” he smirks.
“Let the games begin.”
The owner starts the game off easy to get people comfortable with this kind of thing. The more people drink, the more raunchy the questions. The more raunchy the questions, the more you get to know the stranger you’re warming up to. You two have beers in your hands which is perfect for right now. You’ll get to the much stronger stuff later. You need a few beers in you before you do that, though.
“Never have I ever gotten into a bar fight.”
You tip your head back as you gulp down your drink, looking over to see Dean do the same thing.
“What did you get into a fight for?” he asks.
“Believe it or not, it was an accident. I saw this woman get hit on by this man, and it was clear that she didn’t want him. I went over and told him off, and when he didn’t want to leave, I punched him. He punched back, and we got into a fight not knowing that he was talking to a cop. I got arrested that night,” you giggle.
“Rebel,” Dean teases.
“I sobered up, and they let me go the next morning. What about you?”
Dean gets flashbacks to the vampires he killed inside of a bar. It was a closed bar, but a bar nonetheless.
“I hit on a woman not knowing she was already with some other guy,” he lies.
“Bold,” you chuckle.
The game goes on for a few more rounds, and by the time the owner decides to take a little break, you decide it’s time for something stronger.
“I need something stronger if I’m going to keep playing. Do you want anything?”
“Coming right up,” you wink.
Dean has only known you for a few hours, but in that time, he’s gotten to know you like no other woman. Sure, it’s a game, but with a game like this, it’s very easy to read someone based on their answers. If you were a hunter, he would think you’re the perfect woman. You seem so carefree and curious, he couldn't bring you into his life like that. After this game, he is going to retire and go back to the motel room alone.
“What the doctor ordered,” you say referring to the bourbon you handed him when you go back to your table.
The owner comes back to the tiny stage and continues with the game.
“Never have I ever taken more than one person home for the night,” he smirks, earning a few cheers and hollars from the crowd.
Dean is shocked that you drink to this. When you set your glass down, you just smirk knowing he is going to ask about it.
“Are you serious?” he chuckles.
“Some things should remain a mystery, right?”
“You’re something else, you know that?”
“I think I’m adorable,” you wink.
Caught up in each other in the middle of a crowd You lean a little closer 'cause the music's too loud You whisper in my ear you got a little crush I know the liquor's talkin', but when you wake up
The “Never Have I Ever” game went on longer than you thought, so you were pretty drunk by the time it was done. Dean drank a lot more than he wanted to, but with you, he wasn’t worried one bit. Everyone disbanded from the game to dance and play games, and you and Dean are right in the middle of the dancefloor. He doesn’t normally dance, but you’re so magnetic and energetic that he had to.
The alcohol loosens up your inhibitions, letting you move loosely throughout the dancefloor. Dean is right behind you with his hands on your hips. Your back is pressed against his chest as you two move to the beat, your hair sticking to your skin from the sweat. The closer you dance to him, the tighter his grip is on your hips.
“Be careful, Dean, I might take you home,” you grin and turn around so you’re facing him.
“I’m no good for you, Y/N. You don’t want me.”
“If you’re bad, then let me be good. There can be no good without evil, afterall. No you without me.”
Dean knows this is the alcohol talking, but all he can picture is taking you back to his motel room and having his way with you all night. You deserve someone better than him, but he can’t think about anything other than you. Your hands slide up his chest to wrap around his neck loosely, and you pull him down closer to you so that your lips are just a whisper away from his.
“Take me home, Dean Winchester,” you whisper.
“I shouldn’t.”
“It’s more fun when you break the rules.”
Dean can’t resist you any longer, and he finds himself leaning into you, sinking himself into the kiss he knows it coming. The first contact awakens something in you--something you haven’t felt in ages--something that you want to feel for more than just a night.
I know I couldn't sleep it off even if I tried I know this feeling's hanging over for mornin' to night I'm gonna feel it (feel it), so I hope you feel it (feel it) I hope you feel it in the morning
Girl, I hope tomorrow, when you're rolling out of bed It hits you harder in the heart than it hits you in the head I hope you feel it, huh I hope you feel it in the morning
Dean thought this was going to go a lot smoother than this. You drank a lot more than you thought, and as much as you wanted to have hot and dirty sex with Dean, your body was at its limit. As soon as Dean took you through the front door, you passed out in his arms. Normally, this wouldn’t classify as a good time in Dean’s book, but he’s established that you’re not a normal woman.
He’s had a lot of one night stands in the past, but this is one that he doesn’t want to go away in the morning. He sees himself making breakfast for you in the morning, showering with you, and spending all his time with you as much as he can before he has to go. He takes you to bed and wraps you in the blanket before getting next to you on the bed.
Even passed out drunk, you still look beautiful. He’ll remember what you two did at the bar, but will you? You make him feel things he’s never felt before, so he doesn’t want this to go away in the morning. He hopes you feel the same way--not to confuse this feeling with a hangover.
The life he lives isn’t meant for someone as special as you, but he can’t seem to let you go. The smart thing would be to let you go and never look back, but he knows he isn’t going to do that in the morning. In the morning, he’ll have the dreaded conversation about what you remember, but for right now, he’s content just laying with you in bed, watching as your eyes flit back and forth behind your eyelids.
He hopes you’re dreaming of him--dreaming of a life you could possibly have with him.
