#I just really like chicken little
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lizandgiggles · 1 month ago
Ive come to the discovery that chicken little slaps in any language you listen to it in. English? Obviously a banger. Spanish? I’m wheezing on the floor. Korean? I’m giving them a standing ovation.
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black-and-yellow · 11 months ago
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puppppppppy · 11 months ago
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i like him
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nobleriver · 8 months ago
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TWD: The Ones Who Live - Finale Opening Scene + Blurred/Faraway
Requested by Anonymous
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grumpygoat5985 · 6 months ago
sorry i just was about to eat, then log in the game, saw him and bam...
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...and yes it is (affectionately)
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tetedurfarm · 20 days ago
i know this is a long haul video, but it's also an extremely good breakdown of the myth of self-sustainability homesteading and how you should never believe everything you see online or in books. also a little bit about how joel salatin suck ass, actually.
this shit is not easy and it doesn't make money. i am only allowed to do this because my spouse is a software engineer in the video game industry. don't fall for the promise of being able to pay your way via a small farm. the only thing small-scale homesteading gives you is a sense of accomplishment, a connection to your food, and at least one joint injury that you will need to go to physical therapy for. i will never talk anyone out of wanting to grow their own food, because i think it's an extremely good and important thing to do, but i will always encourage you to do it within your means with a realistic vision of that future.
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mollywog · 16 days ago
A continuation of this an EmmaxTHG AU inspired by the Janeuary 2025 prompts!
Read on Ao3
Katniss was still mulling over her friend’s words later that week.
Until Mrs. Heavensbee had suggested it, Katniss had never imagined Mr. Mellark in want of a wife. But as it so often happened, once a new avenue was opened, she could not keep her mind from straying down the path, distressing as it may be.
With his pleasing manners and handsome estate, Mr. Mellark could easily secure the affections of any he chose. And despite her quick and adamant dismissal of the idea, Annie Cresta, over any other woman of their acquaintance, was the ideal choice.
The silent admission perturbed her and upon acknowledging it she resolved to know the worst at once. So as they took a turn in Haymitch’s gardens several days after the party, she approached the topic at hand, “Did you not enjoy the music at the Undersee’s?”
“I did, as I believe I indicated to you that night.”
“Annie Cresta in particular—“
“Yes. All the young ladies performed well that evening.”
“You need not be gallant with me. I can admit, Miss Cresta quite surpassed us all. I do wonder if her mysterious patron— the one who sent the harp, is well pleased.”
“I’m sure he is,” his words came quickly with an edge, so unlike her Mr. Mellark that she’s taken aback.
He sighed, stopping on the path, “Katniss, of your many virtues, subtlety is not among them. Speak plainly, you’ve never shied away from doing so before.”
“Was it you?— that sent the harp to Miss Cresta?”
“No, and I would hope you supposed I had better sense than to send such a gift. I had offered Miss Cresta use of the instrument at Bakerswell whenever she pleased; she would have judged better accepting my offer than the gift that will clutter her grandmother’s parlor and collect dust when soon she leaves, though I suppose the giver gave her little option in the matter.”
Though he had denied the gift as she suspected, she could not find herself completely satisfied with his response. Was Mr. Mellark bitter he would not find Annie often at his estate? “If you prefer her to always make use of your instrument, there is an easy solution.”
“Ah,” he nodded gravely. “I see. So you have settled it then? You would have me marry Annie Cresta? Tell me— what menu have you selected for the wedding breakfast?”
She huffed.
“You know, you are miserably behind, Undersee gave me a hint of these suspicions three days ago.”
The pretentious blowhard! “And what did you tell him?”
“That Annie Cresta would not have me, were I to ask.”
“Then she is a fool,” she snapped. Who was Annie to reject such an offer were it to come? Surely she did not harbor those silly, old fashioned superstitions regarding his leg.
“And this is what you wish?” he said, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Certainly not! I have not the smallest wish of you marrying Annie Cresta—” she cut herself short before saying ‘or any woman for that matter’, for those were the words next on her tongue and it seemed a horribly selfish thing to admit. For, did not Mr. Mellark, above any other man of her acquaintance, deserve happiness? And if his happiness came in the form of a wife and the blue-eyed, round-faced babies that were sure to follow, she could never begrudge him that, though the thought pained her most acutely. “Unless it is your wish,” she added lamely.
They were silent a long moment before he next spoke. “My wishes—“ he trailed off, shaking his head before continuing, “no. I do not wish it either.”
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charafansmile · 20 days ago
Something about toriel hating the monsters outside of the ruins in similar way to chara hating humanity. Not only does she isolate herself from them, but the ruins monsters are also pretty intimidated by her. if she never made that agreement with sans then im pretty sure there would have been no convincing her to let us leave. Like at all.
God even the queen toriel ending might suck for her just a bit. Imagine being put in charge of your people who betrayed you and are all willing to play niceys NOW after 6 of your kids died (in the name of 2 of them!) and they would've killed the 7th if they didn't befriend everyone! No wonder she got rid of the royal guard and told everyone to be nice and welcoming as far as she would be concerned that's what they should have been doing from the start. I imagine it's very awkward between her and undyne. I know she fires alphys in Canon, but I imagine they would have eventually started to get along and she could join the human fanclub with mettaton. But God it'd probably be so awkward. So so awkward. I really think she develops a great disdain for monster kind during her exile that she has to workout.