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hoplesslylovin · 4 years ago
I love the crows so much I could talk about them all day. Every character is well developed and so utterly human, they were not written to be perfect but dumbass teens trynna get money and not die. It’s a perfect mix of seriousness and humor
Every relationship is 1000/10. Kaz andJesper relationship, with Kaz calling Jesper Jordie and Jesper asking who’s that and Kaz saying “ someone i didn’t wanna lose” skfjkjfhkh. Jesper willingness to do anything for kaz bc he has a crush(before wylan) and admires Kaz so much.
Matthias and Inej subtle bonding over religion and making righteousness decisions.
Nina and Inej having a beautiful relationship and with the best girl talks. The scene where Inej holds Nina’s face and says “I owe you a life debt” shows the beauty of friendship and will never be topped by any other line. Also most novels fail to have this bc “the main character can be not like other girls🙄”
Kaz helping Wylan overcome his insecurities and realize his dad ain’t shit and basically changing the will so Wylan can get all the money.
Jesper and Inej calling each other family and yet Inej still being able to forgive automatically but also holding Jesper accountable when he fucks up.The bonding in the scene where they talk about they love kaz and also admitting it’s exhausting trying to keep up with him
This is just friendships like most series that are under 3 books never really develop friendship and mostly focus on relationship or the plot and this queen Leigh wrote the perfect plot the perfect friendships and the perfect relationships in two books?!?! I love it
Now let’s talk about relationships Kaz and Inej being absolute perfection with Leigh recognizing their combined trauma and not just ignoring it so they can kiss is beautiful. Knej knowing her self worth and not sticking around for Kaz even though they both loves each other bc he’s not ready for a relationship and she has her own life is amazing.Kaz also realizing that he can’t give her what she deserve and instead of being a grumpy/petty/shitty person like most male leads when realizing the female lead deserves better,!buys inej a boat to travel around the world, finds her parents for her and basically promising to work on himself while she is gone achieving her dreams is truly iconic. Also Inej knowing that Kaz will always be a “monster” and saying that Ketterdam needs a monster to clean away its filth and that while i’m away at sea fighting slavers you will help me by destroying companies that imploy slavers.-like they both don’t try to change the other person ideas/ambition but work together
Next Nina and Matthias relationship is enemies to lovers done right. Firstly the story of how they met is a slighly cliche shipwreck meeting, but is it the best one i’ve ever read?? Yes it is!! Like the slow development of Matthias at first always comparing her to fjerden women to realizing that Nina may not be “a traditional fjerdan women” but what he needed to see his discriminatory ways. Nina also taking zero bullshit and not babying him but just straight calling him out when he says something wrong.Matthias finally realizing that he was brainwashed without Nina really taking him step by step and more like Nina explaining it to him once and letting him figure out himself. Matthias not accepting only Nina but all grisha yet still not giving up his religion and pride of his country to be with Nina but recognizing that it wasn’t perfect and needs a lot of improvements. Nina also not changing any part of herself and making him have her as she is or leave
Lastly wesper (Wylan and Jesper) which is just amazing. Leigh not making the main focus of the relationship being tht their gay but just focusing on the development and chemistry between them. They in the middle of a dangerous life threatening mission and Jesper says sum shit like “I wish it was this easy to get girls” and Wylan goes” just girls? “and Jesper is “like no not just girls” and that’s it. Jesper and Wylan have a soft friends to lovers with a lot of witty one liners. They both talk to each other about their insecurities like Wylan knowing when Jesper is filled with too much energy and helping calm down, they had their first kiss like this :) and Jesper telling Wylan that he isn’t stupid and it’s fine he can’t read bc he so talented in other ways.
Also the character development!! firstly Jesper being black(darkskin)and bi. While being a main character with flaws. Jesper is extremely loyal and funny yet he also fucks up bc he human and make mistakes. Jesper has a gambling addiction and his gambling addiction wasn’t tried to be justified with an excuse or a reason but realistically described as some thing he just can’t bring himself to stop. He’s written so well, we get to see him struggle with his self esteem and his restlessness, but we get to see him grow and realize that he can’t be stuck in what he did in the past but make sure he won’t do it again and finding a positive outlet instead of gambling. Jesper also hating and hiding that he is grisha bc his dad had drilled into him tht his powers were dangerous and bc his mother had died from using her powers too much.Yet by the end of book he still hides his power but learns to accept it and saying maybe in the future he will learn how to use it bc Wylan helped him realize that he shouldn’t hate anything about himself and learn to embrace it, but also did not push Jesper very hard and let Jesper figure it out himself
Nina being a tall plus sized powerful asf women and still being repeatedly described as beautiful and charming in the book.This may seem like a simple thing but most books just write plus sized people as the “token fat friend” and make the character whole personality be about their weight. Nina doesn’t care for her weight. she is bold and confident. She knows that she is gorgeous and strong and flaunts it. Nina loves her country and struggle with trying to do what’s best for it bc at the end of the day she will put ravka first. Also Nina’s struggle with jurda parem is written really well in a way that shows clearly how much she struggles with the addiction and the shame she feels on how she acted yet how she can’t help herself. After she finally got over jurda parem withdrawals she has new powers that leave her feeling lost bc this wasn’t who she was before yet with Matthias help and her own sheer stubbornness she gets the hang of her powers and accepts that it still very miraculous evn if it connected to death
Inej is honestly a amazing character. She has very strong moral views and struggles with religion esp with the idea that she doesn’t know if she will be forgiven for all the lives she took as the wraith, yet she doesn’t regret what she’s done bc it allowed her to be free.Inej after getting free from Tante Heleen would rather die and then ever be hold in a cage again. We see this when she almost stabs herself in the heart after being cornered. Also we learn that after being freed she could barely even touch other people or even walk in front of Tante Heleen building to see her growing and overcoming her trauma in a realistic way that it’s still there but she doesn’t allow it to control her life. She voluntarily wears Tante Heleen silks again for a mission and stole her necklace which symbolizes her stealing her life back in a way. She finds a purpose for her life in the idea of freeing slaves after this mission instead of just waiting for Kaz. I could talk about Inej all day tbh
Honestly where should i begin with Kaz. Kaz is not a righteous man, he’s ruthless,and would do anything for money but keeps his promises yet Kaz sees himself as a villain and doesn’t see the good even if Inej tells him how he helps others in subtle ways. In the beginning Kaz is painted as a evil genius which he is but and then we learn that he was a happy and cheerful child till Jordie died, leaving him with severe trauma and unable to hand skin contact. Kaz also broke his leg in some robbery when he was younger and it never healed correctly yet it was never a problem for him, even tho he is disabled and with a cane everyone is scared of him. Anyway throughout the books Kaz goes from unable to even touch another persons hand and fainting in the wagon to slightly overcoming this with Inej. Kaz wants to be better for Inej and himself bc Inej says she will have him without armor or not at all and Kaz wants to be that person. While by the end of crooked kingdom he can only hold Inej’s hand and he still shook a little, We can still see how much he is trying to overcome his fear. I also love how Leigh did not write that Kaz overcame years and years of trauma for a girl within a few weeks but ends with him doing a only little better but still having a long way to go.
Wylsn being the genius nerd of the group and also having dyslexia. Wylan starts off as a shy runaway whose shitty dad severely impacted their self esteem, and grows to be very confident person who sees that nothing is wrong with being unable to read bc he can still do anything he wants.Wylan kept his dyslexia as his biggest secret bc he is taught that he is useless and worthless bc he can’t read, yet through subtle and amazing advice from Kaz about how you can’t let things hold you back, Jesper’s support and mainly seeing all the things he can do without the need for reading-Wylan slowly realizes his self worth. To the point where he can tell a few people that he can’t read. This causes Wylan to help Jesper with accepting his powers bc Wylan sees the how similarities between how Jesper acts about his power and how he use to act about his dyslexia.
Matthias had the biggest character arc. He went from wanting to kill all grisha to accepting Nina’s very unique death powers before she herself did. Matthias struggles with realizing his old mentors were wrong throughout book 1. The rest of the crew do not waste time explaining or trying to change his beliefs but instead only correcting his words when he says offensive things. Inej also subtly tells him to get his shit together, at first he believes how could everything he ever learn is a lie but after seeing the outcomes of his actions/ druskelle actions. Matthias realizes that it was all lie and finds reasoning and understanding through his experiences with the crows. He after a long process begins to thinks grisha powers are a miracle. Yet even as he slowly see his wrong ways- His first thought for a long time when seeing grisha powers was unnatural in his manipulative father figure Brum’s voice. After a little while he began to correct the voice in his head with own.Matthias finally reached a point where his first thought was miraculous. Leigh wrote this really well bc it shows a person cannot change a mindset drilled into him within a day but takes a process. Throughout all of this he still feels a strong sense of pride in his county but also seeing that his home has many faults and needs improvement and guidance.
i wrote this midnight y’all pls ignore shitty grammar and mistakes
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chronicallylatetotheparty · 4 years ago
Watching (the Adventures of) Merlin season one on Netflix
Episode One: The Dragon's Call
. . . I feel like going to the capital of the kingdom indiscriminately slaughtering magic users wasn't the best idea.
Why? Well, that guy did just get executed.
And now his mom is mad. You tell that sorry excuse for a king, witch lady.
I don't like Uther, in case it was unclear.
Wait... if you could teleport why not just grab your son and ditch before he loses his head? Literally.
Oh, wow. Arthur is a dick.
Morgana. We have no choice but to stan tbh.
Dragon, you're really rubbing me the wrong way.
That's right Merlin! We need more than Because Destiny Says So!
Where did the spiderwebs come from? That sleeping spell gives me Sleeping Beauty vibes.
Ah, yes. The old drop-the- chandelier-on-the-villain trick. :(
If she went after Uther instead of Arthur I would have no complaints.
Manservant? You call that a reward for saving your son?
Episode Two: Valiant
Oh, he's gonna- Yup, dead. That's what happens when you deal with knights who cheat.
Where did that guy even get a magic shield in the first place?
Is there a thriving magic black market or something?
I love Guin.
. . . I feel like Sir Valiant didn't think this through. If bite marks are visible.
Ugh, you're the worst Uther.
It's only the second episode! Did you forget who saved your son already?
Stop being a jerk Arthur.
Lol. Merlin bringing a dog statue to life in order to practice for the Snake!Shield.
Bye Valiant!
Episode Three: The Mark of Nimueh
Whatcha up to with that egg, new witch lady?
You gonna poison the water of all of Camelot? Seems like a jerk move.
Dang that's a lot of dead bodies...
No, I like Guin's dad!
Yes! Cure him Merlin!
No! Stop arresting Guin, Uther!
You tell him, Morgana!
That plague monster that hatched from witch lady's egg is creepy.
Dead monster!
Arthur is kinda oblivious to Merlin's magic ngl.
Yay! Guin's free!
What do you know about witch lady Nimueh, Uther? Hmm? Why she want you dead? Besides the obvious reasons.
Episode Four: The Poisoned Chalice
Wow, Nimueh really doesn't like Merlin saving the day.