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I know what she says here is popularly interpreted as the 'them' being asgore/ the royal guard. But it always felt like to me she was referring to monster kind as a whole. (That and if chara has similarities to toriel, it makes sense that toriel would have similarities to them...)
Exiled queen is even WORSE for her cause now that disdain is mutual and the little kid she tried to protect killed people and a war is inevitable at that point. At least with asgore in charge she had the solace that he would be too much of a coward to go through with it. At least she has sans (and sometimes papyrus) in those endings for support but I can't imagine she in any way in a better mental place than before.
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whumpninja · 8 months ago
Whumpee sleeping in a barn.
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illegiblehandwriting1 · 3 months ago
i love you flashbacks i love you pov shifts i love you nonlinear storytelling
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flightlesskiwi · 10 months ago
I don’t think the Rat Grinders are irredeemable or whatever but I DO think a lot of people are putting the onus on Brennan specifically to redeem them or “write them a redemption arc”, like yes it is a show and there has to be character narratives especially for foils to your PCs, but ttrpgs are fundamentally a /collaborative/ storytelling medium, the thing about DnD is that the players have to invest in the NPCs, they have to give them the time and space to redeem themselves through interacting with them, the reason we see characters like Aelwyn and Ragh get a redemption arc & change and develop is because the Bad Kids went out of their way to talk to them (In Aelwyn’s case Adaine had to commit to redeeming her sister on multiple occaisions). Lets not forget there have been other teen villains, like Penelope, Dayne and Biz who the Bad Kids just straight up killed in combat, who didn’t get redeemed. Do I think it’s fully possible that the Rat Grinders can experience redemption/forgiveness and it would be narratively satisfying? Absolutely! But, imo, a lot of the narrative thrust behind wether a character gets redemption is in the hands of the players, and it would be a little bit unsatisfying if being freed from their rage crystals immediately gave them all full personality transplants (like removing all of Kipperlily’s anger and ambition for example)
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kamwashere · 6 months ago
you reblogged that wolverine feral gif and I almost put my phone on my mouth
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i… well. okay! you know what, valid!
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sysig · 14 days ago
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You will soon learn to appreciate Charm (Patreon)
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Villainsona#One I've had on my mind for a while lol - she needs more audio shitposts tbh I have a few!#Happy to have this one >:3c You will soon learn to appreciate her!#Oddly fitting with the rant /hj in my previous tags now that I think about it lol that wasn't planned! She's just Like That#Also ft. Mochi Frog who really needs a home hmm where to put him...#The only other resident who has something similar is Konpeito with their Konpeitoad - which also might be the only direct pet/owner match?#Like Dango for example you'd think he'd be a perfect match for a Mochi pet but he has Butterscotch!#Redvines has Cinnamon Mouse and Kiwi Tart has Flan Chicken and Cirrus has Meringue Pigeon#Even Charm only Barely has a cotton candy tertiary she's more ice cream and Pudding Layer Cake doesn't Really match ice cream either#I guess Chocolate Fountain having a white chocolate/matcha dog in Sweet Pea /almost/ matches...#The only thing that matches between Marshmallow Fluff and Wafer is the red accent tho and on her it's mint and strawberry for him#Lots of mismatches! I'll have to go through and see who suits a frog!#Anyway lol enough about pets and their mis/matches! Appreciate Charm! Lol#Kinda just her villain arc in microcosm lol#''Pay attention to me'' the season pft#Any minor disturbance through her heart and mind and she defaults to the Staff - healthy coping mechanisms only lol#I have missed drawing her unhinged little hair flick on her forehead haha - that first subtle little design change to show her coming undone#Other than the Evil eyes but that could mean anything (it means a specific thing) lol#At least she's taking it - well?? She's not crying or vindictive yet lol#The preamble tends to be like that she'll work her way up haha
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sergle · 1 year ago
I still think the rooster wood chipper thing is comedy gold! Its so genuinely hilarious
I will always always always fondly remember the ten separate times people got very mad at me for sincerely and literally definitely putting a rooster in a woodchipper, despite me making up progressively more and more looney tunes ways to execute a bird, and even directly saying that I wasn't serious. It's one of my favorite bird memories
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tanasha-not-yet · 3 months ago
do you like soup
actually that's a stupid question who doesn't like soup
what soup do you like
shoutout to borsch fr gotta be one of my favourite soups
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fluffalpenguin · 1 year ago
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rest in peace cross duel, here are my fanmade cross duel gijinkas i did donkey months ago (these two are based off kraken and penguin, my favourite fluffal and frightfur!)
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the dimensional dragons are all girls because i wanted them to match odd-eyes and i even cooked up a fantasy plot for them to be actors in (more in tags)
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i had a vision of green hair girl to be a harem queen a la gudako so bad
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