Wow, Nimueh really orchestrated an entire diplomatic incident in order to kill Merlin while also ensuring Camelot is destroyed by its neighbor. Impressive.
I really like Merlin and Guin's friendship.
Dang. Merlin really drank poison in order to save Arthur.
Merlin saved Arthur's life, Uther! Let him return the favor!
Oh, wow. Arthur really disobeyed his father in order to save Merlin's life.
I didn't know Merlin could cast spells while deathly delirious. And several miles away from him too.
Uther you b****! The antidote is right there! Let Arthur save his friend!
Putting your own son in a cell is such a jerk move.
At least Arthur and Guin manage to sneak the antidote to Merlin.
Quick aside: Internet spoilers say Uther needs to die for Arthur to complete his himbofication- I mean character development. So, if you could get on with that? Thanks!
Episode Five: Lancelot
Wow, that's a very CGI griffin.
Lancelot is so precious- Uh, I mean effective! Saving Merlin and all.
I know, Guin. I know.
Always thought it was a stupid rule to only let nobles be knights.
You're really going to commit magical forgery for someone you just met, Merlin?
I mean, Lancelot is earnest, hardworking, modest, kind despite his tragic backstory and it's his childhood dream to be a knight...
Yeah, I'd commit magical forgery too.
Lol, knocked you on your ass didn't he Arthur? (The second time at least)
I don't remember griffins being man-eaters!
Uther stop arresting people! Ugh, you're such a classist.
Let Lancelot help fight the griffin, Arthur! You need all the help you can get!
Well okay letting him go was nice of you.
Lancelot-Merlin tag team!
Wow. Lancelot really strode in with Camelot's singular braincell by figuring out Merlin has magic.
(The bar is low, okay.)
No, don't take away the braincell! Stay! The griffin was a team effort!
Okay, Lancelot's lawful good tendencies are a little annoying but, hey, nobody's perfect.
Episode Six: A Remedy to Cure All Ills
Edwin, no. Leave Morgana alone.
Oh, beetles! Curse beetles! That's not creepy at all.
Gaius how do you know Edwin?
What diabolical plot are you hatching Edwin? Oh, you're replacing Gaius in the royal court. That's kinda rude.
Merlin's so happy meeting another magic user that isn't trying to kill him (yet).
Le gasp! Uther's purge killed Edwin's parents? WhO cOuLd HaVe fOreSeEn tHis!?
But seriously. No wonder Edwin wants Uther dead.
I know Edwin blackmailed Gaius with exposing Merlin but he also wants to kill Uther!
That gives him a pass in my book.
Gaius no. Let Uther die.
Edwin stop trying to kill Gaius! You're going to-
Yup, here comes Merlin and-
Edwin's dead :(
Well he was trying to overthrow the kingdom. That's... bad... I guess.
Episode Seven: The Gates of Avalon
That title is misleading. It's more of a natural portal/magic lake type thing.
Arthur saves a father and daughter from bandits (Which they hired but shhh)
And they immediately try to put a love spell on Arthur
For human sacrifice purposes of course
Idk why the Sidhe want a human prince's soul -look at him, you don't know where he's been- but that's the price for readmission
I wonder how the dad killed one of his own kind? Was it an accident or...?
Exiling the daughter too makes me suspicious of Avalon's justice system
Evil laugh is a bit out of place for someone who is trying to restore his daughter's immortality
(They are so whiny about being mortal. Hey, we put up with it all the time!)
The fairy-like Sidhe moving in accelerated time so they just look like tiny orbs of light was an interesting touch. The blue faces and razor sharp teeth is not a good look for them, lol
They make Arthur ask to be married ('cause it takes a while for the love spell to go into full blown mind control or something)
Prompting Uther to threaten to kill both of them
(I feel like they didn't think this through)
Morgana admonishes Uther for being the worst
He replies that first love rarely lasts and that Arthur is inexperienced in such things. Plus that Arthur only met the girl yesterday
... I can't believe Uther is the voice of reason this episode
He doesn't get any points though. Due to the whole "threatening to execution his son's 'crush' " thing
The daughter is having second thoughts about using Arthur as a human sacrifice
Dear old dad puts those to rest and they try drowning Arthur in the lake that is/is the portal to, Avalon
Merlin's really leaning into the whole "Cool motive. Still murder.", thing huh?
Like, he did NOT hesitate to blow up both of them
Episode Eight: The Beginning of the End
Why do magic users keep going to Camelot!? The king is trying to KILL YOU!
Wow, this grown ass man is threatened by a literal child... I hate Uther so much
Morgana is the MVP of this episode. I love her
Protect that druid kid!
I feel like you're being paranoid Uther
You tell him Morgana!
Dragon, no. Stop prophesying death and destruction.
Wow, this grown ass dragon is threatened by a literal child...
Aaaand Morgana got caught sneaking the kid out of the city :(
Uther she is your adopted daughter! Stop putting people in cells!
Arthur is gonna sneak him out now?
While Morgana distracts the king?
Yes, excellent. What could possibly-
Merlin stop listening to that destiny dragon! Hearing his voice in your head is no basis for trust!
Cutting it close... Yay! They made it!
Mordred!? MORDRED!?
THAT little boy is Mordred!?
... Okay, I'm more inclined to believe the destiny dragon now
Still think letting him die would be a dick move
Episode Nine: Excalibur
What're you up to with that tomb Nimueh?
Oh! It's some kind of undead knight. Yes.
Throwing down the gauntlet. Pfft! Always thought that was a stupid idea.
Also: that Black Knight literally crashed your party!
Ugh, knights.
Nimueh if you can just teleport into the heart of Camelot while Uther is alone why don't you just stab him? Grab one of those pointy things he likes so much and stab him in the back. Easy peasy!
Stealing this joke but Don't do evil magic kids. It fries your brain cells.
Wait, the Black Knight is Uther's brother-in-law!?
Arthur's mother died in childbirth!?
Uther asked Nimueh to use her magic so he could have Arthur!?
Equivalent Exchange!?
Uther went on a genocidal rampage because he didn't bother with the instruction manual of ancient and powerful magic!?
Actually, that last one is not surprising at all.
I can't believe they're using the Wife in the Fridge trope. That appliance hasn't even been invented yet!
Ooh, Merlin's going to use his magic to destroy the Black Knight so Arthur doesn't have to fight him
As he's killed two knights already
Aaaaand, yup, he's still there. His cloak didn't even catch fire...
Arthur stop being a bastard. It doesn't suit you
Dragon forged sword! DRAGON FORGED SWORD!
Only Arthur can wield it. Yup, got it. How could this possibly go wrong?
Uther drugged Arthur and took his place in the fight... I have mixed feelings about this.
Wait, the dragon was very specific about only Arthur using that super special sword! Oh, snap.
Well at least the Black Knight is dead. Again.
Oh, dragon is not happy.
I know the dragon said "where no mortal soul could find it" but are you sure you wanna throw it into Avalon, Merlin?
Those people were gonna suck Arthur's soul out of his body
Episode Ten: The Moment of Truth
The way this episode title just lies to your face like that...
Oh, you're Merlin's mother! Thought we had an anime protagonists type thing going on
I... would like to say Uther is being unreasonable when he decides not to cross borders to get rid of some bandits. But I can totally see everyone hating him so that's a no go.
Lady, you were in a whole different kingdom. Why for the love of Merlin did you send him to Camelot!?
We're off to save the village! Morgana and Guin are coming too!
A wild Arthur appears!
Morgana better at swordplay than Arthur confirmed!
Merlin! I didn't know you had friends!
Granted he's a bit rough around the edges but
Okay. If it were literally anyone else besides Arthur. I'd say he was right about lords and knights being useless snobs.
Actually. He's right about lords and knights being useless snobs. Ah, that felt great.
Wow, the homosexual subtext is strong with this one.
The girls can tell Arthur came for Merlin.
But get your foot out of his face! I don't care how royal it is!
Look at Guin over here calling out Arthur for being a dick
And talking him into letting the women fight. She's on a roll
Aw, Merlin's friend died. :(
And he took credit for Merlin's tornado (so Arthur wouldn't find out about Merlin's magic)
Episode Eleven: The Labyrinth of Gedref
Lol, that unicorn could use a haircut.
No, Arthur. I said a haircut not an arrow to the chest!
Bad things? What kind of bad things Gaius?
Uther what's the point of having an expert in magical lore if you're not going to listen to him!
And all the crops are dead. Fantastic.
I know it's a magic thing but stating outright that the blight only targets edible plants is still really unsettling.
And the water's turned to sand. Great.
Who're you and how come Merlin is the only magic user that can't teleport?
What kind of tests mister Keeper of the Unicorns, sir?
Arthur I know you don't want to believe it's your fault... But it's totally your fault.
Uther no. People are starving.
You tell him Arthur.
Oh, the "theif" was a test!
Aaaaand he failed the second one. :(
Merlin's got a lot of faith in Arthur.
It's interesting how the Keeper can only direct the curse caused by the unicorn's death. Or rather the trials surrounding the curse, but can't break it himself.
Unicorns have some powerful magic.
The Labyrinth was barely on screen for five minutes! Surely something with Unicorn in the title would be more appropriate?
Arthur drinking a poisoned cup so Merlin could live?
That's some strong parallels right there.
The Keeper of the Unicorns is such a troll! Sleeping potion, hah!
The day is saved, Arthur lies to Uther's face about killing the Keeper and the unicorn resurrects itself.
Still needs a haircut though.
Episode Twelve: To Kill the King
Whatcha up to Guin's dad?
Oh that guy isn't suspicious at all.
You didn't think it was shady when he asked to meet in the middle of the night!?
Philosopher's Stone!?
Wow, the guards found him quickly.
What- No! Don't arrest Guin's dad!
Uther, he's a blacksmith! Stop being paranoid!
Will you stop executing people!? That inn keeper didn't know that guy was a dangerous sorcerer!
No, nononononono! He surrendered! Why did you do that!? Guin's father was important to Morgana!
That's why she gave him the key!
Dragon has his priorities straight.
Shut up, Merlin. You literally blew up a father and daughter for trying to kill one(1) person. (No really, you could see their hands flying off.)
Morgana deserves a little murder. As a treat.
Yes! Get him! Kill the bastard!
No! Why would you make GUIN say that!? Who are you and what have you done with Guin!?🔪🔪
UGH, he literally committed genocide!
The "that would make me as bad as he is" DOES NOT APPLY!
What- Oh, he still has the fairy's staff.
No. Stop it! Let Uther die!
Oh, God, Uther is such an abusive piece of GARBAGE!
Stop! Don't fall for it Morgana!
*sees dagger being pushed closer to Uther's "heart"* Yes! Yes! YES!
*Morgana saves him* NO!
*inarticulate ranting in the background*
Episode Thirteen:
Okay, the cgi might be getting a little better 'cause the Questing Beast is freaky
Old religion? What is that? And how come it's conveniently absent from the previous episodes?
Dang, they really here just casually gaslighting Morgana like that 😡
Merlin you know Morgana has visions! You couldn't have been a little more careful? She warned you. Now look at Arthur, he's got the heroic death disease
Granted that thing does seem like a handful
Why do you only act like a father when it's a matter of life and death? Why can't you be a father literally any other time!?
"The old religion is the magic of the Earth itself."
Well that sounds fascinating, dragon. Are you going to elaborate? No? Later then?
Soooooo, is the old religion actually a religion or is it a magic? It's really unclear...
"You will be a better king than your father could ever hope to be." Guin, you're back!
I expected a place called the Isle of the Blessed to be less... creepy
Nimueh! Whatcha up to girl? Plotting the demise of a kingdom? Not today it seems
Oh there some Equivalent Exchange type nonsense going on is there?
Arthur you were supposed to be in a coma not listening to Guin!
Oh. Oh, no.
Merlin saying goodbye as he prepares to trade his life for his mother's is 😢😭
Wow, that dragon really knew Nimueh would give Merlin's mother the curse and didn't say anything. The little b*****!
No wonder Merlin's mad at him. Stop breathing fire at him! It's your own fault!
Gaius, no! Not the dead mentor trope!
"You stood by and watched as our friends died." Damn, Nimueh isn't pulling her punches.
Merlin vs Nimueh! Ready? Fight!
Anime protagonist power up! Dang, Nimueh's dead... I feel like that wasn't supposed to happen.
At least no one else is dying. Since Nimueh's death appeased the Equivalent Exchange laws of the old religion.
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curedeity · 4 years ago
Studying Days
Summary: Flora pages through her book, jotting down ideas for what enchantment to show off on her final test, when someone knocks at her door.
Why are they trying so hard to get good grades anyway?
    Flora sat in the room she shared with Bloom alone, her friend having gone out to a cafe with Stella. Laid open on her lap was a book on enchantments which she paged through, humming as she found particularly useful ones to demonstrate for her exam. Imbuing objects with permanent magic was the culmination of all they’d been learning in their enchantment class this year, and the amount of her grade that relied on this assignment reflected that.
    It was honestly good fortune that Bloom had gone out. Love her friend as she did, Flora could still admit that Bloom’s ability to sit down and study was lacking. She wouldn’t have been able to get much work done if she had spent most of it tutoring Bloom and getting the girl to focus.
    Flora had just completed the third chapter when someone knocked on the door. The tapping was too light to be Bloom, so it must’ve been one of the fellow Winx (excluding Stella, who had the unfortunate tendency to barge into rooms out of excitement). Flora closed the book, slipping a twig through to mark the pages, and called out, “Come in!”
    Flora excellently hid her surprise when Musa entered the room, a bag thrown across her shoulder. It was rare for Musa to seek out her companionship, perhaps she thought Bloom had already returned?
    “Hey, so,” Musa rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, sending Flora a crooked smile (and damn if that didn’t make her heart melt). “Tecna’s being kinda loud right now, yknow, destroying Timmy at video games again, and you and I normally get similar grades so…” Musa held out her book bag. “Wanna study together?”
    Now that Musa mentioned it, she and Flora did normally receive the highest grades among the Winx (and among most of the students, Flora was allowed to brag a little), a fact that was just so slightly out of place with their normal personas that even Flora forgot it occasionally herself. Flora’s eyes quickly darted up and down Musa’s figure, thoughts whirring through her head.
    Then, without much fanfare, Flora shrugged and gave Musa a small smile. “Sure, why not?”
    Perhaps Musa would make for Flora’s first good study partner.
    An hour later, they were both sitting on the floor with books fanning out around them. Musa’s recorder sat in the center, with Flora taking down observation notes as Musa attempted to enchant it.
    It had taken them a while to decide on what to do. Musa was apparently a practical learner, and Flora couldn’t deny that she also liked that method. Musa’s instruments made for very simple things to enchant, and they had decided that playing it should make it rain.
    It would be a very clear sign that the magic had worked correctly, and, if they managed to pull it off, be very impressive for the exam.
    Unfortunately, neither had managed to successfully do so yet.
    “Can’t we just go murder Stormy and put her essence into the flute?” Musa complained.
    Flora tapped her chin. “Well, I don’t think we would manage to do so properly if we still are having trouble with enchanting an object. Tying an essence to it would be much more complicated magic, and we should wait until we have the proper skills to do so.”
    Musa hummed and tipped her head in forced agreement, but not without adding, “I’d be really motivated to make the magic work though.”
    Flora laughed, covering her mouth with a hand. She had to admit, the idea of getting back at the Trix would be very good motivation. But she just responded with, “I guess we’ll just have to rely on the prospect of a good grade to keep us going.”
    “Sometimes it doesn’t seem that worth it.”
    At this Flora sat down more comfortably, leaning her chin into her palm as she looked over at Musa. They had already been studying for a while, so Flora supposed one conversation break was deserved. “And why’s that?”
    Musa was already waving away her previous comment. “I suppose I don’t mean it that much, I really like learning new things and that’s all the motivation I need. Guess I just wish my dad would be a bit more excited about me doing well in school. He’s nice about it and all but like, his support feels weird sometimes.”
    Flora hummed comfortingly. She had found her friends, just like Miele, liked the soft songs she knew by heart. Besides, what was there for her to say? Musa didn’t seem to want a retort, or unconditional support, so Flora would just be a vine on the wall, listening for now.
“I wanna be a musician, yknow? But my dad really hates that idea, so whenever I get good grades he’s happy, but happy in the way where he thinks I’m giving up on my dream and doing something he’d prefer. Just, sucks because I like school and I like doing well.”
At some point during her speech, Musa had flopped onto the floor, her head resting near Flora’s crossed legs. With deft fingertips, Flora undid the tight pigtails Musa’s hair normally was held in, and began running her fingers through the black strands. 
“Musa, I’m sure your father will come around to you being a musician someday, and if he doesn’t want to, I’ll go to each of your concerts to cheer you on.” Flora probably would’ve gone anyway, Musa’s music truly was beautiful, and it was always nice to hear the rare pieces she’d share with the group. And if Flora didn’t go, one of the other Winx (Tecna) most certainly would.
Musa giggled and swatted Flora’s hand away playfully. “Don’t say that, concerts take up a lot of time, especially if I ever get good enough to go on tour. You wouldn’t want to follow me to like, 20 different stops.”
Flora had never considered that. She mulled over the information, and then discarded it. “I would get Stella to teleport me.”
Musa rolled her eyes, obviously having to concede the point. “So why do you try so hard to do well in school?”
“This is trying hard to you?” Flora asked dryly, gesturing around at the state of their life. To be honest, this was probably Flora’s worst academic year of her life. She was far too busy dealing with the Trix to focus on school as much as she’d like. 
Besides Flora had never studied overly much anyway, it was more in her ability to focus.
“You know what I mean!”
Flora chuckled, and leaned back for a few moments. An answer didn’t immediately bloom on the tip of her tongue, it wasn’t something she had thought of much. School was simply something you were supposed to be good at, for no other reason than to be good at it. And Flora certainly had never found it very hard to be good at academics.
“I suppose I want to be at school to help me later in life, for a good career, but I think I may just like being good at it,” Flora shrugged, her last words making Musa cackle. “If I can be good at school, is that not enough of a reason to be?”
“I mean, it does mean you can hold your report card over Stella.”
“I’d never tease one of my friends like that. Stella does put in some effort to be good at school, and I’d never discourage her in that way.” Flora clutched a hand to her chest.
“Well, you certainly do consistently uphold your reputation of being the nicest person in all of Alfea,” Musa smirked.
Flora blinked down at her, a facade of innocence masking her face. “I have no idea what you mean.”
Musa snorted, “Sure you don’t. Now come on, let’s get back to work.”
There were many reasons Flora tried so hard at Alfea. Sometimes it was to be a good role model for her little sister, sometimes to defeat the evil forces that kept bothering them. But more commonly, it was for little things, like the look of hilariously overdramatic betrayal Bloom shot her when Musa dragged Flora out of the room, saying that “It’s time for the A honor roll girls to do some actual studying.”
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fortysevenswrites · 4 years ago
Okay. 9 books, 9 fics. You're welcome.
1. Kastle/The West Wing Crossover Every time I watch TWW, I think about Karen and Donna Moss being friends, and once I thought of a fic where during the early seasons of TWW, the President and staff go to New York and Karen is moderating one of the series of town halls they're there for (specifically one where Josh Lyman is speaking). And of course that one, because reasons I had not yet come up with, gets attacked by The Hand, and Karen, Donna and Josh (who gets injured, because Josh ALWAYS gets injured) get rescued by Frank and it basically ends with the President demanding to meet Frank to thank him for saving Josh's life and everyone is like, "Mr. President do you not understand that Frank Castle is technically a MURDERER and the Secret Service will n e v e r let you in the same room with him and it's bad enough that you're currently on the same ISLAND?" So, yeah.
Here's something I wrote for it:
“Josh, did you hear?”
“I have impeccable hearing, Donna,” Josh says without looking up from the memo in his hand. “What is it that I am supposed to have heard?”
“Carol told me that she heard from Lindsay in credentialing that Karen Page has been assigned to cover the President’s town halls in New York for the New York Bulletin!”
He waits for her to keep going, but she doesn’t so, he looks up and sees her waiting expectantly, “And?”
“Karen Page? What It Means To Be A Hero Karen Page. She’s connected to half the vigilante-superheroes in Lower Manhattan. She was held hostage by ninjas. She interviewed Tony Stark about the Sokovia Accords. Last year, The Punisher himself may or may not have held her hostage after saving her from that terrorist Lewis Wilson.”
“And, would it be inappropriate, as a member of the White House Staff, to ask her for her autograph?”
Kastle: The Big Indulgence
This is one of the first long fics I came up with for Kastle (and come hell or high water I WILL write it one day). Basically, it puts the NMCU actually IN the MCU. Post TPS1, Sarah tracks Karen down and they become friends, and at the same time, Frank becomes friends with Bucky Barnes (yes Emily, I know he's not your fav) by way of Curtis' group (Curt, of course, regrets ever letting them interact ever). Karen gets nominated for an award for her journalism work by the Maria Stark Foundation, where she meets Pepper, Natasha, and Darcy, and befriends them as well. Everything comes to a head and Karen and Frank reunite after the discovery that Sarah Lieberman is related to one of Bucky's surviving family members (the Liebermans are Jewish, Bucky's family is Jewish, it works!). Then, things related to Billy and Hydra happen, there's an incident where a few people disappear into an alternate universe for...an... amount of time, the Avengers meet the X-Men to help get them back, and Frank may or may not be a little psychic. Someone ends up coming from that alternate universe who doesn't belong here, but it's okay because she's [redacted] and also Leo's [redacted].
Leo-Centric, Kastle
Leo gets an internship as Darcy Lewis' assistant (well, technically she's working for Jane Foster, but it's basically working for Darcy), where she meets Karen, matchmakes her with Frank, and also gets a girlfriend. I think the summary says it best:
Summer 2021.
In which Leo Lieberman gets the internship of a lifetime—working for Jane!Freaking!Foster’s soon-to-be former personal assistant, Darcy Lewis—both comes out of the closet AND gets the girl, and helps her long-lost murder-uncle finally reconcile with the ace reporter of his dreams.
If Frank was actually bulletproof, it would totally be just like Superman and Lois Lane.
5 Times Seth Tells Kate He Loves Her
A five-times fic where Seth is just ass over tea kettle in love with Kate, and makes sure she knows it and doesn't care what other people (read: Richie and Scott) think about it. The first one takes place the night they get back from Matanzas, and I just love the little bit I've written so far. I know 2 that I'm going to write so far, so...3 to go.
Kate Meets Vanessa Post S3
So I started writing this around Valentine's Day this year, and I might keep it as a Valentine's Day fic no matter what, but basically, in a grand universal coincidence, Vanessa strolls into Jed's just because she's stopping for lunch on her way to...somewhere. She meets Kate, who is covering the bar for Kalinda and Greer (a culebra OC that I will one day actually formally introduce in my fics, I promise), who are downstairs "checking on inventory" read: screwing in a maintenance closet because it's Valentine's Day, and then Seth comes out and there's a little, very awkward reunion, and basically Vanessa is the MOST amused, Seth is the MOST uncomfortable and Kate's just like...okay? And? Also, Seth is still bitter about Vanessa taking the tire iron to his car back in early S1.
The SK/Detroit 187 Fusion
Seth is a detective in Houston PD, who comes into the office one day to discover they...hired an intern? Said intern is Kate Fuller, a grad student at the University of Houston, who is working on her master's thesis by studying something related to crime (duh). Seth thinks she's a Disney princess in human form and they're very antagonistic with one another, but also he likes her way more than he thinks he should (but feels a LOT better about it when he finds out she's 23, not like...barely legal to drink or anything. Angst happens when a gang (Malvado's, but Carlos' branch of it) attacks Kate's family and kills her parents, and Seth takes her to Eddie and Richie for protection while he and his partner, Ximena, and the rest of the department solve the case and put Carlos' crew away.
SK Post 2x02 AU
After Kate and Seth part ways in 2x02, Kate goes back to Bethel, but Scott isn't there (so Jessica lives). She ends up in Houston for two years, working at a gym and keeping her to the ground looking for word about her brother, until one night, she's attacked by a bunch of Culebras, and is saved by Seth, Richie, and Kisa. She finds out that Carlos and Malvado are after her because she's the key to the way to the Blood Well, and Carlos and Malvado's henchwoman, the one and only Sonja, draws them all back to Bethel by putting Jessica in danger, and...it's all going to come to a head in some way that involves them saving Jessica from Sonja and killing Malvado and stopping the events of S3 from ever having to happen.
SK Season 1 AU
I don't know if i'm ever going to go anywhere with this, but I had this thought of...what is Carlos as Kyle wasn't a dick to Kate, and he took her to Mexico instead of Kate going back with Jacob and Scott. She ends up at the Twister before Seth and Richie do, and spends time with Kisa before she goes out to perform, and somehow it ends up with Kate going through the labyrinth with the brothers? I don't know. Something like that.
The FDTD/The Punisher Crossover That Starts Off In New York
So this is one of 2 crossovers I have for SK-meets-Kastle, but I love it. This is post 2x02, and Kate ends up in New York after not being able to find Scott back in Bethel. She ends up going to work as NM&P's assistant, and befriends Karen. To get to know one another better, Karen takes Kate to Josie's, where Kate discovers that Josie is a culebra, and Josie promises to keep Kate's secret. One day, this...guy shows up at the office, asking to talk to Karen, and Karen kicks Kate out of the office while they talk, and when she comes back, the guy is gone and Karen doesn't want to talk about it. (It's Frank, of course it's Frank). Also featuring one day where Frank is on the roof, Matt gets wind of it and goes up there to confront him about seeing Karen again and comes back with a black eye, and Kate is V confused whereas Karen is 10000000% pissed off at them both. Not long after, Kate and Karen are out one night, and they're attacked by a bunch of culebras. Frank helps intervene while Kate really is the one to save the day...and then she has to explain culebras to them. Of course, Karen saw aliens fall out of a portal above Stark Tower, so...snake vampires? Whatever. Kate calls Freddie to figure out why she was attacked and it turns out Carlos and Malvado are after her (and, later found out Karen too). Kate, Karen and Frank end up in Texas and things all come to a head at the blood well, as it does, and while Carlos shoots Kate in front of Seth, Richie, and Scott (which, BAD IDEA), Kate falls into the blood well, and when she's pulled out, she's healed. But...she also has something inside her that wants to destroy the world, and everyone has to race against time to figure out how to get Amaru out of Kate before she takes over completely and destroys them all. They figure out a way, but it has an...interesting side effect for Kate and Seth. Also, this is the one where Maggie takes one look at Freddie and Ximena and shrugs and says, "You know what? Porque no los dos?"
So yeah, there you go!
(Also, I thought about also including the Amaru isn't evil, she's just cranky and wants to go home, S3 AU, but we just talked about it yesterday, so I figured it doesn't count hahaaha.)
send me a book emoji of any kind and i will tell you about a fic idea i have
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